Dictionary on the topic autumn preparatory group. Summary of educational activities for children of the senior group with special needs “Late Autumn”

Story about Autumn:
Early autumn is called “golden” - the grass and leaves on trees and shrubs turn golden.
The air is cool, transparent and silver threads of cobwebs fly in it. These are fine sunny days of the short Indian summer. But the sun no longer rises high, the days become shorter and the nights longer. Small cold rains drizzle, fog creeps in in the mornings. Gusts of wind tear yellow, crimson and purple leaves from the trees, which cover the ground with a colorful carpet. It's time for leaf fall. The trees gradually lose their lush, bright decoration, their branches are exposed.
In mid-autumn, the sun rarely appears, the days become cloudy, and cold, lingering rains often occur. There are frosts at night.
Late autumn is called “silver”. The first thin ice covers the puddles, silver stars - snowflakes - fly onto the frozen ground, icy tree branches ring in the wind, fallen leaves covered with frost glisten in the sun. Insects are disappearing, migratory birds are flying south.
Animals are preparing for winter, stocking up, building and insulating nests and burrows, changing their summer coats to winter coats - fluffier and lighter in color, in order to become invisible in the white snow. In the fall, people have a lot of work: they need to harvest vegetables and fruits, prepare arable land for spring, and sow winter crops.
We also need to take care of those birds that remain to spend the winter in our area, collect seeds and fruits for them, and prepare feeders.

Poems about Autumn
Autumn. Our whole poor garden is crumbling.
Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind;
They only show off in the distance, there, at the bottom of the valley
Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees.
The birdhouse is empty,
The birds have flown away
Leaves on the trees
I can't sit either.
All day today
Everyone is flying, flying...
Apparently, also to Africa
They want to fly away.
Here is a maple leaf on a branch.
Now it's just like new!
All ruddy and golden.
Where are you going, leaf? Wait!
Autumn. (A.S. Pushkin)
It's a sad time!
Eyes charm
I am pleased with your farewell beauty
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold...

Autumn has spun
Red blizzards,
Golden leaves
They flew from the maples,
The leaves are spinning
Motley round dance,
Glistened in the puddles
The first thin ice.
Poems by E. Trutneva “Autumn”.
Suddenly it became twice as bright,
The yard is like in the sun's rays -
This dress is golden
On the shoulders of a birch tree.
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...
Cobwebs fly by
With spiders in the middle,
And high from the ground
Cranes fly by.
Everything flies! This must be
Our summer is flying by.
The bare branches are knocking,
Black jackdaws scream
Rarely shine through the clouds -
Autumn has come.
The ice cube will crunch loudly,
The bird will cry subtly,
As if he’s asking for food -
Autumn has come.
The black nests are empty,
The bushes have become smaller,
The wind carries leaves:
Autumn, autumn, autumn.

Complete the sentence about Autumn
Summer has been replaced by... (golden autumn).
The sun peeks out less and less often... (from behind the clouds).
The trees put on... (multi-colored outfit).
... (red, yellow) leaves burn in the sun, and then... (fall, swirl, cover) the earth with a golden carpet.
The rain... (drizzles) and makes us hide... (at home).
Birds gather in flocks... (and fly away to warmer climes).
The animals have no time to frolic, they make... (supplies for the winter).
Soon the white-winged winter will come into its own.

Autumn Proverbs
Summer with sheaves - autumn with pies.
September is cold, but full.
In the spring the rain grows, and in the fall it rots.
In November, winter fights with autumn.
In the autumn storm there are seven weather conditions in the yard - it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, and it roars, and it pours, and it sweeps from below.

Riddles about Autumn
Hanging on a branch
Gold coins. (Autumn leaves)
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly... (leaf fall)
Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)
She brings us a harvest,
The fields are re-sowed,
Sends birds south
The trees cover
But it does not concern firs and pines,
Because it's..(Autumn)
Who is this gardener?
I watered the cherries and gooseberries,
Watered the plum and flowers,
Washed the herbs and leaves.
And when twilight came,
They told us on the radio
That he will come tomorrow too
And our garden will water. (Rain)

Choose an action
Leaves in the fall (what do they do?) - turn yellow, fall off, etc.
Rain in the fall - drizzling, falling, etc.
The harvest is harvested in the fall.
Birds fly away in the fall.
Trees in autumn shed leaves.
Leaves in autumn (what?) - yellow, red, crimson, gold.
How can you say this in one word? (Multi-colored.)
Rain in autumn (what kind?) - cold, drizzling.
The weather in autumn (what?) - cloudy, rainy, gloomy, frosty (late autumn).
Trees in autumn (which ones?) - early - with multi-colored leaves, late - bare.
Animals in the fall - preparing for winter, changing their coats.
fox, squirrel, ermine, hare (does not change color); squirrel, vole, hare, badger (does not store).

