Mandarin fruit: beneficial properties and harm. Is it possible to eat tangerines at night? Benefit for adults

We associate juicy and bright tangerines with winter holidays. This is a symbol of the coming year and the changes associated with it. But it’s one thing to eat fruit in holidays and it’s quite another thing to have an idea of ​​its many beneficial properties, low calorie content and introduce it into your menu on an ongoing basis. Read our article - health benefits and harms of tangerines.

We owe the presence of delicious citrus to China, where it comes from. Citrus reticulata is an evergreen tree up to 5 m tall and producing up to 700 fruits. The tree lives and bears fruit for up to 70 years, and with age the fruit on it becomes much larger.

Today this crop is cultivated very widely and is widespread in the Far East and Mediterranean countries. It is supplied to world markets by Morocco, Spain, Turkey and Sicily, and the orange fruit is brought to Russia from Abkhazia.

Mandarin is a fruit with a thin, tasty pulp, aromatic peel, which is easily separated due to the air gap. It is divided into 10-12 segments, each of which contains 1-2 seeds. Created in which the fruits do not have seeds.

The structure of the pulp is exactly the same as that of other citrus fruits; it consists of small oblong sacs filled with juice. It is a type of berry-shaped fruit called a hesperidium. Orange has exactly the same structure.

The name of the fruit was given by the Spaniards. It was they who christened it mandarino and under this name it is known throughout the world.

Calorie content of tangerine

Citrus contains various sugars: fructose, glucose, sucrose, so people who control their weight and count calories do not risk consuming it. But thanks to its low calorie content, special diets based on fruit, allowing you to reduce weight. Not everyone can use the tangerine diet, since citrus is a strong allergen.

In the fresh

The calorie content of tangerine in 100 grams is 33 Kcal. It’s easy to calculate: if the weight of a fruit without peel ranges from 30 to 100 grams, then the calorie indicator ranges from 12 to 38 units. Caloric content is not just low performance, it is negative, since when it is processed in the body, more energy is consumed than is added.

In dried

The fruit is dried, after which it becomes sweeter and resembles candy with fruit filling. However, the use of sugar is not necessary at all. During the drying process, some vitamins are lost, but the taste is preserved. Per 100 grams dried fruits accounts for 230 Kcal, given that the fetus loses 80% of its original weight. Dried fruits contain many calories, so they are not used in dietary nutrition.

In tangerine juice

Juice squeezed from fresh citrus has exactly the same number of calories as fresh fruit - 38 kcal per 100 grams of drink. It is good in the off-season for concentrated replenishment " vitamin cocktail", which helps in treatment cold infections, strengthening the immune system.

Citrus lovers should be aware that consuming 1 kg at a time often leads to yellowing of the skin and does not benefit the body.

Composition and beneficial properties of tangerine

I'm glad that the health benefits of tangerine are combined with great taste, among the population we love citrus. When consumed, metabolic processes are normalized and excess calories are burned. Mandarin with others useful fruits helps to modern man look slim and fit.

Other important properties include:

  • Relieves swelling and helps clear mucus from the bronchi when treating colds and flu. These properties are associated with the presence of synephrine in the pulp.
  • Improving performance of cardio-vascular system by preventing atherosclerosis and controlling blood cholesterol levels. Substances that affect the functioning of the heart are contained in a white mesh that covers each lobe.
  • Impact on the psyche due to its calming and tonic properties. Citrus is a natural antidepressant.
  • Help for pregnant women whose body needs vitamin C in the second trimester. 1-2 fruits per day are enough for the vitamin deficiency to be reduced to zero. Due to its sour taste and essential oils, it relieves toxicosis well. Massage based on tangerine essential oils helps with stretch marks after childbirth.
  • Benefits of fruit peel severe cough. She also helps with normal operation digestive processes due to the high content of pectins, organic acids, flavonoids. The fruit has a low calorie content, so its substances are not stored.
When buying sunny citrus, look for the integrity of the peel, the absence of dents, darkening, and abrasions. If the fruits are limp, slightly dried out or dull, then their freshness is questioned.

Chemical composition of tangerines

The benefits of a bright fruit depend on its chemical composition. It is practically devoid of proteins and fats, but is saturated with carbohydrates (sugars), water, dietary fiber. With this ratio, it has a low calorie content.

