Which cat is huge. Big cats: an overview of large breeds. e place: Siberian cat

View and color, and from domestic cats - peacefulness and adaptation to home conditions.

The Savannah is the largest domestic cat breed in the world today. In males, body weight up to 15–20 kg, height - up to 60 cm. This breed has an elongated body with high limbs, an elongated neck, large ears, dark spots on the skin, high intelligence. The skin is colored in brown, chocolate, gray, golden tones. Animals reach their largest size at 3 years.
Restless savannas require space for an active life, they like to walk on the street. They have no fear of water, on the contrary, they like to play and splash with their paws in the water. Perfectly find contact with other pets, devoted to the owner. Can accompany a person like.

Since the savannah is a hybrid, the first generation is listed as F1, since it has about 50% of the serval genotype. Their offspring are already listed as F2 and include about 30% of the bush cat genotype. These first two generations are the most valuable. In the seventh knee, part of the serval genes in this breed is already quite small. Males of the first 4 generations, as a rule, cannot have offspring, therefore females are valued.
When breeding this breed, serval × savanna and savanna × savanna matings are usually used to preserve the characteristics of the breed.

Exotic lovers will appreciate this breed, which is so similar to wild African cats.

Before the advent of the Savannah breed, they were considered the largest cats in the world. The body weight of males ranges from 6–15 kg, females weigh 4–6 kg. The height to the withers reaches 41 cm, and the total length with the tail is up to 120 cm. This breed was bred naturally and has been known for over 150 years.
originated in the US state of Maine. Due to the severe winter cold in this US state, these cats have thick long hair and a luxurious fluffy tail. They have a strong, well-built body with strong, wide paws, in which tufts of wool grow between the pads. On the ears of cats there are small cute tassels, which makes them look like a lynx.
Due to their frequent striped coloration, they are also compared with, and the name "Maine Coon" can be translated as "Manx raccoon". Their color can be different, excluding chocolate, cinnamon, lilac, fawn and combinations thereof. Maine Coons reach their maximum size at the age of 3-5 years. Medium - 12–16 years or more. In general, this is a healthy and strong cat breed, but they can occasionally experience diseases such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, spinal muscular atrophy, and hip dysplasia.
They are playful cats with well developed hunting instincts. At the same time, they have a calm character and allow themselves to be walked on a leash. They do not immediately become attached to the owner, they get along well with other pets. They have a habit of standing on their hind legs, looking around, and paddling the water with their paw before drinking.

This breed became famous not so long ago (in 1995), received recognition in 2003 and is a fairly rare hybrid of wild and. Representatives of this breed are also among the largest domestic cats. The weight of the male is approx. 14.5 kg, and the height is 40 cm. Initially, representatives of this breed lived in Egypt, and the locals did not distinguish them in any way, until these cats were appreciated by the Europeans. Having discovered that the ancestors of these cats is a wild reed cat, they began the selection of this breed.
In appearance, the cat is very similar to its wild ancestor: a small head with green or yellow eyes, high-set ears may have tassels, the outlines of the muzzle and powerful body have a predatory angularity. The short thick coat comes in black, silver, ticked and ticked tabby colors. The combination of predatory grace and peacefulness attracted lovers of cats of exotic breeds. This active cat needs walks, a lot of active movement. She loves to play with children, feels a sense of affection for the owner.
Most of the males of this breed, as usual with hybrids, are sterile. Representatives of this breed are codes from F1 to F5. Breeders knit females with shorthair cats or with descendants of reed cats. Part of the offspring in this case are ordinary.

This one has been known for almost 100 years, is the result of crossing domestic British cats with. Brits can reach weight 11–12 kg, although the usual average weight of this breed is 5–8 kg. Everyone pays attention to their soft thick fur, similar to plush. It can be of various colors, both plain and mixed, although it was originally believed that the British had a blue-gray color.

The eyes can also be of different colors, but most often orange. They have a well-knit muscular build, a short neck with a noticeable fold around a round head, short thick legs, small round, wide-set ears.
Intelligent Britons are clean and very independent, they have their own opinion. They easily endure loneliness when the owner is at work, but when he is gone for too long, they begin to worry. Attached equally to all family members.
Britons, like plushies, do not like to be squeezed, but endure. Too intrusive attention can cause their aggression. They play only when they want to, and at the same time manage not to break anything. Many note the smart look of these felines and a noticeable cat "smile". They have excellent health, but they do not tolerate hypothermia and can catch a cold.

Homeland is the Urals and Siberia. The breed was recognized in 1990, it was formed in the natural environment over several centuries, has the blood of wild cats of the forest and steppe. In the harsh conditions of Siberia, these animals have a long, water-resistant coat with a thick undercoat, a fluffy tail that protects the cat from frost. This wool has another undeniable advantage - it is almost hypoallergenic.
The color of these domestic predators can be completely different, the color of the eyes can also be different and is not related to the coat color. The Siberian cat has a medium build with powerful muscles, rounded flowing harmonious forms. The ears are also rounded and slightly turned forward, have small tassels at the ends. Average weight of cats from 6 to 9 kg, but the mass of some giants of this breed can reach and 12 kg, cats - smaller.
They reach their maximum at 5 years. There is a collar around the neck, and on the hind legs, which are more powerful than the front ones, there are fluffy panties. The pads on both pairs of paws are pubescent. The cute muzzle has the shape of a trapezoid, the eyes are slightly slanted. These animals are distinguished by excellent health, their life expectancy is 15–20 years. Magnificent hunters, playful, intelligent, independent, attached to only one member of the family. They do not like when other animals or strangers are present on their territory. Their fearlessness and self-esteem are noted.

norwegian forest cat

This breed has been officially recognized since 1977 and is widespread in northern Europe, especially in Norway.
The Norwegian Forest Cat is not the largest cat in the world, but males of this breed can reach a weight of 10 kg, although their usual weight is 5–7 kg and females are smaller. Presumably comes from those introduced several centuries ago. Outwardly, it is somewhat similar to the Siberian.
The Norwegian Forest Cat has a strong build, long legs, fluffy hair, a fluffy long tail, tassels on large ears. Their coat is water repellent and has a triple structure: wool, undercoat, long hairs along the spine and on the tail. There are fur folds around the neck.

Coat and eye color may vary. Friendly and playful, very attached to people. Their patience can be tested for a long time, they play well with children, they are friendly to strangers. These purrs love to be stroked and scratched.

Did you know? It has been scientifically proven that cats have a beneficial effect on the health of their owners. People who keep these animals in their homes live an average of 4-5 years more. These fluffy creatures have the ability to reduce stress, normalize blood pressure, improve mood, and help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. These are great helpers for depression. Purring, the cat emits ultrasound, which has a therapeutic effect on the human body

The Turkish Van is a rare domestic cat with semi-long hair, considered one of the oldest breeds of domesticated cats. This breed was bred on the basis of Van cats living in Turkey in the area of ​​Lake Van. Animals reach their maximum by 5 years. Males weigh within 6–9 kg, females - from 4–6 kg. Their height is 35–40 cm, the length from the nose to the tip of the tail is 90–120 cm.
They have a muscular slightly elongated body, a massive neck and chest. The paws are of medium length, the hind legs are larger than the front ones, the pads are covered with hair. Fluffy ruffy tail with transverse stripes. Wedge-shaped head, powerful chin, ears set high and straight, with an inner edge. The eyes can be the color of amber or copper, there are also blue. Sometimes it happens that one eye is one color, and the other is another.
Silky coat of medium length and with a weak undercoat. Traditionally red and white (cream) in color, but can be black and white (blue), tortoiseshell or all white. Moreover, the white color in the color should be at least 80%.
Turkish Vans are very inquisitive and friendly, active and playful. They love water and water procedures and can even swim. They single out one family member as the owner and demonstrate their devotion in every way. They can be taught to walk on a leash, bring slippers. They get along wonderfully with other domestic cats and, but always try to lead. Despite their willfulness, they are gentle and obedient cats. They love to play with children.

