How to get rid of thinness for a girl. Proper nutrition for weight gain. Reasons for thinness of the stronger sex

What exactly is anorexia? Painful thinness, a disease of perfection, or excellent student syndrome? This is an unhealthy and manic desire of a person to lose weight with the thought that he will look perfect.

Why does anorexia appear?

Disease (“anorexia nervosa” - on nervous soil) appeared with the advent of fashion for thin and fit stars of world catwalks and favorites of famous fashion designers.

Experts note that this disease appears in very strong individuals who are accustomed to being the best in everything. Excess weight turns into an evil enemy for them, whom they are obliged to destroy. In the fight against weight, people forget about the importance of getting nutrients into the body and completely refuse foods. Extreme degrees of exhaustion consist in the fact that the patient does not consume food, but only water. In addition, there are regularly cases where girls use drugs that induce vomiting or suppress appetite, in order to “safeguard” against any possible entry of food into their body.

Main risk groups:

  • People with overweight by nature, large body structure and early menstruation.
  • People whose relatives suffered from obesity, anorexia, or chronic depression. People living in developed cities, where female thinness is one of the main factors of “attraction”.
  • People who have experienced psychological trauma due to sexual violence.
  • Strong-willed people who strive to be first in everything.
  • Patients with anorexia often escape reality, live in their own closed world and very aggressively perceive criticism about excessive thinness. The fear of death becomes simply nothing compared to the fear of gaining a few extra pounds.

Who suffers more often?

Experts have calculated that 90% of patients with anorexia fall on representatives of the fair sex in the age category from adolescence and up to 24 years old.

“People suffering from anorexia have a specific personality type: they are very strong-willed people who strive to be the best in everything, to achieve perfection, but at the same time have a persistent rejection of themselves and their body. Their will and desire to achieve success in life, due to various circumstances, is not directed externally, is not accompanied by healthy aggressiveness and activity, but is directed towards themselves, aggression becomes auto-aggression, leading to self-destruction,” says psychologist Daria Selivanova.

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease:

  • constant conversations about weight;
  • not eating;
  • rapid loss of body weight;
  • denial of one's thinness;
  • taking medications that suppress appetite and reduce hunger;
  • bulimia;
  • Bad mood;
  • depression, weakness, decreased activity, inability to engage in any physical activity (due to lack of vitality);
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nervous breakdowns and tears for no reason, apathy towards everything that happens;
  • violation menstrual cycle, in men - decreased potency and interest in women).

Health implications

The heart and blood vessels suffer most from exhaustion: patients experience frequent fainting, headaches, dizziness, disturbance of heart rhythm (cardiac arrhythmia). Hair and nails also come under serious attack: active hair loss, skin problems throughout the patient’s body, paleness and destruction of nails. Chronic depression, tears, bad mood, inability to conceive a child due to endocrine system disorders, lack of menstruation, stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea, constipation, brittle bones, which leads to frequent and serious fractures.

How to treat?

Anorexia needs to be “seen” and consulted with a doctor in time. And this is a task for relatives and close people, since the patient himself will never agree that his dependence on weight has really become painful, and he himself is unlikely to see a doctor. The main task for the attending physician is to convince the patient that it is vital for him to get better. Very often, anorexia ends in death. For example, after an average of 2 years of fasting, an irreversible process called dystrophy begins in the body. internal organs, it is almost impossible to fight this, and the person simply dies...

However, anorexia can be cured if the problem is identified in time and the patient is forcibly brought to the doctor. The patient is immediately prescribed a long (and expensive) course of treatment, and the number of meals per day is increased to an average of six times. Treatment is considered successful only when the patient manages to gain an average of three kilograms per month. He is prescribed a high-calorie diet, the use of appetite-increasing drugs (L-carnitine, etc.), and psychological help. Doctors tell the patient about the dangers of fasting and the danger of death. Psychological support from relatives and close people is very important.

Psychologist Daria Selivanova: “Psychocorrection of people suffering from anorexia is usually a rather difficult process, since their desire to be thin is in the nature of an overvalued idea and is often accompanied by a lack of criticism of their condition. Therefore, in most cases, treatment is carried out jointly with psychiatrists, since it is necessary to take antidepressants.”

It remains only to advise adhering to the rule of the “golden mean”, not to overdo it in either one or the other. reverse side. Be healthy and beautiful!

Svetlana Storozhuk

The first group is spinal curvature. Problems with the spine do not necessarily lead to thinness. But if the area that affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract or thyroid gland is curved, then this may well lead to thinness. And in general, in general, if you are predisposed to thinness, then any gaps in your health will lead to weight loss. How to treat the spine will not be discussed here, because... not relevant to this topic. The only thing that can be said is that if you have problems with the spine, then try to find a good yoga therapist or osteopath. The only problem here is that the longer you have had the curvature, the more difficult it will be to minimize it or eliminate it altogether.

The second group is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, when there is a problem with the digestive system, what kind of weight gain can we talk about? We will dwell on this problem in more detail, because... This still relates to the theme of the site. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract lead to decreased digestibility of food and loss of appetite. Accordingly, so that this does not become a hindrance, attention should be paid to this.


You know, there is a type that people say, “It’s not a horse’s food.” These are people who seem to eat a lot, but do not gain weight. For them, becoming one kilogram heavier is a miracle. There are several physiological reasons for this state of the body. One of them is excess cortisol, our hormone responsible for tissue breakdown. It was with his “light hand” that everything was burned.

Extreme thinness must be fought with extreme methods, which I am going to describe. Let me remind you that this is not a general guide to gaining muscle mass for every person, this is a WEIGHT GAIN program for VERY THIN people! For those who have any fat, the following recommendations will not work.

In terms of healthy eating and exercise, the process of gaining weight is similar to losing weight. If you are trying to gain weight, you need to consume more calories.
However, this doesn't mean you need to run to the nearest vending machine and grab a bunch of foods that are high in calories but have little nutritional value. You don't need fat to swim, you need muscle.
You need to choose foods that will allow you to gain muscle mass and provide your body with essential nutrients. Eat more, but eat right. Include healthy foods in your diet, namely grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and lean meats rich in proteins (chicken, fish), as well as legumes.

Eat regularly three times a day

This means that you must have breakfast, lunch and dinner on time and regularly. Therefore, you need to cook every day and not skip lunch or breakfast, even if you are late for work or simply don’t want to eat.

Eat three snacks a day

This means that in addition to three meals a day You should have three snacks between meals (morning, lunchtime and evening). It is advisable to do this at the same time. Set yourself a meal schedule and stick to it.

Avoid low-calorie (calorie-free) drinks
By such drinks we mean soda, tea and coffee without sugar, mineral water. Drink cream, milk (1% - 1.5% fat), 100% juice.

Consume high-calorie foods
You should replace celery and carrots with something more nutritious: potatoes, grains and legumes. Replace apple or orange juice with banana or cranberry juice. Granulated cereals are higher in calories than parboiled rice. Make it a habit to check the calorie content of the food you buy at the store.

Diversify your menu

Your menu should include starchy foods (potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, cereals), vegetables and fruits, and protein-rich foods (chicken, red meat, fish, tofu, eggs, cheese, legumes, peanut butter). Consume 2-3 tablespoons of margarine with food.

Gaining weight, as it seems at first glance, is not so difficult. You just need to follow a few rules and observe them daily. So, how to gain weight: First of all, include chicken meat in your diet, and make it the main food product when gaining weight. It is easily digestible and contains very good protein- best construction material for muscles.

It is better to use soft-boiled eggs (boil for 3 minutes), but no more than 3 eggs per day.

Cottage cheese 0% fat, “village house” is best suited, this protein should be used as a supplement to chicken meat and eggs.

Milk with 1.5% fat content is optimal, because... it contains enough protein, carbohydrates and not much fat.

The diet should be mostly protein, plus carbohydrates and some fat.

It is good to eat rice before and after training. Since it is necessary to replenish glycogen stores in the muscles (energy reserves in the muscles). Rice works great for this. Rice before a workout provides enough energy for the workout itself, and afterward helps quickly replenish energy consumption. If you wish, you can drink milk after training, and when you want to eat, then rice.

