How to choose nutrition based on your body type. By degree of obesity. Exceeding normal* body weight

This disease is caused by excess fat deposition in the human body (tissues, fiber, organs). Exceeding the normal weight by 20 percent or more indicates a problem that needs to be dealt with. The disease is diagnosed at any age and occurs in both men and women. The main reason in 90% of cases is excess food consumption, overeating. The development of the disease is facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle and health problems (metabolic disorders, endocrine diseases).

Types of obesity

In medicine, diseases are usually classified according to various criteria: location of fat deposition, body mass index, causes of development, etc. Distribution into categories helps build correct scheme treatment. Main classifications of the disease:

  • by BMI (body mass index);
  • etiopathogenetic (based on the causes and mechanism of development of the disease);
  • clinical and pathogenetic (according to mechanisms leading to fat deposits);
  • at the site of fat deposition;
  • morphological (by type of change in adipose tissue).

Classification due to the development of obesity

According to this classification, primary and secondary obesity are distinguished. The distribution into categories is based on the causes and mechanisms influencing the development of the disease. Nutritional obesity (primary) is:

  • associated with disorders of the food system;
  • associated with nervous disorders, stress;
  • triggered by metabolic complications.

Symptomatic secondary obesity caused by diseases and syndromes is often observed. There are 4 types of pathology:

  • hereditary (with genetic predisposition);
  • pituitary, associated with disorders hormonal levels, for endocrine diseases;
  • medicinal, caused by taking hormones, steroids, etc. medicines;
  • exogenous-constitutional (for metabolic pathologies);
  • cerebral obesity associated with brain problems.

Classification by type of fat deposition in the body

An examination of overweight patients made it clear to doctors that fat deposition in the body is not evenly distributed. Thus, in medicine, this disease was structured according to the localization of the fat layer in the body. According to this classification, there are:

  1. Android type. The patient's upper body, abdomen, face, and arms become enlarged. This type is found mainly among representatives of the stronger sex. It may also be observed abdominal obesity By male type in women who are entering menopause.
  2. Gynoid type – accumulation of fat in the lower part of the body (hips, buttocks), while the figure takes on a “pear” shape. Gynoid obesity female type promotes the development of diseases of the spine and joints of the lower extremities.
  3. Mixed type diseases. Subcutaneous body fat distributed evenly over the body, the figure takes the shape of an “apple”; the lines of the upper torso, waist, buttocks and hips are at the same level.
  4. Visceral obesity in women is the deposition of fat cells in the internal organs.

Morphological classification of obesity

This classification examines the behavior of adipocytes (fat cells) in the body of a sick person. Their quality and quantitative changes. According to morphological classification, there are 3 types of disease:

  • Hypertrophic. The size of adipocytes changes, but the number of fat cells remains unchanged.
  • Hyperplastic. The number of fat cells in the body increases.
  • Mixed. Fat cells not only grow in number, but also change in size.

Obesity levels

Body mass index (BMI) is used to determine the extent of the disease. This criterion is calculated by the formula: body weight in kg divided by height (in meters) squared. For example, if you weigh 60 kg and are 1.70 m tall, then the calculations will be: 60 / (1.70 * 1.70) = 20.7. The classification of obesity by BMI includes 3 degrees (last 3 lines in the table):

Dependence of health on body weight

Indicator (BMI)

Lack of weight

Women – below 19; men – less than 20

Women – 19-24; men – 20-25

Overweight (pre-obesity)

Women – 25-30; men – 26-30


1st degree

2nd degree

3rd degree

Classification of obesity in children

It is considered pathological for a child to be overweight by 15% or more than recommended for his age. Types of obesity in children are divided into primary and secondary. The first is caused, as a rule, by early complementary feeding, replacement mother's milk cow or goat; observed in children who often overeat. The basis of the second type is the presence of endocrine diseases. Gradation of pathology in children (by degrees):

  1. The child's weight exceeds the norm by 15-24%.
  2. Excess weight ranges from 25 to 49% of normal.
  3. Body weight is 50-99% more than normal.
  4. The most severe degree is weight at least 2 times more than the required norm.


Primary signs excess weight the patient is not always encouraged to see a doctor and start treatment. Often, plus-size people do not consider themselves fat, and therefore do not consult doctors. To begin the diagnosis, you need to calculate your body mass index and determine whether there really is a problem with excess weight. It is also necessary to take into account the constitutional features of the body, muscle structure.