The name of the breed is translated as "rag doll". These cats are so nicknamed for their unique ability to completely relax their muscles. Males weigh 7–9 kg, and the females 5–6 kg.

Did you know? This breed was first identified in the 60s in America by Anna Baker. Her Persian-Angora cat Josephine was bred to a Burmese cat. Anna Baker noticed that when kittens were born, when they grew up, they had the ability to relax their bodies. She came to grips with the breeding of a new breed and in 1965 was able to fix the so-called “rag” gene at the gene level and register this breed in the prescribed manner.

Ragdoll cats have the following features: widely spaced oval eyes only blue, wedge-shaped head, powerful neck, nose is always slightly upturned, small triangular ears are widely spaced. Medium paws with pubescent pads, fluffy long tail.
The coat is of medium length, has a small undercoat, is quite soft and is similar to rabbit hair. The hind legs of the representatives of this breed are, as it were, dressed in panties, and there is a fur collar on the neck. The most popular coloration is color-point: the color is light, and the muzzle, paws and tail have a darker color. The most common colors are light coffee with milk, chocolate, as well as blue-gray or deep purple.

These are quite calm and indifferent creatures to everything. They are very kind and friendly. They do not like to strain their muscles once again, and when a conflict arises, they try to hide in a quiet place.
Ragdolls show affection for their master. They are very fond of being stroked, squeezed and express their admiration. These cats are not hunters - they will not engage in catching mice or chasing pigeons in the yard. They feel great within a house or apartment. Cats of this breed get along well with children, other cats and in the process of living together.
Ragdolls do not tolerate loneliness and are very bored if the owner is absent for a long time. They may refuse food and water in frustrated feelings. They simply need society.

Important! At the gene level, Ragdoll cats are prone to a disease such as hip dysplasia. This disease can lead to paralysis of the hind limbs. The owner of a cat should clearly know the first signs of dysplasia:it’s hard for a cat to jump, when walking it starts to fall a little to one side, sometimes it’s even hard for her to put her paw.

These cats usually live 15-18 years.

Outwardly, the breed is somewhat reminiscent of a lynx. Translated from English, the name means "short-tailed elf." They reach their maximum weight at 3 years of age. Males weigh from 6 to 9 kg, and females - on average 4–6 kg. The lifespan of a pixie bob is 12–15 years. This breed was obtained by crossing domestic cats with wild cats having a short tail in America by felinologist Caroll Ann Brewer.

Important! Pixie-bob cats are a national treasure of the United States, and officially take outtheir is possible only with special permits of the club.

Representatives of this breed have a pear-shaped head, a fairly powerful chin, pronounced sideburns. The ears are broad, of medium height, slightly tilted forward, rounded at the ends, usually with tassels at the ends. The eyes are golden, brown or green. The brick-colored nose has a convex shape, and there is also a small hump on it.
The body is medium or large in size, has powerful muscles, a well-developed chest, protruding shoulder blades, and the skin on the abdomen sags markedly. The paws are elongated, muscular, the hind legs are not much larger than the front ones. Possible polydactyly up to 7 fingers on the paws. A small tail of about 5 cm. They can have long or short hair, in the abdomen it is longer than elsewhere.
Coloring comes in all shades of brown, gray, the tips of the coat are often light, not dark. The pads and the tip of the tail of the paws are dark brown or black. Dark, usually black, arrows descend from the outer corner of the eyes to the cheeks. But the edging around the eyes is a light color. On the forehead there is a pattern in the form of the letter M. Spotted pattern all over the body.
Pixie-Bob cats are incredibly loyal to their owner and can be jealous of everyone else. They can be taught some commands and walk on a leash, and they make great walking companions. Despite the somewhat predatory appearance, they are very affectionate and have a fairly balanced character. These cats express their emotions in sound form. Only they do not make the usual "meow", but guttural sounds. Life expectancy is 13 years on average. This breed is quite healthy.

Outwardly, it also looks like its wild relative - the lynx, especially because of the short upturned tail. Particular attention is paid to his beautiful expressive eyes. This cat has many excellent qualities: courage, observation, intelligence and a balanced character. This breed was not obtained artificially, but in the process of natural selection in the wild. Their natural habitat is the Kuril Islands.
Cats of this breed reach weight 6–7 kg and much larger than cats. A strong body has well-defined muscles. The back is slightly arched, the hind legs are longer than the front. The claws on the paws are straight, and do not retract, as in most felines, and clatter when walking. The head is small, trapezoid, with wide cheekbones and a strong jaw, the ears are rounded, slightly tilted forward and have a brush at the ends.
The eyes are usually yellow-green in color, round and slightly slanted. A small tail 3 to 8 cm long (excluding wool) has kinks and bends, as well as several knots. It ends with a wool pom-pom. The number of vertebrae is from 2 to 10, they have different mobility.

The color of this breed is quite diverse. The coat is long or medium, the undercoat is slightly pronounced. In longer-haired ones, the hair is longer in the collar zone, on the tail and hind legs. All domestic cats are not just wonderful companions, they are full-fledged members of the family. When purchasing a small kitten for an apartment or house, it is important to take into account all the features of character, temperament and care for him.

Among the variety of felines, domestic breeds are distinguished into a special group. The peculiarity of these animals is that they get along with other pets and humans, they are not difficult to care for and feed, they are docile and not dangerous for children. Compared to their wild counterparts, domestic cats are modest in size, but this group also has its record holders. We will talk about big cats in our article.

Big cats: an overview of large breeds

There are five breeds of domestic cats, representatives of which are considered the largest.

Savannah (ashera)

Despite the fact that some consider them to be representatives of different breeds, the Ashera differs from the savanna, approximately like a hippopotamus from a hippopotamus. In fact, this is one animal that has different names.

Savannah is the largest and most expensive domestic cat

The first kittens with breed characteristics of the modern savannah were born in 1986. They were the result of the work of American breeders who crossed the African serval with a domestic cat. After 15 years, the breed was recognized as an independent unit. And after 5 years, Ashera “appeared”, which they began to position as the largest and most expensive domestic cat. She surprisingly resembled the savannah - not only externally, but also genetically. DNA analysis put an end to this issue, and the names "ashera" and "savannah" became synonymous with one breed.

Savannah kitten

The truth was not revealed immediately, as the kittens received from the "wild" father and "home" mother, as they grew older, the breeders crossed with representatives of the "paternal nationality". The more serval blood flowed in the veins of the offspring, the more the kittens outwardly resembled a wild beast. Such animals were sold for a lot of money, passing off as representatives of a completely new breed. Today, the Ashera Savannah remains the rarest and most expensive domestic cat.

The weight of the animal is 8-13 kg, but felinologists say that there are individuals weighing up to 20 kg. The height at the withers can reach 1 m. The cat belongs to the short-haired breeds of the “sporty” type. With proper care, she retains a good shape all her life, without overgrowing with excess fat. It is better to keep the savannah in a spacious house with a garden. It is recommended to take outside the estate on a leash.

