Lots of white discharge after freezing. White discharge associated with diseases. Causes and signs of normal leucorrhoea

Moderate, non-discomfortable white discharge in women indicates the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Their intensity and consistency vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. This is due to normal physiological processes occurring in the body. If white vaginal discharge has acquired an unpleasant odor or changed structure, then it signals the development of pathology and is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

White vaginal discharge is observed in various situations. The consistency of normal secretion is thick and quite liquid, and its quantity is abundant and meager. Both of these options are considered normal.

The reasons why white flakes appear on girls' panties can be both pathological and natural. Such changes are typical for certain periods of the cycle and early stages of pregnancy. They can be triggered by intimacy and stress.


During certain phases of the cycle, the volume of secretion increases. Such changes are noted at the time of ovulation. In this case, a stretchy, whitish, odorless discharge appears in women, similar to egg white. Mucus, the color of milk, can be observed for several hours or a couple of days after the release of the egg. Over time, under the influence of progesterone, it acquires a thick consistency and is produced in significantly smaller quantities.

Early pregnancy

Whitish discharge in a virgin most often indicates the imminent arrival of regula, but if the woman has already had sexual experience, then such changes can signal pregnancy. Such symptoms appear due to hormonal changes in the body.

The amount of secretion gradually increases. Often, white discharge without itching or odor is observed throughout the first trimester. They are considered to be the absolute norm.

They can arise for various reasons, so we recommend that you study this issue in more detail.

Discharge during sexual intercourse

Appearing during intimacy are considered normal. When aroused, mucus begins to be produced, the volume of which increases significantly as desire increases and reaches its maximum amount upon completion of sexual intercourse. Viscous lumps should not cause concern - this is a natural phenomenon.

You also need to take into account that mucus has different characteristics depending on whether a condom was used or not. If intimacy was unprotected, then the secretion mixes with sperm and acquires an unusual smell and yellowish color. When using barrier contraceptives, the artificial lubricant of the condom comes into contact with the fluid secreted from the vagina - and quite thick leucorrhoea is formed.


Often, white discharge from the uterus is noted against the background of a delay, but fertilization has not occurred. Such changes can be triggered by stress. If a maximum of five days is observed, and the discharge itself is odorless, does not increase in volume and does not cause discomfort, then there is no reason to panic.

Signs of pathological discharge

When the immune system is suppressed, hormone levels change and antibiotic medications are taken, pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply, resulting in an inflammatory process.

The development of diseases is indicated by the following nature of the secretion:

  • copious white discharge with a thick, cheesy consistency;
  • foamy mucus;
  • viscous discharge with a pungent, very unpleasant odor.

Attention should also be paid to accompanying symptoms. Regardless of whether odorless or odorless discharge is noted, it raises concerns if additional clinical manifestations are present. Itching, discomfort during urination and intimacy, redness of the genitals, pain in the abdomen and hyperthermia indicate the onset of the pathological process. Such changes are a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of pathological discharge

White thick discharge in women appears for both natural and pathological reasons. To identify the disease, you need to pay special attention to the consistency, smell, as well as the volume of secretion and accompanying symptoms. Such changes are often provoked by candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and a number of other diseases of the reproductive system. In this case, scanty and abundant white discharge requires immediate treatment.

Development of candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush) is a common disease. Its occurrence can be caused by hormonal disorders, non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene, taking antibiotics and oral contraceptives. Under the influence of these factors, Candida fungi actively multiply and the main symptoms of thrush begin to appear.

Initially, thick white discharge, odorless and itchy, with a cheesy consistency, may be observed. With further development of the pathology, additional symptoms appear. White vaginal discharge takes on a sour aroma. A woman suffers from burning and itching in the genital area. If a bacterial infection occurs, the secretion becomes gray or yellow.

Bacterial vaginosis

The development of pathology is caused by a violation of the vaginal microflora and the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms in it. Such changes occur due to suppressed immunity, intestinal dysbiosis, improper organization of the diet and wearing underwear made of synthetic materials.

