How to know if your blood is thick. Thick blood (high viscosity syndrome): prerequisites, signs, connection with diseases, how to treat

/ 04.02.2018

What is the indicator of thin or thick blood? During pregnancy, the blood is thick: why does the deviation occur and what are the consequences?

You can take a test for coagulation, blood viscosity and the risk of blood clots (coagulogram) in our clinic 7 days a week. At your request, we will offer you assistance from a doctor of the appropriate specialty.

The hemostasis or blood clotting system maintains the level of blood viscosity at a constant level. This system stops bleeding in case of various injuries and utilizes blood clots that have already fulfilled their function. We usually recommend doing a coagulogram (analysis of the blood coagulation system) for people who have heart and vascular diseases, because this can prevent the development of thrombosis and heart attacks in time. In this case, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Blood coagulogram, what is it? A coagulogram is an important laboratory blood test for coagulation, the results of which can be used to assess the general condition of the body and identify the presence of certain diseases. The full scope of tests for a coagulogram is not always required; all the necessary parameters are selected by the doctor depending on the goals of the diagnostic search. Basic parameters and norms of coagulogram:

  • Coagulation time – time of thrombus formation i.e. the period of time during which a blood clot forms, stopping bleeding. For capillary bleeding, the normal clotting time is from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, and for venous bleeding, the normal clotting time is up to 10 minutes.
  • Prothrombin index (PTI coagulogram) is the deviation of the patient’s blood clotting time from the sample of a healthy person. The normal prothrombin index is 70%-120%. In pregnant women, the prothrombin index may increase.
  • Fibrinogen concentration – fibrinogen is a protein that plays a major role in the formation of a blood clot. The normal concentration of fibrinogen in plasma is from 5.9 to 11.7 µmol/l.
  • D-dimer is a marker of thrombosis. The level of D-dimer in the blood increases in conditions associated with coagulation activity (pulmonary thromboembolism, deep vein thrombosis, etc.). The normal D-dimer level is less than 500 ng/ml.
  • RFMC – soluble fibrin monomer complex, an indicator of thrombinemia (increased coagulability)
  • INR – international normalization ratio. The same as PTI (prothrombin index), but is considered a more stable indicator. INR norm 0.8-1.2
  • APTT – activated partial thromboplastin time. This is an analysis of blood clot formation after the addition of kaolin-kephalin mixture and CaCl2 to platelet-free plasma. The normal APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) is 30-40 seconds.
  • Antithrombin-3 is the main vascular factor that inhibits blood clotting. Antithrombin is increased in various inflammatory processes. Antithrombin-3 rate 71%-115%
  • Protein-C is the most important physiological inhibitor of blood coagulation and limits the size of the blood clot. Protein-C is reduced in cases of impaired liver function. Protein C norm – from 70% to 140%
  • Lupus anticoagulant – Lupus anticoagulant is an IgG immunoglobulin. Its function is to suppress the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. Normal, lupus anticoagulant negative.

Information about the concentration of fibrinogen may indicate increased or decreased blood viscosity. Increased blood viscosity () is the cause of the development of thrombosis and can lead to myocardial hypertrophy (thickening of the walls of the heart and a decrease in its internal volume).

Features of coagulogram in pregnant women. During a normal pregnancy, the activity of the blood coagulation system increases. This is an absolutely natural process caused by the preparation of a pregnant woman’s body to increase blood volume for bearing a fetus. For pregnant women, special boundaries of normal coagulogram values ​​are accepted. In case of excessive increase in blood clotting and thrombus formation, pregnancy loss is possible, so it is better to evaluate the coagulogram picture with the participation of an obstetrician-gynecologist. More information about coagulogram disorders in pregnant women (this text is not yet available)

Preparing for a blood test for a coagulogram. We recommend donating blood for a coagulogram no earlier than 4 hours after eating.

The main indications for a coagulogram study (clotting test):

  • High bleeding (nasal mucosa, gums)
  • Prolonged bleeding
  • Examination before and after surgery
  • Pregnancy examination

If you have been tested and it turns out that your blood is too thick, then you need to take measures to thin it accordingly. Everyone knows that blood is an important part of our body and its normal condition affects our health. Any disease and infection originates in the blood, and if treatment is not taken, the situation will only get worse.

