Abdominal (upper) type of obesity. Reference. What determines the process of accumulation and consumption of adipose tissue? Exceeding normal* body weight

The main secret to effective weight loss is changing your eating habits. Anna Kambulova, a sports doctor, nutrition and healthy lifestyle consultant and nutritionist at the Janinn Fitness fitness center, told us how to switch to a healthy diet that will help you shed those hated inches from problem areas and enhance the effect of sports.

When starting to engage in fitness, we immediately ask ourselves the question of how to make sure that the fat quickly leaves problem areas and not just leaves, but runs away from the hated sides, arms, abdomen, or where it “hurts” the most.

Unfortunately, by loading the muscles of problem areas, you cannot expect a local decrease in the thickness of the fat layer. First of all, you will notice a decrease in deposits in those parts of the body where there was initially less fat, but these are not always the places “where you need them.” Main collateral effective reduction weight – a change in the nature of nutrition, which also requires its own adjustments depending on the type of distribution of fat in the body.

You've probably noticed how unequally fat reserves are distributed in people. different people. There are three main types of fat distribution: android type, gynoid type and mixed type. Let's look at each of them.

Android type

Peculiarities. This type is characterized by fat deposits in the abdomen, back, and arms, which creates a visual picture of an apple-type figure. Most often its owners are men, but it also occurs in women.

This type of obesity is the most dangerous in terms of long-term forecasts for health, since fat accumulates not only subcutaneously, but also inside the abdominal cavity, in the omentum and around the internal organs, this is the so-called visceral fat. It is the most dangerous to health, since it is hormonally active, causes metabolic imbalance, disrupts metabolism, increases the level of female sex hormones in the male body, causes possible development such serious diseases as diabetes, heart attack, stroke. A large amount of visceral fat can disrupt the functioning of internal organs, increasing pressure in the abdominal cavity, and negatively affect the functioning of the lungs, disrupting ventilation in the lower sections.

Causes of obesity. The reasons for the deposition of visceral fat are not medical, but rather personal and social: overeating, sedentary lifestyle life, stress. If a woman’s waist exceeds 81 cm, and a man’s waist exceeds 91 cm, then the amount of visceral fat has exceeded the norm.

Solution. A balanced diet, balanced in terms of calories, nutrients and food intake is the basis for getting rid of visceral fat. In no case should you refuse breakfast, the calorie content of which should be at least 35% of daily energy intake, the amount of protein in the diet should be at least 1-1.5 grams per kilogram of weight, dinner, no later than 2.5 -3 hours before bedtime, must contain protein and vegetables.

No less important physical exercise, primarily power. Since this type of fat deposition is typical for men, the increase in muscle mass as a result of such training will help increase the basal metabolic rate and ensure a higher calorie expenditure on non-training days.

Gynoid type

Peculiarities. Pathological deposition of fat in the buttocks, thighs and, less commonly, legs is called gynoid; this type is more common in women. The figure of such people is shaped like a pear.

Causes of obesity. The reasons causing such fat deposition are: hormonal imbalance, accompanied by a high content of female sex hormones, overeating, a sedentary lifestyle and genetic predisposition.

Solution. Of course, we put proper eating behavior first in the fight against fat. Breakfast, easy second breakfast, a more filling lunch, then an afternoon snack and, finally, a hearty but healthy dinner, accounting for at least 35% of the body's daily caloric energy intake. Moreover, dinner must necessarily consist of a salad of fresh vegetables (the more different vegetables in a salad, the more microelements, vitamins and fiber the body will receive) and a product containing protein (lean meat, turkey, chicken breast, seafood, rabbit). It is advisable to eat fish at least 2-3 times a week, as fatty varieties, source powerful antioxidants, and “wild”, less calorie, but containing a lot of protein. Strictly monitor the amount of fat in your daily diet, avoid products with obvious inclusions of fat (some types of sausage, lard, boiled pork, etc.), the fat that you do not see in the product is quite enough. Avoiding fat completely is unhealthy and will deprive you of your source of energy. Any restrictions must be approached responsibly.

In addition to recommendations to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, you can recommend a consultation and examination with an endocrinologist to rule out possible health problems. It is very important to train with loads on the legs and buttocks. These large muscles expend a lot of energy during work and will help you get into shape faster. Along with this, when the thickness of the fat layer decreases, problems with lipodystrophy or cellulite may arise.

Mixed type

Peculiarities. The most common type of obesity is mixed. Fat is distributed relatively evenly throughout the body. With this type there is high risk not notice a significant increase in body fat, because visually the figure changes slightly.

Causes of obesity. We can say that this type of obesity is clearly associated with overeating. This is a serious reason to think about what place food has in your life. Genetic predisposition and hormonal status in in this case are not the main causes of weight gain. The metabolism of such people is usually normal.

Solution. To reduce fat mass, people with mixed obesity need to adhere to the principles rational nutrition(“I know what I eat, when I eat, how much I eat, why I eat”), because this will ensure 70% of success in the fight against overweight. It is recommended to eat fractional meals, preferably five times a day, with an emphasis on lunch, when it is necessary to consume at least 35% of calories daily ration. Dinner is important for the formation of glycogen reserves, which will be used by our body at night to provide vital important functions. For people with this type of obesity, it is important to monitor fluid balance, the total volume of which should be at least 3% of weight.

Another 30% of success in reducing fat mass is a consequence of regular physical activity. The combination of strength training and cardio training, in addition to weight loss, is an excellent opportunity to increase muscle strength, overall endurance, and speed up metabolism.

Obesity is a serious and multifaceted disease. Different classifications consider and study it from different angles. One is based on the root causes - the factors that provoked its development. The other is based on sediment localization. The third focuses on organs affected by visceral fat.

There is also a generally accepted typology - according to degrees (stages). Short review each of them will allow you to get to know this pathology better and learn all its pitfalls.

6 types

Depending on the cause of the disease and the location of the deposits, the following 6 types of obesity are distinguished. This classification is quite controversial, causing a huge amount of discussion and criticism, but nevertheless exists.

  • No. 1. Binge eating

The main reason for excess weight is a huge amount of food eaten when a person cannot control his appetite. Large portions, no meal plan, i.e. eat whenever you want, which means almost all the time.

In this case, fat usually accumulates in the upper torso - on the chest, arms, stomach, waist and sides. This type today is called very metaphorically - McDonald's, since most often such people suffer from a morbid addiction to fast food and sweet carbonated drinks. The second name of the disease is (food-related).

  • No. 2. "Nervous" tummy

It is believed that fat, which accumulates mainly in the abdominal area, is formed as a result of depression or constant stress that a person has to deal with on a daily basis. Usually a habit is formed of “seizing” problems with something sweet and tasty, which means quite harmful. This type of obesity is also called compulsive obesity.

  • No. 3. Gluten

If a person can cope with the first two types on his own, curbing his appetite and preserving his nervous system from anxiety, then everything here is much more complicated.

The cause of this disease is hormonal imbalance, often associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. Extra pounds accumulate on the buttocks and thighs. Smoking, alcohol and physical inactivity aggravate the situation. Often this pathology is diagnosed in children during adolescence during puberty.

  • No. 4. Atherogenic metabolic imbalance

According to another classification, this type of obesity is called. Here all deposits are internal, and they accumulate mainly in the abdominal cavity. This primarily affects breathing.

  • No. 5. Damage to venous channels

According to traditional opinion, plump, swollen legs are a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle. However, there is another point of view. It says that this type of obesity is inherited genetically. Especially this problem worsens during pregnancy.

  • No. 6. Inaction

In this case, the accumulation of extra pounds occurs mainly in men who were previously actively involved in sports or worked physically. But over time, they had to change their lifestyle and become, for example, office workers, and give up the gym. This is how muscle tissue is gradually converted into fat.

Endocrine classification

The following classification suggests types of obesity that are caused by malfunction endocrine system - glands internal secretion, releasing the hormones they synthesize directly into the blood.

  • Hepatic

If visceral fat takes over the liver and prevents it from functioning fully, disease occurs. This happens most often due to overeating carbohydrates. It ends in the absence of treatment, everything is very deplorable - either diabetes mellitus or complete refusal liver.

  • Adrenal

One of the most common types is adrenal. So called because it is diagnosed most often among those who suffer from a tumor or simply enlarged adrenal glands. The body usually metabolizes food too quickly, and therefore weight may increase even if food is restricted. Such people have a dense and muscular physique. Deposits are formed primarily from sugar, fats and starches.

  • Thyroid

The third type is thyroid. Main symptom- swelling of the legs. Accompanied by weakened functioning of the liver and adrenal glands. The second name of the type is thyroid, since the disease develops against the background of a decrease in the level of triiodothyronine and thyroxine - thyroid hormones. As a result, all parts of metabolism are inhibited.

This pathology is not characterized by periodic thirst, increased appetite, polyuria or sleep disturbances. But at the same time, symptoms of hypothyroidism are noted: weakness, poor memory, swelling, loss of appetite, constipation, flatulence, dry skin, chilliness in the extremities, shortness of breath when walking, brittleness and hair loss, pain in the heart and behind the sternum.

