What concerns reproductive health. Protecting reproductive health of the population as a problem

The concept of reproductive health comes from the word reproduction. Reproduction biologically is the reproduction by organisms of their own kind, the same as reproduction.

The existence of any type of living being is possible only through a change of generations. Man is no exception. The history of mankind represents a continuous change of generations.

However, if in all living species reproduction and change of generations occurs on the basis of biological programs and depends on external conditions, then a person endowed with reason can control the reproduction system, ensuring not only the birth, but also the necessary upbringing of offspring, taking into account the social needs of society. Population reproduction includes not only the birth of a child, but also his upbringing, training a full-fledged member of society capable of performing the necessary functions. Based on this, reproductive health can be defined as the main component of human and social health, characterizing their ability to create and realize the necessary conditions for the birth of a child and raising a healthy generation.

    The best social structure that meets the interests of the individual and society and ensures continuous change of generations is the family.

The family performs functions that largely determine the preservation and strengthening of the health of an individual and society. Only in the family does a person receive sustainable opportunities to meet his daily needs. Family contributes to personal development. The leisure function is decided in the family. The degree to which these functions are performed characterizes the level of reproductive health of the family as the primary unit of society and society as a whole.

Therefore, one of the criteria for reproductive health can be considered a person’s sustainable motivation to create a strong family and develop the qualities of a good family man.

The level of reproductive health of the family and society characterizes the responsibility of parents and the state for the upbringing and development of children, directly affects the demographic situation in the country, ensuring reproduction and demographic security of the state and represents a general criterion, the result of the whole complex of factors characterizing the state of reproductive health of a person and the Russian society.

The demographic situation in Russia, which developed in the last decade of the last century, was characterized by low birth rates, high mortality rates and a population decline (on average by 800 thousand people per year) and was considered a demographic crisis.

To correct the demographic situation in the country, the Concept was adopted demographic policy Russian Federation for the period until 2025 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2007 No. 1351).

The demographic policy of the Russian Federation is based on a number of principles:

  • maintaining and strengthening the health of the population, increasing the duration of active life, creating conditions and creating motivation for leading a healthy lifestyle, significantly reducing the incidence of socially significant diseases that pose a danger to others, improving the quality of life of patients suffering from chronic diseases, and disabled people;
  • increasing the birth rate (increasing the total birth rate by 1.5 times) due to the birth of a second child and subsequent children in families;
  • strengthening the institution of family, reviving and preserving the spiritual and moral traditions of family relationships.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle and a strong family are inseparable concepts that a person should be introduced to from an early age. childhood. The family is the source of life; everything that contributes to the spiritual, physical and social development of a person is rooted in it. Every prosperous family arises on the basis of love and is an inexhaustible source of human happiness. It serves as a school for developing spiritual, physical and social well-being. Family is the first native place on Earth for any person.


  1. What should be understood by reproductive health?
  2. Name the main criteria that determine the reproductive health of an individual and society.
  3. Give a general description of the reproductive health of Russian society.
  4. What is the role of the family in shaping reproductive health?
  5. What role does individual human health play in shaping the reproductive health of society?


Summarize from personal experience what are the most significant qualities for your future adult life you acquired in the family.

Reproductive health, its components and characteristics

Even during intrauterine development The fetus develops all organ systems, including the reproductive one. It turns out that the child has not yet been born, and his health from the point of view of reproduction is either quite good, or has already received its share of negative impacts.

Reproductive health is a component of the general condition of the body. It turns out that it directly depends on the mother’s lifestyle during pregnancy, as well as on the health of the father.

Reproductive health concept

This term is directly related to demographic science, which studies the mortality and birth rates in a society. But reproductive health is part general health a person, which includes physical, spiritual and social well-being.

If we talk about health reproductive system, then this means not only the absence of diseases in the reproductive system, dysfunctions, but also the state of mind and social well-being. Currently, not only doctors, but also psychologists and sociologists take care of reproductive health.

Statistical data

Statistics are a stubborn thing, and they last years gives increasingly disappointing results. Our younger generation is leading wrong image life, and in some cases has not very good heredity, so a large percentage of young people risk joining the army of childless people. The reproductive health of adolescents leaves much to be desired. Factors that adversely affect it include: early onset of sexual activity; a large percentage of diseases that are sexually transmitted; great amount young people who drink alcohol and smoke.

All this leads to the fact that very young girls come for abortions, and this cannot but affect their reproductive health. This leads to various diseases in the reproductive system and disorders of the monthly cycle. The trouble is that young people do not rush to the doctor at the first symptoms of the disease, hoping that everything will soon return to normal on its own. Now a large number of Children are already born with certain pathologies, but what can we say then about their health when they approach the age when it’s time to start a family and have children? According to statistics, by the beginning of family life, almost every second person has chronic diseases that can directly or indirectly affect a person’s reproductive health. That is why lately this issue has been of so much concern not only medical workers, but also the whole society. Healthy children are our future, but how can they be born as such when their future parents cannot boast of their reproductive health?

Conditions for maintaining reproductive health

Reproductive health of an individual and society are closely interconnected. The question arises, what can be done so that the future generation is born healthy and capable of giving birth to the same healthy children? If you carefully study the recommendations, there is nothing impossible in them.

The very first thing any teenager who becomes sexually active should know is that protection from unwanted pregnancy should come first. Be actively involved in the prevention and treatment of all diseases of the genital area. Modern contraceptives make it possible to prevent unwanted pregnancy; it is necessary to use them. Adequate treatment of all sexually transmitted infections. It is advisable to plan any pregnancy. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, and this applies not only to girls, but also to men. Strengthen your immunity. Try to eat healthy and avoid eating foods that are harmful to your health.

Rules that anyone can follow, but, unfortunately, not everyone thinks about it. And the reproductive health of adolescents will certainly affect their condition in adulthood, the health and well-being of their children. It is the direct responsibility of parents to constantly educate girls and boys on these issues.

Diseases and reproductive function

Currently available huge list diseases that negatively affect the reproductive health of the family.

Infectious diseases. Among them there are those that can lead to infertility, for example, chicken pox, mumps, especially in boys.

About sexually transmitted infections there is no need to talk at all.

General somatic diseases.

Problems with cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, diabetes mellitus can not only worsen the condition of the body, but also disrupt hormonal levels, and this cannot but affect reproductive health.

Congenital diseases. Many doctors are convinced that in most cases, infertility begins in early childhood. And this applies to both boys and girls.