It is important for a person to maintain a stable state of health every day, and this primarily applies to children. It depends on lifestyle and nutrition. When the blood becomes thick, problems begin with the normal functioning of the body, which can ultimately lead to serious illnesses.

What is blood for our body?

Blood is one of the main biological fluids in the human body. A person’s health, well-being and even appearance depend on its biological state. Today you can meet many people with the problem of thick blood. What leads to this phenomenon? We can say that there are quite a lot of provoking factors. According to statistics, almost 70% of the population suffers from this problem without even knowing it. Therefore, almost everyone is interested in the question of what to do to prevent the spread of a global disease.

Theoretically, it can be explained that blood normally consists of 20% leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets and 80% blood serum. But today the problem is that everything is happening the other way around, that is, only 20% is blood serum.

Such changes lead to disruption of the body’s functioning, in particular the movement of blood through the vessels and veins. Children even of preschool age are no exception, since this problem can arise at any age. This has led to a significant increase in the number of heart attacks today, even among representatives of the younger generation.

How to determine blood condition

In order to determine the state of the blood, it is not at all necessary to do an analysis. This can also be done at home. This number of symptoms includes sudden disruptions in the body. For example, frequent drowsiness, weakness, fatigue and significant memory impairment. If you have all these symptoms, you do not need to delay consulting a doctor and take action quickly.

In order to begin treatment, you will need to undergo a special test. With the right and timely approach, significant complications and illnesses can be avoided. As you know, thick blood moves much worse through the veins, which puts additional stress on the heart. There is also a risk of blood clots. Most often, thick blood provokes high hemoglobin levels, so many believe that this is even good and no treatment is necessary. But this is absolutely not true. Something needs to be done, namely take the appropriate medications and keep your blood D-dimer levels under control.

What to do if the blood is thick?

The one and only correct answer to this question is to thin the blood. There are many different methods and medications for this. This procedure is explained by the fact that it is necessary to reduce the viscosity of the blood and normalize it in such a way that its norm is maintained constantly. Only in this case it is worth remembering that in no case should blood clotting be affected, otherwise the treatment in this case will need to be retrained.

In order for all indicators to be normal, you must initially adjust your diet. This is the first and quite important step in such treatment. After all, what we eat directly affects our health and in particular the condition of our blood. This means that you need to include all the necessary healthy foods in your diet. A special diet that should be prescribed and regulated by a doctor can help with this. This is the first and immediate step of treatment, because we are what we eat.

Note that a person should drink 30 ml of pure water per day in the ratio of one kilogram of weight. If you prefer to drink various salts and compotes, then you should not reduce the amount of pure water. For natural blood thinning, pure water is needed.

Proper nutrition

It is worth noting that the diet must be balanced in such a way that the body can receive all the necessary vitamins, in particular blood, for its normal condition.

The diet should contain carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins. It is known that the blood begins to become thicker if there are not enough amino acids and proteins, so every day you need to eat several grams of meat, which will keep the percentage of thickness normal. This is a kind of one of the blood thinning diets containing all the necessary vitamins. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to take special drugs or medications.

Taurine is important for our body; it is a kind of amino acid that is useful for thinning the blood. They are found in seafood or in special vitamin complexes, which can make the functioning of our body stable.

Fat is quite essential and healthy in the diet - it should not be too little or too much. It is known that excessive amounts of fat lead to difficult liver function. Therefore, fatty foods should be in certain quantities. A stable amount of fat will prevent cells from sticking together, thereby the work of red blood cells and platelets will be stable and blood thinning will be stable.

We also note the property of omega-3 - found in fish, flaxseed and olive oil. Its beneficial properties have a very good effect on the functioning of our body and there are a large number of benefits that have a positive effect on the body. Thus, blood thinning will self-regulate.

Such an insignificant diet can significantly affect the thickness of the blood, so special treatment may not be required here, unless the case is too advanced.