Once you are sure that there are deviations from the norm, consult a doctor. Now in medicine there are several methods for detecting obesity:

  1. Calculation by body mass index. The method is considered the most popular, but has a significant drawback - there is no accounting individual characteristics body structure.
  2. Measuring hip and waist circumference. The method allows you to determine the volume of visceral fat.
  3. Anthropometric. With this method, the thickness of subcutaneous fat is determined using a special device - a caliper.
  4. Photometry. Using a fiber optic sensor, the ratio of fat and water components of the body is measured.
  5. Hydrostatic. The method is based on comparing the difference in body weight under water and on land.


At the first signs of illness, make an appointment with an endocrinologist who deals with the problem of excess weight. The doctor will conduct an examination, give advice, and, if necessary, write a referral to other specialists (gastroenterologist, gynecologist, nutritionist). Psychologists and psychotherapists also help people with overweight using different techniques coding, psychological programs.

When treating overweight patients, the following methods are used:

All types of obesity are treated according to a specific program, so it is always better to seek help from specialists. For example, exogenous constitutional obesity is treated under the watchful supervision of a doctor, using psychotherapy and physiotherapy. For the exogenous type, a low-calorie diet, taking special supplements and medications, and mandatory consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables are recommended. With the gynoid type, carbohydrates are actively consumed, physical activity should be small but long-lasting.

Photos of female obesity in men


The female body is more likely than the male body to accumulate subcutaneous fat; in modern medicine there is even such a thing as abdominal obesity of one degree. With this pathology, the belly of a representative of the fairer sex grows, and this abnormal process is in no way related to the progressing pregnancy. Studying everything in detail existing types obesity in women, it becomes clear that excess weight leads to health problems.

What is obesity in women

In abdominal obesity, the concentration predominates internal fat, which is officially called visceral. During its formation, a serious threat arises for all abdominal organs, since their usual work becomes noticeably more complicated. Gradually developing chronic diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalance is possible. Yes, no time healthy cells internal organs degenerate into adipose tissue. Therefore, female obesity is not only an aesthetic defect.

Causes of obesity in women

This health problem can occur at any age, and together with the genetic factor, it predominates even in children and adolescents. So that the result of a therapeutic diet and other therapeutic activities turned out to be productive, it is important to find out the etiology pathological process, eliminate the main provoking factors. The reasons why fat deposition is observed in the peritoneal organs are presented below:

  • prolonged stress;
  • excess fatty foods in the diet;
  • overeating of a psychogenic nature;
  • physical inactivity;
  • hormonal therapy.

Types of obesity

Fat metabolism is more often disrupted in women, and this problem may not be related to pregnancy. There are several types of obesity, and each of them indicates prevailing problems with women's health. The classification by female type is presented below:

  1. Abdominal obesity in women. The most common type with pathological weight gain in the abdomen.
  2. Obesity of the legs. Provoked endocrine diseases, excess weight is localized in the lower extremities.
  3. Android. Male-type obesity in women, when fat accumulates in the upper abdomen and chest.
  4. Mixed. The woman’s figure is covered with fat evenly, and does not stand out visually problem areas.


If a woman’s health problem already exists, its treatment depends entirely on the degree of progression of the pathological process. For example, on early stage surgery is not required, and in case of the fourth degree it cannot be avoided. So:

  • 1st degree. Exceeding the norm by 30%;
  • 2nd degree. Exceeding 30 – 50%;
  • 3rd degree. Exceeding 50 – 100%;
  • 4th degree. Exceeding the norm by 100%.

The dangers of obesity for women

You can increase physical activity, but you will not achieve the desired result. Nutritional obesity often preceded internal diseases rather than a passive lifestyle. Has a health problem hereditary predisposition, often progresses with pathologies endocrine glands. If you don’t “take a closer look” at the constant increased appetite, the following are not excluded clinical pictures:


The abdominal type of obesity requires timely correction using medication. The approach to a health problem is comprehensive, including patient motivation, adherence to a therapeutic diet, increasing physical activity, additional reception medicines. Here are valuable recommendations from competent specialists:

  1. On a diet, it is important to give up sweets, flour, fast food and smoked foods, and reduce the consumption of salt and spices.
  2. Of the effective physical activity It is recommended to choose cardio and fat burning complexes.
  3. Doctors advise that if you are overweight, spend more time on fresh air, take walks.
  4. With visual completeness Special attention pay attention to the body mass index, and control your diet as you become obese.
  5. Take tablets only on the recommendation of your doctor; it is important to exclude superficial self-medication.

