My heart hurts but my ecg is good. Do the results of different ECG methods differ? Pain in the heart: causes and features of the phenomenon

Pain in the chest on the left are primarily characteristic of diseases of the spine, anterior chest wall and muscles of the shoulder girdle (osteochondrosis of the spine and various muscular-fascial syndromes).

Characteristics of various pain syndromes in diseases of the spine and muscles, read in more detail at the following link: (somewhere in the middle of the page under the heading, which for some reason is not highlighted in bold in font: “Chest pain on the left associated with neurological diseases”).

Also, intercostal neuralgia is often disguised as pain in the heart. It is also associated with the spine, namely with the wrong physiological position in the costovertebral joints. Intercostal neuralgia (neuron - "nerve" and algos - "pain") is a compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves.

Symptoms accompanying intercostal neuralgia:

Pain of a constant or paroxysmal nature along the intercostal spaces, aggravated by coughing, sneezing, deep inspiration, movement of the body,

Pain, accompanied by burning, tingling, numbness along the nerve trunk or its branches (therefore, sometimes intercostal neuralgia can be given pain in the heart, in the back, under the shoulder blade, in the lower back).

Sometimes chest pain can be caused not only by compression / irritation of the intercostal nerves, but also by excessive tone of one or more muscles. Usually these are the muscles - the extensors of the back or the muscles of the shoulder and shoulder blades. Muscle pain is characterized by an increase in pain when the affected muscle is stretched (leaning forward, moving the shoulder or shoulder blade).

I think you should consult an ophthalmologist for the proper treatment. For his appointment, additional medical studies, such as an MRI of the spine, may be needed.

In addition, you should probably take a closer look at your health in your daily life. For example, watch your posture, do special exercises for the spine, go swimming, do massages, etc. Also choose the right shoes for yourself, dress warmly and do not overcool.

I wish you to find a good doctor, and be healthy!

Why does the heart hurt, but there is nothing on the ECG and ultrasound of the heart?

Statistics show that more than half of patients who go to the doctor with heart pain do not actually have any heart problems. Pain can be caused by cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia, for example. The nerve endings are pinched and the pain radiates to the neck, back or heart area. Check your spine.

If the pain increases with movement, then this is most likely osteochondrosis. It is easy to check in another way: taking nitroglycerin quickly relieves pain with real angina pectoris, while they will not relieve false heart pain, in this case, anti-inflammatory ointments on the neck or thoracic spine will help.

Pain in the heart with a good cardiogram

Hello. Please tell me if I should be worried. Sometimes (not often, not periodically) my heart suddenly starts to hurt for about 5-10 minutes. Passed the cardiogram, but it did not show deviations.

I once read that it is recommended to use lemons for pain in the heart. I can’t say what this is connected with, but there was a whole note about this. They recommend cutting a dozen lemons, sprinkle with sugar and eat every day. Many people still use mint or valerian root, make tinctures of a sedative effect or tea.

If the doctor did not reveal anything, you can also undergo an ultrasound of the heart. If again by, then it makes sense to check the stomach. The fact is that one nerve of the autonomic nervous system innervates the heart and stomach. The nerve is confusing. The stomach hurts - and this heart and vice versa.

With such pain, I advise you to do an ultrasound of the heart. I have similar pain, ultrasound showed that I have a reduced (chord) is not scary, but it is better to avoid strong emotions and worries.

An electrocardiogram is usually done at rest and it does not always reflect some of the disorders of the heart that occur during physical and emotional stress. To some extent, the reaction of the heart to physical activity can be judged by brisk walking or climbing stairs to the 4-5th floor. More accurate information is given by a bicycle ergometric test.

Still worth worrying about. This may be the initial stage of coronary heart disease, manifested by short-term attacks of angina pectoris. It would be nice to check for signs of incipient atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels.

However, sometimes patients confuse pain in the heart and pain from other sources. For example, it may be intercostal neuralgia or damage to the esophagus or cardia of the stomach.

Pain in the chest area cannot be the cause of heart pain. Sometimes there is a pinched nerve in the thoracic region, which leads to similar symptoms. You should contact a specialist in this field. You should also do an ultrasound of the heart.

Diseases of the spine can also be manifested by pain in the heart. To exclude this reason, it would be good to make a tomography. That is, cardiograms are clearly not enough, a wider examination of the body is needed.

If the cardiogram showed no abnormalities, there may be a problem with other organs. If it hurts when you inhale, you should do a fluorography. After all, the pain in the heart can simply give. And if your heart hurts after some kind of excitement, drink Corvalol and exclude awkward situations.

As they say, do not ignore these symptoms. It may not be so serious, but I myself have a heart and I advise, if possible, to contact two or three cardiologists. In our family, only the third cardiologist picked up medicines that help. Be healthy!

What to do if your HEART HURTS, and the ECG is normal and the therapist says that everything is in order?

Perhaps from this.

If not. That happens a muscle spasm, which can be mistaken for heart pain.

Another option, unsuccessfully turned, it blew somewhere, you sleep uncomfortable. Go in for sports, improve your breathing and stretch your pectoral muscles and you will be better.

maybe you need to worry about less?

maybe you keep a lot inside yourself.

It could also just be neuralgia.

It could be intercostal neuralgia.

Sometimes chest pain can be caused not only by compression / irritation of the intercostal nerves, but also by excessive tone of one or more muscles.

Hello everyone who has a heartache and a cardiogram shows that everything is fine

Hello everyone, who has a heartache and a cardiogram shows that everything is fine?

  • recovery
  • January 20, 2014
  • 12:19
  • terrapin
  • January 20, 2014
  • 12:29

judd, for starters, go through an ultrasound or an ECHO, if you haven’t. And read Kurpatov’s Panic attack or heart neurosis (formerly the remedy for VVD), there is an answer to your question.

  • proximity
  • January 20, 2014
  • 12:54

judd, you need to distinguish pain in the heart from pain in the heart

  • January 20, 2014
  • 13:35

proximity, but how to distinguish them?

  • proximity
  • January 20, 2014
  • 13:41

judd, if the cardiogram and ultrasound showed that everything is fine, then what is the question

  • January 20, 2014
  • 13:52

proximity, it's still scary when it hurts, at least it seems to be good

  • pinion
  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:31

I have almost 2 years, and every day more than once

  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:32

pinion, how are you doing?

  • pinion
  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:33

To be honest it doesn't help me.

  • pinion
  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:34

How much are you sick? I still have these pains under the left shovel, but not always

  • pinion
  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:35

And a bunch of other symptoms - although they were only 4 months old - and this is all constantly !!

  • pinion
  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:36

When the heart hurts, it hurts in the middle - in the sternum

  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:36

pinion, for about 3 months I didn’t do all the good tests, but my heart hurts every day

  • pinion
  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:40
  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:40

pinion, and it hurts and grumbles sometimes I don’t hear how it knocks, it presses everyone says that the tests are good, it means everything is fine, but it’s still scary when every day is like this

  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:42

pinion, yes, well, my thyroid is still enlarged, but the doctor said that it is not much enlarged and it does not affect the heart

  • pinion
  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:42

Don't worry everything is fine with you. How old are you?

  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:44

I am 18 years old. And most importantly, it hurts even more when I lie down

  • pinion
  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:45

I also think that the thyroid gland does not affect the heart, there are some other symptoms, besides the heart.

  • pinion
  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:46

And I still have pain in my stomach, belly, past my heart, and a poor appetite! I can just do not eat all day.

  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:47

pinion, there’s nothing else that worries me, and that scares me, because with a VSD, my head should hurt and a lot of other things, but I only have a heart

  • January 20, 2014
  • 16:48

pinion, the doctor said that I only think about my heart, here it is, and it hurts

  • pinion
  • January 20, 2014
  • 17:00

It’s different for everyone, but I think it’s all-after what did it hurt you?

  • chapati5399
  • January 20, 2014
  • 17:03

Perhaps another organ hurts, but gives it to the region of the heart. With osteochondrosis, this happens or the pancreas.

  • January 20, 2014
  • 17:10

pinion, I was very nervous stress before that I never had any problems with my heart. There was also a case when a guy was kidding me, took and hugged me and pressed me hard, you can say he squeezed, after that I felt bad and became plus nerves

  • January 20, 2014
  • 17:11

chapati5399, they also told me that a nerve might be pinched somewhere

  • chapati5399
  • January 20, 2014
  • 17:37

You need to do a back massage from one time can help, better than Thai.

  • pinion
  • January 20, 2014
  • 17:38

Maybe osteochondrosis, maybe intercostal neuralgia, don't be afraid. although I am very afraid for myself!!

  • chapati5399
  • January 20, 2014
  • 18:13

Real Thai masters do wonders. People are put on their feet, pinched nerves are removed, salt is broken. They "see" with their hands.

  • ^stipulate
  • January 21, 2014
  • 07:29

pinion, you need to eat! Otherwise it will be worse, I went through it (

  • interpol5118
  • January 23, 2014
  • 08:57

Yulchik, At 18, nothing can happen to the heart. You already have cardioneurosis, your heart is obsessed with it, which is why it hurts! A year ago, I was diagnosed with arrhythmia of the heart, I got scared, I also became obsessed and every day my heart ached, and my left hand and in the shoulder blade gives, and when I stopped paying attention, the pains went away , but my arrhythmia has not gone away; (

  • January 23, 2014
  • 14:52

interpol5118, so I understand that there can be no problems, but when it hurts I start to be afraid

  • interpol5118
  • January 23, 2014
  • 16:51

judd, And what exactly are you afraid of? And it’s not at all necessary that it hurts your heart, it can hurt anything, but give it to your heart, and I’m more than sure that nothing hurts you, you just set yourself up so that it should it hurts and it hurts!

  • completion5599
  • January 24, 2014
  • 02:35

it's all bullshit don't think about it, live as you lived and don't notice the pain, ignore them!)


Heart pain or cardialgia is the most common complaint in cardiology. Any heart pain requires close attention, and often immediate medical attention. How to recognize cardiac and non-cardiac causes of pain in the region of the heart?

First, some anatomy. The heart is located in the central part of the chest, just behind the sternum with a slight shift to the left. Therefore, the epicenter of heart pain is located in the projection of the heart, and only in some cases the pain radiates beyond its geography.

Causes of pain in the heart

It is customary to divide pain in the region of the heart into cardiac and non-cardiac. With different diseases, the pain syndrome has its own characteristics and is accompanied by other symptoms. Depending on the cause, a strategy and tactics for the treatment and prevention of pain is built. The greatest danger is coronary heart disease.

Pain in the heart in coronary heart disease (CHD)

Ischemic heart disease is a disease characterized by impaired blood supply to the myocardium due to damage to the coronary arteries.

The most well-known forms of ischemic disease are angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. If the blood flow in the coronary arteries is disturbed, the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle decreases, metabolic disorders occur, which are accompanied by an attack of chest pain. The duration of the attack is from several minutes with angina pectoris to tens of minutes with a heart attack. Pain in the heart is pressing, squeezing, burning or cutting and may radiate to the left (rarely right) arm, neck, under the shoulder blade or lower jaw. Usually an attack is provoked by physical or emotional stress and is accompanied by severe weakness, shortness of breath, arrhythmias. ECG changes are characteristic and pathognomonic.

Important! In the interictal period, there are no changes on the ECG! Therefore, even yesterday's "good" cardiogram does not exclude the diagnosis of coronary artery disease today.

Atypical localization of pain in ischemic disease is much less common. Therefore, an essential feature of this disease is a quick and pronounced effect when taking nitroglycerin.

Important! Repeatedly nitroglycerin can be taken at intervals of minutes!

Heart pain in other heart diseases

Heart diseases of an infectious or rheumatic nature, such as myocarditis, endocarditis and pericarditis, develop for a long time, often after infectious diseases. In the acute period, the temperature rises. The pains are diffuse, prolonged, dull or stabbing in nature. Along with heart pains, there are signs of intoxication, damage to the joints and other organs. Pain is not relieved by nitroglycerin, but weakens after the appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

Extracardiac pain in the region of the heart

The most common causes of pain in the region of the heart, not associated with heart disease, are: Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, herpes zoster, intercostal neuralgia, vegetovascular dystonia. They are characterized by atypical localization, dependence on body position (with osteochondrosis), the presence of skin manifestations (with herpes zoster), increased pain with pressure on the intercostal muscles (with intercostal neuralgia or myositis), various symptoms of neurohumoral regulation disorders (with vegetative vascular dystonia)

What to do with an attack of angina pectoris or suspected myocardial infarction?

  1. Call a doctor
  2. Loosen tight clothing and allow fresh air to flow in
  3. Lay the patient on a flat surface. If there is excitement, shortness of breath, cough, then raise your head. If the pressure is reduced and the pulse is weak, the patient is pale, lethargic or close to losing consciousness, then lay down with a low head position.
  4. Take nitroglycerin under the tongue. If the attack of pain continues, then take it again in a minute.
  5. Take a 500 mg aspirin tablet

Important! No validols and corvalols! Leave them to grandmothers and sensitive young ladies. With angina pectoris, they will only harm, because precious time will be lost to stop the attack.

Read also:

Hypertension is a symptom in which blood pressure rises. Hypertension is a pathological changes in the body associated with increased arteries.

Vegetovascular dystonia or VVD, it is also neurocirculatory dystonia or NCD, it is also somatoform autonomic dysfunction or SVD, it is also a psychovegetative syndrome. WITH.

Can there be pain in the region of the heart if the cardiogram is good?

When it hurts in the heart area, most people are wary, because a full-fledged human life depends on the work of this organ. Many go to the hospital to see a cardiologist. However, electrocardiography does not always answer all their questions. Can a person's heart hurt if the cardiogram is good? Why does the heart hurt for more than one month?

Pain with a normal ECG

It happens that a person's heart aches, and the ECG is normal. The question arises, why does a healthy heart produce such symptoms?

If the tests showed good results, most likely, we are talking about non-cardiac pain. Patients feel severe discomfort, and the heart has nothing to do with the problem.

However, if the doctor is not sure that everything is in order with the heart and blood vessels, he will recommend an additional study: stress ECG (under physical activity) and Holter ECG, when the work of the heart is monitored for a day.

If the heart aches in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and this lasts for more than one month, the attending physician may recommend an ultrasound and echocardiography rather than an ECG. These studies show a more complete picture of the state of the organ, and not just the frequency and nature of heart contractions.

Attention! Pain sometimes occurs against the background of strong emotional experiences. Severe stress provokes a spasm of blood vessels, including coronary ones, which causes discomfort in the chest. However, true pain can be distinguished from symptoms of depression or post-stress disorder.

If the causes of discomfort really lie in the pathology of this organ, the pain is compressive or sharp penetrating, accompanied by shortness of breath, blanching or a bluish tint to the skin.

When the pain appeared simply because of emotional experiences, it is distinguished by aching sensations, constancy, lack of seizures, tingling. Patients with non-cardiac pain cannot pinpoint the exact location, and the sensations are vague, sometimes girdling. But if the heart itself is sick, patients are usually able to pinpoint the exact location of the pain and correctly describe its nature.

Non-cardiac causes of pain

Important! When an ultrasound examination and an electrocardiogram do not show any abnormalities on the part of the organ, but it still hurts, it is worth considering and undergoing a full examination. The reasons may be hidden in completely different organs and systems, and the discomfort has been persisting for more than a month.

Causes of pain in the chest area:

  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • aortic dissection;
  • hernia of the food department;
  • stones in the gallbladder.

Even if the ECG is good, and the heart hurts, you should not give up and give up. It could just be another illness. To accurately determine the cause, it is worth contacting a therapist and getting a referral for additional examinations. It is better to determine the pathology at the initial stage of the disease and get rid of the problem. So you can maintain the health of all internal organs!

What does a good ECG look like?

Why choose us?

An electrocardiogram is a curve drawn on paper with peaks and smoother lines. It reflects the electrical activity of the heart muscle during excitation and its subsequent cessation. Many patients are interested in what a good cardiogram looks like.

It is better to entrust the interpretation and analysis of the cardiogram to a qualified experienced specialist. The ECG curve consists of teeth, segments and intervals. If all its indicators are normal: height, width, length of the main elements, then it is a set of positive and negative peaks with calmer sections of the line at certain intervals. The photo shows a good cardiogram of a healthy adult with the correct rhythm.

Why the cardiogram is good, but the heart hurts

Many patients of the Healthy People Medical Center complain that when ECG is normal, they are often disturbed by pain in the left side of the chest. In such cases, experts recommend a more complete examination, such as stress ECG, Holter ECG, echocardiography, coronary angiography, phonocardiography, etc. It is also advisable to additionally consult with an orthopedist, neurologist or psychotherapist. This is important because pain may indicate the presence of pathologies in the spine (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc.), the development of intercostal neuralgia, the tone of one or more muscles of the thoracic region, neurosis, certain diseases of the stomach, pancreas, intestines, etc. In any case, pain is a signal of a violation of the normal functioning of the body, and it is important to establish its cause in a timely manner.

Feedback from our patients

The team of this clinic deservedly enjoys respect and gratitude, since it is difficult to meet such an attentive attitude on the part of doctors in one's polyclinic. Came in for an examination and got a complete and detailed answer. And the cause of the disease was established, and the necessary procedures were carried out. Thanks a lot.

I came to this clinic to see a therapist for help for my son. Everything was done quickly and without queues. Very easy to book online. Thanks to all the staff for the quality and conscientious service.

I am very satisfied with the level of professionalism of doctors in this clinic. I can leave only the best reviews about their methods of treatment and about the atmosphere in the clinic in general. Appealed here for the first time about a year ago, the problem was terrible hypertension. Doctors and medical staff treated me very attentively and with understanding, carried out all the necessary tests, prescribed a relatively inexpensive, but very effective treatment. They also advised me to take a certificate for the gym and perform exercises that are suitable for me for health reasons. Treatment and a little exercise helped me a lot. Now my whole family seeks medical help only in this clinic, it's worth it. I recommend to all!

First pregnancy. At 36 weeks, I became very ill. My husband called a doctor, a doctor came to me with an apparatus, made me an ultrasound. Thank God, nothing serious was found, she prescribed drugs for me, by the way, they are very good! It is a pity that they did not remember the name of the doctor. Thank her very much!

I sent my mother to a sanatorium and here she received a fully completed sanatorium-resort card - the treatment was immediately prescribed in the sanatorium and there was no loss of time allotted for treatment. It is wonderful that there is no queue at the clinic and the elderly are treated with special attention.

When I needed a health statement for an insurance company, I turned to the clinic. Oh, and the difference compared to a regular hospital. I won’t tire you with laudatory reviews. Try it yourself and you will understand everything. All the staff of the clinic have great respect and respect. Keep it up!

I needed a certificate to travel abroad. The trip was urgent and forced, a business trip. And there was a question about the medical certificate. I do not like to choose for a long time, so I began to look for clinics through acquaintances. And so, luck smiled at me and an old friend recommended this medical center. I was amazed at how quickly and efficiently the team of specialists works. All checked, all put down. I am amazed at the professionalism and speed of the staff. And everyone is very polite and friendly. I am thinking of going through all the procedures and examinations in this center, as far as I can and if necessary. Thank you to all the staff, I will be back and bring friends!

