List the rules for helping a drowning person. We assess the situation correctly. Causes and signs of drowning

First aid for rescuing a drowning person

Drowning is most often caused by violation of the rules of behavior on the water, fatigue, even in people who are excellent swimmers (for example, during a long swim in cold water), injuries during diving (especially in unfamiliar bodies of water), alcohol intoxication, abrupt change temperatures when immersed in water after overheating in the sun, etc. Drowning often occurs due to the fact that a person gets lost in a difficult situation, forgets that his body is lighter than water and when minimal effort it can remain on the surface for a very long time, both horizontally and vertical position. To do this, you just need to lightly rake the water with your hands and feet and, if possible, breathe calmly and deeply. When you get into a whirlpool, you need to take in more air into your lungs and, diving deeper, swim to the side under water, which is much easier than on the surface, since the speed of water at depth is significantly less.
Death from drowning occurs as a result of lack of oxygen. The rescuer must quickly run to the closest place along the shore to the drowning place. If the drowning person is on the surface of the water, then it is advisable to calm him down from a distance, and if this fails, then it is better to try to swim up to him from behind in order to avoid grabs, from which it is sometimes difficult to free himself. One of the effective techniques that allows you to free yourself from such a convulsive embrace is immersion with a drowning person in water.
One of the effective techniques that allows you to free yourself from such a convulsive embrace is immersion with a drowning person in water. In such circumstances, he, trying to stay on the surface, will let go of the rescuer. When diving a drowning person to the bottom, the rescuer must dive and swim along the bottom (in running water, taking into account the direction and speed of the current). If there is sufficient visibility, you should open your eyes under water, since rescue actions in this case are more effective. Having discovered a drowning person, you need to take him by the hand, under the armpits or by the hair and, pushing strongly from the bottom, float to the surface with him, working intensively only with your legs and free hand.
Having brought the drowning person to shore, they begin to provide first aid, the nature of which depends on his condition. If the victim is conscious, has a satisfactory pulse and is breathing, then it is enough to lay him on a dry hard surface so that his head is low, then undress him, rub him with his hands or a dry towel. It is advisable to give a hot drink (tea, coffee, adults can have a little alcohol, for example 1-2 tablespoons of vodka), wrap them in a warm blanket and let them rest. If the victim is unconscious when removed from the water, but has a satisfactory pulse and breathing, then his head should be tilted back and pulled out. lower jaw, then lay it down so that the head is lowered low, then use your finger (preferably wrapped in a handkerchief) to release it oral cavity from silt, mud and vomit, wipe dry and warm. A victim who is unconscious, does not breathe independently, but retains cardiac activity, after preliminary measures aimed at liberation respiratory tract, you need to start artificial respiration as quickly as possible. If the victim has no breathing or cardiac activity, artificial respiration must be combined with cardiac massage. First, as quickly as possible, fluid should be removed from the respiratory tract. For this purpose, the person providing assistance places the victim with his stomach on the thigh of the leg bent at the knee joint, presses his hand on the victim’s back between the shoulder blades, while supporting his forehead with the other hand and raising his head. You can tilt the victim over the side of a boat, or, placing him face down, lift him in the pelvic area. These manipulations should not take more than 10-15 seconds so as not to delay artificial respiration. (After breathing has been restored, the victim is taken to the hospital.)

Saving a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself. This expression is true in many areas of life, but not in its literal sense. A person can do a lot to prevent it on the water, but when he becomes this very “drowning” person, he can no longer help himself.

What to do if you saw a drowning person? At this moment, it is important to urgently take measures to save him. After all, it only takes a few minutes for a person to drown. It is extremely important in as soon as possible assess the situation and choose optimal method providing assistance. IN similar situation we must remember that the reward for actions taken can be human life.

We correctly assess the situation

To begin with, it is important to understand that not every drowning person will call for help and flounder violently in the water. Spasms of the vocal apparatus, interruptions in breathing and panic can prevent a person in trouble from making any sounds to attract the attention of potential rescuers.

