How to take Aevit for conception. A healthy pregnancy means healthy offspring. What should a woman who took Aevit during pregnancy do?

With pregnancy comes experience based on new knowledge, practice and personal feelings. Knowledge also includes awareness of drugs, medications, and the peculiarities of their use in interesting position. One of these drugs is. It is prescribed to women when planning pregnancy, but opinions regarding the use of the drug are different and contradictory. What is it, how does it work and how does it affect pregnancy?

To whom and why

Aevitum represents complex remedy, which contains alpha-tocopherol acetate () and retinol palmitate (vitamin A). This drug is classified as a multivitamin, since this is the name given to drugs containing 2 vitamins or more. One capsule contains 100,000 IU of vitamin A and 0.1 g of vitamin E. The daily dose of the drug is 1-2 capsules. The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Aevit activates the production of enzymes in tissues, normalizes the synthesis of visual pigments, restores the skin and mucous epithelium. The drug is an antioxidant and binds free radicals. It activates blood supply, increasing vascular permeability. Aevit is prescribed for diseases of blood vessels, skin and infectious diseases, visual impairment, in the presence of alcohol or drug addiction.

Aevit when planning pregnancy

The drug has large spectrum actions and for expectant mothers can be used as tonic, stimulant metabolic processes. After all, during pregnancy, the load on a woman’s body increases significantly, and this applies to all organs and tissues. Since it is the circulatory system that is responsible for supplying the embryo from the mother, Aevit is prescribed as an auxiliary agent for this system.

Several years ago it became known that this vitamin preparation may be dangerous during pregnancy. It falls into the dangerous category because it contains too much vitamins. If this dose enters the body of a pregnant woman, it can lead to pathologies in the development of the fetus. Doctors call this a teratogenic effect. An excess of vitamins A and E contributes to complications during pregnancy and can provoke. It should be remembered that Aevit can have side effects: dizziness, nausea, skin rash, nosebleeds. For a pregnant woman, these risks increase. Retinol is also deposited in the liver and is not removed from the body for a long time (several months). How longer drug taken, the more doctors advise to protect against pregnancy.

Of course, both vitamins are needed for normal development fetus But they can be obtained from food. Thus, vitamin A is found in greens, vegetables, and dairy products. Vitamin E can be obtained from vegetable oil, potatoes, and cucumbers. That is, balanced diet and the regular presence of fruits and vegetables in the body will provide the fetus with the necessary dose of vitamins A and E.

If a woman did take Aevit before or after conception, then there is a small risk of giving birth to a defective child. To avoid this, you need to increase your intake to the maximum: from 400 mcg to 4-5 mg per day. Doctors also advise taking iodomarin. During pregnancy, such a woman must undergo an expert examination. ultrasonography and screening.

You can read a lot on women's forums positive feedback about Aevit, how about aid for youthful skin and healthy looking hair and nails. But during pregnancy, the main thing should be inner beauty and well-being, taking care of proper development child. If before this interesting situation you used this drug to improve the condition of your facial skin, now you can temporarily switch to folk remedies.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Every sane couple who decides to give birth is required to take vitamins before conceiving a child and during pregnancy. Most of the dietary supplements prescribed by a gynecologist to a woman contain elements such as vitamins A and E. For this reason, many, being in an interesting position, want to find out whether they can take dietary supplements “” during pregnancy and its planning. The instructions for using the complex do not provide clear indications in this regard.

Release form, components

The drug is offered to women in two forms:

  • capsule;
  • injection.

The latter is used extremely rarely and is usually not prescribed for home therapy. Both capsules and ampoules are packaged in cardboard boxes, where blisters contain different quantities. The dosage, which determines the amount of beneficial particles in the composition of the drug, is basically the same for all dietary supplements with the specified name, regardless of which company produces them.

The main components of "Aevit", whose use during pregnancy is not always useful, are elements of such vitamin groups, How:

Their number dictates beneficial features drug, because of which it is recommended for use by a woman when planning pregnancy.

Useful properties for women

In order to understand whether pregnant women can use this remedy, it is worth understanding what effect it has. There are certain situations that are typical only for the fair sex when the use of a dietary supplement is required. And yet, Aevit should be taken during pregnancy only after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the condition of the expectant mother.

When planning a pregnancy

When planning pregnancy, “Aevit” for the most part has a general strengthening effect on the female body. This has a positive connotation, since when a representative of the fair sex understands that in nine months her life will radically change, her body begins to require several times more vitamin particles. Usually, when planning pregnancy, Aevit is prescribed to those who in the future may encounter the development of anemia and other problems associated with the functioning of the hematopoietic system. It is extremely important to remember that this remedy can only be taken when the body is preparing to bear a child in the future. “Aevit” for pregnant women often becomes the very drug that provokes miscarriages and the development of physical and mental defects in fetuses. For this reason, it is extremely important to consult a doctor, specifying the dosage and time interval for using the complex.