Chernikova Nina Gennadievna,
teacher speech therapist

1. Find out if your child knows what time of year it is. Ask him questions and encourage him to answer them with complete answers. Explain how to answer questions; Tell me what word to start the answer with. For example:

What time of year is it now?
- It's autumn now.
- Why do you think so? Start your answer with words on the street.
- It has become cold outside, it rains often, the leaves on the trees have turned red and yellow, the grass is drying up. The children went to school. People put on warmer clothes.

2. Help your child remember that autumn can be divided into two periods: early autumn and late autumn. Tell your child about how these periods are characterized.

In early autumn it is still warm, the sun shines often, and it rarely rains. The leaves on the trees begin to turn red and yellow, which is why early autumn is called golden. Asters, dahlias, marigolds and other autumn flowers are still blooming in parks and gardens. Vegetables and fruits are harvested in the fields and gardens. Lingonberries, cranberries, and mushrooms are collected in the forests. Migratory birds gather in flocks and prepare to fly south.

In late autumn it becomes cold, the sun shines less and less and does not warm at all, cold drizzling rains often fall. The trees are shedding their last leaves. The grass and flowers dry up. The flight of birds ends.

3. While walking with your child in the park, observe the signs of autumn and invite your child to answer your questions - organize a conversation.

What is the sky like today?
- The sky is clear and blue.
- What is the sky like in late autumn most often?
- In late autumn, the sky is often overcast.
- What leaves do you see on the trees?
- Leaves are red, yellow, orange.
- What are the trees like in late autumn?
- In late autumn the trees are bare.
- Pay attention to the grass under the trees. What is she like?
- The grass is still green, flowers are blooming in it.
- What will happen to the grass in late autumn?
- In late autumn, the grass will turn yellow and dry out.
- Go to the anthill. Tell me what you see.
- Ants drag blades of grass and twigs into the anthill, preparing for winter.
- What happens to insects in late autumn?
- Insects disappear in late autumn.
- Look at the sky. Who do you see?
- Migratory birds fly to warmer regions.

4. Learn a quatrain with your child that will help him remember the names of the months of autumn.

September October November
With rain and falling leaves.
And the birds fly away
And the children need to go to school.

5. Invite your child to divide the names of the autumn months into syllables: September-October, November-November. Remind: there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowel sounds.

6. Train your child in recognizing maple, oak, birch, rowan, poplar, aspen, and ash by the characteristic features of the trunk, branches, bark, and leaves. Talk with your child about the color of autumn leaves, using the adjectives gold, scarlet, crimson, crimson. For example: scarlet maple leaves, golden birch leaves, crimson aspen leaves, crimson rowan leaves.

7. Play the game “Autumn Leaves” with your child. You throw a ball to the child and name the tree; the child returns the ball to you, forming a phrase with two adjectives.

For example:

Birch. - Yellow birch leaves.
- Maple. - Scarlet maple leaves.
- Aspen. - Crimson aspen leaves.
- Rowan. - Orange rowan leaves.

8. Play the game “Give me a word” with your child.

Birds fly away
They gathered in flocks.
The leaves are flying away
The wind carries them away.
All this happens
If with us... (autumn).

9. Learn the following text with your child and do finger exercises. It promotes the development of fine (finger) motor skills, will help you easily remember the relative adjectives “oak”, “maple”, “rowan”, and will be useful for spending a moment of rest when writing or drawing.

