What is the shelf life of eggs under different storage conditions? How long do boiled eggs last in the refrigerator?

Eggs are used to prepare most dishes: hot dishes, snacks and baked goods. Therefore, in most cases they are bought “in reserve”. But not everyone thinks about the shelf life of raw eggs in the refrigerator.

In addition to chickens, there are other birds that provide the population with the products of their vital activity, which have different requirements for the conditions and periods of storage of eggs in the refrigerator.

Shelf life of chicken eggs

In order for this protein product to bring only benefits, you need to find out how long eggs can be stored in the refrigerator:

Shelf life of raw eggs of other birds

Bird eggs, except chicken eggs, are stored for the following amount of time:

  • Goose and duck can be stored for up to 2 weeks.
  • Turkey - up to 4 weeks.
  • Quail - up to 3 weeks.

Storage Requirements

Usually they are kept in the refrigerator, but there are situations when this is impossible (if the refrigerator is missing or broken), then the product can be stored outside it. At room temperature, the raw product is stored for 7-10 days, and the cooked product - up to 2 days.

The indicated storage periods will be valid if a number of requirements are met. For home storage, you need to choose a place (dark and cool) with a humidity of no more than 85%.

If the requirements are not met, the shelf life will be reduced.. If, for example, you take boiled eggs with you on the road (in summer or spring), then They must be consumed within 12 hours before they lose their freshness. Indeed, under conditions of elevated temperatures, the product quickly deteriorates and cannot be eaten.

Our ancestors, many years ago, came up with several ways to preserve this poultry product longer:

Refrigerated storage conditions

Eggs must be placed in the refrigerator immediately after purchase. The best place for them will be the bottom shelf, located closer to the freezer. After all, the temperature there does not rise above +3°C, and the ideal storage conditions for eggs are at a temperature of +2 - +4°C.

Most refrigerators are equipped with special compartments for this product, which are located on the door. But it is not advisable to store ellipsoids there, because when the refrigerator door is opened, warm air touches the food on the doors and displaces the cold. The temperature there is +8 - +10 °C, and therefore they can quickly deteriorate.

Eggs are stored with the pointed end down. This is due to the fact that on the wide part they have an air “corridor”, and when you press on it, the shell can be deformed and the seal may be broken.

The best option for storage would be a cardboard container, which will protect the product from unnecessary odors and maintain optimal humidity. If there is not enough space in the container, you can put them in a bowl, the walls and bottom of which must be lined with a soft cloth so as not to damage the shell.

You should not wash the shells before storing eggs in the refrigerator. This will reduce their shelf life. However, before cooking or before driving the egg into a dish, it must be washed to remove any dirt.

Ways to check the freshness of eggs

If the storage time is coming to an end, this does not mean that the product has immediately spoiled. And it’s not a fact that if there are several days left before the end of the period, the product will still be fresh. Therefore, they must be checked for freshness before use.

You can check this at home like this: shake the egg near your ear. If there is no sound, it is fresh. If there are extraneous sounds such as “squelching”, then it is better not to use it. If no dark inclusions are visible on the shell when cleared, it can be consumed.

If you use it as an ingredient in any dish, you should not immediately add it to other ingredients. If it is spoiled, then all products used with it will become unusable. First, break it into a separate container. And after checking for appearance (stale protein is cloudy and has a rainbow tint) and smell, feel free to add it to the dish.

You can conduct an experiment that will help determine the freshness of the product. To do this, place raw chicken eggs in a jar of salted water. An indicator of freshness will be that they remain on the bottom or rise slightly. If they float to the surface, you should not eat these products.

The latter method will help determine how long the product has been stored. This knowledge will be useful when preparing dishes that use eggs. Let's take poached meat, for example. This dish will work only if the product is fresh and stored for less than a week. In order to easily separate the yolk from the white, freshness will be the main factor.