As this disease develops, the skin in the vaginal area begins to itch, and a liquid secretion appears that has an unpleasant odor of rotten fish.

Bacterial vaginosis requires treatment. Lack of proper therapy can lead to inflammation of the appendages and genital organs, as well as infection into the vagina. The situation will worsen significantly.

Development of cervicitis

The occurrence of this disease is due to the onset of an inflammatory process that occurs in the part of the cervix that exits into the vagina. At the same time, an odorless mucous discharge begins to be released, in which an admixture of pus is often observed.

The causes of the pathological process, as a rule, are infections, damage to the uterus during childbirth and scars formed after surgery.

Pathology of the cervix

Thick, odorless and itchy discharge may appear due to the development of erosion of the cervix or the growth of a malignant tumor on it. In this case, the woman feels a mild nagging pain in the abdominal area. In addition, regardless of the period of the cycle, a milky, odorless daub is observed. Also among the symptoms of the pathology is an admixture of blood in the secretion after intimacy, but such clinical manifestations are rare. Often the disease is asymptomatic.

Diagnosis of diseases

To understand why odorless or uncharacteristic odorless white discharge appeared, the doctor first conducts an examination on the gynecological chair and studies the medical history. A swab is immediately taken to detect infection.

In addition, a number of additional studies are prescribed to help find out the exact reason for the appearance of secretion like milk:

  • blood test to determine hormone levels;
  • bacterial culture;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • colposcopy.

Only after the diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes a course of therapy.


If thick vaginal discharge is caused by thrush, then antifungal therapy is prescribed. It is also necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina, due to which it will be possible to suppress the activity of the fungus and eliminate the pathology.

In cases where odorless liquid discharge is caused by hormonal disorders, they resort to the use of medications that help normalize hormone levels. The therapy is quite lengthy. It often takes more than six months to achieve a goal.

When bacterial vaginosis is detected, antibiotics are used to suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Additionally, antifungal drugs are used to help restore microflora.

For cervical erosion, drug therapy is ineffective. In order to eliminate the problem, they resort to cauterization of the formation.

The course of treatment for cervicitis is selected depending on the reasons that provoked its appearance. Antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal medications are used in the therapy process. The affected areas are treated with antiseptic solutions. If the pathology becomes chronic, surgical intervention is resorted to.

The appearance of white mucus often does not indicate the onset of a pathological process and is considered normal. Signs of the development of the disease are an unpleasant smell of secretion, pain, itching and burning and other associated symptoms. When they appear, you need the help of a gynecologist. The sooner a problem is identified, the easier it will be to fix it.

An odorless discharge from the vagina often raises doubts that this is how it should be, and sometimes even a suspicion of the presence of a disease. Meanwhile, leucorrhoea is a natural process of the body. So, a woman’s white discharge is odorless and itchy. How to recognize normality and pathology will be discussed below.

Normal vaginal discharge

Every woman experiences discharge throughout her entire menstrual cycle. But they are not the same all the time, but change. In general, based on their characteristics, one can draw a preliminary conclusion not only about the functioning of the reproductive system, but also about general health.

In addition to the fact that normally it should be without itching and odor, its consistency should be gel-like, with shades that depend on individual characteristics and other factors. The ovulatory period is accompanied by thick, transparent discharge without impurities.

No more than half a teaspoon is released per day; this is not accompanied by irritation of the mucous membrane; stains on linen are usually no more than three to four centimeters (they become brighter when dry). Vaginal discharge performs several functions: cleansing of “garbage” (cells, microflora, blood), barrier role (local immunity), providing favorable conditions for sexual intercourse, conception and gestation.

White vaginal discharge possible causes

There may be several reasons for the increase in odorless leucorrhoea: a certain period of the cycle (before menstruation), pregnancy, juvenile and premenopausal age, several months after childbirth, taking OK, breastfeeding, IUD. May also be to blame: climate change, allergies, vaginal suppositories, weight fluctuations, hormonal imbalance, poor hygiene, reaction to a new sexual partner, douching.

