Is it possible to get pregnant while taking the pro model? Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills? Birth control pills and medicinal herbs

Birth control pills contain artificially created hormones that are as similar as possible to real hormones produced by the female body. A woman takes these pills every day, which affects hormonal background and creates an imitation of pregnancy in the body. As a result, ovulation does not occur at the right time, that is, the egg does not mature, which means it is impossible. The state is like this chronic pregnancy» ok for female body, since without contraception, in natural women They spend a significant part of their lives in a state of pregnancy or breastfeeding, when they do not have to work to create new eggs.

Hormonal medications also make the mucus in the cervix more viscous, preventing sperm from penetrating inside, which reduces the risk even if ovulation has occurred. And even if the sperm did penetrate the egg, it happened that the work slows down under the influence of oral contraceptives fallopian tubes, which move the egg so that it can attach to the wall of the uterus, has finally arrived. Thus, the chances of getting pregnant with correct intake contraceptives with sufficient amounts of the hormone are very small.

According to experts, the chance of getting pregnant in this case is less than one percent.

Factors that increase the risk of getting pregnant

There are many cases when women still take birth control pills. Most often this occurs due to violation of the rules for taking medications. The first reason is that the pills are not taken according to the schedule described in the instructions. It could be like wrong time taking or missing one, two or more tablets. Even missing one pill can lead to egg maturation and unwanted pregnancy, it is also advisable to take them at approximately the same time, so that the delay is no more than twelve hours.

If you miss a pill, follow the instructions for the medicine.

Even if you follow the schedule, the effect of the tablets may be impaired due to vomiting or diarrhea. If you experience these symptoms less than four hours after taking it, refer to the instructions, which usually require you to take another tablet, since the first one will most likely not work. You should also use other methods of contraception for several days after this.

The chance of getting pregnant while taking oral contraceptives increases when used with certain medicines or biologically active additives. In this case, the hormones have a worse effect on the body and do not suppress ovulation. The instructions for the contraceptive should include information that weakens the effect of the pills. Also very important correct selection hormonal agent.

If you become pregnant while taking hormonal birth control, stop taking it immediately and call your doctor.

For many women, pregnancy is a long-awaited event. But there is no fewer girls who want to delay motherhood, and for this it is necessary to use contraceptives.

To date, according to World Organization health care, the most reliable contraceptives are birth control pills. Their reliability reaches 98%, which is why more than 50% of women around the world prefer this method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

But 98% is still not a complete guarantee, and in medical practice there are cases where pregnancy occurred while taking birth control pills. Why might this happen?

Benefits of tablets

But is the high degree of reliability the only reason why women choose this type of contraception? Of course not.

Taking pills is very convenient. It is enough for a woman to take one tablet every day and not be afraid of an unwanted pregnancy, unlike the same condoms or suppositories, which must be used before each sexual intercourse.

They are also the most economical options. A pack of pills, designed for a month of use, can cost from 200 to 700 rubles, which is much cheaper than buying condoms.

But despite this, many women refuse this method of contraception, fearing an unwanted pregnancy. However, let's look at this issue in more detail.

Operating principle OK

To fully understand why pregnancy occurs when taking birth control pills, let’s consider their principle of action.

The action of contraceptive drugs is aimed at performing the following functions:

  • Preventing the process of egg maturation and its movement from the ovary to the uterus.
  • An increase in the viscosity of the cervical secretion, due to which sperm cannot reach the “goal” necessary for fertilization.

There are two types of tablets:

  1. Mini-drinks. These are non-combined tablets that contain prostagene, which is responsible for increasing the viscosity of the uterine secretion, which is why ovulation does not proceed completely.
  2. The effect of the second type of contraceptives is stronger. These drugs contain the hormone estrogen, an increase in the concentration in the body leads to blocking the development of follicles in the ovary. This suggests that the egg simply does not mature and, accordingly, does not come out. Such drugs completely prevent ovulation.

Now that we roughly understand the principle of operation of these contraceptives, let’s figure out why a situation arises when, even when taking birth control pills, the test shows pregnancy.

Causes of unwanted pregnancy

First of all, you must understand that pregnancy will not just happen while taking birth control pills. It may arise due to additional reasons, as a result of which the effect of the drug on the body decreases, and, as a result, the concentration of substances necessary to stop ovulation will decrease. Many factors can contribute to this.