Taking medications. Some have a fairly strong effect on reproductive function. These include: corticosteroids; anticonvulsants; antidepressants; tranquilizers; neuroleptics. Of course, in some situations you simply cannot do without these drugs, but it is always necessary to assess the health risks, especially if you are planning to have children.

External environment and reproductive health

Reproductive health is not only the state of a person’s sexual sphere, but also general well-being, which is not always at a high level. A large number of external factors have a direct impact on reproductive function.


Our life is such that stressful situations They lie in wait almost everywhere: at home and at work. From this arises chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, development of neuroses - and now there are disturbances in the reproductive system.

Bad habits

A large number of both women and men drink alcohol and smoke. This affects the formation of germ cells; already at this stage they can receive various defects. What kind of healthy children can we talk about if the eggs and sperm are initially unhealthy! Injuries to the genital organs, especially in men, disrupt spermatogenesis and lead to decreased sexual function.

Effect of high temperature

The production has workshops where the technological cycle runs at elevated temperatures. Some doctors are of the opinion that for male body It's unhealthy. It is for this reason that boys are not recommended to wear diapers for a long time.

Poor nutrition

An excess of chemicals in modern products not only leads to common problems with health, but also affects our reproductive function. Basics proper nutrition must be instilled in the child from childhood.

It will not be possible to completely get rid of such impacts, but everyone has the power to change the situation for the better and to some extent eliminate or reduce the impact of negative factors.

Risk factors for reproductive health

Scientific circles have long been conducting various studies on the influence of factors on the health of pregnant women and in general on the female sex during reproductive age. During long-term observations, several groups of factors were identified:

Social-psychological - this is the effect of stress, nervous tension and feelings of anxiety and fear.

Genetic- the presence or absence of mutations in germ cells.

Professional- if your professional activity is associated with harmful and dangerous substances or types of work, then it is necessary with the onset of pregnancy, and better yet before planning it, to exclude the influence of such factors.

Environmental- we can least influence these factors, well, if only we move to a more favorable area from an environmental point of view.

Consequences of deteriorating reproductive health

Any doctor will tell you that the characteristics of reproductive health in recent years have left much to be desired. The following examples prove this: The majority of the population of childbearing age suffers from various infectious and inflammatory diseases. The reproductive health of both men and women is deteriorating sharply. The number of infertile marriages is growing every year. Infant mortality is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, increasing. A large number of children are born with genetic diseases. Oncology is becoming the scourge of our society, and a huge number of patients belong to to the younger generation. The nation's gene pool is rapidly depleting. What other evidence is needed to understand that something needs to be done to strengthen and improve the reproductive health of primarily young people.

Protecting reproductive health of the population

The concept of protection includes a large number of methods, procedures and services that can support the reproductive health of young families and each individual. In modern conditions, protection problems are of great importance and relevance.

Much work is needed to prevent various diseases, especially those that affect genital area. Education must begin with the family and continue in educational institutions. We need to talk about this with the younger generation. A special role must be given to:

Prevention of abortion, especially at an early age;

Prevention from infection various infections which are sexually transmitted;

Consider issues of family planning and childbirth.

It is necessary to prepare for this, and the first step may be to attend a genetic consultation, where specialists will help calculate the likelihood of having children with disabilities. various pathologies. Despite the not very favorable environmental situation, a person’s reproductive health largely depends on himself. This is in your power, no one will do it for you. Remember about your children and future grandchildren; their health also depends on your lifestyle.


"Reproductive Health"

Study questions.

Definition of human reproductive health. Features of the factors that determine and influence it.

At the biological level of human functioning, two tasks are solved - to survive and reproduce. The solution to the first problem is associated with a person’s adaptive capabilities and a high level of individual health. The second problem can only be solved by reproductively healthy people.

According to WHO definitionreproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being of the reproductive system, its functions and processes, including the reproduction of offspring and the harmony of psychosexual relationships in the family. In this context, we see that reproductive health is an integral part of human health in a broad sense. But, nevertheless, the specificity of this component is obvious, which makes it possible to isolate and consider reproductive health as if separately.

As with human health in general, reproductive health is determined by a number of indicators and is influenced by various conditions and factors. Ideally, the level of reproductive health is assessed based on the resultsreproductive function – the number of conceptions that have taken place and the number of children born on time in the absence of any artificial restrictions. In modern life, the latter are inevitable, and therefore reproductive health is actually considered as the result of a person’s conscious regulation of his reproductive function.

The level of reproductive health depends on a number of factors that have some specific content and impact:

the reproductive potential of a person, which depends on the genetically inherent capacity of the human reproductive system. For example, this is the number of germ cells that mature in the body of a man or woman during childbearing age;

compatibility of partners, which can be traced at various levels: genetic, for example, compatibilityRh-factor; on the physiological and physical, which is associated with the degree of anatomical similarity of the partners, with the rhythm of their life, for example, with biorhythms; on psychological level, in this case, similarities are considered, for example, the characteristics of the characters and temperaments of the partners;

sexual culture determines the lifestyle and behavior of an individual of a certain gender in society;

regulation of childbirth inevitably affects the level of human reproductive health. The influence of this factor is determined by the appropriateness and literacy of using various methods of contraception and family planning.

The concept of an individual’s gender, the main stages of its formation. Primary and secondary sexual characteristics. General characteristics of human sexual function.

Prevention of disorders and the occurrence of causes that reduce reproductive health is largely associated with sex education and sex education, which form the basis of an individual’s sexual culture. Sexual culture is a concept immeasurably greater than the culture of sexual relations. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the content and meaning of the concepts “gender” and “sex”. In some languages ​​these words are synonyms; in Russian their content is different.

Floor is a set of anatomical, physiological, psychological and sexual characteristics and characteristics that determine gender individual to boys-men or girls-women.

Sex characterizes intersexual, intimate relationships, sex life.

Highlight:genetic sex – determined by the presence of sex chromosomes. Each human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes: 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes. Each pair of autosomes in a man is similar to the corresponding pair in a woman. Genetically, a man differs from a woman in the structure and number of sex chromosomes - this is oneY-chromosome and oneX-chromosome, in a woman the sex chromosomes are the same and are represented by X chromosomes. The information contained in these chromosomes determines the development of the sex glands or gonads in the future fetus. Thus, genetic sex determines the formation of the gonad. Gonadal or true sex is identified by the main indicator of gender - the histological structure of the gonad; these can be either the ovaries, in which female reproductive cells mature - eggs, or there may be testes that produce sperm, and also secrete specific female or male sex hormones.

