How to prepare an infusion of rose hips. Rosehip syrup. For a slim figure


Infusions and decoctions from rosehip are used to treat many diseases. The plant has restorative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic properties. For depletion of the body, infectious diseases and gastrointestinal diseases, rose hips can be used as additional remedy treatment. To extract maximum benefit from " wild rose"(and this is what people call rose hips), you need to cook it.

Preparation of the decoction begins with collecting the fruits. It is important to do this before frost, otherwise medicinal rosehip will be destroyed. The fruits need to be dried in the oven (90-100°C) or dryer. The resulting raw material should be yellow or brown. There is another way to dry fruits, or rather, their shells. To do this, you need to cut the berries in half lengthwise, remove hairs and, and dry the shells in the open air, spreading them out in a thin layer.

Rinse 100 grams dried berries and place them in a liter of boiling water. Close the pan with a lid and simmer the broth over low heat for 10-15 minutes. To make the decoction more saturated, it must be infused for 12-24 hours. Place the pan where there is no access to light, as this will destroy vitamin C. Strain the broth through a sieve and consume it chilled. If desired, you can add sugar or honey healing properties drink will not be affected. But a fresh decoction will quench your thirst better, and you will drink it with great pleasure.

A decoction can be made not only from the fruits, but also from the roots of the plant. This drink has a beneficial effect on and. Roots rosehip dig in early autumn, wash thoroughly in cool water, crushed and dried. Two tablespoons of raw material are poured into a glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and taken a third of a glass three times a day.

Video on the topic


  • Rosehip decoctions for children

Rosehip is a valuable medicinal plant. It has anti-inflammatory, healing, restorative, diuretic, choleretic, anti-sclerotic effects and improves metabolism. Infusion from the fruit can be used mainly as multivitamin in the treatment of diseases caused by a deficiency in the body ascorbic acid and other vitamins, for anemia, like tonic with exhaustion of the body and with various other diseases.


Rinse one tablespoon (20g) of dry peeled rose hips with water and chop or grind them before using them. Pour two glasses of boiling water over them, and then boil the rose hips in a sealed container for 10 minutes.

Leave it to steep for 22-24 hours. After this, strain the infusion through a thick cloth to remove all the hairs inside the berry and squeeze.

Drink this infusion 3-4 times a day, half a glass, 15-30 minutes before each meal. The course lasts from 4 to 6 months. At regular use With rosehip infusion or tea, you can improve your health and improve the functioning of almost all systems and organs of your body.

For heart disease, in particular atrial fibrillation, it is recommended to use rosehip with hawthorn, which strengthens the heart muscle, eliminates arrhythmia and tachycardia, as well as for hypertension, while rosehip increases the elasticity of blood vessels. To prepare this infusion, pour 2 tbsp into a thermos. berries, then pour 1/2 liter of boiling water. Leave for 12 hours and then add 2 tbsp. hawthorn.

Text: Olga Natolina

The healing properties of rose hips are enormous. It contains dozens of microelements necessary for health. Exists great amount healthy recipes rosehip. Rosehip decoction is used for various diseases.

Rosehip: healing properties

What are the benefits of rosehip decoction? This popular drink is useful primarily as a general strengthening and tonic that improves immunity. Rosehip decoction is especially effective for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections in winter time of the year. Medicinal properties Rose hips are used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive organs, kidneys and various inflammatory processes. Rose hips are used as a remedy against pathogenic bacteria. Doctors recommend using rose hips as an additional remedy in treatment high blood pressure, disorders of the genitourinary system and problems with blood vessels.

The healing properties of rose hips are an indisputable fact. By the amount of nutrients, daily necessary for a person, rosehip can be called a record holder. Moreover, in terms of concentration useful microelements Rose hips are many times superior to all berries, fruits and herbs. Rosehip is the leader in the amount of ascorbic acid in it and is 10 times higher in its content than lemon or currant. And in terms of carotene content, rose hips are ahead of sea buckthorn, carrots and apricots. Rosehip contains vitamins B, C, K, E, P. In addition, it contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, and chromium.

Rose hips as a means for weight loss

Rosehip is not only a treasure trove useful vitamins, but also an effective proven remedy for combating overweight. Rosehip decoction contains many nutrients that can perfectly saturate the body with useful compounds that accelerate metabolism. In order to see the results of the “miracle plant”, you need to drink a decoction or infusion of rose hips 3-4 times a day. On average, the course of treatment lasts from two to four weeks.