Other methods for control

With the exception of a proper diet, it is necessary to take special medications to thin the blood. As a rule, such an appointment should be adjusted by a doctor, depending on the examination and passing all the necessary tests. This could be an additional intake of vitamin E, C and K. It is this complex that is fully capable of regulating blood density and the presence of platelets and leukocytes, respectively. All necessary substances must enter our body in the required quantities and then we won’t have to worry about our health.

Available information about general blood tests: learning to understand your tests

General blood test indicators include (the abbreviation of the indicator is indicated in parentheses):

Hemoglobin (HGB) is a protein found inside red blood cells that is responsible for saturating the body with oxygen. In the lungs, it combines with oxygen and delivers it to the organs. There, oxygen is replaced by carbon dioxide, which is delivered to the lungs. This is how gas exchange occurs. According to the norms of a general blood test, the hemoglobin indicator differs for men and women - in the former it should be higher.

Red blood cells (RBC) are cells containing hemoglobin. A general blood test has a column such as “average hemoglobin content in one red blood cell” (MCH), which reflects the amount of this protein in one red blood cell.

Hematocrit (HCT) is a measure of blood thickness.

Reticulocytes (RE) are young red blood cells. A drop in hemoglobin and red blood cells below normal can be observed in anemia, after a serious illness.

Platelets (PLT) provide blood clotting. A general analysis allows you to detect a decrease in platelet count and prevent bleeding, which is possible when PLT falls below 50x109/l.

White blood cells (WBC) - responsible for immunity. Indicators of leukocytes in a general blood test make it possible to assess the state of immunity and even determine the cause of the disease. Exceeding the level of leukocytes is often observed in acute bacterial infections and purulent inflammations. If the white blood cell count drops below normal, a viral infection, toxic condition, or certain bacterial infections are likely.

Thus, if the number of leukocytes fighting viruses increases, the disease is caused by a viral infection; if there are many leukocytes fighting bacteria, the disease is of a bacterial nature. Treatment in the first and second cases is significantly different.

Neutrophils (NE) are the most active against bacteria, therefore, during bacterial inflammation, their percentage in the blood increases. While the number of other types of leukocytes (again expressed in %) decreases. In total, the percentage of all types of leukocytes is 100%.

The percentage of leukocytes of different types is called the leukocyte formula.

A complete blood count provides information about the different types of neutrophils. Adult neutrophils, which perform the main job of fighting infection, are called segmented. As a neutrophil grows, it goes through several forms: myelocyte, metamyelocyte, band neutrophil, and only then segmented. The presence of segmented and a small number of band neutrophils is absolutely normal. Myelocytes and metamyelocytes appear in severe diseases, activating all the body's forces to fight the disease.

Basophils (BA) - found in the blood in small quantities. Increased basophil levels occur in rare diseases.

Lymphocytes (LYMP) form general and local immunity. During viral infections, the content of lymphocytes increases.

Monocytes (MON) utilize bacteria, dying cells, and other foreign elements. An increase in the number of monocytes is observed during prolonged infections, as well as infectious mononucleosis.

There are no plasma cells in a healthy adult. Appear with chickenpox, measles, infectious mononucleosis, rubella, and some other viral infections.

An important indicator of a general blood test is ESR. During inflammatory processes, ESR increases.

A general blood test must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Blood viscosity– this is the ratio of the number of formed elements of blood and the volume of its liquid part (plasma). This is an incredibly important indicator of blood condition. It determines the maximum period of normal operation of the circulatory system, because the higher the viscosity, the faster the heart “wears out”.

Symptoms of changes in blood viscosity

Blood consists of plasma and cells. If there are more formed elements (cells) than plasma, then the viscosity of the blood increases, and vice versa. This affects blood pressure and the speed at which blood flows through the arteries. Has the blood viscosity coefficient increased? The blood thickens and the transport function becomes difficult. This leads to disruption of redox processes in tissues and organs of the entire body, including the liver, brain and kidneys.

The following clinical manifestations may indicate that the quality of the blood is reduced and it cannot perform all its functions:

  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • fatigue;
  • depression;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • constantly cold feet and hands;
  • the appearance of nodules on the veins.

