Knotweed for conception. How to use the herbal preparation. We solve urological problems

It is unpretentious to the soil, as a result of which it can grow well on crushed stone and clay soils. Knotweed reproduces through seeds. The habitat of this plant is almost the entire territory of the CIS.


Knotweed has a large number of subspecies, which differ in their botanical parameters. The most popular is the “descending” type, which spreads along. The stems of this plant are very thin. The “rising” knotweed has a dense and powerful stem, has a large number of branches, and the maximum height of such a plant reaches 50 cm. The leaves of the plant are elliptical, and the flowers are funnel-shaped. The distinctive color of the flowers is white, although there are pinkish and greenish shades. The first flowering begins in May and lasts until mid-May. The plant's fruits continue to ripen until mid-autumn.


The composition of knotweed explains whether this plant belongs to medicinal herbs. This plant contains a large amount ascorbic acid and vitamin A, which helps improve vision and normalize skin color. The plant also contains vitamins K and E, flavonoids, essential oil. Also an important element in the composition of bird knotweed is oxalic acid.
Its greens are full of pectin, through which they are eliminated from the body. heavy metals. Possessing so many beneficial properties, this plant has become one of the main ones in the arsenal of folk healers.

Beneficial features

Most valuable property is considered to be medicinal in nature. First of all, we should note a set of vitamins that significantly improve the well-being of our body. And silicic acid keeps the blood clean and does not allow various poisons (the same exhaust gases) to linger in the body.

Many animals can distinguish useful plants from harmful ones. Knotweed is one of the favorite homemade delicacies.
This is due to the fact that this herb is low-toxic and is able to control the regulation of metabolism. However, along with medicinal properties, it has a number of contraindications.

Application in medicine

From this plant you can make various decoctions and infusions to improve health and even eradicate serious illnesses. However, it is not suitable for everyone. A significant part of the recipes for decoction of knotweed has been passed down to us from our ancestors, and some are compiled folk healers in the process of observing the effect of the beneficial properties of this herb. It was as a result of such experiments that the main contraindications to the use of this medicine were derived.

Decoctions of knotweed, like infusions, are very useful for diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver and Bladder. The plant is a hemostatic, as a result of which it is used for gout and hemorrhoids.
Recipe No. 1. To prepare, use a glass of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of knotweed, which is boiled for half an hour. After the broth has cooled slightly, you can drink 100 ml several times a day. This decoction will improve blood circulation and help in the fight against gallstones, gout, hemorrhoids and rheumatism.

Recipe No. 2. Mix two equal parts of knotweed and. Next you need to add 4 particles of cinquefoil and the same amount of centaury. This is all boiled, and an hour after the broth has cooled, you need to strain it and take it throughout the day for problems on critical days.

Knotweed infusions

There are several basic recipes for such infusions.
Recipe No. 1. To create a high-quality infusion of knotweed, you need to take 4 tablespoons of the herb and half a liter of boiling water. For 4 hours you need to infuse the resulting mixture in a thermos. Application: half a glass of the product should be drunk 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals. The infusion will help normalize metabolism and keep older people in good shape.

Important! Infusions of knotweed have the same purpose as decoctions, but are considered more effective in the treatment of neuroses, female diseases, colds and gallstones.

Recipe No. 2. For 4 tablespoons of knotweed you need to use a glass of boiling water. The product should be infused for 2 hours, after which it is filtered. You need to take the medicine 3 times a day, the dosage is half a glass. This recipe is great for colds.

Knotweed is often used as a main element medicinal tea, which helps with profuse cough and lung-related diseases. This tool can be made at home.

The recipe for this tea is quite simple: pour two tablespoons of the herb into 250 ml of running water, boil, strain and drink several cups a day.

For colds

Knotweed has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is often used as a cure for colds. The most correct would be to use knotweed tea, the recipe for which is indicated above.

One of effective means for long-term infertility, knotweed is used, which promotes conception. It contains a large amount of silicic acid and various vitamins, which normalize the functioning of the body, reduce nervousness and make a person stress-resistant.

Did you know?Not used for patterns on a football field different varieties grass, it is simply trimmed to at different levels and pressed in different directions.

The most prominent representative remedy A decoction is made from knotweed. For 20 g of knotweed you need a glass of water, it is heated to a boil and left for 50 minutes. Take the decoction one tablespoon several times a day before meals.