Drug treatment

If there is no waist, and the figure has an “apple” type, conservative treatment with medications is not prescribed immediately. For obesity, it is appropriate to use medications if there is a positive trend within 3 months non-drug therapy completely absent. It is important to note the benefits of the following pharmacological groups and their representatives:

  • hormonal drugs(to restore the concentration of sex hormones): Fepranon, Mirapront, Desopimon;
  • Dietary supplements (based on sibutramine): Reduxin, Goldline, Meridia, Lindaxa;
  • Dietary supplements (based on orlistat): Orlistat, Xenical.

If the gynoid type of obesity predominates, doctors recommend taking the following medications full course:

  1. Fepranon. The drug has a psychostimulating effect, improves metabolism and helps reduce body weight in obesity. A single dosage is 1 tablet, the frequency of administration is up to three times a day for 1 to 6 weeks.
  2. Mirapront. Medical drug restores sexual function, recommended for obesity with internal hormonal imbalance. Take the tablets orally before meals in the morning. Single dose – 1 pill, frequency – up to 2 – 3 times per day.

Proper nutrition

It is necessary to begin treatment for women by reducing the concentration of sugar in the blood. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the dose of salt and spices, since such food ingredients interfere with the outflow of fluid and form congestion. In the photo, the women are frightening with their parameters and I mentally want to put them on a diet. basis dietary nutrition should become protein food and vegetables, fruits as sources of vitamins and antioxidants. Here are the healthy food ingredients:

  • beef, chicken, rabbit;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • lean varieties of fish;
  • vegetables, fruits, greens.

But the following foods contribute to the growth of the abdomen in relation to the volume of the hips:

  • smoked, spicy, pickled;
  • fast food;
  • soda, alcoholic drinks;
  • confectionery;
  • coffee, strong tea.

Consultation with a psychologist

Since food often becomes a way to “eat up stress and emotional overstrain,” the psychologist must explain to the patient what the dangers of such a “belly celebration” are. It would not be amiss to show photos of obese patients so that the health problem and appearance was clearly visible. If the patient is properly motivated, she will voluntarily go on a diet and seriously begin to correct her imperfect figure.

Physical exercise

If central obesity or another type of rapid weight gain progresses, the problem cannot be solved without physical activity. In addition to regular walks in the fresh air and moderate cardio exercise at home or in gym, it is recommended to focus on the following exercises:

  1. Every day, morning and evening, stand in the “plank” position, gradually increasing the time by 5 - 10 seconds and bringing it to the standard - 5 minutes.
  2. Jump rope in the morning and evening, also gradually increasing the duration of each approach.


If a sufficient amount of fat has accumulated under the skin, which is not removed by physical activity, nutritional correction and medication, it’s time to think about liposuction. This minimally invasive technique is appropriate for obesity. Its essence is this: small incisions are made on the stomach, special tubes are inserted and the fat is pumped out through them. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, does not require a long rehabilitation period. Among the disadvantages is the price.

Surgical intervention

For male-type obesity and others, it may be necessary radical methods removal of subcutaneous fat from the peritoneal area. The operation is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia and takes two weeks. rehabilitation period and psycho-emotional recovery (with the participation of a psychologist). Here are the surgical methods we are talking about:

  • installation of an intragastric balloon;
  • gastric banding;
  • vertical gastroplasty;
  • gastric bypass;
  • biliopancreatic bypass;
  • modified BPS operation.


To prevent obesity from becoming a problem, every woman should remember preventive measures and stick to them almost every day. In practice, this is as simple as shelling pears, the main thing is to develop a habit, and for patients at risk it should generally become the norm of everyday life. Here are the generally available preventive measures we are talking about:

  • healthy eating, correction of the usual diet;
  • sports, moderate cardio exercise;
  • refusal bad habits;
  • walks in the open air;
  • body weight control;
  • emotional balance;
  • control of hormonal levels, medication intake.

Photos of obesity in women


The causes in women are associated with genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance in the body, proper diet and not enough in an active way life. Let's look at each reason in detail. Let's analyze the consequences of obesity in women and how to get rid of extra pounds without harming yourself.

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A woman's genetic predisposition to obesity is a common cause. Genes are responsible for appetite and metabolism in the body, for the breakdown of fats and their distribution.

