Why does a cat have greasy fur and brown spots on its tail. Poor condition of the cat's coat

A cat is a common animal that lives in many houses and apartments. When a pet healthy, its well-groomed appearance pleases the eye of the owner and household. But sometimes the health of the animal fails and its appearance changes for the worse. For example, it may appear greasy wool in a cat, which many owners initially mistake for normal pollution. It is especially visible in pussies. white color with long hair.

To get rid of the problem, the owners are trying to redeem the mustachioed inhabitant of the dwelling. This method really helps if the pet is just smeared. But if after some time the hair becomes oily again, this most often indicates oily coat (tail) syndrome.

Why does a cat's coat get greasy?

The appearance of oily wool in domestic cat often due to these reasons.:

  1. The animal can get dirty with something greasy, in which case the owner simply has to bathe him;
  2. Cat hair can be contaminated by children while playing with the animal (after all, babies love to squeeze, stroke and carry fluffy pets in their arms);
  3. The disease causing increased activity near-anal glands (in this case, the problem is due to the fact that the cat has oily hair on its tail, and the pet itself constantly rubs its back against rough surfaces (for example, a carpet), trying to free the glands from the accumulated secret);
  4. Violation of keratinization processes or oily seborrhea can become a provoking factor leading to increased greasiness wool.

In any case, if the owner notices that the cat's coat seems to be greasy, he must find out the causes of the problem and take measures to eliminate them.

Features and symptoms of the disease

High greasiness of wool is an ailment that most often affects uncastrated cats. True, it can also appear in pets that have undergone castration, but much less frequently. The main cause of oily hair on the back of a cat, tail or other parts of the fluffy body is a pathology called paraanal gland hyperplasia. An excess of sebum accumulates on the skin. From there, it enters the animal's fur, heavily polluting it.

The symptoms of sebaceous fur syndrome are as follows:

  • oily hair appears at the base of the tail, on the back or sides of the cat;
  • The "fur coat" of a pet becomes dull, sticks together in tangles;
  • on the skin of a pet, a wax-like composition that has a brownish color and exudes a rancid odor;
  • the skin in those areas where there is greasy hair becomes inflamed and reddens;
  • often weakened and matted hair falls out;
  • scabs appear on the surface of the skin;
  • hair follicles become inflamed, and then many small pimples appear in their place.

If the disease becomes chronic, the area of ​​​​the body with damaged hair can become completely bald. The appearance of scabs on the skin leads to the fact that the unfortunate cat develops eczema.

Diagnostic measures

Only veterinarian will be able to accurately answer the question why the cat’s hair has grown fat and what to do to return it former beauty and healthy shine. Diagnosis of a suspected disease involves preventive examination at the veterinarian. During this procedure, the specialist examines the pet, and, if necessary, recommends passing the appropriate tests. If, in addition to greasy fur, the skin of the cat is flaky and itchy, or dandruff has appeared, it should also be shown to a dermatologist.

How to treat pathology?

Treatment high fat content wool in cats is developed by a veterinarian and depends on what caused the pathology.

  • Dirt. If a cat has oily hair once, after contamination, then there is no need to treat the animal. The pet should only be washed well.
  • Oily fur syndrome. In the case when the fluffy suffers from the syndrome of greasy wool and dry, irritated skin, the owner should take him to the veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe a series of tests by which he can determine the causes of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  • Vitamin deficiency. The primary task for a dull and greasy coat in a cat is to saturate his body with vitamins. The animal is prescribed a course of vitamin therapy, which helps to normalize the work of the perianal and sebaceous glands of the pet. good effect gives the drug Hokamix-30.
  • Cleansing glands. Treatment of fattened fur in cats also involves the release of paraanal glands from excess secretion. The procedure is performed by an experienced veterinarian who squeezes out the accumulated contents. If the glands are often inflamed, the specialist suggests surgery to remove them. As an option, periodic flushing of the glands under anesthesia can be considered (but this method ultimately harms internal organs cat).
  • Irregular keratinization or oily seborrhea. To fix the problem, it is advisable to use special shampoos like Dermilen or Meladerm. Lactaderm shampoo also gives a good effect. It helps to temporarily cope with the problem of greasy hair in a cat, cleanse it of secretions and remove bad smells.