When blood viscosity decreases, there are no symptoms.

What causes changes in blood viscosity?

An increase in blood viscosity is caused by a decrease in body temperature, hard and long work, low fluid intake and alcohol intake. In some cases, this indicator increases when inhaling ether vapors, using diuretics, diaphoretics or antipyretics. Also, increased blood viscosity can occur due to poor nutrition, when a person severely limits the consumption of table salt, eats no more than 2 times a day, overeats or consumes a significant amount of protein and starchy foods at one meal.

Reduce blood viscosity:

  • long-term moderate work;
  • hot baths;
  • cinchona preparations;
  • increased body temperature;
  • high levels of oxygen in the blood;
  • phosphoric acid.

Determination of blood viscosity

Blood viscosity is determined using a special device - a viscometer. Distilled water is drawn into one of the capillary pipettes of the device, and the same amount of blood from a finger into the second. After this, turn the three-way valve to connect both pipettes with a rubber tube through which air is drawn out of them to create a vacuum. Columns of water and blood begin to move forward at different speeds, which depend on the viscosity. The result of such a blood viscosity test can be seen on the scale of a graduated pipette.

How to increase blood viscosity?

Normally, blood viscosity in men is 4.3-5.4, and in women – 3.9-4.9.

If your analysis results are less, then you should:

  1. Maintain normal drinking regime.
  2. Avoid hot baths.
  3. Reduce the temperature when it rises.

When increasing the blood viscosity coefficient, it is necessary:

Garlic and onions help reduce blood viscosity. Eat 1 clove of garlic and half a raw onion daily. The substances contained in them prevent blood cells from sticking together.

The pregnancy period is characterized by regular trips to the clinic for various tests. Most of the research is carried out on the basis of blood tests. One of the parameters by which blood is assessed is its viscosity. Thick blood refers to deviations from the norm. This phenomenon requires intervention from specialists.

Why is thick blood dangerous?

Blood thickening occurs quite often in pregnant women. This deviation requires constant monitoring and control. There is an opinion that after childbirth blood viscosity returns to normal. Be that as it may, this nuance should not be ignored.

Blood thickening can contribute to the formation of blood clots or blockage of blood vessels. This, in turn, is the initial cause of strokes and heart attacks. In addition, along with blood viscosity, hemoglobin also increases. Deviations in blood viscosity can also affect the development of the baby inside the womb.

There is also a risk of premature birth and hypoxia in the fetus. This is due to a slowdown in blood circulation, due to which oxygen ceases to be supplied to the baby in full.

Blood is an important biological component of the human body, ensuring its normal functioning. The fluidity and viscosity of blood is influenced by many different factors. Thick blood can occur in both women and men. This pathology can lead to some diseases and worsen a person’s quality of life, since the speed of movement and density of this liquid tissue are responsible for the full functioning of almost all organs.

How to determine blood density

In order for a specialist to be able to provide a complete picture of the state of this substance, it is necessary to conduct a series of laboratory tests. There are several types of blood density tests:

  1. A coagulogram or hemostasiogram is a set of indicators that will help determine that the blood is thick. But these data will be indicative. For a more detailed analysis, additional coagulation factors need to be investigated.
  2. The D-Dimer test, often prescribed for suspected pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis.
  3. Clotting time analysis.
  4. The degree of viscosity will also be shown by a biochemical analysis that reveals the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, as well as their sedimentation rate.

Symptoms of thick blood

There may sometimes be no symptoms of thick blood. But you should consult a doctor as soon as possible if a person experiences the following abnormalities:

  • high blood pressure;
  • dry mouth;
  • drowsiness;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • general weakness;
  • nodules on the veins;
  • depression;
  • increased fatigue;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • headache;
  • Constantly cold feet and hands.

If tests reveal thick blood, the causes and treatment in men and women are determined by the attending physician. With thick blood, symptoms in women indicating disorders in the body may be different. Increased viscosity promotes thrombus formation, blood circulation slows down, blockage of small vessels occurs, swelling may occur, coldness and numbness of the extremities, dry skin, thinning and hair loss, and brittle nails may occur.

