What are the causes of sticky discharge in women?

Proper functioning of the female reproductive system implies the presence of constant discharge, the nature of which may vary depending on many factors. For example, sticky ones or before approaching ovulation are a variant of the norm, if they do not have an unpleasant odor or other symptoms of infection.

Any woman should closely monitor possible changes in her body, since her health and the ability to bear a child without complications, which often occur with undetected pathologies, depend on this genitourinary system. In order to diagnose the disease in time or, conversely, not to panic empty space, you need to know the main symptoms indicating the presence of diseases of the female genital organs and be able to distinguish them from the natural manifestations of a healthy reproductive system.

Natural causes

TO natural reasons, at which appear sticky discharge from the vagina can primarily be attributed to a change in phase menstrual cycle. Usually, shortly before ovulation, a woman experiences symptoms that have no odor. Their characteristic feature lies in its special ductility. Using your fingers you can easily stretch them a few centimeters. It is by these secretions that many determine the presence ovulatory cycle in principle, which helps in planning the conception of a child. Sometimes red streaks of blood may appear, indicating that the follicle has ruptured, from which an egg ready for fertilization has emerged.

At the moment when ovulation has already occurred, women’s discharge most often changes in color, becoming milky, and because of this they are called leucorrhoea. Normally, their consistency becomes thicker and more viscous. Despite the fact that yellow discharge in most cases indicates the presence of pathological changes in the genitourinary area, during ovulation, leucorrhoea with a faint yellow tint is acceptable.

Soon after the end of ovulation, the time of scanty sticky in women begins, which will continue until the onset of menstruation. In addition, there are a number of other reasons natural secretions of various nature:

  • pregnancy (especially the first trimester);
  • natural lubrication of the vaginal walls, preventing them from drying out;
  • sexual arousal;
  • detachment and release of dead uterine epithelial cells;
  • stress;
  • hormonal treatment or use of oral contraceptives.

The cause of white sticky discharge can also be the natural cleansing of the uterus, during which clear slime and, passing through the cervical canal, connects with vaginal lubrication.

Signs of pathology

Sometimes vaginal discharge can signal the development of various serious illnesses genitourinary system, and in some cases even the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms(for example, polyps).

When to see a doctor:

  • vaginal discharge is accompanied by itching of the external genitalia;
  • during sexual intercourse there is a burning sensation and pain;
  • against the background of a change in the consistency of vaginal discharge, pain appeared in the urethra during urination;
  • the discharge has acquired a sharp, unpleasant odor that does not go away even after systematic hygiene procedures;
  • sudden onset of pain in lower section abdomen, which intensifies during menstruation.

Characteristic diseases

There are a lot of gynecological diseases that can cause sticky, odorless discharge. Wherein this symptom, perhaps the most uninformative. But still it occurs quite often and is often part of the overall clinical picture. It also happens that clear discharge represents the initial stage of the disease, and if left untreated for a long time, its specificity may change, including the appearance of an odor.

The most common gynecological diseases that change the nature of vaginal discharge include:

  • Candidiasis. The most common disease genitourinary area, in which discharge with an unpleasant odor of a cheesy consistency most often makes itself felt white. All this is accompanied severe itching and redness of the labia.
  • Trichomoniasis. A disease that does not extend beyond the genitourinary system. Caused by Trichomonas - a single-celled animal, as a result of which it is not affected antifungal agents. With trichomoniasis, there is severe itching in the genital area, redness of the vulva and abundant yellow, green or gray shades with a pungent unpleasant odor.
  • Chlamydia. This infection, and is characterized by mucous discharge with an odor. There are several types of chlamydia, which can delay the treatment process and increase the risk various complications, which can even lead to infertility.
  • Gonorrhea. With this disease, any symptoms may be absent for a very long time, and vaginal discharge may not differ much from normal until the situation worsens.
  • Ureaplasmosis. In the most initial stage illness, sticky or, conversely, too liquid discharge may be observed that accompanies frequent hikes to the toilet. But this clinical picture temporary, soon enough in the absence of treatment the discharge may acquire yellow tints and bad smell.
  • Bacterial vaginosis. To identify of this disease necessary bacterial culture vaginal discharge, which, depending on the stage of the disease, may be sticky, odorless, or, conversely, have a grayish tint with putrid smell spoiled fish. Bacterial vaginosis causes severe itching, especially in the vagina after sexual intercourse.
  • Colpitis. Manifests itself mainly in liquid secretions, but sometimes they can take on a different character: become thick and viscous, mixed with blood and have a bad odor.
  • Cancer of the reproductive system. Often accompanied by constant strong discharge of various types and pain during urination. If cancer is suspected, the gynecologist will take a smear from cervical canal, will prescribe a biopsy to the patient, after which the sample taken will be sent to the laboratory for diagnosis.
  • Atrophic vaginitis. Accompanied by vaginal dryness, severe itching, yellowish discharge with a specific smell. The disease is a consequence of a critical decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen in the female body, which can occur during treatment of various oncological diseases, as well as during menopause, with uterine fibroids and severe endometriosis.

