Treatment of gardnerella in women - drugs scheme. Vaginal suppositories Hexicon. How to protect yourself from developing the disease

Gardnerella is a disease that is associated with changes in the female reproductive system. The disease itself is of infectious origin, but it should not be classified as an STI.

If the patient consulted a doctor and was prescribed a PCR diagnosis, which revealed that the patient has gardnerella and ureaplasma, the treatment regimen is prescribed only if the woman is not pregnant. This is due to the fact that the disease does not affect the fetus in any way, so the problem can be treated after pregnancy. Therefore, gardnerella in women and its causes are treated mainly after pregnancy.

The main thing is not to forget from the joy of the birth of a child that an infection manifests itself in the body, for which specialists must choose a treatment regimen.

However, if a woman wants to exclude signs and DNA of the disease, and wants to take medications during pregnancy, the specialist must carefully approach the issue of choosing a medicinal product. After all, not everything can be used during pregnancy. Girls make this decision out of fear for the child’s DNA, as well as to eliminate the symptoms and the possibility of the appearance of such an ailment as mycoplasma.

Today, experts strongly recommend eliminating the idea that you can not go to the doctor and independently prescribe methods of elimination, especially during pregnancy and especially if the DNA of such an ailment as mycoplasma has been revealed and its symptoms have appeared. In fact, there is no single treatment regimen for such a disease as mycoplasma. The choice of elimination method for each individual case is entirely individual, based on what symptoms are observed. After a thorough PCR diagnosis and DNA tests have been performed, the doctor analyzes the stage of development of the problem. The choice of means for elimination mainly depends on it.

In this case, it is necessary to treat not only the woman, but also her partner who has symptoms of the disease, and at the same time. In addition, the treatment regimen can be completely different for both women and men.

That is why only a doctor should treat and choose exclusively medicinal methods and not use folk remedies for recovery. Moreover, you should not listen to advice when it is necessary to carry out treatment from third parties, especially during pregnancy.

Macmiror tablets

Macmiror is a fairly effective antimicrobial agent. It has a wide spectrum of action and eliminates all known symptoms of mycoplasma. The uniqueness of the tablets is that they fight not only the main disease in question, but also other diseases that may appear against the background of gardnerellosis. Among such problems are vaginal infection or mycoplasma. This method is prescribed not only for gardenerellosis and not only, but it also copes well with this disease, eliminating all existing symptoms and signs.

Quite simple and easy to take. The scheme is not complicated and the drug is perfect for both men and women. However, it is important that these pills are prescribed by a doctor, since there are some nuances regarding compatibility with other pills, and especially if the woman is pregnant.


Quite an interesting medicine, which is a special solution. In this case, it is prescribed not after PCR diagnosis has been carried out, but in order to prevent the disease. For example, if sexual intercourse has occurred, and the woman is not entirely confident in her partner. In this case, a solution is used. Moreover, it must be used no later than two hours after the act.

It is also worth noting that gardenerella can appear in a woman after sexual intercourse with a completely healthy person. The thing is that its bacteria are always present in the microflora, and bacteria can become active after an unidentified object collides with the vaginal microflora. Therefore, hexicon is great for staying calm.

Antibiotics for gardnerella

Oddly enough, most experts insist that treatment with folk remedies is not suitable for this disease. Therefore, it is worth taking radical measures, namely the use of antibiotics, regardless of what causes the activation of bacteria.

It is worth noting that antibiotics can affect the uncontrolled growth of bacteria that cause the disease, and other diseases can also develop. That is why treatment must be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. And during pregnancy, you should completely refuse treatment.


This treatment method is quite effective in eliminating a disease such as gardenerella. This is a semi-synthetic drug that can eliminate other problems quite effectively. However, a treatment regimen with this medicine is not suitable for everyone.

The whole point is that you need to take it three times a day. However, it is available in the form of injections. The treatment process itself does not imply mandatory hospitalization. You can take a DNA test and carry out PCR diagnostics at home. But not everyone can inject themselves three times a day. Therefore, you will have to resort to the services of specialists. In principle, it is enough to visit the clinic three times a day. Still, it’s better than using folk remedies, which in the end do not bring results.


As practice shows, this particular drug is used in the treatment of a disease such as gardenerella in women. Doctors love him, so to speak, most of all. This advantage is due to the fact that this antibiotic has a wide spectrum of action. Everyone knows that the disease in question can cause other problems in the body, such as chlamydia or macoplasma. However, in order not to prescribe several antibiotics for different problems, this one is prescribed, which helps treat all infectious health problems.

But using ornidazole, which helps eliminate vaginalis, should be used with caution during pregnancy. Especially it should not be taken in the first three months. However, knowing that the disease does not affect the fetus, treatment can be postponed until birth, and such contraindications are not always relevant.

Also, do not forget that both partners need to be treated at the same time, even if serious symptoms have not been identified. And this must be done at the same time.

Vilprafen for vaginalization

This drug is available in standard tablets, so you can take it at home. However, it is important that a specialist prescribe the correct dosage. This medicine is prescribed only to those patients who have an advanced form of the disease, and it is also necessary to treat other emerging diseases.

Also, it is worth mentioning that since treatment should take place for both partners at the same time, it is important that the second partner is also prescribed the method by a specialist. You can’t just use Vilprofan like that, otherwise serious consequences may appear. For example, the disease will not only not go away, it will get even worse. Therefore, you must be extremely careful and careful with this drug. Moreover, you should not take the medicine during pregnancy.


