Boils often pop up. Secrets of quick treatment: how to speed up the maturation of a boil. How are boils treated?

Furunculosis is a skin disease that occurs most often and the manifestations of which everyone has encountered.

Diagram of boil formation: fatty secretions from the sebaceous gland, skin and hair follicle

What are boils?

What is a boil and how to treat it interests many who are faced with this disease. The external manifestation of furunculosis is inflammation of the hair follicles - boils; foci of inflammation can be single or multiple, but the cause of their appearance is staphylococcus. Their treatment is quick and painless. Most often, boils form on the face, back and side of the neck, forearms and elbows, thighs and buttocks. In women, chiria can occur in the labia majora area. Only a specialist can answer how to cure a boil so that it does not appear again and how to quickly cure furunculosis, because with proper treatment, even chronic furunculosis can be permanently cured in a month or two. Without treatment, furunculosis can appear several times a year.

Furunculosis - causes and treatment

Furunculosis is a disease characterized by many boils at the same time or boils that constantly appear one after another. Furunculosis can be acute, accompanied by a large number of ulcers that arise simultaneously, and chronic, in which one boil is replaced by another and so on for a long period of time, which can last more than one year. Also, the disease can be widespread (disseminated), when all the inflammation is located throughout the body, and limited (localized), when the ulcers are concentrated in one area.

Furunculosis manifests itself due to the activation of staphylococcal microflora, which gives impetus to the development of the inflammatory process. The appearance of a boil, or chiria, is similar to the appearance of a large pimple, but the consequences are different, so you should pay close attention to the body’s signals and consult a specialist to avoid complications.

Typical symptoms of furunculosis:

  • itching, burning and tingling of the skin;
  • numbness of the skin (locally);
  • swelling, pain, redness of the skin;
  • the appearance of a painful seal on the skin;
  • bluish skin area;
  • general weakness (vomiting and nausea, loss of appetite);
  • headache, insomnia;
  • temperature;
  • fever;
  • purulent or bloody discharge in the center of the abscess.

If furunculosis affects the lips, eyelids, scrotum or brow ridges, noticeable swelling appears. Having noticed a boil, you cannot begin treatment on your own - you need to consult a doctor.

In no case should you squeeze out the formed ulcers - this is dangerous for life and health; one of the negative consequences of squeezing out boils is the formation of new ones.

Headache often accompanies furunculosis

What are the causes of furunculosis?

There are many reasons for furunculosis, and most of them come from a weakened immune system and neglect of personal hygiene: constantly dirty skin, immune system failure, hypothermia, colds and infections, metabolic disorders, hyperhidrosis, excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, ingrown hairs, overwork, diabetes mellitus , intoxication of the body, chronic stress, entry of a foreign object into the body.

And other problems:

  • nervous system failure;
  • alcoholism;
  • anemia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • exhaustion.

Whatever the cause of chiria, it must be remembered that without proper treatment it will not go away and cannot resolve on its own. Many patients are interested in how to cure furunculosis at home. Treating chiria at home with ointments and poultices will also not give the desired result, because you need to eliminate the cause of the disease, and not its external manifestations. Furunculosis does not go away without a trace - it often leads to more serious diseases.

Alcoholism is one of the problems that provoke furunculosis

How is furunculosis treated?

Along with the use of ointments, creams and poultices, the use of antibiotics is strictly prohibited, because their action can significantly complicate the search for the cause of the boil. The causes and treatment of furunculosis can only be determined by a specialist. Treatment of boils by heating and squeezing out ulcers is prohibited - the infection can spread throughout the body. The most dangerous thing is to try to squeeze out boils in and around the nose on your own, due to the fact that the cerebral blood supply is closely connected to the vessels located near the nasolabial folds, and an infection that gets into these vessels can lead to inflammation of the lining of the brain. The doctor will determine how to treat the boil, based on the results of all tests and taking into account the reasons that led to this purulent disease.

Stages of boil development

Chiriy is formed in several stages, which take about ten days. At the first, called the infiltration stage, the inflammation process is internal. After infection enters the body, inflammation begins - lymphocytes and leukocytes try to overcome pathogens. At this time, redness of the skin in the local area is observed, swelling begins and pain appears. The reddened area of ​​skin becomes hot. The body's immune system uses neutrophils - cells that absorb pathogenic bacteria, break them down within themselves and die.

The second stage is called the necrosis stage. At this time, as a result of the action of neutrophils, living and dead cells form an internal core of pus around the inflamed follicle. A convex, painful abscess with a white tip appears; when it opens, the pus comes out. When this happens, swelling subsides, pain and redness decrease.

The final stage is the healing stage, when the wound from the abscess heals. After large boils, scars may remain.

Without treatment, one boil can lead to phlegmon - a floating focus of inflammation, which is fraught with serious complications and requires long-term treatment. Furunculosis often manifests itself in the form of hidradenitis, which is popularly called bitch udder; this manifestation of a purulent disease is treated exclusively surgically, since internal pus cannot be resolved independently or with medication.

