Average reproductive age of a woman. Reproductive age in women in statistics

It is customary to call a certain period of a woman’s life when she is able to conceive and give birth to a child. This period is approximately the same for everyone, but may differ slightly due to physiological characteristics. When does it begin and end childbearing age among women?

A woman gains the ability to have children at a very young age, with the arrival of menstruation. This should not come as a surprise, since it is preceded by it. It begins at about 10-11 years and is characterized by enlargement of the mammary glands, the appearance of hair under the arms and on the pubis. If parents notice such changes in their daughter, they need to talk to the child and explain what is happening. Doing it right will avoid many problems in the future.

We can say that from now on puberty completed, and women have reached childbearing age. But there is no need to rush into having children. Physically, a girl at such a young age can become pregnant and even give birth to a baby. But this will have an extremely negative impact on her health.

The body is not yet ready for such shocks, and the risk of getting serious complications(miscarriage, severe toxicosis, difficult childbirth, very large.

Women's childbearing age

Doctors do not recommend giving birth to girls under 18-19 years old. But it’s still better to wait a few more years. It is at this age that a woman’s body best tolerates pregnancy and childbirth. The childbearing age for women lasts about 25-30 years. This period can be significantly reduced due to various chronic diseases.

It is very important from childhood to teach a girl to take care of herself, regularly visit a gynecologist and maintain personal hygiene. The child should be taught that any disease, even the mildest one, can affect reproductive function. In this regard, you should not neglect diseases, but always treat them in a timely manner. Adult woman should see a doctor at least twice a year, even if there is no cause for concern. Some diseases occur in a latent form, so it is impossible to recognize them on your own. Optimal age for childbirth varies from 20 to 35 years depending on physical condition women.

When is it all over?

The so-called menopause occurs after 45 years. Women's childbearing years may continue, or it may end there. Everything happens gradually. Hormonal levels change, the ovulation process is disrupted, menstruation stops, and eggs stop maturing. This whole process lasts more than one year. During this time, a woman can still become pregnant and carry a child to term. However, there is Great chance birth of a baby with various genetic disorders. In this regard, doctors recommend not postponing pregnancy to such a late date.

The reproductive age of women depends on their physiological characteristics. It can come very early and end in quite some time. This is worth considering married couples, and therefore, after achieving them, you should not stop protecting yourself.

Such a concept as reproductive age, probably each of us has heard. But not everyone knows about what this period is and what it has to offer characteristics. Most people agree that this is age stage, during which a girl can carry and give birth to a child. And many believe that it occurs with the beginning of the first menstruation. Strictly speaking, this is true, but there are many subtleties, which we will talk about later.

Preparation for the reproductive period begins at about ten years of age (for some, earlier). At first, the girl’s mammary glands become slightly enlarged, which is a signal to her parents about her transformation into a girl. It is necessary to talk with the child at this stage and tell her about the changes that await her ahead.

After some time, the first vegetation begins to appear on the body - first under the arms, a little later on the pubic area. The final puberty It is considered the beginning of menstruation. But this does not mean that the girl is capable of giving birth to a baby. In fact, this is physically possible, but the price for this will be very high - the health of a too young mother.

In adolescence, a girl is, in fact, still a child; her body is too small and not ready for full pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. Doctors categorically do not approve of girls under eighteen becoming pregnant, as this is fraught with the development of complications of varying complexity.

Gynecologists say that young age greatly increases the risk of various bleedings, miscarriage and severe toxicosis. Babies born to very young girls often have health problems: they are born with low weight and gain it poorly in the first months of life; in addition, such children have difficulty adapting to extrauterine life.

At the same time, it is worth taking into account individual characteristics body, some young mothers give birth to beautiful healthy babies without the slightest deviation, maintaining your health. But a very important role also plays psychological aspect– in most cases, teenage girls are simply not ready for the role of a mother. Although there are exceptions.

Parents should convey information about contraception to their daughter in a timely manner, since there is a time for everything, and a child of 12-14 years old should remain a child. The girl will still have time to enjoy all the delights of motherhood.

Health of women of reproductive age

This question depends on many factors, the main one being general state the whole body. All existing ailments can negatively affect the condition reproductive system. Therefore, every woman should visit a doctor in a timely manner and undergo a routine medical examination. In fact, even trivial sores can seriously affect the functioning of the reproductive system.

Women's health begins with the development of the fetus in the mother's womb and the neonatal period. Medical statistics claim that during this time a certain percentage of children gain serious problems with health for the rest of your life.

It is not surprising that by the beginning of reproductive age, most girls already have certain disorders in functional activity reproductive system. Parents need to pay close attention to the child’s health and, if necessary, visit a pediatric gynecologist.

