Whitish cloudy discharge. Vaginal discharge options. Liquid transparent discharge

Let's look at what white discharge means. In medicine, the correct name for them is leucorrhoea. Which means increased secretion of an unusual consistency from the genitals. They can be: watery, yellow-white, milky-white, etc. and have a specific odor, cause burning and itching.

All women have a constitution so that throughout their lives, with normal functioning of the reproductive organs and the absence of diseases of the pelvic organs, there is discharge. This discharge is very scanty, has no specific odor and does not cause any discomfort to the woman.

Mucus, which is secreted normally, has a barrier function in the form of protecting the internal genital organs from infection. Mucus also protects the vaginal walls from dryness. These discharges are colorless or cream-colored. The volume of mucus secreted on average is 2-6 ml per day (but during the menstrual cycle the figures change). According to their consistency, they can be: liquid, medium-thick, thick. All this is considered the norm.

You may also notice an increase in the volume of vaginal secretions. This is also considered the norm. The main difference from pathological discharge is that it has no odor and does not cause discomfort in the form of itching and burning. This may be due to the following points:

  • 5-7 months before the onset of the first menstruation, an increase in vaginal secretion is observed. The discharge is liquid, white, odorless. This is all a consequence of hormonal changes.
  • When the period of ovulation occurs (the mucus thins and becomes liquid).
  • During sexual intercourse (to lubricate the vagina, preparation for sexual intercourse).
  • During pregnancy (to protect the internal genital organs from infection).
  • Use of an intrauterine device.

Causes of discharge with odor

But if you begin to notice a whitish discharge that is causing you discomfort in the intimate area, then this is a reason to consult a gynecologist. The reasons for the appearance of odor-bearing discharge may be:

  • candidiasis, fungal disease - thrush;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa as a result of infection with infectious diseases;
  • vaginal dysbiosis (smell of rotten fish);
  • infection after sexual intercourse (strong unpleasant odor);
  • improper intimate hygiene;
  • genital disease.

Types of pathological white diseases

These discharges are divided into groups according to location, where a certain disease occurs:

  • Uterine. They usually occur with: endometritis, uterine fibroids, polyps. Leucorrhoea purulent, watery.
  • Pipe. This is an inflammatory process of the fallopian tubes. In this case, there is a danger of accumulation of purulent contents due to the narrowing of the pipe opening. They can also be associated with fallopian tube cancer. This leucorrhoea is usually watery and may contain blood.
  • Cervical. The following reasons cause discharge: endocrine diseases, inflammatory processes, infections, and diseases of the endocrine system. Such leucorrhoea is mucous.
  • Vaginal. Occurs when: damage to the mucous membrane, improper hygiene, damage, infections.
  • Vestibular. They are caused by: diabetes mellitus, inflammation, injuries, improper hygiene, masturbation.

What does pathological discharge indicate?

Thick discharge

Thick, creamy, dense vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of harmful microbes in the female body. Thus, the following diseases can be assumed:

  • thrush,
  • urethral infections,
  • inflammatory processes.

Liquid discharge

Liquid discharge that does not cause any discomfort and has no odor is the norm if you are ovulating. But if these discharges are permanent or have white impurities, then this indicates an inflammatory process. The reasons may be:

  • erosion,
  • inflammation of the cervix.

If there is a strong odor or a green tint, then this is a symptom of infectious diseases such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.

Mucus discharge

Mucous membranes can also be both normal and a sign of pathology. Normally, this discharge occurs before your period comes. But if this discharge is constant and has an unpleasant odor, then this may indicate the presence of an infection: vaginitis, gonorrhea, etc. Also, these discharges can occur in diseases such as:

  • polyps,
  • neoplasms,
  • vulvar dermatitis.

Copious and curdled discharge

Abundant and cheesy discharge in any case indicates a pathological process in your body. The reason for the appearance of these discharges may be:

  • thrush (discharge has a sour smell);
  • adnexitis,
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes (discharge has no odor, has a yellow tint, and is profuse);
  • bacterial vaginosis,
  • colpitis,
  • inflammation of the urethra (have a green or yellow-green tint).