Thank you very much for this medical center. At one time, they helped me get a certificate, exemption from physical education. In an ordinary hospital they refused to do this, although there really were health problems, it was clear to one by one's well-being. Here I was examined by a pediatrician and all the same, contraindications were revealed. Although not a complete liberation, I still received it. Thank you.

He passed a medical examination in the clinic to obtain a certificate for carrying weapons. Quite quickly passed all the specialists, without queues and nerves. I can recommend this place for a significant time saver!

I have long dreamed of becoming a hunter, but the guns are very expensive, and having accumulated the required amount, I went to apply for a license to carry weapons. They needed a certificate from the hospital. I don’t like to go to city clinics, there are always huge queues, doctors like to be rude to people, but I think everyone understands me. I went to the Healthy People medical center, passed the medical examination very quickly, no queues, the doctors are nice people, they gave advice about my health. Now I'll just check there.

I liked the clinic, everything is done very quickly and efficiently. Do not freebie, just to get rid of. When my wife and I made inquiries to visit the pool, we liked this clinic right away. The staff is friendly. Everyone is happy. We'll keep it in mind, just in case.

I urgently needed a certificate of pregnancy for the registry office, in the antenatal clinic it would take a long time, so I turned to this medical center. I really liked the atmosphere, fast and high-quality reception, examination by a gynecologist and reasonable prices. I will apply again! Thanks for helping out!

The best thing I've experienced at this clinic is an EKG at home. I couldn't even think that this was even possible. I was very tired at work, and I didn’t have the strength to go to the clinic. Yes, there were complaints. Breathing has become very difficult lately. Then my neighbor told me that the ECG in this clinic is also done at home. I was very happy about it. Fortunately, nothing serious was found, but their treatment went smoothly. And did not regret. So I advise.

When our grandmother was in a very serious condition, we went to the clinic and called a specialist to the house, and he put droppers on my grandmother very well. We were satisfied with the quality of services. Amazing clinic and very helpful staff

There was no physical opportunity to take tests in the clinic and I called the laboratory assistant to the house. I was a little worried about the hygiene and sterility of taking blood, but after passing the test, all doubts disappeared, everything went at the highest level and sterile. The nurse was attentive, arrived on time, the blood sampling was taken sterile, and explained that the analysis would be transported successfully.

I called the doctor at home, as the pressure rose, and the drugs that I usually take did not help. My head ached, I was spinning, fear appeared, my heart began to ache. The doctor arrived very quickly. A woman of 35 at first did not inspire confidence, as I believe that experience is gained with age. She listened to me, changed the pressure, did an ECG, took blood tests. She gave me medicine, watched for twenty minutes, then measured the pressure again. The pressure has dropped. She gave me her recommendations, wrote out prescriptions for medicines, did everything quickly, accurately, without unnecessary movements. She acted like a true professional. I was very satisfied, I think that it is worth trusting the doctors of this medical center.

I had a terrible scar after an appendicitis operation. I was embarrassed to wear a separate swimsuit. The clinic performed a miracle and the scar became almost invisible. I now wear tiny bikinis. Thank you.

I started having pain in the area of ​​my thumb nail, after three days the pain became so intense that I could not sleep at night. Appealed to the Healthy People Medical Center. Diagnosis - panaritium. I was examined and prescribed a complex treatment - tablets and local treatment in the form of baths and dressings with drugs. On the second day of treatment, I felt better, and after 10 days everything went away like a charm. Thanks to the doctors and nurses of this center for helping me get rid of the problem without surgery. Now I will contact this clinic, because it is better to pay for quality services than to wait for a miracle from free medicine!

I have been suffering from furunculosis since school. I got to the Healthy People medical center in June, when my entire right arm from the wrist to the elbow was covered with abscesses. Neither Vishnevsky's ointment nor aloe helped. The doctor of the center examined my arm, opened the boils. Has handed over analyzes, have found out the reason - the lowered immunity. Now I am taking medication and I hope that boils will not bother me anymore.

Good clinic. Pain relief in three visits. The staff is kind and responsive. It is a pity that there are few such clinics where they treat well and inexpensively. If it suits me, I will come to your clinic.

Resting in the village, I accidentally stepped on a rusty nail. The foot was pierced significantly. Frightened. I washed the wound with peroxide, anointed it with brilliant green. But we decided not to risk it and additionally turn to specialists. Since it was Sunday, I didn’t even go to state medical institutions. I went to the "Healthy People" medical center, which I contacted several times. The wound was examined, washed additionally, bandaged, bandaged, antibiotics were prescribed. They sent me for a tetanus shot, which I haven't had in the last ten years. In general, they provided assistance in full. I am very grateful to the doctors. I don't worry about the injury.

I have a wen appeared on the face closer to the cheekbone. I did not immediately understand what it was, but aesthetically it looked terrible. Moreover, it rapidly increased in size. In the Healthy People Medical Center, qualified doctors removed the neoplasm quickly and without scars. Thank you very much!

I removed a benign atheroma above the eyebrow in this clinic. As the doctors of the clinic explained to me, there seems to be no harm from it, but such a neoplasm looks aesthetically unsightly. Although the doctors noted that there is always the possibility of malignization of such tumors! Removing the atheroma turned out to be not a long matter, in half a day they prepared it, and removed it, and told how to care for the scar. The scar, by the way, almost disappeared in two weeks. I am very satisfied with my visit to this clinic. Thank you doctors!

I want to thank all the staff of the medical center for their professionalism and responsiveness, as well as for the good attitude before and after the operation. My acquaintance began when my big toe ached on my right foot. The finger was swollen and began to fester. I went to the surgeons, it turned out that it was an ingrown toenail. The doctor said that he needed to have an operation. After a long preparation for the operation, I had half of the nail removed and prescribed further treatment and recovery. Half a year later, the nail had fully grown and began to grow normally. This ailment no longer worries me thanks to you.

Appealed to the medical center "Healthy people" on suspicion of thyroiditis. Initially, I consulted with an endocrinologist. I liked the doctor very much, you can feel the experience and confidence in his work. They ordered an ultrasound and a blood test. Analyzes passed in 1 day and quickly. But after the tests it turned out that there is no thyroiditis, and this is just a slight inflammation. But they prescribed treatment anyway, and within a few days I was already healthy. Thanks to the Healthy People Medical Center for the treatment and professionalism of doctors.

My neighbor, a close friend, deteriorated dramatically in health, he began to observe a violation of the heart, diarrhea, and nausea. After going to the hospital, the emu was allegedly diagnosed with diffuse toxic goiter and was advised to contact the Healthy People medical center. In this center, a friend was diagnosed and prescribed treatment. My friend was very pleased after visiting this center, he liked the qualifications of doctors, modern equipment for diagnostics, which, more importantly, the queue for an appointment, no one climbed ahead of the rest. Through him, almost the entire yard knows that this center is one of the best medical institutions.

A month ago I began to sweat often, I had frequent thirst, and I noticed how my neck became a little larger. I decided to visit a clinic near the house, in Teply Stan. Came in and made an appointment for a consultation the next day. I went through ultrasound, they recognized hypothyroidism, now I am undergoing treatment at the center. It is still too early to thank, but it has already become easier and it is clear that there is a sense in the treatment.

My cousin is suffering from diabetes. The treatment is carried out in the medical center "Healthy People". The medicine is administered to him by subcutaneous injections. After treatment in this center, his condition improved and stabilized. According to his reviews, we can conclude that this center is one of the best medical centers that he had to meet in his life.

I visited this clinic for a doctor's appointment. The therapist prescribed the treatment, and with it the droppers. A dropper has a better effect on the body than a regular injection, since the medicine enters gradually into a vein. The nurses of this clinic carefully and attentively treat patients and painlessly, with knowledge of their work, make droppers, which pleases the patient.

I was treated here when I could not get pregnant for a long time. The doctors are wonderful, they immediately found the cause: inflammation of the appendages and prescribed me treatment, including intravenous injections. I was very afraid of injections, but the nurses did everything painlessly.

I have already applied to this clinic several times, when doctors prescribe injections, I go here, the quality of service is at the level, special thanks to the doctors, I changed different private clinics for several years, but settled on this one. In addition, I was pleased that you can sign up for an injection in advance by phone, and the cost of injections is very affordable.

I want to thank the doctor - endocrinologist. In April 2014, she diagnosed me with diffuse toxic goiter, although it was not found in another clinic. This is another confirmation that you need to go to this particular clinic. She correctly diagnosed me, explaining to me that it was due to hormone poisoning, which caused an excess of the thyroid gland. So feel free to contact this clinic, I advise!

For a whole year I was tormented by pain in the sacrum. I went to the clinic, but you know what doctors there are. They have one question: “Did you have traumas as a child?” Who didn't have them? I turned to the clinic. After the ultrasound, the doctor diagnosed osteochondrosis and prescribed treatment. Treatment included drug therapy and physiotherapy. A week after the start of treatment, I felt relief.

I went to the clinic with severe pain in the thoracic region after sedentary work, not really hoping for a full recovery. I got to the doctor Alexei Ivanovich, who just put me on my feet! I am infinitely grateful for the quality assistance provided, I got rid of pain in the thoracic region completely and for 2 months now they have not bothered me at all. In addition, Alexei Ivanovich, like the entire staff of the clinic, turned out to be a very friendly and good-natured person.

I want to write words of gratitude for healing me from an illness. After a car accident, my chest hurt badly. The doctors of the clinic made me a healthy person. I feel great now.

Doctor Victoria Alexandrovna cured me half a mouth, the fillings are of high quality, nothing causes discomfort, does not fall off. The treatment is relatively painless compared to some of my clinics in the past, and the prices are lower, so I am very satisfied with the visit.

Mom has practically no teeth left. I had to order a removable prosthesis in this clinic. Thank you for your attentive and patient attitude towards an elderly person and a high-quality prosthesis.

Recently, I have been a frequent visitor to the clinic, because apparently due to stress, I had a lot of problems with my teeth: sometimes they crumble, sometimes the gums exfoliate. In general, thanks to the staff for always helping to quickly and efficiently deal with problems and heal everything in time.

My daughter had a malocclusion and from this even the shape of her face was unnatural. The clinic offered a ceramic bracket system to correct the bite. Thanks for the result.

I want to say a huge thank you to Dr. Victoria Alexandrovna for the quality work. Teeth do not bother and do not cause discomfort for 4.5 months already, I advise him to all my friends and relatives.

There was a terrible toothache that was simply impossible to endure. I went to this clinic, where they quickly took a picture and found out that I had periodontitis. They treated the tooth and that's it, I just forgot about the pain. Thanks to the staff and doctors of the clinic for your attention and your qualified work. I will apply again.

Good afternoon. I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctors and the clinic itself! Once waking up from a strong throbbing pain in the tooth, it turned out to be pulpitis. I just didn’t know what to do, not a single painkiller helped, since a colleague advised you. You work wonders!

It was the first time I had a tooth treated with a laser. Since childhood, I have been afraid of a drill, so I liked this method of treatment. They didn't give me an anesthetic injection, they just anointed me with gel. I didn't feel pain. Completely satisfied with the results and treatment. Thanks to the doctors of the clinic Healthy people!

I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctors of the clinic, who simply saved my teeth. I got brown spots on my teeth. It looked terrible and I thought I would have to wear crowns. They did everything for me and my teeth looked great. Special thanks for the careful and gentle attitude towards patients.

First of all, I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctors of the Healthy People Medical Center. I perfectly understand that the services they provide are not free and courtesy and attention are, in theory, the same product, but in comparison with other clinics, both human and professional qualities, especially many thanks to the dentist Victoria Alexandrovna, a great specialist and beautiful woman for professional and human qualities. The situation is this - the teeth in the lower jaw ached, the gums were swollen, in general it was impossible to sleep, there was also. I turned to our local hospital for help, there is only one answer - to pull out, and that's it. On the advice of kind people, I turned to the Healthy People Center, they examined me, reassured me that I could get by with a little blood, the most important thing was that they did everything qualitatively, and they also explained why it happened. In general, thank you very much again.

On the advice of friends, I turned to this clinic, I did not regret it. There were certain problems with the tooth. Conducted a qualitative survey. The staff is sympathetic, experienced doctors, held a high-quality consultation, they really treat almost painlessly. Thanks for the quality care. The clinic is open seven days a week, which is very convenient with my busy schedule.

Good day everyone! I have been to this clinic more than once, sometimes my back hurts, sometimes I suffer from bronchitis. This time I had to turn to the dentist Victoria Aleksandrovna. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the medical workers of the clinic! I recommend!

I have been allergic to certain fruits since childhood. Rash, swelling, all this is familiar to me. After the last such manifestation, I decided to turn to a specialist. I chose this clinic, because everywhere there are good recommendations. I visited a nutritionist who prescribed all the necessary tests for a start, after which he already made a diagnosis and advised me how to eat right. As a result, now I take medications and follow a diet that a specialist has compiled for me. Now the problem does not bother me so much, it has become much easier. Therefore, I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctors who helped me in the treatment of allergies. From now on, I will go to this clinic for any problems.

I am a fashion victim: I always dreamed of being like a model. What diets have you tried? In the end, instead of compliments, I increasingly began to hear in my address: “What a skinny you are!” Such words offend no less than “compliments” to being overweight. In addition, I decided to become a mother, and the gynecologist, who was supposed to help me prepare for pregnancy, said that it was impossible to get pregnant with such a weight. My friend, who was overweight, recommended me the Healthy People medical center, where she was successfully helped to lose weight. It turns out that thin people are treated there too. The first thing I liked was the individual approach. After the consultation, I was prescribed tests and examinations, based on the results of which I selected an individual program. The dietitian prescribed me a diet according to my health condition. Now I know exactly what is possible and how much, and what is absolutely impossible. I also really like the reasonable prices in the center, the friendly service from all the staff and the pleasant design of the rooms. In a couple of weeks I have already gained a few kilograms and I am very grateful to the doctors for the fact that my treatment is successful.

Received an individually designed diet. Thanks - I feel great.

I tried several diets on my own, but either there was no result, or it quickly faded away and the weight returned. I went to the clinic, they didn’t give me ready-made diets, but first they examined the body, and only then they prescribed a diet. I tried to comply with everything, as the doctor prescribed, but there were still sins, and despite this, I was able to throw off 10 kg that I did not need. The weight is holding. What does a smart approach mean?

Many thanks to all the specialists of the clinic, who worked with me so much and helped me overcome obesity. I am not an easy patient and it was difficult for me to follow a diet, well, very difficult. I especially want to thank the psychotherapist for his patience and professionalism. Only thanks to her efforts I was able to overcome everything, survive and win.

I began to suffer from the problem of obesity about a year ago, I am a young man, not yet 30, but I have already begun to notice that I am gaining weight very quickly. I went to the clinic, but the terrible queue, in which there were still young girls, caused me embarrassment, and I decided to find it. Then I saw healthy people near the house. I found them on the Internet, saw that they have good nutritionists and signed up for a consultation through the site. At the consultation, the doctor convinced and supported me, explaining that everything was not so bad with me and said that she would help me. The next day I was standing at the door to her office. There were no queues, everything was strictly on time. She put me on a diet and some medications. It's been treated for a week now. I feel much better, I haven't stepped on the scale yet.

I want to express my deep gratitude to the entire staff of the Healthy People Medical Center. My appeal there was due to excess weight, which began to annoy me. For some reason, I couldn’t lose weight on my own, and I decided to turn to a nutritionist. A very attentive doctor listened to me, asked me to describe my lifestyle and nutrition system, for several days I kept a food diary and at the same time underwent a series of examinations in the clinic. I consider one of the most important that I was also sent to an endocrinologist, although at first I was outraged and thought that they just wanted to rip off more money. So, at the endocrinologist, after donating blood for hormones and ultrasound of the thyroid gland, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and sugar at the border of the normal norm. This sore was the main reason for my weight gain. Already after prescribing medications for correction and treatment, the nutritionist began his work and offered to strictly follow a certain menu adjusted just for me. Six months have passed and today I have lost 11 kg of weight. Thank you doctor for being you, for your attention and concern for our health.

A year ago arterial hypertension of the second degree appeared. It all started with high blood pressure. Mom advised me to contact the Healthy People Medical Center. First, I went to a therapist, where we found out the cause of arterial hypertension, and then I was referred to a cardiologist, who did an ECG, ABPM, checked my pulse and, based on these indicators, prescribed treatment. I am very grateful to this Medical Center!

I was diagnosed with atherosclerosis a year ago. They began to forget the events that happened recently. I turned to this Medical Center on the advice of my mother. The doctors here are wonderful. They quickly and accurately diagnosed, conducted a full examination, did all the necessary tests and an ECG, and prescribed treatment. I want to thank my cardiologist and the Medical Center itself! Thank you very much!

I was diagnosed with angina pectoris during a medical examination, so I decided to treat it in this clinic. I really liked the doctor, everyone professionally diagnosed and prescribed treatment, so now I forgot that I was sick. Yes, and the price for the receptions was small.

Healthy people applied to the medical center for the purpose of examination, as they began to worry about headaches, fatigue, and began to sleep poorly at night. A diagnosis of hypertension was made. Now I am taking treatment according to the scheme, I am being observed at the center by a cardiologist, as well as at the same time by a neurologist and an endocrinologist. If you find the cause of the increase in pressure, then the disease will recede. Feeling much better.

I went to the medical center half a year ago with a diagnosis of cardiac ischemia, and before that I had been treated in a polyclinic, but my condition remained bad. Here, I felt an improvement by the end of the first week, and after 2 months I even took up walking. I thank the doctors of the clinic for their attentive attitude towards patients.

I've been going to this medical center for about six months now. Recently felt pain heart. I immediately went to this medical center. They examined me there and said that I had myocarditis. After the treatment, he left with a clear understanding of my illness, what to do, when and how. There are almost no queues. I am grateful to the medical staff who looked after me. Very kind people

Everyone knows how effective “free” care in the clinic is. Solid rudeness, not experience and a desire to break more. In our case, the sick woman is my mother, she is 64. We applied to different organizations, it is difficult to call them medical institutions. And only here there were no doctors who did not refuse us, citing age. Of course, there is no golden pill, but there are golden people and specialists! Correct and quickly diagnosed, the necessary appointments, everything is 5+. I liked everything very much, as if at home or something. Mom is very happy, and most importantly healthy, thank you, good luck and peace. but don't get sick!

I am very pleased with the work of the clinic in general and the doctor Alexander in particular. Came in with problems, left healthy! The doctor listened carefully, ordered a couple of tests and a cardiogram. No additional paid services were imposed, the staff was polite and friendly, more than a month has passed since the request, all heart problems disappeared as if by magic. Thank you clinic.

I recently went to see a cardiologist. Arrhythmia was diagnosed. The doctor is courteous, I really liked the appointment - both in duration and in cost. The receptionist explained everything and helped. Excellent clinic.

For a long time I feel very bad. I passed an examination at the Healthy People medical center by a cardiologist and I am glad that I stopped in this center. I had a complete examination and was diagnosed with hypertension. They measured the daily pressure and did a lot of examinations so as not to be mistaken with the diagnosis. I was seen by a very experienced cardiologist and gave me an effective treatment, after which I began to feel much better. I also liked the fact that everything was really organized for people - if I felt unwell, I arrived at the appointed time and I was not forced to sit in line. I recommend!