Yes, diets are not only needed to lose weight. Diet is special food. And there can be many goals. And very often it happens that we need to lose weight or, conversely, gain weight. That's why we need to know which foods stimulate weight gain. For an athlete, these products are a godsend, but for someone losing weight, they are a disaster.


If you are losing weight, then you need to eat less salted herring. The fact is that this fish, beloved by many, is one of the strongest natural anabolic steroids. These are substances that stimulate protein processes and in particular protein synthesis, which leads to an increase in muscle mass. If you are seriously involved in strength sports, this should be one of your favorite dishes. But if you are losing weight, you should limit your herring consumption. In addition, after salted fish you really want to drink. This, also coupled with a pronounced anabolic effect and chromium, which herring is also rich in, gives a very good increase in muscle mass.


This may seem strange to you, but garlic is also a strong natural anabolic steroid. Although the reason for this effect is not completely known, it is a fact. The main reason for stimulating protein synthesis is that garlic causes a dry feeling in the throat. And after dishes with garlic, we feel thirsty. And water, as we know, is the basis of our cells. So much for adding muscle mass.


Many people love him. Especially bodybuilders and especially those who do not take creatine. Knowledgeable people will understand me. This invigorating drink, containing caffeine, has a number of properties that, on the one hand, are contradictory, and on the other, quite logical. Coffee has a fairly strong diuretic effect. On the one hand, this is good. But on the other hand... Have you ever tried to quench your thirst with a cup of coffee? Did you succeed? I think no. Coffee also “asks” for more water. It removes water from us, but also “forces” us to drink even more. This is the effect of caffeine. It also stimulates performance. And if you want to cheer yourself up with coffee, then you must remember - caffeine begins to act after 40 minutes.

What to do if you don’t feel like eating?
You just need to increase energy consumption - i.e. workout. Anyone. To begin with, shaping or aerobics is enough, a swimming pool, a bicycle, rollers - everything will do. And the muscles that will gradually appear will give the desired fullness. Follow a daily routine, get enough sleep, and spend more time in the fresh air.

And yet, have you ever noticed that among overweight people there are much fewer extremely emotional individuals? So, in addition to a balanced diet, it is worth balancing emotional background. Life will become much easier. Try to be as nervous as possible and not lose your mental balance. Develop a certain phlegmatic nature. Avoid products that stimulate the nervous system: alcohol, coffee, strong tea, cigarettes, tonic drinks.

Medical nutrition

The effect of treating thinness is significantly increased through the use of various infusions of medicinal plants that improve appetite and digestion. In the practice of treating thinness, medicinal plants such as sophora, clover, alfalfa, leuzea, dandelion, wormwood, yarrow, cinquefoil, grass, knotweed, nettle, coriander, and pepper knotweed are widely used. A herbal collection is prepared from the listed medicinal plants (it is advisable to include 5-8 plants in the herbal collection) in a 1:1 ratio. Preparation of the collection: pour 2 tablespoons of pre-crushed (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder) collection with 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes in a sealed container, pour together with the herbs into a thermos, leave overnight. Take 100-150 ml during the day 30 minutes before meals. To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment is 3-4 months. After which they take a break for 10-14 days, change the collection and continue treatment. Despite the improvement, herbal medicine must be continued for at least 12 months. In the future, go to prophylactic appointment fees in spring and autumn (2 months each). Herbal teas can be used in combination with other medications.

Enhanced therapeutic nutrition is prescribed taking into account the form of thinness and the condition of the body.

If you suffer from liver disease or, more precisely, your gallbladder does not cope with its role in the digestive process, releasing too little bile into the intestines, you will not be able to gain weight until the complete digestibility of fats and fats entering the body with food is ensured.

Include more butter and fresh sour cream in your diet. Fresh sour cream is very well absorbed by the body even with a diseased liver.

Products made from dough and rice are well absorbed by the body. Your program: choleretic drugs, enhanced therapeutic nutrition within the limits determined by the doctor, sufficient good rest, balneotherapy.

If you suffer from indigestion, it is advisable to divide your daily diet into small doses, increasing the number of meals so as not to overload your stomach.

If the reason for your thinness is an expansion or prolapse of the stomach, we can offer you the Weir-Mitchell diet.

The first three or four days. Exclusively dairy diet. Every two or three hours between 7 and 21 hours, drink 250 - 300 g of milk.

The next two days. The diet additionally includes: in the morning - one egg yolk, beaten in milk; at 13:00 - one or two pieces of bread with butter, fruit compote or fruit; in the evening - milk porridge.

Subsequent days. Eat a piece at noon fried meat and as a side dish mashed potatoes or vegetables. The daily milk ration can be reduced to 1 liter.

At the end of the second week. An enhanced diet that includes milk and high-calorie foods.

To quickly restore your strength, you need to increase the protein content in your daily diet (meat, eggs, milk), and it is recommended to increase meat consumption by at least 100 g.

Your program: light enhanced nutrition, physical exercise with ever-increasing load

If your thinness is accompanied by a lack of appetite, we recommend you a regimen enhanced nutrition, rich in proteins (include, for example, meat, fish, eggs in the lunch menu) with gradual increase calories in the daily diet. Beautifully presented, tasty, varied food stimulates the appetite and is well absorbed by the body.

It is inadvisable to force your body to take large quantities food, this can only increase his aversion to food. It is better to gradually increase your daily calorie intake (for example, 300 calories per day), bringing it to 5000. This can be achieved, taking into account your tastes and capabilities, thanks to the tricks that we will introduce you to.

Your program: means that stimulate appetite and digestion, enhanced nutrition, sufficient, proper rest, massage, physical exercise, climate change.

You have a normal appetite, sometimes even excessive, you eat a lot, but are you sure that you are planning your diet correctly? We offer an enhanced nutrition regimen that eliminates overload of the stomach and liver, since a day of enhanced nutrition (3500 calories) alternates with a day of normal nutrition.

The daily food ration is distributed as follows.

First breakfast: soup with oatmeal, 60 g of butter, a cup of coffee with chocolate, 40 g of rye bread and 90 g of jam.

Second breakfast: 30 g of bread, 20 g of butter, 30 - 40 g of fatty sausage and a cup of milk.

Third breakfast: half a plate of broth with pasta or noodles, 100 g fatty meat, 300 g of potatoes fried in oil or lard, or mashed potatoes with sour cream or butter, 200 g of vegetables seasoned with 50 g of oil.

Dessert: lemon cream or pudding with raspberry syrup Afternoon snack: 200 g cocoa, 50 g bread, 20 g butter and 20 g jam.

Lunch: 200 g of potatoes fried in oil or lard, vegetable salad, 50 g of bread with 20 g of butter, 30 g of fatty sausage.

Before going to bed - a delicious high-calorie dish, the recipe for which is attached.

Recipe for “coffee with chocolate”: a little natural coffee, 5 g chocolate, 5 g sugar, 10 g butter and 100 g whole milk.

Muesli recipe: one mashed large apple is added in small portions, stirring all the time, to a mixture prepared from one tablespoon of chopped nuts, almonds or pistachios, one tablespoon (without top) of oatmeal, soaked in three tablespoons of hot juice, squeezed from one lemon, one tablespoon of condensed milk. It is not recommended to prepare muesli in advance, as mashed apples will darken in a few minutes and give the dish an unappetizing appearance.

Muesli can be decorated with finely crushed opex, almonds, and chocolate pieces.

Physical exercise

Interpretations of plow pose and fish pose. So, sit straight, relax your neck (the whole neck, the better the relaxation, the better the effect) and lower your head forward. You can slightly pull your head with your hands. Main meaning This exercise is to stretch the back muscles of the neck. The straighter your back is, the better the neck muscles will stretch. The main thing here is not to overstretch the muscles. The second exercise is to sit up straight and lower your head back. There is no need to do anything with your hands here. Just relax as much as possible during the exercise and your head will drop lower and lower on its own. When the mouth is closed, the thyroid gland area relaxes more. Do the exercises once a day. If it starts to hurt somewhere, then take breaks for several days.

You shouldn’t put any special hopes on these exercises, but they can help normalize activity (that is, if your thyroid gland is too active, then they can slightly reduce activity). There's nothing else to do here.