Vaginalization, after tests have been carried out and its DNA has been identified, should be treated with Unidox. These are not suppositories or a solution, these are ordinary tablets that can be taken at home. But it is important to understand that only a specialist can prescribe them.

This drug is prescribed only if the patient cannot take serious antibiotics from all groups. Also, such drugs help eliminate the causes of other concomitant diseases, such as mycoplasma.

After consuming the required dosage, the symptoms of vaginalization should subside. And also the analysis should show that the DNA of the disease is not in the body. If there is no result, then you will have to use other drugs in the future, including suppositories.


Tibirol is precisely those drugs that help quickly and effectively eliminate the disease. In addition, it is tibirol that helps fight the disease without consequences. Also, if the patient has other diseases, then this drug copes well with it.

It is worth noting that the antibiotic should not be taken by pregnant women, as well as those who suffer from cancer. It's important to understand. That the more accurately the patient uses the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor, the quickly the causes of the disease will be eliminated, since the medicine itself is perfectly absorbed into all tissues of the body.

Other medications that can be used for vaginal ulceration include suppositories, tablets, and injections. However, according to many experts, it is better to use candles. Some of them can be used during pregnancy, but not all drugs in the form of suppositories are so harmless. The doctor must choose suppositories individually for each patient, since they, like all medications, have contraindications and different areas of influence.

In order to completely eliminate the symptoms and DNA of the disease in the body, you can use many medications, including suppositories. But it is important to understand that in order to effectively eliminate the main cause, it is necessary to consult and prescribe a doctor.

If a patient is diagnosed with gardnerellosis, treatment with drugs is prescribed only if at the moment the woman (namely, they most often suffer from this disease) is not pregnant. The reason is not that drugs for gardnerellosis have a large number of side effects that are undesirable during this period of a woman’s life, but that this disease does not pose a particular danger either to the patient herself or to the life of the fetus or its development. Therefore, it will be possible to prescribe tablets for Gardnerella already when the child is born.

Popular drugs for the treatment of gardnerellosis

As for which particular medicine for Gardnerella is the safest, but at the same time effective, there is no and cannot be a definite answer. The fact is that any drug must be prescribed individually, since the choice of tablets or other drugs very much depends on what stage of development the disease is currently at, as well as on the presence of common diseases. Even treatment of sexual partners, which must be carried out simultaneously, may differ, so independent treatment based on information received from third parties is out of the question.

Macmiror: tablets for gardnerellosis

Being an antimicrobial drug with a wide spectrum of action, Macmiror gardnerella not only treats as an independent disease, but also helps fight those infections that could have time to join due to the characteristics of this disease. It should be noted that Macmiror is prescribed not only in cases of gardnerellosis, but it fights this disease quite effectively.
One of the undoubted advantages of McMiror - gardnerella is often eliminated with its help - is the versatility of application. The fact is that a course of treatment with Macmiror can be prescribed to both men and women. At the same time, the duration of treatment or the drug regimen for both partners remains the same, which undoubtedly facilitates the treatment of gardnerellosis and serves as a prevention of reinfection. It is very important that the drug is prescribed by a doctor, since there are certain compatibility nuances that are important to consider.

Hexicon from gardnerella

How to treat with the drug?
In the treatment of gardnerellosis, a wide variety of drugs of various release forms are used. These can be used both internally and externally. However, among all this diversity, there is also a slightly different type - for example, hexicon does not cure gardnerellosis, but, more correctly, it prevents. The fact is that hexicon is a solution that has an antiseptic effect.

How can gardnerellosis be avoided using hexicon? Everything is very simple. If you have had sexual intercourse without using a condom with a partner whom you do not completely trust, now is the time to use Hexicon. Regardless of whether you know that your partner has gardnerella or other infections, or are simply trying to play it safe, use this drug no later than two hours after completion of sexual intercourse.
The use of this solution is especially relevant due to the fact that the disease in question can even be provoked by contact with a completely healthy partner, simply because the female microflora encountered microorganisms that it did not understand and reacted to it in a unique way.

What drugs are used to treat gardnerella?

Most doctors will answer this question unequivocally: exclusively with antibiotics. On the one hand, this approach is completely justified, because despite the fact that gardnerella is only a conditionally pathogenic microorganism, it cannot be allowed to develop in a woman’s body. Unfortunately, if antibiotic treatment for Gardnerella is not carried out or is carried out incorrectly, there is a high probability of other, much less harmless infections.
On the other hand, it is the use of antibiotics that is one of the reasons that a woman begins to experience uncontrolled growth of gardnerella and develops a serious disease. Unfortunately, the abundance of information regarding the treatment of various sexually transmitted infections often leads to attempts at self-medication, and, as a result, to side effects that could be avoided. Therefore, if Gardnerella is detected, treatment with antibiotics should be carried out at home, but under the full supervision of a doctor. This will help to effectively treat the disease itself, as well as prevent the occurrence of any complications and bleeding in women that can negatively affect the outcome of treatment.

Clindamycin for gardnerellosis

Clindamycin is a semi-synthetic antibiotic, the correct use of which allows you to get rid of many diseases, including gardnerellosis. Numerous medical observations have shown that when using the drug clindamycin, gardnerella is cured quite effectively in

in the vast majority of cases.
One of the disadvantages that can be noted in the treatment of gardnerella with clindamycin is its release form - solution for injection. The fact is that this disease does not require hospitalization, since if you follow the regimen prescribed by your doctor, you can successfully fight it at home. However, due to the fact that this drug should be administered by injection, the assistance of nursing staff is required. Since the treatment regimen most often involves three injections during the day, if it is not possible to give an injection at home, the patient is usually hospitalized for the duration of treatment.