You can prepare the decoction as follows: 3 tbsp. dry rose hips, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 12 hours. Take the drink 30-40 minutes before meals.

Rosehip during pregnancy

As you know, during pregnancy it is not allowed to take any medicinal plant, since many of them have a large number of contraindications. But rose hips are absolutely not one of them! On the contrary, he will the best measure prevention of colds and any viral diseases. Regular use tea or rosehip decoction for the expectant mother is the most harmless means of protecting and strengthening the body.

Moreover, drinking rosehip decoction during pregnancy will significantly relieve the workload of the kidneys and give light diuretic effect. Of course, you shouldn’t treat this with fanaticism - everything should be in moderation. For pregnant women, rosehip decoction should not exceed 1 liter per day, otherwise you can only harm your body.

How to brew rose hips

In order to properly brew rosehip and get the maximum benefit from it, it is necessary to observe the proportions, boiling time and infusion time. The secret is simple: the ratio of water and rose hips should be one to ten, that is, for 100 g of rose hips you need 1 liter of water. Before preparing the infusion, rose hips can be pre-chopped, which will reduce the infusion time. When preparing rosehip decoction, you need to bring it to a boil, then cover with a lid and let it brew for up to 12 hours. Adding sugar is not recommended, but it is possible.

Rose hips: recipes

Tea with rose hips and raspberries

Fortified tea with the addition of rose hips and raspberries is perfect for colds in the winter.

Recipe: pour rosehips and fresh raspberries (you can use fresh frozen ones) in equal parts with 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew until the tea reaches room temperature. You can add honey or currants in the same proportions. Drink 3-4 times a day, be sure to cook fresh decoction for every time.

Rosehip soup with apples

For preparation you will need: 100g rose hips, 3 red apples, 3 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. potato starch, 100ml cream 10% fat, 300ml water, 250g wheat bread.

Method of preparation: peel the apples, cut out the core and grate on a medium grater. Sprinkle the resulting mass with sugar and leave in the refrigerator for several hours. Pour boiling water over the rose hips and apple peel and boil for 10-15 minutes. The decoction should steep for 4-5 hours. Strain the broth, bring to a boil and add starch. Combine the apple mixture with sugar with the broth and bring to a boil. When serving, add cream and croutons to the soup.

Contraindications to the use of rose hips

A decoction of rose hips is, of course, useful, but still, for some people it may be contraindicated. For example, an allergic reaction to a high content of vitamin C is possible. Therefore, first of all, you should make sure that the fruits are completely safe for health and will not cause any serious consequences.

Also, people who suffer from diabetes or gallstone disease should not get carried away with rosehip infusion. Rosehip contains a large amount of ascorbic acid and is contraindicated for people suffering from peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis. Before drinking rosehip decoction, tea or infusion, be sure to consult your doctor.

Rosehip is known for its healing properties. The fruits of this plant are used in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

The drink helps boost immunity not only for adults, but also for small children; the main thing is to prepare the rosehip decoction correctly so that all the beneficial microelements are preserved.

In contact with

It is not difficult to prepare a healing elixir; the only ingredients you need are water and dried berries of the plant. It is possible to add honey and a sweetener to improve the taste. At the same time, the drink does not lose its properties, but rather acquires new taste and medicinal qualities.

The decoction requires the following components:

  • dried berries – 100 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar or honey – 50 g.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Before preparing a decoction of dried rosehips, they should be washed big amount running water.
  2. Place in a saucepan, pour hot water and cover.
  3. Place on a hot stove and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and leave to infuse.

The drink is ready for use after 12 hours. Experts advise brewing a rosehip decoction, and you can take it in the morning.

Ripe rose hips

How to take it for the benefit of the body?

Many people do not know how to drink rose hip decoction, so they try not to use it. It is worth saying right away that it is possible to take this remedy on your own only for the purpose of preventing various diseases and maintaining the immune system in proper condition. For medical purposes, only a doctor can correctly draw up a dosage regimen based on individual data.


  • You need to drink the decoction before meals three times a day, half a glass;
  • if an infusion is used, then 150 ml 10 minutes before meals;
  • can be taken 35 drops alcohol tincture 4 times a day.