To eliminate it, it is necessary to identify the factor that provoked this phenomenon. Even minimal exposure to certain phenomena can trigger the occurrence of serious pathology. Therefore, it is better to discuss the presence of questionable secretion with your doctor.


From the time of your first menstruation, each month one of the eggs “ripens” and begins to move out of the ovary to reach a potential meeting place with sperm for fertilization. This happens approximately in the middle of the cycle (about 14 days before the start of the “critical days”).

During this period, the nature of the discharge changes. They become more viscous. The volume also changes upward.

After the end of the ovulatory period, the leucorrhoea becomes less thick. Associated symptoms include an increase in basal temperature, some note specific pain in the ovarian area.

Beginning of menstruation

Many people believe that menstruation begins with bleeding. But, before the process of cleansing the uterus begins, it briefly secretes copious mucus, which passes through the cervix, preparing for bleeding. This process can take up to two days. At this time, instead of menstruation, white discharge occurs; it is abundant, but otherwise there are no significant differences from their appearance during the rest of the cycle.

Early pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, unusual secretion may appear. If this does not bother you, then there is no reason to panic, and if there is discomfort, then most likely it is due to candidiasis, but there may be other reasons. Copious white discharge appears due to an increase in the level of a hormone produced by the ovaries. The mucus plug protects the fetus from infection and the threat of miscarriage. From about the twelfth week, the leucorrhoea changes to more liquid.

Discharge during sexual intercourse

During sexual intercourse, a woman’s body increases secretion, which at the same time becomes more viscous. This is necessary to ensure better contact, for “lubrication”, to avoid “mechanical damage” to the mucous membrane, to create the best conditions for conception.

Secretion is produced by several types of glands located on the surface of the vagina and cervix. If sex was unprotected, then the discharge after it becomes more numerous, it acquires a yellowish tint. After some time, everything returns to normal.


Emotional shocks, various experiences, overexertion, chronic fatigue, all this can affect secretion. The influence is indirect, since the main reason here is fluctuations in hormonal levels, which are influenced by the psychological state of a woman. When it returns to normal, the leucorrhoea also becomes “normal”.

Bacterial vaginosis

In the initial stage of vaginosis, when the microbiome balance of the vagina shifts towards the pathological one, the disease manifests itself weakly, pathological secretion appears much later. Vaginosis is not an inflammatory disease, but is of an infectious nature.

Bacterial vaginosis (vaginitis) - click to view

Vaginal microflora is changed by many factors. There is a significant decrease in the positive “inhabitants” of the vagina with a simultaneous increase in “negative” ones. The appearance of vaginosis is associated with several hundred types of microorganisms, and the composition of the microflora is individual for each woman.

Pathology of the cervix

Some cancers or precancerous conditions of the cervix produce a whitish, strong discharge. At the initial stage of the pathology, the smell does not change. However, they cannot be called normal either. Sexual intercourse can stain them due to blood discharge on the cervical mucosa. Only a gynecologist can find out which disease is to blame for this after an examination.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases necessarily affect the nature of the discharge, which becomes profuse with an odor. The acute stage can be bright, but if there is no treatment, the disease takes on a chronic form. STDs are caused by pathogens such as syphilis, trichomoniasis, HPV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, CMV, mycoplasmosis, herpes, and ureaplasmosis.

Some of them can be present in the body for years, making themselves felt only by periodic exacerbations, especially when the immune system is weakened; at such moments, the mucous membrane of the external genital organs can itch and itch, all this is accompanied by pain.

Possible gynecological diseases

Almost all gynecological diseases cause inflammation, which may be accompanied by white discharge. The culprit may be pathology of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, vagina, uterus and cervix. The initial stage of these diseases gives symptoms close to normal.

Gardenellosis is the most common cause of vaginosis, the main symptom of which is abundant vaginal secretion of a white (gray) hue. Other symptoms are most often associated with concomitant diseases. A large percentage of women note the absence of symptoms.

Nature of natural secretions

At a young age, more leucorrhoea is produced, but during menopause it is produced in insufficient quantities, which often causes vaginal dryness. Normally, the vagina has a slightly acidic environment, which affects the smell of the discharge, giving a slight acidic aroma. This feature allows the vagina to fight pathogens and maintain healthy microflora. Leucorrhoea can be affected by climate change, contraceptive and other medications, vaginal suppositories, coils and other topical products.

