Significant dates of the last month of winter. Important historical dates

Standing on the threshold of a new year, each of us evaluates the events that filled the past 365 days. We can single out for ourselves several memorable dates that made us experience quite strong emotions.

Significant and anniversary events of the upcoming 2018 are of particular importance for Russian and world history. Memorable events are important not only for each individual resident of Russia, but for the whole country as a whole. Together we celebrated outstanding achievements in sports and culture. As part of a huge nation, we must know which significant dates in 2018 should not be left without our attention.

What is considered a significant date

Most often in everyday life we ​​are used to hearing different definitions of the concept of especially important events. The very concept of significant dates can be divided into several semantic categories:

  1. Memorable dates. These dates played one of the main roles in the life of the state and the whole people. These include revolutionary events or a victory in a particularly important battle, which influenced the further course of hostilities.
  2. Anniversary. An anniversary is a number that is a multiple of 5. These include not only the birthdays of artists, but also the anniversaries of architectural monuments.

Below is a calendar of significant dates for 2018.

Memorable dates in 2018

What will we remember in winter

1st of January- Exactly 160 years ago, by decree of Emperor Alexander II, the beginning of the construction of the Metal Plant was launched.

January 8- In Russia, the Day of Cinema for the smallest is celebrated for the 20th time. This holiday was established in 1988. The initiator of this was the Moscow Children's Fund.

January 27- residents of St. Petersburg, and all of Russia will celebrate 74 years from the day the blockade of Leningrad was lifted.

February 2- 75 years ago, a crushing battle was given to the Nazi troops near Stalingrad.

February 23- Exactly a century ago, the Red Army was established. Every year Russia celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day.

With the coming of autumn

8 September- 205 years since the great Battle of Borodino. The Battle of the Moscow River is a key event in the course of the Patriotic War, which began in 1812. The armies of Napoleon Bonaparte were opposed by the troops of General Kutuzov.

11 September- the day of the victory of the Russian troops in the battle on the Kulikovo field, which took place in 1380, is celebrated;

11th of November 2018 Russia will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

Spring Events

April 1- 190 years ago, one of the first columns of the famous St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg was erected.

May 27 is a significant date in 2018 for libraries. After all, it is on this day that the All-Russian Day of Library Halls is celebrated.

What dates will we remember in the summer

June 14- a great day for fans and ardent football fans. After all, it is on June 14 that a grand sporting event begins in Russia - the start. Undoubtedly, this event will go down in the history of Russian sports.

July, 12- 75 years ago, the largest tank battle took place near the village of Prokhorovka.

New Year's Eve

December 1- 165 years ago, the Russian squadron won near Cape Sinop. The Turkish squadron was defeated by the army under the leadership of Admiral Nakhimov within a few hours.

Key anniversaries

Birthdays and anniversaries of winter

The 25th of January– 80 years ago the great musician, actor and poet Vladimir Vysotsky was born. The birthday of your favorite performer will be widely celebrated in all major cities of Russia. In large centers, they plan to celebrate the holiday by holding concerts and evenings dedicated to the work of the departed legend. The plans also include laying flowers at the burial place of Vladimir Vysotsky at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

February 8- on this day, the legendary personality of Soviet cinema Vyacheslav Tikhonov could celebrate his 90th birthday. The actor is known to us for his roles in the films We'll Live Until Monday, Seventeen Moments of Spring, and The Waiting Room.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov as Stirlitz

Spring anniversaries

May 25- a century ago, the famous Soviet artist Vera Orlova was born. The main roles in the films “Do not part with your loved ones”, “Soldier Ivan Brovkin” will be remembered by the viewer for many years.

April 18th- 110 years ago, Ivan Efremov, a science fiction writer of the Soviet period, was born.

Summer anniversaries

July 8- on this day, the famous Soviet actor Andrei Myagkov will celebrate his 80th birthday. We know him for the main roles in the legendary films "The Irony of Fate", "Office Romance" and others.

the 14 th of July– 275 years since the birth of the outstanding statesman and writer Gavriil Derzhavin.

