Peanuts: benefits, harms and norms for daily consumption. Ground peanuts: benefits and harms of the nut, contraindications for use

Peanuts, although called groundnuts, are not classified as nuts. It is a representative of legumes. Peanuts, the benefits and harms of which are currently of interest to nutritionists, are very popular all over the world. It is a pod with rough walls, inside of which there are yellowish fruits covered with dark pink skin. The beneficial properties of peanuts are known to many, but this product can also have a negative effect on the human body. What are the benefits and harms of peanuts?

Beneficial and medicinal properties of peanuts

  • 1. Peanuts are a very nutritious food. The protein and vegetable fats contained in its fruits are well absorbed by the body. In addition, groundnuts are rich in a whole range of vitamins and minerals. For example, the content of magnesium and phosphorus in 100 grams of peanuts corresponds to half the daily value of these macroelements for a person. It should be noted that there is no cholesterol in it. This makes peanuts a great choice for a healthy diet.
  • 2. Linoleic acid, which is part of peanuts, is known to prevent the development of sclerosis. A sufficient amount of this acid in the human body promotes the independent synthesis of another important unsaturated fatty acid: arachidonic acid. These substances reduce blood cholesterol levels and protect body cells from negative influences.
  • 3. Peanut's ability to increase blood clotting makes it useful for hemophilia and also reduces the likelihood of hemorrhages.
  • 4. Discussions on the topic “peanuts: benefits and harms” are constantly taking place among nutritionists. Undoubtedly, the antioxidant properties of this product are invaluable for the body. Peanuts are useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases; they can slow down aging and the growth of cancer. Peanuts also promote the breakdown of fats, which makes the peanut diet very popular among women.
  • 5. Peanuts help the body fight infections by improving the functioning of the immune system. The natural amino acid tryptophan contained in groundnuts synthesizes the hormone serotonin in the human body. An increased amount of this hormone can lift a patient out of severe depression, cure a phobia, and recover from stress. Therefore, regular consumption of peanuts has a positive effect on the human nervous system.
  • 6. Natural fiber, which the peanut kernel itself consists of, can prevent intestinal cancer, cholelithiasis, improve digestion, and remove harmful substances from the body.
  • 7. Scientists have proven that peanuts can improve the hormonal balance of the human body. This property of groundnuts leads to relief from infertility in people who often consume it. This applies to both men and women. And folic acid, which peanuts are rich in, reduces the risk of various pathologies developing in the unborn child.
  • 8. Products made from peanuts are healthy. Peanut butter contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, since the processing of groundnuts into oil preserves all the beneficial properties of the plant product. Peanut milk, made from water and peanut flour, has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines. Its use is especially useful for gastritis and even stomach ulcers. Peanut butter is a tasty and high-calorie product, a breakfast of which can provide the body with energy for the whole day.
  • 9. Roasted peanuts, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many scientists, are tastier than raw ones. When roasting peanuts, the concentration of antioxidants increases, therefore, its benefits to the body increase. In addition, if the storage conditions of peanuts are violated, roasting them prevents the development of mold in them.
  • 10. Regular consumption of small amounts of groundnuts can improve hearing, memory, attention, and genital function.
  • 11. Rice porridge with peanuts is an excellent recipe for a lingering dry cough. This remedy can also be used to treat children.

Harmful properties of peanuts

  • 1. According to many scientists, the benefits and harms of peanuts are approximately equal. For example, the skin of groundnut kernels can cause allergies. This may cause redness and itching of the skin, as well as heartburn, vomiting and swelling of the larynx. Therefore, young children should not be given more than 7-10 nuts at a time, even if they are fresh.
  • 2. The high protein content in peanuts makes it an undesirable product for patients with arthrosis, arthritis and gout.
  • 3. Violation of cultivation and processing technology, as well as improper transportation and storage of groundnuts leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in it - aflatoxins. To prevent eating peanuts from causing allergies and other diseases, you should carefully inspect them when purchasing. There should be no mold on the shell, and there should be no musty smell. It is best to purchase peanuts in a store, and not in spontaneous markets.
  • 4. For many people who prefer peanuts, the benefit and harm at the same time lies in its calorie content: per 100 grams of product there are as many as 550 kcal. Therefore, people who dream of a slim figure should limit its use to a minimum.
  • 5. Due to its ability to thicken the blood, peanuts are prohibited for people with diseased blood vessels and varicose veins.
  • 6. According to scientists who studied roasted peanuts, the benefits and harms of this product are on the same side of the scale. Processing peanuts this way deprives them of many beneficial vitamins. In addition, if purchased fried, this product can infect a person with tuberculosis, salmonellosis, E. coli and other unpleasant diseases. Therefore, it is better to fry peanuts yourself.