As a result of the functioning of the gonads, an organism develops with a certain external and internal structure, i.e. The individual develops both internal and external genital organs. In this case we're talking about about the morphological or somatic field of the subject. The structure of the external genitalia is defined as the primary sexual characteristics, by which the obstetrician determinescivilian gender newborn During puberty, associated with the activation of the gonads, secondary sexual characteristics appear, manifested in anatomical, physiological and psychological changes in the individual.

Civil gender largely depends on upbringing and other influences that affect an individual throughout his life, for example, the choice of clothing, hairstyle, games, etc.) and at the same time, the formation of sexual consciousness necessarily occurs. In the end, a person chooses a certain type of sexual behavior in society, for example, it is determined in the choice of a sexual partner.

As can be seen from the above, the category “gender” is multifaceted. And science considers it taking into account its specifics: biological, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and others. WITHmedical pointsIn terms of sex, the belonging of organisms or special cells to one of two groups, differing from each other in that the sexual process occurs between representatives different groups, but not within this group. Definitionpsychological gender is associated with the feeling and awareness of one’s gender, as well as with psychosexual orientation, for example, attraction to the opposite sex. Also, when considering this aspect of gender, sociosexual orientations are also taken into account, i.e. a realized system of sexual roles, on the basis of which he carries out corresponding activities and achieves a certain social status. WITHpedagogical point of view, gender is considered as a biosocial category. Becausebiological determined by the action of genetic structures, andsocial - as a result of his behavior, formed as a result of upbringing and influence environment. The opinion of biologists, doctors and psychologists boils down to the fact that “sex” is bisexual, i.e. Each sex potentially contains within itself the developmental possibilities of the other sex. The realization of sex depends on the environment and on genetic factors, and the effect of both is quantitative, and therefore the characteristics of the opposite sex are suppressed to varying degrees.

The science that studies the specifics of the psychological and social aspects of interactions between the sexes, the physiology and pathology of sexual life is calledsexology . Sexologists in their work rely on knowledge and practical experience of various areas of modern science. In this regard, it is customary to highlight several aspects:

1. Biological-medical , which studies the structure and functioning of male and female organisms, the physiology of puberty, and the specifics of sexual function. Sexual function is one of the main biological functions of the body, most clearly manifested from the moment of puberty, determined by the ability to reproduce full-fledged offspring with their subsequent upbringing.

2. Psychological aspect includes the study of issues of sexual behavior. Personal characteristics of sexual life, the sexuality of the individual on different stages his sex life, etc.

3. Socio-historical aspect examines the specifics of sexual behavior, established in accordance with moral, religious, civil and other norms accepted in a particular society; it also studies actual sexual behavior, sexual symbolism, issues of the evolution of sexual behavior, etc.

All these links, which determine the methodological basis of sexology, reflect the unity of efforts, goals, and activities on the part of parents, educators, doctors, sociologists and other specialists in the implementation of sex education and enlightenment of the younger generation.

Formation of correct gender relations.

The state of reproductive health largely depends on a person’s lifestyle, as well as on a responsible attitude towards sexual life. Both influence the stability of family relationships, general health person.

A negative factor affecting the state of reproductive function is unwanted pregnancy. Often a woman is faced with a difficult choice: to give birth to a child or have an abortion. This problem is especially difficult to solve in adolescence. An abortion, especially during the first pregnancy, can cause serious mental trauma and in many cases even lead to irreversible disorders in the reproductive sphere. At the same time, the decision to give birth often jeopardizes further studies and other life plans, so each situation must be considered individually and carefully. In order for such situations to occur less frequently, adolescents must have mature understanding of the meaning of reproductive health and the concept of family planning.

Family planning is necessary to achieve the following goals :

The birth of desired healthy children;

Preserving women's health;

Achieving harmony in psychosexual relationships in the family;

Implementation of life plans.

For many years, family planning was limited to birth control. However, first of all, this is to ensure the health of a woman who is able to give birth to children exactly when she herself wants it. In other words,family planning - this is the birth of children by choice, and not by chance. The right to family planning is an internationally recognized right of every person.

Family planning helps spouses consciously choose the number of children in the family, approximate dates their birth, plan your life, avoiding unnecessary worries and worries.

The optimal age for having children is 20–35 years. If pregnancy occurs earlier or later, it usually occurs with complications, and the likelihood of health problems for mother and child is higher. The intervals between births should be at least 2 – 2.5 years; this allows a woman to regain strength, maintain her health and the health of her future children. In this regard, it should also be emphasized: abortion is by no means the best method of birth control; it can be avoided by using modern methods contraception (prevention of unwanted pregnancy).

A teenager should not isolate himself with his problems. He should know that a wise and tactful adult is always ready to help him.

Let's start this section by talking about the importance of family in a person's life. We emphasize that in the system of a healthy lifestyle for young people, the leading place is occupied by the correct relationship between the sexes, the choice of a partner of the opposite sex and the creation of a family.

A young family is the primary unit of society. A family develops a set of habits and behavioral stereotypes that directly affect health.

Family - is a group of people related by marriage, consanguinity or adoption, living together and having common income and expenses.

Reproduction is one of the main functions of the family. An important social demographic group of the population is the young family during the period of its formation and formation. Most demographers consider a young family to be spouses aged no more than 24-25 years and married for no more than 5 years.

According to statistics, in most young families the first child is born in the first 2 years of marriage and a significant part of young families have two children in the first 5 years of marriage.

In the family, basic human needs are satisfied. The family provides to a large extent the social needs of the child. Healthy family functioning is important for each individual, as well as for society as a whole.

Boys and girls, as potential parents, must understand the importance of family in their personal lives and the role of family in society.

The unpreparedness of young people for family life is often the reason for the breakup of a young family. The breakdown of the family at an early stage of its development leads to the fact that children from an early age are often raised without fathers, and divorced young people do not immediately remarry. It reduces fertility and is main reason unfavorable demographic situation in Russia and a factor negatively affecting the health of young people.

Let us highlight several factors that have a negative impact on the strength of a young family. First of all, this early age getting married. In such families, as a rule, there is a lack of economic independence and sufficient material security. Young spouses are often not ready to overcome all the difficulties of family life in the first years of marriage.

The breakdown of the family is caused by the young spouses' lack of preparation for housekeeping, rational distribution of the family budget and responsibilities, and their incorrect attitude towards the difficulties that always arise in a young family.

