Strong discharge like snot with odor. Vaginal discharge

Mucous discharge from the vagina, if it is of a normal nature, is a natural phenomenon. Absolutely all women of reproductive age notice them. However, discharge is often a signal from the body that a malfunction has occurred and medical attention is required. Such signals may be a change in color, the appearance of an odor, or the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the genital area (especially during urination and sexual intercourse). If your vaginal discharge has changed, you should not put off going to the gynecologist for a consultation. And don't be shy! This is especially true for teenage girls. The doctor will not think anything bad about you.

As is normal

If the vaginal discharge is transparent and not accompanied by unpleasant sensations or causes discomfort, then there is no cause for concern. A healthy woman has vaginal discharge without an unpleasant repulsive odor, it is not accompanied by itching and does not irritate the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs. In terms of quantity, there are very few of them. A healthy woman has a normal body temperature and nothing causes concern. In fact, if vaginal discharge is normal, then the fair sex does not even notice its existence.

Discharge from the female genital organs resembles viscous transparent mucus. It is secreted by the glands of the cervix. With the help of these secretions, the reproductive tract is cleansed. In addition, it is these secretions that protect the sensitive genital organs (internal and external) from infection and bacteria - pathogens. It should be noted that the amount of discharge has a connection with menstruation, or more precisely with the time interval between menstruation, the so-called menstrual cycle. It consists of three phases. And during the second phase, ovulation, the discharge acquires a jelly structure.

More abundant mucous discharge from the vagina is observed at the moment of sexual arousal and in anticipation of intimate intercourse. Thus, nature made sure that sexual intercourse in women caused pleasure, and accordingly, the human race did not die out. Also, the total volume of discharge may change after a change in climatic conditions, when taking certain hormonal medications and the appearance of a new sexual partner.

And one more important fact: mucous secretions during pregnancy change significantly. There are much more of them, they are whitish and differ from ordinary ones in viscosity. A woman experiences a particularly large amount of vaginal discharge in the first weeks after conception, as well as immediately before childbirth (when the mucous plug comes off).

Alarm Signals

If the discharge is accompanied by blood, then, with the exception of the onset of menstruation, a disease can be assumed. Bloody mucous and foul-smelling discharge may indicate diseases of the uterus, ectopic pregnancy, erosions and cysts. If the smell is not felt, then scant streaks of blood in the vaginal mucus can tell a woman that she is pregnant. But even minor bleeding in a pregnant woman in the early stages is a signal that a miscarriage may occur. If a woman takes an oral contraceptive, then minor spotting during the first months is quite normal. The body gets used to the action of the pills.

It should be remembered that any bleeding, with the exception of menstrual bleeding, is a reason to consult a gynecologist. Uterine bleeding is not only dangerous to health, it threatens a woman’s life.

White and colored

Also, mucous discharge from the vagina may become white, yellowish or bluish in color. And most likely, a gynecological disease is to blame. Especially if you feel a strong unpleasant odor and notice pain, pain when urinating and itching. Yes, it is quite possible that you received a gift from Venus, the goddess of love. What to do? See a doctor immediately. Some diseases develop very quickly and, when neglected, are difficult to treat. Many sexually transmitted diseases lead to infertility and a woman's inability to give birth to a healthy child.

If you notice that white mucous discharge from the vagina has a curd-like consistency, most likely it is thrush or a pathogenic bacteria has settled inside you. In this case, treatment is also required (and it is possible that not only the patient, but also her partner).

Let's summarize. Vaginal discharge in a healthy woman is a physiological phenomenon. However, if they change at the slightest level, you should immediately consult a doctor. And the sooner, the greater the chances of recovery, if, of course, the cause is illness.

You should not rush to the pharmacy for medicine if there is more clear liquid than usual. In this situation, it is strictly forbidden to begin self-medication with medications. This may affect the secretion of fluid, but such manipulations can provoke the appearance and development of diseases. As a result, incretion may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor, swelling, change in mucus color, itching, uncomfortable sensations and other consequences of using medications for other purposes. It is better to make an appointment with a doctor, because only a specialist can determine whether the patient is healthy or not.