Despite all the medicinal properties of peanuts, one must also take into account the harm that this product can cause to the body. Therefore, when choosing peanuts for the prevention or treatment of any disease, you must consult a doctor. It should be remembered that excessive consumption of any product, including groundnuts, can cause various problems in the body.

Peanuts, also sometimes called groundnuts, are a type of legume native to South America, Mexico, and Central America. It is an annual plant with very thin stems that grows very close to the ground. Currently, the most favorable climate for seedlings of this nut is warm and rainy.

Groundnuts, like many others, constantly raise many questions among those who are losing weight and those who monitor their health. How many peanuts can you eat per day? What is its use? What side effects might there be? What is the best way to eat nuts? Should you buy peanuts coated or plain? Why does it have so many calories and is it so delicious?

Let's try to figure it out and find answers to all these questions.


Botanically speaking, peanuts are not nuts. Its composition is more related to products of the legume family, such as peas, lentils and others.

It is quite interesting to watch how this nut grows. First, the flowers bloom, which, due to their weight, lower the thin stem as low as possible to the ground. Eventually the flower burrows into the ground, where the groundnut finally ripens.

The light brown pod, mottled with veins, contains two or three nut kernels. Don't try to cheat by thinking of them as pods. The norm of peanuts per day for a person in all publications is determined in kernels, that is, the nuts themselves. Each oval-shaped one consists of two yellowish lobes covered with a brownish-red peel. It has a bright, buttery, “nutty” taste.

Due to their high protein content and chemical composition, peanuts are often used in a variety of products and processed into oil, paste, flour and cereal.


Want to get the most out of nuts? Choose peanuts. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are not the only things to consider when it comes to this nut. In addition to the fact that this product is surprisingly rich in proteins, it contains a number of useful substances. Further, the norm of micronutrients is indicated at the rate of 28 grams - the approximate daily norm:

  • Calories - 166.
  • Proteins - 7.8 grams.
  • Fat - 14.7 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 4.3 grams.
  • Fiber - 2.6 grams.
  • Calcium - 17.1 grams.
  • Potassium - 203 mg.
  • Magnesium - 49.3 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 111 mg.
  • Sodium - 89.6 mg.
  • Folic acid salt - 33.6 mcg.

Please note that all these data are given for the product in its pure form, without any additives. If, for example, you buy packaged salted peanuts, the nutritional value for them may differ significantly from the above values. The same goes for peanut butter, as many manufacturers use a variety of additives in production. Please read the ingredients carefully before purchasing.

How many peanuts can you eat per day?

In principle, you can eat as much as fits into your daily BZHU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and calorie intake. However, it is very easy to overdo it and go beyond the limits, especially if, for example, you decide to take salted peanuts at the cinema to brighten up your viewing of your favorite movie, since they are high in fat.

On average, experts recommend eating no more than 20-30 grams per day, which corresponds to approximately 20 nuts. Peanuts can be eaten in their pure form as a snack between meals, or used in various dishes. For example, in salads and baked goods.

Many people prefer this option as glazed peanuts. You should be careful here, since, firstly, the amount of sugar and carbohydrates in such a product significantly increases. If you're on a low-carb diet, save this treat for later.

Another format that has become quite popular in recent years in our country is peanut butter (or butter). A good way to diversify your morning porridge and add the necessary protein to your breakfast, or create a small snack by spreading the paste on toast. But again, be careful and pay attention to the composition; many manufacturers add a significant amount of sweeteners.

How are peanuts good for the body?

