What is the lethal dose of various foods and substances for humans? What is the lethal dose of salt for humans?

Medications, when taken uncontrolled, can lead to intoxication of the body and cause severe poisoning. Doesn't exist completely safe pills. Even healthy vitamins can cause harm to health. Uncontrolled use of medications often leads to fatal overdose.

Causes of drug overdose

Poisoning medications occurs due to non-compliance with dosage and unauthorized prescription, when the individual characteristics of the course of the disease, allergic reactions and other factors are not taken into account. Often such irresponsibility leads to death.

A fatal drug overdose occurs in the following cases:

  • In case of incompatibility of several medications taken.
  • If the patient himself increases the dose of painkillers for severe pain syndromes.
  • When a person consciously takes tranquilizers and sleeping pills when attempting suicide.
  • When combining tablets with alcohol.
  • If a person has an individual intolerance to the components.
  • When medications are stored in places accessible to children.

Note. The lethal dosage is different for each person. It depends on gender, age, and the presence of chronic diseases.

What drugs can cause poisoning?

It is known that a number of medications, when taken uncontrolled, pose a potential danger to human life and health. Below is a list of which pills can be fatal.

  • Calming and sedatives. Once in the stomach, they are quickly absorbed and have their effect within 10 minutes. An overdose can lead to death within a quarter of an hour. Such drugs include Bromital, Donormil, Barboval.
  • Tranquilizers. These drugs depress the nervous, respiratory and cardiac systems. Even small deviations in dosage can cause fatal pill poisoning. These medications include: Elenium, Napoton, Diazepam, Phenazepam, Radedorm.
  • Nonsteroidal drugs (NSAIDs) with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. These include: Paracetamol, Aspirin, Analgin, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Indomethacin.
  • Antibiotics (Penicillin, Levomycetin, Cefazolin), which are taken for bacterial and infectious diseases.
  • Antihistamines that relieve allergic reactions and have sedative properties. (Diazolin, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine).
  • Antihypertensive drugs (Anaprilin, Captopril, Nifedipine, Amiodarone) that reduce arterial pressure. They affect cardiovascular activity and can cause death in case of overdose.

All of the above medications can lead to death if used uncontrolled, so it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions and draw up a schedule for taking medications for various diseases.

Death from sleeping pills and tranquilizers

People with unstable psyche, wanting to end their life, they wonder which drugs are fatal quickly and which ones will be. We do not give recommendations, but want to warn you so that an accident does not happen. This group includes all drugs that are actively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and act on the nervous and cardiac systems. First of all, these are sleeping pills, tranquilizers and medications that lower blood pressure. Therefore, try to keep funds with such actions out of the reach of children, people with suicidal tendencies, and patients who cannot control their actions.

This sleeping pill, having sedative effect. Dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. Daily dose should not exceed 1 tablet, and the course of treatment should not exceed 5 days. The doctor will not be able to tell you how many Donormil tablets you need to take for a fatal overdose. Each organism is individual and the symptoms of poisoning manifest themselves differently. A lethal dose is considered to be taking more than 10 tablets at a time. A fatal outcome with an overdose of Donormil can occur even with a single dose of 3 tablets, especially.

Symptoms of poisoning appear:

  • drowsiness;
  • redness skin;
  • disorder of consciousness;
  • hallucinations.

Convulsions indicate serious poisoning. They are harbingers of death in case of an overdose of Donormil and other drugs that depress the nervous system. In this case, it can be extremely difficult to save the victim.

To regulate sleep and wakefulness, doctors often prescribe Melaxen. High doses can lead to serious intoxication of the body, causing apathy, loss of coordination and slow heartbeat. So far there have been no reported cases of death due to an overdose of Melaxen. However, intoxication causes a number of undesirable effects.

Tranquilizers are used for mental disorders, depression, insomnia, seizures panic attacks. Self-prescription of the drug can lead to an overdose and cause irreparable harm to the body.

Phenazepam is one of the strong tranquilizers. The daily dose should not exceed 7-9 mg. Doctors cannot say exactly how much Phenazepam needs to be taken to cause death; it is generally accepted that a one-time dose of 10 mg of the drug can lead to death.

Overdose symptoms:

  • drowsiness with transition to deep sleep;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • nausea;
  • urinary retention;
  • increased salivation;
  • uneven breathing.

If the dose of Phenazepam is significantly exceeded, the probability of death is high: cardiovascular and renal failure occurs, the person falls into coma, blood supply slows down, . If timely assistance is not provided, an overdose of Phenazepam will inevitably provoke death.

An effective antidepressant is Zoloft, which relieves panic disorders, copes with long-term depression, post-traumatic stressful conditions. How many Zoloft tablets will cause death is unknown to medicine. Severe symptoms of overdose have not been identified, but simultaneous use with other drugs and alcohol can cause severe intoxication and lead to death.

Stages of overdose with sleeping pills and tranquilizers

The rate of poisoning in each special case will be different. It depends on age, weight, individual characteristics body and the presence of chronic diseases.