This protein ingredient is the center of benefit, which is used at all times. In many countries it makes up the majority of the diet. Follow storage conditions and enjoy a fresh and healthy product.

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Eggs are a low-calorie product rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. These substances are necessary for good health and good functioning of the body. Many people eat boiled eggs daily. In addition, they are included in the recipes of various dishes. Sometimes it is not possible to use all the prepared products at once. Therefore, you need to know how long boiled eggs last in the refrigerator.

Shelf life

The shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is much shorter than fresh ones. This is because when exposed to high temperatures, the shell becomes more porous. As a result, the product is more susceptible to air and bacteria. Store-bought eggs have a shorter shelf life than homemade eggs. This is due to their pre-sale processing.

Hard-boiled eggs remain usable for 5–7 days, soft-boiled eggs – 3–4 days. If the shell cracks during cooking, the shelf life does not exceed 2-3 days.

Eggs colored with natural dyes, for example, onion skins, beet juice, turmeric, have a final shelf life of 1 week. After decorating with thermal film, the product can be stored for no more than 2 days, as a violation of temperature exchange occurs. If water gets under the film during cooking, the eggs are no longer suitable for consumption on the second day.

After shelling the eggs, place them in a container with a lid. In this case, the shelf life in the refrigerator is about 2-3 days.

Signs of freshness

Sometimes it is necessary to determine the freshness of already boiled eggs. The shelf life is affected by the method of preparation and the freshness of the original product at the time of cooking. A freshly boiled egg is difficult to peel; the film between the white and the shell is tight. Stale food has a specific rotten smell.

Remember that freshness is difficult to determine by the color of a boiled egg. Only if the product has been in the refrigerator for a long time does the protein become grayish.

How to extend the shelf life

To keep boiled eggs in the refrigerator for as long as possible, it is important to adhere to the correct cooking technology. To prevent the shell from cracking and thus reducing the final shelf life of the product, it is recommended to pour warm or even cool water over the eggs and put them on fire. Thanks to this, there will be no sudden temperature changes, which leads to damage to the protective layer.

Do not keep eggs near raw fish or meat. For storage, a container that closes tightly and does not allow air to pass through is best. Special cells are ineffective because they do not protect the product from temperature changes and air flows when the refrigerator door is frequently opened. You should not freeze eggs, as this disrupts their cellular structure and reduces their shelf life.

Pay attention to the expiration date of the product indicated on the packaging. But if eggs are cooked correctly, they can be consumed even after this term ends. To do this, you need to hard-boil them over low heat for 10 minutes.

Boiled eggs should not be stored in the refrigerator longer than allowed. It is also important to cook them properly and not keep them near raw meat or fish.

Eggs are a product that no housewife can do without. In order for eggs to retain their freshness and beneficial qualities for as long as possible, they must be stored correctly. You will learn in detail how this is done from this article.

How long to store boiled eggs

Boiled eggs can be kept in the refrigerator for up to ten days, provided that they are whole and without cracks. If they are present, then the maximum time is 3-4 days. After this time, active proliferation of microbes begins in the product, which can lead to poisoning.

If it is not possible to place the testicles in a cold place, then you can store them warm for a couple of days. If you want to extend the shelf life, you can lubricate the shells with sunflower oil. If you are going outdoors and take boiled eggs with you, then, firstly, you need to wrap them in paper, and secondly, you should eat them, the sooner the better. But they should be kept for no more than 12 hours.

Storage times are provided that the eggs are hard-boiled, undamaged and stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. For long-term storage, you can also lubricate with oil. If the product has a specific smell during cleaning, or a gray-blue tint, it is best to throw it away, since the process of decay has already begun.

How long to store raw eggs

Most often, the shelf life and shelf life of eggs depends on where they were purchased. It is recommended that you purchase them from stores so that they are labeled when they are packed up and taken down. It is very difficult to track such information in the market.