This nut probably has even more beneficial properties than the ways it can be used in cooking, and believe me, there are many of them. All these advantages are associated with its composition:

  • Heart-healthy fats. Peanuts contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which support heart health and lead to lower cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Squirrels. They are essential for the health of cells in the body, which are constantly being replaced and repaired. In order for new cells to be healthy and damaged ones to be restored correctly, the body urgently needs protein. Peanuts are distinguished by a significant content of vegetable protein, so they must be present in the diet of children, vegetarians and people with protein deficiency.
  • Antioxidants. Their high content not only protects the heart, but also inhibits the growth of free radicals, preventing the occurrence of infections.
  • Minerals. Peanuts are a rich source of minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, calcium, sodium and others. All of them are necessary for the healthy functioning of the body.
  • Vitamins. Peanuts provide the body with essential vitamins, help normalize metabolism and convert fats and carbohydrates into energy. Being a good source of folic acid, it reduces the incidence of birth defects associated with anemia.

Of course, this is not all the benefits of peanuts for the body, but if you list each benefit, you will get a whole treatise.

Side effects

Unfortunately, there are practically no products in the world that can boast only advantages.

Excessive consumption of peanuts can lead to increased gas formation, bloating, heartburn and even the development of food allergies.

Peanut allergy is perhaps one of the most serious food allergies. The reaction in this case usually appears within a few minutes after eating or even touching peanuts or a product containing them. It usually starts with a tingling sensation in the mouth, followed by severe swelling of the face, throat, and mouth. This can lead to difficulty breathing, asthma attacks, anaphylaxis, and even death. Less severe reactions include rash, hives, and stomach upset. People with this type of allergy usually carry an adrenaline shot with them at all times to give their bodies extra time before the ambulance arrives.

If such a condition was diagnosed in infancy, then there is a high probability that the allergy will remain with the person for life. It is rare for a peanut allergy to go away in adulthood. To date, an increase in cases of this disease has been recorded, which has made this nut the subject of numerous studies, due to the severity of the allergic reaction to peanuts. Contraindications will be discussed further.

When to stop using

In addition to allergies directly to peanuts themselves, there are a number of other conditions under which you should avoid consuming them.

This nut is susceptible to contamination with aflatoxin, a potential carcinogen that causes malignancy and is a risk factor for the development of liver carcinoma. If peanuts have turned greenish-yellow in color, they should be discarded immediately and should never be eaten.

The norm outlined in the article is advisory in nature. How many peanuts can you eat per day? If you are prone to edema or are currently suffering from prolonged diarrhea, then for the first time you should still give up all types of nuts, since due to their high fat content, they can aggravate the condition.

Peanuts contain alpha-linoleic acid, which, as most studies have shown, at high concentrations increases the risk of developing prostate cancer.

How to select and store peanuts?

Harm and benefit, calorie content and the amount of micronutrients may not matter if you store nuts incorrectly.

Shelled peanuts are usually sold packaged in containers or by weight. Before purchasing, make sure that the packaging is not damaged, the product is fresh, and that there are no signs of dampness or insects on the packaging and counter. If possible, smell the peanuts to make sure there is no rancid or musty odor.

The whole nut, in shell, is usually sold by weight or in bags. If possible, shake the packaging before purchasing. If the bag feels heavy for its size and does not make any rattling sounds, then the peanuts are good. Also make sure that there are no cracks, dark spots or traces of insects on the shell.

Shelled peanuts should be stored in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator, as exposure to heat, humidity or light can cause a rancid taste. Whole nuts can be stored in a cool place, and the product will last up to 9 months in the refrigerator.

Peanuts for weight loss

More and more often, groundnuts are mentioned in conversations and recipes about weight loss. It sounds strange, but in fact it can really help in getting rid of extra pounds. The main thing is to remember how much peanuts you can eat per day, and not exceed this norm.

Since the nut is rich in fiber and protein, it will keep you feeling full for a long time, preventing you from overeating. Additionally, it takes the stomach about two hours to digest peanuts, compared to thirty minutes for high-carb foods.

Walnut speeds up metabolism. Research has shown that when people consumed moderate amounts of peanuts daily for 19 weeks, subjects' metabolism increased by as much as 11%.

The fats in it contribute to satiety and satisfaction of taste needs, so you suffer less from the inability to enjoy your favorite chocolates.

Peanuts stabilize blood sugar levels, which provides a long-lasting energy boost and reduces cravings for “harmful” foods.


