Signs of bladder disease in women symptoms. What you need to know about bladder disease

Various functional disorders urinary system bring significant discomfort to everyday life women. In addition to frequent urination and severe pain, diseases Bladder women require changes in diet and daily routine. Bladder treatment is a lengthy process, in which all doctor's recommendations must be followed in strict order. Only in the case of timely measures taken, it is possible to achieve positive results and forget about unpleasant symptoms illness.

The most common bladder problems in women are:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hyperreflex bladder;
  • leukoplakia.

Less common are ailments such as cystocele, oncological formations.


It is considered the most common disease of the bladder, the symptoms of which are extremely unpleasant. The disease manifests itself in inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. The risk of developing this disease in women is greater than in men; this is because the female urethra is shorter and wider.

Signs by which you can suspect the presence of cystitis:

  • pain sensations of a aching character in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent urination;
  • feeling that the bladder does not empty completely, even after going to the toilet;
  • the color of urine may change to dark, with blood impurities;
  • body temperature increases;
  • urine has an unpleasant pungent odor;
  • pain and burning during urination, peak pain syndrome observed at the end of urine output.

In addition to these symptoms, a woman may experience general weakness, malaise, nausea and vomiting (reaction to infectious intoxication).

Scientists have found that urolithiasis develops due to genetic disorders in metabolism and is manifested by such symptoms:

  • The pain syndrome has a aching paroxysmal character, which is localized in the lumbar region and radiates to the vulvar zone (labia).
  • Difficulty and frequent urination, the urine stream may be interrupted, as the stones in the bladder may interfere with its normal outflow.
  • Urine may be cloudy or mixed with blood, as sharp stones damage the walls of the ureter.
  • Deterioration general condition, the appearance of chills, which indicates the presence of an infection in the urinary system.

Conservative treatment is aimed at combating pain, splitting stones and removing them with urine. Medicines are prescribed depending on the composition of the stones.

If the stones have a phosphate etiology, then diuretic, anti-inflammatory and diphosphonate drugs are prescribed. Also in this case, herbal treatment at home is recommended as an adjunct therapy.

When stones have an oxalate etiology, citrate suppositories, vitamins and diuretics are prescribed.

In the presence of urate stones, drugs are prescribed that slow down the process of urea synthesis and change uric acidity in order to dissolve the stones and excrete them from the body along with urine. If there is a need to relieve pain, then antispasmodics and analgesics are indicated. In the presence of bacterial infection antibiotics are prescribed.

If the stones have big sizes and drug treatment does not bring the desired results, they resort to surgical intervention.

Most frequent operations are as follows:

  1. Transurethral cystolitholapaxy. It is carried out under the general or local anesthesia. The specialist inserts a tube with a camera through the urethra, which fixes the stones in the bladder. With the help of a laser, the calculi are split into small pieces and washed out of the bladder with fluid.
  2. Subcutaneous suprapubic cystolitholapaxy. The operation is under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the lower abdomen, and then in the bladder, and directly through it removes the stones.
  3. Open cystotomy. The procedure is similar to the subcutaneous one, but in this case, a large incision is made on the abdomen and bladder at the same time. The operation is done under general anesthesia and when, in addition to the removal of stones, the patient also needs some type of bladder surgery.

Urolithiasis requires timely diagnosis and treatment, otherwise serious disorders may develop.

hyperreflex bladder

This pathology is characterized by the fact that the reflex to urinate occurs much earlier than filling. Symptoms of this disease are manifested only in frequent urination in small portions, which rarely encourages the patient to seek medical attention. medical care. However, if the pathology is not treated in time, then there is a risk of developing involuntary urination. The patient has a strong desire to empty himself and cannot bear even a few seconds. This trouble brings not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. Many women withdraw into themselves, some even refuse their usual communication and lose their jobs.

