Do you have discharge after childbirth? Presence of bleeding one month after birth. White discharge after childbirth

A woman needs to monitor the nature of the discharge after childbirth in order to suspect a pathological process in time and avoid consequences.

Discharge after childbirth is called lochia. At first they present as heavy menstruation. Lochia stops after about one to two months (4 to 8 weeks). Everything is purely individual. During the postpartum period, lochia repeatedly changes color and consistency. Very often, mucus appears in them a week after birth.

Mucous, snot-like discharge in women within normal limits after childbirth indicates:

  1. That the uterus has shrunk and fully recovered. The wound surfaces have healed;
  2. About the phase of the cycle. At the moment of ovulation, mucus is discharged.

It is best to take care in advance about choosing the most suitable contraception, after consulting with a gynecologist. You should not assume that the absence of menstruation is a guaranteed method of birth control. Doctors do not consider breastfeeding a method of contraception at all.

Physiological etiology

The so-called “white” lochia begins 7-10 days after birth. They are transparent or white, stretchy. Also, many women compare them to snot. There shouldn’t be any unpleasant odor, much less a high temperature!

The main cause of mucous discharge is fluid that passes through the blood vessels and lymph nodes:

  • Uterine cells are capable of secreting transudate;
  • During ovulation, mucus leaves the cervical canal;
  • The cervix has the ability to secrete.

It is noted that the cells are especially active in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, at the time of ovulation and a few days before it. This happens under the influence of hormones. This ensures better lubrication and the environment in the vagina becomes less aggressive for sperm. The mucus that clogged the cervical canal and cervix in the first half of the cycle begins to move away and is released. All these are necessary conditions provided by nature for fertilization.

It is possible that the mucus that appeared in the discharge may either remain there or disappear when the postpartum period ends. The processes occurring in the body of each woman are individual.

It was also revealed that the nature of the discharge depends on whether the woman is breastfeeding her newborn baby. Breastfeeding (without complementary foods) inhibits the processes in the brain responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is difficult to predict whether mucous discharge will stop or whether menstruation will begin.

Pathological causes

Gynecologists say that during inflammatory changes, the cervix is ​​capable of producing mucus. Then the mucous discharge is compared to the white of a raw egg; it contains whitish streaks.

They can also be white in color. This character indicates erosion of the cervix or inflammation of its canal.

How to determine: ovulation or an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity? Still, some women note an elevated body temperature in the range of 37-37.5 degrees. This may indicate ovulation. In this case, there may also be pain in the lower abdomen at the time the egg is released. In this case, menstrual bleeding should begin within a couple of weeks.

No matter how much you would like to do without seeking help from a doctor, this cannot be avoided. It is dangerous to wait until your period starts when your body temperature is elevated.

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When should you see a doctor?

Usually, mucous discharge (it is quite thick and stretchy, transparent or slightly milky in color) is considered to be a variant of the norm, because in a woman it can take on a different character depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

If you ignore this symptom and do not seek advice from a specialist in time, you may miss the onset of the development of any pathology:

  • Cervical erosions;
  • Sexually transmitted infections;
  • Cervical oncology;
  • Inflammation of the appendages (fallopian tubes, ovaries);
  • Infertility or difficulty conceiving.

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All complications can be avoided if you seek help in time. A visit to the gynecologist should not be postponed. If cervical erosion develops or genital infections appear, then it is necessary to be examined as early as possible. Only if the disease is detected in a timely manner is effective treatment possible.

In the postpartum period, it is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene. The open wound surface of the uterus, and in some cases the sutures on the cervix or perineum, is an excellent breeding ground for the life of various microorganisms; it is humid and warm there. Inflammatory processes in the uterus or vagina develop very quickly. This is why it is so important for women to keep their external genitalia clean.

The birth of a child is a very exciting and joyful moment in the life of every woman. With the birth of a baby, dramatic changes occur in a woman’s body. One of them is the occurrence of lochia - discharge in women after the birth of the baby. This phenomenon indicates the beginning of the cleansing of the uterus from everything unnecessary.

During this period, you may notice that blood clots, remnants of the placenta and amniotic membrane come out of the vagina. This is completely normal for a new mother. Sometimes a woman may notice yellow mucous discharge a month after giving birth. It is important to understand whether this is normal or pathological in order to avoid complications in the future.

It is useful to know that lochia lasts for a month or a little more. At first, they remind a woman of heavy periods, then they turn brown and smear, and at the end they become transparent, white or yellow. In this form and sequence, lochia should not cause concern or panic.