Accustomed to it since childhood, a cat on a walk behaves like a normal dog.

Interesting fact! Savannah is hypoallergenic, so it is recommended for those who suffer from hypersensitivity to pet hair and skin scales.

You can read more about this breed, its features, care and maintenance of the Savannah Asher on our website.

Video - Interesting facts about the Savannah breed

From English, the name of this variety of domestic cats is translated as "Manx raccoon", that is, a raccoon from the US state of Maine. Bright, luxurious giant cats make an unforgettable impression with their size, the beauty of the coat and the wild look, which the breeders dubbed as "wild look".

The presence of such an animal can seriously frighten if you do not know that representatives of the breed are distinguished by an extremely calm, even character, they get along well with children and pets, even dogs. In part, they themselves are considered dogs, as these felines have high intelligence and are quite amenable to training. Maine Coon can be trained to fetch a paper ball and even slippers!

Furry giants are flexible and graceful. Adults seem huge because of the elongated body, long tail and thick hair. Their parameters inspire awe and respect, because:

  • adult males weigh up to 13-16 kg, and females - up to 8;
  • The “length” from the nose to the tip of the fluffy tail can reach 1 m, and the maximum officially registered Maine Coon length is 1 m 23 cm.

Interesting fact! Cats of this breed "rake" the water before drinking. It is believed that this habit was inherited by their ancestors, who removed leaves and blades of grass from the surface of forest puddles.

Video - Maine Coon breed

The progenitor of all ragdolls is Josephine, a feline person of Angora appearance, born in the 60s of the last century. She had an amazingly docile personality. To the appearance of the breed put a paw and her husband - cat b. The offspring turned out to be unusually calm and beautiful. The name of the animals of this breed is translated as "rag doll". And, indeed, ragdolls are extremely phlegmatic and good-natured.

A warm and cozy cat can be stroked, hugged and kissed, nursed, seated and laid down, and he will not mind. At the World Championship of laziness, the ragdoll would become the absolute leader, having acquired the entire prize fund. This is a living toy for children, who must be able to properly handle the animal without causing it pain and harm.

The coat of medium-length cats resembles the Siamese version in color, but this is where the similarity with the eccentric breed ends. Ragdolls are surprisingly sweet and good-natured, which is why they are very popular.

Body length of adult animals, including tail:

  • up to 80 cm in cats weighing up to 7 kg;
  • up to 1 m in cats weighing up to 10 kg.

Interesting fact! The representative of this breed, Ragtime Bartholomew, became the largest cat in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records in 1986.

Video - Ragdoll

Individuals of this species are among the five not only the largest, but also the most expensive cats in the world. They have an exotic appearance and an interesting origin. Chausie progenitors are reed cats and domestic cats. The combination of different colors and characters resulted in an amazing animal with a wild appearance and complaisant disposition. The breed was officially registered in 2003, and cats of rare beauty have gained worldwide popularity. There are not many of them in Russia yet, but the prospects of Chausie as an unusual pet are obvious.

Chausie is one of the most expensive cats in the world.

If we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the breed, then the first include:

  • exotic appearance;
  • good health;
  • sociability;
  • lack of fear of water.

As for the shortcomings, these are, of course:

  • high cost of a pedigree animal;
  • difficulties in breeding ( crossed with cats);
  • possible manifestations of a wild temper, which are expressed more in the desire to "travel" around the upper tier of the apartment;
  • the habit of eating a lot, or rather, constantly. Chausie has an excellent appetite, but the tendency to overeat leads to digestive disorders and excess weight.

The weight of a mature individual is from 10 to 15 kg, height at the withers is 40 cm. Males are larger than cats, but young ladies are more active and mobile.

Interesting fact! Chausie cats have strong hunting instincts, so keeping them in the same house with domestic rodents and birds is dangerous for the lives of the latter.

Video - About Chausie

Siberian cat

The origin of this breed is clear from the name, it is from Russian Siberia. Life in harsh conditions contributed to the fact that cats acquired a brutal appearance, strong constitution and thick coat.

It is believed that the progenitors of modern "Siberians" came to the Russian expanses from Bukhara. It was from there that they were brought by merchants and travelers during the time of Yermak. The transformation of Bukhara mini-predators into Siberian ones took place over many years and, by the way, without human intervention. "Visiting" cats naturally communicated with each other and with local murks. As a result, a new breed of animals appeared: with a noble appearance, wild color and confident character.

The backbone of the "Siberians" is strong, the body is strong and muscular. Despite their considerable size, these cats are playful and agile, they love to jump and fool around, especially at an early age. Many of them are not afraid of water, so they do not mind bathing.

Cats can bond with humans just as much as dogs. There are many stories about how mustachioed-striped people saved people's lives by timely reporting domestic gas leaks, fires and earthquakes. They happily live together with a person, are unpretentious in food and care, adore their owners and bitterly yearn for loneliness.

Interesting fact! One of the most famous representatives of the breed is the cat Dorofei, owned by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The fluffy pet of the politician took part in the meeting« no ties” with the family of former US President Barack Obama and brought the American guests to indescribable delight.

Video - All about Siberian cats

Other varieties of big cats

Completing the list of the largest domestic cats, it is worth recognizing that it is not exhaustive. There are other varieties of fluffy pets that are distinguished by their beauty and impressive size. These include the following cat breeds:


British, whose homeland is England. This is a soft, plush cat-bun, unusually cozy, but often with an independent character. At the beginning of the acquaintance, she demonstrates royal restraint and composure, but soon becomes kind and affectionate. The more time she spends with the owner, the stronger her trust and affection. The weight of an adult British cat is from 4 to 8 kg.

You can read more about this breed, its features, care and maintenance of British cats on our website.

norwegian forest cat

From the name it is clear that her homeland is Norway. The breed is very popular in the states of Northern Europe and has an outward resemblance to the "Siberians", Turkish Van and Maine Coons.

Norwegian Forest cats are classified as long-haired breeds. They have a strong physique and impressive size. These animals are distinguished by a kind character and good manners. "Norwegians" are not characterized by bad behavior. They are tolerant even of dogs and capricious children, and are reserved about strangers. It is noteworthy that cats of the Norwegian breed are attached to a person, and not to a house, as is commonly believed. With all their friendliness, it is difficult to call these animals completely tame. "Norwegians" do not like to be picked up, squeezed and seated on their knees, like a doll. But they love it when they scratch their backs and behind their ears.

The weight of the Norwegian cat, like most breeds, changes markedly as the animal grows older. Representatives of this species grow slowly, reaching full maturity only by the age of five. At this age, the female weighs about 5.5 kg, and the cat - from 6 to 9 kg.

Carthusian cat (chartreuse)

The Carthusian cat (Chartreuse) is a French breed of unusually beautiful and equally jealous purr with thick gray-blue fur and orange (bright yellow) eyes. There are different versions of the origin and history of the breed. According to one of them, in the Middle Ages, Chartreuse were considered cats of commoners. However, peasants and artisans valued them not for their beautiful eyes and character, but for their fluffy skin and tender meat. Fortunately, the dark times are over, and today Cartesian beauties are purchased as pets. These cats are able to become attached to people, but do not tolerate the presence of other animals in the house. They are calm and silent, have a thin voice, which they demonstrate extremely rarely. They normally tolerate loneliness if there is an interesting toy in sight.