If we consider the ratio of BJU per 100 g, the picture is as follows:

  • 0.8 g protein
  • 0.2 g fat
  • 7.5 g carbohydrates
  • 88 g water
  • 1.9 g dietary fiber.

The peel contains essential oils, and the pulp contains organic acids, fiber, mineral components, glycosides, phytoncides.

The orange fruit is rich in flavonoids, which remove toxins and actively fight against free radicals, stopping the aging process.

How many vitamins are in tangerine

Citrus is a source of vitamins, but what vitamins are contained in tangerines that help the body improve immunity? Greatest influence Six of them have an impact on health:

  • Ascorbic acid increases the immune protective barrier, is involved in the prevention and treatment of colds, improves the condition of the skin, reduces the possibility of heart disease vascular diseases, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol.
  • Retinol (vitamin A) supports normal condition organs of vision, takes part in hormonal synthesis.
  • Calciferol (vitamin D) helps form body tissues and controls the exchange of minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) has antioxidant activity, regulates the amount of cholesterol, ensures tissue growth and regeneration.
  • Phylloquinone (vitamin K) affects blood clotting, helps form and restore bone tissue.
  • B vitamins perform many functions: they participate in metabolism, the synthesis of hormones, hemoglobin, control the activity of the nervous system, and stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The vitamins in tangerines not only charge you with vigor and energy, but help the body work smoothly, performing a lot of useful functions.

The benefits of tangerines for the body

It is clear why tangerines are beneficial for the body as a whole. They have a positive effect on different age categories. Separately, we can consider how women use the sun fruit and how the male body perceives it.


The benefits of tangerines for women's bodies are obvious: they are an excellent fruit for weight loss. Not only does it contain few calories, its composition is enriched with fiber, which allows you to remove accumulated toxins and breakdown products. During digestion, the body loses energy rather than gaining it. A big plus is that eating the fruit is a pleasure and fruit diet does not cause negative emotions, but promotes calorie loss.

Tangerine Diet good in the summer, when the body needs food less and burning calories is painless. Nutritionists suggest:

For breakfast, eat a tangerine and drink a cup of green tea.

  • Prepare 150 g for lunch chicken fillet(any lean meat), eat 200 g of citrus fruits as dessert.
  • For dinner, cook vegetable broth, 200 g fish fillet steamed, finish by eating 200 g of orange fruit.

There are options for a stricter diet, the diet of which includes exclusively tangerines and egg white. 6 tangerines and 6 egg whites are consumed daily, which are distributed evenly into three servings. This makes it possible to reduce your calorie reserves.

In order for the body to replenish the daily need for sugars, it is enough to eat 500g. fruits (5-6 fruits). Larger consumption will exceed calorie standards, and weight loss can only be discussed conditionally.

Women actively use traditional medicine and cosmetology recipes. Tangerine essential oil is beneficial for oily, acne-prone skin. Creams and masks made from tangerine oil help:

  • tighten enlarged pores
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • remove acne
  • reduce irritation and inflammation on the epidermis.

Essential oil has a positive effect on aging skin, relieving women of “Balzac age” from wrinkles and affecting the epidermis, helping tissues acquire firmness and elasticity.

Oil is one of the components of whitening products, removing hyperpigmentation on the skin. It is used for cellulite in the fight against “ orange peel" It is a modeling component in skin products, giving a slim figure.

Extract and tangerine oil useful in hair care, as additional components of shampoos, conditioners, masks. Used for oily hair, relieving itching and seborrhea, nourishing and moisturizing problematic curls. And foamy bath gels relieve daytime stress, provide a boost of energy, help nourish the skin with vitamins and refresh it.

Women need tangerines to decide more serious problems. They

Tangerines are perishable products and need proper storage. They should not be placed in boxes with and that emit ethylene gas, which contributes to rapid maturation fruit that is starting to spoil.


The bright and aromatic fruit has a beneficial effect on sexual desire. The substances that make up the pulp and peel nourish the tissues, enhance metabolic processes, and increase blood flow to the genitals. Thus, taking citrus fruits increases male potency, love relationship become brighter.

