How to recover after childbirth. Restoring your figure after childbirth: a course for a flat stomach, firm breasts and luxurious hair. Where to start restoring the body

Every girl dreams of meeting her prince, the man of her dreams, the one and only. But what if you meet him, but he doesn’t notice you? You may have known each other for a long time, but he only sees you as a friend. Or, on the contrary, you don’t know each other well, and you don’t know how to attract his attention. What to do in such a situation? How to win the heart of your chosen one? There are at least ten effective ways.

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Photo gallery: 10 effective ways to conquer man's heart

Every man wants to seem like a man with capital letters, which means the smartest, most intelligent, most reliable, most irreplaceable and, of course, the most beautiful. A woman who gives him such an opportunity cannot help but attract attention. Most often, men love not who you are, but who he is next to you. Make him seem almost like a god next to you. Today we will talk about 10 effective ways to win a man’s heart.

  1. A man must listen carefully, preferably without interrupting. It’s even better to follow the progress of the story and groan, gasp and assent in the right places, maintaining an interested expression on your face. It’s not worth getting involved in the conversation and demonstrating your intelligence yet; now our task is to make it pleasant for him to communicate with you. Moreover, he should mainly communicate. Of course, this does not mean that you need to behave like a Chinese dummy, and certainly you shouldn’t have your thoughts wandering somewhere far away. A couple of meaningful comments will help matters, but don’t get carried away. Still, no matter what they tell us, they don’t like too smart women.
  2. Remember, at this stage he is the smartest one. Don't forget to inform him about this as often as possible. Flattery can be as rude as you like; most often, men sincerely believe in their uniqueness. The only point is to let your compliments be at least somewhat relevant to the essence. If he is not particularly handsome, you should not sing the praises of his appearance - perhaps he quite sensibly assesses these parameters of his and will not believe a penny. I advise you to focus on his masculine qualities, intelligence and courage. As a rule, no man will deny himself the pleasure of believing your words that in matters of masculinity he is superior to all his relatives.
  3. Ask him to help you, because he is the smartest, the bravest, and you are so defenseless and not at all adapted to the hardships of life. Men most often love to help and have tender feelings for helpless women. Just better not ask him to dig up a couple of beds or move a hefty cabinet, exercise stress may not make him happy. Choose something safer, preferably something he is an expert at. Perhaps he is a computer genius or just a user mediocre? Well, let him help you install Photoshop and maybe even give you a couple of lessons. Nothing brings him closer together than time spent doing his favorite pastime.
  4. So get yourself a hobby like his. Does he love poker? You'll have to learn, or better yet, ask him to teach you. Collecting coins? Great, you have long dreamed of becoming a numismatist. Read literature on the topic, ask a few questions, but not too smart ones, choose something neutral so that he can show off his erudition. It's even better if your common hobby leads to spending time together. A good option- treasure hunting. It’s very romantic to go out into nature in search of antiquities. You can do the same sport as him, go to the same gym. The main thing is that he doesn’t get involved in ice fishing - it’s not a woman’s business...
  5. Do him a small but pleasant favor. Maybe he collects stamps, and you just have a couple of rare ones? Surely he will be happy with the gift and invite you to dinner to thank you. If you work together, you can support him morally in the next project, or help him a little in his work. Just under no circumstances should you do this work for him - our task is just to be there in right moment and provide support.
  6. Sometimes the way to a man's heart really is through his stomach. Try to find out what his favorite dish and prepare for him. It is not necessary to show your attention openly; you can cook for all your colleagues or friends if you spend time in one group, making sure that they are not left out and notice how deliciously you cook. It will work out especially well if someone you know casually praises your culinary talents.
  7. The method called “crowd of fans” always turns out to be effective. A smart woman knows how to surround herself with unobtrusive admirers, or at least create a competent imitation of this crowd. Several calls from different men in his presence, a couple of bouquets and a few phrases on the topic dropped by your mutual friends - and now you already have a reputation as a sought-after woman. He will certainly look at you with different eyes and most likely join the hunt - after all, it was not in vain that you convinced him that he is the best. When using this method, the main thing is to be moderate - otherwise a man may doubt his abilities or simply be afraid to get lost in the crowd.
  8. In war it’s like in war: before going on an attack on the enemy, you need to reconnoiter the dispositions. In other words, find out what kind of women he likes? Perhaps he loves the Marilyn Monroe type, and you are a tall, thin brunette? But that's not a problem - just forget about the jeans and wear feminine dress. Changing your image will certainly attract his attention and give him the opportunity to see you from a different side. Always be impeccable, become an example of beauty and elegance. A man will not ignore a spectacular woman.
  9. You shouldn’t be “your guy”, even if you have known each other for many years. A woman should be a mystery, let a veil of mystery accompany you. This is difficult to achieve if you are old friends, but it is still possible. Escape from him, let the usual way of life be a little disrupted. Were you always willing to go to a bar with him and have a beer? Change your usual routine - and perhaps he will understand that he misses you terribly. Then the next time you meet, wear Nice dress, and instead of a beer bar, go to a cozy restaurant to spend the evening with a glass of wine. He will probably like such changes.
  10. Finally, never lose your optimism and positivity. Men love women who are happy with life. Such a woman is the most reliable rear, she will always support and help you feel like a real man.

