A short message on the topic of prevention of bad habits. How smoking affects human health. Drug addiction is a modern scourge

Bad habits is a term that characterizes a lifestyle in which a person deliberately harms his health by doing certain things that bring pleasant sensations. This is especially true for adolescents who are still developing and do not have clearly developed principles. Prevention of bad habits - a series of activities that should be carried out at school and other educational institutions as well as in the family. After all, fighting an already established way of life, even if it causes serious harm, is much more difficult than preventing the emergence of dangerous cravings. And not everyone knows how harmful it is.

Types of bad habits

Experts identify many types of bad habits. Some of them came to us from the distant past, and something appeared only in last years. The most common and dangerous today are tobacco smoking, drug addiction, substance abuse and alcoholism. But there are others. Let's briefly describe each of them.

Tobacco smoking is the scourge of modernity. Fortunately, today the question of how to reduce the number of people suffering from this bad habit is increasingly being raised. The government bans the sale of cigarettes to minors, smoking in public places, increases the cost tobacco products. And all this is beneficial, but does not protect teenagers and their friends from addiction fully.

The main risk of smoking is fast addiction and great harm to the health of the growing organism. Smoking prevention is best started with a conversation between teenagers and their parents. Even if mom or dad smokes, let him share with his son or daughter how the habit has a detrimental effect on the body and how difficult it is to part with it. You need to describe the cons of smoking, including yellowing teeth, shortness of breath, bad breath, insomnia, sweating.

substance abuse

With substance abuse, a person gets pleasure from inhaling the vapors of certain substances. Dealing with this problem on your own is very difficult. Therefore, if there is a suspicion that the child is suffering from substance abuse, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Increased aggressiveness, inappropriate behavior, mystery and other uncharacteristic behaviors of adolescents should alert. Moreover, both their parents and teachers can pay attention to these symptoms of the emergence of a bad habit.


The main danger of alcoholism is an imperceptibly growing attachment that is difficult to overcome. So, at first, drinking alcohol or beer occurs only on holidays, then more often, and then not a single gathering of teenagers or meeting with friends is complete without a bottle. Here, parents also have to start with themselves. If alcohol is a frequent guest on the table, then it is unlikely that “soul-saving” conversations will bring at least some benefit.

It is also important to keep track of the social circle of teenagers. If it includes those who play sports, have a favorite business, then you don’t have to worry. But an unfavorable company is a reason to be wary. It is easier to prevent the occurrence than to treat a person for alcoholism, substance abuse or drug addiction.

In drug addiction, pleasure is obtained from inhaling, injecting, swallowing, or smoking drugs. Teenagers who have such a bad habit, as well as those suffering from substance abuse and alcoholism, can be calculated by inappropriate behavior. Usually the changes are noticed not only by their parents, but also by everyone around them. In addition, bruises from injections may appear on the hands, and the eyes will look unnatural and “glassy”.

Even if it seems that a teenager can cope on his own or uses “soft” drugs that are easy to give up, you should not rely on your own strength. It is better to seek help from specialists. After all, even "light" drugs are addictive and adversely affect not only the physical but also the mental health of adolescents. Moreover, addiction to drug addiction in some cases may occur after the first use. narcotic substance.

Other bad habits

Other bad habits include:

  • gambling addiction;
  • shopaholism;
  • binge eating;
  • nail biting;
  • nose picking;
  • crunching fingers;
  • tapping rhythm with hands or feet and others.

All of them are dangerous varying degrees. For example, picking your nose and crunching your fingers bring inconvenience to a greater extent to those around you. And gambling addiction, although different from alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse, still represents grief for the whole family. After all, a person suffering from this habit can become mentally unbalanced or even lose control of himself and harm someone. In addition, a person immersed in the computer world ceases to lead a normal life, all his free time devotes to the game, spends money in it.

Impact on human health

It is very difficult to find an organ or system in human body, which would not suffer from a bad habit, no matter from drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking or another. Nevertheless, the impact on the state of the heart, blood vessels, brain and spinal cord, bones and joints, reproductive and respiratory systems. It is worth remembering that a smoker pollutes not only his lungs, but also significantly increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

Even more terrible is the impact of smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction on the health of future children of a woman suffering from one of the bad habits. In such babies, there is often a lag, problems with the circulatory, sexual, respiratory system, neurological diseases.

And for others, a person with bad habits poses a considerable danger: from passive smoking before the murder in order to obtain money to buy the next dose of the drug.

Ways to deal with bad habits

Depending on what bad habit needs to be eradicated, and also how much the person himself is physically and mentally attached to it, the methods of struggle also differ. For example, in order to cope with smoking, alcoholism in the initial stages, experts recommend distracting yourself and finding an activity that will relax you.

Helps to cope with cravings for a bad habit of sports. It doesn't matter what you choose: yoga or swimming, long distance running or dancing, rumba or weight lifting. Remember that the intensity of training should be increased gradually. It is best to seek help from an experienced coach, tell him about your problem. Then the classes will be useful and help you achieve success in getting rid of cigarettes or alcohol.

The technique of postponing a cigarette for later works well. Unfortunately, this method only works when initial stage dependencies. In the case of smoking, after consulting with a specialist, you can purchase chewable lozenges, lozenges, patches that help to cope with nicotine addiction. Today it is also fashionable to replace ordinary cigarette to electronic.

Get rid of drug addiction, substance abuse and alcoholism in advanced stage only a specialized clinic will help. Complex impact psychotherapy, medicines and other techniques allows you to get rid of bad habits forever. But the result will be maximum only if the person himself wants to cope with addiction.