Skipping a pill

This reason for pregnancy is the most common.

There is a certain principle of taking contraceptives. Most often, this is a fairly simple schedule: 1 tablet every day at the same time. But often a situation may arise that a girl forgets to drink last pill course and takes the required 7-day break, and a week later begins taking new packaging. Thus, the woman misses a whole day, during which the ovaries can return to normal functioning, which is why pregnancy may occur after stopping taking birth control pills.

The same thing happens in the opposite situation. A girl can take the entire course of pills, but after a seven-day break, forget to take the pill. And again, skipping just one day dramatically increases the likelihood of getting pregnant. The same situation can arise if a girl forgets to take a pill in the middle of her cycle.

Vomiting or diarrhea

Often, troubles happen to our body that can provoke pregnancy when taking birth control pills.

For complete absorption active ingredients The drug takes about 3-4 hours. If at this time you start vomiting or diarrhea, then there is a high probability that the substances of the contraceptive drug are not fully absorbed, which creates a risk of fertilization of the egg.

Taking additional medications

This reason is one of the most serious. The thing is that there are a large number of drugs that reduce the functioning of substances necessary to prevent pregnancy. Most often, these drugs include antibiotics.

But the list of medications does not end there. Antiallergenic, anticonvulsant and antifungal drugs may also suppress the effect of contraceptives. Therefore, before taking certain medications, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and find out whether they reduce the effect of birth control pills.

You also need to be careful with the teas that girls like to drink when losing weight. Many of them affect the action of contraceptives, which can provoke an unwanted pregnancy. The same applies to herbs. Many of them still continue to have an effect on the body after long-term use. For example, St. John's wort retains its effect on the body for another 2 weeks after completion of its administration. Therefore, if you plan to drink any decoctions, be very careful.

Psycho-emotional states

Pregnancy while taking birth control pills can also occur due to severe stress. Of course, this reason is the rarest, but if a woman regularly experiences severe stress at work or at home, this can radically affect the state of the entire body as a whole and cause suppression of all its functions. Therefore, when taking contraceptives, the doctor often prescribes a course of sedatives for the first 2-3 months.

Delay of menstruation

One of the problems that a woman may encounter when taking OCs (oral contraceptives) is a delay in menstruation. Many people immediately get scared and believe that pregnancy has occurred while taking birth control pills.

But don't panic right away. Since OCs contain a small dose of hormones, the hormonal levels change when taking the pills. This may cause your period to start earlier or later than usual.

By the way, it is worth paying attention to the fact that many women have stabilized their cycles while taking OCs, if they previously had problems with it. Therefore, do not be alarmed by such changes, especially if you have been taking birth control for only 1-2 months.

You should only be concerned if you have previously missed a pill, taken other serious medications, or had unprotected sex before you started taking OCs.

Pregnancy with OK

Many girls are concerned about the question: “What to do if pregnancy occurs while taking birth control pills?”

If you decide to continue the pregnancy, then there is no need to worry. Although a woman may begin to worry about the health of her unborn child, which may be affected by taking birth control pills. But there's no need to panic. Medical practice showed that taking OCs does not in any way affect the development of the fetus, and the risk of pathologies in this case is the same as in cases where the pregnancy was planned.

The main rule you must follow is to immediately stop taking contraceptives and go to see a gynecologist if you find out you are pregnant.

However, there are situations when a woman does not know about her pregnancy and continues to take birth control pills. In this case, the question of fetal safety is much more serious. Although over many years of research, doctors have not been able to find a direct connection between taking OCs and fetal development. It has been established that in the first 5 weeks of pregnancy, taking contraceptives does not in any way affect the development of the embryo. But already from the 6th week, the child’s genital organs develop, and during this period, taking hormones is at least undesirable.


Now it’s worth talking about the situation when pregnancy has already occurred while taking birth control pills. Symptoms can be quite different or absent altogether, but there are a number of signs by which a girl can determine that she is pregnant:

  • Pain in the chest and mammary glands. This symptom is quite often observed during pregnancy, but many girls experience such pain during menstruation or because they are not used to taking OCs. In any case, if you only observe this symptom, there is no need to worry in advance.
  • Common signs of pregnancy (including when taking birth control pills) are nausea and vomiting.
  • Change taste preferences. Such a symptom may well occur on early stages when, for example, a woman liked a certain product, but during pregnancy developed an aversion to it.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and back. Be attentive to such symptoms, as they may indicate not only pregnancy, but also health problems.

