Discharge in bitches during pregnancy. Discharge after mating in dogs: causes

The health of the dog involved in mating must be closely monitored - every experienced dog breeder knows this. One of the indicators of an animal’s health is discharge from the genitals. They allow us to most likely conclude that the bitch is pregnant, as well as determine the condition of the uterus and reproductive tract of the pet. Exist different kinds discharge after mating, indicating both the good health of the female and possible problems health problems that require the attention of a veterinarian. We will tell you further how the course of pregnancy is related to certain types of discharge in a dog.

Discharge after mating in dogs: causes

I would like to start with the fact that vaginal discharge in one form or another accompanies the female throughout her pregnancy; this is a common physiological phenomenon. Normally, there should be a small amount of discharge, sufficient to ensure the balance of the genital mucosa.

After mating

It is believed that during the first few days after mating, the bitch should have virtually no vaginal discharge of any kind. However, some females have whitish drops, which are the animal’s body’s reaction to the partner’s seminal fluid.

Active selection clear mucus a couple of days after mating is explained by the following factors:

  • The mucus plug that previously covered the cervix leaves the uterus after sexual intercourse. She does this in parts, so the process can drag on for a couple of weeks;
  • mucus removes oocytes that remain unfertilized from the female’s body;
  • After sexual intercourse, blood clots may come out of the animal’s vagina along with mucus. small quantity. This condition does not threaten the animal’s condition and is a variant of the norm.

First weeks of pregnancy

On initial stage During pregnancy, the uterus of an animal, like other genital organs, undergoes significant changes, changing its size and structure. Inner layer The uterus swells and becomes looser, preparing to receive an egg. As a result, quite a lot of mucus is released, which partially exits through the loop.

If within a few days after mating you notice secretion from the bitch's vagina, then this is a sign that fertilization is most likely successful. Three weeks after mating, you may also notice patches of mucus accompanying the animal's urination. This sign is further evidence that the female has become pregnant.

Changes in the dog's body

As a rule, it is difficult to determine the pregnancy of a bitch until the third week inclusive. However, by the end of the third week, the female’s belly begins to grow, and the following changes rapidly occur in her body:

Also, the end of the third week is significant in that it coincides with the closure of the cervix, which clearly indicates pregnancy. If from the third to fourth weeks the discharge looks more like water with small patches of mucus, then after the first month it thickens, but retains its translucent hue. This type of mucus forms a kind of protective barrier.

To avoid the formation of crust, which we discussed above, it is advisable to periodically wash the female's perineum. It is recommended to wash the animal’s vagina using:

  • clean water at room temperature;
  • baby sanitary napkins.

It is not advisable to use soap as it may irritate it.

Before birth

The following weeks rarely cause the dog's owners any concern regarding its discharge. However, before giving birth, the dog again produces large amounts of mucus, which often attracts the attention of concerned owners. Intense mucus secretion gives a signal that in one or two days the dog will begin to labor activity.

This secretion represents the protective mucus plug that we discussed in the previous section. And if in the first month of pregnancy this plug was actively formed, then a couple of days before birth it is rejected, freeing the genital tract through which future puppies will move during the birth process. Mucus can have several shades:

  • white;
  • light green;
  • light brown;
  • transparent.

It also happens that the protective plug does not come off in parts, but all at once - during urination. In this case, the owner can easily miss this manifestation, indicating an imminent birth.

Other signs of imminent labor

In addition to the loss of the protective plug that accompanies the end of pregnancy, you can determine the bitch’s readiness for childbirth by the following actions:

You can read below about how to prepare for the birth of your dog.

After childbirth

At the end of childbirth, the uterus continues to cleanse itself, removing remnants of proteins and tissues, because postpartum discharge are an obligatory occurrence in the life of every female. During the first few days, the owners of a bitch who has given birth observe the following types of discharge from their pet:

  • whitish discharge with green splashes. The greenish tint of the substance is given by proteins exiting through the genital tract, which are no longer needed by the mother’s body;
  • dark burgundy discharge that does not have any odor should also not alarm the owners of the animal, if the dog does not experience discomfort and does not show signs of pain. Normally, such discharge ends on the second or third day after birth.

After giving birth, your pet's uterus continues to cleanse itself for a month.

