10 most harmful foods for human health. Junk food: ketchup, mayonnaise and various sauces. Sweets and baked goods

Top most harmful food products: dangerous additives in their composition, consequences of eating harmful foods.

The good old truth - a person is what he eats, an eternal topic that becomes more and more discussed every year. Overweight, poor health, health problems - all these are consequences poor nutrition, or rather, the consumption of harmful, stuffed dangerous additives products.

We will tell you about the most insidious inventions Food Industry, about those harmful foods that for human body are real poison. In our rating they are presented not by degree of harm, but in random order. One way or another, everyone who cares about their health should reduce the consumption of products from this list to a minimum, or better yet, completely exclude them from their diet.

What foods are harmful to health: top 10 harmful foods

Potatoes by themselves are not a very healthy product. What can we say about chips, in which there is nothing natural at all: only flavorings and synthetic fats, completely saturated with carcinogens, in a shell of dyes and flavor enhancers. Abuse of chips – both potato and corn – can lead to weight problems and cancer. The same can be said for French fries. By the way, almost no one produces chips from potatoes today. Instead they use yeast dough and other mixtures that are extremely harmful to the human body.

Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite, all kinds of lemonades and energy drinks... A small bottle of such a drink is equal to five tablespoons of sugar. Moreover, sugar substitutes are used to produce sweet soda, and they are many times more harmful than white refined sugar. Colored water with bubbles is pure poison, it is a mixture of chemistry, sugar and gases. Is it any wonder that they do not quench your thirst, as the advertisement promises, but they wash off rust, scale and stains without difficulty. Think carefully before putting such a drink into your stomach. Fans of sweet soda run the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, diabetes, problems with the nervous system, heart and liver diseases.

Hamburgers, pasties, belyashi, hot dogs, shawarma and other “delicacies”, firstly, are often prepared from expired or low-quality raw materials, and secondly, they contain a heavy dose of fat, not to mention other chemical additives. Just imagine, one serving of shawarma, according to scientific research, contains a glass (!) of animal fat. It’s good if the oil in which all these “delicacies” are fried is changed at least several times a day. " Fast food“This is a direct path to obesity and diabetes. In addition, fast food is dangerous for the nervous system. American psychiatrists have proven that its regular consumption leads to the destruction of nerve tissue and damage to the brain structure.

There is nothing healthy in all products made from white flour. White flour of the highest grades is a refined, completely purified product, devoid of nutritional fiber. All kinds of loaves, buns, baguettes, so crispy and deliciously smelling, alas, are not full-fledged bread, especially if they are baked from yeast dough. White yeast bread is a direct path to digestive problems, obesity, diabetes and cancer. Try to buy products made from whole grains, without yeast, sugar and other harmful additives.

5. Sugar and salt

White refined sugar, when consumed excessively, provokes dozens of dangerous diseases: obesity, diabetes, cancer, dementia, etc. Abuse of salt contributes to the accumulation of toxins, leads to a decrease in blood pressure and disorders water-salt metabolism in the body, due to excess salt, water is retained in intercellular space, hence the swelling, headaches, lack of energy. Try to always add a little less salt to your food. So, over time, atrophied receptors will get used to natural taste food, and replace sugar with honey or unrefined brown sugar.

6. Alcohol

High calorie content, negative effects on the kidneys and liver... we can talk about the dangers of alcohol for a very long time, even its minimal portions interfere with the absorption of vitamins. Low-alcohol energy drinks are a toxic mixture of alcohol, taurine, caffeine, gases and other additives. The effect they produce on the body is comparable to the effect of drugs. The beer recipe that has existed for centuries - hops, barley malt and water - is now history. Technologies have been invented that make it possible to use various enzymes, rice, corn, wheat, etc. instead of malt to prepare a foamy drink.

7. Sausage products, smoked meats, canned food and semi-finished products

Frankfurters, sausages, sausages and other meat “delicacies” are products in which there is practically no meat, but there is an excess of harmful fats, dyes, and preservatives. In addition, flour, starch, semolina, soy, bacon, water. No less dangerous smoked fish, poultry and sausages. Smoking and adding flavors can turn even stale meat into a culinary masterpiece, so it is better to buy raw meat and cook it yourself. This will save you from malignant tumors, visual and digestive disorders, allergies, headaches, cardiovascular diseases and many other problems. No less dangerous are canned food and frozen semi-finished products - dumplings, pancakes, dumplings, cutlets, pizza. You can't even imagine how far all these dishes are from natural food. This is an explosive mixture of fats, thickeners, preservatives and flavor enhancers.

Mayonnaise homemade, used little by little, will not cause much harm to health. But a store-bought product consisting of trans fats, flavored with flavorings, preservatives, stabilizers and other chemicals is literally life-threatening. Those hated centimeters on your waist are the most harmless problems you can get by eating this high-calorie product. No less harmful are ketchups supposedly made from “real tomatoes” and all kinds of sauces, which often contain even more calories than regular mayonnaise. It is better to replace all these inventions of the food industry with vegetable oil cold pressed or low-fat sour cream.