Normal manifestations

Transparent discharge in women appears from the moment of puberty and accompanies them throughout their lives.

They are absent only in girls, when the egg is just maturing and the hormone estrogen is not yet produced. After the first menstruation, clear liquid begins to appear regularly, changing its consistency and volume at a certain phase of the cycle. Discharge with the following indicators is considered normal:

  • no unpleasant odor;
  • no irritation appears on the genitals;
  • body temperature is not higher than normal;
  • liquid consistency (at different phases of the cycle there may be jelly-like discharge);
  • transparent liquid without changing color or having streaks;
  • vaginal manifestations do not greatly exceed the norm;
  • do not cause discomfort in the vagina or pain.

Menstrual cycle

Little girls should not have any genital discharge at all. Vaginal secretions can begin to form only before the first menstruation. Most often, the first secretions are slightly white in color, liquid, with a sour smell or without it at all. Transparent white liquid is the norm for women and girls; it moisturizes the uterus and vagina, protecting them from infections. During the menstrual cycle, the properties of the secretion change depending on a certain phase:

  1. During the first phase (from the last day of menstruation to the 11th day), the fluid is usually of a homogeneous type and comes out in small quantities. Usually the discharge is clear or slightly white, slightly watery, semi-liquid, with a barely noticeable sour odor or without it at all.
  2. The next period is ovulation. It lasts 1-2 days, and during this period the amount of secretion increases. It is during the period of ovulation that transparent, stretchy mucous discharge is observed. They have mostly no odor or are slightly sour.
  3. In the second phase, shortly before the start of menstruation, the amount of secretion decreases again, it acquires a thicker consistency, resembling jelly in appearance. Just before menstruation, the volume of fluid secreted by the female genital organs increases. Such changes in women occur cyclically and cover their entire reproductive period.


When a woman becomes aroused, this is accompanied by the release of a large amount of watery fluid. It is a natural lubricant and increases the comfort of intimate relationships. When sexual intercourse is over, a special discharge appears from the vagina.

Sexual intercourse not protected by a condom provokes the production of a transparent, thick secretion by the female genital organs. If sexual intercourse was interrupted or carried out using contraception, then after it scanty white or yellow discharge is observed in women, the consistency of which resembles cream. A few hours after sexual intercourse, the female secretion becomes liquid, white, and abundantly produced.

Pregnancy and childbirth

When a woman is pregnant, her body changes its hormonal status. Due to the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy, blood circulation increases in the genitals of the expectant mother, the vagina produces a large amount of clear liquid, with a watery consistency. As we approach the end of gestation, it becomes more mucous and is produced even more abundantly. During this period of pregnancy, clear, stretchy mucous discharge is normal for women. At the end of pregnancy, vaginal manifestations in the form of a very watery fluid can be considered dangerous. This suggests that there is a risk of premature birth, because such fluid may be amniotic fluid.

By the end of 7-8 weeks after the baby is born, they are cleared of excess impurities. At first they look like thick mucus, but after a short period of time they become transparent and liquid, that is, the same as they were before pregnancy. While breastfeeding continues, very small amounts of clear fluid will be released in the female genital organs. But if vaginal manifestations have changed their color, acquired an unpleasant odor, and the discharge is accompanied by pain, itching, swelling or other abnormalities, this is a reason to consult a doctor, since such changes in the body indicate the appearance of a disease.

The influence of hormonal drugs

During the period of taking any hormonal medications (this can be either contraceptives or medications for other purposes), changes occur in the body, which causes inhibition of the ovulation process. Because of this, the amount of mucous, clear, liquid vaginal manifestations is significantly reduced. But this doesn't always happen. There are cases when, as a result of taking hormonal drugs, the amount of fluid from the genitals increases noticeably.

But the mucus secreted should not cause itching, discomfort, swelling, inflammation or an unpleasant odor. Since contraceptive drugs create a suitable environment for the life and reproduction of various microorganisms, quite often, in addition to pills, doctors prescribe drugs that allow the microflora to recover. When taking hormonal drugs is stopped, the production of secretions from the female genital organs stabilizes and occurs as usual.