  • Gonatropic

If the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland reduces the production of folliculin and luteal hormone, this provokes thickening of the thighs. This type of deposit is popularly called “breeches.” It is usually seen in adolescents during puberty due to underdevelopment of the ovaries (testes). This disease has another name - pituitary-type obesity, depending on the part of the brain whose functioning is disrupted.

By gender

This classification offers the most famous types of obesity depending on the location of fat deposits.

  • Gynoid

The gynoid type is when the figure resembles a pear, i.e. fat deposits are localized mainly on the hips and buttocks. Even when losing weight, the pounds will first fall off the upper body, which will make the whole process much more difficult.

The main cause of the disease is increased production female sex hormones. Therefore, it is most often diagnosed in women. Although occasionally this happens in men, when testosterone synthesis is partially or completely disrupted in their body. The consequences of pear-type obesity are varicose veins, hemorrhoids, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, coxarthrosis), venous insufficiency, cellulite.

  • Android

As a rule, men are diagnosed with the android type, when fat deposits accumulate mainly in the upper part of the body and a so-called “beer” belly is formed. Despite such an affectionate name, the disease actually poses a serious danger not only to health, but also to life. Most of the deposits are localized, which leads to high blood pressure, infertility, impotence, diabetes, liver and kidney dysfunction. An apple-type figure is formed.

The fat that accumulates in the peritoneal area is abdominal (lat. abdomen - “belly”).

The one that goes inside the body and entangles the organs (liver, heart, kidneys) is visceral (Latin viscera - insides). Both of these terms are often used to refer to the android type.

  • Mixed

What type of obesity is the most dangerous and why?

  1. Visceral. For two reasons: it develops unnoticed and disrupts the functioning of vital organs, which can fail at any moment - in such cases death inevitable.
  2. Morbid. Because it is practically untreatable and leads to serious complications in terms of health.

Which classification is the most correct?

Each of them reflects a certain aspect of the disease: body type, location of fat, causes, nature of the course, gender, etc. So there is no exact answer to this question. The most commonly used classification of obesity is BMI, as it allows one to determine the complexity of the pathology and choose the appropriate treatment.

According to different classifications, obesity can have many faces. Despite the fact that each of them is based on different characteristics of the disease, one thing must be understood - it is very dangerous. And not only in terms of health, but also for life.

In the absence of proper treatment, obesity becomes chronic. You don’t need to think that the problem will go away on its own: the sooner you come to your senses and take the necessary measures, the easier it will be to deal with it.

Obesity has become one of the problems of society in the twenty-first century. The disease is “recruiting” new adherents around the world. This is due to poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, a significant number of chronic endocrine pathologies and many other factors. Literally, obesity means that body weight increases not due to muscle compaction, but due to fat deposits on the body. different areas bodies. Why is obesity dangerous? Looking at people with excess body weight, any doctor will name a dozen reasons, and in the first place will be diseases of the heart, blood vessels, joints and bones, disorders water-salt metabolism. In addition, this disease makes social life difficult, since modern society is dominated by trends towards sports and a healthy lifestyle.


The disease “obesity” can develop for a variety of reasons. The most obvious is physical inactivity, that is, the discrepancy between calories received and energy expended. The second common cause of excess weight is dysfunction gastrointestinal tract. This could be a lack of pancreatic enzymes, decreased liver function, or problems with digesting food. In addition, the risk of obesity can be determined at the genetic level.

There are factors that contribute to weight gain, these include:
- drinking sugary drinks or eating a diet high in sugar;
- endocrine diseases such as hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, pancreatic tumor;
- psychological disorders (eating disorders);
- permanent stressful situations and lack of sleep;
- taking hormonal or psychotropic drugs.

Evolution of 2 million years has provided a mechanism for accumulating nutrients in case there is a sudden shortage of food. And if this was relevant for ancient people, then modern man does not need such “reserves”. However, our body is designed in such a way that it reacts stereotypically to both positive and negative influences from the outside. That is why the problem of obesity has become so acute at the moment.


Regulation of the deposition and mobilization of fat depots is carried out as a result of a complex interaction between the nervous system and the endocrine glands. The main reason for the accumulation of large amounts of lipids is a mismatch between the cerebral cortex and the hypothalamus. This is where the appetite regulation centers are located. The body requires more food than it expends energy, so everything excess is left “in reserve”, which leads to the appearance of excess adipose tissue.

Such a violation of coordination by the center can be either a congenital condition or acquired as a result of upbringing. In addition, such problems are sometimes the result of injury, inflammation, or chronic endocrine pathology.

When the pituitary gland, adrenal cortex and pancreatic cells begin to show pathological activity, and the amount of growth hormone drops sharply, then almost all the fat and glucose that enter the body are deposited in tissues and organs. This leads to morphological disorders of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland.

Classification by BMI

It is better to start classifying obesity with one that is known to the general population. Usually, primary diagnosis of this disease is carried out based on an indicator such as This is a particular value obtained after dividing body weight in kilograms by height in meters squared. There is the following gradation of obesity according to this indicator:

  1. Weight deficiency - if BMI is less than or equal to 18.5.
  2. Normal body weight - mass index should be between 18.5 and 25.
  3. Pre-obesity - BMI ranges from 25 to 30 points. At this point, the risk of concomitant diseases such as hypertension, bedsores and diaper rash increases.
  4. Class 1 obesity is diagnosed if the BMI is between 30 and 35.
  5. Obesity 2 degrees - the index is approaching 40 points.
  6. Obesity of the 3rd degree is diagnosed when the mass index exceeds 40 points, and the person has concomitant pathologies.

Etiopathogenetic classification

The following classification of obesity is one of the most detailed in this area, as it takes into account the causes and mechanism of development of the pathology. According to it, primary and secondary obesity are distinguished. Each of them has its own subclasses.

Thus, primary obesity is divided into:
- gluteal-femoral;
- abdominal;
- caused by eating disorders;
- stressful;
- provoked by metabolic syndrome.

In secondary, symptomatic obesity, four subtypes can be derived:

  1. Hereditary, with a gene defect.
  2. Cerebral, caused by neoplasms, infections or autoimmune damage to the brain.
  3. Endocrine, caused by dysregulation of the thyroid gland, hypothalamic-pituitary system, adrenal glands and gonads.
  4. Medication associated with taking steroid drugs, hormonal contraceptives and cytostatics.

Clinical and pathogenetic classification

If we take as a basis the mechanisms that lead to the appearance of excess weight, we can create the following classification of obesity:

Alimentary-constitutional. Weight gain is associated with excess fat in the diet and lack of exercise. It usually manifests itself in childhood and can be associated with a hereditary predisposition.
- Hypothalamic. An increase in adipose tissue occurs due to damage to the hypothalamus and, as a result, a violation of its neuroendocrine function.
- Endocrine. Fatness is based on the pathology of the endocrine glands - the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, and the adrenal glands.
- Iatrogenic. Obesity is caused by medical intervention. This could be taking medications, removing an organ or part of it, damaging the endocrine system during treatment, and much more.

Classification by localization of adipose tissue

After examining patients with overweight it was noticed that not everyone has the same distribution. Therefore, over time, a classification of obesity was developed based on the characteristic location of the fat layer.

The first type, also known as the upper type, also known as the android type, is distinguished by the fact that the upper half of the body, face, neck and arms are enlarged. It occurs more often in men, but can also be seen in women who have entered menopause. A number of authors argue that there is a connection between this type of obesity and the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, as well as pathology of the cardiovascular system.

The second type, lower or gynoid, is an accumulation of adipose tissue on the hips and buttocks, and is more common in the fair half of humanity. The figure of such women takes on the shape of a “pear”. It can also develop from childhood if it is aggravated by a violation of the normal diet. in this case there will be pathologies of the spine, joints and vascular network of the lower extremities.

The third type is mixed or intermediate obesity. In this case, excess weight is more or less evenly distributed throughout the body, smoothing out the waist, neck, and buttocks.

In order to determine what type of obesity the patient has addressed, it is necessary to determine the ratio of waist and hip circumference. If in women this figure is more than 0.85, and in men more than one, then it can be argued that the person has the first variant of the distribution of adipose tissue.

Morphological classification

In the process of obesity, changes affect all levels of the organization of life, not only the body as a whole, but also individual organs, tissues and even just cells. Adipocytes ( fat cells), may be subject to qualitative or quantitative changes. Depending on this, they distinguish:

  1. Hypertrophic obesity. It is characterized by a pathological increase in the size of fat cells, while their number remains the same.
  2. Hyperplastic obesity, in which adipocytes actively divide. This form occurs in children and is very difficult to treat, since the number of cells can be reduced only by aggressive methods.
  3. Mixed obesity, as it is logical to assume, is a mixture of the previous two. That is, the cells not only increase, but there are more of them.

Classification of obesity in children

According to statistics, in Russia now about 12% of children suffer from excess body weight. Of these, 8.5% are urban residents, and 3.5% are rural residents. Obesity in adolescents and children has become such a common pathology that pediatricians decided to introduce a special section in their educational work with young parents regarding diet. Obesity is considered a condition when a child's body weight exceeds 15% of what it should be for his age. If correlated with BMI, its value will be close to 30 points.