Now you know 10 effective ways to win a man’s heart. Whatever you do to charm a man, remember that the main thing is to remain a real woman, and then a real man will be next to you.

Today you can find a lot various courses and books on so-called “stervology”. In my opinion, many of them simply turn women into hunters, with closed hearts and a cold mind. Beautiful figure, ideal appearance, passion, intrigue, whims can really “keep a man on his toes” for some time, but such options are not suitable for long-term relationships. Whatever one may say, all people, both men and women, want love more than anything in life. Mutual. We want to be important and needed and to reveal our best qualities.

So how to win a man's heart? And for a long time.

Just make him feel important and needed!

There is one thing Golden Rule communication that says you should treat people the way you would like them to treat you. Or you can put it more simply: “What goes around comes around!” In relationships, this rule is especially important and works great. If you show someone that they are important to you, then that person will treat you accordingly.

In order for a man to feel sympathy for you, you need to make him feel valuable and raise his self-esteem. For this purpose, there are several approaches in psychology that are equal in their impact.

How to win a man's heart

Approach one. Accepting a person as he is.

Every (absolutely every!) person has an internal need for understanding, recognition and communication. And to be accepted as he is, and not remade and constantly pointing out his shortcomings. Smile at your man even when you are talking to him on the phone. When you smile at someone, the person feels that you like him and you accept him.

Approach two. Expression of gratitude.

It’s enough just to say “thank you” to him as often as possible. Any man, when he hears words of gratitude, realizes his importance and feels like a knight. And if you constantly, from the bottom of your heart, thank him, he will very quickly begin to respect and love you.

Approach three. Compliments.

Approach four. Delight.

And, of course, you can use the most effective way to increase your man's self-esteem - direct admiration. The more often you admire his successes, the more crazy he is about himself, and at the same time about you. Absolutely any man, communicating with a woman with whom he feels smart and strong, is already a little in love with her.

But there is one important point. When approving, complimenting, admiring a man, do not dissolve in him completely and completely. This does not mean that you, as they say, should “wash his feet and drink water.” Always remember that in a pair, someone always runs away, and someone catches up. And the man must catch up! This is described in detail in the instructions. Increase his self-esteem, smile, praise, but at the same time remain interesting and mysterious to him and maintain your inner value.

Communicate simply, easily, with pleasure and a smile, and then men will be drawn to you like moths to the light.

Approach five. The magic of listening.

The art of listening plays a big role in developing relationships. It is often called "white magic" as it has a great influence on people's hearts. Correct listening is quick achievement sincerity and trust in relationships, starting from the very first meeting.

When communicating with a man, listen to him carefully, without interrupting, looking at him directly and leaning forward a little. Show that you are following the conversation - nod, smile and agree. Enthusiastic attention is best compliment to the interlocutor. When you listen carefully, agree and don't interrupt, his self-esteem increases and he likes himself more and more. And as a result, he will begin to love you too, since it is with you that he feels good. The better he feels when you are together, the better he treats you.

If a man asks you something, pause for a few seconds before answering. This will show him that you are responding after thinking carefully about what you said. This will make him even more significant in his own eyes. Just watch carefully whether he really expects an answer; it is likely that his pause is not the end of the phrase, but simply a “breath” before continuing. And simply, if you don’t rush to answer, you can better understand the meaning of what was said, so don’t rush.