Cellulitis: skin, cellulose membrane, fat and granulation (healing)

How are boils treated?

To treat chiria, it is extremely important to consult a specialist in a timely manner. A dermatologist will tell you how to treat furunculosis, and you will have to contact an immunologist and surgeon if necessary. To diagnose furunculosis and the causes that caused it, extensive studies are carried out. Additional consultations are scheduled with an otolaryngologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, and urologist. After completing the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment.

If the boil appears for the first time, and pus has not yet formed, the dermatologist will determine a number of drugs, the use of which will cause the boil to resolve. At this stage, physiotherapy, antiseptic drugs, vitamins and antibiotics are usually used. You should not try to resolve boils on your own, although on specialized forums patients are offered various ointments and ampoules that supposedly can eliminate the appearance of boils forever.

In the event that a patient does not go to a medical facility in a timely manner and an abscess forms, surgical intervention is necessary. If internal pus appears, this is a signal that it is necessary to open the abscess.

The procedure itself is carried out quickly and safely, it does not cause the patient any pain, since it is performed under local anesthesia. Most often, this procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization of the patient.

Opening a boil is carried out as follows: the surgeon applies a bandage with salicylic acid to the inflamed area, which corrodes the top of the boil. The surgeon removes the core of the abscess using a thin clamp, trying not to press on the boil, and then washes the skin on the inflamed area. The procedure is completed by applying a drainage bandage, which is removed after three days. After removing the bandage, the skin is treated with an antiseptic. In cases of severe disease, accompanied by soft tissue swelling, the patient is hospitalized in order to monitor the process and avoid complications.

Complications caused by furunculosis

If the boil was treated at home or not treated at all, the following diseases may occur:

  • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes located next to the boil);
  • lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels located next to the chiria);
  • sepsis (blood poisoning)
  • arthritis (inflammation of the joints)
  • pyelonephritis and other kidney inflammations;
  • meningitis, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis and other inflammations of brain tissue.

Complications can be avoided by consulting a doctor in a timely manner and following all his instructions.

Sepsis is the most dangerous complication of furunculosis

How to prevent the development of furunculosis

The best prevention of boils is maintaining hygiene and choosing shoes and clothing that do not lead to scuff marks. Summer is the most dangerous time for the occurrence of furunculosis, because the air temperature promotes the growth of bacteria. Having a medical examination at least once a year significantly reduces the risk of boils.

When one chirium appears, competent and timely treatment of furunculosis will cure it forever and avoid the chronic stage of the disease. When a single boil occurs, the patient should strengthen the immune system - take vitamins, eat a balanced diet, exercise, do not expose the body to sudden changes in temperature and avoid excessive physical exertion. Do not forget that with high blood sugar, bacteria multiply in the body much easier and faster. This is why diabetics are at risk of developing furunculosis. Constant monitoring of blood sugar levels can reduce the likelihood of boils in this case. In cases of predisposition to purulent diseases, patients are advised to minimize the intake of sweets and flour products.

“A “chiryak” popped up—many people have probably heard this expression from their friends and acquaintances who complained that they had a sore on their body. And some people themselves had to experience such an unpleasant education. And wherever they appear - on the face, buttocks, armpits. What is this “chiryak”? Why do boils appear? – such questions interest many. Let's try to answer them.

A boil, also called a boil, is nothing more than an abscess that arises as a result of inflammation. That is, the hair follicles that are located deep in the patient’s skin were attacked by a bacterial infection that developed for many reasons, we will talk about this below. When not one boil appears on the body, but two, three... and so on, doctors call this “rash” furunculosis.


Furunculosis develops as a result of the penetration of pathogenic bacteria deep into the skin and the inflammatory process begins. Basically, the pathogenic bacteria are staphylococci, and to a much lesser extent streptococci.
Favorable conditions for the penetration and further development of bacteria can include poor skin care, frequent sweating, various skin lesions, and weakened immunity.

A decrease in protective functions, in turn, is caused by frequent physical overexertion, chronic fatigue, and stress. And, of course, unbalanced nutrition in terms of essential microelements and vitamin deficiency.

Furunculosis can appear in anyone, regardless of their age. However, it is noted that in most cases, the boil appears in patients who are aged and, as a rule, prone to obesity. The fact that the disease is inherent in patients with reduced immunity is beyond doubt. This circle includes people suffering from diabetes mellitus, who are carriers of HIV infection, as well as patients who have undergone a course of chemotherapy as a result of cancer.

In younger patients, for example, teenagers, a boil may appear simultaneously with diseases such as pneumonia, tonsillitis, bronchitis, directly related to hypothermia.

Where appears

It was already mentioned above why boils appear - as a result of inflammation of the hair follicles. This means that you will never see this formation, for example, on the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot, that is, where there are no follicles. But on the face, neck and other parts of the body, even the buttocks, boils appear very often. It is these parts of the skin that are exposed to furunculosis in most cases.

Sometimes it happens that the abscess “gets” into the nose, external auditory canal (ear), “takes place” near the genitals and other places.

