Folic acid during planning and during pregnancy. Folic acid in early pregnancy dosage The role of folic acid during pregnancy

Any woman planning a pregnancy is obliged to worry in advance about the health of her own and the future baby. For example, drinking folic acid during pregnancy, as a vitamin supplement that helps reduce the possibility of developing pathologies in the fetus.

Benefits of the drug

Vitamin B9 or folate is found in many foods, such as yeast, liver, cottage cheese, green vegetables, cereals, and some fruits. But, in order to get the daily norm, it is necessary to consume all of them in very large quantities and raw or undercooked, since heat treatment practically destroys the vitamin.

Why take folic acid during pregnancy? At the very beginning of pregnancy, in the first twelve weeks, folate is prescribed. Starting from the second week, the neural tube is formed in the embryo, and acid is needed for its normal formation. The vitamin is required for the formation of red blood cells and reducing the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.

The expectant mother needs vitamin B9 to prevent anemia, leg pain, and toxicosis. Taking it in the first trimester minimizes the risk of developing abnormalities of the nervous system by almost 70%.

At the time of cell division, with the help of folates, the structure of DNA and RNA molecules is formed and develops without mutations or damage. Acid is involved in the development of organs and tissues of the fetus, reduces the possibility of delays in the child’s mental development and physical defects.

When telling women at the consultation why folic acid is prescribed, doctors advise starting to drink it at the planning stage, at least 90 days before pregnancy.

Dosage and rules of administration

Folic acid intake for an average person per day is at least 50 mcg. But, when carrying a child, the need for it increases repeatedly, and for expectant mothers, the norm is 400 mcg. The vitamin is available in the form of tablets or capsules.

In what dosage should pregnant women take folic acid? Many women are interested in how much folic acid a pregnant woman should drink per day. The norm is determined by the attending physician. Taken as an independent drug or as part of a multivitamin. Doctors recommend taking one tablet a day containing from 400 mcg to 1000 mcg. It is recommended that pregnant women take this dose of folic acid without fear of overdose. If a woman takes any prenatal vitamins and is not deficient in vitamin B9, then a separate supplement of folate is not necessary.

If there is a pronounced deficiency of the vitamin in the body, or if there have been cases of babies being born with neural tube pathology, the doctor increases the daily dose of folic acid, sometimes up to 4 mg, which is four tablets that need to be taken one or more times during the day. Tablets are taken at the same time, before meals or with meals. In addition to medications, you can also consume foods containing folates.

How much folic acid should you take during pregnancy? The most important period in which you cannot do without vitamin B9 is the first trimester. The entire pregnancy depends on how the fetus develops at this time. Starting from the second trimester, the required amount of acid is supplied in sufficient quantities with the intake of multivitamins.

Folate deficiency

A lack of vitamin during pregnancy can lead to dire consequences not only for the fetus, but also for the mother. If there is a lack of the drug, the process of formation of the placenta and its nutrition is disrupted, which provokes early termination of pregnancy or the birth of a premature baby. Causes abnormalities in the development of the baby, the occurrence of mental disorders in newborns.

Deficiency also affects women's well-being. Especially, the need for vitamin B9 arises when its absorption by the body is impaired, or when there is an increased need for it, for example, during breastfeeding.

Symptoms indicating a lack of acid are:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • decreased appetite;
  • decreased immunity;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia.

A lack of folate also occurs when a pregnant woman has severe toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting, which interferes with the absorption of the drug. In order to determine the presence or absence of a vitamin deficiency, a blood test is prescribed to determine its concentration. Based on the results obtained, the attending physician will prescribe the optimal dose that should be taken until delivery. A lack of the drug can also complicate the onset of pregnancy.

Side effects and overdose

Despite the fact that folates dissolve in water and their excess is excreted from the body, in some cases, with prolonged and uncontrolled use, an overdose is possible. Its symptoms include a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, gastrointestinal imbalance, sleep disturbances, and kidney failure. Rarely, an allergic reaction occurs.

People have known about the benefits of vitamin B9 (folic acid) for a long time, but only relatively recently doctors began to actively promote the use of this substance among the population. Folic acid is prescribed during pregnancy and is included in complex therapy in the treatment of heart diseases. There is a lot of debate about the extent to which this vitamin can provoke the development of cancer or whether it is an inhibitory factor in the growth of cancer cells. Only one thing is indisputable - every person’s body needs folic acid, but its intake is especially important for women.

Features of folic acid

The benefits of vitamins and minerals are known to everyone. Many of us know what calcium and magnesium are, why iron is needed in the body and what effect vitamins B6, B12, A and C, PP and D have. Vitamin B9 remains undeservedly forgotten - folic acid, in which the active substance is folate.

Note:Folic acid cannot be produced by the body itself, and its ability to accumulate in tissues and organs is zero. Even if a person introduces the maximum amount of foods containing vitamin B9 into his diet, the body will absorb less than half of the original volume. The main disadvantage of folic acid is that it destroys itself even with slight heat treatment (storing the product in a room at room temperature is enough).

Folates are a fundamental component in the process of DNA synthesis and maintaining its integrity. In addition, it is vitamin B9 that promotes the body’s production of specific enzymes that are actively involved in the prevention of the formation of malignant tumors.