The benefits of tangerines for men are not limited to this:

  • help improve prostate function
  • help smokers who need vitamin C, remove oxygen starvation fabrics
  • neutralize toxins and remove unnecessary substances due to pectins, promoting weight loss
  • restore the body faster after strength training, allowing you to feel normal while losing calories.
It is not advisable to eat tangerine on an empty stomach, since the organic acids in the composition can irritate the gastric mucosa, leading to discomfort. It should be consumed after a hearty breakfast.


IN children's diet southern fruit is introduced from the age of one year, if the child does not have allergic manifestations. Moreover, the initial portion is 1 tbsp. juice, half diluted with water. From the age of three they try to introduce tangerine into their diet, starting with one slice. If there is no allergy, then gradually the baby can eat up to two fruits a day.

The beneficial properties of tangerine play an important role in baby food, since the baby’s body receives different useful components. But to be completely sure of the safety of its use, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Harm of tangerines

Citrus is a healthy product, but for some health problems, tangerines are still harmful. Tangerines have contraindications for consumption in the following cases:

  • with increased acidity gastric juice: if new portions of acid from the fruit enter the stomach, its walls become inflamed
  • with stomach and duodenal ulcers, since organic acids cause severe irritation mucous membrane
  • if there are stones in the kidneys that begin to move, which is dangerous
  • if you have diabetes, since the fruit contains a significant percentage of sugar
  • in the case of psoriasis, when the fetus is able to intensify the manifestations of the disease.

Many people do not know what diseases tangerines are harmful for, but people continue to consume them to replenish vitamin reserves or to lose weight, reducing the number of calories and acquiring new diseases.

Do not forget that the fruit and its juice are a strong allergen. Its use by allergy sufferers can result in serious consequences. You should carefully consider the use of this fruit by children and at the first signs of an allergy (skin rashes, swelling, bloating) it should be removed from the children's diet.

In China, tangerines are lovingly called “golden balls.” In our country, this fruit is one of the favorites. We are excited to see the bright, aromatic fruits appear on the shelves. They will bring not only the aroma from the southern countries, but will also add strength, vigor, and energy, so that the northerners can endure the long winter without gaining weight, getting rid of extra calories.

Sunny, fragrant fruits become popular with the onset of cold weather. Women who love these fruits are wondering whether it is possible to lose weight on tangerines? Today, experts have developed such methods to combat overweight. Tangerines not only correct the figure, but also bring a lot nutrients.

Health benefits and harms of tangerines

Like many citrus fruits, orange fruits contain a variety of nutrients. The beneficial properties of tangerines are contained in the pulp, juice, zest and even white veins. Fruits will have positive impact on the figure, skin and general health. Especially important properties are: increasing immunity, cleansing the body and combating the manifestations of toxicosis in pregnant women. However, some categories of people are prohibited from eating a lot of the product.

What are the benefits of tangerines for women?

Regular use for food orange fruits will help cope with some ailments and other problems of the body. The benefits of tangerine for women lie in several properties of the fruit:

  • Helps cope with nausea during toxicosis during pregnancy.
  • Fruit juice helps fight excess weight, improving metabolic processes, preventing the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Tangerines are used as a component for weight loss dietary nutrition.
  • A large amount of vitamins and others necessary elements, contained inside the fruit, will help pregnant and lactating women replenish the body's nutritional reserves.
  • The product is capable of restoring intestinal microflora while following a diet. Doctors recommend tangerines for weight loss to prevent dysbacteriosis.
  • External use of juice - effective method fight against fungal diseases.
  • Orange fruit pulp helps restore immunity and increase the body's defense against colds and flu.

What are the benefits of tangerine peel?

Cosmetologists obtain an extract from citrus peels - valuable essential oil. The beneficial properties of the product are expressed as follows:

  • strengthens skin, fights stretch marks;
  • helps to increase immune defense body;
  • tangerine peel for weight loss is useful because it removes waste and toxins;
  • tangerine for weight loss helps relieve emotional tension;
  • improves sleep quality, fights insomnia.