Preventive measures

The best prevention of bad habits is a healthy and active image life. It is unlikely that a person who is fond of dancing or kayaking will decide to smoke or get drunk. It will help to throw out the negative, to switch from problems to a variety of sports.

Yes, and education has great value. A child who grew up in a non-smoking and non-drinking family, where from an early age there are conversations about the dangers of bad habits, will not smoke or be addicted to alcohol. But here the environment in which the teenager develops is of great importance. If all his peers drink and smoke, then it is difficult to resist the temptation to try. Moreover, teenagers rarely realize how dangerous this or that habit is.

That is why it is so important in schools and other educational institutions to hold various events designed to explain the seriousness of the problem and prevent its occurrence. Prevention of bad habits, especially drug addiction, substance abuse, tobacco smoking, alcoholism, in schools and universities can be carried out in different ways:

  • promotions, concerts and other events;
  • performances of people who have overcome a bad habit and returned to normal way life;
  • posters, brochures, newspapers;
  • lectures and lessons on a particular bad habit.

In addition, doing what you love will also serve as a good prevention. Sewing, embroidery, beading, drawing, playing on various musical instruments and many others. Walks and trips to various places, dancing, hardening, rollerblading, biking or skating - choose what you like. Various sections, circles will also occupy a teenager, distract him from the harmful influence of his peers, make him more resilient, purposeful.

Measures for the prevention of bad habits, including ongoing events in educational institutions, conversations with parents at home, as well as other measures, are the surest step that will help to avoid many troubles and maintain the health of a growing organism. Help a teenager find himself in life, develop skills and a desire to learn new things, do what he loves. And then bad habits will never become a problem for him and his loved ones.

"Take another bite, nothing will change from this." "One puff won't do anything for me." "One more drink and that's it." Who doesn't know these phrases? After all, it is with them that bad habits begin their lives. Slowly and imperceptibly, they are introduced into our lives, and after a couple of years, we come to our senses and realize that we are in the strong clutches of a bad and harmful ritual, which we are no longer able to get rid of. What do our habits say and is there a way to eradicate them? Today, there are already many answers to such questions.

Bad and good habits

According to psychologists, it is much easier to acquire a bad habit than a good one. If the latter appear in our lives due to work and work on ourselves, then the causes of bad habits are our vices and temptations. Alcohol and smoking relax us and help us to forget, mountains of garbage around and lack of concentration come from laziness and unwillingness to do something, and even problems with a career can be called a consequence of the habit of thinking negatively. In other words, the impact of bad habits on our lives is enormous. Not only do they make us different, but they can also seriously affect our future generation. As an example, consider some of the bad and strange habits of girls and women:

  1. Love for shopping. Psychologists say that stronger woman love shopping, the more she is prone to selfishness.
  2. Constant pulling of hair and winding curls. Usually such women are indifferent to men, but they have a very great love for sex.
  3. Frequent sleep with makeup not washed off suggests that such young ladies are calm in bed and gentle to their partners.
  4. Lovers of spinning in front of a mirror are characterized as dreamy people who often forget about the iron turned on, as well as their man, life, family and comfort.
  5. Scattered underwear speaks of the passionate nature of its owner. In addition, such persons have a very rich imagination.

Bad habits and their consequences can sometimes be not as harmless as it seems at first glance. For example, smoking, drug and alcohol use can seriously affect offspring. And it does not matter who had a similar habit - a man or a woman. The risk of having a child with disabilities is very high. And that's just small part evidence that such a combination as health and bad habits, in principle, should not exist.

Fight bad habits

Prevention of bad habits, unfortunately, is almost non-existent today. If this happens, then in the form of obscure posters, signs and campaigns. The effect of such events is extremely low. Here it is time to recall the phrase about the salvation of drowning people, in whose hands is their salvation. The eradication of bad habits should begin with their awareness. The problem with most people is precisely that they see no harm in their actions. They bite their nails, pick their noses, rhythmically tap the rhythm with their feet, crunch their fingers, and so on. But fortunately, there are several effective methods for solving the problem of how to overcome bad habits. The main thing is to take it very seriously:

The main rule under which the prevention of bad habits will work is adherence to the regimen of 21 days or 3 weeks. If at least one day is filled with an old habit again, the whole countdown should start over. But whatever the struggle, it's worth it. Life without bad habits is much more interesting and better than it sometimes seems.

Every person has bad habits, which for almost everyone is a problem that plays a significant role in his life.

Habit- this is an action, the constant implementation of which has become a need for a person and without which he can no longer do.

These are habits that harm a person's health and prevent him from fulfilling his goals and fully exploiting his potential throughout life.

The evolution of man has provided his body with inexhaustible reserves of strength and reliability, which are due to the redundancy of the elements of all its systems, their interchangeability, interaction, ability to adapt and compensate. Academician N.M. Amosov claims that the margin of safety of the "construction" of a person has a coefficient of about 10, i.e. its organs and systems can carry out loads and withstand stresses that are about 10 times greater than those that a person has to face in everyday life.

The realization of the possibilities inherent in a person depends on his lifestyle, behavior, the habits that he acquires, the ability to reasonably manage the potential capabilities of the body for the benefit of himself, his family and the state in which he lives. However, it should be noted that a number of habits that a person begins to acquire in his school years and which he cannot get rid of throughout his life, seriously harm his health. They contribute to the rapid consumption of the entire potential of human capabilities, premature aging and the acquisition of stable diseases. These habits primarily include the use of alcohol, drugs and smoking. The German professor Tannenberg has calculated that currently one death in a million people as a result of a plane crash occurs once every 50 years; from drinking alcohol - once every 4-5 days, from car accidents - every 2-3 days, and from smoking - every 2-3 hours.