The most common reasons why such a pathology of the urinary system develops in women:
  • organic - congenital pathologies or mechanical disturbances of the bladder;
  • functional - under the influence of neurogenic dysfunction, the muscles responsible for holding and excreting urine receive incorrect signals from the nervous system.

The method of treatment of a hyperreflex bladder will depend on provoking factors. If the disorder arose due to injuries, then in this case, surgical intervention can be performed.

If the cause was neurogenic dysfunction- carry out conservative treatment with prescription of antidepressants. Drugs are selected that, in addition to a calming effect, have a central anticholinergic effect on the body. Experienced doctor studies the patient, controlling urination, conducts psychological therapy. The frequency of urination and the intervals between them are recorded and analyzed.

According to statistics, the treatment of this disorder leads to positive result, however, you need to follow all the instructions of the attending physician - then all the symptoms will disappear and the quality of life will improve.


Leukoplakia is a disease of the bladder in women, in which the protective tissue of the bladder becomes keratinized and defenseless against the constituents of urine and inflammatory processes. Women are more susceptible to the disease than men.

The main symptom of leukoplakia is severe aching pain in the pelvic region. There is also burning and pain during urination. If not start timely treatment, over time, the general condition of the body worsens.

When the disease worsens, these symptoms are joined by signs of cystitis.

The danger is that the patient for a long time treats cystitis, which does not bring positive results.

Only after careful laboratory research leukoplakia is diagnosed, which is a precancerous disease.

In addition, the walls of the bladder lose their elasticity and are not able to fully perform their functions, which often leads to kidney failure.

Treatment of leukoplakia is prescribed on an individual basis, depending on the stage of the disease, lesions and the general condition of the patient. Treatment can be either conservative or surgical.

At drug treatment appoint:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs that stimulate the immune system;
  • fortifying drugs.

In addition, the bladder is irrigated with special solutions.

If conservative treatment has shown to be ineffective, surgical intervention- using a laser, the affected areas of the epithelium are removed.

The urinary system of a woman can suffer from many types of lesions. In any case, treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a urologist and never self-medicate.

Among women. Symptoms are usually pronounced, patients complain of pain during emptying and white discharge. Because of anatomical structure anomalies and defects of the bladder, as well as inflammatory processes, polyps, fistulas, tumors, etc., are observed several times more often in the fairer sex.

The most common is typically female disease is cystitis. Frequent hypothermia, STD infections, stress provoke in women. The symptoms are presented as frequent trips to the toilet, cramps during urination, sensations incomplete emptying and unbearable pain during movement. Many girls are embarrassed to go to the gynecologist, delaying the problem and aggravating the situation.

In this regard, it is easier for men - they rarely have such deviations. And the thing is that the bladder in women is much shorter, and, accordingly, it is much easier for harmful microorganisms to penetrate into it. In addition to this, the girls lymphatic system directly related to the genitals, which increases the risk pathological reactions for any inflammation.

According to medical statistics, every fourth representative of the fair sex suffered from this disease in her life, and every 8th has chronic stage cystitis. The main causes of an unpleasant disease are infections: Proteus, staphylococcus aureus, fungus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and coli, Trichomonas. The symptoms of bladder disease are as follows:

False urge to empty;

Possible signs of incontinence;

Burning, cutting during or at the end of urination.

The clinical picture is observed for about a week and a half, then the symptoms may subside and reappear after some time if appropriate treatment is not started. Meet throughout life various diseases bladder in women. The symptoms of almost all pathologies are similar. Another disease that occurs mainly in the weaker sex is leukoplakia. It is characterized pathological changes mucous membrane that lines the bladder.

Until the end, science does not know the etiology and features of the course of the disease. Possible factors its development is considered to be chronic and viral infections urinary system, and hormonal imbalance. Signs of leukoplakia are similar to the clinic of chronic cystitis, the only difference is that in patients with this disease, urination is practically not disturbed. There is a burning sensation in the lower abdomen, dull or aching pain in the perineum, above the pubis, in the vagina, inguinal region and spasms.

