Feeling of a full bladder in women. What are the characteristic signs to use to diagnose the disease? Proper diet is the key to health

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Feeling complete Bladder, persisting even after urination - alarming symptom, indicating certain diseases of the excretory system in both women and men. This problem gives a person serious psychological discomfort, interferes with normal life, work and requires close attention.

The pathology is caused by a violation of the normal outflow of urine as a result of various factors affecting the excretory system. As a result, it may not occur completely. A certain amount of urine remains in the organ cavity, irritating nerve endings. Irritation of receptors can also occur due to functional disorders structures nervous system.


Normally, a healthy person is able to hold 300 ml of urine in the bladder for several hours. This amount of fluid exerts noticeable pressure on the walls of the organ. Some factors create barriers to the full performance of urinary function:

  • acute and chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the urinary system: cystitis, urethritis;
  • acute or chronic inflammation neighboring organs, reflexively spreading to the bladder (urine may not be retained in the bladder, but it seems to the person that it is full): pyelonephritis, enterocolitis, pelvioperitonitis, inflammation of the appendix;
  • inflammation or adenoma of the prostate gland in men, due to which the prostate compresses the urethra;
  • “female” diseases: adnexitis, fibroids, endometritis, ovarian tumors;
  • hard, irritating and traumatic walls that interfere with emptying;
  • benign and oncological tumors in the cavity of the organ;
  • pathologies of innervation of the pelvic cavity organs, diseases and injuries spinal cord(multiple sclerosis, radiculitis, spina bifida);
  • hyperactivity, neurogenic bladder;
  • narrowing or even fusion (stricture) of the walls of the urethra;
  • hypotension and atony of the bladder muscles, decreased muscle tone, muscle overstretching, as a result of which the organ cannot fully contract during urination;
  • stool disorders, constipation, in which the intestines have strong pressure on the bladder.


In addition to the obvious sensation of bladder fullness that persists after urination, the disease is often accompanied by other symptoms:

  • painful sensations, which can intensify with palpation of the abdomen, active movements, lifting weights;
  • renal colic due to urolithiasis;
  • a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the lower abdomen, above the pubis;
  • acute infections of the genitourinary system are accompanied by severe cutting pains(especially when urinating), increased body temperature, deterioration in health, changes in the composition of urine;
  • difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence;
  • hematuria (detection of blood in the urine).

Possible complications

Stagnation of urine after urination, which is the most common cause discomfort, is an extremely unfavorable factor. In residual urine, all kinds of bacteria actively multiply, including pathogenic ones, which cause the development of inflammatory processes in the bladder itself (cystitis) and the urethra. Inflammation can spread upward urinary tract, reaching the kidneys and affecting them (pyelonephritis).

To avoid complications, it is important to see a doctor as soon as symptoms appear. A regular feeling of a full bladder is a sufficient reason for examination.


As you can see, there are many reasons that can cause this symptom. Therefore, for the purpose proper treatment careful diagnosis is necessary. In this case, all factors of the disease are taken into account, including previous diseases, gender and age of the patient (male and female excretory systems differ significantly).

Statistics show more frequent occurrence It is women who have problems in this area. This is due to the features female anatomy and physiology: short and wide urethra (“gateway for infection”), menstrual cycle, reproductive function.

When diagnosing, a urologist carefully examines the medical history, patient complaints, symptoms and prescribes the tests necessary to clarify the diagnosis:

  • Urine examination, culture on nutrient media. These tests will detect the possible presence pathogenic microorganisms, signs of inflammation, damage to the walls of the bladder. This study is especially important when other signs of microbial infection appear. The sooner the specific pathogen is identified, the more successful the treatment will be.
  • General blood analysis.
  • , prostate (in men), ovaries (in women). Detects pathological structural changes in these organs, urinary stones.
  • Cystoscopy is an examination of the inner surface of the bladder. Allows you to visually assess the condition of the mucous membrane.

In some cases, when it is not possible to immediately install accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional highly informative research: magnetic resonance or computed tomography, radioisotope research, X-ray urography with a contrast agent.

After conducting tests and studying their results, the doctor prescribes specific treatment measures.


Therapeutic measures depend on the cause of the disease.