Womb cleansing occurs within the first few weeks after the puppies are born. Already in the first week, the rich color of the discharge gradually dilutes, becoming more and more transparent. Moving at this pace, after a month the discharge should stop altogether. However, these dates may vary depending on the number of cubs in the litter.

Important! If the discharge continues to be intense after a month, it is highly recommended to consult a veterinarian.

What discharge is not normal?

Now let's look at those types of discharge that indicate negative changes occurring in the dog and posing a threat to its life. The owner should immediately contact a veterinarian for help if the discharge of a pregnant dog has the following characteristics:

  • presence in mucus large quantity bloody spots or direct bleeding from the animal’s vagina;
  • foul odor of mucus;
  • secretion of mucus that has a constant greenish tint;
  • presence of purulent discharge.

We will talk about each of the symptomatic manifestations further.

Bloody discharge

As already mentioned, small inclusions are the norm during pregnancy, however, when the red tint becomes saturated, and the proportion of inclusions only increases, it makes sense to be wary. One of the most dangerous reasons bleeding is uterine rupture, in which there is practically no chance of saving the puppies. Moreover, in most cases, the veterinarian has to remove the female's uterus to avoid possible complications.

To avoid subsequent false pregnancy due to hormonal imbalances, as well as empty heats, doctors recommend removing the animal’s ovaries at the same time in order to remove any stress from reproductive system. Such a radical step will protect the animal from possible tumors mammary glands.

By the way! In addition to uterine rupture, profuse bleeding may indicate a miscarriage, which we will talk about in more detail in a separate chapter.

Foul smell

If during pregnancy a sharp unpleasant odor emanates from the bitch, then this may indicate two possible scenarios:

  • the bitch’s genitals are inflamed as a result of an infection that also affected the embryos;
  • the stench comes from the dead and beginning to decompose cubs.

To determine the further course of action, you need to contact a doctor to carefully examine the animal. If the reason strong smell is an infection, then the chances of saving the offspring if timely treatment bitches are quite tall. If we are talking about puppies that have already died, then the dog is prescribed immediate surgery to remove the mummifying fetuses. Otherwise, the animal may get blood poisoning and die.

It should be noted that not all puppies can die in the uterus. However, when several fetuses die, the veterinarian most often decides to remove the entire litter, since the surviving cubs are most likely already infected and will die either in the womb or shortly after birth.

Green discharge

The green coloration of the discharge often goes hand in hand with the appearance of unpleasant odor, since both of these manifestations indicate an inflammatory process inside the animal’s uterus. This symptom suggests two scenarios:

  • the dog got infected intrauterine infection(for example, chlamydia), which now threatens both her life and the lives of the puppies;
  • The dog’s placenta began to separate, which is a very dangerous outcome for puppies, since the detached placenta ceases to function and supply the fetus with the necessary nutrition.

Prolonged green discharge is good reason contact a veterinarian even if the animal is this moment feels good.


Any purulent discharge is not normal, and purulent vaginal discharge is no exception. Pus always indicates inflammatory process, and if it comes from the loop, it means that the inflammatory process is localized on the reproductive organs. Purulent discharge indicates that inflammation develops quickly and the owner has a very limited amount of time to call a specialist.

General symptoms indicating illness

In addition to discharge, which is not always a full indicator of the dog’s health, it is important to monitor its behavior during pregnancy and respond to any changes. You should be concerned about your dog's health in the following cases:

  • loss of appetite and interest in food;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • irritated or depressed state of the animal.

The general apathetic state of the dog, combined with a lack of appetite, is an alarming symptom.


In the context of pathological discharge in a dog, we will pay special attention to the phenomenon of miscarriage. When a bitch has a spontaneous abortion, exudate is released from the vagina, which can be dark green or black in color, and also contain bloody spots and pus. In some cases, the uterus rejects only part of the fetuses, while others are not in danger. However, regardless of whether the entire litter was rejected, it is necessary to visit a doctor and develop a plan for further action with him.

Causes of miscarriage

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely prevent the possibility of spontaneous abortion today. All the owner can do is to carefully monitor the health of the pregnant bitch in order to prevent the development of the following situations:

Diseases that negatively affect pregnancy

Excessive discharge often indicates pathology related directly to the organs of the reproductive system. In order to recognize in time alarming symptoms, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list of such diseases that pose a danger to a pregnant bitch.