The listed complaints are classified as chronic syndrome. To determine the cause, it is required complete diagnostics. First of all, you need to pass a urine test, blood test and ultrasound. At the slightest sign it is better to visit a doctor, because there are serious and very dangerous diseases bladder in women. Symptoms are just manifestations that signal a malfunction in the body.

Bladder disease in women is a problem that occurs very often. This is due to the fact that in women the urethra is much shorter than in men, and therefore the infection very easily penetrates the bladder, causing infectious lesions of this body. In addition, many bladder diseases are caused by in the wrong way life, improper diet, insufficient fluid intake.

Most of us, knowing how the bladder hurts, find it difficult to name the symptoms of specific diseases, as well as ourselves. possible diseases. Let's look into this issue.

Symptoms of diseases affecting the bladder

Symptoms of bladder neurosis

Neurosis of the bladder usually occurs in people of age. Main manifestation this disease- the fact that the walls of the bladder are irritated, lose elasticity, as well as the sphincter of the bladder. Patients complain that they want to urinate for no reason, do it often and usually to no avail. Often there are situations of incontinence, which is a real shock, causing shame, self-doubt.

Symptoms of bladder endometriosis

This disease often occurs as a consequence of the uterus. It has been proven that endometrial cells, including those affected, can "travel" through a woman's body, causing endometriosis. various bodies. Symptoms of endometriosis, in relation to the bladder, are a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, which increases as you approach " critical days". Urination becomes painful and excessively frequent. There may also be dysuria, pain in the corresponding area that radiates to the rectum.

Cold bladder symptoms

If the bladder has a cold, then in scientific language they talk about its inflammation. As with any inflammation, there is constant feeling overcrowding of the bladder, the urge to urinate becomes unbearably frequent. Painful urination.

Bladder tumor symptoms

Tumors in the bladder can be either benign or malignant. In this case, tumors can be both internal and superficial. Symptoms of a bladder tumor are as follows: the appearance of blood in the urine, urination disorders, pain that occurs in the pubic area, and gradually spreads to the entire pelvic area.

Salts in the bladder - symptoms

Salts in the urine are most often caused by malnutrition. They are usually excreted in the urine, but may remain, forming stones. Signs of salt in the urine - cloudy color of urine, changing its color up to red, frequent desire urinate, pain in the lower back and below.

Symptoms of irritable bladder syndrome

This disease manifests itself in painful urination, especially at night, a constant feeling that the bladder is not empty.

Symptoms of bladder tuberculosis

The main symptom of tuberculosis is painful urination with blood in the urine.

Symptoms of sclerosis of the bladder neck

Has signs of chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis. Bladder dysfunction is a symptom that always accompanies bladder sclerosis.

Symptoms of sand in the bladder

If there are grains of sand in the bladder, then this can manifest itself in constant cystitis, a feeling of pain during urination.

If you suffer from bladder spasms, the symptoms may be frequent and painful urge to empty the bladder, which does not work, which develops into urinary incontinence.

As you can see, any disease of the bladder produces similar symptoms. Only if the bladder bursts, the symptoms will be expressed in sharp pain, up to shock.

- a very common phenomenon among women, among the fair sex it is rare to find someone who would not be familiar with the symptoms of these diseases.


The most common bladder problems in women are:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • leukoplakia.

Much less often in women, there are symptoms of diseases such as cystocele.

This bacterial inflammation internal . Symptoms of cystitis are familiar to more than half of women over the age of 20 years.

The causative agents of this disease in most cases are Escherichia coli and Trichomonas, much less often Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Microorganisms enter the cavity of the bladder ascending from the rectum and external genitalia.

Much less often, women develop the so-called secondary cystitis. This type of disease is caused by radiation therapy cancerous tumors, urolithiasis, exposure to toxins, some medicines.

In women, the urethra is shorter and wider than in men, which is why the fairer sex suffers from this disease many times more often.

