Weak labor activity caesarean. Weak labor activity - what to do, as well as the causes and signs of pathology. Reasons for weak contractions

Weakness of labor is the most common cause of complications in childbirth, and also one of the most common problems faced by a woman in labor. Weak labor activity leads to a protracted labor process, causes fatigue in the mother and hypoxia in the child.

How can you recognize weak labor activity?

In the first stage of labor, the contractions are very weak, short, they can last for many hours and exhaust the woman. As labor activity continues, contractions intensify, but not insignificantly, while there is practically no cervical dilatation. All this is due to violations of the dynamics of the opening of the uterine pharynx.

What is the reason for the weakness of labor activity?

Oddly enough, but weak labor activity is often found in primiparous women. Surely, we all heard stories about how a woman quickly gave birth to a child: just an hour, and the baby was born. We hear these stories in the news, they are full of forums on the Internet, and in almost every family there is such a “legend”. However, there is nothing strange here - this usually happens with women who have already had experience of previous births. Moreover, very often these women are mothers of many children.

Exactly the opposite is the case with women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time. The woman’s body will have to go through difficult tests: the first pregnancy is a complex hormonal restructuring of the body, and the birth following it is another hormonal “restructuring”, and a cardinal one at that. A few days before the onset of childbirth, the body must completely rebuild and prepare for the end of the pregnancy period, and at the beginning of the birth process - to establish the production of hormones so that the stages of childbirth take place correctly.

But here, as a rule, failures occur. The body of a primiparous woman is not yet familiar with such a hormonal surge, and therefore labor does not always go smoothly.

However, there are other reasons for weakened labor activity, and now we will list them for you:

1. Flat amniotic sac. This is a rather rare situation, but a flat bubble prevents the fetus from lowering into the small pelvis and the baby moving along the birth canal.

2. Low hemoglobin. Anemia in pregnant women is not uncommon, and one of its consequences is weak labor activity.

3. Fatigue of a woman. This is both a cause and a consequence of the weakness of labor activity. And all because, if a woman already has a predisposition to violations of the birth process, then prolonged childbirth will further aggravate the situation: the body of the woman in labor, tired and exhausted by hard work, refuses to obey the hormones of childbirth and is unable to cope with an even more increasing load. As a result, the body's defenses of a woman giving birth slow down labor activity.

4. Fear of childbirth. The fear of childbirth is inherent in many expectant mothers, and not only primiparas. In multiparous women, the cause of fear may be the negative experience of previous births that took place with complications, or simply the fear of pain. Primiparous women do not know what exactly awaits them in childbirth, they do not know how to behave and what to do. All this affects the process of opening the cervix: the physical tension of the muscles and the tightness of the woman is transmitted to the lower sections of the uterus, which inhibits the opening of the uterus, and therefore labor activity.

5. Wrong behavior in childbirth. All obstetrician-gynecologists unanimously talk about how important it is to properly tune in to childbirth: here you need a positive psychological attitude, the ability to relax at the right time and, of course, proper breathing. Much depends on proper breathing during childbirth. During contractions, it is desirable to breathe deeply and relax, thus, the lower segment of the uterus relaxes, and this helps the cervix to open. If a woman does not relax, and even more so, screams during contractions, then the cervix cannot open properly.

Most of these signs relate to the primary weakness of labor, that is, if the woman's body is predisposed to protracted labor. However, there is still such a thing as secondary weakness of labor activity, and it may not appear immediately. That is, childbirth can occur normally, and the dynamics of the opening of the cervix goes perfectly, when suddenly the contractions of the woman in labor begin to decrease in their intensity, and sometimes they fade out altogether.

What does the doctor do with weakness of labor activity?

The tactics of an obstetrician-gynecologist depend on many factors. First of all, the doctor evaluates the duration of the period of weakness in childbirth and correlates this with the dynamics of the opening of the cervix. Ideally, the cervix should open at 1 cm per hour. If this is delayed up to 3-4 hours, then we are talking about weak labor activity, which can lead to fetal hypoxia.

The doctor resorts to stimulation of childbirth in the following cases:

- the duration of the birth process is more than 12 hours

- childbirth began with the outflow of amniotic fluid, and the anhydrous period is from 12 to 24 hours

- fetal hypoxia was diagnosed, and therefore it is necessary to complete the birth as soon as possible

How can labor be stimulated?