In some cases, sticky discharge may be a consequence of the interference of foreign bacteria in the usual microflora (for example, after sexual intercourse) or be chronic vaginal dryness due to psychological disorders And constant stress, which, as a rule, is temporary and not serious pathological conditions requiring treatment.

Factors influencing

In addition to genitourinary fungi and infections, the following factors can affect the composition and consistency of vaginal discharge without itching and odor:

  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • prolapse of the vaginal walls;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • stressful situations;
  • douching too often;
  • pathological conditions of the cervix;
  • abuse of sweet baked goods.

It is normal if there is a sticky, odorless discharge natural reaction the body to a particular irritant, they should pass within one week.

Prevention of diseases of the female genital tract

Clear sticky discharge may be due to mixing vaginal secretion and seminal fluid of a man during unprotected sexual intercourse. In this case, there may be a feeling of dryness and tightness for some time, but this should not cause serious discomfort. Once the balance of the natural microflora of the vagina is restored, it will begin to produce lubricant, which looks like a white, odorless discharge.

To avoid all sorts of problems with the health of the pelvic organs and not face their consequences, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • have one sexual partner to avoid infection with various fungi and infections;
  • maintain intimate hygiene by choosing neutral pH products;
  • wear only cotton underwear, which allows the body to breathe without creating favorable environment for development various diseases external and internal genital organs;
  • Avoid excessive consumption of sugar and flour products;
  • if possible, do not use vaginal sprays and lubricants, especially if you have mild allergic reactions to their components;
  • use contraceptives;
  • don't buy flavored ones toilet paper or wet wipes For intimate hygiene With big amount various additives.

The above factors affect the vaginal microflora and can provoke sticky discharge with or without odor. If, after following all the recommendations, the problem has not been resolved, then it is better not to delay a visit to the gynecologist and undergo diagnostics to identify infectious and fungal diseases of the female genital area.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before carrying out treatment, the gynecologist will take a smear from the woman for microflora from the vagina and a sample of discharge for polymerase chain reaction(PCR). Based on the results of these tests, a treatment method will be chosen, unless, of course, heavy discharge not called natural changes in organism.

What can a PCR test show?

This is one of the highly accurate methods molecular diagnostics, capable of showing the presence of an infectious agent, even if only one or a few molecules of its DNA are present in the sample taken. This is an excellent method for identifying different viral infections, which do not manifest themselves externally. This method helps to significantly save time and begin treatment of various diseases on time, without giving them the opportunity to develop. At the same time, taking a sample is easy and quick, without painful sensations and discomfort.

Gynecological diseases that can be identified using this method diagnostics:

  • gardnerellosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • herpes;
  • gonorrhea;
  • human papillomavirus;
  • various mycoplasma infections.

If the examination revealed infectious or fungal diseases, the gynecologist can prescribe antibiotics, both general and local action. In most cases infectious lesion The following medications are used:

  • Terzhinan;
  • Betadine;
  • Hexicon.

In the case of fungal pathogens:

  • Flucanazole;
  • Orunite;
  • Pimafucin;
  • Ciskan.

For vaginitis:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Tinidazole.

If the cause of sticky, odorless discharge with a viscous nature is the period of menopause, special vaginal tablets containing estrogens are prescribed - Ovestin.

In most cases, vaginal discharge is normal. Their appearance is influenced great amount external factors: from stressful situations, poor nutrition, temporary hormonal imbalances to a slight increase in fungi, which are part of the natural microflora of the vagina. For example, Candida fungi are often already present on the mucous tissue of the genital organs, and when the immune system is weakened, they begin to grow rapidly, which leads to the well-known thrush, and the first to signal this is a change in the consistency of the discharge.

Even if a woman has previously encountered thrush or other gynecological diseases, you cannot self-medicate.

Firstly, without tests it is impossible to say exactly what disease caused the discomfort, and secondly, even with correct positioning Once diagnosed, there is no guarantee that the infection has not become resistant to the type of medication that was previously used.

