Essay “Taras Bulba” – plot, characters, issues. Current problems of raising teenagers (based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter” and the story by N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”)

Bakhmurnova Elena. Anatolyevna, teacher of Municipal Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 24, Novosibirsk

Current problems of raising teenagers (based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter” and the story by N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”)

In modern language, Russian literature is a perfect search engine that never fails. Whatever question is on the agenda, you can ask the classics and expect a comprehensive answer.

Within the framework of the writer’s artistic system, a vision of the path of a person, a people, a state is revealed. Any situation, it turns out, was described long ago, and unmistakable guidelines were given long ago.

Here is Gogol's Taras Bulba. The scene of Taras killing his son Andriy always shocks children. How so? According to one of the traditional interpretations, we are faced with an insoluble conflict: the choice between love and the Motherland.

Andria is attracted by the beauty of the Polish woman. But not only. Through his eyes a description is given of the beautiful temple and house in besieged Dubna. Beautiful architecture, wonderful music, a beautiful Polish woman, wonderful Polish gentlemen who look down on the Cossack army besieging the city. In contrast, the pitiful mother Andria, the simple whitewashed hut of Taras, the far from brilliant appearance of the Cossacks. Andriy chooses beauty. “Beauty is a terrible force” was the title of the research work of one of my students on Taras Bulba. In Gogol it is terrible, because it is a great temptation. Next to “Taras” he has “Viy”, where the devilish essence of temptation is discovered, which splits a person’s soul and then completely destroys him.

Children are now interested in the fantasy genre, and why not ALIENAndriy, who utters monstrous words: “What is my father, comrades and homeland to me?.. Who said that my homeland is Ukraine?.. My homeland is you!.. And everything that I have, I will sell, give away, destroy for such fatherland! In the traditions of Russian Orthodoxy, the Christian faith, the homeland, and military brotherhood are the main values. Andriy renounced his clan, people, and homeland. “And the Cossack died!” writes Gogol before Taras kills his son.

And now a situation that at one time made the rounds of the media: a girl on the Maidan with a poster “I want lace panties in the EU.” Beauty is a terrible force. The beauty of architecture, the beauty of music, the beauty of men and women, the beauty of panties, in the end. Beautiful life in the broad sense of the word - and “Who said that my homeland is Ukraine?”

It is known that Gogol at one time did not avoid temptations: he was captivated by the beauties of Rome and the beauty of Catholic worship and was always afraid of falling under the power of women. So he wrote with knowledge of the matter. And the story “Taras Bulba” is also about something that is so relevant now: the external should not obscure the essential. To exchange yours for someone else’s, you need to understand what kind of values ​​you are exchanging.

The beauty of Polish red caftans and golden armor that burns in the sun is one side. On the other hand: in the poor house of Taras, the only things that were rich were trophies, horse harness and weapons - everything that distinguishes the hero as a good warrior. The Cossacks have no time for golden armor, because they are doing the work of “great sweat, great Cossack valor.” And the wives of the Cossacks are not Beautiful Ladies, because both time and their lot are difficult: men spent most of their lives on campaigns and often died there. But the women humbly carried their cross, preserved the home, and were gentle, caring mothers.

Has Andriy thought about this? In Gogol, he freezes and is dumbfounded when a Polish woman appears - this paralysis of personality deprives him of consciousness and a critical attitude to what is happening. In our opinion, there was no conflict between love and duty; Andriy was immediately submissivee and therefore he became submissive. We can talk not only about the death of Andriy as a Cossack, but also about his death as a person who surrenders his subjectivity to “external control.” This problem is very broad, and it concerns both some people and entire states.

Another pressing problem: the search for a modern positive hero. Who should make a teenager's life better - the brutal Western-style supermen?

