Consumption of bee pollen. Biochemical composition of pollen. Depending on the health problem and the purpose of using this beekeeping product, there will be recommendations for use

The ancient Greek healer Hippocrates gave special meaning pollen and successfully used it to treat many diseases. The ancient Greeks believed that honey and pollen were foods that preserved life and youth.

Flower pollen contains proteins, fats, sugars, mineral salts, many different vitamins, amino acids, phytohormones and phytoncides. Pollen contains many elements from D.I. Mendeleev’s table, but the level of their content, of course, depends on which plants the bees brought this pollen from.

In any case, it is clear how carefully nature preserves everything useful for humans, even in the smallest flowers, and with what great effort a tiny bee gets this wealth for us. All that remains is to enjoy these benefits and give thanks.

If pollen contains so many different beneficial substances, then most likely it can be used in the treatment of various diseases? Yes this is true. Some diseases can be treated, but pollen is mostly used as tonic or additionally with basic drugs.

Nutrients there is much more in pollen than in honey. It should be noted that the protein content in pollen exceeds many other food products(from 7 to 30%). Or, for example, this product contains amino acids that the human body itself does not produce, but we need them, therefore, the supply of these substances must occur through food.

It all depends on us, what kind of food we eat - how healthy is it for us? Flower pollen helps correct our dietary mistakes. That's it now more people become either completely vegetarian or do not allow much meat products. In addition, many products leave much to be desired - they are refined, subjected to heat or even chemical treatment. And this deprives them of most of the substances important to humans. Flower pollen will make up for this deficiency and increase the rate of restoration of body cells. It contains many minerals and is a source of energy for the human body.

Flower pollen contains vitamins that help strengthen capillary walls and increase resistance immune system. Pollen - richest source vitamins A, E, C, D, P, PP, K and B vitamins. Pollen contains a lot of potassium, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iodine and many other elements.

It is known that pollen contains biologically rare active substances:

  • phospholipids (lecithin);
  • ethanolaminephosphoglycerides (kephalin);
  • inositolphosphoglycerides;
  • phosphatidylserines.

All of them are valuable because they are part of the cell membranes of the human body and take an active part in metabolism.

Pollen contains phytosterols, some of which act as anti-atherosclerotic agents and reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Part pollen includes lipids and carbohydrates. And that is not all. Scientists confirm that the pollen of all plants contains carotenoids, which are converted in the human body into vitamin A and vitamin C. And these vitamins are vital for us for growth, vision and protection from various diseases, as well as for the normal functioning of the skin and mucous membranes.

Beneficial properties of pollen and indications for use

Flower pollen can strengthen the human body and stimulate the process cellular regeneration. It can be used as a recovery product after serious illness or surgery, for elderly and simply weakened people. Flower pollen is not a panacea for all diseases, but it can significantly enhance healing effect many medicines.
If you have to study long and hard mental activity, then flower pollen is simply necessary, because it contains a whole storehouse of useful substances that will very effectively influence the human brain, increasing its capabilities, sharpness and power of perception.

At any age there are various hormonal disorders, but this is especially noticeable in old age. Therefore, normalize hormonal balance pollen will help. Good results it can also help with symptoms of senile weakness and senile dementia on early stages diseases.
The use of pollen is effective in stressful situations, as well as for people prone to depression, neuroses, insomnia, neurasthenia and other nervous disorders.

Pollen is also useful for hypertensive patients. If you mix pollen with honey in a 1:2 ratio and take the resulting mixture one teaspoon 3 times a day, the pressure will decrease, but much more mildly than with treatment synthetic means. In fact, pollen helps treat various cardiovascular diseases.

Flower pollen can protect against hemorrhage in the brain, heart and retina. For anemia, pollen will increase hemoglobin levels. To do this, consume pollen 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon, mixing in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 with honey.
Effective in the treatment of prostate adenoma. It is enough to take 15-20 g of pollen with honey 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3 - 4 weeks, then a month break. And so cyclic techniques should be repeated throughout the year.

What benefits can you get from pollen quickly?

1. Improved appetite.
2. Normalization of the body’s condition after merciless diets and diseases gastrointestinal tract.
3. Improvement nervous system and relieving psychological stress.
4. General improvement state of weakened body.
5. There is an improvement in blood composition.