Women's health during menopause

When a woman reaches menopause, hormonal stability is disrupted and this leads to a change in the amount and nature of mucus produced by the genitals. Vaginal manifestations are significantly reduced in number, this causes dryness inside the genital organs, resulting in feelings of discomfort and even pain. Such changes occur due to the fact that the vaginal mucosa and vulva become dry, thin and practically do not produce “lubricant”. If during menopause the vagina begins to produce large amounts of mucus, this may be a sign of a serious illness.

The body's reaction to a change of partner

When a woman changes sexual partner, instead of normal clear fluid, the vagina may begin to produce thick, viscous mucus in large quantities. Such changes occur due to the fact that the microflora in the cervix, vagina and other female organs changes during sexual contact with a new partner.

Entering the female body, the flora of a new sexual partner provokes in the vagina the process of getting used to completely unfamiliar microorganisms, fungi, and bacteria. Sometimes, when changing partners in the vagina, women may begin the process of rejection. In this case, there is often an increase in the amount of mucus produced, a change in its consistency and color. After a certain time, the female body gets used to the partner, and the vaginal microflora is restored. If you change sexual partners too often, women can develop serious diseases that can even lead to infertility.

Preventive measures

To prevent the female genital organs from starting to produce “incorrect” secretions, it is necessary to carry out prevention. And first of all, you need to worry about proper hygiene of intimate areas. And to do this, when washing, you need to use intimate hygiene products containing extracts from medicinal plants, components with moisturizing properties, as well as lactic acid.

As you now understand, clear fluid from the vagina is a sign that the female body is working as it should. The nature of the discharge may change under the influence of various factors, and this is the norm. But you need to be very careful and monitor serious changes in the secretion produced by the female body. If the discharge has acquired an unusual color or has begun to cause discomfort, then you should not risk your health, but should immediately go to an appointment with a gynecologist. The reasons for such changes may be associated with serious diseases.

Every woman is faced with the phenomenon of vaginal discharge. They come in different properties and colors. Mucus that has an unpleasant odor of yellow, pink or brownish hues should cause alarm. This means that inflammatory processes are occurring in the woman’s genital area, which requires urgent treatment. Clear, odorless discharge in women is not dangerous. This is quite normal.

The norm is also considered to be the absence of fever, itching, pain, and other types of discomfort in intimate places. To maintain women's health, it is necessary to adhere to several rules: wash your face regularly, periodically go for preventive examinations to a gynecologist, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Composition of discharge from a healthy woman

The role of the body's mucous membranes is difficult to overestimate. They protect us from the invasion of infections and have moisturizing properties. Transparent mucus, like saliva and tears, is a physiological phenomenon that is quite characteristic of the female body.

Let's figure out what it consists of? There are special glands in the cervix that produce secretions; it contains microorganisms that maintain normal microflora, dead cells, fungi and bacteria.

The sour smell of mucus secreted from intimate places is explained by the presence of beneficial milk bacteria called lactobacilli. We need them to maintain local immunity. There is no need to worry if you notice a clear discharge, but with a slightly sour odor, this is normal and should not cause you concern.

Causes of clear discharge

There are a huge number of reasons that lead to changes in a woman’s sexual sphere. This includes acclimatization, constant fatigue, stress and bad habits. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health, listen to your body, try to notice alarming symptoms, and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Discharge from the genital organs, their nature depends not only on external factors, but also on internal ones. For example, age, hormonal levels, as well as:

  • phase,
  • pregnancy,
  • reception
  • pregnancy,
  • period after the birth of a child,
  • partner's health,

The appearance of normal discharge in girls

Many people wonder whether girls can have vaginal discharge. The clear answer is no. They begin to form only during puberty. Then you can notice transparent marks on the panties or a whitish odorless color.

The female secretion has a very important function - protecting the vagina from the penetration of bacteria and germs, moisturizing the mucous membrane.