There are two forms of obesity among children: primary and secondary. Primary is caused, as a rule, by poor nutrition, early complementary feeding or refusal breast milk in favor of the cow. But it can also be hereditary if the family is dominated by overweight people. But even in this case, the child is not born fat, he just has a slow metabolism, and with the proper diet and exercise, he will maintain his weight within normal limits. The first three years of life and puberty are critical for primary obesity.

Secondary obesity is associated with the presence of acquired endocrine pathologies. The criteria by which the degree of excess weight gain is determined still remain controversial. The following scale was proposed:
- 1st degree - weight is 15-25% more than expected;
- 2nd degree - from 25 to 49% excess weight;
- 3rd degree - the mass is 50-99% more;
- 4th degree - excess weight is two or more times the age norm.


The signs of obesity are basically similar to each other, the only difference is the uniformity of distribution of excess fiber, as well as the presence accompanying pathologies or their absence.

Most often in patients it occurs that is associated with a violation of the normal diet. Typically, such people have a hereditary predisposition to weight gain, and eating too much food leads to weight gain. Symptoms occur in all family members, as they all eat together. In addition, older women who, due to their poor health, lead a sedentary lifestyle, are susceptible to this type of obesity.

Obesity of the 1st degree is observed in most people, who systematically transmit, especially in the evening. This happens because there is no time and desire for breakfast and lunch. Hungry people consume their daily calorie intake at dinner and go to bed.

Characterized not only by weight gain, but also by the presence of symptoms of nervous system disorders and endocrine regulation. Obesity develops very quickly and is usually not associated with changes in diet. Fat appears mainly on the front of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Trophic changes may occur: dry skin, stretch marks, hair loss. Such patients complain of insomnia, headaches and dizziness. A neurologist is usually able to identify pathology in his area.


People with obesity have extremely reduced criticism of their condition, so persuading or forcing them to go to the doctor even for a simple consultation is not an easy task. It’s a completely different matter for patients of an endocrinologist or neurologist. These themselves want to be examined and lose weight for a speedy recovery.

The most commonly used criterion for diagnosing overweight is the body adiposity index. That is, how much greater the actual mass is than the expected one. To determine the severity, it is important not only to prove the presence of excess weight, but also that it is realized due to adipose tissue, and is not muscle mass. Therefore, in medical practice They are actively trying to introduce methods for determining specifically fat mass, and not total body weight.

The norm is determined taking into account statistical data collected by doctors of various specialties over the years of practice. For each gender, age, height and body type, there are tables with already calculated pathology and norm values. Scientists have found that centenarians have body weight that is 10% less than normal. Morbid obesity is diagnosed in the opposite case, when weight is 10% above the upper limit of the permissible limit.

There are several formulas for calculating ideal body weight. All fashionistas know one of them - you need to subtract one hundred from your height in centimeters. The resulting number will be the desired value. But this is a very conditional and unreliable study. More accurate is the BMI or Quetelet index, which was given above. Measuring the waist-to-hip ratio also has great importance in the characteristics of obesity, since the location of fatty tissue depends on the cause of weight gain.


The fight against obesity is being carried out aggressively and everywhere. Nowadays the media actively promotes a healthy lifestyle and the cult of a beautiful, athletic body. Of course, there is no point in taking the situation to the point of absurdity, but the general direction of the youth movement is preferable to decadent hedonia.

The basic principles of obesity treatment include:
- a diet rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, vitamins, nuts and greens. Be sure to limit baking, sweets and carbonated drinks.
- physical exercises that should strengthen the body and speed up metabolism.
- medications to reduce weight and appetite;
- psychotherapy;
- surgery.

To achieve long-term results with any type of treatment, you need to change your diet and frequency of meals. There is an opinion that diets are useless in the fight against obesity, but they help to consolidate the achieved weight and prevent the disease from returning. The World Health Organization recommends calculating the caloric content of food that the patient normally consumes and gradually reducing the amount of calories. It is necessary to reach the level of 1500 - 1200 kilocalories, provided that the person does not overload himself physically.

Psychotherapy is aimed at strengthening willpower and self-control in relation to food intake and addiction to fast food restaurants and sweet soda. Medications in the process of weight loss help achieve only short-term effects. After stopping taking the pills, the patient returns to the previous lifestyle and does not comply with the recommendations received upon discharge. Despite the fact that now the pharmacological industry can offer a large selection of drugs for excess weight, almost all of them are prohibited due to the side effects they cause.

TO surgical methods include gastric suturing, popular in the sixties of the last century. The essence of the operation is that the organ is divided into two unequal parts and the small intestine is sutured to the smaller one. Thus, the volume of the stomach decreases and the speed of food passage becomes higher. The second option is gastric banding. A ring is installed in the cardiac part, which narrows the lumen of the esophagus and food, touching this artificial obstacle, irritates the saturation center, allowing the patient to eat less.

What type of obesity is the most dangerous? Perhaps that's all. No one can say that typing is good for a person. The level of danger depends on how much the actual weight exceeds the norm, and what concomitant diseases he has.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. Specialist consultation required

What part does adipose tissue take in the metabolism of sex hormones?

Particular mention should be made of the metabolism of steroid (sex) hormones, in which adipose tissue takes part. For example, in a normal healthy woman with normal body weight, from 10 to 60% of various fractions of sex hormones (testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate), as well as a large amount of female sex steroids - estradiol and estrone, are produced in body fat. Speaking about the formation and exchange of hormones in adipose tissue, it should be noted that not only their production occurs in it, but also their storage (deposition). In addition, many other biologically active, mainly fat-soluble compounds accumulate in fat.

Changes in the pubertal period (adolescence), as well as the onset of the first menstruation (menarche) in a girl directly depend on body weight and the volume of adipose tissue.

After termination menstrual function(menopause) adipose tissue becomes the main source of sexual steroid hormones, that is, the severity and nature of menopausal disorders will largely depend on its hormone-forming activity.

It is obvious that with a change in body weight (both in the case of deficiency and obesity), there is a change in the production and hormonal ratio of biologically active substances in adipose tissue.

What determines the process of accumulation and consumption of adipose tissue?

This process depends on the following factors:
  • balance of energy metabolism (ratio of energy intake and expenditure)
  • ratio of food nutrients in the diet (diet)
  • balance of metabolic processes of synthesis (formation) and breakdown of adipose tissue
  • hereditary and constitutional characteristics of all types of metabolism, including fat metabolism

What are the types of obesity? The main reasons for the development of primary and secondary obesity.

To better understand the problem, let's look at the main causes of obesity. Obesity happens primary and secondary. Primary obesity – nutritional-constitutional obesity, that is, caused by nutritional disorders and individual characteristics metabolism. Secondary obesity develops against the background of the underlying disease and is a consequence. So, secondary obesity develops in the presence of the following pathologies:
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland (decreased functional activity of the organ)
  • insulinoma (pancreatic tumor)
  • corticoestroma
  • cerebral obesity due to damage to areas and areas of the brain involved in the regulation of eating behavior
  • diencephalic syndrome (postpartum neuroendocrine-metabolic syndromes, hypothalamic syndrome puberty)
  • growth hormone deficiency (idiopathic growth hormone deficiency, brain tumors, surgery and radiation effects on the brain, congenital developmental anomalies)
  • mental disorders– neurotic disorders, eating disorders
  • genetic syndromes and diseases (Lawrence-Biedl syndrome, Albright osteodystrophy and others)
  • taking certain medications (for example, glucocorticoids)
Let's return again to the relationship between energy accumulation and expenditure. To a large extent, this energy balance depends on the level of physical activity and eating behavior. Physical activity is a rather individual thing and largely relates to volitional sphere, and is often associated with occupational and socioeconomic status.

How human eating behavior is regulated, the role of serotonin and dopamine in the regulation of appetite.

Dysregulation of eating behavior should be discussed in more detail. The regulation of food reflexes and eating behavior, food consumption, and nutritional (taste) preferences is a rather complex mechanics. The leading role in this process belongs to the hypothalamic structures (hypothalamic nuclei). These hypothalamic nuclei respond to the concentration levels of regulatory substances in the blood, glucose and insulin levels. In the nuclei of the hypothalamus, information about the content of glycogen in the liver and muscles and the state of the body’s fat depots also occurs.

Also an important role in these regulatory processes is played by the metabolism of special substances - biogenic amines and mediators (intermediaries in the transmission of nerve and chemical signals) in the central nervous system, mainly in the brain. Changes in the concentration, as well as changes in the mutual ratio in the brain tissue of catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine), serotonin, dopamine significantly affect food consumption.

An increase in serotonin content in brain tissue leads to a decrease in eating behavior. It is also reduced by such biologically active substances as: cholecystokinin, vasopressin, melanostimulating hormone, glucagon, leptin, bombesin. On the contrary, they enhance eating behavior, that is, they stimulate food consumption - neuropeptide gamma, beta-endorphins, fragments of the adrenocorticotropic hormone molecule.

Often the reasons for increased fat formation and deposition are a decrease in physical activity in parallel with an increase in caloric intake of the diet. In this case, the main contribution is made by fats coming from food, and not by proteins and carbohydrates.

Inhibition of the normal rate of fat breakdown appears to be the basis for the development of obesity in insulinoma and insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland.

When does the body's ability to break down fat decrease?