Young people, before getting married, should know about all the features and difficulties life together and prepare yourself for it, cultivate in yourself the moral and physical qualities necessary to create a strong and happy family. There are no difficulties in life that cannot be overcome for the sake of a loved one, so that these difficulties do not overshadow the great feeling of love, one must be prepared for them. You can only be healthy and happy in your family.

Every young person entering an independent life should have an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, correct sexual behavior, information about health risk factors when leading a disordered sex life with frequent changes sexual partners and sexually transmitted diseases.

It should be noted that the best age for marriage is considered to be from 20 to 24 years. By this period, education and general mental development of a person are completed, and work activity creates the necessary material basis for family life. By this time, the young man has a certain correct understanding of the anatomy and functional characteristics of the genital organs - male and female. To a certain extent, he knows the mechanism of conception and the birth of a new life and is aware of the responsibility of the spouses for the birth of a healthy child.

A boy and a girl, before getting married, must assess the commonality of their life interests, level of development, seriousness

intentions and depth of respect and love for each other. Only on such a basis can a normal family life be built.

Let us briefly touch upon the issue of morality and hygiene of early, premarital sexual life, as well as sexual life without love, without an understanding of responsibility, without moral and legal obligations.

According to observational data, intense sexual activity at a young age results in premature cessation of sexual activity. In addition, early onset of sexual activity does not have a beneficial effect on the offspring. Marriages concluded between boys and girls who have not yet reached full puberty are often infertile, and children born to such parents are weak.

Research shows that healthy children are born, as a rule, to women aged 25-35 years and to men aged 24-40 years.

It must be especially emphasized that the greatest evil for the unborn child is the use of alcohol by one or both parents. Even moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages before conception usually does not go unnoticed. A child born from such parents is excited, restless, sleeps poorly, often shudders in his sleep, and is afraid of everything.

In addition, children of parents who abuse alcohol are often born with various deformities. Scientists from many countries have carried out hundreds of studies confirming an indisputable fact: if conception occurred during a period when one or especially both parents were in a state alcohol intoxication, they give birth to defective children with various pathological abnormalities.

It is important to note that a normal sex life has a beneficial effect on a person’s health, performance and longevity, but at the same time emphasize that the basis of personal happiness is a family created on deep mutual affection and respect between spouses. It is necessary to begin developing the qualities of caring attitude towards each other even before marriage, during the period of acquaintance.

It is especially worth emphasizing once again the health dangers of promiscuous sex life. Such a life leads to premature wear and tear of the body and is fraught with the danger of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

At the same time, in marriage, spouses experience mutual love, have support, and consolation in difficult life situations. Orthodox Church believes that only in marriage is sexual intimacy possible, because marriage is the source of procreation. IN Orthodox religion A family is highly valued, where the main foundations are love between husband and wife, parents and children. Marriage in Christianity is seen as a vow of mutual love and fidelity that is kept throughout life.

Most world religions place a high value on family. For example, in Islam, marriage is viewed as the will of Allah, and marital relations are not only a source of procreation, but also a source of sexual pleasure. Spouses are assigned certain social roles: the husband provides material well-being, the wife raises children. Sexual relations outside marriage are not welcome, as they do not make married life stable.

In modern society, the family remains the main structure. A family based on consanguinity is a small social group whose members are bound by a common life, mutual assistance, and moral and legal responsibility. In most cultures, marriage is sanctified by tradition and is associated with pleasure and joyful elation, happy expectations and plans for the future.

At the same time, it should be noted that a couple entering into marriage will face many problems. In any case, if two people come together to spend 24 hours a day together, they will face many problems. Each spouse has his own formed system of behavior, his own views on relationships in the family, his own understanding of the social roles of the spouses. On this basis, conflicts may arise when expectations conflict with reality. From a certain point, the process of negotiations begins to achieve balance and harmony in the relationship. There needs to be an element of compromise on both sides. It is important to remember well that in nature there are no completely compatible people, but at the same time, each person is trainable to a certain extent, that is, he can change his views on life and his behavior. It is these opportunities that you need to be able to use, moving towards each other, creating an atmosphere of harmony and love in the family.

Much can be achieved by developing the ability to listen to your interlocutor and understand his point of view. Therefore, it is very important before marriage during the courtship period to get to know each other in more detail and find out your attitude to the main points of life together. A future marriage should be considered as a union necessary not only for the birth of children, but also for the development of the personality of each spouse. During the period of premarital acquaintance, boys and girls themselves must determine whether they are suitable for each other.

For a successful marriage, a number of factors can be identified that influence the harmony of life together: psychological, cultural, material.

The psychological factor determines the degree of correspondence between partners’ views on the elements of life together (character traits, strong-willed qualities, intelligence, leadership in the family).

Cultural factor determines the intellectual and cultural needs of spouses and depends on their educational level, profession, leisure interests. It’s good when a man and a woman are united by common interests related to physical culture (hiking, skiing, sport games and etc.). Active recreation relieves many problems. Rest in itself implies the absence of reasons for irritation and quarrels.

Material factor determines the contribution of each spouse to the creation of the family’s material base. In living together, the main thing can be considered the ability to understand and forgive your life partner, to see all his advantages and forgive his shortcomings.

The union of a man and a woman must satisfy not only biological needs, but also emotional, oral and intellectual needs. This creates the basis for a strong life together, helps to preserve and carry through life the feelings of first love, and ensure a happy life.

Questions for self-control:

    What is reproductive health?

    What is gender? Types of floor.

    How are correct gender relationships formed?

    What is family?

    Sex education. A.G. Trushkin, V.V. Batashev. L.Yu. Trushkina and others. Rostov-on-Don. "Phoenix" 2001 S.310

    Abramenkova V.V. Sexual differentiation and interpersonal relationships in the children's group. "Questions of Psychology" No. 5, 1987

    Ageev V.S. Psychological and social functions of gender role stereotypes. “Questions of Psychology” No. 2, 1987

    Aleshina Yu.E., Volovich A.S. Problems of mastering the roles of men and women. “Questions of Psychology” No. 4, 1991

    Belkin A.I. Biological and social factors that shape gender identification (according to a study of persons who have undergone gender reassignment. “The relationship between the biological and the social in a person.” Edited by Banshchikov V.M., Lomov B.F., M. 1975)

All these aspects are important not only for the state, but also for every person. In many ways, the possibility of procreation depends on the person himself, as well as on the foundations of his family. The state is not able to force people to live according to clear canons, so the birth of future offspring is considered according to individual parameters.

