Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat pike? Fish fillet stewed with apples. The benefits of fish for a nursing mother

Halibut dish

All nutrients entering the mother's body are, to one degree or another, transmitted through milk. That is why doctors insist on a full, balanced diet for the mother during this period. Integral products of a varied diet are seafood, namely fish. The onset of motherhood is a crucial period that completely changes a woman’s life. Now the life and health of a new person depends on it. From the mother, the child receives nutrients that affect its further development, so the woman’s nutrition during feeding is very important for the baby’s health.
Fish during breastfeeding has long been a topic of contention in scientific circles. Some doctors categorically forbade it, while others promoted it as a source of important vitamins and microelements. As you know, the truth lies in the middle, so let’s try to figure out whether young mothers can eat it.

catfish is a good choice of freshwater fish

It is worth remembering that fish, like any healthy food product, is a source of important nutrients. It is not advisable to completely exclude sea or freshwater fish from your diet. To ensure that it does not provoke any complications for the child, you need to follow a simple rule:

  • You should not suddenly stop eating fish if a woman ate it during pregnancy. Babies of such parents do not have allergic manifestations and a woman can eat fish in moderation during lactation;
  • if the mother did not eat it, then it must be introduced into the diet very carefully, in small portions, constantly monitoring the child’s reaction. Seafood is a strong allergen, so if a child is prone to allergies, then eating fish by the mother can cause a severe allergic reaction. When introducing a product into your diet, you need to remember what kind of fish you ate and what reaction your baby had;
  • When choosing a finished product, you need to beware of raw fish and not use it as part of dishes (sushi, salads, etc.). Eating it raw can lead to infections. There is also no need to overuse smoked products - they contain harmful substances.

The benefits of fish for mother and child

lean trout may be suitable

Fish has a number of advantages that are difficult to dispute. Its benefits for a nursing mother and baby are as follows:

  • it is a source of proteins, no worse than other animals;
  • fish protein takes two to three hours to digest, and meat proteins take six hours;
  • Contains unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the baby. They regulate the mother’s metabolism, promoting a speedy recovery of the body after childbirth;
  • contains very important microelements - calcium, phosphorus, selenium and iodine. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the child’s brain, sleep regulation and recovery processes;
  • In addition, it supplies the baby with B vitamins - pyridoxine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, etc. These substances participate in the processes of hematopoiesis, provide beauty and health to the skin, hair, nails, and teeth.

When adding fish to the diet, the mother should monitor the child’s reaction to this product. If the baby is prone to allergies and during feeding he develops spots, hives, swelling, allergic conjunctivitis or difficulty breathing, then it should be immediately excluded from the diet. In this case, fish proteins can be replaced with meat proteins.
If fish is present in the diet of a nursing mother, then you need to remember a few simple tips:

  • fish is a perishable product, it must be purchased where the freshness of the fish is beyond doubt;
  • First, low-fat fish is introduced, then other varieties;
  • It’s better to steam fish – this way more nutrients remain in it;
  • If the child accepts fish normally, then you can eat salted, baked fish.

Precautionary measures

From the sea, you can choose cod

Introduction to the diet encourages the mother to carefully select quality fish for consumption. Let us pay attention to those points that are especially important to consider when choosing fish:

  1. There is no need to eat canned fish, dried or smoked fish. These products will not bring tangible benefits to either mother or child;
  2. It is extremely undesirable to eat the meat of shark, swordfish, tuna, marlin, because they contain eight times more mercury than allowed;
  3. When buying raw fish in a store, pay attention to the seasonings with which the carcass is processed. Often, spices mask the first signs of rottenness. If the fish is packaged in plastic bags, you need to check the production date, expiration date, and the integrity of the packaging;
  4. You should not eat raw fish, because a child can become infected with an infectious disease through milk;
  5. When choosing a type of fish, you need to take into account that the most “problematic” product is mackerel due to its allergenicity. Red fish is also limited during breastfeeding. And salted fish leads to fluid retention in the body and the unpleasant feeling of bloating. Because of this, the baby may also have colic.

To ensure that fish retains its beneficial properties, it is eaten boiled, baked, or steamed. Among the popular types of fish, you can give preference to marine inhabitants: halibut, pollock, cod, hake; from freshwater: catfish, sturgeon, trout.
Steamed fish is very easy to make. It needs to be cleaned, gutted and cut into pieces. The pieces are placed in a double boiler on a special mode, or boiled in a pan for twenty minutes. In the oven, place it on vegetables, grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil. In forty minutes the delicious food is ready. A common method of consumption is broth. Fish broth can be boiled in a small saucepan so that it is concentrated. The first water of the broth is drained, then it is boiled until tender, periodically descaling.

