Why do white lumps with an unpleasant odor appear in the mouth? Mucus in the throat: a symptom of many serious diseases. Determining the causes of mucus in the throat is the key to successful treatment

People faced with the problem of hypersalivation are interested in the reasons for the appearance of increased salivation, both in adults and children.

This not only causes serious discomfort, but also indicates dangerous changes in the body and oral cavity, which must be responded to immediately. In this article, we will tell you about the causes of the problem and what needs to be done in this case.


The salivary glands of adults and children can secrete either too much or too little saliva. This happens for various reasons, but there are several main symptoms:

  • there is always too much liquid in the mouth. This happens if the excretion rate is exceeded at least twice;
  • due to an unnaturally large amount of secretion in the mouth, there is a constant reflexive desire to swallow the accumulated saliva;
  • The taste sensations in the mouth change; sensitivity to the taste of food can be either too strong or insufficient.

It is worth noting that sometimes the feeling of excess saliva in the mouth can be false; this happens when the oral cavity suffers from trauma. In this case, the patient may complain of imaginary discomfort, although in fact the secretion occurs normally.

Why do adults produce a lot of saliva?

There are several reasons why the problem may be associated not only with a disorder of the oral cavity, but also with other dysfunctions of the body.

  1. Digestive system disorders - increased acidity in the stomach, disorders of the liver and pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, ulcers and others most often contribute to the appearance of hypersalivation.
  2. Pathologies of the thyroid gland are disorders of the hormonal balance in the body.
  3. Pregnancy – in women, hypersalivation can be observed during this period due to toxicosis. Nausea during pregnancy makes it difficult to swallow saliva, which contributes to its accumulation.
  4. Taking medications – in both men and women, the problem can be caused by taking certain medications. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the cause of the disease is precisely in taking the drug, and reduce its dosage.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - in diseases such as tonsillitis or stomatitis (for example), secretion will increase significantly, but will be more of a defensive reaction of the body.
  6. Diseases of the nervous system - cerebral palsy, Parkinson's, lateral sclerosis, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.;
  7. During sleep it can be caused by:
  • mouth breathing;
  • incorrect structure of the dental system;
  • sleep disturbance.

A person suffering from hypersalivation during sleep usually does not experience its symptoms during the day.

Increased salivation is more likely a symptom of other, more serious diseases than an isolated problem of the oral cavity. It is because of this that, if you notice the corresponding symptoms, you need to consult a doctor.

Causes of increased salivation in children

Children suffer from hypersalivation more often than adults; this is mainly due to the characteristics of human development in childhood. The main reasons are:

  • reflex factor - in children in the first year of life, hypersalivation is not a pathology, it is caused by reflexive characteristics and should be perceived as inevitable. Teething in a child often causes increased salivation, since the gums and oral cavity as a whole are subject to serious stress;
  • worms - this happens due to the child’s habit of putting dirty objects into his mouth; with helminths, increased salivation will be observed more often at night than during the day;
  • infection or disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in infants - a situation may occur when secretion is normal, but the baby does not swallow saliva due to disorders with swallowing function;
  • mental disorders - occurs in older children. In this case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician, who will determine the exact cause of the symptom and refer you to another specialist for consultation or prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

Important! If an older child has constant problems with increased salivation, this can cause speech defects, since in this case it is quite difficult for children to pronounce words correctly and quickly.

Hypersalivation during pregnancy

Due to disruptions in the hormonal balance of a woman’s body caused by pregnancy, hypersalivation may occur; most often, its symptoms appear in the first 2-3 months after conception.

Toxicosis in the early stages leads to gag reflexes and swallowing dysfunction. As a result, women during pregnancy may experience not only hypersalivation, but also drooling.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the glands begin to secrete more saliva, it’s just that the swallowing process occurs less frequently, and accordingly, it lingers in the oral cavity.

Video: saliva examination

During sleep

Frequent salivation in the dark can be caused by several factors:

  • the salivary glands “wake up” earlier than a person - during sleep their work occurs much more slowly, but sometimes they resume their work process long before the moment when a person begins to be awake;
  • sleeping with your mouth open - if a person, for some reason, sleeps with his mouth open, then in his sleep he will be susceptible to hypersalivation. In this case, it is necessary to contact an ENT specialist, because the problem, most often, is within his competence, but it is also necessary to undergo a consultation with a dentist, since the mouth may not close due to the incorrect structure of the dental system;
  • sleep disorder - if a person sleeps too deeply, then he actually does not control some processes in his body. The human brain is not able to control the release of secretion, as a result of which hypersalivation occurs.

If the increased appearance of saliva in the mouth during sleep is not too frequent, and it is not released too abundantly, then there is little cause for concern.

How to reduce salivation?