There is also a specific, well-known boil - a boil, which is localized in the eye area, called a stye.


The development of a boil has stages. Each of these stages, which usually lasts several days, has its own distinctive features:

  • Initially, the patient experiences mild itching in a limited area of ​​the skin. Point numbness and mild tingling do not cause much pain, but there is already some discomfort. This can last for several days and serve as a signal for the appearance of a boil.
  • In the area where slight tingling was felt, a small tubercle begins to appear. It has a reddish tint. These symptoms indicate the development of an inflammatory process. The reddish formation that appears upon palpation is dense and causes pain. Over the course of a day, the tubercle gains in volume, swelling forms around its circumference, and the pain becomes more severe.
  • After the inflammation begins, approximately on the fourth day, a small whitish dot becomes visible - the so-called abscess. It is located in the center of the boil. Pain increases. If the boil is located on the buttocks, then sitting becomes painful, if not impossible. If on the hands, then hand movements can cause pain.
  • This painful condition lasts for several days. The patient experiences severe discomfort. Then the abscess breaks through and pus is released from the boil. The condition improves, the pain with the breakthrough of the abscess becomes less, the swelling subsides. Skin restoration occurs within a week.

When a boil appears on the body, hidden by clothing, the patient, of course, experiences pain, but does not experience severe psychological and aesthetic discomfort. It's another matter when a boil appears, say, in the nose. Here are other symptoms and, consequently, the patient’s condition:

  • first there is itching, then the patient experiences an unpleasant feeling as if there is a foreign body in the nose;
  • then the part of the nose that was affected by the boil begins to swell, the skin in this place becomes red. With intensive development, the cheek and lip swell;
  • the patient experiences severe pain when he tries to touch the part of the nose affected by the boil;
  • The course of the disease is often manifested by an increase in temperature.

The patient also experiences little pleasure when the boil chooses the external auditory canal as its temporary refuge. Symptoms of such localization of a boil are as follows:

  • itching in the external auditory canal, which initially does not cause much discomfort;
  • the patient experiences a sensation of noise, which is characteristic of varying degrees of congestion in the ear canal;
  • palpation of the ear causes severe pain to the patient;
  • often the disease is accompanied by a rise in temperature;
  • Purulent discharge appears from the ear.

Furunculosis. Symptoms

As mentioned above, furunculosis refers to multiple manifestations of boils on the patient’s skin. The most unpleasant thing is that, as a rule, they do not appear simultaneously (although there is nothing good in this either), but one after another. That is, the patient does not have time to get rid of one boil, another one already appears.

And this painful period, if adequate treatment is not carried out, can last a very long time, stretching for months, or even years. In this case, the patient, in addition to pain caused by the boil itself, may have a temperature of up to 39C. Or he will experience general malaise and fatigue, and a headache.

Why is a boil dangerous?

Since a boil is a purulent inflammation, the likelihood of it spreading to other areas is very high. In addition, the nature of the disease is such that it can provoke the appearance of sepsis, that is, blood poisoning.
You should not self-medicate. This can lead to serious consequences and complications. Why is this dangerous:

  • finding a boil in the area of ​​the nose or face or ear is already potentially dangerous to the patient’s health. The reason lies in the fact that the blood in the veins of the face communicates with the vessels of the brain, and this creates a high risk that the infection will penetrate the brain in this way. Which in turn is fraught with serious complications. Among these complications, there is a high probability of developing meningitis - inflammation of the lining of the brain, encephalitis, as well as cavernous sinus thrombosis - a violation of blood flow. If these complications develop further, then in most cases the patient develops a high temperature, headaches, as well as the urge to vomit and even the onset of paralysis.
  • If the patient’s immune system is severely weakened at the time the disease develops, then there is a high probability that several follicles located nearby will become inflamed at once, forming a carbuncle. The course of this process is characterized by severe swelling, redness of the skin, as well as an increase in temperature, etc.
  • It is especially dangerous when the infection seeps into the blood and causes it to become infected; in this condition, the patient’s body temperature can either increase or decrease, but in any case the general condition will worsen and without taking urgent measures for treatment, it can lead to death.


When a boil appears, or you have determined from your symptoms that you are likely to develop a boil in your nose or ear, you should not put off visiting a doctor. This will help get rid of further problems and possible complications.

The first thing the surgeon will do is conduct a proper examination. If it turns out that more examination is needed, he will definitely recommend it. The patient will have to undergo additional tests. Only then, based on the collected data, will treatment be determined.
If the boils do not heal for a long time or if furunculosis has developed, the patient may be prescribed blood sugar tests to identify or rule out diabetes mellitus.


The choice of treatment method for a boil is largely determined by the stage, location, and number of rashes.
If there is a single boil on the patient’s body, then in most cases outpatient treatment is recommended. When the disease takes on what is called a massive formation of boils, or when they appear on the face, nose or ear, then hospitalization is indicated for the patient.

