Bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy. Blood after an abortion. Delay after medical abortion: reasons

How long does it take to bleed after a medical termination of pregnancy? This is a question that women who are faced with the need for an abortion in an unwanted pregnancy must ask themselves. How many days will the bleeding continue? How dangerous is this? In what situation should you consult a doctor? Is the duration of bleeding related to how the unwanted pregnancy was terminated? There are a lot of questions. Let's try to figure out why there is bleeding after an abortion.

After an abortion, the occurrence of bleeding is quite natural, but there are nuances that you need to be aware of. After a medical termination of pregnancy, how long does it bleed? A lot depends on the method by which the pregnancy was terminated and the characteristics of each individual organism.

Why does bleeding occur after an abortion?

After an abortion there is always blood. This can last from 1 to 20 days. It is necessary to distinguish when this is a sign of cleansing the body, and when it is the cause of obvious deviations. The presence of bleeding should not be immediately attributed to complications. You should sound the alarm if the blood flows for too long and too heavily. This state of affairs can then result in severe blood loss or complications. You should immediately contact a gynecologist if the bleeding suddenly stops after medical termination of pregnancy. The sudden disappearance of discharge after termination of pregnancy may also indicate the presence of complications. A spasm occurs in the area of ​​the cervix, as a result of which it becomes impossible for blood and tissue debris to come out, so there is no bleeding after an abortion. In such an atmosphere inflammation easily occurs.

Lack of bleeding after an abortion is more often observed during a surgical abortion if the cervix was damaged as a result of the operation or medical instruments were used incorrectly. Bleeding after a medical abortion is usually profuse and requires constant monitoring by a gynecologist.

The most common causes of heavy bleeding:

  1. An infection has occurred.
  2. The operation was carried out in bad faith.
  3. The activity of the uterus is significantly reduced.

If abnormalities become obvious, you should immediately consult a doctor, even if a significant amount of time has passed since the abortion. It would not be superfluous to conduct a thorough examination of the body, in particular an ultrasound, in order to exclude the possibility of complications. It happens that bleeding after an abortion lasts a very long time, in addition, the patient’s general health worsens, and the temperature may rise. These are all characteristic symptoms of a progressive infection. Intense bleeding with a successful outcome lasts up to two days, then there may be minor bleeding, which should gradually stop, usually this lasts no longer than a week. At the same time, the amount of discharge is constantly decreasing.

If bleeding continues for a long time after the intervention, then it makes sense to consult with your doctor.

How does the duration of bleeding depend on the method of termination of pregnancy?

Abortion will have different, but always dangerous consequences for the woman. You should always remember that this is a very serious step and should be taken as a last resort.

Currently, abortions are performed in several ways:

  • instrumental;
  • medicinal;
  • vacuum.

Clinics also provide artificial births in later stages. With the medical method, termination of pregnancy occurs without the intervention of a surgeon. Medical termination is the most gentle method, although the blood after an abortion in this case can flow long and profusely. The patient is taking abortifacient medications as prescribed by the gynecologist. There is a very strong release of hormones into the body, as a result of which the fetus is rejected and discharge occurs. After the medicinal method, the bleeding smoothly transitions into the next menstruation, so in general the blood will flow for quite a long time, from several weeks to 1 month.

If there is heavy bleeding for a very long time, and there is a lot of blood after an abortion, then you should go to the doctor. There may be heavy discharge only on the first day, then the intensity decreases. Medicinal termination of pregnancy can only be done under the supervision of a doctor!

With the vacuum method of abortion, the bleeding is small, strong discharge will occur within 1-2 days after the abortion, then it becomes less and less and then stops. If the operation is performed during the day, the intensity of bleeding may increase in the evening and then decrease. Sometimes it may take 5-7 days, then menstruation returns to normal. If the pregnancy was terminated by an instrumental (surgical) method, then after it there will be a lot of blood and it will flow from 5 days to 2 weeks. At first, the discharge may contain blood clots. There is usually a lot of blood after an abortion performed using this method and this can be considered the norm, since the mucous membrane is severely injured.

After an artificial termination of pregnancy, the situation should be something like this:

  1. For the first few days after the operation, blood of an intense red, possibly very dark hue is released; it contains blood clots and tissue residues. Severe pain in the lower abdomen may occur.
  2. Over time, the bleeding becomes less profuse, the color of the discharge may change to brown, the discharge becomes pale and disappears, and there is almost no pain.
  3. After about a month, the menstrual cycle is restored.