Knotweed for kidneys

Quite often, knotweed is used for kidney diseases, since official medicines containing this component are not only expensive, but also not always effective. This herb helps cleanse the kidneys of toxins and stones. Moreover, your well-being after taking such a medicine will improve significantly, since the body will receive a portion of the tonic drug. A decoction for the kidneys should be prepared as follows: a glass of boiling water is required per tablespoon of herb, after which the decoction is cooled and filtered. Should be taken together with cocklebur and only in the morning.

Male problems can also be treated with knotweed. This remedy will help normalize sexual function in men, relieve inflammation or destroy microbes, restore tissue integrity.

Important!Shampoo is made from a decoction of this plant, which helps better growth hair.

You should also not forget about problems in the bladder. Thus, through knotweed, not only stones, but also sand are removed, and organs affected by infection recover, since the antibacterial quality of the herb destroys most microbes in its path.

Knotweed for children

This herb is very useful for children, since in addition to supplying vitamins, it helps relieve the child from cramps, cough and whooping cough.

Today on the website we will touch upon a pressing topic - infertility. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not uncommon in both sexes. But it is worth noting that the treatment of infertility depends on the reasons that caused it. Psychological "origins" can be healed with the help of herbs. Today we will learn about how knotweed can help with infertility.

Knotweed: a little background and botany

Herbal medicine is popular in the treatment of many diseases. In case of infertility, the most common sage, knotweed and hog queen.

knotweed ( bird knotweed) is one of the plants that has been used for treatment since ancient times. Knotweed was also used for infertility.

Since recent times and modern medicine I became interested in the effects of this plant and began to use it in the form of tinctures, and eventually – as part of preparations. Research has revealed that knotweed improves the functioning of the uterine muscles and stimulates the functioning of the ovaries.

Knotweed is a May grass that blooms until June. And as they bloom, new ones grow in place of each flower, which ripen almost throughout the fall.

Among the advantages, undoubtedly, we should note the unpretentiousness of knotweed. It grows well in both fertile and gravelly soils.

Bird's knotweed has a high content of ascorbic acid, and also contains carotene and vitamins K and E. The plant helps to recover from infertility and is not harmful to health, which is important when used various drugs. Also great for treating "male" problems, acne in children, kidney stones.

Knotweed: use for infertility

Use knotweed as an infusion. To do this, mix a glass of bird's knotweed and a liter of boiling water and let it brew for several hours. The decoction is filtered and consumed instead of other drinks.

Knotweed can be brewed either dried or fresh.

Knotweed grass for infertility: contraindications

  • When pregnancy occurs, you should stop using knotweed to avoid causing a miscarriage.
  • The use of infusion is contraindicated when acute diseases genitourinary system and kidneys.
  • While taking knotweed, you should not eat onions or garlic.
  • It is not recommended to take the infusion during bronchitis.
  • Since knotweed lowers blood pressure, people with low blood pressure should be taken with caution.
  • You should also use the infusion with caution for blood clots and varicose veins veins

Before you start self-medicating, weigh the pros and cons. Improper use of herbs can not only not give positive results, but also cause harm to health.

Applying knotweed is half the battle. For most likely result, you need to follow several rules while taking it. An article on how will help you with this (read the site on our website).

Among other things, knotweed can help those who long for their first-born son. Drinking the tincture before conception, a woman with more likely will be able to have a son in the future.

The healing properties of the herb have already been tested by many women who now have healthy kids. remember, that natural strength can work any miracles and knotweed can be very effective for infertility.

The scientific name of this plant is “bird knotweed” (lat. Polygonum aviculare). Besides this, there are many more various types Highlander But it is the mountaineer bird that is popularly attributed magical property- cure infertility and promote the conception of a boy. What is knotweed actually famous for?

Given medicinal plant got its name due to its ability to quickly revive damaged shoots (“sporo” means “quickly”). But that's not the only thing popular name. Herbalists and ordinary people it is also known as grass-ant, goose grass, trampling grass, conotope, bird's buckwheat, sparrow's tongues.

IN medicinal purposes All parts of knotweed are used: root, stems, leaves, flowers. And they use it for cooking medicines not only herbalists, but also official medicine (pharmacology).