However, you should use tangerine peel for weight loss with caution, as it can increase your appetite. Upper layer The fruit, in addition to oil, contains antioxidants, carotenoids and substances that have an antiseptic effect. This set of components helps treat dysbiosis, get rid of flatulence, and relieve dry cough. Decoctions prepared from the zest are useful to drink for colds, flu, and depression. The remedy will help with high blood pressure, insomnia, and rapid heartbeat.

Why are tangerines harmful?

To date, scientists have established the harm caused by tangerines. Orange citrus fruits have a number of properties that can help Negative influence on human body:

  • The presence of large amounts of acid can cause organ irritation digestive system.
  • If you suffer from stones large size in the kidneys, you should not eat tangerines. The juice may have a stimulating effect on the mechanism of stone movement, which will cause severe pain.
  • Fruits contain a lot of carbohydrates, so it is not recommended to eat them if you have diabetes.
  • Tangerine juice – strong allergen, a large number of which should not be used by children and people with asthma, psoriasis, dermatitis.
  • The peel of the fruit should be washed thoroughly before consumption, since the fruit is often treated with hazardous chemicals to ensure safety during transportation.

How many calories are in tangerine

Lots of nutrients necessary for a person, contain tangerine pulp and peel. The fruit contains vitamins, sugars, acids of organic origin and essential oils. The fruit contains a lot of water, the share of which is more than 80% of the mass. Fans of this delicacy will be able to find for themselves minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. With such a rich set of components, the calorie content of tangerines is low. Energy value 100 g of dessert is about 50 kcal.

Is it possible to eat tangerines at night?

Nutritionists do not recommend eating fruits before bed, as they contain a lot of carbohydrates and acids. These substances can negatively affect body condition and gastrointestinal function. intestinal tract when losing weight. However, the diet period is associated with receiving insufficient calories. If in the evening you feel severe hunger, then doctors allow you to eat tangerines at night. However, you should not eat more than 2 fruits.

Tangerine diet for weight loss

When losing weight, tasty and aromatic tangerines will help you cope with excess fat, making your diet enjoyable. It should be remembered that in order to lose weight, the diet must be combined with physical activity. Light cardio exercises (such as treadmill or aerobics) are suitable. When you feel hungry, drink water. Drinking fluids when losing weight will help remove impurities from the body.

Tangerine diet for 3 days

This diet will help you lose 2-4 kg. The tangerine diet for weight loss for 3 days is not monocomponent. The diet of fruits should be supplemented with other healthy products:

  • For breakfast you can eat one main citrus fruit and drink a cup of black coffee.
  • Boiled is suitable for lunch egg, tangerines are taken in the amount of 3 pieces.
  • For lunch, you need to increase your caloric intake. Make a green salad and fresh vegetables, fruit casserole. It is recommended to drink a cup of natural black coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Replace the afternoon snack with 1 glass of juice squeezed from any fruit.
  • Make dinner with tangerine, kefir or yogurt.

Tangerine diet for 7 days

A long-term diet involves the use of meat, seafood and fish in the menu. Such measures will help to ensure adequate protein intake. Among animal products for a low-calorie meal, choose chicken, turkey, rabbit, and lean beef. Kefir and cottage cheese can be additional sources of protein. To lose excess weight on fruits quickly and effectively, provide yourself with five meals a day, access required quantity vitamins, minerals and fiber. A tangerine diet for 7 days will help you lose weight up to 6 kilograms.

Fasting day on tangerines

A set of measures to get rid of extra pounds includes fasting days on tangerines. The period of experiencing such extreme conditions Losing weight requires taking certain precautions:

  • It is better to deload in order to lose weight on days when you do not need to physically strain yourself. The ideal frequency is 1 day per week, since there will be a sharp shortage high-calorie foods.
  • If you are prone to allergies or suffer from this disease, then it is better not to consume large quantities of tangerines or oranges.
  • Before deciding to begin the deloading procedure, consult your doctor. This is necessary so that weight loss does not provoke intestinal problems.

There are 2 known options for tangerine release: on the fruit itself, on the drink. The first method has the following steps:

  • For a day you will need 500 g of citrus fruits and an unlimited amount of water - this will make up the diet.
  • When you wake up in the morning, you need to drink a glass of water. After half an hour, eat 1-2 fruits.
  • To get rid of the feeling of hunger, chew each piece slowly.
  • Repeat the pattern every time you want to eat until you run out of fruit.