High viscosity also causes many problems for men. The patient suffers from severe headaches, the general condition, nutrition and respiration of tissues deteriorate; during the daytime there is drowsiness, low performance, and fatigue. In men, it is also possible that blood clots may form, which impairs blood circulation, often leading to a stroke or heart attack. As a result of insufficient blood supply to the brain, depression develops, a person becomes absent-minded, forgetful, and inattentive.

Why does the blood thicken?

You can understand why the blood thickens by doing a detailed analysis. This substance consists of leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes and the liquid part - plasma, and the density of the latter depends on the ratio of the listed blood cells. The most common causes of thick blood are:

Factors affecting blood viscosity may include depression, diabetes, smoking, vascular damage, hypothermia and drinking alcohol. If a person has thin blood, the reasons may be a disruption of platelet function. This dysfunction can be either acquired or hereditary.

Diagnosis of diseases

If a person suspects blood thickening, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will find out the cause of the viscosity and prescribe medications. For this purpose, the patient undergoes tests, with the help of which the doctor can see the ratio of blood cells. A coagulogram will determine not only coagulation, but also the condition of blood vessels, the hemostasis system, and the duration of bleeding. Additionally, the APTT test is used, which determines the time it takes for a clot to form.

To make a final diagnosis, you should also undergo other examinations: a computed tomogram, ultrasound, etc. Viscosity is a complex problem that must be dealt with comprehensively. After making a diagnosis, the doctor must prescribe the necessary medications, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, and recommend foods that should be included in the diet.

Principles of treatment

Blood thickening requires not only taking medications, but also changing lifestyle, including in the menu foods, decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants that have a thinning effect. Thickening of the blood can be caused by fatty meat and dairy products, buckwheat porridge, potatoes, and sweet dishes. It is undesirable to eat walnuts, bananas, rowan fruits, and mangoes.

Among the medicinal herbs, the following contribute to the thickening of biological fluid: St. John's wort, rose hips, burdock, nettle, horsetail, etc. Therefore, before taking infusions and decoctions, you should consult a doctor. When developing dietary nutrition, you need to take into account that viscosity increases due to a lack of amino acids, proteins and saturated fatty acids. To replenish their stock, the menu should include:

  • seafood;
  • lean meat;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • vegetables;
  • vegetable oils;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • spices (capsicum, ginger, cinnamon, mint, horseradish, herbs).

This problem is often associated with general dehydration of the body, and therefore it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, which, in addition to water, includes compotes, juices, fermented milk products, and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Plants that reduce viscosity include meadow clover, hawthorn fruits, meadowsweet, Caucasian dioscorea, lemon balm, yellow sweet clover, and angustifolia fireweed. An infusion of chestnut flowers, branches and willow bark is considered a good liquefying agent.

Treatment involves complete cessation of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to move more and exercise daily. It is equally important to pay attention to prevention in order to protect yourself from problems and diseases associated with increased blood viscosity.

Blood is one of the main biological fluids in the human body; human health depends on its composition, viscosity and consistency. Today you can increasingly hear that the blood is too thick, that is, its viscosity is increased, which is evidenced by an increased indicator called D-dimer. Why does this phenomenon occur? Why is this dangerous? Is it possible to normalize blood viscosity by changing your diet?

Thick blood - the reasons that cause this phenomenon

In addition to a balanced diet, it is also necessary to consume foods that contain substances that help thin the blood. For such products
include: aloe juice, cabbage.

You should also know that there are physiologically determined conditions when the D dimer becomes elevated. For example, during pregnancy, from the very early stages of pregnancy, D-dimer constantly increases and by the end of pregnancy it can exceed the initial level by 3-4 times. If the pregnancy has complications (preeclampsia, preeclampsia), the rate may be even higher. In any case, you should consult a specialist and not take medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Blood is the biological medium that gives us the opportunity to live. Using the heart and blood vessels, it nourishes the body’s tissues with useful microelements and oxygen, which cells need for normal division and growth. At the same time, the blood cleanses the organs of metabolic products and carbon dioxide, which then leave the body through the kidneys and lungs.