We are treating at home

At home, boils can be treated both at the initial stage and after it matures:

  1. The most popular method is treating the skin with 70 degree alcohol. Boric alcohol and hydrogen peroxide are also used. Treatment is carried out with a cotton swab. In order not to injure the abscess, you need to wipe carefully, starting from the edges and moving towards the abscess. After the procedure is completed, a sterile bandage is applied to the sore spot.
  2. You can use boiled onions to draw out pus. A thin plate is separated and placed on the abscess, but it is not attached very tightly so that there is room for the pus to escape.
  3. When the boil opens, you need to treat it with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. Then apply a tampon, having previously moistened it in a saline solution - this will speed up the process of draining the pus. After this, the wound is lubricated with ointment and a bandage is applied, which is changed every day.

When the boil does not go away for a long time, antibiotics may be prescribed. The surgical method of treating a boil involves opening it and cleansing it of pus. This operation is performed under anesthesia; after completion of the procedure, stitches may be applied.

Take good care of your own body. If boils do not give you respite, consult a doctor. The possible cause of their appearance is diabetes mellitus or another disease.

A furuncle (popular name boil) is a purulent inflammation of the connective tissue and hair follicle. The problem of painful formations on the skin is familiar to many people.

Improper treatment and squeezing out a boil can lead to serious consequences and even death. How to treat boils? How to prevent their occurrence? Let's figure it out.

Reasons for appearance

Contrary to popular belief, boils do not only occur in people suffering from dermatological diseases. The appearance of a boil in a healthy person often causes confusion. Ignorance of the rules for handling abscesses and methods of treating boils leads to serious consequences.

There are several provoking factors:

  • increased sebum secretion;
  • increased sweating;
  • poor skin hygiene;
  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • contamination of the skin with chemicals;
  • work in dusty conditions;
  • scratching, microtrauma of the skin;
  • susceptibility to staphylococcal infection.


Abscesses occur at the locations of hair follicles. In places where there are no follicles (on the feet, palms), boils do not appear.

“Favorite” localization places:

  • on the neck;
  • on the chest;
  • boil on the buttock;
  • boil on the face.

Sometimes boils occur:

  • in the armpits;
  • in the ear;
  • on the foot;
  • on the back;
  • on the lower back;
  • around the genitals;
  • in the nose.

The most dangerous locations for abscesses:

  • Auricle. A boil in the ear is characterized by throbbing pain, local fever, and twitching. Swelling and redness of the skin occurs. The pain spreads to the entire head, radiating to the temples.
  • Face. One of the most dangerous types of boils. A single formation is small, many consider it an ordinary pimple, squeeze it out, and provoke the growth of a boil. Sometimes the abscess reaches 4 cm! If the abscess is handled incorrectly, the infection affects a large area.
  • Nose. A boil in the nose occurs on the skin septum, on the wings of the nose from the outside or inside. The sebaceous gland or hair follicle becomes inflamed, swollen, pain and discomfort are felt. Many cases of boils in the nose require emergency surgery.
  • Armpits. The reason for the appearance of a boil under the arm is pathogenic microbes penetrating the hair follicle. A favorable environment, constant heat, and friction provoke the rapid development of inflammation. Local hyperthermia, itching, and soreness appear. Red stripes directed to the lymph nodes are a signal for immediate removal of abscesses.
  • Lips. Boils occur in different parts of the lip. The growth of the abscess is accompanied by twitching inside the abscess and a local increase in temperature. Squeezing accelerates the growth of the formation, the infection spreads to the area of ​​the cavernous sinus and facial anterior vein. Infection of these places leads to complications, in severe cases death is likely.

Symptoms of the disease

What does a boil look like? In some cases, people do not know the signs of acute tissue inflammation and consider the boil to be an ordinary pimple. Many are trying to get rid of it. The consequences can be severe.

How to recognize a boil:

  • Pain in the area where the pimple is located should alert you.
  • When pressing on the surface, do you feel some compaction under your hands? Do not squeeze out education under any circumstances! This is a dangerous boil.
  • Do you feel pulsation, twitching inside the pimple? Is the purplish skin over the pimple hot to the touch? This is a boil.
  • Are you trying to squeeze out the contents of the abscess, but all attempts are fruitless? It's a boil.

How does a boil develop:

  • thickening appears in the middle layer of the skin;
  • after a day or two, an inflamed area forms and quickly increases in size;
  • the skin turns purple;
  • pus collects in the cavity;
  • a green necrotic rod forms inside the boil;
  • after three to four days a pustule appears in the center of the abscess;
  • the volume of pus increases, the skin breaks through, the contents of the cavity flow out along with the necrotic core;
  • the ulcer at the site of the boil bleeds slightly;
  • the cavity is filled with granulations, after 2–3 days it dries out and scars;
  • The scar gradually dissolves, leaving no traces on the skin.

The process of maturation and opening of a boil without human intervention is described. In practice, things are different:

  • When a pimple is discovered, most people try to squeeze it out;
  • in the initial stage of development, the rod has not yet matured, the contents cannot be removed;
  • pressure on the pimple causes pain, swelling, and development of the inflammatory process;
  • the abscess increases in size, severe pain appears;
  • a small pimple turns into a noticeable cosmetic defect;
  • infection through internal channels can reach the lymph nodes;
  • the consequences are the most serious.