The weight of a cat is 6-7 kg, and the cats are lighter - from 4 to 5 kg. Carthusians increase in size and reach maturity by the age of 5, while fluffy Chartreuse young ladies do not grow after 3 years.

Chartreuse are calm and silent, have a thin voice

Diseases that large domestic cats are susceptible to

The health of domestic cats, including large ones, depends on genetics, as well as how they are cared for and fed. If the set of hereditary diseases depends on the breed, then the consequences of malnutrition and maintenance for all cats are the same. They lead to such pathologies as:

Each variety of domestic cats has a predisposition to certain diseases.

Table. Breed diseases of big cats

Breed namePhotoPossible health problems
The breed has no genetically determined pathologies, which is explained by the good health of the ancestor - the serval. Possible inflammation of the urinary system
Joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia), skin pathologies (abscesses, cellulitis, ostiofolliculitis, eczema), disorders of the urinary system (nephritis, nephrosis, pyelitis, urethritis, cystitis)
Hip dysplasia, feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Digestive disorders, obesity
Food allergies, inflammatory eye pathologies (conjunctivitis and others), obesity

How to care for a domestic cat?

In order for a pet to demonstrate the best breed qualities, to become the pride of the family and the envy of others, it is necessary to properly care for it. The general principles of feeding and keeping domestic cats, regardless of their type, are the same. Small differences may be due to the characteristics of the breed, for example, the length and quality of the coat.

In order for a cat to live in the family happily ever after, it is important to remember the following:

  • choosing a kitten is a responsible event. It is worth buying a pet only from trusted breeders who are ready to document the breed and health of the animal;
  • cats need to be vaccinated, especially if they go out into the yard. The types and regimen of vaccinations can be clarified at the local veterinary clinic;
  • There are no trifles in the nutrition of pets. All the owner's mistakes are reflected in the condition and appearance of the cat. The ideal nutrition system is considered to be the use of premium dry food, which can be bought, taking into account the characteristics of the breed. Contrary to popular belief, these compounds are not dangerous in terms of the formation of urates (kidney stones). It is important to ensure that the cat always has enough fresh water. Adherents of natural nutrition should be aware that an unbalanced diet worsens the condition, well-being and appearance of the pet. Vitamin and mineral deficiency will have to be replenished with special supplements;
  • caring for a cat is to maintain its neat appearance and normal health. Among other things, this includes combing, infrequent bathing, clipping of nails, cleaning of the ears and checking the condition of the eyes and teeth;
  • the animal should have its own place in the house (apartment), where you can safely retire without fear of interference in your personal cat space;
  • a small predator requires understanding and respect for oneself. This is more true when there are children in the house. Adults should explain to the baby that the animal is not a toy, but a member of the family.

The largest domestic cats are popular and cost a lot of money. Such specimens are a real decoration of the family and home. However, the yard murka also has a chance to become a treasure. With good care, a mongrel cat can easily grow into a smart and chic beast that will be no worse than a top 5 person.

All domestic cats found within and outside the city have common roots. They are believed to be a subspecies of the forest cat, domesticated 10,000 years ago. According to statistics, today there are 600 million domestic cats in the world, and each of them belongs to 1 of 256 breeds.

Over a period of thousands of years, each breed has acquired individual features and parameters by which a person can easily navigate when choosing a pet. Cats differ not only in appearance, each has its own individual temperament and even a propensity for hereditary diseases that is transmitted to offspring. These characteristics are the hallmark of each breed.

Below is information about the largest cat breeds, the star cat Omar and the humane ban on one of the feline nominations in the Guinness Book of Records.

biggest domestic cat

This cat was found in Australia - it turned out to be a 3-year-old Maine Coon named Omar. The cat is 120 cm long and weighs 14 kg. The owner of the cat, Stefi Hurst, claims that her pet was big before - Omar's weight was already 10 kg a year. She also assures that this is not the limit and Omar is still growing.

Omar cat - the biggest cat in the world

The cat gained worldwide fame after Stefi decided to create a personal account for him on the social network Instagram - omar_mainecoon. As of June 2017, Omar has over 60,000 followers, with photos and videos garnering thousands of likes.

Soon, media representatives began to contact Stefi to talk about her pet and take a photo with a star cat. Also, data on Omar's weight and height were sent to representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, from whom they are waiting for confirmation of setting a new record.

Officially, today the record belongs to the Maine Coon Ludo from the British city of Wakefield, whose length reaches 118 cm.

According to the owners of Omar, he is a calm cat who prefers to lead a measured lifestyle. During the day, Omar likes to walk around the yard, keeping the dogs company, lying on a trampoline or hiding in secluded places. The cat's favorite treat is kangaroo meat.

Earlier in the Guinness Book of Records, the nomination "The fattest cat in the world" was also presented. The record belonged to a cat named Himmy, whose weight was 21.3 kg. But at the age of 10, he died of respiratory failure. Then the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records decided to exclude this nomination from the list in order to prevent deliberate overfeeding of animals for the sake of setting records and gaining glory for the owners.

Top 10 largest breeds

These cats are the undisputed favorites of all family members. They are affectionate and are able to let both the owner whom they have determined for themselves and strangers close to them. Bobtails are able to get out of difficult situations, for example, find a way out of a closed room or cage. Also, they often manifest a predatory instinct, they love to hunt for insects.

This breed of cats appeared on the Kuril Islands, due to which it received its name. The main distinguishing feature is considered to be a very short tail, despite its impressive size. The weight of a male representative reaches 7 kg, height 35 cm.

Bobtails are full of energy, love to play a lot and are always looking for the company of people. These cats are patient and do not show aggression, even if they feel discomfort from excessive petting. From an early age they are obedient and trainable.

8. Pixiebob. Pixibob cats are artificially bred in the United States of America. The Americans tried to create a cat that looks like a lynx. As a result, this large breed was obtained. The weight of male representatives reaches 8 kg, height - 30-35 cm.

Despite their slightly wild appearance, these cats are affectionate and loyal. They easily get along with other pets in the house, especially with dogs, with which they often walk around the yard. The pixie bob breed is the only one who is allowed to have polydactyl feet due to its genetic characteristics, and this factor does not affect participation in exhibitions and competitions.

This breed has lived for hundreds of years on the shores of Lake Van in Turkey, which is why it got its name. It is not known exactly how long ago they appeared in those places, but scientists define the Turkish Van breed as very ancient. The weight of male representatives reaches 9 kg, height - 30 - 40 cm.

These cats show themselves as loving and affectionate animals, often play and spend time with their owners. They are even ready to become entertainment for children, but only on condition that they do not torment them greatly. Turkish Vans are trainable, especially like games where you have to catch toys on the fly.

6. Norwegian forest. The Norwegian Forest cat is similar in appearance to the Maine Coon breed, and some scientists adhere to the theory that these cats have common ancestors. The weight of a male representative reaches 10 kg, height - 30 cm.

Norwegians are very smart cats, able to quickly learn standard commands, even as kittens. These cats remember the location of things in the house thoroughly, they are not aggressive and patient, but they do not like petting in large quantities. They are most appreciated when they are treated like full-fledged members of the family.

5. Siberian. Siberian cats are a domesticated native breed that has become widespread in Russia. The weight of a male representative reaches 12 kg, height - 33 cm.

The nature of the Siberian cat cannot be called simple, they do not like to obey someone else's will and are very capricious. Usually in the family they choose a leader to whom they are imbued with respect, and the rest of the family may not even notice. These cats rarely play briskly in the yard, preferring a balanced and calm behavior to this. Although favorite toys can still make cats want to run around the apartment with them, to the surprise of their owners.

