Pain in the lower abdomen when urinating. Damage to the organs of the lower abdominal cavity. Folk remedies for discomfort during urination

Pain when urinating- a common symptom indicating a gynecological or urological disease.

The unpleasant sensations are usually cutting, sharp in nature, and sometimes persist for some time after emptying the bladder. Usually, in addition to pain, burning, itching in the genital tract, pain in the lower abdomen, kidneys, and urethra occur.

Urinary disorders are also characterized by false urges, urinary retention, sluggish stream, prolongation of the act of emptying, and the appearance of drops of blood.


Urination- the process of emptying the bladder in most mammals by releasing urine into the external environment. In humans, this is normally a voluntary, periodically occurring act of emptying the bladder.

The appearance of pain, stinging, burning and any unpleasant sensations when urinating is the main sign of urethritis, inflammation of the urethra.

Causes of pain when urinating

When the bladder and urethra are irritated or inflamed, urination is accompanied by pain. A person often feels the urge to urinate. The pain is usually caused by infection or inflammation of the genitourinary organs.

In diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, pain can be localized in the bladder or kidneys. With renal colic, pain radiates to the groin and genitals. The pain appears suddenly, often in the morning, when doing heavy physical work or after drinking cold water.

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis is a disease in which stones appear in one of the parts of the genitourinary system. Often there is also pain in the lower abdomen, colic in the side and back, extending to the genital area, increased body temperature, and cloudy urine. Bladder stones can also cause frequent urination or, conversely, blockage of the urethra.


Urethritis or inflammation of the urethra is characterized by pain, pain when urinating and requires urgent treatment.


Cystitis is acute or chronic inflammation in the bladder. The symptoms of cystitis are similar to urethritis, but pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urge to urinate are also observed.

Venereal diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureoplasmosis, genitourinary chlamydia, etc. These diseases are characterized by the presence of pathological discharge from the genitals, pain, itching and require prompt treatment.

Causes related to other body systems

Painful urination may be a symptom of the following diseases:

Pain when urinating in men

In men, urethral and bladder infections usually develop due to sexually transmitted diseases. In men, painful urination occurs due to inflammation of the kidneys, renal pelvis, urethra and bladder.

With inflammation, the spread of infection can occur, since pathogens are localized on the affected mucous membranes of the urinary tract. Painful urination is also observed with kidney stones and urolithiasis.

In addition, stones irritate the urinary tract and cause inflammation. Pain when urinating in men can also be a symptom of tumors and inflammation of the bladder. At first, pain is observed only when urinating, but over time it becomes permanent.

Sometimes the ureter becomes blocked by a blood clot, which causes severe pain. Sometimes pain is associated with diseases of other organs. Diseases of the genitourinary system also cause other symptoms - headaches, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, itching.

Pain when urinating in women

Painful symptoms during urination in women can be different: for example, it is of great importance whether there is background pain in the lower abdomen, when the pain appears - at the beginning or end of the process, as well as what its nature is.

Pain in the lower abdomen when urinating

The most common cause is acute cystitis, especially if, along with nagging pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination and pain at the end of urination are combined. If along with this there are blood impurities, then this indicates an extremely acute manifestation of cystitis, which needs to be treated urgently.

Pain when starting to urinate

This symptom indicates that inflammation of the urethra has occurred. Most likely, it was caused by bacteria that entered the body due to poor hygiene and impaired immunity. Also, a common cause of inflammation of the urethra is general hypothermia of the body.

Lower back pain and frequent urination

This symptom in women is characteristic of cystitis and urolithiasis. The fact is that the inflammatory process can “radiate” to the lower back, and it will seem that the kidney hurts.

If the pain in the lower back is severe, then most likely the cause is urolithiasis. In addition to pain when urinating, the temperature rises, which can reach high limits and threaten the patient’s life.

Stitching and pain when urinating

Burning and pain during urination in women, accompanied by pain, indicate an infectious origin of the disease. These symptoms can occur in many diseases, ranging from relatively mild to severe, which are difficult to treat:

  • genitourinary chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • urethritis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • cystitis;
  • candidiasis.

Diagnosis of pain when urinating

For any unusual symptoms, you should immediately contact a urologist to determine the etiology. Inflammations in the genitourinary system can quickly develop into a chronic form, so the main task for a specialist is to quickly diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate therapy. To determine the cause of pain when urinating, the following studies are prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, urinary system,
  • smear analysis,
  • blood test,
  • general urine analysis,
  • PCR for latent infections.

Treatment of pain when urinating

Pain when urinating is not a condition requiring emergency medical care, but if it occurs, you should consult a doctor in order not to miss a serious illness and prevent the development of serious complications. Painkillers are taken to reduce pain.

