If your cat has hot ears: is this normal or should I be worried? Why does a cat have hot ears and should I worry? Red and hot ears in a cat have sores

The health of a four-legged pet worries every caring owner. If a pet, always cheerful and affectionate, suddenly becomes lethargic and apathetic, then such a change in behavior will certainly alert the owner. The first thing he can do is feel the cat's ears and nose to check the temperature.

If they are wet and cold, there is nothing to worry about, but if they are warm and dry, they may indicate, therefore, the presence of a dangerous disease in the animal’s body.

However, such indicators are not dogma. Only a veterinarian can diagnose the disease, but it would be useful for any cat lover to find out why a cat has hot ears and what needs to be done in such cases.

When is an increase in temperature considered normal?

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the temperature of the ears and nose of cats can increase under the influence of certain external factors and vary depending on the time of day.

For example, your pet has just woken up, or has been actively playing and playing mischief for a long time, or has been in a warm, unventilated room, or has even experienced severe stress. Hyperthermia can occur in newborn kittens and pregnant cats.

In these cases, there is no need to worry because after a while the temperature will drop and no action needs to be taken to reduce it. The maximum that is required from the owner is to help the cat quickly enter its usual comfortable environment.

If the result of an increase in temperature is stress, then the animal must be calmed. In case of fever due to being in a stuffy room, move the cat to a cooler room, provide ventilation, turn off the heating.

Every owner cares and worries about his pet. Cats evoke a special feeling of tenderness and warmth. Everyone knows that they can heal their owner. Therefore, when the owner notices that something is wrong with her, he immediately runs to the veterinarian. Often these are false trips, since the cat’s body is different from the human’s. If a body temperature of 36.6 is considered normal for a person, then for a cat it will be very low. 38-39 degrees is considered normal for cats.

Caring owners touch the ears and nose to find out how their pet is feeling. If the ears are not hot and the nose is moist, it means your beloved pet is healthy. Owners panic when these organs become too warm. Hot ears on your pet, find out what it means.

Don't panic

First of all, don't panic. Look at the general condition of the animal. If your cat runs, plays, eats well, does not shake his head, has a moist, cool nose, does not sneeze, goes to the toilet without difficulty - calm down, perhaps he is overexcited. This active state may raise your body temperature slightly. When the animal calms down, it will decrease to normal.

Sometimes if a cat is pregnant, the overall body temperature may rise.

In what cases should you contact a veterinarian?

You should sound the alarm if your pet has a warm, dry nose along with hot ears. Be sure to measure your pet's temperature. An increase sometimes indicates that the cat has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation or infection in the body. A cat's ears may be hot after sterilization or cesarean section. She may be lethargic for a couple of days. Don't worry.

If after giving birth the cat is lethargic for more than two days, and her ears are not cold and her nose is dry, immediately measure her temperature. If it is high, contact your veterinarian.

After castration, the cat's ears may also be hot. In general, they tolerate this procedure without complications. Despite this, the pet needs care in the first days until it recovers from anesthesia. A normal temperature is indicated by a wet nose and a warm head.

Ear diseases can also affect your overall temperature. If a cat is bothered by ear diseases, it often tilts its head to the side, presses its ears, and does not allow the owner to touch them. If the disease is advanced, the cat may become aggressive, irritable, eat poorly, and not make contact. You should immediately contact your veterinarian if your pet has the following symptoms:

  • the cat constantly shakes its head, as if water had gotten into it;
  • when pressing on the shell, a squelching sound is heard from the ear canal;
  • the ears smell bad;
  • the inside of the ear is irritated, red, and has a rash on it;
  • the inner surface is dirty, the serous discharge has changed color;
  • there is restless scratching of the ears. The animal constantly scratches them with its paws and tries to rub them on the sofa or floor.

All these symptoms indicate that the cat has ear diseases. To find out the cause, you need to contact your veterinarian. He will accurately determine the disease, prescribe the correct treatment and tell the owners what to do.

Why does the cat have bo
lit ear

Cat owners sometimes do not pay attention to the animal's discomfort, mistaking anxiety for a desire to attract the owner's attention. Some owners believe that the cat will heal itself. You shouldn’t be so careless, because the disease can kill your pet.