Table. Diseases aggravating pregnancy

VaginitisVaginitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa that occurs as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microflora. The causes of vaginitis are hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, as well as infections (sexually transmitted or already existing in the body in a chronic form)There are several types of vaginitis: serous, catarrhal, purulent, and so on. They are united by the presence of whitish discharge, which can be sharp or (in the case of catarrhal form) sour smell. The most severe is gangrenous vaginitis, since it is accompanied by tissue necrosis
PyometraPyometra involves inflammation of the uterus, which can be of two types: closed and open. The closed form is more dangerous because in it the pus is not able to leave the uterus, leading to severe consequences. The open form suggests the presence of purulent discharge from the female loop. In some cases, pyometra becomes chronic and does not have pronounced symptoms.Closed form:
1. Refusal to eat.
2. Lethargy.
3. Increase in temperature.
4. Fever is possible.
5. Constant thirst.
6. Obsessive desire empty your bladder.
7. Bloating of the lower abdomen.
Open form:
1. Slight decrease in appetite.
2. Slight weakness.
3. Purulent vaginal discharge
Inflammation of the vaginal openingThis inflammation is not a disease as such, but can lead to various pathologies. As a rule, inflammation of the vaginal opening begins with damage during mating, if the partner is not very skilledDischarge of a serous substance similar in consistency to sour cream

Video - Types of discharge from a loop in dogs

The health of a dog's reproductive organs is one of the important aspects of a calm and happy life for both the dog and its owner. Diseases associated with the genital organs of an animal negatively affect both the reproductive function and the overall health of your pet’s entire body.
The first thing the dog owner pays attention to is the discharge from the loop.

Discharge from a loop in a dog can be a consequence of both normal physiological processes, and a sign of a dangerous pathology.

TO physiological(normal) include transparent discharge from a dog's loop. In consistency, they can be slightly slimy, sometimes mixed with blood, and do not have a sharp unpleasant odor. Occurs during estrus, immediately before childbirth and a few days after labor.

TO pathological The discharges include the so-called opaque (purulent). Sometimes owners notice white discharge from the dog's loop. But the color of pathological discharge is not always white; more often it has a yellowish, greenish, brown or even reddish tint (i.e. mixed with blood) and a strong unpleasant odor.

Physiological processes in which discharge is normal

Estrus (estrus)- stage of the reproductive cycle. This is a natural process that indicates that the female has reached puberty.

The timing of puberty often depends on the size of the breed. In miniature (small) dogs, the first heat begins earlier, in large dogs- a little bit later. The first heat occurs at 6-12 months, sometimes at 1.5 years. If the dog does not have it by the age of 2, then some kind of pathology is possible, and a doctor’s consultation is required. On average, the duration of estrus is 20-22 days. The exact cycle will be established in the female only after several heats. Dogs usually come into heat twice a year, but in some animals it happens once a year. If it occurs more often, there may be a risk hormonal disorders and also requires a consultation with a specialist.

The dog's reproductive cycle consists of 4 stages:

  1. Proestrus (precursor) lasts approximately 7-10 days.

At this time, the first signs of estrus in the dog appear: blood flow to the genitals increases, the loop swells, and the first bloody discharge appears. But the dog is not ready for mating, since ovulation has not yet occurred. And her behavior is already changing. During this period, dogs can use panties for estrus.

  1. Estrus (actually estrus), sexual hunting.

During this period, ovulation occurs. The cellular composition of the discharge changes, and in order to determine the dog’s readiness for mating, a smear is performed at the veterinary clinic to determine readiness (i.e., 7-10 days after the first signs of estrus). The discharge itself at this time different breeds dogs can also be different. In some individuals they may be practically absent, in others they become light pink. During the period of estrus, the bitch begins to allow male dogs to approach her: she raises her pelvis, tightens the loop, withdraws her tail and freezes.

  1. Metaestrus (end of estrus).

reddish, light pink discharge pass, the loop decreases in size. The female stops allowing male dogs to approach her. If pregnancy does not occur, the body returns to its normal state over time.

