Estradiol norm at 9 obstetric weeks. The effect of elevated estradiol on pregnancy. High estradiol levels and its symptoms

Estradiol during pregnancy allows you to assess the woman’s condition and identify possible risks for the fetus different terms. But normally, this hormone is present in women who are not expecting a baby, and even in men.

Estradiol is the most active compound of female steroid hormones of the estrogen group. Produced by the ovaries in women, the testes in men, and in small amounts by the adrenal cortex in both sexes. During pregnancy, the hormone is produced by the placenta. The presence of estradiol in the body is responsible for its feminization and the successful course of the gestational period. The main functions of estradiol are as follows:

  • deposition of fat layer female type(chest, hips, buttocks, etc.);
  • development of secondary sexual characteristics according to the female type (enlargement and development of mammary glands, development of the reproductive system);
  • female pattern hair growth;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • During pregnancy, the hormone is responsible for blood clotting and the successful attachment of the zygote to the inner lining of the uterus.

The concentration of this substance in a woman’s blood is not constant and varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Its highest concentration is diagnosed at the time of ovulation and is minimal before the first day of the cycle.

If a woman is pregnant, the level of this hormone will increase gradually and reach its maximum values ​​before childbirth, which is necessary to prevent bleeding during the birth of the fetus and to stimulate labor.

In men, the presence of estradiol in the blood is also observed, and normally it is found in trace amounts.

Concentration rate

Depending on whether a woman is pregnant or not, it is customary to talk about different levels hormone in the blood. So, for women who are not pregnant, the rate of the indicator will depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • follicular phase - from 69 to 1270 pmol/l;
  • ovulation period - from 132 to 1650 pmol/l;
  • luteal phase - from 90 to 860 pmol/l.

In men, the normal level of estradiol in the blood is considered to be up to 72 pmol/l. Interestingly, in women during menopause, the level of estradiol in the body is close to that of men, but the level of another, estrone, increases.

When talking about estradiol levels in a pregnant woman, one should understand much higher concentrations, and the higher they are, the longer the gestational age. Thus, the normal levels of this hormone in the blood of pregnant women are given in the table below.

The level of the hormone in the blood decreases to non-pregnant levels in the first weeks after childbirth.

Unaware of its position, it can be noticeable to the naked eye and is reflected in appearance expectant mother. Sometimes they say that a woman has “bloomed”, her shape is rounded, she becomes firm breasts, men notice her attractiveness.

If the hormone level is higher or lower than normal

It may happen that the concentration of these substances in the blood increases for some reason. Estradiol may increase during pregnancy if:

  • woman suffers overweight bodies;
  • takes certain medications (for example, steroids), including hormonal ones;
  • there are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, in particular, thyroid gland;
  • liver cirrhosis was diagnosed;
  • available benign neoplasms in the ovaries or uterine cavity, for example, follicular cysts;
  • diagnosed with endometriosis.

Symptoms indicating an increase in the level of this hormone in the blood include sudden emotional swings, irritability, aggression, moodiness and tearfulness, mood swings for no apparent reason. Sometimes soft tissue swelling is observed.

Usually, increased concentration estradiol in the blood does not pose a threat to the fetus or the mother’s body. This condition is only controlled, and normalization of the level of this substance occurs by itself. IN otherwise, for example, in the presence of serious extensive edema caused by high estrogen levels, measures are taken to eliminate them.

A decrease in estradiol levels during pregnancy requires medical monitoring and intervention. This condition can occur when:

  • taking some medicines;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, in particular smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • poor nutrition and weight loss;
  • prolonged stress and heavy physical activity;
  • chronic inflammatory processes genitourinary system.

In the blood during gestation, it increases the risk of delayed fetal development and the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, when diagnosing such conditions, we take Urgent measures to normalize the level of estrogen in the blood in the form hormone therapy estrogen-containing drugs.

If we talk about women in menopause, then a decrease in the level of this hormone is physiologically justified and has its consequences in the form of “hot flashes”, decreased libido, genital atrophy, irritability, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and insomnia. To ensure a smoother progression of menopause and the transition to true menopause, such women may be prescribed hormone replacement therapy.

Carrying out analyzes

The reliability of the analysis result depends on how responsibly the woman herself approached the process and whether she followed certain rules. Regardless of whether a woman is expecting a child or not, it is important to follow several recommendations before taking the test.

Like most tests, blood sampling for estradiol is carried out in the morning, so it is important to get a good night's sleep and not have breakfast. Nervous tension and an excess of emotions (including positive ones) the day before are extremely undesirable. If you are taking any hormone-containing medications, you should stop taking them 48 hours in advance if possible. 24 hours before the test, you need to avoid sexual intercourse, drinking alcohol, smoking and overeating. Sports and physical activity should not be part of the daily routine at least one day before the test.

Estradiol is a female sex hormone that is the most powerful estrogen. It is responsible for the formation of the reproductive system. During metabolism, estriol and folliculin are formed from estradiol.

The main amount of the hormone is produced in the ovaries and the follicle membrane. Its synthesis also occurs in the adrenal cortex and adipose tissue. Hormone precursors include cholesterol.

Estradiol norm

The norm of estradiol in women and men depends on many factors. The level of the hormone changes throughout the day, its maximum amount is observed in the afternoon (from 15 to 18 hours). Estradiol levels also depend on a person's age.

IN female body The level of the hormone varies depending not only on the time of day, but also on the day of the cycle. In the early phase of follicle maturation it is minimal; by the middle of the cycle its amount is three times higher. If conception does not take place, the number decreases.

The norm of estradiol in women by age: from birth to two months of age - from 5 to 50 pg/ml, from two months to 10 years - from 5 to 15 pg/ml, from 10 to 15 years - from 25 to 35 pg/ml.

In women of reproductive age, the estradiol rate is determined by the phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • early follicular phase: from 20 to 150 pg/ml;
  • late follicular phase: from 40 to 350 pg/ml;
  • ovulation period: from 150 to 750 pg/ml;
  • luteal phase: from 30 to 450 pg/ml.

With the onset of menopause, the level of the hormone in a woman’s body decreases. Normally, it does not exceed 20 pg/ml.

If estrogen levels are greatly increased or decreased, hormonal medications are prescribed after identifying the causes of the disorder.

