When can you give watermelon to a child under one year old, Komarovsky. Children's diet: at what age can you give your child watermelon? Is it possible to give watermelon to a child under one year old - the opinions of pediatricians

Summer pleases us with the opportunity to compensate for the lack of vitamins over the long winter months. This is the sun, which provides vitamin D, without which calcium absorption is impossible, and long-awaited fruits and berries, rich useful components. And when the first watermelons appear, the festive season of enjoying this tasty and healthy melon crop begins. But, given the widespread use of fertilizers that are not always safe, many mothers are wondering at what age can a child be given watermelon so as not to harm his health. The topic is relevant enough to understand it thoroughly.

Watermelon, like melon, which you can read about, is a tasty and very healthy berry. It has very few calories and fat. Carbohydrates in watermelon are contained in the form of glucose and fructose - easily digestible monosaccharides. Its content of more than 75% water makes it an excellent source of thirst quencher.
In addition, watermelon contains a lot of pectins, which actively remove toxins and other substances from the body. harmful components. Lycopene has a positive effect on the condition vascular system. A high content folic acid, beta-carotene, vitamin A and others important acids puts watermelon on par with
Nutritionists recommend watermelon as:

  • diuretic and choleretic agent;
  • mild laxative;
  • effective detoxifier;
  • effective product for dietary nutrition in order to lose weight after pregnancy;
  • sedative;
  • agent that increases hemoglobin.

But why do pediatricians, when talking about watermelon to children, warn about caution and strictly stipulate at what age a child can start giving watermelon?


All of the above beneficial properties are possessed by watermelons grown in environmentally friendly conditions, without the use of nitrates and pesticides. But today it is very difficult to find such a product, unless you grow it yourself. The bulk of watermelons come from unscrupulous producers, with violations of the rules of cultivation, storage and sale.
To speed up the growth process, melons are fed with nitrates, which are rightly considered low-toxic fertilizers. But! By growing watermelon in conditions of insufficient sun and excessive soil moisture, producers contribute to the fact that nitrates accumulate in its pulp. Once in the digestive system, under the influence of microflora they are transformed into nitrites that are hazardous to health. And when long-term storage the transformation also occurs in the vegetable itself.
Nitrites negatively affect the function of blood transport, which causes oxygen starvation of tissues. This has a particularly difficult effect on a fragile child’s body, burdened vascular problems or diseases of the excretory and respiratory systems.
Easily digestible monosaccharides, if consumed in excess, can cause obesity, which is not very beneficial for child's body.
The high fiber content of watermelon also makes its negative contribution. The peculiarity of these insoluble plant fibers is that they often cause fermentation and rotting in the intestines.
However, not everything is as gloomy as it might seem at first glance. Watermelon has a negative effect only when excessive enthusiasm this delicacy. If you give watermelon to a child in limited portions, and according to the age recommended by pediatricians, then there will be no benefits and pleasure. negative consequences.

Age and regulatory restrictions

Under no circumstances should you give watermelon infant. The digestive system of babies is not yet fully formed, and against the background of a weak immune system in best case scenario he will call eating disorder, and at worst it will become the reason allergic reaction, dangerous not only to health, but also to life.
How long can you give a child watermelon without fear? The first introduction of this delicacy into the diet should not be earlier than 1.5, or even 2 years. By this age it stabilizes normal microflora intestines, and the baby’s body gains the ability to completely digest and absorb plant fiber.

Feeding rules

The first time it is better to give the baby a watermelon, first cutting off the rind, removing all the seeds, and mashing it to a puree. All the harmful components of fertilizers accumulate in the green layer under the peel, and the baby is not yet able to limit himself to only the red pulp, and can grab unnecessary greens. A child may choke on bones, so they are carefully removed.

Now that we have found out at what age children are given watermelon, we need to determine its quantity at one time. The first portion should not exceed 50 grams, and after that a break of 2–3 hours is necessary. Still, watermelon belongs to allergenic products, and poisoning with this product is very common.
If everything went well, you can let your baby eat more, but total per day should not exceed 150 grams. By 2.5 years daily norm can be increased to 300 gr. After 3 years, it is allowed to increase the dosage to half a kilogram, but at the same time give no more than 150 grams at a time.