Thank you very much to the doctors of this clinic. I have passed my examination here! So attentive, so responsive, so positive, and most importantly, qualified specialists helped to solve all my problems)

I experience severe pain during menstruation, I suffer with them, frequent failures. Not long ago, it got even worse, the lower abdomen hurts like hell, menstruation did not start, I was very scared. I made an appointment with a gynecologist. I was examined by Irina Mikhailovna Yasinskaya, she examined me and prescribed treatment. Now I am being treated, the cycle is stabilizing, there is practically no pain. I am very pleased!

Suddenly there were unpleasant sensations in the intimate area. As I thought, it turned out to be a sexual infection. My friends recommended me to this clinic. They quickly helped me here, removed the inflammation in 2 visits and did all the necessary tests. Thank you very much doctors.

I am very glad that I visited (now in the future I will visit) this clinic. I have such a problem, "female" - a follicular ovarian cyst. At first I went to a free clinic, the attitude there, unfortunately, is terrible, in the end they didn’t cure anything for me, constantly prescribing Duphaston. I drank for a month - the cyst disappeared, the next month it reappeared, again "well, drink another month, it may pass." In general, complete illiteracy. In Healthy People, the doctor, firstly, was very polite, and secondly, she answered all the questions that they could not answer in a free clinic (for example, WHY a cyst occurs), but most importantly, they helped me to recover. Namely, I was completely examined and, according to the results of the tests, contraceptives were prescribed for 3 months. There are no cysts. Hooray! Thank you very much for the warm welcome and good treatment. I was also consulted absolutely free of charge on all issues that bothered me (about sex life, about the menstrual cycle and about pregnancy planning).

It so happened that in our small village there was no competent urologist, with some fears we visited your center, it turned out that they were afraid in vain! They consulted, prescribed tests, on the basis of which they refuted the wrong diagnosis made by the previous doctor. I drink pills and every day I feel better and better! Thank you!

I had inflammation, turned to this clinic, everything was cured in two visits. I'm glad, thank you doctor! And I spent a little money, and everything quickly passed in time, so if something hurts, it’s better not to delay and contact this clinic.

In this clinic, I did an examination and, based on the results of the tests, the doctor prescribed me the best contraceptive for my health - contraceptive suppositories. Patient care is paramount here.

After the unsuccessful treatment of endometriosis of the cervix with homeopathy, I turned to this clinic. I underwent a thorough examination and prescribed a course of medical treatment, thanks to which a complete recovery occurred. I am grateful to the professionals working in this clinic for effective treatment.

I struggled with this delicate issue for a long time. As a result, my friend took me to this clinic, I am not a fan of going to hospitals and doctors, as it takes a lot of time, but she assured me that the examination would be done quickly and efficiently. Now, if anything, I only go to this clinic and have already brought all my girlfriends. The medical staff and doctors are wonderful masters of their craft, examinations are carried out quickly and without difficulty.

I encountered a feeling of discomfort in the vagina during intercourse. I decided to apply to this Medical Center and did not regret it. I had an ultrasound scan and an examination and treatment. The pain disappeared after the second visit to the clinic. Many thanks to experienced and good specialists!

All my life I have been suffering from PMS, the signs of which in all their glory are observed in me every month. These are mood swings, and headaches, swelling, increased heart rate. Turning to the clinic for help, I received a full qualified examination on my problem, professional advice and competent treatment. I was pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere of the clinic - clarity in the work of doctors, cleanliness and, which is important for me, the absence of queues, nervousness and convenient distribution of appointment hours. Thank you!

Anyone who has experienced neuritis will now understand me perfectly. For me, it began after a professional injury received in sports. This ailment bothered me for several years, and the pain had already become background, and I stopped paying attention to it. Recently, a friend of mine remarked to me that every time I went down the stairs, I involuntarily grimaced in pain. After asking what happened, she advised me to contact the Healthy People medical center. It was there that I was diagnosed with neuritis. They carried out competent treatment, as a result of which the pain decreased, and over time completely disappeared. Thanks for making my life easier!

Due to hard physical work, I repaid with a protrusion of the intervertebral disc. I decided to go to the clinic, and here I did not lose. Excruciating pains were removed after three visits, a complete examination was carried out, moreover, I could receive a consultation about my condition completely free of charge. The prices here are very attractive and affordable for everyone. I want to express my deep gratitude to all the doctors and the entire clinic, who put me on my feet in a week.

For a long time I carried weights at work. Now, apparently, the time has come and I have earned a hernia. Alternative methods of treatment did not help, so I decided to turn to specialists. Friends advised the Healthy People medical center. They welcomed me there nicely. We spoke politely. I immediately had an examination and after a few trips to the clinic, the pain decreased. I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctors for the work done.

Aching and sometimes sharp pains in the chest and ribs appeared regularly. At first I did not pay attention, but they interfered with swimming. I was advised to go to this clinic. I passed the general tests and did an x-ray, computed tomography. I liked the complex approach of doctors: physical therapy, acupuncture, vacuum therapy. In just a week, the pain has already decreased, and now it still continues, but rarely, since the treatment has not yet been completed.

I was diagnosed with curvature of the spine as a child. But then I had no pain and I neglected special exercises. And after fifty, and even with constant work at the table, pain in the spine began to disturb more and more often. Here I was given a stretch. Several procedures have put me back on my feet. I am grateful that now I can fully work.

Worried about back pain. I could not even think that I could have sciatica. In the hospital, they didn’t really say anything at home, but it turned out to be such a typical illness. He began to be treated with pills, rubbing, grandma's remedies, which gave minimal results. A good friend praised this clinic, as it turned out - not in vain. I received personalized treatment. I liked the fact that the doctor asked a lot of questions, was attentive and really interested in my recovery, and not just tearing off money for treatment. I am very grateful to the doctor for helping me, because now the pain does not bother me, and I can bend over whenever I want.

A year ago, I faced such a problem as a hump on my neck. This area hurt quite a lot. I decided to apply to this medical center and did not regret it at all. Doctors are professionals! Pain relief in one session. They treated me and my problem with great attention. I had an examination of the work of the adrenal glands and prescribed treatment. I want to express my gratitude to both the doctors and the entire medical center as a whole!

I am grateful to the traumatologist of this medical center for their help in the treatment of transverse flatfoot. I was fitted with orthopedic shoes and underwent complex conservative treatment, after which my condition improved markedly and pain in my legs no longer bothers me.

Since I regularly train for me, pain in the shoulder joint has become some kind of horror, especially since they began before the competitive seasons, when it was simply necessary to be healthy. I turned to the clinic for help, fortunately, real experts work here, they quickly diagnosed me and prescribed treatment, I am very grateful to them, I don’t even know what I would do without them.

I went to the clinic with severe neck pain. It turned out that frequent stress loads provoked myositis. I want to say a huge thank you to all the doctors who took care of me during the entire treatment, advised me on various issues completely free of charge. By the way, the prices here are very affordable, which turned out to be a pleasant surprise for me.

For a long time there were pains in the hip joint. No ointments and creams helped me, so I decided to go to the clinic to solve this problem. The choice was great, but friends advised this particular medical center. And indeed they helped. The doctors are true professionals. First they had a consultation, after I did an ultrasound and examination. Literally in 2 visits, the pain decreased, it became much easier to walk. I hope the effect lasts for a very long time. I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctors and all the staff of the clinic for the assistance provided. I will definitely recommend my friends to come here.

It is true what they say that prevention is always better than the cure itself - especially for the musculoskeletal system. But, of course, we do not pay attention to this until we ourselves bite properly. A severe pain in my legs caught me already in Moscow, when I was passing through there. The nearest medical center turned out to be the Healthy People Center - they say the truth, the best doctors work in Moscow clinics and hospitals! I didn’t have to wait for any queues, I went into one office, they examined me there and came to the conclusion that the violation of the stability of the ankle was caused by excess weight and sudden movement - yes, everything was like that, I stumbled and fell, I was with bags and therefore did not immediately understand , What's happened. The leg was fixed, an ointment was prescribed, and all this in 15 minutes. An excellent center - we don't have anything like it in Surgut.

My husband's leg began to hurt all of a sudden. At first we could not even understand what had happened - there was no injury. Then he began to complain that the pain was localized in the heel area. I turned to the district clinic, first to a regular surgeon, then to an orthopedic surgeon. But both of them only moved their shoulders and said that nothing could be done with a heel spur. But the pain interfered with his work. I went to this clinic on the advice of a friend. He was offered a course of shock wave therapy. The procedure is rather unpleasant than painful. But the result is excellent. The pain is gone, he is completely healthy. Thanks to the experts.

I never thought that at the age of 28 I would face pain in my elbows, I always thought that it was a disease of the old. But I experienced all the charms of epincodylitis at such a young age, perhaps my past sports life made itself felt. The pain from the pain was simply unbearable, so something had to be done urgently. From one friend, I learned about the Healthy People medical center, for which I am very grateful to her. I made an appointment and began to wait for a miracle, in the literal sense, so I was already tired of this pain in my elbows. They did an ultrasound scan, conducted all the examinations and diagnosed me with Epicondylitis, before that I didn’t even know what this disease was. Well, then they began to plan my treatment, prescribed me pills, ointments and shock wave therapy. So, already on the third day of treatment, I received significant relief, and now, six months after the treatment, I am not bothered by pain in my elbows at all. I hope she doesn't come back to me. I want to say a huge thank you to the staff of the clinic for their responsiveness, attentiveness and harmoniously selected treatment.

Pain in the muscles of my legs has been haunting me for many years, it started at a young age, somewhere after 20 years, it didn’t manifest itself much, I thought that this could happen from physical exertion, I was fond of sports. Now I am over 40, the pains are not frequent, but they appear, and I decided to be examined. I turned to the Healthy People clinic for a consultation, because it is convenient to get there after work, the clinic has been working for a long time. The consultation is paid, but I was given a decent amount of time for an appointment, the orthopedic doctor carefully examined me and prescribed a massage course, advised me to take more walks and exclude physical activity. After the course of treatment, I felt better, my legs stopped bothering me.

Because of promiscuity, I got what I deserved. For a very long time I was looking for a medical center where I could be diagnosed and treated for a normal fee, but they demanded fabulous money for this. I decided to turn to the center of healthy people, and it was definitely the right decision! The examination and treatment were carried out anonymously, during the rehabilitation period, I could consult with my doctor for free. And of course the prices are affordable for everyone. Many thanks to the clinic and doctors who were able to put me on my feet in a short time!

We came to this clinic with an advanced case. My husband caught a cold on winter fishing and after that he went into an inflammatory process. As it usually happens, it is very difficult to drag men to the doctor, only when the really critical moment comes. The doctors of the Healthy People clinic helped to stop the inflammation, and after a short treatment, my husband experienced significant relief. Now we continue the course of treatment and the infection is almost gone. We are very grateful to the specialists of this medical center!

I turned to your clinic with symptoms of constantly aching lower back and frequent urge to urinate. I thought it was just a cold. A diagnosis of urolithiasis was made. Yes, I never thought that it would ever affect me. Thank you very much to my doctor who saved me from these ailments. And also a big thank you to the clinic itself for the conscientious attitude towards their patients.

I once visited this clinic, treated cystitis. I really liked the service of the doctors, everything is prompt and fast. They examined and immediately prescribed the necessary antibacterial drugs for treatment, after which I immediately went home and began treatment. I recovered very quickly and now I am grateful to this clinic and all the doctors who served me.

I went to the clinic with abdominal pain and a temperature of under 39, after testing I was diagnosed with pyelonephritis. I was prescribed treatment, after which I began to feel noticeably better, thank you very much to the doctors for the qualified help.

This is not my first visit to this clinic. Two weeks ago I came here for the treatment of prostatitis. The doctor who consulted me was prescribed treatment. Good medical staff works here, they treat their work with great responsibility. The clinic itself is perfectly clean, and it is also conveniently located near the metro station.

I had constant problems associated with cystitis, but like most people, I self-medicated, and did not even think about going to the doctor, and as it turned out in vain. The pain became simply unbearable, and I ran to the clinic, it's good that there are such wonderful specialists who cured me with ease. Many thanks to them for this.

What I have not tried to at least walk without severe pain. Having heard about the plasmolifting method carried out at the Healthy People Medical Center, I made an appointment with a specialist. What I liked about the clinic is that if I already signed up, then when I arrived at the right time, they didn’t make me wait, and this is a huge plus for this center. Then they took my blood and sent it for processing. After that, I was injected with the isolated plasma from my blood into the sore knee for the rapid production of the necessary material. After the procedure, I noticed a significantly faster improvement in my state of health and I am grateful to the doctors for their responsible attitude to their work.

Magnetotherapy is a very effective method and this method is practiced in this clinic. Doctors help with the help of it, I applied and now I am still going through the course, it became easier for me and I hope for a complete cure.

Since childhood, I have been suffering from chronic gastritis, periodically there are exacerbations, I am a regular patient of a gastroenterologist. During the period of exacerbation, the pain is unbearable. The doctor advised me to try ozone therapy. I went to this clinic for her. First, she was examined by a physiotherapist, and he gave the go-ahead for the procedure. And this procedure really helped! Pain has decreased significantly, tests have improved. Thank you very much to the doctors of your clinic, who were kind to me during the treatment!

I had a problem since childhood - bruises under my eyes. Having spent several hours searching for and choosing a clinic, I settled on the Healthy People Medical Center, attracted by the presence of a promotion for a free initial appointment. After the procedure, the bruises became much less noticeable. I am glad that for little money I got rid of a cosmetic problem that I had all my life. Thank you!

My wife had an accident. The injuries were very dangerous, multiple fractures and displacements. Since the whole body was in a cast and it was contraindicated to move, the muscles did not receive the proper load for a long time and thus atrophied. And we turned to this clinic. We were well received and took several tests. After several courses of electrical nerve stimulation, my wife's condition improved dramatically, which could not but please me. Thank you very much!

My husband had chronic sinusitis. Where we just did not treat him. Turning to this clinic, according to the results of the examination, the doctor prescribed electrophoresis for him. Finally, he breathes freely through his nose.

I have been suffering from varicose veins for a long time now. The load took its toll. My course of treatment has always been a long time, but this time I was recommended to contact the Healthy People Medical Center. I was satisfied with the appointment and the doctor recommended that I undergo a course of myostimulation in order to speed up the treatment process. He wrote me 7 sessions of myostimulation. The main thing is that the electrodes that are placed on the body do not fall on diseased areas, because they can only be placed in healthy places. The doctor told me that with varicose veins - myostimulation is an excellent solution to the problem. Engages the right muscles and improves blood circulation. It helped me and I feel much better.

We often play football with friends, I'm already over 30, and one day I got a very serious injury in my knee joint. He underwent treatment in one of the city clinics, but the pain only temporarily disappeared. Then I read in one resource that your clinic treats joints using one of the most effective methods, namely SWT. Found a lot of satisfied people who advised you. Signed up for a consultation on your site. Appointed a time, it is very nice that we were politely and hospitably met, escorted to a specialist. The doctor prescribed SWT for 2 weeks. On the 2nd day, severe pains when walking completely ceased to appear, there was still a week of procedures left. But it's gotten a lot better. Thank you.

My son was diagnosed with retinoblastoma in the initial stage. We underwent a course of treatment - cryotherapy in this clinic. His condition improved significantly, the tumor was reduced to a minimum, the eye was saved.

I have left sided thoracic scoliosis. At the doctor's appointment, I was prescribed a segmental massage of the thoracic spine. I decided that the treatment would take place at the Healthy People Medical Center, because I had previously applied to this center for dental treatment. And he was very pleased. After visiting the massage parlor, I noticed significant improvements.

And I could not think that a conventional ultrasound would help me solve my back problem. Painless, no surgery, awesome! The clinic itself is also impressive, the doctors are polite, everything is new, there are no queues.

I have had a problem with scoliosis for a long time. Due to the fact that I spent a lot of time at the computer, my back was twisted. Therefore, having searched for methods of treatment and clinics on the Internet, I found the Healthy People clinic and turned there. I had manual therapy and over time my back became normal. Thank you very much.

At the beginning of spring, severe headaches began to torment me in the back of my head. Turned to "Healthy people" for help. Here I underwent a comprehensive examination and was diagnosed with hypertension. Now I am undergoing treatment and I feel better. I liked the professional approach of the doctors, who were able to make a preliminary diagnosis only based on my description of the problem and the initial examination, and the diagnosis only confirmed their confidence. The center is very modern. Here you feel the care of doctors and the desire to help.

I finally found a clinic in which I had all the necessary examinations and made the correct diagnosis. The cause of my problems with the head turned out to be a banal VVD. I follow all the recommendations, I feel much better. I no longer take drugs from which I did not feel a special effect, since there was an incorrect diagnosis.

I used to get headaches very often, I practically ate painkillers. Until I realized that living like this is unbearable! I went to the clinic, they offered to undergo a complete examination. It's good that the result of the examination was not as terrible as I feared. They prescribed a diet and vitamins and for half a year I don’t know what heaviness in my head is. By the way, by Moscow standards - the prices completely satisfied me!

My father was treated in this clinic, droppers were put in after a heart attack. He spoke very highly of the staff and the cleanliness of the wards and treatment rooms.

I had a very bad headache on one side at night with a frequency of a week. Has addressed to the neurologist in clinic healthy people. The doctor listened to all my complaints, made a preliminary diagnosis - cluster headaches. In addition, he prescribed diagnostics: MRI and X-ray of the cervical spine. Both surveys found no abnormalities. Thus, discarding all other options, the initial diagnosis was confirmed to me. Prescribed prophylactic treatment. I liked the professional work of the doctor and all the staff of the clinic, starting with the admissions department. It's nice that they are trying to help you restore health and restore joy to life, and not just earn money. Thank you that the clinic staff is not indifferent to the fate of patients.

Not long ago I began to notice frequent headaches and weakness in myself, I turned to your clinic for a consultation, I was recognized as having hypertension. Immediately prescribed treatment, went through it right in the clinic. Thanks to the specialists for helping me and forcing me to reconsider my attitude to health.

I constantly turn to the Healthy People Medical Center and I am always satisfied. Intelligent specialists are always ready to consult and prescribe treatment. Huge thanks to them!

I brought my husband to the Healthy People Medical Center in April of this year. He began to worry about pressure surges. After several days spent in a regular clinic, standing in lines for many hours, our appeal here was just a fairy tale. Great doctor, listened carefully and ordered a complete diagnosis. It included not only general tests, but also daily monitoring of pressure and ECG, even a visit to an endocrinologist. Then, based on the data obtained, we were diagnosed with hypertension of the II degree and selected the necessary drugs. I thank all the medical staff of this clinic for returning joy and health to our family!

Healthy people applied to the medical center at the beginning of June. She underwent procedures for the treatment of high blood pressure. I have known about the clinic for a very long time, since I live not far from their location. Many neighbors are frequent clients and often praise local doctors. And I decided to go through the procedure with you. Registered through the online window on the site. They called me back and invited me for a free consultation. I came the next day, got a consultation, and immediately prescribed treatment, I had to go on droppers. The nurses of the clinic performed all the procedures very carefully, painlessly, and most importantly treated with great understanding and care. Thanks to all the specialists of the clinic, and especially the kindness of the nurses.