An effective cure for gardnerellosis
In the case of diagnosing Gardnerella, ornidazole is one of the most preferred drugs in treatment, since it belongs to the group of nitroimidazoles. These tablets, used vaginally, are strictly forbidden to be taken in the first three months of pregnancy, and ornidazole should be prescribed with great caution in the next six. However, due to the fact that gardnerellosis, as already mentioned, is not a disease that requires immediate treatment due to the absence of any negative effect on the fetus, this contraindication can be ignored.
Most often, women who have been diagnosed with gardnerellosis are prescribed ornidazole for the reasons that this disease provokes the development of many other infections - chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc. In order to avoid the need to use several antibiotics, this drug is used, which has a wide spectrum of action and effectively affects even those microorganisms that may not have been identified during examinations. Please note that in order to avoid re-infection, both sexual partners should be treated at the same time, regardless of the results of their tests.

Preparations for gardnerella:


A macrolide antibiotic, the prescription of which often helps in cases where gardnerellosis has already started and has caused the addition of other infections. Gardnerella is also treated with vilprafen when the patient has individual intolerance to the groups of drugs most often used for this disease. The peculiarity of the use of vilprafen can be considered that the effectiveness of treatment with it significantly depends on the correct selection of the dose. In turn, the dosage and frequency of administration will fluctuate depending on the degree of neglect of the disease, the presence of associated infections, the sensitivity of the pathogen to this drug and many other factors. Therefore, in no case should a sexual partner repeat the treatment regimen of the person to whom the doctor prescribed it - at best, the disease will not go away, and at worst, there will be serious consequences from uncontrolled use of antibiotics.

In the case of treatment with vilprafen for gardnerella, the daily dose of the active substance is divided into two, and in some cases into three doses. Since this drug is available in tablet form, treatment at home is quite acceptable.


Gardnerella Solutab
Being an antibiotic from the tetracycline group, Unidox Solutab can cure gardnerella and is prescribed in cases where the use of antibiotics from other groups is contraindicated for the patient. To understand the mechanism of action of Unidox Solutab, you need to imagine a pathogenic microorganism, in this case Gardnerella, as a living creature. This drug affects it by inhibiting protein synthesis and disrupting protein metabolism. It is clear that under such conditions the pathogen is not able to exist.
A distinctive feature of this medicine for the treatment of gardnerella is the ability to destroy pathogenic microorganisms that are in the active development phase, but in no way harm those that are at rest. Simply put, when treated with this drug, the bacteria that normally inhabit the human genitourinary system will not be destroyed, which means that such a common side effect as dysbiosis of the vagina or intestines can be avoided.
The dosage of the drug, as well as the frequency and duration of its use, is determined in each specific case exclusively by the doctor. It is strictly not recommended to use Unidox Solutab as a means of self-medication.


With gardnerella
This drug is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is successfully used to treat many sexually transmitted infections. Doxycycline for gardnerella is prescribed precisely because of this property, since quite often one can observe the addition of various infections to advanced gardnerella. In this case, the use of doxycycline avoids the need to prescribe several antibiotics, since there is a high probability that this drug will be sufficient.
Once in the human body and reaching the required concentrations there, doxycycline acts simply for gardnerellosis: it penetrates into the cell of the microorganism and disrupts protein synthesis in it. As a result, the cells first stop reproducing and then die on their own.
The dosage of the drug, as well as the frequency and duration of its use, is a very individual issue and is decided in each specific case by a qualified doctor. Treatment is carried out simultaneously with the sexual partner, and the prescriptions may differ significantly, so a visit to the doctor is required for both.


For gardnerellosis
Despite the fact that treatment of gardnerellosis during pregnancy is not mandatory, a situation may arise in which therapy is necessary. In this case, the doctor’s primary task is to select a drug that will not only eliminate the disease, but will not harm the unborn child. In this regard, Polygynax has proven itself well - a combination antibiotic that allows you to get rid of most infectious and fungal diseases of the female genital area.
When prescribing Polygynax for gardnerellosis, doctors are well aware of all the advantages that this drug has. Firstly, it has an anesthetic, which helps reduce possible unpleasant symptoms in advanced forms of gardnerellosis. Secondly, such suppositories can be used not only for treatment, but also to prevent the disease: by treating the birth canal of an infected woman with this drug, doctors can most likely assume that Polygynax for gardnerellosis will help prevent the disease in the newborn.

Azithromycin with gardnerella

Patients who are diagnosed with gardnerella are prescribed drug treatment in any case exclusively by a qualified specialist, regardless of where the treatment will take place and how serious it will be. This is explained by the fact that each of the antibiotics, without which it is impossible to treat this disease, has its own contraindications and side effects, and therefore only a doctor can choose one from the whole variety. Thus, azithromycin for gardnerella is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to quickly provide a broad therapeutic effect. This drug is effective not only against gardnerellosis, but also against all those infections that inevitably arise against the background of this disease.

The high effectiveness of azithromycin is explained, first of all, by the fact that it has absolutely no difficulty in penetrating into any tissues or organs. True, in those areas where the pH is lower, the concentration of the active substance is usually higher. Also noted is the ability of azithromycin in gardnerella to concentrate precisely in the areas of localization of the most severe inflammation, which leads to faster death of the pathogen, and therefore to a faster recovery.