How to use pollen

1. Pollen should be taken for no more than 3 - 4 weeks, then take a break.
2. For all cases of disease, pollen can be taken before meals 1 time per day, 1 teaspoon with the same amount of honey. In some cases, you should stick to two or three times a day. You should not take pollen before bed.
3. After taking pollen, it is not recommended to take any liquid for 15-20 minutes.
4. Pollen can be stored for a long time in a dark and cool place. The shelf life of dry pollen is 2 years, pollen in honey is up to 5 years.

Flower pollen for facial beauty

Regenerating and nutritional properties Pollen is a wonderful preventative against wrinkles. Thanks to these properties, the skin will be smoother and more elastic.
Here are some tips. Cleanse your face lightly warm water. Take a few grains, add a few drops warm water and a little honey, stir. Apply this mask for 15 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water as well. This mask perfectly nourishes and tones the skin.
With 1 tsp. flower pollen mix 1 tbsp. l. white cosmetic clay, add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and olive or peach oil. Mix and apply to face for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. This mask can be done once a week. Beauty will be on the face.

Contraindications for pollen

Usually, when thinking about plants, they immediately remember an allergy to them. However, scientists say that allergies from pollen are extremely rare. Let’s make a reservation right away, here we mean pollen fermented by bees, and not the pollen that we collected from flowers. But some people experience allergic reactions to honey in the form of runny nose, itching, headache, watery eyes, etc.
1. Since pollen is a tonic, it should not be used later than 19-20 hours.
2. In case of diabetes, it is also not recommended to use pollen with honey.
3. Dosage must be observed...
4. Before using pollen as a remedy, consult your doctor.
5. Pollen is usually taken as a food product to enrich our diet with substances that are not found in regular products or there are very few of them.

Bee pollen is a product that honey bees collected from flowering plants and brought to the hive in special baskets located on the legs and the inner surface of the abdomen. It is necessary in the nutrition of the bee colony, so it is harvested in large quantities: daily up to 1 kg of pollen per medium-sized hive. Properties bee pollen are radically different from the qualities of those that a person collects without the participation of insects.

Product Features

Bee pollen is the result of the action of enzymes in insect saliva, which further enriches its composition with vitamins and microelements. It is also important that in the process of collecting and processing pollen grains salivary glands bees, compounds that pose the greatest danger to people prone to allergies are dissolved.

It is customary to package pollen for consumption in gelatin capsules, which contradicts the rules for taking the product to improve the health of the body.

Bee pollen is useful, first of all, due to its composition. It contains a record amount of protein (up to 33% of the dry product), as well as compounds that act as natural biostimulants and have a beneficial effect on the tone of the human body and the state of its defenses.

The complex beneficial effect of biologically active pollen compounds determines the rapid onset of healing effect from its reception:

  • antisclerotic;
  • disinfectant;
  • rejuvenating;
  • choleretic;
  • antitumor.

Pollen is also rich in microelements, vitamins (especially carotene) and phytohormones that are important for metabolism. It normalizes activity thyroid gland, saturating the body with iodine, zinc and selenium, which has a positive effect on the activity of the entire endocrine system body and brain function.

The benefits of pollen depending on the plant

The composition of the pollen, and accordingly its beneficial features, vary depending on the type of plant that served as the main source of pollen:

  1. Sage bee pollen is used to regulate the function of the gastrointestinal tract and achieve a pronounced diuretic effect.
  2. Thyme pollen is found wide application in the treatment of cough, is effective antiseptic, and also tone the body, improving the quality of blood flow.
  3. Rapeseed pollen is recognized as valuable dietary product, which also helps in healing from trophic ulcers.
  4. Buckwheat pollen strengthens the walls of blood vessels and is used as a means of preventing stroke and myocardial infarction.
  5. The product collected by bees from rosehip flowers is used to remove kidney stones.
  6. Linden bee pollen is a good sleep aid and sedative that helps cope with stress.
  7. Fresh pine pollen serves as a medicine used to combat prostate adenoma in men, impotence and prostatitis.

The list of bee pollen components important for normalizing human metabolism includes 240 items. All of them are extremely useful for restoring health and maintaining vitality during periods of illness and off-season.