4. British shorthair. The British Shorthair cat resembles a favorite childhood soft toy that leaves no one indifferent. The weight of male representatives reaches 12 kg, height - 33 cm.

The British Shorthair cat is independent and intelligent. No wonder they are often defined as cats for businessmen. The British outwardly do not show affection for the owners and rarely come to them for affection. At the same time, they delicately allow you to play with them, but step aside if possible. Despite this, the British are considered loyal animals, bored alone. Another feature is that they will never allow themselves to spoil the property in the house, carefully bypassing all the decor elements in the apartment.

3. Chausie. The third place is occupied by the Chausie breed - these are cats known even in ancient Egypt. The weight of male representatives reaches 14 kg, height - 40 cm.

Chausies do not tolerate loneliness, they try to be close to their owners when they are at home, they also play with children with pleasure and generally like to move a lot. Their character is peaceful, and the intellect develops rapidly, therefore, representatives of the Chausie breed are often involved in the household.

2. Maine Coon. The second place was taken by representatives of the Maine Coon breed - cats from Northeast America. The weight of male representatives reaches 15 kg, height - 41 cm. And the maximum body length, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is equal to 1.23 m.

Despite their large size, Maine Coons are homely and affectionate, they love their owners. But the wild temper will take its toll if you bring the cat to the reservoir, where he will prove himself to be a real hunter, freely walking along the water in search of prey.

Savannah cats have a calm nature and easily adapt to new living conditions. They are not afraid of water and love fresh air very much. Another pleasant characteristic of this breed is devotion, comparable to that of a dog.

Top 5 biggest wild cats in the world

Lions, tigers and leopards, belonging to the cat family, of course, represent their largest representatives. But this rating is based on little-known breeds of cats, outwardly almost indistinguishable from pets, but living in the wild.

Amur forest cats live in the Far East. The weight of male representatives reaches 6 kg, height - 35 cm.

More than anything, these cats love to feast on birds and chipmunks. They can even hunt roe deer, but this happens infrequently. On average, Amur forest cats live 10 years.

This cat is considered a representative of Equatorial Africa, living in forests. The weight of male representatives reaches 14 kg, height - 50 cm.

golden african cat

These wild cats are considered loners in life, and their species itself is recognized as very rare. Being predators, cats prefer to hunt at night, and during the day they rest in the crowns of trees.

3. Spotted cat. The second name of this species is the fishing cat. It was not obtained by chance, since speckled cats are considered virtuosos in catching fish. The weight of male representatives reaches 15 kg, height - 41 cm.

The fishing cat is an excellent swimmer due to its muscular build. There are cases when they even fought with cubs of artiodactyls and won.

2. Bush cat (serval). This is the most graceful cat of the rating. The weight of an adult cat is on average 8-15 kg, but it can reach 18 kg, height - 65 cm.

Servals are capable of jumping up to 3 m in height, they practice such jumps while hunting. Servals get their food both under and above the ground. They live in Africa. A distinctive feature of bush cats is the ability to live in captivity, and if necessary, even become tame. Servals are also known to mate with domestic cats.

The first place in the ranking is ocelot. The size of this cat is impressive - the average weight of males reaches 16 kg, height - 50 cm. They live in the tropics of America. Ocelots feed on both birds and snakes, often even small mammals are present in their diet. There are cases when ocelots coped with pigs and even donkeys.

Recently, in the circles of wealthy people, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhaving a wild cat at home, and not its domesticated relative, has become popular. Unfortunately, people do not understand that this can be detrimental to freedom-loving animals. Therefore, lovers of large and outwardly wild cats should pay attention to domestic breeds of Savannah and Maine Coon. The cost of the first today varies greatly and reaches 1.5 million rubles, the average price is 300,000 rubles. As for Maine Coons, their price is much lower - from 25,000 to 70,000 rubles.

As you know, all breeds of dogs are usually divided into three categories - small, medium and large. But domestic cats in the traditional view are approximately the same size, not without reason, describing the external parameters of an animal, we often use the expression "the size of a cat." But recently, breeds have become increasingly popular, in terms of height and weight exceeding a similar average indicator at times. It is to such giant cats that our review is dedicated.

Top 10 Largest Domestic Cat Breeds

Most existing cat breed standards do not impose strict size requirements (dog handlers, by the way, are more severe in this regard). Therefore, large animals are found even among British and Siberian cats that are well known to us, bobtails, etc. are very large.

I saw an ordinary yard cat of absolutely incredible size. The owners of the pet store, near which the mustachioed bandit liked to spend time, said that at first it was a completely ordinary kitten. They called him Bonus and began to feed him little by little. Over time, the baby waved so that the dogs entering the store literally shied away from horror.

The unusual size of a cat can scare even a large dog

But this example is more of an exception to the rule. I would like to talk about those cats for which a weight of 8 kg and above is the standard, and not a record or the result of overeating.

Photo gallery: cat breeds that have very large representatives

Chartreuse is a French breed, a cat can weigh up to 7 kg British cat sometimes reaches 10 kg Turkish Vans weigh an average of 5 kg, but some cats reach 10 kg The maximum weight of an American Shorthair cat is 8 kg The maximum weight of a Kuril Bobtail is 7.5 kg Siberian cats sometimes weigh up to 9 kg

And the second moment. In our rating there are several cats that, let's say, are not quite domestic. They either have a wild ancestor as one of their parents, or they are wild beasts themselves. And now - our version of the ten largest cat breeds.

A very rare breed in Russia due to the difficulties associated with the export of these cats from Canada and the USA, where they were bred.

Pixie Bob - a massive cat with a short tail

Distinctive features of the breed are massiveness, a large head with sideburns, a wide chest, strong legs and a short tail. Another feature of these cats is polydactyly (the presence of extra fingers), which is not considered a marriage.

Most sources indicate that "pixie-bob" is translated from English as "short-tailed elf", but another option can be offered. The fact is that according to one of the versions (in fact, not confirmed), the breed is the result of a natural, occurring without human intervention, crossing a domestic cat and a North American lynx. All that people did was to capture a few of these semi-wild cats and began to breed them, turning them into pets. The owners named one of the first cats domesticated in this way Pixie (“pixie” means “fairy”, but can also be translated as “elf”), she gave the first part to the name of the new breed. But the second part is intended to indicate not so much the short tail of the cat, but rather its relationship with the wild lynx (“lynx” in English is “bobcat”).

The North American lynx is a close relative of the pixie bob.

Actually, because of this semi-mythical connection with a wild cat, we put the pixie-bob on the tenth step of our rating. In reality, these animals are quite modest in size, their height is only 30-35 cm, cats weigh an average of 3-5 kg, but cats are really large, their weight ranges from 6 to 10 kg.

As for the nature of the "domestic lynx", the opinions of the owners differ. Some argue that these cats have easily adapted as pets, get along well with people, and are also distinguished by literally canine devotion to the owner. Others, on the contrary, insist that the pixie-bob inherited some detachment from its wild ancestor, in any case, these animals are extremely reluctant to contact a person.


Chito is an experimental breed, not recognized by most felinological organizations. Its name comes from the English "cheetah" (cheetah) and reflects the main goal of the breeder: to achieve the maximum similarity of a domestic cat with one of the most beautiful representatives of this family.