If the acidity of the stomach is increased, then the body may react negatively to the medicine - rose hips contain a lot of acid. You should not refuse treatment, as you can take the healing elixir immediately after eating.

Are there any contraindications and is there any possible harm?

The benefits of rosehip decoction for the body are obvious. It can help with numerous diseases, but it also has contraindications, for example:

  1. Individual intolerance to components.
  2. Exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum 12.
  3. Suffering greatly from constant, uncontrolled consumption of the drink tooth enamel– the acid contained in the berries corrodes it. Doctors recommend drinking the broth through a straw or rinsing your mouth clean water after each appointment.

Before starting treatment with rosehip decoction, you need to study what benefits and harm it can cause and learn how to take it correctly. With proper use of this healing drink, it will help get rid of many diseases, increase immunity and strengthen general state. Before starting the course, consult your doctor.

Gynecologists often advise expectant mothers to drink rosehip decoction during pregnancy. Why is it useful:

  • improves metabolic processes;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • diuretic effect - swelling goes away in pregnant women.

Rosehip decoction, like magic elixir, promotes the health of the mother’s body and nourishes the baby with vitamins and microelements.

How to properly prepare rosehip decoction during pregnancy:

  1. Rinse dry rosehips well.
  2. Crush 2 tbsp. l dried fruits.
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture.
  4. Leave for about 30 minutes.
  5. Strain.
  6. Add a glass of boiling water to the pulp again and boil for 5 minutes.
  7. Strain the broth through a cloth and combine with the infusion.

As a result of these manipulations, you will get a drink that contains vitamins from the infusion and minerals. You need to drink the healing elixir before meals three times a day, half a glass. Even therapists advise pregnant women this drink if they are suffering from severe swelling.

How is rosehip useful for humans?

Our ancestors also knew how beneficial rosehip decoction is for the human body; it can help with many diseases.

Adaptogenic properties

Rosehip stimulates the system immune defense, has a general tonic effect and normalizes processes in the nervous system. Thanks to these properties, rosehip can be used as a prophylactic against viral and bacterial diseases, at increased fatigue and high stress load.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

For heart diseases, take in small doses. After the course of treatment you should do month break. The fruits of the plant contain potassium, which supports main body human body. This component helps strengthen blood vessels, but does not deprive them of elasticity.

Daily use of 40 g of rosehip powder for 6 days reduced blood pressure in obese people by 3.4%. A slight decrease in blood pressure was also observed in those patients who ate fresh berries.

The decoction is taken to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Honey can be added to the slightly cooled drink to taste.

Fatty liver

In experiments on mice, rose hip extract was shown to increase the rate of oxidation fatty acids in the liver. This leads to a decrease in the accumulation of triglycerides in this organ, which is useful for fatty liver degeneration of various origins. And .

Joint diseases

Taking 2500 mg of rosehip powder twice a day for three months has a beneficial effect on people suffering from arthritis of the knee and hip joints. There is a decrease in pain that appeared during moderate physical activity.

Long-term use of rosehip decoction has a positive effect on treatment rheumatoid arthritis. All the above examples are only a small part of the diseases that rose hips relieve. It has a beneficial effect on every organ and the body as a whole.

Review Reviews

Numerous reviews speak about the benefits of rosehip decoction. Everyone declares its undeniable benefits. Some give it to their child for colds, others drink it themselves in order to boost immunity or recover from some disease.

There are women who claim that rose hips helped them lose weight, although this is not surprising. Rosehip decoction improves digestion and metabolism. Against this background, weight loss occurs.

Many pregnant women note that this drink helped them get rid of swelling, dizziness went away, and blood pressure normalized.

As for older people, many drink the drink instead of tea and note general improvement well-being and a surge of strength. If we consider negative reviews patients, some experienced gastrointestinal upset accompanied by nausea and diarrhea. When the dose of the drug was reduced and the rules of administration were revised, these symptoms completely disappeared.

Other recipes

There are a huge variety of ways to prepare healthy and vitamin drink from rose hips, it is impossible to list them all in one article. We will try to consider the most popular recipes, how to make tea and rosehip infusion from dried fruits.

Prepared in a thermos. To do this, 60 g of fruits are washed, poured into a container and filled with 250 ml of liquid heated to 80 degrees, left for 6-8 hours, shaking the thermos periodically.