It has been proven that the body's ability to break down fat decreases with age. It is this mechanism that underlies the increase in the number of cases of obesity in age group 40-60 years old. The habit of certain foods and eating patterns are preserved (I basically eat as usual, but for some reason I gain weight - that’s what these people often say), but the ability to break down fats progressively decreases. And as a result - an increase in body weight.

It should be noted separately that some medications - for example, rauwolfia preparations and some drugs to lower blood pressure (beta blockers) also reduce the rate and volume of fat breakdown.

How is eating behavior regulated in the brain? How is eating behavior related to emotions?

An imbalance of central nervous system mediators (catecholamines, serotonin, dopamine) creates the basis for neurotransmitter dysfunction and, as a consequence, neuroendocrine disorders. Various motivational disorders appear. Changes in the motivational sphere are diverse, and not only higher needs are violated, for example, in self-realization and cognition, but also basic biological needs, namely, changes in eating behavior, sexual function, and the need for sleep. Typically, changes in appetite, sleep and sexual needs often accompany each other, the degree of these changes varies in each specific case. Thus, endocrine and motivational disorders should be considered interrelated and considered together.

An increase in appetite may be accompanied by a lack of satiety, which leads to progressive weight gain, and eventually to obesity. Quite often, the basis for increasing the amount of food consumed is not a feeling of hunger or an increase in appetite, but a feeling of a state of emotional discomfort.

Many people are familiar with this state - as they say, “eating stress”, making a “trip to the refrigerator”. Such people, as a rule, begin to eat not for the purpose of satiation or satisfying hunger, but in order to dispel a bad mood, relieve boredom, and relieve feelings of melancholy, anxiety, loneliness, apathy, and depression. It is also possible, in this way, an attempt is made to escape reality, to cope with a stressful or traumatic situation. This often happens when values ​​change, changes in ideological and social attitudes.

What is food drunkenness? How often does this phenomenon occur? Who is susceptible to developing food addiction?

This type of increase in appetite and increase in the amount of food consumed is called emotional eating behavior, the so-called food drunkenness. It must be said that this situation in the population is not so rare - in approximately 30% of cases. Research shows that this type of eating behavior is more common among women who are prone to depressive-anxiety reactions and obesity. It is important, however, that such emotiogenic eating behavior, as a stereotypical reaction to stress, is considered to be a rather unique, socially safe and acceptable pathological form of protection from stressors. This reaction, as mentioned above, is more typical for mentally immature individuals with high socially oriented attitudes.

Why does mood increase after eating? The role of serotonin in the feeling of happiness or pleasure

Biochemical studies make it possible to recognize the mechanism for improving mood after eating, as well as to find out why some foods act as a kind of remedy for depression. The fact is that in situations of stress, preference is given to easily digestible foods that contain a significant amount of carbohydrates. A significant intake of carbohydrates into the body leads to a chain of biochemical transformations and subsequent physiological results. Initially, excess carbohydrates lead to an increase in blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia), then to an increased release of insulin. This reaction enhances cellular metabolism and increases the flow of glucose into the cell. At the same time, there is an increase in the permeability of brain vessels and an increased selective entry of certain amino acids (mainly tryptophan) into brain cells. Tryptophan, in turn, is a precursor to biogenic amines of the central nervous system, such as serotonin and dopamine. The amino acid tryptophan is the starting material for the synthesis of serotonin. As a result, an increase in the synthesis of serotonin, which is called the “pleasure hormone” or “the substance of happiness,” is observed in the central nervous system. Serotonin received this name due to its ability to create a feeling of pleasure and happiness when it is present in brain structures in certain concentrations.

Thus, the act of eating can act as a modulator of serotonin levels in brain structures, both in general and in the areas responsible for the formation of emotions, behavioral, eating and other reactions. And already increased serotonin synthesis is subjectively accompanied by a feeling of satiety and emotional comfort.

In short, from the point of view of biochemistry and physiology, it is the deficiency of serotonin in the brain that leads to changes in eating behavior and depressive states. For example, the basis of emotiogenic eating behavior is precisely the deficiency of serotonin in brain structures. Severe emotional eating behavior leads to a significant increase in body weight and is associated with increased levels of anxiety and depression. The whole point is how long such an adaptive response to stress will persist in each individual.

What forms can emotional eating behavior (food drunkenness) take? Manifestations of night eating syndrome and compulsive eating behavior

The first form or so-called syndrome night food , is characterized by a combination of lack of appetite in the morning, but increased appetite in the evening and at night in combination with insomnia.

The second form of emotional eating behavior is compulsive eating behavior. This scientific term refers to the following: repeated episodes of significant overeating, during which food is consumed in larger quantities than usual, and eating occurs much faster than usual. During such periods, self-control over the amount and speed of food absorption is completely lost. It is typical that these episodes last on average several hours (usually no more than two) and are observed two or more times a week. This form of eating disorder in obesity occurs in 25% of patients.
As a consequence, these forms of changes in eating behavior lead to a significant increase in body weight. According to some authors, emotional eating behavior is observed in 60% of obese patients.

Hereditary Morgagni-Morel-Stewart syndrome

We should focus on one hereditary disease associated with obesity. This is obesity associated with depression, the so-called Morgagni-Morel-Stewart syndrome. The genetic disease is based on excess production of growth hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. And the main features of this genetic pathology from a clinical point of view are: obesity, arterial hypertension, decreased function of the gonads, headaches, depression, thickening of the frontal bones of the skull.

General principles of obesity treatment

Let's consider the principles of treatment of this type of obesity. Currently, a pattern has been established indicating that in case of obesity, the leading role in eating disorders belongs to the insufficient functioning of brain structures. In these brain structures responsible for the formation of eating behavior, serotonin serves as a mediator. The discovery of this relationship between serotonin and eating behavior led to the creation of a new class of appetite suppressants. These drugs include drugs of the fenfluramine group, the effect of which is similar to the effects of serotonin in the central nervous system. Drugs of this class help reduce the amount of food absorbed, increase satiety during meals, and improve hormonal balance, reduce depressive symptoms. However, unfortunately, fenfluramine derivatives are not used due to a number of complications. These drugs still require multiple additional clinical trials.

To date, there is evidence of the successful use of a number of drugs from the group of antidepressants for the treatment of obesity associated with eating disorders. Drugs in this group of antidepressants block the reuptake of serotonin in brain structures.

Symptom complex of bulimia nervosa - how it manifests itself, characteristics of the behavior of a person who has this syndrome

Now let's look at little-known but common types of changes in eating behavior.
First of all, let's look at symptom complex of bulimia nervosa(increased appetite). As a rule, this symptom complex occurs in young women. Manifests itself in episodes of compulsive (episodic) eating, lasting no more than two hours. During such episodes of continuous absorption of food, preference is given to cakes, pastries, jam, ice cream, buns, and all kinds of dough products. However, unlike the forms discussed above, such attacks-episodes are accompanied by maintaining a critical attitude to what is happening, an understanding of the situation that such eating behavior is not normal. The person is bothered by feelings of guilt and fear of not being able to stop the binge eating episode. Maintaining self-criticism forces one to carefully hide such attacks of excessive gluttony from others. Typically, such attacks-episodes are interrupted by spontaneous vomiting or severe abdominal pain.

Also, a factor leading to stopping overeating is the appearance of one of the strangers. When the weight gain becomes quite significant, such people learn to induce vomiting on their own after bouts of overeating. Again, remaining critical of the existing state of affairs forces one to undertake strict, strict low-calorie diets, which are designed to prevent weight gain after bouts of overeating. In such individuals, obesity does not reach a pronounced level. Often, however, bulimia nervosa leads to disorders menstrual cycle. This may sound disappointing, but it is believed that main reason Bulimia nervosa is an atypical hidden depression.

What are the principles of treatment for the symptom complex of bulimia nervosa?

The main type of treatment for bulimia nervosa is the prescription of drugs from the group of antidepressants, the mechanism of action of which is to selectively suppress the reuptake of serotonin in brain structures.

Seasonal appetite disorders

The next type of eating disorder is seasonal affective (emotional) disorder. The underlying cause of the disease is depression. This type of eating disorder is identified as a special form due to its widespread prevalence among the population.

In mild and erased forms, this type of eating disorder occurs in 40% of people, and in its expanded form - only in 6%. That is, the structure of this disturbance is like an iceberg - only a small part is visible on the surface. The prevalence of mild forms of seasonal affective eating disorders in the population is quite high. The characteristics of seasonal emotion disorder are related to the seasons. Seasonal data affective disorders develop in the dark, cold season, namely, depending on geographic latitude, from mid-autumn to mid-March. Most often observed in women. They are always combined with eating disorders such as increased appetite, leading to the appearance of excess body weight. For such women, the presence of premenstrual syndrome is typical, as well as menstrual irregularities such as rare and short menstruation.

During the manifestation of the disease, such women demonstrate an increase in complaints about a wide variety of chronic pain. Depression in seasonal affective disorder is usually mild or medium degree gravity. It is mainly manifested by low mood, apathy, decreased performance, constant fatigue, depression, increased sleep duration. However, in this case, for the most part, sleep is restless and intermittent. Moreover, despite a long stay in sleep, such sleep does not bring a feeling of rest. And as a result, such people are lethargic, tired, and feeling overwhelmed in the morning.

Seasonal affective disorder symptoms, what are the causes?