What a person needs outside help, may indicate his stay in one place, periodic departure under water and traceable panic in his movements and facial expressions. If you are not sure that someone is really drowning, try to call out to them or draw the attention of others. When confirming this assumption, it is necessary to remember what actions are performed when rescuing a drowning person.

Determining the rescue method

Rushing into the water to help a drowning person is a noble cause, but not always justified. This should not be the first thing that comes to your mind in such a situation, especially if you are not a very experienced swimmer. Better take the following steps:

  1. Encourage others to help.
  2. Determine whether it is necessary to jump into the water to save a drowning person or whether assistance can be provided from the shore, boat or pier.
  3. Find items that can help in rescue.

We help without plunging into water: option No. 1

If the distance and condition of the drowning person allows, you can grab his hand. To ensure a reliable grip, you need to loudly and clearly explain to the drowning person that he needs to grab your hand as tightly as possible. Try to speak in a calm but confident voice so as not to increase the panic of the person you are rescuing.

To avoid ending up in the water, take a lying position, spread your arms and legs wide and ask someone to hold you. Never provide assistance while standing or crouching. Do everything possible so that saving a drowning person does not become a fight with death for you too.

We help without plunging into water: option No. 2

If it is impossible to reach the victim with your hand, take an oar or a rescue pole, find a strong stick, branch or other strong object nearby and, holding it out to the drowning person, explain that he must grab it tightly. If a person, tired of the struggle for life, does not have the strength to hold on to something, he will still have to jump into the water and help him (an option is acceptable if there are at least two rescuers).

We help without plunging into water: option No. 3

Any non-sinkable object at hand can serve an excellent purpose when rescuing a drowning person. A piece of foam plastic, wood, or even plastic bottle. If possible, tie a string to whatever you will be using. With its help, it will be much easier to pull the victim out of the water.

However, when throwing a rescue object into the water, be careful not to hit a person. Try to time the throw so that the current carries the object to the drowning person. If the victim is weakened and cannot hold on to an object thrown at him, it is necessary to swim up to him and help him do this.

When and who should swim to the rescue?

What should you do if you notice a drowning person far from the shore, pier, boat or edge of the pool? In this case, the methods of saving a drowning person are not so varied. If you are an excellent swimmer and have good physical fitness and endurance, you can safely throw yourself into the water. But it would be better to ask someone to swim with you for backup.

If you are not confident that you are able to cope with the task, you should not take risks. The best thing you can do in such a situation is to call for help. If you are in public place, there is probably at least one person in your circle who can help and knows how to do it. While the rescue is being organized, call an ambulance.

We swim to the drowning man

Trying to save a drowning person who is panic-stricken can end up in quite a lot of trouble. dangerous situation. While fighting for life, he may not behave quite adequately. The state of shock in which he is in may prompt him to take actions that threaten the life of his savior, and, accordingly, his own. It is possible that a drowning person will grab onto the one who is helping him, interfering with his freedom of movement and plunging both under water.

In view of such danger, it is better to swim up to a drowning person from behind, so as to remain unnoticed by him until the last moment. If the action takes place on a river, dive into the water in a place where the current will help you swim to the drowning person. If possible, take with you a lifebuoy or other object that you can grab onto to stay on the surface of the water. Do not jump into the water wearing clothes, as their heaviness after getting wet will complicate your movement, and it will be easier for a drowning person to cling to you.

Transporting a drowning person

The rules for rescuing a drowning person also apply to further movement with him through the water. The tactics of behavior here depend on his condition. If he is calm and adequate, you can easily transport him after he firmly grasps your shoulders.

If a person in a panic randomly grabs you, first try to relax and dive under the water with him. Then, when he releases you and rushes towards the surface, you will have a chance to grab him correctly. Perfect option girth - from the back, place a hand that is comfortable for you under the drowning person’s arm and grab his opposite shoulder. In this case, you will have to swim sideways, using one free hand.

If a person behaves calmly, he can be transported in other ways. For example, while lying with your back on the water, you can use one or both hands to hold his chin above the water. If you hold your chin with one hand, you can use the other to row.