I am 30 years old and have recently started having severe chest pain. At first, I did not pay attention to it, but then she began to hurt so much that I could not pay attention anymore, it did not work. Then I went to the clinic, because it could be a symptom of some kind of terrible disease. But thank God everything worked out, they cured me literally in 2, 3 doses. They prescribed medication for prevention, and now everything is fine with me. Thank you very much!

I flew in from a business trip and went on sick leave for quite a long time. The fact is that, no matter how trite it may seem, I just seriously caught a cold due to constant air conditioning and moving. It’s good that my friends advised me to go to this particular clinic, and not to go to our district police officer. Here I can say for sure - they are treated as it should be. Firstly, the doctors are very polite and competent. Secondly, already at the first visit, I passed all the necessary tests, which were done almost immediately and sent the result to the doctor. Moreover, what I especially liked was that I rented everything right here - on the spot and without any running around. The prescribed treatment helped me pretty quickly. In general, I have already decided for myself - I will be treated only in this clinic.

A couple of weeks ago I got sick - cough, runny nose, everything. And it's in the middle of summer! In general, I did not want to stay at home with a temperature for a long time. I made an appointment with your therapist. The approach is individual, the treatment is adequate. She was treated for 3-4 days and got on her feet like new, the cough quickly passed, the temperature became normal. I say thank you to the sensible doctor for the treatment prescribed to me! Everything helped!

From the age of fourteen, from time to time, I was plagued by seizures: my eyesight worsened, I felt sick, vomited, and my head hurt very badly. I went to a state clinic - the doctors did not say anything intelligible, they blamed the problem on VVD and stress. I decided to go to another hospital. And here I was diagnosed with a migraine. There is no permanent cure for this disease, but this medical center prescribed me supportive treatment that reduces the number of attacks and their severity. I am very grateful to the doctors who worked with me! If not for their professionalism, I would have suffered for a long time with incomprehensible seizures.

I often use the services of this medical center. The staff here is polite and always smiling, the center is clean. Doctors are experts in their field, attentive, always answer questions of interest. They always get to the bottom of the problem and find the best treatment option. It is convenient that you can immediately pass the necessary tests. Also, there are constant promotions. The quality of the services provided is top notch.

I had problems with my menstrual cycle. She was examined in the district clinic, but the doctor could not make a clear diagnosis. A friend recommended me to this clinic. Here I underwent a full examination and, after that, a course of treatment. It is convenient that all tests and examinations can be done in one place and you can immediately get the doctor's recommendations.

I would like to thank the specialists of the clinic who are working on collecting tests. I have never seen such a pleasant and friendly service. Everyone told, explained, although I asked a lot of questions. They explained in great detail how to properly prepare for the test in order to get the most accurate result. It turns out that tests should be taken not only on an empty stomach, but also not to eat fat the night before, because. fatty foods can also affect the results (for example, I didn’t pay for this, earlier in the state clinic no one warned about this). The tests were done very quickly - the next day in the morning I already had the tests on hand and could continue the treatment.

The term "EKG" stands for "electrocardiogram". This is a graphical recording of the electrical impulses of the heart.

The human heart has its own pacemaker. The pacemaker is located directly in the right atrium. This place is called the sinus node. The impulse that comes from this node is called a sinus impulse (it will help to decipher what the ECG will show). It is this source of impulses that is located in the very heart and itself generates electrical impulses. Then they are sent to the conducting system. Impulses in people who do not have cardiac pathology pass evenly through the conductive cardiac system. All these outgoing impulses are recorded and displayed on the cardiogram tape.

From this it follows that an ECG - an electrocardiogram - is a graphically registered impulses of the cardiac system. Will an EKG show heart problems? ? Of course, this is a great and quick way to identify any heart disease. Moreover, the electrocardiogram is the most basic method in diagnosing the detection of pathology and various heart diseases.

Created by the Englishman A. Waller back in the seventies of the XIX century. Over the next 150 years, the device that records the electrical activity of the heart has undergone changes and improvements. Although the principle of operation has not changed.

Modern ambulance teams are necessarily equipped with portable ECG devices, with which you can make an ECG very quickly, saving valuable time. With the help of an ECG, you can even diagnose a person. An ECG will show heart problems: from acute cardiac pathologies to In these cases, not a minute can be lost, and therefore a timely cardiogram can save a person's life.

The doctors of the ambulance teams themselves decipher the ECG tape and in case of acute pathology, if the device shows a heart attack, then, turning on the siren, they quickly take the patient to the clinic, where he will immediately receive urgent assistance. But with problems, urgent hospitalization is not necessary, everything will depend on what the ECG shows.

When is an electrocardiogram prescribed?

If a person has the symptoms described below, then the cardiologist directs him to an electrocardiogram:

  • swollen legs;
  • fainting states;
  • have shortness of breath;
  • pain in the sternum, in the back, pain in the neck.

An ECG is necessarily assigned to pregnant women for examination, to people in preparation for surgery, medical examination.

Also, ECG results are required in case of a trip to a sanatorium or if permission is needed for any sports activities.

For prevention and if a person has no complaints, doctors recommend taking an electrocardiogram once a year. Often this can help diagnose cardiac pathologies that are asymptomatic.

What will the ECG show

On the tape itself, the cardiogram can show a collection of prongs as well as recessions. These teeth are denoted by capital Latin letters P, Q, R, S and T. When deciphering, the cardiologist examines and deciphers the width, height of the teeth, their size and the intervals between them. According to these indicators, you can determine the general condition of the heart muscle.

With the help of an electrocardiogram, various pathologies of the heart can be detected. Will an EKG show a heart attack? Certainly yes.

What determines an electrocardiogram

  • Heart rate - heart rate.
  • Rhythms of contractions of the heart.
  • Heart attack.
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Hypertrophy of the ventricles.
  • Ischemic and cardiac changes.

The most disappointing and serious diagnosis on the electrocardiogram is myocardial infarction. In the diagnosis of heart attacks, the ECG plays an important and even major role. With the help of a cardiogram, a zone of necrosis, localization and depth of lesions of the heart area are revealed. Also, when deciphering the cardiogram tape, one can recognize and distinguish acute myocardial infarction from aneurysms and past scars. Therefore, when passing a medical examination, it is imperative to do a cardiogram, because it is very important for a doctor to know what the ECG will show.

Most often, a heart attack is associated directly with the heart. But it is not so. A heart attack can occur in any organ. It happens (when the tissues of the lungs partially or completely die off, if there is a blockage of the arteries).

There is a cerebral infarction (in other words, ischemic stroke) - the death of brain tissue, which can be caused by thrombosis or rupture of cerebral vessels. With a cerebral infarction, such functions as the gift of speech, physical movements and sensitivity can completely go astray or disappear.

When a person has a heart attack, death or necrosis of living tissue occurs in his body. The body loses tissue or part of an organ, as well as the functions performed by this organ.

Myocardial infarction is the death or ischemic necrosis of areas or areas of the heart muscle itself due to a complete or partial loss of blood supply. Heart muscle cells begin to die approximately 20-30 minutes after blood flow stops. If a person has a myocardial infarction, blood circulation is disturbed. One or more blood vessels fail. Most often, heart attacks occur due to blockage of blood vessels by blood clots (atherosclerotic plaques). The zone of distribution of the infarction depends on the severity of the disruption of the organ, for example, extensive myocardial infarction or microinfarction. Therefore, you should not immediately despair if the ECG shows a heart attack.

This becomes a threat to the work of the entire cardiovascular system of the body and threatens life. In the modern period, heart attacks are the main cause of death among the population of the developed countries of the world.

Heart attack symptoms

  • Dizziness.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Pain in the neck, shoulder, which can radiate to the back, numbness.
  • Cold sweat.
  • Nausea, full stomach feeling.
  • Feeling of constriction in the chest.
  • Heartburn.
  • Cough.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite.

The main signs of myocardial infarction

  1. Intense pain in the region of the heart.
  2. Pain that does not stop after taking nitroglycerin.
  3. If the duration of the pain is already more than 15 minutes.

Causes of a heart attack

  1. Atherosclerosis.
  2. Rheumatism.
  3. Congenital heart defect.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Smoking, obesity.
  6. arterial hypertension.
  7. Vasculitis.
  8. Increased blood viscosity (thrombosis).
  9. Previously transferred heart attacks.
  10. Severe spasms of the coronary artery (for example, when taking cocaine).
  11. Age changes.

ECG also allows you to identify other diseases, such as tachycardia, arrhythmia, ischemic disorders.


What to do if the ECG showed arrhythmia?

An arrhythmia can be characterized by numerous changes in the contraction of the heartbeat.

An arrhythmia is a condition in which there is a violation of the heart rhythm and heart rate. More often this pathology is marked by a heartbeat failure; the patient has a rapid, then a slow heartbeat. An increase occurs during inhalation, and a decrease occurs during exhalation.

angina pectoris

If the patient has bouts of pain under the sternum or to the left of it in the region of the left arm, which can last a few seconds, and can last up to 20 minutes, then the ECG will show angina pectoris.

Pain usually increases with weight lifting, heavy physical exertion, when going out into the cold and may disappear at rest. Such pains are reduced within 3-5 minutes when taking nitroglycerin. The patient's skin turns pale and the pulse becomes uneven, which causes interruptions in the work of the heart.

Angina pectoris is one form of the heart. It is often difficult to diagnose angina pectoris, because such abnormalities can also occur with other cardiac pathologies. Angina pectoris can further lead to heart attacks and strokes.


Many are very worried when they find out that the ECG showed tachycardia.

Tachycardia is an increase at rest. Heart rhythms with tachycardia can reach up to 100-150 beats per minute. Such a pathology can also occur in people, regardless of age, when lifting weights or with increased physical exertion, as well as with strong psycho-emotional arousal.

Still, tachycardia is considered rather not a disease, but a symptom. But it is no less dangerous. If the heart starts beating too fast, it cannot fill with blood, which further leads to a decrease in blood output and a lack of oxygen in the body, as well as the heart muscle itself. If the tachycardia lasts more than a month, it can lead to further failure of the heart muscle and an increase in the size of the heart.

Symptoms characteristic of tachycardia

  • Dizziness, fainting.
  • Weakness.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Feeling of increased heart rate.
  • Heart failure.
  • Pain in the chest.

The causes of tachycardia can be: coronary heart disease, various infections, toxic effects, ischemic changes.


Now there are many different heart diseases that can be accompanied by painful and painful symptoms. Before starting their treatment, it is necessary to diagnose, find out the cause of the problem and, if possible, eliminate it.

To date, an electrocardiogram is the only effective method in diagnosing heart pathologies, which is also completely harmless and painless. This method is suitable for everyone - both children and adults, and is also affordable, effective and highly informative, which is very important in modern life.

The procedure may be:

  • to detect heart disease when certain symptoms appear;
  • conducting a scheduled examination, for example, when applying for a job, obtaining a driving license, during pregnancy, to obtain permits for visiting sports sections, sanatoriums, etc.;
  • to monitor the patient's health status during the course of treatment or at the end of it.

Depending on what the ECG shows, an appropriate treatment regimen is prescribed.

What does a cardiogram show

Unlike other organs, the heart muscle has unique functions: automatism, conductivity, excitability and contractility. These features allow the organ to contract at regular intervals, which leads to continuous blood flow.

In the process of electrocardiography, the electrophysiological work of the heart muscle is examined using a special apparatus - a cardiograph.

The procedure lasts no longer than 10 minutes and can take place in a clinic.

The resulting graphic curve contains teeth and recessions.

The teeth are indicated by capital Latin letters P, Q, R, S, T

Deciphering the cardiogram includes studying the size, width and height of each tooth, as well as the distance between them.

The cardiogram shows the slightest changes in the work of the heart.


The procedure allows you to accurately determine the heart rate (HR). In the course of diagnostics, electrodes attached to the body capture and amplify weak electrical signals of the heart and output them to the recorder.

In the normal state, the heart rate is 60-90 beats per 1 minute with the same intervals between them. With the help of an ECG of the heart, specialists also identify the following pathologies.

Sinus arrhythmia, in which the contraction of the heart occurs at various intervals. In adolescence or childhood, this is normal. However, at a more mature age, it can lead to serious violations.

Sinus bradycardia, which is characterized by a decrease in heart rate, less than 50 per minute. Such a condition can be normal during sleep, in athletes, etc. In severe cases, the sinus node is surgically replaced with an electrical pacemaker, which leads to the normalization of the rhythm.

Sinus tachycardia - heart rate exceeds 90 beats per minute. It is subdivided:

  • on the physiological - after physical and emotional stress, drinking coffee, alcoholic beverages, energy drinks, etc. It is not a pathology and passes quickly;
  • pathological, disturbing a person and at rest. It can occur with a rise in temperature, infections, blood loss, dehydration, thyrotoxicosis, anemia. In this case, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary. Tachycardia stops only when a heart attack or acute coronary syndrome occurs.

Extrasystole, in which one or more heartbeats are observed, followed by a compensatory pause. In a healthy person, extrasystole is caused by fears, overwork, psychological stress, taking certain medications and other factors. However, in some cases, this type of rhythm disturbance may indicate myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, myocarditis, cardiosclerosis and other diseases.

Paroxysmal tachycardia, which is characterized by an increase in heart rate of more than 100 beats in 1 minute. It manifests itself in the form of seizures with a sudden onset and end, which can last from several minutes to several days. In healthy people, an attack can be caused by stress, strong physical or mental stress, alcohol, etc. Tachycardia can be caused by diseases of the lungs, thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, as well as cardiac pathologies: heart defects, myocarditis, mitral valve prolapse.

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW syndrome) is a type of paroxysmal tachycardia characterized by additional abnormal conduction pathways in the myocardium. The syndrome is subject to mandatory treatment, and in some cases, surgical intervention.

Signs of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome on an electrocardiogram

Atrial fibrillation, which has a permanent form or manifests itself in seizures. It is subdivided:

  • on atrial fibrillation (fibrillation), in which the contractions of the heart are irregular, since the rhythm is not set by the sinus node, but by other cells of the atria. The frequency can be up to 700 beats per minute. As a result, a full contraction of the atria does not occur and the ventricles are not filled with blood to the full extent. This pathology is the cause of oxygen starvation of tissues and organs. A person feels a push in the heart, then non-rhythmic heartbeats of various frequencies develop. These symptoms are accompanied by weakness, sweating, dizziness, fear of death, shortness of breath, agitation, and in some cases loss of consciousness. At the end of the attack, the rhythm returns to normal, and there is an urge to urinate, and a large output of urine. Failure to eliminate the attack for 2 days is fraught with thrombotic complications (stroke, pulmonary embolism);
  • Atrial flutter is expressed in frequent (more than 200 in 1 min.) Regular atrial contractions and more rare, constant contractions of the ventricles. They are pathologies, the causes of which are: organic heart disease (heart failure, cardiomyopathy), obstructive pulmonary disease, surgical interventions on the heart. The patient's heart rate and pulse become more frequent, the neck veins swell, shortness of breath, sweating and weakness appear.


In the normal state, the electrical impulse formed in the sinus node moves to the contractile muscle fibers of the myocardium through special muscle cells (conducting system). This stimulates contraction of the atria and ventricles that pump blood. A short-term physiological delay is observed in the atrioventricular node.

In a state of pathology, there is a delay in the impulse more than it should be, which leads to delayed excitation of the underlying departments, and as a result, to disruption of the normal pumping work of the heart.

Impaired conduction (blockade) shows the cardiogram of the heart.

Sinoatrial blockade - a violation of the output of impulses from the sinus node. It can be congenital or develop against the background of heart valve defects, tumors in the brain, hypertension, meningitis, encephalitis, leukemia and other diseases. Pathology can contribute to an excess of potassium in the blood or the use of large amounts of certain medications. There is a well-defined bradycardia. The patient feels shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, sometimes loses consciousness.

Atrioventricular blockade (AV blockade), in which the impulse lingers on the atrioventricular node for more than 0.09 seconds. Pathology has the following degrees:

  • I degree - the atria and ventricles are adequately reduced, but the conduction is slow. Has no symptoms. Only a cardiogram can show the presence of pathology;
  • II degree (incomplete blockade) - the achievement of the ventricles by atrial impulses is not observed in full. The patient feels periodic cardiac arrest, weakness, fatigue;
  • III degree (complete blockade) - impulses completely stop passing from the atria to the ventricle. The sinus node affects the contraction of the atria, the work of the ventricles occurs in its own rhythm, less than 40 times per minute. There is no adequate circulation. The symptoms of incomplete blockade are joined by: dizziness, the appearance of flies in the eyes, loss of consciousness, convulsions.

Intraventricular conduction disorders

intraventricular conduction. Muscle cells in the ventricle receive an impulse along the trunk of the bundle of His, its legs (right and left), as well as the branches of the legs. The occurrence of blockades can be observed at all levels. Pathology is complete, incomplete, permanent, non-permanent with certain cardiological problems, calcification, oxygen starvation, etc.

Treatment of intraventricular conduction is carried out depending on its type and the nature of the underlying disease.

Myocardial hypertrophy

Chronic overload of the heart muscle, which is caused by certain diseases, physical overload and bad habits, leads to thickening of its individual sections and stretching of the heart chambers (hypertrophy).

Hypertrophy is not an independent disease, it is a syndrome of another pathology of the heart, worsening its prognosis.

Pathology may not manifest itself for a long time and lead to sudden death. It can also manifest itself: shortness of breath, retrosternal pain, heart rhythm disturbances, fainting, edema. Subdivided:

  • on left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), which accompanies arterial hypertension, aortic valve stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, excessive exercise;
  • right ventricular hypertrophy in chronic pulmonary hypertension, narrowing of the pulmonary valve opening, congenital heart defects, etc.;
  • left atrial hypertrophy caused by heavy physical exertion, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, mitral and aortic stenosis and other pathologies;
  • right atrial hypertrophy accompanying lung pathology (emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), chest deformity, etc.

Cardiac hypertrophy is also observed when the electrical axis of the heart deviates to the left or right, as well as during systolic overload.

Myocardial contractility

With the help of the heart muscle, in some cases, the volume of pumped blood can be increased up to 6 times. That is, depending on the state of the body, the heart adapts to it.

Changes in myocardial contractility indicate:

  • about the syndrome of early repolarization of the ventricles. In most cases, it is considered normal, and has no clinical manifestations, but can cause sudden cardiac arrest. It is observed in athletes, with congenital high body weight or myocardial hypertrophy;
  • moderate or severe diffuse changes in the myocardium that occur when the water and electrolyte balance is disturbed (vomiting, diarrhea), the use of diuretic drugs, excessive physical exertion. Also observed in dystrophy, myocarditis or cardiosclerosis;
  • non-specific ST changes due to malnutrition of the myocardium, not associated with oxygen starvation, malfunctions in the hormonal system, as well as in violation of electrolyte balance;
  • about acute ischemia, ischemic changes, changes in the T wave, ST depression, low T, indicating reversible changes inherent in myocardial oxygen starvation: angina pectoris, coronary heart disease;
  • about the development of a heart attack.

Depending on what diseases were identified on the cardiogram, the patient is prescribed appropriate treatment.

For the timely detection of pathological changes in the heart and the prevention of undesirable consequences, an annual ECG is recommended for preventive purposes.

What does a cardiogram show?

Read more:

every morning. like this.

When I was 33, I had a myocardial infarction.