Adults are also advised not to forget about the need to visit a doctor. You need to visit a gynecologist at least once every six months; such measures will allow you to timely detect a possible disease and carry out a quick adequate treatment. Regular visits to women's doctor will help to avoid very dangerous and even fatal illnesses, for example, cervical cancer.

The end of reproductive age coincides with the beginning of menopause. But reproductive function does not fade away immediately, but gradually - after forty years. This process is explained by certain changes in the hormonal background of the body. The menstrual cycle is disrupted, and the ovulation process is also disrupted. But the ability to conceive remains even at this stage of decline of reproductive function, but doctors say that in this case the likelihood of having a child with some kind of genetic abnormality increases significantly.

The next stage in a woman's life is menopause. It occurs between forty-five and fifty years, after the eggs stop maturing. When their supply in the body reaches zero, the likelihood of conception will be excluded.

But it should be borne in mind that more than one year may pass from the beginning of disturbances in the cycle to its complete cessation. Many women forget about this, and as a result they may be in for a rather unexpected surprise. The absence of menstruation is attributed to menopause, which suddenly turns out to be pregnancy. That is why doctors recommend not to forget about contraception even at the end of reproductive age, and to stop using contraception only after consulting with a qualified doctor and passing certain tests.

What is reproductive age? How long does it last? Is a woman's reproductive age different from a man's? Here - Interesting Facts and misconceptions regarding the age of childbearing.

One of the main biological tasks of any living creature is reproduction, reproduction of the species. The age when the body is most adapted to reproduction is called reproductive or fertile.

According to demographic definitions, a woman’s reproductive age lasts from 15 to 44-49 years. That is, from the beginning of menstruation until its cessation. Reproductive age begins from the moment the first egg matures. In fact, at this time the girl can already become pregnant and carry a child. It is also quite possible for a woman who has celebrated her 50th birthday or even later to have a healthy baby. But both too early and too late pregnancies are undesirable for various reasons.

Early pregnancy

In theory, young girl may well give birth to a strong, healthy baby. But her own body, not yet fully formed, may suffer from pregnancy. In addition, in most cases, a young mother is not psychologically ready to bear parental responsibilities. She herself is still in many ways an immature person, almost a child, without established life values ​​and a formed system of worldview. It cannot, of course, be said that there are no exceptions, but that is the general picture. The situation can be further complicated by the fact that most pregnancies that occur too early are usually unwanted and unexpected. And they end either in abortion or in the birth of an unwanted and unwanted child.

Late pregnancy

After 35 years, a woman’s body begins to prepare for the onset of menopause. More menstrual cycles occurs without ovulation, that is, a woman’s ability to conceive is noticeably reduced. In addition, with age, bouquets of chronic diseases accumulate, some of which can not only complicate the course of pregnancy, but also simply interfere with conception. In particular, mature women often experience endometriosis, a disease in which changes occur in the uterus that prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Tubal obstruction that develops with age often occurs, and the egg cannot descend into the uterine cavity. It is impossible to deny the fact that often such a late pregnancy also turns out to be unplanned and unwanted, as in a completely early age. It often happens that a woman, confident that she is no longer capable of conceiving due to age or the onset of menopause, does not pay attention to the absence of menstruation. And only when she feels the movement of the fetus or pays attention to the rounded belly, she understands that this is not menopause, but pregnancy.

There is also compelling scientific evidence showing that the older the parents, the higher their risk of having a child with disabilities. genetic disorders. One of these gene disorders is well known to almost everyone: Down syndrome, caused by the presence of chromosome set child with one extra chromosome. Such children have a special type of appearance and physique, their intellectual development very difficult, and life expectancy is noticeably shorter than that of other people.

Statistics say: if the risk of having a child with Down syndrome in a 25-year-old mother is 1:1250, then in a 40-year-old it is already 1:106. And in a 50-year-old woman it is even more - 1:11, that is, more than 10 % of children born to mothers aged fifty are born with this disease. And Down syndrome is not the only disorder, the likelihood of which in a child increases with the age of the mother.

Best time to have children

According to doctors and demographers, the best reproductive age for a woman is from 25 to 35 years. It was at this time that a woman is already ripe for conscious and responsible motherhood, her body is full of strength and energy, and chronic diseases have not yet accumulated. Children born to mothers between the ages of 25 and 32-35 are usually desired, and pregnancy is planned in advance.

For a full upbringing, everything is there - material wealth, housing, confidence in tomorrow and in your own strength. Thus, best time for the birth of children should be considered the middle of reproductive age. But does this mean that it is late or early pregnancy bad? Of course no. At any age of the mother, a child can be born either completely healthy or with genetic disorders or congenital diseases.

Take the statistics on Down syndrome: if the risk of having a sick child in a 50-year-old mother is 1:11, this means that 89 out of 100 children are born healthy. Almost 90% is the vast majority. And perhaps mature parents should simply consider genetic counseling carefully before deciding to have a child or terminate an unexpected pregnancy.