Increased salivation and the discomfort it causes cause people a strong desire to get rid of this problem as quickly as possible. Treatment, in turn, directly depends on the causes of its occurrence.


The process of diagnosing a disease plays no less a role than the treatment itself. First of all, you need to contact a doctor: this could be a dentist or therapist. If the problem of hypersalivation is beyond their competence, they can redirect the patient to an ENT specialist or dentist.


  1. If excessive saliva production needs to be stopped, doctors may prescribe medications to suppress overactive salivary glands (such as Ribal). But if the cause is not specifically in them, but in diseases of other organs or systems, then this will not be the treatment of the disease, but the suppression of its symptoms. You can completely get rid of this problem only after completely eliminating its source.
  2. If the source of the disease is the salivary glands themselves, doctors can remove them, but this only happens as a last resort. Most often, a course of treatment is prescribed, for example, cryotherapy, which stimulates the swallowing reflex. Some medications may be injected into the salivary glands to slow down the secretion.


There are also folk remedies that can be used at home. So, rinsing your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or nettle can temporarily reduce annoying symptoms. But such treatment is in the form of an auxiliary one, and in case of serious problems of the body, the methods will be completely ineffective.

  • take viburnum berries and trample them in a mortar;
  • pour the mixture with water (approximate proportion: 2 tablespoons of viburnum per 200 ml of water) and let it brew for 4 hours;
  • rinse your mouth with the product 3-5 times a day.

Additional questions

Increased salivation during sore throat

With a cold or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, including sore throat, hypersalivation may indeed appear, since during an illness an infection enters the mouth, which inflames the salivary glands. It is necessary to cure the underlying disease, after which increased salivation, one of its symptoms, will disappear.

Before or during menstruation

A rather rare symptom, it can be associated with changes in the hormonal balance of a woman during this period. If the frequency and amount of saliva in the mouth causes discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

Salivation and nausea

Nausea can actually be a source of this. During toxicosis in pregnant women, for example, the swallowing reflex is disrupted - a person begins to swallow less often and there is excess saliva in the oral cavity.

After eating there is a lot of saliva in the mouth - what to do?

Most likely, the glands react this way to too spicy or sour foods. This is not a very threatening phenomenon, but if it causes you severe discomfort, then you should consult a doctor.

Many people have experienced this phenomenon when white lumps with an unpleasant odor appear in the mouth. Most often, this symptom is observed during coughing. Such contents are separated from the lacunae of the tonsils. Why white caseous plugs appear, how to deal with them, in which cases medical assistance is needed, and when you can cope on your own, you should understand in more detail.

Where do the white lumps come from?

What are these lumps? The location of these lumps is the lacunae of the tonsils, they are also called purulent formations. Chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils or acute inflammation of the palatine tonsils can trigger the development of such lumps. They can be painted white, yellow or gray. In some cases they are dense and sometimes soft.

The formation of yellow or white lumps occurs for various reasons. Their appearance in the mouth causes diseases of the oral cavity, decreased immunity, and the formation of pus on the surface of the tonsils if the infection enters the organs of the upper respiratory system (in in this case tonsillitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis develop). Such formations on the surface of the tonsils can end up in the mouth during a cough. When such lumps are present in the lacunae, a person feels a sore throat, and an unpleasant sensation of a foreign object appears on the walls of the larynx.

Such plugs have an unpleasant odor. But sometimes there may be no signs of their presence. And they appear only during sneezing or coughing. Only after finding out the reasons should any treatment be started.

Why does there be an unpleasant odor?

Why do white lumps appear in the mouth? The exact reasons for their appearance have not yet been studied, since in some people they are present during an exacerbation of tonsillitis, while in others they are not detected. According to statistics, more often such a symptom in the oral cavity appears in representatives of the stronger half of the population. The opinion that such formations in the mouth are particles of food stuck in the throat that begin to rot in the lacunae is incorrect.

According to official medicine, such manifestations are characteristic of chronic tonsillitis. This disease develops as a result of frequent colds, with a weakened immune system, after overwork, after consuming cold food or drinks. Under the influence of exogenous or endogenous factors, an inflammatory process occurs in the tonsils and mucous membrane of the pharynx, changes occur in the structure of the tonsils, and the lacunae deepen. In the resulting gaps, bacterial microflora begins to linger, and pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply.

Pathogenic microbes accumulate, causing a white lump to appear. Its dimensions can vary - from a millimeter to several centimeters. Therefore, if such a symptom appears, you need to first understand the cause of its occurrence.