But pay attention: Pyotr Grinev, “The Captain’s Daughter” by Pushkin. At first - a typical undergrowth. Ideas about life, like those of many infantile teenagers: "The thought ofservice merged in me with thoughts aboutfreedom , aboutpleasures Petersburg life" (emphasis added). But the wise priest decides to send him to serve in the outback, and the initiation rite begins. Pushkin constructs “The Captain’s Daughter” in many ways like a fairy tale, because the basis of the work is the line of initiation, i.e. hero tests. Essentially, The Captain's Daughter is about how a boy becomes a man. The plot fits into the scheme of V.Ya. Proppa: order to the hero, leaving home, deception, etc. But all stages of Grinev’s tests are psychologically very reliable. The first thing he does after leaving the care is to immediately violate his father’s orders and succumb to persuasion to drink and gamble “like an adult” for money. But that's not what makes him an adult.

Pushkin accompanied one of his pamphlets with the epigraph: “I entered the arena with my equals.” Only in facing difficult obstacles and strong enemies does a person become a hero. Pushkin makes Pugachev the main rival of Grinev.

In Western films, enemies are various monsters, ranging from prehistoric animals to space aliens. Let's look at Pugachev from this angle. Each time he appears to Grinev in a new guise (a runaway Cossack, a “tsar”, an executioner, a benefactor), and also has zoomorphic features (a wolf, an eagle) - try to distinguish under these guisesperson. Every meeting between Grinev and Pugachev is a solving of a riddle, a test of life and death, and here Superman’s fighting techniques are not at work. At the right moment, Grinev shows courage, will, fearless honesty, as well as a deep understanding of the situation, intelligence and flexibility. Each time he finds the right key to the soul of the unpredictable Pugach, while maintaining his dignity and never betraying himself. What a test! As a result, the most dangerous enemy becomes a friend.

Every time Peter seems to move to a new level in a computer game: as soon as he wins, a new game begins, even more difficult. As a result, when everything seems to be over, Grinev is put on trial for a false denunciation. And here - noble silence about his bride and great humility before fate, readiness to endure its new hardships.

Pushkin shows that the source of the inner strength of the Russian person is in his moral integrity. Peter Grinev found inner support and began to live up to his name (Peter - stone) in the Belogorsk fortress. A family with a telling surname, the Mironovs, helped him in this. These people resist all lies, discord, and splits on a personal level: on the one hand, there is great turmoil, on the other, amazing moral integrity. Quiet, meek Masha Mironova at the right moment turns out to be faithful, strong, independent in her decisions, and she, like the prophetic bride in fairy tales, saves the groom.Happyend, and Hollywood is taking a break.

Pushkin as a competitor to Hollywood? Yes, because modern mass art exploits archetypal images and plots found in myths and fairy tales. The scheme is the same: testing the hero in extreme situations. But if among Western “colleagues” this hero becomes a superman (read: superman), because he strides widely over heads, then in Pushkin the hero begins and ends with something else - mercy (a hare sheepskin coat and farewell to Pugachev on the execution site).

One of the patterns: in a critical situation, it dawns on us that it’s time to turn back to “outdated” sources, and we finally ask difficult questions to the classics. As a result, we get the opportunity to think about the most important thing: about responsible personal choice and about the formation of humanity in a person.

The famous story “Taras Bulba” almost immediately won a huge amount of recognition among readers from the very first moment of its appearance.

Many critics and specialists in the field of literature and art argue that this story is one of the most memorable works of the Russian writer Nikolai Gogol.

At the beginning of getting acquainted with this story, the reader can assume that the theme of this entire work lies only in the phrase “the Cossacks’ struggle for their homeland.”

But it is fair to say that this is not at all the case. Of course, you cannot argue with the fact that this meaning exists, but in addition to it, there are other important, vital meanings in the work, with which the entire work is fully filled.

The main theme of the entire work is the struggle for one’s homeland. Here we are told about a strong and courageous people who do not spare their lives in the struggle for the honor and freedom of their homeland.

It is also impossible not to note that throughout the entire story one can see another equally important and significant line of relations between parents and their children. The work very clearly shows the father's relationship with his sons. The reader can also see how the absolutely identical upbringing of two sons contributes to the growth of two completely different men.

One of the main characters, Taras Bulba himself, appears to the readers as a strong, brave and courageous Cossack, who is not alien to such feelings as sentimentality. It is worth noting that one of his sons, namely Andriy, was killed by his father after he went against his will.