Common methods of labor induction are puncture of the bladder and administration of oxytocin.

The puncture of the bladder works, of course, only if the birth is in progress, and the outflow of water has not occurred. As a rule, this helps to dilate the cervix well and stimulates increased contractions. In most cases, a woman in labor does not even need the introduction of any medications, she is able to give birth herself.

If the puncture of the bladder did not work, or the birth began with the outpouring of water, but there are no significant changes in the opening, then the doctor prescribes stimulation with oxytocin. It should be noted that the introduction of oxytocin should be carried out under strict monitoring of the condition of the fetus, monitoring its heartbeat. In case of violations of the fetal cardiac activity, it is necessary to stop stimulation and resort to a caesarean section, because further delivery can be dangerous for the baby.

Oxytocin should be used in conjunction with pain medications such as epidural anesthesia. However, it should be noted that the use of epidural anesthesia, although it reduces pain, but inhibits labor activity.

It is important to know that oxytocin stimulation is contraindicated in women with a uterine scar, as it can cause uterine rupture along the scar due to excessive stress on the uterus. Also, it is necessary to strictly control the dosage of oxytocin, otherwise, it will cause violent, discoordinated labor activity, which is dangerous for the woman and the child, and can cause acute fetal hypoxia, threatening uterine rupture and placental abruption.
How to prevent weakness of labor activity?

Despite the fact that in some cases, the weakness of labor activity is hereditary, in other cases, a woman is able to prepare for childbirth in the right way to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon as weak contractions.

To do this, it is important to prepare mentally. Go to pregnancy courses where the doctor will tell you in detail about childbirth. Also, take vitamins during pregnancy. Vitamin B6, ascorbic and folic acid will help you with this.

A good factor and the key to successful childbirth is a careful approach to choosing a doctor for childbirth. A woman should fully trust her doctor and feel comfortable. It will be good if you start looking for a doctor who will take delivery in advance.

Happy pregnancy and childbirth!

In this article, we are talking about urgent or timely childbirth that occurred at a gestational age of 38 - 41 weeks, the reasons for their onset and signs of an approaching birth.

Information At the end of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes changes that prepare her body for the upcoming birth. According to modern scientific ideas, childbirth begins and proceeds safely in the presence of a formed generic dominant.

It is a complex that combines the highest centers of regulation (central and peripheral nervous system, hormonal regulation) and executive organs (uterus, placenta, fetal membranes). That is, this means that with any even minor deviations in the operation of this complex system, various anomalies of labor activity may occur.

It has been proven that women who have been trained in special courses for pregnant women give birth more easily and develop fewer complications during childbirth and in the early postpartum period than unprepared women in labor. Therefore, it is better to expect the upcoming birth, as they say, “in full combat readiness”, without fear, looking with hope into a brighter future with your baby.

First stage of childbirth. Frequency and intensity of contractions. Methods of self-anaesthesia during contractions

The moment when the contractions become regular and gradually intensify is considered the beginning of the first stage of labor. At this stage, the cervix dilates. In primiparas, it lasts 10-12, but can reach 16 hours, in multiparous, the process goes faster and takes an average of 6-8 hours.

At first, the contractions are short for 10-20 seconds, and the breaks between them are long - 15-20 minutes. If you are at home, then you can already slowly gather in the hospital. Gradually, uterine contractions will intensify, and the gaps will shorten. Try to move more or stand near the support, in this position the pain is not felt so much, and the opening goes faster.

Important During contractions, the most important thing is to relax as much as possible and breathe deeply, because, by contracting, the muscles compress the vessels through which blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

And if the baby is at such a crucial moment in a state of hypoxia (lack of oxygen), then it will be more difficult for him to adapt to new living conditions. Calm helps not only to relax the whole body and fill every cell with oxygen, but also allows you to put your thoughts in order. As soon as you feel that a contraction is starting, take a comfortable position and begin to calmly inhale air through your nose, you can put your hand on your stomach and ribs to feel how your stomach rises, your diaphragm drops and air fills your lungs. And then take a calm long breath through your mouth.