The elixir turns out rich with great taste and a dark shade.

Instead of a thermos, you can use a multicooker

In order to brew tea, rose hips need to be prepared. The berries are washed, cut in half and the seeds and lint are removed. The resulting mass is transferred to a colander and washed again - this will completely remove the hairs.

Then grind the berries in a mortar to a homogeneous consistency. Tea is prepared as follows: pour 2 tbsp into a steamer. l of fruit, pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes - the tea is ready.

The berry infusion can be prepared with both water and alcohol. Water infusion cooks for 12 hours. To do this, pour boiling water over the fruits and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then place it on the stove and simmer for about half an hour, without letting it boil. Remove from heat and leave for 10 hours.

Syrup from rosehip berries Little children love to drink. Usually give 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. It helps strengthen the immune system and quick recovery for a cold.


  1. The fruits of wild roses have no equal in content useful elements for human health, which help with diseases of the liver, heart and joints.
  2. Rosehip can be considered as herbal adaptogen, the intake of which has a beneficial effect on well-being, stimulates the immune system, and helps normalize metabolic processes and get rid of excess weight.
  3. For rosehip decoction to really help, it should be taken in long courses with short breaks in treatment.

Rosehip drink is popular and very healthy. How is this rosehip decoction useful? First of all, it is a general tonic that improves immunity. The medicinal properties of rose hips are used for prevention colds in the winter season.

Rosehip tincture is an excellent tonic. Doctors recommend using rose hips for high blood pressure, inflammation genitourinary system and for problems with blood vessels.

Healing properties of rose hips

No one will argue about its healing properties. The beneficial substances found in rose hips are necessary for humans every day, and in terms of their content, rose hips are ahead of many plants.

Rosehip surpasses all others in terms of microelements concentration famous berries and fruits, exceeds lemons and currants in terms of ascorbic acid content; in terms of content, the picture is far behind sea buckthorn and carrots. Vitamins B, C, K, E, P are included in rose hips. In addition, it also contains potassium, magnesium, calcium and chromium.

Rose hip - effective remedy to combat overweight. There is a lot of rose hips in the decoction chemical elements, which saturate the human body with useful compounds, thereby helping to speed up metabolism. By consuming a decoction or tincture of rose hips every day, you can see the results of the action of this plant on the body. It’s easy to prepare a rose hip decoction: pour boiling water over the rose hips and infuse.

Take the drink half an hour before meals. Rosehip can be taken even during pregnancy. After all, not all medications and plants can be used in such a delicate situation.

Fruits are an excellent preventative against viral diseases, and if future mom If she regularly takes tea or rosehip decoction, she will protect and strengthen her body and greatly facilitate the functioning of her kidneys.

But you can still take it in moderation.

How to prepare rosehip decoction? If you have a cold, then a rosehip decoction will help get rid of it, the recipe for which is given below and preparing it yourself is not difficult. First of all, take one hundred grams of dry berries and wash them thoroughly. After this, the berries are placed in a saucepan with one liter of boiling water and covered with a lid. The berries should boil for about ten minutes, after which you turn off the heat and prepare the decoction for about twelve hours in a dark place, since in the light vitamin C, the most valuable in the prepared decoction, is destroyed.

The last procedure is to filter the broth and add sugar to taste. In order to brew rosehip correctly and get it out of the drink more benefit, you need to observe the proportions and cooking time. The secret is simple - you take rose hips in a ratio with water - 1 to 10, that is, you need to take 100 grams of rose hips per liter of water. Before you start preparing the decoction, the rose hips are first crushed, and then brought to a boil, covered with a lid and allowed to brew for a certain time. It is not necessary to add sugar, but if anyone likes such drinks sweet, then you can add a little.

Rosehip decoction - a recipe for many ailments

A decoction of rose hips is useful, but for some people it is contraindicated, for example, when consumed, it may cause allergic reaction for vitamin C content. Therefore, before consuming, you should make sure that the fruits are safe for your health and will not cause serious consequences in the body.

Those who have diabetes or cholelithiasis. It is also contraindicated for those who have gastrointestinal problems. intestinal tract because of great content ascorbic acid. Before you start using the decoction, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Because of his rich chemical composition rosehip has been used for a long time folk medicine as an anthelmintic and as a remedy against vitamin deficiency, a mild diuretic and bile purulent, a laxative.