Yellow discharge 2 months after birth should also not cause suspicion. This is the norm if the mother does not breastfeed. Without putting the baby to the breast, the uterus contracts more slowly and the contents do not come out as quickly. If the girl does not notice any additional manifestations, does not feel itching, irritation of the intimate organs, dizziness, weakness and malaise, then yellow discharge after childbirth after 2 months should not alert you.

Signs of pathology

The presence of yellow discharge after childbirth after 3 months or 4 months should already alert you. At this stage, there should be no lochia (and other secrets). If you discover this, you should immediately contact an experienced doctor.

The girl will need urgent hospitalization if:

  1. Body temperature rose sharply.
  2. I started feeling dizzy.
  3. There is nausea and even vomiting.
  4. The heat and chills bother me.
  5. The secretion has a rotten or other unpleasant odor (sour, musty, musty, pungent).
  6. Vagina itches and burns.
  7. The woman feels weakness and loss of strength.
  8. There is a green tint to the discharge.
  9. Uterine bleeding began.

Such symptoms indicate complex complications, in the form of an inflammatory process or a gynecological disease (fibroids, endometritis, increased levels of leukocytes in the urine, etc.).

Yellow-green discharge after childbirth is a very dangerous signal that indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.

What to do

When a woman experiences symptoms that are unusual for her after childbirth, she should monitor her health very carefully. In the first month, blood clots, remnants of the placenta and particles of amniotic membrane are released from the vagina. A fairly favorable environment is created for the spread of germs and bacteria, which can result in unpleasant symptoms.

You can avoid the disease if:

  • follow the rules of personal hygiene (you should wash after each visit to the toilet);
  • regularly change hygiene products (postpartum pads should be changed quite often - at least 5-6 times a day);
  • take a shower twice a day (taking a bath is strictly prohibited);
  • use special antibacterial soap or gel;
  • give preference to underwear made from natural fabrics and forget about synthetics;
  • do not wear clothes that are too tight or too tight;
  • use exclusively pads (tampons and menstrual cups are strictly prohibited during this period).

If a girl notices changes in herself or some symptoms alarm her, she should immediately consult a doctor.

You cannot self-medicate or completely ignore the disease.

Using traditional medicine methods or buying medications on your own is very dangerous to your health. You should be careful about any changes in the body.

Diagnosis and treatment

At the first signs that may be alarming, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only an experienced doctor is able to conduct a thorough examination, determine the disease and prescribe appropriate methods of therapy for a particular case.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor needs:

  • conduct a personal examination;
  • take a vaginal smear;
  • refer for tests (blood and urine) for laboratory testing;
  • conduct an ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • make optical diagnostics of the uterus and cervix using special devices.

Such manipulations can make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and eliminate the disease as soon as possible. Treatment methods will depend on the specific case, the degree of complexity of the disease, the general well-being of the patient, the presence of contraindications and other factors.

You should not self-medicate, and it is also prohibited to use any methods of traditional medicine without consulting a doctor.

If you delay a visit to the doctor, you can get a number of complications that will be difficult to treat in the future. If a woman notices a yellowish discharge, which is accompanied by an unpleasant and pungent odor, high fever, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting or other additional symptoms, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Such signs can have irreversible consequences and be very dangerous for a new young mother.

Childbirth is a long and complex process, after which the body needs some time to recover. First of all, this concerns the uterus, because it must return to its original size, renew the mucous membrane, in a word, recover and prepare for the next conception, therefore, after a woman gives birth, she will have bleeding. First 6 or 8 weeks, remnants of epithelium, mucus. What should the discharge be like after giving birth in 2 months? The answer to this question depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the state of health of the woman’s reproductive organs, and so on.

The baby decided to be born, the birth was successful, there were no visible complications, but after two months there is still spotting? If there are no alarming symptoms, such as temperature, and a general deterioration in condition, we can talk about slow contractions of the uterus. That is, the organ has not yet returned to its previous size, has not been cleared of ichor, mucus, or exfoliated epithelium. Each woman has her own rate of shrinkage and cleansing of the uterus, and much depends on how enlarged it was during pregnancy.

Bloody discharge 2 months after birth is normal if it gradually decreases and is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

To improve uterine contractions, you should breastfeed regularly - this process activates the production of oxytocin, which stimulates smooth muscles. In addition, doctors advise lying on your stomach more often. However, after giving birth, women do this with pleasure, because they were deprived of this opportunity for many months.

Cold compresses in the first weeks after childbirth also contribute to the contraction of the uterus, which means its rapid return to normal. A sign that everything has returned to its original state is transparent discharge, which may immediately have a yellowish color.