Another option is to start your own strong hand under the same hand of a drowning man and use it to support his chin. You can hold a drowning person from behind by the hand lying on his chest and passing through armpit second hand. The best way to rescue a drowning person will be determined by the situation.

Saving a drowning man in winter

The algorithm for saving a drowning person under whom the ice has fallen is completely different. It is important here, without wasting a minute, to call rescuers and ambulance. While they are getting to the scene of the accident, you can gently help the victim out of the ice water. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a stick, belt, scarf or other object, the other end of which the victim can grab onto.

The victim should be approached from the side of the thickest ice. This should only be done by crawling, with your arms and legs spread wide. When he can grab the edge of the object you are using, carefully, in smooth movements, move back, dragging him along with you. When getting to the shore on the ice, try not to get close to each other, crawl slowly, avoiding sudden movements.

We provide first aid

If, while in the water, a person managed to drink it, what can vomiting, loss of consciousness and a bluish complexion tell about when he finds himself in safe place, you should first help him cleanse his lungs and stomach. To do this, position the victim face down, you need to throw your leg bent at the knee and press on the interscapular space.

Another important action on which the salvation of a drowning person depends is the normalization of his breathing. Sometimes all it takes is opening his mouth wide and tugging on his tongue. If he cannot breathe due to spasm, there is a need for artificial respiration. You may also need a cardiac massage.

Afterwards, try to calm and warm the victim as soon as possible. To reduce heat loss, you need to quickly remove wet clothes from him, massage his limbs, rub his body with a dry cloth (alcohol can be used) and wrap him in warm, dry clothes. This is especially important if a drowning person is rescued in winter. In this case, if there are no dry things, you need to squeeze out the wet ones, moisten them well with alcohol and put them on the victim again. This will create a warm compress. Another option is to wrap it on top with plastic wrap.

Unfortunately, there have often been situations in life when, in an attempt to pull someone out of the water, the rescuer himself lost his life. This almost always happens because the basic rules for saving a drowning person are known to a very small percentage of the population. While, armed with this vital important information, you can accomplish a feat and still remain alive.

The concept of drowning and its types

By drowning is a condition when the airways become clogged with water, silt or dirt and air cannot enter the lungs and saturate the blood with oxygen.

Distinguish three types of drowning:

  • white asphyxia(imaginary drowning) - characterized by a reflex cessation of breathing and heart function. The reason for this is a slight ingress of water into the inhalation tract, which causes spasm of the glottis. With white asphyxia, a person can sometimes be saved even 20-30 minutes after drowning;
  • blue asphyxia(drowning itself) - occurs as a result of the penetration of water into the alveoli; these drowned people have a face and especially ears, the tips of the fingers and the mucous membrane of the lips are violet-blue in color; the victim can be revived if his stay under water lasted no more than 4-6 minutes;
  • drowning due to depression of function nervous system - can occur as a result of cold shock, as well as alcohol intoxication, cardiac arrest occurs within 5-12 minutes and coincides with the cessation of breathing. This type of drowning is intermediate between white and blue asphyxia.

Providing first aid for drowning

Immediately after removing the victim from the water, you should pull his tongue out of his mouth, clean his mouth and nose, place his stomach on the rolled-up clothing or knee of the person providing assistance and, pressing on his back, release the lungs from the trapped water. After this, I turn the victim onto his back, place a cushion of clothing under his head so that the head is thrown back, and begin artificial respiration. In order to avoid the tongue from sinking, which can close the entrance to the larynx, it is pulled out of the mouth and held with a loop made of a bandage, handkerchief, etc.

Most effective way artificial respiration for drowning is considered to be a “mouth-to-mouth” method. The “mouth to nose” method is used when, for some reason, it was not possible to open the convulsively clenched jaws of the victim.

Carrying out artificial respiration

Artificial respiration begins with exhalation. The volume of blown air is 1 - 1.5 liters. A sign that the air has passed is a rise chest the victim. Insufflation frequency - 12-15 per minute. After insufflation, you can lightly press on the victim’s abdomen, thereby helping the air escape.