Why does white discharge appear?

Before your period

Over the course of a month (menstrual cycle), a woman’s hormonal levels change, which leads to different types of discharge. It is generally accepted that before menstruation occurs, the discharge usually intensifies and becomes white or creamy. There is no smell at all. And these discharges do not bring any discomfort to the woman. Pathological discharge is considered if it is accompanied by burning, itching and a bad odor.

During pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, the woman's hormonal levels change dramatically. Vaginal blood circulation increases. And this is precisely what accompanies an increase in the volume of vaginal secretion, which helps prevent infection from entering the pelvic organs. Thus, an increase in whitish discharge throughout pregnancy is considered normal.

Many pregnant women are concerned about such discharge. They ask: can they in any way affect the child during childbirth? The answer is no. You don't need to worry.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to properly monitor intimate hygiene and wear loose underwear. And most importantly, remember that all discharge that is considered normal does not bring any discomfort.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is imperative. So sometimes there are cases when the white discharge increases and becomes yellow-white. This may be a harbinger of bacterial (fungal) diseases that can be cured immediately, without threatening the fetus.

During and after sexual intercourse

During sexual intercourse, it is considered normal that the white discharge increases. These secretions serve as a vaginal moisturizer, which promotes free entry of the male penis and reduces friction (which helps avoid micro damage to the vaginal walls).

After sexual intercourse, a woman observes white (yellowish) discharge. Why? During sex, a woman experiences an orgasm, which promotes a rush of blood to the genitals, resulting in the release of vaginal secretions in a large volume.

Plus, if sex was without a condom, then the male contents got inside the female body. In this case, after sex, you can observe discharge for a couple of days. The reason for this is the combination of sperm and vaginal contents.

Treatment of pathological whitish discharge

For proper and high-quality treatment, you need to contact a gynecologist. Pass certain tests. And only after that the doctor will prescribe you treatment.

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal agents are mainly prescribed.

The choice of remedy depends on the result of laboratory data, which shows what exactly caused the pathological discharge. At this stage, the following are mainly prescribed: Penicillin, Tetracycline, etc.

Then they use products to restore normal vaginal flora. As a rule, suppositories are prescribed: Clotrimazole, Hexicon, etc.

And basically they complete this treatment with physiotherapy.

Traditional methods of treating leucorrhoea in women

Baking soda

Baking soda is often used. Since baking soda has a destructive effect on fungi.

For preparation you need: 1 tablespoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of iodine per 1 liter of water. It is necessary to make baths in this solution, once a day for 1-2 weeks.

You can do douching with baking soda. To do this you need: 1 teaspoon of soda per 1 liter of water. Douching is done three times a day.

Pine buds

Pine buds are also used for douching. To do this you need: pour 20 grams of buds with two liters of boiling water, simmer it all over low heat for about half an hour. Then cool and douche 2-3 times a day.


Baths can be made with chamomile solution. Chamomile is known to have both anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. To do this you need: pour 5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers with three liters of boiling water. Leave for about one hour. Baths are used once a day, preferably before bedtime.


You can prepare a solution for oral administration from juniper. To do this you need to: pour 20 grams of fruit with one glass of hot water. Leave for 4-5 hours. Drink one tablespoon three times a day.


  • protection during sexual intercourse (condoms),
  • proper personal hygiene (does not allow the use of other people’s products or personal hygiene items),
  • healthy lifestyle,
  • proper balanced nutrition.

What's in the article:

Vaginal discharge helps to promptly identify disturbances in a woman’s reproductive and reproductive system. In general, discharge that is odorless and not accompanied by itching is considered normal. But in some situations itching, odorless white discharge in women may indicate pathological processes. Therefore, it is important to promptly determine the cause and make a diagnosis.

Causes of white discharge

White discharge (leucorrhoea) from the vagina can indicate unpredictable health problems. There are many factors that lead to their appearance. Therefore, the features of the appearance of leucorrhoea and their causes can be divided into several groups:

White vaginal discharge with an odor.