Lack of folic acid in the body was detected in people aged 20-45 years, in pregnant and lactating women. This can lead to the development of megaloblastic anemia (oncology associated with decreased DNA synthesis) and the birth of children with developmental defects. There are also certain clinical symptoms that indicate a lack of folic acid in the body - fever, often diagnosed inflammatory processes, disorders of the digestive system (diarrhea, nausea, anorexia), hyperpigmentation.

Important:natural folic acid is absorbed much worse than synthetic one: taking 0.6 mcg of the substance in the form of a medication is equal to 0.01 mg of folic acid in its natural form.

How to take folic acid

The National Academy of Sciences published general guidelines for the use of folic acid back in 1998. The dosage according to these data will be as follows:

  • optimal – 400 mcg per day per person;
  • minimum – 200 mcg per person;
  • during pregnancy – 400 mcg;
  • during lactation – 600 mcg.

note: In any case, the dosage of vitamin B9 is determined individually and the above values ​​can only be used for a general understanding of the daily dosage of the drug. There are clear restrictions on the daily amount of the substance in question when planning pregnancy and during the period of bearing/feeding a child, as well as in the case of using folic acid for the prevention of cancer.

Folic acid and pregnancy

Folic acid is responsible for DNA synthesis, it is actively involved in cell division and their restoration. Therefore, the drug in question must be taken both during pregnancy planning, and during the period of bearing a child, and during breastfeeding.

Folic acid is prescribed to women who have stopped taking contraceptives and are planning a child. You need to start using the substance in question as soon as the decision is made to conceive and give birth to a child - the importance of the absolute supply of folic acid in the mother’s body in the first days/weeks of pregnancy is difficult to assess. The fact is that at two weeks of age the embryo’s brain is already beginning to form - at this stage a woman may not even suspect she is pregnant. In the early stages of pregnancy, the baby’s nervous system is also formed - folic acid is necessary for proper cell division and the formation of an absolutely healthy organism. Why do gynecologists prescribe vitamin B9 to women when planning pregnancy? The substance in question takes an active part in hematopoiesis, which occurs during the formation of the placenta - with a lack of folic acid, pregnancy can end in miscarriage.

A lack of folic acid in a woman’s body during pregnancy can lead to the development of birth defects:

  • "cleft lip";
  • hydrocephalus;
  • "cleft palate";
  • neural tube defect;
  • violation of the mental and intellectual development of the child.

Ignoring folic acid prescriptions from a gynecologist can lead to premature birth, placental abruption, stillbirth, miscarriage - according to scientific research, in 75% of cases, this development of events can be prevented by taking folic acid 2-3 months before pregnancy.

After childbirth, you should also not interrupt the course of taking the substance in question - postpartum depression, apathy, and general weakness are a consequence of a lack of folic acid in the mother’s body. In addition, in the absence of additional introduction of folates into the body, there is a deterioration in the quality of breast milk, its quantity decreases, which affects the growth and development of the child.

Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy and lactation

During the period of planning and carrying a pregnancy, doctors prescribe folic acid to a woman in the amount of 400 - 600 mcg per day. While breastfeeding, the body needs a higher dosage - up to 600 mcg per day. In some cases, women are prescribed a dose of 800 mcg of folic acid per day, but such a decision should only be made by a gynecologist based on the results of an examination of the woman’s body. An increased dosage of the substance in question is prescribed for:

  • Diabetes mellitus and epilepsy diagnosed in a woman;
  • existing congenital diseases in the family;
  • the need to constantly take medications (they make it difficult to absorb folic acid in the body);
  • previously born children with a history of folate-dependent diseases.

Important : The gynecologist should indicate in what quantities of folic acid a woman should take during periods of planning/gestation of pregnancy and lactation. It is strictly forbidden to choose a “convenient” dosage on your own.

If a woman is absolutely healthy, then vitamin B9 is prescribed in the form of multivitamin preparations, which a woman needs when planning pregnancy and bearing a child. They are sold in pharmacies and are intended for expectant mothers - “Elevit”, “Pregnavit”, “Vitrum prenatal” and others.

If the need for an increased dosage of folic acid is identified, the woman is prescribed drugs with a high content of vitamin B9 - “Folacin”, “Apo-Folik”.

note: to know exactly how many capsules/tablets you need to take per day, you need to study the instructions for the drug and consult a gynecologist.

The principle of taking medications containing folic acid is simple: before or during meals, with plenty of water.

Overdose and contraindications

Recently, it has become “fashionable” to prescribe folic acid to pregnant women in the amount of 5 mg per day - apparently, this is how they want to fill the body with vitamin B9. This is absolutely wrong! Despite the fact that excess folic acid is eliminated from the body 5 hours after admission, an increased dosage of folic acid can lead to the development of anemia, increased excitability, kidney dysfunction, and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that the maximum permissible dose of folic acid per day is 1 mg, 5 mg per day is a therapeutic dose that is prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system and other parts of the body.

To be clarified : even with an overdose of folic acid as prescribed by a doctor, there is no negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus. Only the body of the expectant mother suffers.