After any type of abortion, bleeding usually stops flowing on its own, but sometimes bleeding can be a symptom of a complication.

When should you sound the alarm?

Even if the operation to terminate the pregnancy went well, but there was a lot of blood after the abortion, the situation must be kept under control. You must tell your doctor about any changes you notice without delay.

Cases when urgent medical advice is needed:

  1. Heavy bleeding continues, the blood becomes very bright in color.
  2. Purulent discharge appeared.
  3. An extremely unpleasant smell of rotting appears in the blood.
  4. The pain in the lower abdomen does not stop, and perhaps gets worse. There is vomiting, nausea, and severe dizziness.

If bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy is a concern, go to the doctor immediately! Any attempt to independently influence such changes in the body is fraught with serious consequences. You need to understand that such things can and should only be treated by a specialist. To avoid complications after the intervention, you need to have an abortion only as prescribed by a doctor. Aborting it yourself at home is out of the question - this is fraught not only with complications, but also with death.

It is worth remembering that abortion is the most extreme measure. Modern contraceptive methods can provide high level protection against unwanted pregnancy. Take care of your health.

After any termination of pregnancy (mini-abortion, medical abortion, surgical abortion), the development of uterine bleeding should be expected. Often there is little (or no) bleeding for the first 24-36 hours, after which the bleeding may increase (with the intensity of menstrual bleeding) and continue intermittently for 6 weeks.

How long does bleeding last after an abortion?

If bleeding after abortion 2 weeks does not go away, then you should think about visiting a gynecologist. Bleeding is more intense than menstrual bleeding and lasting more than 3-4 weeks requires appropriate examination. Initially, heavy bleeding after surgical abortion may be due to residual fetal tissue or trauma to the cervix, vagina, or uterus from instruments or chemicals.

Some anesthetic drugs may cause uterine bleeding due to their effect on the normal contractile function of the uterus. Prolonged bleeding may indicate residual tissue.

Uterine bleeding after a mini-abortion may be a consequence of a blood coagulation disorder. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is rare, but its development may be promoted by the administration of hyperosmolar solutions or curettage in the second trimester of pregnancy, failed spontaneous abortion, or severe infection.

General duration standards bleeding after medical abortion no, they are individual for each woman. The period at which the pregnancy is terminated is also important in the duration of bleeding. The shorter the delay in menstruation, the easier the medical abortion and the shorter the bleeding. This is due to the fact that during a short period of pregnancy, the fertilized egg has not yet firmly established itself in the uterine cavity, and serious hormonal changes have not yet occurred in the body.

Usually, bloody issues begin within two hours after taking the drug. Bleeding may occur after 36-48 hours. Normal bleeding is moderate, painless and slightly painful and resembles menstruation. “Menstrual-like” bleeding lasts no more than two days, after which the spotting decreases and resembles “daub.” Spotting usually lasts no more than ten to fifteen days, but a longer duration is possible, up to the next menstruation. The cessation of bleeding after a medical abortion in the first days after taking Mifepristone indicates spasm of the cervical canal and the development of hematometra (accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity).

How to stop bleeding after an abortion?

It is impossible to stop bleeding after an abortion on your own. If uterine bleeding is more intense than menstrual bleeding and lasts more than 3-4 weeks, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Frequent self-medication mistakes.

Postponing a visit to the doctor, using folk remedies. If parts of the fetal tissue remain in the uterus, then if the visit is delayed, purulent inflammation will occur.

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If blood bleeds after a medical termination of pregnancy, this is normal, as the fertilized egg comes out of the uterus. The duration of the process depends on the duration of pregnancy and the individual characteristics of the female body. Large blood loss should be a concern. In this case, you need to seek help from a gynecologist.

Should there be blood and why?

Bleeding after an abortion is always present if the extraction was carried out using instruments. But sometimes this is a sign of pathology. It happens that blood comes out intensively after an abortion. The reasons may be:

  • The uterus is damaged by instruments.
  • There are remains of the embryo in the uterus. Re-cleaning required.
  • The operation was performed poorly.
  • The body's reaction to painkillers.
  • Nervous strain after surgery.
  • The use of drugs that affect hormonal levels.
  • Poor blood clotting.