It should be noted that depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, discharge may vary. For example, after the end of menstruation until the period of ovulation, they are homogeneous and transparent, quite watery, scanty, and odorless.

During ovulation, the secretion changes, becoming viscous, more abundant, transparent in color with a slightly sour odor.

After the end of the ovulation phase, the discharge again becomes scanty and thick, and before menstruation its volume increases again. A similar pattern accompanies every menstrual cycle.

Clear discharge during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes quite quickly, blood flows into the genitals, blood circulation accelerates, as a result, the volume of discharge increases, but the norm remains the same - no odor or slightly sour, transparency.

It is worth paying special attention to discharge towards the end of pregnancy. As a rule, they are of medium consistency, transparent and viscous. A more liquid or even watery state indicates the danger of premature birth. The volume of mucus in most cases increases.

Only by the end of the second month, after the baby is born, the admixture of blood in the postpartum discharge disappears, and the mucus becomes transparent. But at first it is very viscous, after some time it becomes liquid and colorless, the same as before the baby was conceived.

During breastfeeding, many people notice that female secretions are released in a very small volume. This trend is observed until the end of lactation. Changes in color, discomfort in the intimate area, itching, pain and unpleasant odor indicate that bacteria or fungi have settled on the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix.

The influence of hormonal agents on the nature of discharge

While taking contraceptive hormonal drugs, some changes occur in a woman’s body associated with inhibition of the ovulation process. Thus, the conception of a child does not occur. The body always thinks that it is carrying a baby.

Taking the product helps reduce the volume of clear mucus secreted from the vagina.

But there are times when everything happens the other way around. In this case, the woman should pay attention to the smell and color of the discharge. If they smell bad or are yellow or green, this most likely indicates an inflammatory reaction caused by fungi and bacteria. Then you need to see a doctor who will take it and, based on the results of the examination, prescribe medications that restore the vaginal microflora.

Normal discharge during menopause

During the onset of menopause, a disruption occurs in the female body. This primarily concerns hormonal levels. A change in mood is felt, and the nature of the discharge changes. They become scarcer than before. During sex and even during rest, there may be discomfort, even pain and itching, as the mucous membrane dries out and becomes thinner. In principle, this is not considered an abnormal phenomenon during menopause; it is one of its signs. But if a woman feels that the discharge, on the contrary, has become abundant and has acquired an odor, then this should alert her. Most likely, an inflammatory process has begun.

Change of sexual partner

The human body adapts to any changes and has its own so-called microflora. During sex with a new partner, changes in the nature, color and consistency of the discharge may be observed.

Everything is explained by the fact that the microflora of the vagina and cervix accepts completely different bacteria, fungi and microbes that were previously unknown. Adaptation occurs. Normal clear mucus may become thicker and change color and smell. And also, as a rule, the volume of discharge increases.

After some time, the problem resolves itself. The reproductive system “gets used to” and “accepts” the partner’s microflora.

But if you lead a promiscuous sex life, this is fraught with dangerous diseases and endless inflammatory processes. If symptoms such as itching, burning, unpleasant odor, or pink or yellow marks on underwear are detected, you should immediately consult a specialist.

During sex, as a rule, a woman becomes aroused, and as a result, a large amount of lubricant begins to be released. Her character is different depending on what kind of sex there was.

If intimate lubricant was not used during sexual intercourse, then clear or white discharge, odorless, viscous in consistency and consisting exclusively of female secretions, is considered normal.

Copious transparent discharge: what to do?

In case of heavy discharge that is not streaked with blood, is transparent or white, and does not cause discomfort, then there is no need to worry. The problem can be solved by wearing pads and timely personal hygiene. There are no other ways to reduce emissions. But, unfortunately, many women begin to take pills, light suppositories, in other words, self-medicate. This is dangerous, as negative consequences are possible. If in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.