A contraindication to the prescription of folic acid is individual intolerance to the substance or hypersensitivity to it. If such a disorder was not identified before the prescription, then after consuming drugs with vitamin B9, a rash and itching on the skin, facial hyperemia (redness), and bronchospasm may appear. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately stop taking the prescribed medications and tell your doctor.

The benefits of folic acid for pregnant women are described in detail in the video review:

Folic acid in foods

Folic acid and cancer: data from official studies

Many sources indicate that folic acid is prescribed in the treatment of cancer. But on this issue, the opinions of scientists/doctors are divided - some studies confirm that this particular substance can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and serve as prevention in oncology, but others have indicated an increase in malignant tumors when taking medications with folic acid.

General assessment of cancer risk from folic acid supplementation

The results of a large study assessing the overall risk of cancer in patients taking folic acid supplements were published in January 2013 in The Lancet.

“This study provides confidence in the safety of taking folic acid for a period not exceeding five years, both as supplements and as fortified foods.”

The study involved about 50,000 volunteers, who were divided into 2 groups: the first group was regularly given folic acid supplements, the other group was given a placebo “pacifier”. The group taking folic acid had 7.7% (1,904) new cancer cases, while the placebo group had 7.3% (1,809) new cases. No noticeable increase in overall cancer incidence was seen even in people with a high average folic acid intake (40 mg per day), experts say.

Risks of developing breast cancer when taking folic acid

In January 2014, the results of another study were published. Scientists studied the risks of breast cancer in women taking folic acid. Canadian researchers at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, including Dr. Yong-In-Kim, lead author of the study, found that folic acid supplements taken by breast cancer patients may promote the growth of malignant cells.

Previously, some scientists proved that folate can protect against various types of cancer, including breast cancer. However, research by Canadian scientists has shown that consumption of folic acid at a dosage of 2.5 mg 5 times a day for 2-3 months in a row significantly promotes the growth of existing precancerous or cancer cells in the mammary glands rodents. Important: This dosage is many times higher than the dosage recommended for humans.

Folic acid and prostate cancer risks

In March 2009, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of a study on the relationship between folic acid intake and the risk of prostate cancer.

Scientists from the University of Southern California, in particular study author Jane Figueiredo, found that taking vitamin supplements with folic acid more than doubles the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Researchers monitored the health of 643 volunteers for more than six and a half years: men whose average age was about 57 years. All men were divided into 2 groups: the first group took folic acid (1 mg) daily, the second group was given a placebo. During this time, 34 study participants were diagnosed with prostate cancer. Based on the data they had, scientists calculated the likelihood of developing prostate cancer in all participants over 10 years and came to the conclusion that 9.7% of people from group 1 (taking folic acid) and only 3.3% could develop cancer. men from the second group (taking “pacifiers”).

Folic acid and laryngeal cancer

In 2006, scientists from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart found that taking large doses of folic acid contributes to the regression of laryngeal leukoplakia (a precancerous disease that precedes laryngeal cancer).

The experiment involved 43 people who were diagnosed with laryngeal leukoplakia. They took 5 mg of folic acid 3 times a day. The results of the study, published by its leader Giovanni Almadori, surprised doctors: regression was recorded in 31 patients. In 12 cases there was a complete cure, in 19 cases there was a reduction in spots by 2 or more times. Italian scientists conducted an analysis and found that the concentration of folic acid was reduced in the blood of patients with head and neck cancer, as well as patients suffering from laryngeal leukoplakia. Based on this, a hypothesis was put forward about low folate levels as a provoking factor in the development and progression of cancer.

Folic acid and colon cancer

Previously, scientists from the American Cancer Society proved that vitamin B9 significantly reduces the risk of development - it is enough to consume folic acid in the form of natural products (spinach, meat, liver, animal kidneys, sorrel) or synthetic preparations.

Tim Byers found that patients who took folic acid supplements had an increase in the number of polyps in their intestines (polyps are precancerous lesions). Important: scientists emphasized that we are talking about the use of drugs, not products containing folates.

Note: Most of the studies confirming the increased risk of malignant neoplasms are based on taking doses many times higher than the minimum recommended. Remember that the recommended dose is 200 – 400 mcg. Most folic acid supplements contain 1 mg of folate, which is 2.5 to 5 times the daily value!

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

The health of the expectant mother is one of the most important factors in the favorable course of pregnancy. A lack of vitamins and beneficial micro- and macroelements is very dangerous during pregnancy. Folic acid is vital during this time. We will talk about the features of this vitamin and its intake in an “interesting” position in this article.

General information about folic acid

This substance belongs to the B vitamins. In the body, folic acid, or vitamin B9 in other words, is produced in very small quantities, so most of it reaches a person with food.
You can often find the term “folate” in some sources. Some people believe that folic acid and folate are the same thing. But it is not so. Folate is a natural form of the vitamin that occurs naturally in foods. And folic acid is a synthetic substance, that is, a product of chemical manipulations by scientists in laboratories.

  • parsley;
  • spinach;
  • salad;
  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • broccoli;
  • spinach;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • oranges;
  • bananas;
  • apricots;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • meat;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • leaves of black currant, raspberry, rose hips and some other products.