So, a typical patient with seasonal affective disorder looks something like this: most often this is a woman, usually young or middle-aged, with prolonged sleep duration and lack of satisfaction from sleep, suffering from premenstrual syndrome, possibly with menstrual irregularities, eating disorders type of increased appetite, increasing body weight and depression of mild or moderate severity. Interestingly, during the daytime, when the amount of sunlight is sufficient for these individuals, the symptoms of the disease go away on their own, without treatment. Since the manifestation of symptoms largely depends on lighting, the mechanism of neurohormonal changes can be explained as follows.

IN dark time year, there is a change in the cyclic daily production of melatonin (pituitary hormone) with a consistent decrease in the production of special hormones of the hypothalamus, serotonin and dopamine. It is with the altered exchange of dopamine and serotonin that weight gain, eating disorders, and manifestations of depression are associated. During the light season, the symptoms reverse and disappear completely.

What are the principles of treatment for seasonal affective disorder?

Seasonal affective disorder can be treated with light. For phototherapy (phototherapy), special lamps with a lighting intensity of 2500-10000 lux are used. It is preferable to carry out procedures in the first half of the day. The duration of a single therapy procedure, depending on the intensity of the lamp light, varies from 30 minutes to one hour.

Another method of therapy is the use of antidepressants with a mechanism of action based on inhibition of serotonin reuptake. The duration of the course of drug therapy is usually 3-4 months. Such courses are conducted in the dark season. The combination of light therapy with courses of drug therapy can reduce the duration of drug treatment.

Patients suffering from seasonal affective (emotional) disorders should be in sunlight more often, walk on sunny days even in winter, it is better to spend vacations on ski resorts, in everyday life, avoid wearing dark or tinted glasses.

It must be remembered that the use of antidepressants, like many other medications, is permissible only on the recommendation and under the supervision of an appropriate medical specialist.
Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the problem of excess weight is multi-cause, often combined with various endocrine-metabolic disorders and emotional disorders.

What types and degrees of obesity are there?

It is very important to determine not only the cause of excess weight, but also the degree of obesity; the intensity of treatment also depends on this.

Obesity levels determined using body mass index, which can be determined using a body mass index calculator or using the formula: BMI = weight in kg / (height in m) 2 .

  • 1st degree– body mass index is from 20 to 30. With this degree of obesity, it is quite easy to lose weight; you need to adjust your diet and add moderate physical activity.
  • 2nd degree– body mass index is from 30 to 40. At this stage, the risk of developing diseases associated with obesity (atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and many others) increases. Losing weight will be much harder. It is necessary to strictly adhere to dietary nutrition and increase physical activity. A feature of this obesity is the rapid return of extra pounds after switching to the old lifestyle. Therefore, proper nutrition and physical activity should become a common practice, and not just a short-term event.
  • 3rd degree– excess weight index from 40 to 60. Losing weight on your own is very difficult. It is difficult for a person to move, bend over, attacks of food intoxication are often observed, and shortness of breath appears after minor physical exertion. There is a high risk of developing concomitant severe diseases. As with degree 2, you need to completely reconsider and change your lifestyle. At this stage, it is often necessary to resort to additional methods of losing weight (psychotherapeutic, surgical). If left untreated, stage 4 obesity develops over the years - a deadly disease.
  • 4th degree– body mass index above 60. These are very sick people with a whole bunch of diseases. In addition to impaired motor functions of the body, symptoms of cardiac and respiratory failure (shortness of breath even at rest) increase, which can lead to complete cardiac arrest. This degree of obesity is very difficult to cure. Many people think that this is not possible, although nothing is impossible.
Body mass index is not used to determine the degree of obesity in children, women during pregnancy, athletes with large muscle mass, as well as in elderly people over 65 years of age.

In addition to degrees of obesity, there is such a thing as type of obesity, which vary depending on the distribution of fat in the body.

Types of nutritional-constitutional obesity (primary obesity):

1. Female type– mainly characteristic of women, with this type of fat being more distributed in the buttocks and thighs, often such people have massive legs. Fat is usually located directly under the skin, the skin becomes loose, often has an orange peel appearance, and cellulite develops. This type of figure is also called the pear type. Interestingly, with this type of obesity, a person experiences bad mood, depression, disturbed sleep, and apathy. Physical activity should be dominated by strength-training exercises on the legs. It is also important to review not only nutrition, but also water regime. Drinking plenty of water (non-carbonated purified water) will facilitate faster removal of fat metabolism products from the subcutaneous fat layer.

2. Male type– is characteristic equally for both women and men. Such people have a large rounded tummy, massive shoulders and enlarged mammary glands. This type of obesity severe cases promotes obesity and internal organs, which is life-threatening. This figure is compared to an apple. Unlike the female type, people with male obesity are very cheerful, active, despite their weight, and eating food brings them great pleasure. With this type of obesity, it is important that meals be fractional, that is, you need to eat often, but in small portions, avoid eating in the evening and eating “fast food”. It is also necessary to exclude from the diet smoked, spicy, salted, sweet food. And among physical activities, it is better to give advantages to cardio exercises: running, jumping, swimming, dancing, and so on.

3. Mixed type– the most common type of figure associated with eating disorders and eating behavior. In this case, fat is evenly distributed throughout the body, both on the tummy and on the hips, arms, shoulders and face. Such people move little, suffer from mood swings, constantly want to sleep, eat binges nervous stress. In the treatment of this type of obesity, it is very important to completely review the diet and physical activity.

Also, by the type of obesity, you can judge the disease that resulted in excess weight. So, for example, with Itsenko-Cushing's disease, fat accumulates only in the abdomen and face; with male castration, fat is distributed over the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and mammary glands.

But no matter what type of obesity, in any case it is necessary to lose kilos and treat their cause. Any type leads to serious consequences over time.

How does obesity affect your health?

Obesity- This is not only an unattractive appearance, excess weight affects all human organs and his health.

Health is a very broad concept, it is not only correct work organs, but also normal condition psyche, complete social adaptation, continuous spiritual development. And only this complex makes a person healthy and happy. Many fat people cannot improve their personal lives, create or maintain a family, and have a bunch of complexes. An unhappy person cannot be healthy.

Let's try to understand the diseases that obesity leads to. Unfortunately, a whole bunch of diseases will not be long in coming in people with an extra couple of tens of kilograms, many of which can be life-threatening.

Diabetes mellitus in obese people

Obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes, and the greater the degree of obesity, the greater the chance of developing diabetes. Thus, people with degree 3 obesity are 10 times more likely to have diabetes.

Obesity often causes type 2 diabetes, that is, acquired or non-insulin-dependent.

Causes of type 2 diabetes mellitus in obesity.

The lifestyle that overweight people lead is a trigger for high blood sugar levels. So, if a person has sufficient physical activity, most of the glucose is absorbed by the muscles during their work in the form of glycogen, while much less insulin is required. With a lazy lifestyle and an increased intake of carbohydrates, the absorption of glucose requires a large amount of insulin, and excess sugar contributes to the formation of fat both under the skin and in internal organs. At the same time, the pancreas is depleted, and there is not enough insulin for a large amount of glucose - diabetes mellitus occurs.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in obesity.

The main principle of treatment for this type of diabetes is a low-carbohydrate diet and increased physical activity. This is the treatment for obesity. Diet can achieve complete restoration of sugar levels without insulin replacement therapy.

Diabetes mellitus type 1 (insulin-dependent diabetes)- This is a genetic disease that is manifested by a lack of production of its own insulin. This type of diabetes is not affected by obesity. On the contrary, type 1 diabetes can cause excess weight gain. This happens when a person eats a large amount of bread units and, in order to lower blood sugar, injects more insulin. At the same time, an increased amount of glucose is absorbed, which is stored as fat. Treatment of this type of diabetes mellitus is possible only with the use of insulin therapy.

Fatty liver or fatty liver disease

Fatty hepatosis is a severe complication of obesity, which leads to impaired liver function. It occurs quite often in people who take large amounts of fatty foods, especially in combination with alcohol.

Causes of fatty liver: if a large amount of fat comes with food, lipid metabolism is disrupted over time, which also occurs in the liver. Under the influence of alcohol and other harmful substances or medications, liver cells are replaced by fat cells, and liver failure occurs.

Symptoms of fatty liver:

  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • shortness of breath with little physical activity or even at rest;
  • high blood pressure, above 140/60 and even 200/120 mm Hg. Art.;
  • headaches and so on.
Treatment of this condition coincides with the treatment of obesity, mainly requiring a low-calorie diet, healthy eating. Physical exercise are introduced gradually, excessive loads can negatively affect the condition of the heart.

Obesity and atherosclerosis

Also, excess fat is deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the form of cholesterol, which forms atherosclerotic plaques. Vascular plaques impair blood circulation, narrowing the lumen of both large and small vessels. Atherosclerosis is dangerous for the development of strokes, coronary heart disease, heart attack and other types of circulatory disorders. The risk of developing this disease increases already with 1 degree of obesity.

Obesity and blood vessels

In addition to atherosclerosis, obesity also develops other vascular problems - varicose veins, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis. This is due to a large load of weight on the legs, low physical activity, and increased blood pressure, metabolic and fluid disorders. In this case, severe swelling and pain in the legs occurs, fatigue even with slight physical exertion. These conditions often require vascular surgery. You can often improve the condition of blood vessels by losing weight and eating right. Therapy is also prescribed to strengthen the vascular wall.