Bountiful Secret

An excessive increase in vaginal discharge is not always caused by illness. The cause may be ovulation, arousal, reaction to sperm, the onset of pregnancy, stabilization of the cycle, hormonal drugs.

Scanty discharge

A decrease in the volume of white secretion can be caused by: the initial period of the cycle, premenopausal age, diet, intimate means. Secretory deficiency leads to a decrease in vaginal immunity, problems during sexual intercourse, vaginal dryness, and a shift in the local microbiome towards the pathological one.


The viscosity of discharge is affected by hormones (the second phase of the cycle), sexual intercourse, the first trimester of pregnancy, stress, individual characteristics of the body, “wrong” underwear, and topical gynecological preparations. Jelly-like whitish discharge does not require therapy, but if it continues for a long time, it makes sense to consult a gynecologist.


“Liquefaction” of discharge occurs in the period preceding ovulation due to hormonal fluctuations (estrogen). If this is not accompanied by irritation of the external genitalia or discomfort in the pelvic area, then there is no need to panic. However, if “wateriness” persists for more than five days, then it is better to find out the cause from a specialist.

Pathological discharge

The appearance of odorless mucous discharge is not always normal. Most women believe that if there is no discomfort or pain, then everything is fine. However, as “women’s doctors” warn, the initial stage of most serious diseases hardly makes itself felt. This “almost” is what you need to pay attention to. And this, as a rule, is a change in the nature and frequency of secretion.

Lots of secretion

A sharp increase in the volume of vaginal discharge, if we are not talking about pregnancy, is a reason to find out the reasons. In case of pathology, the “daily bag” gets wet within a few hours. This symptom may indicate an erosive process, cervicitis, salpingoophoritis, adnexitis, vulvitis, vaginitis.

Feeling of dryness and white thick discharge

Vaginal dryness, combined with thick white discharge, can be caused by multiple reasons. That is, this indicates a combination of several factors that caused this feature, for example, inflammation and hormonal imbalance.

It is possible that hypoestrogenism or chronic vaginal dysbiosis is to blame.

Cloudy leucorrhoea

If the occurrence of cloudy secretion is accompanied by discomfort and painful symptoms, then perhaps the reason is a cycle disorder, urological and gynecological problems. An inflammatory process of the genitourinary system can also occur due to the lack of a regular sexual partner, unprotected sexual intercourse, hypothermia, improper self-care, abortion, and after childbirth. The causative agent of the disease is determined after testing.

Constant leucorrhoea

Prolonged milky secretion is not considered normal. The reasons may be: improper hygiene, metabolic disorders, inflammation, reaction to the IUD, incorrectly selected hormonal treatment, benign formation, cancer, local allergies.

Treatment of pathological white discharge

In most cases, white secretion does not require treatment. But if this is accompanied by discomfort, it is better to undergo an examination. The nature of leucorrhoea acts as a signal of a violation, and makes it possible to establish the cause of its appearance. Based on the results of tests and examinations, a treatment regimen is selected.

A visit to other specialists may be necessary because, for example, endocrinology disorders, chronic diseases, and urological problems can trigger the appearance of white discharge.

Treatment with folk remedies

A woman's body is more sensitive to various things. External and internal factors can shake his balance, after which he can no longer be called healthy. General condition, STDs and other causes of varying significance affect the functioning of the female reproductive system. Diseases of the genitourinary system cannot be ignored, otherwise they become chronic and can significantly worsen your well-being, and even cause cancer or disability.

Most “female” diseases have no age; they can affect both young girls and older women. Traditional medicine is used.

Among the most useful herbs for the treatment of female pathologies are boron uterus and red brush. The first helps get rid of inflammation, infertility, cycle disorders, bleeding and even benign formations. And the second is recommended for the treatment of fibroids and endometritis, erosive processes, and hormonal imbalance. For pathological leucorrhoea, you can also use not monotherapy with one herb, but take a collection that includes an equal amount of yarrow, chamomile, calendula, mint, and strawberry leaf.

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Leucorrhoea, which is discharged daily from a woman's vagina, is a natural process. But their consistency can change depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, sexual intercourse, or as a result of taking certain medications (often hormonal).

Normally, leucorrhoea does not have a specific odor and appears whitish or translucent. The appearance of greenish or red-brown inclusions in them indicates pathology.

White thick discharge without odor or itching

Viscous white discharge in women without itching or odor can be observed immediately after menstruation. The reason for their appearance is that at the beginning of the cycle, estradiol begins to be actively produced.

  • This contributes not only to the growth of the dominant follicle and the endometrial layer in the uterus, but also to a change in the volume and consistency of leucorrhoea.

Another reason for the appearance of such discharge may be the intense production of progesterone. In this case, they are observed towards the end of the second phase of the cycle.

Sometimes leucorrhoea has a yellowish tint, which also indicates the work of the hormone in the second phase of the cycle, this is especially true for women who take synthetic analogues of progesterone (for example, Duphaston).

When should you be wary?

Leucorrhoea, which has a thick consistency, should not be observed throughout the entire menstrual cycle. If such a picture does occur, then this may indicate a hormonal imbalance, in which the cycle becomes monophasic and ovulation does not occur.

If the viscous discharge has a grayish or greenish tint, and is also accompanied by itching or constant pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the uterus, cervix or appendages - the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

White liquid discharge in women

Vaginal discharge becomes more watery before ovulation begins. However, they must be homogeneous in composition, odorless, and no color other than whitish. The period that implies their appearance should be short - only a few days.

Further, under the influence of increasing levels of LH and FSH, intravaginal secretion again changes its consistency, which becomes suitable for transporting sperm to the cervix. The volume of leucorrhoea, which has a liquid consistency, may vary.

Some women require daily pads during this period, but for some representatives of the fair sex, the discharge is scanty, and for some of them it is even difficult to distinguish the period when the leucorrhoea becomes liquid.

When should you be wary?

Liquid, whitish discharge that has a sour odor and is accompanied by itching may indicate thrush. In this case, the mucous membranes of the labia majora and minora may not have white plaques characteristic of candidiasis.

Another sign of this disease is the lack of uniformity in the consistency of liquid discharge: white solid lumps, similar to grains of cottage cheese, are clearly visible in them.

This clinical picture indicates that pathological overgrowth of Candida fungi occurs in the vagina. If treatment measures are not taken, then very soon the inflammation will spread to the labia majora and minora.

Another situation that should alert you is the appearance of white and liquid discharge, accompanied by an odor and inclusions of pus.

Self-treatment in this case is contraindicated - it is necessary to take a smear on the flora to determine the type of causative agent of the disease.

When should you see a doctor?

White discharge is normal and accompanies a woman throughout her entire cycle, from one menstruation to the next. However, in certain cases, the nature of intravaginal secretion requires contacting a gynecologist and a comprehensive examination of the smear for the presence of the following diseases:

  • Bacterial vaginosis. The discharge is thick, white, with yellowish-greenish streaks, continues for a long time and is accompanied by a constant feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen or sharp pain. Over time, cervical mucus begins to smell like rotten fish.
  • Salpingo-oophoritis. The discharge is translucent, watery and very copious. Sometimes a woman can feel them pouring out of her. In addition, such discharge forces you to constantly wear pads designed for menstrual bleeding. If there is no treatment, the leucorrhoea gradually becomes thick and begins to have an unpleasant odor.
  • Endometritis. Throughout the entire cycle, the leucorrhoea is very viscous and profuse. In advanced cases they have bloody streaks. There is no smell, but menstruation may be absent until the endometritis is cured ().
  • Extensive erosion or malignant transformations on the cervix. Leucorrhoea is watery throughout the entire cycle, has no odor, but is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and pain in the lower abdomen ().

The sooner the examination is carried out, the more successful the treatment will be and the fewer negative consequences the infection will have. When treating such diseases, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial therapy, which will prevent the transition of the acute form of the disease to chronic.

What does white discharge mean during pregnancy?

Conception makes significant changes to a woman's hormonal background. This is also reflected in the nature of intravaginal discharge, which becomes more abundant in the first trimester and has a milky white color.

To protect the membranes from possible infections, the woman’s body creates a special barrier in the cervix, consisting of a thick layer of vaginal secretion.

  • Often the process of formation of the so-called “plug” is accompanied by an increase in the volume of whitish discharge, which in its consistency resembles sour cream.

Pregnant women in the first trimester are often concerned that the discharge of leucorrhoea after a short time becomes yellow in color. However, this is a variant of the norm.

Under the influence of high levels of progesterone in a pregnant woman’s body, white discharge can turn yellow due to contact with air. If the expectant mother takes Duphaston or Utrozhestan, the released cervical mucus may turn pale orange after two to three hours of exposure to air.

Whitish, watery discharge can be a warning sign for a long time, especially if it is quite abundant. One of the most important reasons is a violation of the integrity of the placenta or, in other words, leakage of amniotic fluid.

Pharmacies sell special tests that will help a woman distinguish normal intravaginal secretions from amniotic fluid, but it is better to immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Intimate hygiene rules for heavy white discharge

Intravaginal secretion, released in large volumes, requires the use of daily thin pads. But you need to take into account that this hygiene item needs to be changed at least twice during the day, since an outdated daily routine becomes a breeding ground for germs.

If some days in the menstrual cycle suggest increased discharge of leucorrhoea, then it is advisable to wash your face in the evening and, if possible, at lunchtime.

If there is excessive leucorrhoea, it is better not to douche or treat with intravaginal suppositories.

White discharge in women is only normal if it is odorless and itchy, not accompanied by pain and not too abundant. For any deviations, you should visit a gynecologist's office.

Leucorrhoea is a specific vaginal discharge that performs the function of self-cleansing of the genital tract. They occur in sexually mature women and are associated with their ability to reproduce.

Normally, in a healthy woman, the amount of white discharge per day does not exceed 1 ml. If there are more of them, then this may be associated with the following physiological conditions:

  1. Puberty in girls.
  2. Ovulation.
  3. Menstrual cycle. Their number increases before menstruation and decreases after it stops.
  4. Pregnancy and postpartum period.

But you should be wary of opaque discharge, which has a pungent odor and is accompanied by itching and burning, as well as pain in the genital area. Such symptoms indicate the presence of a particular disease.

Abnormal white discharge in women is classified according to the location of the lesion. There are several types:

All these leucorrhoea are classified as pathological types, since their occurrence is associated with certain diseases.

They differ from normal discharge in color, the presence of a specific odor, as well as the presence of pain and other unpleasant sensations.

The main reasons for the appearance

Leucorrhoea appears in women for various reasons. If they are associated with physiological processes (puberty, pregnancy, ovulation, menstrual cycle), then there is no need to worry. The causes of pathological white discharge in women are:

Also, the cause of leucorrhoea in women can be non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Proper daily care of the reproductive system is mandatory for every woman.

Is odorless leucorrhoea in women normal or pathological?

Vaginal discharge consists of uterine mucus, microorganisms that make up its normal microflora, as well as dying epithelial cells.

Such secretions occur in small quantities in the body of a healthy woman.

Sometimes there is a slight sour odor due to the presence of lactobacilli, but it may be absent altogether.

Leucorrhoea performs a protective function in a woman’s body - it prevents infection from entering the genitals. In some cases, their quantity may increase or decrease, and the consistency will thicken without changing the smell. This is often due to a number of reasons:

  1. Hormonal surges due to puberty, ovulation, pregnancy, lactation.
  2. Menstrual period.
  3. Beginning of sexual activity or changing sexual partner. The discharge becomes abundant and thick, which indicates processes of adaptation to foreign microflora.
  4. After sexual intercourse without using a condom, heavy discharge is observed, which sometimes contains clots. After a couple of hours, the leucorrhoea becomes more liquid.
  5. Long-term use of hormonal-based contraceptives. In this case, the amount of discharge decreases (as with lactation), since the reproductive activity of women decreases.