Dazolic with gardnerella

This antiprotozoal agent, which also has an antibacterial effect, affects gardnerella by changing its DNA structure. Such changes lead, first of all, to the cessation of simple microorganisms, and subsequently to the death of existing ones. It is recommended to use Dazolic for Gardnerella only in uncomplicated forms of the disease, since in advanced conditions, when this infection is accompanied by many other STDs, the effectiveness of Dazolic may be low. Therefore, there is a high probability that, in addition to Dazolic, gardnerella may require the use of one more or even several antibiotics.
Unlike many other drugs intended for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections, doctors can prescribe this drug as a prophylactic to prevent infection. Only a doctor can prescribe a treatment regimen (dosage of the drug, frequency and duration of use, etc.), so both sexual partners should not delay visiting him.

Trichopolum for gardnerellosis

This drug is an antimicrobial agent designed to relieve patients from a variety of infections and other diseases caused by protozoan microorganisms, including gardnerellosis. Penetrating into the DNA structure of the pathogen, the active substance - metronidazole - easily destroys it, first stopping the growth of microorganisms, and then destroying existing ones. However, this same feature makes the administration of trichopolum for gardnerellosis not always possible, since, for example, during pregnancy it easily overcomes the placental barrier.
The use of trichopolum for gardnerellosis requires strict adherence to all doctor's instructions. For example, the effectiveness of the drug can be affected by untimely food intake - in this case, absorption, and therefore subsequent concentration, significantly deteriorates.
In addition to all the side effects of Trichopolum, which are important to consider when prescribing the drug, there are absolute contraindications for its use: children (up to 6 years) and the first trimester of pregnancy.

Metronidazole for gardnerellosis

The frequency of treatment of gardnerellosis with metronidazole is explained quite simply. This is facilitated by several factors that make metronidazole one of the best remedies for combating this disease. First of all, we are talking about the variety of release forms that make it possible to treat gardnerellosis with metronidazole in patients of any gender and age. Tablets, ointments for external use, solutions for injections - the variety allows you to choose the optimal treatment regimen that effectively eliminates the disease, but does not provoke various complications.
When using metronidazole for gardnerellosis, you should remember that it is not recommended to use the drug on your own or change the dosage and frequency of administration prescribed by your doctor. This drug, successfully used in the treatment of gardnerellosis, has a number of contraindications and side effects, ignoring which can cost the patient his health and sometimes his life. It is important to remember that for the entire period of treatment the patient should refrain from drinking alcohol even in minimal doses, since this is fraught with unpleasant consequences - from easily eliminated, but the result will be significantly delayed, to irreversible.

Terzhinan with gardnerella

Terzhinan is an antibiotic with complex effects, which is used for the effective treatment of many gynecological diseases, including gardnerellosis. The active substance included in the drug is active not only against the pathogens of this disease, but also against other anaerobic flora. Therefore, the use of terzhinan certainly eliminates gardnerella, and in addition helps to get rid of many concomitant diseases.

The only form of release of this drug is vaginal suppositories - this is a factor that has a direct impact on the fact that terzhinan gardnerella is treated exclusively in women. At the same time, another feature of this drug is noted: the components included in the composition protect the vaginal walls from irritation and penetration of various infections, which is important, given that this disease rarely develops in isolation - most often it is associated with other sexually transmitted infections.
Many patients who were treated with this remedy noted its convenience in terms of the fact that the suppositories should be used once a day - before bed. This allows you to see a doctor only for a prescription and to monitor the quality of treatment, and carry out the therapy itself at home.

Tinidazole with gardnerella

The composition of the drug is selected in such a way as to successfully resist most infections that can be contracted through unprotected sexual intercourse, in particular gardnerellosis. The wide spectrum of action allows tinidazole to be prescribed not only for the initial forms of the disease, but also at later stages, at which, due to the lack of timely treatment, many complications most often develop, requiring more thorough treatment due to differences in the specifics of the disease. If the doctor considers it appropriate to prescribe tinidazole, gardnerella, in his opinion, began to develop in the body a long time ago and requires effective methods of influence. It should be understood that you should not self-treat with this or any other drug, since many of the nuances of its prescription may differ: release form, dosage, duration of administration, and others. Therefore, taking tinidazole and gardnerella is quite capricious in this matter and should be taken according to a strictly individual prescription. Treatment regimens may differ even among sexual partners, not to mention other categories of patients, so visiting a doctor at the same time is mandatory for both.

Tibiral with gardnerella

The drug Tiberal belongs to a group of drugs whose active ingredient is ornidazole. The particular effectiveness of this product has been proven against anaerobic bacteria, which cause many diseases that can be transmitted through sexual contact, including gardnerellosis.
By taking Tiberal, gardnerella is completely eliminated, and if treatment is started in a timely manner and strict adherence to all the rules and instructions of the doctor - and without consequences. Application is carried out orally, after three hours the required concentration can be seen in the blood plasma. The active substance easily enters all tissues and cells of the human body.
Tiberal is not used to treat gardnerella in people who are hypersensitive to its components, as well as in patients with diseases of the central nervous system, in pregnant women up to 9 weeks and in patients with cancer diagnoses.
As a rule, the doctor draws the patient’s attention to all those nuances that are important for the success of treatment. Therefore, those who want to recover as quickly as possible strictly follow all instructions and undergo the necessary diagnostic tests in a timely manner.

Gardnerella candles

There is a wide variety of dosage forms in which drugs for gardnerella are produced. In advanced forms of the disease, several of them can be used, combining external, internal and systemic effects. When choosing suppositories for Gardnerella, the doctor must remember that all of them, although intended to treat the same disease, may still differ in their effects, contraindications and side effects. In addition, only some suppositories for gardnerella can be used during pregnancy (terzhinan), therefore, since gardnerellosis is not a disease dangerous for pregnancy or the fetus, all possible options should be taken into account before prescribing such treatment.