Reading this work, readers get different impressions, but of course, everyone can find something in it for themselves. Once you read it, you will realize that it is filled with deep meaning.

Theme of Gogol's story "Taras Bulba"

“Taras Bulba” is a famous historical story by N.V. Gogol. Its main theme is a person’s selfless love for his native land, his readiness to defend it from enemies until his last breath. The author skillfully reveals this theme in the images and actions of the main characters of the work: Taras Bulba and his two sons.

The story describes the distant times of the birth of the Cossacks, their irreconcilable hostility for their independence with the Polish nobility. Having created their own special state, the freedom-loving Zaporozhye Sich, the Cossacks were engaged in peaceful labor, but were ready to take up arms at any moment.

Taras Bulba is the central character of the story. This is a real Cossack, a courageous and courageous person. The character has no real historical prototype. He personifies all the best features of a unique Russian class - the Cossacks. Taras is a true warrior who has seen a lot in his life. The arrival of his sons from studies is a joy for the aging father. However, he severely restrains his emotions and does not allow his mother to admire her children enough. Taras almost immediately begins to get ready for the journey to show Ostap and Andriy to the Sich, to give them a taste of Cossack life.

The children of Taras end up in the daring and dashing Zaporozhye Sich, where peaceful life is spent in endless drinking bouts. The outbreak of hostilities with Poland instantly transforms the inhabitants of the Sich. The readiness to defend the Motherland at the first call is the main quality inherent in the Cossacks. In military clashes, the sons of Taras mature and grow stronger. He prophesies a great future for his children.

The siege of the city of Dubna is the central episode of the work. In it, Gogol described in sublime tones the power of the boundless love of the Cossacks for their Motherland. A sharp contrast to this is Andriy’s betrayal because of his love for a Polish woman. Taras could not bear this and killed his own son. This is the main tragedy of the work. Betrayal of the Motherland cannot be forgiven; it is washed away only with blood.

Another misfortune awaited Taras's heart. Ostap was captured. The moment of torture and execution is described in an incredibly moving tone. Ostap endured the torment to the end, he died with honor and pride.

Taras's terrible and merciless revenge ends with his painful death at the hands of the enemy. The last words of the old Cossack are addressed to his comrades. He predicts the greatness of his homeland. The image of the crucified and burned Taras is a symbol of a true fighter for the freedom of his land.

Several interesting essays

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N.V. Gogol is one of the outstanding writers of the 19th century. His work still lives on, and famous stories and comedies are filmed not only in Russia, but also abroad. The works of N.V. Gogol contain many secrets. The life of the writer was no less mysterious.

Life and work of N.V. Gogol

N.V. Gogol’s interest in literature arose in childhood. At first, the writer was engaged in collecting Russian-Ukrainian folklore, in particular songs. He combined them in the book “Little Russian Lexicon”. Gogol worked on this dictionary for several years.

N.V. Gogol studied at the gymnasium, and after graduating he moved to St. Petersburg. The city had a huge influence on the writer’s work. It is here that the literary career of N.V. Gogol begins. First he writes “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.” The work is associated with the romance of people's lives. In literature, Gogol was one of the first writers who described in such detail the joys and sorrows of ordinary rural people.

A few years later, two collections of stories were published, “Mirgorod” and “Arabesques”. At the same time, N.V. Gogol wrote “Petersburg Tales”.

After the premiere of the comedy “The Inspector General,” N. V. Gogol stopped writing for some time: “The Inspector General” was received with terrible criticism. People did not understand the comedy and considered it an empty joke, a mockery of people.

After N.V. Gogol writes “Dead Souls,” another immortal work.

The writer died under mysterious circumstances. According to recollections, he was very sick and died in agony. Several decades after his death, the body was exhumed. There was a hypothesis that it was lethargy, and on the lid of the coffin they allegedly even found marks resembling scratches from nails. However, this fact has not been proven.

“Taras Bulba”: the history of writing the story

The story “Taras Bulba” was included in the collection of stories “Mirgorod”. The image of Taras Bulba is considered one of the most controversial in Russian literature.

