What are the dangers for an expectant mother sleeping on her back? Why pregnant women shouldn't sleep on their backs

The pregnancy period is not only joyful memories, but also a testing time for every woman. After all, you have to change your daily routine, habits and lifestyle. And add to this the fact that in the last stages you have to look for comfortable position to sleep well. After all, sleep plays a huge role in the development of a baby.

So how to find comfortable position so that it is not dangerous for mother and child?

Every mother knows how difficult it is to find a comfortable sleeping position, especially on last date pregnancy. Either my stomach is pulling and bothering me, or my legs are numb, and then I have to get up to go to the toilet ten times a night. After all bladder cannot come to terms with the fact that he is limited in space.

Some find salvation in special pillows, others do not experience any discomfort at all and sleep in any position. Some people only sleep on their backs. But recently doctors came to general conclusion that sleeping on your back can be dangerous for the fetus and mother.

Research by scientists

Scientists conducted a study and found that this position during sleep can lead to fetal freezing and the birth of a stillborn child. Experts conducted a study, the results of which were published in the famous scientific journal Obstetrics and Gynecology (UK).

Experts studied more than 1 thousand pregnant women and found that sleeping on their back from the 28th to 36th week increases the risk of stillbirth baby 2.3 times. And if this pattern had been established earlier, then perhaps scientists would have been able to save the lives of 100 thousand unborn babies.

Effect of posture

During the third trimester, the uterus enlarges, which begins to put pressure on the inferior vena cava. How bigger belly, the stronger this pressure will be. It is for this reason that women may experience dizziness, rapid breathing, and numbness in the limbs.

Very quickly you will understand that your baby is not at all happy with the position on his back. After all, due to compression of the vena cava, the child receives little oxygen and nutrients that enter through the placenta.

In this position, the uterus moves, and with it the fetus, which will actively move to take a comfortable and familiar position.

Best sleeping position

Almost all obstetricians and gynecologists came to the same conclusion that best pose for the health of the mother and the unborn baby - on the left side, with your knees slightly bent. This pose will help relieve pressure on the spine and internal organs.

What sleeping positions do you find most comfortable? Share some advice for expectant mothers who are about to go through this difficult test. After all, any experience will be useful for them.

Pregnancy is a real test for women. In nine months you have to reconsider your usual way of life and give up many habits. For example, pregnant women are forced to sleep in uncomfortable positions, and this is due not only to the growing tummy, but also to the increasing load on the spine, and with it on the large blood vessels.

What are the dangers of sleeping on your back during pregnancy? How to make the dreaming period as comfortable as possible for expectant mothers? Let's figure it out together.

Adequate and healthy sleep is the key to successful well-being during pregnancy!

For a woman, pregnancy is a responsible and at the same time amazing period in life. She is preparing for future motherhood, experiencing a range of diverse emotions, experiencing everything with dignity physiological changes happening in her body.

During this period, relatives and friends, and especially significant others, are obliged to create a favorable atmosphere for the expectant mother, provide her with support and attention, and be more attentive to her “whims.” After all, from the very first days of pregnancy female body is experiencing global changes and is preparing for an increasing increase in loads. During this period, almost all pregnant women become more tearful, sentimental, and prone to sudden changes moods and unpredictable decisions.

Scientists have proven that women from the first days of conception begin to perceive differently the world. They develop concerns about the unborn child and fears about his health, as well as their own capabilities. Do not forget about superstitions and popular beliefs that often haunt expectant mothers and negatively affect their psycho-emotional state. Increased anxiety, excitement for the little one under the heart and upcoming birth- all these experiences do not have the best effect on a woman’s well-being. That is why strong and healthy sleep so important to them. During dreams, they have the opportunity to relax, rest and replenish their energy reserves.

Doctors advise paying special attention to the organization of sleep for pregnant women. Firstly, a woman’s bed in position should be convenient and comfortable. The best solution in this situation would be to buy an orthopedic mattress. Experts also recommend placing a pillow under your head to cervical region and the spine were straight.

According to doctors, up to 3-4 months, expectant mothers can sleep in any position convenient for them. But after this period, when the baby begins to actively grow, and with it the tummy, you will have to reconsider your habits. Of course, women in the 2nd and especially the 3rd trimester have difficulties choosing a position for dreaming. After all, they need to focus not only on their own comfort, but also on the coziness of the baby.