Diagnosis of the disease

The first visit is to a dermatologist. In many cases consultation is required:

  • surgeon;
  • endocrinologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • gastroenterologist.

The diagnosis is made after a general examination. Additionally required:

  • bacterial culture of the contents of the pustule;
  • dermatoscopy of the affected area.

With multiple boils and frequent relapses, tests are needed to establish the connection between the functioning of internal organs and the occurrence of abscesses.

The doctor prescribes:

  • blood sugar test;
  • fluorography;
  • bacterial culture of urine;
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • pharyngo and rhinoscopy.

Remember! Delaying a visit to the doctor and treating ulcers on your own sometimes ends in failure. The treatment period is longer, complications arise. In severe cases, surgery is required.

Treatment methods

How to cure an internal boil? You can get rid of it quite quickly. Do not disturb the natural course of the process, use medications and traditional methods. Modern dermatology allows you to effectively treat boils.


Accelerates the maturation of an abscess:

  • compress of ichthyol ointment;
  • injecting the area of ​​the boil with solutions of novocaine and antibiotics;
  • local UFO;
  • compresses with silver nitrate 1%;
  • ointment for boils - Dimexide, Biopin, Shostakovsky balm;

After opening the boil:

  • wash the cavity with hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • apply sterile gauze with sodium chloride solution daily;
  • every two days you need a gauze bandage with Vishnevsky ointment;
  • when granulations form in the cavity of an opened abscess, dressings with synthomycin emulsion are effective;
  • gauze soaked in Ethacridine is applied to the central part of the wound;
  • the area around the infiltrate is lubricated with ichthyol;
  • a solution of brilliant green (ordinary green) dries and disinfects the skin around the wound well;

In the hospital, boils are treated:

  • on the face;
  • armpits;
  • in children.

Add to compresses, bandages and rinses:

  • antibiotics for boils: Vilprofen, Doxycillin, Klacid, Penicillin, Azithromycin;
  • the use of immunomodulators is indicated;
  • a combination of sulfonamides and antibiotics is effective;
  • recommended Calcium chloride, Diphenhydramine, Pyrolfen, Suprastin;
  • if the body is hypersensitive to pathogenic microflora, injections of nicotinic acid and B vitamins, solutions of vitamin C, A, and thiamine are needed.

Important! In severe forms of furunculosis, severe inflammation, and the threat of infection spreading to the lymph nodes and other areas, surgical intervention is required. The surgeon removes the abscess under local anesthesia.

How to treat a boil at home

How to get rid of a boil at home? There are many traditional medicine recipes for boils. Pay attention to effective and safe methods.

Accelerates the maturation of the boil:

  • gruel of black bread and sour cream;
  • a mixture of tomato juice and glycerin (in equal proportions);
  • medicinal flatbread made from milk, rye flour, honey. Proportions 1:1:1;
  • Boil in milk or bake the onion. Apply to the abscess;
  • put grated horseradish on the boil. After 30 minutes, remove the pulp, lubricate the skin with 20% milk thistle tincture;
  • bake the onion, chop it. Add a mixture of parsley roots, crushed plantain leaves, and chamomile flowers. Mix, coat the boil;
  • wipe the abscess with Kalanchoe juice, tinctures of arnica, sophora, eucalyptus;
  • prepare the balm. Mix 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. rye flour, honey, pour in 1 tsp. olive oil. Grind, heat in a water bath. Apply the cooled mixture to the bandage and keep it on the boil for half an hour.

After opening the abscess:

  • treat the wound with Kalanchoe ointment, St. John's wort oil, and a decoction of calamus root (strain well);
  • Wipe the cavity with a decoction of chamomile flowers and St. John's wort. Mix a tablespoon into half a liter of water.

Reduces inflammation:

  • a compress with a decoction of string, chamomile, calendula or a collection of these herbs;
  • mask made from grated fresh cucumber. Keep the paste for half an hour.
  • Nettle decoction will help cleanse the blood and skin. Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. leaves. After half an hour, the infusion is ready. Drink daily 20–30 minutes before meals. Important! If you have increased blood clotting, thrombosis, or varicose veins, nettle infusion is not suitable.

Furuncle in children

Acute hair follicle disease occurs in children of all ages. A weakened child may develop several abscesses in one place or in different parts of the body. The pustular disease is called furunculosis. Immediate medical consultation is required.

Why does a child develop a boil? The main cause is a bacterial infection. Pathogen: staphylococcus, less often – streptococcus.

Provoking factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • poor skin hygiene;
  • scratches, scratches, cuts.

Multiple abscesses appear on the body after:

  • hypothermia;
  • severe sore throat;
  • pneumonia.

Boils develop in the same way as in adults. Parents should not brush aside their child’s complaints about painful pimples, even if the lesions are small.