During pregnancy

About the fact that "Aevit" during pregnancy is early stages dangerous for the female body, scientists learned relatively recently. The fact that the complex contains only two vitamin particles indicates their great content in ampoules and capsules. Oversaturation of the body of a woman carrying a child with them can provoke the development of physical and mental pathologies in the fetus. Considering the fact that the mother is exposed to a so-called teratogenic effect, later the use of dietary supplements will cause toxicosis.

There are often cases where the drug has a negative effect on healthy people, that is, they developed a rash, they experienced dizziness and nausea. It is unknown what side effects Aevit will bring for a pregnant woman, and therefore its use should be limited. Experts even recommend using protection for several months after stopping taking the drug for the reason that retinol has a cumulative property and is eliminated from the human body only after a few months.

Naturally, pregnant women constantly feel a lack of vitamins. In addition, tocopherol and retinol are important for early fetal development. For this reason, these components are best obtained through food. By diluting the diet with foods such as greens, fermented milk, vegetables, vegetable oils and others, a woman may not take additional dietary supplements. However, if a specialist deems it necessary, he will prescribe the Aevit complex during early pregnancy, indicating the interval of use and dosage.

During lactation

Having dealt with the question of whether it is possible to take Aevit vitamins during pregnancy, women begin to become interested in their use in lactation period. It is not recommended to take them while breastfeeding a newborn, since all the substances they contain along with milk will end up in the children's body. Such a quantity can lead to a deterioration in the baby’s well-being and the development of hypervitaminosis with these components, and therefore it is better for a woman to take Aevit only when planning a pregnancy.

Indications for use

Many specialists prescribe Aevita before pregnancy due to the fact that they contain a lot of beneficial properties. Most often they are used by people suffering from:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • steatorrhea;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • celiac disease;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • long-term recovery after severe infectious diseases;
  • depressive disorders;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • various types of addictions, for example, nicotine, alcohol, drugs.

In addition, the dietary supplement is used by those who have problems with hair condition, skin, nail plates. It is also recommended for those who eat poorly and do not care about having a balanced diet. These conditions often accompany an “interesting” female situation.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the beneficial properties of the complex, it has certain contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the complex;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • chronic insufficiency of circulatory processes.

In addition, if a person has a history of myocardial infarction or a tendency to form blood clots, the drug is also almost completely prohibited.


When wondering whether it is possible to drink vitamins such as Aevit before and during pregnancy, it is worth remembering how many approved multivitamins are sold through pharmacy kiosks, both public and private. It is worth noting that there are no drugs similar to the one indicated, and therefore it is better to take those dietary supplements that are prescribed by the leading obstetrician-gynecologist. In any case, only a doctor can advise what is suitable in a given individual case. If these recommendations are not followed, you may become a victim of side effects of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman.

Today, more and more couples are trying to approach planning their offspring very seriously and responsibly: expectant mothers and fathers understand how important conscious preparation is for such a fateful event as the birth of a child.

Naturally, both potential parents are very concerned about their health: he and she go through everything necessary examinations and take tests so that the doctor has the opportunity to draw up for the couple individual plan preparation for the upcoming conception. Vitamin therapy often becomes the main emphasis of this program, because active substances beneficial to health fill niches in the body that can create a real obstacle to successful fertilization. Vitamins A and E are one of these elements. A young couple should take care of their sufficient quantity in the body in advance.

The importance of vitamins A and E for men's health

Vitamins E (tocopherol) and A (retinol) should not be underestimated, because in the process of planning pregnancy, these active substances are important for both the woman and her significant other. It is clear that male physiology does not have any influence on the growth and development of the fetus, but this is not the point.

For a man normal level tocopherol and retinol in his body are important for fertilization to take place, that is, vitamins A and E are the key to the full fertility of the future father. A man's ability to conceive a child depends on many factors, and vitamins are one of them. Of course, the diagnosis of “infertility” does not arise solely on the basis of hypovitaminosis, however, scientists have proven that these active substances are capable of increasing male fertility.

Indicators of a man's fertility are the number, motility and viability of sperm. Of no small importance for normal fertility is psychological condition person. Vitamin deficiency often causes low-quality sperm that is unsuitable for conception.

Tocopherol and retinol are directly involved in the development of male gametes - they affect sperm motility and maintain their membranes in tone. If a man’s body has the proper concentration of these vitamins, his sperm will contain minimal amount defective and “lazy” sperm.