But an important role here is played by the culture of food education, family lifestyle, and food preferences. If the family eats constantly, mother makes cheesecakes every day, then it is difficult for the growing generation to form a different view of food culture.

Hormonal changes

In fact, women experience hormonal imbalances very often: teenage changes puberty, changes in pregnancy, climacteric syndrome. In addition, after thirty years a woman by nature loses muscle mass and therefore she needs less calorie consumption, and on the contrary, a lot of high-calorie food comes into her diet. Stress also plays a significant role in obesity. A woman “seizes” on her problems at work or family troubles. Stress itself causes hormonal disbalance in the body, and if you also lean on food, then obesity will definitely occur!

Pregnancy and childbirth provoke positive factor for the development of various The fact is that during pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body occur.

In order to give birth on time, and not ahead of time, production occurs large quantity female hormone– progesterone. A baby in the womb requires twice the normal caloric intake. You need to eat for two during pregnancy. When a child is born, the mother’s body experiences enormous stress, which also leads to a failure hormonal level.IN postpartum period lactation begins, this factor does not allow choosing a diet for a woman. It takes a long time to regain weight, and some will even have to resort to treatment for the disease.

Hormonal shifts are caused by: contraception such as antidepressants, diseases of the pituitary gland, neoplasms of the pancreas, diseases of the thyroid gland and tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands.

Menopause also leads to varying degrees of obesity. At this time, the endocrine system suffers, and in old age a woman has a lot of concomitant diseases. As the body wears out, it undergoes a huge load on the cardiovascular and muscular systems, metabolism suffers, which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, older people move very little.

Types of obesity and their consequences

What does obesity lead to? Different lead to various problems with health.


Most often, women suffer from abdominal problems, i.e. abdominal obesity. Fats are deposited in the abdominal area and peritoneum. This type is not difficult to determine. In the photo, people with abdominal obesity have a figure that looks like. Here only the shape of the abdomen suffers; the rest of the body is normal at this stage.

The abdominal type of fat deposition is dangerous because it leads to diabetes, pregnancy is impossible for a woman, and hence infertility.

Abdominal obesity in women can develop into– when fatty deposits appear on and around internal organs. Fat begins to localize between the fibers of the heart muscle.

Visceral obesity is seen as a threat. We cannot tell about this stage of obesity from a photo of such a person; it can be determined by taking a test and undergoing diagnostics. Changes occur inside the body of cardio-vascular system, blood sugar rises, the heart suffers. People who are sick with this type of obesity cannot fully move, and walking is difficult. long distances causes them inconvenience, causes shortness of breath and tachycardia. If obesity reaches a woman's uterus, then sex life you can forget. All these reasons lead to problems with conception, pregnancy will not be possible, there will be infertility, treatment will take a long time.

Obesity legs

Obesity of the legs (gynoid type) is obesity (lipodystrophy) and is classified as endocrine. With this disease, fat accumulates only on the abdomen, thighs and leg structure.

The figure of such people resembles a pear. It causes complications both from the cardiovascular system and skeletal system– osteoporosis, osteoarthrosis.

Sufferers of this type complain of leg diseases and the inability to move. Sometimes the fat grows to such an extent that a person cannot lift his legs without assistance. Suffering the same reproductive function– pregnancy cannot occur.

Male type

There is also android obesity- this is when fats are deposited according to the male type. In the photo, this degree can be determined by damage to such parts of the body as the upper abdomen and chest. The shape of the legs and hips remains normal, but the waist does not.


Mixed type, when fats are distributed throughout a woman’s body. Characteristic signs changes in this type of disease can be determined visually. The figure in the photo of such a person will be covered with fat deposits evenly everywhere. The shape of the abdomen, the shape of the legs, arms, back, etc. suffer.

Obesity of any type causes irreversible consequences such as diabetes, infertility, colon and small intestine cancer.

Obesity causes menstrual irregularities - amenorrhea, which leads to the fact that a woman cannot become pregnant. Infertility in obese women is 33%, compared with 18% infertility in women of normal weight.

Stages of treatment

If a woman is obese, she is prescribed diagnosis and treatment. To determine the degree of obesity, calculate (BMI), body obesity index (BII), types of obesity.


Be sure to spend laboratory test, get tested. The doctor will order blood tests for sugar and cholesterol levels.

Be sure to prescribe tests for thyroid hormones - triiodothyronine and thyrotropin. It is also important to test the blood for prolactin; perhaps a woman’s infertility lies in the deviation of this hormone from the norm.