Rosehip, a decoction of which is very valuable as an antimicrobial agent, promotes fast healing wounds, increases resistance to harmful infectious diseases. The decoction is wonderful prophylactic and tonic, an excellent blood-forming drink.

Not only rosehip tincture from the fruit is used in medicine, but rosehip oil is also used for dermatoses and bedsores. Rosehip oil is used as a face mask, which smooths out wrinkles, makes the skin elastic and slows down skin aging. In addition, the oil relieves fatigue and stress.

Rosehip is a popular plant that is widely used in folk medicine. Typically used useful fruits this bush. It is customary to make teas, decoctions, and infusions from them, which are highly valued for the many vitamins and beneficial microelements in their composition. It is customary to drink rose hips not only to increase the body’s immune resources. It turns out that the fruits of this plant help eliminate toxins and help you lose weight. The main thing is to brew this unique product correctly. natural remedy. So, what methods of preparing rose hips exist? And what are the benefits of these drinks?

Useful properties of rose hips

First, it’s worth understanding why you should drink decoctions and infusions of rose hips. These berries have long been actively used in folk medicine. It's all about the unique biochemical composition this tool. Scientists were able to find out that the berries of this common plant contain:

  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • complex of mineral salts;
  • pectin substances;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins PP, B, K;
  • a collection of organic acids.

This is a unique storehouse of vitamins that benefits the entire human body! Such a rich composition of fruits has a general strengthening effect. However, rosehip is also valued for its anti-inflammatory effect.

Research by scientists suggests that drinking tea based on this gift of nature leads to the activation of reduction-oxidation processes in human body. The use of such drinks has a particularly beneficial effect on the functioning of enzyme mechanisms. It is not surprising that rosehip is an excellent solution for normalizing body weight and losing weight. The herbal remedy not only leads to fat burning. Taking decoctions and teas based on it helps stabilize weight. The secret is that this product normalizes bile secretion and increases diuresis.

In addition, rose hips have a beneficial effect on liver function and the synthesis of hormones. Berries also have a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. They calm and strengthen the body. Describe positive properties this inexpensive and accessible herbal remedy can be indefinitely long. However, the main thing is to brew it correctly. You can take both dried and fresh fruits. This is not a fundamental factor.

On a note! Thanks to proper intake of rose hips, you can effectively cope even with bleeding. of different nature origin, diseases skin, cholangitis, vitamin deficiency, ulcers, hepatitis, cholecystitis, fissures, eye diseases, hemorrhagic diathesis, atherosclerosis.

How to brew rose hips to preserve vitamins

In order for the use of rose hips to be beneficial, it is necessary to preserve all the vitamins that nature itself contains in it. This is why it is so important to brew fruits correctly. This can be done various methods: in a thermos or other container. In addition, prepare an infusion with unique benefit You can use both fresh and dried berries.

Fresh rose hips in a thermos

The easiest way to make a decoction is to brew fresh rose hips in a thermos. It's very simple.

As for the proportions for preparing such an infusion in a thermos, they are as follows:

  • 4-5 tbsp. l. rose hips;
  • 1 liter of clean water.

In order for the infusion with its unique benefits to be prepared faster, you should first crush the rose hips. Then it will only take a couple of hours to prepare the decoction.

  1. You will need to pour fresh fruits into a thermos. However, first, whole berries should be thoroughly washed with water, and the container should be scalded with boiling water.
  2. After dry product brewed with a strong brew.
  3. Leave the infusion in a thermos for 10-12 hours. It's best to do this in the evening. The drink will brew well overnight in a thermos.
  4. In the morning, you just need to drain it from the thermos into another container and you can start adding rose hips to a new portion of tea.

Note! Rose hips can be brewed repeatedly. But doing this more than twice is not recommended!

It is important to consider that when brewing berries in crushed form, the finished rosehip infusion should be carefully strained several times. IN otherwise the decoction will contain a huge amount of villi, which not only make drinking the drink unpleasant. They can severely irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and cause negative reactions.

You can dilute the finished drink from a thermos with honey or lemon juice. Such additional components will not only give the tea a more refined and pleasant taste. They will enrich the composition of the rosehip drink with vitamins and valuable substances, which have a beneficial effect on health.