Dutch scientists have discovered a connection between folic acid and human mental abilities. In an experiment, it was proven that taking 0.4 mg of vitamin B9 daily preserves intelligence as you age.

When I was pregnant with my second son, I got a new local gynecologist. I was very surprised that she was against prescribing any synthetic vitamins unless absolutely necessary. To all my requests and questions regarding what I should drink from multivitamins, she answered that there is nothing better than a balanced diet. And only she treated folic acid differently and prescribed it in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Vitamin B9 is found in a fairly large number of foods: vegetables, legumes, meat products, etc.

Unfortunately, the diet of a modern person often does not correspond to the concept of “balanced nutrition”. Therefore, it is not uncommon for certain substances in the body to be lacking. In addition to this, vitamin B9 is practically unstable to environmental influences. It quickly breaks down during storage and cooking.
There is also a category of people who lack the enzyme responsible for the absorption of folic acid. It is not absorbed from food at all, but taking pharmaceutical drugs can eliminate its deficiency.
Normally, in a healthy person, folic acid in the blood should be in an amount from 7 to 45 nmol/l. And although these indicators are very small, their slightest fluctuations up or down are fraught with health problems. The main symptoms of folic acid deficiency are constant fatigue, loss of appetite, and severe irritability.

These signs are very similar to those experienced by a pregnant woman in the first months of pregnancy. Therefore, many people often have no idea about the lack of vitamin B9.

But if in normal conditions its lack is not so dangerous, then this problem becomes especially acute when a woman begins to carry a child under her heart. The body of the expectant mother at this time needs much more nutrients. And she needs especially a lot of vitamin B9, since it is involved in the process of DNA synthesis, growth and division of fetal cells, and the formation of the hematopoietic system.
Folic acid is essential for the development of a child’s nervous system. Its deficiency often leads to defects in the brain, neural tube of the embryo, etc. All these organs are formed already in the first weeks of pregnancy. Thus, in the first week after conception, the formation of the fetal neural tube occurs, which is responsible for the correct functioning of the entire body. This is why obstetricians and gynecologists recommend starting to take folic acid 3-4 months before the final decision to conceive is made.

Preparations with “folk”, as expectant mothers affectionately call it, are freely available in pharmacies. They are produced in tablet form. Vitamin B9 can be contained either in single preparations with one active ingredient, or as part of a complex product, combined, for example, with iodine, iron, other B vitamins and other substances.

Vitamin complexes for pregnant women usually contain a whole range of substances necessary for pregnancy. Some may contain folate, a substance obtained from natural foods. And in others - folic acid, which was synthesized artificially. It is believed that folates are absorbed better and faster by the body.
Pharmaceutical factories produce folic acid in tablet form.

The single preparation contains only folic acid. Its name corresponds to the active substance. The auxiliary components are the following:

  • lactose monohydrate (milk sugar);
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • povidone (polyvinylpyrrolidone);
  • corn starch;
  • magnesium stearate.

In the blood, vitamin B9 reaches its maximum value half an hour to an hour after administration. It accumulates in the liver and is excreted in the urine. Folic acid can penetrate to the fetus through the placenta and into breast milk.

Indications, contraindications and side effects

Indications for the use of Folic acid are:

  • prophylactic use during pregnancy and lactation in order to prevent its deficiency in the body;
  • treatment and prevention of folate deficiency anemia.

The drug should not be taken by persons who have the following health problems:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • anemia associated with vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • glucose-galactase malabsorption (impaired absorption of glucose and galactose).

Also, the drug should not be taken by children under 3 years of age. Folic acid should be taken with extreme caution:

  • in the presence of a folate-dependent malignant tumor;
  • when taking dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors (drugs that slow down the activity of this enzyme).

Side effects may include:

  • allergic reactions: rash, itching, erythema (severe redness of the skin due to dilation of capillaries), bronchospasm (narrowing of the bronchi), hyperthermia (fever), anaphylactic reactions;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract: anorexia, nausea, bloating, bitterness in the mouth, diarrhea;
  • from the nervous system: irritability, sleep disturbance.

With long-term use, there is a risk of developing hypovitaminosis B12.

Folic acid is not compatible with all medications, so you must consult a doctor before taking it. Reduces the absorption of folic acid:

  • antacids (drugs that reduce gastric acidity);
  • Cholestyramine;
  • antimicrobial agents from the sulfonamide class (Arifon, Klopamide and others).

Reduce its effectiveness:

  • Methotrexate;
  • Pyrimethamine;
  • Triamterene;
  • Trimethoprim.

The connection between the absorption of zinc and the simultaneous intake of folic acid has not been proven. However, some scientists suggest that their combined use does not allow zinc to be properly absorbed.

Can there be an overdose?

Previously, it was believed that an overdose from taking folic acid could not happen. However, recent research has proven that this is possible. Those pregnant women who took it for a very long time or in large quantities gave birth to children susceptible to frequent colds and bronchial asthma.
The health of a pregnant woman with uncontrolled intake of folic acid is also at risk, since an overdose is often not noticed for a very long time. And it can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency, as well as disruption of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

This is why you should not start taking folic acid supplements on your own. It is important to remember that only a person with a medical education and knowledge of the patient’s health condition can prescribe the correct dosage and duration of use of such drugs.