Symptoms of the disease

Microscopic white lumps that appear in the tonsils are accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth, especially when they come out of the lacunae. The symptoms of the disease and its treatment are directly related, since the duration of the therapeutic effect, the dosage of the drugs used and the entire treatment algorithm will depend on the severity of the symptoms and the severity of the disease. With the development of chronic or acute tonsillitis, the following clinical manifestations appear:

  • the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms leads to the fact that the infection can spread not only to the mucous membrane of the larynx, but also to the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi and lungs;
  • the main signs of chronic tonsillitis are not much different from the signs of acute pharyngitis;
  • the mucous membrane becomes red, brighter stripes or a white coating may be visible on it;
  • signs of general intoxication appear - aching joints, headache, nausea, weakness, hyperthermia;
  • when coughing, a sore throat appears and a white lump comes out;
  • there is an unpleasant odor and taste in the oral cavity;
  • sore throat is sometimes so severe that a person cannot swallow food and saliva, talk or yawn;
  • severe soreness and tingling;
  • increase in size of the tonsils.

It is very important to promptly consult a doctor who can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a competent treatment regimen.

Why do you need to get rid of caseous plugs?

It is imperative to get rid of lumps that fly out of the throat and are accompanied by an unpleasant odor. This is important because such balls are nothing more than a collection of bacteria. If these bacteria get further into the organs of the upper respiratory system, this is fraught with the “lowering” of the inflammatory process along the mucous membrane down to the trachea, bronchi, and lungs, and this is fraught with more serious diseases (tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia).

Therefore, it is necessary to promptly begin treatment for a disease that is accompanied by a similar symptom.

When to see a doctor

To remove these flakes in the throat, chronic tonsillitis should be treated and prevent its re-exacerbation. The danger of this disease is that it causes complications on the heart, joints and kidneys. Also, the disease can acquire a decompensated form, when the tonsils are no longer a protective barrier, but become a focus for the spread of the infectious process.

Such lumps must be removed. But the method of removing them is chosen by the doctor, depending on the results of the diagnostics performed. The patient is prescribed the following tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • bacterial culture from the throat;
  • smear for sensitivity to bacterial agents.

It is imperative to consult a doctor, since it is impossible to remove these plugs yourself at home.

How to treat

If white lumps appear in the mouth, which are accompanied by an unpleasant odor, how to treat them? Only a doctor can answer. Treatment of this condition is carried out only by an otolaryngologist, depending on the results of the examination and tests completed.

A course of antibiotic therapy is mandatory, since the causative agents of tonsillitis are pathogenic microorganisms that need to be neutralized. Therapy is complex, its main tasks:

  1. Cleansing the tonsils by washing out or suctioning out lumps and mucus that have formed.
  2. Reducing swelling of the tonsils.
  3. Preventing possible allergic reactions.
  4. Restoring the normal functioning of the tonsils and their participation in the formation of immunity.
  5. Increasing the body's immunity in order to avoid recurring inflammation.


It is impossible to wash out the clots yourself. To wash, you need to visit a medical facility. It is not recommended to try to wash out these lumps on your own, as this increases the risk of infection of the trachea or injury to the tonsils or palate. Currently, specialists carry out two methods of washing lacunae - using a syringe or using a special device called Tonsilor.

Rinsing with a syringe that has a cannula is most often used. To perform procedures such as rinsing, you will need the syringe itself; a brass rod is attached to it, which is equipped with a replaceable tip. The patient's larynx is treated with lidocaine solution, this will reduce discomfort and reduce the gag reflex. Next, the lacunae are irrigated with a special solution using a syringe. Under its pressure, purulent plugs, accumulations of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as their waste products are washed out of the gaps. During such procedures, patients often experience a gag reflex.

This procedure is unpleasant, its duration is about 10 minutes, it is also traumatic, since there is a danger of injury to the mucous membrane of the body, but not every hospital is equipped with a special apparatus to perform such a procedure.

Hardware removal of traffic jams

To wash the tonsils, a special vacuum device is used - Tonsilor. Under its influence, the contents of the lacunae are removed. But you will need to undergo not one procedure to cure the disease, but at least five. During treatment, ultrasound is used, due to which the inflammatory process is quickly neutralized.

Washing is not used if the patient has a fever, in the presence of tuberculosis, tumor processes, or during pregnancy. After this procedure, the effect is lasting and lasts for several years.


An excellent method with an integrated approach is physiotherapy. The main goal of physiotherapy is to restore the normal functions of the tonsils, improve blood circulation, and eliminate swelling.

Usually at least 10 procedures are prescribed. The most popular are: ultrasound, heating, ultraviolet irradiation, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, inhalation, electrophoresis and the use of other methods. It is not allowed to use any treatment on your own, only after a doctor’s prescription.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy consists of the doctor prescribing:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • decongestants;
  • sprays, lozenges plant based;
  • antiseptic drugs.

All dosages and treatment algorithm should be prescribed only by a doctor. Additionally, gargling is also prescribed. The more often you gargle at home, the faster the inflammatory process will go away.

What can you do at home?

What to do if there is a smell? To prevent your mouth from stinking when white or yellow lumps come out, it is recommended to gargle with furatsilin solution constantly, after each meal. To rinse, you need to constantly use inhalations; this is not always possible to do at home, so it is better to perform professional procedures only in a medical facility. You can also use miramistin, chlorophyllipt.

You just need to rinse like this until the problem is completely eliminated. The use of products such as tea tree oil (water and oil) and propolis will help quickly relieve signs of inflammation.

What not to do

Under no circumstances should the balls be squeezed out or torn off by hand. This can aggravate the course of the infectious or inflammatory process, as well as injure the delicate mucous membrane. Only a doctor can remove unpleasant-smelling lumps and discharge. Therefore, it is best to contact a specialist.

The salivary glands secrete a multicomponent fluid, which consists mainly of water. About 5% of saliva is represented by enzyme compounds, proteins, acidic salt residues and many trace elements. Maltase and amylase contained in the oral cavity, being organic enzymes, are involved in the process of breaking down polysaccharides immediately after eating. Thanks to lysozyme, the growth of pathogenic bacteria is controlled.

General information

Why does a person sometimes experience foamy and overly thick saliva? It's all about high molecular weight glycoprotein-mucin, which is responsible for the formation and envelopment of the food bolus. A disruption in the functioning of this mechanism creates difficulties with swallowing food and moving it along the esophagus. From which we can conclude that thick saliva is an important attribute of the initial stage of the digestion process. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for how much saliva is released. In this regard, people who are asleep or under the influence of anesthesia experience dry mouth. Exposure to different smells and tastes triggers a dramatic increase in saliva production.

The appearance of excessive thickness and white saliva has a wide range of causes. Activation of the actions of irritants present in the oral cavity and triggering pulses in the sympathetic part of the nervous system, increase salivation. To prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to diagnose the underlying provoking disease.

Saliva may become thick for the following reasons:

  • Sinusitis. Chronic sinus disease makes itself felt by thick mucus and bad breath. The mucus produced by the sinuses continuously moves from the mouth to the throat. The nasal cavity swells and saliva thickens. Patients make efforts to clear the throat of sticky mucus and then spit out the clot. The chronic form of the disease is complicated by headache and, less commonly, fever. If you suspect sinusitis, you should immediately make an appointment with an otolaryngologist.
  • Xerostomia. Sudden disruption of the salivary glands, complicated by severe dryness. The saliva becomes very viscous. The surface of the tongue thickens, the functioning of the receptors is disrupted, and there is a burning sensation in the mouth. Sometimes the throat feels sore and sore.
  • Fungal candidiasis. An infectious disease that develops due to impaired immune function after long-term use of antibiotics and corticosteroids. It can also be triggered by contact routes of infection and personal hygiene items. Candidiasis can be a symptom of much more serious diseases: diabetes, tuberculosis, AIDS. With thrush, you may experience a metallic taste in the mouth, difficulty swallowing food, itching and burning of the mucous membranes.
  • Sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Diseases affect the tonsil area. Infection causes the formation of purulent blisters, and their spontaneous rupture creates discomfort in the mouth. The inflammatory process is accompanied by elevated temperature, which deprives the body of water and inhibits the function of the salivary glands.
  • Periodontitis and periodontal disease. Due to damaged gum tissue, the amount of saliva produced decreases. Elements of epithelial tissue penetrate the salivary fluid, which makes it viscous and white.
  • Infectious diseases of an acute nature: dysentery, typhoid fever, hepatitis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). With this pathology, gastric juice rises into the oral cavity. In this case, additional saliva production is necessary to neutralize stomach acid.
  • Endocrine disruptions. Change hormonal levels occurs during pregnancy, puberty and menopause. These reasons can also cause thick saliva.
  • Autoimmune diseases. A serious disease that is practically untreatable. Pathology manifests itself in damage to the exocrine glands, including the salivary glands.
  • Dehydration. Water is the main component of saliva. A lack of fluid in the human diet leads to an increase in saliva viscosity. A person needs 1.5–2 liters of water per day to avoid dehydration. This is the minimum dose that ensures the proper functioning of all body systems.
  • Dry air. Often saliva becomes foamy and viscous due to the negative effects of dry air on the respiratory system. In a poorly ventilated room, where air humidity does not meet standards, the oral mucosa instantly dries out. As the mucus thickens, it forms crusts around the perimeter of the inside of the throat, which is manifested by soreness and a dry cough. Thus, air masses, moving along the respiratory tract, receive the necessary moisture due to the moisture of the mucous membranes. The mouth and throat are not responsible for humidifying the air. The nasal cavity is intended for this purpose, in which a special muconasal secretion is produced. When a person cannot breathe normally through his nose, he uses his mouth to do this, so the saliva immediately begins to thicken.
  • Smoking. Tobacco smoke causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, and an increase in the volume of mucus occurs. Many smokers complain of the feeling of a foreign object in their throat.
  • Action of allergens. Thick saliva observed in certain months indicates a seasonal allergy to pollen.
  • Taking medications. There are categories of medications that cause such side effects as thickening of saliva. These can be hormonal pills, antidepressants and antihistamines.
  • Diabetes. Dry oral mucosa and thick saliva are often observed against the background of hyperglycemic conditions.

In addition to a sharp reduction in the volume of secreted saliva and, as a result, an increase in viscosity, patients may experience additional symptoms:

  • Impaired taste perception
  • Sore throat
  • Foul odor from the mouth
  • Cracks on the lips and corners of the mouth, dry mucous membranes
  • Burning sensation in the palate and tongue
  • Hardening of the muscle fibers of the tongue

It is possible that saliva becomes thick due to temporary hormonal imbalances. In such cases, medication is not required, and the natural secretion of saliva is restored after some time. To understand the causes of impaired salivation, an in-person consultation with a dentist is necessary. He will interview the patient, give directions for tests, and only then select the appropriate course of treatment. As a rule, an accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause allows one to prescribe the correct treatment method, which will lead to a gradual normalization of the functioning of the salivary glands.

The first thing that needs to be done is to stabilize the level of moisture in the oral mucosa. They can help with this the following treatment procedures:

  • Rinsing the mouth with anti-inflammatory herbal decoctions and soda-salt solution. To eliminate the symptoms of laryngitis, it is advisable to use antiseptics, for example, Hexoral.
  • Use of artificial saliva. Used in the form of drops or spray.
  • Spray moisturizers and gel substitutes. Well-known manufacturers produce drugs in the form of gel and spray, which instantly help eliminate dry mouth. In addition, they contain antibacterial components designed to eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • Mucolytics. A group of medications to increase the production and thinning of saliva. Bromlane and acetylsteine ​​have proven themselves well.
  • Inhalations. They help those who have problems with the lungs and bronchi. Both pharmaceutical preparations and herbal infusions, for example, St. John's wort or sage, are suitable for inhalation.
  • Chewing gum with sugar substitute. Excellent stimulation of the salivary glands.

Folk remedies to reduce saliva viscosity

  • A decoction of pine needles and pine bark. Pour 4 tablespoons of ingredients with a liter of boiling water. Keep on low heat for 10 minutes, and then leave to infuse for an hour. Take the strained drink on an empty stomach three times a day, 2 tablespoons.
  • A mixture of aloe and honey. Take a tablespoon orally no more than twice a day.
  • Propolis with peach oil. Lubricate the oral cavity with the mixture in the morning and evening.

Preventive measures

Daily preventive measures will reduce the risk of thick saliva. Costs follow the following recommendations:

Saliva is one of the important secretions of the human body. A healthy person produces at least two liters of this fluid daily.

Salivation disorders are common. It happens that saliva changes in consistency, becomes thick, viscous, sticky, viscous in the mouth, or, on the contrary, secretes too much.

From transparent it can turn into white, sometimes foamy. Such changes indicate the development of a disease of any organs or systems, and are a symptom and a reason to consult a doctor.

Composition and functions

Salivary sputum consists of more than 90% water, the remaining components are various salts, trace elements, enzymes and protein compounds. This liquid is produced in the oral cavity constantly due to activity.

The production of saliva is important for the body; it performs important functions, namely:

  1. Protective. Moisturizes the oral cavity, thereby protecting against drying out. It has bactericidal properties, having a positive effect on tooth enamel. Disinfects the oral cavity, reducing the likelihood of diseases such as caries or periodontal disease. Helps maintain a healthy acid-base balance in the oral cavity.
  2. Digestive. Saliva is involved in the digestive process and is a lubricating fluid that facilitates the process of swallowing food. Allows you to feel the taste of food.

What should saliva be like?

Salivation in a healthy person is the secretion of a clear, colorless liquid, odorless and non-irritating.

The composition of salivary mucus is subject to changes due to various reasons. Any change in the properties of saliva indicates development, provokes pharyngeal congestion, coughing attacks and a desire to clear the larynx. In the presence of pathology, the secreted salivary mucus can be of different colors - white foamy sputum, yellow, viscous and thick.

Changes in saliva in some cases are so strong that the person himself can feel the development of any illness. The following factors should definitely be on your guard:

  • changes in saliva color and consistency;
  • lack of salivation and a feeling of constant dryness;
  • very profuse salivation;
  • change in taste.

If any of these signs appear, you should consult a doctor. This may be associated not only with diseases of the oral cavity, but also with internal organs.

With the development of any pathological process in the functioning of the salivary glands, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • feeling of constant unquenchable thirst;
  • dry mouth and throat;
  • unusual sensations (tingling, burning) on ​​the tongue;
  • painful sensations when chewing and swallowing food;
  • hoarseness of voice and constant soreness;
  • formation of cracks in the lip area.

If the composition, quantity and consistency of salivation is disrupted, plaque accumulates on the teeth more easily. This leads to inflammatory processes of the gums, gingivitis and periodontitis and other diseases of the oral cavity. In addition, improper salivation can impair chewing and even swallowing.

Reasons for changes in color and consistency

The reasons for changes in salivary fluid in a person can be different - from dehydration to a serious pathological condition. The color of salivary mucus helps doctors determine the type of infection and disease.

Salivary mucus may change in color and consistency for the following general reasons:

Causes of thick saliva

The main cause of thick saliva is considered to be xerostomia (syndrome). This phenomenon is associated with a sharp reduction in the volume produced by the liquid, which leads to an increase in its viscosity. The disease can be chronic or temporary.

Also, one of the common causes of the development of thick salivary mucus is oral thrush. With this pathology, Candida fungi actively develop and colonize in the mucous membranes, causing a burning sensation and a thick white coating in the mouth. As a result, the production of salivary fluid decreases and it acquires a characteristic whitish color.

In addition to the general reasons that provoke thick saliva, the following may also be additional factors:

  • long-term use of certain types of medications;
  • treatment of malignant neoplasms;
  • neurological diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Causes of viscous salivary fluid

In some cases, salivary mucus becomes viscous, resembling mucus. A person can notice that saliva has become viscous by feeling it. However, it is possible to accurately determine the viscosity of saliva only in laboratory conditions using a special device - a viscometer.

The following factors can cause saliva viscosity:

  • chronic sinusitis;
  • fungal disease - candidal or fungal stomatitis, thrush;
  • infectious colds and throat diseases, flu;
  • allergy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oral diseases;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system.

Causes of foamy saliva

When thick drool or foamy mucus appears in the mouth, this indicates. Foamy saliva does not occur on its own; its manifestation is often associated with other manifestations of symptoms, by which the underlying disease can be determined.

Such a change in the nature of saliva is a visible sign - liquid salivary mucus becomes a foamy consistency with normal transparency or a white tint.

Causes of yellow salivary fluid

Yellowish salivation in most cases indicates the development of an infection in the respiratory system.

Yellow saliva secreted in the morning after waking up from sleep is quite acceptable. This may be caused by dry indoor air or the release of foreign particles inhaled during the night's sleep.

Dark yellow mucus may be caused by a bacterial infection. Especially the secretion of yellow saliva and mucus is observed in humans as a result of an inflammatory process in the lungs, bronchitis. In addition, asthma and chronic bronchitis also cause yellow saliva. Seasonal allergic exacerbations can also affect the secretion of yellow saliva.

Salivation may acquire a bright yellow tint as a result of a long history of smoking.

With some diseases of the digestive system, salivary fluid may also acquire a yellowish tint.

Causes of sticky saliva

Salivary fluid that is sticky in consistency may indicate a number of pathological diseases of the body. A similar phenomenon often occurs in women during pregnancy as a result of an imbalance of microelements and water-salt balance.

Additional symptoms

In addition to disturbances in the color and consistency of salivary mucus, a person may observe the appearance of the following additional signs of pathology that need to be paid attention to:

  • violation of taste perception;
  • sore throat;
  • acrid odor from the mouth;
  • cracks on the lips;
  • burning sensation in the mouth;
  • hardness of the tongue muscles.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

First of all, it is necessary to examine a dentist and determine the primary source of the pathological condition.

Diagnostics includes:

  • studying the patient's medical history;
  • examination of the patient, paying attention to the lymph nodes, thyroid gland, and throat mucosa.
  • laboratory blood tests.
  • culture of sputum for the presence of bacterial flora.

In some cases, X-ray examination, ultrasound, FGS and other procedures are required. An examination by specialized specialists – an otolaryngologist, a neurologist, an immunologist and others – may also be recommended.

The treatment method depends on the cause that influenced the change in saliva consistency and function. In most cases, complex treatment is required aimed at stabilizing the level of moisture in the oral mucosa. The following procedures will help reduce dry mouth:

  1. Rinsing the mouth with herbal decoctions or salt-soda solution.
  2. Performing steam inhalations. Mainly used for problems with the lungs and bronchi.
  3. The use of mucolytics, as medications that help increase the production and dilute salivary fluid.
  4. Using sugar-free chewing gum.
  5. The use of pharmacological spray moisturizers and gel substitutes. They also help eliminate bad breath.

Non-drug treatments may also be prescribed, for example, breathing exercises and exercises to help get rid of phlegm and sticky saliva. In situations where mucus changes due to hormonal imbalance, no special treatment is required. The pathology is temporary. In some cases, the reasons for the change in drool consistency and color are not pathological. They may be associated with bad habits, getting rid of which will help quickly eliminate discomfort in the oral cavity.

Also, in case of dehydration of the body, you can restore the state of saliva at home. To do this, you need to control enough water intake throughout the day. Avoid water depletion of the body, especially in the hot summer and during physical activity.

In some cases, surgical intervention may be prescribed, for example, in the case of an abnormal structure of the nasal cavity.


To cope with the main treatment as an auxiliary means unpleasant symptoms Traditional recipes help a lot.

The most common and used traditional medicines are the following:

  • drinking a paste of crushed aloe leaves or gargling with the juice of this plant;
  • treatment of the nose, mouth and pharynx with alcohol tincture of propolis;
  • gargling or ingesting a decoction prepared from fresh calendula petals;
  • gargling with a decoction of sage, chamomile and eucalyptus;
  • drinking radish juice mixed with honey.


Simple preventive measures will help reduce the risk:

  • drink enough fluid;
  • give up bad habits - drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • limit the consumption of drinks that dehydrate the body - coffee and soda;
  • avoid consuming dairy products in large quantities;
  • do not overcool the body;
  • try to regularly rinse your mouth with saline solution;
  • maintain humid indoor air;
  • promptly treat diseases of the teeth and gums and regularly visit the dentist for preventive examinations;
  • prevent the development of chronic diseases, especially ENT organs.

To understand why your saliva has changed, you need to visit a doctor. An examination by specialists, tests and the required diagnostics will help establish the cause of the development of the pathology. On this basis, the attending physician will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment.

The sooner you consult a doctor and establish the cause of the development of the pathology, the sooner the recovery process and normalization of salivation will occur. Only timely consultation with a doctor and competent treatment will help avoid the development of complications. Very often, such problems go unnoticed by patients and are not taken seriously.

Increased salivation (hypersalivation) occurs during meals, or when we are hungry and think about tasty food. Sometimes saliva begins to flow strongly at the sight of lemon or other sour fruits.

This is a normal function of the body: on average, 1 ml of saliva is secreted every five minutes. But in some diseases it is released much more than normal.

Causes of increased salivation at night

The process of salivation is essential to maintain the correct temperature balance of the oral cavity and for possible proper and healthy digestion.

The main causes of increased salivation in women:

Increased salivation and nausea

In some cases, increased salivation is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and pain in the epigastric region. Acute gastritis or exacerbation of chronic gastritis, as well as pancreatitis, are known to cause such symptoms. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.

With obstruction of the esophagus or volvulus, increased salivation is accompanied by nausea, pain and the sensation of a large lump in the throat.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, increased salivation is accompanied by constant painful nausea.

Diseases with symptoms such as increased salivation

Typically, with hypersalivation, women complain of too much saliva forming in the mouth and the desire to spit. Sometimes this sensation is illusory, as the examination shows, but it feels extremely real, however often.

Malfunctions in the functioning of the salivary glands can occur due to an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, due to malfunctions of the central nervous system, or when an infection enters the body.

Any inflammatory process begins in the mouth, while the glands become inflamed and ache, so at this time it is better not to swallow saliva, but try to spit and rinse your mouth more often with any saline solution, purchased at a pharmacy, or a solution of salt, soda and iodine.

During exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, hypersalivation is accompanied by painful nausea, bitterness in the mouth and heaviness in the stomach and intestines.

Any inflammatory processes of the nervous system: inflammation of the vagus nerve, Parkinson's disease, neuralgia or paralysis of the facial nerve and muscles cause involuntary profuse secretion of saliva, involuntary twitching of the muscles of the face and shoulder girdle, as well as pain in the lumbar back.

Sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis can also cause excessive salivation. Sometimes excessive salivation can be caused by foreign bodies in the mouth: dentures, braces, piercings, as well as chewing gum that is constantly in the mouth.


First of all, the doctor will check the condition of the oral cavity for the presence of inflammatory processes, and advise you to contact a dentist to check the condition of the bite, the presence of teeth that require immediate treatment, or the condition of the dentures (if any).

In addition to the usual tests that determine the state of health, a functional analysis of the amount of salivary fluid secreted and scrapings from the tongue is carried out.

If hypersalivation is established, then first of all you need to destroy the causes that cause it. This may require consultation with many specialists.


The choice of treatment method for hypersalivation is strictly individual. and will be prescribed only after a thorough examination. If you have this problem, you need to consult a dentist, otolaryngologist and therapist. If necessary, you will be sent to a neurologist, endocrinologist or gastroenterologist.

