May Day - Welder's Day in Russia! Welder's Day is the most festive day for a welder

The last Friday in May is a very bright day. After all, it is Welder's Day. But even if you bring together all the sparks of this profession, they cannot overshadow its importance and seriousness. After all, the strength, durability and safety of operation of the most complex structures, mechanisms, buildings and structures depend on the professionalism of the welder.

The holiday does not yet have official status, but it has been celebrated for more than 20 years. And the date of origin of the profession itself is considered to be 1802 - the year of V. Petrov’s discovery of the effect of the electric arc. Modern welding technologies have come a long way, although they still require high skill and precision. Therefore, the main thing in this profession remains the person. Welder with a capital letter. Master of his craft.

Show congratulations

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The profession of a welder is important and needed in every production; neither the public sector nor industry can do without them. So, on your professional day, let me wish you quality electrodes at work, and happiness and prosperity at home.


Metal melts in your hands. Sparks sparkle around you from your work. Thanks to you, everything in our world becomes strong, reliable and durable. Happy professional holiday to you, dear iron sheet tamers! Happy Welder's Day!


Welding is working with difficult metal.
Strong hands, trained eye.
You have created many strong structures,
Welder, we are celebrating your day now.

You are a representative of an important profession.
You are not afraid of any height.
And you dive into the depths bravely.
You understand any welding.

We wish the welder today
It’s good to continue your work.
New victories on the noble path,
And get a lot of money for your work!


The welder is busy with the necessary work -
He welds metal skillfully,
Even if the design is complex,
He doesn't need help.

He did the job smartly
He has his own knack
Welding is always necessary
You can't go anywhere without her.

On this day we congratulate you,
We won’t leave you without a gift,
We give you poems,
They turned out pretty good!


The thirtieth day of May
The doors open on holiday.
Well-known profession
Wonderful in skills.
Year 1802 - oh
Remarkable arc.
This is how welding appeared
And the world got hot.
Welders need to be congratulated
It is not easy for their people to serve.
Their ability to “cook”
Never let you down
Causes admiration
Your luck will not leave you!
Be happy, friends,
We can't do without you!


Welder work for everyone
It is important.
May there always be success in it
And precision, skill, skill.

They will not leave your life
Prosperity, vigor and patience.
And your work is not at all easy
Always brings inspiration!


Proud metal submits to you.
You know the approaches to rafting.
He chose his profession as a welder.
The seams are strong and resistant to welding.

Let them sparkle with bright flames in fate
Health, luck, prosperity!
We wish you a strong welding seam in the family
Love forever sealed!


The profession of a welder is very successful,
This master will always find a job!
He will brew everything both at home and in the country,
Yes, it will not be lost in production.

We congratulate you on this holiday,
We wish you not to get sick or get sick,
Live in this world with a smile
Never forget your beloved friends!


Just think, welding machines...
They will not replace manual labor.
Although people often demand wages,
It took years to test their experience.

Dangers for welders include:
There sparks fly, here the metal is red-hot -
But they still don’t know anything else,
Their temper is too hot.

Keep the brand of the profession important.
Let your colleagues know: no need to joke -
A brave man can work here.
Only a chosen one can weld metals.


You ask the child
"Well, tell me dear,
From various materials
Which one is most important for us?”

And the child will answer you:
“The most important thing is the material,
Which is found everywhere.
Its name is metal.”

And we get along well with metals
Only one specialist
Welder - with a strong hand,
Clear of eye and brain.

In a dark mask, year after year,
Sparing no effort,
He welds sheets of metal,
To make the world more beautiful.


Cook well, welders,
But not borscht or dumplings,
Cook what is for the state
It is definitely important.

We entrusted you with this matter,
By rights, you deserve it,
Brew boldly, proudly, boldly,
You are solidly built from metal.

All your muscles are made of metal
Made of something durable, not made of raw material,
The joints are made of steel,
But there are good hearts in the body.

Please accept our congratulations,
I wish you health and many years to come,
So that your wives are not made of alloys
We prepared a delicious lunch for you.


There are a lot of things to do in the world,
Construction related
Master of welding victories
Will be the most persistent.

He made the designs
Made of metal, strong
He keeps his welding
Holds it tight in action!

We wish you many years to come,
Be happy, healthy,
Never know troubles
Lots of love for you!


Like fabric, you sew metal, -
It’s not for nothing that the fire gave you the heat!

We will come today with congratulations.

You are a worker of a noble profession,
You can weld any metal you want.
Welder, welder - master of fire,
We congratulate you on your day!


You hold an autogen in your hands, -
Quite a clever tool:
Obedient metal melts,
A fountain of sparks is born around.

Happy Welder's Day,
We wish you to have
Good luck and good health,
Like metal you welded.


The welder welds everything in the world,
He's a metal pro
Anything made of metal is blinding,
With "Chanson" playing

He can easily fix the pipeline,
Batteries are just nonsense!
The welder will fix everything everywhere,
Our worker is always sober and cheerful.