It is recommended to drink the infusion daily. Tea from a thermos can be consumed both cold and warm. It equally benefits the body in any form. It is best to take it before meals. Daily serving - 1 cup. Children under 12 years of age are advised to use a different dosage. They should drink ½ glass per day.

The vitamin infusion obtained from a thermos is diuretic and choleretic effect. It benefits everyone, especially those who experience problems with the intestines, kidneys, liver or stomach.

How to brew fresh rose hips without a thermos

Prepare healing drink, enriched with a variety of vitamins, based on fresh berries Rosehip can be done without a thermos. But this brewing method requires close attention. Otherwise, the drink will simply lose all its healing natural power.

To prepare not just an aromatic drink, but a truly useful decoction, it is recommended to maintain the proportions correctly. The option for brewing rose hips without a thermos involves using:

  • 100 g peeled berries;
  • 1 liter of water.

To prepare a decoction without a thermos, you should properly brew and use berries that have been previously collected and slightly dried at home. It is recommended to remove all hairs from the fruit before treating with boiling water.

  1. The berries should be laid out on a towel and lightly mashed with a rolling pin or kitchen hammer. You can also use a special mortar.
  2. It is recommended to brew rose hips in enamel or ceramic containers. The prepared rose hips are placed in the selected container and filled with clean cold water.
  3. It should be placed on the stove and cooked. The composition must be brought to a boil. Then the product is removed from the stove.

On a note! Before drinking the resulting tea, you should definitely strain it.

However, you should not drink this tea right away. It is necessary to give it time so that it infuses thoroughly and enriches the water with all vitamins and other healing substances, which nature put into it. About 3 hours will be sufficient for this.

How to brew dry rose hips

To preserve all vitamins and others useful material contained in rose hips, you can brew it with boiling water and in dried form. By the way, preparing a decoction from such fruits is practically no different from processing fresh rose hips.

Water and rose hips should be used in the following ratio:

  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 1 teaspoon rose hips.

Before brewing the fruits, the raw materials must be washed with water. It is recommended to chop the rose hips. A blender or coffee grinder is great for this.

  1. The resulting useful mass is transferred to a thermos. It’s great if its flask is made of glass. The workpiece is filled with hot water.

Note! To brew dried rose hips, you do not need to use boiling water. Enough to take hot water, the temperature of which is about 60 degrees.

  1. The mass that turned out in the thermos should be brewed. For this, 45-50 minutes will be sufficient. Usually there is no need to infuse rose hips in boiling water in a thermos.
  2. The resulting infusion must be filtered. The “sediment” remaining as a result of decanting must be boiled for about 30 minutes.
  3. The finished broth will need to be strained a second time. The filtered drink is cooled and mixed with the infusion. In healing useful remedy honey is added if desired.

It is important to realize that such a remedy is preventive. Is not medicinal product. That is why, if you want to get rid of rosehip, certain disease It is recommended that you consult with your doctor. You definitely shouldn’t drink it mindlessly!

How to brew dry rose hips for immunity

There is another way to brew rose hips. This recipe allows you to save everything beneficial features berries and vitamins. The result is a tea that carries great benefit immunity and the entire body.

To prepare the drink you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon rose hips.

To enhance your activity with this drink immune system, the fruits should be properly brewed with boiling water. This is quite easy to do.

  1. To begin with, you will need to add hot water to the dried fruits and leave for about 10 minutes.
  2. Then you need to decant the resulting infusion through a thick cloth or gauze folded several times.

It is recommended to drink this composition warm. However, the tea should steep a little. The resulting tea should be drunk 3 times a day. It is recommended to consume after meals. It is this approach that ensures the beneficial and effective effect of the composition on the immune system.

By the way, cook healthy tea For immunity, you can take not only rosehip berries, but also its roots. This recipe is quite easy to brew. You need to take rose hips and pour boiling water over them. The composition should brew well. He is given several hours for this. It is recommended to include not only berries in the brewing composition, but also the roots of the plant, which are thoroughly crushed beforehand. After infusion, the healing drink is brewed for a quarter of an hour. Then he insists for the same amount of time. Before drinking it, be sure to strain the tea.


The attractiveness of using rose hips is that this herbal remedy has very few contraindications. These include:

  • allergy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • exacerbation of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Video: how to brew rose hips correctly