A boil on the face of children is the most dangerous type of abscess. An abscess in the nasolabial triangle can provoke the transfer of infection into the cavity of the cranium. Consequences: sepsis, meningitis, possible death.

What to do? Listen to the advice of doctors:

  • Don't touch the boil.
  • Do not try to squeeze out the contents of the abscess.
  • Visit a dermatologist as soon as possible.
  • Do not heat the abscess.
  • Do not pull out the rod.
  • Do not wet the purulent formation.

For furunculosis or an abscess located in the face, ear, or armpits, hospital treatment is indicated. Effective procedures:

  • in the initial stage, ultraviolet irradiation of the inflamed area helps;
  • pricking the boil with antibiotics;
  • bandage with ichthyol ointment;
  • taking vitamin preparations.

Important! You should not use traditional methods for treating boils in children. It is permissible to gently wipe the abscess with a decoction of chamomile or chamomile to reduce inflammation.

Skin care after a boil

When opening an abscess, treat the skin with disinfectant solutions:

  • furatsilin;
  • sodium chloride;
  • hydrogen peroxide 3%.
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • syntomycin emulsion.

Gives a good effect:

  • electrophoresis of copper and zinc salts;
  • Darsonvalization.

The following will help prevent the formation of abscesses:

  • regular skin cleansing;
  • selection of suitable epidermis care products for increased oily skin;
  • restoration of metabolism;
  • proper nutrition, hardening, physical education to increase immunity;
  • timely treatment of skin diseases;
  • treatment of wounds and scratches when the skin is damaged.

Important! Avoid hypothermia. In healthy people, this reason often leads to the appearance of abscesses. Boil is a dangerous skin lesion. Knowing the causes, rules of behavior when boils appear, and timely treatment will help avoid complications. Be healthy!

Furuncle video
In the next video, Elena Malysheva will tell you all about boils:

Boil is an unpleasant phenomenon that is accompanied by a purulent abscess on the skin. If it is not treated in time, the pathology can affect deep-lying tissues, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Treatment of boils can be successfully carried out at home, after consulting with a dermatologist.

The appearance of a boil on the skin is caused by staphylococcus bacteria.

Normally, they are constantly present on human skin, but cause diseases only in certain conditions.

An infection can develop for a number of reasons:

  • hypothermia;
  • metabolic disease;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • severe stress;
  • chemical or physical damage to the skin;
  • poor nutrition.

Additionally, there is a greater risk of developing a boil if a person has diabetes. Lack of vitamins in the body, sudden climate change, constant heavy physical activity and lack of sleep lead to suppression of the immune system... When the body is weakened, it is easier for harmful bacteria to attack a person and cause the appearance of a festering boil.

Externally, the boil at the initial stage looks like an ordinary pimple. But in this case, the pathology is accompanied by very strong pain.

There are three stages in the development of the inflammatory process:

  1. Cluster.
  2. Suppuration.
  3. Healing.

At each stage, the boil changes and new symptoms appear.

  1. The first stage is accompanied by redness of a certain area of ​​the skin, pain and the formation of a small seal, similar to a tiny ball inside the skin. Over the course of several days, the area of ​​inflammation expands, healthy areas of the skin turn red, and discomfort intensifies. After three days, the pathology moves to the second stage.
  2. The hard node under the skin expands, it can reach a diameter of 2 centimeters, and takes on the shape of a cone. Pus forms inside this cone. Any touch to the affected area causes severe pain. The temperature may rise to 38 degrees and symptoms of dehydration may occur. The boil becomes clearly visible.
  3. As soon as suppuration has formed, the third phase of the disease begins. Healing occurs after the pus either drains on its own or is surgically removed. The pain and swelling of the skin gradually begins to subside. Temperature drops.

After two days, the boil heals, and a small scar appears at the site of the wound. The pathogenesis of boils from its inception to scarring takes about 10 days.

Treatment at home

Surgical intervention when pathology appears is a last resort method. The boil is opened on the operating table if the pus does not drain out on its own. But if you treat a boil immediately from the moment it appears, you can get by with home therapy.

Under no circumstances squeeze out the boil yourself! This is not only very painful, but usually does not bring any results.

Under unfavorable circumstances, inflammation can affect nearby tissues and cause deep skin damage. Treatment of this problem will require mandatory use of antibiotics and, probably, surgical intervention.

Ointments against boils

The ointment accelerates the process of maturation of the purulent core of the boil, draws its contents out of the wound and promotes breakthrough. At the last stage of pathogenesis, antibacterial types of ointments are used, which act directly on pathogens at the site of inflammation. During the healing stage, it is good to use ointments that accelerate tissue regeneration.