At temperatures from 0 to 19 degrees, the product can be stored for about a month. They should be stored wrapped in paper. You can also dilute salt in water and keep eggs in this solution in a cool place. Shelf life is approximately 40 days.

How long to store eggs in the refrigerator

Eggs in the refrigerator should be kept at the back wall, or in the drawers for vegetables and fruits, but in no case on the door. Constantly opening the door changes the temperature and causes movement, which reduces the shelf life of the product. With the right approach, eggs can be stored for up to 4 months. They should be stored in the packaging in which they were purchased or in a special container.

In this case, the eggs should be placed with the sharp tip down. You should not wash them after purchasing, and if you have washed them, it is better to use them within 30 days. Raw eggs from stores are stored for about 30 days, homemade - 90 days.

Quail eggs are stored for no more than 3 months, duck eggs for a couple of weeks, and eggs are similar in storage to. To prevent eggs from absorbing any aromas, they should be kept away from fish and strong-smelling foods.

How to properly store eggs

Raw fresh eggs are stored in a cool place with a humidity of 85% and a temperature of 0-19 degrees. Several options to keep the product fresh for as long as possible:

  1. Brush each egg with oil or fat. Place them in a box with sawdust or sand, sharp ends down, and cover with a bag on top. Shelf life is a couple of months.
  2. Place the product in a clay dish and pour a solution of diluted slaked lime on top. This storage option prolongs the freshness of eggs for almost a year, although a specific taste appears.
  3. Brush each egg with fresh egg white in a couple of layers. Then wrap it in dry paper and put it in a cool, dark place.
  4. You can grease the testicles with a mixture of vegetable oil. Shelf life up to a year.
  5. To keep the product for up to 3 weeks, you can make a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate, dip eggs in it for a couple of seconds and dry them. Or make sugar syrup, and also lower the eggs for a while, then let them dry.
  6. Place the eggs at some distance into a small box, sprinkling them with plenty of plain salt.

Despite the fact that nowadays there are no problems with food in stores and supermarkets, most housewives still make purchases of many products “in reserve”, this applies not only to flour and all kinds of cereals, but also eggs.

However, this is not entirely true, since this product also tends to deteriorate, which in turn can lead to undesirable consequences.

Let's figure out how long you can store eggs in and out of the refrigerator.

Shelf life

    The concept of a dietary egg, which is stored for no more than 24 hours, has been preserved to this day. This product contains the largest number of useful substances, and its benefits are beyond doubt.

    If the product is stored from 1 to 25 days, then it is already a table egg, which can be consumed after minimal heat treatment.

    If the egg is stored for 25 to 45 days, then it can only be eaten in a boiled “hard” form, since even if it is used as an additional ingredient in the dough, it can lead to undesirable consequences.

Storage conditions

The product must be stored in any place where the temperature is between +3 and 20 °C. This place, as a rule, becomes a refrigerator, which is found in almost every home these days.

Before placing eggs in it, there is no need to heat treat them at all, since the shell can reliably protect the entire contents from external influences and the ingress of any type of microorganisms. You only need to rinse the product if you are going to consume it raw. But if it remains in this form in the refrigerator for more than a day, then it is not recommended to use it without appropriate processing.

How long can you store different types of eggs in the refrigerator?

Of course, in addition to chicken eggs, other types can be used in the diet; fortunately, there are any varieties on the market today.

The most common eggs on the market, besides chicken eggs, are quail, turkey and goose eggs. Of course, each of these types has its own unique properties, that is, they are stored for different periods.

1. Chicken eggs, as mentioned above, have a shelf life in the refrigerator of up to 90 days, and they can only be eaten if they are subjected to severe heat treatment. If a product (protein) has a rotten smell, this indicates that it should not be consumed as it poses a health hazard.

2. As for quail eggs, despite the fact that they are significantly inferior to chicken eggs in popularity, they are also quite common. They have a monochrome speckled color and are small in size. This product is most often used boiled for various sauces or raw when following a diet. The shelf life of this type of egg is 30 days, but the maximum benefit from them can be obtained when stored for no more than 10 days, after which they begin to lose their beneficial properties and can pose a certain danger to the body.