In men, the level of estradiol in the blood should not exceed 56 pg/ml. Deviation from this indicator can lead to female-type obesity, decreased libido, and gynecomastia.

Estradiol norm during pregnancy

In the body of a pregnant woman, the level of the hormone estradiol changes. During pregnancy, it is produced by the placenta and performs many functions:

  • activates metabolism in the body;
  • increases blood circulation in the uterine area;
  • responsible for the growth of the uterus and the elasticity of its tissues;
  • provides the fetus with oxygen and nutrients;
  • prepares the uterus for labor;
  • retains water in the body;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • improves sensitivity to progesterone.

The most a large number of estrogen in the body of a pregnant woman is observed before childbirth. After childbirth, the concentration of the hormone becomes lower for several weeks.

Estradiol norm during pregnancy:

  • I trimester (from 1 to 13 weeks): the amount ranges from 1030 to 2210 pg/ml;
  • II trimester (from 14 to 27 weeks): the hormone level increases and ranges from 2000 to 14,900 pg/ml;
  • III trimester (from 28 to 40 weeks): the level reaches its maximum value and ranges from 7900 to 26,600 pg/ml.

Reduced level hormone during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage early stages or premature birth. Also, an insufficient amount of estradiol can cause delayed fetal development or weakness of labor.

Functions of estradiol

Follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones and prolactin are responsible for the production of estradiol. During the period of bearing a child, its synthesis is influenced by human chorionic gonadotropin. In the systemic circulation, the hormone circulates with globulin, which binds sex hormones.

IN male body Estradiol is produced by the testes and adrenal glands. A small amount of it is synthesized during the conversion of androgens in peripheral tissues.

The hormone has the strongest physiological activity and has a significant effect on the genitals. In a woman’s body it performs the following functions:

  • affects the growth of the genital organs;
  • regulates menstrual cycle;
  • responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • distributes fatty tissue, forming a female figure type;
  • responsible for pregnancy and lactation;
  • responsible for female sexual behavior;
  • affects oxygen metabolism in tissues;
  • retains fluid and salt in the body;
  • activates bone tissue growth;
  • has an effect on cholesterol levels.

Decreased estradiol levels

The reason for the reduced amount of estradiol in the body may be:

  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • quick loss body weight;
  • excess amount of prolactin in the blood;
  • dysfunction of the sex glands;
  • anorexia nervosa;
  • poor nutrition, lack of meat in the diet;
  • bad habits (alcohol abuse, drug use, smoking);
  • strong physical exercise;
  • therapy with certain medications.
With the onset of menopause, the level of the hormone in a woman’s body decreases. Normally, it does not exceed 20 pg/ml.

A symptom of low estrogen levels in a woman may be menstrual irregularities or the appearance of premenstrual syndrome. She may also experience vaginal dryness, lack of sexual desire, and regular headaches. If the hormone level is reduced in adolescence, then a puberty disorder is possible.

Elevated estradiol levels

The cause of excess hormone in the body can be:

  • hormone-producing tumors;
  • hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • overweight;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • therapy hormonal drugs.

The following symptoms may indicate that the level of estrogen in a woman’s body is higher than normal: sudden weight gain, increased fatigue, constantly cold hands and feet. Also on increased amount hormone may indicate menstrual irregularities, problems with conception and uterine bleeding. Its excess in adolescents leads to early sexual development.

Test for estradiol

In order to determine the level of the hormone, they carry out special study. The material for analysis is blood taken from a vein. The sampling is carried out on an empty stomach, in the first half of the day. Women are recommended to take the test on the 6th–7th day of the menstrual cycle.

Three days before the collection of the mother, it is necessary to stop taking hormonal medications, reduce physical activity and stop drinking alcohol. You also need to avoid foods containing large amounts of phytoestrogens (legumes, carrots, pomegranate). It is not recommended to smoke before taking the test.

A symptom of low estrogen levels in a woman may be menstrual irregularities or the appearance of premenstrual syndrome.

A blood test for estradiol is prescribed in the following cases:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • problems with conception;
  • neoplasms in the pelvic area;
  • adrenal tumors;
  • severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • osteoporosis.

For men, the test is prescribed for gynecomastia, infertility or female-type obesity. Women during menopause need to determine the level of the hormone in case of pituitary insufficiency or during hormone replacement therapy.

In different laboratories, indicators may differ, so you need to pay attention to the table that shows reference values.

How to normalize estradiol levels

If the hormone level is slightly elevated, medications to correct it may not be prescribed. In order to bring the amount of estradiol in women back to normal, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise and maintain a daily routine.

You need to eat right, reduce the amount of foods containing phytoestrogens, stop eating fatty and fried food, sweets and baked goods.

If estrogen levels are greatly increased or decreased, hormonal medications are prescribed after identifying the causes of the disorder. For tumors, surgery is indicated.

Estrogens play an important role in the female body; as a result of deviations from the norm, disorders can occur of cardio-vascular system, obesity, malignant neoplasms. If you identify symptoms indicating a change in estradiol levels, you should consult an endocrinologist.

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But for a woman, the condition is close to stressful. Our body gives the main priority to its development, changing and adapting to its needs. One aspect of this adjustment is changing hormonal levels, namely changing the amount of production of existing ones and adding new ones. If there is a failure in this process, then this is fraught big problems, up to .

Hormone estradiol

One of the most important hormones during the period are estrogens (aka steroid hormones). Depends on them reproductive health women.

An important indicator general level estrogen is the content of estradiol in the blood, which varies both depending on the phase and at different stages). Estradiol in a woman’s body is produced by the ovaries. Its production (like other hormones) is regulated by the pituitary gland. What the hormone estradiol is responsible for in women is actually what distinguishes her from a man.

What is it and its functions?