However, the starting factor for the development of cystitis is a violation of urodynamics and a weakening of the immune system as a result of chronic inflammatory processes in the body and hypothermia.

The main symptoms of cystitis:

  • cramps or paroxysmal pain in the place where the bladder is located - in the lower abdomen;
    frequent urination;
  • the process of urination is accompanied by such symptoms: burning and severe itching;
  • cloudy urine, sometimes the appearance of small streaks of blood in it.

According to the form of the course, chronic and acute cystitis. And chronic form is a consequence of not fully cured acute.

Moreover, one of the reasons chronic course disease is self-incompetent treatment.

Signs of cystitis in women are nonspecific, similar symptoms have others, therefore, before starting treatment, an accurate and qualified diagnosis is necessary.

Usually do clinical analysis urine and ultrasound to exclude pathologies of the reproductive system in a woman.

During acute course when pressing on the area where the bladder is located, pain appears. If pronounced listed symptoms, then holding endoscopic examination contraindicated.

Cystoscopy is done only when protracted course illness.

Treatment of any form of this disease is only antibacterial. Moreover, in order to check the diagnosis, it is worth doing a urine culture with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics.


If necessary, the treatment is adjusted. To maintain the body, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed, and to enhance the effect of antibiotics, uroseptic agents are prescribed.

Parallel to drug therapy you can try to alleviate the symptoms of the disease using herbal treatment.

Decoctions of chamomile flowers, birch leaves or buds, juniper fruits, wild strawberry leaves, kidney tea have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

If cystitis was the result of an infection of the reproductive system, then treatment should begin with solving this problem. Also, during an exacerbation of inflammation of the bladder, complete sexual rest is necessary.

Treatment of cystitis must necessarily be supplemented with a diet. Spicy, salty and smoked dishes should be excluded from the diet.

Ideal as a drink cranberry juice, as this drink has an antimicrobial effect.

Prevention of cystitis consists in regular hygiene, especially before and after sexual intercourse. Hypothermia should also be avoided, in particular during the off-season.

Urolithiasis disease

Formation problems are infrequent. Usually this flow urolithiasis typical for men after 45 years with prostate adenoma.

Urolithiasis pathology

In women, stones in the bladder are formed as a result of prolonged violation urodynamics or get there in a descending way from the kidneys through the ureters. The root cause of urolithiasis is a metabolic disorder.

Symptoms of bladder stones are different from urolithiasis with localization in the kidneys. The following symptoms are usually observed:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • abrupt interruption of urination due to blockage of the urethral sphincter with a stone;
  • severe burning during urination;
  • the appearance of blood streaks in the urine due to damage by crystals or fragments of the internal mucous membrane of the urinary tract.

Symptoms usually worsen after prolonged exposure vertical position, physical activity, running, jumping, bumpy ride. And, conversely, the signs of the disease subside in the supine position or at rest.

Medical preparations

If there is sand or small crystals in the bladder, then in women, due to physiological characteristics treatment is easier.

A complex of antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory drugs is usually prescribed. For prevention bacterial complications carry out antimicrobial treatment.

In some cases, crushing and extraction of stones from the bladder is carried out during catheterization of the organ and the introduction of the necessary instruments into its cavity.

Prevention of urolithiasis is balanced diet, adequate fluid intake, active lifestyle.

Violation of innervation

These occur with equal frequency in both women and men.

The main causes of such a disease are circulatory disorders of the tissues of the organ, trauma and damage. spinal cord, in old age.

Symptoms of violation of the nervous regulation of the bladder are manifested in violation of urination. With an increase in tone (hyperreflex bladder syndrome), signs of urgent urination are observed.

Symptoms of cystitis

That is, the urge to empty the bladder is so intense that a person is not able to restrain it.

On early stage patients complain only of frequent urination, and the volume of urine separated is very small.