Cat hair is the epitome of a pet's health. If it is smooth and shiny, then everything is fine with your pet. Conversely, a dull coat with signs of increased fat content indicates that the mustachioed inhabitant of the house is sick. Probably, some kind of failure occurred in his body, and the animal needs the help of a veterinarian. The specialist will appoint drug treatment, and your pet will quickly recover, will again please the owners with a healthy appearance.

Complete and balanced dietessential condition skin and coat health in cats. In adult animals, the lack of certain substances is rarely observed, with chronic starvation or improper feeding. But during the growth period, kittens may be vulnerable to other nutrients. , designed for different physiological groups of animals - a good and simple solution. If the owners themselves prepare food for the pet, they should take into account the special needs of the cat's body.

Nutrient requirements for cats

  • Cats need much more protein than dogs. The diet of kittens should contain 35% protein, and an adult animal - 30%. At the same time, it is important that the protein is complete, that is, it contains all the necessary amino acids. The content of taurine is especially important.
  • The cat's body is unable to convert linoleic fatty acid to arachidonic acid. Therefore, the diet should contain ready-made arachidonic acid, which is found in animal tissues.
  • Cats cannot, like humans, convert the beta-carotene found in plants into vitamin A and must receive it through the diet. ready-made with food.
  • Cats have high demand in vitamin B3, niacin. However, they are not able to synthesize it on their own from tryptophan (an amino acid).
  • Pyridoxine, vitamin B6, is also strongly needed by these animals.

Protein deficiency

It seems surprising, but 25-30% of the total protein ingested with food is used by the cat's body to maintain normal growth wool cover. After all, hair and nails consist of keratins, special proteins, and amino acids are necessary for their synthesis.

Possible reasons for the lack of proteins in the body:

  1. Feeding a diet low in protein (unbalanced homemade food, dog food, therapeutic diets for cats with/liver failure).
  2. Systemic diseases leading to protein loss (diseases of the kidneys, liver, small intestine, chronic blood loss).

Signs of protein deficiency:

  • before the advent skin problems note a noticeable decrease in body weight;
  • hair loses pigment, this is especially noticeable in bright colors;
  • wool grows poorly, becomes thin, dry and brittle;
  • the skin on the whole body is flaky (seborrhea);
  • multiple foci (spotted alopecia) caused by increased hair loss and insufficient growth of new ones.

Treatment is dietary modification.

Lack of fatty acids

Essential fatty acids (vitamin F) should make up about 2% of the total calorie intake. The optimal ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids is important. At the same time, cats require both linoleic and arachidonic acids from Omega-6. Their lack in the body is considered a rare disease and is observed mainly in cats and kittens on vegetarian diets.


  • generalized peeling, dull coat;
  • oily seborrhea and with increased formation of earwax;
  • accession, development of yeast fungi;
  • areas of weeping eczema;
  • poor wound healing;
  • dysfunction.

Feeding balanced products with addition fatty acids prevents such problems.

Excess fatty acids

This rare disease called pansteatitis. It occurs when excessive consumption of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet. Usually these are diets based on oily fish(sardines, tuna).

In fatty subcutaneous tissue rancidity products (reactive peroxides) accumulate and the fat changes color from white to yellow. "Yellow fat disease" affects young cats that are obese.

General signs:

  • animals are not able to jump, move quickly;
  • loss of appetite;
  • depression, depression.

Skin lesions:

  • Severe pain when trying to lift the animal, caused by inflammation of the subcutaneous fat.
  • Knotty subcutaneous fat deposits and tissue fibrosis, most often in inguinal region and lower abdomen.
  • The surface of the skin appears intact.

When making a diagnosis, exclude infectious causes nodular skin diseases. Important information about the type of food. If necessary, take a biopsy, then the fat samples have a characteristic brown / orange color.

With such a problem, it is not enough to adjust the diet. It is necessary to force the cat to eat new, unusual and less appetizing food. Sometimes veterinarians are forced to prescribe special appetite stimulants or use force-feeding. In addition, food is enriched with alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) at 20-50 mg per day. This antioxidant is given for another month after the clinical signs disappear.

Vitamin A deficiency

This disease is rare, in animals forced to eat plant food. Symptoms include:

  • photophobia, disturbances (on examination, retinal degeneration is detected);
  • weakness of the hind legs;
  • reproductive system disorders;
  • poor quality wool and peeling skin.

To solve the problem, it is enough to introduce into the diet. Artificial addition of vitamin A is not recommended due to possible toxic effects. An overdose of retinol is no less dangerous than its deficiency.