If the heartbeat cannot be heard, artificial respiration should be performed simultaneously indirect massage hearts. To do this, place one palm at a distance of two fingers from the base of the sternum, then perpendicularly to the other, and, using body weight, apply 4-5 pressures on the sternum per injection (for children under 8 years of age, pressure is applied with one palm at a frequency of 100 pressures per minute , A infant- two fingers with a frequency of 120 pressures per minute). In this case, the sternum in an adult should bend by 4-5 cm when performing an indirect cardiac massage, in a child under 8 years old - by 3-4 cm, and in infant up to 1 year - by 1.5-2 cm.

Artificial respiration and chest compressions should be performed until spontaneous breathing and pulse.

April 20, 2018

Drowning is death from acid deficiency (hypoxia) caused by fluid blocking the airways. Most often, drownings occur in bodies of water, but can also occur when immersed in other liquids.

The causes of drowning are most often violations of the rules of behavior in water bodies, sudden changes in temperature and injuries when diving into water. Saving a drowned person is possible if first aid is provided to him immediately, because already 3-7 minutes after drowning the chances of saving the victim are very small (only 1-3%).

There are three types of drowning: true, asphyxial and syncope. At true form Drowning liquid quickly fills the airways and breaks their capillaries. Asphyxial drowning is the so-called “dry” type. Death occurs due to laryngospasm, which turns into acute hypoxia. The syncopal type of drowning consists of a reflex arrest of cardiac and respiratory activity.

First aid for a drowning person

It is necessary to grab the drowned person under the armpits (it is better to do this from behind, then you will be able to avoid his convulsive grips), by the arm or by the hair and deliver him to the shore or boat.

If the drowning person’s condition is satisfactory, he is conscious, breathing, and feels normal pulse, it must be laid on a hard surface so that the head is significantly lower than the body. Having undressed the victim, you need to rub his body well, give him something hot to drink (adults can even be given a little alcohol) and wrap him in a warm blanket.

A drowning person unconscious, but with a palpable pulse and satisfactory breathing, throws his head back, extending the lower jaw. Having laid the victim down, it is necessary to free his mouth from vomit, river mud and silt (for this it is best to use a finger wrapped in a bandage or handkerchief). Next, wipe his body dry and warm him up by wrapping him in a warm blanket.

If a drowning person is in a critical condition (unconscious, he has no breathing), but the pulse is palpable, first of all you need to quickly clear his airways of water and mud. To do this, the rescuer must place the victim with his stomach on his thigh and press his hand on his back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. In this case, with the other hand you need to raise the head of the drowning person, holding his forehead. This procedure should not last more than 15 seconds, because the main thing is to immediately give the victim artificial respiration. In cases where, along with the absence of consciousness and breathing, cardiac activity is not observed, then artificial respiration should be carried out in combination with cardiac massage.

After the heart function is restored, the drowning person must be taken to the hospital medical institution because there is a risk serious complications, which experts call secondary drowning ( respiratory failure, hemoptysis, increased heart rate, chest pain, pulmonary edema).

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How to properly save a drowning person? How effective are pre-hospital resuscitation efforts? What to do after rendering first aid before the paramedics arrive? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Almost always, correct rendering first aid for a drowning person, saves the life of the victim, because professional team doctors will not have time to arrive at the scene of the incident on time, even if they were called immediately after the formation of such a situation.

How to properly pull a victim ashore?

It should be noted that an important element of the potential rescue of a drowning person, if he has not yet managed to a long period time to dive under water, is its correct pulling out, ensuring not only the possibility of resuscitation of the victim, but also the safety of the helper.

Basic scheme for rescuing a drowning person:

First aid for a drowning person

After the victim has been brought ashore, it is necessary to begin the necessary resuscitation actions.