Features of application

According to the World Health Organization, a pregnant woman should receive 0.4 mg of folic acid per day. But each case is individual. And, based on the condition of the expectant mother, the doctor may prescribe a different dosage. It is possible to take 0.8 mg of the drug, and for anemia even 5 mg. Only a doctor can calculate the correct dose. It is he who prescribes the drug dosage regimen.

Typically, a pregnant woman is prescribed to take 1 tablet per day with a concentration of the active substance of 1 mg. But the doctor can make an appointment in a different way. For example, 2-3 tablets of 0.4 mg per day. If the expectant mother has been confirmed to have folate deficiency anemia, then she is prescribed a dosage of more than 5 mg. Typically, this condition is treated with the drug Folacin, which is no longer a preventative, but a therapeutic agent.

When purchasing a vitamin at a pharmacy, you should definitely pay attention to the concentration of the active substance, which varies.

It is better to drink folic acid after meals, as it increases the acidity of gastric juice. And in pregnant women, taking it before meals can cause vomiting. If you take a vitamin B9 tablet with meals, digestion of food will be difficult.

Unfortunately, not all doctors indicate when prescribing the drug the amount of active substance that should be in 1 tablet. This happened to me too. The gynecologist prescribed taking 1 tablet of Folic acid twice a day. Arriving at the pharmacy, I was extremely discouraged by the fact that the dosage could be different. The lack of necessary information led to the fact that I had to visit the doctor again so that she could clarify the amount of folic acid in the daily dose.
For the treatment of folate deficiency anemia, the drug Folacin is prescribed.

At what stages of pregnancy can you take folic acid?

The importance of taking vitamin B9 at the stage when the baby’s life has not yet begun, and at the early stage of pregnancy, was mentioned above. But the need for this vitamin does not disappear even after.

Thus, its lack throughout the entire period of pregnancy can lead to preeclampsia (a complication of its course, characterized by high blood pressure, edema and the appearance of protein in the urine). This condition is very dangerous for the fetus, as blood flow through the placenta is disrupted, which often leads to a delay in the physical development of the child. This pathology can also lead to premature birth and eclampsia, in which blood pressure becomes critically high, which is dangerous for the life of the mother and fetus.

In the last 3 months of pregnancy, folic acid is an important element to prevent too early rupture of the amniotic membrane, as well as the onset of labor ahead of schedule.

Doctors usually prescribe folic acid supplementation in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Subsequently, as a rule, multivitamins are prescribed for pregnant women, which also contain it, but in a smaller dosage. In any case, the need to take any vitamins should be determined only by a doctor based on available data on the health status of the pregnant woman.


Among the complete analogues of the monomedicine Folic acid, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Vitrum folicum. One tablet contains 0.4 mg of active substance. Indications, route of administration and dosage correspond to the original drug.
  2. Folacin. Contains 5 mg of active ingredient in 1 tablet. It is a therapeutic agent for the elimination of folate deficiency anemia.

Complex preparations that contain other beneficial substances besides folic acid include:

  1. Foliber. Also contains vitamin B12. Among the contraindications are individual intolerance to the components of Foliber, lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactase malabsorption. The dosage of folic acid in 1 tablet is 0.4 mg, and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is 0.002 mg, which is the minimum daily dosage.
  2. Elevit pronatal. This drug is a combination of vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of a pregnant woman and her baby. It contains 0.8 mg of folic acid. Contraindications to taking this vitamin complex are individual intolerance to the components, an excess of one or more substances of the drug in the body, kidney and liver diseases, impaired absorption and excretion of iron, problems with excessive excretion of calcium in the urine.
  3. Alphabet Mom's health. The uniqueness of this vitamin complex lies in the fact that all the substances contained in it (namely 13 vitamins with folic acid together, 11 minerals and taurine) are distributed among three tablets in such a way that they do not interfere with the absorption of each other. Vitamin B9 is contained in two tablets of 0.3 mg each. Contraindications include sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. The manufacturer recommends taking each tablet separately throughout the day. But it is also possible to take all three tablets at the same time. But the effectiveness of taking the drug decreases.
  4. Folio. The drug contains folic acid in the amount of 0.4 mg and 0.2 mg of iodine in 1 tablet. Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components. Should be taken with caution by women with thyroid diseases.

In both my first and second pregnancies, I took regular Folic acid until the 12th week of pregnancy. The gynecologist did not prescribe me any further multivitamins for expectant mothers. In my opinion, with a nutritious, varied diet, the body does not require additional sources of vitamins and minerals, even when a woman is in an “interesting” position.

Photo gallery: analogues of the drug Folic acid

Foliber, in addition to folic acid, contains vitamin B12. Complex of vitamins Alphabet Mom's Health is distributed between 3 tablets. Vitrum Folikum is a complete analogue of Folic acid. Folacin contains. It is prescribed only for test-confirmed folic deficiency anemia. Elevit pronatal includes a complex necessary for a pregnant woman.
Folio is an additional source of folic acid and iodine for expectant mothers

In modern society, pregnancy has increasingly become a planned event. Most expectant mothers already understand that in order to prevent any conditions and diseases before conception, it is necessary to conduct a health examination of the expectant parents. This preparation also includes taking folic acid.