Too much vitamin A

The disease may be due to excess fish oil or by eating large amounts of liver. Vitamin A is fat soluble vitamin and processed in the liver. Since it tends to accumulate in the body, hypervitaminosis A is more often observed in older animals (over 8 years old).

General symptoms:

  • loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • stiffness of the joints (exostoses are formed around), especially the forelimbs;
  • spondylitis cervical spine.

Skin lesions:

  • hyperesthesia - hypersensitivity skin to ordinary touches;
  • the cat neglects grooming (cannot lick), the coat becomes untidy, seborrhea appears.

With such a disease, the prognosis should be cautious - even with the adjustment of the diet, the changes that have occurred in the body may be irreversible. Balancing the diet can be difficult, as in other cases of feeding fatty foods.

Vitamin B deficiency

B vitamins are water-soluble compounds, each of which performs important features in organism. Deficiency of one or another vitamin can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Long term treatment.
  2. Feeding raw eggs(causes a deficiency of biotin - B7).
  3. lack of protein meat products in the diet for high content cereals (deficiency of riboflavin - B2 and niacin - B3).
  4. Diseases digestive system, kidney.

Signs of beriberi:

  • The lack of biotin causes baldness of the area around the eyes and the formation of crusts throughout the body, apathy and diarrhea occur.
  • The lack of riboflavin is manifested by seborrhea on the abdomen and around the eyes.
  • Flaw nicotinic acid threatens with ulceration of all mucous membranes and pellagra disease: this is severe dermatitis, damage to the nervous and digestive systems.

As a treatment, it is recommended to give a cat industrial feed High Quality. IN severe cases are given a course of injections of B vitamins. An overdose of water-soluble vitamins is unlikely, therefore, cats receiving home food, it is recommended to give additional brewer's yeast.


The task of every owner is to provide the cat with food that meets its needs. It is especially important to balance the diet during the growth period. The condition of the skin and coat is the best indicator of the health of the animal. Any systemic disease will affect the quality of the fur. Have a young healthy cat the coat is glossy, the coat is thick, dense and does not fall out excessively.

If skin problems appear, you should not diagnose at home or treat your pet with complexes. Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinary dermatologist.


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When a beautiful person lives in the house well-groomed cat, then such a view can only please the eyes of the owner of the animal. The cat is a fairly common animal that can be found in almost any house and apartment. But if any problems affect the change in the appearance of the pet, then in this case the owner of the cat has significant reasons to worry about him.

The appearance of oily hair on the tail of an animal

When a cat suddenly has oily hair on its tail, then the owners may immediately have the first thought that their pet smeared on something greasy. Such wool is especially noticeable on white cats with luxurious fluffy hair.

First of all, the owners try to eliminate the cause of this nature by putting the mustachioed into the bath and lathering it completely or only one tail individually. Washing the animal will help if it is really smeared with something greasy. However, if after a while the animal has oily hair on the tail again, and then this problem appears again and again, then in this case it should be said that the cat has fat tail syndrome.

Causes of oily hair on the tail

A cat is an animal that walks by itself, it comes home to eat, sleep, and then, having satisfied its needs, sets off on the road again.

Oily hair on the tail may appear for the following reasons:

  1. A cat can get its tail into something greasy and thereby stain its tail. IN this case washing the animal and proper drying will help.
  2. A cat can get dirty by children, who in general are the greatest aggressors for all cats and cats. Children are very fond of stroking animals, carrying them everywhere, constantly squeezing. No wonder if one such mischievous child jumps out from behind the dinner table with dirty hands and wipe them casually on the tail of his beloved pet, when he, in turn, tries to elude the little monster.
  3. But for the most part this problem has a fairly serious justification in the form of a disease associated with increased activity perianal glands. Such a problem can be established only by one symptom: the cat constantly crawls along the carpet with its backside. In a similar way, the animal cleanses its paraanal glands, squeezing out all the excess contents from them, which in turn falls on the animal's hair, making it very oily.
  4. One of the reasons for the appearance of oily hair in a cat can be considered diseases such as oily seborrhea and impaired keratinization process.

Features of this disease

A similar ailment, according to statistics, most often occurs in non-neutered cats, it is much less common in their castrated counterparts.