Watch the video about what Dr. Komarovsky thinks about sweets for children under 3 years old

For many gourmets, the favorite berry is watermelon. Its pulp contains healthy fiber, which cleanses the intestines, liver and kidneys well. However, it often causes unpleasant symptoms in adults and children. Allergy to watermelon is common and manifests itself in the form of redness of the skin, cough, and shortness of breath. There is diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, lacrimation. Your temperature may rise.

In July, when it’s really hot, you really want to treat yourself and your child to watermelon. It is so aromatic and tasty, and at the same time perfectly quenches thirst. But many mothers are afraid to feed their children this delicacy even in summer. They constantly think about the age at which a child can be given watermelon. It is better to grow this berry in your own garden to avoid nitrates. Then the older child can eat it without harm to health. It is better to buy watermelons at the end of August and only not near roads. There is a high chance of getting poisoned. Before feeding your baby, rinse the berries well under running water.

Mom decides for herself when to give watermelon to her child. In any case, parents need to be vigilant and exercise caution so as not to harm their health. First, it is better to offer the baby a small piece of this delicacy. Children under two years old will need 50 grams, three-year-olds can eat 100 at a time, older children - 150 g. 100 grams contain daily norm magnesium Some are afraid that this berry may cause allergies and bloating.

Moms want to know if it's possible one year old child watermelon, and is it really very dangerous for small children? Opinions on this issue are divided. Watermelon contains not only harmful nitrates, but also glucose, pectins, vitamins and microelements. All of them are beneficial for the body. Folic acid, contained in red pulp, is necessary for work nervous system. Eating watermelons is beneficial for anemia. It is rich in vitamins A and C. Two small pieces contain the daily value of vitamin C, which can remove nitrates from the body. Doctors still do not give an exact answer to the question at what age can a child be given watermelon. If your baby has allergies, then this berry is strictly contraindicated for him.

Children's doctors argue, some do not recommend feeding this product to a child under two years of age. Of course, nothing terrible will happen if a child before this age tastes the treat. But in large quantities feeding is not advisable. Children's doctors do not advise buying early fruits and berries. They are dangerous high content harmful substances. Eat Great chance poisoned by nitrates.

Parents ask nutritionists at what age can they give their child watermelon? Some experts categorically do not recommend feeding it to a child under five years of age. Others believe that it can be introduced into the diet as early as one year. They all strongly advise compliance with safety measures. Nutritionists warn that early watermelons are contraindicated for children under 11 years of age. Only ripe berries are useful.

IN Lately An increasing number of young mothers are asking the question of whether it is possible to give their baby watermelon. And although we have already talked about the benefits and harms of watermelon for a child’s body, it’s probably worth stopping to study this plant product, as one of the first complementary foods. We hasten to immediately disappoint you - Watermelon is contraindicated for children under one year of age! Moreover, even nursing mothers whose baby has not yet reached 5-6 months should give up juicy, tasty and, undoubtedly, healthy watermelon pulp.

Why should children under one year not be given watermelon in their diet?

Despite all my positive traits, watermelon is considered one of the hardest fruits for a child to digest. Therefore, many pediatricians recommend using it only for children over two years old. What is the danger? And why, when asked whether a 6-month-old baby can have watermelon, doctors unanimously declare: “Under no circumstances!”?

First of all, pediatricians' concerns are related to a huge amount fiber, for the processing of which digestive tract The baby is simply not ready yet. Flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain - these are just small part what careless parents may face when feeding their baby delicious watermelon. Therefore, before complete formation digestive system and switching to regular food, that is, until breastfeeding is stopped, watermelons are out of the question.

Surely now many of you will want to ask the question: “Is it possible to give the baby watermelon juice then?” But again you will be disappointed, since this time the answer will be categorically negative. And all because watermelon besides useful substances contains nitrates. Even if you grew it yourself, without feeding it with any fertilizers, the fruit absorbed a small amount of these chemical compounds.

Their a small amount of(the norm of nitrates in watermelons is 60 mg per 1 kg) will not harm an adult body or a child over two years old. Of course, if the watermelon consumption norm is met. IN otherwise Even an adult can be poisoned by nitrates. What can we say about a baby whose age is not more than a year?

Unfortunately, before one year old the immune system the child is not yet fully formed. And, in particular, mechanisms to combat nitrates have not yet been developed. Add to this a vulnerable digestive tract and you realize that poisoning watermelon juice it simply cannot be avoided, and you can find out what nitrate poisoning is fraught with in the article “What to do if a child is poisoned by watermelon, and how to avoid it?”