Folic acid is a very necessary vitamin during pregnancy; its deficiency can cause problems not only for the mother, but also for the unborn baby.

What is folic acid for?

Folic acid or vitamin B9 is a very important compound for the body. Acid plays a big role in the life of the mother’s body and in the development of organs and the growth of the fetus in the womb. Vitamin B9 controls the following body systems:

  1. Cardiovascular;
  2. Immune;
  3. Hematopoietic system;
  4. Liver;
  5. Gastrointestinal;
  6. Central and peripheral nervous system;
  7. Enzyme system;
  8. Participates in the formation of chromosomes;
  9. Cellular development.

Folic acid deficiency does not show any specific symptoms. In case of insufficiency of other vitamins, you can find out what vitamin is depleted.

Clinical manifestations of folic acid deficiency:

  • Indigestion;
  • Mood changes;
  • High probability of atherosclerosis formation;
  • Heart attacks and strokes occur by blockage of blood vessels in the corresponding organs (heart and brain);
  • Deterioration in the process of remembering information;
  • Children experience growth retardation;
  • Inflammation in the oral cavity, the tongue becomes bright red;
  • Anemia often occurs;
  • The appearance of gray hair at an early age;
  • Threat of miscarriage and spontaneous abortions;
  • Often, embryo rejection occurs in the early stages, even before a woman finds out that she is pregnant and therefore a diagnosis of infertility is made;
  • If a woman is deficient in the vitamin, the cells and tissues of the fetus do not develop properly. The result may be deformity or developmental anomaly.

How and why to take folic acid before pregnancy

Changes constantly occur in the cells of the whole body throughout a person’s life under the influence of pathological factors. Therefore, cells must renew themselves; some cells die and new ones appear in their place.

If this system is disrupted, tissue neoplasms (tumors) occur. It is the lack of folic acid that can disrupt cell death.

For the formation of DNA and RNA - acids that are responsible for genetic manifestations, folic acid is necessary. In the event of severe genetic or chromosomal diseases in the early stages of pregnancy, termination occurs.

Vitamin B9 is involved in the development of the fetal nervous system. The nervous system of the fetus at the beginning of the first trimester is a neural tube. The health of the brain and nerves depends on how successfully the cells and tissues of this tube are laid down.

Folic acid is prescribed to all parents when planning pregnancy. Future fathers are no less responsible for the health of their baby than the mother, and it is important that the genetic material of both parents is of “high quality.”

The pregnancy preparation plan includes taking folic acid by both parents at a dosage of 400 mcg. within three months before conception. Folic acid before pregnancy is necessary not only for the formation of a healthy egg and sperm, but also for the formation of a depot of this vitamin in the woman’s body for the future.

Sources of vitamin B9

Folic acid is also found in food; even a small amount can be synthesized by the human intestine.

The vitamin is contained in significant quantities:

  • In green products (parsley, beans, parsley and green peas, asparagus, broccoli);
  • In wholemeal flour. Therefore, it is necessary to choose baked goods containing whole grains or wholemeal flour;
  • Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts);
  • Liver;
  • Cottage cheese, cheese;
  • Citrus;
  • Avocado.

Folic acid is destroyed and eliminated from the body faster if a woman takes oral contraceptives, alcohol, strong tea, or drugs that suppress stomach acidity.

Name Name Folic acid content per 100g
Yeast 550 mcg. Spinach 80 mcg.
Cheese 19 mcg. Milk 5 mcg.
Curdled milk 7.4 mcg. Jerusalem artichoke 18.5 mcg.
Gherkins 18.5 mcg. Tomatoes 11 mcg.
Beet 13 mcg. Beet tops 18.5 mcg.
Green pepper 10 mcg. Cucumber 4 mcg.
Carrot 9 mcg. Bulb onions 9 mcg.
Potato 8 mcg. Cauliflower 23 mcg.
Red cabbage 19 mcg. White cabbage 10 mcg.
Brussels sprouts 31 mcg. Zucchini 14 mcg.
Eggplant 18.5 mcg. Kiwi 18.5 mcg.
Apples, pears 2 mcg. Peach 8 mcg.
Lemon 9 mcg. Watermelon 5 mcg.
Banana 10 mcg. Pomegranate 18 mcg.
Grape 2 mcg. Cherry 6 mcg.
Strawberries 20 mcg. Figs 10 mcg.
Gooseberry 5 mcg. Raspberries 6 mcg.
Sea ​​buckthorn 9 mcg. Black currant 5 mcg.
Buckwheat 28 mcg. Durum wheat 46 mcg.
Rice 35 mcg. Peas 16 mcg.
Beans 90 mcg. Oat groats 29 mcg.
Buckwheat 32 mcg. Wholemeal flour 40 mcg.
Walnut 77 mcg. Hazelnut 68 mcg.
Walnut almond 40 mcg. Cheremsha 40 mcg.
Dill 27 mcg. Parsley 110 mcg.
Salad 48 mcg. Green onion 18 mcg.
Beef tongue 6 mcg. Beef liver 240 mcg.
Chicken egg 9 mcg. Quail egg 5.6 mcg.
Turkey 9.6 mcg. Chicken 4.3 mcg.
Quail, duck 7.5 mcg. Pork 4.1 mcg.
Mutton 8 mcg. Beef 8 mcg.
Rabbit 7.7 mcg. Champignon 30 mcg.
Porcini 40 mcg. Butter 30 mcg.