Also, pain relief of contractions together with diaphragmatic breathing, you can use self-massage techniques:

  • Stroke the lower abdomen from the midline to the edge with both hands;
  • Massage the base of the sacrum with the fingertips;
  • Acupressure of the inner surface of the iliac crest.

Pleasant communication in a cozy atmosphere also distracts from pain. It is good if during childbirth a close person will be with you: husband, girlfriend, sister or mother. It is very important that they are prepared for childbirth and during the contractions do not panic, but support you.

Usually, when the cervix dilates by 5-6 cm, the fetal bladder ruptures and amniotic fluid flows out. After that, the doctor necessarily examines the woman in labor on the chair to make sure that the baby's head is installed correctly and the loops of the umbilical cord of the handle or leg do not fall out (in breech presentation). The volume of the uterus has decreased, and the contractions after a short break become even stronger and more frequent.

Sometimes the fetal bladder is opened artificially when the uterine os is opened by 2-3 cm, this procedure is called amniotomy. It is used for weakness of labor and to activate contractions.

During the first stage of labor, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the bladder and go to the toilet every 2 hours. A full bladder prevents the cervix from dilating and the fetus from passing through the birth canal.

When the cervix is ​​dilated by 10-12 cm, the fetal head presses on the sacral plexus and there is a desire to push. But this cannot be done until the doctor examines you, because if you start pushing when the cervix is ​​not fully dilated, it can simply be torn. With the onset of attempts, childbirth passes into the second period - period of exile.

Anomalies of labor activity in the first stage of labor

Primary birth weakness a condition in which the strength, frequency and duration of contractions is insufficient to open the cervix from the very beginning of labor. Secondary generic weakness- decrease in the intensity of contractions after their normal course. To restore the contractile activity of the uterus, intravenous administration of a solution of prostaglandin or oxytocin is used. These substances are produced in the body and cause muscle contraction. If the first stage of labor is delayed, the woman is tired, they can prescribe medication sleep-rest, but only if the fetus is stable and there are no indications for emergency delivery. During the stimulation of labor activity, antispasmodics and analgesics are additionally prescribed and constant monitoring of the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions is carried out.

Excessively strong labor activity may occur in hypersensitive, nervous women in labor. They are characterized by very strong frequent contractions and attempts. Childbirth, even in primiparas, ends in 1 to 2 hours. Due to the fact that all processes are significantly accelerated, the body of the mother and child cannot adapt, and therefore there are ruptures of the genital tract and injuries in the newborn. To reduce the activity of contractions, the woman is laid on her side opposite the back of the fetus and drugs are injected to relax the muscles of the uterus.

Another violation is uncoordinated labor activity- in the uterus, the direction of propagation of the wave of contractions changes, that is, the force of contractions decreases not from top to bottom, but vice versa. The contractions are very painful, but the cervix does not dilate, the myometrium does not relax, and the uterus is in constant arousal - uterine tetanus. The blood flow is disturbed and the fetus is in severe hypoxia.

The second stage of childbirth is the birth of a child. attempts

From the moment the cervix is ​​fully dilated, perhaps the most crucial stage of childbirth begins - the period of exile. Usually the second period lasts 1 - 2 hours.

The passage of the child through the birth canal depends entirely on how hard and how well you push. At the command of a doctor or midwife, you need to calmly take a deep breath and hold your breath for as long as possible, while the air should not be kept in the cheeks, but directed downwards, as if pushing it out of oneself along with the child.

On average, an attempt lasts 1.5 - 2 minutes and during this time it is necessary to push like that, holding your breath 4 - 5 times, then, during rest, breathe deeply and calmly, restoring your strength. Knees with your hands should be pressed to you, straining the abdominal muscles. When you are transferred to the delivery room (usually this happens when the baby’s head has already appeared from the genital gap), there, on a special birth bed, the legs are widely spread apart on the supports, and you will need to hold on to the handles with your hands and pull them towards you during the fight.

With each push, the baby slowly moves towards the exit, the bones of his skull overlap each other to match the size of the birth canal. If you do not breathe correctly, small hemorrhages may appear on the face and eyes, and the baby's head will stand in one place for a long time and squeeze, which can lead to various injuries. When the head has already been born, the midwife will ask you to breathe often shallow to suppress the effort to properly bring out the shoulders.