Obesity and joints

Excess weight also puts more strain on the musculoskeletal system. The joints of the lower extremities and spine are primarily affected; the following diseases often develop:

But the worst thing is obesity belongs to the risk group for cancer. Overweight patients often experience cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, breast, and genitourinary system.

Obesity and pregnancy, how to get pregnant and carry a baby?

For many women, adding extra pounds reduces their chances of becoming a mother. This is due to the fact that metabolic disorders have a bad effect on the genitals. In addition, adipose tissue secretes more estrogen, leading to an imbalance of sex hormones, resulting in a decreased chance of conception.

With degrees 3 and 4 obesity, the chances of getting pregnant are very low. But even if conception of a baby occurs against the background of obesity, a woman often faces various pregnancy pathologies:

  • hormonal disorders , as a result - increased risk(1 in 10) premature termination of pregnancy (miscarriage);
  • due to circulatory disorders and chronic hypoxia is possible intrauterine growth restriction or, even worse, fetal failure and stillbirth;
  • toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy (gestosis), which is manifested by increased blood pressure, loss of protein in the urine, severe edema, harms not only the mother, but also the development of the baby; Every fourth obese woman has gestosis;
  • most afraid eclampsia in mother , which threatens her life, manifests itself as convulsive syndrome, coma; the only treatment method is cesarean section, even if the 38-week period has not yet arrived, this is a complicated outcome of preeclampsia;
  • increased risk of developing pathologies heart, liver, kidneys in a woman;
  • high baby weight , which makes it very difficult to manage childbirth, the risk of giving birth to a child with birth injuries;
  • weak labor , late discharge of amniotic fluid occurs in every fourth woman in labor;
  • prematurity or postmaturity pregnancy occurs in every tenth overweight mother;
  • high risk (1:10) of development postpartum complications – uterine bleeding.
In addition, pregnancy affects obesity, adding extra weight. Increased fat reserves during pregnancy are a normal condition for any woman, due to the action of the pregnancy hormone - progesterone, this is necessary for a comfortable stay in the womb of the baby. Breastfeeding also negatively affects kilograms; the body stores so that the little one does not go hungry. But breastfeeding is necessary, it is for the child’s immunity and health. After childbirth and lactation, normalization occurs hormonal levels, and the kilograms gained over an interesting period gradually disappear, at least partially.

Despite possible risks and complications, obese women still get pregnant and give birth healthy children, you can’t despair. It’s just that such women require special supervision from obstetricians and gynecologists, especially in last weeks pregnancy.

And further, pregnancy is not the best period for losing excess weight, but still following a diet for pregnant women and moderate physical activity are necessary for easier bearing of the long-awaited child. The task of the expectant mother is not to gain new extra pounds, but not to lose weight.

How much weight should a woman gain during pregnancy?

  • 10-12 kg in 9 months before childbirth is considered normal, 4 kg of this increase is due to one’s own weight, and the rest is due to the fetus, uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid;
  • if a woman is obese 3-4 degrees , then the weight gain should not be more than 5-6 kg;
  • according to statistics , obese women most often gain 20 kg or more during pregnancy, but we must remember that the extra pounds will be deposited as fat on the stomach, hips, and throughout the body, and it will be difficult to lose them after childbirth and breastfeeding.
Principles of nutrition for an obese pregnant woman:
  • daily calorie content – no more than 2,500 kcal, but no less, the woman must provide for the baby nutrients for normal development;
  • food should be frequent, fractional, small portions;
  • a large amount of protein is needed (meat, fish, legumes, dairy products);
  • limit the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates as much as possible (sweets, potatoes, baked goods, sweet fruits, sugar, honey and so on);
  • fats should be more in the form unsaturated fatty acids (fish and seafood, a small amount of butter and vegetable oil, nuts);
  • increased calcium content (cheese, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits) and vitamins;
  • severe salt restriction – up to less than a teaspoon per day;
  • reducing fluid intake (water and liquid food) up to 1.5 liters.
Question about the type and intensity of any physical activity is decided individually by a doctor. Until 12 weeks, physical activity is carried out with caution, and after that a pregnant woman needs to walk a lot. fresh air, if there are no contraindications, you can do water aerobics, yoga, breathing exercises, exercise therapy.

Treatment of infertility due to obesity. In most cases (9 out of 10), it is possible to get pregnant after losing weight. With 1st and 2nd degree obesity, to successfully conceive a child, it is enough to lose only 10 - 20 kg; with 3-4 degree obesity, of course, it is heavier, but anything is possible; you will have to try very hard in the fight against excess fat.

At hormonal disorders A gynecologist is involved to correct these changes, but still you cannot do without a correct lifestyle.

Problems of obesity in children and adolescents, obesity in children under 1 year of age, what is the treatment?

Unfortunately, in last years More and more children and adolescents are suffering from obesity. All because modern life leaves its imprints on them. Many children sit for hours and days in front of the computer and TV, eating pizza and chips, washed down with sweet soda. Parents have to work a lot, leaving less and less time for their children. And so that children do not walk along dangerous streets on their own and do not get involved with different companies, but sit at home, turning a blind eye to their child’s lifestyle, depriving them of active street games. Yes and for Lately The number of childhood diagnoses has increased, which exempt schoolchildren from physical education and sports in general. Inactivity and poor nutrition are the most fast way to nutritional obesity; it is precisely this type of obesity that affects children and adolescents to a greater extent.

With the increase in childhood obesity, age-related diseases become younger, so strokes in children are no longer nonsense, and atherosclerosis is no longer only found in people over 40. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the health of your children, especially those who are entering puberty; it is this age that maximizes the risk of gaining extra pounds.

In addition to eating disorders and physical inactivity, there are also Other causes of childhood obesity:

  • Genetic predisposition. If one of the parents is obese, then the child’s risk of developing pathology is about 40-50%, and if both parents are overweight, then the risk increases to 80%. But we must remember that genetics only predisposes, and lifestyle is already superimposed on it, environment, psychological state, upbringing and so on.
  • Hormonal disorders – This is why obesity can occur during puberty, namely in early childhood (up to 3 years), during the period of 6-7 years, during the formation of menstruation in girls and at the age of 12-16 years in boys. In addition, obesity can develop against the background of other endocrine disorders, most often with insufficient or absent thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism).
  • Diseases of the central nervous system: traumatic brain injuries, hydrocephalus, meningitis, meningoencephalitis, congenital syndromes and so on.
  • Psychological trauma – Obesity can develop after the loss of loved ones, an accident, mental or physical violence in the family or on the street, and other emotional experiences.
  • Inactivity syndrome - occurs in adolescents who were involved in some kind of sport as children, and then abruptly stopped attending training.

Determining the degree of obesity in children using body mass index is considered uninformative, since the body is still growing rapidly.

To gradate degrees, either graphs of weight and height norms for each age are often used, or centile tables, when deviating from which we can say whether there is obesity or not.

Centile table No. 1: Height and weight standards for boys from 0 to 17 years old*.

Centile table No. 2: Height and weight standards for girls from 0 to 12 years old*.

*The norm is indicators from 10 to 90%. Indicators above 90% indicate excess body weight, and below 10% indicate underweight, both of which require consultation with a pediatrician.

Depending on the percentage of deviations from normal weight, four degrees of obesity are also distinguished:

  • 1st degree – when the weight is exceeded within 15-25%;
  • 2nd degree – with excess weight from 25 to 50% of normal;
  • 3rd degree – if the weight exceeds 50% of normal;
  • 4th degree – excess weight is more than 100%.
Obesity of the 1st and 2nd degrees is most common in children.

The principle of treating children with nutritional obesity is the same - switching to proper nutrition and increasing physical activity.

Principles of diet for obesity in school-age children and adolescents:

  • Strict diets for children and adolescents are contraindicated, since a growing body requires a balance of vitamins, minerals, calcium, protein, fats (including cholesterol) and carbohydrates; preference must be given to proper nutrition;
  • Reduce calorie intake gradually, by 300-400 kcal, to 1500 kcal per day;
  • The menu should contain a large amount of plant and protein foods, complex carbohydrates - these are whole grain cereals, dairy and fermented milk products, meat and fish, raw vegetables, fruits, rye bread and so on;
  • Meals should be small, frequent - 5-6 times a day;
  • Eliminate easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods, fresh white bread);
  • Avoid smoked, fried, spicy, salty food, sweet drinks;
  • Maintain a drinking regime of at least 2 liters per day.
Types of physical activity in obese children:
  • active games;
  • physical education at school;
  • exercise on horizontal bars;
  • walking, running, swimming, cycling;
  • any kind of sport, dancing and so on.
Various types of physical activity should be combined in the life of every child.

Obesity in children under 1 year of age. Infants can also suffer from obesity, although many mothers, and especially grandmothers, are so happy about the rosy cheeks and folds of their little ones. But excess weight often negatively affects the child’s physical and emotional development, his future health, and, less often, can be a sign of more severe congenital pathologies.