If spotting is accompanied by high temperature, pressure, weakness, nausea, you must call a doctor, since such symptoms should not exist if the outcome of the operation is positive. The cause may be an infection or incomplete cleaning. With medical termination of pregnancy, bleeding is also present.

How long does it take to bleed after an abortion?

During an abortion using the method of cleaning or aspiration, the fertilized egg is torn off, accompanied by the destruction of the blood supplying vessels. Pregnancy is characterized by blood flow to the genitals, so any interference in this environment causes blood loss.

How often do you get your blood tested?

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    Only as prescribed by the attending physician 30%, 950 votes

    Once a year and I think that’s enough 18%, 554 vote

    At least twice a year 15%, 460 votes

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 344 vote

    I take care of my health and donate once a month 6%, 197 votes

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 135 votes


At first, the discharge should be similar to menstrual discharge. They begin 2-4 days after surgery. The color has a brown tint, the amount of discharge is small. The release of clots means that the remnants of the fertilized egg are removed from the body. If bleeding continues for 10 days, this is not considered a deviation. If bleeding continues for a long time after an abortion, this fact cannot be ignored.

From the first day of the appearance of discharge, the countdown of the new menstrual cycle begins. The next ones will appear in 20-40 days.

The medicinal option is slightly different from the 2 methods described above. In this case, the vessels are not damaged. The discharge is weak, but the later the abortion is performed, the higher the risk of heavy bleeding.

The method involves initiating a miscarriage using hormonal agents. Miscarriage occurs spontaneously, without external influence.

The medications are taken in a medical facility; after this, the patient is at home and waits for the onset of bleeding. The symptoms are similar to a spontaneous miscarriage: pain is felt in the pelvic area, reminiscent of contractions, and at the same time blood begins to be released.

Bleeding after a medical abortion lasts about a week. In the early stages, miscarriage is accompanied by weak discharge. The longer the period, the more bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy. In some cases, hemostatic therapy may be necessary.

Normal discharge lasts no more than 9 days. If they continue longer, you should consult a doctor. If fetal remains are detected, aspiration is prescribed.

Blood loss lasts longer than expected if, for example, a woman has problems with clotting or has been treated with coagulants.

Vacuum method

This method is gentle compared to surgery. Bleeding after an abortion is also observed, but not in such quantities. It begins immediately after termination of pregnancy. The blood should flow at medium intensity. It is scarlet in color, sometimes with lymph. This process does not last long - only 2-3 days.

Bleeding that occurs after the procedure is an integral part of this type of procedure. In this case, the duration and abundance of discharge from the genital tract after an abortion are of greatest importance.

How long does bleeding last after medical termination of pregnancy?

When answering this kind of question, doctors always draw the woman’s attention to the individual characteristics of the body and warn that there is no specific time frame for this phenomenon. At the same time, the fact at which, from the moment of delay of menstrual flow, the termination of pregnancy is carried out is of no small importance: the smaller it is, the easier the process of recovery of the body after medical abortion proceeds. The explanation for this dependence is the fact that the shorter the period, the more mobile the fertilized egg, because has not yet become well established in the uterine cavity.

As a rule, the onset of bleeding after a medical abortion is observed already 2 hours after taking the drug (sometimes this happens after 1.5-2 days). Normally, the discharge is moderate, slightly painful and vaguely reminiscent of what a woman experiences during her menstrual days.

Discharge, resembling menstruation in volume, usually lasts no more than 2 days, and then turns into spotting, which in turn can last up to 10-15 days from the date of medical abortion.

Why is there no bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy?

It is worth saying that in some cases a woman may experience a lack of discharge after a medical abortion.

The reason for this, as a rule, is a spasm of the cervix, which interferes with the normal outflow of blood and leads to the formation of a hematometra (blood clot in the uterus). In such cases, cleaning of the uterine cavity by curettage is required. Otherwise, the reproductive system becomes infected. Therefore, if after a medical abortion bleeding does not occur within 48 hours (maximum), the woman should seek medical help.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the opposite phenomenon, when bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy lasts more than a month. As a rule, it indicates severe damage to the endometrial tissue and requires urgent medical intervention.