Bad habits have a number of features, among which it should be especially noted:

  • The use of alcohol, drugs and smoking are harmful both to the health of the person most exposed to them and to the health of those around him.
  • In the end, bad habits necessarily subjugate all other actions of a person, all his activities.
  • A distinctive feature of bad habits is addiction, the inability to live without them.
  • Breaking bad habits is extremely difficult.

The most common bad habits are smoking and the use of alcohol and drugs.

Addictions and Addiction Factors

Addictions (habits) that have a negative impact on health are considered harmful. Painful addictions special group bad habits - the use of alcohol, drugs, toxic and psychotropic substances for entertainment purposes.

At present, the general concern is the habit of using narcotic substances, which adversely affects not only the health of the subject and his social and economic situation but also on his family (and society) as a whole. Frequent use pharmacological preparations for the purpose of entertainment causes drug dependence, which is especially dangerous for a young organism. In development at young man depending on drugs factors such as individual characteristics and perceived sensations from drug use play an important role; the nature of the socio-cultural environment and the mechanism of action of narcotic drugs (amount, frequency and method of administration inside - through Airways subcutaneously or intravenously).

Experts World Organization Health (WHO) created the following classification of substances that cause dependence:

  • substances of the alcohol-barbiturate type (ethyl alcohol, barbiturates, sedatives - meprobromate, chloral hydrate, etc.);
  • amphetamine-type substances (amphetamine, phenmetrazine);
  • substances such as cocaine (cocaine and coca leaves);
  • hallucinogenic type (lysergide - LSD, mescaline);
  • substances like kata - Catha ectulis Forsk;
  • opiate-type substances (opiates - morphine, heroin, codeine, methalone);
  • substances such as ethereal solvents (toluene, acetone and carbon tetrachloride).

The listed drugs are used for medicinal purposes, excluding ethereal solvents, and cause addiction - addiction to them by the human body. Recently, artificially created narcotic substances have appeared, the effect of which exceeds the effect of known drugs, they are especially dangerous.

A non-medical drug such as tobacco is also a drug. Tobacco is an addictive substance that can cause physical damage to health. Tobacco as a stimulant and depressant has a relatively small effect on the central nervous system(CNS), causing minor violations perceptions, moods, motor functions and behaviour. Under the influence of tobacco, even in large quantities (2-3 packs of cigarettes per day), the psychotoxic effect is incomparable with pharmaceuticals, but an intoxicating effect is observed, especially in young and childhood. Therefore, smoking causes concern not only for doctors, but also for teachers.

Socio-pedagogical prerequisites for initiation into bad habits

The beginning of initiation into bad habits, as a rule, refers to adolescence. The following groups of main reasons for introducing young people to bad habits can be distinguished:

Lack of internal discipline and sense of responsibility. Because of this, young people often come into conflict with those on whom they are in some way dependent. But at the same time, they have rather high demands, although they themselves are not able to satisfy them, because they do not have the appropriate training, social or material capabilities for this. In this case, bad habits become a kind of rebellion, a protest against the values ​​professed by adults or society.

Lack of clearly defined motivation life purpose . Therefore, such people live for today, momentary pleasures and do not care about their future, do not think about the consequences of their unhealthy behavior.

Feelings of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, anxiety and boredom. This reason especially affects people who are insecure, with low self-esteem, to whom life seems hopeless, and those around them do not understand.

Difficulties in communication, inherent in people who do not have strong friendships, it is difficult to enter into close relationships with parents, teachers, others, and do not easily fall under bad influence. Therefore, if there are users of harmful substances among their peers, they are more easily succumbed to their pressure (“try it, and do not pay attention to the fact that it is bad”). Feeling emancipation and lightness under the influence of these substances, they try to expand their circle of acquaintances and increase their popularity.

Experimentation. When a person hears from others about the pleasant sensations of drinking harmful substances, he, although he knows about their harmful effects on the body, wants to experience these sensations himself. Fortunately, most experimenters are limited to this stage of acquaintance with harmful substances. But if any of the indicated provoking reasons are also characteristic of a person, then this stage becomes the first step towards the formation of bad habits.

Desire to get away from problems seems to be the main reason for the use of harmful substances by adolescents. The fact is that all harmful substances cause inhibition in the central nervous system, as a result of which a person “turns off” and, as it were, moves away from his problems. But this is not a way out of the current situation - the problems are not resolved, but aggravated, and time is running out.

It is necessary to note once again the special danger of the action of harmful substances on adolescents. This is due not only to the processes of growth and development taking place in them, but, above all, to the very high content in their body sex hormones. Just the interaction of these hormones with harmful substances and makes the teenager extremely sensitive to their action. For example, it takes two to five years for an adult to go from a beginner to an alcoholic, while for a teenager it takes only three to six months! Of course, for a 14-15-year-old student who is preparing to enter adolescence, such a consequence of the use of harmful substances is especially dangerous.

Everything said makes it clear essential work on the prevention of bad habits in children and adolescents. It is effective under the following conditions:

  • it is necessary to educate and form healthy vital needs, to create socially significant motivations for behavior;
  • children and parents should be provided with objective information about bad habits, their impact on a person and the consequences of their use;
  • appropriate information must be carried out taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child;
  • children's understanding of the essence of bad habits should go hand in hand with the formation of a persistently negative personal attitude to psychoactive substances and interpersonal communication skills with peers and adults, the ability to cope with conflicts, manage emotions and feelings;
  • students should gain experience in solving their own problems without help psychoactive substances, learn to deal with these hobbies relatives and friends;
  • instill skills in students healthy lifestyle life, influence the level of claims and self-esteem of children;
  • in the fight against bad habits, the child, parents, teachers should be united: it is necessary to help the child give up (or want to give up) bad habits himself.