Abdominal obesity can occur with low male hormone, which is called testosterone, so testing for its presence and levels in the blood will be useful. Depending on the test results and the degree of the disease, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Diet, exercise

For all types of obesity appoint special diets, sports exercises aimed at the entire body as a whole and at problem areas, such as the abdomen. Drug treatment must be prescribed.

For hormonal obesity if there are testosterone deviations from the norm, a diet is prescribed where the restriction will be included. If these are the degrees of obesity at which endocrine system disorders occur, then a diet with sugar restriction will be prescribed.

Daily regime, active sport, a swimming pool and daily walks will become an obligatory part of the life of an obese patient.

In case of obesity due to a genetic factor They also select a diet, the Doctor will definitely tell you about the correct nutritional culture, prescribe sports, and prescribe the woman medications that reduce the feeling of hunger. Although it is very difficult to fight genetic obesity, since the factor of abnormal life activity, instilled from childhood, is added.

In order not to bring the disease to a more severe degree, a woman can change her diet in a positive direction for her health. Try to replace high-calorie foods with healthy vegetables and fruits. Replace large portions of food with small ones. You may not be able to lose weight to your desired weight, but stopping fat growth is quite possible. This way, many complications will be avoided.


Drug treatment: they are prescribed to either reduce the hormone or increase it. Depending on the level, its balance is restored. For the treatment of female obesity, which provoked the factor poor nutrition and inactivity, therapy is used, as for genetic obesity. Except drug treatment a nutritionist can refer a woman to a psychologist, as this is an integral part of therapy.

Consultation with a psychologist

Mostly women start because of a poor psychological microclimate, which is facilitated by loneliness or separation from their spouse. In these cases, food for a woman serves as a substitute for joyful emotions. A diet prescribed by a doctor can cause even more stress for a woman, so the problem of obesity must also be solved on a psychological level.

In cases where neither medications, nor sports, nor diets help, for obesity of 3 and 4 degrees, use surgical method treatment.


Liposuction, where fat accumulated under the skin is removed. Gastric banding, when a band is inserted into the stomach, thereby changing its shape. After surgery, a woman will definitely need a period of rehabilitation, which will be aimed at maintaining psychological and emotional background women, as well as establishing the right nutritional culture and lifestyle.

Abdominal obesity is a disease in which excess fat is concentrated in the abdomen and upper torso. The disease develops when a large number of calories from food are unspent and are safely deposited as fat.

Causes of the disease

If you are overweight, a layer of adipose tissue is deposited on the surface of the internal organs and is called visceral. Visceral fat tightly envelops the internal organs, compresses, and impedes normal functioning. Adipose tissue is penetrated by blood vessels through which the hormone produced by the cells is carried. This hormone responds to nervous stress and contributes to carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

The causes of the disease are:

  • Binge eating;
  • Physical inactivity;
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Diseases of the nervous system (stress, psychosis, panic attack);
  • Side effects after taking medications (hormones, tranquilizers, antidepressants);
  • Hereditary predisposition.

Types of visceral obesity

  • Obesity of the heart. Fat envelops the heart sac, and cardiac activity is impaired.
  • Fatty liver (fatty hepatosis). Leads to disruption of bile formation and detoxification harmful substances in organism.
  • Fatty kidneys. A dense layer of fat disrupts urinary function and urine stagnation occurs. As a consequence, the formation of stones, infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.
  • Obesity of the pancreas leads to disruption of the digestive system.

There are two stages of visceral obesity: progressive and stable. With a progressive stage, a steady weight gain is observed, with a stable stage, the gained weight remains unchanged.

Calculation of normal body weight. Obesity levels

To find out what weight is normal, use a simple formula: Height (cm) – 100 = normal weight. Example: 189cm-100=89, that is, with a height of 189 cm, the weight should ideally be 89 kg. The permissible error is 8-10 units. Based on this formula, 4 degrees of obesity are distinguished:

1st degree. Excess body weight is 8-10 kg. The disease does not cause any inconvenience for humans. During physical activity, shortness of breath appears, which quickly goes away with rest.

2nd degree.
Weight exceeds the norm by 10-15 kg. Shortness of breath and sweating appear even with minor physical activity. My legs get tired quickly and swell in the evening. The human figure undergoes changes, visible fat deposits appear on the stomach and arms.