Lexical theme "Autumn"


Children should know:
- names of autumn months;
— the main signs of autumn;
— what happens to the trees, how the grass has changed, the meaning of the word “leaf fall”;
- what animals and birds do in the fall;
- what people do;
- what gifts autumn brought to people;
— why they say “golden” about autumn.
Expanding children's vocabulary:
titles: autumn, September, October, November, months, leaf fall, rain, clouds, puddles, wind, fog, dampness, bad weather, freshness, nature, harvest, garden, vegetable garden, fruits, vegetables, supplies, trees, leaves, forest, birds , animals, slush, winter, weather, withering, haze, sky, sun, people, clothes, umbrella;
signs: early, late, autumn, dull, sad, golden, farewell, foggy, distant, difficult, rich, long, short, frequent, rare, gloomy, stormy, rainy, damp, crimson, bare, fading, sad, wondrous, beautiful , lush, migratory, wintering;
actions: they fly, rustle, fall, rustle, crumble, advance, come, frown, say goodbye, fly away, coo, clean, tear, collect, dig, dress, get ready, wither, turn yellow, dry, drizzle.


Grammatical structure of speech

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes
"Call me kindly"

Rain - rain, rain, sun - sunshine,
puddle - puddle, tree - tree,
wind - breeze, leaf - leaf, leaf, leaf,
cloud - cloud, forest - forest,
garden - garden, bird - bird.

Formation of the plural of nouns in the genitive case
"One is many"
A month - months, a tree - trees,
rain - rain, fruit - fruit,
puddle - puddle, vegetable - vegetables,
harvest - harvests, leaves - leaves,
garden - gardens, bird - birds,
vegetable garden - vegetable gardens, slush - slush,
umbrella - umbrellas, forest - forests.

Noun and adjective agreement “Say with the word “autumn””

The sky (what?) is autumn,
wind (what?) - autumn,
alley (which one?) - autumn.
The exercise is continued with the words: sun, cloud, rain, flowers, forest, weather, boots, day, morning, coat.

Formation of qualitative adjectives “Tell me what the weather is like?”

What is the weather like in autumn if it rains? - rainy,
... the wind is blowing - windy;
If it's cold outside, what's the weather like? - cold;
if it's cloudy - cloudy,
... damp - raw,
... gloomy - gloomy,
... sunny - sunny,
... clear - clear.

Formation of the plural of verbs, nouns and adjectives “One - many”
The autumn day has come - the autumn days have come,
there is a yellow leaf on the tree - there are yellow leaves on the trees,
a dark cloud is floating - dark clouds are floating,
there is a big tree - there are big trees,
it's cold rain, it's raining cold,
a strong wind is blowing - strong winds are blowing,
a warm jacket is hanging - warm jackets are hanging,
a flock of birds is flying - flocks of birds are flying.

Lexical structure of speech

Retelling the story "Autumn"

After summer comes autumn. Leaves on trees and bushes turn yellow, red, and fall off. The sky is often covered with clouds and it rains. They are not like in summer - warm and strong, but small and cold.
At the beginning of autumn there are still many warm days, the sun is still warm, and there are many flowers in the flower beds. This is golden autumn. It's beautiful all around. By the end of autumn, there are few sunny days, the sun does not heat well, and it becomes cold. The cold freezes the water, sometimes snow falls, but it melts from the daytime heat. Almost all the trees are bare, the flowers have withered. It's getting cold, so the birds fly south. These are migratory birds. Animals are also preparing for winter. Some go to bed for the whole winter, having stored up fat reserves over the summer (bear, hedgehog, badger), others change their fur coat to a warmer one (hare, squirrel), many animals store food for the winter (squirrels, mice).
Insects hide in old stumps, snags, and climb under the bark. The forest is quiet and deserted.
In the fall, the crops are harvested: vegetables in the garden, fruits in the garden.
People dress warmer: they put on jackets, hats, warm pants, sweaters, cover their heads with scarves, put on boots.

Search for antonyms for “Say the opposite”

Early autumn - late autumn,
a happy day is a sad day,
sunny day - cloudy day,
white cloud - black cloud,
... cold - hot,
... good - bad.

Search for the relevant concept
"I'll start, and you finish"

People are dressed in autumn, (what?) - ...;
schoolchildren go with their briefcases (where?) - ...;
the leaves on the trees have become (what?) - ...;
flowers in the flower beds (what did they do?) - ...;
birds fly away (where?) - ...;
animals do for the winter (what?) - ...;
people collect in forests, gardens, fields and vegetable gardens (what?) - ....