Different parts of knotweed are slightly different in biological composition active substances, and therefore at various ailments it is recommended to take a specific part of the plant for medicinal or for preventive purposes. But in general, the composition of grass-ants includes a lot useful substances:

  • vitamins (A, C, E, K);
  • mineral salts (calcium, magnesium, iron, vanadium, copper, silver);
  • acids (caffeic, gallic, coumaric, etc.);
  • flavonoids (hyperin, quercetin, myricitin, etc.);
  • coumarins (scopoletin, umbelliferone);
  • tannins;
  • resins;
  • proteins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • essential oils, etc.

Such a rich composition allows knotweed to be used in treatment huge amount ailments: colds and viral diseases, organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, respiratory tract, skin diseases, problems with bowel movements. Treatment with knotweed is based on its many therapeutic properties:

  • stops inflammatory processes in organism;
  • helps reduce body temperature;
  • reduces and eliminates painful sensations, spasms;
  • eliminates pathogenic viruses and bacteria, prevents their reproduction;
  • gets rid of worms;
  • strengthens general immunity;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • thickens the blood, increases its coagulability, prevents bleeding and stops it;
  • helps reduce blood pressure;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • tones muscles internal organs(intestines, uterus), etc.

There is often information on the Internet that knotweed can treat male and female female infertility, that is, both parents planning a pregnancy must take medications based on it during the treatment period at the same time. But there is no scientific evidence of such an effect from taking herbs.

However, taking decoctions and infusions of knotweed according to certain recipes can actually cure organ diseases reproductive system, endocrine disorders, which often cause problems with conceiving a child. If the doctor approves this method, then the prescriptions traditional medicine for the treatment of infertility, knotweed can be used as adjuvant therapy as an addition to the main treatment.

Knotweed for conceiving a boy

You may have heard that it is recommended to drink knotweed to conceive a boy. This judgment is very interesting, although no less primitive. Think for yourself: how grass (any kind) can influence something that depends entirely on chance. After all, the sex of the unborn child depends only on which sperm with which set of chromosomes (X or Y) will fertilize female egg. The activity and viability of certain spermatozoa can be affected by various factors, including food. But still, scientists do not take the theory of conceiving a boy during treatment with knotweed seriously. Most likely, this myth appeared as a result of a banal mistake.

One of the works of the 15th century (in the treatise of Amirdovlat Amasiatsi “Unnecessary for the Ignorant”) talks about a certain plant that can, among other things, lead to the conception of a strong healthy baby. This plant is very similar in description to knotweed, but most likely to other species rather than knotweed. In addition, it is likely that during the translation process the word “child” was changed to the word “boy,” which led to the spread of false information.

Whether this is really so is not known exactly, but there is no evidence or explanation of the influence of this plant on the conception of a male child modern science cannot provide.

Besides this untested one, there are other ways to conceive a boy. But for the desperate would-be parents who just can't wait... long-awaited pregnancy, gender doesn't matter. They just want a baby, and are ready to try anything available funds. If your turn comes to knotweed, then you should properly prepare and take the medicine for conception.

How to brew knotweed to get pregnant

Knotweed for conception can be used as part of herbal preparations and as a separate remedy, preparing infusions and decoctions based on it. There are several recipes:

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of herb into 1 glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then leave to infuse, and after 45 minutes strain the broth. Take 2 tablespoons before meals 3-4 times a day. This decoction treats infertility.
  • Pour 2 heaping tablespoons of herbs into 100 ml of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then pour the broth into a thermos and leave it overnight. In the morning, take 3 tablespoons of the product on an empty stomach. The infusion can be stored for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.
  • Pour 4 tablespoons of dry herb into a thermos with half a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 4 hours. Then strain and take 1/2 cup with your husband 30 minutes before meals.
  • Pour 6 tablespoons of herbs into 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Then strain and drink the infusion throughout the day, brewing a fresh one every day.
  • Prepare herbal tea, combining the grass of sweet clover, sage, knotweed (1 part each) and common mantle with meadowsweet flowers (2 parts each). Then 1 tablespoon of this mixture is poured into 1 glass of boiling water and placed on water bath for a quarter of an hour. After this, the broth must be strained, brought boiled water to the original volume and add 1.5 ml of 10% golden root tincture to it. It is necessary to take the medicine to restore the work and functions of the ovaries - 1/3 cup before main meals.