  1. Bacterial infections genitourinary area treated with antibiotics.
  2. To remove muscle spasms use antispasmodic and relaxing drugs.
  3. Painkillers relieve the patient's condition.
  4. Sedatives are used for nervous disorders.
  5. In some cases it is shown surgery. Thus, large neoplasms (tumors, stones) must be removed surgically. Small stones can often be dissolved and removed with the help of special medications.

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A feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen and a frequent need to urinate are dangerous symptoms, indicating pathologies of the urinary system. Constant feeling Bladder fullness in men can accompany prostate disease.

A common cause of discomfort in the bladder area is cystitis. This disease often develops against the background of decreased immunity. Cystitis has infectious nature and is characterized by inflammation of the organ mucosa. Specific symptoms of the disease:

  • , which do not bring relief;
  • spastic pain;
  • foreign matter in urine
  • and in the urethra.

After visiting the restroom, you may find bloody spots or light flakes in your urine, which indicates bacterial inflammation. A feature of the disease is difficulty urinating. After visiting the restroom, the urge to urinate appears again after a few minutes. The frequency of urges reaches 10-15 per hour.

Another cause of discomfort in the bladder is calculi (stones). Pain, a feeling of fullness and distension in the organ appear when formations are displaced, for example, after physical activity. If the stones are large, the lining of the organ may be damaged and blood may appear in the urine.

The same signs are characteristic of pyelonephritis - bacterial damage to the kidneys.

With urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), there may be a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder against the background frequent urges urinate. The increased frequency of urges is caused by irritation of the inflamed urethra. There may be pain when urinating.

Oncological diseases

Any inflammatory diseases proceed with acute symptoms, except in cases chronic inflammation. In addition to the constant fullness of the bladder, there are always symptoms of malaise, deterioration in performance, dull or cramping pain in the lower abdomen and pressure in the urethra.

Bladder cancer on initial stages is asymptomatic, which makes timely diagnosis and initiation of therapy difficult. Quite often about development malignant process only a feeling of fullness of the bladder indicates, pain and discomfort are completely absent.

The same symptoms can accompany prostate cancer. Due to the compression of the tissues of surrounding organs by the enlarged prostate, the bladder is constantly filled. Additionally, pressure is observed in anus. As a rule, in the initial stages of cancer there is no significant discomfort at all. In this regard, it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner to make a diagnosis. The earlier cancer is detected, the better prognosis for the patient.

How are the prostate and bladder connected?

The two most common pathologies of older men are prostatitis and prostate adenoma. One of the symptoms of impaired functioning of the prostate gland is a feeling of fullness of the bladder.

Congestive prostatitis develops as a result of impaired blood circulation and lymph outflow in the pelvic organs. In this case, the trophism of the prostate gland is disrupted, which entails the development of inflammation. The inflamed organ swells and increases in size, putting pressure on surrounding tissues. Against this background, there is a narrowing of the lumen of the urethra and an increase in the tone of the bladder muscles. As a result, the outflow of urine worsens, and a feeling of constant fullness of the bladder appears. Discomfort increases at night, which is caused by swelling of the inflamed prostate.

With adenoma, the symptom appears for the same reasons, but is caused not by inflammation, but by an enlargement of the organ, due to physiological changes associated with the natural aging process.

What to do if you feel discomfort?

Get rid of unpleasant symptom is possible only after identifying the cause of its appearance and treating the underlying disease. First of all, you should consult a urologist. To make a diagnosis, the following examinations are necessary:

  1. Bacterial culture of urine.
  2. Blood analysis.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the bladder.
  4. Ultrasound of the kidneys and prostate.

Treatment is selected depending on the cause of the discomfort. It is not recommended to take any medications on your own. Symptomatic therapy will not bring results; it is useless to fight discomfort without treating the underlying disease.

Most common male diseases begin with one single cause - incomplete emptying of the bladder in men. During normal functioning of the organ, there remains inside it small portion urine, approximately 50 ml. However, with various urological diseases, the accumulation of urine in the bladder can reach 1 liter.

Stagnation of residual urine, as a rule, is not only a manifestation of the disease, but also leads to complications in itself. This causes chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis. Violated sexual function, a person becomes maladapted in society.

The main sign of the onset of the disease is the feeling of a full bladder. IN in this case it is necessary to undergo examination by a urologist.