3rd degree. Excess body weight is 50% or more of normal weight. Increased workload on the heart and lower limbs negatively affects human mobility. Physical activity reduced to a minimum.

4th degree. Very rare. A person's excess weight exceeds normal weight by 4-5 times. The patient practically does not move and cannot care for himself. The load on the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs is catastrophic. Without medical care the person dies.

Symptoms of abdominal obesity

The disease manifests itself unnoticed. At first, excess weight is perceived calmly and is attributed to a “nervous lifestyle.” At this time, visceral fat gradually accumulates on the stomach, arms, chest, and envelops the internal organs. Visceral fat begins to produce a hormone that increases appetite. Its cells reduce the sensitivity of organs to insulin, which creates the preconditions for the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. Appetite increases, preference is given to spicy, fatty, fried food, sweets.

Fat storage varies slightly between men and women.

How does it manifest in women?

In women, fat deposits accumulate mainly in the waist, hips, and buttocks (the so-called “bear ears”).

In men, the belly begins to grow first. Due to a calm and satisfying lifestyle, visceral fat is deposited in the omentum area. The so-called “beer belly” appears. Belly fat grows, man leads sedentary image life, the belly grows even more...From this vicious circle There is only one way out - diet and sports.

In stable stages of 3rd and 4th degree obesity, the signs of the disease are more pronounced:

Why is it dangerous?

According to medical research, people with abdominal obesity increased risk formation metabolic syndrome(insulin resistance), when the body's cells become tolerant to glucose. In advanced cases, the formation of diabetes mellitus is also possible.

In addition to hyperglycemia, abdominal obesity often results in increased levels of lipids in the blood, and also low-density lipoproteins ( bad cholesterol). With an excess of low-density lipoproteins, so-called cholesterol plaques, as a result of which the threat of the formation of atherosclerotic changes, stroke and myocardial infarction sharply increases.

For women, abdominal obesity is also dangerous because it causes the production of male sex hormones, which are synthesized in the ovaries and adrenal cortex. As a result of this hormonal imbalance Women develop hirsutism - male pattern hair growth. In addition, with high production of male sex hormones, the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

The main goal of combating obesity is to eliminate visceral fat from the body.

To establish accurate diagnosis the doctor prescribes comprehensive examination, carefully collects anamnesis and, if necessary, refers you for consultation to other specialists.

In case of problems hormonal function body, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. Based on the results of the analysis, hormonal medications are prescribed.

Raising blood sugar serves a worrying sign onset of a disease such as diabetes. Part complex treatment drugs that lower blood glucose are administered. In such cases, it is necessary to fight the cause (disease), and not the consequence (excess weight).

If obesity is hereditary, treatment methods are developed together with an endocrinologist and immunologist.

Obesity treatment

The pharmaceutical industry offers wide choose medications to reduce excess weight. They differ in effectiveness and method of application:

  • to reduce appetite;
  • causing a feeling of satiety;
  • increasing energy consumption;
  • promoting the rapid breakdown of fats in the body.

Medicines are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. You can choose only tea for weight loss on your own.


This surgery, during which fat is pumped out from problem areas of the body. Shown in severe cases(obesity stage 3-4). The operation is simple and takes place under general anesthesia. Up to 6 kg of fat is pumped out in one session. Working capacity is restored within a day. For achievement best effect It is advisable to wear special underwear for 3 months.

If serious violations organs and systems are not observed, a comprehensive weight loss program is being developed. It includes therapeutic nutrition, physical exercise, consultation with a psychotherapist.

First of all, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of high-calorie foods.

Excluded from the diet:

The daily diet should include:

  • vegetables fruits;
  • black bread;
  • honey (as a sugar substitute);
  • dairy products;
  • lean meat;
  • fish;
  • greenery;
  • eggs;
  • the vinaigrette.

A nutritionist will help you create a menu for each day. You need to eat often (5-6 times a day), in small portions(portion no more than 250 grams). At night, be sure to drink a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt.

Once a week is required fasting days(apple, curd, meat, rice, fruit, dairy).

However, without physical activity, the results of treatment will be insignificant.

To reduce excess weight, it is necessary that the energy supplied from food is not only completely wasted, but also that its deficiency is felt. In such cases, physical education comes to the rescue.