When working on the story “Taras Bulba,” Gogol had to study a large amount of historical materials. However, he lacked official documents: the writer wanted to feel the soul of people, find out their mentality, signs and everyday side of life. Gogol was engaged in the poetics of folk songs, and this influenced the image of Taras Bulba and other characters.

Work on the story lasted about 9 years, the writer worked intermittently. Gogol worked from 1833 to 1842. The story was edited several times.

His two sons, Ostap and Andriy, come to visit Taras Bulba. He goes with them to the Zaporozhye Sich so that young people can see how real Cossacks live and become real men. The image of Taras Bulba is written out in detail: he is a real stern Cossack who wants to stand up for his Fatherland. In the Sich, Ostap and Andriy fight the Poles, but Andriy suffers from love for a Polish woman. In the end, Andriy runs to the besieged city to his beloved, thereby renouncing his family. Andriy joins the Poles and fights on their side. Taras Bulba kills Andriy for betrayal. “I gave birth to you, I will kill you,” Gogol quotes him as saying (“Taras Bulba”). The image of Taras is increasingly revealed to the reader. He goes on to fight. Ostap is captured and executed in the square. Taras Bulba goes to avenge the death of his son, but his regiment is defeated. The hero is burned alive at the stake.

Problems of the story “Taras Bulba”

First of all, this is a problem of education. The image of Taras Bulba in the story is surprisingly revealed when he tells his sons to go to the Sich. At the same time, Andriy and Ostap unquestioningly obey their father.

The second problem is love for the Motherland, the patriotic feelings of each hero. The reader clearly sees that between family relationships and the country, Taras chooses the Fatherland. Taras does not spare his son, and, having lost Andriy, continues to fight together with Ostap.

The third topic can be identified as the problem of choosing between patriotic and love feelings. Andriy became so carried away by the lady that he betrayed the Cossacks. He couldn't fight his attraction to this girl.

Image of Taras Bulba

The main character has all the advantages of a person of the era described in the story. He is a wise leader who is not created for a family hearth. Unyielding and decisive, he hates his enemies and desperately fights Polish oppression. At the same time, Taras did not like luxury. He preferred the simple life of the Cossacks.

The main features of Taras Bulba during the conflict with Andriy are revealed. Realizing that his own son betrayed the Fatherland, Taras does not hesitate to kill him without a feeling of pity, confident that he is right. And how much inner strength the reader observes in Taras Bulba during the execution of Ostap! This strong-willed man sees how his son and his pride are being taken out to be executed, but he does not betray himself in any way.

After the death of Ostap, Taras can be called cruel. But he fought for a just cause: it was necessary to end the fight with the Poles and avenge the death of his son.

This is truly a story created for the people. “Taras Bulba” (the image of Ostap is proof of this) is a masterfully written work that is close and understandable to everyone.

Image of Ostap

Taras Bulba saw Ostap as a good warrior from the very beginning of his life in the Zaporozhye Sich. Fearless, strong, he impressed even experienced Cossacks. His character was similar to Taras - just as strong and strong-willed. It is worth noting that when Ostap was executed, he did not utter a sound of prayer. He stoically accepted his death. The only thing he wanted was to look at his father, the closest person at that time, for the last time.

The images of the heroes (Taras Bulba is the brightest of them) are impressive and natural. N.V. Gogol was able to perfectly convey the state of people fighting for independence.

“Taras Bulba” is a story dedicated to historical themes. The action takes place in the Zaporozhye Sich, where the Ukrainian Cossacks are located. The plot centers on the life of the main character Taras Bulba and his sons. Taras is a brave and determined person. People respect him for his strong character and sense of justice. He is devoted to his homeland and demands the same from Ostap and Andriy.

The sons of Taras are the opposite of each other. Ostap is his father's real pride. Without hesitation, he rushes into battle, ready to come to the rescue and protect his comrade. Ostap sacrificed himself for the sake of the fatherland and the salvation of his comrades. Andriy, on the contrary, has a softer character; he is not concerned about the problems of his homeland. He betrayed his people and for this he was executed by his own father, who could not do otherwise. In those days this was done to all traitors.