When listening properly, it is important to periodically clarify details and ask questions like “what do you mean?”, “Did I understand you correctly?”, “in what sense?” The man will have to answer these questions, and in quite a detailed manner.

And the more he talks about himself, the more he falls in love with you!

And always remember that the one who asks the questions is in control of the situation. If you listen carefully and ask questions, you are in complete control of the conversation. When he stops talking, return his phrases to him. Rephrase his words so he knows you were actually listening to him.

Empathetic listening is your key to a man's heart. The more you want to understand your interlocutor and show him this, the more he will want to know and understand you.

These simple rules everyone knows communication and it is with their help you can win a man's heart, without resorting to harsh manipulations. Learn to give compliments, approve and listen to people and then you will have no end of fans.

And if you can’t bear to get married, try something that will help you attract the right man into your life.

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A woman conquers a man in an invisible, sophisticated battle, and even does it in such a way that he thinks: “Oh, me! It seems I managed to get her into my network!”

Tricks and tricks in winning a man's heart

In order to know how to win a man, a woman must have certain psychological attitudes in her arsenal and be able to skillfully use them.

Installation No. 1. You are irresistible - there should be no doubt about that. Before going on a date or just to a party, where He, the object of your desire, may be, standing in front of the mirror, mentally tell yourself: “I am beautiful and self-sufficient. I have an interesting, rich life. The attention of a woman like me is an invaluable gift for any man.”

Installation No. 2. Be natural. There is no need to deliberately emphasize your certain exclusivity or uniqueness. Don’t try to act out every step and gesture, like in the theater. You need to show that feeling like a queen in any society is a natural, familiar, self-evident state for you. Just try to get into this mood.

Installation No. 3. Be friendly, welcoming, smiling. Give off positive vibes. The young man should relax pleasantly in your company.

Contrast shower method

For truly close relationships, love, friendship, of course, commonality of views and spiritual kinship are very important. But in order not to get stuck in the status of a friend you like young man, you need to appear before him slightly cold, mysterious, alluring with its understatement, shrouded in mystery.

You listen to him sincerely, interestedly, and carefully (by the way, the ability to listen in the matter of conquest is the most important quality!). Praise enthusiastically (which is also extremely important). However, at the same time you make it clear that he is not the only interesting one. On the one hand, he is flattered. On the other hand, his pride is hurt, and the man continues to seduce you with redoubled force (I wonder who is seducing whom?). You do not interfere with him in this matter, but, on the contrary, encourage him. And when it begins to seem to him that the bird is in a cage, you lightly but eloquently besiege him. This alternation of encouragement and admonishment is deadly! Here he no longer has just indifference or the usual disposition, sympathy. He is amazed and wants to continue your amazing fight.

Strategic nuances

  • Do you want to catch and hold his attention with your gaze? Apply the following: cast a direct and intent, but quick glance into his eyes, then sharply to the side, after which return the gaze, but slowly, carefully.
  • In conversation, call the man by name from time to time. It would seem like a small thing, but it’s nice. Just in case, just in case, avoid diminutive suffixes - in case he can’t stand them!

How not to scare him away

Like this typical mistakes you could scare off your beau forever.
  • Do not give in to admiring compliments, do not believe hasty confessions, do not melt after routine signs of attention. Pliable girls immediately begin to seem easily accessible to men, and they begin to take advantage of this.
  • Don't play hard to get. Don’t pretend to be a young lady who just wants to say: “Well, I’ll see if you’re worthy of me!” Showing inflated self-esteem will not benefit your delicate business of conquest.
  • Do not share your problems or complaints about the hardships of life with a young man. During the flirting stage, this is extremely inappropriate and can make you look like a loser.
  • Don't even try to tell dirty jokes in his presence to demonstrate your sense of humor. It's vulgar and vulgar. Your imaginary crown will immediately fall off and you will lose all meaning for him as an object of sexual interest.

How to win a man's heart video

Dr. Erickson made an amazing, most useful discovery. He discovered that people like people who are similar to them. Being a famous psychotherapist, Dr. Erickson earned huge amounts of money that made his competitors envious. People made appointments with him in advance and paid more than other doctors.