Correctly selected set of exercises:

The set of exercises is compiled according to the principle “from easy to difficult”:

  1. The initial stage includes more exercises for warming up, stretching, developing joints, and bending in different directions.
  2. Subsequently, exercises are added: walking, easy running, squats, jumping in place.
  3. And only then can you do abdominal pumping, push-ups, sprinting, and so on.
  4. To consolidate the results, it is useful to take up swimming, cycling, tennis, and Nordic walking.

Unconventional methods of treatment

Such methods include acupuncture, Russian bath, sauna.

Acupuncture has been successfully used to treat abdominal obesity. Thanks to activation biological points, the body's metabolic process intensifies, weight slowly but steadily falls. The procedure is a little painful. Special needles are inserted into certain points of the body for several minutes. The effect exceeds all expectations. What is important is that this procedure has virtually no side effects.

The effect of baths and saunas is based on the evaporation of fluid from the body. Heat activates in the steam room metabolic processes, promotes fat melting and excretion excess water from the body. It’s not for nothing that the Russian bathhouse is called “the healer of body and soul.”

It is worth considering that visiting the steam room is contraindicated for a number of diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious skin diseases (eczema, rubella, chickenpox);
  • fungal diseases.

You can learn more about abdominal obesity in the following video:

Obesity is curable. The main thing is that a person finds the strength to change his lifestyle and strictly follows the doctor’s recommendations.

In contact with

The types of obesity depend on certain factors that need to be classified. Classification of types - development of research centers, institutes and laboratories different countries. For successful treatment A patient with obesity must first determine its type.

Classification of obesity types:

  • For the reasons for the formation of the disease;
  • According to the characteristics of adipose tissue;
  • According to the location of fat deposits on the body;
  • According to the stages of the disease.

Based on the reasons for its formation, the disease is divided into two types – primary and secondary. By primary we mean eating disorders, and under secondary all the rest, caused by genetic predisposition or concomitant diseases.


The primary type is also called "sugar" and is a consequence of wrong image life and nutritional disorders. What happens is that you consume more calories than your body can burn, so the excess calories turn into body fat. But there is no way to eat less. And it's not bad habits, but dependence. What happens to a person is called “eating disorders”; it is not bad behavior, but a disease that has its roots in the emotional sphere.

Eating disorders or addictions are always caused by psycho-emotional stress, which indicates quite serious problems psycho-emotional state of a person.

The sugar type is not taken seriously; it is supposedly easier to deal with than smoking or alcohol addiction. But is this really so? Of course not. It is even customary to laugh at excess weight, as if it were not a disease at all, but just a set of bad habits. But in fact, the opposite is true - eating disorders cause personality changes.

Though nutritional type The disease does not manifest itself immediately and does not cause such harm as drug addiction or gambling addiction, but it also has powerful emotional anchors.

A person gets used to the fact that after stress, the only way to relieve stress is food. Nothing else helps relieve tension. Every time you quarrel with a colleague or lose your keys, your appetite awakens from the resulting stress and your gastric juice and saliva. And so on at the slightest trouble. Who doesn't get into trouble? It follows that excess weight due to eating disorders must be dealt with on the same basis as addictions, and there is no shame in seeking help from specialists.

Eating disorders may not be too much of a concern at first, but advanced stage the disease becomes truly life-threatening. Therefore, eating disorders must be treated immediately, without shelving and without relying on the Russian “Maybe”!


In the case of secondary obesity, patients are diagnosed with the presence of some other disease; its symptom is overweight bodies. To identify the presence of a secondary, and not primary disease a lot of research may be required. If it is not possible to identify any other ailments other than excess weight, then by exclusion it is classified as primary. Secondary is also called symptomatic and there are five types of it:

  • Cerebral or hypothalamic (various tumors brain; consequences of head injuries, infectious diseases or surgical intervention, as well as “empty sella” syndrome). For example, in the pituitary type of disease the cause is a disease of the brain; it is common mainly among young people under 25 years of age.
  • Endocrine(changes caused by tumors of the adrenal cortex; pathological decline the level of various hormones responsible for metabolism in the body; the onset of menopause in women).
  • Due to congenital pathologies (due to genetic diseases responsible for metabolic energy processes in the body).
  • On the background taking antipsychotics and/or the presence of mental illness.
  • Caused taking medications(medicinal).

About 25-30% of people worldwide are overweight. Of these, only 5% are classified as secondary obesity, and the remaining 95% suffer from a primary type of disease due to eating disorders.