But in dogs it still persists increased level progesterone, and sometimes, regardless of whether fertilization has occurred or not, some bitches develop false pregnancy, which most often goes away on its own and without consequences. But if suddenly there is a thickening of the mammary glands and a refusal to eat, you should consult a doctor. Drugs are prescribed to stop lactation and eliminate the symptoms of false pregnancy.

  1. Anestrus (sexual rest) - period of absence of estrus.

The average duration is 100-150 days.

If estrus is too long (protracted), short, frequent or rare, you should consult a doctor.

Discharge that appears immediately before childbirth (it lasts 3-4 days or a little more) and after labor is also considered normal.

Discharge from a loop in a pregnant dog is a pathology!

That is, any discharge during pregnancy is considered abnormal and can be dangerous. Of course, very slight discharge is present during pregnancy, but it is so small that the owner should not notice it. In the presence of visible discharge You need to see a doctor and undergo an ultrasound. This will help you monitor the course of your pregnancy and find out the approximate number of fetuses.

24-48 hours before birth, sticky and thick discharge of a whitish or grayish color appears. They indicate that the so-called “plug” has come out and birth process has begun. If you notice that your dog's discharge before giving birth has a sharp putrid smell And dark color(green, yellow, brown), if the animal’s body temperature has increased (after all, the temperature normally decreases before giving birth), the female should be immediately taken to the veterinarian and an ultrasound scan performed.

After childbirth, the discharge in the first 2-3 days has a brownish color, then it gradually lightens and becomes transparent or with a slight pink tint. The duration of discharge varies from dog to dog. It depends on the size of the dog itself and the number of puppies. Usually by the end of a maximum of 2 weeks postpartum period The discharge becomes scarcer and stops. That is, the involution of the uterus has occurred - its return to its prenatal size.

Subinvolution of the uterus is also possible - disruption or slowing of the reverse development of the uterus to normal (prenatal) sizes. It is rare and most often occurs in young dogs. Accompanied by prolonged (more than 3-4 weeks) sticky discharge, sometimes mixed with blood. This condition can lead to the development of endometritis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus), and with the addition bacterial infection and transition to a more dangerous process - pyometra (purulent inflammation of the uterus). If you experience any similar symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

On the 3-4th day after birth, it is recommended to perform an ultrasound of the uterus, since there is a great danger that the closing cervix may not allow large particles of tissue to pass through (for example, the placenta or placenta, perhaps even an unborn puppy). In this case, an appointment is required complementary therapy and performing ultrasound in dynamics.

Pathological processes in which the discharge is abnormal

Vaginitis, pyometra, endometritis, tumor processes in the genital tract - this is far from full list everyone possible diseases, which pose a danger to the health of the pet and are accompanied by unpleasant discharge and a pungent odor. Only a specialist can accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Vaginitis- inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. With this pathology, minor discharge is observed, the animal licks itself a little more, so most often the owner is not always able to recognize the disease in a timely manner. It is for this reason that vaginitis is often confused with normal estrus. The progression of this pathology entails complications that can seriously deteriorate the dog’s health.

There is also a more rare vaginitis - juvenile. Puppyhood or prepuberty to puberty. This vaginitis is characterized by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa due to endocrine disorders. This is a disease of young females before the onset of puberty, which is manifested by transparent mucous discharge from the vagina, often with a whitish tint or a thick yellow-green secretion, the abundance of which may differ in different dogs. Vaginal discharge may be accompanied by itching, and dogs may lick the genital area vigorously. Very rarely the disease leads to mild violation general condition, sometimes with an increase in temperature. To establish accurate diagnosis Cytology of a vaginal smear is required, since it has a characteristic picture for this pathology. According to the results of cytology, in the case of a bacterial infection, additional antibiotic therapy is required.

Endometritis also characterized by inflammatory processes of the uterine mucosa. The disease occurs in acute or chronic form. Inflammation of the endometrial walls in bitches initial stage doesn't have bright severe symptoms or heavy discharge and is associated with hormonal imbalance. As a result, the mucous membrane of the uterus thickens, and increased accumulation of secretions occurs. The secret is favorable environment for infection, so the discharge turns purulent. With chronic endometritis, the only symptom may be the inability of the bitch to become pregnant or bear offspring. Most often, no discharge is observed. The general condition of the dog is quite good.