Additionally, young, fresh knotweed greens (leaves from the top of the stem) can be added to salads and pie fillings.

As a rule, to conceive, you need to drink 1 liter of decoction or infusion from the herb-ant during the day, preparing it every day fresh drink. When using a specific recipe, you must follow the dosages and dosage regimen indicated therein.

How much to drink knotweed to get pregnant

Grass-ant is accepted starting from last days menstruation or 2-3 days after its end. To conceive, you need to drink knotweed every day, but only until ovulation occurs, which will help determine characteristic symptoms and signs.

Knotweed can cause miscarriages by increasing uterine tone. Therefore, in the second phase of the cycle, its use may be unsafe. For the same reason, knotweed is contraindicated for internal use during pregnancy. Except premature birth he is able to call others undesirable consequences, in particular blockage of blood vessels. Therefore, for pregnant women prone to varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, the use of this plant is contraindicated. It should also be taken into account that internal use of bird knotweed can reduce the level of estradiol and increase the level of androgens in the blood.

But after childbirth, knotweed can come in very handy: products prepared with its use help thicken the blood, more actively contract and cleanse the uterus, and stop postpartum bleeding.

Knotweed for conception: contraindications

So, we’ve sorted it out for expectant mothers: knotweed can be useful for pregnancy, but it is contraindicated during pregnancy. But there are other contraindications to treatment with this plant. In particular, this is an exacerbation of kidney disease and urinary tract. Knotweed can cause the dissolution of kidney stones and their removal, which should definitely be taken into account. People suffering from angina pectoris and other heart disorders, as well as thrombophlebitis, should not be treated with herbs. You should be careful when taking knotweed products if you have low blood pressure.

Who benefited from knotweed for pregnancy: reviews

In order not to sign with empty phrases, we will answer right away that positive reviews There is information about the treatment of infertility with knotweed. You can come across more than one such message in which a woman claims that after a long and unsuccessful drug treatment she managed to get pregnant after taking knotweed. But doctors view such stories with skepticism. They are sure: in such cases there is a usual coincidence. Perhaps the herb has become somewhat useful in curing ailments that prevent pregnancy. But her role in this is, of course, secondary. Positive result, doctors believe, is due to numerous studies and treatment that the couple underwent before starting to take knotweed.

Be that as it may, you won’t know if you don’t try it. And, of course, in war all means are good. The main thing is that such treatment does not harm. But if there is even the slightest hope of success, then why not try?..

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

  • Kingdom - plants.
  • Department - angiosperms.
  • Class - dicotyledonous.
  • Order - Dianthus.
  • Family - buckwheat.
  • Rod is a highlander.
  • Species - bird's knotweed.

Other names: sparrow tongues, ant grass, conotope, bird buckwheat, goose grass, trampling grass.
Knotweed has the ability to quickly regenerate damaged shoots, which is why it got its name (“spore” means quickly).

Contrary to usual, I will start with a fly in the ointment.
There is an opinion on the Internet that knotweed is a herb for conception, using which you can safely conceive a child, and not just a child, but specifically a boy.
Faith is a great power, because psychological aspect in such a matter as childbirth is very important. But for the sake of truth, it must be said that this opinion has little basis. It will not be possible to rely on statistics here - they are missing. There are many reports on the use of knotweed for conception on forums, but, firstly, a woman who dreams of a child, as a rule, is not limited to herbs alone, but is regularly observed by a doctor, following his instructions and appointments, and what influenced a successful conception - go figure it out, and secondly, the sample is extremely small to somehow generalize the conclusions - perhaps it is a simple coincidence. But I really want to believe in a miracle!
There is a "strong" argument for the effectiveness of knotweed for conception. This is an excerpt from Amirdovlat Amasiatsi’s treatise “Unnecessary for the Ignorant” ( encyclopedic Dictionary medicines from the 15th century). Here it is: “If a woman eats 3 drams (~10 g) of its seeds in the morning on an empty stomach for 40 days, washed down with a glass of water, and her husband does the same, and then have intercourse, then they will give birth to a strong boy.” Let us leave aside the validity of this statement. Let us pay attention to which plant seeds have this magical action. Let us cite a fragment of text from the treatise preceding the above: “This is a plant whose leaves are similar to the leaves of wheat. It has many stems, but one root. It spreads out on the ground. Its seeds are similar to millet. It is called “wild millet”, i.e. (in Armenian) vairi korek." Very similar, but the leaves... In knotweed they are small (see below). A namesake plant from another genus, the knotweed (based on the shape of the leaves), fits the description better. But the most similar thing to what Amirdovlat described is a widespread weed, which has no medical value, rough knotweed (unlike kidneyweed, it has a more branched (it seems like there are a lot of stems) and drooping stem).
Also, there are often references to knotweed as a stimulant of ovarian function, but again, there is no evidence of this fact official medicine I couldn't find it. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and can help with inflammation of the ovaries, but nothing more.