In view of this, it is important to remember that at the first suspicious changes in vaginal discharge, you must consult a gynecologist and undergo a simple diagnostic examination. If pathogens of a particular disease are detected, timely action will ensure effective treatment, and if the tests show good results, you won’t have to worry for no reason, much less treat non-existent diseases at home.

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

Any changes in the functioning of the genital organs alarm the fairer sex. Sticky discharge in most cases is a characteristic of the norm, but there are exceptions that indicate illness. This article will tell you how to distinguish a natural process from a pathological one.

Characteristics of sticky discharge and its causes

Vaginal discharge from the female genital organs is present throughout reproductive age. They are indicated a year before the first menstruation - menarche, and accompany the woman until the onset of menopause. This mucous secretion can be secreted by the glands of the uterus and vagina. Normal mucus contains:

  1. Waste products of the glands of the cervical canal, Bartholin and other glands.
  2. Dead and exfoliated cells of the epithelium of the genital organs.
  3. Microorganisms populated in the vaginal microflora. The vast majority of them are beneficial lactic acid bacteria, but there are also opportunistic bacteria (bacteroides, fungi, enterobacteria, streptococci).

The nature of vaginal discharge can be: liquid, thick, watery, jelly-like, sticky, viscous. It depends on a specific physiological state or period of the menstrual cycle.

The causes of sticky discharge in women have the following reasons: age, lifestyle, condition endocrine system, hormonal background, the course of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, premenopause, sexual arousal, the body's reaction to contraceptives, allergies, improper hygiene. If these factors determined the appearance of viscous discharge, then more likely they will have no odor.

This secretion can be sticky, viscous, sticky, snot-like, thick or watery. It can be transparent, whitish, yellowish or even greenish color. This normal signs, if they are not accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching, burning, frequent urination, pain and cramps in the lower abdomen. IN otherwise- these are signs of gynecological or urological problem.

Connection with the menstrual cycle

The course of the menstrual cycle is influenced by hormonal fluctuations. The concentration of these substances is constantly changing.

During the cycle, the pituitary gland stimulates active work FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), which is responsible for the production of estrogen. At the beginning of menstruation, it is at a low level. As he grows mucous membrane the uterine cavity is saturated with oxygen, blood and nutrients. This is how the body prepares itself every month for possible pregnancy.

Estrogen is responsible for the production cervical mucus, which is a positive environment for sperm. Before favorable days To conceive, around the middle of the cycle, a very sticky vaginal discharge appears. Then you can observe a thinner consistency of the secretion, which indicates the onset of the ovulatory period.

Next, ovulation occurs. It is characterized by liquid and viscous sticky discharge. They may have red streaks of blood or a brown tint. All ovulatory period lasts 3-5 days, and ovulation itself lasts up to two days. At this phase, the concentration of luteinizing hormone and estrogen is highest, which give the secretion stickiness and abundance.

In the second half of the cycle, progesterone predominates, which thins mucus and reduces its amount.

Hormonal drugs

Often the prerequisite for the appearance of sticky, odorless discharge in women that is not associated with ovulation is HRT drugs or hormonal contraceptives. If they stimulate active action estrogen, then the secretion becomes viscous, and. They should not smell of anything and should be transparent or whitish in color with a homogeneous consistency.

Sticky discharge during pregnancy

The period of greatest fertility in a woman falls in the middle of the cycle and is characterized by the presence viscous secretions from the vagina, favorable for the survival and transportation of male semen. If you managed to get pregnant at this moment, then expectant mother emergency hormonal changes begin, which is also indicated by sticky mucous secretion.

On the first day after conception, it may be bloody. This is how the uterus reacts to the implantation of a fertilized egg. The bleeding should last no more than 1–2 days.

Sticky discharge in women they are typical in the first trimester. In the second they become more liquid. In the third trimester, this phenomenon is permissible only before childbirth. Heavy discharge in the form of a sticky mucus plug means the beginning labor activity.

If pregnant women begin to feel tightness in the lower abdomen and the appearance of a thick red secretion is noticeable, this means a threat of miscarriage, and in last month- the beginning of labor.

During and after sex

Increases several times. This occurs due to excitement, and as a result - increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs and intense stimulation of the gonads. This lubricant is sticky in nature (it can be stretched between your fingers) and has no odor. It serves as a natural lubricant for the vagina, facilitating penetration and eliminating friction during sexual contact. It also contains various substances, performing barrier and protective function.