As a rule, after this, no more than 1 - 2 minutes pass and the whole baby appears. This is the most joyful moment of your life - the first meeting with the baby. The baby expands its lungs with the first cry and takes its first breath. If all is well, the baby will be placed on the mother's tummy to get acquainted with the activation of breast milk production.

With bodily contact, the mother's microflora will pass to the baby's skin, and will protect him from harmful microbes. Then the desire to push again appears - this means that the placenta has separated, and the third stage of labor has begun - the birth of the placenta. In the meantime, the midwife will take the baby to weigh, measure and process the umbilical cord residue, and the pediatrician will examine it and evaluate it on the Apgar scale.

Sometimes it happens that there is simply no strength to push - this condition is called weakness of attempts. It occurs with overwork of the woman in labor, as well as with weakness of the abdominal muscles. In this case, oxytocin is administered, if it is necessary to speed up the birth of a child, the tissues of the perineum are dissected (the operation is called an episeotomy). But, if the fetal head is sandwiched between the pelvic bones and the baby's condition worsens, in the absence of effective attempts, forceps or a vacuum extractor are applied to the fetal head and the child is pulled out. But it’s better not to bring it up to this, but to gather all your strength and push yourself.

The third period - the birth of the afterbirth (placenta, fetal membranes and umbilical cord)

During the last attempt, the afterbirth appears from the uterus - this is the umbilical cord, placenta and fetal membranes. The doctor pays special attention to the examination of the placenta, it is necessary that all its lobules are in place, and nothing remains in the uterus. If everything is fine, the obstetrician examines the birth canal, if necessary, sews up the torn tissues.

An ice pack is placed on the abdomen to force the uterus to contract faster and prevent atonic bleeding. If a piece of the placenta remains in the uterus or for some other reason the uterus does not contract and blood continues to flow, manual control is performed and. The procedure is carried out under anesthesia.

Two hours after the birth, you and the baby will have to spend more in the birth unit, after this time the doctor will assess the condition of the uterus, measure the pulse and pressure, and then transfer you to the postpartum ward. There you will get used to each other, and the baby also to new living conditions. It is very important to attach the baby to the breast as early as possible and feed him on demand, and not by the hour. Enjoy every moment of a new life, because now it has a new meaning.

- insufficient in strength, duration and frequency of contractile activity of the uterus, due to its hypotonic dysfunction. The weakness of labor activity is manifested by rare, short and ineffective contractions, slowing down the opening of the cervix and advancement of the fetus. Pathology is diagnosed through observation, cardiotocography, vaginal examination. In the treatment of weakness of labor, rhodostimulation is used; according to indications, a caesarean section is performed.

General information

Weakness of labor is one of the forms of violation of the contractile function of the uterus, characterized by low tone of the myometrium, a rare frequency of contractions, and a weak amplitude of contractions. There is a predominance of diastole of contractions (a period of relaxation) over systole (a period of contraction), which slows down the opening of the cervix and the progress of the fetus through the birth canal.

The weakness of labor activity may be due to the late or young age of the primipara; preeclampsia; premature birth or post-term pregnancy; overstretching of the uterus with multiple pregnancy, large fetus, polyhydramnios; disproportion between the size of the fetus and the pelvis of the woman in labor (narrow pelvis); early discharge of water. Placenta previa, the course of pregnancy in conditions of chronic placental insufficiency, fetal pathology (hypoxia, anencephaly, etc.) can lead to the development of weakness in labor activity.

In addition, the weakness of labor activity can be aggravated by the asthenization of a woman (overwork, excessive mental and physical stress, poor nutrition, insufficient sleep); fear of the woman in labor, uncomfortable environment, inattentive or rude service. The weakness of labor activity is often a direct continuation of the pathological preliminary period of childbirth.

Types of weakness of labor activity

According to the time of occurrence, primary weakness of labor activity and secondary are distinguished. The primary weakness is considered a situation in which, from the very beginning of childbirth, insufficiently active (weak in strength, irregular, short) contractions develop. They speak of secondary weakness if there is a weakening of contractions at the end of the 1st or the beginning of the 2nd period of labor after the initially normal or violent nature of labor.