Diagnosis of obesity in infants is also made using calculations using centile tables of normal height and body weight.
Obesity in infants is called paratrophy. There are three degrees of paratrophy:

  • 1st degree – excess weight 10-15%;
  • 2nd degree – from 15 to 30%;
  • 3rd degree – over 30%.
In infants, grade 1 paratrophy is most common. 2-3 degrees may indicate different congenital pathologies. Therefore, overweight children should be examined by a specialist.

Risk groups for obesity in children under 1 year of age:

  • children whose parents are obese;
  • large birth weight, more than 4 kg;
  • children who are on artificial feeding;
  • born from mothers with diabetes;
  • children with congenital hypothyroidism;
  • congenital genetic syndromes, abnormalities of brain development, and so on.
The best prevention of obesity For infants, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy and lactation are essential, as well as breastfeeding for at least 6 months.

What methods of surgical treatment of obesity are there?

Many, lacking willpower and patience, try to solve the issue of excess weight by surgical interventions, this method is suitable for those who are not afraid to go under the knife and are ready to adhere to a special diet and lifestyle in the future.

Surgical methods used to treat obesity:

Type of operation Indications Principle of surgical treatment Peculiarities
Liposuction Improving appearance in obesity Surgical removal fat from the abdomen, thighs or shoulders. The operation eliminates a large number of kilograms at one time. Liposuction is a fairly bloody and difficult operation that requires a long recovery in the postoperative period. It does not completely solve the problem of obesity and its complications. If after such an operation a person returns to his old lifestyle, then the return of excess weight will not take long. Therefore, before deciding on liposuction, you need to switch to the right lifestyle and nutrition even before the operation.

Operations aimed at reducing the amount of food consumed
Intragastric balloon Alimentary-constitutional type of obesity, especially complicated by diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and other diseases.
Not suitable for those people who have eating problems, that is, with psycho-emotional obesity. In such cases, a decrease in stomach volume leads to long-term and protracted depression and psychosis.
Using an endoscope, a balloon is inserted into the stomach, which is already filled with liquid in the required volume from 400 to 700 ml, thereby reducing the lumen of the stomach. This is the safest, organ-saving and effective method of treating obesity and is performed without a single incision. Allows you to significantly reduce the number of servings, promotes quick satiety, and reduces appetite. Another important advantage of this method is the ability to remove the balloon at any time.
Gastric bypass The stomach is essentially redrawn, a small part is isolated and connected to the duodenal bulb. The operation is traumatic. But, in addition to reducing food volumes, the effect of reducing appetite for sweet and fatty foods is achieved.
Gastric banding The stomach is divided into two parts by placing a special ring on it. After dividing the stomach, the volume of its upper part is only up to 50 ml. This allows you to feel full with food in very small doses, and your appetite sharply decreases. This operation is quite easy to tolerate, the ring can be removed at any time, and its high effectiveness has been proven. This is the most commonly used method for obesity.

Operations to reduce food absorption
Small intestinal bypass Any type of obesity, especially when eating food under stress. It is especially indicated for the development of complications of obesity. The small intestine is cut at a distance of 50 cm or more from the stomach, and sutured to the large intestine, and the end of the second part of the small intestine is sutured. This type of operation is quite complex and can have a large number of life-threatening complications, so this operation is performed infrequently. The resulting effect is that the food taken is not digested and is excreted in transit through the rectum.
Biliopancreatic bypass Part of the stomach is removed, and the excretory ducts of the liver and pancreas are sutured from the duodenal bulb to the small intestine, 1 meter from the cecum. The operation is very complex, combined, but nevertheless it showed high efficiency in people with 3-4 degrees of obesity. There is a malabsorption of food in the small intestine. And this is the method by which you can eat plenty and lose weight.

All surgical interventions, despite their results, have a high risk of complications. Therefore, you need to think carefully before deciding to take such a step. If obesity is really severe, complicated, threatens irreversible consequences and other methods do not help, then such methods will save not only the health, but also the life of the patient.

Coding and folk remedies for obesity, pills and other non-traditional remedies effective in treating obesity?

More and more, various scientists, doctors, psychologists, pharmacists, and traditional medicine specialists are trying to develop effective methods to combat excess weight. The Internet is replete with various unconventional methods of treatment, presenting super pills, teas, baths and even films for weight loss. Of course, it is impossible to speak categorically about the harm or effectiveness of all these remedies, but relying on them and sitting and waiting for the hated kilograms to go away is impossible and useless.

Let's try to understand this mass of remedies for obesity and refute myths about easy and quick weight loss.

Myth No. 1: “Coding helps you quickly, once and for all, get rid of excess weight.”

Using various hypnotic and psychological techniques, a person is taught that food is an evil that harms and kills a person, and the feeling of joy from eating is replaced by a feeling of fear. However, any honest, experienced psychotherapist who practices this method will not give a complete guarantee of recovery.

Why coding cannot be called radical method from obesity?

  • Coding is truly an aversion for many people. junk food and loss of appetite. But this method gives only short term result(from several months to 2 years), and if during this time a person does not accustom himself to proper nutrition and lifestyle, then the weight will return very quickly, and this is also an advantage.
  • Coding requires compliance with many rules, the main of which is maintaining proper nutrition and increased physical activity, and this, as is known, helps even without psychiatrists.
  • Can't be encoded multiple times– two, maximum three times.
  • In particularly susceptible people coding can lead to bulimia and anorexia, that is, to states of eating disorder, which leads to irreversible consequences of the body and psyche.
  • Well, and most importantly, not all people are susceptible to various kinds encodings and hypnosis, then this method will be absolutely meaningless.

Myth #2: “Taking diet pills is completely safe.”

Many diet pills are classified as so-called dietary supplements (dietary supplements), and contain components that affect the nervous system and human psyche, that is, psychotropic substances of plant or synthetic origin. Indeed, they suppress the hunger center of the brain, which leads to sudden weight loss. The principle of this method is similar to taking drugs. These drugs deplete the nervous system, leading a person to psychosis and depression. For example, Thai pills, so popular in the 90s among people in show business, have brought more than one “star” to a hospital intensive care bed.

Myth No. 3: “Hers and other herbal remedies for obesity are absolutely safe.”

Herbal preparations obesity can be divided into three groups:

1. Plants that have a diuretic effect:

  • lingonberry and currant leaves;
  • chicory;
  • fennel;
  • corn silk and so on.

Diuretics remove fluid, reducing overall weight, not fat, leading to dehydration and inhibition of metabolic processes. Such drugs are indicated for edema.

2. Plants that have a laxative effect:

  • senna;
  • aloe;
  • rhubarb;
  • anise;
  • hibiscus and many others.
Laxatives also contribute to the removal of fluid and constant irritation of the intestines, lead to dysbiosis, vitamin deficiencies and even increase the risk of developing intestinal cancer. That's why long-term use Such herbal remedies will clearly not be beneficial, will disrupt metabolism and will not solve the problem of obesity and its causes.

3. Plants that reduce appetite:

  • spirulina;
  • flax seeds;
  • wheat bran and germs;
  • a pineapple.
The use of these products is really effective; they have a stomach-coating effect, thereby reducing appetite. And their use is safe.

4. Herbs that are poisonous. Most often used hellebore . Poisonous herbs lead to chronic intoxication, negatively affecting the intestines, liver, kidneys and even the heart. Appetite, of course, decreases significantly, kilograms disappear, but at what cost.

Despite these negative aspects, many plants are very useful and will complement the diet well during weight loss, but only as a source of vitamins, microelements, antioxidants, which are catalysts for metabolism.

Myth No. 4: “Biomagnet for weight loss, eat and lose weight while sitting on the couch.”

There are many action based methods magnetic field to the area of ​​​​various points responsible for appetite, liver function, metabolic processes, and so on. Such points are found on the ears, fingers and toes, nose, wrist and other parts of the body. Indeed, the effect of magnets and other healing stones has long been proven, but you need to know exactly which point to act on and when. And this effect is not so pronounced; a magnet alone is not enough; you still have to adhere to a healthy diet and physical activity. Unfortunately, in most cases, biomagnets sold on the Internet and TV stores affect psychosomatics, that is, a person convinces himself that this remedy works, it helps. Pressing on the points also helps; they remind a person that he has set a goal to lose weight.

Myth No. 5. “Weight loss machines at home, lose weight while lying on the couch.”

Basically, the market presents us with devices that act on the fat layer through the skin.

The most popular weight loss devices:

  • mini saunas for the abdominal area;
  • various massagers for problem areas;
  • butterflies with heating and vibrating effect;
  • cavitation preparations based on ultrasonic influence and many others.
These methods really improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage of the skin, improving metabolic processes in it, training muscles, and improving skin tone. This is just a small part of successful weight loss, as an additional method of losing weight will naturally increase your effectiveness. Without normalizing nutrition and physical activity, fat will not go away on its own. You shouldn’t use the machines, eat everything and lie on the couch waiting for a miracle - it won’t happen.

The fight against obesity and excess weight, what should it be like?

The most effective method of combating nutritional obesity is proper nutrition and physical activity. For obesity caused by other pathologies, treatment of the underlying disease is required. It is more difficult when weight gain occurs due to depression or nervous stress.

Psychological preparation and adjustment for weight loss.