However, the stages of poisoning and symptoms of overdose with drugs that affect the central nervous system are usually similar:

  1. First, there is a gradual slowdown, drowsiness appears and profuse salivation. If deviations are noticed in time and help is provided, a person’s condition can quickly be brought back to normal.
  2. Loss of consciousness is an indicator of stage 2 overdose. In this case, the patient has a poor and thread-like appearance. Smooth muscles relax, and the tongue may sink. Timely assistance will help avoid death.

  1. In the third stage, the person falls into a coma. It is observed that breathing is weak and blood pressure is low. A malfunction occurs internal organs. If a person can be brought out of a coma, there is Great chance development of pathology brain cells, liver failure, paralysis and, as a result, disability.
  2. For terminal stage characterized by a gradual decline in vital functions important organs. Despite resuscitation measures the person dies.

The patient will not be able to objectively assess his condition during an overdose and take measures to survive. He will remain in his death throes deep sleep. First, breathing will stop, then the work of the heart muscle will stop, brain functions will still work for a short time, but then fade away.

Lethal doses of drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Such drugs are always in the medicine cabinet of older people. Overdoses of these drugs occur when self-treatment, when side effects and contraindications are not taken into account.

Tablets to lower blood pressure

Drug poisoning can occur due to the use of drugs to normalize blood pressure. Antihypertensive drugs designed to lower blood pressure. Capoten and Captopril are often prescribed to patients with hypertension. The required dosage is selected individually, based on the patient’s condition and side effects after taking the medicine. The maximum daily volume of drugs should not exceed 150 mg.

Often an overdose of Capoten with a fatal outcome occurs when hypertensive crisis, when a person tries to reduce blood pressure faster and independently increases a single dose. Signs of severe poisoning are:

  • hypotension;
  • chest pain;
  • discomfort in lumbar region associated with renal disorders;
  • allergic reaction in the form of .

With absence timely assistance high risks of kidney failure, damage pulmonary artery, changes in brain tissue. If the pressure decreases, an overdose of tablets with a fatal outcome can occur within 30 minutes.

Heart medications

People with diseases of cardio-vascular system Nitroglycerin is often taken to relieve angina attacks. The well-known medicine is in the medicine cabinet of almost every family. The drug promotes vasodilation and quickly normalizes a person’s condition. But an overdose of Nitroglycerin can be fatal.

Digoxin is prescribed for heart failure. It promotes vasodilation and has moderate diuretic effect. The tablets are quickly absorbed, providing a therapeutic effect on the body. A 10-fold overdose of Digoxin can result in death. Poisoning with cardiac drugs causes irreversible consequences in a short period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to call a team of doctors at the first signs of intoxication.

Symptoms of heart drug poisoning:

Body systems Symptoms of overdose
Cardiovascular Cardiopalmus Tachycardia
Skin Blue discoloration of the epidermis Pale, dry, cyanotic skin
Gastrointestinal tract Vomiting
Neurological abnormalities Drowsiness, tremors in the limbs, anxiety, lack of coordination Trembling in the arms and legs, hallucinations, depression
Arterial pressure Increased Horse racing
Associated symptoms Hyperthermia accompanied by perspiration Temperature increase

Note. There is no special antidote to Nitroglycerin, which complicates resuscitation efforts when eliminating intoxication of the body. It is possible to neutralize Digoxin molecules with the help of drugs: Atropine, Unitol, Antidigoxin.

Providing first aid for pill poisoning

A fatal drug overdose requires calling an ambulance. Only medical intervention can improve the patient's condition and prevent death. If the lethal pills were taken 30 minutes ago and the person is still conscious, immediately take the following actions:

  • Give enough water to lavage the stomach.
  • Try to induce vomiting in the patient.
  • Serve the person with sweet tea or milk.
  • Try to find used medication packaging, this will help in determining rehabilitation tactics.

October 7th, 2009

If you want to be healthy, douse yourself, don’t touch this rubbish, or better yet, avoid it altogether...
The deadliest things on our planet.

Death cap- Destroying Angel. First physical signs poisoning usually includes nausea, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. After a feeling of slight discomfort, there is a sharp pain in the abdomen, severe vomiting, intense thirst, and cyanosis of the extremities, as well as yellowness of the eyes and skin as liver damage. The patient remains conscious almost until the end, with brief intervals of loss of consciousness, then coma and death.

Dog fish(Pufferfish). The poison tetraodontoxin is found in the ovaries of this fish and is not destroyed by heat treatment. In case of poisoning, speech is difficult, and paralysis of the respiratory system quickly develops, accompanied by paralysis of the central nervous system. The cause of death is most often convulsions or respiratory arrest, which occur within one to two hours after the poison enters the body.

Castor bean-Castor Beans. Signs of poisoning are bitterness in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, drowsiness, cyanosis, stupor, impaired microcirculation, blood in the urine, ultimately coma, and death; a toxic agent, even in low concentrations, causes the dissolution of red blood cells, in serious cases hemorrhages develop throughout the body. Castor beans can also lead to premature birth in pregnant women. Autopsies of patients who have died from castor bean poisoning show that the vomit and stool contain blood.

Belladonna. All parts of the plant are deadly poisonous, especially its roots, leaves, and berries. The poison paralyzes the parasympathetic nervous system by blocking nerve endings.