Lollipops, chewing candies, chocolate bars, chewing gum and store-bought baked goods - high-calorie cakes, waffles, cookies, and pastries are particularly dangerous foods. One piece of this delicacy contains a huge amount of calories in combination with emulsifiers, sugar substitutes, dyes and other harmful additives. Cakes, pastries and other baked goods are not made from natural oil, and from synthetic margarine, absolutely all of its types are solid trans fats in a shell of various “chemicals”, which provoke a huge number of dangerous diseases. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, dementia, dehydration, indigestion, allergic reactions, obesity, cardiovascular diseases - such troubles can result from the abuse of confectionery products. Harmful sweets can be replaced with honey, dried fruits, high-quality dark chocolate, berries and fruits.

The average consumer does not even realize that “cottage cheese” has nothing in common with natural cottage cheese, and “maslitse” is not made from cream at all. “Sour cream”, “yogurt” and many other “dairy” products are made from vegetable fats, water, milk powder and generously flavored with all kinds of “chemicals”. There is no natural yogurt with a shelf life of several months; real milk cannot but go sour for weeks, and many such examples can be given. Today a caring mother will buy her child chocolate cheese, and tomorrow she will pamper her child with yogurt with pieces of fruit, not even suspecting that all these “very healthy” dairy products, as the advertisement assures, are pure poison. And the problems that can arise from their frequent use are numerous - from sleep disturbances to oncology.

Instant coffee, tea bags, crackers, bouillon cubes, soups and noodles instant cooking, dry seasonings, refined white rice, processed cheese, refined vegetable oils, packaged juices - all these products also pose a serious threat to our health.

Dangerous food additives that are present in unhealthy foods not only destroy health, but are also addictive, which is why it is so difficult for us to give them up. Particularly dangerous are the sugar substitute aspartame (E-951) and the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (E-621), as well as E527, E513, E510 and E125.

Gradually getting used to the poisons that come in small portions, the body eventually stops sending a person alarms which are manifested by nausea, skin rashes, dizziness. “Killer products” steal our precious health, piece by piece.

If you want to live a long and full life, if you value the health of your children, try to give them up!

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. And be happy!

Food is the main source of nutrients for humans, but there are also foods that do much more harm than good. Among them there are also obvious ones, such as fried foods, which cause a lot of harm to the liver, and sweets, without which most cannot live a day. No, of course, their moderate consumption will not cause negative consequences, but if they are regular members of your diet, then be prepared for the accumulation of harmful substances that will deal a decisive blow to your internal organs. To avoid this, study the rating of the 12 most delicious and harmful food products for human health, and be sure to think about the prospects for your own health.

Rating of harmful products:

Harmful product No. 12: Low-fat yoghurts and curd desserts

Despite the enormous popularity of these products in various diets for weight loss, yoghurts and desserts contain the lion's share of carbohydrates in the form of starch, sugar and sweetener. This is how the manufacturer “compensates” for the content of fats in the product, which are completely absent there, and makes it into a supposedly “healthy”, but in fact harmful product. But consumers often don’t think about the fact that these foods can lead to obesity, thanks to their high carbohydrate content and food additives that inhibit metabolic processes in the body.

Harmful product No. 11: Canned food and sprats

Many residents of remote areas have no other way to purchase fish, since there are no reservoirs nearby, and imported frozen seafood has exorbitant prices. However, canned fish does much more harm than good, because to preserve the taste for such long term a lot of harmful food additives, stabilizers, preservatives are used, which regular use disrupt metabolism. Manufacturers often use benzopyrene, a harmful and dangerous substance, which can cause cancer.

Harmful product No. 10: Sausages and sausages

The favorite dish for snacks and sandwiches breaks all records for fat content on the list of unhealthy foods. Paying attention to the composition, you will notice that the amount of protein is three to four times less than the fat content, because for the sake of economy, manufacturers do not use high-quality meat, but waste, including pork skins and animal bones, to make it all tasty, they add various stabilizers, taste and smell enhancers, as well as preservatives. Regular consumption of sausages threatens obesity and the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which significantly impairs heart function.

Harmful product No. 9: Popcorn

Popcorn is much more dangerous than it might seem at first glance. Roasted corn itself is harmless and useless, but the situation changes when, during their preparation, flavorings, flavor enhancers, caramelizers, oil, salt and sugar are added to them, which force them to consume more and more more product, and with it a huge amount of calories, and the salty version contains a huge dose of sodium chloride, which, if consumed frequently, can disrupt kidney function and cause heart problems vascular system. So next time, better take some peanuts or apples with you to the cinema.

Harmful product No. 8: Sugary carbonated drinks and juices

Sweet carbonated drinks and juices not only contain absolutely no useful substances, but are also unable to quench thirst, but on the contrary, only cause it. For example, the well-known and beloved Coca-Cola, in addition to loading dose sugar contains dyes, caffeine, phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide, which together simply kill the body from the inside: they wash away calcium, corrode mucous membranes and promote the deposition of fat. A person who drinks a can of cola must run about 5 km to burn off all the calories he got from the drink. In addition, soda contains the sweetener aspartame, which, when broken down, turns into toxins. As for store-bought juices, in addition to high content all the same sugar, they contain absolutely nothing useful.