Why is the classic sleeping position “on your back” banned?

This ban is in no way connected with the superstitions and beliefs of the older generation. No, the taboo is due physiological reasons, namely:

  1. Pressure on the inferior vena cava increases. It is no secret that during the nine months of pregnancy the size of the uterus increases significantly. Along with its growth, the pressure on the largest vein in the human body, as a result of which the blood flow from the lower extremities to the heart is disrupted. This is why many pregnant women feel dizzy and have trouble breathing even when calm state, that is, without making unnecessary movements. In addition, blood pressure increases during pregnancy. lower limbs and hemorrhoidal veins. This condition negatively affects the development of the child, because he begins to receive less oxygen and nutrients, and his heart rhythm is also disturbed.
  2. Pressure on internal organs: bladder, intestines, kidneys. This occurs due to a shift in the center of gravity and relaxation of all muscles caused by active growth child in the mother's womb and preparing the female body for future births. While sleeping on the back, the pressure increases significantly, and the expectant mother is forced to interrupt her sleep more than once in order to go to the toilet. But most dangerous consequence Such pressure can lead to stagnation of urine, which can subsequently result in inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.
  3. This is especially felt after 4 months of pregnancy, when the tummy begins to actively grow. A woman begins to feel pain in her back and lower back, especially after sleeping on her back.

How to sleep better during pregnancy?

Of course, lying on a rounded tummy is uncomfortable for expectant mothers, and the child is unlikely to like this position. Therefore, the position on the stomach is unconditionally excluded from the life of a pregnant woman, starting from the second trimester. Usually the female body itself tells you in which position it is better to sleep. If a pregnant woman feels back and lower back pain in the morning, heaviness in her legs, weakness, then she needs to take care of improving the quality of sleep.

The supine position helps many mothers get into the mood for sleep, and there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is not to be in this position for a long time. Experts advise women who like to fall asleep in this position to place a special pillow under their back. oblong shape. This will help shift the center of gravity and, accordingly, reduce pressure on the spine and internal organs.

In addition, during pregnancy you can sleep in a reclining position. Simply tilt your back 30-40 degrees to prevent pressure on the vena cava and the core of the body, that is, the spine.

If we talk about the most ideal position for sleeping during pregnancy, then this is the position on the left side. Thus, the growing baby will put less pressure on his mother’s organs, she will be able to get a good night’s sleep and feel cheerful and active the next morning. For comfort, you can put under the rounded tummy or between the knees the same oblong-shaped pillow that can be used in the future when feeding the baby.

In conclusion

When a mother gets enough sleep, she is happy and healthy, which means the baby in her womb feels great. And vice versa, if a woman in this position sleeps poorly, feels overwhelmed and tired, then the child is also not in the best condition. better condition. According to statistics, pregnant women with disturbed sleep are more likely to experience protracted labor, and delivery takes place with the help caesarean section. This is why it is so important to get more rest and Special attention organization of sleep.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From the point of view of health benefits, the most correct and natural pose for sleeping - on the back. When a person sleeps in this position, his body completely relaxes. Low or medium height pillow and good mattress give the spine the opportunity to straighten and the organs to fully rest.

Many people think that if a pose is useful, it means it will definitely be uncomfortable. Of course, sleeping on your stomach or side for a long time forms a habit. It is usually difficult for such people to learn to sleep on their back. And yet it's real. Moreover, there are plenty of incentives - improving the health of the spine, eliminating swelling, preventing heartburn and wrinkles, getting rid of muscle spasms. And in this position, dreams will most often be pleasant and interesting.

Why is it useful?

Most doctors confirm that sleeping on your back is very beneficial. They argue that this position is beneficial for the neck in particular and the spine in general. If the mattress is of high quality and sufficiently elastic, then spinal column straightens and does not bend to the right or left. Perfect option- when the neck takes a neutral position during sleep. Therefore, if possible, it is better not to use a pillow. If you are not ready to give up this bedding, try to at least refrain from too high pillows. Because of them, breathing becomes difficult during sleep.

Sleeping on your back is good for more than just your health internal organs, but also for appearance. It turns out that this is an excellent cosmetic product.