If the product is prepared correctly in compliance with all processing rules, then the mother’s consumption of fish during lactation will not bring any trouble to the child.

Fish is a source of nutrients and vitamins necessary for a breastfeeding woman, which is why it is not only not forbidden to eat it, but is also recommended.

Despite the fact that it is included in the list of products that can cause allergic reactions (with low allergenic potential), such manifestations are observed only in 10% of infants and mothers who have an allergy, which is highly likely to be transmitted to the baby, to this product .


  • river - grass carp, carp, pike, pike perch, bream, carp, crucian carp, catfish, etc.
  • marine – chum salmon, halibut, sea bass, pollock, etc.
  • in small quantities you can try red fish - trout, salmon, pink salmon.

It is noteworthy that individual intolerance to a certain type of fish depends on its composition and fat content, which is why, if you notice signs of allergic manifestations, you should not completely abandon this product. It is necessary to select a fish variety that suits the personal requirements of the body, for example, if undesirable reactions occur to a piece of carp meat, you should try pollock or chum salmon.

For a nursing mother, it is recommended, first of all, to pay attention to white fish, which can be eaten 2-3 times a week (after being introduced into the diet), but red fish must be consumed with extreme caution and quantitative restrictions - no more than 1 time in 2 weeks, and only boiled.

To introduce it into the diet, there are several tips that will minimize the likelihood of the body becoming hypersensitive to this product:

  1. You should not introduce fish dishes in the first 2 weeks after birth;
  2. before cooking, it is advisable to soak the fish meat in cold water for 2-3 hours;
  3. Until the baby reaches 4 months of age, it is necessary to eat only dishes prepared in a double boiler, boiled or stewed in an oven;
  4. for cooking, use exclusively fresh or freshly frozen fish;
  5. For the first tasting, discard additional flavoring ingredients, for example, lemon juice, carrots, onions, etc.

For a nursing mother, there are also restrictions that must be observed throughout the entire period of feeding the baby with breast milk:

  • You cannot eat ready-made state canned fish, smoked meats and pickles (for example, herring in sauce or smoked crucian carp). Such products contain a high content of chemicals and compounds that can lead to poisoning of both mother and baby;
  • It is prohibited to consume raw or half-raw fish meat, for example, as part of sushi, Sashimi or Sagudai dishes. This type of preparation preserves the activity of pathogenic organisms that may be present in it. In order to eliminate the possibility of their presence, it is necessary to conduct a multifaceted examination of the fish in the relevant authorities and laboratories;
  • You should also not eat fish, the shelf life and freezing of which is unknown. If there is a whitish or greasy film coating on it, as well as foreign odors and pigment inclusions, you must stop using such a product.

Recipe for the first tasting

  1. cut the fish into pieces 2 cm thick, soak in lightly salted water for 2 hours;
  2. remove the fish meat, add spices to taste (preferably not too much) - salt and pepper;
  3. wrap 3 pieces in foil paper, place on a baking sheet with low sides, pour a little water on the bottom;
  4. cook in the oven for 30-40 minutes. at a temperature of 180°.

Recipe for a nursing mother - fish balls

  1. Boil chum salmon or pollock meat in water with spices (salt, pepper), remove bones. Reserve the broth for later use;
  2. dry in a coarse oven, roll into breadcrumbs;
  3. finely chop a small white onion and carrot;
  4. mix all the ingredients, while adjusting the consistency of the “porridge” with fish broth, add 1 raw egg. If necessary, add salt and pepper. Form small balls (about 3 cm in diameter);
  5. line a baking sheet with parchment paper, place fish balls, sprinkle lemon juice on top and cover with a lid;
  6. bake in the oven for 1-1.5 hours at 180°. In 15-20 minutes. until ready, remove the lid and sprinkle the balls with a small amount of breadcrumbs and grated hard cheese.

You can make a light soup from the leftover fish broth, or leave it as an additional dish for fish balls, adding fresh herbs to it.