Causes of residual urine

It should be recalled that the bladder is a muscular organ. Urine begins to accumulate in its cavity when the walls contract incompletely. The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder becomes the main symptom of the disorder urinary tract. And it is included in the number of diseases such as:

  1. Inflammation of the urethra - urethra.
  2. Cystitis. The male urethra has an elongated and narrow structure. The infection lingers in it, interfering with the outflow of fluid from the bladder, and urine is thrown back (reflux). It becomes more difficult to have bowel movements.
  3. Diseases of the prostate gland in men, which compresses the urethra and interferes with free evacuation.
  4. Cystolithiasis is the formation of mineral stones in the bladder.
  5. With poor innervation of the organ, when there are disturbances in the peripheral nervous system of the pelvis, the bladder does not empty completely.
  6. Atherosclerosis of bladder vessels. Lack of blood supply to the organ.

Possible infections

Let's take a closer look at what cystitis is. Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Reason acute cystitis is the penetration of infection through the urinary tract. Inflammation is caused by bacteria such as E.coli, Klebsiella, Candida (a yeast-like bacterium).

The acute form of cystitis is caused by the sudden onset of symptoms and more often leads to perforation of the muscle wall. Cystitis can also have a non-infectious etiology (development). Primary cystitis occurs after prolonged hypothermia and is caused by side effects injuries are a consequence chemical poisoning(alcohol abuse). Messy sex life greatly increases the risk of contracting complex infections.

Secondary cystitis occurs against the background urological diseases or accompanies others infectious diseases. With tonsillitis, sinusitis, and kidney tuberculosis, the infection penetrates the general bloodstream from a purulent source and spreads to other organs. Infection may result from unskilled examination by inserting a catheter into the urethra.

Symptoms of cystitis are expressed painful sensations in the abdomen with pain and burning when trying to urinate. Small amounts of blood and bacterial mucus may be excreted in the urine. Urine is opaque (cloudy) in color and may contain epithelial tissue(particles of the rejected mucous membrane of the bladder). After urination, there remains a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

The initial stage of cystitis is characterized by sharp pain after urination in the urethra, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Then the painful sensations are localized in the pubic area, groin, and scrotum. Acute attacks Cystitis interferes with free bowel movements. The urge to go to the toilet is frequent, urination occurs without complete release of fluid. Chronic cystitis It has moderate symptoms, without much of their manifestation.

This disease also affects other excretory organs and can cause the development of inflammation of the peri-vesical tissue. Confirmation of the diagnosis requires appropriate tests: general analysis urine, bacterial culture, ultrasound examination bladder with measurement of its volume, scraping for genital infections.

Neurogenic diseases

Symptoms of incomplete bladder emptying are associated with nervous syndromes. Damage to neurons in the spinal cord or brain leads to disruption of innervation in the nerve ganglia associated with genitourinary system. This can lead to various inflammations nervous system: encephalitis, encephalomyelitis. Brain tumors and Parkinson's disease affect the disorder of impulses in neuromuscular tissue.

There is a decrease in urethral tone, in which the bladder remains full. Or an increase occurs, which leads to uncontrolled emptying. Increased tone urethra or sphincter requires frequent pushing during urination.

A disorder of the detrusor muscle (the muscle that creates pressure in the bladder and helps push urine out) causes fluid retention in the bladder and an inability to overcome the force of the sphincter to open or relax. The main causes of neurogenic bladder are injuries to the back above the sacrum.

In some cases, brain tumor syndrome predominates, which interferes with the passage nerve impulses over the body. Bladder inactivity is difficult to treat. TO stagnation urine may join frequent infections, poisoning of the body with its own urates.

There may be attacks of nausea, weakness, and fever. Treatment methods include periodic or continuous catheterization, improving the tone of the pelvic muscles, and massage.

Stones with high calcium content

The cause of stagnation of urine in the bladder is the presence of stones in it. They come in large and small sizes, with a sharp and smooth surface, and move when the body moves. Based on salt content they are divided into: urates, phosphates, oxalates. Stones make it difficult for urine to pass through the urethra. If stones accumulate in the ureter, they begin to interfere with urine leaving the kidney - they arise kidney pain in the lower back.