What was secret famous doctor?

The fact that he copied behavior their patients. For example, a passionate, hurricane-like, fast-talking, loud, noisy patient flew in to him. Dr. Erickson in the first seconds of communication with this patient studied it, and then copied his behavior, his manner of speaking - and immediately began to behave in the same way as a passionate, temperamental patient.

Dr. Erickson himself became passionate, temperamental, and the patient liked it, because on a subconscious level we like people just like us. If next patient was calm, speaking in a whisper, then Dr. Erickson adapted to his patient, instantly copied him and also became very calm, also speaking in a whisper. He was pleasant and for this patient.

Agree, Dr. Erickson made a brilliant, simple and useful discovery for us. This is a revelation in full swing used by scouts. When they come into contact with a potential source of information, the first thing they do is adapt to the manner of communication and the temperament of their new acquaintance.

Remember this simple truth: “People like people who are like them.”

You've probably noticed that ideal married couples stand out because husband and wife are very similar. Sometimes it seems that they are brother and sister - they have so many similarities both in appearance and in character and manner of communication.

Communication hygiene

Take, my dear, Erickson’s discovery and boldly, decisively use it to achieve your goal. I am sure that this, at first glance, simple but very important law can be safely called communication hygiene. It's a pity that few people know him.

People learned to follow the rules of physical hygiene: wash their hands, brush their teeth, maintain maximum cleanliness - and this became the norm. Most civilized people on Earth automatically maintain good body hygiene, which is great, but most people simply don't know what to eat basic hygiene psychology of communication.

They do not know these important rules and suffer great failures; their careers, business, and personal lives are not going well. Good, hardworking, honest, religious people suffer because they do not know basic communication hygiene. If people knew and followed these rules of communication, adapting to their interlocutor when communicating, the world would instantly change for the better.

To prove to you how important it is to learn to adapt to your interlocutor, I will give an example. Use your imagination and imagine a woman who does not know the rules of body hygiene. Most likely, she will look unkempt, sickly, her skin will be covered with pimples, ulcers, boils, and boils. I'm describing a person who doesn't know elementary rules hygiene, and it becomes disgusting.

Ask yourself the question: “Can a man pay attention to such a woman?” Obviously not.

A civilized, educated man, accustomed from childhood to take care of his body as quickly as possible will run away from such a filthy creature.

When I give people this example, everyone understands what I’m talking about and agrees: “Yes, body hygiene rules are indeed very important!” But for some reason most people forget that a person is not only a body, it is also a soul and a mind. The body was given to us from animals. Soul, mind - from God.

When we talk about communication hygiene, about psychological hygiene, we are talking about the same important things as well as body hygiene.

To win the competition, you need to know and apply the elementary laws of psychology. Victory will always be on the side of smart and wise women.

Scientific fact

My statement is proven by another scientific fact. About 20 years ago, scientists studied the factors of irritability and anger. The purpose of the experiment was the following: to determine that people when communicating annoying in others people most of all.

It turned out the following: it turns out that if pauses between phrases or the interlocutors use different words, this is very annoying and angers the interlocutors. If we describe this discovery in simple language, then the person is annoyed by a different speech rate, unlike his own.

For example, if one person speaks slowly and calmly, with long pauses between sentences, and another person chatters like a Kalashnikov assault rifle, speaking at the speed of flying bullets, then such interlocutors will irritate each other when communicating. For each of them, communicating with a person whose speech rate is different is unpleasant.

Why, you see, would you lose a good, beloved man, with whom you are comfortable, pleasant, with whom you feel protected, happy, just because you and him have a different tempo of speech?

The easiest way when talking with this man is to adapt to him, as they do smart people, and this man, without knowing why, will be drawn to you, run after you - because you will attract him like a magnet. And all just because you follow the basic rules of psychological hygiene.

I hope, my dear, I have convinced you that communication hygiene is as important as the hygiene of your body.

Adjustment principles

Now take paper and a pen and carefully write down the main principles of adjustment that will help you not only win the heart of your beloved man, but also make brilliant career, achieve maximum benefit in communication with minimal energy expenditure.

Secret No. 1

When meeting with stranger(or when talking on the phone) immediately copy his speech rate.