Viper Venom. Snake venom affects the blood and nervous system, it is less poisonous when it enters the mouth than into the blood... The victim of a viper bite bleeds from the wound, has a fever and chills. Poisoning is accompanied by swelling or hemorrhages above the elbows or knees. These signs usually appear within two hours after the bite. Then fainting, bleeding from the nose and mouth, loss of vision, followed by loss of consciousness. Death caused by cardiorespiratory disorders is inevitable if an antidote is not administered in time.

Barbados nut or Physical nut. The threat lies in the deceptively pleasant taste of the seeds. However, do not be fooled - each seed contains at least 55 percent of the active substance "Hell oil", which blocks protein synthesis in the intestinal wall and can lead to death.

Hemlock. Signs of poisoning are a gradual loss of coordination, accompanied by a fast and weakened pulse, pain in the muscles as they atrophy and eventually die. Although the mind remains clear, vision often deteriorates until the victim dies from pulmonary paralysis. It is believed that Socrates was poisoned with the juice of this plant, and not hemlock, as previously thought.

Cobra Venom has mainly neurotoxic effects. Its strength is enough to cause the death of a person after the first full bite. In such cases, the mortality rate may exceed 75 percent. However, taking into account all the behavioral characteristics of the king cobra, in general, only 10 percent of bites are fatal to humans.

Datura. All parts of the plant contain poisonous alkaloids. When hitting gastrointestinal tract affect the nervous system, causing cardiac dysfunction and paralysis.

Lily of the valley. Contains quite high concentration cardiac glycoside, in small doses stimulates the work of a weakened heart muscle, but in case of overdose it leads to arrhythmias and blockade electrical conductivity heart, necessary for its normal contractions. All parts of the plant are poisonous. Poisoning is manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache and pain in the epigastric region. IN severe cases The rhythm and frequency of heart contractions are disturbed, and the pulse, as a rule, becomes rare. Sometimes the nervous system is also affected. This is evidenced by agitation, visual disturbances, convulsions, and loss of consciousness.

Aconite has neurotoxic and cardiotoxic effects. Symptoms of poisoning are nausea, vomiting, numbness of the tongue, lips, cheeks, tips of fingers and toes, a crawling sensation, sensations of heat and cold in the extremities. Intoxication with aconite is characterized by a transient visual disturbance - the patient sees objects in green. There is also drooling followed by dryness. oral cavity, thirst appears, headache, anxiety, convulsive twitching of the muscles of the face and limbs, loss of consciousness. Breathing is rapid, shallow, and may suddenly stop.

Rhododendron. Contains glucoside substances - andromedotoxin, ericolin. Andromedotoxin has a local irritant and general narcotic effect, first stimulating and then depressing the central nervous system; greatly upsets the activity of the heart, in a peculiar way, like veratrine, it affects the muscle. Poisoning develops very quickly. Often, within a few hours of eating rhododendron leaves and branches, death occurs.

Tubocurarine chloride. White crystalline powder, in traumatology d-tubocurarine is sometimes used to relax muscles when repositioning fragments, reducing complex dislocations... Side effects from the use of tubocurarine are observed only in case of overdose; in this case, the patient may develop respiratory failure due to paralysis respiratory muscles and, as a result, death.

Rhubarb. Rhubarb can only be eaten in early spring, until the air temperature rises above 15-17° C. In early spring, malic acid predominates in rhubarb, then its content increases, and with increasing temperature in hot weather, oxalic acid accumulates in the petioles, which is harmful to the body: it forms poorly excreted salts and removes calcium contained in the blood. Consumption oxalic acid 3-4 g at once is dangerous not only for children, but also for adults. In case of poisoning, vomiting, convulsions, and kidney failure may occur. In the first two days, death can occur from asphyxia, shock, or cardiovascular failure. In the next 2 weeks after poisoning, the following may be observed: severe complications, such as acute renal failure, repeated collapses, profuse bleeding, hemorrhagic pneumonia, perforation of the stomach, which can lead to death of the patient.

Gila monster- a large reptile, with a very beautiful black and orange pattern throughout the body. Latin name This beautiful lizard is Heloderma suspectum or the poisonous tooth. On the top and lower jaw there are grooves to which the channels of highly developed poisonous glands approach. When biting, the teeth go deep into the victim's body. Venom tooth bites are very painful and act almost the same as snake bites. The venom is neurotoxic, meaning that when it bites, it paralyzes its victim. For small animals, lizard venom is fatal; in humans it usually causes very severe swelling, but can sometimes lead to death.

Croton oil- liquid obtained from the seeds of the Croton tiglium plant. It has a strong laxative effect and irritates the skin and mucous membranes. Even in small quantities (over 20 drops) it is life-threatening. Crotonal is toxic and mutagenic. When a person inhales its vapors, irritation of the mucous membrane, pharyngitis, cough, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, and the onset of shock or unconsciousness occurs. Contact directly with the liquid results in severe skin redness, irritation, pain and burns. When poison gets inside, the whole body is poisoned, the central nervous system is damaged, and tumors form. In case of tactile contact, skin scarring occurs.

Digitalis. Nowadays, digitalis purpurea is used to produce medicines that stimulate the cardiovascular system. Active biological substances from digitalis tend to accumulate in the body and can be harmful or even fatal to a person with healthy heart. The grass and rhizomes of foxglove are saturated with the toxin digitalin. Poisoning is accompanied by irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, the pulse becomes rapid and arrhythmic, and general weakness and shortness of breath. Convulsions may develop before death.

Codeine- an almost transparent, odorless substance with a rather bitter taste, which is available either in powder or in liquid form. When used in high doses, like other opiates, it can cause euphoria. Often when taking large quantity Tablets of some codeine-containing drugs may cause serious poisoning. Due to the fact that when regular use Codeine exhibits an addictive phenomenon (similar to addiction to heroin and other drugs of the opiate group), it is released with the same restrictions as other narcotic analgesics. At severe poisoning codeine may cause breathing problems, including paralysis while maintaining consciousness, as well as a significant drop in blood pressure.

Poisonous octopus(blue ringed octopus). Its venom, which belongs to the group of neurotoxins, is so powerful that it can kill an adult, especially if the octopus bites in the neck or in the area close to the spine. There is simply no vaccine for its poison

Dimethyl sulfate. Used in the manufacture of paints, drugs, perfumes and pesticides, most poisonings from dimethyl sulfate occur due to leakage of liquid or vapor. Signs of poisoning will be more pronounced if alcohol is present. Nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, and headache occur. Possible increase in temperature, excitability, pain in the limbs, visual and hearing impairment, mental disorders. In severe cases, tremor, ataxia, loss of consciousness, paroxysmal clonic-tonic convulsions resembling epileptic seizures, and coma develop. A pathological examination reveals pronounced vascular disorders and degenerative changes in parenchymal organs, brain and adrenal glands.

Nicotine. It is estimated that the lethal dose of nicotine for humans is 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight, i.e. about 50 - 70 mg for a teenager. Consequently, death can occur if a teenager smokes half a pack of cigarettes at the same time, because a whole pack contains exactly one lethal dose of nicotine.

Wart. A fish with a row of spines on its back that release a poisonous toxin. It is the most dangerous known poisonous fish and its poison causes severe pain with possible shock, paralysis and tissue death depending on the depth of penetration. At the slightest irritation, the wart raises the spines of the dorsal fin; sharp and durable, they easily pierce the shoes of a person who accidentally steps on a fish, and penetrate deep into the foot. With deep penetration, the injection can be fatal to a person if he is not given health care during few hours. If the thorn gets into a large blood vessel, death can occur within 2-3 hours. Survivors sometimes remain ill for months. The venom consists of a mixture of proteins, including hemolytic stonustoxin, neurotoxin and cardioactive cardioleptin. Typically, surviving victims suffer localized nerve damage, sometimes leading to atrophy of the attached muscle tissue. The pain can be so severe that injection victims want to cut off the injured limb.

Hydrogen sulfide- a colorless, poisonous gas heavier than air with an unpleasant odor rotten eggs. It can be released during the process of decay and accumulates in lowlands. Very toxic. At high concentrations, a single inhalation can cause instant death. At small concentrations, adaptation to the unpleasant smell of “rotten eggs” occurs quite quickly, and it ceases to be felt. There is a sweetish taste in the mouth metallic taste. The first symptom acute poisoning serves as loss of smell. Subsequently, headache, dizziness and nausea appear. Sometimes after a while they come sudden fainting.

Oleander- a large evergreen shrub. All parts of the plant are poisonous, moreover, the smoke from the burning plant and the water in which the flowers stood are poisonous. The plant contains a number of cardiac glycosides (oleandrin, cornerin, etc.). Oleander juice, taken internally, causes severe colic in humans and animals, vomiting and diarrhea...It also affects the nervous system (even to the point of coma). Cardiac glycosides cause cardiac arrest.

Phencyclidine(phencyclidine, PCP) - widely used in veterinary medicine for short-term immobilization of large animals. It has been noted to cause dissociated anesthesia. Phencyclidine is easy to synthesize. People who use phencyclidine are primarily young people and polydrug addicts. The true prevalence of phencyclidine drug addiction is unknown, but national data suggests that cases in the United States are Lately have become more frequent. PCP is either taken orally, smoked, or administered intravenously. It is also used as an additive to illegally sold delta-tetrahydrocannabinol, LSD and cocaine. The most common homemade drug of PCP is called "angel dust." Low doses phencyclidine (5 mg) cause anxiety, agitation, incoordination, dysarthria and anesthesia. Horizontal and vertical nystagmus, hot flashes, profuse sweat, hyperacusis. Mental disorders include body schema disturbances, incoherent thinking, derealization, and depersonalization. Higher doses (5-10 mg) cause increased salivation, vomiting, myoclonus, hyperthermia, stupor and coma. In doses of 10 mg or more, phencyclidine causes epileptic seizures, opisthotonus and decerebrate rigidity, which can be followed by prolonged coma. Acute psychosis caused by phencyclidine should be considered a psychiatric emergency with high risk suicide or violent crime.

Parathion(Parathion) - organophosphorus compound - pesticide; when it is inhaled, enters the gastrointestinal tract, or is absorbed through the skin, poisoning occurs. Like some other organophosphate compounds, parathion interferes with the enzyme cholinesterase, resulting in excessive stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Symptoms of poisoning include headaches, profuse sweating and salivation, lacrimation, vomiting, diarrhea and muscle spasms.