Symptoms of frequent urination differ from those of cystitis in that there is no pain syndrome in case of violation of innervation.

Treatment of a hyperreflex bladder is to eliminate the cause of this disease.

To alleviate the patient's condition, the symptoms of urinary incontinence are eliminated by the appointment of drugs that selectively affect the muscles of the bladder and urinary tract.

If necessary, the treatment is supplemented with medications that inhibit the process of urination and improve the blood supply to the organs of the urinary system.


Leukoplakia of the bladder

This disease mainly affects women. With this pathology, there is a replacement epithelial tissue connective lining of the bladder. Some doctors consider leukoplakia initial stage cancer process.

Leukoplakia develops under the influence of the herpes virus and pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases.

The clinical picture of this disease looks like a course of cystitis. The main symptoms of leukoplakia are pain in the lower abdomen, frequent and intermittent urination, pain and burning during urination.

The treatment of this disease of the bladder at an early stage is medical. Prescribe drugs that affect pathogenic microflora, drugs that improve blood circulation.

With a running course, treatment consists in resection of the keratinized area of ​​the bladder.

Today we will talk about:

Bladder inflammation in medical practice is called cystitis.

Cystitisinflammatory lesion mucosa that lines the wall of the bladder. This insidious disease- real scourge modern woman. It robs a woman of confidence and makes her dependent on the bathroom.

Men also suffer, but at times less often: it's all about the device of the genitourinary apparatus. Untreated inflammation of the bladder leads to severe complications, which is why the problem cannot be ignored.

Causes of inflammation of the bladder

There are at least a dozen possible causes inflammation of the bladder in women:

  • Hypothermia. Hypothermia itself is not capable of leading to cystitis. The bottom line is that as a result of exposure to cold on the body defensive forces immunity is drastically reduced. This great occasion to enhance the activity of the pathogenic microflora of the bladder, which is present in all people without exception.
  • Infectious lesions of the body. This is not only about inflammatory processes in the pelvic area. The source may be far away and come, as they say, from where they were not expected. Any unsanitized focus of infection, up to carious teeth can cause cystitis.
  • Physical inactivity. With prolonged sitting in the pelvic organs, congestion. The result is inflammation.
  • Infrequent visits to the restroom. This is especially true for women. Urethra, the urethra, in the fairer sex, is short and wide. This is the gateway to infection. With rare urination, the bladder creates an ideal environment for the reproduction of various pathogens.
  • Wrong diet. The predominance of animal fats in the daily menu and the lack of vitamins lead to a decrease protective systems organism.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Abuse of products that irritate the bladder mucosa.
  • Diabetes.
  • Peak hormonal states (this includes periods of menstruation, pregnancy, menopause).
  • Unprotected intercourse. pathogens sexually transmitted diseases often affects not only the genitals, but also the urethra. Especially often we are talking about gonorrhea.
  • Kidney problems. In the descending pathway, kidney infections can descend into the bladder with urine.

These are the main causes of bladder inflammation in women.

Signs of inflammation of the bladder in women

Cystitis is characterized by its manifestations:

Pain syndrome. Refers to the first symptoms of inflammation of the bladder in women. Both sharp and chronic cystitis accompanied by pain. In the acute phase, the intensity of the pain syndrome is higher. Patients describe their discomfort, as "aching", "dull pulling". Pain is aggravated during urination, as well as immediately after it.

Frequent urge to urinate. They also appear as the first symptoms of inflammation of the bladder in women. The urge is false, there is no urine or it flows out drop by drop. The source of the problem lies in the inflammation of the mucous membrane and its irritation. IN normal condition irritation of the shell of the organ occurs due to the accumulation of urine. Frequency false calls- up to 20 times a day.

Polyuria. IN individual cases possible increase daily diuresis. The normal volume of urine coming out per day is 1.5-2 liters. Anything above is polyuria.

Imperative urge to urinate.