Causes of drug and drug addiction

Personality traits, temperament, social environment and the psychological atmosphere in which a person lives can have a positive or negative impact on his habits. Experts have identified and formulated the following reasons, causing development drug and drug addiction, typical for young people:

  • manifestation of the hidden emotional disorder, the desire to get fleeting pleasure, regardless of the consequences and responsibility;
  • criminal or antisocial behavior, when in the pursuit of pleasure a person violates social traditions and laws;
  • drug dependence as an attempt at self-treatment, which occurs as a result of a mental disorder of an inorganic nature (social stress, puberty, disappointment, collapse of vital interests, fear and anxiety, the onset of mental illness);
  • with regular medication to alleviate physical suffering (hunger, chronic overwork, illness, family breakdown, humiliation in the family) or to prevent some disease, or increase sexual potency;
  • abuse of pharmaceuticals in order to create "popularity" in a certain social group - the so-called feeling of expressing social inferiority ("like everyone else, so am I");
  • a serious illness, when the use of “saving doses of the drug” is provoked;
  • social protest, challenge to society;
  • the result of acquired reflexes due to accepted behavior in certain sections of society;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking at various social and cultural events (discotheques, presentations, gala concerts, star fever of idols of music, cinema, etc.).

But any of the listed factors can cause painful dependence only in those who are dependent on the temperament (cowardice, spineless, easily injured, physically weak, morally unstable, etc.).

Most of these factors that are the root cause of drug and drug dependence in young people are due to human behavior, his perception and ability to imitate. Therefore, the provoking factors that contribute to the formation of the future drug addict or substance abuser lie in the family, kindergarten, school, student environment or other social environment. But the main educating factor still belongs to the family. Parents should constantly strive to develop certain positive habits and skills in their children; a reasoned educational process should serve the purpose of forming a stable life position. This is a great art and patience, which is acquired in the process of life and polished over the years.

Drinking alcohol and alcoholism

"Alcohol" in Arabic means "intoxicating". It belongs to the group of neurodepressants - substances that depress the activity of the centers of the brain, reduce the supply of oxygen to the brain, which leads to a weakening of brain activity and, in turn, to poor coordination of movements, confused speech, fuzzy thinking, loss of attention, the ability to think logically and make the right decisions, up to insanity. Statistics show that the majority of those who drowned were in a state of intoxication, every fifth traffic accident is alcohol-related, a drunken quarrel is the most popular reason for murder, and a staggering person risks being robbed in the first place. In Russia, persons in a state of alcohol intoxication 81% of murders, 87% of severe bodily harm, 80% of rapes, 85% of robberies, 88% of hooligan actions were committed. Sooner or later, a constantly drinking person develops diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver, and other diseases associated with such a lifestyle. But even they cannot be compared with the disintegration of the personality and the degradation of the drinking person.

Speaking about the negative role of alcohol consumption in the social sphere, one should also note the economic damage associated with both the health of drinkers and their behavior.

So, for example, science has established that even the smallest doses of alcohol reduce performance by 5-10%. For those who drank alcohol on weekends and holidays, performance is lower by 24-30%. At the same time, the decrease in the efficiency of workers is especially pronounced. mental labor or when performing delicate and precise operations.

The economic damage to production and society as a whole is also due to the temporary disability of people who drink alcohol, which, taking into account the frequency and duration of diseases, is 2 times higher than that of non-drinkers. Particular damage is caused to society by persons who systematically consume alcoholic beverages and suffer from alcoholism. This is due to the fact that in addition to large losses in the sphere of material production, the state is forced to spend significant amounts on the treatment of these persons and payment for their temporary disability.

WITH medical point alcoholism is a disease characterized by a pathological (painful) craving for alcohol. The direct path to alcoholism leads to drunkenness - the systematic use of alcoholic beverages for a long time or occasional use of alcohol, accompanied in all cases by severe intoxication.

Early symptoms of alcoholism include:

  • loss of the gag reflex;
  • loss of quantitative control over drunk alcoholic beverages;
  • promiscuity in alcoholic beverages, the desire to drink all purchased alcohol, etc.

One of the main signs of alcoholism is a "hangover" or "withdrawal" syndrome, which is characterized by physical and mental discomfort and is manifested by various objective and subjective disorders: reddening of the face, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, dizziness, headaches, hand trembling, unsteady gait, etc. Patients hardly fall asleep, their sleep is superficial with frequent awakenings and nightmares. Their mood changes, in which depression, fearfulness, fear, suspicion begin to prevail. Patients misinterpret the words and actions of others.

In the later stages of alcoholism, alcohol degradation appears, the main features of which include a decrease in the ethics of behavior, the loss of critical functions, a sharp impairment of memory and intelligence.

Most characteristic diseases with alcoholism are: liver damage, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, stomach cancer. Alcohol consumption contributes to the development of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, impaired fat metabolism, heart failure, atherosclerosis. Alcoholics are 2-2.5 times more likely to have mental disorders, venereal and other diseases.

The glands undergo significant changes. internal secretion especially the adrenal glands and gonads. As a result, male alcoholics develop impotence, which affects about one-third of those who drink alcohol. In women, as a rule, long-term uterine bleeding, inflammatory diseases internal genital organs and infertility. The toxic effect of alcohol on sex cells increases the likelihood of having mentally and physically handicapped children. So, even Hippocrates, the founder of ancient medicine, pointed out that the culprits of epilepsy, idiocy and other neuropsychiatric diseases children are parents who drank alcohol on the day of conception.