Peanuts are an amazing product. It has the characteristics of a nut, but is also a legume. A rich source of protein, a good product for appetite control and an excellent addition to various salads and even hot dishes. In addition, this is the most common and relatively inexpensive nut (compared to the same almonds) and, unfortunately, it is one of the worst allergens in the world.

But if you're lucky and don't suffer from food allergies, then immediately go grab a couple of bags of peanuts and treat your body and taste buds.

The well-known peanut, or groundnut as it is also called, has taken a strong position in the lives of each of us.

In fact, this product has nothing to do with nuts. It is a member of the legume family and has been used by people since ancient times.

Currently, peanuts are widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology.

The uniqueness of groundnuts lies in the fact that its composition boasts a huge amount of natural antioxidants, which are active fighters against viruses and protect our body from the harmful effects of free radicals.

In addition, the nutritious fruit of peanuts has 12 essential and 8 non-essential amino acids.

By consuming just 100 grams of this product, the human body is able to receive the daily requirement of nutrients.

Peanuts can also boast of containing vitamins of various groups: , C, PP, E, D.

In addition, it also contains in abundance substances that are of great importance for the formation of cells in our body.

These are potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, potassium, sodium, zinc, etc., and the first three places are occupied, respectively:

  • magnesium (46% DV),
  • phosphorus (44%)
  • and potassium (26%).

100 grams of peanuts contain about 600 calories. That is why this valuable product can easily saturate the body not only with energy, but also with vitamins. In addition, peanuts are completely cholesterol-free.

Groundnut fruits are very nutritious and healthy, as they contain proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These substances are easily and quickly absorbed by the body.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Research conducted by scientists in different countries of the world has shown that groundnuts have practical value for human health.

What diseases does peanut help with?

The presence of unsaturated acids in blood vessels guarantees normal cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. This reduces the risk of developing vascular blockages.

Thanks to the action of phytosterols, digestion improves, and the body increases the ability to get rid of toxins and waste products.

Eating peanuts for colds and acute respiratory viral infections helps remove sputum when coughing.

Peanuts for men are a valuable product

The benefits that groundnuts bring to the male body have been known since ancient times.

Peanuts can have a positive effect on potency and get rid of prostate adenoma.

In addition, it is used in the treatment of infertility, both female and male.

Peanuts contain magnesium, which normalizes blood pressure and regulates metabolism. That is why men who regularly eat peanuts reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies and myocardial infarction.

What about for women?

Eating groundnuts is no less beneficial for women. The substances contained in nuts have a positive effect on the skin, namely, they contribute to its renewal, restoration, and regeneration.

Oil made from peanuts can suppress appetite. That is why the peanut diet recommended by American nutritionists has recently become widespread.

Peanuts strengthen memory, develop attentiveness, promote overall health and prolong youth.

Nuts can normalize hormonal levels, thereby reducing the risk of infertility. And folic acid contained in sufficient quantities prevents the likelihood of developing pathologies in the fetus.

In order to achieve a positive effect for the human body, it is enough to consume approximately 30-40 grams of peanuts per day.

You need to choose only a quality product. Otherwise, the expected effect will not be achieved.

Contraindications and harm from use

Despite the large number of beneficial properties, eating peanuts is contraindicated in some cases.

Peanuts are a fairly strong allergen.

It should be used with caution, especially for those who are prone to food allergies.

Peanuts are very high in calories, so if you regularly consume them in large quantities, you are more likely to gain excess weight.

Since peanuts, especially raw ones, put a lot of strain on the stomach, it is better for people suffering from pancreatitis to avoid such delicacies so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Eating fiber in small quantities is very beneficial for bowel function.

But its excess can lead to undesirable consequences, in particular, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. The consequence of this, as a rule, is an exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

It is not advisable to eat peanuts for people suffering from varicose veins.


  • To treat chronic respiratory diseases, you can prepare the following decoction.

Boil 90 gr. peanuts in 300 gr. water for 15-20 minutes.

By taking this remedy on an empty stomach in the morning for one month, you can get rid of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.

  • For hypertension, you can use a drug prepared as follows.

Place the peanuts in the shell in a cup and pour natural vinegar over it. Close the container with a lid and place in a dark place for one day. Eat fruits morning and evening, 10 pieces each.

  • The following recipe will help with prostatitis.