Of particular concern should be yellow, green or pink discharge, streaked with blood, which is accompanied by itching and discomfort. In this case, the vulvar mucosa is infected. You should immediately consult a doctor, take tests and prescribe adequate treatment

Unusual color or shape of discharge

By the nature of the discharge, consistency and color, you can determine the health status of a woman’s genital area. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

  • Inflammation of the cervix or erosive lesions are usually indicated by pink discharge streaked with blood.
  • During pregnancy, pink-brown mucus can be observed, this most likely indicates abruption.
  • A deficiency of vitamin B, problems with blood clotting, thrombosis, cervical flexion, or unnatural neoplasms indicate menstrual bleeding with clots, and large ones.
  • There is no need to worry if you have white or clear discharge. This means that the genital area is healthy and has no abnormalities. The microflora is normal, and the genitourinary system is fine. The amount of discharge is always individual.

At the slightest suspicion of inflammation, discomfort, itching and yellow marks on panties, every lady should be alert. After all, her ability to conceive and bear a child depends on her health. Don't hesitate to visit your doctor. He will prescribe the necessary tests for you and prescribe effective treatment.

Mucus discharge in women, like snot, occurs for various reasons. Some of them are natural - pregnancy, menopause or sexual arousal. Other factors indicate that inflammatory reactions occur in the female genitourinary system and women need to undergo a course of therapy.

What is mucous discharge

The body is designed in such a way that mucus is released from the vagina at any phase of the menstrual cycle. This method maintains optimal vaginal microflora and removes harmful microorganisms, keratinized epithelial remnants, etc.

Mucous discharge after menstruation is colorless, not voluminous, and does not cause discomfort. Before ovulation, the number of clots increases.

A different situation occurs when the second half of the cycle begins. Before menstruation, clots may have a sour odor and a cheesy consistency. The volume becomes abundant and the hue becomes whitish. On underwear they turn yellow.

There are several indicators indicating normal discharge.

Among them:

  • the mucus has no odor, or it is faint, smells like fermented milk products;
  • The color of the mucus is transparent or white, sometimes the color is white-yellow;
  • The consistency of the leucorrhoea is thick, the clots are slightly stretchy, similar to snot.

Women do not feel any unpleasant symptoms (itching or burning). Usually one panty liner is enough to contain all the discharge.

Not all women know what leucorrhoea means and whether it is dangerous to health. In cases where they are accompanied by additional symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Why do they stand out?

Natural reasons that influence the appearance of leucorrhoea include:

  • fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels during the menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal changes - during menopause, during adolescence;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • stressful situations;
  • period of sexual arousal;
  • allergic reaction to underwear, condoms, etc.;
  • insufficient or improper hygiene of the genital organs.

Dangerous causes of clots: sexually transmitted diseases or inflammatory infections of the genitourinary system. Often pathologies accompany each other. Any disease lowers immunity and opens up the possibility of developing other diseases.

Hormonal reasons

During pregnancy, hormonal levels change, which leads to an increase in leucorrhoea. If they do not cause discomfort, then this is a normal reaction of the body. By the second trimester, the mucus becomes less watery.

After childbirth, the clots increase in volume, become transparent, and stretch like snot. They have no smell, and the color can be not only transparent, but also yellowish.

If mucus with blood is observed while carrying a baby, this indicates a threat of miscarriage.

When it comes to illness

If an inflammatory process is observed in the female body, then the color and aroma of leucorrhoea also change.

The main dangerous symptoms include:

  • yellow, green or gray mucus clots;
  • the pungent odor of the secreted substance - it can be putrefactive, similar to rotten fish or sour milk;
  • copious amounts of watery leucorrhoea, stretching like snot;
  • with streaks of blood in clear discharge (not related to menstruation).

In gynecology, it is customary to identify a number of diseases where lingering discharge plays the role of a key symptom.

Among them are the following:

  • Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection that produces a huge amount of mucus that looks like snot. They are transparent or whitish in color;
  • thrush is a fungal disease characterized by thick leucorrhoea. When examined, they look like white cottage cheese with a characteristic pungent and sour odor;
  • – a viral infection, in which odorless mucous discharge and a rash on the genitals are observed;
  • - a venereal disease, a lot of foamy clots of mucus are released. They are characterized by a pronounced yellow or green tint, this indicates a purulent process;
  • – profuse leucorrhoea is accompanied by a pungent smell of rotten fish;
  • Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection in which there is mucus (yellow or greenish) mixed with pus.