It must be remembered that during pregnancy the need for all vitamins increases, folic acid is no exception. It is impossible to maintain its level with diet, so your obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe you a vitamin B9 supplement.

Use during pregnancy

During gestation, rapid growth and development of the cells of the unborn child occurs. This involves the mother quickly using up the necessary substances. The task is to harmoniously replenish the depot.

It is best to ask your doctor about how to take folic acid during pregnancy. Do not self-medicate, as the dose of the drug may depend on:

  1. From the presence of even minimal clinical manifestations;
  2. From the place of residence and the nature of food in a given region;
  3. From the dietary habits of the woman herself (drinking strong tea and large amounts of zinc will lead to leaching of the vitamin);
  4. From the presence of abortions due to underdevelopment or abnormalities of the neural tube;
  5. A history of infertility of unknown origin will force you to prescribe a high dose or preparation for IVF;
  6. If a woman takes complex vitamins or dietary supplements containing B9.

The dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is selected individually and in no case should you change it if your neighbor was prescribed more or less.

Another example of the importance of taking FC before and during pregnancy. It is known that with family ties (cousins), the risk of having children with genetic abnormalities increases sharply. In 2009, a study was conducted among such couples, it turned out that taking folic acid before and the first three months of pregnancy reduces the risk of having children with developmental defects from 8.2% to 3.5%.

During pregnancy, the amount of vitamin is increased compared to preconception (before conception) preparation.

  • Mothers in the “position” take tablets with a dosage of 400 mcg. up to 800 mcg. per day;
  • If relatives of one of the parents had abnormalities in the development of the neural tube, a dose of up to 2 g (2000 mcg) per day is required;
  • In case of birth of children with anomalies, unexplained terminations of pregnancy or infertility, up to 5 g (5000 mcg) per day is prescribed.

Capsules are taken after meals 2 hours or 30 minutes before. These are guidelines; we remind you that your doctor should prescribe the exact dosage for you.

Which is better - multivitamins or folic acid alone?

Before choosing a drug, consult your doctor.

A multivitamin complex is undoubtedly more convenient to use. Considering the number of vitamins and minerals that a woman must take during pregnancy, taking one tablet saves the situation.

But there are also disadvantages to consuming everything at once:

  • Very often in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman experiences a feeling of nausea from many medications. The iron contained in the complex is often the reason for this;
  • If the drug contains zinc, it will reduce absorption;
  • As a rule, the concentration of folic acid is not high and, if necessary, you will need to take additional vitamin B9;
  • Doctors usually recommend giving up dietary supplements and taking vitamins purchased at pharmacies.

Symptoms of folic acid overdose

“The best is the enemy of the good” - we must not forget this. In everything you need to know when to stop. An overdose of folic acid is extremely rare, since the substance is easily excreted in the urine.
But the likelihood of exceeding the amount of vitamin in the body after taking large doses for a long time, especially during pregnancy.

An overdose may occur:

  1. Changes in the sense of taste (metallic or bitter taste);
  2. Changes in the excitability of the nervous system (excitability, hyperactivity, irritability);
  3. Gastrointestinal tract disorder. May manifest as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  4. Changes in sleep and behavior;
  5. Zinc deficiency, which manifests itself in epilepsy, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, and attention disorders;
  6. Cramps.

If the dosage of folic acid you are taking is higher than the recommended dose and you experience any of the above symptoms, consult your doctor. In the hospital, infusion detoxification should be carried out.

Before you decide to take medications, carefully read the instructions for use.

Folic acid for pregnant women is one of the first vitamins that an expectant mother should take. Planning a pregnancy should first of all be associated with this technique. One small capsule a day will help you give birth to happy and healthy babies.

Folic acid during pregnancy is necessary for both the expectant mother and the baby. And only it is prescribed to every non-idle woman. Everything about the benefits of folic acid during pregnancy and at the planning stage is in this article.

Hello everyone, dear subscribers and readers of my blog. Svetlana Morozova is with you. Today I will tell you about perhaps the most important vitamin for expectant mothers - folic acid. You will learn why women need it, how it affects the fetus and the body of the pregnant woman herself, what products it contains, and other useful facts. Go!

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Folic acid during pregnancy: benefits for the baby

(aka vitamin B9) is needed for the functioning of many structures in the body: the formation of DNA in new cells, hematopoiesis, the synthesis of amino acids and hormones, the immune response, proper digestion, and the prevention of cancer. In the body, it is produced in extremely small quantities in the intestines, so we must consume vitamin B9 with food every day.