3. Goose eggs, like the birds themselves, are large in size. Goose eggs are often used for making dough or frying, since they are much better suited for this than chicken eggs. As for the shelf life, they are not very long - a maximum of 14 days, this is due to the presence of certain substances in their composition that spoil much faster than other types of eggs.

4. Turkey eggs are also quite large in size, but they are much less often used in cooking than the types described above. This product can be stored for approximately the same amount of time as chicken eggs. Experts say that they can be added to food after heat treatment for 2–2.5 months.

How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator?

In addition to storing the product raw, the shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is no less interesting. Boiled eggs are very popular in cooking; they are added to all kinds of dishes, salads and baked goods, and are also served ready-made for some holidays (for example, Easter).

The shelf life of raw and boiled eggs varies greatly.

Experts who study food technology believe that a boiled product can be stored for no more than 20 days from the date of heat treatment; these observations apply exclusively to hard-boiled eggs.

Fun fact: When storing the product in a boiled state, the temperature will not make any difference. That is, no matter where they are in the refrigerator, the maximum threshold for their storage will not change. However, according to experts, the best temperature for storing them is from +2 to +4°C.

It is not advisable to store boiled eggs without refrigeration, since during boiling the denatured protein is much more susceptible to biodegradation. Thus, after 12 hours such a product is still considered suitable for consumption, but after 24 hours it is not recommended to add it to food.

How long can boiled eggs be stored without refrigeration?

If your home maintains a moderate temperature, the product can be stored outside the refrigerator, but its period will not exceed 2-3 days. If we are talking about eggs prepared for the Easter holidays, then their period increases to a week, since their surface is treated with sunflower oil to give them shine. This way, the small pores on the shell begin to clog, and the egg can last longer.

We hope that the information provided will be useful to you and will be able to prevent you from unpleasant consequences. Remember that it is better to use eggs immediately, without waiting until their expiration date comes to an end. Nutritionists and specialists recommend using the product after long-term storage only if necessary, because a fresh egg is the healthiest.

Chicken eggs are a unique product, rich in protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. However, not all housewives know exactly how long boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator. These products are indispensable for breakfast or a quick snack, and are also included in many dishes. Many people prefer to cook eggs with a reserve, but it happens that it is not possible to accurately calculate the required quantity. In such a situation, questions arise about the rules and shelf life of boiled eggs. According to SanPiN, the shelf life of boiled eggs is 36 hours.

We summarize the basic information on storing chicken eggs in the table:

Cooking level Shell integrity Storage Shelf life
Hard-boiled Whole Fridge 14-20 days
Hard-boiled Whole Room 2-3 days
Hard-boiled Cracked/No shell Fridge 4 days/12 hours
Hard-boiled Cracked/No shell Room till 12 o'clock
Soft-boiled Whole Fridge 2 days
Soft-boiled Whole Room 12 hours
Soft-boiled Cracked/No shell Fridge up to 8 o'clock
Soft-boiled Cracked/No shell Room up to 8 o'clock

Rules for boiling eggs

The shelf life of boiled eggs directly depends on the method of their preparation. Thus, the duration of heat treatment plays an important role. Cooking for 8-12 minutes not only changes the structure and taste of the product, but also disinfects it, destroying pathogenic microorganisms, including dangerous salmonella.

Eggs in which a liquid yolk remains after boiling (soft-boiled, poached) cannot be stored for long periods of time. Such products should be consumed within 24-48 hours after preparation, even if stored in the refrigerator.

Factors affecting the shelf life of boiled eggs

The shelf life of boiled eggs is influenced by a number of factors. First of all, their freshness. For cooking, choose only those products that have been produced no more than 5 weeks. You can evaluate freshness after cooking. If the shell is difficult to separate from the protein, then the product is fresh. These boiled eggs will last longer.