Pregnancy is a magical period. The expectant mother anxiously watches every movement of the baby, rejoices at the new stages of his development, and strictly evaluates her diet. But with the birth of a baby, many people think that it’s time to relax a little. This is far from true. Not only does the mother’s body continue to supply the baby with everything necessary for growth and development (now not through the placenta, but through breast milk), but the baby also begins to grow very quickly, which means that its nutritional needs increase every day. There is another important point: the body of a newborn child must independently take care of heat exchange, respiration, metabolism, that is, it consumes additional energy. This means that a woman’s diet should be as varied as possible, and today we will talk about what kind of fish nursing mothers can eat.

Individual response comes first

We are all different, which means there can be no definite answer to this question. If during pregnancy the mother calmly ate all types of fish (which is very desirable), without experiencing allergic reactions or any discomfort from the digestive system, then after the birth of the baby you don’t have to worry much about this. However, most nutritionists and pediatricians agree that in the first three months after birth you should exclude any fish from your diet. It is at this age that the baby’s digestive system finally matures, and colic goes away. Now it’s important to figure out which fish can be eaten by nursing mothers, and which ones should be abstained from for now.

Fish: pros and cons

Fish is rich in fats and amino acids, vitamins and proteins. It should be emphasized that these elements are absorbed in the body very easily. By eating fish 3-4 times a week, you fully meet your protein needs, that is, it is an alternative to meat. Don’t forget about the wonderful fish oil, which will be useful both for the mother’s recovery after childbirth and for the growth and development of the child himself. However, despite all the beneficial properties, you should not eat only fish, much less eat it indiscriminately.

What harm can fish cause to mother and child? The only thing that can be said about this is that it is a fairly strong allergen. That is, first of all, you need to figure out what kind of fish is suitable for nursing mothers, and only then decide at what age and in what quantity to include it in the diet.

Planning your diet

Of course, children need fish and seafood for normal growth, as well as for the formation of the skeleton. However, you should first pay attention to the characteristics of your own body. If during pregnancy a woman constantly ate fish, then after the birth of the baby you can continue in the same spirit, only more attention should be paid to the choice of its varieties. However, if during the period of bearing the baby you have not eaten a single piece of fish, this does not mean that you cannot continue to eat it. But in this case, the question of what kind of fish can be fed to nursing mothers is even more pressing. And you can introduce it into the diet only in small portions, constantly monitoring the reaction of your baby. A doctor may advise a complete avoidance of fish dishes if the child is prone to severe allergic reactions. In this case, fish is introduced into the diet much later, when complementary feeding begins.

Choosing fish

First of all, you need to give preference to the most familiar varieties. Most often, for our country, river fish or low-fat sea fish are recommended for breastfeeding. Excess Omega 3 means an increased risk of allergic reactions, which is something you don’t need right now. If you decide to try fish for the first time after giving birth, it is best if it is pollock, hake, pike perch, cod, carp and herring. These are the white meat varieties. If your choice is exclusively, then give preference to species such as trout, bream, burbot and pike. This fish contains a minimum of allergens and is easily digestible. Let us emphasize once again that how you prepare it is also very important. Any fish is fried in about 15 minutes, and during this time all useful substances are destroyed. At the same time, the same amount of steaming time allows you to preserve them in their original form.

Cooking fish

Of course, this is a valuable and useful product that is very important for every little one. However, fish during breastfeeding should be chosen very carefully. Not only the variety matters, but also the quality, as well as the method of preparation. Choose only trusted suppliers and fresh, beautiful products. To ensure that the fish retains all its beneficial qualities when defrosting, do this using a salty solution. The most beneficial is boiled, stewed or steamed fish. It may not be as tasty as fried foods, but in your case the benefits are more important. Salted fish is also undesirable.

What to avoid

We all love to treat ourselves to something tasty, but when you have a baby in your arms, you have to weigh the expected benefits and harms. In particular, salted fish is not healthy at all. Excess salt is harmful to the baby. When choosing a product, you also need to take into account that it is dried, smoked and often hides spoiled goods. No matter how much you love sushi, now is not the time for exotic delicacies. It’s good if the manufacturer takes salted fish to prepare them, but in the original it should be raw. It may contain organisms that are not at all beneficial for a nursing mother, and especially for her child.

Despite the obvious benefits, red fish is not very useful for nursing women. Excess Omega-3 fatty acids can be too much for a child's body to handle and cause various digestive problems. This is primarily our favorite mackerel, herring and salmon. This includes sea trout, salmon, as well as some other varieties that contain a lot of fat.