Such a symptom may indicate the presence of a bacterial infection in the vagina, which provokes diseases such as:

  • Candidiasis, thrush. They are also characterized by symptoms: burning and itching, the discharge often has a cheesy consistency and a sour smell.
  • Vaginal dysbiosis. The discharge may smell fishy, ​​and the discharge may be foamy and have a slightly grayish tint.
  • Trichomonas colpitis is a dangerous disease that is accompanied by purulent foamy discharge of a greenish tint. Such symptoms require immediate contact with a gynecologist.
  • Violation of hygiene standards in girls and women. In advanced cases, this can lead to disruption of the reproductive organs.

White discharge without odor

The most common causes of odorless leucorrhoea are:

  • Ovulation period.
  • An odorless and itchy leucorrhoea can accompany sexual intercourse and serves as a lubricant, which reduces discomfort.
  • Leucorrhoea - as a result of the use of coils, contraceptives and other vaginal products.
  • White, odorless and itchy discharge during pregnancy helps protect the woman’s vagina and fetus from infection. A change in color to a yellow tint may indicate an infection.

Consistency of white discharge and possible diseases.

Gynecologists say that a small amount of white, odorless discharge, which is not a constant occurrence, may be normal for the female body and does not pose any danger. A change in their quantity or consistency may indicate a malfunction in the body.

  • Thick, creamy discharge indicates the presence of harmful microbes in the vagina. They can be caused by thrush or a urinary tract infection.
  • Too liquid and abundant indicate the process of inflammation in the uterus or erosion. If the color of the leucorrhoea changes to greenish and a strong unpleasant odor appears, it is better to check for the absence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Leucorrhoea, which is accompanied by itching and burning, has an unpleasant odor, may indicate gonorrhea, chlamydia, thrush, vaginosis.
  • Cheesy leucorrhoea in large quantities can indicate thrush, inflammation, vaginosis, and chronic diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • Abundant white discharge with an uncharacteristic odor or change in color may indicate the presence of a malignant neoplasm.

White, odorless discharge can also be triggered by recovery after childbirth, sudden climate change, allergic manifestations, taking certain medications, sudden changes in weight, and frequent douching.

When to see a gynecologist

It is better to investigate any white discharge in women without odor and identify its cause. To do this, you need to know what symptoms are considered normal.

Normal leucorrhoea in women

They are characterized by:

  • Inconstancy and small quantity.
  • They are white, transparent, and do not have any other color impurities.
  • No pungent unpleasant odor.
  • There is no severe irritation or burning of the genitals.
  • No discomfort or pain.
  • No fever with white discharge.

You should not ignore scanty, odorless white discharge. They may indicate a disruption in the production of hormones and estrogen in the body.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, depending on the symptoms, the following examinations may be carried out: vaginal smear, urine and blood tests, hormone tests, ultrasound (vaginal or transvaginal), examination of the uterine cavity with an optical system. In such cases, it will be mandatory to examine the woman’s or girl’s vagina on a gynecological chair, which determines the absence or presence of possible pathological processes.

Treatment and preventive measures

The prescribed therapy depends on the diagnosis and the reasons for which white discharge without a pungent odor appeared. Often this is an integrated approach.

  • Balanced diet. If leucorrhoea appears very often, it is better to reduce fatty, fried foods and preserves in your diet. Increase the amount of red berries, freshly squeezed juices, for the preparation of which sorrel, celery, carrots, and spinach are used.
  • Maintaining personal hygiene standards. This is the best prevention of any female diseases. It is better to use special products that contain lactic acid for washing. To maintain normal vaginal microflora, it is enough to wash 2 times a day.
  • Traditional medicine recommends drinking enough liquid in such cases. At the same time add lemon juice to it. It is recommended to rinse the genitals with water at a temperature of 20°C or add a decoction or extracts of pine or pine needles to the baths. If you have excessive leucorrhoea, drinking nettle infusion can help.
  • Douching. For the procedure, you can use a decoction of blueberry leaves or St. John's wort, eucalyptus or oak bark. The procedure can be used for both prevention and treatment. If used as a treatment, the result can only be obtained after systematic use.
  • Drug treatment. To eliminate local manifestations, suppositories and tablets in the vagina can be prescribed. If the disease is advanced, general medications are used. Additionally, a course of vitamins and minerals may be prescribed.