  • If you lie face up all night instead of buried in your pillow, oh early occurrence You don't have to worry about wrinkles.
  • By adopting this position, women do not need to worry that their breasts may fall and sag. During sleep, the mammary glands are naturally supported.

When it's harmful

It cannot be said that sleeping on your back is harmful for everyone. Many people constantly rest in this position. This has only a positive effect on their health. And yet, not everyone can take this position in a dream. If there are contraindications, it should be avoided.

For apnea

People who sleep on their back are prone to sleep apnea ( sudden stop breathing during sleep) risk much more than everyone else. Often a signal of this predisposition is snoring, which intensifies in this position. The brain of a snoring person is less supplied with oxygen. Therefore, in the morning he wakes up feeling tired and weak.

Thus, it is advisable for snorers to choose positions that will not aggravate the situation. For example, on the stomach or on the side.

During pregnancy

The question of whether it is possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy remains controversial. If you take this position in the third trimester, the enlarged uterus, together with the child inside it, will additionally load the spine. This is fraught with morning fatigue and back pain.

When the baby is very large or the pregnancy is multiple, you can’t lie like that. In this position, the pressure on the vena cava increases, and the fetus may well develop hypoxia because of this.

In general, a pregnant woman should be guided primarily by her feelings and choose the position that will be most comfortable for her. By the way, sleep on your back, especially on later, most expectant mothers are still uncomfortable.

How to sleep correctly

Just lying on your back, it turns out, is not enough. For this position to be truly beneficial to your health, you need to know how to sleep in it correctly.

How to get used to it

“I can’t sleep on my back, it’s uncomfortable,” this can often be heard from those who like to curl up, lie on their sides or on their stomachs. As they say, it is inconvenient to sleep only on the ceiling. And you can get used to all other poses. Let's look at how to speed up the addiction process.


First of all, you should lie down in the place where you will accustom yourself to a new position. Check if there are any bulges or depressions there. Unevenness in the mattress and roughness in the bed will inevitably cause discomfort. And you, of course, will want to roll over somewhere as soon as possible. Moreover, you will do this involuntarily.

To learn to sleep face up, it is advisable to take care of creating a soft and comfortable sleeping place.


When you lie comfortably, your muscles are completely relaxed, you will not have the desire to change the position of your body, even in your sleep. To ensure such a night idyll, you will need to acquire a high-quality orthopedic pillow. There should be a dimple in it designed to properly position the head. This sleeping accessory is specifically designed for sleeping lying on your back. This means that you won’t need to customize it further.


If you've been sleeping curled up or on your side for years, lying on your back can be downright uncomfortable. But that doesn't mean it's not right for you. Show maximum persistence and under no circumstances give up what you started.

To make the addiction process easier, enlist the support of your husband (wife). Agree to change positions together. This way you can prove to each other that you can easily keep your promises to yourself.


Thinking in bed about everyday problems, thinking about something leads to the fact that you can’t relax on your back. You need to throw away all the thoughts that bother you, leave the problems in the end of the day and think about something pleasant.

For example, you can remember your cherished dreams, holidays ahead or vacation. Many people find it helpful to turn off access to the Internet, turn off the TV, and read a book. “I sleep in a good mood,” this affirmation should become the basic rule for going to bed.

Let's summarize

Sleeping on your back is more beneficial than harmful. After all, it can not only relieve neck pain. If you raise your head with pillows a little higher than your body, the stomach will drop below the esophagus. This means that the severity of acid reflux (heartburn) will be reduced.

The main thing is to choose the right mattress and pillow. This determines how quickly you get used to your new body position in your sleep.

Every expectant mother dreams of a healthy and strong child. However, in addition to proper nutrition, active image In life, it is of no small importance what position a pregnant woman should sleep in. After all, only strong and good sleep will help you gain strength and give birth healthy baby. Which sleeping position to choose.

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  1. It is best for the expectant mother to choose a sleeping position on her side, so you need to make sure that the bed is not too hard. Moreover, doctors advise choosing the left side, since if a pregnant woman sleeps on the right, there is a possibility of compression of the kidneys.
  2. Allowed to take a middle position. For this purpose, without completely lying on your back, you need to place pillows under your back. If you choose a position on your side, the pillow should be placed under your stomach, as well as between your legs, which will reduce the load on the pelvic area. Special pillows are sold for this and are very easy to use.
  3. breast tenderness. The main thing is not to forget that pregnant women should not lie on their stomach for a long time, and after a while they will have to change their position.
  4. If your favorite position before pregnancy was sleeping on your stomach, you can choose this position, but not for long. This position causes compression of the vena cava, which is located along the spine. If deformation occurs, the woman will feel unwell and will experience attacks of suffocation. Also, an insufficient amount of nutrients will be supplied to the embryo along with blood - which is why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs for a long time.