Hematuria (blood in the urine). It is not always observed, only when hemorrhagic form diseases when the vessels of the body are affected.

Bad smell of urine. The reason is the active reproduction of bacteria.

Cloudy color of urine.

Symptoms general intoxication, such as: headache, hyperthermia (up to 39 degrees), nausea, dizziness.

Specific signs of bladder inflammation in women vary from patient to patient. Cystitis may not make itself felt until the last. In some patients, the symptoms are blurred, especially when it comes to a chronic process.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the bladder in women

  • Diagnosis begins with a visit to the doctor's office. Cystitis is treated by urologists. If in pathological process the kidneys are also involved, one cannot do without consulting a nephrologist (not to be confused with a neurologist).
  • First of all, the doctor asks the patient questions about his condition, then performs palpation (physical examination). This is enough to make a primary diagnosis, because the symptoms are characteristic. To rule out more serious illnesses, like an oncological lesion of the bladder and to confirm cystitis, the doctor prescribes a number of instrumental and laboratory tests.

Instrumental studies include:

ultrasound examination with contrast agent. Allows you to identify structural changes in the body.

MRI/CT diagnostics. It is prescribed for suspected oncology.

Cystoscopy. It consists in the introduction of an endoscope into the urethra and a visual assessment of the state of the organ from the inside.

Laboratory studies reveal inflammatory process. In the general analysis of urine, protein, leukocytes, and possibly blood (with hematuria) will be found. General analysis blood also gives a picture of inflammation: increased concentration of leukocytes, monocytes, ESR.

At infectious origin diseases, urine is also taken for crops. Fortunately, malignant pathologies of the pelvic organs are not so common. But people over 40 need to be on their guard.

Treatment of inflammation of the bladder in women

Treatment of inflammation of the bladder in women is a delicate procedure. In no case should you self-medicate. This is a direct path to process timing. For treatment, drugs are prescribed:

Anti-inflammatory. To remove inflammation.

Diuretic drugs (diuretics) are prescribed to keep urine from stagnating.

Antibacterial drugs for infectious origin. It is important to prescribe only those antibiotics for which pathogenic flora resistance has not developed.

At the end acute period shows the appointment of physiotherapy.

Complications of inflammation of the bladder in women

The question arises: why do you need to go to the doctor? Is there really nothing you can do on your own? Indeed, in the case of cystitis, it is not recommended to delay radiation. Treatment of inflammation of the bladder in women should begin immediately, otherwise there is a high risk of developing terrible complications:

  • . It consists in inflammation of the structures of the kidneys. If cystitis exists long time, from the bladder, the pathogenic microflora moves along the ascending path to the kidneys.
  • Scarring of the walls of the bladder. Occurs most often. It leads to the inability of the body to stretch normally. As a result, bladder ruptures are possible.
  • The return of urine through the ureter to the kidneys. Severe complication, almost 100% leading to kidney problems.
  • Purulent inflammation of the bladder. They do not occur very often in the practice of doctors. This serious condition requires immediate surgical attention.
  • . It is the result of a long-term chronic course.

Prevention of inflammation of the bladder in women

Specific prevention methods include:

Wearing loose underwear. Tight and dense underwear leads to compression of the genitals and the blood vessels that feed them. As a result, the normal nutrition of the bladder deteriorates, besides, with thick underwear, it is difficult to maintain hygiene.

Regular (every 2-3 hours) going to the toilet. Urine should not stagnate.

Refusal of products containing irritants. Onions, garlic, tomatoes, etc.


By adhering to these rules for the prevention of inflammation of the bladder in women, a serious reduction in the risk of getting sick is possible.

Cystitis- the disease does not pass without a trace. It is a difficult but often quiet problem that a woman prefers to deal with on her own. This is a serious mistake.

Effective treatment of cystitis is possible only in initial period, then, when the pathology is chronic, you can only stop the symptoms during exacerbations. It is important to see a doctor in time, and even better to prevent the disease itself.

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