In any case, even all these symptoms together cannot guarantee that you are pregnant. To obtain exact result, you should take a pregnancy test. This happens when you take birth control pills, so it's better to be safe. Or immediately go to an appointment with a gynecologist, where a hCG test will be done.

Planned pregnancy - a matter of time

Many women and girls are concerned about the question: “How quickly can you plan a pregnancy after taking birth control pills?”

For each woman, the timing is purely individual. For some, it is enough to wait a couple of months, for others, to restore normal functioning reproductive organs it will take about six months. The important thing is that you should not panic if you are unable to get pregnant in the first 1-3 months after stopping the OC. But if similar problem persists after 6-7 months of regular attempts, you need to consult a doctor.

But there is also a reverse effect, which medical practice called the “rebound effect”. In other words, pregnancy during cancellation. After stopping taking OCs, a new change in hormonal levels occurs, which is why the likelihood of getting pregnant increases significantly. Thanks to this effect, infertility treatment is carried out: first, the woman takes birth control pills for a certain time, and after a certain period they are canceled, due to which the girl can achieve the desired pregnancy.

but on the other hand

But, unfortunately, not all women understand the full responsibility that comes with taking OCs. Many people prescribe medications on their own, without thinking about the possible serious consequences. And yet there is important rule taking oral contraceptives: after 3-6 months of taking it is necessary to take a break of at least 1 month. During this time, the body begins to function again as before, and the risk of addiction to OCs is reduced to zero.

However, not all girls think about any kind of cyclicity and take medications for several years. Not surprisingly, this causes many problems with reproductive system which may be irreparable. IN best case scenario One of the problems can be ectopic pregnancy when taking birth control pills. At worst - infertility, which will be very difficult, if not impossible, to cure.

In addition, today there are many types of OK, and in order to choose suitable tablets, the woman needs to undergo a series of tests and get a doctor’s prescription. Only in this case can you be sure that oral contraceptives will not harm your health.

Summing up

Completing this rather lengthy course on taking birth control pills, I would like to give a few recommendations and tips to follow:

  • If during OK you notice spotting or light bleeding- don't panic. This is a common occurrence when taking OCs.
  • Visit your gynecologist regularly while taking birth control. A doctor should monitor your health to prevent serious consequences.
  • Monitor your health yourself. Appearance serious symptoms prescribed in the instructions, indicates the need to stop taking the OC.
  • Oral contraceptives should not be stopped after at will, otherwise it may cause a withdrawal effect and a sudden disruption of hormonal levels.
  • Try not to skip taking pills.
  • Before taking OK, be sure to read the instructions, even if the doctor explained everything to you in detail.

Now you know whether pregnancy is possible while taking birth control pills. You know the main reasons for this phenomenon. And most importantly, remember: there are many myths that oral contraceptives are terribly harmful to health. It is not true. If a woman follows all the doctor’s recommendations and drinks OK according to a strict schedule, then no problems will ever arise. Be healthy and love each other!

Oral contraceptives are considered the most effective method prevention of unwanted pregnancy. But their effectiveness depends on compliance with the rules of use, which are often violated. Birth control pills are incompatible with antibiotics; their absorption is also disrupted by other drugs. Missing medications, even once, can also lead to pregnancy. Therefore, it is quite possible to conceive while taking oral contraceptives. Pregnancy in this case will be normal, and, as statistics show, children are born absolutely normal.

Hormonal contraceptives

Oral contraceptives (OC) are a common and reliable way preventing pregnancy. They are affordable, easy to use and effective. Today, the range of such tablets is sufficient so that you can choose them depending on the specific situation. You cannot do this on the advice of friends or the Internet. It is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo some tests to determine your health status and the absence of contraindications.

To ensure that birth control pills are safe and effective, you need to follow the instructions for taking them. Once every two months they take a blood test to check the level of prothrombin and visit a gynecologist. Do not skip taking the drug.