Harmful product No. 7: Chocolate bars, candies and lollipops

Obesity, oncology, diabetes, dental problems, allergies... This is not a complete list of diseases that you can acquire by regularly eating chocolate bars and candies. They are record owners of easily digestible sugar, which is absolutely useless from the outside. nutritional value and very harmful. In addition, all these sweets include emulsifiers, sweeteners, sweeteners, thickeners, antioxidants, etc. If you really like to eat sweets, we recommend replacing these harmful products to sweet but healthy ones, such as honey and dried fruits, because they contain vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

Harmful product No. 6: Mayonnaise and ketchup

It’s simply scary to look at the composition of mayonnaise and ketchup packets sold in supermarkets, because there you can find a huge list of harmful substances that deceive the brain and force you to eat this harmful product more and more. Regular consumption of ketchups and mayonnaises leads to serious illnesses stomach and intestines, as well as obesity and a tendency to allergies. In addition, these products are saturated with carcinogenic substances (the same ones that cause cancer).

Harmful product No. 5: Instant noodles

For today's crazy pace of life, mashed potatoes and instant noodles seem ideal option. But with regular consumption of such unhealthy food, our body’s metabolism is disrupted. After all, the body seems to receive the necessary calories, only useful material in these products are reduced to zero, which means that the feeling of hunger will very soon make itself felt again. Such harmful products contain solid dyes, preservatives, thickeners, flavor enhancers and stabilizers, which provoke liver destruction, the formation of kidney stones, and gastrointestinal tract, allergies, cancer and even nervous disorders.

Harmful product No. 4: Store-bought baked goods with trans fats

It is worth remembering that almost all baked goods sold in stores (cakes, buns, pastries, cookies), in addition to harmful preservatives, additives, dyes and large amounts of sugar, are stuffed with margarine and trans fats that are hazardous to health. Therefore, try to replace store-bought baked goods with homemade ones or carefully study the composition of the purchased baked goods.

Harmful product No. 3: Semi-finished products - nuggets, cutlets, steaks

What could be simpler and faster than preparing semi-finished products? Such temptingly tasty and beautiful fish fingers, cutlets and steaks, pre-deep-fried, contain preservatives, monosodium glutamate and trans fats. We have already discussed what the consumption of the above substances leads to. Do you still want to make your life easier by buying convenience foods?

Harmful product No. 2: Hamburgers and hot dogs

Hamburgers and hot dogs are ranked second on the list of the most unhealthy foods. Quick snacks like hamburgers, which happen so often during work, can cause enormous damage to the body. White high-glycemic bread, synthetic yeast, palm oil, soy, “e-shki”, stabilizers and synthetic dyes, this list can be continued indefinitely, and the cutlet is made from very dubious meat. In addition, stabilizers and additives that contain buns with cutlets or sausages irritate the gastric mucosa, causing a feeling of hunger and forcing you to consume more food than necessary. Having received a huge amount of energy from transgenic fats, we must get rid of it as quickly as possible, but the majority simply return to workplace, where he sits motionless and earns himself excess weight.

Harmful product No. 1: French fries and chips

French fries and chips have become the leader of the list of the most harmful foods. They contain huge amounts of monosodium glutamate, which disrupts metabolism and leads to cancer. The same effects are caused by trans fats, which are also rich in chips and French fries. Just imagine the amount of oil in which these products are fried. But vegetable oil, when frying, automatically turns into a dangerous carcinogen (a substance cancer-causing). The main danger represents the additive E-621, which disrupts the functioning of taste buds, deforming nervous system, thereby causing food addiction. Drugs that can turn even outright slag into the most Tasty food, have already reached the food industry.

Food is the only way for the body to obtain all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, useful minerals, vitamins, and harmful substances including. Many substances actually have a detrimental effect on cellular level, others, such as fats and sugars, are necessary for the body and have a bad effect only in cases of illness, excessive consumption and various syndromes. It is possible to divide products into harmful and useful only conditionally, if their production does not use harmful additives that are obviously dangerous. Here is a list of harmful products for your health, descending rating - from “naively” harmful to the most dangerous carcinogens. So, the top 10 products by harmfulness:


Chocolate makes its debut in the top 10 most unhealthy foods. And what's wrong with him? In general, everything is the same with it if it is made from cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar, except for white, which does not contain cocoa. In general, chocolate is contraindicated for diabetics and people with overweight, and allergy sufferers, as well as those who can’t stop – are ready to eat it endlessly. Excessive consumption of chocolate is fraught with impaired carbohydrate metabolism due to increased blood glucose, insomnia (because it contains caffeine and theobromine), and caries. Chocolate is recommended to be taken before mental or physical activity, when bad mood. In any case, before buying, pay attention to the composition, if the chocolate does not contain cocoa in large quantities, although 50-60%, then it is not chocolate.

Sponge cakes and rolls in packages

The cupcakes and sponges on the supermarket shelves are not cupcakes or cakes. Pay attention to the lifespan, composition, and behavior of an open cake: it does not dry out, does not harden, or mold. Even though this biscuit dough, any baked goods are stored for a maximum of a day or three, then the “mold” begins to eat it instead of you, and actively multiplies on the surface and inside the product. Let’s assume that the E422 additive is added to the cake – no big deal, because it’s just glycerin, which is added everywhere to factory baked goods to prevent rapid drying out. Glycerin does not cause any particular harm, only people with diseases are not recommended to use it, but the fact that the cupcakes do not mold is already worse, especially if it contains butter, which simply should not be in a biscuit. In general, muffins and sponge cakes are very high-calorie foods, so they are not recommended for consumption by people with problems excess weight.