Voluminous, snot-like leucorrhoea is also diagnosed during diseases in which the genital organs (labia majora or minora) become inflamed. Pathologies include cervicitis, vulvovaginitis, endometriosis, etc.

What is considered normal

There are a number of cases when female discharge is a natural reaction of the body to external factors.

These are the following situations:

  • After sexual intercourse without barrier methods of contraception, whitish clots are noticeable. This is a normal situation, it will stop after 2 - 4 hours;
  • White mucous discharge in women, which is similar in consistency to cream, is observed after sex using condoms.

Often women take hormonal birth control pills. In these situations, they may have brownish discharge ().

But if there are additional symptoms (unpleasant odors or pain in the perineum), then it is recommended to go to an appointment and get checked by a doctor. This condition is diagnosed with endometriosis or chronic endometritis.

When to go to the doctor

Women's health is an important component of a fulfilling married life. If discomfort or other unpleasant symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor.

Warning signs include:

  • pain localized in the lower abdomen;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle (mucous periods);
  • pain when emptying the bladder and sexual intercourse;
  • elevated temperature, but no other signs of acute respiratory viral infection, general malaise;
  • itching, burning sensations or vulva;
  • vaginal mucosa.

Preventive actions

A number of infections can be prevented by following simple rules. With regular adherence, the risk of clots is significantly reduced.

Preventive measures include:

  • when having sex with casual partners, be sure to use barrier methods of contraception;
  • After unprotected sexual intercourse, wash yourself thoroughly;
  • wear only cotton or linen underwear, synthetics irritate the labia. It is also not recommended to wear tight panties;
  • If any infections of the genitourinary system occur, immediately contact a gynecologist and undergo treatment. Advanced diseases aggravate women's health and can lead to difficulties in conceiving a child or to infertility;
  • Maintain personal hygiene, wash your intimate organs daily, avoid aggressive care products (they are harmful to beneficial microflora).


Heavy mucous discharge can be caused by various reasons. Sometimes this is the body's reaction to external factors. In these cases they are safe for health.

When leucorrhoea is accompanied by other symptoms (pain, cramps when urinating), this indicates problems in the functioning of the genitourinary system; for diagnosis it is worth going to a gynecologist. He will explain what it means and tell you how to treat it.

The functioning of a woman's reproductive system is impossible without vaginal secretion. According to its qualitative and quantitative characteristics, the state of sexual and even general health is determined. Often, heavy vaginal discharge raises many questions among the fairer sex, which this article will try to answer.

Why does female discharge appear?

Puberty in a girl indicates readiness for reproductive function and is indicated by the beginning of menstruation. A year before her first period, the young lady discovers mucous discharge, which will accompany the reproductive period until menopause. It consists of regularly renewed epithelial cells of the mucous membranes of the female genital organs.

These tissues contain glands that produce vaginal secretions. To it are added the waste products of microorganisms present in the vaginal microflora (lactobacteria and opportunistic bacteria). It also contains cervical fluid from the cervix. This substance performs a protective function, maintains the water balance of the mucous membranes, promotes fertilization during a certain period of the cycle and cleanses the body of dead cells and foreign microorganisms.

This secretion can be of a different nature: white, yellowish, colorless, moderate and very strong discharge, watery and thick (see photo).

Their quality depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, health status, age, lifestyle and nutrition. Such characteristics are acceptable if they are not accompanied by discomfort, unpleasant odor or suspicious consistency.

The appearance of intense secretion is most often due to the normal physiological state of the woman, but there are cases when the symptom indicates pathological processes and requires treatment.

Is heavy, clear, odorless discharge considered normal?


Such secretion is most often associated with a certain stage in the menstrual cycle. The fact is that in different periods the level of hormonal substances changes, which affects the functioning of the glandular system and the amount of sexual secretion. The appearance of liquid mucous discharge is typical in the middle of the cycle. At the time of ovulation, they are especially strong and may be streaked with blood, pink or brown. After this, the secretion becomes thicker, and before menstruation its volume increases and may acquire a yellowish tint.