Of great importance for the correct redox process is the density of the blood and the speed of its movement through the vessels. The consistency of plasma is influenced by various factors, and the correct functioning of the entire organism depends on its viscosity. Too thick plasma provokes the development of many serious diseases:

  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Stroke.
  • Thrombosis.
Viscous blood

Since school, we know that 90 percent of blood consists of plasma and 10 percent of dry elements: blood cells, biologically active substances, etc. A violation of this ratio has a familiar name to us - blood thickening or hyperviscosity syndrome.

Important! In a child, plasma becomes thick with croup, small fluid losses caused by fever, food poisoning and low water intake. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the tissues of a child’s body are characterized by increased hydrophilicity.

Fever in a child

Clinical manifestation

Symptoms of increased plasma viscosity are not specific; they can also occur in other diseases. The patient complains of:

  1. Chronic fatigue even after long sleep.
  2. Apathy.
  3. Reduced ability to work.
  4. Headaches and dizziness.
  5. Transparency of the skin.
  6. Cold extremities even at high ambient temperatures.
  7. Poor memory, slow thinking.
  8. Depression.
  9. Dry skin.
  10. Constant feeling of thirst.
  11. External manifestation of thrombosed veins.

Thrombosed veins

If you notice at least a few of the above symptoms, immediately seek help from a doctor in order to quickly prevent the negative consequences of thick plasma.

What tests show blood thickness?

How to determine blood thickness using a blood test? Coagulogram and D-dimer show the best results. More from Modern medicine uses the following methods:

  1. Measuring the number of red blood cells, their sedimentation rate and hemoglobin level.
  2. Blood viscosity test (hematocrit).
  3. Blood clotting test.
  4. Activated partial thromboplastin time assay.


What does it mean if blood tests show thick blood?

Increased plasma viscosity can mean the following: blood flow in the body slows down, which has a particularly detrimental effect on arterioles, venules and capillaries. Due to plasma stagnation, metabolic processes deteriorate: oxygen and micronutrients are supplied in insufficient quantities, which leads to the accumulation of free radicals and under-oxidized products.

What else could thick blood mean in tests?

Slow blood circulation increases the permeability of vascular walls, harms the integrity of their endothelium and provokes the formation of atherosclerotic plugs. Due to the thick plasma, platelets stick together, forming blood clots and causing the development of heart attack, pulmonary embolism and stroke. With improper therapy and preventive measures, these diseases can lead to human death.

Thick blood and pregnancy

High viscosity blood is dangerous for the fetus and the expectant mother, as it causes blockage of blood vessels. As a result, intrauterine fetal hypoxia develops. the risk of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy increases.

Planning a pregnancy

Experts advise every woman planning to become a mother to undergo a special test for hemostasis. This check will prevent complications, minimize possible violations and help to carry the fetus correctly for the full term. Today there is more than one method for checking blood viscosity, but the most important is considered to be a coagulogram.

The analysis is especially significant for women at risk for the following reasons:

  1. Heart attacks or strokes in close relatives.
  2. Heavy physical activity for a long time.
  3. Phlebeurysm.
  4. Genetic predisposition.

Thick blood: what to do?

If the blood viscosity test shows that the blood viscosity is higher than normal, the patient urgently needs proper treatment.

Important! Elderly people should take their treatment especially seriously, since their blood thickening is caused by physiological changes in the body.

The daily diet must contain water in the correct quantities. As a general rule, the average person should drink one and a half to two liters of fluid every day. The volume of water consumed by a person depends on:

  • Weights.
  • Age.
  • Power loads.
  • Temperature indicators of the environment in which the patient is located.

Representatives of folk and traditional medicine advise adding foods that thin thick blood to your daily diet. The most effective include:

  • Onion and garlic.
  • Sea fish and seafood.
  • Tomatoes and tomato juice.
  • Zucchini.
  • Beetroot.
  • Sprouted wheat.
  • Cocoa products and dark chocolate.
  • Strawberries.
  • Blueberries.
  • Raspberry.
  • Pomegranate and its juice (only prepared independently).
  • Flax, sunflower and olive oil.
  • White meat rabbit and chicken.