But what you should pay attention to is anabolism (a favorable background for tissue building). With anabolism, everything is favorable for natural weight gain.

Rest after eating. After each meal, it is advisable to rest in a darkened room for half an hour. Lie down comfortably, stretch, forget about all your worries, and let your stomach work calmly.

Get as much sleep as possible. Sleep calms the nerves, restores physiological and mental balance, and relieves fatigue. On weekends and holidays, sleep until noon


Physical Culture.

Moderate physical exercise has a beneficial effect on digestion, metabolism and contributes to the harmonious development of the body, preventing excessive fat deposition.

Physical exercises can be performed with light dumbbells. Gradually increase the load, but do not tire yourself out.

Development of leg muscles.

We offer you an exercise for developing the muscles of the legs and buttocks, which is widely practiced in dance schools: stand straight, legs together, arms down along the body. Lift one leg, bend it at the knee, then straighten it sharply. Without changing your body position, without leaning on anything, move your extended leg to the side and freeze for a few seconds. Do the same movement with the other leg.

Repeat this exercise five times. Gradually increase the load, bringing the number of repetitions of this exercise to ten to twelve times.

Development of abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back, raise your legs and make circular movements with them, imitating riding a bicycle. It is not recommended to lower your legs below 50 cm. Repeat the exercise five ten times.

Lying on your back, lift your legs to a height of 50 cm from the floor, stretch them out and make scissoring movements with them, spreading them wide to the sides. When performing the exercise, do not lift your back from the floor. Repeat the exercise eight times. Gradually increase the load, bringing the number of repetitions of this exercise to fifteen to twenty times.

Rest your arms and chest on a strong table and raise your straight legs as high as possible. Repeat the exercise five times. Gradually increase the load, bringing the number of repetitions of this exercise to ten to twelve times.

Development of chest muscles.

Take light dumbbells, spread your arms to the sides and make circular movements with them in one direction, then in the other.

Development of arm muscles.

Take light dumbbells, stand straight, spread your arms to the sides. With your elbows bent, touch the dumbbells to your shoulders, then straighten your arms. This exercise is performed slowly, with effort. Repeat it twelve times.
To avoid back pain,

It is necessary to develop the back muscles. We suggest the following exercises. Lying on your stomach, raise one arm as high as possible, then the other, then both arms. Repeat this exercise five to ten times.

Lying on your stomach, lift one leg as high as possible, then the other, then both legs.

Develop your breathing.

The development of breathing is the same important in the treatment of thinness, as in the treatment of obesity. When performing breathing exercises, breathe slowly and deeply

The training is very simple, basic. Three workouts per week. Not worth it anymore. You won’t add growth, but you’ll waste energy. We follow the same program at every training session. In each exercise we do three approaches, one warm-up with a light weight, the second intermediate (slightly more weight), the third target. The first month we don’t go overboard (unlike dieting), we study the exercise technique and get used to training and a new way of life and nutrition. The body must be given time to rebuild. There are 10 repetitions in each exercise. They should be given with effort, but not excessively. If it is possible to make a barbell frame at home, do it. Squats give a lot of mass. If there is a trainer in the gym or an experienced athlete in your opinion, ask him to show the correct technique (especially in squats).

The program is:

* Press (for warming up and warming up)
* Superset squats with dumbbell pullovers
* Deadlifts (at home, pull-ups on a bar or bent-over barbell rows)
* Bench presses
* Chest presses while sitting or standing

Dumbbell squat supersets can expand and lift the chest and correct sagging. For pullovers you will need a bench, as well as for bench presses.

After a month, having gotten used to the program, you should gradually begin to increase the weights in each exercise. Add little by little, 2.5 kg once a week, say on Mondays. We still don’t work to failure, but we increase the weight every week. So we will gradually reach the point when we will no longer be able to do more than 10 repetitions with a certain weight in any of the exercises. Don't panic, do it 10 times and try to do the 11th every week. Having mastered the 11th repetition, increase the weight by 2.5 kg and again do it to failure, as much as possible. Again, we increase the weight only on Mondays to give the muscles time to adapt. Be sure to record the results of each workout, how much weight was in which exercise and how many times you lifted.

It is advisable that there is no more physical activity in your schedule, you need to save energy for muscle growth.

By the way, your body weight should be steadily increasing during this time if you follow the diet recommendations and sleep well. If this does not happen, eat even more, increase your portions.

Gradually, after five to seven months, you will feel that despite all your tricks with the program and diet, your body weight no longer wants to increase. The time has come to change the program, change the diet, but this is the subject of another article. Over the course of these 5-7 months, you should already have added 10-15 kg of mass, which your friends and non-friends will immediately begin to notice.

Nutritional supplements

When it comes to nutritional supplements, you probably won't need them. It is better if your digestive system can handle all the nutrients on its own, because your diet is the main source of healthy calories. If you eat right, there is no need for nutritional supplements.

In the morning - oatmeal without oil, meat with baked potatoes or pasta, cocoa with milk or coffee. These dishes will charge you with energy for the whole day, because... contain “slow” carbohydrates. Plus amino acids (Amino Infusion 5000 from SciFit (liquid, by far the most concentrated), Amino 1500 from NOW (chewable capsules that include two additional amino acids), Super Amino 4800 (Dymatize). Amino Acids 1900 (Genesis Nutrition) - from inexpensive, but high-quality vitamin and mineral complexes (Training Pak from SciFit, Animal Pak from Universal) - this will additionally help speed up metabolism and food absorption.

After two hours - a protein-carbohydrate shake (you can use a gainer sold in the store sports nutrition, but it’s better to add fructose from the supermarket to high-protein protein for 100 rubles. per kg).

After another two hours - a large red fish steak (required at least twice a week) or meat with pasta plus pastries for dessert.

After an hour, you can snack on sandwiches (without butter) with cheese and sausage. Add 3-5 capsules (or better yet, a liquid tablespoon) of amino acids to each meal.

At night, drink high-protein protein, preferably GlycerLean, it has an 8-hour action, enough for the whole night. In general, you should drink at least 1-2 shakers of high-protein shakes per day. Of the best protein mixtures, I can recommend: Designer Whey from Next Proteins or 100% Whey Protein from Bioplex - these proteins have similar “advanced” protein processing formulas, Elite Whey from Dymatize is an advantageous good protein, contains an increased amount of BCAA and glutamine per serving, you can say that you only need creatine and all the most basic supplements for sports! Also excellent, really “working” proteins: Econo Whey and Whey Complex Plus from the leading American company SciFit, from the same company Methoxy Plus - protein with anabolic additives.

In general, meals should be every 1.5-2 hours.

In the morning and throughout the day, you should eat a lot of food, proteins and carbohydrates, mainly, and do not eat animal fats (butter, lard). But, vegetable fats ( olive oil, fish oil) - are good for joints, they should be at least 20% in the diet, proteins and carbohydrates - 40% each.

Excellent source of carbohydrates - confectionery, preferably homemade, without using margarine. Pancakes, pies, buns must be eaten throughout the day, not only to maintain energy and tone in the muscles, but also for their growth - after all, it is known that muscles grow during rest, and the larger the muscle volume, the more calories are needed for their growth . Increase the volume of food eaten at a time gradually, 2 times a week.

You should eat protein at the rate of 3-3.5 grams. per kilogram of body weight. That is, given that 130-170 grams of protein comes from food per day (with a good diet), you need to take additional protein from protein mixtures, the names of the best of which I gave above.

Carbohydrates should be eaten “long”, i.e. not sugar. It is advisable to take sugars only in the morning, when you have time to process them during the day, and immediately after training, when they are exactly necessary for the speedy recovery of the body. Consuming sugars combined with amino acids or protein after training has an explosive anabolic (growth-promoting) effect on the body. To carbohydrates it is necessary to add the amino acid glutamine - this is a conductor of carbohydrates in muscle tissue, converting them into glycogen. Glutamine helps the accumulation of glycogen in the muscles, which leads to their increase in volume and faster recovery of the body as a whole, strengthening the immune system and, as a result, more productive training in the future.