Stones in the bladder not only cause urate retention, but also increase when they accumulate in the bladder cavity. The reasons for the formation of stones are increased level calcium in the blood and the presence uric acid. Other causes of stones in the urinary tract of the body are drinking diet, increased consumption of salty foods. Sedentary image life, for example working at a computer.

The main disorders affect the process of urination. There is a slow outflow of fluid. This leaves a feeling of a full bladder. The located stone irritates and puts pressure on the muscle wall of the bladder, which can cause false urges to the toilet or constant urge with frequent interruptions. The release of urine may be accompanied by pain and bleeding.

The urine itself is concentrated, saturated yellow color like after a night's sleep. During treatment, drugs are used to dissolve stones. After their use, small stones come out naturally. There is also surgical method crushing stones - lithotripsy.

Symptom of prostatitis

The formation of stagnation of urine in the bladder can be a symptom accompanying inflammation of the prostate gland in men - prostatitis. Infectious bacteria or viruses cause inflammation of the cellular tissue of the gland, and it increases in size. The enlarged gland begins to compress the urethra.

Along with this comes inflammation and increase lymph nodes V groin area. When the disease occurs pain symptoms in the groin area. The pain may radiate to the back, sacrum, or anus. The process of urination becomes more frequent and painful.

The discharge of urine is accompanied by cutting pain, the urine itself becomes cloudy, with mucous discharge. Headaches and back pain may occur. rises heat. Inflammation of the prostate gland can be caused not only by infections, but also by stagnation of gland secretions during prolonged sexual abstinence.

Prostatitis does not have acute form or temporary symptoms.

This disease occurs once and immediately becomes chronic.

It is necessary to consult an andrologist for advice.

In the absence of disease, the urge to urinate in a person occurs when the bladder is filled to 200-250 mm. A false sensation of a full bladder appears if the organ is at least 50 ml occupied by urine or residual urine. Similar condition in almost all cases indicates the presence pathological process. In women, this symptom most often indicates the development of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Causes of the problem

The main factors that can cause the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder in women include:

  • chronic (acute) cystitis;
  • inflammatory processes in urethra or urethra;
  • benign tumor, bladder cancer and nearby organs and structures;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • small bladder size;
  • failures in nervous regulation urinary process;
  • overactive bladder;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney infections;
  • disruptions in bowel function ( frequent constipation, causing compression of the bladder).

It is absolutely normal for a woman to experience a feeling of incomplete emptying during pregnancy (even if she is pregnant). early stages) and in the period after childbirth. This is due to the activation of the organ during gestation and compression of the bladder by nearby structures.

Women often complain about similar symptom in case of disorder gastrointestinal tract, hypothermia, drinking alcoholic beverages. However, most often it appears with the development of pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Forms of the disease

The disease can manifest itself in two forms: complete and partial. In the first case, the patient is unable to empty the bladder on her own. There is a urge, there is little urine in the organ, but it does not come out. In this case, the woman periodically experiences sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

The partial form of the pathology involves a slight drainage of urine. The person successfully defecates, but very soon feels the urge again.

Associated symptoms

The feeling of a full bladder with the development of pathologies rarely appears in isolation. Symptoms are complemented by a number of secondary signs, the presence of which helps in making a diagnosis in the future. Most common clinical pictures are the following:



Cystitis, urethritis

Burning, stinging, pain during and after urination, headache, elevated temperature body

Bladder stones

Renal colic, severe pain in the lumbar region, pain syndrome lower abdomen, blood in the urine, frequent urination (including at night)


High body temperature, pain in the groin, uncharacteristic discharge from the genitals, chills, increased fatigue, gastrointestinal problems

Urethral stricture

The presence of blood in the urine, a feeling of fullness in the pelvic area, pain when urinating

Kidney inflammation

Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen, lumbar region

Some of the symptoms may seem minor to the patient. This is especially true when a woman urinates frequently, but without pain or suspicious discharge. Such inattention can lead to stagnation of urine, which over time develops pathogenic bacteria. As a result, the bladder and urethra are affected.

If inflammatory process If not stopped, kidney infection will occur, leading to pyelonephritis. Therefore, it is important to immediately consult a doctor if you experience a persistent feeling of a full bladder.