The second method for losing weight and gaining slim figure involves preparing a drink consisting of tangerine juice and water, taken in equal proportions. You need to drink the mixture 1 glass every 3 hours. If you feel hungry during breaks, you can use clean water without gas. An important condition is application only natural juice, since analogues contain many additives that can make you gain weight.

How many tangerines can you eat per day?

main reason The reason why you shouldn’t eat a lot of citrus fruits is their ability to cause allergies. However, a limited amount of fruit can bring many benefits. It is only important to follow the rules on how to eat tangerines during a diet and with a normal diet:

  • You should not eat fruit on an empty stomach;
  • use the product in the morning or afternoon;
  • there should be half an hour between meals and fruits;
  • An adult is allowed to eat up to 10 tangerines a day.

Contraindications for tangerines

Along with the benefits, experts highlight contraindications for tangerines. Fruits are prohibited or not recommended for the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer and duodenum;
  • enteritis;
  • ailments small intestine caused by inflammation;
  • colitis;
  • diabetes mellitus due to high sugar content;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • nephritis in acute form;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • chronic allergies or inclinations towards them.

Video: benefits of tangerine for the human body

Among all the citrus fruits that we know, the most popular is perhaps the tangerine. It is this fragrant and juicy fruit that is associated with the New Year and Christmas holidays, and perhaps that is why it is so loved not only by small children, but also by adults. However, before praising this fruit, it is better to learn more about its composition, properties, whether tangerines are healthy: benefits and harms.

First, it should be noted that there are several varieties of tangerines on sale, some of which are not known to everyone. However, they all have almost the same vitamin and mineral composition that is beneficial for the body. The most common varieties are:

  • satsuma;
  • unshiu;
  • santra;
  • natsumikan;
  • tangelo;
  • incharin;
  • calamondin.

Composition of tangerines

The benefits and harms of tangerines are determined by its composition. Tangerines, like tangerines, contain a large amount of vitamin C (or ascorbic acid), which is so important for strengthening our body and is necessary to fight colds. In addition, tangerines contain a lot of pectin substances, glycosides, mineral salts, citric acid, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, vitamins such as D, K, B1, B2, as well as essential oils .

Useful properties of tangerines

It is no secret that tangerines are very beneficial for our body. Their main usefulness lies in the fact that they are able to enrich the body with a complex of essential vitamins that we need during life. winter time. As studies have shown, ascorbic acid and phytoncides contained in citrus fruits have antibacterial properties and help fight colds and viral diseases. Therefore, during illness, it is recommended to drink tea from tangerine peel, which helps eliminate cough and has a diuretic effect.

In addition, tangerine has decongestant properties due to the phenolic amino acid it contains, so it is useful for bronchial diseases. It has been proven that consuming these citrus fruits significantly reduces the risk of developing heart disease, prevents atherosclerosis, and also prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Regular consumption of tangerines can balance nervous system and increase tone.

Tangerines (benefit and harm) are useful for pregnant women. Although it is believed that pregnant women should eat tangerines with caution, since they can cause an allergic reaction, they are still as beneficial for expectant mothers as they are for the rest of us. As you know, a pregnant woman’s body needs vitamins, so daily use citrus fruits in small quantities will replenish the body essential vitamins and minerals. And to eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis, a tincture of tangerine peel, which can be used as a juice or soft drink, will help.

Useful properties of the peel

We are all used to peeling tangerines and throwing them away. This, however, should not be done. As it turned out, the peel of a tangerine is no less healthy and healing than the fruit itself. It contains a large amount of pectin substances, essential oil, organic acids and flavonoids, sugar, provitamin A, vitamins B, C, P, organic acids and essential oils. Only the composition of essential oils contains substances such as: alpha-limonene, aldehydes, citral, alcohols and anthranilic acid methyl ester. Therefore, after buying tangerines, do not rush to get rid of the peel. It’s better to prepare compotes, teas or infusions from them and use them instead ordinary water from the tap.