Among special nutritional supplements, I can recommend Ecdysterone 300, GHT Stack or ZMA, Tribesterone 1500 or Tribulus. All of these supplements are designed to increase the body's levels of the male hormone - testosterone, growth hormone (GH) levels and, as a result, muscle mass, total or lean - depending on diet and the nature of training.

Arginine supplements (L-Arginine) (Nitrox, and especially Nitrox Infusion from SciFit, AAKG 3500 from Now) are phenomenally effective in raising the level of nitric oxide (NO2) in the body, and the combination of arginine-creatine (L-Arginine-Creatine) gives simply amazing result! Best combination arginine-creatine - Nitrox Infusion + Creatine Infusion - one of the best developments from SciFit. Trac from MHP also works great - long-acting arginine + creatine in powder form.

Creatine (creatine monohydrate) is perhaps the most popular dietary supplement today. This is what works, what has helped many people quickly gain muscle mass and increase strength without the use of steroids. A very effective and relatively inexpensive thing. When your weight is not growing or growing very poorly, no matter what tricks you use, CREATINE WILL REALLY HELP you gain at least 2 kg per month. Six months after starting classes, you can start taking this drug. So what is this miracle CREATINE?..

Protein cocktail. Prepare as follows: pour 300 ml into a blender (or mixer container). milk (this is on average, more is possible), add 3 tablespoons of protein (if it comes with a measuring spoon, then see the instructions on the box), 1-2 eggs (raw), for taste - one banana, maybe strawberries, half a teaspoon honey, etc. You can add ice cream. All this is thoroughly stirred. Please note that if you don’t stir the cocktail well, it will be lumpy - it’s difficult to drink such crap, and it’s also difficult to digest. Did you think daddy drinks honey? You should drink in small sips with pauses so that the mixture is evenly mixed with gastric juice.

Chromium picolinate. A chromium-based preparation to replenish the body with the microelement chromium. Reduces muscle breakdown during and after intense exercise. Those. trying to maintain the pumped-up muscle volume. Take 1 capsule in the morning. Manufacturers are different, but the composition seems to be the same, incl. There is no point in buying expensive.

OKG. A stimulator of anabolism (i.e., so that the gained muscle mass is not destroyed) - a compound of ornitol and alpha-ketoglutarate. Prevents the destruction of muscle protein, increases the natural secretion of growth hormone and improves the body's immune resistance. Take 1 g. per day before or after training. Available in powder and tablets. Manufacturers are different.

BCAA. Branched chain amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine. Make up ~35% of muscle tissue, provide energy flow, slow down breakdown, promote rapid recovery after training. Well, and accordingly, they are consumed more often and faster... Take 30 minutes before and after training. The release is different. Full name "Branched Chain Amino Acids" (BCAA).

Glutamine. A “conditionally essential” amino acid, i.e. the body produces it, but not always in sufficient quantities. Participates in glucose synthesis, insulin metabolism, affects the immune system and acid-base balance (as a nitrogen carrier and conductor of proteins and nucleic acid). Serves as the main fuel for rapidly dividing cells. In short, it is needed everywhere, but there is not much of it, it is better to take it additionally... Available in powder, tablets and liquid form, many protein mixtures already contain glutamine, incl. read on the packaging. How to lose weight

Brewer's yeast. A natural, natural source of trace elements, amino acids and B complex vitamins - necessary for muscle development and recovery after heavy physical exercise. Improves exchange and recovery processes body, improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair. They are produced both in pure form and with increased additions of microelements (Mg, Zn, Fe, etc.). use 5-15 tablets per day. No contraindications have been identified. How to lose weight

Wheat bran. Natural spring dietary fiber, which removes toxic metabolic products from the body, helps resist atherosclerosis, nervous excitability, normalize intestinal function and bile secretion. Contains: protein, lipids, alimentary fiber, starch, vitamins of groups B, PP, etc., microelements. It can be used as an additive to main food or taken separately in pure form or steamed with boiling water.
Gaining weight through fasting

People's weight is not determined by the amount of food they eat, but only by how it is absorbed and excreted by them. When the excretory organs are not working well, you can eat as much as you like fatty foods, but it won't add weight to you. Weight loss is a weakening of the entire body and human health. It is useless to introduce large quantities of food when absorption and excretion are low. The secret to gaining weight is to make the detox system more efficient through fasting. A period of physiological rest is the result of fasting and entails better functioning of the digestive and assimilation organs. The body is extremely powerful when it is not overloaded with excess food. I have a sister whom I love very much and who was born a very weak child. All her life she bore the nickname “skinny”, and her mother tried to give her as much cream, milk, pork, custard gingerbread, etc. as possible. But the more the sister took these nutritious foods, the thinner, weaker, poorer and sicker she became. Later, after I left my home and recovered my health, I returned home. The sister was already an adult, taught at a high school and was thin and emaciated, looked very bad and after a hard day spent in classes, she collapsed in complete exhaustion. She found it the greatest miracle what happened to me as a result of the natural way of life and agreed with everything that I told her. I started Louise with a full 7 day distilled water fast. She was confident that nature would bring her cleansing of her digestive and assimilation organs and help her build a new body. She lost weight, but after the fast was broken, she developed a huge, healthy appetite. What results did this week bring her? physiological hunger. She had never been so happy about food in her life. Her diet consisted of 50 fresh fruits and raw vegetables. In addition, I gave her boiled vegetables, seeds, sprouted grains, nuts and nut butters. After 3 weeks I put her on a 10 day fast and that was the start of her new life. My thin, emaciated sister turned into a lovely, graceful woman with rounded lines. Every part of the body seemed to be created anew. Her hair began to shine, a blush appeared on her cheeks, and there was a sparkle in her eyes that only children have. Relatives and friends, neighbors were shocked by this transformation. The following year she got married, has children and lives happily. In addition to fasting, I recommended a system of exercises for her. She started with short walks, then they became longer. I persuaded her to make full use of the fresh air, sunbathing and take daily walks. Fasting is the greatest cleanser, because... Only in a cleansed body can there be normal functioning - this is the magic key to “Open the door Sesame”, to good health and longevity. Of course, people are different, and some get good results faster than others.

15 current tips

The basis of everything is protein.

Imagine a long Christmas tree garland of multi-colored ball decorations. This is a model of a protein molecule. Well, each colored ball is one amino acid. When such a protein “garland” enters our digestive system, gastric juice dissolves the intermediate connecting links and the “balls” of amino acids break free. They enter the blood and, together with it, begin their journey through our body.

Eat more carbohydrates.

It is known that plants “feed” on the sun. Furthermore, growing plant tissues accumulate the energy of solar photons within themselves. And all this energy is “hidden” in special molecules called carbohydrates.

Calories are a growth factor.

Scientists came up with the idea of ​​measuring the amount of food in special units - calories. They also measure the energy expenditure of a person. It would seem that no matter how many calories you burn, you need to replace the same amount at the kitchen table. No, you need to “eat” more calories! Remember, muscle growth itself requires an influx of energy.

Fats are friends, not enemies.
The secretion of essential hormones and the intake of fats are directly related. Our body “makes” the main anabolic hormones from fats, including testosterone. That's why switching to low-fat vegetarian diet always results in a decrease in libido - less testosterone is secreted in the body. However, excess fat is just as harmful as its deficiency.

Food should be varied.
What if, instead of natural products, you take protein and carbohydrates in powder, fish oil in teaspoons, and vitamins and minerals in tablets? Is it possible to grow up on such a diet? Hardly. Today, nutritionists have discovered about fifty fundamentally new compounds called phytosubstances in “live” plant foods.

The bigger, the better.
You need a lot of carbohydrates to restore the huge energy costs of training. This means that you need to choose foods that contain the most carbohydrates. Such “mass-gaining” foods include: mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, raisins, honey, pancakes, oatmeal cookies, muffins, apples and ripe bananas. These products will allow you to reach your daily “norm” of carbohydrates, without the risk of filling your stomach until you can’t breathe.

Before training, eat slow-release carbohydrates.
There are two types of carbohydrates: “fast” and “slow”. Some are digested almost instantly. Others linger in the intestines, gradually releasing energy. How to distinguish one from the other? Foods with “fast” carbohydrates are usually sweet. Here are examples: jam, pastries, cakes, sweets...

All attention to the post-workout meal.