Each of the heroes has a difficult fate and they all did not die a natural death. The main problem of the story is that a person is obliged to love his homeland. This love is the most sincere and true. A person should be grateful that he was born in a particular country, which means it was God’s will. Heroes like Ostap and Taras Bulba, who laid down their lives for their fatherland, should become role models.

Tale by N.V. Gogol " Taras Bulba" - historical story. It talks about the life of the Cossacks in the Zaporozhye Sich, about their battles for the independence of Ukraine.

The main character of the story is old Cossack Taras Bulba , one of the best warriors of the Sich. He spent his entire life in battles and cannot imagine any other life. Bulba is devoted to the laws of Cossack honor to the last drop of blood. He is loyal to his comrades, values ​​and loves them more than his own life. The meaning of Taras Bulba's life - in service to fellowship, homeland and the Orthodox faith.

The hero has two sons. This Ostap and Andriy . Both of them are young, just returned from school. Taras dreamed that his sons would become real Cossacks, defenders of the fatherland. Therefore, he takes them with him to the Zaporozhye Sich.

At this time, news spread throughout the Cossack land: the Poles were coming to Ukraine. The Polish invaders have already occupied many Ukrainian lands and are not going to stop. Having learned about this, the Cossacks immediately set off to defend their homeland.

Both Ostap and Andriy bravely fought their enemies. Taras was proud of his sons. But the hero's dreams were not destined to come true. First, he lost his youngest son, Andriy. The young man fell in love with a Polish woman and went over to the enemy’s side for her sake. When Taras found out that his son was a traitor, his grief knew no bounds. But for Bulba, betrayal was the biggest crime. Therefore, he himself, with his own hand, punished the traitor. Bulba shot his son.

But soon Taras Bulba had to lose his Ostap. He was captured by the damned Poles. The wounded and sick Bulba cannot forget about this for a minute. First, he decides to get at least some news about his son. And then tries to save him. But it's all in vain. Ostap dies. Before his execution, he bravely endured many tortures. Taras, despite his grief, was involuntarily proud of his son. Bulba supports Ostap at the last minute, instilling courage and faith in him.

Taras Bulba - unhappy person. He experienced a real tragedy. The hero lost all his children. But he could be proud of Ostap, because he died like a real warrior, a Cossack. But Andriy turned out to be a traitor. And this is the worst thing for the hero.

The Reader reads about Andriy’s death, as the most difficult episode, revealing Taras’s experiences, conveying his excitement and anger. The most terrible crime for Taras is treason to his homeland, to the common cause. He places a much higher value on kinship by spirit than by blood. That’s why Taras was so shocked when he saw Andriy leading the enemy detachment. And his first words, directly addressed to his son, were that Andriy was killing his comrades: “How?.. Do you beat your own, damn son?..” Andriy’s submission was caused by the admission of his guilt, the understanding that his betrayal a crime deserving trial and terrible execution. Realizing this, he still did not repent of what he had done. Love for a girl killed all other feelings in his soul. Therefore, before his death, he pronounces the name not of his homeland, like all Cossacks, but of his beloved.

In the episode of Andriy’s death, Taras’s hot, passionate nature and the strength of his character were fully revealed. He felt guilty before his comrades, before his homeland. It was he, the father and senior comrade, who did not see in time the negative traits in his son’s character, his instability, excessive ardor. And as a courageous man, passionately convinced that he is right, he himself corrects his mistake.

From the cheerful, sociable person that Taras was, he turned under the influence of the suffering he experienced into a withdrawn and gloomy one. This is no longer a daring Cossack, ready to start dancing, as Gogol portrays him. It’s impossible to cheer up Taras now

The execution of Ostap, which Taras witnessed, shocked him. From that moment on, there was no more pity or compassion for his enemies in his heart. Even his comrades, who took part in battles more than once and saw a lot in their lifetime, were amazed at his cruelty

Everything he experienced made Taras especially careful, vigilant, and taught him to predict events. Therefore, Taras Bulba did not believe the Poles, like many of his comrades, and did not conclude a truce with them, but left with part of the Cossacks to continue the fight he had begun, and no one could stop him. He was no longer the former cheerful, cheerful and daring Cossack, but a stern and a warrior merciless to enemies.