The male body also produces estradiol, but this hormone is considered female because it performs female body completely different functions, making it feminine. To briefly say what it is, estradiol in women is a beauty hormone. He is responsible for the following:

  • formation of a typically female figure, proportions of waist, chest and hips;
  • high voice;
  • less rough skin than men;
  • deposition of subcutaneous fat as a strategic reserve to ensure fetal growth and its physical protection from external risks;
  • formation of follicles on the ovaries;
  • before pregnancy;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Norms for women

The level of the hormone estradiol in women depends on age, phase of the cycle and the presence or absence. How older woman, the less estradiol in her blood (this is associated with decreased fertility). When changing menstrual cycles, the hormone is produced in an increasing manner, starting with a smaller amount directly on the days of menstruation (68-1269 pmol/l), continuing to peak during (131-1655 pmol/l) and ending with a subsequent decrease (91-861 pmol/l) .

Estradiol norms during pregnancy (by week)

Estradiol is significantly higher during pregnancy. The concentration of this hormone increases with each . Indicators accepted as normal for pregnancy (in pg/ml): 1-6 weeks – 210-1480; 7-12 weeks – 1380-3120; 13-18 weeks – 2760-7740; 19-24 weeks – 7440-13650; 25-30 weeks – 10890-16220; 31-36 weeks – 12170-19300; 33-36 weeks – 9400-21160; 37-40 weeks – 15080-26960.

Important!Individual indicators are variable and may not coincide with the normative ones. Don't self-diagnose. The test results must be deciphered by the doctor leading your pregnancy.

Indications for testing

When to take estradiol - raising this question yourself makes sense in cases where symptoms indicate possible problems. If the test is not prescribed by your gynecologist, then there is no particular need for this test.


  • osteoporosis;
  • uterine bleeding.
The doctor usually prescribes such a test if there is a suspicion of:
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • problems with the formation of the placenta;
  • tumors and malignant formations genitals.

Deviations from the norm

Both too low estradiol and off-scale readings are a very alarming call. This is a good reason to see a doctor.

Reasons for the increase

If estradiol is elevated, this may be a signal from the body about the following problems:

  • liver problems (cirrhosis);
  • formations on the ovaries or breasts;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • excess

Estradiol is the main female hormone produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. It is present in both male and female bodies. In the male body it is produced in the testes, adrenal glands and mostly in peripheral tissues. Thanks to its influence on the body, a typical feminine figure is formed, which is why it is considered female. In the female body, this hormone is responsible for the formation of the reproductive systems, the development of secondary reproductive organs, the menstrual cycle, the development of the egg, the growth and development of the uterus during pregnancy, and also affects psychophysiological sexual behavior. All these functions are disrupted if estradiol is low.

Low estradiol - symptoms

With a low level of estradiol, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • anovulation;
  • infertility;
  • hirsutism;
  • osteoporosis in women;
  • hypogonadism;
  • amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea;
  • discirculatory uterine bleeding;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

Also, feminization in a man should raise suspicion of low estradiol.

Low estradiol - reasons

Low estradiol in women can be caused by taking oral contraceptives and chemotherapy drugs. A decrease in estradiol in the blood may be side effect medicines, for example Danazol, Nafarelin, Pravastatin, Cimetidine, Nandrol, Mifepristone (in case of miscarriage), Dexamethasone and others can have the effect of lowering estradiol.

Low estradiol - symptoms

Low estradiol is diagnosed with the following symptoms: rapid weight loss, high-carbohydrate or low-fat diet, vegetarianism, bulimia, endocrine disorders, inflammation of the genital organs, disturbances in the production of sex hormones, as well as during severe physical exertion. Low levels of estradiol in women are also observed in the case of early pregnancy and as a result of alcohol abuse during the postmenstrual period.

Lack of estradiol can be independently determined by the following symptoms: absence of menstruation for more than six months, dry skin, reduction in the size of the breasts and uterus, problems with conceiving a child for more than six months.

Reduced estradiol during pregnancy

Low estradiol levels during pregnancy will be diagnosed early on, and this is normal. Estradiol creates conditions for the successful development of a child from conception to childbirth. It is this hormone that provides required growth uterus according to the growth of the baby.

Estradiol is reduced - treatment

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to get tested for estradiol levels. This requires biomaterial – blood from a vein.

If the analysis reveals low estradiol, how to raise it to normal in the body? To increase estradiol levels, doctors recommend treatment with hormonal drugs, but women try to avoid such treatment, which can lead to weight gain and other unpleasant consequences. ethnoscience has in its arsenal several hundred herbs containing phytoestrogens - substances that can compensate for the lack of estrogen in the body. The most famous and effective: sage, hops, clover, sweet clover, licorice, mistletoe, oregano, linden flowers and others.

The level of estradiol can be increased only without restricting oneself in food, since during a strict diet, hormones in the body cease to be produced. You can also increase the level of estradiol if you eat well and properly - the diet should contain mainly protein food, which promotes the production of estradiol.

The hormone estradiol is the norm in women

Estradiol- another female sex hormone. It is produced by the ovaries during the processing of male sex hormones into female ones. During pregnancy, estradiol is also produced by the placenta. However, the hormone is also present in small concentrations in the blood of men. In them it is produced by the adrenal cortex. And it is produced by the same organ in women, but very little.

Phases of the menstrual cycle and estradiol

Estradiol levels depend on the day of the cycle. In women, estradiol large quantities produced in the first half of the cycle. After ovulation, it is replaced by the hormone progesterone. In general, estradiol and progesterone constantly replace each other throughout all menstrual cycles.

The hormone estradiol is necessary for a woman for the normal development of the egg. And the release of a mature egg from the follicle occurs only at the peak of estradiol concentration in the blood.

In addition, estradiol stimulates the growth of cells lining the uterine cavity, which is necessary for the subsequent attachment of the embryo. The hormone is also responsible for the regularity of menstruation, in addition, it forms secondary sexual characteristics in women and makes our body so feminine. Estradiol can even influence a woman’s behavior. During the period of his rampage, the woman becomes much sexier and more attractive.

This is provided by nature, because it is during this period that a woman must attract a male to continue the race. And the peak level of the hormone occurs at the time of ovulation - the most suitable moment for conception.

Following this, the level of the hormone begins to gradually fall, giving way to balanced and calm progesterone, the pregnancy hormone. And it’s true that a pregnant woman deserves balance and attention to her health.

If the level of estradiol remains high throughout the entire cycle, this indicates existing problems in the female body. Often this is not accompanied by any symptoms, and women are not even aware of the problems. However, there are problems and they need to be addressed if you want to avoid negative consequences.