If discharge appears after three months

In the case when more than two months have passed after childbirth, and bloody discharge suddenly appears, the following options are possible: either menstruation has begun, or a pathology has arisen.

Menstruation can come after 3 months, even if a woman is breastfeeding, this is always worth remembering. If bleeding occurs in the same way as usual during menstruation and ends after a few days, it is quite possible that the monthly cycle has been restored.

In the case when the bleeding is more profuse or prolonged, if it occurs irregularly, more often than normal menstruation, you should consult a gynecologist. What pathologies may occur? The most common are the following:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • adenomyosis;
  • endometritis;
  • divergence of internal seams;
  • uterine polyps;
  • inflammatory process.

The most serious are inflammation, internal suture dehiscence and uterine bleeding - these conditions require urgent medical attention. But in order to provide it, you need to establish the correct diagnosis. That is, if a woman periodically experiences bloody discharge that is uncharacteristic of menstruation, this is a reason to consult a doctor. You need to worry even more if the bleeding is accompanied by an increase in temperature - this is a clear symptom of inflammation, and this condition requires immediate treatment.

Other discharge after childbirth

The birth of a child does not always go as desired, and the postpartum period can be complicated by inflammation or pathologies. One of the most important indicators of a woman’s health in the first 3–4 months is discharge. They may be different.

What does yellow discharge mean?

Even several months after giving birth, yellow discharge may occur. Normally, their appearance is associated with the completion of cleansing of the uterus, and this process can last more or less long.

Yellow discharge, if it is not a pathology, should not have a very pronounced color. They are not accompanied by itching or, in the abdomen, do not cause discomfort.

If the yellow discharge has a too bright color or a green tint, an admixture of pus, blood, or a strong unpleasant odor, this is already a sign of pathology, that is, an inflammatory process. It will also be indicated by pain in the lower abdomen, itching in the vagina, and a feeling of discomfort during sexual intercourse. An increase in body temperature and general malaise indicates the rapid development of the inflammatory process. Basically, pathological yellow discharge appears with endometritis, but can also be a symptom of a sexually transmitted infection.

White color of discharge

A person who has given birth is not inclined to carefully listen to his feelings and pay attention to some subtle changes in the body - everything is occupied by the newborn. But if a woman notices that she has mucous membranes, this may indicate the development of candidiasis. At this stage, it does not bother you too much; itching and irritation occur later, when the discharge becomes curdled.

Candidiasis or thrush is not a dangerous, but very unpleasant disease that can occur for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, it is easy to treat; sometimes only local remedies are enough, which is especially important when breastfeeding. The main thing is not to start the disease.

This color always indicates the presence of blood, but not fresh, but already coagulated. Brown discharge after childbirth, which appears in the third or fourth month, may indicate the beginning of the restoration of the menstrual cycle.

The brownish color of the discharge, its small amount and duration, together with the typical manifestations of menstruation, indicate that the woman has started her period.

If such discharge appeared more than a month ago, and it does not look like menstruation, a hormonal imbalance may have occurred. After childbirth, this is quite natural, although not normal. It is worth undergoing an examination and passing it; an ultrasound would also be useful.

If the discharge smells unpleasant, or if it is accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen, you should also consult a doctor - endometritis is possible. In addition, brown discharge often indicates vaginosis, microtrauma of the cervix or vagina, and polyps.

Mucus discharge

It may also happen that a woman’s cycle has already recovered, but in the middle of it, the discharge becomes mucous and more abundant. If there are no signs of pathology (pain, itching, discomfort, bad odor, pus, blood), then this is a symptom of ovulation. The woman is ready for fertilization again, so she should be more careful if she does not want to have another child.

Such discharge can appear even when a young mother is actively breastfeeding, because lactation does not mean complete blocking of ovulation.

When does the discharge end?

The past labor period was difficult for the body; it needs time to recover. As mentioned above, each woman’s discharge stops at different times. The better the uterus contracts, the faster everything returns to normal.

But on average, heavy, bloody discharge (lochia) stops after 6 weeks, or rather, becomes spotting. And after 2 - 2.5 months the uterus should be completely cleansed.

But this is on average. But in practice, the normalization of all processes can take place much more slowly, for some it takes three or four months, or faster - in the same 6 weeks.

When self-diagnosis, you need to take into account not only the presence and type of discharge, but also whether it is accompanied by any symptoms. If not, you can do an ultrasound or visit a gynecologist to reassure you. In the event that there is something disturbing (pain, fever, any discomfort), there is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Pregnancy and childbirth lead to numerous changes not only in life, but also in a woman’s body.

After a certain time after childbirth, the body returns to its original state, but before this unusual phenomena are observed. One of them is postpartum discharge, which is called lochia.