The periodic appearance of copious, odorless and itchy, transparent discharge is typical for girls within three years after the first menstruation. A year before menstruation, white or colorless mucous discharge begins to appear, which is explained by hormonal changes and puberty. That is, the change in the volume of fluid produced is directly related to the hormonal level, which fluctuates throughout this period.

Hormonal contraceptives and HRT drugs often cause such discharge, which is also true for the menopause.

Sexual relations

During and after intimate contact, secretion increases due to stimulation of the glands and increased blood circulation. After completed sexual intercourse, the production of whitish or yellowish mucus is observed. This is how the female secretion with the male sperm that gets inside is removed. This is a completely natural process if it is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching, burning, pain or other discomfort.


This symptom is often explained by an allergic reaction of the female body to contraceptives, lubricants, synthetic underwear and intimate hygiene products.


In the early stages, the functioning of the reproductive system and the process of bearing a child is regulated by the hormone progesterone. During this period, copious discharge without color or odor is characteristic of the moment of conception, and this is the first sign of pregnancy. Vaginal secretion during gestation may also be white, yellow, or greenish. This is acceptable if there is no unpleasant odor, burning or itching, and there is no pulling in the lower abdomen. Spotting or mucous streaked with the blood of pregnancy may appear at the moment when the onset of menstruation was expected.

From the second trimester, the concentration of the hormone estrogen increases, which increases its quantity. Normally, it is transparent or slightly white in color and has a uniform consistency.

If the discharge has acquired an unpleasant odor, a strange composition mixed with pus or blood, you feel a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and dizziness, then you should immediately consult a doctor, since we are talking about fetal death or an ectopic pregnancy. An excessively sweet smell indicates leaking water, which causes miscarriage or premature birth.

In the first days after IVF (in vitro fertilization), there is a strong production of mucous secretion, sometimes even of a sanguineous nature. This is how the uterus and the body react to the implantation of a foreign body.

Abundant mucous discharge of a transparent, white, yellow and green color, smelling of cottage cheese, rotten fish, sourness, onions, is a symptom of inflammation due to infectious and fungal diseases, such as bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, adnexitis. With these ailments, itching in the vagina may be bothersome.

Strong transparent discharge may be the result of inflammatory processes in the bladder or kidneys. This includes the development of ureaplasma, cystitis, and nephritis. In addition to copious fluid and mucus on the pad, it can be painful or difficult to go to the toilet, a burning sensation in the intimate area and a rise in body temperature.

Sexually transmitted diseases are most often manifested by copious liquid discharge, an unpleasant odor, heterogeneous consistency and various impurities, often purulent. Their color can be off-white, yellow, green, brown.

Cause discomfort in the perineal area. There is often pain in the lower peritoneum, radiating to the side and lower back.

How to prevent illnesses associated with this symptom?

  • If this phenomenon occurs due to fluctuations in hormone levels, you should consult a specialist to balance the hormonal levels.
  • When the reason lies in the sensitive microflora of the vagina, the gynecologist can prescribe you special vaginal suppositories that equalize the pH and water balance and normalize the biocenosis.
  • During menopause, anti-menopausal drugs, both hormonal and natural, help relieve symptoms.
  • For cervical erosion or polyps, cauterization and physiotherapy are used. But endometriosis and various neoplasms are eliminated by cleaning the uterine cavity.
  • Some inflammatory processes and infections are eliminated with topical medications, but their advanced stage and STDs require more serious treatment with general medications and even antibiotics.
  • When the appearance of periodic strong vaginal discharge in women is associated solely with the course of the menstrual cycle, we can limit ourselves to only a few preventive measures:
    1. For intimate hygiene, use only special products that maintain the pH balance of the microflora and do not dry out the mucous membranes.
    2. Eat right and avoid bad habits.
    3. Avoid exposure to stress and excessive physical activity.
    4. If you do not have a regular partner, opt for protected sex.
    5. Wash yourself often and change panty liners regularly.