Treatment of pain when urinating begins with eliminating the cause that causes it. For bacterial inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, antibiotics and some additional medications are prescribed. If the cause is candidiasis, then antifungal medications should be taken.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed for replacement therapy in case of atrophy of the vaginal mucosa. Estrogen derivatives are used, which are contained in oral contraceptives.

When this condition is caused by sexually transmitted diseases, a special course of treatment is prescribed, including agents that actively fight infectious agents, antibiotics, and immunomodulators.

When the prostate gland enlarges due to the development of a benign tumor, resection of the adenoma is performed.

In case of urolithiasis, the stones are removed; if there are tumors, they also need to be operated on. To eliminate pain and other symptoms when urinating, it is recommended to take antispasmodics and painkillers.

Which doctors should you contact if you have pain when urinating:

Preventing pain when urinating

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to protect the kidneys and pelvic organs from drafts and exposure to cold (for example, avoid sitting on the ground). The fact is that then these sensitive organs lose resistance to pathogens.

To avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases, it is recommended to use condoms when having sex with unfamiliar partners. You need to drink a lot of fluid.

Questions and answers on the topic "Pain when urinating"

Question:Hello, pain when urinating, burning, frequent urge to go to the toilet. All this begins after the cold. It goes away after a while.

Answer: Cystitis. We recommend that you do not delay treatment and consult a doctor in person: diseases are easier to treat in the initial stages of development.

Question:After sexual intercourse with my girlfriend, I later began to experience pain inside the head of my penis when urinating and when it rises. At the same time, I release white liquid from the head. No temperature. Tell me what I have and how to treat it!

Answer: These are symptoms of urethritis. You should perform a general urethral smear, urethral culture for microflora, PCR smear for chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas, gonococci, gardnerella, candida, herpes simplex virus and human papillomavirus. Further actions based on the results of these analyzes.

Question:Hello! I am 18, I have been sexually active for 1 month, before I had thrush once. At this moment, I feel itching in the vagina and pain when urinating - this has been going on for the 2nd day. I also notice white, slightly transparent discharge in the vagina itself, everything there has turned red. Sexual intercourse took place 2 days ago, after which everything started the next day. While I haven’t had any treatment, I don’t really want to go to a gynecologist (the city is small, everyone will find out right away). I'm very afraid, what is this!?

Answer: In this case, the cause of your complaints may be thrush or other diseases that are sexually transmitted. Treatment can only be obtained after examination and clarification of the cause of the disease, so I strongly recommend that you personally visit a gynecologist, do a smear, after which the attending physician will be able to prescribe treatment for you. In addition, you need to know that not only you, but also your sexual partner needs to receive treatment, otherwise after each unprotected sex the disease will recur and can become chronic.

Question:A day after intercourse, I bleed and feel pain when urinating with a burning sensation. What is this?

Answer: Genital urogenital infection. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist and undergo DNA (PCR) diagnostic tests. If you wish, you can contact me. I will do tests and prescribe effective treatment.

Question:Immediately after intercourse. At the end of urination there is pain, urine mixed with blood. 3 days before sexual intercourse, postinor was taken, and during this act a Chinese-made condom was used. What is this connected with?

Answer: Very similar to ureaplasmosis. It is necessary to undergo DNA (PCR) diagnostic tests for chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma at a gynecologist or venereologist. And Postinor is very, very harmful at your young age! You can disrupt your menstrual cycle and then undergo treatment for a long time to normalize it. I advise you to choose a reliable method of contraception.

Question:Good afternoon. After visiting a urologist, who did a test for thrush and accordingly inserted a stick into the penis to take a smear, pain appeared when urinating. What could it be?

Answer: Pain after taking a smear from the urethra is caused by mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane, which can persist for 1-2 days. This is absolutely normal.

Question:Hello! I am 16 years old. At the moment there is no way to see a doctor, but this problem worries me very much. Since yesterday it has been painful to go to the toilet. The pain begins in the lower abdomen (rather closer to the pubis) when the process of urination comes to an end. I started going to the toilet more often, and I feel that my bladder is not completely empty. I don’t take any medications, no examinations have been carried out, and until this day nothing bothered me. What could it be? What is the reason?

Answer: Contact a urologist as soon as possible.

Pain in the abdominal area manifests itself depending on the cause in the form of the ailment that caused its occurrence.

The pain can be acute in nature, appear with a pulsating effect, they can also be aching, dull, long-lasting and short-term.