Harm of tangerines

The benefits and harms of tangerines can be determined by the presence of contraindications to their use. Despite the fact that tangerines, in general, have beneficial properties for any person, they can also be harmful. True, it is believed that they are harmful only if they are consumed in large quantities. However, there are a number of contraindications in which even a small amount of tangerine can cause damage to health. Thus, tangerines are contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes of the intestinal tract;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis, in which there is increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • hepatitis;
  • nephritis;
  • cholecystitis.

If you suffer from one or more of these diseases, then it is better to limit the consumption of tangerine or, if exacerbations occur, to temporarily abandon them.

In addition, tangerines contain a lot of sugar, so these fruits are contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes mellitus.

And, of course, those who are allergic to citrus fruits should avoid eating tangerines. Do not neglect the advice, since tangerine is a powerful allergen and can cause serious violations and disorders. This applies primarily to children, since they are more susceptible to allergic reactions.

And finally, I should add: even if none of the contraindications bother you, do not rush to overeat with this fruit, it is better to know the limit in everything, even in vitamins. As practice shows, in some cases, an excess of vitamins in the body can lead to an acute disorder, that is, hypervitaminosis.

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Tangerine mania: everything is useful - from the peel to the seed.

Appearance on the shelves grocery stores tangerines are a sure sign of the approaching New Year holidays, a Christmas tree and Santa Claus.

However, this citrus is valuable not only for its unique taste and aroma, but also healing properties. Tangerines benefits calorie content

Tangerines - protection against colds

Thanks to the rich vitamin composition tangerines help the body resist colds during a virus attack. And tangerine phytoncides also have antimicrobial properties.

Plus, orange fruit is a “keeper” of ascorbic acid, the leader among fruits in calcium content, contains vitamins A, D, K, B, thiamine, riboflavin, rutin.

Tangerines calorie content

Tangerines are a dietary product. They contain carbohydrates (saturate the body with energy), fiber (quenches hunger), flavonoids (normalize digestion, intestinal microflora, fight constipation).

And most importantly, tangerines are low-calorie (we're talking about sour ones).

Important! You should not replace all meals with them (it is fraught with the development of gastritis). Best used as a snack.

The benefits and harms of tangerines for the liver

The pulp of this citrus contains choline, a substance that prevents the deposition of fat in the liver and improves its detoxification function. In addition, tangerines effectively reduce increased level cholesterol in the blood.

If you eat them regularly (in reasonable quantities), this will be an excellent prevention of the development of atherosclerosis.

Mandarin peel: benefits and harms

It is widely used in folk medicine to lower blood sugar levels. Rinse the peels of three medium tangerines thoroughly. Pour in a liter of water and keep on low heat for twenty minutes. Drain the water and eat the peel. Do this once a day. The course is two weeks.

For fungal skin infections, wipe the affected areas with fresh tangerine peel several times a day.

Important! Before using these recipes, be sure to consult your doctor.

Mandarin slices

Many people peel the white mesh between the tangerine slices. And in vain. These threads contain glucosides - substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Is it possible to eat tangerine seeds?

But you can’t eat them. But seeds can be used to make excellent cosmetic product- anti-cellulite body scrub. Pour two teaspoons of ground coffee into a glass of boiling water and leave. Drink coffee and mix the grounds with a teaspoon of chopped tangerine seeds.

Apply the mixture to problem areas right after the shower. Massage the skin for five to ten minutes once a week. The course is a month.

Important! Tangerines are contraindicated for inflammatory diseases stomach (gastritis, ulcers, high acidity), since citrus irritates the mucous membrane. Not recommended for allergies, colitis, nephritis, hepatitis.

Dear readers of the blog “Be Healthy”, watch the video “Tangerines benefits, calories”

New Year's tangerines. Benefits and calories

Fragrant, bright and juicy tangerines have long been associated with the New Year. The aroma of these fresh citrus fruits, together with the smell of a Christmas tree or pine, saturates the house with a feeling of celebration and comfort on a cold winter evening. This smell is so closely intertwined with the coniferous aroma of spruce that it is sometimes difficult to know where one ends and the other begins.