Do not forget that any treatment is prescribed only by a specialist after diagnosis.

Every woman in her life at least once encounters white discharge, but not everyone knows about all the reasons for its occurrence. But learning to distinguish between normal discharge and pathological discharge is essential in order to avoid complications.

What discharge is considered normal?

For women of childbearing age, it is considered normal to have white discharge. That is, the cause of their appearance is not always any disease. The secretion in the vagina that is formed as a result of the exfoliation of waste epithelium, consisting of leukocytes, various microbes and mucus, is considered normal secretions. Their quantity can vary from 1-2 ml per day (this depends on the period of the menstrual cycle). The color of the discharge may be white with a yellowish tint, and it may have a sour smell or no smell at all.

Typically, the amount of discharge changes midway through a woman's menstrual cycle. There are more of them, but don't worry. This discharge is within normal limits and its appearance is associated with the ovulation process that occurs during this period in the female body. The discharge at this time is called leucorrhoea. Sometimes they can become completely transparent, and then turn white again.

After sexual intercourse, women also experience white vaginal discharge. They may be abundant, but will always be odorless. This is due to female physiology and does not require special treatment. It is undesirable to douche with this discharge, as this may upset the balance of the vaginal microflora.

There is abundant white discharge in the first period of pregnancy. They are associated with hormonal changes in the female body, because the amount of estrogen increases in expectant mothers. The main thing is that the discharge does not turn pink or brown, as this may be an indicator of pregnancy complications.

Sometimes heavy white discharge is associated with sudden changes in a woman’s hormonal levels. Such problems are more often encountered by the fair sex after 40 years of age or those whose menopause was caused by surgery. For them, this discharge is the norm. But you still need to see a doctor. And if the smear does not show that this abundant white discharge did not appear due to infection, then you will need to undergo an examination for the presence or absence of hormones and an ultrasound examination, after which your gynecologist will prescribe a course of hormonal drugs or phytohormones (depending on the diagnosis). diagnosis). Usually, the discharge stops after just a few days after starting treatment.

Reasons for appearance

In some cases, female white discharge indicates cervical pathology. If they last more than 1 week, then the woman should visit a gynecologist. He will prescribe you cytological and colposcopic examinations, the results of which will help you choose the right therapy. It is possible that surgical intervention will be required to eliminate the pathology.

White discharge can occur as a result of the development of various gynecological diseases. For example, they are a common occurrence in vulvitis, pustular lesions of the skin of the perineum, bartholinitis and malignant neoplasms of the genital organs. Discharge is a symptom of these diseases. Therefore, taking a smear test is never a bad idea. It should be borne in mind that preventive home treatment of discharge in this case threatens the occurrence of a relapse of the disease, which will be much more difficult to cope with than the primary disease.

Also one of the reasons for the appearance of white discharge is Dederlein's lactobacilli. These lactic acid bacteria are the basis of the secretions of a woman who is in reproductive age. They protect the vagina from attack by harmful bacteria, but their quantity should also not exceed a certain norm, because this can cause inflammation. Therefore, if your normal discharge has changed in quantity, color or smell, the best solution would be to visit a gynecologist who can identify the cause of the changes and recommend therapy, if necessary. By making a smear to culture the pathogen, you will find out what exactly was the root cause of inflammation and the appearance of heavy discharge.


The cause of the appearance of copious white discharge from the vagina is quite often the Candida fungus, which provokes the occurrence of thrush, medically called candidiasis. The characteristic differences between such white discharges and others are their sour smell and similarity to grains of cottage cheese.

This disease can be recognized quite easily, because in addition to the discharge, the woman feels a burning sensation and itching, and she experiences swelling of the genital organs.