Specifics of treatment

The type of therapy depends on the cause of the phenomenon. The following options apply:


Direction of treatment

Bacterial infection

Antibacterial drugs

The feeling of a full bladder occurs with urinary tract diseases so often that it becomes a common symptom, and is equally common in men and women. The feeling of a full bladder occurs in those who have diseases of the urinary organs, but even more often this happens with pathology of the bladder itself.

Where does the discomfort come from?

The point is that for some reason the bladder is not completely emptied. Feeling full bubble happens if an obstruction to the outflow of fluid is created (various narrowings of the canal, urethritis, tumors, leukoplakia, stones, prostatitis). An equally common cause is low tone of the bladder, when it cannot contract completely due to stretching of its walls, due to the existing pathology of the innervation of the bladder itself and the pelvic organs as a result various injuries spinal cord, with hernias, pinched nerves, overactive bladder, with multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus. The same picture is caused iron deficiency anemia, since iron deficiency increases the weakness of the muscle wall of the organ.

The reason may be false commands from the brain; in fact, there is no actual delay in the contents of the bubble. Increased impulses sometimes come directly from the bubble if it sends false signals to the brain. Presence of inflammation various organs pelvis leads to reflex irritation of the bladder walls, and there is also a feeling of a full bladder (appendicitis, enterocolitis, salpingo-oophoritis, etc.). In such cases, overstretching of the bladder walls may cause sharp pain, feeling of fullness above the pubis.

The retained contents of the bladder are a good environment for development pathogenic flora, which causes inflammation and a feeling of fullness in the organ. Normally, a healthy adult can retain up to 300 ml of urine in the body for several hours under certain circumstances.

The cause may be prostate adenoma with false toilet seats and painful sensations of urination, pyelonephritis, fibroids, adnexitis, frequent constipation. If the bladder is not completely emptied, it naturally fills up faster, and the imperative uncontrollable urge appears again. Feelings of bladder fullness occur in pregnant women, in the elderly, and finally, from an increase in the amount of tea, coffee, alcohol consumed, when taking diuretics during the treatment of pathologies of the heart, kidneys, liver, or eating salty foods.

Symptoms of pathology

U healthy person on average, the number of urinations per day is about 5-6 times a day, if the frequency is increased, we're talking about about pathology. At incomplete emptying the bladder continues to feel full, which causes discomfort. This symptom is usually accompanied by others:

  • pain during active movements;
  • if a person suffers from ICD, there are severe attacks pain (colic) or unbearable lumbar pain;
  • there is a feeling of distension above the pubis;
  • pain after urination causes overstretching of the bladder walls;
  • the presence of infections adds severe pain and a burning sensation;
  • the need to strain while urinating;
  • the stream becomes intermittent, uneven, at the end, and often after using the toilet, pain appears;
  • possible slight fever, chills, malaise, partial urinary incontinence, nocturia.

A full bladder creates problems and discomfort.

Diagnostic measures

Cystoscopy is a painful procedure and is performed with local anesthesia, but allows a thorough examination of the inner surface of the vesica urinaria. At unknown etiology MRI and CT are prescribed. Since there are many factors for the occurrence of bladder pathology, several diagnoses are being studied to accurately determine the cause. Therefore, diagnosis may take more than one day, but this is necessary to make a choice optimal treatment. One difficult diagnosis is, for example, overactive bladder.

Principles of therapy

If the cause of the disease is unclear and there is no proper treatment, complications will not be long in coming.

A full bladder causes stagnation of urine both before and after urination - this is common reason unpleasant sensations, various bacteria actively multiply in the residual urine, the inflammatory process can spread to other parts of the urinary tract - to the ureters, urethra, even reaching the kidneys - and cause pyelonephritis. Therefore, when this symptom There is no need to waste time and be examined thoroughly.

If there is bacterial etiology, for example, inflammation of the bladder in women due to anatomical features structures, treatment is carried out with antibiotics. Antispasmodics relax and help relieve pain during spasms, while analgesics eliminate pain of a non-spasmodic nature. In the presence of tumors, stones, strictures, bladder ruptures, it is required surgical treatment, and various types, the choice is quite wide. Small stones are removed conservatively by dissolving them with herbal remedies; in case of problems with other organs, the underlying disease is treated, for example, in case of constipation, cystitis is secondary and will go away after