The varieties of weakness of labor activity include segmental and convulsive contractions. Convulsive contractions are characterized by prolonged (more than 2 minutes) uterine contractions. With segmental contractions, not the entire uterus is contracted, but its individual segments. Therefore, despite the continuity of segmental contractions, the effect of them is extremely small. Determination of the clinical form of weakness of labor activity allows you to choose differentiated tactics in relation to the treatment of disorders.

Symptoms of weakness in labor

Clinical manifestations of the primary weakness of labor activity are: decreased excitability and tone of the uterus; frequency of contractions - 1-2 within 10 minutes; the duration of contractions is not more than 15-20 seconds; amplitude (strength) of contractions of the myometrium - 20-25 mm Hg. Art. The period of contraction of the uterus is short, the period of relaxation is 1.5-2 times longer. There is no increase in intensity, amplitude, frequency of contractions over time.

Contractions with primary weakness of labor activity can be regular or irregular, painless or slightly painful. The course of structural changes in the cervix (shortening, smoothing and opening of the cervical canal and uterine os) is slowed down. The weakness of the contractile activity of the uterus often accompanies the period of expulsion, as well as the subsequent and early postpartum period, which leads to hypotonic bleeding. The primary weakness of labor activity leads to a delay in the duration of labor, fatigue of the woman in labor, untimely discharge of amniotic fluid, lengthening of the anhydrous period.

In the case of secondary weakness of labor activity, initially effective contractions weaken, become shorter and less frequent, up to a complete cessation. This is accompanied by a decrease in the tone and excitability of the uterus. The opening of the uterine os can reach 5-6 cm without further progression; the progress of the fetus through the birth canal stops. The danger of weak labor is an increased risk of ascending infection of the uterus, the development of fetal asphyxia or intrauterine death. With prolonged standing of the fetal head in the birth canal, birth injuries of the mother (hematomas, vaginal fistulas) may develop.

Diagnosis of weakness of labor activity

To determine the nature of labor activity, a clinical assessment of the effectiveness of contractions, uterine tone, and labor dynamics is carried out. During childbirth, monitoring of uterine contractions (tocometry, cardiotocography) is carried out; analysis of the frequency, duration, strength of contractions and their comparison with the norm. So, in the active phase of the 1st period, contractions lasting less than 30 seconds are considered weak. and intervals over 5 minutes; for the 2nd period - shorter than 40 sec.

With the weakness of labor activity, the opening of the cervix occurs by less than 1 cm per hour. The degree and speed of opening are assessed during the vaginal examination, as well as indirectly - by the height of the contraction ring and the advancement of the head. Weakness of labor activity is said if the 1st stage of labor lasts more than 12 hours for primiparas, and more than 10 hours for multiparous ones. Weakness of labor forces should be differentiated from discoordinated labor activity, since their treatment will be different.

Treatment of weakness in labor

The choice of treatment regimen is based on the causes, the degree of weakness of labor, the period of labor, the assessment of the condition of the fetus and mother. Sometimes, to stimulate the intensity of contractions, it is enough to catheterize the bladder. If the weakness of labor activity is due to

In the process of pregnancy management by an obstetrician-gynecologist, it is necessary to assess risk factors for the development of weakness in labor, and if such factors are identified, preventive medication and psychophysical training should be carried out. The weakness of labor activity almost always leads to a deterioration in the condition of the fetus (hypoxia, acidosis, cerebral edema), therefore, simultaneously with labor stimulation, prevention of fetal asphyxia is carried out.

Both pregnant women and doctors want childbirth to take place without any complications. However, despite this, anomalies of labor activity still happen, and one of them is the weakness of labor activity. This complication is characterized by weakening and shortening of contractions, slowing down the opening of the cervix and, accordingly, the advancement of the baby's head through the birth canal. If a woman has a second birth, weak labor activity is unlikely, more precisely, in multiparous women, it occurs twice as rarely as in primiparas. Why is this happening and how to correct the weakness of the tribal forces?

· Anomalies of labor activity: classification of weakness of labor forces

Weakness of labor can occur both in the first stage of labor and in the second, so it happens:

1. primary weakness of tribal forces;

2. secondary weakness of labor activity;

3. as well as weakness of attempts.