Still, knotweed is a wonderful herb that can help a woman cope with some gynecological problems, which means increasing your chances of getting pregnant.

Knotweed is a bushy annual with knotty stems about 30 cm long creeping along the ground. The leaves are small (1.5x0.4 cm), boat-shaped. The flowers are small, pale green (sometimes pinkish along the edges) in color. They are located in the axils of the leaves. They can group in groups of 2-5. The fruit is triangular, resembling buckwheat in shape. The root of knotweed is thick, with few branches.
The plant blooms in June and blooms almost until the end of autumn.
The knotweed is often confused with the knotweed, but it has spike-shaped inflorescences and different sizes leaves.

Knotweed is a pervasive weed. It grows almost everywhere - near roads, in vacant lots, courtyards, along the sandy shores of reservoirs. He loves well-trodden places. Because knotweed stems are protected by elastic fibers and do not collapse when squeezed; it has a competitive advantage here. In addition, stepping on the grass helps pollinate it. As it grows, it completely covers the soil and other plants are no longer able to break through this carpet.

Knotweed has medicinal stems, leaves, flowers, and roots. The roots and aerial parts are harvested separately. Best time For harvesting, as with most herbs, flower until the stems become stiff. The tops of the stems, approximately 10 cm long, are cut off - here the concentration of useful substances is highest. Then the grass is dried somewhere in the shade in a draft until it becomes brittle. Dried knotweed is stored in glass jars or cloth bags. Stored without losing healing qualities, he can 3 years.

Knotweed contains tannin, protein substances, silicic acid compounds, fat, wax, resins, mucus, coumarins, polysaccharides, organic acids, phylloquinone. Avicularin (flavonol glycoside) was found in flowers, yielding quercetin and arabinose upon hydrolysis. Knotweed contains vitamins K, E, C, and provitamin A (carotene). Microelements include silver, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium, vanadium. Hydroxymethylane-traquinones were found in the roots.

Thanks to its astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-putrefactive properties, knotweed can be used for peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, colitis, enterocolitis, gastritis with increased acidity, bronchitis, pneumonia, weeping eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis. Poultry knotweed preparations enhance the contractility of intestinal smooth muscles, which allows them to be used for both diarrhea and atonic constipation.
The presence of defoamers and silicic acids in knotweed has made it possible to recommend it for the treatment and prevention of pulmonary edema. Its use increases the amplitude breathing movements and ventilation volume of the lungs.
Knotweed preparations are used for feverish conditions and whooping cough. It is prescribed as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory for malaria, rheumatism, leucorrhoea in women, and dysentery. Knotweed is effective as an anthelmintic.
The diuretic properties of bird knotweed, the ability to protect and restore the inner lining of the urinary tract, allow it to be used in the treatment and prevention of pyelonephritis.

Knotweed has the ability to “crush” stones, turning them into sand, after which they are quietly excreted in urine or bile.
The silicic acids contained in knotweed combine with the calcium of the stones to form water-soluble salts. The stones are loosened. Peristalsis (contraction of the walls of the urinary and biliary tract) promotes their rubbing. The stone breaks down into grains of sand and is taken out. Knotweed prevents the precipitation of calcium salt crystals on the internal membranes and thereby acts prophylactically.

In gynecology and obstetrics herbal infusion is prescribed for accelerated reduction uterus in postpartum period, heavy menstruation And uterine bleeding. By increasing the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus, it compresses bleeding vessels, and having astringent action and at the same time reducing blood pressure, helps to quickly stop bleeding.
Taking the infusion alleviates the condition of patients with uterine fibroids. The infusion is especially effective in restoring normal iron concentrations in the blood after heavy bleeding in the postpartum and menopausal periods.