Video: Beneficial properties of bee pollen in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

Indications for use of bee pollen

Regular use of the product significantly improves your well-being. Bee pollen is indispensable in cases where you need to increase your performance and immunity, and feel a noticeable surge of strength and vigor. Its use is also recommended:

  • in disease therapy of cardio-vascular system, including for recovery after a heart attack, with ischemia, heart disease, myocardial dystrophy and cardioneurosis;
  • for a gentle reduction in blood pressure;
  • with anemia;
  • for pathologies in activity digestive system(ulcerative lesions duodenum and stomach chronic gastritis With increased acidity gastric juice, diarrhea and constipation, liver and gallbladder diseases);
  • for the treatment of diseases skin;
  • in case of malfunction of the body's immune system;
  • to facilitate recovery from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and other respiratory diseases, including asthma;
  • in preparation for pregnancy;
  • to improve the condition genitourinary system men and women;
  • for migraines and dizziness;
  • to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and prevent atherosclerosis;
  • to normalize lipid metabolism;
  • to maintain the activity of the nervous system, including in neurosis, increased loads and stress, during depression;
  • as part of diets to get rid of excess weight and losing weight.

Pollen is often used to restore vision and prevent retinal damage with age. It helps improve blood supply to the eyes and prevents the development of disorders in its functioning.

Bee pollen is one of the few hypoallergenic bee products and can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is necessary as a natural useful remedy to restore the balance of nutrients in a woman’s body with vitamin deficiency, serves to increase milk production. In some cases, the product can completely replace pharmacy vitamin complexes.

Warning: Decide on replacement pharmacological agents prescribed during pregnancy is only permissible in consultation with a gynecologist.


The use of bee pollen is unacceptable if you have a pronounced tendency to allergic reaction, especially in the presence of chronic hay fever. Individual intolerance can be expressed by lacrimation, runny nose, redness of the eyes, itching and rashes on the skin.

Pollen is also prohibited for use in cases of blood clotting disorders (tendency to bleeding). You should not take it after 6 pm to avoid problems falling asleep.

An overdose of pollen is dangerous because it can cause problems with the liver and worsening blood counts.

Rules for receiving bee pollen

  • freshly picked dried peas;
  • ground into powder;
  • mixed with honey, oil or other natural preservative ingredients.

The taste of pollen is somewhat bitter, in addition, in dry form it gradually loses its beneficial properties over time, becoming after 18 months of storage a high-calorie source of proteins without special healing qualities. Pollen infused with fresh honey preserves significantly longer biological activity, moreover, it is a ready-made medicine.

The recommended daily dose of pollen is 12-15 g of dry product. IN medicinal purposes its amount for an adult can be slightly increased (up to 25 g, but not more than 32 g per day). If desired, you can take bee pollen dissolved in a small amount boiled water room temperature or dry.

On a note: In 1 tsp. without a slide contains 5 g of bee pollen, with a slide - 8 g. 1 dessiat. l. Without a slide, 10 g of product is placed, with a slide - 15 g. In 1 tbsp. l. without a slide contains 15 g, with a slide - 24 g.

Use of pollen for medicinal purposes

The basic course of taking the drug is carried out over 30 days, it can be repeated up to 3 times per calendar year:

  • in October it is used to strengthen immune status;
  • repeat in January for prevention colds;
  • in April it is necessary to prevent the appearance of symptoms of vitamin deficiency.

You should start taking bee pollen with a small amount. In the first days of the course, use no more than half the dose of the drug according to any prescription. If there is the slightest suspicion of an allergy, the use of pollen should be stopped.

Using bee pollen to treat diabetes

Despite the high sucrose content, the properties of bee pollen allow it to be used in most situations to alleviate diabetes. Of course, before taking mixtures based on this product, you should consult a specialist. Self-cancellation of medications prescribed by a doctor when taking pollen is unacceptable.

Pollen's antioxidants help lower blood sugar levels. Useful action product for diabetes is also provided high content thiamine and nicotinic acid, which is especially important in order to prevent the development of common complications: diabetic polyneuropathy, microangiopathies.

To treat diabetes, you need to consume dried and powdered or fresh pollen. You need to keep it on your tongue until it dissolves completely, without swallowing. The pollen is used 1 tsp. in the morning in standard courses of 30 days without a break three times a year, unless otherwise advised by the doctor.

It is useful to combine products to enhance them therapeutic effect: share pollen certain types plants (for example, pine along with flower). Simultaneous intake of propolis helps to avoid the development of diabetic nephropathy and other kidney problems.

It is especially important in case of diabetes to strictly observe the frequency of courses and not skip them or allow interruptions. In this case, a lasting healing effect is achieved.