General criteria

Peculiarities reproductive functions suggest criteria by which the body’s ability to conceive or fully bear a fetus is assessed. Similar aspects have been noted by medical specialists who have been monitoring fertility statistics for many years.

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  • Deterioration of the general condition of the body.
  • Deviation from the norm in the biological parameters of the body.
  • Impaired functionality of organs and systems.
  • Presence of genetic abnormalities.
  • Development of tumors in the reproductive system.

The demographic situation largely depends on the fact that people avoid visiting medical institutions, without considering the importance of health problems for procreation. To increase the birth rate, it is necessary to create norms of human behavior that will prioritize a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your body. The concept of “reproductive health” is not even known to many today.

Factors influencing RF

The peculiarities of reproductive functions are that they can be negatively affected by diseases of various types and the external environment. Risk factors also influence. It should be noted that all these reasons may have different effects in each individual case.


There are many diseases that can negatively affect the ability to give birth (conceive) a child. Some types of diseases lead to damage to the organs of the reproductive system.

  1. Infectious. Dangerous diseases Infectious diseases that lead to infertility include mumps, chicken pox and others. The peculiarities of these infections are changes in a number of genes that lead to infertility. These diseases are most dangerous for boys.
  2. Somatic (general). If vital internal organs do not function correctly, then a change in hormonal levels occurs, which accordingly affects the human health.
  3. Congenital. Infertility can be congenital if in the womb the fetus was exposed to any negative impact, as a result of which his organs may not function properly. A failure can also occur during the formation of the embryo.
  4. Effect of medications. Many medications have a strong effect on the functionality of the reproductive system. Therefore, tranquilizers, corticosteroids, antidepressants, antipsychotics and anticonvulsants are prescribed only in extreme cases. Such drugs are contraindicated for children.

Attention to the condition of the body, including prevention and timely treatment, can significantly reduce the risks of infertility. It must be taken into account that aspects normal operation the body - the basis of reproductive capabilities.

External environment

The external environment is of great importance for the general condition of the body and, accordingly, reproductive functions. The external environment itself is not the reason for changes that result in reproductive organs stop functioning. The decisive factor is a weakened body that is easily susceptible to negative influence.

In recent years, cases of diagnosing tumor formations (cysts, fibroids and others) in young girls and women who, in the absence of... Features of the increase in the number of patients lie in the influence of external causes.

Risk factors

According to statistics, women most often suffer from infertility. What are the features female body, scientists study different countries. Based on research results, risk factors have been identified that cause infertility or abnormalities during pregnancy.

The peculiarities of risk factors are that the impact on the body is gradual. To restore functionality reproductive organs it is necessary to exclude any types negative influence and undergo treatment.

The reproductive health of each person and the entire society as a whole are one whole. In order to correct the situation, it is necessary for all people to be familiar with the reminder, which is the key to the continuation of the human race.

  1. In order to reduce the number of abortions, if there is no desire to get pregnant, you should use contraception.
  2. Any disease must be treated.
  3. It is worth regularly carrying out the prevention of diseases of the genital organs.
  4. Sexually transmitted infections should be treated promptly.
  5. It is better to prepare for pregnancy several months in advance.
  6. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  7. Constantly strengthen your immune system.
  8. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  9. Eliminate bad habits.

In order to ensure that reproductive functions are not impaired, it is very important to explain all behavioral features in childhood. If a responsible attitude towards health is instilled from an early age, there will be no problems with the birth of healthy children.

Reproductive health– a system of measures to ensure the appearance of healthy offspring, prevention and treatment of reproductive organs, protection from sexually transmitted diseases, family planning, prevention of maternal and infant mortality.

Reproductive health is influenced by many factors (socio-economic, environmental, industrial, etc.), some of which are currently assessed as unfavorable. The deterioration of reproductive health is reflected in medical and demographic indicators: birth rate, infant mortality, morbidity in pregnant women, infertility of marriages, etc.

Reproductive health problems remain the leading cause of complications and deaths in women of childbearing age globally. Unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, gender-based violence, disability, various disorders reproductive problems and even deaths during childbirth are not a complete list of suffering associated with reproductive health at the global level. Poor women living in developing countries are particularly affected.

As a result of pregnancy and childbirth, 10-15 million women annually receive chronic complications and injuries (infertility, depressive states, rupture of the birth canal). For these reasons, over 300 million women have chronic health problems or disabilities.

15% of all pregnant women are at risk of death during childbirth, yet a significant proportion do not have access to basic obstetric care that could save their life and that of their fetus.

A third of all maternal deaths in the world occur in 2 countries. In 2010, nearly 20 percent of deaths (56,000) were recorded in India and 14 percent (40,000) in Nigeria.

The leading causes of maternal mortality are hemorrhage, infections, unsafe abortions, high blood pressure and pathological birth easily curable and removable with modern medical means. According to the UN report "Trends in Maternal Mortality: 1990 to 2010", during this period the annual number of maternal deaths decreased by more than 47 percent.

It is estimated that up to 19 million unsafe abortions occur each year in developing countries, killing up to 47,000 women and causing complications for millions more.

It should be noted that during the period from 2005 to 2010, the number of abortions in Russia decreased by almost a third - from 38.2 per thousand women of fertile age to 28.1. If in 2005 there were 105.4 abortions per 100 births, then in 2010 – 60.7.

Along with the favorable trend of decreasing abortion rates in the country, there is also a decrease in maternal mortality due to abortion. However, despite the progress achieved, Russia still remains among the world leaders in abortion rates.

The state of reproductive health is largely determined by a person’s lifestyle, as well as a responsible attitude towards sexual life. In turn, all this affects the stability of family relationships and the general well-being of a person. The foundations of reproductive health are laid in childhood and adolescence. Therefore, working with adolescents and young people in the field of sex education is one of the most pressing areas today.

Sex education should be regarded as part of the process of personality formation; it includes not only health problems, but also moral, legal, cultural and ethical aspects. Therefore, it is a mistake to associate sex education only with coverage of issues of contraception and protection from sexually transmitted diseases.

According to one study, average age onset of sexual activity among adolescents in Russia: 15.5 years for school and university students, 15.2 for secondary school students special institutions, 13.9 years for street children.