The so-called combined contraceptive pills are most often prescribed. They contain synthetic analogues female hormones- estrogens and gestagens. They block the onset of ovulation, implantation and impair the ability of sperm to move through the cervical canal.

There is also a simplified version of the tablets, called “mini-pills”. They do not block ovulation, but only make cervical mucus more viscous. They have fewer contraindications than combined contraceptives, they can be used for breastfeeding, but their efficiency is lower.

In what cases can pregnancy occur?

It is possible to become pregnant while taking birth control pills. The Pearl index, which shows the pregnancy rate in the first year of taking oral contraceptives, ranges from 0.01% to 0.09%. This means that from 1 to 9 women out of 1 thousand become pregnant within one year, provided correct use drugs. But the chance may increase if you violate the instructions:

  • When starting to take contraceptives, you must use additional methods contraception. This should be done during the first weeks, since it is believed that at this time the contraceptive effect is insufficient. There is no need to take additional protection in subsequent cycles.
  • If you miss a pill, you must take it within 12 hours. If this does not happen, pregnancy becomes more likely.
  • Relatively high risk pregnancy when using tablets of a different action (“mini-pills”) intended for breastfeeding women.
  • The same thing happens if vomiting or diarrhea occurs less than 3 hours after administration. Then you need to take another pill. It is believed that a single diarrhea does not reduce the contraceptive effect.

The effectiveness of contraceptives decreases if you take certain pharmaceuticals and even folk remedies treatment. These include antibiotics, some antifungal agents, anticonvulsants, barbiturates. St. John's wort also increases the risk of pregnancy.

These drugs contain substances that reduce the absorption of tablets in the intestines or accelerate the breakdown process in the liver. Thus, the contraceptive effect is reduced. Therefore, when prescribing medications, the doctor must take into account the fact of taking hormonal contraceptives. During this time you will have to use additional protection.

Alcoholic drinks force the liver to work at an increased rate in order to get rid of toxins and at the same time estrogen in the tablets. On the background constant use alcohol, the contraceptive effect in the body is significantly reduced.

If conception occurs

The onset of pregnancy is not only unexpected, it is a cause for concern. Many people assume that the fetus may have developmental disorders both physically and mentally due to the mother taking birth control pills, but this is not the case.

According to statistics, children who are born while taking hormonal contraceptives are no more likely to suffer from birth defects development than others. Such data suggest that the fact of taking contraceptives is not even taken into account when calculating the risks of pathologies, and pregnancy is observed as normal.

Pregnancy after drug withdrawal

If a woman has been taking oral contraceptives for some time and decides to become pregnant, this can be done after stopping the drug. About 90% of women planning pregnancy after OC conceive in the first 2 years. If there are no other problems long-term use hormonal contraceptives do not prevent pregnancy.

There is a method of treating infertility when a woman is asked to take a course of birth control pills for 3-6 months and plan a child after stopping them. As a rule, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases because the ovaries begin to function better after forced rest.

In some cases of establishing menstrual cycle you have to wait for months. For everything to go as smoothly as possible, you need to visit a gynecologist and inform him of your intention to plan a pregnancy. It is recommended to prepare for this by getting tested for venereal diseases, start taking a vitamin complex.

Some people believe that you can quit pills in the middle of your cycle on any day, but this is not true. Hormonal balance may be disrupted, and normal ovulation won't come anytime soon. The best option is to finish the pack and only then try to get pregnant.

It is possible to conceive with oral contraceptives, but the probability is low. It’s another matter if the rules of administration are systematically violated - pills are missed or combined with other medications. In this case, pregnancy is quite real. You should always pay attention to symptoms and signs, and if there is a delay, get a test. If a woman suffers from chronic diseases digestive organs or absent-minded and forgetful, it is worth using hormonal ring or a plaster.

Modern medicine offers various ways protection against unwanted pregnancy. One of them is hormonal contraception(GK).

Many women and men are interested in the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant using hormonal contraception?” No drug can provide a 100% guarantee against unwanted pregnancy. But hormonal contraception comes closest to the cherished 100%, and therefore is considered one of the most reliable methods of protection. In addition, the effect of hormonal contraceptives has been studied almost thoroughly.