Suppositories can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of this disease, or more precisely, against infecting a newborn with it during passage through the birth canal of a sick mother. It should be remembered that each drug is individual, and therefore should only be prescribed by a doctor after a detailed examination.

Prevention and treatment

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Women's health is the most pressing topic among beautiful ladies. Any pathological changes (pain, discharge, odor) often cause panic in a woman, forcing her to run to the pharmacy and buy advertised products.

However, not a single commercial, not a single friend who “knows exactly how to treat, because she had exactly the same thing,” will make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Although some diseases - thrush, gardnerellosis - are not so dangerous (they do not cause), their treatment is mandatory to restore comfortable sensations and prevent undesirable consequences.

Gardnerellosis: what is it?

Almost everyone has heard about the microflora of the vagina: “useful” lactic acid bacteria live here, keeping opportunistic microorganisms (including gardnerella) in a weakened state.

It is the weakening of local immunity that provokes mass reproduction, primarily of fungi, gardnerella and other anaerobes. As a result of an imbalance in the vaginal microflora, a woman develops unpleasant symptoms.

The anaerobic bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis is found in small quantities in the vagina of even a healthy woman. Only a large amount of it and the acquisition of aggressive properties leads to disease - let's look in detail at what it is.

Gardnerellosis is one of the types of vaginal dysbiosis. Statistics: every fifth woman suffers from gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis).

Gardnerellosis: causes

Since gardnerellosis is a bacterial infection, it can be contracted through sexual intercourse. However, this disease should not be attributed solely to sexually transmitted infections.

Although the most common route of infection is sexual, other provoking factors should not be ruled out. Gardnerellosis occurs in women for the following reasons:

  • decreased general immunity (chronic infections, stress);
  • massive antibiotic therapy, provoking the death of lactobacilli in the intestines and vagina;
  • hormonal imbalances: pregnancy, ;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives and products with 9-nonoxynol (Patentex Oval), antidepressants, corticosteroids;
  • and other endocrine pathologies;
  • insufficient intimate hygiene;
  • frequent douching with antiseptics Chlorhexidine, Miramistin.

Bacterial vaginosis is more common in women who frequently change sexual partners and do not use condoms. In this case, there is a serious risk of simultaneous infection with Gardnerella, gonococcus, ureoplasma and other infectious agents.

The incubation period of gardnerellosis in women is from 4 to 10 days. The first thing the sick person pays attention to:

  • The smell of “rotten fish” from the vagina, causing serious discomfort and forcing you to repeat washing up to 5-6 times a day. However, the alkaline environment of soap only aggravates the situation: the smell becomes more and more pungent, and the periods of “cleanliness” (the absence of an unpleasant odor) become shorter and shorter. The specific odor is caused by the breakdown of amines, a waste product of gardnerella.
  • Slight vaginal discharge that is whitish-gray or.

The onset of bacterial vaginosis is similar to the development of other infections. Therefore, when the first pathological changes appear, you should contact a gynecologist.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis in women

The development of the disease leads to the appearance of other symptoms:

  • burning and itching in the perineum;
  • soreness spread over the lower abdomen (indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the vagina);
  • pain/discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • flow down the walls of the vagina into the perineum;
  • signs of cystitis.

It has been noticed that the symptoms of the disease intensify immediately after sexual intercourse. Sperm, having an alkaline reaction, is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Diagnosing the disease based on the clinical picture is quite difficult. Often the disease develops simultaneously with vaginal candidiasis (thrush), and is often accompanied by infection with gonococcus.


Before prescribing treatment for gardnerellosis in a woman, the doctor takes into account the symptoms and complaints, and during a gynecological examination, collects vaginal secretions for examination:

  • a smear (in most cases it is sufficient; microscopic examination reveals gardnerella and its quantity is calculated);
  • assessment of vaginal pH (in case of disease, the alkaline environment is fixed, the pH increases);
  • isonitrile test (detects large numbers of bacteria).

Carrying out DIF (direct immunofluorescence) and PCR (DNA diagnostics) studies is impractical. When making a diagnosis, it is not the detection of gardnerella that is important, but its quantity.

The main and mandatory method of treating bacterial vaginosis is antibiotic therapy.

Treatment regimen for gardnerellosis in women:

  • oral medications - Metronidazole (Trichopol, Klion) 250 mg twice a day (incompatible with alcohol!) or Clindamycin 150 mg twice a day, course - 1 week;
  • local treatment - Metronidazole in gel (tampons in the morning/evening) or suppositories, Clindamycin cream once a day, duration of use - 7 days.

In women, treatment with drugs from the penicillin group (Ampicillin) is possible. Gardnerella is resistant to tetracyclines (Doxycycline, Tetracycline), cephalosporins (Claforan, Ceftriaxone), sulfonamides (Septrin, Biseptol), aminoglycosides (Neomycin, Kanamycin).

When the disease is diagnosed, her sexual partner is also treated. Often, bacterial vaginosis combined with candidiasis requires simultaneous antifungal therapy.

In this case, suppositories for gardnerellosis are prescribed that have a combined antifungal/antibacterial composition (Clomezol, Ginotran); vaginal tablets (Terzhinan, Mikozhinax) are also effective.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women at home does not end with a course of antibiotics and a “clean” re-analysis. To prevent subsequent proliferation of bacteria, it is necessary to restore the vaginal microflora and thereby strengthen the local immune defense.

For this purpose, medications such as Vagilak (vaginal capsules) and Epigen-intim (gel) are used. The average duration of use is 2 weeks.