  • Vishnevsky ointment. The medicine accelerates the formation of pus, so it is used at the first stage of boil development. It consists of castor oil, tar and xeroforms, and is the most inexpensive and effective remedy. The ointment accelerates the metabolism, as a result of which blood flow to the affected area increases and pus forms and flows out faster. The drug must be applied in a thick layer to a piece of gauze, applied to the wound, secured with an adhesive plaster and left for 9 hours. After you remove the bandage, check the boil. If it does not open, treat the skin with an antiseptic and reapply the ointment.
  • Ichthyol ointment. It should be applied to the sore spot after opening the abscess. The medicine relieves pain and eliminates harmful bacteria. Remains of pus, if any, flow out, and the clean wound begins to heal. The drug has an unpleasant tar smell, but it works. Before applying ointment to your skin, make sure that the product will not cause you an allergy. To do this, apply a little ointment to the crook of your elbow and monitor the reaction for an hour or two. If there is no redness or burning, squeeze the drug onto a cotton pad and secure it in place with an adhesive bandage.


Treatment will be most effective and quick if you apply a set of additional measures. Therefore, in addition to ointments, use tablets and traditional medicine.

Medicines are aimed at eliminating bacteria. Antibiotics are prescribed to a patient by a doctor when it is known what type of bacteria caused the inflammation.

Depending on the type of bacteria, drugs are divided into several groups:

  • tetracycline;
  • aminoglyside;
  • fucidinaceae;
  • cephalosporins;
  • sinerite;
  • fluoroquinyl;
  • macrolide.

In addition to antibiotics, antimicrobial agents are prescribed to help cleanse the wound of harmful microorganisms.

Among them:

  • "Biseptol";
  • "Lincomycin";
  • "Dimexide";
  • "Miramistin";
  • "Gyoksizon".

Antiseptics are used to prevent new inflammation.

Among them:

  1. Salicylic acid.
  2. "Chlorophyllipt".
  3. "Betadine."
  4. Magnesia.
  5. "Fukortsin".
  6. Potassium permanganate solution.
  7. "Viniline".

In order to completely cure the disease, it is advisable to take vitamins that will boost immunity, strengthen the body and improve its resistance to bacteria.

Traditional methods

In addition to ointments and tablets, you can use folk remedies. Basically, these are compresses that promote the maturation and opening of the abscess.

  1. Garlic compress. It must be applied to the affected area at the first stage of boil maturation. Using a knife, mash the garlic cloves into a paste, apply it to gauze and apply to the sore spot, after treating the skin with an antiseptic.
  2. Burdock. Burdock leaves should be washed and boiled in boiling milk until soft. We fix the sheet to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  3. Nettle with vinegar. This remedy is used to speed up the ripening process of the boil stem.
  4. Bread yeast. We dilute 15 grams of raw yeast in 200 ml of warm water. The resulting solution should be drunk every morning on an empty stomach.

Features of the treatment of boils

Boils can occur on absolutely any area of ​​the skin. If it appears on a moving area of ​​the body, for example, under the armpit or in the groin, it causes great inconvenience, and the pathology is much more severe.

On the butt

Do not try to open the abscess or squeeze it out yourself. This can provoke the appearance of new ulcers. It is best to use Vishnevsky or ichthyol ointment. We change the dressings with the medicine once a day. After the purulent contents come out of the wound, treat the boil on the butt with iodine or brilliant green.

On the eye, on the face

The face is the most visible part of the body. Therefore, it is advisable to get rid of the boil in this area as quickly as possible, making sure that it does not leave a scar or cause serious complications. For example, a boil on the eye can spread infection, which can harm your vision. The facial nerve affected by inflammation can “distort” the face and it is not clear whether it will be possible to correct the situation after recovery.

If pus noticeably appears, it is best to take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor. Before applying ointment to the affected area, thoroughly disinfect your hands and face. At the first stage of the pathology, anti-inflammatory drops are instilled into the eye.

In the ear canal

Ear boils need to be treated as quickly and effectively as possible, as if the infection spreads, it can affect a person's hearing. It is best to use antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Use drops instead of ointments.

Boil on the leg

In such cases, ointments, compresses and lotions with traditional medicine are very effective.

On the armpit

The faster the boil goes away, the more likely it is that you won't be left with scars. At the first stage, the boil is treated with antibiotic solutions.

When a person develops a boil, there can be various reasons. A furuncle is a purulent inflammation occurring in the hair follicle. In this case, the adjacent soft tissue is captured. The appearance of such an inflammatory process causes a lot of discomfort. After the boil heals, a scar usually remains, which soon disappears. Popularly, this disease is referred to as a boil. A boil is classified as a purulent-inflammatory disease, and due to the fact that soft tissues are involved in the inflammation process, complications may arise.

An accurate diagnosis can be made after some studies, such as culture, dermatoscopy and tests of the immune system, on which the speed of recovery depends. Treatment is prescribed depending on the degree of inflammation. Usually the treatment is antibiotics and immunocorrection, as well as treatment of complications, if any. Boils usually appear in men, but women are also at risk of infection. They usually appear during transitional seasons: autumn or spring.

Symptoms and causes of boils

Staphylococcal infection is a common cause of boils. But if you believe modern research, the presence of staphylococci on human skin is considered normal. Only 10% of all staphylococci are considered pathogenic, and in a patient with furunculosis there are 90% of them. Such serious contamination of the skin leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the immune system. This creates a high risk of contracting infectious diseases.