After reading this article, you will learn:

Is it possible to get pregnant on hormonal contraception?
why is everything in the world more women switch to this particular method of contraception;
how soon can you get pregnant after stopping hormonal medications;
answers to other questions most often asked by women and men.

What types of hormonal contraception are there?

Hormonal contraceptives for women contain synthetic analogues of estrogens and progesterone - female sex hormones. Unfortunately, hormonal contraception for men is still under development.

There are two types of hormonal contraception: combined and progestin. Estrogen is included in the form of ethinyl estradiol (or estradiol valerate in new generation COCs based on natural estrogen), progesterone - in the form of progestin.

Combined oral contraceptives, or COCs, contain estrogens and progesterone.

Depending on the amount of estrogens, the drugs are:

High-dose (35 micrograms, or mcg, for example “Diane-35”);
low-dose (30 mg, for example “Yarina”);
microdosed (15 and 20 mcg, for example “Klayra”).

Progestin-only oral contraceptives contain only progesterone. They are usually prescribed to nursing mothers and those who are contraindicated in taking estrogen.

Previously, hormonal contraception was only available in pill form. Today, medicine provides several ways to introduce hormones into the body:

vaginal ring"NovaRing";
body patch "Evra";
intrauterine device"Mirena".

How does hormonal contraception affect the body?

To find out what the possibility of getting pregnant with GC is, you need to understand how it works. So, HA performs the following functions in the body:

Suppresses ovulation, that is, the maturation of the egg;
makes the mucus in the cervical canal more viscous, which makes it difficult for sperm to move up into the uterine cavity;
prevents the egg from implanting in the uterus in the event of fertilization.

If a woman or man is interested in the question “Is it possible to get pregnant using HA?”, then we have good news for them: the possibility of getting pregnant tends to zero.

Advantages of hormonal contraception

If you take, for example, Yarina or Zhanine, is it possible to get pregnant after stopping them? One of the main advantages of HA is the reversibility of its action. That is, you can use HA for several years, and as soon as you decide that you are ready to become a mother, simply stop taking the drug.

GK is good way protect against unwanted pregnancy (the possibility of becoming pregnant, by and large, exists only if pills are missed or taken incorrectly).

Other benefits

1. After a year of admission, the probability ectopic pregnancy reduced by 90%.
2. The likelihood of developing gynecological diseases.

Research results prove that HA helps prevent the following diseases:

Cancer of the endometrium (lining of the uterus), ovaries, breast;
endometrial polyps;
cervical erosion;
uterine fibroids (with a diameter of 1.5 cm, growth stops);
inflammation of the pelvic organs.

The likelihood of not only gynecological diseases is reduced, but also rheumatoid arthritis, and anemia.

3. The menstrual cycle is normalized.
If previously the length of the cycle fluctuated, then when taking GC it will be constant.
4. The quantity decreases menstrual flow. If you previously suffered from long and intense menstruation, then during the period of use they are reduced in duration and quantity. Small amount menstrual blood reduces the likelihood of developing bacteria that cause inflammation.
5. You can independently regulate the cycle if necessary and postpone it for any period.

Who are contraindicated for hormonal contraceptives?

If you want to control the possibility of getting pregnant with the help of HA, then know that there are contraindications to them:

High arterial pressure;
tendency to form blood clots;
cirrhosis of the liver;
malignant neoplasms any organs;
smoking in combination with age over 35 years.

Depending on the drug, contraindications may vary.

Do hormonal contraceptives affect weight?

Since modern GCs contain very low doses of hormones, we can confidently say that they do not affect body weight. Sometimes there is weight gain, sometimes weight loss. Body weight may increase by 1–2 kg, but only in hormone-dependent areas: breasts, hips and buttocks. Men most often like this change in figure.

Does the body need a break from hormonal contraception?

The myth that the body needs a break from HA is widespread among Russian women. Gynecologists often prescribe taking GCs intermittently: you need to take the drug for a year and a half, and then take a break for three months. In the USA and European countries they do not take breaks - the interval in taking GC does not bring benefits, and more often than not, harms. Low doses hormones do not create any stress on the body from which it would need to “rest.”

Which dosage regimen is better: short or long-term?

Exist different schemes reception OK:

1 package - break 7 days;
3 packs - 7 days break;
6 packs - break 7 days.

Some contraceptives must be taken without interruption - in this case, several placebo tablets are included in the package.