Earlier sexual activity of adolescents and young people is accompanied by an increase in a number of social risks, including unwanted pregnancies and births, abortions, sexually transmitted diseases (infections), etc. A significant increase in the sexual activity of young people is not accompanied by an increase in knowledge about methods of preventing pregnancy and STIs and the ability to develop responsible behavior. As a result, despite a significant overall decline over the past fifteen years, the rate of abortion at young ages remains high.

Sexuality education is aimed not only at protecting adolescents from early onset of sexual activity, but also at teaching them to consciously and responsibly relate to this important aspect of human life.

In certain regions of Russia there are positive examples of the functioning of specialized medical and social centers operating in accordance with the principles of providing youth-friendly services. However, the situation in this area is still far from ideal.

The main directions in working with the population to preserve reproductive health:

Consulting couples on pregnancy planning.

Prevention of abortions and their consequences (information about contraceptive methods, accessible free contraception, medical and psychological assistance);

Individual selection of contraceptive methods;

Prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs);

Work with teenagers and young people (health classes and schools, seminars, anonymous consultations on reproductive health issues, preventive medical examinations);

Promotions and events aimed at preserving and strengthening reproductive health.

Pathologies of reproduction.

Pathology of reproduction includes infertility, pathology of pregnancy, pathology during childbirth and the postpartum period, pathology of newborns.

Infertility. Infertility is the inability of persons of childbearing age to reproduce due to impaired fertilization or impaired implantation of a fertilized egg. According to the WHO definition (1986), a marriage is considered infertile in which, despite regular sexual activity without the use of contraception, the wife does not become pregnant within a year, provided that the spouses are of childbearing age. The social problem of infertile marriage is a decrease in the birth rate, i.e. a decrease in population, and therefore a decrease in labor reserves. Social and psychological problems are expressed in the emotional experiences of spouses, psychosexual disorders, family conflicts, the development of inferiority complexes, and divorce. Biological problems are expressed in premature aging of the body and increased morbidity.

According to WHO, over the past 20-30 years, infertile marriages account for 12-18% of all marriages. The cause of an infertile marriage in 40-50% of cases is a pathology of the reproductive system of one of the spouses, and in 5-10% of cases - a pathology in both spouses.

Female infertility established after excluding infertility in men and with positive samples on the compatibility of sperm and cervical mucus.

There are primary and secondary female infertility. If a woman has never become pregnant since the beginning of sexual activity, then her infertility is called primary. If there was at least one pregnancy in the past, then regardless of how it ended (term or premature birth, ectopic pregnancy), the subsequent infertility is called secondary. Secondary infertility is observed more often.

In addition, a distinction is made between absolute female infertility (pregnancy is impossible in principle due to the absence of certain genital organs due to operations or developmental defects) and relative, when the possibility of pregnancy is not excluded.

Among the causes of female infertility, the most common are inflammatory processes genitals after abortion (artificial termination of pregnancy). Termination of the first pregnancy is especially dangerous. Inflammatory changes in the female genital organs, leading to infertility, can occur after complicated childbirth, spontaneous miscarriages, as a result adhesive processes after surgery on the pelvic organs, after the use of intrauterine contraceptives.

In second place after inflammatory diseases are disorders of the endocrine system (when ovulation processes are disrupted), in third place is endometriosis (tumor growths of endometrial cells).

TO male infertility Azospermia (lack of sperm), aspermia (lack of ejaculate), necrospermia (lack of motile sperm), asthenoazospermia (decreased sperm motility), etc. are given.

Very often, these disorders occur as a result of inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs, as well as endocrine disorders.

Joint infertility of spouses can be caused by infectious and immunological factors, psychosexual disorders, and factors of unknown origin.

To find out the causes of infertility in marriage, it is necessary to conduct a step-by-step examination of the spouses at a family planning center or at the Marriage and Family consultation.

In Vitro Fertilization (from lat. extra-outside, outside and lat. corpus – body, that is, fertilization outside the body, abbr. ECO) – assisted reproductive technology used in cases of infertility. Synonyms: “in vitro fertilization”, “ artificial insemination", V English language denoted by the abbreviation IVF (in vitro fertilisation).

During IVF, the egg is removed from the woman’s body and artificially fertilized under “in vitro” conditions (“in vitro”), the resulting embryo is kept in an incubator, where it develops for 2-5 days, after which the embryo is transferred to the uterine cavity for further development.

This is the first time this has been successful medical technology was used in the UK in 1977, resulting in the birth of Louise Brown in 1978 - the first person "conceived in vitro". The first child (a girl) conceived through IVF in the Soviet Union was born in February 1986. The procedure was performed in Moscow, at the Center for Maternal and Child Health (nowadays the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, NC AGiP). In the same 1986, a boy, Kirill, was born in Leningrad. These events were preceded by serious research, which began to be purposefully carried out in the Soviet Union in 1965. At this time, a group of early embryogenesis was created, which in 1973 grew into a laboratory of experimental embryology (headed by Prof. B. Leonov). As of 1994, more than 1.5 thousand children were born in this laboratory. In 1990, there were over 20 thousand children conceived in vitro on our planet. In 2010 - about 4 million.

In 2009, 3,802 IVF operations were performed using funds from the Russian federal budget, in 2010 - 4,577, and in 2011 - 10,237.

Pathology of pregnancy. Reproductive function is particularly affected by pregnancy pathologies such as ectopic pregnancy, premature termination of pregnancy, placenta previa and premature abruption of a normally located placenta, toxicosis of pregnancy (preeclampsia).

An ectopic pregnancy not only sharply reduces the possibility of future pregnancy, i.e., it can lead to infertility, but also poses a serious danger to a woman’s life. The causes of ectopic pregnancy are most often inflammatory diseases, congenital underdevelopment of the genital organs and diseases that cause changes in fallopian tubes. Initially, an ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by the same symptoms as a normal one. But the gradually growing fertilized egg destroys the wall of the pipe, leading to its rupture. An interrupted ectopic pregnancy is manifested by sudden abdominal pain, general weakness, pallor, fainting, spotting from the vagina, etc. Most often, an ectopic pregnancy is terminated at the end of the 2nd – beginning of the 3rd month. At the slightest suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, the woman should be taken to surgical treatment to the hospital, as intraperitoneal bleeding occurs as a result of a pipe rupture.