· Weak labor activity: causes

The causes of weakness in childbirth can be divided into three conditional groups: on the part of the woman in labor, on the part of the child, and complications of pregnancy.

Causes of weakness of labor activity on the part of the mother:

  1. infantilism of the genital organs (uterine hypoplasia);
  2. diseases of the uterus (endometriosis, chronic endometritis, uterine fibroids);
  3. extragenital diseases (obesity, diabetes, hypothyroidism);
  4. anatomically narrow pelvis;
  5. operations on the uterus (myomectomy, caesarean section);
  6. lack of mental preparation for childbirth, nervous strain of the woman in labor;
  7. the age of the woman (under 18 and over 30);
  8. rigidity of the genital tract (reduced elasticity).

Causes of weakness of labor activity on the part of the fetus:

  1. incorrect insertion or presentation of the fetal head;
  2. multiple pregnancy;
  3. large size of the fetus;
  4. discrepancy between the size of the pelvis and the head of the fetus.

Complications of pregnancy:

  1. anemia, preeclampsia in a pregnant woman;
  2. polyhydramnios (overdistension of the uterus can reduce its contractility);
  3. oligohydramnios and flaccid, flat fetal bladder.
  • Primary weakness of labor activity

There is a primary weakness of labor activity with the onset of labor, it is characterized by weak, painless contractions, their low frequency (no more than 1-2 contractions within 10 minutes), and duration (no more than 15-20 seconds). If labor activity is weak, the opening of the uterine os occurs very slowly or does not occur at all. In nulliparous women, the opening of the cervix to a size of 2-3 cm in diameter (or 2-3 fingers, as obstetricians often “measure”) takes longer than 6 hours from the onset of contractions, and in multiparous women - longer than 3 hours.

Such a weak, ineffective labor activity greatly tires the woman in labor, depletes the energy reserves of the uterus and leads to intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Due to weakness, the fetal bladder does not function properly, the baby's head does not move along the birth canal. Childbirth threatens to be seriously delayed and end in the death of the fetus.

· Secondary weakness of labor activity

Usually, the secondary weakness of labor activity occurs at the beginning of the second or at the end of the first period of labor, it manifests itself in the form of a weakening of labor activity after an intensive onset and course of labor. The contractions slow down and may eventually stop altogether. The opening of the cervix stops, as does the advancement of the fetal head, all this is accompanied by signs of intrauterine suffering of the child, if the fetal head stands in one place of the small pelvis for a long time, this can result in cervical edema and the appearance of rectovaginal or urinary fistulas in a woman in labor.

· Weakness of attempts

As a rule, weakness of attempts occurs in women who have repeatedly or multiparous (due to weakening of the abdominal muscles), with a divergence of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall (in the case of a hernia of the white line of the abdomen), with obesity of the woman in labor. The weakness of the attempts is manifested by their inefficiency and short duration (the implementation of the attempts occurs due to the abdominal muscles), nervous and physical exhaustion of the woman in labor. As a result, there may be signs of fetal hypoxia and stop the movement of the child through the birth canal.

· Weak labor activity: treatment

Treatment of weakness in childbirth should be carried out individually in each individual case, taking into account the anamnesis of the woman giving birth and the clinical picture, that is, the condition of the woman in labor and the child and the current situation.

Provides good help medical sleep-rest, especially with severe fatigue of a woman. For this, painkillers, antispasmodics and hypnotics are used. On average, the duration of medical sleep is no more than 2 hours, and labor activity usually recovers after that and becomes intense.

If weak labor activity occurs due to a flat fetal bladder, a long course of labor or polyhydramnios, then they can resort to help- open the fetal bladder, pierce it. It is also recommended for a woman in labor to lie exactly on the side where she is, i.e. the back of the fetus is present - thus, additional stimulation of the uterus occurs.

In case of ineffectiveness of all measures, the treatment of weakness of labor activity is carried out intravenous administration of uterotonics(means that enhance uterine contraction). Uterotonics are dripped very slowly, in parallel, a diagnosis of the condition of the fetus is necessarily carried out - the heartbeat of the child is constantly monitored. These drugs include. Prostogladins, in addition to their contractile properties, also stimulate cervical dilatation. Moreover, it is impossible to stop intravenous infusion of reducing agents, even when a good labor activity has been established. In addition to the treatment of weakness of labor, the prevention of fetal hypoxia is carried out with the help of such medicines as Actovegin, Sigetin, glucose preparations, cocarboxylases. If the effect of treatment, in the form of activation of labor activity, intensification of contractions, promotion of the child through the birth canal, is absent, it is necessary to carry out an emergency.