Hyperplasia of the perianal gland leads to the fact that on the skin of the cat accumulates in excess great amount a secret that gets on the hair of the mustachioed and pollutes it, giving it, in turn, a very oily look.

In uncastrated animals, this disease also occurs in representatives of non-fluffy breeds, however, fluffy-tailed animals are more susceptible to it.

This disease is specific for such breeds of the cat family as:

  • Rex.

Symptoms of the disease

Such an ailment as "sebaceous tail syndrome" has the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of greasy hair at the base of the tail in an animal.
  2. Sticking of wool into tangles.
  3. Accumulation of a wax-like mass on the skin of an animal Brown with a rancid smell,
  4. Redness and inflammation skin located under the oily hair on the tail.
  5. Inflammation hair follicle and the appearance in their place of small pustules in large numbers.
  6. Hair loss is common.
  7. Appearance of scabs.

When acquiring a disease chronic form the tail of a pet in general can completely lose its hairline and become bald. And the appearance of scabs on the tail, in turn, can lead to the formation of eczema in the poor animal.

Diagnosis of the disease

Specifically install clinical picture the disease that the cat has, can only only a veterinarian. For this, it will be carried out prophylactic reception With full inspection a pet and the appointment, if necessary, of a series of tests.

In this case, the cat should be shown not only to the veterinarian - as a specialist in general diseases, but with him it is worth going to an appointment with a narrow-profile doctor - a dermatologist.

Treatment of the disease

If the appearance of oily hair on the cat's tail is an isolated case (the animal just got dirty), then the cat, of course, does not need treatment. It should be washed well.

In the event that a greasy coat syndrome is observed, then you should seek help from specialists who will have to find the means to eliminate the cause of the disease.

First of all, the animal will be prescribed course of vitamin therapy, which will help normalize the work of the sebaceous and paraanal glands of the cat. One of effective drugs in this case is .

If the anal glands are full, the veterinarian can remove the contents from them by squeezing it. These glands frequent inflammation and extracting a secret from them can be completely removed by surgical intervention. You can also periodically flush the glands, do this procedure under anesthesia.

In the treatment of oily seborrhea and impaired keratinization of the skin, specialized shampoos Meladerm, Dermilen should be used.

Such a shampoo as Lactaderm can help cats get rid of a greasy tail for a while, the lactic acid contained in it perfectly cleanses the hair from the secret of the anal glands and relieves it of bad smell.

In some situations, pet owners turn to veterinarians with complaints that the cat's tail at the base has become sparser and covered with a layer of dense fat that is difficult to remove.

Cat owners are interested in what to do in such a situation, how to get rid of fat, and why blood can ooze from the affected areas of the skin of the tail. Most likely, in this case, the doctor will answer that the cat has a disease called "greasy tail".

Causes of the disease

The reason for the appearance on the tail of a cat similar problem associated with hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands located at the base of this mood indicator of the feline tribe. Normally, the paraanal glands help the defecation process by lubricating the exit of the anus.

If there is some kind of malfunction in the glands, an infection gets into them or the exit narrows, the contents, which have a very strong bad smell, accumulates inside, delivering severe discomfort to the animal. Most often, an uncastrated animal is susceptible to this disease, so there is an assumption that it is associated with high level sex hormones.

The cause of oily hair on the tail may be a violation of the normal sebaceous glands. With increased production sebum fat does not have time to be distributed over the skin and hairs of the coat, and the animal cannot cope with a viscous, thick secret. Often hyperfunction sebaceous gland associated with excessive production of keratin. Together, this leads to blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands and their inflammation.

The output of the sebaceous gland at the base of the hair in the follicle is clogged with dense contents, and a comedon appears - exactly the same "black dot" that can appear on a person's face and other parts of the body. If an infection gets into such a comedone, then the fatty contents can easily become inflamed, suppurate, an abscess is formed, which looks very similar to an acne abscess.

This name is also given to the disease in cats, and acne is localized mainly on the chin, especially in animals with a light or white coat color in this area of ​​​​the body. Acne often becomes inflamed, pus flows from them, causing serious suffering to the animal, especially if it is a small kitten.

When the tail is affected, first at the base of it, the appearance of small seals, which turn into abscesses, and in the absence of proper care and treatment - into pyoderma. The hair in the place of accumulation of sebum begins to break off at the base at the level of the skin, and the tail seems bald.