Ultra-intensive training causes an increase in the secretion of cortisol, glucagon and catecholamines, hormones that can provoke chain reaction destruction of muscle tissue.

Snack as often as possible!

Multiple meals (small portions up to 8 times a day) were invented by doctors. However, bodybuilders were the first to adopt this nutritional strategy. Here is the opinion of famous pro Mike Matarazzo: “When I crashed my daily ration"When you eat frequently with short breaks, your muscles are provided with a constant supply of amino acids (from protein) and glucose (from carbohydrates).

Don't forget about vitamins C and E.

During the training process, the athlete’s body produces in unimaginable quantities free radicals. These harmful compounds destroy muscle tissue. Moreover, scientists consider them main reason many diseases - from skin to cancer. And yet athletes remain healthy people into old age.

Take advantage of the “services” of creatine and glutamine.
As a nutritional supplement, creatine has no equal - it really increases endurance,

There are the following options for weight loss:

1. Thinness, characterized by a long-term, constant decrease in body weight over the years - within 20-25% of normal weight.

2. Exhaustion (cachexia) - pronounced increasing thinness, accompanied by the development of irreversible dystrophic changes with weight loss reaching 40-45%.

3. Losing weight - reducing body weight by 5-20% over a certain period of time.


In healthy people, thinness can be a sign of a constitutional type or a consequence of living conditions, personality traits, and nutritional patterns. With physiological thinness, a person does not lose mental and physical performance, he does not have a decrease in appetite or digestive disorders, his skin is normal, muscle tone is preserved, laboratory and instrumental research data indicate the absence of a pathological process. Thinness in healthy people can reach a significant degree and necessitate differential diagnosis. This happens especially often when a thin person notices a decrease in body weight over a certain period of time or suffers an acute inflammatory process with a protracted recovery period.

The appearance of thinness is typical. A person does not have adipose tissue in the traditional places of its deposition: on the cheeks, neck, chest, front and side walls of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. The thickness of the subcutaneous base can be judged by examining the body and assessing the fold of skin formed during its capture and duplication. When walking, the depressions of the deltoid-thoracic triangle and supraclavicular fossae, emaciation of the torso and limbs, and the contours of the bones are clearly visible. By the degree of stretching of the skin and its sagging, one can judge whether the patient was previously overweight.


Exhaustion is an extreme form of weight loss, accompanied by the development of tissue degeneration, general weakness, low turgor and lack of natural skin color, the appearance of trophic changes on it, lack of appetite, indigestion, etc. late period- the occurrence of swelling of the skin due to edema, especially on the face and lower extremities. Exhaustion is always preceded by thinness, which increases over time.

During the initial examination of a patient with malnutrition, the doctor, first of all, thinks about the presence malignant tumor, which is manifested by general syndromes (intoxication, fever, anemia, edema) and signs characteristic of dysfunction of individual organs and systems. In the presence of depletion, the tumor, as a rule, already has a significant size, metastasizes, and therefore is detected clinically and by physical methods examinations. The diagnosis must be confirmed by instrumental and histological studies.

Depletion often accompanies tumor diseases of the hematopoietic tissue: acute and chronic leukemia, paraproteinemic hemoblastoses (myeloma, Waldenström's macroglobulinemia, " heavy chains"), as well as non-leukemic hemoblastoses (lymphocytomas, lymphosarcoma), lymphogranulomatosis.

Loss of body weight usually increases with the transition of the advanced stage of the process to the terminal stage and is associated with the appearance of multiclonality of tumor blood cells. Plays a certain role in reducing body weight cytostatic therapy, leading to the development of cytostatic disease. This disease is characterized by a progressive decrease in body weight due to lack of appetite, the development of oral and intestinal syndromes, and the appearance of a negative nitrogen balance.

Prolonged thinness leading to exhaustion is also a symptom of tuberculosis. As a rule, there are signs of damage to the respiratory system (shortness of breath, cough, sputum production, hemoptysis, thoracalgia) or other organs in which the tuberculosis process may occur, in combination with intoxication. In elderly and sometimes elderly people, the presence of exhaustion may indicate the development of a universal form of atherosclerosis. As a rule, there is a combination of atherosclerosis of the arteries of the brain, aorta, coronary, intestinal arteries, and arteries of the lower extremities. The diagnosis is based more on excluding the tumor process and tuberculosis than on identifying atherosclerotic vascular lesions. Often, for differential diagnosis, it is necessary to use all available general clinical and instrumental methods for examining the digestive organs (esophagus, liver, pancreas, gall bladder), lungs, kidneys, bones, genitals, etc.

Cachexia with the development of dystrophy of internal organs, especially the liver and lungs, is observed in patients with chronic circulatory failure III degree. Depletion is most often observed in congenital heart defects and large vessels, rheumatism with damage to the heart valves, cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease, and adhesive pericarditis.

Significant weight loss can occur with chronic renal failure. Nutritional dystrophy combined with uremic damage to peripheral nerves (symmetrical, sensory or sensory-motor polyneuropathy), muscle weakness and a tendency to spasmophilia, dyspeptic, anemic, edematous syndromes, arterial hypertension, as well as creatinemia, uricemia, hypocalcemia, phosphatemia, acidosis.

A peculiar type of exhaustion is observed in patients with liver cirrhosis. The observed hepato- and splenomegaly, ascites make the abdomen large, the gait “proud”, and dilated veins can be seen on the anterolateral walls of the abdomen. The skin has yellow due to the accumulation of bile pigments in it. Telangiectasia can be found on the chest, neck, and back, and fibromatosis can be found on the surface of the palms, causing the development of contracture of the fingers (Dupuytren's contracture). The diagnosis is confirmed by blood tests indicating the presence of hepatocellular insufficiency, as well as cytolytic, icteric, cholemic, mesenchymal-inflammatory syndromes, which can be combined with anemia, thrombocytopenia, and hemorrhagic syndrome.

Exhaustion may be based on chronic diseases of the digestive canal, causing starvation as a result of insufficient intake of nutrients into the body. Thus, rapidly developing exhaustion was noted with a narrowing of the gastric outlet, including non-tumor origin (exacerbation of the ulcerative process, cicatricial post-ulcer deformation, burn of the mucous membrane with acids or bases, etc.). The basis for this diagnosis is vomiting, which usually occurs immediately or within the next hour after eating, bringing a feeling of relief. In the vomit you can find the remains of food eaten 5-6 hours ago or earlier. With an objective examination after eating, you can observe the peristalsis of the stomach and detect prolapse of its lower edge. Dry skin and oral mucosa, decreased blood pressure, sodium and chlorine levels in the blood are determined. The diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray examination and fibrogastroscopy.

Decreased appetite, insufficient absorption of nutrients, and diarrhea are characteristic of chronic pancreatitis, especially forms that occur with exocrine insufficiency, as well as prolonged jaundice resulting from blockage of the common bile or hepatic duct, in which insufficient secretion of bile disrupts or completely stops the absorption of fat, as well as fat-soluble vitamins (retinol, calciferol, tocopherol, phylloquinone). Chronic inflammation of the small and large intestines, accompanied by diarrhea and reduced absorption of all nutrients or certain types of them (partial starvation), also leads to exhaustion.

A particularly intense decrease in body weight is observed with vitamin deficiencies - deficiency of thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinic and ascorbic acids.

In the clinical practice of a doctor, it is possible to observe cases of complete fasting (complete cessation of food intake) and incomplete fasting, when there is a limited intake of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into the body. Usually this situation is revealed from the anamnesis. With complete fasting, a significant decrease in body weight is observed at the end of the 2nd and 3rd periods of fasting.

A fasting person is characterized by increasing general lethargy. An increase in acidosis (the breakdown of fats) is associated with headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Dryness and pallor of the skin, visible mucous membranes, and a white or gray coating on the tongue appear. Are decreasing arterial pressure, pulse (bradycardia), body temperature (by 1-2°C), breathing becomes deep and rare. Blood tests reveal hypoglycemia and azotemia. The appearance of increased (“wolfish”) appetite, hallucinatory syndrome, mental disorders, loss of consciousness characterizes the terminal period of fasting, which lasts 2-3 days (decomposition of proteins, vital organs).