Pyometra- This purulent inflammation bitches' uteruses. Characterized by the accumulation of purulent contents in the body and horns of the uterus in large quantities. It has this disease two forms: open and closed. The open version is easier for the dog, since the pus comes out through the open lumen in the cervix. At closed pyometra pus gradually accumulates in the uterus, which leads to intoxication of the body, uterine rupture and death of the pet. But you need to understand that an open form can easily turn into a closed one. The animal may experience a deterioration in its general condition, fever, vomiting, refusal to eat, etc. The disease can be fatal. The diagnosis is made based on the collected medical history, general analysis blood, ultrasound and vaginal smear cytology. Most often, treatment is surgical, but feeling good dogs and not very bad tests, drug therapy is possible.

Tumor processes in the genital tract- also a common pathology that leads to the appearance of discharge and deterioration of your dog’s condition.

There are tumors of the ovaries, less often of the uterus, there is also venereal sarcoma, which affects the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Venereal sarcoma(transmissible sarcoma, i.e. sexually transmitted) - malignancy, affecting the mucous membranes of the genital organs in dogs. It occurs in females and males used for breeding, or most often in street animals. Owners notice drops of blood coming from the external genitalia, which are often mistaken for estrus. The tumor resembles in appearance " cauliflower"and is localized mainly in the mucous membrane of the genital organs, but mechanically can be transferred to the mucous membranes of the mouth, nasal cavity, and eyes. Infection occurs during mating of animals.

What is the reason for discharge from the snare of a sterilized dog?

This happens extremely rarely, but there are still several possible reasons:

  • during sterilization, part of the ovary remains, and the animal continues to go into estrus, and, accordingly, periodic discharge;
  • cultitis - inflammation of the stump of the remaining uterus after its removal;
  • vaginitis - inflammation of the vaginal walls; during sterilization, the ovaries, body and horns of the uterus are removed, the vagina is preserved, and accordingly, inflammation may occur;
  • neoplasms in the vagina.

The exact cause can be determined by visiting a specialist who will prescribe specific therapy or conduct additional necessary research.

As a rule, no complications occur after sterilization, and most veterinarians recommend performing planned ones - these operations prolong the life of your pets and allow you to avoid huge amount diseases associated with the reproductive system.

We all know that it is better to prevent any disease in time than to treat it. For any similar symptoms We recommend that you contact your veterinarian immediately.

A person can live with his pet for several years, know her character and eating habits. And some important points canine physiology will remain a mystery to him. The owner pays special attention to the dog that has mated with a male dog. After all, it is important for the owner to understand whether the dog has become pregnant, or whether the mating was “in vain.”

When does a bitch start to have discharge? intimate place, a person racks his brain with guesses as to what this means. Should we expect offspring? Or maybe the dog is developing a disease and needs to be taken to the vet?

If a dog has mated with a “groom”, this does not mean that conception has occurred. It is no secret that many bitches develop a false pregnancy after an unsuccessful mating (and even without contact with a male dog). The pet’s appearance changes (the dog’s belly becomes rounder, its nipples swell). The behavior of the animal also undergoes strong changes: the dog sets up a “nest”, drags soft objects (mittens, toys) there that resemble puppies... The owner will understand the deceptiveness of his dog’s “pregnant status” only after consulting a veterinarian.

Meanwhile, successful mating may have no effect on mental condition dogs. Moreover, for many bitches, pregnancy continues for several days after conception.

The animal, of course, will not tell you about its interesting position. You will know that a dog is bearing offspring by its physiological signs. One of them is in an animal. These discharges (or rather, their color, thickness, smell) can not only inform you that the bitch is pregnant, but also warn you about a serious illness or aborted fetuses.

Pregnancy or illness?

An attentive owner is alarmed when he notices bloody discharge from his dog after mating. Should I rush to the vet in this case? If the discharge is scanty and the color is not too bright, you should not worry. Most likely, with such a “signal” the bitch’s body confirms conception. In most cases, the bloody contents are not released for long, and the dog’s activity does not decrease.

You should be wary of the following signs:

  • The animal developed a strong thirst.
  • Coordination of movements has deteriorated.
  • After urinating, the dog has a noticeable blood trail.
  • The animal's loop appears swollen.