A lot of seafood has appeared on the shelves today. These are mussels and clams, crabs and shrimp. Of course, they are tasty and healthy, but this fully applies to the fresh catch, and not to what we usually see on supermarket shelves in the form of preserves. Mom's diet should not contain products of such dubious quality. We have described in sufficient detail what is most useful for a nursing woman, and what may pose a threat. The choice is yours.

It's no secret that during pregnancy women's taste preferences often change. The expectant mother may crave salty, sweet and even sour foods. But if during this period a woman can afford it, then after giving birth everything changes, because now you need to monitor not only your health, but also the condition of the baby. For example, the question of what kind of fish is ok for breastfeeding is of great concern to young mothers.

Fish during lactation is valued more than meat: it is easier to digest and contains all the necessary amino acids and minerals. After eating fish dishes, there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

That is why doctors do not prohibit a nursing mother from eating fish during breastfeeding, since it has a number of beneficial properties:

  • the presence of vitamin D, which promotes better absorption of calcium in the body of mother and baby;
  • Omega-3 acids that have a positive effect on the baby’s nervous system:
  • fast and easy digestion process in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the protein contained has a beneficial effect on the kidneys;
  • presence of vitamins B, A, C, E.

The only prohibition for consumption is an allergy to fish products. If a young mother has already encountered this before, she should avoid eating such dishes. At the same time, you should also monitor the baby’s reaction: young children quickly react to the composition of their mother’s milk.

Features of fish

Since the positive properties depend on the type of fish and the method of its preparation, individual points should be considered in detail. Let's figure out what kind of fish can be consumed while breastfeeding:

  • Doctors do not recommend salty food. A large amount of salt negatively affects the condition of the kidneys and interferes with the removal of waste and toxins from the body. Salted fish is not beneficial.
  • You shouldn't eat fried food either. After frying, not only are there no beneficial substances left, but carcinogens also accumulate. This is facilitated by long-term frying of the product in boiling oil.
  • Smoked fish should also not be included in the diet, as it will increase health problems. It does not contain any healing substances: all are destroyed during processing. However, it is not recommended to consume smoked meats due to harmful substances that can cause serious harm to the health of mother and child. Not everyone also knows how to properly cook smoked fish.

  • River fish, such as pike, have a large number of bones, but contain necessary substances that are beneficial for the baby and mother. It’s easier to cook soup or steam it, then the taste will not be lost.
  • Red fish - salmon, salmon, pink salmon, trout - are recommended to be consumed during lactation due to the sufficient content of omega-3 fatty acid. But even this permitted type should be eaten carefully so as not to cause an allergy in the baby. Red fish, when breastfed in reasonable doses, benefits the body of a nursing woman.

Which fish do you prefer?

According to reviews of doctors and nutritionists, the following types do not harm the health of the mother and baby, while strengthening the body:

  • sole;
  • telapia;
  • pollock;
  • zander;

  • bearing.

The more common herring and mackerel can cause allergies, so it is better to limit their consumption to once a week.

Doctors prohibit including large varieties of fish during breastfeeding. The fact is that they contain mercury, a carcinogenic substance that can cause cancer. Fortunately, such species are practically not common in Russia.

How to eat fish during lactation

Despite the abundance of valuable vitamins and taste, fish products can cause allergies, so they should be consumed with caution. It is necessary to constantly monitor the child's reaction. It can be unexpected: babies can scream and cry. Therefore, any change in the baby’s behavior should be alarming.

Expert advice on what kind of fish a nursing mother can eat, how to choose and eat it:

  • You should eat only “familiar” varieties, that is, those that were consumed before childbirth. New ones should be treated with caution, it is better to avoid them altogether. As soon as the baby grows up, experiments with fish can be continued;
  • introduce into the diet gradually, starting with 1-2 pieces. If the baby’s reaction has not changed, the portion can be increased, but again, carefully. It is advisable to start with two pieces per week. The advice especially applies to red fish;
  • It is better to purchase fresh rather than frozen varieties. The latter contain much less vitamins and differ greatly in taste;
  • In the first month after childbirth, boiled fish is more suitable: it is the most useful and is easily digestible. But after the first 30 days you can already enjoy the steamed dish;
  • During breastfeeding, women often want to treat themselves to other seafood: squid, mussels, shrimp. It is better not to buy such products in marinade or oil, as this will cause digestive problems. These products are only good when fresh;

  • lovers of sushi and rolls will have to hold off on such food. Doctors explain this by the presence of microorganisms in raw fish that can cause poisoning. To prevent the health of a young mother from being in such danger, you should exclude sushi and rolls from your diet;
  • if, nevertheless, it was decided to eat frozen fish, you should first defrost it in salted water;
  • When purchasing, do not hesitate to smell, touch and check the color of the product: here you should completely trust your feelings;
  • do not eat canned food: they contain a lot of oil and flavoring additives, and the fillings in them are rarely fresh;
  • in the first days after childbirth, a young mother is advised to eat pollock or hake: these varieties are the most healthy and easily digestible;
  • You should not eat red caviar, since the technology of its production and storage is not always known for certain.