A special type of starvation is protein-energy deficiency, which occurs both with prolonged malnutrition and with impaired absorption of food. Protein depletion develops slowly and persists for a long time. The clinical picture includes weight loss, hypothermia, muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, decreased sexual function, constipation, later followed by diarrhea, hypoglycemia, hypoproteinemia, the development of edema, ascites against the background of polyuria, hypotension, bradycardia, anemia. Increased susceptibility to infectious diseases: dysentery, tuberculosis. Nutritional depletion leads to the development comatose state, while the loss of body weight reaches 45-50%.

There are cases of exhaustion that are associated with the occurrence of mental disorders and are within the competence of a psychiatrist. Usually, primary (genuine) anorexia nervosa is distinguished and secondary (symptomatic), often representing the first manifestation of schizophrenia, endogenous depression, hysteria, neurasthenia and other diseases.

Cases of primary anorexia nervosa are especially common in girls during puberty (“fear of being fat”). Patients refuse to eat, imitate eating with family or guests, they do not have a critical attitude towards sudden weight loss, often resort to artificial vomiting, taking laxatives for “excessive” food intake, and are usually physically and mentally active; their sexual desire decreases. In advanced cases, protein-energy deficiency develops.

With secondary anorexia nervosa, as a rule, appetite is reduced or absent. Sometimes abstaining from eating is associated with hallucinations, crazy ideas, absurd fears. When diagnosing, somatic diseases are excluded and differential diagnosis between primary and secondary anorexia nervosa.

Sudden weight loss in combination with general weakness, adynamia, lack of appetite, drowsiness, apathy, hypofunction of the gonads with the reverse development of secondary sexual characteristics can be caused by damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary region by an infectious process, trauma, hemorrhage, or tumor. This condition is referred to as Simmonds disease (pituitary cachexia).

Some women experience weight loss postpartum period and does not reach the terminal stage. This disease (Sheehan syndrome, or postpartum hypopituitarism) is associated with necrosis of the glandular tissue of the pituitary gland. As a rule, after a complicated birth, symptoms appear immediately or within a few weeks. severe weakness, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, hyperthermia, fainting, hypoglycemia, subsequently combined with hypothyroidism, insufficiency of the adrenal cortex. With this disease, as with Simmonds' disease, the diagnosis is established based on the detection in the blood of a decrease in the level of hormones of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid and gonads, a decrease in the excretion of 17-KS and 17-OX in the urine.

A decrease in body weight, turning into exhaustion, can be caused by long-term hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (diffuse toxic goiter, toxic adenoma, subacute and autoimmune thyroiditis). Overproduction of thyroid hormones stimulates heat formation, establishes a negative nitrogen balance; these symptoms are accompanied by dyspepsia, unstable stool, and sometimes vomiting. The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture. An enlarged thyroid gland is noted (failure to detect it during palpation does not provide grounds for removing the diagnosis), exophthalmos, tachycardia, increased excitability, sweating, muscle weakness, hyperthermia, tremor upper limbs. The diagnosis is confirmed by determining the content of thyroid hormones in the blood, studying the absorption of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland, and radioisotope scanning.

In insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in the decompensation phase, especially in young people, generalized atrophy of the subcutaneous tissue (lipoatrophic diabetes), muscle atrophy, mainly of the lower extremities, combined with severe course diseases with a tendency to ketoacidosis, insulin resistance.

Significant loss of body weight can be observed in patients with bilateral damage to the adrenal cortex, accompanied by insufficient production of hormones (Addison's disease). Exhaustion develops in severe, advanced cases and is caused not only by loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, but also deep violation protein and carbohydrate metabolism occurring against the background of a negative nitrogen balance and weakening
processes of neoglycogenesis.

Weight loss

Weight loss usually occurs due to the predominance of energy release processes over its entry into the body. This occurs when the energy value of the diet is insufficient or the intensity of the work performed increases. To determine the causes of weight loss, the doctor must find out whether there are changes in diet, physical and psychological stress.

With the development of the disease and the appearance of weight loss, the most common combination of symptoms is a decrease in appetite, indigestion, and an increase in basal metabolism. As a rule, this combination is observed during the development of the inflammatory process in organs and tissues. Intoxication leads to decreased appetite, impaired digestion and absorption in the digestive canal. Fever and increased activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system (stress) cause an increase in energy consumption necessary to maintain normal body functions.

Weight loss depends on the severity of the inflammatory process, its location, duration, and characteristics of the infection. An increase in body weight is a favorable sign indicating a positive outcome of the disease.
Loss of body weight is often one of the first signs of a tumor process. The trend is constant. Eating extra food only for a certain period of time can delay weight loss.

Row mental illness(neuroses, psychoses, stress reactions), endocrine disorders(pituitary and adrenal insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, etc.), vitamin deficiencies (especially deficiency of B vitamins), diseases of the digestive system that occur with functional impairment(for example, hypoacid gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis, etc.), blood diseases, circulatory disorders, exogenous (poisons, toxins, drugs) and endogenous (azotemia, acidoketonemia, bilirubinemia, etc.) intoxications can occur with a decrease in body weight.

It should be noted that losing weight can be combined with an increase in appetite, as happens with diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and involutional psychoses.

Regional emaciation

In clinical practice, one may encounter weight loss in any part of the body, which can manifest itself as the disappearance of adipose tissue or the development of atrophy of the skin, muscles, and in some cases, bone.

Loss of muscle and fat tissue with their replacement by scar is observed after severe burns, crush syndrome, rupture wound, surgical removal a significant amount of soft tissue.

Regional emaciation is a characteristic sign of a neurodystrophic process that develops as a result of damage to the nerves that carry out tissue trophism. For example, these are progressive facial hemiatrophy, syndrome of damage to the trigeminal, tibial, and median nerves. An important point in the loss of motor activity is the development of atrophy from inactivity.

The state of metabolic processes in tissues is affected by vascular trophism. Chronic arterial insufficiency of any zone or organ leads to the development of atrophy, sclerotic changes, and a decrease in body weight.

With uneven radiation damage to tissues that occurs when radiation therapy, its complication may be local post-radiation dystrophy. The development of local lipodystrophy in places of repeated injections of insulin, ethyl alcohol, salts of heavy metals, and serums is known.

Dysplastic fat deposition with the development of thinness in the upper half of the body and its accumulation in the lower half in young women is characteristic of segmental progressive lipodystrophy (Barraquer-Simons disease). The appearance of amenorrhea, frigidity, and signs of virilization was also noted.

Skin atrophy is inherent in Werner syndrome, which develops with congenital pituitary insufficiency. This disease is characterized by short stature, a relatively large skull, beak-shaped nose, mask-like face, thin limbs, the development of early atherosclerosis, and cataracts. Hypogenitalism, sterility, thyroid and parathyroid glands, sometimes dementia.

Excessive skin fold syndrome (loose skin syndrome), belonging to a group of hereditary diseases connective tissue, is characterized by thinning of the subcutaneous tissue and widespread formation of excessive skin folds, especially in the lower jaw and around the eyes (“bulldog face”). Possible combination with pulmonary emphysema.

Lack of weight is bad; it affects almost all aspects of a woman’s life, making her feel different from everyone else. The most terrible consequence that can be caused by lack of weight is the loss of reproductive function - the ability to conceive and bear a child.

Causes of thinness

There are two main reasons explaining the appearance of thinness.

The first is scoliosis or curvature of the spine. Scoliosis, which develops in the parts of the spine responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract, leads to severe thinness.

This problem occurs especially often if the spine is curved in the area where it fits tightly to the digestive organs person. Massage course and physical exercise will help you cope with this situation. The speed of recovery depends on the degree of curvature. If a girl is genetically predisposed to thinness, then the probability severe loss Her weight with scoliosis increases significantly.

To gain weight, you need to treat the curvature itself. Yoga specialists and osteopathic doctors work with this. The surgeon will write you a referral for physical therapy for your spine. The sooner you consult a doctor, the faster you can be cured. Self-medication is not the answer.