But is it possible to give watermelon to a one-year-old child? Purely theoretically, it is possible. But in practice, it’s better to abstain! Unfortunately, in human body all mechanisms do not start strictly on time. Remember, children even begin to sit up, crawl and talk at different ages, let alone protective functions. Therefore, be patient a little longer and treat your baby to watermelon at the height of the next season.

The sweet summer berry, the season of which begins in mid-August, is adored by absolutely everyone; both adults and children love to eat it. However, those parents whose children are still very young will probably ask themselves: at what age can you give your child watermelon?

Despite the fact that the benefits of the striped fruit have been talked about for years, nevertheless, it is impossible to feed children with seasonal berries until a certain age; we will talk more about the prohibitions and restrictions in the article.

The benefits of watermelon for children's bodies

The beneficial properties of sweet summer berries are the same for everyone, but the child’s body especially needs useful substances, because it is growing, and therefore the supply of vitamins and minerals is extremely necessary for its full, and most importantly, proper development.

The presence of vitamins C, B, fiber, micro-, macroelements, tannins, folic acid, citrulline and other elements, allows you to perform many functions in the child’s body, the main ones being:

  1. the ability to cleanse the intestines of toxins;
  2. fight against constipation;
  3. positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  4. quenching thirst and hunger;
  5. strengthening immunity;
  6. ability to raise your mood and lower your mood negative impact stressful situations.

However, despite the berries contained in the composition, beneficial features, many doctors answer the question “can small children have watermelon” in the negative. And there is a logical explanation for this. First of all, those children who have a contraindication to eating sweet berries are “banned”.

Contraindications for eating watermelon

  • Diabetes (in certain cases The fruit can be consumed by people with diabetes, but it is necessary to consult a doctor in advance).
  • Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Stomach upset.
  • Disturbances in the outflow of urine.
  • Stones in the kidneys.
  • Diarrhea.

At what age can you give your child watermelon?

After we have found out what benefits and harm a striped fruit can cause to a child’s body, it is worth finding out: at what age can a child have a watermelon?

From how many months, or even from how many years, do doctors actually recommend eating this fruit, which is beneficial for the child’s body? Experts’ opinions on this issue are divided. Some believe that it is better not to give watermelon until 2 years of age, others believe that it is unsafe to feed a child with striped berries until 5 years of age, and still others fully accept the idea of ​​eating the fruit after 1 year.

To understand what's what, let's look at all the pros and cons in detail. Many mothers, considering the benefits of watermelon, try to introduce this tasty dessert into their baby’s diet as early as possible. But is it possible to give watermelon to children under one year old? Certainly not. It happens that some mothers feed their baby sweet fruit as soon as he is 11-12 months old. However, this is very dangerous.

Watermelon for 4, 5, 6 month old baby

Those mothers who are wondering whether a 4, 5, 6 month old baby can have a watermelon should remember once and for all that it is absolutely forbidden to feed children at that age with a striped fruit. Do not forget that the first complementary feeding is carried out no earlier than 6 months, and only on condition that the baby was bottle-fed.

For children with breastfeeding the first complementary feeding is carried out a little later (at about 7-8 months).

The stomach, and the body as a whole, only gets used to mother’s milk or special mixtures, and just like that, immediately giving a colored product with a taste that is unusual for the baby is harmful. The baby may develop allergies, have stomach upsets, and besides, there is high risk poisoning

It is poisoning - main danger for a child, which is why many pediatricians advise holding off on consuming watermelons until 2 or even 3 years of age. Before three years old The child’s body is very vulnerable and highly susceptible to the “impacts” of harmful substances. A baby is not able to fight toxins and nitrates like an adult, so food poisoning can cause maximum damage to a child's health.

Watermelons for a child after one year

You can give a little watermelon pulp after a year, somewhere closer to one and a half years of age, but you must be sure that the fruit does not contain nitrates.

It is very difficult to buy nitrate-free watermelon in a store or market these days, so always, before giving your baby even the slightest piece, test it for safety. It is not recommended for the mother herself to eat watermelon while breastfeeding, since the woman’s food poisoning will certainly affect the baby.

Try giving it to someone in your family small portion berries, if there are no negative consequences (in the form of nausea, diarrhea, etc.), then you can feed the child watermelon. This method is a little blasphemous towards loved ones, however, it is the safest for the baby.

Learn more about using watermelon for breastfeeding– read in one of the articles on the site.