Painful changes in the nervous system, various internal organs, metabolic disorders, and personality degradation that occur in drunkards lead to rapid aging and decrepitude. Average duration life of alcoholics is 15-20 years less than usual.

The general mechanism of action of drugs on the body

All narcotic substances have a common mechanism of influence on the body, as they are poisons. When used systematically (for fun), they cause the following phases of changes in the body.

The first phase is a defensive reaction. At the first use, narcotic substances have a toxic (poisonous) effect on the body, and this causes a protective reaction - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache etc. As a rule, there are no pleasant sensations in this case.

The second phase is euphoria. With repeated doses, the protective reaction weakens, and euphoria occurs - an exaggerated feeling of well-being. It is achieved by drug excitation of receptors (sensitive structures) of the brain related to endorphins (natural internal stimulants that cause a feeling of pleasure). The drug at this stage acts like an endorphin.

Third phase - mental addiction from drugs. A drug that causes euphoria disrupts the synthesis (production) of endorphins in the body. This leads to a deterioration in the mood of a person, and he begins to seek pleasure from taking narcotic substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.). This further impairs the synthesis of natural “pleasure hormones” and increases the desire to take drugs. Gradually, a person’s obsessive attraction to a drug develops (this is already a disease), which consists in the fact that he constantly thinks about taking drugs, about the effect they cause, and already at the thought of the upcoming drug intake, his mood rises.

The idea of ​​the drug and its effect becomes a constant element of the consciousness and content of a person's thoughts: no matter what he thinks about, no matter what he does, he does not forget about the drug. As favorable, he regards situations that contribute to the acquisition of drugs, and as unfavorable - preventing this. However, at this stage of the disease, others, as a rule, do not notice anything special in his behavior.

The fourth phase is physical addiction to drugs. The systematic use of drugs leads to a complete disruption of the system that synthesizes endorphins, and the body stops producing them. Since endorphins are pain-relieving, stopping their production by the body taking drugs causes physical and emotional pain.

To get rid of this pain, a person is forced to take a large dose of a narcotic substance. This is how physical (chemical) dependence on drugs develops. Having decided to stop taking drugs, a person addicted to them must go through an adjustment period that takes several days before the brain resumes the production of endorphins. This unpleasant period is called the withdrawal period (“withdrawal”). It manifests itself in general malaise, reduced efficiency, trembling of the limbs, chills, pain in various parts of the body. Many painful symptoms clearly visible to others. The most well-known and well-studied state of withdrawal, for example, after drinking alcohol, is a hangover.

Gradually, the patient's attraction to the drug becomes unstoppable, he has a desire to immediately, as soon as possible, by all means, despite any obstacles, get and take the narcotic substance. This desire suppresses all needs and completely subjugates human behavior. He is ready to take off his clothes and sell them, take everything from the house, etc. It is in this state that patients go to any antisocial actions, including crimes.

At this stage of the development of the disease, a person needs significantly higher doses of a narcotic substance than at the beginning of the disease, because with the systematic use of it, the body becomes resistant to the poison (tolerance develops).

The fifth phase is the psychosocial degradation of the personality. It occurs with systematic and long-term use drugs and includes emotional, volitional and intellectual degradation.

Emotional degradation consists in the weakening and then complete disappearance of the most complex and subtle emotions, in emotional instability, manifested in sharp and unreasonable mood swings, and at the same time in the growth of dysphoria - persistent mood disorders. These include constant anger, depression, depression. Volitional degradation is manifested in the inability to make an effort on oneself, to complete the work begun, in the rapid exhaustion of intentions and motives. For these patients, everything is fleeting, and it is impossible to believe their promises and oaths (they will definitely let you down). They are able to show perseverance only in an effort to get a narcotic substance. This state of affairs is obsessive. Intellectual degradation is manifested in a decrease in quick wit, inability to concentrate, to highlight the main and essential in a conversation, in forgetfulness, in the repetition of the same banal or stupid thoughts, the desire to tell vulgar anecdotes, etc.

Fight bad habits

The best tactic in the fight against bad habits is to stay away from people who suffer from them. If you are offered to try cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, drugs, try to evade under any pretext. Options may vary:

  • No, I do not want and I do not advise you.
  • No, it puts my workouts at risk.
  • No, I have to go - I have work to do.
  • No, it's bad for me.
  • No, I know I might enjoy it, and I don't want to become addicted.

In your individual situation, you can come up with your own version. If the proposal comes from close friend, who himself is just starting to try nicotine, alcohol or drugs, then you can make an attempt to explain to him the harm and danger of this activity. But if he does not want to listen, then it is better to leave him, it is useless to argue with him. You can help him only if he himself wants to quit these harmful activities.

Remember that there are those who benefit from you suffering bad habits. These are people for whom tobacco, alcohol, drugs are a means of enrichment.

A person who proposes to try a cigarette, wine, drug, should be considered as your worst enemy, even if until now he was yours. best friend because he offers you something that will destroy your life.

Your basic life prerequisite should be the principle of a healthy lifestyle, which excludes the acquisition of bad habits. However, if you realize that you are acquiring one of the bad habits, then try to get rid of it as soon as possible. Below are some tips on how to get rid of bad habits.