Everything has its pros and cons. The young mother may not yet take her motherhood seriously enough, but she is healthier, not burdened with age-related chronic diseases, and is able to more easily understand the growing child and his needs - simply because she has not yet forgotten her own childhood. When her child grows up and flies out of the parental nest, she will still be young, full of strength and energy, and will be happy to make up for everything that eluded her in her youth because of early motherhood: travel, entertainment, everything that fits into the concept of “living for yourself.”

On the other hand, a woman of “Balzac age” has usually already made a career, decided on her marital status and is firmly on her feet. She makes the decision to conceive carefully and confidently. Often on late pregnancy there are women who have remarried and want to have another child with their spouse, joint child. Often this decision is made by parents who want to have children of different sexes - so that an older, already grown-up brother has a sister, or an almost adult daughter a little brother appeared.

Late pregnancy gives a woman the opportunity to feel like a young mother. Her body is renewed, prolonging her youth, but at the same time any chronic diseases. That is why family planning specialists strongly recommend that all women after 35 years undergo a complete medical examination before planning the conception and birth of a child. Some diseases may be contraindications for pregnancy. In particular, special attention require chronic kidney disease, of cardio-vascular system, tendency to hypertension ( high blood pressure), diabetes etc. With age, the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy also increases.

One should not neglect the fact that the number of maturing eggs generally decreases, and it becomes much more difficult for a woman to become pregnant, and the older she is, the more difficult it is to conceive. But this does not mean infertility at all. On the contrary, if a woman does not plan to give birth, she should treat issues of contraception with absolutely the same responsibility as at a young age.

By at least, until her menstruation completely stops and the gynecologist gives an opinion about the end of the reproductive period in the woman’s life based on the examination. Cycle disturbances can lead to ineffectiveness of previous traditional methods protection, but this will be discovered only after conception.

As long as a woman is capable of bearing children, her reproductive age continues. Each of its stages is good in its own way. A woman can give birth to a child both at 15 and after 50, raise him and raise him, and be a happy mother.

Nature has laid down the main function in female body- produce offspring. Physiological features development, social conditions, environment affect a woman's reproductive age. Currently, experts define its boundaries as ranging from 15 to 45 years, but they are individual for each woman. According to the WHO definition, reproductive age is considered to be the age during which a woman is able to conceive a child, that is, from menarche to menopause.

What affects fertility

Female fertility is the biological ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Some women easily manage to get pregnant and give birth in the presence of chronic diseases, after abortions. In others, relatively healthy, for a long time unable to conceive or bear a child.

There are many factors that reduce fertility and cause infertility:

  • long-term heavy smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • frequent stress;
  • overweight (BMI >30);
  • insufficient (less than 45 kg) weight;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • traumatic injuries during abortion, childbirth;
  • intoxication of the body associated with an acute infectious disease;
  • abdominal operations;
  • age (over 35 years old).

To understand why a woman cannot get pregnant, the main indicators of fertility are examined: ovulation, fallopian tube patency, endometrial condition, hormone levels. At home, an ovulation test is carried out by measuring basal temperature, or using strips on which a special reagent with a control strip is applied. The test determines the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. A high LH value is characteristic of a mature egg, ready for fertilization. IN medical institutions A gynecologist uses an ultrasound to evaluate the size dominant follicle, availability and size corpus luteum, condition of the ovaries, uterus.

Late motherhood, in addition to possible difficulties, It has positive sides. Hormonal changes rejuvenate the body, giving strength and energy for care and education. The desire to raise and raise a child increases life expectancy, and later menopause occurs.

Reproductive age ends when eggs stop maturing and menstruation ends completely. Natural conception becomes impossible. A new physiological stage begins.

How to extend the reproductive period

Biological age does not always correspond to the date in the passport. Internal organs forty year old woman can work the same as those of a twenty-year-old girl. This is partly influenced genetic predisposition, partly - lifestyle, environment.

The following will help you make the most of your childbearing years and extend your childbearing years:

  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • timely and full treatment diseases;
  • control hormonal levels;
  • taking vitamins as prescribed by a doctor;
  • positive emotions.

It is important to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist. Many diseases long time are asymptomatic. In advanced cases, this negatively affects fertility. Therefore it is necessary to spend more time preventive measures. In every reproductive period, it is possible to safely give birth to a healthy baby without complications.

The time when a woman can become pregnant and give birth to a child is called reproductive age. This ability does not appear immediately, and ends by a certain age.

Today, women are in no hurry to become mothers at 20, as was the case half a century ago. First they get a profession, then they climb the career ladder.

This takes away the first part of a woman's reproductive years. Fortunately, today medicine allows those who did not have time to have children by the age of 45 to give birth.

There are ways to extend reproductive age.