An impressive percentage of diseases can cause discomfort in the abdominal cavity, while the time interval for the manifestation of these symptoms is a significant period. Typically, with this nature of pain, as patients note, it can pull in the lower part or in the central part of the abdominal cavity.

This manifestation is characteristic of various pathological processes, each of which has other accompanying symptoms.

The spread of pain localized near the pathological area, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as manifestations when the lower abdomen pulls and frequent urination accompanies this, help the specialist in identifying the disease.

Causes of pain and discomfort in the abdomen

The abdominal area below the navel is an area that houses many vital organs. In addition, the vessels of the lymphatic system and nerves are located in this area. A lot of space here is allocated by nature to the intestines and reproductive organs in women. Nearby are the organs of the excretory system.

When diseases occur that are associated with the penetration of infection into the body, as well as attacks by other ailments of the abdominal area, unpleasant sensations in this area are characteristic. Among the most common ailments:

  • Diseases of the spinal column, pelvic bones and hip joints.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.
  • Problems with the urinary organs.
  • Pathological processes in the muscular system.
  • Women's diseases.

Pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy may experience discomfort under the navel. In such situations, a characteristic symptom appears when there is aching in the uterine area. It may also be a pulling sensation. This discomfort may indicate pathological processes or simply the growth of the uterine cavity and its effect on nearby organs.

It is precisely because the uterus and bladder are quite close to each other that pregnant women face regular and frequent trips to the toilet. In the absence of unpleasant sensations during urination, pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination is not considered a pathology. In any case, if you have any questions, you can always contact a medical institution and consult with a specialist.

The absence of unpleasant characteristic symptoms, as well as changes in the composition of urine, indicate a healthy urinary system.

The reasons for frequent urination at the beginning of pregnancy are changes in the body and hormonal changes. Usually, after the birth of a child, a woman forgets about these manifestations.

When women experience frequent urination and lower abdominal pain

Everything is different in every body. It is difficult to say exactly how much urination should be the daily norm for a healthy person. However, there are approximate figures - from five to ten trips to the toilet per day. In cases where a person drinks a lot of fluid, and also uses medications with a diuretic effect, these indicators may be higher. In the absence of pathological processes in representatives of the third age and pregnant women, there should be no more than two urinations at night.

If a large number of urinations are accompanied by painful sensations in the lumbar area, and the urethra is bothered by burning cutting pains, you should immediately visit a doctor. If you have general weakness, blood and purulent components in your urine, feverish symptoms, or lack of appetite, it is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Frequent urination and pain may indicate the following pathologies:

  • Pyelonephritis in an acute and sluggish state.
  • Cystitis.
  • Inflammatory process in the urethral canal.
  • Diseases of the reproductive organs in women.
  • Diseases associated with the endocrine system.


Chronic pyelonephritis is manifested in pain with an aching tinge in the lumbar area. Usually, with the onset of cold and dampness, these manifestations become unbearable for the patient. Over time, an increase in blood pressure is added. With a sluggish form of pyelonephritis, the desire to empty the bladder arises mainly with the onset of the twilight period.

With the exacerbation of this disease, the effect of intoxication is also added, a temperature jump occurs, the patient is bothered by headaches, lack of appetite and general weakness. Urine may contain blood and purulent discharge.

Cystitis or inflammation of the bladder

With this disease, the lower abdomen also hurts, but the desire to empty the bladder is false. Patients mainly experience tugging sensations in the abdomen. When going to the toilet, there is often a feeling of partial emptying of the diseased organ.

Also quite often, patients complain of an inability to hold urine when the urge occurs. Increased body temperature, the presence of general weakness, and in difficult cases, impurities in urine can add to the general symptoms.


With inflammation of the urinary canal, intoxication is often completely absent. The causes of the occurrence lie in the attack of the body by specific microflora. The inflammatory process is characterized by nasty discharge from the urethral canal. Also among the symptoms there is an increase in urine output with a burning and cutting effect in the urethra.

In tandem, inflammation of the bladder and the inflammatory process in the area of ​​the urethral canal can symptomatically manifest itself in pain in the lower abdominal cavity, frequent trips to the toilet and an uncomfortable feeling in the urinary canal. The intoxication effect is quite rare.

ICD - urolithiasis

KSD can manifest itself in any area of ​​the urinary system. The disease is characterized by pain when the stones move or when they get stuck in some area. In this case, the pain is acute and can affect the lumbar region, as well as the suprapubic part.

An increase in the number of urinations occurs when stones are localized in the bladder cavity. The desire to void occurs spontaneously. The reasons usually lie in physical activity, as well as in jolts when running.

Women's diseases

If we touch upon such an area as ailments associated with the female reproductive organs, pain and increased urination in the vast majority of situations become manifestations of a benign tumor and uterine prolapse. When fibroids occur, the neoplasm creates a compression effect in the area of ​​the urinary system.