Which pillow to choose?

Each woman chooses a pillow for herself: one prefers to place flat, small pillows under her head and legs, the other prefers to squeeze it between her legs, thereby relieving tension from the pelvic area.

Comfortable position

Let's take a closer look at which pillow for pregnant women is best for resting with.

  1. The modern market offers different kinds pillows For example, there are universal models that are filled with polystyrene beads. Appearance they resemble a banana or a moon. The advantage of such a pillow is that it provides truly complete, comfortable sleep, and after the birth of the baby it can be used during feeding.
  2. If you have no desire to buy a large, voluminous pillow specifically for your “interesting position”, a large one will easily help you soft toy. A pregnant woman can also sleep quite comfortably on it, either under her head or between her legs.
  3. If you like to do everything yourself or you simply don’t have enough Money– You can sew a pillow yourself. You just have to remember that it should be about 2 meters long and 1 meter wide. Polystyrene balls can be purchased in advance at a furniture or hardware store. Do not stuff the pillow too tightly, as it is better for a pregnant woman to sleep with a soft base. The cover can be made of cotton with a zipper so that it can be washed if necessary.

The back is not the best position for sleeping

First trimester " interesting situation“does not require any restrictions, so a pregnant woman herself can choose which position is best for her to sleep in. However, after the 20th week it is necessary to limit the “dorsal” position.

Let's figure out why pregnant women shouldn't sleep on their backs.

  1. Between the uterus and the spine is the inferior vena cava - this is the most large vessel, through which blood circulates from the torso and legs to the heart. If under the weight of the grown fetus, amniotic fluid, a heavy uterus will compress this organ - inferior vena cava syndrome will occur. This situation is very dangerous because it implies sharp drop volume of circulating blood, as with heavy blood loss.
  2. Staying in this position for a long time is fraught with the following symptoms: dizziness, severe weakness, feeling of lack of oxygen, loss of consciousness, sudden fall blood pressure up to hypovolemic shock.
  3. The embryo experiences a severe lack of oxygen, its condition progressively worsens.
  4. If it was set multiple pregnancy or polyhydramnios, then to the expectant mother you need to abandon this position after the first trimester. Also this recommendation relevant when the fetal head is low and there is a threat of abortion.

If, while awake, a woman can quickly feel bad condition and change position, then in a dream the body’s defensive reaction works more slowly. As a result, mother and baby can be seriously harmed.

Sit on your side

Let's look at what positions a pregnant woman can sleep in by trimester.

First At this time, a woman can afford to sleep as she likes. But it’s better to start changing your habits, so it’s better to give up the position on your stomach. It is better to choose the left side for sleeping to reduce the load on the kidneys. As for your back, you can sleep as much as you want.
SecondsideThe second trimester already requires giving up sleeping on your back, as the stomach is already beginning to produce pressure and can compress the vena cava, preventing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. It is best to sleep on your left side with a pregnancy pillow between your legs. This way you will ensure comfortable, deep sleep for yourself and your baby.
ThirdsideThis period involves lying only on your side, since this position ensures that the baby receives oxygen and nutrients. Moreover, there is no pressure in the liver area, which is located on the right, and the back does not hurt. If a transverse presentation is observed, it is recommended to sleep on the side where the baby’s head is located.

Which side is better?

Regarding which side is better for pregnant women to sleep on, all doctors agree that it is left-hand side. It has been proven more than once that the left side provides:

  • better blood circulation in the body;
  • cephalic presentation of the baby;
  • If you sleep like this all the time, the baby will never turn over into a breech position, which is most important for the last trimesters.

If a woman really wants to lie on her back, then it is necessary to maintain an intermediate position. This is easy to do if you place a pillow on one side.

Dangers of incorrect positioning

Improper sleeping position can cause many problems and pathologies. Let's take a closer look at why pregnant women can't sleep in certain positions and whether pregnant women can sleep on their stomachs.