Video: Treatment of diabetes with bee products

Consumption of bee pollen during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The daily dose of bee pollen during pregnancy should not exceed 14-20 g. In the last trimester, it must be reduced or completely eliminated from the diet, since it can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus.

You can take the product once in the morning or divide it into two doses in the first half of the day (before breakfast and lunch). The course of use lasts 21 days, after which you need to take a break. Pollen crumbs are dissolved in a glass of boiled water or dissolved in the mouth - this way the product is absorbed better.

The use of bee pollen in childhood

The use of pollen for the treatment and improvement of the body of children should be agreed with a pediatrician. Before long-term use pollen, it is important to eliminate the risk of developing an allergic reaction to the product. The daily dose of the drug is:

  • 4 g for children aged 3-5 years;
  • 8 g for a child 6-12 years old;
  • 12 g for schoolchildren from 13 years of age until adulthood.

On the question of how to take bee pollen in childhood, you should completely trust a specialist and avoid making independent decisions.

Recipes for healing the body

In addition to its own consumption, pollen is used as one of the ingredients for preparing potions.

Recipe for tonic with butter and honey

Bee pollen must be ground using a coffee grinder and the resulting powder must be ground with a small amount butter and fresh honey. The drug is taken on an empty stomach in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast, dissolving it in the mouth until completely dissolved.

Recipe for the treatment of hypertension at the initial stage of development

Bee pollen
Fresh honey

The products according to the recipe are mixed in equal proportions and the composition is thoroughly ground. The drug is taken three times a day, 1 tsp. shortly before the meal. The course of treatment is carried out for 21 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for half a month and repeat the procedure.

Recipe for a remedy to combat liver diseases of various etiologies

Bee pollen
Warm boiled water

Fresh honey and pollen are combined by grinding the products in equal proportions, diluted in a small amount of liquid and taken 1 dess. l. three times a day shortly before meals. During administration, if the drug is well tolerated, the volume of the medicine is increased to 1 tbsp. l., consumed with the same frequency.

Warning: To reduce pain in the right hypochondrium, improve appetite and normalize bilirubin levels, a long course of pollen intake is required (up to 2-3 months). Choice this method treatment must be approved by the attending physician.

Features of choosing high-quality bee pollen

The beneficial properties of bee pollen largely depend on the quality and freshness of the product. It should be purchased at specialized sales points: at farmers' fairs, apiaries, and also from trusted individuals.

You can check the quality of the pollen based on its appearance:

  • at the time of collection by bees, mature pollen has a bright, distinct color;
  • the heterogeneous shade of pollen grains indicates its naturalness;
  • dried pollen sold during cold periods of the year loses its brightness and becomes faded.

In an apiary located near highways, industrial enterprises or large agricultural areas, the product may be contaminated with herbicides, pesticides, fertilizer particles, heavy metals and other poisons. Using pollen collected by bees in environmentally unfavorable areas for treatment is dangerous to health; it can cause poisoning of the body.

Product storage

Freshly collected pollen contains up to 30% water, so it needs to be dried no later than 24 hours after collection:

  1. Natural drying involves spreading the pollen in an even layer no thicker than 0.2 cm on clean paper. It is covered with gauze to prevent debris and insects from entering and mixed 3 times a day. The air in the room must be dry and warm, it is necessary to organize sufficient ventilation and protect the product from direct sunlight.
  2. Long-term storage pollen requires its preliminary drying in special cabinets at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Such equipment can be made independently; it can significantly speed up the process and increase the volume of processed pollen, while maintaining its natural color.
  3. Modern method For drying pollen, wooden cases with infrared radiation sources placed under their lids are used.

Dried bee pollen forms dense peas that make a knocking noise when they come into contact with a hard surface. Before packaging, it is sifted and then poured into pre-sterilized glass jars, which are tightly closed and stored in the cold.

There is often an opinion that dry pollen can be used for up to 2 years without losing its properties, although in practice it begins to lose them after 6 months. You should not plan to store the product for more than a year.

Video: Pollen in the treatment of diseases

Currently, bee pollen is considered one of the most useful bee products, and is an integral stage of apitherapy. But before you start using this product, you need to know some important points, since if taken incorrectly, you can not only not feel the benefit, but also seriously harm the body. To prevent this from happening, in this article we will describe in detail how to properly use bee pollen, its beneficial properties and value.

How to properly consume bee pollen?