Prolapse of the uterus manifests itself in the same way. The result is aching pain, as well as constant trips to the toilet. Diseases are characterized by false urges. Patients note disruptions in the cyclicity of menstruation, pain in the chest area, unhealthy vaginal discharge and other manifestations that are already characteristic of each specific situation that precede the disease.

Diseases related to the endocrine system

This category of pathologies, in particular an ailment such as diabetes, is not manifested in nagging pain, but increased frequency of urination is a characteristic symptom of the disease. The desire to go to the toilet in a small way overcomes the patient mainly at night.

Added to this are problems with holding urine. The symptom is associated with an imbalance in the body's carbohydrate metabolism, which subsequently manifests itself in a doubling, and sometimes tripling, of the volume of fluid absorbed by the patient. Consequently, urinary volume increases significantly.

Also, with diabetes, patients often experience itching sensations on the skin and mucous membranes, general malaise and weakened regenerative functions. Among the described manifestations of diabetes mellitus, problems with urination appear at the first stage of the development of the disease. If this symptomatic element occurs and diabetes is suspected, it is recommended to consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo the necessary tests.

There are many diseases that manifest themselves in problems with urination and discomfort in the abdominal area. Therefore, it is extremely important to visit your doctor and accurately determine the nature of the symptoms.

After conducting the necessary research and examination, the specialist will be able to correctly diagnose the disease and think through a treatment strategy.

Urinary tract diseases often bother women due to their anatomy. The article examines all the pathologies that cause pain in the lower abdomen when urinating in women, their diagnosis and basic treatment.

Inflammation of the kidneys, called pyelonephritis, caused by bacteria. Most often, this is E. coli, which enters the kidneys from the urethra and bladder. Pain with pyelonephritis intensifies in damp and cold times, with hypothermia. They accompany urination, making it painful. Body temperature rises, swelling of the face may occur.

With chronic pyelonephritis, symptoms disappear for a long time and recur in autumn and winter. Pyelonephritis occurs especially often in pregnant women. This is due to hormonal changes and pressure from an enlarged uterus.

To treat acute pyelonephritis, general practitioners or urologists prescribe short courses of antibiotics and herbal preparations. For chronic kidney inflammation, antibacterial medications are needed several times a year as a preventive measure. Usually drugs are prescribed for the cold season. Cranberry-based medications are used in pregnant women.

In case of chronic pyelonephritis, kidney function must be carefully examined - it is possible that there is a congenital pathology.


Pain when urinating - a clear sign of cystitis. An inflamed bladder bothers a woman every time she goes to the toilet. The urges themselves become very frequent, can reach 20-30 per day.

The pain with cystitis is sharp and acute, having the character of cutting. Body temperature rises very rarely; this symptom is more typical for pyelonephritis. Without proper treatment and with weak immunity, cystitis rises higher within a few days, and inflammation of the kidney tissue occurs.

Acute cystitis is treated quite well and quickly. Uroseptics and antibiotics are used: Monural, Ciprofloxacin, Nitroxoline. If cystitis recurs, then it is worth conducting additional instrumental studies.

There may be an anatomical abnormality of the urinary tract.


The urethra - the urethra - is short in women and therefore rarely inflames on its own. Urethritis quickly spreads to the bladder, causing cystitis. Frequent urination in women with urethritis is usually accompanied by severe pain. Portions of urine are small.

When inflammation spreads to the bladder, urination becomes even more frequent and painful. Urethritis is treated in the same way as cystitis, since both pathologies usually occur simultaneously and are caused by the same bacteria.

Uroseptics and antibacterial agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, including herbal ones, are used.

Vaginitis, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis

In some cases, pain in the lower abdomen after urination is a sign of vulvovaginitis. Most often, the disease occurs in this form. But individual inflammatory processes of the vulva - vulvitis or vagina - vaginitis can also occur.

In addition to pain, women are bothered by discharge from the genital tract. They are abundant, white and slimy. Body temperature never rises; general discomfort with vulvovaginitis is reduced to itching and unpleasant sensations in the vagina.

Gynecologists treat vulvitis and vaginitis. Local antiseptics are used, for example, hexicon. To prevent candidiasis from their use, lactobacilli preparations are used. They eliminate the side effects of antiseptics.

Frequent development of vulvovaginitis will require additional examination by a urologist. The cause of relapse may be the anatomical feature of the urethra and vagina.