Congratulations to the welder...
Peace, happiness and goodness,
We wish you clear weather,
And don't let a spark get into your eye!


Be sure to congratulate the welder
We wish him a happy profession day.
He works so selflessly
The seam is dear to him and we love it.

Suddenly there is a reason for someone
Blunt that the profession is easy.
Well, what if it’s a gas pipeline?
You have to make a seam for sure!

We wish hard work
You were paid in abundance and with interest.
From pieces to make a whole
Not with a trembling hand, with a strong will!

Metal surrounds us everywhere. It is present both in houses and during their construction, in industrial and manufacturing enterprises. Almost no industry can be complete without a welder, because any equipment requires repairs from time to time. In Russia, Welder Day is officially not celebrated. But the employees themselves and their managers understand the value of their work, therefore they have every right to celebrate their personal professional holiday once a year.

When is it celebrated?

The tradition of honoring metal specialists began in the 90s of the last century. And today all of Russia celebrates Welder Day on the last Friday of May. In 2019, the holiday falls on May 31st.

Who's celebrating

The date is celebrated by both young masters of their craft and older professionals. They understand the benefits, responsibility, and necessity of the welding profession. Today they are proud of their importance. Although the event is not official, it is celebrated on a grand scale.

history of the holiday

The profession of a metal specialist appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, when the Russian scientist Vasily Petrov invented welding. By connecting two electrodes, he created an electric arc. The enormous temperature between them melted the metal, allowing the two metal parts to be joined at the molecular level. Soon the organization of societies for the electrical processing of metals began. Welder's Day began to be celebrated at the end of the 20th century.

About the profession of a welder

Without such specialists it is impossible to even imagine any production. This work is very responsible: if the welding is performed poorly, then an accident in a residential building or in production is inevitable. The profession also requires courage and bravery, since sometimes you have to work even in critical conditions.

A lot of time has passed since Vasily Petrov discovered the electric arc, but progress has not stood still. Many different types of welding have appeared:

  • electric welding - joining two metals using an electrode and current;
  • laser - welds parts using a laser;
  • electrobeam - melts metal with a beam of electrons;
  • contact - two electrodes built into the apparatus with different poles, when connected, form spot welding;
  • diffusion - can connect metal and ceramics;
  • gas welding - welding using two gases, acetylene and oxygen, which during combustion creates a temperature at which the metal melts, etc.

Welding is one of the main methods of working with metal. This material surrounds us literally everywhere, so it is impossible to overestimate the work of welders. These are people who are engaged in serious, dangerous, complex and responsible work. They must have high qualifications, a lot of different knowledge and skills, and also good work experience in order to perform their tasks perfectly. To emphasize the importance of such people, a separate holiday was invented. It is celebrated on the last Friday of May.

history of the holiday

It was first celebrated in the nineties of the last century. And the profession itself appeared at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Vasily Petrov, a talented scientist, invented welding by connecting two electrodes, which formed an arc.

The profession associated with metal work quickly began to become popular, and special societies were organized. There was a need to somehow note the significance of this work. As a result, the holiday we are talking about arose. This tradition has survived to this day, but it is not officially established at the state level.

This day is not a day off, but this does not prevent representatives of the profession from actively participating in the celebration process, inventing something on their own and making the celebration useful. The day is of great importance for young masters and experienced professionals.

Metal structures surround people everywhere: construction, industry, agriculture, space technology - not a single area of ​​life can do without the work of a welder. Despite the fact that the holiday is not celebrated at the official level, workers in this area deserve special attention on their professional day.

The professionalism of the welder ensures the reliability, safety and durability of the operation of the most intricate devices, mechanisms and structures. Modern welding is very different from the first welding, which was invented in 1802. Despite the huge leap in progress over centuries, the specialty still requires jewelry precision and skill from the master. Innovative equipment can work wonders, but the main thing in the profession remains the person.


More than seven centuries ago, for the first time in Asia Minor, primitive work was carried out on smelting metal from ore. Then humanity figured out how to make mechanisms by melting iron.

Carrying out the first welding process, the person pursued the following goals:

  • combination of different materials within one object;
  • giving a metal product a certain specified shape;
  • attaching overhead blanks to the main item.

In the 9th – 13th centuries. With the development of metallurgy and metalworking, welding began to progressively gain momentum. In the 19th century, Russian metallurgist P. Anosov invented a hammer and anvil designed for forging iron. In parallel, Russian scientist V. Petrov discovered the electric arc and electric welding.

More than 200 years ago, the first metal welding was carried out. The profession will never lose its relevance and will always be in demand.

Types of modern welding:

  • electric welding - joining metal using an electrode and current;
  • laser welding is carried out by a laser;
  • gas welding: use of acetylene and oxygen;
  • Diffusion welding joins ceramics and steel.

Responsible work requires concentration, courage and courage of a person.


The modern society of welders celebrates the holiday on the last Friday of spring. Traditionally, welding masters have been honored since the late 90s of the last century. Unofficial events are held at enterprises, mutual congratulations are heard from industry workers, and valuable gifts are presented to labor veterans.