If you notice such ailments in your dog, take the animal to a good veterinary clinic. It is possible that the dog is developing an inflammatory process in the uterus. In some bitches, dark red discharge indicates cystic changes gonads (ovaries).

What will employees do? veterinary clinic? Specialists will conduct examinations (take a progesterone test from the dog, do an ultrasound examination). Only after these diagnostic measures the veterinarian will find out what is happening to your pet.

Can embryos disappear?

Experienced dog breeders know that a dog’s embryos can “melt.” Let's list the reasons why this happens:

  • Great fright.
  • Fight with other dogs.
  • Moving.
  • Sudden change in temperature.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body of the future “mother”.

In most cases, the resorption of embryos is not accompanied by severe discomfort in the dog. A miscarriage is a slightly different situation.

The loss of embryos in a dog on the fifteenth – twentieth day after conception can be caused by a genital tract infection or inflammation of the ovaries. If this problem happens to a dog, blood clots will be released from the animal’s vagina. Loss of appetite and fever in the pet are also possible.

How to protect your dog from sad surprises?

It is difficult to give a universal recipe to owners on what to do to avoid miscarriages in dogs. The general condition of the bitch can be affected various factors(including timely therapy). Before breeding your pet, the owner is recommended to examine the animal. If your dog is diagnosed with a disease infectious nature, they should be cured. Only then can you start “planning” your dog’s family.

If the bitch is already, try to protect her from such undesirable situations:

  • Contacts with yard dogs.
  • Swimming in the river, headquarters.
  • Eating spoiled food.

Normal development of embryos and secretions in the dog

You should not think that discharge from the “causal” place is an invariable harbinger of miscarriage or a symptom of the disease. During normal development of embryos, this phenomenon is also present. On the twentieth - twenty-first day after conception, the bitch secretes transparent pink mucus (odorless) from the loop. What does this sign indicate?

During this period of gestation, a pregnant animal develops a mucus plug that covers the cervix. This natural mechanism helps protect future puppies from sudden infections and other troubles. Excess mucus comes out of the vagina. Also, embryos that were unable to attach to it may emerge from the animal’s uterus at this time (not all embryos are destined to become puppies). If you see a bloody or dark green clot in your dog after urinating, this means that the uterus has gotten rid of excess embryos.

Don't overdo it with hygiene!

In the fourth week of gestation, the dog may discharge from the “causal site” after urination. liquid mucus. It looks like human snot. There may be dark veins in the mucous contents. Fresh blood such discharge is a warning sign.

Most dogs are in a hurry to lick “evidence” such as discharge. But an attentive owner will still notice a drop of mucus on the dog. If it is not thick, without a pungent odor, nothing bad happens.

Inexperienced dog owners are often scared when they see dogs with brown vaginal marks. Some people, succumbing to panic, wipe the animal’s intimate area with solutions containing an antibiotic. Of course, this should not be done. After all antibacterial drugs can cause harm (at least by causing irritation of the bitch’s vagina).

How to understand that your pet is not healthy?

Animals in “situation” are just as vulnerable, susceptible to various infectious and colds, just like people. Sometimes, in a pregnant bitch, diseases of the reproductive system, which previously occurred in a latent form, become aggravated.

You should be wary if your dog's urine has acquired a grayish tint, and dark, foul-smelling clots are released from the bitch's vagina. Such signs may indicate an infectious lesion of the ovaries, as well as a genital tract infection. A sick animal usually tries to retire and sleeps a lot. The dog's interest in food decreases sharply. To avoid depressing consequences, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian.

The process of bearing puppies can also be complicated by: inflammatory diseases reproductive organs of the pet.

During examination, the veterinarian reveals endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa) in some pregnant bitches. A sick animal secretes purulent mucus with a repulsive odor from the intimate area. The dog often runs around “small”; its feeling of thirst may increase. In bitches with endometritis, it is observed. Only timely therapy will help the animal. In some cases it is impossible to do without radical measures– removal of the uterus and ovaries.

The closer the birth is, the more vigilant

If ultrasound examination showed that everything is fine with the future puppies, the dog owner is looking forward to the fateful event for his pet - childbirth. Signs of your pet’s pregnancy are already obvious: a rounded belly, changes in the color of the nipples. From the moment you notice the puppies moving in the dog’s belly, you know: the babies will soon be born.