Always under the tree, in addition to beautifully wrapped gifts and various sweets, located large dish with tangerines. This New Year’s tradition, which came to us from scarce Soviet times, has taken root in the vastness of Russian democracy. Moreover, the choice of these fruits has become much more extensive, and you can get them without problems at any time of the year. Different varieties They carry different taste and color sensations, but one thing remains unchanged - this is a special tangerine-New Year spirit. Probably in every house in New Year you can see tangerines. They not only taste good, but are also very healthy and New Year's table always occupy a prominent place, and children often prefer them to candy.
It is generally accepted that Orange color tangerines already subconsciously evoke in people a feeling of joy, delight, and elation. When you see these bright, cute fruits, you already feel happy and good. In Japan, there is a tradition according to which they symbolize the longevity of the family. So eat more tangerines - and many, many more wonderful holidays will await you.
These orange fruits appear in our markets and stores with late autumn and bring with them a good mood, a charge of vigor, vitamins and a feeling of celebration.
All citrus fruits are rich in special substances - phytoncides, which really cause a good mood, and high content vitamins and organic acids enhance positive effect. Tangerine juice improves digestion and goes well with meat, and some elements included in the sunny fruit improve visual acuity and prevent many diseases from appearing.
There is a version that the mandarin got its name in honor of the rulers Ancient China. Fragrant citrus was considered a great luxury in those days; only the richest and most noble residents of the country - tangerines - helped themselves to indulge in them. At the same time, the custom arose of presenting the fruits of the tangerine tree to the rulers of China as a sign of devotion and respect. Mandarin has become widespread in Asian countries because it is the most cold-resistant of all citrus crops. At the beginning of the nineteenth century it was brought to Europe, from where it spread throughout the southern and western Mediterranean and other regions Black Sea coast Caucasus and Azerbaijan.
Mandarin is a member of the citrus family, which means it contains a lot of vitamin C, contains vitamin D, which has an antirachitic effect, and vitamin K, which can provide elasticity. blood vessels. But there are no nitrates in these fruits, because these substances do not get along with citric acid.

Useful and medicinal properties
There are many ways to use tangerines in medicinal purposes. Thus, tangerine juice is a healthy dietary and medicinal drink. It is especially recommended for children, even infants, and the sick. Drinking plenty of juice is an excellent prevention of helminthiasis.
The juice is used in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. These fruits contain large amounts of the phenolic amino acid synephrine, which is a well-known decongestant and decongestant. To cleanse the lungs of mucus, it is recommended to drink a glass of tangerine juice every morning.
For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by diarrhea, they are very useful fresh fruits. Tangerine peel is included in the mixture medicinal plants to obtain a bitter tincture, which is used in medicine to increase appetite and improve digestion, take 10-20 drops 15-30 minutes before meals.
For diabetes, it is recommended to drink a decoction of the peel, which helps lower blood sugar levels. The peel of 3 fruits is boiled for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water, then the drink needs to be cooled. Keep the broth unstrained in the refrigerator and take half a glass twice a day.
At skin diseases the effect of phytoncides contained in these fruits is so strong that fresh juice kills some fungi - trichophytosis, microsporia. To heal skin and nails affected by fungus, you should repeatedly rub juice from a tangerine slice or peel into them.
Despite their medicinal properties, tangerines can also cause harm. Thus, they irritate the kidneys and mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, they should not be used for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, for gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, enteritis, colitis and exacerbations, inflammatory bowel diseases, as well as for cholecystitis, hepatitis and acute nephritis.
First of all, orange fruits are loved for their taste - sweet, without a bitter aftertaste, the sugar content is 7% higher than in oranges. Their crust is easily separated from the slices; there are seedless varieties that do not deteriorate when long-term storage, retain all vitamins and do not contain nitrates. But in terms of the content of vitamins, valuable acids and microelements, they can safely be included in the category of record holders. Tangerines contain folic and beta-carotene acid, potassium, magnesium and calcium, vitamins C, P, B1, B2, A, D, K.
It is recommended to eat the whole fruit - along with the white mesh containing glycosides - substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. And you shouldn’t throw away the peel, it is also very useful due to the content of essential oils, organic acids, flavonoids, vitamin C, and carotene. A drink made from a decoction of tangerine peel and honey improves the production of gastric secretions and stimulates the absorption of food, and is simply very tasty.
You can make delicious candied fruits from the peels, which are an excellent substitute for candy. The main scope of application is fruit salads, jams, compotes and jellies, and not only. These citrus fruits get along well with various vegetables, rice, meat and fish, so they can also be used as an ingredient in the most different salads and hot dishes.
Tangerines smell of miracle, mystery, fairy tale, snow, Christmas tree and good mood. It is worth starting to peel them, at any time of the year, and, inhaling this delicate, sweet, peculiar aroma, we mentally move into the atmosphere New Year's holiday. For this alone you can love them.
The amazing effect of the smell is in the essential oil of mandarin, which its orange peel is so rich in. This oil is quite caustic and changes its properties depending on temperature and sunlight- it can burn. It contains α-limonene, citral, aldehydes, alcohols, anthranilic acid methyl ester. The combination of these components gives the oil, fruits, leaves and young shoots a unique smell that lifts your spirits and gives you vigor. And it’s a pleasure to look at these fruits, bright orange, they give us a feeling of joy, delight and elation.