Termination of pregnancy is always stressful for both the woman and her body. If the pregnancy is up to 6 weeks, then they resort to medical abortion. The shorter the pregnancy, the faster and more effective the procedure.

Abortion is performed on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a gynecologist. Direct indications are: HIV infection, sexually transmitted diseases, oncology, severe genetic heredity.

Before an abortion, the doctor prescribes an examination to confirm intrauterine pregnancy and identify contraindications for its termination. The procedure is carried out in 2 stages:

  • At stage 1, the gynecologist gives medications, the action of which is aimed at reducing the production of progesterone, at destroying the connection between the fertilized egg and the uterine wall, and at the death of the embryo.

Drugs and dosage are selected individually for each woman. The most effective at this stage are Mifepristone tablets.

  • Stage 2 - after 48 hours: prostaglandins are prescribed: Misoprostol, Dinoprost. They help increase the contractility of the uterus. The embryo is excreted with blood.

The drugs are taken in the presence of a gynecologist. They are sold in pharmacies only with a prescription. If an ultrasound revealed an ectopic pregnancy or large uterine fibroids, then medical abortion is not performed.

The first 2 hours after taking medications require constant medical supervision. During this period, the drugs begin to work. The woman feels nagging pain, like during menstruation, dizziness, and bleeding appears. After her condition has stabilized, she is allowed to leave the clinic. Otherwise, if complications are detected, hospital treatment is required.

2 days after the abortion, an ultrasound of the uterine cavity is prescribed to confirm the effectiveness of the procedure. If the amniotic egg is not completely released, then an abortion is performed using a vacuum method or surgically.

Bloody discharge, similar to menstruation, after a medical termination of pregnancy lasts 16-20 days. The duration of the period depends on how quickly the body responds to the effects of the medications.

The gynecologist must be informed about taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: they are used as painkillers.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are incompatible with the action of medications used to terminate pregnancy. The possibility of an abortion appears only after the complete removal of NSAIDs, after 12 days.

Bloody discharge in the first days after a medicated abortion

Blood discharge in the form of clots appears 2 hours after taking the first pills aimed at terminating pregnancy. They are brown in color.

After a woman has taken a prostaglandin drug, the discharge becomes profuse: it resembles menstruation. At first they have a dark red color, and later lighten to a scarlet and whitish hue. This indicates that the process of termination of pregnancy was successful.

If the color of the blood discharge has yellow impurities, this indicates the presence of infection. The disease occurs against the background of changes in the microflora in the vagina.

If you are interested in the question of how long your period lasts after a medical termination of pregnancy, be sure to pay attention to the color of the discharge and the presence of impurities in it. So, yellow impurities indicate infection

When terminating a pregnancy, this is especially dangerous: blood sepsis develops and the risk of infertility increases. If at this moment the amniotic sac and endometrium have not yet left the uterine cavity, then an emergency abortion is performed surgically or by vacuum method.

Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy is the norm, but as far as practice shows, it does not always occur. If no blood clots appear, this indicates cervical spasm. The muscles are compressed, preventing the embryo from leaving the cavity. There is no abortion. Pathology leads to an inflammatory process and further abnormal development of the embryo.

How long does bleeding last after medical abortion?

Brown clots are released for 2 days, until the prostaglandins were taken. At stage 2 of abortion, intense contraction of the uterus occurs, which is accompanied by bleeding. The process ends after 14 days.

In some cases, spotting continues until the onset of the first menstruation. The gynecologist prescribes therapy that reduces the process of uterine contractions.

Only pads are used as hygiene products. Cotton swabs will not allow the embryo to come out. The discharge on the pad must be carefully observed so as not to miss the release of the amniotic egg: it looks like a clot of 4-6 mm. After 10 days, bleeding ends.

When does your period start after a medical abortion?

After a medical termination of pregnancy, your period will come at its natural time. Each woman has her own individual monthly cycle: as far as we know, it is 28-30 days.

If the cycle is irregular, then wait 35 days. Otherwise, therapy is prescribed to restore the reproductive function of the body and normalize the blood supply to the uterus: hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Before the onset of the first menstruation, it is prohibited to take hormonal contraceptives. They abstain from sexual intercourse.

After menstruation, contraceptives are selected together with a gynecologist. Previously taken medications reduce their effectiveness after medical abortion

The abundance of blood discharge and the duration of menstruation depend on the restoration of the blood vessels supplying the uterus and on the microflora of the cavity.