Sometimes because hormonal imbalance(often during menopause) adhesive lubricant is not released, which causes discomfort to partners. In this case, you need to contact a specialist to correct hormone levels and prescribe moisturizers.

Sometimes appears after intercourse a small amount of sticky yellow discharge. Thus, the vagina removes vaginal secretion with male sperm trapped inside. They smell like sperm.

Allergic reactions

With sensitive vaginal microflora, allergic reactions for contraceptives, especially condoms with dyes and flavors, for medicines, synthetic underwear, intimate hygiene products. This is how the body can react to wrong image life, stress, bad habits, sharp, fatty foods, preservatives. Basically, the symptom disappears after the stimulus is eliminated.

Sticky leucorrhoea without odor

Often the mucous secretion can take on the character of leucorrhoea. Sticky and discomfort acceptable:

  1. A week before and after your period.
  2. Using vaginal suppositories.
  3. During and after sex.
  4. In case of possible pregnancy.
  5. When hormonal levels change.

In the case when the leucorrhoea has an uneven consistency, sharp unpleasant aroma, cause discomfort, then we can talk about a violation. A visit to a gynecologist is necessary to diagnose the disease or determine the pathology and prescribe treatment.

Pathological discharge

The designation of viscous discharge in women that has no odor also sometimes indicates pathological process.

  1. Sticky spotting that smells nothing often means cervical erosion. It is asymptomatic, sometimes making itself felt only by this sign.
  2. Even healthy woman Opportunistic microorganisms are present in the vaginal microflora. Due to their predominance, fungal diseases or bacterial vaginosis occur. Often these diseases are caused by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, an inflammatory process, large physical exercise, frequent stress, wearing synthetic panties. There is an opinion that it is also transmitted sexually, although this moment scientific proof no to this. The disease is accompanied by burning, vaginal itching and unpleasant rotten smell fish. Sometimes or sour cottage cheese. The last version of the aroma is characteristic of candidiasis, commonly known as thrush. It is based on fungal spores of the Candida species, which also live in small quantities in natural microflora vagina. The disease is characterized by white or yellow viscous secretions.
  3. Foamy sticky secretion is caused by Trichomonas microorganisms. They are accompanied by a sharp stench, burning sensation and discomfort when urinating.

Remember that the symptoms described are typical a large number sexually transmitted infections, so only a doctor can help determine their type after taking a smear and other tests.

Diseases not related to the reproductive system also make the secreted mucus sticky. Endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive systems are reflected in the characteristics of the fluid released from the vagina.

Prevention and treatment

When you find yourself similar symptom, for which there is no explanation in the form of a physiological condition, you should get tested.

If detected bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis, it is advisable to use topical agents, such as suppositories or creams. They have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, and also restore the vaginal biocenosis. Modern suppositories allow you to get rid of fungal diseases and vaginosis in one course of treatment. But infections cannot always be treated with topical medications. Most of them can only help eliminate strong antibiotics in combination with others therapeutic measures.

To prevent the sticky secretion from developing into, you must follow simple rules prevention:

  1. Give preference healthy image life.
  2. Eat right.
  3. Use special means for intimate hygiene.
  4. Wash yourself several times a day.
  5. Use protection if you do not have a regular sexual partner.
  6. Don't wear synthetic underwear.
  7. Visit your gynecologist regularly.

Briefly about the main thing

The female genital organs can produce various secretions. It is often represented by sticky mucous discharge. This normal phenomenon, which is explained by a certain physiological state until it is accompanied foreign odor, itching, burning. If you have additional symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

It is important for every woman to know and be able to calculate the date of ovulation. There are many ways to do this, including monitoring vaginal discharge. Whites that appear during ovulation thick discharge it is impossible to confuse with others due to their unique structure and ductility.

Features and types of discharge

In our article we will trace the connection between the nature of the discharge and the period of the menstrual cycle. There are only two such periods. In the first, under the influence of the hormone estrogen, the egg matures. Then comes the ovulation phase, which lasts about 24 hours. And the second stage begins, characterized by the formation corpus luteum, producing the hormone progesterone. It prepares the uterus to receive the embryo.

Due to the influence of hormones female body undergoes changes, which provokes other metamorphoses:

  • In the first phase, the mucus is very thick. It forms a soft plug in the cervix to prevent germs and sperm from entering prematurely. Because they are so dense, they do not pass out.
  • Before ovulation, the mucus plug dissolves. The contents will be sticky and sticky.
  • At the moment of ovulation, the structure of the discharge changes again: abundant, viscous and transparent. This facilitates the passage of sperm and helps them survive in this environment for up to 3-5 days.
  • After ovulation, white thick discharge lasts throughout the second period, but before menstruation it will be watery.