Do not be alarmed if the dog begins to have yellowish or light-colored discharge before giving birth (twenty to forty hours before the significant event). Brown. This sign indicates detachment of the mucus plug. By the way, dog owners do not always notice the plug coming out of the bitch’s private part. If you observe dark brown discharge Before birth, most likely, one puppy died. The bitch's birth must be attended by a veterinarian.

Many owners believe that their pregnant bitches can cope with bearing and producing offspring on their own, and do not pay attention to their condition and changes in behavior. The absence or poor awareness of what kind of discharge the expectant mother may have can play a fatal role in her life. The owner must be able to distinguish between signs of trouble and normal physiological reactions of her body.

Discharge from the loop is normal

In a healthy bitch, estrus should stop after mating. However, this does not happen for everyone and not always. The discharge is mucous, spotting, not abundant - may continue. They are normally light pink. There is also no need to worry when yellow-white mucus is released from the bitch’s loop. If it is odorless and contains blood, then most likely this is a reaction female body on the male's seminal fluid, and there is no need to worry.

When your pet has conceived and is pregnant, by 20-21 days after urination she will have a clear discharge of a watery consistency. For inexperienced dog owners, they serve as confirmation “ interesting situation"pupils. During the third week of gestation, the dog's cervix closes with a mucus plug. Sometimes during this period blood spots are visible in the bitch’s mucous secretions. They are like strings. Their nature is the discharge of unfertilized eggs.

Veterinary practice shows that the frightening period for inexperienced breeders is precisely the 3-4th week of pregnancy by a bitch. Indeed, at this time, the female uterus significantly increases in size. Such changes are accompanied by a number of signs. It's about about sensations of wateriness when palpating the abdomen. Uterus fills up amniotic fluid, the cubs are floundering there. Dog breeders call “pregnancy snot” the secretion of mucus in a pregnant bitch after urination. It is viscous and transparent. Clots of mucus can hang on the loop and stick together the fur. The dog needs to be washed because the discharge can form a brown crust that glues the loop together.

The expectant mother may have black or dark green clots. These are embryos that died at the initial stage. When they do not come out with secretions, they become mummified in the uterus and are released during the process of delivery.

Prenatal discharge in a pregnant woman is normal, if it happens a day or two before birth, the mucus is whitish or light brown. Surely, this is the release of the mucus plug, which serves as a harbinger of an imminent delivery. Of course, rarely will any owner notice it, because in healthy bitches, in most cases, the plug comes out entirely during urination, and not partially.

About pathological discharge in expectant mothers

If the owner of a pregnant bitch up to 4 weeks notices bright scarlet bleeding, he should urgently take her to the veterinarian. There are several causes of pathology, the most dangerous of which may be uterine rupture, so it is important to conduct ultrasound diagnostics.

A dark green discharge, accompanied by a sharp putrid odor during any period of a dog’s pregnancy, indicates placental abruption and intrauterine fetal death. Bitch in the latter case suffers from intoxication because embryos decomposing in the uterine cavity cause inflammation, suppuration of the organ, and the release of large amounts of toxins into the blood. There is only one way out - an urgent visit to the veterinary clinic and surgical intervention. If you take the bitch there in time, then if the placenta abruptly later the offspring may be able to be saved.

Some doctors, when a pregnant dog has a green, foul-smelling discharge from the loop, recommend that it be injected with the antibiotic lincomycin. This should not be done during pregnancy! Forget about such a specialist.

When the owner notices brown discharge from his pet’s loop a few days before upcoming birth, then it is likely that one puppy from the litter is dead. An ultrasound can be done to confirm suspicions. But there is no need to worry if the bitch is calm, eats well, and is not constipated. She will give birth on her own, but still enlist the help of a veterinarian in advance.

Most dangerous signal troubles - black discharge from the loop of a pregnant pet. This is evidence of the process of decomposition in the uterus. They are caused by infections.

Owners should know that when bitches are bearing offspring, physiological discharge from the loop, that is, acceptable, should not have an odor. Otherwise, there is no need to hesitate. Save the expectant mother!