The unpleasant consequences of gardnerellosis mostly affect pregnant women. Complications of this infection include:

  • pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis;
  • endometritis (including postpartum), inflammation of the appendages;
  • bleeding during pregnancy and premature birth;
  • infection of the fetus during childbirth (pneumonia), low birth weight of the newborn.


  • Proper hygiene: timely change of pads and tampons during menstruation, washing twice a day with neutral products, avoidance of intimate deodorants.
  • Clothing hygiene: avoid tight trousers and synthetic underwear.
  • Sexual hygiene: contraception (condoms), long-term relationships.
  • Health hygiene: strengthening the immune system, treating chronic infections and hormonal disorders.
  • Preventive examinations twice a year.
  • Lifestyle hygiene: good nutrition, stress resistance.

Gardnerella or gardnerellosis is a female disease. The causative agent of the disease is considered to be the microorganism Gardnerella vaginalis. Essentially, this is an imbalance of microflora in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis is also called gardnerellosis.

The normal state of the vagina is characterized by a predominance of lactobacilli. They help form lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. This does not provide conditions for the proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms. The causative agent is opportunistic, which is always present in the vagina. Normally there is little of it, it is in a dormant state.

The causes of vaginal dysbiosis are:

  • douching;
  • some vaginal contraceptives;
  • change of sexual partner.

During the disease, other opportunistic microflora are also activated - mycoplasma and anaerobic infection.

People consult a doctor about gardnerella as often as about thrush. According to the old classification, this is an STI, but according to ICD 10, Gardnerella is not classified as an STI. The most common lesions are the vagina, cervix and urethra.

The disease in women is characterized by the presence of scanty or copious discharge from the vagina and urethral canal. Characterized by discomfort in the genitals, itching and burning. Coitus can be painful. The discharge has a characteristic “fishy” odor.

But sometimes the disease for certain women with good immunity proceeds unnoticed. They pose a risk of infecting their sexual partners.

For men, damage to the urethra and the occurrence of sluggish urethritis are also possible. It is even possible to develop chronic prostatitis or inflammation of the foreskin.

The bacterium was discovered and described in 1955. The name of one of the scientists who discovered the bacterium, G. Gardner, became the basis for the name of the pathogen.

The incubation period usually corresponds to a week - one and a half, sometimes up to five weeks.

The main cause of the disease is considered to be a decrease in the immune status of the body. It is necessary to treat, first of all, the pathology that contributed to this. It is also necessary to adjust your lifestyle. Otherwise, gardnerella can be treated many times and a lasting positive effect will not be obtained.

Local treatment is carried out if bacterial vaginosis is not just dysbiosis, but there is inflammation in the affected organs. Correction of immunity is dangerous for pregnant women. The vagina is locally sanitized using drugs that are safe for the fetus. Such activities are carried out in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

The severity is divided into compensated, subcompensated and decompensated forms of the disease. Recurrences of symptoms of the disease are possible in the future if immunity deteriorates.

A man is often only a carrier of Gardnerella, but both men and women need to be treated. But even if the couple has been treated, the woman may experience a relapse.

Treatment is aimed at destroying Gardnerella vaginalis. Vaginal suppositories and tablets are used orally. Nutrition for gardnerellosis consists of dietary meat, sea fish and seafood, cottage cheese, fermented milk products, vegetables, cereals, and fruits. Steamer dishes, boiled and stewed, are healthy. Frequent small meals are required. Dishes made from “heavy” meat are excluded. Fried, smoked, spicy and overly salty foods, and foods high in sugar are also excluded. The consumption of strong tea and coffee drinks is also limited. The consumption of alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks is excluded.

Men are treated to improve their immune response and treat urethritis locally.

Treatment of gardnerella in women

Gardnerellosis in women has very sparse symptoms. Very similar in its manifestations to similar female diseases, for example, thrush.

The main signs are the presence of scanty, uniform, gray-white or yellowish vaginal discharge with the smell of “rotten” fish. When inflammatory phenomena occur, the discharge is accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina, pain in the lower third of the abdomen and uncomfortable coitus. The vagina and nearby organs are inflamed.

Gardnerella vaginalis itself does not cause much harm. But against its background, trichomonas, mycoplasmas, and yeast-like fungi successfully develop, which can be very dangerous for the female body. So the sooner treatment is started, the better.

Gardnerella is not a dangerous sexually transmitted disease.

Very often, such bacterial vaginosis is promoted by:

  • a large number of sexual partners;
  • casual sex;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • douching with chlorhexidine and miramistin;
  • use of contraceptives with 9-nonoxynol:
  • chronic stress;
  • some antibacterial drugs.

Gardnerella needs to be treated comprehensively. Treatment consists of overcoming the imbalance of microflora in the vagina and strengthening the immune defenses in the vagina. It is also necessary to improve the state of general immunity.

Therapy must be carried out in two stages.

During the first stage, the number of gardnerella in the vagina must be sharply reduced.

During the second, it is necessary to colonize the vagina with lactobacilli. The effectiveness of the second stage is determined by the quality of the first.

At the first stage, antibiotic therapy is used.

We will talk specifically about drugs later.

If there are contraindications to the prescription of antibiotics (for example, pregnancy or breastfeeding, allergic reactions), then the drugs are used topically.

At the second stage, a more difficult task is to restore the normal microflora of the vagina. Repopulate the vagina with lactobacilli. Treatment should be not only local, but also general. Because, along with bacterial vaginosis, intestinal dysbiosis is also observed. The course of saturating the body with lactobacilli lasts about one month. It is also necessary to increase the overall immune status of the body. For this purpose, vitamin complex preparations (such as Bomax, Vitrum, Alphabet) and preparations of natural immunomodulators (tincture of Echinacea and Schisandra) are used.