Chito - a smaller version of a cheetah

But unlike many other breeds, which we will talk about later, there is practically no wild blood in the Chito. She is separated from her forest ancestors by at least eight generations. It was bred by crossing and, which, in turn, was created on the basis of the Abyssinian and Siamese breeds.

Photo gallery: ancestors of the Chito cat breed

The Bengal cat has a wild ancestor - the Asian leopard cat
Siamese cats - the embodiment of grace

Chito cats with a standard height of 30 cm can weigh from 6.5 to 10 kg, which is almost twice the average weight of a domestic cat.

Courageous, like a wild one, and obedient, like a domestic one - this is a brief and at the same time capacious description of the temperament of a Chito cat.

norwegian forest

Despite the formidable name, we are talking about a completely domestic and very friendly animal. The Norwegian Forest is distinguished by a strong build and a characteristic double coat with a dense water-repellent undercoat, long guard hairs hanging from the sides and fluffy “panties” on the hind legs.

Norwegian Forest - large cat with thick double coat

The standard weight of a cat is from 5 to 9 kg, but larger individuals are also found.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is not the result of selective breeding. This is really a beast that once lived in the Norwegian forests. There is an assumption that over time, Angora cats that have adapted to the local climate, which came to Northern Europe from Turkey, acquired such a look. According to another version, we are talking about a mutation of forest cats brought here from Scotland by the Vikings.

There is a version that the Norwegian Forest Cats are descended from the Turkish Angora.

The Norwegian cat has very tenacious claws and climbs trees superbly (they even say that it is able to descend from a tree head down, although, given the structure of the cat's claw, it is difficult to believe). In addition, Norwegian cats are excellent anglers.

Once the Norwegian forest were excellent hunters

FIFe recognized the breed in 1977, but these cats have lived on Scandinavian farms for a long time, getting along well with children and pets. With such a long history of domestication, the Norwegian Foresters today have almost forgotten their wild habits. They are distinguished by an intelligent disposition, patience, gentleness and even some effeminacy.

Norwegian Forests have been kept on farms for a long time.

The absence of the need to obtain food for themselves by hunting or fishing made the Norwegians lazy and a little slow.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon - raccoon cat from Maine

Like pixie-bobs, these animals are associated with the North American lynx, and in the same way, this version of the Maine Coon's origin is more like a legend.

It is only known that no one specifically bred this breed, but huge cats with tassels on their ears, long mustaches and thick hair have been considered the national pride of North America for a century and a half (Maine is the name of a state located in the northeast of the United States).

Having long been domesticated, Maine Coons are distinguished by their soft and gentle character, while maintaining independence and self-esteem. They say that these cats make excellent nannies for small children.

Maine Coons make good nannies

Surprisingly, despite their frighteningly large size, Maine Coons do not weigh that much: for a cat, the norm is the range between 7 and 10 kg, cats are rarely heavier than 6 kg. A certain illusion of bulkiness is created by a muscular body and long hair.

The statement that Maine Coons should reach 20-25 kg is erroneous. Even 12 kg for a Maine Coon is a lot, such a weight is only found in neutered cats with obvious signs of obesity.

Too much Maine Coon weight is not the norm, but a sign of obesity

Literally "ragdoll" is a "rag doll". The name well reflects the phlegmatic and good-natured nature of these giant domestic cats, bred in the USA. In the hands of a beloved owner, it completely relaxes, as if spreading and flowing, like a candle.

Ragdoll - "ragdoll" with blue eyes

These animals have a lower pain threshold, which, combined with pliability and natural laziness, makes them poorly protected from "domestic violence". Ragdoll should not be started by families with small children, since this bumpkin, unlike most other cats, is not always able to stand up for himself.

Ragdoll is a semi-long-haired massive animal with a magnificent collar around the neck and certainly blue eyes.

Blue eyes - a visiting card of the ragdoll

The body length of a cat can reach one meter, weight - up to 12 kg. Cats are smaller, but also by no means miniature: 80 cm in length with 7 kg of weight.

The breed was bred by crossing the Ragdoll with Persian and Himalayan cats in order to achieve larger sizes and diversify colors.

Ragamuffin - multi-colored relative of the ragdoll

According to another version, "rag dolls" were knitted with ordinary outbred cats, which is why the new breed received such a strange name (the word "ragamuffin" is translated from English as "homeless child", "ragamuffin").

However, despite the fact that ragamuffins are recognized by the CFA as a separate breed, they differ from ragdolls only in color. The cat did not become larger, but it retained the impressive dimensions of its predecessor, so it deserves to be given its own step in our rating.


If the creators of the chito tried to achieve only an external resemblance of a domestic cat with its wild relative, then the safari is the result of a direct crossing of these animals.

Safari - a hybrid of a wild and domestic cat

The South American wild cat Geoffroy was taken as the main participant in the experiment. Obtaining a stable hybrid immediately ran into two serious problems. First, wild cats, instead of making an act of love with pets, simply killed them. The way out was found quite easily: two animals were raised together from infancy, and the aggression between them disappeared. But then there was a "second".

It turns out that wild and domestic cats have a different number of chromosomes (Geoffroy has 38, domestic cats have 36). From such a cross in the first generation, males with 37 chromosomes were born, which were sterile, therefore, hybrid females of the first generation (F1) were crossed with American or European Shorthair, as well as Siamese cats.

Geoffroy - the wild parent of the safari

Whether a sustainable hybrid was eventually achieved remains a mystery. The breed is not recognized by any felinological organization, and when selling kittens, the serial number of the hybrid is always indicated, indicating how many generations separate it from the wild ancestor (the smaller this number, the more expensive the kitten).

Safari F1 is a big and strong animal. Cats weigh an average of 8 kg, cats - 14 kg, individual specimens reach 17 kg.

Safari F1 - very large cat

In the nature of the safari, the owners first of all note independence. Aggression is not characteristic of cats, they will gladly sit at the feet of the owner and allow themselves to be stroked. But only on condition that the beast itself wants it, and not its owner.

Safari can be very affectionate

Moreover, if the cat is in the mood for affection, and the person is busy with something else, he will be politely but persistently asked to quit everything and take care of the “pet” pet.

An attempt to cross a domestic and a wild cat, in addition to the safari, allowed the Americans to get two more large hybrids, occupying the next steps in our rating.

These are not only the largest, but also the most expensive of all domestic cats, because, as in the case of safari, they cannot interbreed and after several generations degenerate into ordinary domestic cats.

Chausie - a hybrid of jungle cat and Abyssinian cat

Chausie is a hybrid resulting from the mating of a jungle cat and an Abyssinian cat.

The jungle cat is the wild ancestor of the Chausie

The height of the animal is 40 cm, weight - from 10 to 15 kg.

Chausie is much larger than the average domestic cat.

Chausie is a balanced and noble animal that inherited a love of water from a wild ancestor. From the owner it requires not so much attention, although it can be an affectionate and devoted friend, but the opportunity to frolic in plenty.


The next hybrid of a wild and domestic cat is the Savannah. Today it is the largest domestic cat. Its height is about 45 cm, at the withers - 60 cm, the average weight is 12 kg, but can reach 20 kg.

Savannah is the largest and most expensive cat in the world.

An African serval (bush cat) was used for crossing.

The ancestor of the safari is the African serval

Despite the fact that the breeder positions the Savannah as a sociable, playful and accommodating animal, amenable to training and resembling a dog in character, all this is nothing more than a publicity stunt.