Came to the hospital swaying. Was in intensive care for 2 weeks. While still in intensive care, I began, secretly from the doctors, to walk. First, holding on to the back of the bed - in place, then went out into the corridor. Walked 8 meters in one area, rest, 8 meters in another

I collapsed on May 30th. September % I ran 10 km. And begalkm in the morning up to 45 years. In the summer, he did not recognize urban transport. Distances VKM overcame only on a bicycle. The work allowed me to swim in the pool from 7 to 8 in the morning. So I swam 1 km 6 times a week and dived while holding my breath, and I developed it to 3 minutes.

My doctor told me that I was putting myself in danger - I could die at any moment.

And I said: "I'd rather die active on a treadmill than a log in bed"

The result is that I have not been sick at all for 23 years. During this time, he never went to the hospital. I don't take any medication at all.

Conclusion: it is possible to be treated. Especially medicines offered by doctors. Only now they offer very standard, according to standard treatment regimens and prescription drugs. And you, each person individually, are not typical. The correct treatment can be worked out by the doctor only in a long-term dynamics. And who will watch you every day for many months? Yes, no one. There are standards for length of stay in the hospital. Therefore, at the end of the hospital stay and a year after the treatment, I was connected to an electrical generator with a variable frequency current, the electrode was inserted into the trachea, through the nose, and the heart was accelerated with the help of electricity for well over 200 beats / min. Or they injected a drug into a vein that accelerated the heart. Say torture. It seems. But the tolerance of the heart was still 100%.

So the call, at the end of the article, “get well and be healthy” should be taken into account, but do not forget that we get sick as much and as much as we want. Regardless of documents.

You can take a course of treatment and immediately take a liter of cognac on your chest, a couple of packs of cigarettes or a couple of liters of coffee and go for treatment again.

I prefer another slogan other than "be healthy", namely "live well". What's more, it's simple. Just don't be lazy and love and cherish yourself less

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What can an electrocardiogram tell?

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a record of the electrical activity of heart muscle cells at rest. Professional ECG analysis allows you to assess the functional state of the heart and identify most cardiac pathologies. But this study does not show some of them. In such cases, additional studies are prescribed. So, latent pathology can be detected when taking a cardiogram against the background of a stress test. Holter monitoring is even more informative - taking a round-the-clock cardiogram, as well as echocardiography.

When is an ECG ordered?

The cardiologist issues a referral if the patient has the following primary complaints:

Regular removal of a cardiogram is considered mandatory for such diagnosed diseases:

  • previous heart attack or stroke;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatism.

Without fail, an ECG is carried out in preparation for operations, pregnancy monitoring, during a medical examination of pilots, drivers, and sailors. The result of the cardiogram is often required when applying for a voucher for sanatorium treatment and issuing permits for active sports activities. For preventive purposes, even in the absence of complaints, it is recommended to take an ECG every year for everyone, especially people over 40 years old. Often this helps to diagnose asymptomatic heart disease.

The heart works tirelessly throughout life. Take care of this amazing organ without waiting for its complaints!

What does the ECG show

Visually, the cardiogram shows a combination of teeth and recessions. The teeth are sequentially designated by the letters P, Q, R, S, T. Analyzing the height, width, depth of these teeth and the duration of the intervals between them, the cardiologist gets an idea about the state of different parts of the heart muscle. So, the first P wave contains information about the work of the atria. The next 3 teeth represent the process of excitation of the ventricles. After the T wave, there is a period of relaxation of the heart.

The cardiogram allows you to determine:

  • heart rate (HR);
  • heart rate;
  • various types of arrhythmias;
  • various types of conduction blocks;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • ischemic and cardiodystrophic changes;
  • Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW);
  • ventricular hypertrophy;
  • the position of the electrical axis of the heart (EOS).

Diagnostic value of ECG parameters

The heart of an adult human normally contracts from 60 to 90 times per minute. At a lower value, bradycardia is determined, and at a higher value, tachycardia, which is not necessarily a pathology. So, significant bradycardia is characteristic of trained athletes, especially runners and skiers, and transient tachycardia is quite normal with mental experiences.


A normal heart rhythm is called regular sinus, that is, generated in the sinus node of the heart. Non-sinus generation is pathological, and irregularity indicates one of the types of arrhythmia.

During the ECG, the patient is asked to hold their breath in order to identify a possible pathological non-respiratory arrhythmia. A serious problem is atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation). With it, the generation of cardiac impulses occurs not in the sinus node, but in the cells of the atria. As a result, the atria and ventricles contract randomly. This contributes to thrombosis and creates a real threat of heart attack and stroke. To prevent them, lifelong antiarrhythmic and antithrombotic therapy is prescribed.

Atrial fibrillation is a fairly common disease in old age. It may be asymptomatic, but pose a real threat to health and life. Follow your heart!

Arrhythmia also includes extrasystole. An extrasystole is an abnormal contraction of the heart muscle under the influence of an excess electrical impulse that does not originate from the sinus node. There are atrial, ventricular and atrioventricular extrasystoles. What types of extrasystoles require intervention? Single functional extrasystoles (usually atrial) often occur with a healthy heart against the background of stress or excessive physical exertion. Potentially dangerous include group and frequent ventricular extrasystoles.


Atrioventricular (A-V) blockade is a violation of the conduction of electrical impulses from the atria to the ventricles. As a result, they contract out of sync. A-V block usually requires treatment and, in severe cases, a pacemaker.

Impaired conduction within the myocardium is called bundle branch block. It can be localized on the left or right leg or on both together and be partial or complete. With this pathology, conservative treatment is indicated.

Sinoatrial blockade is a conduction defect from the sinus node to the myocardium. This type of blockade occurs with other heart diseases or with an overdose of drugs. Requires conservative treatment.

myocardial infarction

Sometimes an ECG reveals a myocardial infarction - necrosis of a section of the heart muscle due to a cessation of its blood circulation. The cause may be large atherosclerotic plaques or a sharp vasospasm. The type of infarction is distinguished by the degree of damage - small-focal (not Q-infarction) and extensive (transmural, Q-infarction) types, as well as localization. Detection of signs of a heart attack suggests urgent hospitalization of the patient.

The detection of scars on the cardiogram indicates a past myocardial infarction, possibly painless and unnoticed by the patient.

Ischemic and dystrophic changes

Ischemia of the heart is called oxygen starvation of its various parts due to insufficient blood supply. The detection of such a pathology requires the appointment of anti-ischemic drugs.

Dystrophic refers to metabolic disorders in the myocardium that are not associated with circulatory disorders.

Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

This is a congenital disease, consisting in the existence of abnormal conduction pathways in the myocardium. If this pathology causes arrhythmic attacks, then treatment is necessary, and in severe cases, surgical intervention.

Hypertrophy of the ventricles - an increase in size or thickening of the wall. Most often, hypertrophy is a consequence of heart defects, hypertension, and pulmonary diseases. The position of the EOS has no independent diagnostic value either. In particular, with hypertension, a horizontal position or deviation to the left is determined. The composition also matters. In thin people, as a rule, the position of the EOS is vertical.

Features of the ECG in children

For children under the age of one year, tachycardia up to 140 beats per minute, fluctuations in heart rate when taking an ECG, incomplete blockade of the right leg of the His bundle, vertical EOS are considered normal. At the age of 6 years, a heart rate of up to 128 beats per minute is acceptable. Respiratory arrhythmia is typical for the age of 6 to 15 years.

Can there be pain in the region of the heart if the cardiogram is good?

When it hurts in the heart area, most people are wary, because a full-fledged human life depends on the work of this organ. Many go to the hospital to see a cardiologist. However, electrocardiography does not always answer all their questions. Can a person's heart hurt if the cardiogram is good? Why does the heart hurt for more than one month?

Pain with a normal ECG

It happens that a person's heart aches, and the ECG is normal. The question arises, why does a healthy heart produce such symptoms?

If the tests showed good results, most likely, we are talking about non-cardiac pain. Patients feel severe discomfort, and the heart has nothing to do with the problem.

However, if the doctor is not sure that everything is in order with the heart and blood vessels, he will recommend an additional study: stress ECG (under physical activity) and Holter ECG, when the work of the heart is monitored for a day.

If the heart aches in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and this lasts for more than one month, the attending physician may recommend an ultrasound and echocardiography rather than an ECG. These studies show a more complete picture of the state of the organ, and not just the frequency and nature of heart contractions.

Attention! Pain sometimes occurs against the background of strong emotional experiences. Severe stress provokes a spasm of blood vessels, including coronary ones, which causes discomfort in the chest. However, true pain can be distinguished from symptoms of depression or post-stress disorder.

If the causes of discomfort really lie in the pathology of this organ, the pain is compressive or sharp penetrating, accompanied by shortness of breath, blanching or a bluish tint to the skin.

When the pain appeared simply because of emotional experiences, it is distinguished by aching sensations, constancy, lack of seizures, tingling. Patients with non-cardiac pain cannot pinpoint the exact location, and the sensations are vague, sometimes girdling. But if the heart itself is sick, patients are usually able to pinpoint the exact location of the pain and correctly describe its nature.

Non-cardiac causes of pain

Important! When an ultrasound examination and an electrocardiogram do not show any abnormalities on the part of the organ, but it still hurts, it is worth considering and undergoing a full examination. The reasons may be hidden in completely different organs and systems, and the discomfort has been persisting for more than a month.

Causes of pain in the chest area:

  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • aortic dissection;
  • hernia of the food department;
  • stones in the gallbladder.

Even if the ECG is good, and the heart hurts, you should not give up and give up. It could just be another illness. To accurately determine the cause, it is worth contacting a therapist and getting a referral for additional examinations. It is better to determine the pathology at the initial stage of the disease and get rid of the problem. So you can maintain the health of all internal organs!

and what to do if our doctors are talkless. They need to beg for an examination

Yes, yes, my sister, she has been suffering for half a year, she did not get a referral for an ultrasound of the heart, they said that the ECG is good, which means there are no indications for an ultrasound of the heart, and they did not give a referral. To the question, what then hurts on the left side, the therapist said that you are tired, because you have two children. Kick-ass excuses at the bottom, a mile has already been sleeping for two weeks, because she can’t lie down, she says that when she goes to bed, it’s like they put a brick on the left side of her chest, she went to the ambulance twice, and they send her from there, tomorrow she’ll go for the money ultrasound hearts do

Hello! The doctor acts according to the rules. Examinations are required to be carried out if a disease is suspected. Seek another specialist if you think you are seriously ill. If the doctor does not consider it necessary to conduct further examinations, most likely, he is right.

ECG shows heart failure

What does a cardiogram show?

Myocardial infarction, angina. atherosclerosis, rheumatic heart disease, hypertension - all these are heart diseases. They can arise as a result of any hereditary factors, excessive stress, anxiety, physical trauma, emotional experiences, and so on. Another common cause of heart disease is malnutrition. However, now is not about that. The medical board of would like to draw your attention to the cardiogram. It is with its help that these pathologies are detected in people.

So what exactly can be seen with a cardiogram? Undoubtedly, this question torments many of you.

If we take in comparison all the other analyzes and tests that people undergo every day, then the electrocardiogram is considered to be the "miracle of modern technology." Why a miracle? Yes, because this is almost the only analysis that does not bring a person any inconvenience, no pain, and also no radiation. The person is really comfortable enough to position his body on the couch, after which electrodes with wires are attached to his wrists, ankles and chest. These wires are connected to a small apparatus, from which a paper tape with the same cardiogram subsequently comes out. A fairly large number of people claim that this tape is the "cache" of their hearts.

A cardiogram can indeed be called a "hiding place", but it does not store all the information about a person's heart, but only a separate part of it. This part includes: heart rate, condition of the heart muscle, general condition of the heart. This, of course, is not all that a cardiogram can “say”. However, these three points are the most important. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

The most accurate measurement of an ECG is the heart rate. In another way, this frequency can also be called electrical activity or rhythm. The cardiogram accurately determines in what rhythm the heart beats, whether a person has a rapid heartbeat, or in some cases it is completely absent. This is due to the fact that the electrodes attached to the human body pick up weak electrical signals, and the cardiogram, in turn, amplifies them.

Another less accurate measurement of an ECG is the condition of the heart muscle. It should be noted that any injured, dying or already dead tissue almost always has its own special effect on the passage of electrical signals through it. That is why, deciphering the cardiogram, every cardiologist will be able to notice in his patient the possible likelihood of a heart attack. the location of the damaged heart muscle, a piece of dead tissue with a scar on it, and so on. With regard to this measurement of the cardiogram, any deviations regarding the general condition of the heart muscle should be confirmed by further studies.

And finally, the third less accurate measurement of the cardiogram is the general condition of the human heart. In this case, the cardiogram will be able to show any deviations only if the cardiogram is taken at the time of intense physical activity of the patient. In any other case, most likely, it will be normal. The fact is that as long as blood flows through the coronary artery, the cardiogram will not be able to reveal any general disorders of the general condition of the heart.

So, summing up, wants to draw your attention to the fact that medical specialists quite seriously recommend that people suffering from hypertension, smokers, and people with high cholesterol have a regular cardiogram with a load. as well as some other groups of people.

Do not forget that everything must be done on time. If you start your health, you can say goodbye to it forever. Heal and be healthy!

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Diagnosis of heart failure

To make a diagnosis of heart failure, a medical history is taken, a physical examination is performed, and laboratory confirmation is performed. Since the symptoms of HF may be due to other diseases, it is necessary to identify the true cause of their manifestation.

For this, the following are defined:

  • the presence of diseases that can cause HF, for example, arterial insufficiency. diabetes. hypertension,
  • Are there other possible explanations for the symptoms
  • the presence of defects in the work of the heart, its contractility.

Early diagnosis will help to start treatment in time and prevent development.

When studying the medical history, attention is paid to the features of the symptoms, it is better to prepare a detailed description of the signs in advance - the nature of the pain, localization, distribution by time of day. Also, the doctor will be interested in whether relatives suffer from HF.

During a physical examination, the doctor may listen to the heart beat, determine if there is an accumulation of fluid in the lungs, examine the ankles, feet, stomach for swelling characteristic of circulatory failure. Definitive diagnosis requires further laboratory testing.

Laboratory diagnostics

There is no definite procedure, according to the results of which it is possible to unambiguously make a diagnosis. Taking into account individual characteristics, the cardiologist selects one or more of the following examination methods.

  • ECG. An electrocardiogram displays the intensity and frequency of the heart's electrical impulses. From the diagram, you can determine whether there is a thickening of the walls of the heart, which can make it difficult to contract. Prerequisites for a heart attack and other diseases are also revealed.
  • X-ray of the chest organs. The picture shows the heart, lungs, blood vessels. An x-ray can detect an increase in the size of the heart, the accumulation of fluid in the lungs.
  • Test for brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) in the blood. The level of this hormone is elevated in HF.
  • Echocardiography. This is an ultrasound of the heart. Gives an idea of ​​the size of the body, the operation of valves and atria. It also helps to identify places of accumulation of blood, damage to the heart muscle. Echocardiography may be performed before and after a cardiovascular stress test (i.e. when the heart is under stress).
  • Doppler tomography. Doppler ultrasound allows you to determine the speed and direction of blood flow. Often used in conjunction with echocardiography. Can help identify which atria are at risk for heart failure.
  • Daily ECG monitoring. Continuous ECG recording is carried out for 24 or 48 hours. To do this, the patient wears small electrodes, which are connected by wires to a recording device. The device can be fastened, for example, on a belt.
  • Nuclear cardiological diagnostics. It is carried out with intravenous administration of a radionuclide that emits radiation that is captured and analyzed by detectors. As a result, a three-dimensional model of the heart and blood flow in the vessels is recreated. PET is a type of nuclear diagnostics. The accuracy of these studies is an order of magnitude higher than traditional ones, so even microscopic deviations can be recognized.
  • Coronary angiography. In coronary angiography, a thin, flexible catheter is inserted into the blood vessels in the arms and neck and gradually advanced toward the heart to examine the coronary arteries of the heart. The catheter is inserted using radiography. The procedure is minimally invasive, but requires hospitalization for several days.
  • Angiography of the heart. It is usually carried out in conjunction with coronary angiography, while a harmless radiopaque dye is injected into the blood, which allows you to identify the features of blood flow in the heart, its contractility.
  • stress test. Some heart defects show up during exercise. In a stress test, the patient performs physical exercises to create a certain load, while echocardiography measurements are taken or nuclear diagnostics are performed.
  • MRI. Among other effective procedures, magnetic resonance imaging is the safest. MRI images can detect damage to the heart, including at an early stage of heart failure in which there are no symptoms.

In addition to these methods of diagnosing the work of the heart, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the thyroid gland, since a low or high level of the hormone secreted by the thyroid gland can cause circulatory failure.

What does an ultrasound of the heart show?

Modern medical diagnostics helps to identify the development of many diseases, including heart disease. Ultrasound is much more effective than a regular ECG and with its help, the doctor can detect many heart problems that are not visible on a simple electrocardiogram. Many are interested in: what does the ultrasound of the heart show and what kind of procedure is it in general? Let's try to figure it out in our article.

How to prepare for an ultrasound and how this examination is carried out

1. Special preparation for ultrasound of the heart is not carried out. This procedure is completely painless and non-invasive. Usually, the patient makes an appointment in advance and comes to the clinic at the appointed time for the examination.

2. During the procedure, the patient lies down on a medical couch. First you need to lie on your back, and then lie on your right side. At this time, the doctor with an ultrasonic special sensor leads along the chest in the region of the heart and examines it. The examination method is based on the impact of ultrasonic waves, which tend to be reflected from structures of various densities and at the same time they change their frequency and speed. The reflected signal is immediately processed by the computer and displayed on the display screen in the form of a beating heart.

Ultrasound of the heart can show the following points:

How the individual elements of the heart work: its walls, valves and subvalvular structures:

Parameters: thickness of the heart wall, dimensions of the ventricles, atrial cavities, heart valves, as well as the dimensions of large vessels, which include the aorta and pulmonary artery;

Pathology of the heart valves;

Defects of the interventricular and interatrial septa;

Manifestations of heart failure even at the initial stage of its development;

Heart attack and pre-infarction condition;

Cicatricial changes in the myocardium;

Blood clots inside the heart and pericarditis;

The speed of blood flow inside the heart is measured, and many parameters are calculated on the basis of which a diagnosis is made to the patient;

Congenital or acquired heart disease.

The doctor considers the indicators obtained on ultrasound, and a change in one or more parameters ensures an accurate diagnosis. An ultrasound scan is mandatory for those newborn babies who were born with signs of congenital heart disease and with the presence of heart murmurs.

What can an EKG show?

In a timely manner, an analysis such as a cardiogram can indicate some kind of malfunction in the work of the heart. It can also warn about some concomitant diseases.

Cardiogram of the heart: properties, action

The cardiogram is an analysis showing the electrical activity of the heart, which in turn demonstrates the rhythm and strength of contractions of this organ, characterizes the quality of the blood supply to the heart muscle. Many heart diseases can be diagnosed by doing an ECG:

The cardiogram is harmless to the body and painless. While conducting it, the doctor lays the patient on the couch, attaching electrodes to the limbs and chest, which are connected to the device with the help of wires. The results of the study are printed on a special paper tape.

The cardiogram is especially important in acute attacks of arrhythmia or pain in the heart. Often, it is precisely the timely cardiogram that can save the patient's life or direct the treatment in the right direction.