How much watermelon to give a child: age restrictions

If you have checked the quality of the fruit and know that they are safe, and, moreover, your baby has no contraindications to its use, then from 1-1.5 years you can gradually introduce the product into the diet. Amount of berries consumed for children of different ages not the same.

How much watermelon a child should have per day according to his age:

  • from 1 to 2 years old you should not eat more than 50 g;
  • from 2 to 3 years old, you need to eat 100 g of berries;
  • from 3 to 6 years old, it is not advisable to exceed 150 g per day.

Important! Never let your child chew out watermelon rinds. It is in the peel of the berry that all harmful substances, which were used to treat the fruit during ripening. Start feeding your baby in small portions and exclusively with pulp, previously cleared of seeds.

Do not combine watermelon with other products; it is better to give it alone. Over time, when the baby grows up, you can offer the baby melon sweets with white bread. But first, the body must get used to a new product. You should eat watermelons only when they are in season. Before that Until they are able to ripen on their own, it is not worth buying them.

If you want to surprise your guests with a beautiful and practical cut, use the advice of our chef.

That’s probably all you need to know about at what age you can give your child watermelon. At how many months should you feed your baby watermelon, in what quantity should you give it and how to protect your baby from undesirable consequences- these are the ones important questions, to which we hope you received detailed answers.

Feed your child only the best, and let your baby grow strong and healthy!

Watermelon is one of the most popular and beloved berries, which is distinguished by its incredible juiciness, pleasant, light taste and exceptional aroma. In the summer, watermelon can be bought on almost every corner, so it is not surprising that it is a guest in almost every home in our country.

This berry perfectly quenches thirst and is a source of a lot of useful substances, however, recently there has been more and more talk about the dangers of watermelon due to serious violations rules for its cultivation. Therefore, before introducing this product into a child’s diet, you should figure out how safe watermelon is for a child’s health, as well as when and how to properly start introducing your baby to the largest representative of the berry family.

Table of contents: How is watermelon beneficial for a child’s body? Contraindications for eating watermelon At what age can watermelon be given to children? Quantitative norm Basic rules for choosing and consuming watermelon Harm of watermelon for a child’s body What is the danger early watermelons for a child?

How is watermelon beneficial for a child’s body?

Watermelon contains many useful microelements necessary for a growing child's body. About 90% of watermelon consists of water, making it an excellent thirst quencher. In addition, having a pronounced diuretic effect, this product helps remove toxins and other harmful elements from the body.

The beneficial properties of watermelon also include:

In addition to the above-mentioned substances, watermelon also supplies the child’s body with such useful microelements, How:

Interestingly, to replenish the daily requirement of vitamins C, B1, B3 and folic acid, it is enough to eat only 150 grams of juicy berries per day.


All of the listed beneficial properties of watermelon correspond to reality only if no substances were used in the process of growing the berries. chemical substances to accelerate growth or to produce watermelons large sizes. Otherwise, due to large quantity nitrates, introducing a child to watermelon can result in a deterioration in the transport properties of the blood and oxygen starvation, which is quite dangerous for a growing child’s body.

Contraindications for eating watermelon

Unfortunately, such healthy berries Like watermelon, not everyone can eat it and not always.

So, watermelon is contraindicated for:

It is advisable to refrain from eating watermelon if:

At what age can children be given watermelon? Quantitative norm

Experts' opinions on this issue very different. Some doctors argue that children should be introduced to this berry no earlier than the age of five. According to foreign experts, introducing a quality product into children's menu possible starting from 8-10 months.

But the majority of representatives of domestic pediatrics believe that children under one year old should not be fed watermelon, and that the most optimal age It takes 1.5-2 years for a baby to become familiar with this product. This opinion is justified by the fact that the child’s gastrointestinal tract is more early age is not yet able to fully digest “watermelon” fiber.

Considering that nowadays it is quite difficult to get a high-quality “pure” product, and not everyone has the opportunity to grow this berry on their own, many doctors do not recommend offering watermelon to a child under 2 years of age (especially an infant). You should take a very responsible approach to choosing berries, since the growing body is not yet able to withstand the effects of harmful additives, such as nitrates and toxins.


Watermelon is a seasonal berry, so there is no need to give it to your child before August, or rather the middle of it. In addition, children should only be offered the sugary pulp located in the center of the watermelon, since nitrates always accumulate closer to the rind.