Premature termination of pregnancy can occur in different terms pregnancy and for various reasons. Most often, this outcome is caused by not one, but several reasons, usually interrelated. A particularly unfavorable factor is induced abortion. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 28 weeks is called miscarriage (abortion), and over 28 weeks - premature birth. Premature termination of pregnancy is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, spotting from the vagina or bleeding, and weakness. Termination of pregnancy requires immediate hospitalization.

Placenta previa most often occurs in multiparous women who have had frequent abortions or inflammatory diseases of the uterus. Normally, the placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus in its upper sections, without reaching the lower segment. If the placenta is attached to the lower segment of the uterus, i.e., near the internal os, or partially or completely covers it, then this location is considered pathological and is called placenta previa. Placenta previa is manifested by the appearance of bleeding of varying intensity, more often with physical stress, and sometimes even in a dream. This complication usually leads to uterine bleeding towards the end of pregnancy or during childbirth. The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound examination.

Premature detachment of a normally located placenta can more often occur in pregnant women with toxicosis (preeclampsia). This pathology manifests itself as pain, bloody discharge from the genital tract, increased uterine tone, etc.

These complications may end fatal, therefore, the pregnant woman must be immediately hospitalized in the maternity hospital by ambulance.

Toxicosis of pregnant women (preeclampsia) is a manifestation of the functional insufficiency of some organs of a pregnant woman, the inability of the mother’s body systems to adequately provide for the needs of the developing fetus. In the first half of pregnancy, toxicosis is manifested by nausea and periodic vomiting. Moreover, vomiting can be toxic to a high degree of severity, leading to dehydration and other complications that can lead to life-threatening conditions for the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Toxicoses in the second half of pregnancy are especially dangerous for the life of a pregnant woman: dropsy, neuropathy, preeclampsia and eclampsia. These gestoses cause high maternal and perinatal mortality. Most often, late toxicosis develops in pregnant women with kidney disease, hypertension, heart defects, endocrine system disorders, etc. In addition, the risk of late toxicosis increases in pregnant women under 19 and over 30 years of age, multiple pregnancies, anemia, and Rh factor incompatibility . Manifestations of these toxicoses: edema, weight gain in a pregnant woman, edema with dropsy, protein in the urine with nephropathy; swelling, increased blood pressure, protein in urine, headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision with preeclampsia, seizures lasting 12 minutes with eclampsia (applies to emergency conditions). The seizure is preceded by small twitching of the facial muscles (sometimes the patient immediately falls into a coma).

For prevention severe consequences toxicosis, constant monitoring of the pregnant woman is necessary antenatal clinic, where, along with regular examinations, they carry out preventive actions(diet, preventive treatment in hospital).

Pathology of childbirth. Most often during childbirth, the following may occur: labor anomaly, bleeding, rupture of the uterus and other genital organs, anomaly (improper position of the fetus).

Abnormal labor activity includes: weakness of labor activity, discoordinated labor activity, too strong labor activity. Disturbances in labor are more common in primiparous women, especially over the age of 30, in multiparous women with stretched and relaxed abdominal muscles, in obesity, etc. Of particular danger to mother and fetus are rapid labor: Women in labor may have ruptures of the uterus and other genital organs, premature placental abruption, asphyxia and fetal injuries.

Bleeding during childbirth is one of the most serious complications, extremely dangerous for the life of mother and child. The causes of this complication may be: presentation, placenta accreta, rupture of the uterus and other genital organs, etc.

Childbirth at incorrect position Fetal complications can also lead to serious and very life-threatening complications for the mother and fetus, even the death of the mother and child.

A newborn is considered a child from the moment of birth to 4 weeks. During the neonatal period, the child’s primary adaptation to the conditions occurs. external environment: pulmonary respiration is established, blood circulation changes, feces and urine begin to be excreted, metabolism changes, thermoregulation improves, etc. In a mature (full-term) fetus, the length should be within 45...55 cm, weight from 2500 to 5000...6000 g, the subcutaneous fat layer is well developed, the skin is elastic, pink, the nails are dense, protrude beyond the edge of the fingers, in boys the testicles lowered into the scrotum, in girls the labia minora are covered by the labia majora, the cry is loud, muscle tone and movements are sufficient. In addition, a newborn has characteristic body proportions. A newborn may have so-called special conditions: physiological weight loss, birth tumor, transient (transient) fever, physiological jaundice. These conditions are not pathological and pass quickly.

A serious form of pathology in newborns are birth injuries: bone fractures, damage to the peripheral nervous system (paresis and paralysis). The most severe form of pathology in newborns is asphyxia - lack of breathing in a child. Asphyxia is not independent disease, but a consequence of toxicosis, bleeding, diseases of the mother and fetus, etc.

One of the forms of pathologies in newborns is the birth of children with congenital pathology, i.e. with various developmental defects (heart defects, cleft lip and palate, etc.). Developmental defects can lead to death or severe complications subsequently. Reason congenital pathology there may be an impact on the body of future parents of such harmful factors as ionizing radiation, electromagnetic fields, vibration, impact chemical substances, infection, etc. The fetus is especially sensitive to the effects of damaging factors in the first trimester of pregnancy, when internal organs begin to form.

One of the forms of reproductive pathology is the birth of children with chromosomal diseases. The reasons for the development of chromosomal diseases are different: the presence of hereditary pathologies in spouses and their close relatives, exposure to ionizing radiation, infections, reactions to medications, etc. in the first trimester of pregnancy, maternal age (over 35 years), gynecological diseases mothers, etc.

If identified birth defects development or chromosomal pathology, then the issue of termination of pregnancy for medical reasons is decided.

In Russia in 2010 the indicator general morbidity V age group children aged 15-17 years old increased by 19.3% compared to 2005. The intensity of deterioration in the quality of health of children and adolescents is 3.5 times higher than that of the adult population.

Family planning

According to the WHO definition, “family planning is the provision of reproductive control for the birth of healthy and desired children.” A more detailed WHO definition states that family planning is “those activities that are intended to help individuals or couples achieve certain results in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies, produce wanted children, regulate the spacing of pregnancies, control the timing of childbearing in depending on the age of the parents and determine the number of children in the family.”

Family planning is a complex of medical, social and legal activities carried out with the aim of giving birth to desired children, regulating the intervals between pregnancies, controlling the timing of childbearing, and preventing unwanted pregnancies. Family planning includes preparation for a desired pregnancy, examination and treatment of infertile couples, contraception, and termination of unwanted pregnancies.