  • endocrinopathy:
  • vitamin deficiency (especially lack of vitamins C and B);
  • taking cytostatics and hormones;
  • radiation therapy;
  • contraceptive drugs;
  • weakened immunity;
  • pregnancy.

But you should not think that visual identification of thrush by discharge allows you to immediately prescribe treatment. Without the correct tests, it will be useless, because candidiasis, as a rule, does not develop alone, but together with another disease that is spread through sexual contact. Yes, you may not have any illness other than thrush, but if this is not the case, then you will complicate the further recovery process and lose the opportunity to quickly get rid of another infection.

Treatment of discharge due to thrush in a comprehensive manner . The doctor will prescribe you intravaginal suppositories, cream or tablets, and you will also need to take medications that strengthen the woman’s immune system.


If the discharge is white or grayish in color, has a uniform consistency, and smells like rotten fish (especially after unprotected sex), this indicates that you have bacterial vaginosis. This disease occurs when the level of lactobacilli in the vagina decreases, which leads to the proliferation of Gardnerella vaginalis, an opportunistic microbe. Bacterial vaginosis is chronic, sexually transmitted, and can be accompanied by other infections. Therefore, the presence of such white discharge is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of vaginosis should focus on suppressing harmful bacteria, restoring healthy microflora and good immunity. Typically, local therapy is prescribed: anti-inflammatory antiseptic intravaginal suppositories or tablets and dietary supplements.


The cause of copious off-white or yellow-green discharge may be the venereal disease trichomoniasis, which appears due to infection with Trichomonas vaginalis.

In addition to discharge, symptoms of the disease are:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • itching and/or severe burning;
  • pain when urinating or having sex.

To forget about the discharge and other symptoms of Trichomonas, you need to undergo drug therapy, during which alcoholic beverages and sexual intercourse are contraindicated.

The consistency and color of genital discharge are characteristic indicators of a woman’s health. If the uterus and ovaries function normally, and there are no inflammatory or other pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system, then minor discharge usually does not cause discomfort. Another thing is copious white discharge that causes itching. They are usually associated with serious gynecological diseases. It is very important to establish their cause, to prevent the disease from becoming chronic, and to prevent complications.


Causes of natural discharge

Thanks to the mucus produced by special glands in the cervix and vagina, the internal genital organs are protected from the penetration of harmful microorganisms that cause damage to their mucous membranes. The weakly acidic environment of this mucus is due to the presence of beneficial lactobacilli that produce lactic acid. In such an environment, infectious agents die.

Physiological mucus is usually colorless. There is a constant renewal of epithelial cells. In this case, the dying cells become part of the leucorrhoea, which may have a faint creamy tint. Their consistency is affected by any changes in hormonal levels. The most dramatic hormonal surges occur during puberty, as well as during pregnancy. Therefore, in girls and pregnant women, discharge is usually abundant.

The volume of leucorrhoea is minimal immediately after the end of menstruation, since the mucus has a thick consistency. Before ovulation occurs, the mucous plug in the cervix gradually liquefies and becomes similar to the white of a chicken egg. The volume of discharge increases. By the end of the cycle they spontaneously disappear.

During pregnancy, every woman experiences such discharge. If there is a delay in menstruation, and profuse, thick, homogeneous leucorrhoea appears, this most likely indicates pregnancy.

Natural discharge differs from pathological discharge in that it does not have an unpleasant odor and does not irritate the mucous membrane. Such discharge does not cause itching in women.

Video: Normal and pathological white discharge in women

Causes of pathological discharge and itching

Unlike natural discharge, pathological discharge has no connection with the phases of the menstrual cycle. They appear spontaneously, spontaneously and do not disappear. Such leucorrhoea is usually liquid, foamy or similar to cottage cheese, often has a pungent odor and causes itching.

The cause of leucorrhoea can be:

  1. Diseases of the genital organs.
  2. Hormonal disorders that occur with hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), the use of hormonal drugs for contraception and as medications, as well as after abortion and other processes that change the natural hormonal balance.
  3. Allergy to hygiene products.