Algorithm of actions for providing first aid in case of drowning (briefly point by point):

  • from liquid or foreign substances. The victim’s oral cavity is opened, dentures, vomit, mud, and liquid are removed from it. When drowning directly in the water, the rescuer places the person with his stomach on his knee, face down, to allow the liquid to flow freely. Two fingers are placed in the victim’s mouth and pressure is applied to the root of the tongue to induce vomiting, which helps free the airways and stomach from water that has not yet been absorbed;
  • Active pre-resuscitation actions. As part of first aid, it is necessary to continue inducing vomiting in the victim in the original position from point 1 until a cough appears. If this process does not produce an effect, then in the vast majority of cases there is no free fluid in the respiratory tract and stomach, since it has already been absorbed;
  • Immediate resuscitation. The victim is turned over on his back and placed in a horizontal position, after which the rescuer begins cardiac massage and artificial respiration.

How to provide first aid in case of drowning, watch the video:

In case of true (wet) drowning

How to provide first aid to a drowning person? As part of the provision of pre-medical first aid when rescuing a drowning person, when the incident occurred directly within the reservoir and a large amount of water entered the human body, the previously described measures are carried out.

Their average duration takes 2 to 3 minutes for the primary two stages. In this case, direct artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage are effective for an average of 6-8 minutes. After 10 minutes have passed and there are no signs of heartbeat or breathing, it is highly likely that the person cannot be saved.


An important factor when true drowning The circumstances of the incident also appear. So in salt water, a person’s chances of surviving in the absence of breathing and heartbeat are higher, since irreversible processes occur later than in the case of choking with fresh water - vital processes can be restored within 10-15 minutes.

In addition, water temperature also makes a certain contribution. When drowning in a cold or icy liquid, the irreversible processes of destruction slow down significantly. IN in some cases resuscitation practice recorded situations when a person was brought back to life by performing chest compressions and artificial respiration 20 and sometimes 30 minutes after drowning.

For asphyxial (dry) drowning

Asphyxial or dry drowning is a pathological circumstance that occurs as a result of spasm of the glottis and suffocation when water does not penetrate the respiratory tract.

In general, this type of incident is considered more favorable in the context of the potential for resuscitation of a person.

What to do in case of dry drowning? First aid for dry drowning generally coincides with first aid, as for classic drowning, however, the second stage (attempts to induce vomiting and free the airways with the stomach from accumulated fluid) is skipped and direct resuscitation actions are immediately applied to the victim.

Resuscitation actions

As part of the resuscitation efforts to provide emergency care In case of manual drowning, two main procedures are performed - indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration. The basic rules for assisting a drowning person are presented below.

Artificial respiration

The victim lies on his back, the airways open as wide as possible, any foreign objects making breathing difficult. If there is a medical design air duct, it is mandatory used as part of first aid for a drowning person.

Rescuer does deep breath and exhales air into the victim’s mouth, covering the wings of his nose with his fingers and supporting his chin, pressing his lips tightly to the victim’s mouth. As part of forced ventilation, the person's chest must rise.

The average inflation time is about 2 seconds, followed by a 4 second pause for a slow reflexive lowering of the drowned person's chest. Artificial respiration in case of drowning is repeated regularly until stable signs breathing or the arrival of an ambulance.

Indirect cardiac massage

Activities to start cardiac activity can be combined with artificial respiration as part of their alternating shift. To begin with, you should first strike with your fist in the area of ​​​​the projection of the heart– it should be of medium strength, but quite sharp and fast. In some cases, this helps to immediately start the functioning of the heart.

If there is no effect, you need to count two fingers down from the sternum to the center of the chest, straighten your arms, placing one palm on top of the other, focus on the connection of the lower ribs with the sternum, and then apply pressure strictly perpendicular to the heart with both hands. The heart itself is compressed between the sternum and the spine. The main efforts are carried out with the entire torso, and not just with the arms

The average depth of compression should not exceed 5 cm, while the approximate frequency of compression is about 100 manipulations per minute, in cycles of 30 times with a combination of ventilation of the lungs.

The general cycle thus looks like this: 2 seconds inhaling air into the victim, 4 seconds on him spontaneous exit, 30 massage manipulations in the heart area and repetition of the cyclic double procedure.