Issues of childbirth have interested people since ancient times. In primitive civilizations, the Moon and Earth were considered the gods of childbirth. IN Ancient Greece marriage and childbirth were promoted and patronized by Hera (among the Romans Juno). But since the emergence of religious ideas about pregnancy and childbirth, the problem of regulating sexual life arose: sexual taboos, religious laws, etc. In the Bible, Talmud, and Koran you can find special sections devoted to sexual life. Consanguineous marriages were prohibited in order to obtain healthy offspring. It was forbidden to have sexual intercourse with a woman after childbirth and during critical days to avoid unwanted consequences for her health. The works of Aristotle and Plato contain instructions on what age one should get married and how many children to have in order for it to be beneficial to the state. In the 18th century English priest Thomas Malthus proposed limiting sexual activity and delaying marriage to reduce population growth, since population size, according to Malthus, is inversely proportional to the well-being of the population. This theory was called “Malthusianism”.

In the second half of the 19th century. In England and the USA, many printed works were published, which set out recipes and recommendations for regulating sexual life with the help of contraceptives and methods, i.e. at that time, family planning was limited to birth control. In the last third of the 19th century. A number of public organizations are emerging whose main goal is to disseminate knowledge on how to prevent the birth of children. Thus, in 1878 the Malthusian League was created in England, and in 1872 it was opened in the Netherlands free clinic, where women could get advice on preventing pregnancy. At this time, the term “neo-Malthusianism” appeared, which until the middle of the 19th century. meant the use of contraceptives to limit birth rates.

The term “family planning” appeared only in the second half of the 20th century, and in 1914. In America, the term “birth control” was introduced. It is in America that the idea of ​​birth control finds fertile ground. In 1916, America's first pregnancy prevention clinic opened in New York.

In Russia, the problem of family at the beginning of the 20th century. was considered solely as a question of the permissibility of abortion from a moral and legal point of view. At the 12th Congress of the Society of Russian Doctors in memory of N.I. Pirogov, a resolution was adopted on the inadmissibility of criminal prosecution of women for induced abortion and the doctors who performed this operation. In 1921, the first international conference on contraceptive technology and methods took place in Amsterdam. In 1927, a birth control clinic opened in Germany. The year 1930 marked a turning point for family planning ideas. That year, the 7th International Birth Control Conference was held in Zurich, which drew attention to the need for practical birth control measures. In 1938, the Family Planning Association was founded in England, and in 1940, the Family Planning Society was founded in Bombay.

In 1936, the USSR adopted a resolution banning induced abortion. Years of the Great Patriotic War also had an adverse effect on the idea of ​​family planning in the USSR.

After the Second World War, with the creation of the UN, the problem of population became one of the most pressing. In 1948, the International Committee on Planned Parenthood was created (in 1952 it was renamed International Federation planned parenthood). In 1954, the World Population Conference took place in Rome. In 1965, at the 18th session of the UN Committee, a resolution was adopted on the availability of information on family planning. That same year, WHO passed a resolution transferring family planning to an organized health service.

In 1966, 12 states signed the Declaration on Population. According to this declaration, parents must themselves determine the time of birth of their children and their number. In 1970, the WHO Expert Committee not only defined family planning, but also identified the types practical work, providing the opportunity for family planning: health education, counseling on family planning, provision of contraceptives, infertility treatment. In 1994, at the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, a “Program of Action” was adopted, which states that abortion should not be encouraged as a method of family planning, that all governments and non-governmental organizations should implement programs to expand and improve services in in the field of family planning in order to reduce the number of abortions, it is necessary to expand the population's access to contraception. But this program is in conflict with the opinion of the Church, which unconditionally denies the possibility of abortion, since it views the latter as infanticide and considers it a grave sin.

Birth control- one of the most important tasks of every state, since the birth rate ensures normal conditions existence of future generations.

Prevention of unwanted (unplanned) pregnancy. In preventing unplanned pregnancy, the use of various methods of contraception by partners is of great importance, which allows avoiding induced abortion. The contraceptive method is selected taking into account medical indications and contraindications, as well as taking into account the living conditions of the family. There are several methods of contraception:

- mechanical contraceptives, interest in them has increased due to the fact that their preventative role in a relationship venereal diseases, including HIV infections. The most common are condoms. Women use mechanical means: vaginal diaphragms and cervical caps, which are inserted before sexual intercourse;

- chemical, or spermicidal, contraceptives make up quite a wide range of in the form of creams, pastes, powders, suppositories, aerosols, etc. The mechanism of action of these contraceptives is based on the spermotoxic effect;

- physiological method, or rhythm method, contraception based on the physiological sterility of the woman at the beginning and end menstrual cycle. But this method is not recommended in case of emotional or physical overload, climate change, irregular menstrual cycle and after an abortion;

- intrauterine contraception (IUC) most common in our country. Intrauterine contraceptives meet the basic requirements for contraceptives: they are highly effective (up to 97%), do not affect the body, are easy to use, and are available to anyone. social groups, they can be used long-term and continuously. There are two main types of IUDs: the so-called inert (not containing chemicals) and medicinal. Of the inert VMCs, it has become widespread intrauterine contraceptive made of polyethylene, shaped like a double letter S. The size of the contraceptive is selected by the doctor. Duration of use – 2 years. Among the medicinal IUDs, spirals made of copper wire, entwined with a polymer base, are known.

Preparing for the desired pregnancy. Preparing for the desired pregnancy is the main point in family planning. Spouses for 2 months. Before a planned pregnancy, you should completely give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs). The favorable age of the mother is 19-35 years. The interval between births should be at least 2-2.5 and preferably no more than 5 years. Conception is possible after at least 2 months. after the spouses suffered an acute infectious disease. It is advisable to conceive in autumn and winter (the percentage of spontaneous mutations and the risk of immune conflict are reduced). In women suffering from chronic diseases, pregnancy is permissible, depending on the disease, only if there are no exacerbations for 1-5 years. Pregnancy in exposed workers unfavorable factors, can be recommended only after 1–3 years of work in production, i.e. after the development of persistent adaptation.

Reproductive health care covers the reproductive processes, functions and system at all stages of life. Reproductive health therefore aims to ensure that people can have responsible, satisfying and safe sex lives, and can maintain their fertility and have choices about whether, when and how many children they have.

This includes the right of men and women to receive information about and access to safe, effective, affordable and accessible birth control options of their choice, as well as the right to access adequate health services that can ensure women have a safe pregnancy and childbirth , and also create for married couples best opportunities in order to have a healthy child.