Why you should not sleep on your back during pregnancy:

  • difficulty breathing occurs;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • blood circulation and blood flow to the uterus become difficult;
  • arise painful sensations in back;
  • hemorrhoids develop and worsen;
  • under the weight of the baby, compression occurs on the vessels located behind the uterus - the inferior vena cava and the aorta;
  • There is a lack of oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

Let's find out how to sleep better during pregnancy. Sleeping on the right side can cause:

  • poor blood circulation from mother to baby;
  • compression of the arteries under the weight of the uterus;
  • lack of oxygen and nutrients for the baby.

About MRI during pregnancy Yes No

Make an appointment with a specialist:

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only full diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Each sleeping position has its pros and cons, which the head of the laboratory helped us understand sleep apnea Russian Cardiological Research and Production Complex Alexander Litvin and chief physician Chelyabinsk Center for Sleep Medicine Natalya Belinskaya.

Sleeping on your back

Pros: This pose helps the head, neck and spine maintain a neutral position, allowing the muscles to relax as much as possible.

Our experts advise sleeping this way during the day. PMS time, because the alternative options during this period may cause additional discomfort. For example, when you lie on your stomach, there is pressure on the bladder, which is already having a hard time. And the position on the side can cause discomfort in the chest.

For people with heartburn, the supine position helps reduce discomfort: when the head is located slightly higher than the chest and abdomen, the stomach is lower than the esophagus, so gastric juice cannot get back into the esophagus.

In addition, this pose protects the breasts from sagging and avoids unnecessary stretching of the facial skin - there will be fewer wrinkles.

Minuses: In this position lower jaw sinks, causing breathing problems. Therefore, the pose is contraindicated for people with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, bronchial asthma, epilepsy and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The position is also not recommended for older people and pregnant women.

How to reduce the load: If you experience discomfort in the lumbar region or legs while sleeping on your back, place a small pillow or towel cushion under the lumbar region spine or under the knees.

Sleeping on your side

Pros: The pose provides optimal position neck and back so that they don't hurt in the morning. It also reduces acid reflux– when the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus. In addition, this position prevents snoring and has no contraindications. Sleeping on your side - especially on your left - is great for pregnant women: it helps normalize blood flow in the body.

Minuses: The skin of the face comes into contact with the pillow and takes an unnatural position, stretches or contracts at random, which is fraught with unnecessary wrinkles. The chest also suffers, especially large sizes: one is flattened on the surface of the bed, the other hangs over outside and stretches.

How to reduce the load: When sleeping on your side, the free leg, which does not rest on the surface of the bed, can slide forward, causing rotation of the lumbosacral spine - minor, but pain in the hip joints and it still threatens your back. A pillow sandwiched between your knees solves this problem.

Advice: For shoulder pain, lie on your uninjured side and press a pillow to your chest with both hands. This position will provide the most comfortable position for the damaged area and reduce pain.

Sleeping on your stomach

Pros: The only advantage of this position is that it most effectively prevents snoring.

Minuses: Lying on your stomach, it is impossible to maintain a comfortable position of the spine with natural deflections, which leads to increased stress on the joints and muscles. As a result, you can get stretched and inflamed muscles or pinched nerves. In addition, the load on the skin of the face and chest is maximum here.

Sleeping in the fetal position

Minuses: This position has the same disadvantages as the side-lying position, but at the same time it is practically devoid of the latter's advantages: the neck and spine in this position cannot relax properly. In addition, the pressure on the diaphragm makes breathing difficult.

How to choose the right pillow

The pillow is designed to support a neutral, that is, natural position of the head and neck. To find the pillow that's right for you, use the tips below:

  • If you sleep on your back, the pillow should be of such thickness that the head lies straight and the neck does not bend forward or backward. There are special pillows with indentations for this pose.
  • If you sleep on your side, choose a pillow whose thickness is approximately equal to the distance between the base of your neck and shoulder joint, and place it parallel to the surface of the bed. If you like to sleep with your arm under your head, the pillow should be thinner.
  • If you sleep on your stomach, choose a very thin pillow or do without it at all.
  • If you constantly change your position, select the thickness of the pillow for the position in which you spend most of the time. Watch for some time the position in which you wake up in the morning - this is the position your body chooses most often.