If a person speaks very quickly, you instantly adapt to him and speak the same way very quickly. If your interlocutor speaks slowly, there are huge pauses between his words, immediately, automatically copy the duration of these pauses and start talking to your interlocutor at exactly the same pace. This smart and useful.

After all, when you meet a Chinese person, you will speak Chinese. When you meet a Spaniard, you will speak Spanish. In the same way, when you meet a person who speaks at great speed, you will talk to him at the same speed. What could be simpler and more useful for communication?

Arm yourself with this rule and win not only the hearts of men, but also the hearts of colleagues, fellow students, people with whom you would like to communicate and be friends.

Secret No. 2

In the first minutes of a conversation, find out for yourself what words your interlocutor uses to describe the world. All people use the same verbs, unless, of course, they speak normal language and are not swearers.

I have friends who have turned Russian swearing into everyday practice. colloquial. We will immediately say about such people: “We don’t need such a husband.” Of course, it’s up to you to decide, my dear, but we certainly won’t copy it.

When a man swears, it looks like the house is on fire from one corner. If a woman swears, the house burns from all four corners.

You need a thinking, normal, intelligent man. Therefore, during the first minutes of communication, study quickly remember the words, which describes events, the world Your interlocutor.

Let's say he describes the taste of ice cream to you and uses the word "super": super ice cream, super taste. Naturally, when describing an event or dish in a conversation with such a man, you will use the word “super”: super cocktail, super tasty dumplings. If your interlocutor uses the word “bad” to describe the taste of ice cream, then you will accordingly use this word when describing other objects or events.

For example, one of my favorite students Al eksandr Vasilkin When describing certain impressions, people, achievements, he likes to use the word “coolest.” Naturally, if you communicate with him, I recommend that you also describe the world around you and events with the word “coolest.” If my student wants to like you, you should say about an interesting film in a language he understands: “The coolest film!”

So, that's the essence of rule number 2. Instantly identify the words with which your lover describes the world, events, people - and use them in communication maximum amount understandable, pleasant, familiar words to him. Then you as a person will become pleasant to him. After all, you look like him, you speak his language.

Rule #3

Copy the poses and gestures of your interlocutor. Some experts call this technique "mirror" As you already know, body language is the most expressive, loudest language when communicating. Use your body language and repeat the poses and movements of your interlocutor. It's very simple - become his mirror copy.

Imagine that you have placed a huge mirror in front of your interlocutor, in which all his gestures, movements, and posture are reflected. Only in this mirror there is not a reflection of your interlocutor, but you yourself repeat all his movements.

If your interlocutor waves his hands a lot during a conversation, be kind and you also wave your hands. If your interlocutor folds his hands crosswise, then you fold your hands crosswise. If he folded his hands into a boat, then you should also fold them into a boat. If he rests his cheek on his palm, then you rest your cheek on your palm. What could be simpler than copying the body and gestures of your interlocutor?

It doesn’t require much extra effort from you, but by copying your interlocutor, you give him a lot of pleasure, you become closer, dearer, and warmer to him. After all, you are like him - and the more you are like him, the more he likes you.

Rule #4

Most of all, men like women who know about his favorite activities. For example, your beloved man loves fishing. You may actually hate fishing, hate the smell of fish, hate hooks, lines, fishing rods, lures, but your husband loves it, your beloved man lives for his fishing.

To understand him, to please him, learn to understand a little about this fishing. You don’t have to be a fan and go fishing with your husband every time, especially if he goes with friends and they have their own world, their own social circle, their own fishing universe.

But showing respect, paying attention to the hobby and passion of your beloved man is not only useful, but also important for winning the heart of a man and very important for building the right atmosphere in a relationship.

If you love and are interested in or at least understand a man’s hobby, he will be grateful to you for it. If you respect a man’s hobbies, his hobbies, then you respect the man himself. And believe me, my dear, respect any man very, very lacking.

Give your man respect by respecting his hobbies, passions, and work. Give him your attention, understanding, significance - and it’s simply impossible to imagine a more grateful life partner!


Another most important advice! Look in the mirror. With you and me two ears and one mouth. This is Mother Nature's hint that we should listen more than we talk. When communicating, we must be excellent listeners and show maximum interest in what the interlocutor is saying.