Lochia occurs in all women after childbirth. Their cause is the rupture of blood vessels between the uterus and placenta when the child is born. The result of such a rupture is bleeding. Its occurrence is a natural process, since the uterus must be cleansed of the remains of the placenta, dead particles of the endometrium and traces of the vital activity of the fetus.

Some women who have given birth do not know about this phenomenon, so they are nervous when it occurs. But even with this information, young mothers need a detailed study of this process in order to understand when it is normal and when there are pathologies. This will help you avoid complications by seeking medical help on time.

How long does the discharge last after childbirth?

Each woman differs from others in the individual properties of her body. Therefore, pregnancy, childbirth and the duration of the recovery period after them are different for everyone. Therefore, it is impossible to determine in advance how many days the discharge lasts after childbirth. We can only name an approximate framework from which to build. Anything outside of them is considered a deviation.

Normally, the duration of the period when there is postpartum discharge is 6-8 weeks. Sometimes small deviations are allowed when lochia may stop a week earlier or later than the period established in gynecology. These deviations are considered normal, but only if there are no violations in other features. Therefore, when postpartum discharge lasts 5 or 9 weeks, doctors analyze indicators such as smell, color, thickness, quantity, composition, etc. Based on this, one can judge whether the recovery period is normal.

The danger is when lochia lasts less than 5 or more than 9 weeks. Therefore, a young mother needs to take into account the time when postpartum discharge stopped. Both completion too early and too late are considered deviations. This happens when there are disturbances in the functioning of the female body. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor in time to determine the causes. This will make it possible to prevent the development of complications.

Important! Women whose lochia lasted less than a month are usually happy about this fact. But when the discharge ends so quickly after childbirth, one should be wary, since the vast majority of such cases subsequently led to hospitalization. With a shortened period of postpartum discharge, the body fails to get rid of all pathological residues. After some time, these residues begin to decompose, which leads to the development of inflammation.

This means that any young mother needs to compare the duration of lochia discharge with normal values. Even if the deviations are acceptable, you need to consult a gynecologist to make sure there are no problems.

Composition of secretions

To understand whether postpartum recovery is proceeding normally, a young mother needs to take into account not only the duration of lochia, but also their composition. Sometimes the duration of the discharge is within normal limits, but its composition indicates abnormalities in the functioning of the body.

Normal discharge levels after childbirth:

  1. For the first 2-3 days, spotting is considered normal. During childbirth, blood vessels burst, leading to bleeding.
  2. After this, the uterus heals and open bleeding should stop.
  3. The first week is the stage of release of the remaining placenta and dead endometrium. Therefore, clots may be present.
  4. After a week, the secretion of clots ends and the lochia becomes liquid.
  5. The presence of mucous discharge is also normal - these are waste products of the fetus. They should also disappear within a week.
  6. 5-6 weeks after birth, lochia becomes a spotting discharge. They are similar to those observed during menstruation.

The presence of bloody discharge after childbirth should not be alarming. Dangerous is the presence of pus in them - this is a sign of violations. You need to urgently go to a gynecologist in such cases as:

  • The appearance of purulent discharge. This indicates the onset of an inflammatory process that occurs due to infection. The diagnosis confirms the presence of fever, pain in the lower abdomen, and an unpleasant odor of discharge.
  • Discharge of mucus and clots a week after the birth of the baby.
  • Transparency and wateriness of lochia is also a deviation. This may be caused by gardnerellosis (vaginal dysbiosis), in which there is a profuse discharge that has a fishy odor. Another reason for the appearance of this deviation is the release of fluid from the lymph nodes.

Knowledge of the features inherent in normal lochia will allow the new mother to seek medical help in time.

Discharge color

After childbirth, an important characteristic of lochia is its color. It can also be used to judge how successfully the body of the woman who gave birth is recovering. The norm is:

  1. Bright red color in the first 3 days. At this time, the blood has not yet coagulated.
  2. For 2 weeks after this, the color should be brown. This indicates that the uterus is healing normally.
  3. Shortly before the end of the lochia (in the last weeks) they should become transparent. Slight turbidity and a yellowish tint may be observed.

Any other shades of postpartum discharge are considered pathological.

Yellow discharge after childbirth

What kind of problems there are in the body can be judged by the shade of such discharge.

  1. If pale yellow, light discharge appears at the end of the second week, there is no need to worry - this is one of the normal variants.
  2. The appearance of bright yellow lochia with a greenish tint 4-5 days after birth (especially with the smell of rot) indicates endometritis.
  3. The bright yellow color of the discharge when it contains mucus, detected after 2 weeks, indicates the development of latent endometritis.