Endometritis is called inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus. This is a dangerous pathology that often occurs after childbirth or abortion operations. With endometritis, pain in the lower abdomen in women is strong and nagging. Vaginal discharge appears, thick and purulent, and may be bloody. The body temperature rises and the woman suffers from general symptoms of intoxication:

  • severe weakness;
  • headache;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • nausea.

Endometritis is treated with strong antibiotics, two or three at a time.

It is necessary that the drugs belong to different groups so that they cover the entire range of bacteria.

A combination of pain in the lower abdomen and profuse purulent discharge - mandatory reason to visit a doctor.


Candidiasis of the genitourinary system or thrush is one of the most common female problems. Thrush is caused by a number of factors, from taking antibiotics to stress. With candidiasis, pain during urination is not pronounced; it appears during and after going to the toilet.

More than pain, a woman is bothered by copious vaginal discharge. White, cheesy, they cause severe discomfort. In addition to discharge, severe itching and burning occurs in the vagina, which can intensify after urination in women.

Treatment of candidiasis is the task of a gynecologist.

Depending on whether the process is acute or chronic, drugs are used in short or long courses. Antifungal agents are used:

  • Candide;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Ketoconazole.

For acute candidiasis, short 1-2-day courses are sufficient.

Recurrent thrush requires long-term treatment, which is carried out during each menstruation for many months.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Pain during urination is often the first symptom of sexually transmitted infections:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • ureaplasmosis.

The pain is combined with burning and discomfort. With genitourinary infections, a woman is bothered by strong discharge from the genital tract: white, greenish, foamy. An additional symptom may be an unpleasant odor.

Gynecologists or dermatovenerologists treat sexually transmitted diseases. Antibacterial or antiprotozoal drugs are used. It is mandatory to examine smears from the vagina and urethra three times after completing the course of treatment.

Be sure to treat your sexual partner as well, otherwise there is a high risk of relapse.

Renal colic

With renal colic, the lower abdomen hurts, radiating to the back and perineum. Severe nausea and vomiting appears. A woman may suffer from urolithiasis for a long time and not know about it until an episode of renal colic occurs. It is associated with blockage of the urinary tract by a stone. As a result, urine cannot flow and everything above the stone becomes stretched and inflamed.

The pain with colic is very strong and pronounced.

They are difficult to remove with painkillers. Urination is impossible or occurs in small portions, very painful. Help with colic is provided by the ambulance team. To alleviate the condition, antispasmodics are used.

If the effect does not occur, then the person is hospitalized in the surgery department. Stones can be removed through surgery or radiofrequency crushing. In the future, you will need a special diet, depending on the composition of the stones.

Similar symptoms appear with gout. This disease is associated with metabolic disorders. Some people produce a lot of uric acid or most of it is not excreted normally. Uric acid remains in the body and is deposited in different places:

  • joints;
  • ear cartilage;
  • kidneys

Urolithiasis develops associated with the deposition of urate in the kidneys.

When a stone obstructs the urethra, ureter or bladder neck, an acute attack of renal colic develops. Help with it is provided in the same way as with the colic described above. Subsequently, colchicine and a strict diet are used.


Pain when urinating during pregnancy occur frequently. Their causes may simply be pressure from the fetus on the bladder. The filled bladder becomes tense and pain occurs when urinating. As a rule, after visiting the toilet the pain is relieved.

Quite often during pregnancy, due to hormonal levels, an infection such as candidiasis occurs. Urethritis, cystitis or pyelonephritis often develop. All these conditions are also accompanied by pain when urinating. The difficulty in treating these conditions is that the pills can cross the placenta to the baby.

Therefore, medications that are safe for the fetus are used.


Allergic reactions can bother women for several reasons:

  • low-quality, synthetic underwear;
  • unsuitable cleaning agents.

Allergy symptoms:

  • itching, burning;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • swelling of the genitals;
  • discomfort and pain when urinating.

Acute allergies are relieved with antihistamines, such as suprastin, cetrin.

In the future, a woman should change her underwear to cotton, hypoallergenic, and use detergents with a minimum content of potential allergens.

Poor personal hygiene

If the basic rules of personal hygiene are not followed, women often experience pain in the lower abdomen after urinating. This associated with anatomically short urethra. Therefore, with poor hygiene, bacteria from the external genitalia quickly enter the urethra. They cause urethritis and cystitis.

Vulvovaginitis may similarly occur, which also manifests itself as discomfort when urinating. In addition to the main treatment, a woman is recommended to normalize her daily routine so as to set aside time for regular hygiene procedures.

Be sure to wash daily using gentle detergents.

Narrowing of the lumen of the urinary tract due to the formation of malignant or benign tumors

As the tumor develops, the urinary tract narrows. Urine passes through the canal with difficulty, stagnating above the tumor. An inflammatory process develops, which spreads to the bladder, ureters and kidneys. Symptoms of pyelonephritis and cystitis appear.