Normally, menstruation continues in the usual manner for a woman, 5-7 days. At first, the discharge differs in intensity. In the subsequent period they become normal.

How long does your period last after medical termination of pregnancy?

after taking 1 group of drugs

2 days weak discharge

2 group of drugs

14 days of heavy bleeding

on28-35 day

1 day of menstruation – 7 days

7-10 days after the first day of menstruation, the discharge stops. Longer periods indicate pathology in the processes occurring inside the uterus. The gynecologist prescribes a blood test, an extraordinary ultrasound, and takes a smear to identify inflammatory processes.

Bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy: causes

During a drug-induced abortion, bleeding in the form of heavy periods helps expel the embryo from the uterine cavity. The condition is defined as normal if the pad contains 5 drops in the first days and is filled every 3 hours.

“Menstruations” after medical termination of pregnancy come with painful manifestations in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. The discharge continues for the same number of days as menstruation occurred before pregnancy.

If the pad fills within an hour, abdominal pain is accompanied by fever, nausea, and dizziness, then this is a reason to call an ambulance and urgent hospitalization.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, lower abdominal pain or excessive bleeding, consult a doctor immediately

Bloody discharge developed into intrauterine bleeding. This happens for several reasons:

  • unsuccessful termination of pregnancy; parts of the amniotic egg remain in the uterus;
  • attached infection; lack of hygiene;
  • physical activity during an abortion;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • non-compliance with the gynecologist’s recommendations: taking hormonal medications, physical activity, sexual intercourse;
  • lack of information about abortion: the use of painkillers, how long the “period” lasts after medical termination of pregnancy, and what is its intensity;
  • stress, psychological instability.

With reduced immunity and a low pain threshold, “menstruation” passes with severe pain. Self-use of painkillers, without consulting a gynecologist, is one of the main reasons for the development of intrauterine bleeding.

Delay after medical abortion: reasons

Termination of pregnancy affects the stability of a woman’s hormonal levels. Abortion medications suppress the production of estrogen, which affects the functioning of the ovaries and the entire endocrine system. The natural menstrual cycle is disrupted: a delay of 10 days is acceptable.

After an artificial miscarriage, a woman experiences stress. Depression provokes an increase in prolactin levels. The hormone delays the ovulation process, which directly affects the timing of menstruation.

One of the reasons for a delay in menstruation after an abortion is the resulting pregnancy. Gynecologists warn that the opinion about the absence of ovulation 1 month after the removal of the embryo is erroneous. In women with good immunity, it begins 2 weeks after the procedure.

Consequences of medical abortion

A medical abortion is more preferable for a woman than a surgical operation. The consequences of the procedure are related to the tolerability of the drugs and their effectiveness. In the first hours after taking the pills, in some cases, allergic manifestations on the skin, dizziness, and nausea are noted. At stage 2 of abortion, there is a risk of intrauterine bleeding.

Before an abortion, the gynecologist is obliged to warn about serious consequences, which are defined as remote and do not appear immediately:

  • Placental polyp: part of the embryo remains in the uterine cavity; bleeding develops.
  • Hematometra: blood clots accumulate in the cavity; the disease develops with cervical spasm.
  • Hormonal instability.
  • Depressive state.

If complications occur after a medical abortion, surgery may be necessary.

Severe complications require surgery and hospital treatment.

How to restore your cycle after a medical abortion

During artificial termination of pregnancy, ovarian function is disrupted. This occurs due to a decrease in estrogen and progestogen levels. During the rehabilitation period after an abortion, the gynecologist prescribes combined contraceptives such as "Regulon", "Mikrogynon". The drugs help restore hormonal levels and the monthly cycle.

In order for the development of the fetus to proceed without complications, it is necessary to determine how long menstruation lasts after medical termination of pregnancy.

Only after 6 menstrual cycles, which appear regularly, do they begin to plan a pregnancy.

If a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, then her desire must be thoughtful and justified. Medically induced abortion is considered the most gentle way to get rid of an embryo, but it also has serious complications. Gynecologists urge women to plan their pregnancy in advance so as not to subsequently decide on an abortion.

To find out how long your period lasts after a medical termination of pregnancy, watch this video:

How is medical abortion performed and what are its advantages: