Frequent hikes for the most part. Why frequent bowel movements, but not diarrhea, causes and symptoms, if you go to the toilet a lot. How to normalize frequent bowel movements? What to do for this

If you poop frequently, this does not mean that you have been attacked by any illness, but this fact cannot be ignored. In this article we will talk about frequent bowel movements and find out in which situations this is normal, and in which it may indicate deviations from the norm or require treatment. Many people are often confused frequent stool with diarrhea. With diarrhea, it is also diarrhea, stools of a liquid and sometimes watery consistency. At the same time, the urges are difficult to restrain and cannot be tolerated for long. Such symptoms clearly indicate disorders in the digestive system. In a situation where you often go to the toilet, the picture is a little different, and we will describe it. If you have diarrhea, then we advise you to read.

Frequent bowel movements - when there are no signs of concern?

As mentioned above, frequent bowel movements are not always a sign of disease or disorder. Before you start looking for illnesses, you must first exclude completely natural and harmless factors. No need to try on yourself ahead of time various diseases, as many people like to do, thoughts are material and from your emotional state Your overall health depends.

How often a person poops largely depends on his lifestyle. Some people go to the toilet once every 1-2 days, while others can shit 3 times a day. Why is there such a difference? Just from the lifestyle. If you lead an active lifestyle, then most likely you will poop less often, but this is not always the case. Also, the frequency of bowel movements depends on how often you eat. Pooping frequently is normal as long as you eat frequently. For example, if you eat 5 times a day in small portions, then you can poop about 3 times a day. Sometimes more.

Scientists have developed a special one - the Bristol scale. Her goal is to make people's lives easier. With its help, it is easier for them to explain to the doctor what shape their stool is by pointing to the desired picture. It is also suitable at home for self-diagnosis. If frequent visit is normal, then your feces should correspond to the fifth and sixth types - the feces are soft and come out in the form of small pieces with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm.

Frequent feces - as a sign of deviation from the norm

If you poop more than 5 times a day and the consistency of the stool is quite liquid, then there is reason to think about the presence of an illness. There are many reasons for frequent bowel movements, from stressful situations to various gastrointestinal diseases and infections. Moreover, they can be interconnected and it is difficult to untangle such a tangle alone. There is no need to self-medicate, since for staging correct diagnosis, it is necessary to find the cause, not the effect. While studying self-treatment, you can only do harm, since the true reason may lie elsewhere. For example, frequent feces can be caused by dysbiosis, which in turn could be caused by frequent stress. As a result, you will start taking drugs for dysbiosis, instead of fighting the real reason. By doing so, you only cause harm.

If, against the background of frequent bowel movements, other changes are observed, both in the consistency of stool and in your well-being, then this is a clear sign of disturbances in the functioning of the intestinal tract. Pay attention to the color and smell of feces, what are they? Are there any foreign impurities in the form of mucus or blood? Has the color of the stool changed?

The presence of additional markers clearly indicates a violation. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. There is nothing to be ashamed of here. Every person poops. And by looking at feces you can detect many diseases even at the stage of their development. Timely detection will in turn lead to quick treatment and less harm to the body. Please note that some diseases can be life-threatening.


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In young children, one of the signs healthy condition timely bowel movements are considered normal consistency and colors. In principle, in adults, some diseases or even pathological conditions can also be determined by stool, especially if an adult has frequent bowel movements, which may not bring any inconvenience to the person at all. Every person tries to watch their bowel movements, but how often is it permissible to go to the toilet in large quantities and when should you start worrying?

Features of the digestive tract of some people

Young parents are happy when the baby poops after every meal, but for adults, such frequent bowel movements do not indicate a normal condition and are most likely a sign of some pathological human conditions.

The norm is one bowel movement per day, two bowel movements are allowed at a certain body weight or when a person eats a lot of foods that have a laxative effect or contain a large amount of fiber. Wherein we're talking about not about diarrhea.

Sometimes, with insufficient enzyme production, an adult may also have bowel movements several times a day, most often several hours after eating. This indicates the inability of the intestines to fully break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates. At good exchange substances, the frequency of stool can also be more than 1-2 times, but the stool should not change the normal state of consistency, color, smell, etc. In any case, you need to contact a gastroenterologist and undergo certain tests for the same enzymes and other indicators.

Pathological conditions that cause frequent bowel movements

But going to the toilet 5 or more times a day is no longer normal, and with such complaints you should definitely see a specialist. Frequent bowel movements in an adult may be a symptom of the following diseases or conditions:

  • Crohn's disease of the colon;
  • colitis of different origins;
  • salmonellosis;
  • dysentery;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • dysentery;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the liver and/or biliary tract;
  • colon or rectal cancer.

All these conditions and diseases are accompanied not only by frequent bowel movements, but also by changes in their color, smell, appearance, consistency, etc.
It goes without saying that frequent loose stools are diarrhea, which can occur as a result of a number of other diseases, including intestinal dysbiosis, which must be treated immediately.

If the human body does not produce enough bile acids, the frequency of stool also increases throughout the day. In this case, the stool also changes its color to pale, and its consistency becomes greasy and shiny. If similar condition accompanied for a long time, vision may be impaired in evening time, be observed increased fragility bones, bleeding anus. All this is confirmation of pathology duodenum, diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

For any deviations from the norm in bowel movements and deterioration normal condition If you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor and in no case is it recommended to self-medicate.

Defecation, or emptying the rectum, is the release of feces by the human body. Normally, defecation in an adult occurs 1-2 times a day. Also, the frequency is considered to be 1 time in 2 days. Frequent, loose stools are called diarrhea, rare stool- constipation. These pathological conditions are usually accompanied by visible changes in bowel movements.

Patients often ask a question at a doctor’s appointment: I go to the toilet a lot, why does this happen, what should be the norm in this condition, what should I do? To answer it, you need to conduct a series of examinations and analyses. If a pathology is detected, the appropriate treatment will be prescribed. You and I will not be able to make a diagnosis, but we will be able to find out how often a person should have bowel movements normally and when the frequency of bowel movements indicates pathology.

Diarrhea and stool retention

Diarrhea, diarrhea - usually characterized by a liquid, and in some cases, watery consistency, occurs frequently, up to 10 times a day. When defecation is delayed, called constipation, feces harden, become rough, and their consistency loses elasticity. When passing through the rectum, they can injure the mucous membrane. With constipation, bowel movements can occur once every 3 days.

Typically, such disturbances in the frequency of bowel movements are symptoms of a specific disease. If you have diarrhea or constipation, you should consult a gastroenterologist or proctologist. If an adult experiences hyperperistalsis (frequent bowel movements), several times a day, but does not bring any inconvenience or negative sensations, this can be considered normal.

However, doctors recommend, in this case, to monitor appearance your stool (consistency, color, impurities, smell). If everything is fine with this, but the person walks very often during the day, it is recommended to visit a psychotherapist. Frequent bowel movements may indicate the presence of a somatoform disorder.

Why do I often go to the toilet for a long time? Causes of frequent bowel movements

If frequent stools of normal consistency are observed in a newborn, this indicates healthy digestion of the baby. If an adult often goes to the toilet for a long time, this may indicate some pathological conditions.

As we have already said, the norm for such trips to the toilet is considered to be once a day. Or 2 times, if you are overweight or eat a large amount of food, or if the foods eaten have a laxative effect (for example, prunes). Let me clarify that we are not talking about diarrhea. We are talking about frequent stools of normal consistency.

Sometimes frequent bowel movements in an adult are observed due to insufficient production of enzymes, when the intestines lose the ability to fully break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. In this case, the urge to go to the toilet occurs several hours after eating.

Of course, with normal metabolism, the frequency of bowel movements can also be more than 2 times a day. But in this case, the feces do not change their consistency, color, smell, have no inclusions or foreign impurities. However, in any case, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist and get tested for enzymes.

When is frequent bowel movements a symptom of what pathology?

When a patient wonders: why do I go to the toilet so often, what should I do in this case? There is only one answer - contact a specialist. Especially if bowel movements occur more than five times a day. In this case, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since this condition cannot be considered normal and is often a symptom of certain, sometimes quite dangerous diseases. For example:

Crohn's disease, which affects the large intestine;
- various types of colitis;
- presence of salmonellosis;
- dysentery, hyperthyroidism, and intestinal tuberculosis;
- cancer- tumor of the colon or rectum.

All these and other pathologies and intestinal diseases can be accompanied by frequent bowel movements, mainly diarrhea. Are changing external signs stool: consistency, color, smell. Foreign inclusions and impurities (mucus, blood) may be observed.

If frequent stools are loose, watery, and painful, we are talking about diarrhea. This is a symptom large quantity various gastrointestinal diseases, including dysbacteriosis, food poisoning. You can't do it without medical care.

Frequent trips to the toilet can occur due to insufficient production of bile acids by the body. Then the feces acquire a pale color and a greasy, shiny consistency. At the same time, the quality of vision in a person decreases, especially in the evening, bones become more fragile and brittle. Bleeding is observed in the anal area. All these are symptoms of diseases of the liver, biliary tract, or duodenum.

How to normalize frequent bowel movements? What should I do for this?

The sooner the pathology is detected, the better. If you try to endure the urge to go to the toilet for a long time, the consequences can be very unpleasant. In particular, constipation may develop, causing slagging in the body. Will begin to form in the intestines fecal stones, injuring the intestinal mucosa.

Therefore, the first step is to find the reason this state. To do this, you need to see a doctor, undergo necessary examination, get tested. You may need to undergo an ultrasound internal organs, do a colonoscopy.

Each person has an individual bowel movement regimen depending on the amount of food consumed, condition gastrointestinal tract, age, other factors. When the usual frequency of stool changes, many people mistakenly believe that diarrhea has appeared, but this is not entirely true. With diarrhea, feces are not only released more frequently, but also have a watery consistency. Therefore, frequent bowel movements are not considered as a clear sign pathological condition body. But it is still necessary to clarify the reasons for its appearance, since this may only be the first signal indicating malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, which in the future may result in the development of serious organ diseases digestive system. The article discusses the symptoms if you constantly want to go to the toilet, by and large, what they can mean and what they indicate.

Frequent bowel movements, but not diarrhea in a child or adult, may indicate completely different reasons, ranging from physiological ( non-dangerous reasons frequent, but not loose stool) and ending with pathological (diseases and illnesses). How often should a person walk around normally, how many times a day should he poop for this to be the norm? Frequency of bowel movements healthy person should be within the range of 1 time a day, 2 days and ending with 2 times a day. If a person goes to the toilet less than once every 2 days, then this can already be considered symptoms of constipation and diarrhea. If a person goes to the toilet more than 2 times a day, generally 3, 4, 5 times, then this can already be considered symptoms of a deviation from the norm. It is noteworthy that even if a person poops 3, 4, 5, 6 times in 1 day, and the stool is not liquid, this cannot be considered symptoms of diarrhea or signs of the development of diarrhea. Frequent stools, if a person went to the toilet more than 3, 4, 5 times in 1 day, but after that the stool and its frequency returned to normal, is not considered a pathology or dangerous cause, most likely there was a violation of the diet or poor quality products., others physiological reasons. Further in the article, we will go into detail about what may be the reasons for frequent bowel movements, which can affect the frequency of bowel movements when there is no diarrhea, but you often want to go to the toilet.

Reasons for frequent bowel movements, but no diarrhea, why constantly go to the toilet

What determines the frequency of bowel movements in a child and an adult, which can influence how often you go to the toilet in general. When changing the frequency of stool, you need to pay attention to the seasonality of this phenomenon, since in summer period Many people switch to a diet of fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, which can cause more frequent bowel movements. If a similar phenomenon is observed regardless of the time of year, it is worth remembering whether problems began in connection with the transition to some special diet. For example, patients who have changed their usual diet and switched to a raw food diet and vegetarianism note an increase in the number of daily bowel movements, but do not complain of diarrhea. This happens because the intake of a significant amount of plant fibers into the body with food stimulates intestinal motility and accelerates the movement of intestinal contents through the digestive tract.

If the change in stool frequency is not one-time, but regular, it is worth checking the functioning of the digestive organs. To do this, you need to take tests and be examined by a gastroenterologist. The reasons for the increased frequency of defecation may lie in disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, manifested by pathology. Frequent bowel movements in the morning, afternoon or evening in an adult can be caused by diseases such as:

1 gastritis;

2 pancreatitis;

4 cholecystitis.

Frequent bowel movements are accompanied by a number of painful signs, including: a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, a feeling of constant transfusion, and distension in the intestines. When the stomach growls, a false urge to defecate often appears, forcing the patient to stay closer to the toilet all the time. Because of this, it increases nervous tension, which can further aggravate the situation. If the patient’s feces consistency does not change during bowel movements, but a number of dyspeptic manifestations increase (belching, heartburn, attacks of nausea, epigastric discomfort), the reasons should be looked for:

1 if you often want to go to the toilet a lot during the day, then the reason may be functional disorders activity of the gastrointestinal tract;

2 if you went to the toilet for a long time, and after a while you wanted to again and this happens several times, the problem may be insufficient secretion of enzymes necessary for digestion;

3 if there is a feeling that you still want to poop as soon as you went to the toilet for the most part, the reason may be the consequences nervous overstrain, stress, psychological problems;

4 if you often want to go to the toilet but have nothing with which to go, if a person cannot go, but the feeling of wanting to go to the toilet remains, there may be problems with the movement of feces through the intestines.

With irritable bowel syndrome, the urge to have a bowel movement appears almost immediately after eating. In case of lack of secretion digestive enzymes, produced primarily by the pancreas, part of the food mass is not fully digested and leaves the intestinal lumen in an accelerated manner.

Due to nervous experiences and shocks, frequent stress, people often complain of increased stool frequency, but without diarrhea. This is explained by increased innervation of autonomic nerve endings in the intestinal walls due to the reaction of the central nervous system in a situation of nervous overstrain.

How dangerous is frequent bowel movements? What does this mean?

Frequent bowel movements in themselves are not dangerous, but with more frequent bowel movements:

1 a significant portion is excreted from the body along with fecal matter useful substances, microelements and vitamins;

2 the intestines are subjected to excessive stress due to being filled with unprocessed food residues due to the lack of sufficient secretion of enzymes;

3 loss of vitamins and minerals leads to the development of vitamin deficiency and increasing anemia;

4 when there is a deficiency of a sufficient volume of bile acids, feces acquire an oily consistency, since fatty components food is not fully broken down;

5 the anal sphincter muscle functions with increased load, its tone may gradually weaken, and the epithelium of the anus is constantly injured by feces, which can lead to bleeding.

6 The feeling of weakness and general malaise increases.

Particular attention should be paid to symptoms if a person has very frequent bowel movements in the morning, afternoon or evening, at night and there is pain in the abdomen or intestines. The desire to frequently run to the toilet may be with severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right, in the groin and genital area or near the waist (for intestinal problems). You should also pay attention to what kind of feces are passed out during very frequent stools. If there are specks or streaks of mucus in the stool (white, clear, yellow or green slime), there is blood (scarlet, black blood or bloody inclusions), pus, all this is very dangerous symptoms various kinds pathologies. Stool should be light brown in color ideally, but the color of stool depends greatly on a person's diet. If the stool is light yellow or dark yellow all the time, if it is often green or yellowish color stool, then most likely there is a lot of bile in the stool. Very light or almost white frequent stools may appear due to liver problems.

Psychological problems as causes of frequent bowel movements

Sometimes suspicious people are faced with the question of why, when I’m worried, I really want to go to the toilet. The instability of the patient's psycho-emotional mood has Negative influence on the functionality of the digestive system. Frequent bowel movements occur in patients with low threshold stress resistance. Anxiety, excessive vigilance, increased irritability cause disruptions in the digestive processes, since they are completely controlled by the central nervous system. And her unstable condition due to overexcitation and suspiciousness of the patient, it negatively affects the reaction of the nerve endings with which the gastrointestinal tract is saturated.

Due to personal experiences and stress against the background of more frequent bowel movements, the patient inadequately assesses the state of his health, “inventing” illnesses for himself, which further aggravates the situation. Such cases often lead to diarrhea appearing on the nervous soil, diarrhea due to stress, prolonged emotional experience, nervous overstrain. In more uncomplicated cases, diarrhea due to nerves can progress to just frequent stools, frequent bowel movements, up to almost complete cleansing intestines. Why do you get diarrhea when you're nervous? This is how the body reacts to a stressful environment. The body is trying to free up its resources for stressful situation and frees the intestines so as not to waste energy on digestion.

What to do if diarrhea appears due to nervousness, what to do if you often want to go to the toilet because of psychological overstimulation? IN similar cases The help of a psychologist or psychotherapist is indispensable. A few sessions of psychotherapy and a course of antidepressants selected by a doctor are enough to eliminate overexcitation of the central nervous system, reduce excessive levels of emotions and stabilize the psycho-emotional mood. Following this, digestive functions should normalize, and stool frequency should return to its usual rhythm.

Diet, what should you eat to strengthen your stool, what should you not eat if you have frequent bowel movements?