First of all, tell the person whose opinion is dear to you about your decision, ask him for advice. At the same time, contact a specialist in the fight against bad habits - a psychotherapist, a narcologist. It is very important to leave the company where bad habits are abused and not return to it, maybe even change your place of residence. Look for a new circle of acquaintances who do not abuse bad habits or the same way you struggle with your illness. Do not allow yourself a minute of unoccupied time. Take on additional responsibilities at home, school, college. Spend more time exercising. Choose one of the sports for yourself and constantly improve in it. Make a written program of your actions to get rid of bad habits and immediately begin to implement it, each time considering what has been done and what has not been done, and what prevented this. Constantly learn to fight your disease, strengthen your will and inspire yourself that you are able to get rid of a bad habit.

What to do if a loved one suffers from bad habits?

Don't panic! Let him know about your concern without trying to yell at him or accuse him of anything. Don't moralize and don't start with threats. Try to explain to him the dangers of this occupation.

The sooner your loved one realizes the need to stop, the more likely it is to achieve a positive result.

Convince him to seek help from specialists, help him make life interesting and fulfilling without bad habits, discover meaning and purpose in it.

It is important to interest a person in self-development so that he learns to relax and enjoy without cigarettes, wine or drugs. Well, for those who themselves suffer from bad habits, we once again advise you to do everything as soon as possible to stop this deadly activity.

Therefore, the conversation will focus on the prevention of not bad habits and drug addiction, but the first drug use and initiation to drug use.

At present, the scale and pace of the spread of drug addiction in our country are such that they call into question the physical and spiritual health of our citizens, the stability of society, affecting, in essence, issues national security Russia.

Currently, more than 65 regions of the country are considered a zone of increased drug danger. According to official statistics, a fairly powerful illegal drug business has formed in the country. And now there is a restructuring of the drug market. Highly concentrated and expensive drugs (cocaine, heroin, synthetic drugs) are replacing the traditional ones for Russia (poppy straw and marijuana). The profit of drug trafficking is growing, which creates favorable conditions for expanding the sphere of influence of the international drug business in the territory Russian Federation.

The fight against drugs is going on all over the world. In our country in 1998 was adopted the federal law"On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances", which establishes a ban on taking drugs without a doctor's prescription.

IN Criminal Code of the Russian Federation there are articles that define punishment for actions related to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Article 228 defines that the illegal acquisition, manufacture or possession without the purpose of sale of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, as well as their analogues in large size shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to 3 years, on an especially large scale - from 3 to 10 years.

Article 230 states that the inducement to use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to 3 years (restriction of freedom consists in keeping the convicted person in a special institution without isolation from society under conditions of supervision), or arrest for a term up to 6 months, or imprisonment for a term of 3 to 5 years.

Article 231 determines that the illegal cultivation of plants containing narcotic or psychotropic substances is punishable by a fine of 500 to 700 times the maximum wage or by imprisonment for up to 3 years.

But while the fight against drugs is like this: doctors treat drug addicts, the police catch drug dealers, teachers teach how to avoid drug addiction, and it continues to spread like an oil stain, covering more and more layers of children and youth.

This happens because our society as a whole and each person individually has not fully realized the full depth of the consequences of drug addiction. They did not realize that drug addiction in any of its manifestations leads to personality degradation and early death. They did not realize that life and drug addiction are incompatible concepts. There is only one choice: either life or drugs.

The drug business brings huge profits to drug dealers, they are interested in involving more and more people, especially teenagers and young people, in the ranks of drug addicts, as they are potential drug buyers. Drug dealers are not interested in Russia's national security, or the stability of our society, or the state of health of a single person. They are interested in profits from the drug trade. Prevention of drug addiction has become one of the main tasks of the national security of the Russian Federation to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state.

In order to resist drug addiction, our entire society, and especially the younger generation, and especially adolescents, must very deeply and unequivocally understand a number of truths, without understanding of which most drug prevention measures become ineffective. First truth: drug addiction (smoking, drinking alcohol, beer and drugs) is not a bad habit, but a disease, often incurable, which a person acquires voluntarily by starting to use drugs.

The second truth: drug addiction as a disease begins to develop, as a rule, after the first use of a narcotic substance, it develops differently for everyone, but with a constant increase in the need to increase the dose. The third truth: the person who offers you a drug is the enemy of your health (the only exception can be the case - the appointment of a doctor), since he, for the sake of his own profit, takes away your health for your own money.

Having understood these truths, we will come to an unambiguous conclusion: drug addiction prevention is, first of all, the exclusion of the first use of a narcotic substance, but if the first test has taken place, then one should think not about prevention, but about treatment.

In Russia, young people predominate among drug users. Growth rates in this environment are the highest.

Experience shows that in adolescence Initially, the desire to take the drug arises only in the company of peers. Drug dealers make extensive use of this, they have developed a peculiar tactic of dragging teenagers into drug networks. In schools, at the entrances of houses, in places of mass gatherings of teenagers, they sell drugs at ultra-low prices in order to introduce as many children as possible to them. Then, of course, the price rises, and the gullible buyer becomes addicted to the drug and, therefore, the drug dealer.

The almost free distribution of drugs is now widely used at youth parties, concerts of popular artists, discos to involve teenagers in drug addiction.

Why are drugs most often offered at discotheques? In the reigning atmosphere of fun, feelings are almost dulled. Drug dealers take advantage psychological state newcomer - it would never occur to him that in this situation trouble could happen. So they are offered the first drug in their life cheaply or for free.

Thus, drug addiction prevention is the prevention of the first use of a drug in any setting and by whomever it is offered.

Let's remember the four rules "No!" drugs.

Rule one. Constantly develop a firm "No!" any drug in any dose, no matter how small, in any setting, in any company.