Mayonnaise when consumed within daily norm healthy people are harmless only if it is natural, made from oil, eggs, without adding thickeners, dyes (beta-carotene), flavor enhancers and other unnecessary additives. By the way, 100 grams of high-calorie mayonnaise satisfies daily requirement in fats. A participant in the top of the most harmful products for the figure will be an “unnatural” factory-produced product, while natural mayonnaise will be left to the mercy of nutritionists who scream about the dangers of mayonnaise. So, what's harmful about “unnatural” mayonnaise? All! Firstly, mayonnaise is prepared exclusively from eggs, vegetable oil, salt, lemon or vinegar, and you can add mustard - you get Provençal. That is, if you see something different in the composition, this is an “unnatural” product that is 100% harmful to health, because it most likely contains stabilizers, flavor enhancers, starches, dyes, emulsifiers - all this clearly will not improve your well-being. If you are not overweight, then simply do not consume large quantities of mayonnaise (only natural), and you will not be in any danger.


An honorable seventh place in the ranking of the most harmful food products in 2018 is awarded to “cracker” snacks. Crackers contain quite a lot of minerals, trace elements, and fiber - this is the only plus. As a rule, the snack “crackers” is advertised with beer, or simply to satisfy hunger, having a snack on an empty stomach, which is highly not recommended even for healthy people without gastritis, although in fact you shouldn’t even smell it this product. Why are crackers dangerous: firstly, they contain a “bucket” of glutamate and chemically synthesized flavors that imitate “bacon”, “red caviar” and other expensive goods, which actually have zero in the composition - they are not there; Secondly, a large number of added spices causes increased acidity in the stomach, so never consume this harmful product on an empty stomach; thirdly, the presence of the additive E220 or sulfur dioxide in the composition - a toxic ingredient causes the destruction of proteins and vitamins in the body, plus there is a group of people at risk in whom this additive causes allergies, pulmonary edema, and asthma attacks.

Instant noodles

We all know that noodles are harmful, but we still eat them. In fact, regular consumption of instant noodles can be compared to the recklessness of “drug addicts”; it is precisely because of the addiction it causes that noodles are included in the ranking of the most harmful products. What harm does noodles cause?

  • it contains the lion's share of sodium guanylate (E627) and sodium inosinate together in a binder with monosodium glutamate - these are all taste enhancers that are addictive, and in some people headache and asthma attacks;
  • the second packet of oil is pure trans fat - a source of real health problems, a kind of ticket to two doctors at once: a cardiologist and a nutritionist.
  • any noodles, regardless of the manufacturer, contain propylene glycol to give the product its shape, by the way, this Chemical substance used for disinfection of premises, and in production plastic bags, as a plasticizer. Bon appetit!

Corn sticks

A favorite product among children, it ranks fifth in the ranking of the most harmful foods for children. Sweet corn sticks are considered especially harmful, because... they usually do not contain beet or cane sugar for several reasons: first, crystalline sugar or powdered sugar melts at a temperature of 150+ degrees Celsius, which may exclude the possibility of using natural sugar in production technology; secondly, it is much cheaper to use a sweetener. Harm corn sticks: as a rule, the original raw material loses after heat treatment healthy vitamins A, E and beta-carotene, only vegetable proteins remain; the composition contains stabilizers, flavors, flavor enhancers and sweeteners; often leads to increased gas formation; the sticks “melt” in the mouth, become sticky and thick, ending up in places inaccessible to toothbrushes, resulting in caries.

Red caviar and fish with the addition of methenamine

In fact, neither the first nor the second food product is harmful to humans, but, on the contrary, brings enormous benefits to the body, only if the manufacturer has not added methenamine. In general, since July 2010, this additive has been included in the list of prohibited additives in Russia, but this point of view is not shared by all countries, so you should pay attention to the composition if canned food is brought from abroad. Typically, methenamine has its own serial number in the classification of food additives - E239. This supplement It is still used in Russia to grow certain types of yeast fungi. So, why is it harmful: when it enters the body, it is absorbed into the blood, then, reaching the kidneys, methenamine decomposes into formaldehyde, which “twists” proteins, especially bacterial ones - this effect is used in medicine in the treatment genitourinary diseases, but with constant use, formaldehyde causes harm to the body, reminiscent of the harm of regular use of antibiotics. It affects the nervous system, provokes cancer, depresses the kidneys, liver, lungs - this is not all, but the most important thing. By the way, “dry fuel” is made from hexamine.

Sugar substitute

A sweetener is one member of the list of harmful products that people should absolutely not consume, especially those who are not on low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diets, and are not diabetics (because they simply have no other choice), and here’s why: first, sweetener is a carcinogen, i.e. a product that increases the likelihood of cancer; second, sweeteners often cause allergies, or rather, more often than regular beet sugar; third, it does not contain carbohydrates - this, on the one hand, is good for some categories of people, but on the other hand, it deceives the body, which, having sensed the sweet, is “already ready” to break down carbohydrates, but that was not the case... There are different sweeteners, aspartame is considered the most dangerous. Do not use it under any circumstances, because... it breaks down at a temperature of +30 degrees (in the mouth) into formaldehyde, methanol and phenylalanine - strong carcinogens, provocateurs of nausea, vomiting and other problems in the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to use xylitol or sorbine - they are safer.