But under some circumstances, odorless leucorrhoea may indicate the presence of pathology. If there is no discharge or if it appears in the form of curdled clots, if the color changes (from dirty white to dark brown), or if pain occurs in the groin area, you should be wary.

What does it mean to have itching and white discharge with an odor?

Normally, leucorrhoea should not be accompanied by itching and a strong odor. If there are such symptoms, this indicates the presence of diseases. First of all, thrush is a fungal infection of the external genitalia. It occurs due to the following reasons:

Also, leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor and itching accompany bacterial vaginosis. It is often confused with thrush, but they are not the same thing. These gynecological diseases have different origins and require different treatment methods.

Thick and thin white discharge in women

In a healthy woman, white discharge is normal. At the same time, they must have the following characteristics:

  • be transparent or white;
  • do not have any strong unpleasant odors;
  • not be accompanied by itching and burning, as well as pain in the groin area;
  • can be thick or liquid.

Thus, the consistency of leucorrhoea is not a direct indication of the presence of pathology. Thick and thin white vaginal discharge without additional symptoms is a sign of healthy functioning of the protective mechanisms of the female genital organs.

Treatment methods with medications and folk remedies

Treatment methods vary, from the use of medications to eliminating symptoms using traditional recipes. Drug treatment of pathological leucorrhoea occurs in several stages.

The first stage is aimed at eliminating the cause of abnormal leucorrhoea. Depending on the pathogen, treatment may be:

  1. Antibacterial. Antibiotics are prescribed - Penicillin, Tetracycline.
  2. Antiviral. Antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  3. Antifungal. The most common fungal disease that affects the external genitalia is thrush. It is treated quite effectively with Fluconazole and Clotrimaxozole.

The second stage is aimed at getting rid of the symptoms of the disease and restoring normal microflora. Doctors also recommend adhering to a balanced diet and carefully monitoring the cleanliness of the genitals.

Some folk remedies are often used to treat leucorrhoea. They are used in several ways:

  1. Douching with herbal decoctions. For this, St. John's wort, oak bark, mistletoe, calendula, eucalyptus and others are used.
  2. Ingestion of decoctions and infusions. Juice from viburnum and barberry berries, tea from strawberries and nettles effectively combat leucorrhoea.
  3. Baths based on herbs and plants.

Traditional methods are not always effective for treating a disease that causes leucorrhoea. They will only help relieve symptoms.


It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Prevention of leucorrhoea in women consists of following a few simple rules:

  • hygiene of the external genitalia (especially during menstruation);
  • regular visits to the gynecologist;
  • timely treatment of gynecological and other diseases;
  • safe sex;
  • use of high-quality contraceptives.

Leucorrhoea in women is a normal physiological process.

If they are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms (pungent odor, pain, itching and burning), you should consult a doctor. You should not neglect the disease or self-medicate.

The gynecologist talks about what kind of discharge should be alarming in the following video.

Often, white discharge in girls is a sign of diseases of the genital tract. White cheesy discharge in women. With candidiasis (thrush), the discharge acquires a cheesy structure. At the same time, abundant white discharge with foam and odor in women indicates a fungal disease; an admixture of pus usually indicates an inflammatory process.

White discharge or leucorrhoea is also observed with congestion in the pelvis, which can occur with displacement of the uterus, with circulatory disorders caused by heart and lung disease.

Physiological leucorrhoea- this is the so-called “normal” discharge. They are usually sparse and fairly light in color and odorless. White physiological discharge in women should not cause irritation to the skin or mucous membrane. The abundance of physiological leucorrhoea in women increases slightly before menstruation.

Young girls most often experience increased secretion - this is also considered normal. The amount of leucorrhoea decreases as the hormonal system stabilizes.

If we talk about pregnancy, the amount of physiological discharge from the vagina also increases during sexual intercourse (during pregnancy) and in the period after childbirth. Also, white discharge can be observed in girls at the time of puberty.