What else are useful for tangerines?
They are rich in B vitamins, provitamin A and vitamin P, ascorbic acid, mineral salts. But they should not be consumed if you are allergic to citrus fruits.
Tangerine juice will help cope with fever, quench thirst, cleanse the lungs for those suffering from asthma and bronchitis, and restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines. By rubbing the juice into the skin, you can cure diseases such as thrush and nail fungus.
Tinctures based on tangerine peel help improve appetite, and a decoction softens cough. Well, the essential oil from these fruits is recognized as one of the best means from depression and bad mood.
The oil is widely used in cosmetology and is suitable for almost all skin types and age categories. It is equally effective in fighting wrinkles and acne and also soothes sensitive skin. It also helps get rid of cellulite.
For obesity
Research conducted in South Korea has shown that consuming tangerines reduces fat accumulations V abdominal cavity.
Experiments have demonstrated precisely these medicinal properties of this type of fruit, called “tangerine” in South Korea. During the experiment, 30 overweight schoolchildren regularly drank tangerine drink for two months and performed physical exercise. Participants in another control group also did exercises for two months, but were not given a drink. As a result, it turned out that the participants in the first group got rid of 1.5% excess weight.
Another experiment found that rats injected with tangerine concentrate for two months lost 59% of their abdominal fat and lost 45% of their weight. Similar injections into another group of experimental rats showed that these fruits helped restore the liver.
Now the Korean Rural Development Service is creating a medicinal drink based on mandarin that helps fight obesity, as well as senile dementia.
More early studies showed that the fruit bark contains a large amount of polymethoxylated flavones, which have an antiatherosclerotic effect. Once in the body, they neutralize free forms of oxygen and accelerate the process of breakdown of low-density lipoproteins. In addition, an increase in their content in the body leads to a decrease in total cholesterol content. When 1% flavones were added to the diet of hamsters, the content of low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol decreased by 35-40%.
Scientists from South Korea It has been proven that tangerines help with liver function. Their juice reduces the degree of fatty liver, and this disease occurs in many people. Moreover, it helps you lose weight.
Japanese scientists have found that the substances contained in these citrus fruits prevent the deposition of cholesterol and help protect the heart and blood vessels from atherosclerosis. The pulp consists of approximately 89.7% water and 7.6-12% sugars. At the same time, there are no nitrates in them, the guarantee of their absence is lemon acid.
In order to clear the lungs and bronchi of accumulated mucus, you need to drink a glass of fresh juice in the morning. For bronchitis or tracheitis, a decoction of dry tangerine peel in water, which has an expectorant effect, is useful. These fruits also help with heavy menopausal bleeding. Fresh Juice recommended for children and patients as a dietary and medicinal drink. At elevated temperature body juice will help cope with thirst. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, tangerine has antimicrobial and antiviral effect, which means it can be used to prevent acute respiratory infections and influenza.
Calorie content
These delicious fruits, for all their sweetness, are part of the group dietary products and contain from 28 to 52 kcal per 100 grams of product. Caloric content may vary depending on the degree of ripening, size and variety of the fruit.
Choosing the most delicious tangerine is not difficult at all. The taste can be determined by eye. The most sour ones are slightly flattened, medium-sized - Unshiu. Their only advantage is the absence of seeds. Huge, thick-skinned Santra tangerines are the easiest to peel, but they also lack sweetness.