Before you start treating obesity, you need to solve questions for yourself and set priorities:

  • Do I need to lose weight?
  • Why do I need it?
  • Do I want this?
  • Am I ready for this?
  • How can I do this effectively?
  • But won't this harm me?
  • What will the specialists and close people I trust say?
And only when a person has made a choice of a method of losing weight and has come to the conclusion: “I will do it!”, You can begin to take action.

If a person has problems and depression, then treatment should be accompanied by positive emotions. You can go on a trip, into nature, do what you love or even extreme sports, shopping, or realize long-desired ideas. This is necessary in order to provide your body with endorphins and other hormones of happiness, which are usually released during meals, and then the need for overeating will disappear.

Some people need incentives and goals, they need to be set for themselves. For some it is to be healthy, for others to be beautiful, many women set themselves the goal of giving birth, and for others they just want to fit into their tight dress.

People with weak willpower and character can visit a psychologist who will help them cope with various emotional problems.

Tips for proper nutrition for obesity:

1. Strict diets are not suitable for obesity, they quickly lead to weight loss, but no one can withstand such a diet for a long time, and the lost kilograms will quickly return.

2. Switching to proper nutrition, and not a diet, will help solve the problem of obesity, but only this should become a rule and a way of life, and not a temporary campaign for your body.

3. Meals should be frequent, up to 5-6 times a day, but the portions should be small, overeating should not be allowed, and you should eat before hunger sets in.

4. Drinking regime. Half an hour before meals you should drink a glass of water, this will reduce your appetite. But you can’t wash down your food; you need to drink no earlier than 30-60 minutes after eating. You should drink non-carbonated table water or mineral water, its daily volume should be calculated as follows: 30 ml or more of water per 1 kg of body weight. In addition, add 1 glass of clean water to each cup of tea or coffee. Carbonated and sugary drinks contribute to the deposition of fat under the skin and should be completely avoided. Pure water is necessary to turn on metabolism and speed it up.

5. Menu for obesity must contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. In the first half of the day it is necessary complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and in the second - plant foods. The daily energy value of the diet is 1200-1600 kcal:

  • Minimize the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates(sweets, including sweet fruits, pastries, chips, fresh white bread, etc.). You need to eat bread, but you need to choose rye varieties. It is important to drink tea and coffee without sugar or honey, you quickly get used to it, you can add milk to coffee, and lemon to tea.
  • Exclude: fried, spicy, smoked foods, alcohol, fast food, quick snacks with rolls and so on.
  • Amount of fat should be reduced, but not eliminated, since fats, especially unsaturated fats, are needed for the normal functioning of the body. Fats should come from fish, vegetable oil, dairy products, low-fat varieties meat.
  • Protein should be taken daily, sometimes you can do protein-free fasting days.
  • The diet should predominate plant food.
  • Need to reduce the amount of salt you consume up to 0.5 teaspoon per day.
6. In order to understand how to eat, in the first few weeks you can do counting calories, for this you can use various calculators and computer programs. This will help you determine the type of food and the size of its portions, and most importantly, teach you to eat properly.

Physical activity.

A sedentary and lying lifestyle must be changed to an active one. Many people just need to get out of bed first, and then gradually increase their loads. It's hard, but necessary. You need to start with walking; the number of steps taken per day should be at least 10-12 thousand. A set of exercises should be selected individually by a fitness trainer or physical therapy doctor after assessing the state of health, indications and contraindications. Any effective complex includes cardio exercises (running, jumping, cycling, swimming, etc.) and strength loads aimed at certain muscle groups. Active physical activity should last at least 30 minutes a day, 3-6 times a week, not counting daily walking, cleaning around the apartment and other necessary movements.

The path to combating obesity is very long and difficult; it requires great willpower, character and, most importantly, great desire. Often patients themselves cannot cope; they need support from loved ones or specialists. But it’s especially difficult in the first month of changing your habits. Then it will be easier, the body will get used to eating less and moving more, and the kilograms lost during this time will also be stimulated.

It is a healthy lifestyle that leads to effective treatment of obesity, and most importantly, a long-lasting effect is observed, and if such a lifestyle becomes a habit and the norm, then you can forget about the extra pounds forever. And with weight, other health problems that arose against the background of obesity go away.

Also, people who have overcome tens of kilograms become stronger, happier, get rid of complexes and become self-confident individuals.

How do smoking and alcohol affect obesity?

Smoking and obesity.

Many people think that smoking cigarettes helps fight extra pounds and suppresses appetite. However, everything is not like that at all, Smokers quite often encounter problems with excess weight, and here's why:

  • Smoking a cigarette only suppresses the feeling of hunger for a short time , it does not satiate, so very soon hunger returns, this leads to uncontrolled intake of large amounts of food and overeating - the cause of obesity.
  • People who are addicted to tobacco usually have weak willpower , so many people simultaneously have other types of addictions, including food addictions. Smoking suppresses the production of your own endorphins. Food promotes their production, so smokers replace cigarettes with food, compensating for the lack of happiness hormones. This is why people who quit smoking quickly gain excess weight.
  • Smoking leads to vasoconstriction As a result, blood circulation is impaired and metabolic processes in the body slow down; energy substances are not consumed, but are deposited as fat.
  • Also, smokers with experience have habitual chronic weakness, as a result - sedentary lifestyle.
When fighting excess weight, it is very important to get rid of tobacco addiction. A large amount of vitamins, positive emotions and physical activity will reduce the pain of parting with cigarettes.

Alcohol and obesity.

Alcohol is almost always present in the lives of adults. For many this is the norm of life. Alcohol is drunk not only on holidays, but also to maintain company, relieve stress and fatigue, for romance or simply to have a good dinner and for a good mood. And no one thinks about the consequences that strong drinks lead to, and there can be many of them, including obesity.

How does alcohol affect obesity?

  • Alcohol, entering the body, produces energy in the amount of 700 kcal per 100 ml of alcohol, but this empty energy ethanol contains no proteins, no fats, no carbohydrates . This energy is used up first, but snacks from the feast are stored as reserve fat.
  • If alcohol has sugar (sweet wines, champagne, vermouth, liqueurs, liqueurs, etc.), then in addition to empty energy comes large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates , which are very quickly deposited as fat.
  • Alcohol leads to dehydration body, thereby further slowing down metabolism.
  • Strong drinks have irritating effect on the stomach and increase appetite, so almost everyone likes to take a deep bite of every glass. Many people also like to drink strong drinks with sweet carbonated water, increasing the risk of fat deposits significantly.
  • Alcohol intoxication promotes uncontrolled eating , a person simply does not feel full.
  • Alcohol can make you weak , reducing physical activity both during abuse and the next day of the hangover.
  • Drinks with degrees increase the risk of developing obesity complications (diabetes mellitus, fatty liver, etc.).
  • Alcohol affects the balance of sex hormones

    Diabetes. Types of diabetes mellitus, causes of development, signs and complications of the disease. Structure and functions of insulin. Compensation for diabetes mellitus.

About what types of obesity in women available was said at the end of the previous article, now let's talk about them in more detail. Women know body types other than ideal, but determining the degree of obesity does not end there.

types of obesity in women

And so, let's start with the abdominal type, which is also called male, or android - fat deposits are “favored” in this case by the upper part of a woman’s body - arms, neck and chest with abdomen.

The lower part of the body is relatively slender; this type of obesity is more common in the male half of society, but it can also be found in women. Women who have obesity are predisposed to this type of obesity, or the genetic factor has not been left out. The combination of this type of obesity with visceral obesity (more on that later) contributes to the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If fat deposits are “preferred” abdomen and the organs located there, this type is called visceral. At the same time, the woman does not have external signs of obesity at all, but relatively this type is very dangerous. Fat is deposited in the liver, heart and diabetes is most often diagnosed with this type of obesity. By measuring your waist, you can check whether you have similar problem. If a lady's waist is more than eighty centimeters in circumference - alas, she is out of luck - types of obesity in women

Women are most prone to gynoid obesity; this type is characterized by fat deposits in the lower part of a woman’s figure - on the hips, lower abdomen, legs. There are several reasons for this type of obesity. One of the reasons can be called dyslipidemia - otherwise a disorder of lipid and cholesterol metabolism, which is often the cause of hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, followed by atherosclerosis and ischemia. Ladies who prefer a sedentary lifestyle are also predisposed to this type of obesity, which leads to a decrease in tissue sensitivity to insulin, subsequent insulin resistance and to.

And as always, omnipresent genes! Scientists have identified a gene that promotes the accumulation of fat in extreme conditions– extreme cold, hunger... However, in the absence of such conditions, fat that was previously deposited in secluded places “just in case” under the influence of the gene continues to accumulate and leads to gynoid type obesity.

This type of obesity is considered not as dangerous as visceral obesity, but it can also provoke problems with the spine (stress!), varicose veins - which have the same background, hypertension, and even a heart attack with a stroke. If a woman is not concerned about discomfort of an aesthetic nature, and measures to get rid of obesity are not taken, an unfavorable outcome of oncological pathology is possible - types of obesity in women

The mixed type is characterized by an even distribution of fat throughout the body. In women, this type of obesity can be observed in rare cases - it is more common in teenage girls. This type of obesity can also be caused by chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, intoxication and head trauma. Like other forms of obesity, overeating and a tendency to spend leisure time on the sofa were no exception.