TEPP cholinesterase inhibitor-used mainly as insecticides and can cause poisoning. Symptoms - headache, loss of depth perception, convulsions, sweating, chest pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, general paralysis, involuntary urination and defecation, drop in blood pressure, death.

Yew tree. All parts of the plant are poisonous, except the red fruits. The wood, bark and leaves of yew contain the alkaloid taxin and are therefore poisonous to humans and many other animals, although, for example, hares and deer eat yew willingly and without harm to themselves. The older the yew needles, the more poisonous they are.

Carbon Tetrachloride(Carbon Tetrachloride) is a caustic volatile liquid used as a dry cleaner. When its vapors are inhaled or swallowed, it leads to severe damage to the heart, liver and kidneys (for example, the patient may develop cirrhosis of the liver or kidney nephrosis), affects optic nerve and on some other nerves in the human body.

Strychnine- an alkaloid contained in the seeds of tropical plants of the genus strychnos. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, and in toxic doses causes characteristic tetanic convulsions...

Clostridium botulinum(Clostridium botulinum) is a gram-positive bacterium of the genus Clostridium, the causative agent of botulism, a severe food intoxication caused by botulinum toxin and characterized by damage to the nervous system. Botulinum toxin accumulates in food products infected with C. botulunum spores during their germination if anaerobic conditions are created (for example, during canning). For humans, botulinum toxin is the most potent bacterial poison, having a detrimental effect at a dose of 10-8 mg/kg. C. botulinum spores can withstand boiling for 6 hours, sterilization at high blood pressure destroys them after 20 minutes, 10% hydrochloric acid- after 1 hour, 50% formaldehyde after 24 hours. Botulinum toxin type A(B) is completely destroyed when boiled for 25 minutes. The incubation period for botulism ranges from several hours to 2-5 days (rarely up to 10 days). On the first day, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are noted. Next, neurosymptoms associated with damage to nerve centers predominate: impaired accommodation, double vision, difficulty swallowing, aphonia. In severe forms of botulism, death occurs from respiratory paralysis, sometimes from sudden cardiac arrest.

Potassium cyanide - potassium salt hydrocyanic acid, chemical formula KCN. Strong inorganic poison. When hit through digestive tract lethal dose for humans is 1.7 mg/kg. Sometimes large doses are tolerated; the effect may slow down when the stomach is filled with food. Potassium cyanide is a powerful inhibitor. When it enters the body, it blocks the cellular enzyme cytochrome c oxidase, as a result of which cells lose the ability to absorb oxygen from the blood and the body dies from interstitial hypoxia.

A person eats food every day different products, spices and drinks. In addition, many of us go through periodic treatment medications and take vitamin complexes. An excess of absolutely any product can lead to severe poisoning, and in some cases, death. Many things, even things that are familiar to us, can have an impact negative impact on the body with excessive consumption. You need to know the lethal doses for a person of a particular substance in order to protect yourself and your family.

How does alcohol and nicotine abuse affect you?

Alcoholic drinks

Alcoholic drinks cannot be considered vital important product, which is extremely necessary in the diet, but some people consume it precisely in this capacity, sometimes completely forgetting about any measure. Lethal dosage of alcohol, which is taken once, is the equivalent of pure alcohol of 4-12 grams per kilogram of body weight. For a young man of normal build, the lethal dosage would be 5-6 ppm of ethanol found in venous blood. This can easily be achieved if you drink more than three standard bottles of vodka in one sitting. Human body may react quite adequately to such a large intake of a toxic substance - uncontrollable vomiting will begin, which will contribute to partial cleansing.

Ethanol also has benefits. Despite its strong toxicity, it is an excellent antidote for intoxication with other alcohols - methanol and ethylene glycol.


Nicotine is not only found in tobacco products. It is found in sufficient quantities in potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes and large bell pepper. The substance found in vegetables does not cause harm to humans, since the doses are negligible.

This substance is very toxic and poses a mortal danger not only to humans and warm-blooded creatures, but even to many insects. Individual sensitivity to nicotine varies among warm-blooded animals. In rats, death occurs when 50 mg per kilogram of body weight is ingested, in mice 5.9 mg per kilogram, and humans can die if the concentration is only 0.5-1 mg per kilogram of body weight. To understand how insignificant this dose is, you can make a comparison with known poison– potassium cyanide. His For fatal poisoning only 1.7 mg per kilogram of weight is enough.

When smoking cigarettes, the bulk of nicotine burns out and decomposes into less toxic substances. Smokers kill themselves slowly. But to die quickly, it is enough to smoke more than a hundred cigarettes at once.


A person must eat more than 20 kg of joy grass or smoke about 700 kg within 15 minutes to die. This can be said to explain the fact that there are no documented cases of death from marijuana overdose.



100 grams of sausage or any other processed meat product contains up to 2 grams of salt. It is known that lethal doses for humans of this substance vary depending on body weight. Thus, people of a small weight category only need to eat about 3 kilograms of sausages at one time to get unpleasant consequences from excess salt intake. This manifests itself in the following unpleasant conditions:

  • An increase in pressure due to the fact that intracellular fluid passes into the blood vessels.
  • The tissues in the body become very dehydrated and slowly die.
  • Irreversible changes occur in brain cells, which leads to the death of this organ.