Note: Itching in the vagina occurs as a reaction to certain medications, as well as after eating spicy foods or smoked foods.

Pathological discharge may be accompanied, in addition to itching in the vagina, by an increase in temperature, burning and pain when urinating, and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes they have a greenish or yellowish tint. The cause of itching is irritation of the nerve endings located in the vagina.

Types of pathological white discharge

Depending on which part of the reproductive system the disease occurs, leucorrhoea is divided into the following types:

  1. Pipe. They appear as a result of an inflammatory process or the formation of a malignant tumor in the uterine tubes.
  2. Uterine. As a rule, their appearance is a symptom of the formation of polyps and fibroids in the uterus. They may be a sign of cancer.
  3. Cervical. Their cause is a disruption in the production of mucus in the glands due to endocrine diseases, as well as the occurrence of inflammatory and stagnant processes as a result of ruptures in the neck and scar formation. Such leucorrhoea can appear due to infectious diseases and the formation of polyps.
  4. Vaginal. Appear due to irritation or damage to the mucous membrane due to improper douching, mechanical damage, or disruption of the natural microflora in the vagina.
  5. Vestibular. White discharge and itching appear due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands due to diabetes mellitus, inflammatory processes, mechanical irritation, and non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Diseases for which white discharge is a symptom. Treatment

This symptom is characteristic of both sexually transmitted infectious diseases and inflammatory processes caused by an imbalance of hormones in the body, mechanical or chemical damage to the mucous membranes.

Diseases resulting from sexual transmission

Candidiasis (thrush)- damage to the mucous membrane by the Candida fungus. The process can occur in the vagina (candidal vaginitis, or colpitis), the external genitalia (vulvitis) or spread to both areas (vulvovaginitis). In this case, abundant white discharge resembles a cheesy mass and has a characteristic sour odor.

Itching, burning, frequent urination, swelling and damage to the mucous membrane, pain during sexual intercourse are additional symptoms that deprive a woman of strength and the ability to lead a normal lifestyle. In its acute form, the disease is treated within a few days with the help of antifungal drugs (miconazole, pimafucin, clotrimazole). Such products are available in the form of tablets, suppositories and creams.

It is also necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina and intestines with the help of preparations containing lactobacilli. In addition, inflammatory processes are eliminated.

If the disease is neglected, it becomes chronic and requires long-term treatment. Periodically, exacerbation of symptoms is possible. The cause may be a decrease in immunity.

Sometimes candidiasis develops into a third form, in which there are no external symptoms, but the woman is a carrier of the infection.

Warning: Vulvovaginal candidiasis must be treated, as the fungus can spread to other organs.

Video: Signs and treatment of thrush in women

Papillomavirus vulvovaginitis. With this disease, genital warts (condylomas) appear on the skin around the anus and in the mucous membrane of the vulva, which can grow together. This complicates sexual intercourse and leads to inflammation and itching.

The causative agent of this infection is human papillomavirus. It is transmitted both sexually and by contact (through bedding, medical instruments). The resulting white discharge causes itching, swelling and redness of the vulva.

Treatment is carried out by surgical removal of condylomas, burning them out using electrocoagulation and cryotherapy. Laser excision is also used. In this case, drugs are prescribed to enhance immunity (isoprinosine, for example).

Non-sexually transmitted diseases

Bacterial vaginosis– this is vaginal dysbiosis, that is, the predominance of pathogenic bacteria over beneficial lactobacilli. This condition can occur as a result of decreased immunity, intestinal dysbiosis, poor nutrition (lack of fermented milk products in the diet), and wearing synthetic underwear, which creates conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Symptoms of the disease are vaginal itching, liquid white discharge with a grayish tint, and a fishy odor.

Treatment consists of eliminating pathogens (gardnerella and others) using suppositories containing antibiotics and antiseptics. In addition, preparations with bifidobacteria are used, which increase the acidity of the vaginal environment.