The breeder claims that the Savannah is similar in character to a dog

In fact, the hybrids of the first generation have retained the features of their wild ancestor: they are distrustful of strangers, and they are unlikely to forgive “their own” for excessive familiarity. Such behavior becomes understandable if we take into account the conditions in which these animals were born and at what stage their socialization took place. Any cats with the designation F1, from the first days of life, were not kept in the family, like pets, but in a cage or other enclosed space, more or less reminiscent of a zoo. Friendly and trusting attitude towards people for such animals is not something taken for granted.

Hybrids of domestic and wild cats are raised in cages

Subsequent generations of the savannah are better socially adapted, but their external resemblance to the serval, and, accordingly, their value and size are sharply reduced.

wild cats as pets

Since semi-wild and wild cats are increasingly becoming residents of private houses and even city apartments, we could not ignore them when compiling the rating. The fashion for this kind of pets came to us from the USA and was largely caused by the strange desire of people to have a large, “serious” cat.

The difficulties that arise when trying to cross a wild cat with a domestic one are not able to stop people who want to keep a large animal from the feline family in the house. Having not achieved a convincing result from breeders, the most desperate enthusiasts go the simpler way: they acquire exotic wild cats as pets.

Some people really want to domesticate wild cats

It must be said that the idea of ​​having cougars and cheetahs at home instead of domestic cats is by no means new.

The Berberov family, who kept a lion and a puma in their apartment for many years, to the surprise of the whole country, paid a bloody price for this. Leo King - a movie star - was killed in the summer of 1974, after which the Berberovs decided to "adopt" another lion cub. But what they succeeded with one predatory animal failed with another. On November 24, 1980, King II, in a fit of rage, attacked the mistress Nina Berberova and tore her son Roman to pieces. Both the killer lion and the cougar died from the bullets of the arriving policemen.

King I and King II, or the Tragedy of the Berberov family - from glory to bloody denouement


The tiger is probably the largest of all domestic cats.

Table: wild cats often kept at home

No. p / pAnimal nameHeight to shoulder, cmBody length (excluding tail), cmWeight of an adult male, kg
1. Asian leopard wildcat (ancestor of the Bengal domestic cat)16–41 45 10–15
2. Jungle cat (ancestor of Chausie)40 56–90 8–12
3. Geoffroy (ancestor of the safari)23 45–75 4,8
4. Caracal40 74 16–20
5. Serval (ancestor of the savannah)52 83–100 8–18
6. Ocelot32 68–100 10–16
7. Canadian lynx48–56 76–110 8–16
8. Vivever cat (fisherman)35 95–120 11–15
9. Far Eastern forest (leopard) cat35 50 4–8
10. Jaguarundi35 55–70 4–8

Video: how a cheetah purrs when scratched behind the ear

Features of keeping large cats

  • animals, the impressive size of which is determined by the breed or individual characteristics, but at the same time are fully domesticated;
  • wild cats or animals that have a wild ancestor in the next generations (hybrids).

If in the first case, advice to future owners can be clearly formulated, then in the second, the only truly valuable recommendation will be to remember the tragic fate of the Berberov family and think again about your decision.


Large domestic cats (let us emphasize the word “domestic”) make the same demands on the owner as their relatives of standard sizes. To paraphrase an old humoresque, we can say that they look like little ones, but eat like big ones. The basic rules for caring for domestic cats are determined not by size, but by the characteristics of the breed. For example:

  • long hair requires constant attention, short-haired cats can not be combed out at all;
  • there are breeds with stronger immunity, others have weaker immunity, but in general, each breed has its own “bouquet” of the most common diseases;
  • Some cats require constant attention and communication, others are perfectly able to do without people.

Long haired cats need to be brushed

Big cats only need:

  • more space;
  • more food.

Games and walks

The amazing gracefulness that we love so much in wild cats must be constantly maintained by an active lifestyle. All cats, without exception, are by nature excellent hunters. Being constantly indoors and getting food without making the slightest effort, a pet can very quickly lose all its gloss. Therefore, outdoor games, the ability to run, jump, overcome obstacles and climb to the top are necessary for cats.

But if an elegant and fragile Angora or a miniature Singapura can frolic to its heart's content within the limits of an urban small-sized car, then a ten-kilogram carcass briskly jumping around the house is not a sight for the faint of heart, and it’s difficult to take the soul of an animal within the four walls of a small apartment.

The kitten does not need a lot of space to play

Ideal conditions for keeping big cats are their own country house, to which an owner is attached, ready to walk his pet in the fresh air. This rule applies primarily to wild and semi-wild cats. They need to realize their hunting instincts and give an outlet for energy, otherwise both will be used against you.

Hunting plays an important role in a cat's life.

Nutrition Features

The amount of food that a cat should eat depends on many factors - the age of the animal, its lifestyle and the individual characteristics of the body. On average, one should proceed from the daily norm, which is 5-10% of the cat's weight. Approximately 70% of the diet should be meat (once a week replaced by fish), the rest - dairy products, vegetables and cereals. Thus, the pleasure of keeping a pet weighing 15 kg in the house will cost the owner “only” a pound of fresh meat daily.

Big cat needs a lot of meat

It is enough to feed adult animals once a day. You can divide the daily ration into two doses, but it is very important that feeding is carried out at the same time, and everything that the animal has not eaten is removed until the next time.

It is more difficult with wild cats: in order to maintain their “tone”, these animals need not an imitation of hunting, but a real process. Breeders recommend giving live food to such cats: mice, rats, day-old chickens or quails, and the predator eats all this whole, along with offal, stomach contents, fragments of feathers and skins.

If live food is entertainment for domestic cats, it is a necessity for wild ones.

Some two mice or one rat a day, according to experts, will be quite enough for a serval or reed cat.

wild cat in the house

The main difference between a domestic cat and a wild and semi-wild cat is that the former have lived among people for many generations and managed, let's say, to adapt socially. Moreover, when it comes to breeding animals, the likelihood of them showing unreasonable aggression is minimized, since individuals in which such behavior has been identified are disqualified and are not allowed to mate.

With hybrid and wild cats the situation is reversed. For them, life in the "human flock" is unnatural. You can talk as much as you like about how cute and obedient savannas and chausies are, but, in fact, these are wild animals that do not have to be tame at all.

A wild cat does not have to be tame

Often breeders recommend spaying these cats to prevent them from displaying aggression. According to generally accepted standards, all domestic animals that are not used for breeding should be subjected to a similar procedure. This is necessary for the health of the cat itself (sexual abstinence with "playing hormones" adversely affects both the psyche and somatics of the animal), but in the case of a wild animal, it can indeed pursue an additional goal - to protect the owner.

Still, the consequences of sterilization should not be overestimated. The aggressive behavior of an animal is not always associated with sexual instincts. So, it is customary to distinguish the following types of aggression in cats:

  • intraspecific (territorial and dominant) - animals sort things out among themselves, fighting for territory, a female, etc .;
  • maternal - protecting the kids, the cat can rush at anyone in whom it sees a threat;
  • redirected - not being able to get to the irritant (for example, a bird chirping brazenly on a branch outside the window), the cat takes out her anger on everything that is within reach;
  • caused by affection - the animal does not like how and where it is scratched, or it is simply not disposed to manifestations of love, and the owner does not understand the signals sent to him;
  • caused by fear - the effect of a rat driven into a corner;
  • caused by pain - the instinct of self-preservation works;
  • The struggle for territory is only one of the possible causes of aggression

    Only the first two types of aggression can be stopped with the help of sterilization, and even then only in part. Even neutered cats fight for territory, it's just that the range they claim is much smaller. And the fact that a complex medical operation, which is also associated with the use of general anesthesia (narcotic drugs), does not exclude, but, on the contrary, provokes aggression caused by fear or pain, is not at all in doubt.