Besides huge amount salt, sausage contains an excess of preservatives, flavorings and flavor enhancers. All these substances have a negative effect on the human body.


All chocolate contains a lot of sugar, which, if consumed in excess, is very dangerous to human health. It must be remembered that One kilogram of chocolate contains a lethal dose of sugar - 700 grams.

If a person receives an excess of sugar, then the following pathological processes occur in the body:

  • Excessive amounts of insulin begin to be released;
  • There is not enough insulin produced by the pancreas and sugar is excreted in the urine;
  • A lot of fluid leaves the body along with sugar, so dehydration quickly sets in.

Excessive consumption of chocolate over a long period of time leads to severe allergic reactions, as well as diabetes.


It turns out that cherries can also be dangerous to human health. Or rather, not the pulp itself, but the contents of the cherry pit. It contains the dangerous poison cyanide. If a person accidentally swallows several seeds, then there is no threat. And if a lot of the contents of the cherry seeds were eaten, it would lead to death. A lethal dose is only 2 grams of this substance. This is why doctors do not recommend eating the contents of the seeds.

No warm-blooded creature can live without rock salt. However daily requirement very small and no more than 2-4 grams. If a person is constantly undernourished with salt, then he begins to develop the following diseases:

  • destruction of bone mass;
  • amyotrophy;
  • failures in the functions of the heart and digestive system occur;
  • a depressive state develops, which can develop into more serious mental illnesses.

If salt is completely absent from the diet, this leads to fatal outcome in just 10 days.

An excess of salt is just as dangerous as a lack. It’s not for nothing that people say that salt is white death. For people dangerous dosage 250 grams of kitchen salt is considered. And such a death will be quite painful, since they die from extensive swelling of important organs and systems.


Caffeine is found in tea, coffee and some plants. In small dosages it invigorates well and stimulates activity, but this state after a while changes to fatigue, weakness and depressive state. A lethal dose of caffeine for a person is about 10 grams of pure substance, but only if it enters the bloodstream. To die after coffee, you need not only to drink more than 5 liters of good, strong expresso, but also to wait until it is completely absorbed.

For people with weakened immune systems, the lethal dosage of caffeine will be much less, so you should not abuse this drink.


Without water, life on earth is impossible - both adults and children clearly know this. But it can be dangerous. You can not only drown in water due to carelessness, you can actually get poisoned by it. Poisoning is caused by completely clean, drinkable water if you drink too much of it.

If too much water enters the human body, a change in the water-salt balance occurs, the work of all important organs and systems is greatly disrupted, which ultimately leads to death.

Death can occur if a person drinks more than 7 liters of water during the day. This volume includes not only water and drinks, but also first courses.

Water poisoning is diagnosed in medical practice rarely. In most cases this happens after grueling physical exercise in the sun. In addition, such conditions can occur in travelers who suffered from thirst for a long time and then drank water uncontrollably.


This spice can also lead to death if consumed in excess of 10 grams. Liver cells are affected, which is expressed by general malaise and discoloration of the skin.

Mechanical impact

Sun rays

Lethal doses substances for humans are supplemented by the sun's rays. If it was previously thought that than longer person walks in the sun, the healthier he is, but now it is scientifically proven that this is absolutely not the case. Excessive exposure to a person sun rays will lead not only to visible changes on the skin, but also to other unpleasant consequences:

  • Rapid aging of the skin and the entire body as a whole.
  • Violation of the functions of the genital organs.
  • Oncological diseases.

Interestingly, the disadvantage sunlight leads to exactly the same pathologies.

Sunstroke is very dangerous condition, which leads to death in a third of cases. If, while walking in a sunny area, a person feels a deterioration in health, then you need to move to a shaded place.


Electricity is very dangerous - everyone knows this. Every person, at some point in time, learns from personal experience how painful an electric shock is. But it turns out that you can get electrocuted not only when using electrical appliances. Quite often this phenomenon is observed in the cold season, when the air in the house is dry and all clothes are excessively electrified. Sparkles literally fall off people with any movement. When a current of 1mA passes through the body, it already leads to painful sensations.

A direct current of more than 60 mA or an alternating current of about 300 mA can cause cardiac arrest. But this same current strength is used in medicine to restart a recently stopped heart.


The list of dangerous factors for people also includes mosquitoes. A female mosquito can drink up to 5 ml of blood from the human body. At the same time The fatal blood loss for humans is considered to be 2.5 liters. If you follow the logic, then a person of average build can be bitten to death by a flock of half a million of these insects. In this case, death will occur more quickly from the toxic saliva of insects, which is released during the bite. It is thanks to this substance that a burning sensation and severe inflammation are felt at the site of the bite.



All vitamins important for humans, without exception, are poisonous if consumed in excess. Most often, an excess of a certain vitamin and its deficiency lead to similar symptoms. Thus, a lack of vitamin A and its excess will equally lead to dry skin and severe hair loss hair. The volume of various vitamins that a person needs for the normal functioning of all organs and systems is negligible. And any excess of the dosage will lead to acute or chronic intoxication.

Extremely permissible doses vitamins for adults and children are always indicated on the original packaging, they must be strictly observed. To obtain severe poisoning, which in some cases leads to death, it is enough to drink a couple of packages of pharmaceutical drugs.