The norm of the hormone estradiol in women

What is the norm of estradiol in women? What should you strive for and what level should you maintain? It ranges from 57 to 476 pmol/l. If we look in more detail at the phases of the cycle, it looks like this:

  • in the follicular phase, the estradiol norm is 57-227 pmol/l;
  • in the postovulatory peak – 127-476 pmol/l;
  • in the luteal phase of the cycle – 77-277 pmol/l.

And if women experience a deviation in estradiol concentration from the norm, you need to pay attention to this, since such a condition can lead to serious illnesses.

You should be wary if you have irregular periods or no periods at all. In general, any fluctuations in cycles should be a reason to visit a specialist. Elevated estradiol levels may indicate ovarian tumors, cysts, and liver disease. Also, hormone levels may increase from external reasons, for example, when long-term use antibiotics or hormonal drugs.

High level estradiol in women may be associated with taking certain birth control pills, especially if a woman prescribed them to herself without prior consultation with a gynecologist.

Estradiol during pregnancy

Estradiol begins to increase already in the early stages of pregnancy, since atresia does not occur corpus luteum. It will increase until childbirth. And after childbirth it returns to normal within 3-4 days. The norm of estradiol during pregnancy ranges from 210 in the first week of pregnancy to 26,960 pmol/l at 39-40 weeks of pregnancy

Nowadays, many women suffer from the fact that they cannot get pregnant. The reasons for this actual problem there are many, and one of them is hormonal imbalance. This is usually where examinations of women begin after they seek help from gynecologists. After all, hormonal imbalances are the reason for the non-occurrence of ovulation, that is favorable periods for conception. These disorders are associated with the main female sex hormone estradiol. So, let's learn about the features of this hormone, its norm and the reasons for deviations from the norm, and the effect on a woman’s reproductive ability.

Features and production of estradiol

Estradiol is the main female sex hormone of the estrogen group. It is found in both male and female bodies. Estradiol is formed from male hormones, and the result of its influence on a woman’s body is a typical female figure.

Namely, under its influence in women, the waist becomes narrow, the subcutaneous fat layer is formed, due to which the hips are rounded and the breasts are enlarged, the skin becomes thin and smooth, the egg grows in the follicle, inner layer The uterus prepares for pregnancy and the menstrual cycle normalizes. That is, under the influence of this hormone, the femininity of the figure is acquired. It is also called the female beauty hormone.

In women, this hormone is produced in the ovaries. During pregnancy, it is also secreted by the placenta. The hormone estradiol is produced in small quantities by the adrenal cortex in men and women.

The production of estradiol in the ovaries of women begins under the influence of pituitary hormones in the first half of the menstrual cycle.

Estradiol levels in women

In a woman’s body, the amount of the hormone estradiol is not constant; it fluctuates depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The main female hormone begins to be produced at the beginning of the cycle. Closer to its middle, in front ovulatory phase, the level of estradiol increases, and 24-36 hours after reaching its maximum concentration, ovulation occurs. The follicle bursts and the level of the hormone estradiol decreases. This occurs approximately on the 14-15th day of the cycle, provided it is stable. A high level of the hormone estradiol after the ovulation period means that pregnancy has occurred, and its low level indicates that conception has not taken place. If we talk about specific numbers, then the indicators of the normal level of the main female hormone in different periods cycle look like this: in the follicular phase - 57-227 pg/ml, in the preovulatory phase - 127-476 pg/ml, in the luteinizing phase - 77-227 pg/ml.

It should be noted that age affects the levels of estradiol in the female body, and this explains the decrease in the ability of women to become pregnant. So, for example, in menopause the norm of the main female hormone is approximately 19.7-82 pg/ml.

Causes and signs of low estradiol in women

If a woman wants to get pregnant, she must understand that the condition for this is a normal level of estradiol in the body. The following factors can influence its decrease: vegetarianism, intense physical activity, smoking, daily diet high in carbohydrates, sudden weight loss, inflammation of the genital organs, disorders in endocrine system and taking oral contraceptives.

A woman should know that signs of low estradiol levels in her body may include dry skin, a decrease in the size of the uterus, breasts, and lack of menstruation. a long period and the inability to get pregnant.

So, a normal level of estradiol in women is one of the conditions for pregnancy. This must be taken into account when planning conception, especially trying to avoid exposure to factors that influence its decrease in the body of the expectant mother.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Estradiol during pregnancy

All the enormous changes that a woman undergoes during pregnancy take place under the influence and with the participation of various hormones. Otherwise it can not be. Indeed, during these nine months, while the fetus is born, formed, grows, develops and matures - from the bud to a full-fledged human being - simply mysterious and often incomprehensible to us changes occur in the mother’s body as a whole. And something must provoke them and control them.

Among the hormones involved in pregnancy, estradiol is perhaps the most important and active. Therefore, with the onset of pregnancy, its level increases to fulfill the role assigned to it during this period.

What is estradiol?

Estradiol (17?-estradiol; dihydroxyestrin; dihydroxyestratriene; dihydroteelin; 1,3,5-estratriene-3, 17?-diol; E2) is one of the strongest female sex hormones, the most biologically active hormone from the estrogen group, classified as steroid. Under its influence, it is formed reproductive system a woman, her internal organs (in particular, the uterus), the outline of her figure. He is responsible for reproductive function, with the participation of estradiol, the menstrual cycle is established and regulated, it determines the woman’s sexual desire and sexual behavior. Even fat deposition in problem areas(which is typical only for women) is caused by estradiol.

If the level of estradiol in a woman’s blood is low, she cannot become pregnant. What’s interesting is that when the level of this hormone is low, men also experience infertility. And during pregnancy, the level of estradiol in a woman’s blood increases to its maximum levels. It constantly grows, reaches a peak a few days before birth and then returns to normal (on the fourth day after the birth of the child). With age, the level of estradiol in a woman’s blood drops, and after menopause, it becomes equal to what is found in a man’s blood.

Why do pregnant women need estradiol?

Every person's body normally contains this hormone. In men - in small quantities, in women - in much larger quantities. But the maximum level of estradiol increases during pregnancy. Because it is simply necessary for her to bear.