When you listen carefully to your beloved man, you show respect and create an invisible bridge between you, connecting two hearts, two souls. I personally have experienced it many times unpleasant feeling when I suddenly realized that the woman I was communicating with just pretending that listens but doesn't really hear me.

For example, you are driving in a car with your beloved husband, man, friend and talking about something, about some, at first glance, trifles, nonsense. And then the phone rang. Your conversation is interrupted by a phone call. It doesn’t matter whose phone rang – your phone or your man’s – but it is very important for a man that after that phone call You didn't lose the thread of the conversation, its meaning. Thus, you show respect for your interlocutor.

A man understands that even if what he talks about Do you care, then the interlocutor is also not indifferent. You remember his every word, you are an attentive interlocutor, you are a true friend. Believe me, it is very, very pleasant for a man.

It's not about flattery, we're talking about not about stupid assent, but we are talking about respect, about attention, about that invisible bridge, which at first is very thin, fragile, but it very tightly connects your souls, your hearts.

Over time, this bridge will become strong, powerful, and your beloved man will be looking forward to meeting you to tell you about some of his next bullshit. For you it is not important, for him it is the most important thing in life.

Let me emphasize once again, this is not about what a man says and how to listen - we have already talked about this in the previous rules, but we are talking about basic respect, attention, which your man, your lover, lacks so much in this world. Give him what he lacks - and he will be yours forever.

On the verge of fantasy

At the end of this chapter, I want to tell you about real things that are similar to a fairy tale. But this is not a fairy tale. People, adapting to other people, copying their speech rate, copying their posture, copying their gestures, at some point begin read their minds.

There is nothing supernatural about this. This is the kind of trick that the greatest success coach, Anthony Robinson, likes to show. During the seminar, two volunteers are called onto the stage, two chairs are placed, and one person begins to copy the other. with maximum accuracy- and after some time, usually after 10-15 minutes, he says exactly what the person he is copying is thinking.

A friend of mine, a powerful psychologist, sometimes has fun with his beloved in the following way. In bed, he begins to copy not only her rate of speech, body movements, speed of gestures, but also her breathing.

This is incredibly pleasant for women, but the most important thing is that my friend, having copied his beloved on the points that I mentioned above, can tell what she is thinking about at this moment. Can you imagine her surprise?!

When you adapt to your loved one, when you copy, “mirror” your loved one, an amazing phenomenon occurs: your thin bodies, your souls, your energy become a single body. At the level of the soul, at the level emotional state a real miracle happens. It’s as if you are uniting, your souls are intertwined in a gentle, touching dance, a wonderful atmosphere is formed between you, to which your lover will subconsciously strive to return.

With the help of Dr. Erickson's discovery and elementary common sense You, as a sorceress, can create an amazing atmosphere of communication, amazing world for you two, a world in which they understand a man, value a man, idolize a man and, most importantly, know how to treat him.

Basic knowledge of communication hygiene will give you a tremendous advantage over all competitors, on the one hand, and on the other hand, will make your communication enjoyable source of pleasure.

Communication between people in our country occurs at the level of the primitive communal system, at the level of ignorance of the rules of psychology. Imagine a city where people don't know the rules traffic. What will happen on the roads of such a city? Accidents, pain, suffering, blows, shocks. The same thing happens to people when they do not know the basic rules of communication.

People are like drivers, not those who know the rules– fill their lives with pain, illness, suffering, anger, hatred. Only for the sake of changing your life is it worth applying these most useful, most important rules of communication. There is very little to read about this, my dear. The main thing is to act.

Try to apply every day, every time basic important rules- and in just a couple of months you will become super smart, a great master in communicating with men. This means you will be out of competition!

Have you found the perfect guy, but don't know how to show him that you are the one he needs? Do you want him to love you as much as you love him? If you dream of a guy wanting to spend the rest of his life with you, start with the first point below!


Part 1

Look the part

    Respect yourself. Like everyone else, good men attract those who respect and value themselves. Show him that you are a worthy candidate - respect yourself. Don't be afraid to speak your mind, think for yourself, control the situation when necessary, and take care of yourself.