Treatment should not take place against the background of an active sexual life, and if sex does occur, then only protected sex. To assess the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to undergo control tests.

If gardnerella remains in the body, the treatment is prolonged. If a woman who has one sexual partner gets sick again, then it is necessary to treat him from a preventive point of view. Because it is the cause of re-infection.

Even if he has no symptoms, he is a carrier.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, vaginal suppositories are used. They are safe for the developing fetus.

If necessary, general treatment is used in the second trimester.

The third trimester is characterized by the use of drugs with clindamycin. The most important thing during pregnancy is not to kill the pathogen, but to reduce its number and eliminate inflammation of the vagina.

Untreated gardnerellosis can cause diseases of the reproductive system and MPS of the female body.

Drugs for treatment

At the first stage of treatment, antibacterial drugs are used to combat Gardnerella vaginalis.

First, a test is required to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to various drugs. It is also necessary to treat the sexual partner if PCR shows the presence of the pathogen. Treated with tetracyclines, lincosamides and fluoroquinolones.

  • metronidazole (trichopolum);
  • tinidazole;
  • doxycycline;
  • clindamycin (dalacin);
  • levofloxacin.

Metronidazole is treated with tablets for internal use and vaginal tablets.

Treatment takes about ten days.

The antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent tinidazole is treated according to the course of treatment individually prescribed by the attending physician. Doxycycline (a tetracycline group of antibiotics) and levofloxacin (a fluoroquinolone) are often treated for gardnerellosis in men.

Tablets for internal use - clindamycin (an antibiotic of the lincosamide group) are very good at suppressing Gardnerella vaginalis. But the prescription of drugs is made only by the attending physician.

Self-medication is unacceptable.

Miramistin solution, Metronidazole gel or Betadine vaginal suppositories are used locally.

To prevent gardnerella, you should not get carried away with douching.

Give preference to loose underwear made of good natural fiber, strictly observe intimate hygiene, and strengthen the immune system. And be sure to get treatment and consult a doctor. Only the doctor decides whether to continue treatment or not.

Traditional medicine against gardnerella

The first stage - treatment with antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor - must be completed.

At the second stage, the effect of traditional medicine is good for restoring the vaginal microflora. With regular prevention, we achieve constancy of the vaginal microflora. But pregnant women must consult a doctor before treatment.

The first remedy to strengthen the immune system at the cellular level.

The first infusion is prepared on the leaves of birch, geranium, mint, celandine, thyme, flowers of chamomile and meadowsweet.

Identical parts of these medicines are taken. This raw material is poured with boiling water and left for about 6 hours. Take 0.5 cups three times a day before meals. Store refrigerated at 4 C. Treatment takes about a month. 4 times a year.

The second remedy is also to strengthen the immune system at the cellular level.

Another infusion is also prepared using sweet clover herb, nettle, cudweed, lavender, marshmallow and leuzea roots. And the same portions are also taken. Infusions should be taken one at a time, first with the first course, then with the second.

Third remedy.

A walnut, or rather an infusion of its leaves, is used to stabilize the amount of Gardnerella vaginalis. 5 crushed raw leaves per glass of boiling water. Or dried leaves - 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water. You should drink this infusion little by little throughout the day. And so, about two weeks.

Fourth remedy.

An infusion of sage leaves to restore the health of the vaginal mucosa. Take this infusion between meals. 200 ml morning and evening. One tablespoon of sage is poured into two hundred milliliters of boiling water for half an hour.

If you drink these infusions alternately for a whole year, then both the vagina and the adjacent organs will be fine. These infusions are excellent preventative agents, not just therapeutic ones.

During her life, the female body may encounter unpleasant symptoms, which are expressed in copious vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. The reason for this may be gardnerella, an anaerobic bacterium (that is, one that lives and reproduces in an oxygen-free environment).

Currently, doctors have different opinions about the causes of this infection, its course and the risk factors that contribute to its introduction. Let's try to understand what kind of disease this is, how it manifests itself and what treatment for gardnerella is considered optimal.

Gardnerella belongs to the group of opportunistic bacteria, which includes microorganisms that are constantly present in the human body without causing harm to it. But under unfavorable factors, their rapid reproduction can occur.

Some doctors consider gardnerella to be the cause of bacterial vaginosis in women. Therefore, the word “gardnerellosis” is sometimes used as a synonym for this disease.

This happened historically - the bacterium was discovered in 1955 in a woman who suffered from vaginitis. Then gardnerella was named the main reason for the imbalance in microflora.

After this, it was found that the bacterium is not always detected in this pathology. Thus, other microorganisms may become the culprit of the imbalance.

The bacterium can be detected in the tests of many healthy women and men, but this does not mean that gardnerellosis has developed and requires treatment. However, when it actively reproduces, it can change the acid-base balance of the vagina, promoting the appearance of other pathogens.


Doctors currently do not have a consensus on whether this disease is a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

On the one hand, the main method of transmission of gardnerellosis is sexual. On the other hand, men do not develop any negative reactions in the presence of Gardnerella, and they can be carriers of it for only a few days.

In addition, the presence of risk factors is necessary for gardnerella to begin to multiply in the female body. Thus, gardnerellosis does not always develop when the bacterium is transmitted.

However, this fact does not affect the treatment regimen: gardnerella requires the same treatment as sexually transmitted diseases.