When your baby first introduces a watermelon, you need to offer him one teaspoon of pulp, naturally, making sure that it is seedless. Then you should observe the child for a couple of days and make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction:

  • redness or rashes on the skin;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • increased lacrimation and/or runny nose;
  • vomit;
  • Gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea.

In the absence of such allergic manifestations, you can increase the proposed dose of watermelon, however, it should be borne in mind that each age has its own limitations.

Daily intake of berries for a child:

  1. 1-2 years – up to 50 g.
  2. 2-3 years – up to 100 g.
  3. From 3 to 6 years – up to 150 g.

Subject to compliance with the specified quantitative standards and if there is quality product, the child will receive not only pleasure from using delicious berries, but also many “benefits” for a growing organism.

Basic rules for choosing and eating watermelon

  1. It is not recommended to buy watermelons near the highway, from a car or in dubious trays. Firstly, it is difficult to find out whether the conditions and terms of its storage were observed, and secondly, melon products very quickly absorb heavy metals, which are abundant in exhaust gases. Watermelons must be sold in specially designated places, under a canopy, and placed in special trays at a distance of at least 20 cm from the ground.
  2. Early watermelons have no place in a house where there are children.. You can buy a watermelon for a child no earlier than mid-August. However, even “late” berries may contain harmful additives. There are several obvious signs that indicate that a watermelon is “nitrate”, namely:
    • the fibers running from the core to the rind are not white and soft, but yellowish tint and hard;
    • on the cut, the surface of the “nitrate” berry is smooth and glossy, and good watermelon it should have grains;
    • O high content Nitrates can also be indicated by the uniform bright red color of the berry. The flesh of a “pure” watermelon has an uneven color.
  3. Never buy a watermelon with a damaged rind., since bacteria from the soil, dust and other contaminants easily penetrate into the pulp, which for them is favorable environment for active reproduction.
  4. Never ask the seller to cut a watermelon(to check its ripeness) and do not buy half or part of the berry, even if it is well packed in cling film. Otherwise, you risk introducing salmonella or E. coli into the bodies of your household.
  5. Before cutting a watermelon at home, you need to wash it thoroughly with soap and a brush.
  6. Children are advised to separate the pulp located closer to the middle, and carefully select all the seeds.

Harm of watermelon to children's bodies

Child poisoning in summer period– unfortunately, a common occurrence. And often the “culprit” of such a situation is everyone favorite treat- watermelon. The seriousness of this problem also lies in the fact that the process of poisoning in children is very difficult due to an underdeveloped gastrointestinal tract, not fully established detoxification mechanisms, and also due to the small volume of blood in the child’s body.

What is the danger of early watermelons for a child?

In most cases, children are harmed by early and large watermelons, during the growing process of which nitrogen nitrate fertilizers are used. Early melons, as a rule, contain very high level nitrates, since manufacturers are trying to speed up the ripening process of fruits, as well as to obtain a larger mass.

You can check the concentration of nitrates in watermelon using a portable device - a nitrate meter. Acceptable norm The presence of nitrates in this berry is considered to be 60 mg per 1 kg of product. Anything higher will be harmful to health.

Thus, nitrates that enter the human body:

  • negatively affect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, causing diarrhea, vomiting and nausea;
  • activate the accumulation process heavy metals in the kidneys and liver;
  • inhibit the process of absorption of useful substances, in particular, magnesium and vitamin C (the proportion of absorption decreases by almost 3 times).

In addition, when entering the gastrointestinal tract, under the influence of local microflora, nitrates are converted into thermally less stable salts - nitrites, which in turn convert hemoglobin, oxidizing iron, into metahemoglobin, which is unable to carry oxygen. As a result, the most important function blood, transport, which leads to oxygen starvation tissues, and for a growing organism such failures are extremely dangerous.

The presence of nitrates in watermelon is not the only reason why a child may have health problems. Thus, cases of poisoning of children are no less common when:

  • the berry pulp is consumed by the child in large quantities, significantly exceeding the daily age norm;
  • the watermelon was carelessly washed before consumption, as a result of which children develop intestinal disorders;
  • eating unripe berries.

Typically, symptoms of watermelon poisoning can appear in children within two days. The most common signs of poisoning are:

  1. Diarrhea.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Rapid breathing.
  5. Drowsy and lethargic state child.

If after eating watermelon at least one of listed symptoms, you should immediately contact medical care, since self-medication with childhood poisoning unacceptable.