Regular violation of principles healthy eating gradually leads to the appearance of malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive organs. Excessive bowel movements are often caused by eating incompatible products nutrition, low-quality food, too fatty, spicy, salty, smoked food and food of indigestible quality. Difficult to digest and heavy food overloads the stomach and intestines, requires increased production of enzymes and bile, which forces the pancreas to work harder and gallbladder. This leads to excessive irritation of organ tissues, and poorly digested food residues contribute to the development of fermentation and putrefactive processes. In such conditions, the intestines try to quickly get rid of the decay products of the food mass that irritate its walls, as a result of which the frequency of stool increases.

What should you not eat if you have frequent or frequent bowel movements? The content of preservatives, artificial additives, synthetic dyes, and various flavor enhancers negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which, adapting to such a diet, reduce their motor functions and peristalsis is disrupted. What to do if you often have frequent stools? With increased frequency of bowel movements, the entire diet is subject to review, including drinking regime. Food should be gentle, easily digestible, without excess animal fats, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, give preference to fish and lean meats, and minimize the consumption of foods rich in fructose and lactose (sweets, baked goods, milk, sour cream).

It is better to drink herbal, for example, chamomile or Mint tea, eliminate soda and energetic drinks, as well as alcohol. And if a person says that he constantly wants to go to the toilet, but cannot go, he should consult a specialist. Problems with fecal stagnation in the intestines can cause serious complications with untimely treatment.

Recommended menu if a person often goes to the toilet for a long time

When upset digestive function and frequent bowel movements, you need to give up fried foods and prepare food mainly by boiling, stewing, and baking. Recommended:

1 vegetable soup, vegetable stew;

2 boiled, baked veal, poultry, lean fish;

3 hard-boiled eggs;

4 for dessert – soufflé from baked apples and bananas cottage cheese casserole with raisins;

5 crackers or biscuits instead of fresh bread.

You need to drink freshly brewed black tea, jelly with minimum quantity sugar, dried fruit infusion.

What to do, how to treat very frequent bowel movements when there are no symptoms of diarrhea and signs of diarrhea

What to do, how to treat constant desire go to the toilet for a long time when frequent bowel movements in an adult or child appear due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract? Diagnosed conditions of gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis are subject to treatment by a qualified gastroenterologist.

Lack of enzymes as a cause of very frequent bowel movements

Based on the results of the patient's tests, the doctor will determine the level of deficiency of individual enzymes produced by the pancreas and delivered to the duodenum (protease, lipase, amylase). Treatment of patients diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis“consists in correcting the required level of enzymes. In accordance with this, they are selected enzyme preparations, replenishing their deficiency. What should be the treatment if you suddenly want to go to the toilet many times in one day, but these are not symptoms of diarrhea or frequent and loose stools? Strict diet and medications, additionally contributing to digestive process missing enzymes normalize digestion and eliminate frequent bowel movements.

If a person often goes to the toilet for a long time, these may be symptoms of gastritis

The etiology of gastritis conditions is varied; clinically they are manifested by a number of dyspeptic symptoms (belching, heartburn, indigestion). Impaired secretion of gastric pepsin causes insufficient processing of incoming food by it, as a result of which it is poorly broken down in the intestine. The patient is worried constant bloating, gases pass away poorly. Undigested food mass is rapidly evacuated. To eliminate frequent bowel movements due to gastritis, the gastroenterologist selects drugs aimed at regulating the function of gastric enzymes and eliminating inflammatory processes in the gastric epithelium. This helps to remove pain syndrome, often observed with gastritis, and also normalize the processes of food digestion in the stomach.

Dysbacteriosis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome - causes of stool disorders

Pathologies associated with irritation and inflammation of the intestinal walls require complex therapy patient. Colitis of different nature represent inflammatory processes in the tissues of the colon, eliminated by antibacterial agents. With irritable bowel syndrome, it is often necessary to first eliminate the patient’s signs of nervous overstrain, and then move on to the main treatment, which will relieve the patient from painful spasms and colic (Papaverine, Drotaverine) and stabilize intestinal motor functions (Tribudat, Duspatalin, Neobutin).

If you have previously been treated with antibiotics, this negatively affects the balance of intestinal flora. Decrease in the volume of beneficial lactobacilli and predominance opportunistic flora contributes to the frequency of bowel movements. To normalize the intestinal environment, a course of probiotics is prescribed: Linex, Bifidum, Normobact, Enterol. Remember: frequent bowel movements are not a separate pathology, but one of alarming symptoms, requiring close attention and adequate actions in relation to your health.

The nervous system organizes and controls work various organs. Psychological difficulties can lead to disruption of the digestion process. Frequent bowel movements in an adult are not always a sign of diarrhea. Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke pathology.