Endometritis cannot be cured at home; for this it is necessary to take antibiotics or surgically remove the inflamed area of ​​the uterine epithelium.

Green discharge after childbirth

Green discharge is a more dangerous phenomenon. They appear when inflammation of the uterus is at an advanced stage. Therefore, you need to contact a specialist as soon as the first purulent impurities with a slight greenish tint are noticed.

This is another reason for concern and a visit to the gynecologist. Especially if white lochia is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • sour unpleasant smell,
  • itching in the perineal area,
  • curdled consistency of discharge,
  • redness of the genitals.

These symptoms indicate the development of infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract (thrush or yeast colpitis).

If you have black discharge that is not complicated by additional symptoms such as pain or an unpleasant odor, there is no reason to worry. This is another type of normal, caused by changes in blood composition due to hormonal changes.

Bloody discharge after childbirth

With normal recovery of the body, red lochia can appear only a few days after the birth of the child. This is due to the presence of an open wound in the uterus, which is why bright red lochia is released. After a week, the color should turn brownish-brown, and then gray-yellow.

Number of allocations

Features of the course of the recovery period can be determined by the amount of discharge. The normal course of the process is indicated by the following:

  1. The presence of abundant lochia during the first postpartum week. At this time, the removal of residues unnecessary for the body occurs.
  2. The more time passes, the less discharge should become. A small number of them in 2-3 weeks is normal.

A young mother should tell her doctor if there is too little discharge in the first days after the baby is born. This happens when pipes and ducts are clogged, which interferes with the cleansing of the body.

If the amount of discharge does not decrease within 2-3 weeks, this indicates that the healing of the uterus is not progressing properly. For some reason, this process is delayed, so you need to undergo an examination.

The smell of discharge

After childbirth, the smell of lochia can also be used to judge how well the uterine restoration process is normal.

For the first days, a combination of the smells of fresh blood and dampness is considered normal. Then it should be replaced by such features as rottenness or mustiness.

Harshness of smell, sour notes or a hint of rot are considered abnormal. If the smell is accompanied by deviations related to the color, composition or number of lochia, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Waiting for everything to go away on its own is unacceptable.

Discharge intermittently

Women who have given birth are very concerned about the situation when lochia stops, and after a week or several weeks it starts again. Such an incident is a reason to contact a specialist to find out the reasons. They may be different.

  • The appearance of scarlet discharge after 2 months is sometimes the beginning of menstruation. For some young mothers, the body recovers very quickly. If a woman does not feed the baby with breast milk, then her periods will resume in a short time. Another reason for this phenomenon is rupture of seams. It can be caused by problems (for example, physical or emotional overload). To establish the exact reasons, an examination is needed.
  • The return of lochia after 2-3 months requires a careful analysis of all other features. It happens that for some reason, postpartum waste partially remains in the body and comes out after a decent period of time. This may be normal if the discharge is dark in color and has a normal odor without purulent inclusions (mucus and clots may be present). If the listed symptoms are still observed, it is impossible without examination. Probably, the woman has developed an inflammatory process that can only be eliminated with antibiotics or surgery.

Having such a break is not always dangerous. But if a young mother doubts the condition of her body, she should talk to a gynecologist. This will help you calm down and notice deviations in time.

Discharge after caesarean section

Artificial birth somewhat changes the duration and composition of the lochia. Their main features:

  • Recovery after a cesarean section is similar to that after a normal birth. Lochia is a mixture of blood and dead endometrium.
  • In this case, you need to be especially careful about hygiene, since the risk of infection is higher.
  • The first week is characterized by the presence of clots and mucus. The discharge at this time is abundant.
  • The color of the lochia should be red at first, and after a few days they turn brown.
  • After a cesarean section, the uterus contracts and heals more slowly, which leads to a longer presence of bloody discharge. But this period should not exceed 2 weeks.

There are few differences in this case, but they also need to be known and taken into account.

Hygiene during discharge

To avoid infection and inflammation, you need to follow good hygiene. Basic Rules:

  1. Washing the genitals after each visit to the toilet. You only need to wash the outside, the correct direction is from front to back.
  2. Daily shower. A bath during this period is contraindicated, as is douching.
  3. You should refrain from using pads on the first day, replacing them with sterile diapers.
  4. Change pads at least 8 times a day. Tampons are prohibited.

Based on the characteristics of postpartum discharge, one can judge how well the healing is proceeding. A woman who has given birth needs to very carefully monitor their compliance with the norm and consult a doctor if there are any deviations.