Pathological leucorrhoea- extremely abundant. By nature they can be: watery, greenish, have an unpleasant odor. White pathological discharge is a symptom of infectious diseases, resulting in itching, burning, and increased humidity in the genital area.

There are a number of classifications, among which the most acceptable seems to be the division into six groups, once proposed by three Czech specialists:

  • The usual leucorrhoea that we have described is white, mushy, and lacks germs and leukocytes. Mainly observed in virgins and women who are not sexually active (9%);
  • leucorrhoea, differing from the previous ones only by a small content of non-pathogenic bacteria and leukocytes. Observed in most healthy women (48%);
  • thick or watery discharge of a yellowish color with an unpleasant odor, containing a large number of microbes - causative agents of inflammatory diseases - and many leukocytes. Always accompanied by an inflammatory process (21%);
  • thick purulent discharge of an intense yellow color, containing the causative agent of a sexually transmitted disease - gonorrhea - and many leukocytes; there are few other microbes. Recently, cases have become more frequent;
  • liquid foamy discharge of a whitish-yellowish or yellowish-greenish color, containing a common pathogen of the order of protozoa, is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis.
  • thick white curdled discharge containing thrush fungus
    (soor, candi-da albicans).

What amount of discharge is considered normal?

It has been established that the vagina of a healthy woman contains about 335 mg of leucorrhoea. The increased amount of leucorrhoea can reach 2270 mg.

Slightly more discharge is observed in young girls, in women the day before
menstruation and immediately after it, as well as during pregnancy and after childbirth.

There is very little or no discharge in women with ovaries removed and in older women in late menopause (dry vagina).

White curdled discharge in women

With candidiasis (thrush), the discharge acquires a cheesy structure. Their color can be either white or gray (or greenish), and the smell usually has a pronounced sour tint. The problem affects the vulva area and the vaginal opening. Women with this unpleasant disease experience serious discomfort - burning and itching in the perineum, swelling of the labia.

Symptoms of leucorrhoea in women

White discharge or leucorrhoea is characterized by such a sign as white discharge from the vagina.

But in most cases, white discharge or leucorrhoea is a symptom of an inflammatory gynecological disease. At the same time, the color, consistency of the discharge, the smell changes, and transparency disappears.

Yellowish and greenish discharge/leucorrhoea indicates purulent inflammation, for example with gonorrhea. With a yeast infection, the discharge is curdled, with strepto- and staphylococcal infections it is liquid and sticky.

Leucorrhoea is caused by malignant ulceration of the tissues of the genital organs, which occurs with sarcoma, fibroma, cancer and other diseases.

Excessive or unusual discharge causes itching, burning and a constant feeling of wetness.

White discharge or leucorrhoea can occur with prolapse of the vaginal walls, ruptures of the perineum, douching with a concentrated disinfectant solution, wearing a cap on the cervix for a long time, prolonged use of chemicals to prevent pregnancy, and constipation.

When more or less profuse leucorrhoea appears, the disease whose symptom is white discharge or leucorrhoea should be determined; This can only be done by a specialist.

Treatment of white discharge in women

If leucorrhoea is detected, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct laboratory diagnostics and prescribe a treatment regimen. Do not forget that gynecology implies an individual approach. Therefore, only a gynecologist can prescribe the correct treatment that can help you.

Depending on the reasons for the appearance of white discharge in women, your doctor may prescribe you:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • baths;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • physiotherapy.

If the cause of the discharge is bacterial vaginosis, doctors recommend, in addition to medications, products that normalize the composition of the vaginal microflora. For example, Multi-Gyn ActiGel: its active part is a complex of bioactive polysaccharides obtained from a gel-like extract of aloe leaves. It blocks the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms to the vaginal mucosa and, thus, neutralizes them, helping to restore the healthy microflora of the woman’s reproductive system.

White discharge in women- a very common phenomenon. In most cases, this is not a cause for concern, but sometimes it is simply necessary to consult a specialist. But if there is any discomfort, pain in the vaginal and abdominal area, pus or blood in the discharge Immediately contact a antenatal clinic or gynecologist.