If bacterial vaginosis is not treated, then favorable conditions are created for the occurrence of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the uterus and appendages.

Video: Causes and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis

Cervicitis- inflammation of the cervix that extends into the vagina. With this disease, the discharge is cloudy white mixed with pus. The cause is infection with various types of infection, birth injuries to the cervix, postoperative scars. The disease is promoted by decreased immunity. It is often accompanied by ectopia of the neck (pseudo-erosion), ectropion (eversion of the neck), inflammation of the vulva and vagina.

The method and drugs for treatment are selected depending on the cause of cervicitis. Antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals are used. The affected area is treated with disinfectant solutions.

To restore the balance of beneficial microorganisms inhabiting the genitals, drugs that act locally, directly in the vagina, are needed. An example of such a remedy is Laktozhinal. Its capsules contain lactic acid bacteria (lyophilized), which are one of the leading components of the microflora of female genitalia. Once inside the vagina, lactobacilli come to life, begin to actively multiply and produce acid, which protects against pathogenic microbes and suppresses the growth of fungi that provoke candidiasis. This treatment of vaginosis also helps prevent thrush.

In the chronic form of the disease, laser therapy, cryotherapy and other surgical treatment methods are used. Estrogen drugs (ovestin) are also prescribed to promote mucosal regeneration.

To determine the cause of leucorrhoea, a colposcopy is performed, a smear is examined under a microscope, and a culture is done. This allows you to determine the type of bacteria and select an antibiotic. Blood tests using PCR and ELISA methods are used to detect the type of infection.

Moderate, non-discomfortable white discharge in women indicates the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Their intensity and consistency vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. This is due to normal physiological processes occurring in the body. If white vaginal discharge has acquired an unpleasant odor or changed structure, then it signals the development of pathology and is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

White vaginal discharge is observed in various situations. The consistency of normal secretion is thick and quite liquid, and its quantity is abundant and meager. Both of these options are considered normal.

The reasons why white flakes appear on girls' panties can be both pathological and natural. Such changes are typical for certain periods of the cycle and early stages of pregnancy. They can be triggered by intimacy and stress.


During certain phases of the cycle, the volume of secretion increases. Such changes are noted at the time of ovulation. In this case, a stretchy whitish odorless discharge appears in women, similar to egg white. Mucus, the color of milk, can be observed for several hours or a couple of days after the release of the egg. Over time, under the influence of progesterone, it acquires a thick consistency and is produced in significantly smaller quantities.

Early pregnancy

Whitish discharge in a virgin most often indicates the imminent arrival of regula, but if the woman has already had sexual experience, then such changes can signal pregnancy. Such symptoms appear due to hormonal changes in the body.

The amount of secretion gradually increases. Often, white discharge without itching or odor is observed throughout the first trimester. They are considered to be the absolute norm.

They can arise for various reasons, so we recommend that you study this issue in more detail.

Discharge during sexual intercourse

Appearing during intimacy are considered normal. When aroused, mucus begins to be produced, the volume of which increases significantly as desire increases and reaches its maximum amount upon completion of sexual intercourse. Viscous lumps should not cause concern - this is a natural phenomenon.

You also need to take into account that mucus has different characteristics depending on whether a condom was used or not. If intimacy was unprotected, then the secretion mixes with sperm and acquires an unusual smell and yellowish color. When using barrier contraceptives, the artificial lubricant of the condom comes into contact with the fluid released from the vagina - and quite thick leucorrhoea is formed.


Often, white discharge from the uterus is noted against the background of a delay, but fertilization has not occurred. Such changes can be triggered by stress. If a maximum of five days is observed, and the discharge itself is odorless, does not increase in volume and does not cause discomfort, then there is no reason to panic.

Signs of pathological discharge

When the immune system is suppressed, hormone levels change and antibiotic medications are taken, pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply, resulting in an inflammatory process.

The development of diseases is indicated by the following nature of the secretion:

  • copious white discharge with a thick, cheesy consistency;
  • foamy mucus;
  • viscous discharge with a pungent, very unpleasant odor.