The importance of vitamins A and E for a woman during pregnancy planning

It is no coincidence that tocopherol has gained fame as the vitamin of youth, because it is a powerful natural antioxidant. But for a woman dreaming of a child, this substance is valuable, first of all, for its positive influence for the fruitful work of the uterus and appendages. If in female body normal level of vitamin E, then with menstrual cycle And hormonal levels Everything is fine. Tocopherol is used in the treatment of pathologies related to uterine underdevelopment and ovarian dysfunction.

Moreover, with the direct participation of vitamin E, ovulation occurs - the most successful time for conception. And all thanks to the fact that tocopherol balances the effects of estrogen and progesterone, thereby stimulating the timely maturation of the egg.

Planning pregnancy involves normalizing the level of tocopherol in the body of the expectant mother - the embryo will need the substance for development from the first days of its existence in the mother's womb.

Vitamin A increases local immunity respiratory system women, thanks to which her body can successfully resist infectious diseases respiratory organs while waiting for the baby. Do not forget that it is vitamin A that takes care of the strength of bones and teeth, smooth hair and skin tone of the expectant mother.

Vitamins Aevit when planning pregnancy

In order for future parents to be healthy and full of strength before an important event, they must undergo a course of vitamin therapy 3 to 4 months before the expected conception. Often, the drug Aevit is included in a couple’s health program. These vitamins are wrapped a considerable amount disputes and speculation. To understand why the product causes such a strong reaction from the public, let's take a closer look at it.

Vitamins Aevit: instructions

The complex drug Aevit generously supplies our body with alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and retinol palminate (vitamin A). We hasten to draw your attention to the rather high content active substances V medicine: one capsule stores 100,000 IU of retinol and 0.1 g of tocopherol.

Aevit can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy, but this can only be done after consulting a doctor - the drug is prescribed exclusively in medicinal purposes!

How does Aevit work?

Impressive doses of fat-soluble vitamins of the drug ensure the production of important enzymes by body tissues. Thus, the use of Aevit stimulates the production of visual pigments, providing full-fledged visual function eyes, affects efficiency regenerative processes in the skin and mucous membranes.

The drug is essentially an antioxidant and “catches” free radicals in the body. Moreover, thanks to Aevit in the capillaries vascular network the perception of oxygen increases and the susceptibility of tissues in general to its lack decreases.

When is Aevit needed?

The doctor prescribes the medicine in such cases as:

  • acute shortage nutrients, which the tissues and organs of the body need;
  • pathologies of the vascular system;
  • diseases of infectious origin;
  • the patient is underweight;
  • the harmful effects of stress on humans;
  • visual disturbances;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • insufficient absorption of polyunsaturated fatty acids tissues of the body when a person adheres to a strict diet.

Contraindications to the use of Aevit

  • chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • first three months of pregnancy;
  • heart failure;
  • high sensitivity to active ingredients drug;
  • age less than 12 years.

Adverse reactions from Aevita

Taking this drug, you should remember about unwanted side effects, which can cause increased doses of its components:

  • various manifestations of allergies;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • dyspepsia in the form of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • exacerbation of the patient's existing pancreatitis or cholelithiasis.

Symptoms of overdose when taking Aevita

Taking into account the high content of retinol in the drug, we note signs indicating an excessive level of vitamin A in the body:

  • problems associated with the work of central and peripheral nervous system;
  • intense and long-lasting headache;
  • excessive temper, irritability or, conversely, apathy;
  • insomnia;
  • general weakness;
  • excessive dry skin, cracks on the palms and heels;
  • weak hair and brittle nails;
  • seborrhea;
  • stool disorders;
  • convulsions;
  • pain in the joints of the lower extremities.

Features of using Aevita during preparation for pregnancy

As you already understand, the drug Aevit cannot be called narrow-profile, that is, it is prescribed for the correction of various pathological conditions. If we talk about expectant mothers who are only dreaming of a baby, this drug is used as a tonic and metabolic stimulant.

Aevit is also relevant for men when planning pregnancy: if as a result diagnostic study If insufficient sperm activity is detected in the seminal fluid, the future father will most likely be prescribed a number of medications, among which Aevit will certainly be included.

But main role in complex physiological process called pregnancy, of course, is performed by a woman. During the period of bearing a baby, the load on her body is colossal, and this applies to absolutely all organs and tissues of the body, without exception. The circulatory system of a pregnant woman, which is responsible for supplying the baby’s body, is of no small importance for the full development of the fetus. useful substances and regular removal of breakdown products. That's why the main objective which is achieved by prescribing the tocopherol and retinol complex in Aevita to the expectant mother, involves preparing her circulatory system for the upcoming heavy load.