According to the characteristics of fat deposits

Fat cells are called adipocytes. With obesity they change; their changes can be quantitative, qualitative or mixed. By morphological features There are three types of obesity:

  • Hyperplastic (the number of fat cells increases);
  • Hypertrophic (the size of fat cells increases);
  • Mixed (both the number and size of cells grow at the same time).

In childhood and adolescence, the disease proceeds according to the hyperplastic type. In children, the amount of adipose tissue increases due to the appearance of a large number of new fat cells. With this type of excess weight it will be quite difficult.

In adults, on the contrary, hypertrophic obesity is observed, in which the cells themselves grow, and not their total number. In patients with significant excess weight, symptoms are expressed: fast fatiguability, headaches and various body pains, disorders gastrointestinal tract, insomnia.

According to the location of fat deposits on the body

There are 6 types of obesity based on body type, but more often only three are distinguished:

  1. Obesity of the female type or pear type (gynoid);
  2. Male type obesity, also called apple (android);
  3. Mixed (fat is distributed evenly).
  • We recommend reading:

Gynoid obesity is deposits in the lower body region: thighs, lower abdomen, legs and buttocks. All fat accumulates under the skin; fat is not deposited (on internal organs). is not as dangerous and occurs in women with normal hormonal function.

Android type, also called the abdominal type of obesity, is characterized by the distribution of fat not only under the skin, but also on the internal organs (visceral) of the upper body according to the “apple” type. TO visceral obesity men are more predisposed. Visceral fat aggravates the functioning of internal organs, so it is advisable to quickly get rid of such fat before serious problems with the heart and other vital organs begin.

It can also be a female type or a male type. The mixed type of obesity is not striking due to the special disproportions of the upper and lower parts torso, since fat is deposited equally throughout the body.

6 types of obesity by body type

In a program about the problems of excess weight, Elena Malysheva spoke about new types: estrogen, testosterone, stress and sugar. These types are distinguished by their characteristic disproportion of fat deposits, which are immediately visible to the naked eye. So, what types of obesity are there, along with those listed by Elena Malysheva?

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There are 6 types of obesity based on body type:

  1. Sugar type– a disease manifested in an even distribution of fat in men and women can be caused by frequent overeating or brain diseases (as in the pituitary type of obesity).
  2. Central obesity when fat appears in the lower abdomen, sides and lower back. The reasons for this are considered to be eating disorders plus frequent stress, constant feeling anxiety that needs to be addressed. They eat stress most often with sweets, which are instantly digested and stored in the “nervous tummy.” This type of obesity is also called “sugar obesity.”
  3. Estrogen type secreted by fatty deposits on the thighs and buttocks.
  4. Testosterone type is formed due to a lack of testosterone production in the body of men and women. With this type, fat constantly grows, replacing muscle tissue.
  5. Obesity venous system genetic predisposition, which in women is aggravated by pregnancy. Fat accumulates in the legs of men or women, causing swelling and varicose veins.
  6. Obesity of inactivity is a consequence of a sharp decrease in physical activity in athletes or people engaged in heavy physical labor, localization of fat in the abdomen and chest.

By degree of obesity

You can live well with excess weight at the beginning, so obese people continue to carry extra pounds or even tens of kilograms of fat and do not go to the doctor for help, as if nothing is happening. At severe degrees excess weight, the disease becomes dangerous to life and health. Let's figure out what the differences are between them.

  1. First degree excess weight is considered to be 25-30% more than normal. (BMI) for women is 28-30 and 30-32 for men. Symptoms: depression, complexes, irritability and increased emotionality.
  2. Second degree It is generally accepted that weight gain increases by 30-50%. This condition is already difficult to label as healthy, because it is accompanied by various unpleasant complications, such as: frequent shortness of breath at low loads, tachycardia, swelling of the legs, varicose veins and increased sweating.
  3. At 3 degrees comes serious condition with excess body weight from 50 to 100%. With every new one extra kilos literally the number of remaining years of life decreases. Complications become acute: joint problems, varicose veins, swelling, heart pain, tachycardia, shortness of breath, decreased performance. This degree of obesity does not occur in children.
  4. Fourth degree The most resilient people become overweight; the rest don’t live to see it at all. It is characterized by an increase in body weight by more than 2 times. Such patients are no longer able not only to work, but even to move without assistance.

The main thing to combat each type of obesity is to have a good understanding of their classification in order to determine what measures need to be taken to successfully treat it. Try not to let the disease take its course, because excess weight problems will accumulate and intensify, like a snowball.