The second reason for severe thinness is problems with the stomach or intestines. If digestion is impaired, food is digested slowly. Appetite is lost, painful pallor and thinness appear. Many, seeing a thin girl who eats a cake with appetite, sincerely envy her. But they do not suspect that this is not a natural advantage, but a disease associated with excess cortisol, a hormone responsible for tissue breakdown. People with this problem eat a lot, but do not gain weight, because everything is burned by cortisol.

Correcting errors

Often, when girls decide to get better, they make the same mistakes. The first of them is the transition to a high-calorie diet, fatty foods or sweets. Weight gain will depend not on how much you ate, but on how much was absorbed. Therefore, there is no need to completely change your diet - the “eat more” method does not work here, just like a late dinner. Please note that if you overeat, food is poorly absorbed.

The main rule: eat in moderation, do not wait until you feel heavy in your stomach. If there is too much margarine or butter in your food, then the only thing you will achieve is increased cholesterol and problems with blood vessels and heart.

Another wrong strategy is a lot of sweets. Naturally, sometimes you can treat yourself to candy or cookies, but eating exclusively sweets is a direct path to increased level sugar, disruptions in metabolic processes.

Nutrition rules

Buy healthy natural products. Your gastronomic preferences do not have to be high-calorie. Appreciate foods that give you strength: carbohydrates will release energy, and proteins will help build muscle mass. Stick to a diet where you eat 4 times a day. Even if the portions are small, they will be nutritious.

Listen to your body, find time for healthy and high-calorie snacks. Don't overeat. This will only slow down the digestion process and lead to metabolic disorders.

Try to eat at the same time every day. This will help the body develop a reflex; it will release enough enzymes to digest food. As a result, the body will absorb all the beneficial substances. Don't go hungry, you don't have to know this feeling. Do not gain weight with fast foods or high-calorie drinks. Such heavy food will aggravate gastrointestinal problems.

Healthy foods

It's what you eat that matters. Give preference to high-calorie foods that contain a lot of complex carbohydrates and proteins. But you shouldn’t completely give up healthy fats. After all, they participate in the metabolic processes of every cell in the body.

Eat chicken and eggs. Such food is perfectly digestible, providing you useful amino acids and proteins. Potatoes and legumes will replenish your body with the necessary starches.

Grains are very important when gaining weight. They will give you many minerals and vitamins, and nutritional value theirs is quite high. Eat fish, especially herring. It enhances the formation of protein and chromium, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Pasta and pasta are great for gaining weight. White bread. They contain many healthy carbohydrates, which, when released, will give you a lot of energy.

Don't forget about dairy products: sour cream, cottage cheese, milk, butter - these products provide not only protein, but also healthy animal fats.

Vegetables and fruits are important for the daily diet. Fiber helps the intestines work more actively and release harmful waste, and vitamins support the body. You can enjoy delicious chocolates or homemade cakes - such products are quite high in calories and will also help cope with stress.

Physical exercise

In order to gain weight well through muscle mass, you need to know that half of the success will depend not so much on nutrition, but on lifestyle in general, and on training in particular. Often, girls do not take into account the most basic rule of muscle building: training hard and eating 20% ​​more than you burn.

Training to build mass is primarily weight training. You should be doing ten to twelve reps, no more, so choose a weight that's appropriate for you. If you use light weights, your muscles will not grow.

By adding strength training, you will get a beautiful sculpted figure. The new diet will be dominated by proteins that nourish muscles and help form beautiful body. Swimming will be an excellent exercise. It will allow you to use all muscle groups.

You can exercise at home by doing squats, push-ups, and exercises with dumbbells. Work on problem areas of the body. If your arms or legs are too thin, focus on them. But don’t forget about general strengthening exercises, run in the fresh air or just walk before bed. People who are gaining weight should not forget about vitamins. They do not directly affect weight gain, but play an important role in the metabolic processes of the body. They can be obtained from foods or special vitamin complexes.

Diet for gaining muscle mass

You can easily gain weight at home with a diet for muscle growth, but it must be thought out to the smallest detail. The diet will provide “building” material that will restore muscle fibers, as well as carbohydrate fuel, without which this process is impossible. Follow this rule: both proteins and carbohydrates should be in the diet.

BJU calculations for gaining muscle mass are individual. Add 20–30% to your daily energy expenditure (workouts must also be taken into account) - as a result you will get the required calorie content of your diet. About 40% of these calories should come from protein, 50% from carbohydrates, and only 10% from fat sources. But you need to forget about cream, butter or lard.

Sample menu:

  • For breakfast you can eat a little buckwheat (200 grams) and 100 grams of boiled chicken (breast).
  • For your second breakfast after training, take an apple and a banana.
  • For lunch, a serving of pasta, adding tomato sauce and one serving of grilled fish (choose fatty varieties) and any fruit.
  • Menu for the second lunch: banana and yogurt, one apple and cottage cheese.
  • For an afternoon snack, you can drink a smoothie based on fruit or live yogurt, as well as a protein shake.
  • For dinner, steam beef with steamed vegetables and potatoes. This diet will only be effective if you completely avoid processed foods and alcoholic beverages.

How to increase body fat

Another way to gain weight is to increase your body fat.

Adipose tissue is an indicator characterizing reproductive health girls. If such a layer is not enough, the possibility of getting pregnant tends to zero. Often, gynecologists even advise eating more and moving less in order to deliberately increase fat tissue and thereby increase your chances of becoming a mother.

Review your diet and make it more varied. Add more fats to it, but only healthy ones. Increase calories gradually by adding 5% of calories to your standard diet each week.

Using this method, you can ensure high-quality absorption of all microelements and substances from food, and accordingly, you can recover faster. You should consume 30% proteins, the same amount of fats and 40% carbohydrates, but the percentage of animal fats should not occupy more than 10% of the total diet. Include nuts, cheeses, fish, bread and honey in your diet.

Sample menu:

  • For breakfast, drink cocoa with milk oatmeal cookies(4-5 pcs.).
  • For second breakfast, eat some almonds, maybe with honey, as well as an apple and tea. You can drink tea with milk, but only if it is easily tolerated by your body.
  • For lunch, it is better to opt for soup cooked in meat broth, as well as porridge with meat or fish. Don't forget about vegetables.
  • Second lunch – cereal plus dried fruits, milk.
  • For dinner you can safely eat fish and meat, as well as potatoes or spaghetti, salads. Just before bed, you can pamper your body with kefir and any fruit. There are no restrictions on physical activity: play sports at home, on the street or in a fitness center, and do not forget about comprehensive care for your body.

Every morning it is better to do light exercises to wake up faster and get toned. Sport will strengthen your muscles, improve your appetite, normalize your physical and mental state - you will forget about stress!

You must take into account some points, without which it will be very difficult for you to increase your weight.

Change your diet

Fill your diet as much as possible with foods that, on the one hand, will have a positive effect on your health, and on the other, will help you get better. Eat at least four times a day and have two snacks. Nuts or dried fruits are suitable here, as well as muesli, which you can make yourself at home, as well as sweet fruits.

You don’t need to eat to your heart’s content – ​​just have a hearty snack. First, eat the dish that is largest in volume. That is, for example, first of all you eat the second thing, and only then the first. It is better to cook soups in broth (meat), use spicy seasonings to awaken the appetite.

Large portions

They need to eat in portions that should be larger than they have consumed so far. It may seem difficult at first, but over time you will get used to it.

Bad habits

Both alcohol and cigarettes negatively affect metabolism in general. It is known that if a person cannot lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight, then he suffers from metabolic problems. If you abuse alcohol, your metabolism will not be able to return to normal. for a long time. Therefore, you will have to choose what is more important to you: an extra cocktail or attractive shapes.

Down with stress

Stress burns calories entering the body, which makes it difficult to gain weight. There is a saying: “than thinner man, the angrier he is.” Therefore, your goal is to learn to avoid stress.

Specialized nutrition

You can gain weight with instant cocktails. Go to a special sports or fitness store. There are options for men and women. The peculiarity of this drink is fiber, vitamins, protein in its composition - a real complex for solving the problem.

Health problems

If a person leads a normal lifestyle and weight decreases, there may be health problems.

Loss of appetite, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, bloating or heartburn, problems with stool - all these factors signal problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And eventually they can develop into weight problems.