The following diseases are causes of concern:

  • ear scabies;
  • hematomas as a result of injury;
  • ulcers, abscesses;
  • ear mite;
  • inflammation of the outer, inner or middle ear;
  • dermatitis.

All these diseases should not be left to chance, because you can lose your family pet forever. Taking good care of your ears will save you money and stress.

Compared to people, cats have higher body temperatures, which makes many of their owners' fears regarding the pet's health unfounded.

If your cat has hot ears, do not immediately run to the veterinary clinic in panic. The external organs of hearing in cats are covered with extremely short hairs and thin skin, directly under which blood vessels are located, and in large numbers. By touching the animal's ears, a person, due to the difference in body temperature, may feel that the kitten's ears are hot and begin to worry. In fact, this phenomenon is considered normal, especially for hairless species.

To finally get rid of worries, you can touch the animal’s nose. If it is cool and a little damp, and the pet is still active (running, playing or eating), then it is absolutely healthy.

Also, you should not be puzzled by going to the veterinarian with the problem of why the cat has hot ears, if the pet does not have other, obvious signs of illness, and he himself demonstrates an excellent appetite and cheerfulness, he has. It is quite possible that he is simply hot, as can be guessed by his frequent feeding of the sippy cup and the search for cool places to rest.

Why does the cat have hot ears?

However, if a cat’s hot ears occur along with a high body temperature, then it is quite possible that the pet is sick. it is necessary rectally, lubricating the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline or oil. Hold the measuring device for at least three minutes.

If a cat has hot, red ears that it constantly scratches, it may indicate that the animal has ear mites. Also an alarming sign is swelling and decay of the external hearing organs, which is an important reason to urgently visit a veterinarian.

The cat has hot ears - what does this mean? Everyone knows that a cat’s body temperature is much higher than that of humans. This is especially true in hairless cats. Their body is constantly hot. In cats with a beautiful fur coat, the body temperature under the fur is felt poorly. Only the ears and nose reflect the current temperature.

This is explained by its peculiar physiological structure. A cat's ears have very thin skin, and they are covered with short and barely noticeable hairs. At the same time, the hearing organs are equipped with a huge number of thin blood vessels.

Touching the ears, we hear heat under our fingers, and the first thing that comes to mind is that the cat is sick. But this is far from true. The abundance of capillaries and constant blood flow through them increase the natural body temperature in the ear area. Therefore, often hot ears are a completely natural condition that should not cause concern.

An increase in ear temperature in cats occurs at any time of the day and in any situation. For example, such as:

  • the first few minutes after waking up;
  • after active play;
  • mild agitation or minor stress experienced;
  • long stay in a stuffy and hot room.

All these options are quite understandable. During sleep, the animal's metabolic processes slow down, the blood in the vessels moves more slowly and it seems that the ears become hot. On the other hand, during active games the animal’s excitement increases, and metabolic processes are also activated. In this case, the ears also become hot. Once the fluffy is at rest for a few minutes, everything returns to normal.

But if a cat has hot ears for a very long time, and at the same time he is lethargic, indifferent, refuses to eat, then in this case you need to sound the alarm and rush to the veterinarian.

By raising the temperature, the ears react to serious health problems. This:

  1. infections of various etiologies;
  2. inflammatory processes;
  3. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. injuries;
  5. urolithiasis disease.

The ears become hot even if ear mites get into them. As proof, the cat constantly scratches them and shakes his head.

To make sure whether your cat is sick or not, the first thing you need to do is measure its body temperature. To do this, you need to place the thermometer rectally and hold it for at least three minutes. For safe insertion, the thermometer nose must be lubricated with some oil or Vaseline.

Fever is a sign of illness

By taking your temperature properly, you should know what indicators indicate health problems. The thermometer reached 38 ̊ C, and for sphinxes it’s all 39 ̊ C – there is no need to worry, this value indicates normal body temperature. If the thermometer readings are significantly higher and there are changes in the animal’s behavior, then the cat is sick.
Self-medication is dangerous for the animal's life. Only a specialist, after a series of qualified studies, can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe complete treatment.

First aid before visiting a doctor

Before going to the doctor, you need to do certain things.


An increase in temperature is accompanied by upset stool and stomach. The cause can be either an excess of food or a lack of it. Perhaps the food contained inappropriate or poor quality products. You should monitor the animal, give fermented milk products and provide the required amount of purified water.