The consumption of these products makes the blood less viscous, minimizes the risk of blood clots and stimulates metabolism in tissue cells.

If the blood density indicator in the analysis does not exceed the permissible values ​​too much, the patient can stabilize his condition by eliminating from the diet:

  • Smoked meat.
  • Canned food.
  • Fatty meat and dishes made from it.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Fatty jellied meat.
  • Dairy products with a high percentage of fat.
  • Cabbage.
  • Lentils.
  • Sweet flour pastries.
  • Kalina.
  • Bananas.
  • Chokeberry.
  • Medicinal plants (St. John's wort and valerian).

If, upon repeated analysis of blood thickness, the indicators are normalized, products from the “black” list can be gradually added to the diet, but only in small quantities.

Plasma density can be reduced using special pharmacological drugs. As a rule, in this case, aspirin-based medications are prescribed, since they have a thrombolytic effect.

The most effective medications from this group are considered:

  • Aspirin-cardio.
  • Cardiomagnyl.
  • Thromboass.
  • Cardiopyrin.

Despite their high effectiveness, they are not suitable for self-medication and are prescribed by a doctor only after a thorough diagnosis of the patient.

As preventive measures against plasma density, the doctor may prescribe dietary supplements that contain dihydroquerticin, an element that helps improve the rheological properties of blood. Patients who are prescribed strict adherence to dietary restrictions additionally undergo a month-long course of treatment with Flafit or Kapilar.

Regular physical activity and the absence of bad habits play a huge role in the analysis of increased levels of thick blood in the analysis.

High plasma density in the analysis is not an independent disease, but a symptom of the negative impact of various factors on our body. To avoid complications with the rheological properties of plasma, you need to donate blood for a general analysis at least once every few months (to determine the INR), monitor your health and seek qualified help if you feel unwell.

Human blood consists of a liquid part (plasma) and blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets). When the ratio between two components (liquid and cellular) is disturbed, they say that a person has thick blood. The reasons for such violations, as a rule, are as follows.

Dehydration. This is a classic case when the liquid part of the blood (plasma) becomes too small for the normal transport of blood cells throughout the body. Dehydration is caused not only by low fluid intake, especially in hot weather, but also by high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Increased blood clotting (a condition caused by many factors).
A large number of any blood cells. The reasons for this are usually quite serious, including cancer.

High blood glucose levels, which is common with diabetes. Blood literally resembles thick sugar syrup.
Acidosis (a condition that occurs in some common diseases).

Blood density can increase due to certain blood diseases, kidney diseases, high doses of radiation and taking certain medications.

Why is thick blood dangerous?

If the blood is very viscous, it moves more slowly through the vessels, and in some places it can even stagnate (for example, in varicose veins). This is dangerous due to thrombosis. In addition, with slow blood circulation, organs and tissues experience a lack of blood supply, which is fraught with the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.

Signs of increased blood density

As a rule, a person with thick blood experiences lethargy, drowsiness, decreased performance, shortness of breath, and increased heart rate (tachycardia). But the most important symptom that the body uses to signal this problem is thirst. If increased blood density is caused by dehydration, then simply drinking water will almost instantly relieve a person of all unpleasant symptoms. But if there is enough fluid, and the symptoms of thick blood are still present, we are most likely talking about a serious illness.

What to do if the blood is thick

First, drink more. You need to develop a healthy habit - carry a bottle of water with you and drink small sips throughout the day. Even if you don’t feel like drinking at all, you need to force yourself. One and a half liters a day is the minimum for an active person.

Secondly, watch your diet. Avoid, especially in hot weather, salty and smoked foods, processed foods, and chips.

Thirdly, if there is a tendency to thrombosis, it is necessary to discuss with your doctor the advisability of taking blood thinning medications. As a rule, this is regular aspirin.

Fourthly, treat diseases that lead to increased blood density in a timely and competent manner.