Constructing a monologue
“Tell me about autumn according to plan”:

1) when autumn comes;
2) autumn months;
3) signs of autumn in nature;
4) the beauty of golden autumn;
5) what birds and animals do in the fall;
6) human labor in the autumn period;
7) autumn clothes.

Finding factual errors
"Correct mistakes"

Summer has passed and autumn has come. Cold winds blew, flowers withered, leaves blossomed on the trees. The animals began to make provisions for the winter: the hedgehog - honey, the squirrel - nuts, the bear - cabbage, the fox - apples. Birds flew in from the south.
The children put on their Panama hats and went out for a walk in the yard. They played hide and seek, made a snowman and fed crumbs to the birds.


Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,
And the bare bushes look sadly.
The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow.
The winter crops are just turning green in the fields.
A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine.
The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.
The waters rustled like a fast stream.
The birds flew away to warmer lands.
A.N. Pleshcheev

Guess the riddles!

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly. (Autumn.)

Dry - wedge, wet - damn. (Umbrella.)

They often call me, they wait for me,
And when I come, they hide from me. (Rain.)

Yellow leaves are flying,
They rustle underfoot.
The sun is no longer hot.
When does all this happen? (In autumn.)

All the trees have flown over,
Only spruce trees turn green,
It rains day and night,
Dirt and puddles at the gate. (Autumn.)

Outdoor game
"Hello, autumn!"

Host: Hello, autumn!
Children: dance in a round dance.
Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, autumn, will ask you,
What did you bring as a gift?
Simulates making pies.
I brought you torment -
Children: So there will be pies.
Host: I brought you some buckwheat -
Children Porridge will be in the oven.
Simulates cutting vegetables.
Presenter Brought to you
vegetables -
Children For both soup and cabbage soup.
Presenter Are you happy about pears?
They spread their hands, showing a deck of honey.
Let's dry the children for the winter.
Presenter Brought honey too -
Children Full deck!
Host: And apples -
what honey! For jam, for compote.
Children: You and apples, you and honey,
You also saved some bread,
And good weather
Did you bring us a gift?
Host: Are you happy about the rain?
Children: We don’t want it, we don’t need it!
Who will get caught in the rain?
He'll drive now.
They run away, “hiding from the rain.”

Musical-rhythmic exercise
Autumn leaves

We are autumn leaves
We are sitting on the branches.
The wind blew and they flew.
We were flying, we were flying
And they sat quietly on the ground,
The wind came again
And he picked up all the leaves.
Twisted them, twisted them
And he lowered it to the ground.
Children accompany the poem with appropriate movements.

Finger gymnastics

Autumn leaves scattered, (open and close fists)
I painted them with a brush. (Make smooth waves with your palms up and down.)
We’ll go to the autumn park, (They “walk” with the fingers of both hands.)
We will collect bouquets of leaves. (Cross palms with fingers spread.)
Maple leaf, aspen leaf, (Bend your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
Oak leaf, rowan leaf,
Red poplar leaf
He jumped down onto the path. (jump from the chair and land squatting on the carpet)
I. Mikheeva

Let's talk about the roles:

- Sun, sun, where are you from?
- I am from a golden cloud.
- Rain, rain, where are you from?
- I am from a thundercloud.
- Wind, wind, where are you from?
- I'm from the far side.
- Leaf, leaf, where are you from?
- From the birch country!
From the manual by G. Bystrova, E. Sizova, T. Shuiskaya

Goals: to develop general speech skills, intonation expressiveness of speech, voice strength.
Autumn, autumn,
We ask for a visit.
Stay for eight weeks:
With abundant bread,
With the first snows,
With falling leaves and rain,
With a migrating crane.

Didactic material for consolidation on the lexical topic: “Autumn.”