Treatment of a cat's tail can be difficult and lengthy, but it must be done, because without proper attention to the problem, irreparable changes can develop, in particular, the cat can be left with a tail bare, like a rat's.

When a cat's hair begins to fall out profusely, pet owners are worried about this issue and do not know what to do. There are many reasons why pets can suffer. Hair loss may be one of the severe symptoms growing disease. But this does not mean that there is necessarily something serious with the cat. Cats also shed their fur seasonally.

To better understand and understand what to do in such situations, read this article, in which you will find all the answers to the accumulated questions.

If a cat and a cat have hair in tufts on the back, neck, stomach, paws, tail, ears, how to help and what vitamins to give

If your pet sheds hair in large quantities, then after you notice this, you need to take care of the cat / cat. Regularly comb through with a comb, removing excess hair that has not had time to fall out. This is especially true for long-haired breeds, they require it, even when they are completely healthy. It will help the pet to regularly wash with the help of treating shampoos, which can be purchased at any veterinary store. Bathe your cat at least twice a week. Although some shampoos in order medical process require more. Read the instructions.

Balance your pet's diet by combining useful vitamins, which strengthen the coat and prevent similar situations. These vitamins include B2 and B5. Their use is mandatory, but how to give them is up to you. They can be combined with or without food.

What causes oily fur in a cat and what could be the reasons, how to fix it

It often happens in young cats that some areas of the coat are oilier than the rest of the coat. What could be the reasons for such an anomaly? Everything is really simple and there are not many reasons. Often, these symptoms appear only in young cats and cats that are in the process of puberty. The reason is hormones that activate the work sebaceous glands.

There is another similar reason, which is associated only with cats. For those who have not yet bred with a female, oily hair is considered the norm. Everything will stop as soon as the process of growing up is completed.

If a cat or cat is not worried about oily hair, then there is nothing to worry about. Nature will correct the situation. IN extreme cases resort to castration, after which such symptoms immediately cease. But, of course, it is better to wait and comb out the greasy coat, giving it a well-groomed appearance.

Oily fur in a cat on the back, tail, stomach, near the neck, how to treat and what to do

The local occurrence of oily wool can threaten not only the fact that the cat hormonal disbalance, and more serious illnesses. Such a disease is called oily seborrhea and is accompanied by dandruff, so you only need two reasons to understand what is happening with the cat. This disease is especially common in non-sterilized cats and non-neutered cats.

In such cases, the cat is treated with disinfectants like alcohol. The area where the oily hair is located and the dandruff is completely cut off, and wiped with ethyl ether or a solution of brilliant green. Progressive disease should be left to professionals.

Feed for removing hair from the stomach of cats principle of action and a list of the best solutions, price, brief description

Everyone knows that cats, by licking themselves, take care of the condition of the coat. Thus, they eliminate the unpleasant odor and dead hairs. But in the process it's hard for them not to swallow a large number of wool, so many hairs end up in the stomach, where lumps form. Such hairballs must be removed with feed and supplements, as they can provoke disease state pet and in severe cases, intestinal obstruction.

In pet stores, it is common to sell food for removing hair from the stomach in the form of pads. They are consumed from 5 to 10 pieces per day, which contributes to the natural removal of wool from the pet's body. The course of treatment is carried out for two weeks. The price of such feed is from 250 to 500 rubles.

Pastes are also popular, which contribute to the removal of both woolen balls and undigested food. Pasta is given in pure form or mixed with food. It is recommended to give the cat no more than 3 grams and once a day. A 200 gram tube costs about 300 rubles.

If a cat has dandruff what to do

The appearance of dandruff in pets is often associated with the diet. Therefore, to get rid of unnecessary dandruff, you need to balance the cat's diet. By giving him more vitamin And in the diet of the pet, the skin condition will noticeably improve and the amount of dandruff will decrease.

The cat will be helped by the rejection of dry food and the transition to healthy food and, most importantly, organic. Loved by cats nutrition - milk and fish, will help restore the original healthy appearance of the skin.

The cat's fur is very climbing in the summer what to do

If we exclude all possible diseases and hormonal disruptions, as well as growing up, it is considered normal for cats to shed their hair in the summer. They thus lighten the cover on themselves so that it is not so hot. Therefore, the only thing that can be done is to help clean off excess hair. You can also help your pet by bath procedures during the hot season.

In the article will be discussed about a problem that appears only in some pets, but this does not mean at all that it is not serious and on ...