If anyone doesn’t know, bee pollen is the same as flower pollen, only actively processed by the salivary glands of bees. People usually call it pollen. The advantage of this type of product is that, in addition to all herbal ingredients, bees contribute their strength to it in order to feed their offspring. In addition, pollen is less allergenic for humans. It also has a number of advantages over regular flower pollen, and you need to be able to take it correctly.

Ways to take bee pollen

Today you can find this useful product in two forms, the method of taking it directly depends on the type of pollen.

First view - this is pollen, it is collected and prepared by bees, then it is dried and packaged. It is recommended to take it in dissolved or pure form.

Second type - bee pollen, drenched in honey, most often acacia or may. According to foreign and domestic apitherapists, pollen in this form retains three times more than others healing properties. The thing is that the first type loses its benefit after some time. For example, after six months after collection, it loses up to twenty-five percent of its nutrients, and after a year, more than seventy percent. And thanks to honey, pollen is preserved, and for a long time remains a medicinal and valuable product.

Which is better to take, in dissolved or pure form?

Most people who plan to start consuming bee pollen very often wonder in what form it is best to consume it. It is recommended to take the pollen only in its pure form, by resorption. Thanks to the action of saliva from small yellow peas, all useful and medicinal components are released and are quickly absorbed into the body through the mucous membrane. Thus, useful material enter the body already in dissolved form, and react much faster. Another method is considered less useful, although it is also acceptable - it is consumed dissolved in water. It is most often used when a person, for some reason, cannot independently consume bee pollen.

Various mixtures

This method of administration is considered less common and is a kind of delicacy for those who cannot tolerate the specific and bitter taste of bee pollen. In order to prepare different mixtures, the bees are first ground using a coffee grinder to a powder consistency, and then butter and honey are added. The result is an excellent strengthening agent with excellent digestibility. In addition to butter, you can also use jam or raspberry jam.

Correct dosage

All apitherapists put forward a unanimous opinion that the daily norm for an adult should be at least thirty-two grams of bee pollen. This is exactly the norm with which human body cope perfectly and absorb all the valuable amino acids and components. As a preventive measure for an adult, the daily norm of pollen is fifteen grams, which is about one dessert spoon with a slide. For medicinal purposes, the daily norm is twenty-five grams, very rarely more than thirty grams. This is quite easy to explain because, in addition to bee pollen, the human body also receives various beneficial amino acids from other foods.

The recommended time to take bee pollen is early in the morning on an empty stomach at least thirty minutes before breakfast. IN given time you can use the whole day daily norm bee product or divide it into two equal parts. The second part of the pollen can be used immediately before dinner forty minutes. The pollen must be thoroughly dissolved in the mouth until all components are completely dissolved. You should not drink a lot of water immediately after taking the drug; you should not drink it during the absorption process. Any liquid can be consumed only after thirty minutes. Also, bee pollen is not recommended to be consumed late in the evening or before bed, as it has a very stimulating effect on the human nervous system and can become the main cause of insomnia.

How long should you take bee pollen?

It is not recommended to use bee pollen as a means of prevention for more than one month. Three courses of three weeks should be taken per year. For example, the first course in December - in order to support immunity, the second in January - as a prevention of ARVI and influenza, the third course in April - in order to maintain the vitamin balance in the body. Course of treatment for various diseases it is necessary to clarify with the apitherapist and on average it will last twenty days.

For immunity - bee pollen is considered one of the most important products that help provide the body various vitamins and improving immunity. In it you can find the most useful and necessary components, substances that the human body needs for normal operation. In order to support immunity, first of all you need to start consuming bee pollen, five grams three times a day, for a total of fifteen to twenty, the duration of the course should not exceed thirty days. It is also recommended to occasionally prepare the following mixtures.

Useful recipe for herbal decoction

The instructions for preparing it are quite simple.

Required ingredients:

  • Bee pollen;
  • Footprints;
  • Flower honey;
  • Chamomile officinalis flowers.

Cooking method

An infusion of chamomile flowers is prepared, two tablespoons of chamomile per glass of water. Ten grams of bee pollen and forty grams of honey are added to the warm broth. This tool drink one glass three times a day. The duration of the course is one week.

Honey mixture

It is very useful to use the following mixture during cold and flu season. Take two glasses of honey, no more important variety, mix with one glass of pollen, mix thoroughly and consume one tablespoon three times a day for three weeks. After the first week you can feel a surge of strength, wellness and vigor. Instructions this drug most apitherapy reference books offer.