Below are healthy and delicious recipes for young mothers. These dishes will also be useful for the baby, as they contain protein, vitamins and healthy amino acids. However, you should first consult your doctor to know if they are safe to consume.

  1. Steamed fish. The dish turns out juicy and tender.

Required ingredients:

  • one fish carcass;
  • onion head;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a pinch of salt

Cooking method:

  • put the fish in a pan, add salt and fill it halfway with water;
  • after the water boils, add the onion;
  • simmer covered for 20 minutes, then remove from heat.

  1. It will be useful not only for the mother, but also for the whole family. fish pickle soup.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • 300 g hake fillet;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 3 potato tubers;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of pearl barley;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • vegetable oil;

Cooking method:

  • soak the cereal for several hours, preferably overnight;
  • put the carcass in cold water and boil for 30 minutes;
  • add cereals and prepared vegetables to the broth;
  • fry onions, carrots, put in broth;
  • add spices and salt.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

Fish is the most valuable food product for humans. And a nursing mother’s diet must include fish dishes. But is all fish allowed during breastfeeding? Let's consider what kind of fish can be consumed during breastfeeding, in what quantity, and whether there are contraindications for consuming this product.

The benefits of fish for a nursing mother

  • Vitamin D contained in fish allows calcium ingested in food to be completely absorbed in the baby’s body;
  • Fish is easier to digest than meat, and thanks to this it normalizes stool and has a beneficial effect on the intestines of a nursing mother;
  • Essential omega-3 acids, which fish is rich in, strengthen the cardiovascular system of both mother and child;
  • Fish protein is perfectly absorbed by the body, and it creates a barrier to the formation of salts of lactic acids and uric acids, which has a beneficial effect on the mother’s kidneys, which after childbirth rearrange their function into a “pre-pregnancy” mode of operation and need additional protection.

Contraindication to eating fish during breastfeeding There may be a maternal predisposition to food allergies. If she has previously had allergic reactions to any type of food, it is worth postponing the introduction of fish into food during breastfeeding. In this case, you should start eating fish six to eight months after birth, 20-30 grams per meal.

Now let’s look separately at the different types of fish that are most popular and most often on our table, and evaluate the benefits of each of them for a nursing mother.

Types of fish and features

1. Red fish (salmon, pink salmon, trout, salmon, etc.) is a champion in the content of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Red fish is allowed for consumption during breastfeeding, but in moderation, because it is a fairly allergenic product.

2. Salted fish By definition, it contains a large amount of salt, which can lead to an imbalance in kidney function and the appearance of edema. Therefore, salted fish during breastfeeding Not recommended to mourning mothers.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

4. Dried fish in most cases it is soaked in salt, which disinfects it, but is still unsuitable for food for a nursing mother. Eating too much salt can cause it to accumulate in the breast ducts and change the taste of the milk, which can lead to your baby refusing to breastfeed. Dried fish is not the best product for breastfeeding, so take care of your baby’s health and avoid using it during lactation.

5. River fish contains a lot of bones, but this does not deprive it of its beneficial qualities. If you steam this fish or make broth from it, this is an excellent dish for a nursing mother. River fish is healthy during breastfeeding, but only when it is cooked correctly and without the use of oil.

6. Fried fish contraindicated for use. Since frying takes more than 15 minutes, this time is enough for all the beneficial substances to be destroyed during high heat treatment in oil.

7. Dried fish Its nutritional value is similar to dried. Of course, when prepared naturally - salting and drying, both omega-3 acids and protein are preserved, but the increased salt content negates all the benefits for a nursing mother. Therefore, dried fish is temporarily prohibited during breastfeeding.

Remember that fresh and chilled fish has the greatest value, but frozen fish already loses half of its beneficial qualities.

The health of you and your baby depends on the organization of your diet during breastfeeding. Include boiled or stewed fish in your diet, once or twice a week within 50 grams. This will be enough to provide the body with everything useful that is found in fish.