According to latest results studies, a long-term dosage regimen is preferable. If you take OCs according to an extended regimen, menstruation is much easier and the amount of side effects from the drug. And men don't have to worry about feeling unwell beloved on critical days.

Why does hormonal contraception provide ALMOST 100% protection against pregnancy, or How can you get pregnant while taking oral contraceptives?

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking HA, for example “Zhanine”? The possibility of getting pregnant on GC is approaching zero.

When does the chance of getting pregnant increase?

Firstly, the possibility of getting pregnant increases if you miss a pill. If the delay is less than 12 hours, the contraceptive effect is not reduced. If the break is more than 12 hours, the chances of getting pregnant increase.

Secondly, the likelihood of conception increases with problems with gastrointestinal tract. If a woman begins vomiting or diarrhea soon after taking the pill, gynecologists recommend that the man use a condom to ensure contraceptive reliability for the next 7–9 days.

How soon can you get pregnant after stopping hormonal contraceptives?

If you are wondering how soon you can get pregnant after stopping taking GC, then know: you can get pregnant as soon as ovulation occurs. This can happen in the first, second, or third cycle after cancellation.

Is it possible to get pregnant after six months by stopping taking the drug “Zhanine”? The greatest chance of getting pregnant remains for 3 months. But there are cases when pregnancy occurs even after 6 months. If pregnancy does not occur within six months, you need to check reproductive health men and women.

Is it possible to get pregnant in cases where “fire” contraception was used?

Is it possible to get pregnant if you use emergency or emergency contraception? Emergency contraception includes Ginepristone, Escapelle, Postinor, Mifepristone-72 and others. These medications must be taken as quickly as possible after sexual intercourse, preferably immediately after it. If you take the first tablet of the drug immediately after unprotected intercourse or within 24 hours, the effectiveness of the drug is 95%.
Emergency contraception should not be taken frequently - it is strong hormonal drugs, not intended for regular use.

How can you get pregnant after taking hormonal contraceptives?

Taking hormonal contraceptives has no effect on how you can become pregnant - without a man, through insemination or in your own bedroom.

Is it possible to get pregnant after giving birth during the first two months?

Many men and young mothers are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding? As practice shows, this is quite possible, so consult your doctor about taking hormonal contraceptives.
In the first three weeks after birth, it is necessary to use progestin-only drugs (without estrogen) to avoid the formation of blood clots. If a woman is not breastfeeding, then from the fourth week you can start taking COCs, for example “Yarina” or “Zhanine”.

“Janine”: is it possible to get pregnant?

Many men and women want to know: “Can I get pregnant while taking Janine?” The answer in most cases will be no, but in some situations the contraceptive effect may be reduced.

1. While taking Janine, is it possible to get pregnant without missing a single pill?
If you take Zhanine according to the instructions and do not miss a single pill, then the likelihood of pregnancy is zero.

2. While taking Janine, is it possible to get pregnant after missing one pill?
If you delay taking the pills for less than 12 hours, the effect of the drug is not weakened. If the delay exceeds 12 hours, then in the next 7 days it is necessary to use additional methods of protection, such as a condom. Taking “Janine”, you can get pregnant with most likely due to missing the first tablets in the package.

3. Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Janine due to problems with the digestive system?
If you have taken Janine without skipping, you can become pregnant if you vomit or have an upset stomach in the first few hours after taking it. During this time, the drug may not have had time to be absorbed.

4. While taking Zhanine, is it possible to get pregnant while taking other medications?
Taking “Zhanine”, you can become pregnant with parallel treatment with antibiotics (tetracycline, penicillin and others). In addition, contraceptive protection may be reduced by barbiturates and other medications.

5. Is it possible to get pregnant after taking Yarina or Zhanine?
If you stop taking Janine, you are most likely to become pregnant in the first three menstrual cycles.

"Yarina": is it possible to get pregnant?

All answers to the above questions regarding “Zhanin” are also true for “Yarina”.

What to do if, taking oral contraceptive, are you pregnant?

If you become pregnant while taking Yarina, Zhanine or another COC, stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor.

However, there are certain conditions when such a “surprise” can occur. In order to determine these subtleties, you must also have general idea, which contraception exist at all.