Fried potatoes, French fries and chips

Potatoes fried in oil join the list of unhealthy foods for your figure. Excess weight is not the worst thing that happens to the body when eating fast food fries and chips, which are successfully added with a legal “drug” - monosodium glutamate. It is because of him that those who have at least once cooked French fries at home noticed that under no circumstances, even after pouring a ton of spices, can you get this unforgettable taste potatoes served in restaurants fast food. So, why are fried potatoes harmful: first, they are very high in calories, saturated with fats and carbohydrates - no healthy proteins; the second is trans fats that appear in oils plant origin under the influences high temperatures. The latter, in turn, are very dangerous to health for several reasons: they disrupt metabolism, cause obesity, increase cholesterol levels in the blood, cause atherosclerosis, lead to blood clots - clogging blood vessels, negatively affect testosterone levels in men, reducing its production and etc.

Monosodium glutamate

Monosodium glutamate has been used for over a century as a food additive and flavor enhancer. Monosodium glutamate was first used to enhance the taste of meat in Asia, in Japan, but later it was noticed that the miracle additive enhances the taste of anything. Since then, resourceful entrepreneurs and businessmen have taken advantage of the human weakness for delicious food, and began to shove it into everything they could, including chips, crackers, hamburgers, etc.

In general, monosodium glutamate is natural component, found in beets, shrimp, and even synthesized by the human body.

According to some reports, glutamate was previously considered completely safe and even useful for people suffering from anorexia syndromes, apathy towards food or even lack of appetite due to various diseases, because glutamate awakens the appetite, food seems “divinely” tasty. And everything would have been fine if resourceful entrepreneurs, trying to reduce losses on the extraction of glutamate from natural products, had not again “scratched their heads” and began to “synthesize” artificial glutamate, naturally, not without the help of chemists. This was precisely the turning point, after which the world’s “minds” became concerned about the harm “ psychological dependence» to glutamate-flavored foods.

So first of all, synthetic analogue calls " drug addiction“- consumers stop enjoying the natural taste, secondly, this unforgettable, incomparable taste remains in the memory for life, thirdly, atrophy of taste buds occurs, fourthly, pregnant women suffer - the toxin enters the child’s body in the womb . And this is not the entire list side effects with regular use of products containing this supplement.

The manufacturer, sometimes, in the composition of his product “encrypts” glutamate from “dunnos”, I officially call it the E621 additive. That is why E621 ranks first in the ranking of the most harmful products for humans.

We would all like to eat right, to please ourselves with tasty and at the same time healthy, nutritious food. But what about us, the inhabitants? modern world, in which supermarket shelves are filled with colorful packages of chemical-laden products? Their advertising promises us health, while common sense tells us that there is something wrong with this.

How do we know what to cook for breakfast and what to snack on? What to buy in the store, and what is it better to resolutely refuse? What products are better to immediately throw in the trash, despite the fact that they are actively advertised and many people use them in their diet with joy and appetite? Let's find out!

Unfortunately, the food industry of the 21st century has moved so far forward that it has ceased to be a food industry. Enhancing the flavor and increasing the shelf life of foods makes them a great product but a bad food. We think the burgers and fries are so delicious! But we have no idea what happens to our body after we dine on them.

Some studies show that foods with preservatives and chemical additives shorten life and cause serious illnesses, worsen the condition of the skin and appearance. At the same time, our lives develop in such a way that we cannot completely eliminate harmful products. But you can always try to reduce your consumption. dangerous food. This is the key to your future health!

List of dangerous products

So, here is the top 10 most undesirable foods for our body.


Chips take an honorable first place. It's a miracle chemical industry contains such an unfortunate combination of fats and carbohydrates in the most incredible concentrations that your liver goes into shock.

This is not to mention harmful ingredients, flavor enhancers and much more. How far is this delicious product departed from its ancestor - ordinary finely chopped potatoes, fried until crisp. Yes, that's exactly what the first chips were.

Let's look at the composition modern version of this product:

Ingredients Short description
Monosodium glutamate, sodium inosinate, sodium guanylate

Thanks to these additives we feel such a bright taste of the final product. Studies have shown that the substances do not cause health problems if consumed within reasonable limits.

Exceeding doses can cause loss of vision, problems with the retina, excess weight gain, and have a hepatotoxic effect on the body.

Synthetic flavors They cannot be classified as particularly harmful substances, but they can still have some negative effects on the human body. Some of them have a toxic effect and destroy the liver.
Wheat, corn or rice flour Common ingredients that are obtained by grinding the grains of certain cereals. They do not cause harm to the body.
Soy protein The danger comes precisely from the type of soy from which the protein was extracted. Most often it is GMO.
Blend of starches It is converted into glucose in the body, and in excess leads to obesity and weight problems.
Vegetable oil It is difficult to check the quality of oil, including the presence harmful impurities, carcinogens.

There seems to be no trace of them natural food. The result is obesity, intestinal diseases, increased risk of cancer.

Fast food

Fast food gets a silver medal on this list. Manufacturers assure us that the burgers are made from the freshest ingredients. You can believe it, so be it! But why do they contain so many stupefying flavorings and flavor enhancers, dyes and preservatives?

In addition, for example, French fries are cooked in oil, which boils for quite a long time. Known fact that it turns into a deadly product.

The following image clearly shows the harmful effects of such food on the body:


Energy drinks are not just a bullet to the liver, but a real bomb. This is an incredible “bouquet” of caffeine, a shock dose of sugar, gases and chemistry. Add to the consequences at least problems with the intestines and stomach and you get one of the most harmful products.