Attention should also be paid to accompanying symptoms. Regardless of whether odorless or odorless discharge is noted, it raises concerns if additional clinical manifestations are present. Itching, discomfort during urination and intimacy, redness of the genitals, pain in the abdomen and hyperthermia indicate the onset of the pathological process. Such changes are a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of pathological discharge

White thick discharge in women appears for both natural and pathological reasons. To identify the disease, you need to pay special attention to the consistency, smell, as well as the volume of secretion and accompanying symptoms. Such changes are often provoked by candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and a number of other diseases of the reproductive system. In this case, scanty and abundant white discharge requires immediate treatment.

Development of candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush) is a common disease. Its occurrence can be caused by hormonal disorders, non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene, taking antibiotics and oral contraceptives. Under the influence of these factors, Candida fungi actively multiply and the main symptoms of thrush begin to appear.

Initially, thick white discharge, odorless and itchy, with a cheesy consistency, may be observed. With further development of the pathology, additional symptoms appear. White vaginal discharge takes on a sour aroma. A woman suffers from burning and itching in the genital area. If a bacterial infection occurs, the secretion becomes gray or yellow.

Bacterial vaginosis

The development of pathology is caused by a violation of the vaginal microflora and the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms in it. Such changes occur due to suppressed immunity, intestinal dysbiosis, improper organization of the diet and wearing underwear made of synthetic materials.

As this disease develops, the skin in the vaginal area begins to itch, and a liquid secretion appears that has an unpleasant odor of rotten fish.

Bacterial vaginosis requires treatment. Lack of proper therapy can lead to inflammation of the appendages and genital organs, as well as infection into the vagina. The situation will worsen significantly.

Development of cervicitis

The occurrence of this disease is due to the onset of an inflammatory process that occurs in the part of the cervix that exits into the vagina. At the same time, an odorless mucous discharge begins to be released, in which an admixture of pus is often observed.

The causes of the pathological process, as a rule, are infections, damage to the uterus during childbirth and scars formed after surgery.

Pathology of the cervix

Thick, odorless and itchy discharge may appear due to the development of erosion of the cervix or the growth of a malignant tumor on it. In this case, the woman feels a mild nagging pain in the abdominal area. In addition, regardless of the period of the cycle, a milky, odorless daub is observed. Also among the symptoms of the pathology is an admixture of blood in the secretion after intimacy, but such clinical manifestations are rare. Often the disease is asymptomatic.

Diagnosis of diseases

To understand why odorless or uncharacteristic odorless white discharge appeared, the doctor first conducts an examination on the gynecological chair and studies the medical history. A swab is immediately taken to detect infection.

In addition, a number of additional studies are prescribed to help find out the exact reason for the appearance of secretion like milk:

  • blood test to determine hormone levels;
  • bacterial culture;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • colposcopy.

Only after the diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes a course of therapy.


If thick vaginal discharge is caused by thrush, then antifungal therapy is prescribed. It is also necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina, due to which it will be possible to suppress the activity of the fungus and eliminate the pathology.

In the case where odorless liquid discharge is caused by hormonal disorders, they resort to the use of medications that help normalize hormone levels. The therapy is quite lengthy. It often takes more than six months to achieve a goal.

When bacterial vaginosis is detected, antibiotics are used to suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Additionally, antifungal drugs are used to help restore microflora.

For cervical erosion, drug therapy is ineffective. In order to eliminate the problem, they resort to cauterization of the formation.

The course of treatment for cervicitis is selected depending on the reasons that provoked its appearance. Antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal medications are used in the therapy process. The affected areas are treated with antiseptic solutions. If the pathology becomes chronic, surgical intervention is resorted to.

The appearance of white mucus often does not indicate the onset of a pathological process and is considered normal. Signs of the development of the disease are an unpleasant smell of secretion, pain, itching and burning and other associated symptoms. When they appear, you need the help of a gynecologist. The sooner a problem is identified, the easier it will be to fix it.