Those people who dream of gaining extra pounds refuse to believe that they have psychological problems. But it is the inner mood, the perception of both the surrounding world and ourselves that shape our consciousness. Negative thinking can cause a completely healthy body to stop eating or completely lose its appetite. A specialist will help you understand yourself and return to normal weight.

What prevents you from gaining weight

You can figure out some of the reasons that prevent a person from getting better on your own.

These include:

  • smoking, alcohol;
  • improper or insufficient nutrition;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • high caffeine consumption.

Traditional methods of weight gain

Traditional medicine has its own ways of effectively combating painful thinness.

Chop 3 walnut kernels, combine with a teaspoon of fresh honey, pour in 200 ml of beer. Mix everything well and drink the entire portion at once. This treatment is carried out for a month, during which time you can gain about 3 kg. You can quickly recover from this old recipe: mix live or dark beer (250 ml) with 2 tablespoons of homemade sour cream, shake. You need to drink this high-calorie cocktail freshly prepared every day. It will allow you to gain up to 2-3 kg per month.

Mix chamomile flowers (5 g), calendula (5 g) and mullein (10 g). Pour boiling water (200-250 ml) over the herbs, cover with a cloth, and let steep (30 minutes). You can add sugar and take a tablespoon of infusion before meals.

Mass gain drink: add butter (5–10 g) and a spoonful of honey to a glass of hot milk (preferably homemade). Drink this nutritional mixture daily at night.

You need to gain weight gradually so as not to harm your health. If you have taken this path, do not give up, because this process is long and will require patience and perseverance.

Before starting treatment for thinness, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. Some suffer from underweight due to severe illnesses debilitating the body, which include chronic diseases of the intestines, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, operations on the organs of the stomach and intestines, and helminthic infestation. Another part of people suffers from thinness as a result of diseases nervous system, which are often accompanied by rapid loss of appetite, and sometimes even fear of food, complete refusal from eating, vomiting and nausea at the sight or smell of food.

Severe thinness is sometimes associated with the constitutional characteristics of the human body. In most cases, such people are practically healthy, feel normal, are physically active and able to work.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons for thinness, so it is impossible to give everyone a single recommendation on how to gain weight. Your best first action would be to consult a doctor and, if necessary, be examined by a gastroenterologist, therapist, neurologist, or endocrinologist.

The lack of body weight caused by the disease requires active and sometimes long-term therapeutic measures. If thinness does not occur due to any disease, then physical activity and proper nutrition are recommended.

To gain weight, you need a maximally varied diet, consisting of: large set products. It must include dairy, fish and meat products, as well as fruits, berries and vegetables, which are rich in cell membranes, pectin, trace elements, mineral salts and vitamins. High content in vegetables, berries and fruits essential oils and organic acids helps increase appetite. They are also able to stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands of the intestines and stomach, which ensures weight gain by improving the digestion and absorption of incoming food.

Eat bread, pasta, buns, dumplings and pies, but don’t try to make them your main dishes. Often the cause of weight loss and excessive thinness is precisely the mono-diet, which is caused by monotonous nutrition (often a childhood habit): tea with crackers, bagels, cookies, etc.

Error when gaining weight. In an effort to gain weight, people often make one fatal mistake that prevents them from gaining weight: between meals they eat either candy or a bun. Such snacks discourage appetite and when a person sits down at the table, he cannot or does not want to eat a full lunch, dinner or breakfast. You need to eat by the hour (at the same time) 4-5 rubles. per day, and to whet your appetite you should start eating with spicy and vegetable snacks.

For weight gain breakfast should be hot. It may include fish dishes, meat with side dishes or porridge with milk from any cereal, scrambled eggs, any bread spread with butter and cheese. You can wash it all down with sweet tea with milk (1/3 part).

Lunch should include 1 glass of milk with a bun (can be with cookies), as well as fruit.

IN dinner eat a snack (vinaigrette or other salad) or 100g of juice (vegetable, fruit, berry). Also, this meal for weight gain should include soups (0.5 servings), hot vegetables or potatoes with fish or meat dish, after which for dessert you need to drink 1 tbsp of sweet jelly or compote.

IN 17:00 To get rid of thinness, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp of rose hips and eat cookies or a bun.

On dinner The menu should include noodle soup with cottage cheese or a hot cereal casserole plus tea.

For the night be sure to drink fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt or acidophilus. If desired, they can be replaced with fruit, sweet jelly, juice or compote.

Anyone who is of the opinion that the more you lie down, the faster you will gain weight, are deeply mistaken. Spending a lot of time in a horizontal position, couch potatoes only acquire sagging muscles, chronic fatigue and bad mood. Remember that active motor activity is required to stimulate all organs (including the digestive glands) and increase appetite. So, by doing morning exercises, swimming, skiing, cycling or skating, a person perfectly builds and strengthens muscle mass.

There are a number of special exercises designed specifically for weight gain. Below is one of the complexes.

Read also: Ducan's diet.

A set of exercises for the treatment of thinness and weight gain.

You can do sports and these exercises at any time, but be sure to wait 3 hours after eating. The load in the exercises presented below for weight gain is designed for healthy people. If there are any problems with your health, consult with specialists. Such consultation can be obtained at a medical and physical education clinic.

For these exercises you will need:

  1. gymnastic stick;
  2. rubber bandage (you can use a shoulder or chest expander);
  3. dumbbells 3-5 kg.

Exercise pace for the legs of the shoulder girdle and pectoral muscles(exercises 1-7) should be average, and for muscles abdominals and waist (8-10) - fast. Breathe While performing the exercises, you can do it at will. Rest between exercises is 1.5-2 minutes, but you cannot sit or lie down. It is better to calm your breathing and heartbeat by simply walking.

Each exercise has its own numbers:

  • 3x8- 3 sets of 8 times
  • 3x10- 3 sets of 10 times
  • 3x20- 3 sets of 20 times
  • 3x30- 3 sets of 30 times

As warm-ups Before the main exercises, you can dance for 3-5 minutes to music and slowly stretch your muscles. This should occur until a pleasant warmth appears in the muscles.

Exercises for gaining weight and treating thinness:

Boys, and if desired, girls, should add the following exercises to this weight gain complex:

Read also: Protasov's diet.

Sleep, dousing and nutrition are the key to increasing body weight and treating thinness.

To increase body weight, experts recommend increasing the duration of sleep by one and a half to two hours. It is better to do this using the evening hours.

To speed up the process of weight gain, harden yourself daily by applying a douche cold water. Do this by gradually reducing the water temperature and increasing the duration of this procedure. When you feel that you can easily tolerate cold water, then start wiping yourself with ice.

For correct set weight, eat according to the generally accepted regimen - at least 3 rubles a day and by the hour (at the same time). It is not recommended to experience the slightest feeling of hunger throughout the day to treat thinness. Be sure to include nuts, cheese, chocolate, yogurt, honey, and eggs in your diet.

1 recipe for weight gain:
grate 1 apple, 1 carrot, then add 1 tablespoon of honey, 1-2 tablespoons of walnuts, 0.5 cups lemon or grape juice. Mix everything well and eat between main meals.

2 recipe for weight gain:
Soak wheat grains (corn or barley) in warm water. When the grains sprout, eat them, chewing them well.

3 recipe for weight gain:
In 1 glass warm milk or stir water for 1 hour. a spoonful of fresh yeast. Then add sugar there (to taste). Take the resulting drink 3 times a day with food.

4 recipe for weight gain:
Take daily baby food. Mixtures like “Malyutka”, “Malyush”, etc. are better suited for this. When taking, the pediatric dose should be doubled.

5 recipe for weight gain:
The old recipe preparing perhaps one of the most effective means for weight gain. People who use it usually gain weight almost before their eyes. Take lard (300 gr.) and 6 large green apples (unpeeled!). Cut everything into small pieces, then mix and simmer briefly over low heat. Do not let the mixture burn by constantly stirring. After this, take 12 egg yolks and thoroughly grind them with 1 glass of sugar and 300g of chopped chocolate. Once this is done, pass the apple and lard mixture through a sieve and then fold it into the chocolate and egg mixture. After cooling, you can begin to take the resulting mixture. It is recommended to do this by spreading it on bread and washing it down with warm milk.

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