The importance of the cardiogram is that this study can accurately indicate the source of pathological signals, find out their path of passage, find out how serious a particular anomaly is and what treatment it requires.

Among the diseases that can be diagnosed using a cardiogram is an extrasystole, which is a contraction of the myocardium.

It is also possible to detect flickering and fluttering in advance, which without this analysis may go unnoticed.

Features of the cardiogram

Despite the exact data that a cardiogram can provide, it cannot diagnose some conditions of the heart and blood vessels. In particular, the state of the heart muscle often remains in question. That is, the probability of a heart attack, if any, can be noticed by a cardiologist, but in order for him to be confident in his assumptions, additional examinations are needed.

Another reason why you can’t trust the cardiogram 100 percent is that electrical signals can skip damaged areas and show a normal result. It is impossible, using a cardiogram, to recognize coronary atherosclerosis.

It is advisable to do a cardiogram when the patient is experiencing serious physical exertion. Then she can provide more accurate data.

Based on the characteristics of this type of analysis, it is important when diagnosing to take into account not only the results of the cardiogram, but also the medical history, complaints of the patient himself, and the patient's examination data.

What does a heart cardiogram show?

The cardiogram reflects the rhythm of the heart and its impulses that are produced during work, and also captures the pulse, conductivity and the time it takes for the body to fill with blood. All this makes it possible to draw up a fairly complete clinical picture of the electrical activity of the myocardium and the general condition of the heart.

All information transmitted from the sensors is recorded on the tape and compared with the results that should be normal for a person.

If pathologies are present, they will necessarily be reflected on the cardiogram in the form of deviations of the main teeth of the curve. By what kind of teeth they are and how exactly they differ from the norm, the doctor can make a conclusion about the diagnosis of the patient, since each pathology is characterized by a certain set of deviations.

Heart disease can be triggered by completely different factors. They can be both excessive emotional and physical stress, injuries and hereditary characteristics of a person, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition.

Thus, the electrocardiogram allows you to determine how fast the ventricles of the heart fill, identify myocardial problems and notice heart rhythm disturbances and the frequency of its contractions.

The method makes it possible to learn about the state of muscle tissue due to the fact that the injured myocardium transmits impulses differently than healthy muscles. These changes are able to detect highly sensitive sensors on the patient's skin.

Often, in addition to the presence of pathology, the doctor can determine the type of damage and its location on the heart. A qualified cardiologist is able to identify deviations from the norm by the angles of inclination of the teeth of the cardiogram, without confusing them with variants of the norm, and make a diagnosis.

It would not be superfluous to take the results of previous electrocardiographic studies with you to an appointment with a cardiologist so that the doctor can determine the dynamics of the state of the heart and cardiovascular system, as well as track changes in rhythm, calculate whether the heart rate has increased, and whether any pathologies have appeared. All this will help to timely diagnose the development of diseases that can cause diseases such as myocardial infarction and will help to start treatment in a timely manner.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, which can be determined by ECG

  • Arrhythmia. Arrhythmia is characterized by a violation in the formation of an impulse and its progress through the muscle layer. In this case, rhythm failure is often noted, the time intervals between R - R increase when the rhythm changes, and slight fluctuations in P - Q and Q - T become noticeable;
  • Angina. This disease leads to pain in the heart. the cardiogram in this pathology shows a change in the amplitude of the T wave and depression of the S-T segment, which can be seen in certain parts of the curve;
  • Tachycardia. With this pathology, there is a significant increase in contractions of the heart muscle. On the ECG, tachycardia is determined by a decrease in the intervals between segments, an increase in the rhythm, as well as a shift in the RS-T part by a small distance;
  • Bradycardia. This disease is characterized by a reduced frequency of myocardial contractions. The ECG picture with such a pathology differs from the norm only by a decrease in rhythm, an increasing interval between segments and a slight change in the amplitude of the teeth;
  • Hypertrophy of the heart. This pathology is determined by an overload of the ventricles or atria and manifests itself on the cardiogram in the form of an increased amplitude of the R wave, impaired tissue conductivity, as well as an increase in time intervals for an enlarged myocardial area and a change in the electrical position of the heart itself;
  • Aneurysm. The aneurysm is manifested by finding a QS wave at the high R site and an elevated RS–T segment at the Q site;
  • Extrasystole. With this disease, a rhythm disturbance appears, the ECG shows a large pause after extrasystoles, QRS deformation, altered extrasystoles and the absence of a P (e) wave;
  • Pulmonary embolism. Such a pathology is characterized by oxygen deficiency of muscle tissue, hypertension of the vessels of the pulmonary circulation and an increase in the right heart, overload of the right ventricle and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias;
  • Myocardial infarction. A heart attack can be identified by the absence of the R wave, the rise of the S-T segment and the negative T wave. During the acute stage on electrocardiography, the S-T segment is located above the isoline, and the T wave is not differentiated. The subacute stage is characterized by the descent of the S-T region and the appearance of a negative T. At the stage of infarction scarring, the ECG shows that the S-T segment is isoelectric, T is negative, and the Q wave is clearly visible.

Diseases that are difficult to diagnose using an ECG

In most cases, the ECG does not allow diagnosing diseases such as malignant and benign neoplasms in the region of the heart, defective vascular conditions and congenital heart defects, as well as disturbances in blood dynamics. At the same time, in most cases, due to their location, tumors in different parts of the heart affect the functioning of the muscle and cause disturbances in intracardiac dynamics, which are diagnosed with ECG as valvular defects of the organ. Therefore, in the case when a cardiologist reveals such disorders during the diagnosis process as hypertrophy of the heart, uneven or irregular rhythm, as well as heart failure, he can additionally prescribe echocardiography after the ECG, which will help determine whether there are neoplasms in the heart or the patient has another disease .

The problem with the ECG is that the initial stages of some diseases, as well as certain types of pathologies, are poorly visible on the cardiogram. This is due to the fact that the time of the procedure is not enough to make a full examination and examine the patient's heart in various situations. As a solution to this problem based on electrocardiography, there is a diagnostic method in which the patient must walk with a device that measures heart health for a day or more.

Congenital heart defects include a whole group of diseases that lead to pathologies in the work of the myocardium. However, during echocardiography, such heart defects are usually identified as signs of specific syndromes, such as hypoxia or heart failure, due to which it is difficult to identify the underlying cause of the disease.

Also, a great difficulty for diagnosis using an ECG is the fact that some pathologies have similar disorders and deviations, which are noted by the cardiogram.

In this case, it is necessary to consult an experienced cardiologist, who, according to the results obtained, will be able to give a more accurate diagnosis or refer him for an additional examination.

Another problem of electrocardiography is that in most cases the procedure occurs when the patient is at rest, while for ordinary life the absence of physical activity and psycho-emotional arousal is absolutely atypical for most people. Thus, in some cases, with an ECG without additional voltage, an inaccurate clinical picture is obtained, which can affect the final results of the diagnosis, since in most cases symptoms and pathologies do not appear in a calm state. That is why, for maximum efficiency of the study, the electrocardiography procedure can occur with minor patient loads or immediately after them. This provides more accurate information about the state of the heart and the presence of possible pathologies.

Definition of myocardial infarction using a cardiogram

Myocardial infarction is divided into several stages. The first is an acute period in which part of the muscle tissue dies, while the excitation vector disappears on the cardiogram at this stage of the disease in those parts of the heart where myocardial damage occurred. Also on the ECG it becomes clear that there is no R wave and Q appears, which normally should not be in the leads. At the same time, the location of the S-T region also changes and the appearance of the T wave is diagnosed. After the acute stage, a subacute period begins, at which the T and R teeth gradually begin to return to normal. At the scarring stage, the heart gradually adapts to tissue damage and continues its work, on the cardiogram, the scar remaining after a heart attack is clearly visible.

Determination of ischemia using ECG

Ischemic heart disease is characterized by reduced blood supply to the myocardium and other tissues of the heart, resulting in a lack of oxygen and gradual muscle damage and atrophy. Too long oxygen deficiency, often characteristic of the advanced stage of ischemia, can subsequently lead to the formation of myocardial infarction.

ECG is not the best method that allows you to detect ischemia, since this procedure is performed at rest, in which it is quite difficult to diagnose the location of the affected area. Also, there are certain areas on the heart that are not available for examination by electrocardiography and are not tested, therefore, if a pathological process occurs in them, it will not be noticeable on the ECG, or the data obtained may subsequently be interpreted by the doctor incorrectly.

On the ECG, coronary heart disease is manifested, first of all, by disturbances in the amplitude and shape of the T wave. This is due to reduced impulse conduction.

What deviations in the work of the body can be fixed?

First of all, it should be noted that the procedure of electrocardiography (ECG) is deservedly recognized as the main diagnostic technique for the timely detection of pathologies of the heart (the entire cardiovascular system). The procedure is widely used in modern cardiology practice.

The muscular structure of the human heart functions under the constant control of the so-called pacemaker, which originates in the heart itself. At the same time, its own pacemaker generates electrical impulses that are transmitted through the conduction system of the heart to its various departments.

On any version of the cardiogram (ECG), it is precisely these electrical impulses that are recorded and recorded, which make it possible to judge the functioning of the organ.

In other words, we can say that the ECG captures and records the peculiar language of the heart muscle.

According to the resulting deviations of specific teeth on the cardiogram (recall, these are P, Q, R, S and T teeth), doctors get the opportunity to judge what pathology underlies the unpleasant symptoms felt by the patient.

With the help of various ECG options, doctors can recognize the following heart diseases:

Hypertrophy of various parts of the heart muscle.

The problem can occur with violations of the hemodynamics of the vascular bed, which provokes an overload of various cardiac departments. Even a classic ECG allows you to fix several basic signs of cardiac hypertrophy.

These can be: signs of an increase in the behavior of impulses, changes in the amplitude of various teeth, signs of ischemia of the subendocardial cardiac sections, deviation of the electrical cardiac axis.

Angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease.

This disease, we recall, causes a lot of trouble for a person, since it is manifested by attacks of anginal pain that can last from insignificant seconds to half an hour.

Signs of this disease on the ECG can be recorded: as changes in the QRS complexes, as a state of depression of the S-T segment, changes in the T wave.

Arrhythmias of various types.

Such pathologies of the heart muscle are incredibly diverse, they are characterized by numerous changes in the rhythm of heart contractions. On electrocardiography, such disorders are manifested: by the frequency of changes in the R-R intervals, by fluctuations in the P-Q and Q-T indicators.

In addition, with the help of electrocardiography, it is often possible to fix: signs of the presence of a heart aneurysm, the development of extrasystole, the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the myocardium (myocarditis, endocarditis), the development of acute conditions of myocardial infarction or heart failure.

Do the results of different ECG methods differ?

It is no secret to anyone that electrocardiography in different situations can be carried out in different ways, or rather, doctors can use different methods of ECG research.

It is quite clear that the data of various variants of an electrocardiographic study may differ somewhat.

The most common electrocardiographic studies can be considered:

Intraesophageal electrocardiography procedure.

The technique consists in placing an active electrode in the lumen of the esophagus.

This procedure allows more accurate assessment of atrial electrical activity, as well as the functioning of the atrioventricular node.

The technique is of greatest value for fixing certain heart blocks.

Vectorcardiography procedure. This technique allows you to register changes in the electrical vector of the functioning of the heart muscle.

Information can be presented in the form of a special projection of three-dimensional figures on the plane of assignments.

Electrocardiographic tests with a load.

This procedure may also be called bicycle ergometry. It is most expedient to conduct such a study to detect coronary heart disease.

This is due to the fact that angina attacks usually occur precisely at the moment of the patient's physical exertion, and at rest the cardiogram may remain within the normal range.

Holter monitoring procedure.

The procedure is commonly referred to as 24-hour Holter electrocardiography monitoring.

The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the sensors fixed on the human body record the performance of the heart muscle during the day or even more.

It is most advisable to carry out such a procedure when the unpleasant symptoms of heart disease are transient.

What diseases can be diagnosed during the study?

It should be said that various options for electrocardiography of the heart can be used not only as a primary diagnosis, which makes it possible to fix the initial stages of a cardiac disease.

Often, various types of electrocardiographic studies can be carried out in order to monitor and control an already existing cardiac pathology.

So such studies can be prescribed to patients with the following pathologies:

  • patients with previous myocardial infarction;
  • people suffering from various forms of cardiac ischemia;
  • patients with infectious diseases of the heart muscle - pericarditis, endocarditis;
  • patients suffering from cardiosclerosis;
  • people with hypertension or hypotension;
  • patients with vegetovascular dystonia, etc.

And, of course, this study of the heart often allows you to answer questions - why do patients experience this or that unpleasant symptomatology - shortness of breath, chest pain, heart rhythm disturbances.

Data indicating the need for additional tests

Unfortunately, it should be understood that the electrocardiogram cannot be considered the only true criterion for establishing one or another cardiological diagnosis.

To establish a truly correct diagnosis, doctors always use several diagnostic criteria: they must conduct a visual examination of the patient, palpation, auscultation, percussion, take an anamnesis and conduct electrocardiography.

Provided that the data of cardiography are confirmed by specific (corresponding to the alleged pathology) symptoms in the patient, the data obtained during the examination, the diagnosis is made quickly enough.

But, if a cardiologist observes some discrepancy between the patient's complaints and electrocardiography indicators, additional studies may be prescribed to the patient.

Additional studies (ultrasound, echocardiography, MRI, CT or others) may also be necessary if the electrocardiogram remains normal, and the patient makes some complaints about the intense manifestations of a problem of unclear or doubtful origin.

Ultrasound and electrocardiogram: differences in results

The technique of studying the heart muscle using ultrasound (ultrasound) has long been used in cardiology. Ultrasound diagnostics of the heart muscle, unlike an electrocardiographic study, allows you to notice not only some deviations in the functioning of the organ.

Ultrasound of the heart muscle is considered an informative, non-invasive and completely safe procedure that allows you to assess the structure, size, deformations and other characteristics of the heart muscle.

In this case, ultrasound of the heart muscle can be prescribed in the following cases:

  • if the patient has unclear symptoms - chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue;
  • with periodic jumps in blood pressure;
  • in the presence of signs of a cardiological disease that is not fixed on the cardiogram;
  • Ultrasound is also prescribed to patients after myocardial infarction, to assess the damage to muscle structures, to monitor the progress of the pathology.

When conducting ultrasound, doctors get the opportunity to determine the morphology of the heart muscle, assess the size of the entire organ, notice the volume of the heart cavities, understand what is the thickness of the walls, what condition the heart valves are in.

Ultrasound also allows you to notice the presence of organ aneurysms, blood clots in the heart, assess the size of tissue scars, etc. on the tissues.

We can say that ultrasound, in some cases, is more informative than an electrocardiogram.

Summing up, we note that both considered research methods are necessary in modern cardiology practice. It is more correct to decide which study is better to choose together with a qualified cardiologist.

Otherwise, the use of the diagnostic procedure may be inappropriate!

What is an EKG?

ECG is a method of studying the work of the muscles of the pericardial region, which does not cause any discomfort or harm to either the heart or the human body as a whole.

The device, called an electrocardiograph, captures heart impulses, pulse, the period of time needed for the heart to fill with blood from the lungs from the state of ejection of blood into the aorta.

All ECG indicators are drawn on a tracing paper in the form of a broken line, on which all problems occurring with the heart, or their absence, will be visible.

A cardiogram is a printed image of this curve.

Since during an ECG a person is not exposed to any radiation (the method of cardiography can be compared with measuring blood pressure), if there are suspicions of diseases directly or indirectly related to the heart, the doctor will give a referral to the electrocardiography room.

How is an ECG test performed? No prior preparation for an ECG is required.

It is important to sit for a while before starting the ECG so that the rhythm of contractions in the heart is restored after climbing the stairs or walking quickly to the clinic.

ECG is performed both in a sitting position and lying down. Electrodes are attached to the chest, wrists and above the ankle joint of the patient on special clothespins and with the help of suction cups.

As already mentioned, it does not cause any pain. However, if an ECG is done to a child, then an adult is required to be nearby during the entire procedure.

Here are some tips to make the process easy:

  • since it is required to expose the wrists and ankle joint, choose appropriate clothing so that it is easy to remove it;
  • do not wear jewelry around the neck and wrists. They must be removed for the duration of the study, so there is a risk of forgetting them in the office;
  • for men, for the accuracy of the results, it is desirable to shave the chest;
  • During the examination, the doctor applies a viscous substance to the contact points of the sensors with the skin, sometimes there is an excess of it, so take a small towel or napkin with you so that you can easily remove the remnants of this substance.

The procedure itself takes no more than a few minutes, it will take a little longer to get an answer in your hands, after which you can go to a cardiologist.

The need for examination

If you do not feel any problems with the heart and health, but are planning a trip to a medical institution, undergoing a medical examination, your age is over 40 years old, your relatives have heart diseases or you are planning a pregnancy, then this is an indication for visiting the office electrocardiography.

Here are the cases in which you will be assigned an ECG:

  • pain in the thoracic spine;
  • planned surgical intervention;
  • kidney disease, established hypertension or hypertension;
  • increased platelets ("thick blood");
  • Ultrasound of the vessels showed the formation of plaques;
  • established varicose veins;
  • a number of other indications, which are determined by the doctor.

It is worth noting that the irregularity of the heart rhythm (tachycardia) is a clear indication for an ECG in an adult, to one degree or another it is characteristic of a healthy child, so the norms of this analysis differ significantly in children and adults.

Only with the onset of puberty, after 12-14 years, does the ECG of a child approach the norm adopted for an adult.

Conclusion about the results

What diseases the ECG shows, the doctor determines. Deciphering broken lines and their angles of inclination is not only a complex process, but also work that requires knowledge and their frequent application in practice.

What the cardiogram shows is largely determined not only by the state of health and the work of the human heart, but also by certain physiological processes occurring in the body.

The qualification of a cardiologist requires this knowledge for the correct interpretation of the ECG.

The doctor must know not only what a normal ECG looks like, but also the options for deviations, which are also in the range considered normal.

Do not be surprised if you are asked to bring the previous cardiogram - for a correct interpretation, it is important for the doctor to see the dynamics.

So, if pathologies associated with the heart have appeared recently, this will be noticeable when comparing the results of two analyzes - the current and the previous one.

If previously the cardiogram was normal, and the current examination showed a pathological condition, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the cardiovascular system.

During ultrasound, it is possible to establish whether there are any changes in the shape of the vessels (aneurysms, pathological expansions or narrowings, etc.).

Ultrasound will show the speed of blood flow in the vessels, the rate of pumping blood from the atrium to the ventricle, the speed of the pulmonary circulation - in combination with the cardiogram, this will make it possible to diagnose the disease in time.

The doctor's conclusion will contain a description of possible pathologies or a phrase stating that they have not been established.

It is worth noting that the ECG is done at rest, while certain heart diseases can only appear during exercise.

To do this, the patient is examined by a mobile sensor, the procedure is called Holter monitoring. The patient wears the device on a belt or on a long strap, like a shoulder bag.

The device will record all changes associated with the activation of physical activity. Data is recorded and stored from days to weeks.

This method will show changes in dynamics, if any. Which situations require Holter monitoring, and in which a simple ECG done in the office in the clinic is enough, the doctor will determine.