With the onset of pregnancy, folic acid becomes needed 1.5 times more. Already in the early stages, when the fact of pregnancy may not yet be established, this vitamin is actively involved in the construction of vital organs and systems of the fetus. Therefore, even when planning, both spouses are recommended to take vitamin B9.

What effect does folic acid have on the fetus?

  1. Participates in the formation of the placenta and its blood supply;
  2. Stimulates the formation of healthy nervous tissue, brain, spine, digestive and urinary organs of the baby;
  3. Protects the fetus from external teratogenic (deformity-causing) factors;
  4. Prevents chromosomal abnormalities and developmental delays.

Until what period is folic acid deficiency most critical: its peak importance is before 12 weeks, then up to 16. But it is advisable to take it throughout pregnancy and after, during breastfeeding.

A full intake of vitamin B9 greatly reduces the risk of fetal defects such as:

  • Hydrocephalus;
  • Anencephaly (underdeveloped brain);
  • Spina Bifida (protrusion of the spinal cord from the spine);
  • Intrauterine hypoxia;
  • Pathologies of the spine, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract;
  • Fetal deformities;
  • Congenital hernia of the brain;
  • Intrauterine growth retardation;
  • Frozen pregnancy (fetal death).

The influence of folic acid is felt not only by the baby, but also by the expectant mother herself. More on this later.

The value of folic acid for pregnant women's health

Folic acid is one such vitamin that is definitely prescribed to all pregnant women. I talked above about the indispensability of a healthy baby for the intrauterine development, and why B9 is needed for the body of the pregnant woman herself:

  1. Controls, prepares the body for pregnancy, and then helps to avoid miscarriage or frozen pregnancy;
  2. Protects a pregnant woman from anemia;
  3. Prevents or significantly alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis;
  4. Maintains normal emotional state of the expectant mother, protects against anxiety, depression, aggressiveness, tearfulness,;
  5. Provides adequate nutrition to the brain, which helps maintain efficiency and clarity of mind, avoid poor memory, absent-mindedness, lethargy and drowsiness.
  6. Preserves the beauty of a pregnant woman: maintains the tone and elasticity of the skin and muscles, serves to protect hair from fragility, loss and loss of color, prevents muscle pain and spasms (they like to take B9 for this in bodybuilding), helps to avoid stretch marks (striae), and after childbirth is necessary for rapid weight loss and getting back in shape;
  7. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the load on the heart, helps avoid varicose veins, thrombosis, leg pain and spasms of the calf muscles;
  8. Participates in maintaining normal digestion for a pregnant woman, prevents constipation and disturbances in the absorption of nutrients;
  9. Helps avoid edema and kidney failure;
  10. Provides strong .

If in normal times the need for vitamin B9 is about 200-400 mcg per day, then in pregnant women this figure increases to 600 mcg.

Folic acid in food

The meaning of the name of the vitamin lies in the Latin “folium” - “leaf”. And for good reason: the main source of folic acid is leafy vegetables and greens. There is also a lot of folate in animal foods.

So, here is a list of products with B9:

  • Vegetable:
  • Vegetables: cabbage (all types), spinach, celery, lettuce, parsley, dill, cilantro, basil, turnip, pumpkin, carrots, corn;
  • Fruits: bananas, kiwi, avocado, melon, pomegranate, apricots;
  • Nuts, seeds;
  • Cereals, especially buckwheat;
  • Beans;
  • Yeast;
  • Rye and buckwheat flour;
  • Cereals, bran, whole grain bread;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Animals:
  • Beef and pork meat;
  • Organ meats, especially liver;
  • Fish: salmon, cod, caviar, cod liver;
  • Eggs;
  • Milk and (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir).

Vitamin B9 is absorbed from food much better than from vitamin-mineral complexes. However, food sources of folic acid are very capricious and do not always deliver the vitamin to us in full. Thus, with heat treatment, 50-90% of folates in food are destroyed, and when stored for more than 1 day (even in the refrigerator), products lose about 70% of the vitamin. Or strong tea, drunk soon after a meal, reduces the absorption of the vitamin and accelerates its elimination.

Therefore, all women expecting a baby are advised to take medications with folic acid.

What you need to know about taking folic acid

The standard dosage for expectant mothers is 400-500 mcg per day. How many tablets it is depends on the form of release and the composition of the complex. The price also depends on this - from 30 to 1000 rubles.

They may prescribe complex drugs, for example, Foliber, or folic acid separately. What is best and how to take it is decided by the doctor.

For diabetes, epilepsy, or if a woman has already given birth to children with developmental defects, the dosage may be increased. But only after a full examination and under the careful supervision of doctors.

An overdose occurs if you take increased doses of the vitamin for a long time.

What may be the subsequent manifestations of child:

  • Diabetes;
  • Obesity;
  • Asthma;
  • Allergy;
  • Immune response disorders.

And how might this affect mothers:

  • Mental disorder;
  • Violation of social functions;
  • Increased risk of breast cancer.

What side effects might there be:

  • Redness and rashes on the skin;
  • Itching of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Bronchial spasms and cough;
  • The appearance of spider veins throughout the body;
  • Fever.

If these signs occur, stop taking the drug - see a doctor immediately!

Perhaps, I’ve told you everything about the role folic acid plays during pregnancy.

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