Every young mother is always worried about what they should be discharge after childbirth, is this process happening normally for her? Doctors who observe patients after the birth of babies also pay special attention to the nature of the discharge. In the context of the normal development of the postpartum process, a very important question is how long such discharge lasts. It is no less important to control their smell, quantity and other characteristics. How many days does the blood bleed after? and other features of such discharges will be discussed in this article.

How is the postpartum period going?

So, the postpartum period begins at the moment when birth occurs placenta . In medicine, it is customary to distinguish two stages after childbirth:

  • early stage lasting for two hours;
  • late stage , lasting from 6 to 8 weeks.

In the postpartum period, the placenta, which has separated from the wall of the uterus, is released. At the place where it separated, a wound surface with gaping vessels is formed in the mucous membrane of the uterus, from which blood is released.

How long does it take for the uterus to contract after childbirth? This process begins immediately, and as long as the uterus contracts, its walls become tense and the torn vessels are compressed. During the first 2 hours after birth, moderate, bright red, bloody discharge appears. The normal discharge rate after childbirth in the first stage is no more than 0.4 liters.

If blood loss increases, then it is imperative to exclude hypotensive bleeding . Next, the doctor must make sure that there is no undetected rupture in the perineum, cervix, or vaginal walls of the woman in labor.

After labor and delivery of the placenta have occurred, the weight of the uterus is about 1 kg. But after a certain number of days, when the postpartum period ends, it returns to what is considered normal size, weighing approximately 70 g. To achieve this state, the uterus contracts, but these seductions are not as intense and painful as with contractions . How long the uterus contracts after childbirth also depends on the characteristics of the body. In this case, the woman feels only mild spasms, which manifest themselves mainly when the newborn sucks the breast. The fact is that when the nipples are stimulated, the production of a hormone is activated, which stimulates uterine contractions.

Postpartum uterine involution – a process that occurs gradually, 6-8 weeks. after childbirth. During this time, the wound surface heals, the size of the uterus returns to its original size. On the first day after the baby is born, the edge of the woman’s uterus is palpated at approximately the level of the navel. Already on the fourth day, its bottom is located in the middle between the navel and the womb. On the 9th day, the fundus of the uterus is located 1-2 cm above the womb. That is, every day after the birth of the child, the uterus decreases by about 1 cm.

The doctor will tell you in detail how bleeding occurs after childbirth and how long this process lasts before the woman is discharged from the maternity hospital. Depending on how much bleeding occurs after childbirth, the smell, amount and color of the discharge, the doctor can determine whether the postpartum period is normal.

Such selections are called “ lochia " At its core, lochia is the secretion of a birth wound, which contains bloody cells, mucus, decidua, plasma, and lymph. It is very important for expectant mothers to know exactly how long lochia lasts after childbirth. What lochia is and what lochia looks like is usually explained by the doctor before discharge from the hospital. Women should be sure to note how long lochia lasts after childbirth, because this is an indicator of whether the body’s recovery process is developing normally in a young mother.

The nature of the discharge at different times is as follows:

  • When the first two hours after birth are completed, reddish or brownish discharge occurs, its character is moderate. The duration of such discharge is from 5 to 7 days.
  • In the first 3 days, the volume of discharge is approximately 300 ml, so the padding diaper should be changed approximately every 2 hours. Blood clots are likely to appear in the lochia, which is normal.
  • From about 6-7 days the color of the lochia changes - they become yellowish or have a whitish tint. Their color depends on the quantity involved in the healing of postpartum wounds.
  • At 9-10 days, watery lochia begins to appear, in which a lot of mucus can be seen. They have a light shade, gradually become more and more scanty, and by 3-4 weeks. disappear completely. That is, after a month, lochia usually stops.

Despite the fact that the exact answer to how long bleeding lasts after childbirth is always individual, normally it lasts on average from 6 to 8 weeks. Regardless of how many days after birth the discharge occurs, it is important that over time it becomes more and more scanty.

How long discharge lasts after childbirth depends on many things, so not everyone has the same amount of time. How long the discharge continues depends on the physiology of the body, the intensity of uterine contractions, the characteristics of delivery and a number of other points. Also, how long postpartum discharge lasts depends on whether the woman practices. At the same time, how long the discharge with blood stains lasts after childbirth is an indicator of whether the young mother’s body is recovering normally.

The actual question is how long the discharge lasts after. It should be understood that this is a surgical operation, and the body’s recovery after it takes a longer period. Accordingly, the duration of lochia after cesarean section may be longer. However, how long the discharge lasts after a cesarean section largely depends on how successful the operation was and whether complications develop after it. As a rule, such discharge should last about 8 weeks.