The diagnosis of a tumor is confirmed using magnetic resonance imaging. Nephrologist or urologist will assess the degree of narrowing. Depending on this, the volume of the operation is determined.

The narrowed area can be removed and replaced with an artificial implant.

Watch a video on this topic

Many people experience aching pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination, regardless of gender and age. There are many reasons for this condition: from hypothermia to pathologies of the genitourinary system. If there is discomfort during bowel movements, it is important not to resort to self-medication and rather visit a medical facility where the treating doctor will make a diagnosis.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination?

Malfunctions of the urinary organs

Pain when urinating in the left lower abdomen and frequent urination develop when the following disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system appear:

  • Tumors of a malignant or benign nature.
  • Urethritis. Represents inflammation in the urethra. With this disease, itching and burning, pain during urination, cloudy urine, and blood clots are diagnosed.
  • Urolithiasis. With the disease, patients often complain that the urine turns red. This is due to the fact that stones move along the urethra and damage it, resulting in pain and bleeding. Patients note that pain develops when urinating, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and spasms on the left side.
  • Narrowing of the urethra, which is caused by genetic or acquired pathologies.
  • Overactive urinary cavity. People complain of frequent urges, severe pain in the lower abdomen, a sharp and uncontrollable urge to go to the restroom, and discomfort during bowel movements. In exceptional situations, urinary incontinence may develop.

Factors that provoke the problem in women

The condition, when the lower abdomen pulls and frequent urination, is diagnosed with the following ailments:

Cystocele contributes to the development of unpleasant symptoms in a woman.

  • Cystitis. Inflammation in the bladder area, which provokes complaints of a false desire to visit the restroom, the appearance of blood in the urine, and discomfort when emptying.
  • Cystocele. With this disease in women, the bladder prolapses into the vagina. With straining, even minimal straining, spontaneous leakage of urine is observed, which most often occurs when coughing. Often, cystocele is not a single pathology and occurs together with downward displacement of other genitourinary organs.
  • Vaginitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the vagina, which can be triggered by a number of factors, including immune disorders and hormonal imbalance.
  • A benign tumor that forms in the muscular layer of the uterus - the myometrium. With this neoplasm, women complain of frequent urination and pain in the lower peritoneum. Sometimes bleeding occurs in the uterus, which can cause anemia due to severe blood loss.
  • Endometritis. It represents inflammatory changes in the mucous layer of the uterus after a septic infection or other pathogenic bacteria. With this disease, women note both a frequent urge to defecate and their almost complete absence.
  • Thrush. This unpleasant disease is characterized by an inflammatory lesion of the vaginal mucosa, which is provoked by the fungi Candidiasis. After urination, you may notice discharge, and your stomach ache when you urinate.
  • Salpingitis. It is a bacterial disease leading to an acute inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. An increased frequency of urination, bloating, pain during bowel movements, and impaired urine output are noted.

Causes of pathology in men

Pain in the lower abdomen when urinating and a frequent urge to visit the restroom indicate the development of the following diseases:

An inflammatory process in the urethra in men can cause such symptoms.
  • Malfunctions of the prostate gland.
  • Candidiasis. It is a fungal disease caused by Candida yeast. Men complain of pain during and after bowel movements, itching of the penis, and discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Urethritis. With this disease, men experience inflammation in the urethra. Due to differences in the physiological structure of the genitourinary system, urethritis affects the male sex more often than the female sex. Patients report discharge, pain during bowel movements, itching after visiting the restroom, and pus in the urine.
  • Inflammations that are localized in the prostate. Men note that their lower back hurts on the right side, and there are pains during bowel movements that go away after it ends, but reappear with the next urge to urinate.
Doctors note that frequent urge to urinate is normal. A number of changes occur in a pregnant woman's body, including the production of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is responsible for an increase in circulating fluid, in particular urine. In addition, during pregnancy the uterus increases in size, which gradually compresses the cavity, which is reflected in an increased urge to visit the restroom.

A condition where the lower abdomen hurts when urinating causes physical and psychological discomfort in women and men. Pathological signs significantly reduce the quality of life, limit freedom of movement, and make adjustments to vacation plans.

Such negative symptoms are characteristic of many diseases of the human urinary system and should not be ignored. To determine why pain in the lower abdomen when urinating appears every time you go to the toilet, you should visit a doctor for a thorough diagnosis and medical or surgical treatment. Pain in the lower abdomen after urination is a symptom of many diseases.