In no case do not give in to the temptation: “I'll just try. It's not scary or dangerous." Remember: this is very dangerous, this is the beginning of addiction to drugs. If the guys you know are talking in a company about the pleasant state that occurs after using drugs, and claim that it is harmless, if you are told that they help you overcome life's difficulties, in no case do not give in to the temptation.

You must have a firm attitude: “Always only“ No! ”to any drugs. Only“ No! ”- this is your reliable protection.

Rule two. Continually form the habit of taking pleasure in the performance of daily useful activities.

Good studies, success in sports, participation in joint work with parents on the performance of certain household tasks, work suburban area, visiting sports sections, classes in technical creativity circles, etc. You need all this to prepare for a successful adult life, and success in studies, sports, homework bring constant pleasure and contribute to your spiritual and physical development.

So, it is necessary to firmly say “No!” idleness, boring and uninteresting life, idle pastime. To achieve this, your daily routine must be filled with useful activities, and you must constantly strive to complete them all to the end and well. Such a daily attitude will help you build willpower, build self-confidence and a responsible attitude to any business that you undertake to do.

So, "No!" idleness. “No” to idle pastime, life should be filled with useful and necessary activities for you.

Rule three. In your life, the ability to choose your friends and comrades among your peers is becoming increasingly important. When choosing your comrades, avoid contact with drug addicts.

To do this, you need to know those who use drugs and in what places they gather. Try to stay away from these places and from such companies. Develop a firm attitude: “No!” - for those peers and the company where taking drugs is a common thing. You are not on your way with them. Make friends with people who don't use drugs. Remember, true friends will not force you to take drugs, drink alcohol, and will not do it themselves.

Choose a company where you can communicate interestingly and without drugs.

Rule Four. A firm "No!" his shyness and unsteadiness when offered to try the drug. Remember! Life is more precious!

The tragedy of drug addicts lies in the fact that they voluntarily fell into a slavish dependence on narcotic substances, perhaps because they were embarrassed to refuse a drug test for the first time.

Cultivate firmness in yourself when refusing to try a narcotic substance, no matter who offers it to you.

Remember that you do not have to explain the reasons for your refusal to anyone. To say: “I don’t want to, that’s all” is your right.

In conclusion, we note that each person is free to make his choice, which way he should go. Follow the path of getting pleasure from everyday hard work to improve your spiritual and physical qualities, along the path of strengthening your health and creating conditions for a prosperous adult life. Or follow the wrong path of getting pleasure from taking narcotic substances, which means the path of rapid destruction of your health and your future well-being.

The authors of the tutorial hope that you will right choice life path and, having read the material of this paragraph, firmly grasp that a prosperous life of a person is incompatible with either smoking, or drunkenness, or the use of narcotic substances. A healthy and happy person is free from these vices.

Bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs), which a person can begin to acquire during their school years and which they cannot get rid of throughout their life, seriously harm their health.

Man is a great miracle of nature. Evolution has provided the human body with inexhaustible reserves of strength and reliability, which are due to the redundancy of the elements of all its systems, their interchangeability, interaction, ability to adapt and compensate. The total information capacity is extremely high human brain. It consists of 30 billion nerve cells. The pantry of human memory is designed to store a huge amount of information. Scientists have calculated that if a person could fully use his memory, he would be able to master the programs of the three institutes and be fluent in six foreign languages. However, according to psychologists, a person uses the possibilities of his memory during his life only by 30-40%.

Academician N. M. Amosov (1913-2002) argued that the margin of safety of the “construction” of a person has a coefficient of about 10, i.e., his organs and systems can carry out loads and withstand stress, about 10 times greater than those with that a person has to deal with in normal daily life.

The realization of the possibilities inherent in a person depends on the way of life, on everyday behavior, on the habits that he acquires, on the ability to reasonably manage the potential health opportunities for the benefit of himself, his family and the state in which he lives.

Bad habits contribute to the rapid consumption of the full potential of human capabilities, premature aging and the acquisition of stable diseases.


Alcohol, or ethyl alcohol, acts primarily on brain cells, paralyzing them. The narcotic effect of alcohol is manifested in the fact that a painful addiction to alcohol develops in the human body. According to the World Health Organization, alcoholism kills about 6 million people every year. human lives. According to Federal Service State statistics, in our country as of January 1, 2012, the number of patients registered in medical institutions with a diagnosis of "alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis" amounted to over 2 million people. In general, the death rate from various reasons in persons who consume alcohol, it is 3-4 times higher than the same indicator for the entire population. They live an average of 10-15 years less than non-drinkers.

Alcohol has a profound and lasting debilitating effect on the body. For example, only 80 g of alcohol is valid for a whole day. Taking even small doses of alcohol reduces performance and leads to fatigue, absent-mindedness, makes it difficult to correctly perceive events.

Alcohol is an intracellular poison that destroys all human systems and organs.

Disturbances of balance, attention, clarity of perception of the environment, coordination of movements that occur during intoxication often become the cause of accidents. According to official figures, 400,000 injuries are registered in the United States each year, received while intoxicated. In Moscow, up to 30% of those admitted to hospitals with severe injuries- people who are intoxicated.

The effect of alcohol on the liver is especially detrimental: with prolonged use, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver develop. Alcohol causes (including in persons young age) violations of the regulation of vascular tone, heart rate, exchange in the tissues of the heart and brain, irreversible changes in the cells of these tissues. Hypertonic disease, ischemic heart disease and other lesions of cardio-vascular system drinkers are twice as likely to die as non-drinkers. Alcohol renders bad influence on the endocrine glands, and primarily on the sex glands; a decrease in sexual function is observed in 1/3 of persons who abuse alcohol. Alcoholism significantly affects the structure of mortality in the population.