One of the indications for choosing a long-term study of heart contractions is fatigue and shortness of breath with little physical exertion.

How is an ECG decoded?

Depending on the gender and age of the patient, the concept of the norm changes. So, for example, the heart rate on the cardiogram looks like the distance between adjacent teeth.

Normal in an adult is from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Even from such a serious discrepancy in the concept of a normal indicator, it can already be understood that normal cardiograms will vary greatly.

An ECG arrhythmia is said to be if the work done by the heart is above 100 beats per minute or less than 60.

For diagnostics, the angle of the electrical axis (the resulting vector) is also important, it is measured in degrees, in the normal state it is 40 - 70 degrees.

Myocardial hypertrophy, which physically looks like thickening of the walls of the heart muscle, is functionally a way for the cardiovascular system to compensate for any pathology.

An ECG will show in this case a slowdown in the transmission of an electrical impulse. If such an indicator is visible on the ECG, then the doctor will send for an ultrasound scan to clarify the thickness of the seal.

In some cases, the ECG will show the pathology associated with changes in blood flow in the coronary vessels.

This problem leads to scarring of the heart tissue, a decrease in the lumen of the vessels and a high risk of heart attack. However, a number of ECG pathologies will not show.

In this case, an ultrasound will be prescribed, possibly even a Doppler ultrasound, which is a bit more expensive.

It is important to understand that a cardiogram cannot be a diagnosis and will not always show a specific disease.

In fact, this is an indicator of what reserves the heart has to maintain a normal rhythm both at rest and during natural exercise.

According to the pathologies identified in the ECG, the doctor determines the diagnosis and, possibly, prescribes additional studies, such as ultrasound or MRI.

Do not try to diagnose yourself by looking at the lines of the cardiogram, and even more so, do not start a course of treatment.

All pathologies of the heart should be diagnosed by ECG only by a qualified specialist.

Heart pain or cardialgia is the most common complaint in cardiology. Any heart pain requires close attention, and often immediate medical attention. How to recognize cardiac and non-cardiac causes of pain in the region of the heart?

First, some anatomy. The heart is located in the central part of the chest, just behind the sternum with a slight shift to the left. That's why the epicenter of heart pain is in the projection of the heart, and only in some cases the pain radiates beyond its geography.

It is customary to divide pain in the region of the heart into cardiac and non-cardiac. With different diseases, the pain syndrome has its own characteristics and is accompanied by other symptoms. Depending on the cause, a strategy and tactics for the treatment and prevention of pain is built. The greatest danger is coronary heart disease.

Pain in the heart in coronary heart disease (CHD)

Ischemic heart disease is a disease characterized by impaired blood supply to the myocardium due to damage to the coronary arteries.

The most well-known forms of ischemic disease are angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. If the blood flow in the coronary arteries is disturbed, the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle decreases, metabolic disorders occur, which are accompanied by an attack of chest pain. The duration of the attack is from several minutes with angina pectoris to tens of minutes with a heart attack. Heartache pressing, squeezing, burning or cuttingand can radiate to the left (rarely right) arm, to the neck, under the shoulder blade, or to the lower jaw. Usually an attack is provoked by physical or emotional stress and is accompanied by severe weakness, shortness of breath, arrhythmias. ECG changes are characteristic and pathognomonic.

Important! In the interictal period, there are no changes on the ECG! Therefore, even yesterday's "good" cardiogram does not exclude the diagnosis of coronary artery disease today.

Atypical localization of pain in ischemic disease is much less common. Therefore, an essential feature of this disease is a quick and pronounced effect when taking nitroglycerin.

Important! Repeatedly nitroglycerin can be taken at intervals of 5-10 minutes!

Heart pain in other heart diseases

Heart diseases of an infectious or rheumatic nature, such as myocarditis, endocarditis and pericarditis, develop for a long time, often after infectious diseases. In the acute period, the temperature rises. The pains are diffuse, prolonged, dull or stabbing in nature. Along with heart pains, there are signs of intoxication, damage to the joints and other organs. Pain is not relieved by nitroglycerin, but weakens after the appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

Extracardiac pain in the region of the heart

The most common causes of pain in the region of the heart, not associated with heart disease, are: thoracic spine, herpes zoster, intercostal neuralgia,. They are characterized by atypical localization, dependence on body position (with osteochondrosis), the presence of skin manifestations (with herpes zoster), increased pain with pressure on the intercostal muscles (with intercostal neuralgia or myositis), various symptoms of neurohumoral regulation disorders (with vegetative vascular dystonia)

What to do with an attack of angina pectoris or suspected myocardial infarction?

  1. Call a doctor
  2. Loosen tight clothing and allow fresh air to flow in
  3. Lay the patient on a flat surface. If there is excitement, shortness of breath, cough, then raise your head. If the pressure is reduced and the pulse is weak, the patient is pale, lethargic or close to losing consciousness, then lay down with a low head position.
  4. Take nitroglycerin under the tongue. If the attack of pain continues, then take it again after 5-10 minutes
  5. Take a 500 mg aspirin tablet

    Important! No validols and corvalols! Leave them to grandmothers and sensitive young ladies. With angina pectoris, they will only harm, because precious time will be lost to stop the attack.

However, electrocardiography does not always answer all their questions. Can a person's heart hurt if the cardiogram is good? Why does the heart hurt for more than one month?

Pain with a normal ECG

It happens that a person's heart aches, and the ECG is normal. The question arises, why does a healthy heart produce such symptoms?

If the tests showed good results, most likely, we are talking about non-cardiac pain. Patients feel severe discomfort, and the heart has nothing to do with the problem.

However, if the doctor is not sure that everything is in order with the heart and blood vessels, he will recommend an additional study: stress ECG (under physical activity) and Holter ECG, when the work of the heart is monitored for a day.

If the heart aches in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and this lasts for more than one month, the attending physician may recommend an ultrasound and echocardiography rather than an ECG. These studies show a more complete picture of the state of the organ, and not just the frequency and nature of heart contractions.

Attention! Pain sometimes occurs against the background of strong emotional experiences. Severe stress provokes a spasm of blood vessels, including coronary ones, which causes discomfort in the chest. However, true pain can be distinguished from symptoms of depression or post-stress disorder.

If the causes of discomfort really lie in the pathology of this organ, the pain is compressive or sharp penetrating, accompanied by shortness of breath, blanching or a bluish tint to the skin.

When the pain appeared simply because of emotional experiences, it is distinguished by aching sensations, constancy, lack of seizures, tingling. Patients with non-cardiac pain cannot pinpoint the exact location, and the sensations are vague, sometimes girdling. But if the heart itself is sick, patients are usually able to pinpoint the exact location of the pain and correctly describe its nature.

Non-cardiac causes of pain

Important! When an ultrasound examination and an electrocardiogram do not show any abnormalities on the part of the organ, but it still hurts, it is worth considering and undergoing a full examination. The reasons may be hidden in completely different organs and systems, and the discomfort has been persisting for more than a month.

Causes of pain in the chest area:

  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • aortic dissection;
  • hernia of the food department;
  • stones in the gallbladder.

Even if the ECG is good, and the heart hurts, you should not give up and give up. It could just be another illness. To accurately determine the cause, it is worth contacting a therapist and getting a referral for additional examinations. It is better to determine the pathology at the initial stage of the disease and get rid of the problem. So you can maintain the health of all internal organs!

and what to do if our doctors are talkless. They need to beg for an examination

Yes, yes, my sister, she has been suffering for half a year, she did not get a referral for an ultrasound of the heart, they said that the ECG is good, which means there are no indications for an ultrasound of the heart, and they did not give a referral. To the question, what then hurts on the left side, the therapist said that you are tired, because you have two children. Kick-ass excuses at the bottom, a mile has already been sleeping for two weeks, because she can’t lie down, she says that when she goes to bed, it’s like they put a brick on the left side of her chest, she went to the ambulance twice, and they send her from there, tomorrow she’ll go for the money ultrasound hearts do

Hello! The doctor acts according to the rules. Examinations are required to be carried out if a disease is suspected. Seek another specialist if you think you are seriously ill. If the doctor does not consider it necessary to conduct further examinations, most likely, he is right.

Also do not forget to thank the doctors.

cardiologist6 15:09

In your case, in order to completely rule out coronary heart disease, I would also do a myocardial scintigraphy with a load or chpes. True, where specifically to do this in your city I will not tell you.

Try alternative medicine methods, such as homeopathy, acupuncture. Since we are not up to our standards. Visit a psychotherapist, sometimes cardiophobia is well disguised and results in psychosomatic diseases.

cardiologist6 15:54

cardiologist2 13:45

cardiologist4 16:23

Angiography is a serious procedure, wait a couple of days, there may be a good effect on the background of amitriptyline.


Heart pain or cardialgia is the most common complaint in cardiology. Any heart pain requires close attention, and often immediate medical attention. How to recognize cardiac and non-cardiac causes of pain in the region of the heart?

First, some anatomy. The heart is located in the central part of the chest, just behind the sternum with a slight shift to the left. Therefore, the epicenter of heart pain is located in the projection of the heart, and only in some cases the pain radiates beyond its geography.

Causes of pain in the heart

It is customary to divide pain in the region of the heart into cardiac and non-cardiac. With different diseases, the pain syndrome has its own characteristics and is accompanied by other symptoms. Depending on the cause, a strategy and tactics for the treatment and prevention of pain is built. The greatest danger is coronary heart disease.

Pain in the heart in coronary heart disease (CHD)

Ischemic heart disease is a disease characterized by impaired blood supply to the myocardium due to damage to the coronary arteries.

The most well-known forms of ischemic disease are angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. If the blood flow in the coronary arteries is disturbed, the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle decreases, metabolic disorders occur, which are accompanied by an attack of chest pain. The duration of the attack is from several minutes with angina pectoris to tens of minutes with a heart attack. Pain in the heart is pressing, squeezing, burning or cutting and may radiate to the left (rarely right) arm, neck, under the shoulder blade or lower jaw. Usually an attack is provoked by physical or emotional stress and is accompanied by severe weakness, shortness of breath, arrhythmias. ECG changes are characteristic and pathognomonic.

Important! In the interictal period, there are no changes on the ECG! Therefore, even yesterday's "good" cardiogram does not exclude the diagnosis of coronary artery disease today.

Atypical localization of pain in ischemic disease is much less common. Therefore, an essential feature of this disease is a quick and pronounced effect when taking nitroglycerin.

Important! Repeatedly nitroglycerin can be taken at intervals of minutes!

Heart pain in other heart diseases

Heart diseases of an infectious or rheumatic nature, such as myocarditis, endocarditis and pericarditis, develop for a long time, often after infectious diseases. In the acute period, the temperature rises. The pains are diffuse, prolonged, dull or stabbing in nature. Along with heart pains, there are signs of intoxication, damage to the joints and other organs. Pain is not relieved by nitroglycerin, but weakens after the appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

Extracardiac pain in the region of the heart

The most common causes of pain in the region of the heart, not associated with heart disease, are: Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, herpes zoster, intercostal neuralgia, vegetovascular dystonia. They are characterized by atypical localization, dependence on body position (with osteochondrosis), the presence of skin manifestations (with herpes zoster), increased pain with pressure on the intercostal muscles (with intercostal neuralgia or myositis), various symptoms of neurohumoral regulation disorders (with vegetative vascular dystonia)

What to do with an attack of angina pectoris or suspected myocardial infarction?

  1. Call a doctor
  2. Loosen tight clothing and allow fresh air to flow in
  3. Lay the patient on a flat surface. If there is excitement, shortness of breath, cough, then raise your head. If the pressure is reduced and the pulse is weak, the patient is pale, lethargic or close to losing consciousness, then lay down with a low head position.
  4. Take nitroglycerin under the tongue. If the attack of pain continues, then take it again in a minute.
  5. Take a 500 mg aspirin tablet

Important! No validols and corvalols! Leave them to grandmothers and sensitive young ladies. With angina pectoris, they will only harm, because precious time will be lost to stop the attack.

Read also:

Hypertension is a symptom in which blood pressure rises. Hypertension is a pathological changes in the body associated with increased arteries.

Vegetovascular dystonia or VVD, it is also neurocirculatory dystonia or NCD, it is also somatoform autonomic dysfunction or SVD, it is also a psychovegetative syndrome. WITH.

Deviations in the indicators of the cardiogram of the heart - how bad is everything?

ECG is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to diagnose diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system.

It is convenient and does not cause any discomfort to the patient, however, it allows you to quickly obtain the necessary information about the patient's condition.

I recently read an article that talks about Monastic tea for the treatment of heart disease. With the help of this tea, you can FOREVER cure arrhythmia, heart failure, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and many other diseases of the heart and blood vessels at home.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a bag. I noticed the changes within a week: the constant pain and tingling in my heart that had tormented me before receded, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

The accuracy of the diagnosis depends on the experience of the doctor and his ability to decipher the data received. Before the procedure, the patient does not need to take any special measures, except to calm down so that there are no distortions in the results.

Therefore, before starting the diagnosis, the patient should lie down on the couch for several minutes so that breathing becomes even.

Since the electrodes are attached to the patient's naked body, the room should not be cold.

Cold can cause shivering, which causes distortion.

If the patient suffers from severe shortness of breath, the cardiogram is taken not in a lying position, but in a sitting position.

Any of the doctors can refer a person to an ECG, but most often this is done by a cardiologist. He also analyzes the results in the future, especially if the cardiogram showed the presence of abnormalities in the activity of the heart and blood vessels. The frequency of the ECG is determined by the attending doctor.

What can be revealed with an ECG?

A heart cardiogram is performed not only for people with heart problems. This research is also carried out for healthy people.

This procedure can determine:

  • Rhythm of heartbeats.
  • Regularity of the pulse.
  • The presence of acute or chronic damage in the myocardium.
  • Problems with metabolism.
  • Reasons for chest pain.
  • The condition of the walls of the myocardium, their thickness.
  • Features of the functioning of the implanted pacemaker.

What is considered "bad"?

An experienced doctor can get a huge amount of information from incomprehensible lines on a score sheet.

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, Elena Malysheva recommends a new method based on Monastic tea.

It contains 8 useful medicinal plants that are extremely effective in the treatment and prevention of arrhythmias, heart failure, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, and many other diseases. In this case, only natural ingredients are used, no chemicals and hormones!

But in order to decipher the data, you need to study for a long time. There are many books and lessons that will help you acquire the necessary knowledge.

The basic principles of decryption are as follows:

  • ECG fixes 12 curves. All of them reflect the features of the work of a certain part of the heart.

Elements present on the cardiogram:

  • Teeth pointing up or down. They are designated by letters from the Latin alphabet. The letter P reflects the activity of the atria. The letter T indicates the recovery capabilities inherent in the myocardium.
  • Segments that appear as distances between adjacent teeth. When deciphering, doctors are interested in the indicators of the ST and PQ segments.
  • intervals. They are represented by areas that include a tooth and a segment.
  • Each of the listed elements reflects one or another process occurring in the patient's heart. Height, width and other parameters allow the doctor to draw conclusions.

    A bad cardiogram is characterized by deviations from normal values. Basic indicators:

    • Heartbeat. It can be determined by the intervals between P-waves. With a normal heart rhythm, these intervals are equal.

    Heart rate. To calculate it, you need to know the speed of the device that records the data. In addition, you need to count the number of cells between the R-teeth.

    Having studied the methods of Elena Malysheva in the treatment of HEART DISEASE, as well as the restoration and cleaning of VESSELS, we decided to bring it to your attention.

    Normally, the number of heartbeats is in the range from 60 to 90 beats per minute.

    Each element of the cardiogram is analyzed individually.

    Modern ECG devices are able to immediately provide measurement data, which makes analytical work easier.

    Normal ECG

    The heart rate is determined by measuring the highest R-waves. They must be equal or have discrepancies not exceeding 10%.

    If the difference is greater than 10%, the person's heart rate will be higher or lower than normal beats.

    Exceeding the frequency indicates the presence of tachycardia, the opposite situation indicates bradycardia.

    The P-QRS-T interval can be used to judge how long the impulse takes to pass through all the cardiac departments. The normal value of this indicator is ms. The graph reflects this in the form of 3 or 5 squares.

    The excitation of the ventricles of the heart is characterized by the distance between the Q and S waves. Normally, it is ms.

    The duration of ventricular contractions can be found by measuring the interval between Q and T. Normally, it will be ms.

    With a longer length of this interval, the patient may have ischemia, rheumatism or atherosclerosis. If the length of the interval is less than normal, the presence of hypercalcemia can be assumed. The height of the Q wave tells about the excitation in the left cardiac septum. In a normal ECG, it is about a quarter of the height of the R wave. If the norm is exceeded, the patient may have necrotic myocardial pathology.

    The height of the S wave can determine the presence of coronary artery disease. A height of 20 mm is considered normal. If there are deviations, the patient may have coronary disease.

    The absence of an R wave on one or more ECG curves may indicate ventricular hypertrophy.

    What a normal ECG looks like is shown in the figure.

    What does a normal ECG look like?

    Only a doctor can conclude that the cardiogram is bad. Therefore, the patient must show the results of the ECG to the doctor who referred him for this procedure. If this is not a cardiologist, but there are deviations in the cardiogram, the doctor will definitely refer the patient for examination to a cardiologist.

    Diseases detected with its help

    Thanks to the ECG, it is possible to diagnose many abnormalities in cardiac activity. The main ones are:

    This problem occurs due to hemodynamic disorders. Deviations in the movement of blood through the vessels cause an overload of the organ's chambers, due to which the atria or ventricles increase in size.

    This problem can be identified by the following signs:

    • Change in the electrical axis of the heart.
    • Increase in the excitation vector.
    • R wave amplitude increase.
    • Changing the position of the transition zone.

    When there are no attacks of the disease, there may be no signs of it on the ECG.

    With this disease, the following features are manifested:

    • The location of the S-T segment below the isoline.
    • Changes in T wave display.

    In the presence of this pathology, disturbances occur in the formation of an impulse. Because of this, disruptions in the rhythm of the pulse occur.

    On the ECG it looks like this:

    • There are fluctuations in the P-Q and Q-T mapping.
    • Deviations from the norm in the interval between R-teeth.

    This is a type of arrhythmia in which the heart rate increases.

    Its signs on the cardiogram:

    • The gap between the R-teeth is less than normal.
    • The P-Q section is reduced.
    • The direction of the teeth remains within the normal range.

    This is another type of arrhythmia in which the heart rate decreases. Signs:

    • The gap between R and R is increased.
    • An increase in the Q-T region is observed.
    • The direction of the teeth changes slightly.

    In this case, the myocardium increases due to changes in the muscle layers or pathologies in the development of the organ during the prenatal period.

    With extrasystole, a focus is formed in the heart that is capable of creating an electrical impulse, which disrupts the rhythm of the sinus node.

    This disease is characterized by inflammation of the layers of the pericardial sac.

    Among other diseases that can be detected by means of a cardiogram, they call coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, myocarditis, heart failure, etc.

    Additional diagnostic methods

    The difficulty in using the ECG is due to the fact that many diseases have similar signs that appear on the cardiogram. Because of this, it is quite difficult to draw conclusions based on this method alone.

    Usually, if any cardiac pathology is suspected, other diagnostic methods are also used.

    The main ones are:

    This method differs from a conventional ECG in that it records data throughout the day.