Let's look at the composition that can be found in almost any energy drink:

Ingredients Short description
Purified sparkling water One of the few harmless ingredients in the product.
Sugar You want to drink more and more drinks with sugar, but your thirst is not quenched. This combination can cause obesity.
Citric acid, sodium citrate Used to regulate the acidity of the drink.
Taurine Improves energy and metabolic processes. Widely used in various dietary supplements.
Natural flavors In most cases, with normal dosages, no harmful effects on the body are observed.
Potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate,

They are preservatives. Thanks to them, the drink can be stored for a long time and not disappear. Potassium sorbate is considered one of the safest food preservatives.

Sodium benzoate can accumulate in the body and have passive harmful effects. Unfortunately, there are no more specific studies that could put everything in its place.

Koefin Has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. May cause mild dependence with prolonged use.
Dyes Depending on the type and amount of dyes, the drink can have a negative effect on the body varying degrees. They can cause allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis and other unpleasant health problems.
Guarana extract The additive is often used in sports nutrition. The body's tonic abilities are clearly expressed.


It’s worth noting right away that the drink that you prepare yourself from natural ingredients is not harmful.

At this point we will look at lemonade as a food industry drink that is produced in factories. This includes other carbonated and sweet drinks.

Refreshing lemonade turns out to be not so refreshing after all. If you trace the chemical reactions that it triggers in the body, you can become despondent.

But we won’t be discouraged, it’s better to limit our consumption of this drink! It contains specific flavoring substances that can trigger panic disorders, depressive states.

And the combination of gases and sweets, unique in its negative impact on the body, is simply a bomb for our acid-base balance.

Smoked meats

Smoked meats, beloved by many, are a storehouse of carcinogens. Don't believe me? Ask the chemists. After all, you don’t want to get sick like everyone else?

If you think that this is an exaggerated danger, because everyone eats smoked meats, then remember how much the level of health has decreased these days. This means that the thesis “everyone eats, and I will eat” is better to reconsider.


Cute sausages, juicy sausages and other offal, including sausage, are also far from beneficial for our body.

Manufacturers add quite a large amount of fat to them, pork skin, as well as dangerous phenolic compounds.

Look at the label of any similar product. There are a lot of additives that can cause irreparable harm health.

All-natural products cost two or even three times more than those that can be found on the shelves in the nearest supermarket.


Margarine is the king of dangerous fats. After all, of course, you know that not all fats are healthy? Bad fats destroy metabolism, and the reason for this is the consumption of margarine.

Remember also that many culinary masterpieces - pastries and cakes - are made using margarine. If you want to drink tea with a cake, first think about your liver... Maybe it’s better to take an apple?

Canned food

Canned food makes life much easier for anyone who is in a hurry and doesn’t want to waste time on cooking. Comfortable? Still would. However, canned food also shortens life and reduces health. They contain the most harmful carcinogens for the body.

This is to say nothing of the fact that there are quite frequent cases when buyers of such products find various bonuses inside the cans in the form of cockroaches or mice.

Ice cream

Unfortunately, this list also includes ice cream: it contains a huge number of flavors. In addition, the combination of milk and sugar is generally not very safe. It has a very negative effect on metabolism.

If you love this product, then it's worth saving up for an ice cream machine. In this case, you can independently control the quality and safety of the components.


Crackers don't do any good. We are, of course, talking about those crackers that have different flavors - from jellied meat to smoked fish - and are sold in colorful packaging.

The fat in which they are fried causes many complaints from nutritionists. And the concentration of harmful additives is simply off the charts. Below is the composition of standard crackers (ingredients that have a pronounced harmful influence to your health):

What can replace these popular products?

Of course, homemade products! Cook yourself, don't be lazy.

Make it a rule not to buy sausages, but rather buy good, fresh meat at the farmers market. You should also not visit a fast food cafe; it is better to go to a canteen or a good cafe.

You can make lemonade yourself; it will be great if you use honey and not sugar. And without ice cream, canned food and energy drinks you can get by altogether. Eat vegetables, buy fruits and be cheerful and healthy!

All of the products listed above can and should be prepared by yourself according to well-known recipes without adding harmful additives. Of course, the taste will not be as bright as that of “industrial” products, however, the body will thank you.

We will provide you with the following table to help you make the right choice:

Harmful product Useful replacement
Sausage Baked meat
Vegetable oil Olive oil(cold pressed)
Coffee Herb tea
Store-bought mayonnaise A mixture of low-fat sour cream, mustard and lemon juice
Canned fruits Frozen fruit
Seasonings (such as instant noodles) Natural spices, herb sets
Cream Almond milk
Sugar Fructose
White rice Wild rice
Chips Homemade potatoes, finely chopped and fried until crisp
Yeast bread Sprouted grains
Fabricated, semi-finished products Self-prepared “snacks” from natural ingredients.

We all know that there are harmful and healthy foods, but according to some unwritten law, we most often choose the former. It turns out to be tastier and more affordable. In this article we will look at the top most harmful food products, find out how their consumption threatens our body, and what additives are included in this or that ingredient.

French fries and chips

Unfortunately, all the most pleasant things in this life are either immoral, or against the law, or necessarily lead to obesity. Potatoes cooked in oil do not violate moral standards or the law, but, including a huge dose of fat and starch, they invariably lead to the addition of extra pounds if such a dish is made part of the daily diet.