And a decrease in the functioning of the immune system can be a consequence of certain diseases, especially if they become chronic. Such diseases include:

  • bronchitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus and others.

The reason why staphylococci enter the hair epithelium of the skin may be increased sweating, various scratching of the skin due to eczema and scabies, as well as scratches and small cracks. or ears may begin due to sinusitis, otitis or chronic rhinitis. Due to constant exposure of the skin to mucous and purulent discharge from the nose and ears.

A boil can appear anywhere on the body, but it most often appears in a place where the skin most often rubs, sweats and gets dirty. The site of infection can be on the face, armpits, back or neck, chest, groin area, buttocks and thighs. The development of a boil goes through 3 stages:

  • education;
  • maturation or suppuration followed by breakthrough;
  • healing.

All stages take a maximum of 10 days. The first stage begins with a slight redness next to the hair follicle, which gradually increases in diameter, and thus swelling appears around the inflamed area. Swelling is most noticeable on the face. The stage of maturation and suppuration begins 3-4 days after the stage of infiltration, that is, formation. A purulent core appears. During this stage, the temperature may rise to 38°C, appetite may deteriorate, and the place of suppuration begins to hurt. When the stage comes to an end, the boil breaks out and the pus along with the stem comes out. The healing stage begins. Swelling goes away and pain decreases. During healing, a scar forms at the site of the rod, which usually disappears over time. But if the skin is delicate, the scar may remain for a long time.

Diagnosis and possible complications of furunculosis

At the first symptoms of a boil at the first stage, the patient should consult a dermatologist, who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. To make a diagnosis, you will need to examine the affected area, dermatoscopy and, possibly, bacterial culture. If boils constantly appear, there is a need to undergo blood tests, urine tests and other studies: from ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys to fluorography. The patient may have to undergo additional examinations by highly specialized doctors: pulmonologist, ENT specialist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. If the complications of furunculosis are very serious, then a culture test for sterility of the blood, an MRI of the brain, as well as a lumbar puncture and CT scan of the kidneys are performed. Additional research is needed to distinguish a boil from folliculitis or skin tuberculosis and other dangerous skin diseases.

Boils only seem like a simple and harmless disease. And many people don’t pay much attention to them, thinking that they will go away like an ordinary pimple and that’s it. But even a single boil can cause serious complications to the patient’s health. Boils that appear in the nose area quite often develop into complications. Under no circumstances should they be squeezed out, regardless of where they form. You should be careful when shaving. In adults, the disease is milder than in children.

Depending on the location of formation, all complications of the boil can be divided into several types:

  • local;
  • remote;
  • are common.

Local boils include carbuncles, abscesses, and phlegmons. They appear due to the release of staphylococci, which can cause serious skin diseases. If boils spread to the lymph nodes, then long-term complications occur: lymphangitis, phlebitis. And the third degree includes abscess of internal organs, sepsis, furunculosis, the causes of which lie in the neglect of the boil. These complications are very dangerous, and sometimes surgery has to be used to remove ulcers from organs. Boils appearing on the face lead to meningitis or brain abscess.

Treatment of a boil

Usually occurs at the local level. But treatment must be selected in accordance with the stage of the disease, without waiting for complications. During the maturation stage, it is necessary to make lotions with ichthyol ointment or carry out UHF therapy procedures. When the boil breaks out, you need to make compresses with sodium chloride solution or Levomekol ointment.

If it is difficult for the rod to come out, you need to take some enzymes, such as Chymotrypsin and Trypsin. And when the last stage of healing begins, antibacterial agents with a healing effect help. In the case of numerous purulent inflammations or relapse attacks, it is necessary to begin treatment to increase the efficiency of the immune system. This can be various irradiations with ultraviolet or laser blood, autohemotherapy, the introduction of special vaccines and gamma globulin. Of course, we must not forget about the effect of folk remedies. For example, you should regularly drink rosehip tea. It is necessary to consume a large amount of vegetables and fruits, not just imported, but grown in our latitudes.

In order for the doctor to prescribe special immunotherapy, it is necessary to do an immunogram.

Treatment with antibiotics is prescribed in repeated cases of the appearance of boils or in case of a large number of them, when treatment with lotions and bandages does not help. Such treatment can be started when boils begin to appear on the face, even if they are in single quantities. If there are concomitant diseases that have reduced immunity, then there is a need for their intensive treatment.

But preventing a disease is always easier than treating it later. The appearance of boils can be prevented with the help of certain preventive measures. It is imperative to maintain skin hygiene, especially problem areas with increased sweating, urgent treatment with antiseptics in case of damage to the skin, timely treatment of emerging diseases, if any. And of course, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which helps maintain high immunity.

If a boil has already occurred, complications cannot be allowed to arise. To do this, you cannot squeeze out the purulent inflammation, and you need to be careful not to damage it. Otherwise, the infection may go further, and complications may become quite serious. It is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a dermatologist in a timely manner to prescribe treatment.