To understand what a woman’s reproductive age is, we need to understand the stages of her maturation. As she develops, the girl’s body undergoes changes that turn her into a girl.

Important! The beginning and end of reproductive age are purely individual. But there are general frameworks that most women fit into.

We calculate the reproductive age of a woman:

Age Features of female development
Up to 12 years The girl grows up, and by the age of 12 her body begins to change: her breasts grow, pubic and armpit hair appears.

In some girls, these signs of maturation occur earlier, in others they appear by the age of 15.

This process is individual, it matters hereditary factor, nationality, health status, place of residence

From 12 to 16 years This is the acute phase adolescence. The girl’s psyche and body change, she turns into a girl.

During this period, the vast majority of girls begin menstruation. This period is marked as the time of onset of reproductive age

From 16 to 25 years old The first phase of the childbearing period. For women's health It is better if the first child is born during this period. If a woman gives birth to her first child later, she is considered an old-timer.
From 25 to 35 years Second phase. Excellent time for childbirth. The woman is still young, her health is conducive to pregnancy and childbirth, her hormonal levels are strong and ready for changes under the influence of bearing a child.
From 35 to 45 years The end of the reproductive period. Third phase.

A woman can still give birth, but it becomes more difficult to become pregnant as her hormonal levels begin to decline. At this age, the first signs of menopause occur.

From 45 years old Closer to 50 years of age, menopause occurs. This condition is characterized by sudden hormonal and physiological changes in organism.

The process lasts from one to three years. Menstruation ends. From now on reproductive period over: the woman will no longer be able to give birth to a child

Beginning and ending of reproductive age in women

A woman’s ability to give birth and bear a healthy baby is inherent in nature. This ability comes into effect during adolescence and lasts until menopause occurs.

The onset of menstruation indicates that a woman’s body is preparing to be able to give birth and carry to term.

This does not mean that immediately after the onset of menstruation a woman can become a mother. Girls 12-15 years old are not yet physically ready for childbirth and pregnancy.

They can become pregnant, carry to term and give birth, but the body’s full readiness for childbirth comes later.

Doctors consider the optimal period for the first birth to be from 22 years of age. During this period, it is easy to get pregnant, the woman is physically strong, and her periods have stabilized.

Her body is fully formed, although physical growth is still ongoing. The minimum age when it is no longer dangerous to give birth begins at 17 years old.

Important! Childbirth before the age of 17 years, as well as late labor, do not mean risk at all. Many girls give birth to healthy babies, becoming young mothers at 15 and 16 years old.

And that's great. Since the fifteen-year-old girl’s body is not strong enough, she should visit the doctor more often and undergo the necessary tests.

Observing all precautions, the young lady can easily carry and give birth to a baby.

The same applies to women who give birth after 40. Age is just a convention. It is important to monitor the condition, follow all precautions, take care of yourself and your baby.

The joy of motherhood is a natural instinct, a woman’s greatest thirst and her greatest happiness.

Why is it important to look after your health?

The end of the reproductive period is influenced by many factors.

Factors influencing early attack menopause:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Complete absence of sex life.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Alcoholism and smoking.
  • Drug use.
  • Past serious illnesses.
  • Injuries: both psychological and physical. Accidents, serious fractures, physical violence experienced.
  • Hard work.
  • Irregular sleep.
  • Frequent stress, nervous shock.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs: chronic inflammatory diseases, which were left unattended.

If the body feels that a woman’s body is exhausted, weakened by diseases and in the wrong way life, it sends a signal about the end of reproductive age in order to preserve the life and health of a woman.

After all, pregnancy and childbirth are a difficult test for the body. Menopause is coming. And the onset of menopause means aging.

If menopause occurs at the age of 40, the body will quickly begin to age. Therefore, you need to monitor your health.

Ways to extend this period

Extend childbearing period- means to prolong youth.

A woman can do this by taking care of her health:

  • Stress should be avoided.
  • Give up alcohol and cigarettes. At least partially.
  • Cure all chronic diseases.
  • Be examined twice a year: donate blood, urine, be examined by a gynecologist, take a smear for analysis.
  • Complete treatment of all diseases.
  • Have sex regularly.
  • Have a regular sexual partner to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • In the presence of psychological problems solve them yourself or at an appointment with a psychotherapist.

There are cases where childbearing age was extended with the help of hormone therapy. Today, such measures are abandoned because they cause breast cancer.

Features in men

The male reproductive period is significantly longer than the female one. It begins on adolescence, but the end dates back to 65-70 years.

A man can become a father almost throughout his entire life, excluding childhood.

Of course, problems with erection appear around the age of 40-50, by which time most men begin to have difficulty conceiving. But the childbearing period does not end.

If a man takes care of his health, he can become a happy father and lead an active sex life even after 60 years.

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