A woman should be wary of smelly discharge after a caesarean section, as this may indicate the development of an inflammatory process. You also need to track how long the discharge lasts so as not to miss the symptoms of pathology. If you have any suspicions, it is better to consult a doctor.

Subinvolution of the uterus after childbirth

How exactly the period after childbirth proceeds from a physiological point of view is determined by the process of uterine contraction. The correct process of separation of the mucous membrane and release of blood clots from the uterine cavity is important.

Involution of the uterus, that is, its reverse development, is a very important physiological process for a woman, as her reproductive and menstrual functions are restored. If the uterus contracts poorly, then there is a risk of developing purulent-septic complications.

Therefore, a woman should visit a doctor 10 days after she was discharged from the maternity hospital. The specialist conducts a general examination, as well as a gynecological examination.

Sometimes it can be diagnosed subinvolution of the uterus , when the return to previous parameters occurs very slowly. The doctor makes this diagnosis if during this period a very soft and loose uterus of large size is palpated, and its contraction does not occur under hand.

To confirm postpartum subinvolution, the specialist must prescribe an ultrasound examination of the pelvis. Such a study will make it possible to find the cause that is an obstacle to uterine contraction. As a rule, we are talking about the remains of the fetal membranes or placenta.

Factors that predispose to the manifestation of uterine subinvolution:

  • multiple pregnancy ;
  • polyhydramnios ;
  • rapid labor or protracted ;

The doctor decides individually whether there is a need to hospitalize a woman. If a young mother does not complain about her health, her condition is generally satisfactory, and there are no remains of membranes or placenta in the uterus, the doctor prescribes the use of uterotonic drugs. Typically this is oxytocin , water pepper tincture, methylergometrine .

If foreign contents are detected in the uterus, they are removed using vacuum suction. Diffuse lavage of the uterus is also sometimes practiced, for which solutions or antiseptics are used.

For prophylaxis, the patient is also prescribed a short-term dose - they should be used for 2-3 days.


This condition is also a complication after childbirth. During development lochiometers lochia lingers in the uterus. In most cases, this condition appears 7-9 days after the baby is born. This complication can be caused by the following reasons:

  • blockage of the cervical canal of a mechanical nature;
  • insufficiently active uterine contraction;
  • the presence of a mechanical obstruction in the cervical canal (blood clots, remnants of membranes, decidua);
  • the uterus is bent forward too much.

If during pregnancy there is overdistension of the fetal sac, and this happens with multiple pregnancy, large fetal size, polyhydramnios, the ability of the uterus to contract weakens. This also happens with prolonged or rapid labor, incoordination of labor, cervical spasms, and caesarean section.

If lochiometra is diagnosed on time, then the woman’s general health does not have time to deteriorate, her pulse and body temperature do not change. In this case, the only sign of a pathological condition is very scanty discharge during a period when it should be abundant, or it stops completely.

In this case, lochiometra treatment is carried out after childbirth, and the woman’s condition gradually improves.

If the lochiometer is missed, if the doctor palpates the uterus, pain is noted, and he also notes that the size of the uterus has increased compared to the previous day. If the lochiometer was missed, the woman may subsequently develop.

Therefore, it is important to know what the normal discharge rate should be after childbirth, and to promptly consult a doctor if certain violations occur. Therapy consists, first of all, of ensuring the outflow of lochia from the uterus. Initially, the doctor prescribes conservative treatment:

  • parenteral use or ;
  • uterotonics ( oxytocin ), applying cold to the lower abdomen.

If a woman is diagnosed with a uterine flexion, the specialist performs bimanual palpation to return it to its normal position.

If the cervical canal is blocked, the specialist carefully widens it with a finger. Sometimes special devices are used for this purpose—Hegar dilators.

Provided that all the measures described above did not lead to the elimination of the pathological condition in 2-3 days, curettage is performed - emptying the uterine cavity with the help of instruments. Vacuum aspiration can also be used. To prevent inflammatory processes, women are prescribed antibiotics.

How long the lochia lasts after curettage depends on the period when the procedure was performed.

Postpartum endometritis

Another complication that is more dangerous to health compared to a lochiometer is endometritis or inflammation of the uterus. In a pregnant woman weakened, as this is necessary to prevent rejection of the fertilized egg, which the body considers a foreign body. Restoration of immunological protection occurs approximately 5-6 days after the birth of the child or 10 days after it occurred abdominal delivery . That is why all young mothers have an increased risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.

Currently, certain factors are identified that predispose to the development of endometritis after childbirth. They are indicated in the table below.