Starting to take vitamin complexes, you need to adjust your diet. Food products also supply vitamins to the body, which can cause an overabundance.


A seemingly safe medicine, paracetamol, which is prescribed to patients of all age groups, also leads to serious consequences if consumed in excess. A lethal dosage for humans is considered to be 15 grams.. Severe damage to liver cells occurs, which leads to persistent liver failure and ultimately can cause death.

It would seem even familiar products and substances can lead to irreversible consequences and even death. This is not surprising - everything needs to be taken in moderation, because any product turns from useful into harmful if it is heavily abused.

Almost every instruction for the use of a particular drug contains an “Overdose” clause, which indicates the consequences that threaten the patient if the drug is “too much.”

As a rule, the lethal dose of the tablets is not indicated there. However, it is necessary to know about this, if only so that in case of accidental ingestion, you can correctly identify the symptoms of poisoning and provide first aid.

There are interesting statistics, albeit for America, but this is not the point. In this country, literally every 19 minutes, one person dies due to overdosing on medications.

The problem of taking lethal doses of pills is quite common today. After all, for poisoning to occur, you need a dose only 10 times higher than normal. Thus, the lethal dose of Phenazepam tablets, a popular tranquilizer, is 10 mg.

The figure for children and the elderly is two times less.

There are a number of reasons for overdoses, among which an important one is people’s love for self-medication. This is also predisposed by the fact that many medications - and by no means harmless ones - are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

A person can take lethal pills consciously, wanting to commit suicide. But more often it happens that this happens either due to absent-mindedness, or in case of non-compliance with the recommended rules of administration. A similar nuisance can happen to a child who discovers a package of pills and decides to try them like candy. Be that as it may, the person must be saved and done as quickly as possible.

How to determine an overdose?

If the patient has taken an increased dose of tablets, the body’s reaction will not be unambiguous: it depends on various factors, including gender and age. The disease for which a particular drug is prescribed, as well as possible concomitant ailments, also play a role.

Of course, the symptoms will depend on the type of taken pills, – what properties and mechanism of action they have. Among the brightest and most frequently encountered are the following:

  • the patient may feel dizzy;
  • often the condition is aggravated by abdominal pain and stool upset;
  • the appearance of seizures is observed;
  • poisoning of this kind threatens depression and respiratory arrest;
  • vision is impaired;
  • hallucinations occur.

Video: Dose Required to Death

Such reactions, in particular, can be caused by paracetamol, a very popular antipyretic and analgesic medicine. The lethal dose of paracetamol in tablets, according to various sources, ranges from 50 to 75 pieces. If we express this in grams, then the figure will be: 10–15 g. But even when taking more than 20 tablets, they are guaranteed big trouble. Thus, the occurrence of acute liver failure can also be added to the reactions described above. In such a situation, if you do not immediately consult a doctor, the only way to save the person within 24 hours is with a liver transplant.

The whole body, as a result of “overdosing” with paracetamol, slowly but surely decomposes, and after a week and a half it can be stated: an overdose of tablets has occurred with a fatal outcome.

The very first aid

Help provided “hot on the heels” can literally save a person’s life. But, nevertheless, if an overdose of pills occurs, what to do before starting any action is to first call an ambulance or call a poison control center and get advice. To do this, you need to know the name of the medicine that the patient took, when approximately this happened, as well as the age of the victim.

  • First aid for an overdose of tablets before the ambulance arrives will be to rinse the victim’s stomach, causing him to vomit, and thereby preventing the drug from being absorbed into the mucous membranes. This measure is applicable, of course, if the patient is not unconscious, and is especially effective in the first half hour after administration large dose medications, but not more than two hours.
  • In any case, after gastric lavage, an overdose will not interfere with activated carbon - an excellent adsorbent that can quickly neutralize the medication. Charcoal tablets You must first grind it and dilute four tablespoons of powder in a glass of water. To neutralize a lethal dose of pills for humans, in particular, aspirin or sleeping pills, 10 grams is enough activated carbon.
  • To combat the effects of sleeping pills or sedatives, you can use regular tea, which contains substances that excite the nervous system.

How to induce vomiting?

Although the symptoms of an overdose of some drugs include vomiting, you should not wait for this to happen by itself, since the drug will already have time to be absorbed, and rinsing in this case is unlikely to help.

Vomiting can be induced in several ways.

  • An effective solution of dry mustard or salt is to drink at least three glasses, diluting two teaspoons of powder or salt per glass.
  • You can give the victim a soap solution to drink.
  • Pressing your palm on the upper abdomen can also cause vomiting.
  • AND classic version– “two fingers in the mouth”, i.e. put your finger down the throat of an overdose victim.

We must remember, so to speak, about safety precautions: so that the patient does not choke on vomit, vomiting must be induced by placing him on his side or sitting with his head tilted forward.

Video: TOP 5 Lethal Doses of Common Substances

Poisoning can be avoided

I want to Once again cite a familiar phrase from the instructions for using medications: store in a place inaccessible to children. And since we are talking about children, it makes sense to remind necessary measures precautions.