The daily dose of the drug is 1 capsule per day. The gelatin ball is not chewed but swallowed with a few sips of water. Meals do not affect the time you take the drug, and you can take vitamins at any time convenient for you. If Aevit is prescribed to a woman in the form intramuscular injections, daily dose is 1 ml per day. The course of treatment reaches an average of 30 days, followed by a break of 3 months.

Regarding the break between the course of vitamin therapy and conception, opinions different specialists do not match. Some are sure that they should start active actions To make your “pregnant” dream come true, you can do it already 2 months after using Aevit, while others advise waiting at least six months to give the body time to recover from large doses of the active substances that the drug contains. Be that as it may, every woman should discuss this issue with her personal gynecologist.

You can buy Aevit at any pharmacy without a prescription, but this does not mean at all that you can prescribe a vitamin preparation for yourself and take it, guided by the information received on the vastness of women's forums.

Do not forget that Aevit is not biological active additive, A medicinal product With high content active ingredients in him. Uncontrolled use this tool can lead to serious health problems.

Aevit during pregnancy

We examined the features of the composition of these vitamins, became familiar with the contraindications for their use, and learned about the side effects that may occur in case of an overdose of the drug. The drug is prescribed only during the period of preparation for conception, canceling even before fertilization occurs and the birth begins inside the woman. new life. Probably no one will question why Aevit is not prescribed during pregnancy.

The fact that this complex drug poses a potential danger to the health and normal development of the fetus became known several years ago. Aevit is included in the list of drugs prohibited during pregnancy because it contains too large doses of tocopherol and retinol. Today there is reliable evidence of the teratogenic effect that Aevit has on the rapidly developing baby’s body.

The prognosis for the child’s health is especially unfavorable if his mother took Aevit during early pregnancy. The dose of vitamin A in the drug is colossal for the baby and can lead to severe abnormalities in its development:

  • disorders in organ formation urinary system;
  • developmental delay;
  • premature closure of cartilaginous growth zones in the bones, which will result in skeletal malformations.

Defects develop due to the fact that large portions of Aevita’s active substances destroy actively growing cells of a young body.

The drug is also dangerous for the health of the expectant mother herself, as it can cause the development of late toxicosis with very pronounced painful symptoms for the woman: dizziness, fainting, severe vomiting and swelling. Moreover, all side effects from Aevit, the manifestation of which is possible for healthy person, can also occur in a pregnant woman, only their intensity will be much greater. Do not forget that the components of the drug tend to accumulate in the liver, from where they are not eliminated in one day, which means that side effects from taking Aevita can persist for a long time. This is why some doctors advise doing big break(at least 2.5 months) after taking Aevita, before having a child.

How to protect yourself

Vitamins A and E are undoubtedly needed for healthy intrauterine development baby. But they can be found not only in capsules from the pharmacy, but also in food, which some of us deliberately ignore in favor of our gastronomic preferences.

An abundant source of vitamin A, for example, has always been considered fresh greens, vegetables and natural dairy products, and there is a lot of tocopherol in vegetable oils, legumes, nuts, potatoes and cucumbers. Balanced diet And regular use for food fresh vegetables and fruits will certainly become a strong foundation for the successful development of the fetus.

But what if a woman drank Aevit while already pregnant? To reduce the concentration of vitamins A and E in the body to a safe minimum and reduce the risk of fetal development abnormalities, they focus on the beneficial properties folic acid. In this case, this substance should be taken not at 400 mcg, but at 4–5 mg per day. Iodomarin is also considered a good rehabilitation drug after Aevit, the dosage and duration of use of which must be checked with the attending physician. To finally calm down and not think about bad things, future mom may undergo ultrasound and screening. These procedures will give full view pregnant woman about the development and condition of her baby.

Today you can hear a lot of positive reviews about Aevit, because many women use the drug to improve hair health and improve skin tone. In this, Aevit may have no equal among others vitamin products. However, the issue of one's own beauty loses relevance to some extent when we're talking about about the health of the tiny man who has settled under your heart. In addition, during pregnancy you can take care of your appearance by using traditional medicine, absolutely not worrying about the safety of your baby.

A diet rich in vitamins when planning pregnancy. Video

Pregnancy planning - difficult and responsible stage. The speed of conception, the state of health of the unborn child and the entire period of gestation depend on the seriousness of the approach to this process.

Aevit is one of the drugs that can be prescribed to expectant parents, but its use has many nuances. In most cases, this medication is necessary to eliminate serious deviations in the health of a woman or man.