A handful of peanuts must be well fried, crushed and placed in a thermos. Add 3 tablespoons to the resulting mixture. spoons of marshmallow root. Pour 500 ml. boiled milk. Leave the thermos open for about 20 minutes, then close it tightly and leave to infuse for about 10-11 hours.

  • Acute laryngitis can also be cured with peanut decoction.

This product is easy to prepare. It is enough to thoroughly boil 120 grams of groundnuts with shells in 1 liter. water for 10 minutes. Use the decoction along with fruits, 60-70 grams 3-4 times a day.

How to choose and store peanuts correctly

Buying peanuts today will not be difficult. Moreover, you can buy it both fried and raw, both in shell and without it.

But when choosing this product at the market or in a store, you should pay special attention to how it smells.

A rancid and musty smell indicates poor quality nuts.

When buying groundnuts in shell, you should carefully inspect the peel. If there are cracks or dark spots, then this product is not worth purchasing. Quality peanut shells should be heavy and dry, and if you shake them, you will hear a hollow sound.

It is best to store nuts in the refrigerator, in a hermetically sealed jar. Due to the low temperature the product will remain fresh. Peanuts stored this way can be consumed for 9 months.

Of course, peanuts are not only a tasty product, but also valuable and healthy. However, do not forget about contraindications for use. It is better to consult with a nutritionist in advance to avoid undesirable consequences for yourself. And remember: moderation is important in everything!

A popular type of nut, peanuts, whose benefits and harms to the body are discussed in this material, are most often consumed as a delicacy. However, this product has a number of useful properties. There are several products based on peanuts - halva, peanut butter, butter. The nut itself is sold fresh, raw or roasted, in or out of shell, salted or unseasoned. The benefits and harms of peanuts in one form or another may vary slightly.

Peanut composition

When wondering about the benefits of peanuts for the human body, it is worth studying its chemical composition. Raw nuts contain the following vitamins:

When dried, vitamins are not destroyed. Therefore, the benefits of dried peanuts are no lower than raw ones. But it can be stored longer (up to a year), it does not become moldy. However, due to the removal of moisture (which does not contain calories) from the product, its weight decreases, therefore, the calorie content per 100 g increases. For a fresh nut, this figure is 551 kcal, and for a dried nut - 611 kcal.


Peanut butter consists of roasted, crushed nuts without the shell. Salt and sugar, as well as vegetable oil, are added to peanut butter. Sometimes food stabilizers are also added to keep the nut paste from spreading.

The calorie content of peanut butter is about 600 kcal. The paste contains all the same nutrients as roasted or fresh nuts. It is used in different forms - peanut butter is spread on bread, added to sauces and hot dishes.

Peanut halwa is a popular product. Halva can be combined tahini-peanut or exclusively peanut. The calorie content of halva is about 510 kcal. According to the preparation method, halva is similar to paste, but does not include salt and vegetable oil. Sugar, honey or molasses is added to the mass of ground roasted nuts. Therefore, halva is a healthy dessert product. Halva has all the same beneficial properties as roasted nuts.

Peanut oil is produced by cold pressing. It contains vitamin E (16.7 mg) and phosphorus (2 mg), as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids (29 g). Peanut oil has a distinct nutty taste. Suitable for oriental cuisine (it was there that this oil was first used). When dressing salads, the oil retains its unusual taste. But when frying on it, this oil can become almost indistinguishable from olive or sunflower, because when heated, the compounds that give the product its aroma are destroyed.

Benefits for women

The presence of iron (5 mg) explains the benefits of the product for women. Regular blood loss that occurs during menstruation leads to the fact that in the body of women of reproductive age (unlike men), the level of hemoglobin is almost constantly reduced. To solve this problem, gynecologists and therapists prescribe iron supplements.

It is iron that enters the body that reacts with oxygen and forms hemoglobin. For the same reason, peanuts should be consumed by patients with anemia (a condition in which there is a reduced level of hemoglobin against the background of low iron content). You can eat peanuts in any form, but not more than 30 g per day. When consuming more of the product, an allergic reaction may develop as a result of the accumulation of the allergen in the body.