Cats, like people, are susceptible to stressful situations. Mustaches become very accustomed to a certain way of life, room, and people. The cat may respond to changes to varying degrees by increasing its body temperature.

Causes of stress:

  • rearrangement or replacement of furniture, change of “habitat”;
  • the arrival of strangers or other animals into the house, as a result of which the cat’s life will change;
  • long trip or moving for a long period;
  • parting with a beloved owner for a long time or changing him;
  • sharp loud sounds, such as shots of firecrackers, fireworks, weapons.

It is necessary to help the cat overcome stress by surrounding it with warmth and care. Treat him kindly, constantly talk to him, pet him, pamper him with “sweets.” At the same time, the owner himself needs to behave calmly and not panic. Any nervousness can be transmitted to the animal.

Inflammatory process

Cats can get a bacterial or viral infection. Cat's reaction to infection:

  1. apathy, reluctance to play favorite games;
  2. hunger strike;
  3. hot ears and hot dry nose;
  4. hair loss, resulting in the formation of bald spots;
  5. general body temperature is high;
  6. bleeding when visiting the toilet;
  7. difficulty urinating, warning about visiting the toilet with a loud cry.

In such a situation, you need to speed up your visit to the doctor, and to alleviate the condition, wrap the cat in a damp towel or apply ice wrapped in a napkin to his body. Rubbing the paw pads with nine percent table vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of one to two will also be effective.
Remember! It is unacceptable to give antipyretics on your own. Ignorance can only make the situation worse.

Be sure to make sure your cat drinks as much water as possible. If he refuses, force feed him with a pipette or syringe. In such a situation, veterinarians advise adding echinacea tincture to the water at the rate of one drop per kilogram of the animal’s weight.

Ear mite

You can help your cat by dripping a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide or vegetable oil into the ears. This will help relieve itching and disinfect.

The doctor will advise you to use Bars ear scabies drops. They are dripped onto the animal's withers.


There are cases where the cause of hot ears is otitis media. While stroking the cat, touching the cat's ears causes him pain - he gets nervous and shakes his head. At the same time, you noticed that the cat is lethargic, does not eat well, and the thermometer shows a temperature of 40 ̊ C. In such a situation, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor.

To treat inflammation, the veterinarian prescribes a course of antibiotics.


Some owners believe that redness of the animal’s ear canal is not a serious problem, so they are in no hurry to contact a veterinarian. And in vain. Most often, a change in the color of a cat's ear is the first sign of some diseases that cause serious complications if treatment is not started in a timely manner.

The cat's ear is red

The first signs of otitis in a cat are easy to notice: he often shakes his head, tilts it to the side, and rubs his sore ear with his paw. The inside of the ear becomes red, an unpleasant odor appears, and the amount of wax increases significantly. If the pet is not shown to a doctor at this stage, the disease will progress: pus will appear in the ear canal, which will begin to accumulate, forming purulent abscesses. All this will lead to inflammation of the middle ear, and then the inner ear. Sometimes there is a proliferation of tissues that line the ear canal from the inside and narrow it. In particularly advanced cases, the membranes of the animal’s brain are affected, which leads to its death.

To prevent such severe consequences, it is important to consult a veterinarian and immediately begin treating the animal. Usually, for otitis media, specialists prescribe complex therapy, which includes: cleaning the ear canal, using ear drops and antibiotics.


Sometimes reddened cat ears indicate that the animal is developing an allergy. It can be food, medicinal, for external environmental factors, for flea saliva. Only a specialist can understand what is an irritant for your pet. Allergies in animals (as well as in people) are quite difficult to treat, however, if you follow the veterinarian's recommendations, the animal will feel much better and the redness of the ears will most likely go away.

Foreign body

Redness of a cat's ear is sometimes associated with a foreign object getting into it. Particles of herbs, plants, spikelets or even thorns can fly into the ear canal, causing severe irritation and itching. Cats that roam freely on the streets are at particular risk. Try to remove the foreign body from the animal’s ear yourself; if that doesn’t work, contact your veterinarian.

There is no need to self-medicate if you notice that your cat’s ear is red. Take your cat to the hospital as quickly as possible to make an accurate diagnosis and prevent the disease from spreading.