Providing first aid to children

It is worth noting that the chances of resuscitating a child from drowning are significantly less than those of an adult, since irreversible processes leading to death develop much more quickly.

On average, you have about 5 minutes to try to save a drowned child.

Algorithm for providing first aid to a drowning child:

  • Pulling the victim ashore. Carried out as quickly as possible, while respecting general rules precautions described earlier;
  • Clearing the upper respiratory tract from foreign substances. You should open the child’s mouth, try to free it from any kind of foreign substances, including water, then put your knee down and place the baby’s stomach on it, at the same time causing the latter to vomiting reflex by pressing on the root of the tongue. The event is repeated until the child develops an active cough and water along with vomit stops actively flowing out;
  • Resuscitation measures. If the procedure from the previous paragraph has no effect or there are signs of a “dry” type of drowning, the child turns over on his back, is placed in a horizontal position and is given an indirect cardiac massage, as well as artificial respiration.

Further rescue actions

If the victim managed to start the breathing of the heartbeat, then he lies on his side, while continuing to remain in horizontal position. The person is covered with a blanket or towel to keep warm, while his condition is constantly monitored and if breathing or heartbeat stops again, manual resuscitation is resumed.

It should be understood that regardless of the circumstances, even if a person is in satisfactory condition it is necessary to wait for the arrival of the ambulance team, which will provide first aid medical care when drowning. Specialists will competently assess the potential risks for the victim and decide on the need or lack thereof for hospitalization.

In some cases, significant amounts of water enter the lungs, secondary cerebral edema and other symptoms appear after a certain period of time, medium-term health does not exist only when more than 5 days have occurred after drowning, and no pathological symptoms have appeared in the person.

Types of drownings

In general modern medicine distinguishes three types of drowning:

  • True drowning. The main sign of such an incident is that it hits large quantity water into the lungs and stomach, against the background of which swelling of the corresponding tissues occurs and irreversible destruction of their structure. Occurs in one in every 5 reported cases;
  • Asphyxial drowning. It can also occur in water, but the liquid itself does not penetrate into the lungs and stomach, since a pronounced spasm forms before this process vocal cords with complete cessation of respiratory activity. All basic pathological processes associated with direct suffocation and shock. Occurs in 40 percent of cases;
  • Syncopal drowning. Characterized by a reflex arrest of cardiac activity, in the vast majority of cases it causes almost instantaneous death. Occurs in 10 percent of cases;
  • Mixed drowning. Has signs of both classic “wet” and asphyxial drowning. It is diagnosed in an average of 15 percent of victims.

Difference between sea and fresh water

Classical medicine distinguishes between drowning in fresh water and sea ​​water according to a number of characteristic features:

  • Fresh water. The alveoli are stretched and the corresponding fluid penetrates into the bloodstream by direct diffusion through a violation of the integrity of the alveolar-capillary membrane. Rapidly developing hypotonic overhydration, the functioning of blood flow is disrupted.

    Due to the absorption of hypotonic water into vascular bed pulmonary edema, hypervolemia, hyperosmolarity, and blood thinning with an increase in its volume are formed.

    Fibrillation occurs in the ventricles, which cannot cope with big amount"diluted" biological fluid. In general, irreversible damage occurs quickly;

  • Salty water. Fluid enters the alveoli, which leads to hypertensive dehydration, an increase in the amount of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, as well as chlorine in the blood plasma. In fact, it is not liquefaction that occurs, but rather a thickening of the blood, while irreversible damage to the body occurs more slowly compared to fresh water (up to 25 percent).

The processes described above are often divided into separate categories of descriptive characteristics medical literature XX century.

Modern large-scale studies indicate that the pathogenesis of drowning in fresh and salt water does not differ significantly in the context of clinical danger.

Accordingly, the difference in potential resuscitation capabilities is virtually negligible and amounts to only a few minutes. As real practice shows, the chances of restoring brain function and vital signs increase significantly in cases of drowning with very low temperatures, especially in children with light weight bodies.

Some doctors have recorded cases of complete resumption of life 30 minutes after drowning, while the victim had no breathing or heartbeat all the time.