IN ordinary life In an ordinary woman, estradiol is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries - from the male sex hormone testosterone, and depending on the phase of the cycle, its level in the blood fluctuates. But with the onset of pregnancy, the level of estradiol increases noticeably and grows throughout the entire period: it is produced by the placenta, and more and more as labor approaches.

The value of estradiol during pregnancy is very high. This is the second hormone, together with progesterone, responsible for gestation, and therefore the most important during this period. It ensures the growth and development of the uterus throughout the entire period, regulates the condition of the vessels of the uterus and ensures normal blood circulation in them. At the same time, estradiol increases blood clotting, and this can serve well during childbirth, reducing the risk of bleeding. Under the influence of estradiol, even the character and behavior of a pregnant woman changes: irritability, certain nervousness expectant mother- all this is his doing. Even the swelling that most pregnant women suffer from is caused by increased levels of this hormone - it retains sodium and water in the tissues.

The amount of estradiol may increase with increasing body weight because fat cells also produce it. This may also be affected by taking certain medications. However, a high level is not as bad as a low level. If there is not enough estradiol, this poses a threat to pregnancy.

The most important thing that depends on it is the placenta. Low level estradiol indicates insufficient or impaired development and a possible threat of miscarriage.

Test for estradiol

If you have been prescribed an analysis for estradiol or other hormones, you must follow certain rules to obtain correct data:

  • You need to donate blood in the first half of the day;
  • Hormone tests must be taken on an empty stomach;
  • limit the day before physical activity, exclude sports and sex;
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol are prohibited;
  • don't allow nervous overstrain and excitability.

Violation of any of the rules may affect the tests. Also tell your doctor if you are taking any medications - they may need to be stopped.

If the level of estradiol is low during pregnancy, it is artificially increased with the help of medications (for example, Proginova or Estrofem). Depending on the diagnosis, the form of the drug is selected (capsules, vaginal balls, patches, injections).

Estradiol preparations are also used to stimulate labor if a woman is post-term.

Especially for Elena Kichak

Hormone estradiol: normal in women. Estradiol: normal during pregnancy

Human organism - a complex system, the functioning of which is significantly influenced by hormones. These biologically active substances are produced by gland cells internal secretion. They enter the bloodstream and affect metabolic processes and functions internal organs. A lack of these compounds can lead to disruption of various body systems. The sex hormone estradiol is considered the most important for reproductive function. The norm in women of this substance not only guarantees reproduction healthy offspring, but also shapes their appearance.

What is estradiol

This is one of the most important sex hormones, which belongs to the group of estrogens. Under its influence, women develop their entire reproductive system and internal organs responsible for reproductive function. In addition, this active substance is responsible for the rounded outlines of the figure of the fair sex, breast growth, and controls the deposition of subcutaneous fat on the abdomen and thighs. The hormone affects the level of sexual desire and temperament of women, regulates the menstrual cycle.

What properties does it have?

The hormone estradiol in women can increase blood flow in the uterus and have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. The active substance has:

  • Anabolic effect.
  • Strengthens metabolic processes in bone tissue.
  • Retains water and sodium in the body.
  • Reduces cholesterol.
  • Increases blood clotting.

Estradiol promotes the release of neurotransmitters that reduce irritability and prevent nervous overexcitation. Excellent skin condition, absence of wrinkles, sparkle in the eyes, ardor and enthusiasm, physical endurance - all these signs are ensured by a normal level of estradiol in the blood. Most high rate The hormone is observed between 15-18 o'clock, and its least release occurs from 24 o'clock to 2 o'clock in the morning.

Hormone levels in the female body

The concentration of estradiol in the blood can fluctuate depending on physical condition women and during the entire menstrual cycle. IN healthy body In women, the level of the sex hormone should be lowered during the follicular phase of the cycle. Approximately 3-6 days before the pituitary hormone (LH) rises, the level of estradiol begins to rise, the rate of which increases sharply and reaches its maximum an hour before the LH peak.

Literally a couple of days after the maximum concentration of luteinizing hormone, the estradiol level begins to sharply decrease, then gradually rises again. Reaches the next maximum value on the 9th day after ovulation. But if pregnancy does not occur, the level of the active substance begins to decrease and reaches the required level.

Laboratory indicators

It is very important for every girl to conduct periodic studies of the level of basic hormones. The occurrence of many diseases, disruption of the functioning of internal organs and incorrect operation reproductive system - all these problems can be caused by increased or decreased hormone estradiol. The norm for women who do not carry a child is:

  • Follicular phase - indicators range from 57 to 227 pmol/l in blood plasma.
  • Preovulatory peak ranges from 127 to 476 pmol/l.
  • Luteal phase - the norm is from 77 to 227 pmol/l.

It should be noted that in older women (at menopause) these figures are much lower.

Main hormone of pregnancy

As doctors note, with a low level of estradiol it is impossible to bear a child. Indeed, during this period the hormone must be present in the body in maximum quantities: it depends on correct formation placenta, it promotes the development and growth of the uterus, normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs. In addition, it is responsible for normal blood clotting during childbirth, ensuring a minimal risk of bleeding. And here low performance this biological substance can lead to miscarriage, especially in the early stages. So, the hormone estradiol - the norm during pregnancy is:

  • 3-6 weeks - 0.5-4.0.

Estradiol during pregnancy

Due to hormones, a woman undergoes enormous changes during pregnancy. It can not be any other way. After all, during the entire pregnancy the fetus is fully formed and mysterious changes are observed in the female body. And they arise for some reason.

Estradiol is the most active pregnancy hormone. Therefore, during pregnancy its level increases.

What is estradiol called?

This is a strong female sex hormone, the most active of the group of estrogens. Under its influence, a woman’s figure shape, internal organs and reproductive system are formed. It determines a woman’s sexual behavior and desire, is responsible for reproductive function, and regulates the menstrual cycle. Estradiol causes fat deposition in problem areas.

A woman cannot conceive a baby if the level of estradiol in her blood is low. Interestingly, if men also have a reduced level of this hormone, then infertility is noted. And in women during pregnancy, the level of estradiol in the blood reaches its maximum. It grows gradually, and after childbirth returns to normal condition. As a woman ages, the level of estradiol in the blood decreases.

Why do expectant mothers need estradiol?