  • It is recommended to purchase only natural products, and only from trusted sellers;
  • If you purchase pollen in capsules, you should always open the gelatin shell and drink the pollen only in its pure form;
  • The pollen should be sucked like an ordinary candy;
  • In order to improve the taste of pollen, it should be mixed with any honey;
  • After ingesting pollen, it is not recommended to eat or drink for thirty minutes;
  • Cannot be used at night.

If you try to follow all these simple, but very important rules and the main thing is to observe the required dosage, then a unique and medicinal product beekeeping can bring many benefits.

Pollen is flower pollen that bees flavor with their secretions, making it saturated useful components and is less allergenic product beekeeping rather than honey. But despite all her unique qualities And medicinal properties It is important to know how to take bee pollen. IN otherwise you can seriously harm your body without getting any benefit.

By following the rules of admission, you will ensure good health.

How to take: possible ways

There are two forms of pollen on sale, which will affect the method of administration.

  1. Dried pollen, packaged in bags. Before use, it can be dissolved in water or taken in its natural form.
  2. Honey with pollen. Most often, pollen is poured into May or acacia varieties of honey, since many apitherapists are confident that they are able to preserve most of the beneficial substances.

    Important! After some time, pollen loses a quarter of its healing qualities. This occurs approximately six months after collection, and after a year about 70% of the beneficial substances are destroyed.

    And honey in in this case plays the role of a preservative and adds to the mixture a large number of also its valuable components.

To dissolve or not?

When considering the question of how to properly take bee pollen, many people often ask – should it be dissolved in water or consumed in its pure form? In fact more benefit brings a dry, undiluted product that must be dissolved in the mouth. Saliva is capable of releasing absolutely all useful substances, which are very easily absorbed through the mucous membrane, after which they begin to have an effect on the body much faster.

Pollen dissolved in water also brings benefits, but to a lesser extent. Most often, this method is used by people who, for some reason, are unable to swallow a pure product.

Homemade mixtures

Pollen is sometimes added to other foods. As a basis you can choose:

  • flower honey;
  • butter;
  • jam;
  • jam.

This is done quite rarely and only because some people cannot stand the specific taste of pollen - a little bitter.

The pollen in powder form is mixed with the base. In this form, it is very quickly absorbed by the body, bringing great benefits.

How much should I take?

When consumed bee pollen It is important not only to know how to take, but also how much. The dosage may be as follows:

  • The daily dose for an adult, according to apitherapists, should not exceed 32 g. This amount is optimal so that the body receives everything necessary substances and was able to understand them.
  • If you take pollen as prophylactic, then for an adult the daily dose will be 15 g (a full dessert spoon).
  • During the treatment of any disease, the norm will be 25 g, in in rare cases up to 30 years

Advice! Follow the rules for dosing pollen, since the body simply will not be able to process a large amount of amino acids that will come from both pollen and other foods.

As for how to take bee pollen for children, there are also certain restrictions.

  • Children aged 3 to 5 years should consume no more than 4 g per day;
  • from 6 to 12 years, the daily dose is 8 g;
  • from 12 and older – no more than 12 years.

Advice! Do not forget that beekeeping products can cause allergies, so you must first rule out individual intolerance in your baby.

When should I take it?

It is recommended to consume bee pollen in the morning on an empty stomach. Half an hour later, you can start breakfast. If you wish, you can take it all at once. daily dose or split it in half. The second dose should be taken around 12 noon or in the evening half an hour before meals.

The pollen should be absorbed in the mouth until it is completely dissolved. It is not recommended to drink it right away; it is advisable to wait 20 minutes. Do not consume pollen immediately before bed, as some of its components are stimulants of the nervous system, so sleep problems may occur.

For how long can you use pollen?

If you want to support your immunity, then a month of taking it will be enough. But the best option will be prevention throughout the year, which is carried out in certain months and one course takes no more than 3 weeks:

  • the first course is carried out in December to support the body;
  • the second course falls in January, when prevention of ARVI and influenza is necessary;
  • the third course is postponed until April, when the body especially needs vitamins.

Important! Always check the duration of the course when various diseases at the apitherapist. Most often it takes no more than 20 days.