    General information about the drug

    Aevit is a multivitamin combination drug, which contains high concentration retinol and tocopherol. One capsule contains 100,000 IU of vitamin A (retinol) and 0.1 g of vitamin E (tocopherol). These doses are significantly exceed daily norm needs for these vitamins.

    Aevit is prescribed as an adjunct to the treatment of certain diseases, for vitamin deficiency, and only in some cases when planning pregnancy. Vitamins A and E are necessary for the normal functioning of the visual organs, blood vessels, thyroid gland , as well as other vital important systems body.

    Properties drug:

    • participation in protein and lipid metabolism;
    • antioxidant effect;
    • improving the production of nucleic acids;
    • normalization reproductive function;
    • acceleration of epithelial growth;
    • elimination of pathologies of the vascular system;
    • increasing cellular immunity;
    • normalization capillary permeability;
    • life support important processes in organism.

    REFERENCE! The reason for the absence of pregnancy for a long time can be a lack of any vitamin in the body of a man or woman. When such conditions are identified, additional medications at the planning stage.

    Why is Aevit prescribed when planning pregnancy?

    Aevit has wide range actions. At the stage of pregnancy planning, its appointment is prescribed exclusively for medicinal purposes. Under no circumstances should you take the drug on your own.

    There must be compelling reasons for its appointment. An overdose of vitamins A and E may not only not improve your health, but also lead to serious negative consequences.

    For men

    The presence of retinol and tocopherol in the male body directly affects the process of conception. If there is a shortage of these components, it can be significantly disrupted, as a result of which fertilization of the egg will not occur. Aevit is able to enhance male fertility and has a general beneficial effect on the body of the future father.

    Aevit for men when planning pregnancy is prescribed to exclude the following factors:

    • eliminating or reducing the number and dead;
    • promotion ;
    • promotion ;
    • improvement psychological state.


    Aevit strengthens protective functions body of the expectant mother and has a beneficial effect on her reproductive functions.

    With a sufficient amount of tocopherol and retinol in a woman, conception occurs faster, the process of gestation is not accompanied by significant deterioration general condition pregnant, and the body becomes ready for all the changes that occur during internal systems at hormonal changes.

    Aevit before pregnancy can be prescribed to women to normalize the following processes:

    • beneficial effect on the condition uterus and appendages;
    • normalization of the ovulation process;
    • full formation and;
    • normalization of estrogen production and.

    Reception scheme

    Aevit is available in the form of gelatin balls. It must be taken for 30-40 days, a longer course is possible. Attempts to conceive cannot be undertaken immediately after the end of the reception. This should be done no earlier than three months later. Despite the fact that Aevit is sold in pharmacies without a prescription and comes with detailed instructions, you should not take it yourself without consulting a doctor.

    Reception scheme the same for men and women:

    • you need to take the drug according to one capsule once a day;
    • capsules do not need to be chewed;
    • should be taken after meals with plenty of water.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Side effects of taking the drug may include headaches, nausea, vomit, increased dryness skin, allergic reaction And painful sensations in the joints.

    In case of overdose, it may occur violation consciousness, persistent constipation or diarrhea. When such conditions occur, take vitamin complex you need to stop and undergo examination at a medical facility.

    Contraindications to taking the drug:

    • pregnancy at any stage;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • chronic failure of the circulatory system;
    • hypersensitivity to vitamins A and E;
    • pathology thyroid gland;
    • heart failure;
    • thyrotoxicosis;
    • inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

    CAREFULLY! If you take Aevit if you have kidney problems, this can lead to the development cholelithiasis or exacerbation of existing diseases.

    The danger of hypervitaminosis of vitamins A and E when planning

    An overdose of tocopherol and retinol entails serious consequences . This condition represents independent disease, which in medical practice denoted by the term hypervitaminosis vitamin A and E.

    An overdose can occur not only with an increase in the number of capsules taken, but also with an excessively long course.

    It is quite difficult to get rid of it, but its most negative consequence can be the development congenital pathologies in the future fetus.

    Peculiarities hypervitaminosis retinol and tocopherol:

    • the patient develops gait disturbance and pain in the joints;
    • constant attacks of nausea, vomiting and drowsiness;
    • inhibited fetal development;
    • disruption of the functioning of important body systems, including reproductive function.

    IMPORTANT! Tocopherol and retinol are fat-soluble vitamins, they are slowly excreted and accumulate in the body. During pregnancy, hypervitaminosis has a teratogenic effect on the unborn fetus.

    You should only take Aevit when planning a pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor based on test results. At correct use the drug can help not only speed up the process of conception, but also eliminate numerous Problems, preventing pregnancy.