Oral contraceptives

The oral method of contraception is considered the most common and reliable method contraception. Contraceptive medications are simple and effective to use, and are also quite accessible means. It is not recommended to choose them yourself, as you can significantly harm yourself.

Contraceptives should be prescribed by a doctor who excludes possible contraindications.

  • Height, weight and blood pressure measurements are also taken.
  • Often held additional research– blood and urine tests, and the woman also needs to undergo a smear test.

These actions are necessary in order to exclude possible diseases.

Hormonal drugs use the “doubles” effect. Synthetically produced analogs of ovarian hormones are used.

Combination drugs

The most popular are combination products. However, modern means almost the same composition. To block ovulation, it is enough to use drugs that contain 0.02 mg ethinyl estradiol. Such low dosage products are recommended for young girls.


There are tablets with different effects. When taking them cervical mucus becomes thick under the influence of progestin. This prevents sperm from moving forward and fulfilling their purpose.

These pills are called mini-pills. Among them are:

  • Continuin,
  • Exluton.

But you need to know that their reliability is significantly lower than that of such combined agents, like Belara, Lindinet 20, Tri-regol (three-phase agent), Regulon, Novinet, Jess plus. Some of them can be used immediately after an abortion.

However, there are certain advantages:

  • Quantity breast milk does not decrease when taking them. In this regard, they are approved for use by nursing mothers.
  • Their use very rarely leads to problems with the heart and blood vessels, which is preferable for women after 35 years of age.
  • Mini-pills are also recommended for use by smokers.

Cases in which pregnancy is possible

It should be borne in mind that pregnancy is possible even when taking birth control pills. Cases in which such a “surprise” is possible are described in the instructions for the use of contraceptives.

For example, the description of a drug such as Lindenet 30 indicates the likelihood of becoming pregnant when using this drug. When used correctly, this is only 0.05%.

How to take birth control pills correctly so as not to get pregnant is the main question facing young women. Many people who find themselves in this situation believe that the oral contraceptive was chosen incorrectly. However, most likely, this statement is not true if the remedy was selected together with a gynecologist.

At the same time, if the medicine was chosen independently, then an error is possible. The product may be intended for nursing mothers. These contraceptives contain significantly less hormones. In this regard, their use may well lead to unwanted pregnancy.

In order to avoid similar situation, you must carefully read the description of the drug used and follow medical advice. The basic rules on how to avoid getting pregnant while taking birth control pills include:

  1. Any similar drugs, according to the instructions, should be taken on time. In addition to doing this daily, you must adhere to the same hour of use. The delay in admission should not exceed 12 hours. More delay leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the product.
  2. If vomiting occurs in within three hours after taking the pill there is a recommendation for immediate reuse medicines. This is necessary due to incomplete absorption previous dose. The same action is necessary for recurring diarrhea.
  3. The answer to the question How long should you take birth control pills initially? to avoid getting pregnant, it is recommended to use additional measures protection for the initial two weeks.
  4. Parallel use of some pharmaceuticals (Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Griseofulvin, Phenobarbital) and even herbs from the “arsenal” traditional medicine(St. John's wort) leads to low effectiveness of contraceptives. Simultaneous use Such medications contribute to poor absorption in the intestines or accelerated breakdown of contraceptive drugs in the liver.
  5. Taking alcohol together with such drugs leads to accelerated withdrawal estrogen from the body. This “causes” the lack of ovulation suppression effect.

What to do if a woman becomes pregnant and is taking birth control pills?

Indeed, in this case there appears a lot anxious thoughts about the future development of the fetus and the course of the pregnancy itself. However, there is no particular cause for concern in this situation.

If the “event” occurred within the first four weeks from the start of using the medication, then there is absolutely no risk of to the expectant mother, nor her offspring. The drug has not yet had time to accumulate in the body. However, if menstruation does not occur later than this period, then you must stop taking it. contraceptive drug until such time as there is complete confidence in the absence of pregnancy. There are tests for this.

More reliable method is to donate blood for an hCG test.

It should be remembered that there are many years of statistics that claim that in this case the chance of having a defective child does not exceed the statistical average. This study is confirmed by the appearance of quite large quantity healthy children worldwide. Gynecologists do not consider the fact of conception while taking contraceptive medications to be a contraindication for pregnancy.