  • Be sure to check whether you are giving the right drug to your child. After all, by any chance in the packaging from the necessary tablets may turn out to be completely different.
  • It is strictly not recommended to call it delicious candy when persuading a child to take a pill.
  • Children's medications in liquid form usually come with a dropper or measuring spoon. You need to use only them, then the possibility of an overdose will simply be excluded.

Video: TOP 10 UNSUCCESSFUL SUICIDES - Interesting facts

To the question: “What pills can cause death overdose?” – didn’t arise at all, we need to take into account several simple rules. So,

  • Before you start taking prescribed medications, you should definitely read the contents of the package insert, paying special attention to side effects.
  • Follow the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed this or that medicine.
  • If you received an appointment from different specialists, you need to consult a therapist about the compatibility of prescribed medications. In case of uncertainty or uncertainty, it is better to stop at some safe analogue.
  • If several medications are prescribed, then different tablets are taken separately, and not all in one handful.
  • No economic considerations should force you to take expired medications.
  • Observe the rules and storage conditions: temperature, light, moisture, etc. In particular, it is not recommended to keep pills in the bathroom cabinet, no matter how ideally designed it is for this purpose.

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How much coffee does it take to die? Or how many cherries to eat? What is the lethal dose of ordinary water? In this article we will share with you the exact numbers.

Since childhood, we have been taught that we need to stay away from toxic substances in order to avoid harm. For example, 200 mg of mercury can kill one person, but just a gram of polonium is enough to kill 50 million people.

True, no one told us that ordinary substances like water, coffee and alcohol can also cause death if consumed in excessive quantities.

Lethal dose of coffee

Coffee is a rich source of caffeine. Caffeine - narcotic substance, which causes increased heart rate and can cause cardiac arrest if consumed in very large quantities.

True, in order to provoke death, you need to drink about three cups of coffee every hour throughout the day and night. If you need a specific figure, 70 cups of coffee contains enough caffeine to kill a person weighing up to 70 kg.

How long can an average person go without breathing before he dies?

If you place your head under water or simply hold your breath, then after four minutes without oxygen the brain will be injured, and after six minutes death will occur.

Of course, there are trained people who can hold their breath for 20 minutes, but these are special cases, and we are talking about ordinary people.

Can cherries kill? Maybe!

Did you know that cherries can also deprive a person of oxygen? Cherry pits contain poison - cyanide. If you accidentally swallow a bone, it will not cause any harm. The danger comes from the seeds that are in the seeds. That’s why it’s so dangerous to crack the bones and eat what’s inside. Just one or two grams of cherry seeds are enough to kill a person.

Lethal dose of alcohol

13 glasses of strong alcohol drunk in a row can cause death (much also depends on the person’s weight). Alcohol changes chemical structure brain, or more precisely, the level of neurotransmitters that deliver signals from the brain to all parts of the body. A high dose of alcohol slows down the areas responsible for breathing and heartbeat, which can lead to death.

How tall does a person have to be for this to kill him?

In the 1930s, there lived a guy named Robert Pershing Wadlow, 272 cm tall. Too much height created excess stress on the circulatory system and bones. Robert died at 22.

In the scientific world, there is a hypothesis that every 2.5 cm after 1.5 meters reduces life expectancy by 1 year and 3 months.

Lethal dose of marijuana

To die, you need to eat 22 kg of fun grass or smoke 680 kg in 15 minutes. This explains the fact that there is not one official occasion death from marijuana overdose.

At what volume can a person's heart stop?

Do you like to listen to music loudly? Great. Just don’t make the sound louder than 185 decibels, this is considered a lethal volume threshold for humans.

Too much loud noise leads to air embolism - penetration of bubbles into the artery and its blockage. As a result, blood stops flowing to the heart and brain.

So that you understand how much this is, 185 decibels, I will give some numbers. A jackhammer gives about 100 dB (if you stand close), a chainsaw gives about 120 dB, and the sound of 150 dB can be felt when standing next to the turbine of an airplane taking off.

Lethal dose of water

Large amounts of water (approximately six liters) can cause problems. With such a volume of fluid, cells begin to swell, and this leads to headaches and convulsions, in extreme cases even to coma and death. There is a known case where a person died after drinking 10 liters of water within eight hours.

And if you drink little water and eat a lot of salty foods, the cells shrink, which leads to a condition called hypernatremia, which also has a detrimental effect on health.

How long can you go without sleep before death occurs?

In studies on rats, the record was set at two weeks. The human world record is 11 days without sleep. But there is not a single documented case of death due to long absence sleep.

Lethal dose of chocolate

If you have a dog, then you know not to give chocolate to your animal. This can lead to serious health problems. The substance theobromine, to which four-legged animals are so sensitive, can also harm humans. True, the lethal dose of chocolate is 85 bars eaten in a row. It is unlikely that anyone is capable of this.

Lethal dose of salt

3 g of salt per kilogram of weight is incompatible with life, that is, a quarter of a regular kilogram pack guarantees death. Another thing is how to eat these 250 g? If it works, then the following will happen to the body: due to an excess of salt in the blood, blood pressure will rise sharply (which is dangerous in itself), and this will be accompanied by severe edema (1 g of sodium chloride leads to 100 ml of fluid being retained in the body). Most likely, swelling of the brain and lungs will occur - and as a result, as you already know, you will be finished.