Factors that contribute to the onset of the disease include:

  • immunosuppression (due to autoimmune pathologies, pregnancy, radiation sickness, chemotherapy, HIV, alcoholism, etc.);
  • disturbed intestinal microflora;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary area;
  • the use of condoms with lubricant containing 9-nonoxynol, and contraceptive suppositories with the same active ingredient (“Patentex-Oval”);
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • unjustified frequent vaginal douching;
  • insufficient intimate hygiene.

Some doctors believe that risk factors themselves can act as a cause of gardnerellosis without sexual contact - through the multiplication of the bacterium that already lives in the vagina as an opportunistic flora. But they do not deny that in this case, treatment for gardnerella should be mandatory.

In addition to the vagina, gardnerella “loves” to live in the urinary organs. The incubation period usually lasts one week.

Rarely, another route of transmission is possible - during the passage of the child through the mother’s reproductive tract during natural childbirth. However, gardnerella takes root in newborns extremely rarely, which is due to the fact that its nutrition requires glycogen from epithelial cells, the presence of which depends on the work of estrogens. The level of this hormone before a girl reaches puberty is extremely low, so the bacterium quickly dies.

Household transmission of the microorganism is practically reduced to zero, but it cannot be completely eliminated.

Gardnerella does not take root in the male body; its short presence does not bring any unpleasant sensations. Being a carrier of the infection, a man can transmit it to a healthy woman.

Thus, the male body acts as a transit route of infection. It is for this reason that gardnerellosis requires treatment in men whose partners suffer from this pathology.

Tests can usually detect the presence of a microorganism in a man only in the first days after contact with an infected woman.

When a woman is confirmed to have the bacteria, but a man does not, this may become a reason to accuse the companion of infidelity, although the partner himself contributed to the infection.

However, cases where the bacterium penetrated the urethra and became the cause of inflammatory processes in a man are rarely detected. This happens when the immune system is severely suppressed due to serious illness or in the presence of other infections (chlamydia, etc.).

When they talk about sexual transmission of this microorganism, they most often mean traditional transmission. There is a chance of infection through other sexual practices, but it is low (the bacterium practically cannot survive on the mucous membranes of the pharynx or intestines). We can only talk about temporary carriage of microorganisms.

Symptoms of the disease and diagnosis

With gardnerellosis, a woman experiences: white or gray (less often transparent or yellowish) discharge with an unpleasant “fishy” odor on her underwear and on the walls of the vagina, itching in the perineum, pain during sexual intercourse. Sometimes the symptoms are not pronounced.

Gardnerellosis, if left untreated in a woman, can cause:

  • infectious complications after childbirth;
  • salpingitis;

The bacterium does not pose a danger to the fetus if the disease manifests itself during pregnancy, since the placenta is a reliable barrier. Only in very advanced cases, in the absence of treatment, inflammatory processes of the reproductive system can begin: uterine bleeding, the birth of a low-birth-weight child.

Gardnerella multiplies in men, as a rule, in the urethra, which leads to the appearance of urethritis. It may appear 5–6 days after infection or later. May be observed:

  • greenish discharge from the urethra;
  • burning and discomfort when urinating.

If you suspect a disease, you should contact a gynecologist (female), urologist (male) or dermatovenerologist.

The main diagnostic method is a general smear from the mucous membranes. In addition to this, the presence of key cells (on which gardnerella develop) is also determined; in women, the pH of the vaginal secretion is measured (under normal conditions it should be acidic, but in this disease it becomes alkaline).

Additionally, the doctor must conduct a study to identify concomitant infections that develop in the presence of gardnerellosis - treatment must be comprehensive. This pathology is often observed in conjunction with candidiasis, ureaplasmosis (which is also caused by a common household bacterium) or other sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of the disease

The basis for the treatment of gardnerellosis in women and men is drugs with the active ingredient metronidazole. It is used topically in the form of gels or suppositories and orally (tablets).

Due to its action against obligate anaerobic bacteria, which includes gardnerella, treatment with drugs such as Metronidazole, Trichopolum, Trickside, Klion, turns out to be the most effective.

In addition, products with doxycycline, clindamycin, levofloxacin, and azithromycin can be used.

Since antibiotics often cause a fungal infection, fluconazole (Flucostat, Diflucan), natamycin (Pimafucin) or nystatin are used to prevent it during the treatment of gardnerellosis.

Some doctors consider it necessary during a woman’s therapy to use medications that normalize the vaginal microflora (“Vagilak”, “Bioselak”, “Acilakt”, “Lactonorm”, etc.).

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women expecting a child differs little from that prescribed to non-pregnant women, but with some restrictions (for example, metronidazole cannot be used in the first trimester, in the remaining two - under medical supervision). In addition, topical remedies are preferred over oral ones.

It must be remembered that immunity against the disease is not developed, so re-infection is possible even during therapy: for this reason, doctors recommend sexual rest during the course of treatment or the use of condoms during sexual intercourse.

If the condom breaks, it is necessary to wash off the secretions from the mucous membranes with water and introduce a local antiseptic (for example, Miramistin).

During treatment for gardnerellosis, it is necessary to take smears to determine the dynamics of the decrease in the number of bacteria. A control test is taken 4–6 weeks after therapy.


The main preventive measures are: selectivity of sexual contacts, use of barrier contraceptives during casual meetings or at the beginning of a new relationship, when there is no confidence in the partner.

So, gardnerella is a bacterium that can be present in small quantities in the female body. When its elevated level is detected, therapy should be prescribed that will reduce it.

Useful video about gardnerellosis