The suffering he experienced could not break Taras and kill his faith in the justice of the struggle that had begun. He continues it, appearing with his regiment in different places in Poland, avenging his desecrated homeland, dead comrades and Ostap. He is alone among like-minded people and comrades in arms. His sons are gone, his former battle-tested comrades, hetman and colonels are gone. However, everything that Taras had to endure did not break his powerful spirit. Having led his hero through terrible trials, Gogol showed that a person can be hardened, made unhappy and lonely, knowing no rest from suffering, he cannot be broken, bent if he serves a common cause, if he fights for freedom. Therefore, Gogol's story is optimistic. In that - the power of the story, its pathos, its enormous ideological and aesthetic significance.

The author of “Taras Bulba” took on the strong side of the Decembrist tradition, giving the historical theme a bright civic focus. But he was free from the schematism and didactics characteristic of the Decembrist writers in the interpretation of the historical past, as well as the one-sided portrayal of a hero isolated from the life of the people, characteristic of their works. Revealed with extraordinary breadth and epic scope in “Taras Bulba” people's liberation movement. The main character of the story appears as a participant and spokesman for this movement.

Freely disposing of historical material, without reproducing a single specific historical event, almost not a single real figure, Gogol at the same time created a work of art in which, with brilliant artistic power, he revealed the authentic history of the people,

In fact, the writer had in mind to paint a picture that would reflect the most typical, the fundamental features of the entire national heroic epic of the Ukrainian people.

In his depiction of the Sich and its heroes, Gogol combines historical specificity, characteristic of a realist writer, and high lyrical pathos, characteristic of a romantic poet. The organic fusion of various artistic colors creates the poetic originality and charm of “Taras Bulba”.

Ukrainian Cossack epic which lasted for more than two centuries (XVI - XVII), - one of the heroic events of world history. A handful of peasants who fled from enslavement, which soon grew into a formidable Zaporizhian freemen and actually became the master of the entire middle and southern Dnieper region, instilled fear for many decades in the Turks, Tatars and Polish gentry who had their sights set on Ukrainian land.

Occupying an advantageous position on trade routes between the Baltic and Black Seas, West and East, Ukraine has long served as a bait for the aggressive thoughts of its neighbors. For many centuries, the rich Ukrainian lands were subjected to devastating raids by Tatars and Turks, Lithuanian and Polish conquerors. In the 14th century, Ukraine was captured by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

The mighty Zaporozhye Sich soon became a kind of outpost on the southern and southeastern borders of Ukraine. They kept the Tatars and Turks at bay, who had previously plundered Ukrainian lands with impunity.

The history of Ukraine at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries was marked by many powerful uprisings that produced such outstanding figures as Hetman Kosinsky, Nalivaiko, Loboda, Taras Fedorovich (Tryasylo), Gunya, Ostranitsa.

The depiction of this struggle formed the basis of “Taras Bulba”.

The innovative significance of “Taras Bulba” was that the main force of historical events was there are people in it . At the center of “Taras Bulba” is the heroic image of a people fighting for their freedom and independence. Never before in Russian literature has the scope and expanse of people's life been so fully and vividly depicted. Each of the heroes of the story, no matter how individual and original he may be, feels like an integral part of people's life. In the limitless the fusion of a person’s personal interests with the interests of the people -the ideological pathos of this work. Only one image of Andriy is sharply isolated in the story. It opposes the national character and seems to break out of its main theme. The shameful death of Andriy, which is a necessary moral retribution for his apostasy and betrayal of the people's cause, further emphasizes the greatness of the central idea of ​​the story.

The Zaporozhye Sich as depicted by Gogol is a kingdom of freedom and equality, it is a free republic in which people of broad souls live, absolutely free and equal, where strong, courageous characters are brought up, for whom there is nothing higher than the interests of the people, than freedom and independence fatherland.