Herbal infusions are used as an antitumor agent, as well as for the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic disorders, including obesity. It is recommended for nervous exhaustion and as a strengthening agent after a serious illness and in old age. After taking knotweed, patients become calmer, begin to eat better, and gain weight.

Externally, bird knotweed is used to treat wounds, ulcers, bruises, swelling in the legs, hemorrhoids and various skin diseases.

Knotweed is included in ready-made medicines"Phytolysin" and "Avicularen".

Avicularen is a mixture equal parts dry extract and depleted herb powder remaining after extraction.
This drug increases the rate of blood clotting without affecting its viscosity. It is low-toxic and can be prescribed for uterine bleeding in the postpartum period and after abortion.

Phytolysin is a paste for internal use, dark emerald color with a specific, pleasant herbal odor. Phytolysin contains an aqueous extract from onion peel, knotweed, underground parts of wheatgrass, lovage and parsley, birch greens, goldenrod, horsetail. Phytolysin contains oils of orange, peppermint, sage, and pine. Phytolysin removes excess fluid from the body, relieves inflammation, and relaxes smooth muscles. It activates the kidneys’ ability to cleanse and prevents the formation of new stones and sand. The drug softens stones and destroys them directly in the kidneys, which makes them easier to pass.

Knotweed is very valuable food plant. It contains up to 4.4% protein (practically, it is a vegetable substitute for poultry meat), and its starch content is not inferior to legumes. It contains twice as much vitamin C as lemon or rose hips. The stems and young leaves are used to make salads. In Dagestan, knotweed is used as a filling for pies.

The roots of birdweed can be used to produce blue dye, and the grass is used to make yellow and green dyes for fabrics and leather.

Knotweed is a powerful herb! Under no circumstances should it be used during pregnancy, because... increased uterine tone can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.
The ability of knotweed to increase blood clotting can provoke thrombosis, increase angina pectoris and even lead to heart attack and stroke in people prone to thrombophlebitis, suffering from angina pectoris, in the post-infarction state, especially in old age.
By its astringent and stimulating intestinal motility action, coupled with a decrease in blood pressure, knotweed can aggravate the condition of patients with cholelithiasis and spastic constipation.
When treating cholelithiasis with bird knotweed, it must be taken into account that it does not loosen all stones, and a situation may arise when the one pushed into bile duct an undestroyed stone will block it with all the ensuing consequences. To prevent this situation, drugs are used together with knotweed to compensate for its smooth muscle-stimulating effect.
Because of great content silicic acid salts, bird knotweed is not recommended for acute diseases of the kidneys and bladder, because has a strong irritant effect.

IN medical practice bird knotweed is used in the form of infusions and decoctions.

I would like to once again warn against the use of knotweed without the consent of the attending physician.

Does the herb knotweed help with conception, and how to take it to have an effect, interests many women. In order for medicinal herbs not to harm, but to bring benefit, you need to undergo an examination and identify the cause of infertility. Traditional medicine methods can be used as auxiliary treatment, if there are no contraindications. From medicinal herbs drugs are manufactured that are used both in official and alternative medicine, which indicates the undoubted effectiveness of these plants. It is important to know when treating infertility what exactly is being treated and what to take this or that plant for. Knotweed is used when it is necessary to normalize the tone of the uterus and vagina, for general health improvement body, as help against a whole range of female diseases.

In different regions of our country, this plant is called differently: bird's-grass, grass-ant, bird's-buckwheat, goose-grass. Knotweed grows everywhere throughout Russia and is used for making medicinal infusions wide range actions, is used in folk medicine mainly as an aid in conceiving a child. Another plant that is popular among women who prefer herbal treatment is red brush when planning pregnancy. What are pharmacological properties these two plants and the benefits of their use?

Medicinal properties of knotweed

Thanks to the special complex of vitamins and microelements contained in knotweed, taking medicines based on it activates the functions of the reproductive system, which can help eliminate infertility in some cases. The effectiveness of taking herbs for conception and treatment with folk remedies depends on the specific cause of infertility.

How to properly collect and prepare knotweed? During dry weather, plant stems contain less water and a higher concentration of nutrients. Medicinal collection of herbs is carried out when there is no rain, throughout the summer. The plants are cut to 40 cm, sorted, sorted and dried in a room with good ventilation, carefully turning over to prevent rotting. If medicinal collection assembles on its own, you should avoid places near the highway, fields where livestock can graze, swampy lowlands and landfills. Plants can accumulate harmful and toxic substances, heavy metals, and radioactive elements. If the drying technology is not followed, fungi settle in the tissues of a dead plant, including those that can lead to a mycotic infection in humans. The herb harvest is considered dried when the stems become brittle.