The second factor is shell integrity. The appearance of cracks before, during or after cooking makes it impossible to preserve the product for a long time. To avoid such trouble, follow these tips:

  • For cooking, select only clean and whole eggs;
  • Before cooking, let the product sit for a while at room temperature. If you put an egg just taken out of the refrigerator into water, there is a high probability of it cracking;
  • After cooking, carefully place the food on a towel, let it dry completely, and then carefully place it in a storage container. Do not throw boiled eggs or place heavy foods on top of them.

If the egg does crack during cooking, use that first. Without a shell or with a damaged shell, the product cannot be stored for long and spoils very quickly. The average shelf life of such an egg is 2-4 days in the refrigerator and no more than 12 hours at room temperature.

How long do boiled eggs last at room temperature?

Boiled eggs can be stored simply in the kitchen (not in the refrigerator) if the room temperature does not exceed +20 ℃. The maximum shelf life is 3 days.

Shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator

You can store boiled eggs in the refrigerator in their shell for the longest time; to do this, follow these recommendations:

  • After cooking, cool the product in cold water and wipe dry. High humidity creates favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria;
  • Place eggs in an airtight glass or plastic container. This will avoid the spread of a specific smell throughout the refrigerator and prevent the eggs from absorbing other aromas;
  • the optimal storage temperature in the refrigerator is +2…4 ℃;
  • Place the container at the back wall of the unit - this is the coolest place. Do not leave eggs in the refrigerator doors; there, due to frequent temperature changes, they will quickly spoil;
  • store the product in the refrigerator for 14-20 days.

Peeled boiled eggs cannot be stored for long periods of time. They can be kept in the refrigerator at +3℃, but the shelf life should not exceed 12 hours after cleaning. Later they can become hazardous to health.

Do not store boiled eggs in plastic as this will speed up their spoilage. If you need to take the product with you on the road, use a container or paper bag.

Soft-boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days from the date of preparation. If possible, they should be eaten immediately to avoid food poisoning. At room temperature, the shelf life of a product with liquid yolk cannot exceed 12 hours, and in case of damage to the shell - 8.

Storing eggs after Easter

The question of preserving boiled eggs in preparation for Easter is relevant. Many people prepare pysanky (decorated Easter eggs) in large quantities, and it is not possible to eat them all during the holiday. If you plan to dye a lot of eggs and want to save them after Easter, choose the freshest possible products and hard-boil them.

Eggs colored with natural dyes can be stored in the refrigerator for 14 days. If chemicals were used for painting, the shelf life is 2 days. Krashenki decorated with thermal film can be stored for no more than 3 days.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor or change in the color of the product indicates its spoilage. In this case, throw away the boiled eggs, even if they have not yet passed the recommended shelf life.

If you want to preserve the freshness of boiled eggs and extend their shelf life, generously coat the shells with sunflower oil or paraffin.

Freezer storage

Boiled eggs are not recommended to be stored in the freezer. When frozen, they lose their taste and benefits. In exceptional cases, only the yolk can be frozen. The shelf life of such a product can be up to 12 months.

Storing boiled quail eggs

How long do quail eggs last in the refrigerator? A product with a whole shell can be kept in a refrigerator for 5-7 days, at room temperature - 10-12 hours. If the hard layer is damaged, the shelf life should not be longer than 3 days in the refrigerator.

You can store boiled eggs for several days if you create optimal conditions for this. Keep food in the refrigerator, closed in a tight container, avoid sudden temperature changes and damage to the integrity of the shell. To avoid having to worry about the shelf life of the product, do not cook eggs for future use and try to eat them fresh.


The shelf life of boiled eggs depends on many factors: freshness, shell integrity and duration of heat treatment. However, the most important role is played by the organization of correct storage conditions. To understand the questions of how and how long you can save boiled eggs, watch the video:

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