This hormone is present in the body of every person. In women - in large quantities, in men - in small quantities. It is during pregnancy that the level of estradiol can be in maximum quantities. After all, pregnancy cannot exist without it.

In a woman in normal position, estradiol is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. Testosterone is a male sex hormone, and depending on the phase of the cycle, its level in the blood fluctuates. The level of estradiol increases noticeably with the onset of pregnancy. The placenta produces it, and in large quantities, as labor approaches.

Very great importance has this hormone during pregnancy. This is the second hormone that is responsible for bearing the fetus. During 9 months of pregnancy, it ensures the development and growth of the uterus, improves the condition of the vessels of the uterus and normalizes blood circulation in them. This hormone also increases blood clotting, which is good during childbirth, because it reduces the risk of bleeding. Even a woman’s behavior and character changes under the influence of estradiol. Nervousness and irritability are all his doing. Even swelling occurs due to higher level estradiol.

With excess weight, the amount of this hormone increases because it is provoked by fat cells. This is also influenced by some medical supplies. However, a reduced level is undesirable, because there is a risk of pregnancy.

The most important thing is that the placenta directly depends on it. An insufficient amount of estradiol indicates a threat of miscarriage.

If necessary, if you need to get tested for different types hormones, you need to follow some rules:

  • do not allow excitability and nervous tension;
  • one day before the procedure, avoid sex and physical activity;
  • Hormone tests are taken on an empty stomach;
  • donate blood before lunch.

If these rules are not followed there may be incorrect tests. Also, when using medications, warn your doctor about this.

If necessary, you can use medications (Estrofem and Proginova) to increase the level of estradiol. Depending on the diagnosis, the form of the drug is selected (injections, patches, vaginal balls, capsules).

If the expectant mother carries the pregnancy to term, estradiol preparations are used to induce labor.

estradiol during pregnancy |

Estradiol during pregnancy(E2), along with progesterone, is one of the most important hormones necessary for the maintenance and development of pregnancy. Its level gradually increases with the onset of pregnancy, which is necessary to perform its main function - maintaining pregnancy. The maximum concentration of the hormone is observed on the eve of childbirth.

This hormone belongs to the steroid estrogens. Its other names are E2, 17?-estradiol, 17?-diol, dihydroteelin, dihydroxyestrin, dihydroxyestratriene.

In non-pregnant women, E2 is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, and its levels depend on the specific phase of the menstrual cycle. In a pregnant woman, the main production of E2 occurs in the placenta as soon as it is formed.

Normalization of E2 levels occurs approximately five to six days after birth. And with the onset of menopause in a woman, the level of E2 decreases to the level of its concentration in men (from 19.7 to 242 pmol/l).

In addition to maintaining pregnancy, this hormone has other functions:

  • formation of internal organs and body contours according to the female type;
  • development of the female reproductive system;
  • formation of the uterus and its endometrium - the inner layer;
  • regulation of the condition of the vessels of the uterus and activation of blood circulation in them, which is extremely necessary for normal course pregnancy;
  • maintaining the activity and vitality of a woman’s body;
  • deposition of fat mass on the hips, abdomen and other places typical for women.

Blood estradiol level

As we have already said, the E2 hormone performs the function of maintaining the activity and vitality of a woman, therefore, when its level in the blood decreases, the woman begins to feel lethargic and tired, her performance decreases, and against the background of “female” problems, she may experience vaginal dryness and the inability to conceive a child.

If a woman experiences a decrease estradiol during pregnancy, then this is the first sign that the placenta is in poor condition. This state of affairs can lead to a real threat of miscarriage.

Most often in such cases, a woman is prescribed medications to replenish the amount of E2 that are presented wide range drugs - tablets, injection solutions, patches (the most frequently prescribed are Proginov and Estrofem). Also, these drugs are used when a diagnosis of “true post-term pregnancy” has been made - to stimulate the onset of labor.

If the level of this hormone increases during pregnancy, a woman experiences swelling and attacks of bad mood (nervousness, irritability). The advantage of increased E2 levels is that it increases blood clotting ability, which is quite important for reducing blood loss during childbirth.

One thing can be said: an increase in E2 levels during pregnancy does not pose any particular danger, unlike its decrease. In addition, an increase in its concentration can be caused by taking certain medications, as well as by exceeding normal weight a woman’s body (fat cells also produce E2).

Blood test for estradiol

If your gynecologist considers it necessary to prescribe a blood test for E2, take the preparation for blood donation responsibly! Otherwise, the analysis result will be false.

The rules to follow are the following:

  • You should donate blood in the morning (maximum before lunch);
  • before donating blood (one day before), you should not eat fatty foods, smoke, drink alcohol, have sex, do hard work or exercise;
  • do not be nervous and do not overstimulate the nervous system (even with pleasant impressions);
  • if you are taking medications or biological active additives to food (dietary supplements), do not forget to inform your doctor about this - usually you should stop using them two days before the test (unless, of course, the patient’s life and health depend on their intake).

Remember that violation of at least one of the listed rules can distort the results of the analysis - then you will either have to retake it, or you may be prescribed treatment that is inadequate for your case.

Depending on the capabilities and technical equipment of the diagnostic laboratory, there is a measurement of E2 level in two units of measurement - pmol/l (a more generalized result) and pg/ml (a more accurate result).

Approximate standards for both options are shown in the following table:

All about the norm of estradiol in women by day of the cycle, during pregnancy and menopause

These female hormones...

The question is multifaceted. Some will say it's a cute face or beautiful figure, another will remember burning huts and horses. Well, when doctors answer, they will authoritatively point to estradiol, which turns an angular teenager first into a charming girl, and then into a young mother. Almost all processes occurring in the reproductive system are affected by estradiol. The norm in women can vary both within physiological and pathological limits. Therefore further we'll talk about what kind of hormone this is and what values ​​of estradiol levels are normal relative to life cycle on which the organism is located.

Feminine hormone

The amount of hormones and other biologically active substances in human body impresses with its diversity. Some of them are absolutely unique, others have one or even several analogues with similar action. This is how estradiol relates to steroid hormones, which are normally responsible for proper development reproductive system in women.