Try to purchase bee pollen from trusted sellers to avoid buying counterfeit or spoiled products. If you come across pollen in capsules, then before using it you should open the shell and drink the pollen in its pure form. Subject to all the above dosage and administration rules, this unique product will bring maximum benefits to your body. And about what ailments this wonderful natural gift is able to provide invaluable assistance, you can read in the article about.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Although flower pollen has pure vegetable origin, it is still attributed to. After all, it is the bees who collect it and bring it to the hive, who simply need it for harvesting. Bee bread reserves allow bees to raise their offspring regardless of the time of year - pollen is the main type of food for the larvae of worker bees due to its composition.

Everyone knows what flower pollen is - small yellow balls that tend to stick to the hands, clothes and fibers on the body of bees. From them, insects collect grains of pollen with their paws, roll them into balls, seal them with nectar and place them in special baskets on their hind legs.

The color of these balls depends on the plant from which the pollen was collected, and can range from light yellow (sunflowers) to chocolate (clover). However, regardless of color, the benefits of bee pollen do not change - the product remains as beneficial for health as possible and is a powerful biostimulant. Natural bee pollen has a pleasant sweetish taste and a honey-floral aroma.

  • Protein substances (25-35%), including enzymes and free amino acids;
  • Minerals (up to 7%);
  • Phenolic compounds (up to 2.5%), including flavonoids);
  • Lipids (up to 7%), including polyunsaturated fatty acid, carotenoids, steroids;
  • Carbohydrates (up to 40%);
  • Vitamins, hormones, antibiotics, growth stimulants and other biologically active substances.

Important! Bee pollen, which has a rich, balanced chemical composition, provides the body not only building material(proteins), but also means for its absorption (vitamins, enzymes, hormones), and also normalizes and stimulates metabolic processes.

Being a highly nutritious food for larvae, bee pollen provides fast growth and the harmonious development of insects, which are one of the most perfect species in the animal world. The benefits of taking bee pollen are no less significant for human body. This product has a number of healing properties:

  • Supports the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • Has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, their strength and elasticity;
  • Helps remove cholesterol and burn excess fat deposits;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes, normalizes the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and urinary system;
  • Helps with problems in the sexual sphere: impotence, prostatitis, infertility (both male and female);
  • Stimulates the functioning of the immune system, actively fights various kinds inflammatory processes, suppresses the growth of cancer cells;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, relieves nervous tension, helps fight neuroses and depression.

Important! The beneficial properties of bee pollen include its ability to quickly increase hemoglobin and thereby improve blood composition. This product is also widely used as a means of stimulating metabolism and rejuvenation.

Pollen, being healing natural product, is of particular importance in treatment and prevention various kinds childhood diseases:

  • A wide range of minerals and vitamins provides the child’s body with a maximum of metabolically beneficial components necessary for growth and development;
  • Bee pollen is natural source vitamin P (rutin), necessary for good condition blood vessels and cardiac muscle;
  • Content in pollen natural antibiotics provides with regular intake maximum protection children's body, whose immunity is not yet fully formed;
  • A child who constantly takes bee pollen has a well-developed skeletal system, A mental development ahead of his peers. Such a baby does not suffer from dystrophy or obesity;
  • The nervous system of children who take bee products is stronger and more stable; such children eat and sleep normally and are less likely to be overexcited.

Important! Pollen preparations still have some contraindications, and they also have allergenic properties, like a product of plant origin. In addition, the pediatric dose is much less than the adult dose and can be adjusted depending on individual characteristics health. Therefore, consultation with a pediatrician and apitherapist is mandatory.

Contraindications for taking this product

Treatment with bee pollen should be started with caution - the product is of plant origin and may have an allergenic effect. Other conditions where pollen is contraindicated include:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Diabetes;
  • Children's age up to 12 months. (respectively - for nursing mothers).

Important! Bee pollen is a powerful biostimulant, which is why it has chronic somatic diseases people or infections in the acute stage should consult a doctor. It is not recommended to take pollen shortly before bed, as it has some stimulating effects.

Today, in beekeeping stores you can purchase not only locally produced bee products, but also palm pollen in capsules. This drug is produced only in southern countries where heat-loving palm trees grow. When male trees bloom, palm pollen is collected by shaking. It looks like a white fine-grained powder.

Palm pollen is credited with almost miraculous properties as a means of solving problems in the sexual sphere. She:

  • improves sperm quality, enhances potency, improves overall health;
  • activates the work of the ovaries, increases overall tone during pregnancy, supplies the woman’s body with all the necessary substances;
  • produces a stunning rejuvenating effect by accelerating metabolism and saturating cells with beneficial components;
  • during menopause, palm pollen helps the body readjust and smoothes out the sharpness of the transition to a new biological rhythm;
  • at nervous disorders and depression helps the body restore normal functioning of the nervous system.