Before you drink a glass of alcohol, whoever offers it, think: either you want to be healthy, cheerful, able to make your desires come true, or from this step you will begin to destroy yourself. Think and make the right decision.


Tobacco smoking (nicotinism) is a bad habit that involves inhaling the smoke of smoldering tobacco. We can say that this is a form of substance abuse. Smoking has bad influence on the health of smokers and those around them.

The active principle of tobacco smoke is nicotine, which almost instantly enters the bloodstream through the alveoli of the lungs.

In addition to nicotine, tobacco smoke contains a large number of combustion products tobacco leaves and substances used in processing, they also have a harmful effect on the body.

According to pharmacologists, tobacco smoke, in addition to nicotine, contains carbon monoxide, pyridine bases, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, essential oils and concentrate from liquid and solid foods combustion and dry distillation of tobacco, called tobacco tar. The latter contains about a hundred chemical compounds substances, including radioactive isotope potassium, arsenic and a number of aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons - carcinogens.

It is noted that tobacco has a harmful effect on the body, and primarily on the nervous system, first exciting and then depressing it. Memory and attention weaken, performance decreases.

The mouth and nasopharynx are the first to come into contact with tobacco smoke. The smoke temperature in the oral cavity is about 50-60 °C. To introduce smoke from the mouth and nasopharynx into the lungs, the smoker inhales a portion of the air. The temperature of the air entering the mouth is approximately 40°C lower than the temperature of the smoke. Temperature fluctuations cause microscopic cracks on tooth enamel over time. Smokers' teeth begin to decay earlier than non-smokers.

Violation of tooth enamel contributes to the deposition of tobacco tar on the surface of the teeth, why teeth acquire a yellowish color, and the oral cavity emits a specific odor.

Tobacco smoke is annoying salivary glands. The smoker swallows part of the saliva. Toxic substances smoke, dissolving in saliva, act on the gastric mucosa, which can ultimately lead to gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Constant smoking, as a rule, is accompanied by bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi with a primary lesion of their mucous membrane). Chronic irritation from tobacco smoke vocal cords affects the timbre of the voice. It loses its sonority and purity, which is especially noticeable in girls and women.

As a result of smoke entering the lungs, the blood in the alveolar capillaries, instead of being enriched with oxygen, is saturated carbon monoxide, which, by combining with hemoglobin, excludes part of the hemoglobin from the process normal breathing. Oxygen starvation sets in. Because of this, first of all, the heart muscle suffers.

Hydrocyanic acid chronically poisons the nervous system. Ammonia irritates the mucous membranes, the resistance of the lungs to various infectious diseases especially for tuberculosis.

But the main negative effect on the human body when smoking is exerted by nicotine.

Nicotine is a strong poison. Lethal dose nicotine for a person is 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Death can occur if a teenager immediately smokes half a pack of cigarettes. According to the World Health Organization, 2.5 million people die every year from smoking-related diseases worldwide. People who smoke more than 25 cigarettes a day, with a long smoking history, die earlier on average by 8 years than non-smokers. Smokers in general are 5 times more likely than non-smokers to develop cancer of the lips, tongue, larynx, lungs, esophagus, stomach, urinary tract. They are much more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases - they are 5-8 times more likely to have sudden death from these diseases.

Note that, according to health experts, addiction to smoking tobacco is akin to drug addiction: people smoke not because they want to smoke, but because they cannot quit this habit.


Drugs in Russia are considered to be substances and preparations included in the "List of Drugs", which is compiled and annually corrected by the Standing Committee on Drug Control (PCKN).

Addiction to smoking and drinking alcohol is considered a kind of drug addiction, since the mechanisms of addiction and the consequences of their use are similar to the use of narcotic substances. Moreover, it is noted that alcohol and smoking act as catalysts (accelerators) in the formation of drug addiction.

What is addiction?

    Drug addiction is a disease that occurs as a result of the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances that cause intoxication or narcotic sleep in certain doses.

Drug addiction is characterized by an irresistible attraction to taking drugs, a tendency to increase the doses taken, the formation of mental (psychological) and physical addiction from the drug. This is how addiction develops.

Drug addiction is an irresistible need of a person to take a drug. A person can no longer stop using the drug or reduce its use by long time. He becomes a slave to the drug, and therefore to the drug dealer.

If a person is addicted to smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs, has acquired so-called bad habits and can no longer give them up, then this is no longer a habit, but an addiction.

Habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and beer are a type of drug addiction, and drug addiction is a disease that a person acquires voluntarily by starting to use drugs. This disease, according to experts, is cured with difficulty, and a trial "once" most often turns out to be fatal.


  1. Smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs are considered bad habits, but this is a disease, an addiction.
  2. Prevention of drug addiction is, first of all, the exclusion of the first use of a narcotic substance. If the first test took place, then we should think not about prevention, but about serious treatment.
  3. For those who have realized that taking a drug is incompatible with human health, we repeat once again that the most main danger becoming a drug addict lies in the desire (out of stupid curiosity, for company or for another reason) to try the drug for the first time.


  1. Which pernicious influence smoking and drinking alcohol affect human health?
  2. Why shouldn't drug, alcohol, and tobacco use be considered "merely bad habits"? Justify your answer.
  3. What is the prevention of drug addiction for those who have never tried drugs?
  4. What harm does passive smoking cause?


  1. If you have formed a firm and unequivocal desire not to get into drug addiction, what changes would you make to your lifestyle? Formulate them, write them down in your safety diary, and try to follow them.
  2. Using the section " Additional materials” and the media, prepare a message on the topic “Life without drugs”.