Estradiol is the most strong representative group of estrogens, which also includes the hormones estriol and estrone. In addition to estrogens, progesterone, LH and FSH are responsible for the adequate development and functioning of the female reproductive system.

This hormone is usually secreted by the ovaries, but in small quantities it can also be synthesized by the adrenal glands.

In males, estradiol is also normally produced, but by the testes and adrenal glands and in much smaller quantities.

It is worth noting that in postmenopausal women, the level of estradiol normally decreases, which often leads to unpleasant sensations, hot flashes, decreased libido, destabilization and/or development of some chronic diseases(IHD, thyroid diseases, osteoporosis, etc.)

Estradiol and the menstrual cycle

Estradiol and other estrogens can stimulate a woman’s ovary, awakening one of the follicles to grow. From day one monthly cycle, the level of this hormone increases, which causes not only the development of the egg, but also the growth of a special layer in the uterus - the endometrium, to which, in the event of conception, the embryo will attach. After a couple of weeks, estradiol levels reach maximum values ​​and lead to ovulation.

Ovulation is the moment of rupture of the follicle membrane and the release of an egg. Subsequently, it is captured by the fimbriae fallopian tubes and along one of them descends into the uterine cavity.

After this, the woman’s body is in “standby mode” for pregnancy for another two weeks. The level of estradiol decreases slightly, but since another hormone, progesterone, is in the lead at this time, the endometrium continues to grow and libido increases. In the vast majority of cycles, pregnancy does not occur, and the concentrations of both hormones decrease quite sharply, causing rejection of the enlarged endometrium and menstruation. That is why during the cycle the norm of estradiol, as well as other hormones that regulate female reproductive system, can vary widely:

Table 1. Values ​​of indicators by phase of the menstrual cycle Cycle phase Norm, pg/ml Expansion phase (1-14 days) Characterized by levels within a wide range, and in the first 7 days the indicators will be closer to the lower limit. 57.7 - 226 These are peak indicators, the norm in these days highest.127.5 – 475 Normally occurs when the concentration of estradiol in a woman’s body is in the following range 77.5 – 278

Estradiol during pregnancy | My pregnancy

Estradiol is the most active hormone of pregnancy; during pregnancy, its level is taken into account. Moreover, it is a strong female hormone, under its influence the formation of a woman’s figure, internal organs, and reproductive system occurs. It predetermines sexual behavior, a woman’s attraction, it is responsible for reproductive function, and regulates the menstrual cycle. Estradiol is also responsible for the deposition of fat in problem areas. A woman cannot become pregnant if her estradiol levels are low.

The level of estradiol in women is extremely important. The male body also produces estradiol, only in small quantities. In addition, if a man can also experience a decreased level of this hormone, then we are talking about infertility. In women during pregnancy, estradiol levels reach maximum levels. It grows gradually, and after childbirth it returns to normal. With age, the level of estradiol in the blood decreases. The placenta produces it, in large quantities, as labor approaches.

Estradiol during pregnancy

Estradiol is of great importance during pregnancy. This is the second hormone that is responsible for bearing the fetus. During 9 months of pregnancy, it helps the development and growth of the uterus, helps improve the condition of the vessels of the uterus, and normalize blood circulation. Esradiol increases blood clotting, this is very important during childbirth, as the risk of bleeding is reduced. The behavior and character of a woman changes under the influence of estradiol. Nervousness and irritability - increased levels of estradiol during pregnancy are responsible for these feelings. Even swelling occurs due to increased levels of estradiol.

With excess weight, the amount of this hormone increases, it is provoked by fat cells. This is also affected by medications. A reduced level of estradiol is undesirable, as there is a risk of pregnancy.

An insufficient amount of estradiol is evidence of a threat of miscarriage. Decreased estradiol levels - lethargy, fatigue, decreased performance. To prevent troubles, you should carefully monitor the level of estradiol in a pregnant woman. Estradiol levels can be determined by a blood test. In order for the analysis results to be correct, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Donate blood in the morning, in the morning;
  2. Take the test on an empty stomach;
  3. The day before donating blood, it is necessary to exclude physical activity, sports, and sex;
  4. You cannot smoke or drink alcohol before taking the test;
  5. Avoid nervous tension and excitability.

If these rules are not followed, the test results will be affected. Warn your doctor if you are taking any medications; there may be indications for stopping them before taking the test. If the result of the analysis is a reduced level of estradiol, then it is artificially increased with the help of medications. Depending on the diagnosis, the form of the drug is selected - capsules, vaginal balls, patches, injections. Estradiol drugs are used to stimulate labor if the due date has already arrived, but contractions do not come. Medicines are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

  • Benefits of Pregnancy (2) Are there any benefits to pregnancy? This may seem strange to some, but there really are benefits from pregnancy. This is the very first
  • Low placentation during pregnancy (0) Low placentation during pregnancy is the location of the placenta below 5 cm from the outlet of the uterus, that is, very close to it. This diagnosis is made
  • (2) In order for the baby to be born healthy and strong without threatening the health of the mother, it is necessary to prepare for pregnancy in advance. Planning
  • (4) Toxicosis in early pregnancy manifests itself as nausea, drowsiness or insomnia. This condition is usually called early

Progesterone in early pregnancy

Signs can also be observed in those who have not previously known problems with the volume of this hormone. But if a woman had difficulties with her cycle or conception, she will almost certainly have a difficult pregnancy. IN in this case low progesterone during pregnancy, the symptoms of which are not obvious, should be revealed by the results of a blood test for hormones.

A pregnant woman undergoes serious changes in her body, so the appearance of the described symptoms may not be related to hormone levels. Therefore, a lack of progesterone during early pregnancy should be monitored by a doctor.

If the analysis confirms concerns, the doctor will prescribe therapy that replenishes the volume of the substance. Using medications accurately selected by a specialist, many women managed to safely bear and give birth to healthy children.

High progesterone levels: what do they mean?

Increased progesterone during early pregnancy is observed much less frequently. IN best case scenario this is evidence of multiple births. Naturally, two or three embryos require more effort from the body to develop than one. Hence the increase in the substance index.

Progesterone during early pregnancy that is higher than normal may be a sign of kidney pathology in the mother, abnormalities in the formation of the placenta (hydatidiform mole), and disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal glands. Therefore, you should not strive to accumulate this hormone “in reserve”; this indicator also requires adjustment.