    The patient can perform normal daily activities. This diagnostic method allows for a more accurate analysis of the condition.

    In this way, it is possible to detect angina pectoris, ischemia and arrhythmia. This procedure is performed with the help of special simulators on which the patient does exercises. Many cardiac abnormalities manifest themselves during exercise, so this diagnostic method is very important.

    During an ultrasound, doctors find out the features of the organ itself.

    Thanks to this method, you can find out the dimensions of the heart chambers, partitions, wall thickness, etc.

    Through echocardiography, it is possible to determine the features of the valves, contractions of the walls, and the size of the cavities. Also, using this method, the features of blood flow in the heart are studied.

    This diagnostic method allows you to assess the condition of the vessels.

    A radiopharmaceutical is placed into the blood and monitored.

    Scintigraphy makes it possible to find out the features of the blood supply.

    With the help of MRI, doctors detect vascular diseases, detect noises and areas of pathological changes. To do such a procedure is expensive, but in some cases it is impossible to do without it.

    In addition, blood tests (general and biochemistry), urine tests, hormone levels, etc. are used in the diagnosis. The detection of heart disease requires attention and knowledge from doctors, so they must take everything into account.

    • Do you often experience discomfort in the area of ​​the heart (pain, tingling, squeezing)?
    • You may suddenly feel weak and tired...
    • Feeling high pressure all the time...
    • There is nothing to say about shortness of breath after the slightest physical exertion ...
    • And you have been taking a bunch of medications for a long time, dieting and watching your weight ...

    Read better what Olga Markovich says about this. For several years she suffered from atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, tachycardia and angina pectoris - pain and discomfort in the heart, heart rhythm disturbances, high blood pressure, shortness of breath even with the slightest physical exertion. Endless tests, trips to doctors, pills did not solve my problems. BUT thanks to a simple recipe, constant pain and tingling in the heart, high blood pressure, shortness of breath - all this is in the past. I feel great. Now my doctor is wondering how it is. Here is a link to the article.

    Why does the heart hurt, but there is nothing on the ECG and ultrasound of the heart?

    Statistics show that more than half of patients who go to the doctor with heart pain do not actually have any heart problems. Pain can be caused by cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia, for example. The nerve endings are pinched and the pain radiates to the neck, back or heart area. Check your spine.

    If the pain increases with movement, then this is most likely osteochondrosis. It is easy to check in another way: taking nitroglycerin quickly relieves pain with real angina pectoris, while they will not relieve false heart pain, in this case, anti-inflammatory ointments on the neck or thoracic spine will help.

    I'm not a doctor at all. But suddenly it will help - my relative's heart ached (in the sense it seemed that pain in the heart) with stomach problems. Gas accumulated in the stomach and pressed on the heart. Health to you!

    Because coronary heart disease at the very beginning can only be manifested by pain. There may be no changes in instrumental research methods. Unless, of course, it's a heart problem. It is still necessary for you to be checked up on the line of endrinology and neurology.

    Are you sure your heart hurts? If the pain is in the sternum, then this is not necessarily a sick heart. Contact a neurologist and you will be prescribed the right treatment. You most likely have some kind of neurological disease.

    ECG. heart hurts

    Has made an electrocardiogram. The doctor was a therapist, he understood ECG from textbooks. Help me please.

    Here is the ECG result:

    Rhythm - sinus, heart rate 100 per minute. P-Q interval 0.12 QRS interval 0.09

    Duration of systole QRST = 0.33

    Conclusion. (written by therapist)

    Sinus tachycardia, -T in 2 and 3, negative T V4-V6. Acute myocarditis. The diagnosis requires clarification.

    8120 Sinus tachycardia

    1534 Lateral myocardial infarction age undetermined

    1014 Abnormal ECG

    CRP, do a general blood test, there are indicators that necessarily respond to myocardial inflammation. What are you doing there with a therapist, I don’t understand at all. Or is it just on the weekend there is no way to pass normal tests? You don't have a heart attack. And it's not the heart that hurts. The heart bakes with a heart attack. And with myocarditis, other organs hurt, which are the source of the infection that the blood carries throughout the body. You have neuritis with neurosis, panic due to pain, but the source of all trouble is your digestion.

    Pain in the heart: causes

    Heart pain is one of the most common reasons people seek emergency care. Pain in the heart according to their origin can be divided into two main groups.

    Perhaps most people at least once in their lives experienced pain or other discomfort behind the sternum or to the left of it in the chest, exactly where the heart is located. These pains attract attention and cause anxiety more than many others - this is how we instinctively react to "malfunctions" at the location of such an important organ. No wonder pain in the heart area is the most common reason for seeking medical help.

    Pain in this area is varied. They prick, crush, squeeze, bake, burn, whine, pull, pierce. They can be felt in a small area or spill over the entire chest, give to the shoulder, arm, neck, lower jaw, abdomen, under the shoulder blade. They can appear for a few minutes or last for hours, or even days on end, they can change with breathing, moving the arms and shoulder girdle, or changing posture. Sometimes they occur during physical or emotional stress, sometimes at rest or in connection with eating.

    There are many causes of pain in the heart area. They can be such heart diseases as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, inflammation of the heart and its membranes, rheumatic lesions. But often the source of pain is located outside the heart, as, for example, with neurosis, diseases of the ribs and thoracic spine, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and many other diseases.

    Why does the heart hurt

    Heart pain is one of the most common reasons people seek emergency care. Pain in the heart according to their origin can be divided into two main groups:

    • anginal pain that occurs at various stages of coronary disease;
    • cardialgia caused by inflammatory diseases of the heart, congenital diseases and heart defects or vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    Anginal (ischemic, angina pectoris) pains appear when there is a need to increase blood flow, which occurs during physical exertion or emotional stress. Therefore, these pains are characterized by the onset of attacks when walking, emotional disorders, and cessation at rest, their rapid removal with nitroglycerin. The nature of ischemic pain is usually burning, pressing, squeezing; are felt, as a rule, behind the sternum and can be given to the left shoulder, arm, under the shoulder blade, to the lower jaw. They are often accompanied by shortness of breath. Very strong, pressing, squeezing, tearing, burning pain behind the sternum or to the left of it is one of the symptoms of acute myocardial infarction, and this pain is no longer relieved by nitroglycerin.

    Cardialgia that occurs with rheumatic heart disease, myocarditis and inflammatory diseases of the outer shell of the heart - the pericardium, usually prolonged, aching or stabbing, spilled, occurs to the left of the sternum, aggravated by breathing, coughing. They are not removed by nitroglycerin, but may weaken after the appointment of painkillers.

    Often, pain in the heart area is not associated with diseases of the heart itself.

    If the pain in the region of the heart changes with tilting and turning the torso, deep inhalation or exhalation, movement of the arms, and taking nitroglycerin or validol practically does not affect the intensity, then it is probably due to thoracic sciatica or diseases of the costal cartilages.

    Severe pain along the intercostal spaces is sometimes the first sign of herpes zoster, and short-term or periodic pain in the region of the heart, often concentrated in a small area, aching, stabbing or indefinite, is a frequent complaint of patients with neurosis.

    Stress and depression can manifest as pain in the neck and shoulder area. Those who run to the doctor in fear, believing that he has a "bad heart", return home reassured: the pain is associated only with the muscles. Often, shortness of breath, constricting or stabbing pains in the heart are caused by swelling of the intestines, which puts pressure on the heart and thereby impairs its function. If you can associate pain in the heart area with the intake of any particular food or fasting, then the cause may be in the disease of the stomach or pancreas. Also, the cause of pain can be an infringement of the root of the heart nerve, a weakened thoracic spine, its curvature, osteochondrosis, etc.

    How to find the cause of pain and what to do about it?

    To clarify the cause of pain in the heart area, a thorough examination prescribed by a cardiologist and a cardiac surgeon is necessary.

    When examining the activity of the heart, an obligatory method is an electrocardiogram (ECG), a stress ECG (treadmill test, bicycle ergometry) - an electrocardiogram recording during physical exertion and an ECG Holter monitoring - an ECG recording that is carried out during the day.

    To study heart sounds, the phonocardiography method is used, and the echocardiography method allows using ultrasound to examine the condition of the heart muscles and valves, to assess the speed of blood movement in the cavities of the heart. The method of coronary angiography is used to study the condition of the coronary arteries. To determine the lack of blood supply to the heart muscle, the method of myocardial scintigraphy is also used.

    To exclude "non-cardiac causes" of pain in the heart, it may be necessary to conduct x-rays, computed and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine, and consultations with a neurologist or orthopedist may be necessary. You may need to visit a gastroenterologist or a medical psychologist.

    By the way, according to the observations of cardiologists, if a person describes in detail and vividly his pains in the region of the heart, very often he takes observations about his painful sensations “on a pencil” and reads them to the doctor, most likely, these are not heart pains. If, in addition, a person believes that each time the pain is different, lasts a long time (with no signs of heart failure), is accompanied by a frequent heartbeat, sometimes more disturbing than the pain itself, cardiologists usually look for the cause of the disease outside the heart.

    If the description of the pain is stingy, without unnecessary words, if the patient remembers the nature of the painful sensations well, this often indicates a serious heart disease. However, with any complaints of pain in the heart area, you should consult a doctor.

    The cardiologist will prescribe you treatment depending on the diagnosis. It is possible that a course of manual therapy will be quite enough to save you from pain in the heart caused by "non-heart" diseases. And it is possible that the only salvation for you will be a surgical operation aimed at vascular plasty or creating a bypass for blood flow.

    Remember - our heart was created for love, but we must also learn to love and cherish it.

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    Pain in the heart: causes and features of the phenomenon

    When a person has pain in the region of the heart, this can be explained by a variety of processes in the body. Arising in a person, cardiac pain is always alarming and frightening; patients most often complain about it at a doctor's appointment. She does not always speak about the presence of diseases of this particular organ.

    Pain in the region of the heart, their causes and accompanying symptoms warn of cardiac, pulmonary, gastric pathologies, poisoning, fractures, and neuralgic phenomena. Let's try to figure out what it could be, why the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart hurts, what to do, which specialist to contact.

    Differentiation of heart pain

    For pain in the heart, people take a different nature of pain in the chest on the left. It is heart disease that is determined by the nature and localization of discomfort.

    For the most part, with pathologies of the myocardium itself or the vessels supplying it, the patient is tormented by burning, squeezing pain that radiates to the left shoulder, the entire upper limb, and the neck. It often bothers with intense physical activity and disappears if you stop the activity and take medication.

    Causes of pain

    There are many deviations that provoke pain in the region of the heart. There are several groups of diseases.

    Causes of pain in the region of the heart: dysfunction of the coronary vessels, diseases that directly affect the myocardium, and other cardialgia. Allocate to a separate group of conditions, which require immediate medical intervention to overcome.

    Sharp pain

    Sharp, severe, sharp pains in the heart most often speak of either emergency conditions of the patient, or diseases of the vessels supplying the heart.

    Sharp pain sensations, aggravated by movement, are sometimes the result of rib fractures. Therefore, if there were traumatic circumstances before the onset of pain in the heart, the doctor should be informed about this.

    In cases where people with such pain do not seek medical help, after a while the sensations change, they can be characterized as aching pains.

    Pathologies of the coronary vessels

    Sharp, cutting, burning pain in the heart, which does not go away for a sufficiently long time and is loyal to taking drugs, may indicate a heart attack. It can be accompanied by a sharp drop in blood pressure, anxiety, a feeling of lack of air, trembling hands.

    Sometimes a heart attack has less pronounced manifestations: the pain is more tolerable, but just as sharp. This pathology is caused by a lack of blood supply, which provokes necrotic processes in the tissues of the myocardium, and requires inpatient treatment.

    Pain syndrome is removed only by the strongest painkillers, antipsychotics and analgesics in doses that cause the effect of anesthesia.

    Sharp pains in the heart can be caused by such a reason as angina pectoris. Pain in the heart can be given to the left side of the body, lasts for several minutes, taking nitro drugs and stopping physical activity will help stop the attack.

    However, it is necessary to contact a therapist or a cardiologist with such symptoms, since angina pectoris, in the absence of adequate treatment, leads to thromboembolism, a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels supplying the heart.

    If the attack lasts more than 20 minutes, and taking the drugs twice does not help, you need to call emergency medical help.

    Dissection of an aortic aneurysm

    This condition causes sudden, sharp pain in the region of the heart that lasts for a long time. In this case, a person has severe pallor and cyanosis, difficulty breathing, a decrease in the functions of the motor apparatus, and loss of consciousness may occur.

    Gives to the left side of the body, to the subscapular region, there is a delay in the pulse on the left arm. Blood pressure is elevated, during an attack it can drop sharply, after which the patient falls into a coma.

    The cause of aneurysm dissection is most often hypertension, atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels of the heart, arteritis, severe mechanical damage to the sternum, including those caused during surgery.

    If sharp pains in the region of the heart are provoked by dissection of the aneurysm, prompt medical attention is indicated.

    Pulmonary embolism

    A sharp pain that suddenly arises in the heart is caused by thrombosis of one of the arteries supplying the lungs. The larger the thrombosed vessel, the stronger the pain, and the more dangerous the patient's condition.

    With extensive damage to the vessels, the patient experiences difficulty breathing, severe weakness, tachycardia, and swelling of the jugular vein are also observed. With a sharp drop in blood pressure, the patient may lose consciousness.

    A patient with such a pathology should be immediately hospitalized.

    Pathologies of the digestive system

    Sometimes sharp pains and burning of the chest can be caused by an inflammatory process or expansion of the esophagus, ruptures of its blood vessels, provoked by constant vomiting. The attack is often accompanied by nausea, asthenic and neuralgic symptoms.

    Peptic ulcer sometimes provokes discomfort in the region of the heart. A stomach ulcer is sometimes manifested by painful discomfort on the left side. With such pathological processes, the help of doctors is required, most likely, surgical intervention will be required.

    Respiratory diseases

    Pathological processes of the respiratory tract can cause pain in the region of the heart, the more intense the process, the more pronounced the sensations.

    Acute chest pain sometimes warns of ongoing inflammation of the lungs or pleura. Pain in the region of the heart becomes more intense when inhaling.

    Neoplasms in the respiratory organs, the growth of tumors also provoke severe sharp pains. The location of the neoplasm in the left side gives sensations similar to the heart, intense pain is constant, it can be sharp, but more often - aching, squeezing.

    Osteochondrosis of the upper parts of the spinal column

    Pinched nerves in osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic part of the spinal column can manifest as pain behind the sternum. The pain intensifies when making simple movements, turning the head to the left, and is given to the shoulder blade, arm, jaw.


    Severe pain compressing, squeezing the heart is a manifestation of coronary disease. When it hurts in the region of the heart, it radiates to the shoulder blade, the shoulder, most likely, angina pectoris develops.

    In most cases, discomfort manifests itself with excessive physical overload, stopping which and taking medications can stop the attack. Such pains in the heart are characteristic of various manifestations of ischemia: atrial fibrillation, other types of arrhythmia, tachycardia.

    In chronic hypertension, a feeling of squeezing, heaviness, combined with headaches, flashing before the eyes, and a buzz in the ears, may also disturb. In some conditions, pain may occur at rest, accompanied by difficulty in breathing, pulse asymmetry, and the patient's anxiety.

    Such symptoms are a reason to contact a cardiologist and undergo the necessary examination.


    Compressive pain and discomfort in the heart most often indicates that the organ is overstressed.

    This condition can be observed in people without cardiac pathologies with prolonged and intense physical activity, excessive stress on the lungs. Hypertension in the absence of adequate therapy causes the myocardium to work in emergency mode, increasing the load on it.

    The causes of dull pain in the heart can also be the following: hyperplasia of the thyroid gland with increased synthesis of hormones, clogging of the heart vessels with blood clots due to penetrating wounds, inflammation of the serous membrane of the organ.

    In inflammatory processes of the myocardium, provoked by infectious diseases, pain and discomfort in the heart muscle may be accompanied by breathing difficulties, rhythm disturbances. Myocardial lesions of various etiologies, the growth of tumors in the heart muscle can cause compressive pain in the heart.

    In some cases, dull pain in the heart is not associated with myocardial pathologies. The sensation of pressure can be caused by inflammation of the mucosa or aspiration of the esophagus, peptic ulcer disease of the stomach, as well as poisoning by various substances, including alcohol.

    Poisoning is often accompanied by heart rhythm disturbances, damage to the tissues of the organ, as a result of which acute heart failure and a sudden cessation of the bioelectric activity of the heart can develop.

    You can try to determine on your own whether compressive pain in the heart is caused by ischemia or peptic ulcer of the digestive system. The discomfort caused by cardiac pathology is most often associated with a person’s physical activity, therefore it occurs during the daytime and lasts for several minutes.

    The symptom is eliminated by the cessation of physical activity and the intake of nitropreparations. Pressing pains in the region of the heart, provoked by pathologies of the esophagus or an ulcer of the cardia of the stomach, are closely related to meals.

    They can disturb a person at night, on an empty stomach, or some time after eating, and do not go away for a long time. Such attacks are stopped only by taking gastroprotective drugs.


    Strong unbearable pain in the heart indicates a serious danger and threat to human life. Most often, such sensations are accompanied by myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, aneurysm rupture, which give the strongest pain syndrome.

    Painful sensations are so intense that they do not give the patient rest, he is anxious, agitated, afraid to die.

    The heart can also hurt in inflammatory or cancerous processes of the mediastinal organs. The pain is characterized by the patient as unbearable, aggravated by swallowing. It may be accompanied by chills, severe sweating, impaired consciousness, externally manifested by swelling of the face and upper limbs.

    Tingling and aching pain

    Breaking stabbing pain can mean a muscular inflammatory process of the skeletal muscles, provoked by hypothermia or stretching. Tingling may accompany neuralgic phenomena in the intercostal space, inflammation or pinching of the nerve roots.

    The tingling of the heart muscle can be associated with an inflammatory process, including tuberculosis, in the lungs, pleura, and also with oncological diseases of the respiratory tract. During the course of such processes, pain is accompanied by fever, chest symptoms, and a strong hacking cough.

    The most common causes of stabbing pain in the heart are vegetative-vascular or neurocirculatory dystonia. This pathology can cause painful sensations of a different nature, most often aching or stabbing.

    With simple cardialgia, they have a paroxysmal course, are short-lived, and disappear on their own. You can take nitroglycerin or mild sedatives.

    Aching, pressing discomfort in the heart muscle, characterized by a prolonged and intense course, may indicate a paroxysmal condition in polymorphic autonomic disorders.

    Taking heart medications does not relieve pain.

    What to do if your heart hurts

    If you are often worried about regular pain in the heart during activity or at rest, it is better to play it safe and contact a therapist who will examine, prescribe studies and, possibly, refer you to a specialized specialist.

    The presence or absence of cardiac pathologies is detected using diagnostic methods such as electrocardiogram, fluorography, x-ray.

    An additional study of heart rhythms during physical activity (treadmill), as well as daily monitoring of the cardiogram, may also be prescribed.

    Due to the variety of reasons that can cause unpleasant pain in the left side of the chest, a person without medical education is unlikely to independently understand what caused the pain in him and what to do during an attack.

    Contact specialists, this will allow you to identify and start timely treatment of cardiac pathologies, or save your nerves in their absence.