What is considered normal?

A young girl may even be frightened by such an abundance of mucus. But in the period after ovulation, white, thick, odorless discharge is quite typical. If they become curdled, they have sour smell and are accompanied by itching, this is a sure sign of “thrush” caused by a fungus. It is not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor. Here without medical care not enough.

If one of these points is violated, then a disruption has occurred in the body’s functioning and the problem should be identified and promptly eliminated.

And after ovulation, thick white discharge shows that female cage prepared for fertilization. Now, after meeting the sperm, it will continue its journey to the uterus, and as soon as the embryo begins its development, the cervix will again be “sealed” with mucus.

White vaginal discharge(leucorrhoea) may be normal, but may be a symptom of gynecological diseases. In the first case, they do not cause concern or discomfort. In the second - accompanied by burning, itching, unpleasant odor and can greatly complicate normal course Everyday life.

Why, when white discharge is observed in women, what are the reasons for this phenomenon? Let's look into this fairly common phenomenon.

Physiological leucorrhoea

Physiological is called discharge that is not associated with gynecological diseases. They are usually scanty, very light and odorless. They never leave irritation on the skin or mucous membranes.

If they do not cause discomfort, they should not cause much concern.

For example, white discharge becomes more abundant in the second week of the menstrual cycle. This is a normal phenomenon associated with the ovulation process. In this case, leucorrhoea looks like a slightly stretchy, transparent discharge, odorless. They are intense for 1 to 3 days, after which everything returns to normal.

Women experience an increase in vaginal discharge before sexual intercourse, as well as for some time after it. As a rule, they do not cause discomfort and soon stop.

White vaginal discharge becomes more intense early in pregnancy. For example, if menstruation is delayed, and then instead bloody discharge intense leucorrhoea is observed, similar to those that occur during ovulation; pregnancy may be occurring. Such allocations to early stage pregnancies are associated with events hormonal changes.

White discharge associated with pathology

Pathological white discharge in women is common. They are symptoms of many diseases. The exact reasons must be determined by a doctor. Discharge associated with pathology is usually watery, has a yellow, gray or greenish tint, and has a very unpleasant odor.

They often accompany infectious processes, causing itching, burning, and also increase the moisture content of the skin of the genital organs.

If the discharge is green, yellowish tint If they are thick or have an unpleasant odor, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Most likely this is a symptom inflammatory process genitals.

When they acquire a pinkish tint, ichor, pain, and an unpleasant odor appear; this may indicate the presence of ulcerations of the mucous membrane, and sometimes indicates the development of malignant tumors. If the discharge is sticky to the touch, this often indicates streptococcal or staphylococcal infection. A curd-like white discharge may occur with a yeast infection (such as thrush).

Other reasons


Treatment for discharge depends on its cause. After conducting the examination, establishing accurate diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe complex treatment detected disease, using medicines, additional methods And necessary procedures.

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs, medicinal local baths, and douching are usually prescribed. Use vaginal suppositories, physical therapy. Medicines are prescribed only individually.

Therapeutic baths:

Warm sitz baths are very useful for leucorrhoea. They are made with the addition of a decoction of pine needles. To prepare, pour 150 g of fresh pine needles into a saucepan. Pour 3 liters there hot water. Cook the mixture at the lowest temperature for about half an hour. Then wait until it cools down. Strain, pour into a half-filled bathtub warm water(38-39 degrees). Sit in the water for about 10 minutes.


Chop the young twigs dried leaves mistletoe. Add 3 tbsp. l. into the pan, add 500 ml of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then wait until it cools down. Strain. Use for douching.

Grind dried oak bark. Add 1 tbsp. l. into a small saucepan. Pour 1 l. hot water, cook for 15 minutes. then you can strain. Do douching with the cooled broth.

It must be said that the appearance of leucorrhoea should prompt a woman to visit a gynecologist. If they are a symptom of a disease, then early diagnosis will allow for timely necessary treatment, providing full recovery. If we ignore obvious symptoms, the disease will take chronic form, the treatment of which will take months, or even years.

And, of course, with any discharge, even of a physiological nature, take a shower more often, wash your genitals with warm water with the addition of chamomile infusion, string. Maintain hygiene and stay healthy!