    Take care of your body. When we don't take care of our bodies, others feel like we don't consider ourselves worthy of care and love (even if we actually value ourselves). To show a man that you consider yourself worthy of attention, take care of and take care of your body. Maintain hygiene healthy regime nutrition, exercise physical exercise to keep yourself in good shape.

    Dress in a way that makes a good impression. By dressing poorly, you show others that you don't consider them worth the extra effort on your part and aren't trying to make a positive impression on them. But that's not true, of course you want to impress them, so dress accordingly! Wear clothes that are date-appropriate, fit, flatter your body, and are free of stains and holes.

    Smell yourself. When it comes to attractiveness, scent is a powerful force. Not particularly powerful if you smell good (although it will help you a little), but irresistibly repulsive if you smell bad. Lay down good basics by regularly showering and using deodorant. If you really want to smell sweet, add some spray deodorant or perfume.

    • Choose a scent that speaks to your personality (citrus for playfulness, floral for femininity, musky for sensuality, etc.).
    • Try not to go crazy with many different scents: try to find a scent that will become your “calling card” and will be associated with you in the guy’s mind.
  1. Be confident. Most people find self-confidence sexy. You don't have to be confident, just try to act in a way that makes you look confident in his eyes. Don't slouch, look him (and everyone else) in the eye, speak your mind, and periodically take control of the situation (decide what to do on the date, etc.).

    Part 2

    Behave accordingly
    1. Help the guy feel free. Very often, guys are reluctant to enter into relationships because they are afraid of losing their identity and freedom - this is what society teaches them. Show the guy that he shouldn’t be afraid of this with you - make him feel free. Encourage your guy to pursue his dreams and have fun with his friends; Don't encroach on his free time.

      Radiate fun! When we are looking for someone for a long-term relationship, we want our life to be better with them, right? Therefore, it is obvious that the guy is looking for someone with whom his life will be, if not exciting, then at least fun. Be the source of fun in his life. Go on fun dates, encourage him to try new things, join his hobbies and encourage him to pursue them.

      Stay away from excessive drama and emotionality. Scandalous girls are what really turn guys off. Do you know that type of girl who constantly gossips, starts arguments and quarrels with people, and always complains about the shortcomings of others? Don't be that kind of girl. Stay away from the showdown and try to help him deal less with drama and unnecessary negative emotions.

      • If you have a real problem in which he can help you, that’s one thing, but starting quarrels over a trifle is completely different.
    2. Give him the opportunity to feel like a hero. Guys love to feel useful. They love feeling like a hero to their girls - help him experience that! Give him the opportunity to help you from time to time. Ask his advice, even if the matter is trivial. He will love the place he will occupy in your life - it will fill his life with meaning that he may not have found with other people.

      Be passionate. Of course, you should be passionate in your relationships, but you should also be passionate in Everyday life. Find joy in what you do and pursue what is important to you. Enthusiasm and joy for life attract us, and we strive to be around people who help us experience these feelings - be that person for your boyfriend by truly loving your life.

      Be yourself. The most important thing is that you must be yourself. Don't try to be the girl you think your boyfriend wants. When we try to be someone else, after a while our real personality begins to break through the mask. Even if a guy is able to love your true personality, he may be hurt and resentful that you deceived him; this way you will still lose it. Honesty is the best policy!

    Part 3

    Win his heart

      Do something for him. Sometimes a nice gesture can help strengthen his feelings for you. A good option is to make something for him with your own hands, from scratch. Try to focus on things he likes so that your gift doesn't scream to everyone, "I'm only wearing this because it's a gift from my girlfriend." You can make him an embossed leather bracelet, a beach ankle bracelet, a figurine that he can display in his home, or a keychain.

      Give him his favorite autographed book. Find out what his favorite book is and get a copy signed by the author. You can even get an autograph especially for him if the writer is still alive. This can make an incredibly meaningful gift if the book is truly important to him.

      Prepare a wonderful dinner for him. The saying “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” is usually completely true. Learning how to cook is fairly easy, even if you've never cooked before. Practice a little and before you can blink your eye, your boyfriend will be full and happy.

      Give him a massage. Sometimes nice massage Can be great to relax after a busy day. Very often it is precisely this quality (the ability to drive away the stress of the working day) that we look for in the person with whom we want to spend our lives. Therefore, show the guy that with you he can relax and unwind like no one else.