What determines the frequency of bowel movements? There are several factors that force a person to visit the toilet more than 2 times a day:

Psychological problems

The state of the nervous system affects the functioning of the digestive organs. Frequent acts of defecation affect people who are prone to increased anxiety. They adapt poorly to new conditions and get irritated over trifles.

Frequent bowel movements indicate that a person is experiencing the following emotions:

  1. The patient is very irritated and constantly nervous.
  2. The patient experiences emotional instability and a feeling of fear.
  3. People with an unstable nervous system perceive personal failures quite painfully. Suspicious people begin to suspect that their health is not all right. In this case, you need to contact a psychologist who will help you find a way out of this situation.

To calm down the overexcited nervous system and you can use antidepressants. In combination with psychotherapy, treatment can achieve stable results. The functioning of the digestive organs should gradually normalize.

What is the danger of frequent bowel movements?

Too frequent defecation deprives the patient essential vitamins and microelements. A lack of digestive enzymes leads to incompletely digested food entering the large intestine. The patient may develop vitamin deficiency and anemia.

What should you not eat if you have frequent bowel movements?

The cause of frequent bowel movements may be poor nutrition. In this case, treatment must begin with analysis daily diet sick.

Products that stimulate bowel function include:

  1. Frequent bowel movements are provoked by dishes that contain a lot of fructose.
  2. Drinking milk causes frequent bowel movements.
  3. Artificial sugar substitutes are the most common food supplement. Many people don't even think about the harm they can cause when regular use for food.

To get rid of the symptoms of indigestion, you need to completely review your menu. During illness, exclude fried foods from your diet.

Smoked meats are prohibited, as they irritate the intestinal walls.

Eating too hot food does not have the best effect on the functioning of the digestive system. The daily amount of food must be reduced.

Do you suffer from the urge to go to the toilet at the most inopportune moment? Eliminate unpleasant symptoms possible using . Be sure to include the following types of foods in your diet:

  1. Rusks will help you reduce the frequency of bowel movements.
  2. TO healthy dishes may include meat or vegetable broth.
  3. Allowed to eat meat low-fat varieties. It must be boiled or steamed.
  4. Visits to the restroom will become less frequent if you include boiled eggs in your diet.
  5. You can improve the functioning of your digestive organs using natural jelly. You should not use purchased briquettes, to which manufacturers generously add flavorings and dyes.
  6. It has a therapeutic effect for frequent bowel movements.
  7. TO useful products includes low-fat cottage cheese and fish.

How to eliminate digestive enzyme deficiency

Lack of enzymes is one of the reasons for frequent bowel movements. To treat patients with pancreatitis, drugs such as are used.

Follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. The duration of treatment depends on the patient's condition. Usually the course of treatment medicines takes from 4 to 12 days.

How to restore the functioning of the digestive organs with colitis

Frequent bowel movements can be caused by colitis. Doctors make an appointment antibacterial agents. They suppress activity pathogenic microorganisms, actively multiplying in the intestines. The dosage depends on the patient's condition, age and diagnosis.

Leads to disruption of intestinal microflora. An insufficient amount beneficial bacteria causes frequent bowel movements.

To restore the microflora, doctors prescribe for patients to take (Lactofiltrum, Bifidumbacterin). At regular use medications, the patient’s stool normalizes and gas formation decreases.

Treatment of frequent bowel movements due to gastritis

In the body of a patient with gastritis, the production of gastric juice. Patients complain of pain in the stomach area. Gastritis complicates the process of digesting food. A deficiency of gastric juice leads to stagnation of food.

As a result, fermentation begins and occurs. Chronic gastritis often causes intestinal dysfunction. The patient suffers from flatulence, as food enters the intestines in an insufficiently digested form.

The factor that provokes the occurrence of gastritis is considered to be Helicobacter pylori infection. To destroy the bacteria, the doctor prescribes. However, this is not the only cause of this disease. Ulcers and erosions in the stomach can provoke the development of gastritis.

Irritable bowel syndrome

The choice of funds depends on individual characteristics person. Often this condition develops against the background of nervous tension. Such patients are recommended to take antidepressants, but according to indications and with the recommendation of a doctor. Helps relieve stress physical exercise. Be sure to make an appointment with a psychologist.

To reduce intestinal spasms, you can use (Papaverine, Drotaverine). To adjust intestinal motility Doctors prescribe prokinetics (Trimedat, Alosetron).