During pregnancy
  • manifestation of late (after 20 weeks);
  • multiple births;
  • anemia;
  • very large fruit;
  • malposition;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • inflammation of the cervix, vagina;
  • surgical intervention for isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • infectious diseases during pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments during pregnancy;
  • low placentation, presentation;
  • the presence of a threat of interruption, especially permanent;
  • sexually transmitted infections before childbirth;
  • placental abruption.
During childbirth
  • prolonged, premature labor;
  • narrow pelvis;
  • weakness, incoordination - anomalies of generic forces;
  • obstetric benefits during childbirth;
  • C-section;
  • manual control of the uterine cavity;
  • long (from 12 hours) period without water;
  • frequent (from three) vaginal examinations to determine the obstetric situation.
Are common
  • age of the woman in labor (up to 18 and over 30 years);
  • endocrine pathology;
  • a history of gynecological diseases - inflammation, fibroids, etc.;
  • eating disorders;
  • bad habits;
  • history of caesarean section;
  • extragenital diseases in chronic form;
  • poor living conditions.

Signs of acute endometritis

  • The onset of endometritis is acute, it develops from 3-4 days after birth.
  • The discharge becomes brown and cloudy.
  • A little later, purulent discharge with a greenish tint is noted.
  • A characteristic symptom is the appearance of discharge with an odor after childbirth, while the unpleasant odor of postpartum discharge usually resembles rotten meat.
  • The general condition worsens - the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, weakness, increased heartbeat, and malaise are noted.
  • The results of peripheral blood tests indicate an inflammatory process (leukocytes increase, ).

Signs of endometritis in subacute form

This condition usually manifests itself after the woman has been discharged from the maternity hospital.

  • In this case, it is important to note how much bleeding after childbirth - the bleeding remains until 10-12 days.
  • The temperature rises - sometimes to febrile levels, sometimes slightly.
  • If a woman ignores the warning signs, the discharge becomes purulent and acquires a bad odor.

Postpartum in any form is a reason for hospitalization. In a hospital setting, the patient undergoes a hysteroscopy to exclude the presence of remnants of membranes, placenta, and blood clots or to detect their presence. If any are found, they are removed by vacuum aspiration or curettage.

Diffuse lavage of the uterine cavity is also carried out, for which antibiotics and antiseptics are used. At least three such procedures are carried out.

What should you pay attention to?

Thus, it is important to pay attention to what bleeding after childbirth is like and how long this phenomenon lasts. If we talk about the norms for how long bleeding occurs after childbirth, then lochia should stop after about 3-4 weeks.

If a woman does not practice natural feeding, her monthly cycle is restored - this becomes noticeable by the nature of the discharge. If in about 1-2 months. after childbirth, leucorrhoea becomes profuse, resembling the white of an egg, this means that what is happening ovulation . Sometimes a woman notices that after giving birth, her periods last a little longer than before. How long your period lasts depends on the characteristics of the body, but such changes are normal.

At this time, it is very important to take care of postpartum contraception , which you should definitely talk about with your doctor. In this case, the guide to action should not be the advice of friends or a forum - a specialist will help you make the optimal choice of contraceptives.

If breastfeeding is practiced, then when the baby is one month old, the discharge becomes mucus in nature and does not have an unpleasant odor. And during the entire period of natural feeding, they do not change their character.

However, a woman should be wary if yellow discharge suddenly appears 2 months after childbirth, when lochia has long been completed. Particular attention should be paid if the leucorrhoea has a bad odor, and discomfort and itching are felt in the genitals. In this case, you should immediately go to see a doctor.

The doctor will help you find out why pathological discharge appears, for which he will take a smear to determine vaginal microflora , after which he will prescribe treatment.

If there is no fever, this most likely means that the discharge is a sign. But if a woman is also worried about temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, then this may be a sign of inflammation in the appendages or uterus. Therefore, in this case, you cannot hesitate to contact a specialist.

Hygiene in the postpartum period

In order for the uterus to contract actively and return to normal size, hygiene in the postpartum period is very important:

  • It is recommended to sleep on your stomach so that pressure on the uterus promotes its active contraction and stimulation of the outflow of lochia.
  • You should immediately visit the toilet as soon as the woman feels the first urge, since a full bladder and a full rectum worsen uterine contractions.
  • It is important to change the pad every two hours, since lochia is a suitable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which subsequently leads to infection.
  • You should absolutely not use tampons at this time.
  • Every day you need to wash yourself at least twice, using boiled water or a weak solution. potassium permanganate .
  • It is worth practicing free feeding, putting the baby to the breast on demand, since when the nipples are stimulated, synthesis occurs oxytocin .