Excess progesterone during pregnancy has the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • increased fatigue;
  • bleeding and a disproportionately enlarged uterus, if the cause of increased hormone values ​​is a problem in the development of the placenta. This sign does not always exist;
  • drowsiness;
  • heartburn, problems with digesting food, bloating;
  • constipation.

Most of the symptoms are observed during a normal pregnancy. That is why in its initial period it is so important to take hormone tests and be examined in general. It should be remembered that taking certain medications can change the diagnostic results, so it is important to consult a doctor before taking the test.

How to correct progesterone deficiency and excess

To successfully carry a child, low progesterone during early pregnancy must be raised. Often, specialists prescribe the drug Duphaston for this, which contains the necessary substance created artificially. It will help if the indicator numbers do not differ much from normal. Its analogue is Utrozhestan, which has vegetable origin and therefore sometimes the most preferable. Both products can be taken either orally or vaginally.

To raise progesterone, injections during early pregnancy are more effective, especially when a high level of threat of interruption is detected. The drug quickly reaches the blood, removing dangerous symptoms. Already an hour after injection into the muscle, the volume of the hormone is normalized, and after 6 hours it is maximum. A specialist should prescribe injections based not only on the existing need, but also on the possible negative consequences for the mother. Progesterone in ampoules can harm those who have increased viscosity blood, diabetes, bronchial asthma, cardiovascular diseases or chronic renal failure. Otherwise, treatment with it is safe, quite easily tolerated, and in order for the drug to dissolve faster, the ampoule is warmed in the hands for some time before injection.

Therapy for an increased hormone level should be focused on eliminating the cause that caused it.

Is it dangerous to take progesterone?

Some women take medications during the planning stage of conception to help the body prepare for pregnancy and pregnancy. It should be remembered that increased content this hormone can also cause complications. For example, the probability of occurrence increases ectopic pregnancy due to decreased motility of the fallopian tubes. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe treatment.

An increased risk of taking progesterone is observed in the first 4 months of pregnancy. This hormone, entering the body artificially, can provoke various malformations of the fetus. However, if a woman does not have enough of this hormone, the possible risks should be compared with the expected effect of treatment. No doctor will risk the possibility of miscarriage if the hormone level in the expectant mother is significantly reduced.

If progesterone levels in early pregnancy have stabilized during treatment, it is still necessary to carefully monitor hormone levels until delivery.

If a woman does not want to keep the child, it is possible to use progesterone to terminate an early pregnancy. The procedure is called " medical abortion“and is as follows: a pregnant woman takes a progesterone antagonist (mifepristone), which blocks the action of the “pregnancy hormone”. Because of this, the nutrition of the fetal egg is disrupted and a miscarriage occurs.

How else is pregnancy regulated at the initial stage?

You should not think that progesterone alone will make it possible for the expectant mother to cope with the many months of work. The activity of the body in any period of life and position cannot be accomplished without the management of other substances. In anticipation of a new addition to the family, many of them change quantitatively. Hormones during early pregnancy are produced not only by the endocrine glands and reproductive organs. On initial stage the following changes are recorded:

  • The pituitary gland works more intensely, suppressing the production of FSH and LH. During the entire period of pregnancy, the new reproductive cell does not mature, and there are no menstruation. But the production of prolactin increases. The substance is responsible for subsequent production breast milk, which contributes to changes in the mammary glands from the very beginning.
  • The hormones that ensure the functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands also increase quantitatively in the early stages of pregnancy. And they determine the healthy gestation and development of the embryo.
  • The placenta adds free estriol and lactogen to the blood. Their level determines the likelihood of the baby developing chromosomal abnormalities, blood supply to the uterine tissue, and dilation of the mammary gland ducts.
  • The amount of estradiol increases, which allows you to carry a child to term normally. It is now produced not only by the ovaries, but also by the placenta. Estradiol at the initial stage of pregnancy should be present in the body in required quantity, otherwise it will not be possible to deliver it, despite the optimal amount of progesterone.

HCG and early pregnancy

Based on the results of the analysis, a new substance is discovered - human chorionic gonadotropin person. This hormone helps to accurately determine pregnancy in the early stages. It is produced by the fetal membrane immediately after implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. The amount of progesterone and estrogen largely depends on the amount of hCG. If there is a deficiency, the likelihood of interruption becomes closer than ever.

The longer the pregnancy, the higher the hCG values ​​should become. Therefore, throughout the entire period of time, one has to take a hormone test more than once. Thanks to this feature, a specialist can easily establish not only the fact of the existence of a new life, but also the period. HCG also makes it known about irreparable defects in the formation of the fetus, which will allow it to be interrupted in time. Its differences from normal values ​​may be evidence of multiple pregnancy, diabetes mellitus in a woman, which sometimes manifests itself against the background of a new condition, or an ectopic pregnancy.

Timely monitoring of hCG and progesterone levels in early pregnancy will help assess general state body, choose correct methods treatment if necessary. You shouldn’t prescribe therapy on your own - you can aggravate the situation and provoke various kinds complications (up to miscarriage). Following the doctor's recommendations will help improve the well-being of the pregnant woman and prevent unwanted consequences.

More about estradiol

This substance, in fact, makes a woman such. It participates in the formation of her reproductive system, the outline of her figure, regulates the menstrual cycle and sexual desire.

Estradiol is so necessary during early pregnancy that the placenta also joins its production by the ovaries. The growth of the uterus and optimal blood circulation in its vessels to nourish the fetus depend on it. A special feature of estradiol is that it can also be produced adipose tissue. If a woman has excess weight, it is natural that his indicators will be noticeably higher than normal. But this is not so bad for pregnancy, although it makes you feel worse due to the retention of fluid and salt in the tissues.

Low estradiol in early pregnancy is much more dangerous. It means a problem with the fetal membrane, which is needed to protect and nourish the embryo. And this leads to a shortage of necessary compounds, oxygen. The most negative consequence low estradiol is a miscarriage. The placenta, not receiving sufficient nutrition, exfoliates, and the fetus is brought out.

All these reasons require maintaining the required volume of estradiol during pregnancy; the norms in the table will help you know it exactly.