Important! Palm pollen has all the properties of ordinary flower pollen, but increased content The hormone estrogen makes it especially effective in solving reproductive problems and especially in the treatment of infertility. It is taken, like a regular drug, for preventive or therapeutic purposes. Numerous reviews talk about high efficiency means, and an additional advantage is the affordable price.

In most cases, bee pollen is taken in for preventive purposes maximum once a day, a teaspoon. It is better to mix dry granules with honey in a ratio of 1:2. Or chew and hold in your mouth. It is not recommended to drink water. The dose is taken 0.5 hours before meals. Courses lasting 15-20 days are conducted 2-3 times a year.

All beekeeping products are more effective when absorbed - this way they are not affected gastric juice. This applies to absolutely everything: , . The same rule applies to pollen. Sometimes the reason for the ineffectiveness of treatment with beekeeping products lies precisely in their improper use.

Important! If you purchased pollen in capsules, take it “live” by pouring it out of them. As after rinsing, try not to eat or drink anything for a while.

Bee pollen can be prescribed as the main or complementary therapy on different stages pathological conditions:

  • For hypertension pollen is taken in the amount of 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals, and in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is 21 days, after which they take the same break. There may be several such courses, depending on your state of health;
  • For hypotension the scheme for taking bee pollen is the same as in the previous one, with the exception of one important detail– the intake is carried out after eating;
  • For children with anemia make the following composition: 50 g honey, 10 g pollen, 100 ml fresh milk. All ingredients are ground and mixed, stored in the refrigerator. Give the child a teaspoon three times a day before meals;
  • For gastrointestinal diseases chronic, gastritis with low acidity add 250 g of honey to ground bee pollen (10 g), mix and add 35-37 ml of aloe juice. Take a teaspoon shortly before meals (0.5 hours) three times a day;

  • For nervous disorders, neuroses, neurasthenia, take a teaspoon of bee pollen three times a day shortly (20-30 minutes) before meals. If the patient has reduced body weight, the dose is halved. For better dissolution and absorption, a portion of pollen is first diluted with a small amount of water and left for 3 hours;
  • For tuberculosis bee pollen is taken according to the regimen specified in the previous recipe, and the course of treatment should be at least 1.5 months. ;
  • For cholecystitis make a decoction from a mixture of herbs: 15 g each of caraway seeds, dandelion fruits, chamomile, trifoliate, 25 g centaury and 1 g St. John's wort. Take 3 tbsp. l. collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. , leave for 40 minutes. Drink during the day, dividing into 2 times. At the same time, pollen intake is carried out. Reviews of this product as very effective;
  • For liver diseases Bee pollen is taken in the same manner as in the treatment of tuberculosis. After a 3-week break, the course is repeated if necessary;
  • For diseases of the male genital area(adenoma, prostatitis, impotence, infertility) do medicinal composition: pack butter(200 g), 100 g honey and 50 g pollen. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the mixture is used as a paste for sandwiches twice a day. The same composition is recommended to be taken when the body is exhausted or weakened after long illness, operations.

Important! Only an apitherapist can correctly determine how to properly take bee pollen for various diseases, taking into account the individual health status and age of the patient. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo full examination and establish a diagnosis.

Specially adapted pollen catchers allow beekeepers to collect this beekeeping product in any weather. Fresh bee pollen contains up to 20% moisture, which has Negative influence for its safety. They fight this property very simply: add a little of their enzymes to the pollen, compact it into honeycombs and seal it hermetically with wax. In this form, the product can be stored until spring, when it is time to grow the first spring brood.

Beekeepers first dry the collected pollen in a shaded room with good ventilation and low humidity, scattering it in a thin layer on mesh trays. Some people use special drying cabinets for this process, which significantly speeds up the process. In this case, t should not exceed + 40°C.

Dry bee pollen can be stored in canned form (with honey or powdered sugar in a ratio of 1: 2) for up to 5 years. However, the beneficial properties will still be lost: after 6 months. – 25%, after a year – up to 40%.

If you purchase pollen at the pharmacy, do not forget to check the expiration date - the fresher it is, the greater the effect of taking it.

At home, you can store the hermetically sealed product in the freezer or just the refrigerator. The main thing is that there is no access to light or moisture - this can destroy the active substances of bee pollen, forming new, not so useful substances.