    Cat fangs are a terrible weapon

    In conclusion, I will tell a story that I really do not like to remember. It concerns the same unprovoked aggression in a domestic cat of ordinary sizes. Obviously, we were not lucky to get an animal (I will not name the breed, but it was an expensive kitten from a prestigious cattery) with a congenital mental pathology. For the time being, the disease did not manifest itself in any way, except that the cat could suddenly hiss at someone from the household, except for the beloved mistress. But one day, something switched in the head of the animal, and the “pet” began to rush at everyone, including the main Person in his life, as soon as he spoke to someone or picked up the phone. Believe me, it had nothing to do with a fun game when a cat grabs your leg from around the corner and accidentally leaves a couple of scratches on it! The cat was obviously aiming for the head, trying to grab at the eyes and tear off the hair along with the skin. No sedatives helped, the beast fell down under their influence, got up and jumped again. Of course, this is an anomaly, the likelihood of encountering such a nightmare is minimal. But it's about something else. I speak with all responsibility: four kilograms of rage, armed with claws as sharp as blades and no less terrible fangs, is an incredible force that cannot be stopped without killing! For those who do not believe, I can only wish to continue to be in illusions. But I'm afraid to think about what would happen to us if our unfortunate cat was a little larger.

    A wild cat doesn't necessarily want to hurt you. She can do it in the game, and when she smells blood, she gets even more excited. Such behavior seems inadequate, but we actually behave abnormally, dragging a cougar or caracal to our house. The desire to tickle your nerves, to amuse your ego, to show off to your neighbors is great, but there are many ways to get the same result without putting the life of your family at risk, since the life of an unfortunate cat who has to die if she accidentally loses control of her emotions, worthless.

It is not difficult to become the owner of a record-breaking huge cat: feed it to satiety and do not let it frolic. Seriously speaking, the largest breeds of domestic cats acquired impressive sizes not because they ate a lot, but thanks to skillful selection.


It impresses not only with its size - length, height and weight (more than a pood) - but also with an astronomical price, which is explained by a small number (about 1000 individuals). The first kittens of the breed were born in the spring of 1986.

Genetic parents are a domestic cat and a wild African, from which the savannah adopted a spotted color, large ears, long paws, fantastic jumping ability (up to 3 m up) and love for the water element. Savannah not only loves to swim - she is an excellent swimmer, covering long distances.

The savannah has developed intelligence, she is friendly and devoted to the owner, like a dog.

The second largest cat breed. Despite their impressive weight (up to 15 kg) and rather formidable appearance, these creatures easily get along with adults, children and pets.

Maine Coons, reminiscent of the characteristic coloration and powerful tail of raccoons, borrowed their name from them (translated as “Manx raccoon”). Maine is the state of the USA, on the farms of which the progenitors of modern Maine Coons lived.

This breed has no drawbacks, with the exception of biting prices (at least 50 thousand rubles). They are easily trained, and growing up, they demonstrate calmness, nobility, grace and increased intelligence.

This is not only one of the largest cat breeds (the weight of an adult animal is about 14.5 kg), but also rare.

She was bred in 1990, having crossed (with great difficulty!) an Abyssinian cat and a reed cat, called the marsh lynx because of its passion for water.

The breeders wanted to get a hybrid with the guise of a predator and the temperament of a tame cat. They succeeded: the chausie retained its animal power with a developed peacefulness. They become attached to the owner and love to play with the little ones.

Chausie has an athletic body, large head, large ears, green or yellow eyes.

This breed was born in California thanks to the efforts of Ann Baker, who decided to modernize. She set about crossing the latter with Persian, domestic longhair and Himalayan cats.

What happened was first called a “cherub”, but after looking closely, they changed it to a “ragamuffin” (as ragamuffin is translated from English).

These animals mature by the age of four and acquire solid dimensions, including weight (10 kg). They are distinguished by a slightly awkward physique and a variety of coat colors.

These cats are very attentive, calm and, at the same time, playful. They love small children and toys.

Another giant representing the largest cat breeds - its weight can reach up to 7-9 kg.

It is known that the Kuril Bobtails were “deported” from the islands of the same name to the mainland at the end of the last century.

The breed has a remarkable tail: it is very short (3-8 cm) and resembles a pompom. A tail longer than 8 cm is considered a disadvantage, for a 12 cm tail, the cat is removed from the competition.

Water, like frost, is not terrible for bobtails, but they do not like to swim, although they skillfully catch fish.

Their behavior is similar to dogs: they are curious, extremely active, they will not refuse walks, where they will rush for toys and drag them to their owner.

Long fluffy fur and strong bones create a deceptive impression of a huge beast. In fact, an adult Norwegian rarely weighs more than 9 kg (a cat is even less - 7 kg).

According to legend, these cats were brought to Scandinavia by the Vikings in ship holds. On ships, clever rat-catchers protected provisions from rodents, at the same time saving warriors from the bubonic plague carried by rats.

In the north of Europe, cats have become a little domesticated, having moved closer to the peasants. A dense selection of Norwegians began in 1934: purebred specimens were searched throughout the country. The breed was officially recognized in 1976.

Norwegian cats have a stable psyche: they are self-possessed and courageous. They are not afraid of good-natured dogs and careless children. They are considered one of the smartest cats.

Many biologists believe that Norwegians and Siberians share common ancestors. Even if this is true, our cats are superior to Scandinavian relatives in terms of intelligence, strength of character, and weight (growing up to 12 kg).

The national symbol of Russian felinology matured in the harsh Far Eastern taiga, knowing no fear and not surrendering to natural enemies.

The war with the Siberian is doomed to defeat: he has a lightning-fast reaction and an off-scale IQ.

The Siberian is not only devilishly smart, he is also devilishly handsome, and most importantly, not spoiled by selection. He is an excellent hunter and can even bring home a hare.

The Siberian has hardened nerves, so he is calm with children, but he will definitely declare his leadership in relation to other dogs and cats.

Thanks to perfectly sculpted muscles and unusual wool, she looks huge, although she does not weigh very much: a cat - up to 9 kg, a cat - up to 6 kg.

They are independent, unobtrusive, easily endure long loneliness, which is why they got a second name - “a cat for a businessman”. Strangers are not allowed closer than 1-2 meters. If necessary, it is easy to catch a mouse.

They will accept affection, while maintaining self-esteem.

Recognized as a National Treasure of the United States. The export of animals is under an official ban.

Absolutely artificial breed: breeders tried to get a miniature forest lynx, from which the pixie-bob inherited tassels on the ears and a specific color. There is a resemblance to a bobtail - a short fluffy tail.

An adult cat can pull 8 kg, a cat - 5 kg.

Despite the lynx genes, these cats are distinguished by a calm and affectionate disposition.

(Carthusian cat)

It is medieval, as well as Cartesian. Favorite animal of Charles de Gaulle.

One of the oldest European breeds, leading the pedigree from the Chartreuse mountains, where there is a Catholic monastery. Rumor has it that the brethren's love for cats was also based on gastronomic interest: stews were prepared from their meat (until the 19th century).

Perhaps since then, cats have almost lost their voice: they are silent and resigned. The mass of the male reaches 7 kg, the female - 5 kg.