Well, even if such unhealthy foods only contributed to weight gain, they also cause irreparable damage to health. Do not forget that chips, for example, are not only potatoes, but also a mixture of starches and genetically modified soybeans. Add to this “healthy” list those additives that give the taste of bacon, sour cream, paprika, cheese, etc., and you will get a real “bouquet” of components, which are indicated on the packs with the letter E. These are flavorings and all kinds of flavor enhancers. Manufacturers especially often use the additive E-621, monosodium glutamate, when making such “delicacies.” The toxin is able to affect our nervous system in such a way that the dish not only seems tasty, but you want to eat it again and again. A kind of addiction is formed.

The most unhealthy foods include French fries on the list. To prepare it, the tubers are cut into slices, doused with steam (for a crispy effect), frozen, and then sent to the places where the dish will be prepared. And in the special establishments that we love to visit, the slices are cooked in oil. A few words must also be said about the quality of the latter. Firstly, this is not just one oil, but a whole mixture of extremely harmful products. Secondly, it is expensive, so it is used not for one or two days, but for about a week, sometimes even longer. During this time, acrylamide, acrolein, and glycidamide appear in it - carcinogens that cause the formation of cancerous tumors.

Doctors are trying in every possible way to explain to people that they should not eat foods that are harmful to health, in particular chips and french fries. The problem is not only that you will not be able to button your pants, but that your cholesterol level will increase, plaque will form in the blood vessels, the risk of heart attack or stroke will increase, and malignant formations. Of course, this may not happen, but why take the risk of eating foods that are harmful to your health?

Hot dogs, burgers and other similar “joys”

All the consequences described above can be safely attributed to such sandwiches. However, here the matter, in addition to cooking in oil, is also aggravated by the “meat” component. In order for such protein to be present in cafes and other fast food establishments in unlimited quantities, all pigs, cows, birds, and fish are raised using industrial methods. They are added to food special feed, anabolic steroids, thanks to which the animal grows in record time. What does this mean for us?

Due to the regular consumption of such products, our body will subsequently not react in any way to taking antibiotics when we get sick. Compared to this, cholesterol and calories don’t seem so bad, right?

Further more. Now add soy to the rather dubious protein (where would we be without it?), glutamate and other components from the E line (preservatives, dyes, stabilizers). Did you think that the cutlet turns out beautiful and tasty thanks to the cooks who don’t leave the stove and put their whole soul into the dish? Not at all. Harmful additives in food products from the E series irritate the gastrointestinal tract, increase appetite, we want to eat a burger again and again. The stomach increases in size and “demands” the continuation of the banquet. Take better at home bun, cutlet and other ingredients, prepare the sandwich yourself. Of course, these are also harmful foods. But they will only contribute to the appearance of extra pounds, but will not saturate your body with carcinogens.

Canned food and sausage

Unfortunately, the unhealthy foods we are considering include canned food and sausages, which are loved by many. All the “meat nightmares” described above could also be attributed to sausage, but on the condition that it was made only from meat. There are also other components, the so-called hidden fats. No matter how much the manufacturer insists that his sausages consist only of natural and high-quality products, you should know that these are only skins, cartilage, skin, lard, etc. Now add soybeans to this list, of which the product contains at least 30%. What else harmful substances do foods of this type contain? Of course, all kinds of stabilizers, thickeners, all sorts of terrible dyes, flavors, taste enhancers. This is the approximate composition of any sausage product, regardless of the manufacturer and price of the product.

And any canned food is a so-called dead product. The nutritional suitability of such a “delicacy” is preserved solely thanks to a whole set of “E-shek”, sugar, salt, acetic acid. For comparison: a person needs to consume 5-10 g of salt per day, and 100 g of a canned product contains 15 g. So decide for yourself whether to eat such harmful food products.

Instant puree and noodles

What do bagged food manufacturers suggest we eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Their arsenal includes shrimp, beef, mushrooms, chicken, “almost” spaghetti, sauces and other “delicacies”. The most unhealthy foods are those that are quick to prepare. Of course, this is very convenient - pour boiling water over the mixture, wait a couple of minutes, and get the so-called risotto or Italian pasta in a plastic cup. And sometimes with cheese too! In reality, we get a real mix of additives and zero benefits. With regular consumption of such “compound feed”, the body remains deceived. What's really going on? He seems to have received food and calories, but there is so little useful and necessary content in it that he soon begins to send signals to help the brain - he needs food again. Here it is worth indicating all the “assistants” of the manufacturer, which he does not forget (and sometimes “forgets”) to mention on the packaging.

  1. Preservatives. They can cause liver damage, cancer, intestinal disorders, food allergies, kidney stones, pressure disorder, oxygen starvation and so on. If you see the letter E with numbers from 200 to 290 on the packaging, avoid such a product.
  2. Thickeners and stabilizers. They give a homogeneous consistency to the product, but at the same time they can provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and cancer (E 400-476, E 249-252, E 1404-1450, and also E 575-585).
  3. Emulsifiers. They can bring nothing but stomach upset and cancer (E 470-495, E 322-442)
  4. Antioxidants. Harmful food products also contain an additive that can cause kidney, liver, and allergies (E 320-321, E 300-312).
  5. Food colorings. They give the product an appetizing appearance, and humans - gastrointestinal ailments, nervous disorders, kidney and liver diseases (E-579, E 100-180, E-585).
  6. Flavor enhancers. The harmful food products, the list of which we are studying, “deceive” our body thanks to such an additive. It can cause brain damage and nervous disorders (E 620-637).