Characteristic differences in pathology in men and women

In a normal state of health, all urination is carried out by a person without any problems. But if at one of the stages of emptying the bladder you feel pulling or cutting pain in the lower abdomen, it means that one or more inflammatory foci have formed in the body. Dysuria - a disorder of the process of urine separation (sometimes with blood impurities) is one of the pathologies that require differential diagnosis.

There are many reasons for painful spasms:

  • inflammation in one of the parts of the urinary system;
  • mechanical damage and disruption of the integrity of the ureters;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the urinary tract due to the formation of malignant or benign tumors;
  • imbalance of the main components of urine.

Despite the commonality of symptoms, the causes of cutting pain are different in men and women due to the difference in the anatomical structure of the urethra. Urine formed in the kidney structures enters the bladder through the ureters. The stretching of its walls signals readiness for emptying. A person is able to restrain urination with the help of impulses sent to the central nervous system. The opposite response leads to sphincter tension and bladder emptying is delayed.

The abdominal muscles are able to regulate the process by tensing or relaxing during urination. The occurrence of pain in this area directly indicates a malfunction of the organs located behind the abdominal wall. The urethra in girls is somewhat shorter and wider than in men, so the fair sex more often suffers from infectious diseases.

Pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate their vaginas into the urethra, and then into the kidneys. Actively reproducing, they release toxic substances during their life, which become a source of inflammation and pain when urinating in women.

Cystitis is a common cause of cutting pain in the lower abdomen

The male urethra is longer and narrower than the female urethra, and is an insurmountable barrier to most bacteria and viruses. In addition, the prostate gland produces a special secretion with antimicrobial properties, which enters the urethra through the ducts. Pain when emptying the bladder due to inflammation in the urethra is extremely rarely diagnosed. Much more often, cutting spasms in men occur when the prostate, epididymis and seminal vesicles are infected with microbes.

Why does pain appear in the lower abdomen?

During the initial examination, the doctor will ask you to tell in detail at what stage of urination the cutting or pulling pains appear. This will help to establish the cause of the pathological condition at the initial stage of diagnosis. To do this, the doctor uses a classification of uncomfortable sensations at various stages of bladder emptying:

  • pain after urination. A characteristic sign of progressive cystitis, including hemorrhagic. The disease develops against the background of frequent urge to urinate, which may be false. Cystitis is dangerous due to its transition to a chronic form, which causes renal failure, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • pain before urination. The main symptom of the formation of foci of infection in the urethra. Pathology often appears in people who neglect the rules of personal hygiene, as well as when the body’s resistance to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms decreases.

The feeling of pulling spasms in the lower abdomen, even with the urge to urinate, is one of the signs of damage to the structural elements of the kidneys (calyces, tubules, pelvis). You should not delay visiting a doctor if there is fresh blood in the urine or dark clots. This means that the painful inflammatory process has sharply worsened under the influence of one of the following factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • acute poisoning or relapse of chronic;
  • overwork, increased physical activity;
  • exacerbation of endocrine diseases,
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland.

One of the causes of pain during difficulty urinating is emotional instability. As a rule, this condition occurs during depression or severe stress. The ability of the immune system to respond when viruses and bacteria enter the human body decreases.

The causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases provoke the development of pain when urinating

Burning and pain in the urethra

Discomfort causes a violation of the integrity of the urethral epithelial layer. The main provoking factors of pathology include infections that are sexually transmitted:

  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis.

Pathogenic microbes damage the epithelial cells of the urethra, destroying their membrane with toxic products of their vital activity. In this case, a huge number of leukocytes are released, which, after death, form a favorable environment for the further spread of infection and the emergence of new foci of inflammation.

The middle wall of the urethra consists of smooth muscle fibers with sensory nerve endings. After the destruction of epithelial cells, toxins begin to directly affect this layer, causing severe pain in the lower abdomen. A burning sensation in the urethral canal serves as a signal of infection.

Sexually transmitted diseases, in addition to thinning of the epithelial layer, are always accompanied by copious discharge of pus (dead leukocytes). Here are the characteristic symptoms of such pathologies:

  • genitals become swollen;
  • mucus appears with an unpleasant odor, sometimes interspersed with blood and pus;
  • There is a feeling of dryness and severe itching of the mucous membranes.

The simplest yeast fungus causes candidal urethritis. Every time a person urinates, a person experiences cutting pain, spasm, heaviness in the lower abdomen, and itching of the genitals. Venous blood circulation in the inner wall of the hollow organ decreases, inflammation, pain and swelling develop. The integrity of the epithelial layer is compromised in the following cases:

  • with increased formation of oxalic acid crystals;
  • excessive production of glucose by endocrine glands;
  • taking pharmacological drugs with irritating effects on mucous membranes;
  • poisoning with caustic alkalis, acids, heavy metals, poisons of plant or animal origin;
  • after eating spicy food along with alcohol-containing drinks.