Meshcheryakova Svetlana Gennadievna, teacher - speech therapist MKOU Sh-I No. 8, Gremyachinsk, Perm region.
Target: Generalization of students’ knowledge about the season – autumn.
Tasks: Develop coherent speech, communication skills, auditory and visual attention, thinking;
Improve the grammatical structure of speech;
Cultivate curiosity.
It is known that good command of speech plays a significant role not only in everyday life, but also in a person’s professional activity. A person who is an interesting conversationalist and can effectively and clearly express his thoughts makes a more pleasant impression on others.
Good command of your native language and speech is an art that needs to be learned.
Why is it necessary to develop oral speech?
- Be able to communicate with different people in different situations
- Express your thoughts and feelings
- Speak beautifully, correctly and pleasantly for listeners.
Speech serves as a source of knowledge about the world around us, a means of communication and mutual understanding. In this regard, children’s ability to use speech becomes important.
Every child feels the need to communicate. The need for communication is one of the most important in human life. When entering into relationships with the world around us, we communicate information about ourselves, in return we receive information that interests us, analyze it and plan our activities based on this analysis. And, of course, children want to be understood. Children often have difficulty describing people, objects, and phenomena. Even despite a sufficient vocabulary, most children do not know how to speak correctly, it is difficult for them to formulate their thoughts, they cannot fully participate in a conversation or conduct a dialogue.
The formation of coherent speech is the main task of speech education. Good speech is an important condition for the development of a child’s personality.
Didactic game– an excellent training and development tool used in mastering any program material. Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to have a beneficial effect on all components of speech. In the game, the child gets the opportunity to enrich and consolidate vocabulary, form grammatical categories, develop coherent speech, expand knowledge about the world around him, develop verbal creativity, and develop communication skills. The proposed tasks are aimed at consolidating material on the lexical topic: “Autumn”. This is a kind of homework that is interesting to do with children after a speech therapy session at home, during a walk.
Material will be useful for educators, primary school teachers, parents, and speech therapists.


“Read, add, make sentences.”


“Put the words in order, make the correct sentence.”

Boots, rubber boots, footwear. (Rubber boots are shoes)


"Favorite Poems"

Listen to the poem. Find offers. Read it expressively.
In order to let children feel the beauty of the poetic word, an adult himself must feel it and be able to convey it in his performance. You cannot read the work monotonously, inexpressively.

The lingonberries are ripening.
The days have become colder,
And from the bird's cry
It only makes my heart sadder.
Flocks of birds fly away
Away beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress.
The sun laughs less often
There is no incense in the flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And he will cry sleepily.

There's already a golden leaf covering
Wet soil in the forest...
I boldly trample my foot
The outer beauty of the forest.
Cheeks burn from the cold:
I like to run in the forest,
Hear the branches crack,

Rake the leaves with your foot!..
(A. N. Maikov)

Read the poem. Come up with a name.


“Let’s clarify the signs”

Tell us what is typical for each autumn month? How is autumn different from summer?

Adjective agreement with nouns:
Exercise: Choose epithets for the words: sun, sky, day, weather, trees, grass, animals, birds, insects.

Find antonyms for the words: warm - cold, cloudy day - sunny day, dry - wet, long - short.


“Speak a tongue twister.”

First, say the tongue twister out loud slowly twice. Now to myself several times - at first slowly, then faster and faster. Learn to quickly pronounce tongue twisters out loud.

“All the maples have turned red,
And no one teases:
Since everyone is red anyway
Who cares!"


"Learning to answer questions"

Depending on what task you set for your child, this is the answer you require: complete or short. After reading the text, the answers can be full and meaningful. The question must be constructed competently and clearly so that the child is not distracted by extraneous details.
Listen to the story. Tell me, what time of year are we talking about?
Look at the pictures, which one matches the story?
It is important that the text read by adults is an example of the correct literary construction of a sentence, that it is bright and expressive. Autumn comes after summer. Gradually the days become cloudier, the sun shines less and less. The sky is covered with gray clouds. It often rains – long, drizzling rains. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. A cold wind tears leaves from tree branches, and they fall to the ground, covering it with a golden carpet. The grass is withering. It's damp and slushy outside. The birds don't sing anymore. They hide from the rain, gather in flocks and fly far to warmer climes. You can’t go outside without an umbrella, you’ll get wet. And it’s cold without a jacket and boots.

Multi-colored boats.

I came to the pond. How many colorful boats are on the pond today: yellow, red, orange! They all arrived here by air. A boat will arrive, land on the water and immediately set sail. Many more will arrive today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. And then the boats will run out. And the pond will freeze.
(D. N. Kaigorodov)
Tell me what kind of boats float on the pond. What time of year do these boats happen?
Color this picture and make up a story based on it.