Storage takes place in bags or covers made of natural breathable fabric, suspended to ensure a powerful air flow, in a dry room.

Collecting plants in unfavorable places, as well as poor drying, can lead to allergic reactions and complete absence beneficial effect. It is recommended to store harvested plants for no more than 3 years. An infusion of knotweed is prepared as follows: the dry herb is poured into a glass and poured with a liter of boiling water, infused for 2 hours, covered with a towel, then filtered. Take three-quarters of a glass before meals several times a day. It is recommended to store the tincture in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, after which it will lose its beneficial features. This plant has contraindications:

  • bladder diseases;
  • kidney diseases, including pyelonephritis;
  • diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • cutaneous allergic reactions, dermatitis, asthma, food allergy for any product;
  • pregnancy.

The herb contains silicic acid, which causes uterine contractions, and if pregnancy has already occurred, taking medicinal infusions can increase the risk of miscarriage by early stages. Traditional methods restoration of the uterus after abortion and childbirth includes drinking knotweed tincture, and for pregnancy it is recommended to drink the tincture from the 10-12th day of the cycle, and stop taking it on the first day of menstruation, even if there is a delay. For variety you can add fresh leaves herbs-ants in salads, they contain a lot of vitamin C.

How to use the red brush

Some different types Rhodiola plants are commonly called red brush. This herb is used in treatment because it contains the glycoside salidroside, which has a beneficial influence on the nervous, endocrine and immune system. Red brush organizes menstrual cycle and helps cope with infertility.

The root of the plant is used in the production of tinctures and decoctions: a solution for vaginal douching is made from it.

Red brush solution is used for many female ailments: thrush (candidiasis), ovarian cysts (endometriosis), chlamydia, vulvovaginitis, trichomoniasis, fibrocystic mastopathy, polycystic ovary syndrome and others. Due to positive impact on endocrine system Rhodiola infusions and decoctions are used to treat impotence in men. Exist the following contraindications to use the red brush:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • menstruation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy;
  • treatment hormonal drugs or taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pressure above 180/100.

Sometimes infertility in a woman is caused by disturbances in the vaginal microflora, tumors of different nature, irregular ovulation, infections. As an addition to taking medications, you can use a red brush solution, after consulting with a gynecologist. If a rash, burning sensation, or allergic reactions appear, then the use of traditional medicine should be stopped and consult a doctor. Here are some ways to make medicines from Rhodiola:

  1. Decoction. Pour 100 g of crushed dry red brush root into 300 g of water, boil for at least 5 minutes, let cool and brew for 1 hour. Take three times a day before meals for a month. You can add unrefined sugar, honey, jam to taste.
  2. Vodka tincture. Pour 50 g of crushed dry root into 500 g of vodka, leave for a month in a dark and dry place, shaking occasionally. Drain through a strainer, removing large particles. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals, about 30 days. Do not give to children.
  3. Tincture for douching. Use 1 tsp. tinctures of red brush in vodka, diluted with 0.5 liters of distilled or boiled water, applied twice a day for a week.

You cannot use red brush at the same time with hops, licorice, cocklebur, clover, because these herbs also affect the endocrine system. Plants with which it is possible and advisable to use red brush: wintergreen, red root, horse chestnut, hogweed, wintergreen, wolf's bast, hemlock. To get a girl pregnant quickly and carry her to term healthy child, when selecting medicinal herbs, it is better to consult with people who understand their properties, find out the advice of healers, or buy ready-made mixtures at a pharmacy.

Traditional ways to get pregnant

You can use spells and signs for conception if the infertility is psychological, provoked by a subconscious reluctance to have a child.

Before taking herbs for conception, it is important to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and find out the exact cause of infertility. If you are diagnosed with infertility unknown origin, idiopathic infertility”, in which both sexual partners are completely healthy, but pregnancy does not occur, it is possible to turn to alternative medicine. It can help the body adjust to pregnancy.

These folk remedies to conceive a child they help those who believe in them and act on the principle of auto-training.