All these substances can damage and deform the thin layer of epithelium in the urethra. An increased concentration of glucose in the urine of a person with diabetes mellitus is not itself capable of triggering chemical destruction of cell membranes.

But excess sugar content severely dehydrates the body, disrupting the integrity of the epithelium, creating a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes. Another cause of pain with frequent urination can be mechanical injuries to the urethra:

  • surgical intervention;
  • improper catheterization of the patient by medical personnel;
  • prolonged compression or severe bruise of the urinary system.

People with urolithiasis or acute and chronic renal failure are at risk. These pathologies increase the risk of stone formation in the bladder or kidney structures. If a large stone passes through the ureters, then a person experiences unbearable cutting pain in the lower abdomen. The sharp edges of stones injure the mucous walls of the urinary tract and even violate their integrity.

Pain in the lower abdomen and pus in the urine indicate pathology of the urethra

Why does my stomach hurt after urinating?

In men, negative symptoms are provoked by developing urethritis with simultaneous inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis is characterized by a frequent urge to defecate, during which urine is released in small portions. During urination, a person feels pain for several minutes, radiating to the anus. Pain can also occur between bladder emptyings, most often it is localized near the pubis.

Hemorrhagic cystitis occurs against the background of hyperthermia (increased body temperature), fatigue and the release of blood clots.

Stagnation of urine in the bladder causes irritation of the inner mucous membrane, and then its deformation. The disease is provoked by the following factors:

  • viral and bacterial pathologies;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
  • mechanical compression of the urinary system;
  • infectious foci in the seminal vesicles in men;
  • abnormal structure and (or) location of the uterus;
  • edema of renal or cardiac etiology;
  • endocrine disorders.

Bedridden patients often experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen due to the nature of their position. An incorrectly installed catheter can cause mechanical damage to tissue, which quickly becomes associated with a secondary bacterial infection. In such people, due to lack of physical activity, urine stagnates and the functional activity of the bladder decreases.

Severe pain in the abdomen

If the source of pain is located outside the urethra and accompanies inflammation of the urethra, then this indicates damage to the kidneys, ureters, and genitals. Sharp abdominal cramps during cystitis during urination can spread not only to the anus, but also to the pubic area. A person with this disease is characterized by a constant change in body position. So he tries to take a comfortable position so that the pain is not felt too sharply.

Pain similar to labor pains occurs in people who have been diagnosed with renal colic. No matter how a person changes the position of his body, the spasms do not become less pronounced. They are felt especially strongly:

  • on the right in the lumbar region, spreading to the sides;
  • pulling in the lower abdomen;
  • When urinating, pain occurs in the labia majora and scrotum.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen occurs with urolithiasis

A distinctive feature of renal colic is fresh blood in the urine. The very first symptoms of pathology serve as a signal to consult a doctor, and in case of pain and spasms, it is necessary to call an ambulance for hospitalization and further treatment in a hospital. Taking antispasmodics only dulls the pain for a short time without eliminating the cause of the disease.

Many people make the mistake of postponing a visit to the doctor after the pain subsides. A large calculus continues to move along the urinary tract, damaging its membranes. Violation of the integrity of the ureters will lead to the release of blood into the body, which often becomes the cause of sepsis (general blood poisoning). The likelihood of blockage of the canals with a stone also increases, creating an obstacle to the passage of urine. As a result, accumulated urine begins to put pressure on the structural elements of the kidneys, damaging the parenchyma, tubules, calyxes and pelvis.

If the ureter does not rupture under such pressure, then the kidney is severely injured, up to its complete necrosis. That is why, after diagnosing and treating renal colic, the patient undergoes instrumental studies of the condition of the organs of the urinary system. In this way, its integrity and ability to continue to actively function is determined.

Pain in sexually transmitted diseases periodically worsens under the influence of provoking factors (hypothermia, incorrectly selected medications). Spasms are felt especially strongly on the left and right in the lumbar region, and then radiate to the groin and thighs. When, without treatment, sexually transmitted pathologies take a chronic course, the pain is not pronounced. They appear as:

  • burning;

The pathology is accompanied by unpleasant greenish or yellow discharge from the genitals. Pain in the lower abdomen during urination cannot be eliminated with antibiotics, antispasmodics and drugs with diuretic effects. Self-medication will only give impetus to the spread of the disease throughout all parts of the genitourinary system. And when these pathologies become chronic, all human vital systems, including the nervous system, will suffer.