Ketchup and mayonnaise

Considering the rating of unhealthy food products, we cannot help but talk about these “delicacies”. We are accustomed to the fact that these “miracle sauces” are constant companions of the above-mentioned dishes. Thus, the body of each of us receives a “double benefit”. Even if you eat homemade healthy dishes, then such sauces can turn them into poison. Ketchup, for example, in addition to emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives, contains chemical dyes and just a huge dose of sugar. After all, people quite rightly say that with ketchup, even the most tasteless, and sometimes even lost, dish becomes completely edible. Of course, such training perfectly hides or masks unpleasant odors.

Mayonnaise is human enemy No. 1! Any list of the most unhealthy foods will definitely include it. Mayonnaise contains so-called trans fats - isomers of those fatty acids that can deceive the human body. It is built into the biomembranes of our cells instead of the necessary omega acids. Transconfigurations can provoke atherosclerosis, oncogenesis, and the appearance of diabetes mellitus. Eating mayonnaise significantly reduces immunity - because the enzymes that protect our body cannot perform their functions normally. The packaging into which the product is poured also poses a significant danger. The vinegar contained in mayonnaise has a superpower to absorb all carcinogenic substances from the packaging. And you yourself know where they will end up.

Lollipops, chocolate bars, chewing candies

These are very harmful food products for children, who cannot live even a day without such “yummy food.” In order not to develop cancer, diabetes, allergies, dental problems, osteoporosis and other “delights”, a person can consume 50 g of sugar per day (this is the maximum). To give you a better idea, let's say that this is approximately 10 teaspoons. However, it is a mistake to count only the amount that we add to coffee or tea. An additional portion of glucose awaits us in other products, such as ketchup or yogurt. And in many others. Read the information on the packaging of any product, namely the amount of carbohydrates it contains, and you will understand how much more sugar you consume daily.

Now imagine that almost every day you additionally eat all sorts of chocolate bars, caramels, cakes, etc., the sugar content in which is simply off the charts. By the way, in terms of trans fat content (we talked about them above), pastries and cakes are equal to mayonnaise!

These sweets have huge glycemic indices, which means our body absorbs the sugar they contain almost instantly. But there is no benefit! Moreover, such attractive glazed sweets, lollipops, and chewing marmalade are generally difficult to classify as “food products.” This is a mixture of dyes, thickeners, stabilizers and other nasty things that we use every day, and even buy for children.

Sweet sparkling water and juices

In this situation, it is very appropriate to remember cola, without which many cannot imagine life. Do you remember how much sugar you should consume per day? So, one liter of this drink contains 112 grams! Moreover, add caffeine, phosphoric acid, dyes, carbon dioxide and imagine that all this is only in a drink that seems so tasty.

If you prefer light sodas, know that this is far from beneficial for your figure, but additional carcinogens that are very harmful to health. Also, any carbonated drink disrupts metabolism and provokes the appearance of cellulite.

If we are aware of sodas from all sides, then for some reason we consider juices from boxes to be healthy. However, in terms of quality they can be compared with soda. The only thing that's not here is carbon dioxide. On the other hand, such juices also do not contain the vitamins necessary dietary fiber and everything for which we buy these “gifts of nature.”


Corn as a separate product will not bring anything bad to health. Of course, it contains starch, carbohydrates, and a considerable amount of calories, but it also contains fiber, vitamins, magnesium, iron, and others useful microelements. Why then do we include popcorn in the list called “10 unhealthy foods”? And all because “helpers” appear - oil, flavorings, caramelizers, dyes, etc. Hence the increase in pressure and disruption of the functioning of many organs.


Irreversible damage to the cerebral cortex, oncological diseases, liver problems, genetic mutations- it would seem that we are all very familiar with this list of consequences, which can be continued ad infinitum. What about the quality of life? Not only do people who regularly drink such drinks live 10 years less, but also endless health problems, depression, and mental disorders haunt them. What about accidents and suicides while intoxicated? Everywhere you look there are only disadvantages. In addition, alcohol contains a huge amount of calories and interferes with the body's ability to absorb vitamins. Do you need this?

Low-fat and low-calorie foods

Curd desserts, yoghurts, mayonnaises with the so-called lack of fat seem healthy products, helping to maintain your figure and enjoy delicious dishes. In fact, the small amount of fat in such products is more than compensated by an increase in the amount of starch and sugar, the “benefits” of which we have already mentioned.

Strange as it may sound, but constant use Such products will inevitably lead to the appearance of extra pounds. Nutritional supplements do not give metabolic processes proceed as expected in the body. Don’t forget about the psychological aspect - knowing that the product is low in fat, you will eat more than one serving. As a result, there will be no satiation, no benefit, no remorse.

By the way, calcium from such low-fat foods is not absorbed by the body at all! And many vitamins dissolve before reaching their destination. As you can see, there is zero benefit. We should also dispel the myth about beneficial bacteria, which live in yoghurts, and when they get to the intestines, they restore complete order there. This is a move by advertisers! Yes, such bacteria exist, but expensive products, the shelf life of which cannot be more than 3 days. Is this what you use? It’s better to buy all the ingredients and prepare the dish yourself. There are benefits for you and no extra calories. We hope you will take care of your health and avoid consuming all the foods described in our article. Good health to you!