There are many medications, including homeopathic ones, to eliminate the problem of increased salivation in women during sleep. But the side effect in this case may be dry mouth, blurred vision, arrhythmia and tachycardia.

After strokes and some nervous disorders, it is recommended to carry out physical therapy of the facial muscles.

Excessive salivation is blocked with injections of anticholinergic drugs (platiphylline, riabal, scopolamine), but the effect cannot be too long-lasting (no more than six months). These medications are also available in tablet form.

If it is impossible to get rid of hypersalivation through therapeutic means, they resort to operations to remove some salivary glands (but this procedure can lead to facial asymmetry)

Radiation therapy is also used to destroy the salivary ducts and form a scar in their place.

And finally, cryotherapy is cold treatment. This procedure is most often carried out in cosmetology to rejuvenate the face or get rid of cellulite and extra pounds. During cryotherapy, a machine filled with liquid nitrogen is applied to certain points on the lips for a few seconds. As a result, a reflexive rapid swallowing of saliva occurs. Cryotherapy is completely painless and does not require a rehabilitation period.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has not ignored such an unpleasant phenomenon as hypersalivation. Typically, both adults and children salivate profusely during stomatitis; this disease is accompanied by bad breath, severe inflammation of the oral mucosa and the formation of purulent ulcers.

To treat stomatitis, the common wood sorrel plant is used (popularly called “rabbit cabbage”). You can prepare teas and decoctions from it, or apply crushed herbs to wounds.

To prepare the infusion, take a large pinch of dried herb and pour 400 g of boiling water, leave for two hours and then drink 50-100 g (depending on body weight), rinse your mouth and make compresses.

A very effective remedy for treating all inflammatory processes in the mouth, as well as sore throats, are pine or spruce needles.

Take 3 medium handfuls of chopped pine needles (along with twigs and small cones), pour a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Infuse until rich in color, strain and rinse your mouth and throat several times a day.

Delicious and healthy tea can be prepared from fresh red viburnum berries. Pour a small handful of berries into a mug and crush with a wooden masher, pour boiling water over it, cover with a saucer and simmer for about 15 minutes. Then you can drink this infusion as tea and, if necessary, gargle your mouth and throat with it.

Prevention of increased salivation during sleep

Sometimes the examination does not reveal any diseases, and you suffer from excessive drooling during sleep. In this case, it is worth turning to some preventive measures to reduce the amount of saliva produced:

  • Remove from your diet everything salty, spicy, bitter, that irritates the mucous membrane of the mouth,
  • Stop smoking (if you smoke) and drinking alcohol, do not chew chewing gum for a long time (for hygienic purposes, it is permissible to chew it only 5 minutes after meals) and crack seeds,
  • Talk to your doctor about the side effects of the medications you are taking.
  • Rinse your mouth with sage, chamomile and oak tea, this is good for oral hygiene and reduces salivation,
  • At night, take light sedatives: valerian, infusions of motherwort and peony.

Excessive salivation during pregnancy

Pregnant women undergo powerful hormonal changes in the body. All organs react to this differently.

Toxicosis can cause cerebral circulatory problems, and this in turn can lead to hypersalivation. Also, due to severe nausea, it is difficult for a woman to constantly swallow saliva, which can also include the consequences of heartburn.

The easiest way to reduce salivation in pregnant women during sleep is to drink warm tea without sugar with a slice of lemon.

Since excessive drooling is a manifestation of toxicosis, a pregnant woman’s appetite and sleep deteriorate, irritability appears, she loses weight, signs of dehydration appear, and sores may appear in the corners of her lips.

In some particularly severe cases, the woman needs to be hospitalized.

Why do children drool while sleeping?

The causes of hypersalivation, characteristic of adults, can be diagnosed in a child, but children also have their own special causes of salivation.

From 3 to 6 months of age, increased salivation is normal and does not require medical attention.

The first and most common reason is teething.. This process is accompanied by profuse salivation, and since a child at this age does not yet know how to control the body’s reflexes, saliva constantly flows out of the mouth. Usually by the age of 4, teeth erupt and hypersalivation stops.

Sometimes, observing a child, you can find that with the luna leaks due to the fact that the child breathes through the mouth. This may occur due to persistent nasal congestion or other ENT diseases. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The cause of hypersalivation can be head injuries, progressive diseases of the nervous system and stomatitis.

Inflammation of the gums or gingivitis causes strong salivation, which is a protective function of the child’s body against the disease.

When a child is poisoned by pesticides or mercury, the first sign is excessive salivation. All other symptoms (fever, diarrhea, vomiting, increased body temperature) appear later. In this case, immediate assistance from specialists is required, and the child must be hospitalized immediately.

In any case, excessive salivation is a signal from the body to the manifestation of any diseases and requires a thorough examination by specialists.