Benefits for men

The benefits of peanuts for men are varied:

  • The main benefit of peanuts for men is the normalization of hormonal balance. Selenium in halva, nuts, butter or paste (7.2 mcg) promotes increased testosterone production;
  • Potassium (658 mg) in the products can normalize muscle function, including the heart. Thanks to its effects, the heart rhythm is equalized and vascular tone is normalized. Since men after 35–40 years of age are at increased risk for diseases of the cardiovascular system, they need to carefully ensure that they consume potassium in sufficient quantities (daily value 3 g).

However, to avoid weight gain and an increased likelihood of an allergic reaction, you should not consume more than 30 grams of peanuts and their derivatives per day.

Benefits for children

The benefits of peanuts for children and adolescents are explained by the presence of calcium (76 mg). It is responsible for the growth of bone tissue and its strength. A sufficient amount of it (the daily intake is 800 mg for both women, men, and children) helps maintain strong bones, nails and teeth.

Phosphorus, which is also present in the nut (350 mg), interacts with calcium. It makes bones strong and prevents their porosity and deformation. Thanks to these properties, it helps to develop good posture.

Important! But the consumption rate of peanuts and products made from them is lower for children - under 12 years of age you should not eat more than 20 g of nuts per day. A large dosage can lead to the accumulation of the allergen in the body and cause intolerance.


Despite all the beneficial properties of peanuts discussed above, groundnuts also have contraindications. In particular, the harm of peanuts for those women and men who monitor their weight is clear. The high calorie content of the product (groundnuts have more calories than chocolate) can negate the results of the diet.

Another contraindication is individual intolerance, allergies. Peanuts are a common allergen. The multicomponent composition of the product leads to the fact that the immune system often recognizes its proteins as foreign and starts the process of protecting the body from their effects. External manifestations of this process include rashes, swelling, and respiratory symptoms (rhinitis, sore throat).

For the same reason, women during pregnancy should take nut products gradually increasing the dose. It is worth starting with 2-3 nuts daily and carefully monitoring the body’s reaction. If after several such uses during pregnancy no allergies appear, you can increase the dose to 15–20 nuts per day. However, during pregnancy they should still not be taken daily so that the allergen does not accumulate. Since the immune system works harder during pregnancy, it can begin to regard even familiar proteins as foreign and trigger the process of an allergic reaction.

Another contraindication to eating peanuts during pregnancy is excess weight. During pregnancy, many women experience increased appetite and extra pounds. In this case, doctors recommend refraining from eating high-calorie foods.

The high sodium content (23 mg, compared to 10 mg in almonds) explains both the benefits and harms of peanuts. On the one hand, thanks to it, beneficial substances are delivered to the cells. But on the other hand, due to its excess (more than 400 mg per day), edema forms. Since sodium is found in almost all foods and table salt, the body does not experience a lack of it. Thus, a tendency to edema is a contraindication to consuming peanuts in any form.

Salted roasted peanuts, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in the article, can be not only a way to quickly satisfy hunger.

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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Peanuts (groundnuts) are legumes... Strange, but true. This is especially difficult for people who have never eaten fresh or even raw soaked peanuts, which have a distinct bean-like taste.

On the other hand, the chemical composition of peanuts is quite similar to that of tree nuts. After all, peanut kernels contain at least 45% fat and more than 25% protein. Which is approximately equal to the fat and protein content of cashew nuts. Of course, in other nuts the ratio of fat to protein is somewhat different, but in legumes everything is completely different (the proportion of fat rarely exceeds the 3 percent mark).

Be that as it may, peanuts have firmly entered the lives of millions of people. And our task is to finally figure out whether this “bean nut” is beneficial for human health or harmful. Because recently, very often they have started to say something about the extremely harmful properties of peanuts.

Naturally, the truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. But let's take a closer look at this product...

Chemical composition of peanuts

Peanuts: beneficial properties

Before we start talking about the beneficial properties of peanuts, we should identify the stakeholders who funded the research on this product. These are mainly companies that produce food products like peanut butter, Snickers, roasted nuts for beer, etc. Therefore, in our opinion, one should approach the conclusions of researchers who studied peanuts with great caution.

Moreover, all the beneficial properties of peanuts described below apply exclusively to small portions of this product - up to 10 “nuts” per day. If you eat more, you will get harm, not benefit. Keep this in mind when, after reading about the wonderful healing properties of peanuts, you imagine whole mountains of this affordable fried delicacy, while feeling a pleasant rich salty taste in your mouth...