Share your impressions of autumn. Ask, how do you feel about autumn? Start your story with these words:
I I love autumn because...
To me I don’t like autumn because...

Make up a story according to plan: “Day of Knowledge!”

Exercise:“What autumn gave us.”
Words are helpers: garden, fruits, vegetables, vegetable garden, harvesting, harvest, mushrooms, baskets, forest, collect, ripened, harvest.

A game:“What grows in the garden?”
Remember what grows in the garden. What grows in the garden? Look at the pictures, first name all the vegetables, then all the berries and finally all the fruits.
Answer the questions and explain why there are several correct answers to the same question.

A game:"I cook myself"
Show and name the vegetables from which borscht soup is made, and fruits for compote.
We will cook borscht from...
We will make compote from...

A game:"I'm coming up with a color"
The names of some colors come from the names of words - objects. Let's come up with flower names together.
Salad (what color?) – lettuce.
Lingonberry (what color?) – lingonberry.
Beetroot (what color?) – beetroot.
Walnut (what color?) – nut.
Carrots (what color?) – carrot.
Plum (what color?) – plum.
A game:“What kind of juices are there?”
What are these juices called?
Apple juice – apple juice.
Grape juice – grape juice.
Carrot juice – carrot juice.
Tomato juice – tomato juice.
Cucumber juice – cucumber juice.
Plum juice – plum juice.
Cabbage juice – cabbage juice.
Potato juice – potato juice.
Cranberry juice -...
Pear juice -...

rain, raincoat, rainy, wait, rainy.

Willow, willow, beer, willow.

Autumn, autumnal, blue.

Yellow, turn yellow, hard, yellowness.

Drop, drip, dig, drop, dripped.

    "Answer the questions". The use of verbs in different tense forms in speech.

The game is repeated with the words rain, grass, leaves, etc.

    “Make a proposal.”

Blowing, autumn, wind, cold.

The leaves and trees are turning yellow.

The earth, grass, on, withers.

The birds are flying south.

Light, autumn, drizzling, rain.

    "Guess the word".

The wind blows, and the winds...

The bird flies away, and the birds...

The leaf turns yellow, and the leaves...

It's drizzling and raining...

The flower fades, and the flowers...

The cold is coming, and the cold...

The harvest is ripening, and the harvests...

The leaf falls, and the leaves...

    Answer the questions.

What day does it rain? - ...(rainy)

What day does the wind blow? - ...(windy)

What kind of rain comes in autumn? - ... (autumn)

What is the weather like when it rains often? - ...(rainy)

What is the weather like when strong winds often blow? - ...(windy)

What is the weather like in autumn? - ... (autumn)

    Activating children's knowledge and ideas about autumn

    What time of year is it now?

    What autumn months do you know? How many are there?







WITH. Marshak.

    What does CLEAR MORNING mean?

    Why do birds rush across the seas? How can I say this differently? ( Birds fly away to warmer climes.)

-Why does school open in September? ( The holidays are over, the children come back to study.)







S. Marshak.

    What often goes on in October?

    What does DEAD GRASS mean?

    Why did the grasshopper fall silent?

    How did he chirp in the summer?

    Why do they prepare firewood in the village in the fall?

    Why do leaves fall from trees in autumn?

    In what month does autumn end?

    Constructing a phrase with negation NOT and NO

Let's play. I will name the signs of different seasons, and you choose only those that occur in late autumn and say YES. If it doesn't happen in the fall, say NO. Anyone who makes a mistake gives me a forfeit.




















    Didactic game “Guess who?” Who did this, Kolya or Olya? Repeat the entire sentence.

... collected leaves.

...found mushrooms.

...loved the rains.

...saw clouds.

...got wet in the rain.

...saw a yellow leaf.

    Guess by attribute/action

It pours, drizzles, drips -...

They turn red, turn yellow, fall off...

Oak, maple, linden -...

Strong, piercing, cold -...

Oak, linden, willow, birch - this is...

September, October, November are...

    Explain a word

Multicolored; leaf fall; torrential.

    Count to five

One autumn day - two autumn days...

One black cloud -...

One small puddle -...

One beautiful umbrella -...