Weak labor activity is a rather serious pathology that occurs in approximately every 15th woman. First of all, it can be very dangerous for an unborn baby, because it often provokes oxygen starvation of brain structures. In addition, this violation significantly delays the process of childbirth and greatly depletes the physical strength of the woman in labor.

In most cases, such a pathology is observed during the second birth, however, it is not at all excluded in primiparous women.

In this article, we will tell you what causes can cause weak labor activity, what symptoms and signs characterize it, as well as how medical professionals should act in this situation and what the pregnant woman herself should do.

What causes weakness of labor activity?

The causes of weak labor activity can be several different factors, in particular:

  • multiple pregnancy or large fetus, as well as other reasons that lead to
    overstretching of the uterus;
  • various somatic, cardiological and neuroendocrine diseases of a pregnant woman;
  • some pathologies of the myometrium;
  • fetal malformations - adrenal aplasia, various disorders of the nervous system, and so on;
  • placenta previa, as well as its delayed or accelerated maturation;
  • mechanical obstacles, such as various malignant and benign neoplasms, too narrow a pelvis, improper positioning of the baby in the uterus, neck inelasticity, and others;
  • the age of the woman in labor is less than 17 and older than 35 years;
  • insufficient motor activity of the expectant mother during pregnancy, bed rest associated with various diseases and complications, overweight, obesity;
  • stress, overwork and mental strain of the woman in labor.

What signs characterize weak labor activity?

Weak labor activity is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • short contractions of low intensity;
  • too slow movement of the fetus through the birth canal;
  • violation of the rhythm of contractions;
  • slow opening of the uterine os;
  • an increase in the intervals between cramping movements;
  • excessive fatigue of the woman in labor;
  • protracted period of childbirth;
  • fetal hypoxia.

All these signs can be diagnosed only after the onset of the birth process. In addition, a distinction is made between primary and secondary weakness. In the first case, one or more symptoms are observed from the very beginning of labor, and in the second, labor begins normally, but then changes its character.

What to do if a woman in labor has a weak labor activity?

Medical professionals must decide on the tactics of action in each specific situation, depending on the condition of the woman in labor and the unborn child.

In the event that the weakness of labor activity threatens the life and health of the expectant mother and baby, doctors can act as follows:

  • Strengthen labor activity by opening the fetal bladder. This procedure is called an amniotomy. As a rule, it allows the woman in labor to cope with the task assigned to her on her own without the use of drugs. However, there are significant contraindications for amniotomy, such as placenta previa or umbilical cord loops, malposition of the fetus, or exacerbation of genital herpes. In such cases, employees of the medical institution should choose a different tactic of action to help the expectant mother;
  • If the amniotomy is ineffective, labor can be stimulated with medication. The most commonly used here are uterotonics - oxytocin and prostaglandins, as well as the introduction of the patient into drug-induced sleep after the use of narcotic analgesics. Usually, such drugs are administered intravenously by installing a dropper, however, in some cases, a tablet or capsule for oral administration may be offered to the woman in labor;
  • Finally, in cases where stimulation does not have the desired effect, and also if the woman in labor is completely exhausted or there is a serious threat to the life of the fetus or expectant mother, an emergency caesarean section is performed.

If childbirth is stimulated artificially, the life and development of the child is at risk, therefore, constant monitoring of the condition of the future baby is required using a heart monitor.

Measures to prevent weak labor activity

As you know, any pathology is much easier to prevent than to treat.

That is why during the entire pregnancy, and especially after the 36th week, a number of measures should be taken that will reduce the likelihood of a weakness in the birth process, including:

  • in order to increase the energy potential of the uterus, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins for pregnant and lactating women, containing folic and ascorbic acids, as well as B vitamins;
  • eat properly and fully, observe the daily routine, sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • psychologically prepare for childbirth, if necessary, attend special courses.

The causes of weak labor activity can be different and in some situations it is impossible to predict.