So, according to scientists working at a research laboratory at Florida State University, peanuts are capable of the following feats:

  • Peanuts dilate blood vessels, which means they will be useful for people suffering from surges in blood pressure.
  • When consumed regularly, peanuts reduce the rate of cell destruction and also promote their regeneration, but this does not apply to cancer cells, which are mercilessly destroyed by the antioxidants contained in this product
  • This “bean nut” activates neurons in the brain, causing it to work more productively (think about Snickers advertising, as well as research clients)
  • Peanuts are an excellent remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, since the active substances included in its composition rid the human body of bad cholesterol and increase vascular tone
  • Like all legumes, groundnuts normalize blood sugar levels
  • Due to the presence of tryptophan, peanuts have a “cheerful” effect, or rather, they can suppress depression, because tryptophan is the raw material for serotonin (the hormone responsible for a person’s good mood)
  • Moreover, this product regulates the hormonal balance of the entire body, thanks to which even infertility is treated in men and women
  • The abundance of fiber contained in groundnuts helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, as well as maintain normal microflora in the small intestine.

In addition, peanuts are useful for bodybuilders and weightlifters, as they contain a lot of protein, which is a building material for muscles.

It is curious that, according to the same scientists, the most beneficial are not raw peanuts, but boiled ones. Because it contains 4 times more antioxidants than raw milk.

However, despite all the delights outlined above, in some cases peanuts can greatly harm a person. Moreover, in this case it is much more important to know about the harm than about the beneficial properties.

Peanut harm

Let's start with the most harmless harmful property: peanuts promote the secretion of large amounts of gastric juice, thereby increasing appetite and leading a person to overeat. Some people mistakenly believe that increased appetite is a beneficial property, but with our approach to eating food, this is not the case. Because it is advisable to eat peanuts separately from everything else (they take a long time to digest and are tedious), but we, on the contrary, then “pounce” to the fullest. There is an appetite...

In addition, obvious contraindications to eating peanuts are: obesity, gout, arthrosis, arthritis and gastrointestinal diseases during periods of exacerbation.

Peanuts are strictly prohibited for those who are allergic to them. But this is already understandable. However, something else is often unclear: peanuts can easily cause this very allergy if they are abused. Especially fried. Especially in children. So think...

Peanuts also have one more property that is almost always considered beneficial - the abundance of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. In fact, despite their importance for the functioning of the human body, groundnuts contain too many of them. And if we consider the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in this product, then it is simply catastrophic - approximately 5000:1. Although the ideal option is 3:1. Such an excess of omega-6 is unacceptable, because it can ultimately cause difficulties with the adequacy of the body’s immune response in some serious systemic disorders and ailments, including arthritis, asthma and a number of infectious diseases.

Peanuts in cooking

No matter what we say above about the harmful properties of peanuts, its culinary merits are beyond praise. And this fact is recognized by tens and hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Today, groundnuts are added to halva, cakes, pastries, candy fillings, chocolate, baked goods, baked goods... Basically, everywhere, including ice cream and peanut butter.

By the way, peanut butter is a favorite treat of American teenagers. Therefore, a huge share of the world's groundnuts is used to produce peanut butter (the main component of peanut butter).

In addition, peanuts are also used in home cooking - as a base for sauces, as well as an additive to salads and seasonings.

And, naturally, peanuts are simply chewed raw or roasted (usually with salt).

How to choose peanuts?

It is better to buy peanuts in large stores that purchase products from well-equipped wholesale warehouses. Of course, it is difficult or even impossible for the consumer to know who stores what where. However, according to statistics, good peanuts are much more often sold in large supermarkets.

In the markets, quite often they sell peanuts contaminated with mold and fungi, which are simply dangerous to eat, because there is a high chance of poisoning. Moreover, you should not think that you can buy contaminated peanuts, then boil or fry them, and everything will be fine. Mold and fungi are not that easy to deal with. Unfortunately.

  • inshell peanuts must be smooth, clean, dry, whole and without any color changes
  • raw shelled peanuts should be clean, relatively dry and free of unpleasant odors

With roasted peanuts, everything is complicated and almost unpredictable. So it’s difficult to give advice here. Think for yourself...