Autumn anniversaries

November 9– 200 years ago, the famous Russian writer, poet and publicist Ivan Turgenev was born. The publication of Turgenev's encyclopedia, as well as books and notes of the poet, is being prepared for the birthday of the great writer.

20 November- Another star of Soviet cinema is celebrating its 90th anniversary. Alexey Batalov is known for his roles in the films "The Cranes Are Flying", "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", "Star of Captivating Happiness".

New Year's anniversaries

December 10- 100 years ago, an outstanding athlete, coach of the Soviet hockey team Anatoly Tarasov, was born.

December 11th- 100 years since the birth of the Russian writer playwright Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Like every coming year, 2018 will bring many new significant dates that every person should certainly remember. In addition to new events - the holding of the World Cup, we must honor the memory of the great artists - Turgenev, Gorky, Tolstoy, Solzhenitsyn, and also remember the great victory of the Russian troops in serious battles against German and Turkish troops.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2018 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The New Year will begin on February 16, 2018 and end on February 5, 2019. To attract good luck in 2018, you should familiarize yourself with the character of the dog, its elements and color. The dog is characterized as a peaceful creature, on the one hand, it is noble, honest and friendly, on the other hand, it is rather lazy and stubborn. In 2018, qualities such as friendliness and honesty are welcome. Everyone knows that dogs are smart and loyal animals. And people have a lot to learn from them. The dog personifies justice, she will never betray, and in the year of her reign we can calm down - everything will be clear and fair. The year of the dog will be quite calm and measured. His characterization promises to be quite stable and successful.

The Chinese claim that the years that pass under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog are characterized by peace, stability, harmony and tranquility. Therefore, in 2018 there should be a decline in activity in the zones of military conflicts, because the Dog is a peace-loving creature that treats all living things well and is in dire need of complete peace.

The element of this animal is Earth, which gives the mistress of the year such features as loyalty, diligence, practicality and reliability. 2018 will bring stability, prosperity, good luck and tranquility, this period will be favorable for the economy and personal finances. This is an ideal time to start a family, have children and purchase a home.

For what the coming year has in store for us, let's assess the cosmic situation.

The main astrological events of 2018

Of the main astrological events, it is worth noting the entry of Uranus (the planet of change, surprises, instability, reforms) from the fiery military sign Aries into the calm money and stable sign Taurus, which is responsible for the economy and finances. When Uranus enters the sign of Taurus from May to November, the financial situation in the world may be unstable. There may be changes and cardinal reforms in the sphere of economy and finance.

And also on December 20, Saturn (the planet of order, discipline, structure, limitations and strategic long-range goals) has already moved from the sign of Sagittarius into the sign of Capricorn, and will be in this sign all year. Saturn rules this sign and therefore will give great weight to everything connected with state power, political movements. For people born under the sign of Capricorn, 2018 will be a year of trials, a test of strength. And therefore, for them, strategic planning and maintaining order in all matters, assuming greater responsibility is the key to success in this period.

Until November 8, Jupiter will be in the sign of Scorpio and will focus on the subject of this sign. And this is an interest in the secrets of the universe, deep processes taking place in the human soul, esotericism and cash flows, breaking old stereotypes and recreating them at a new level.

And already on November 8, Jupiter will move into the sign of Sagittarius and will focus on spiritual and moral values. Sagittarius is responsible for education, it is likely that it is during this period that the revival of the education system, both school and higher, will begin.

It is also worth noting the retrograde movement of Mars (the planet of aggression, conflict, war) from June 27 to August 27. This means that it will be at the closest possible distance to the Earth during this period of time. It has been noticed that when Mars is in retrograde motion, catastrophes and local conflicts occur in the world. Since this period of backward Mars coincides with the 3 summer eclipses: July 13 (Solar eclipse in Cancer), July 27 (Lunar eclipse in Aquarius and August 11 (Solar eclipse in Leo), we can say that the summer months will be the most restless and tense.The end of the year is more calm.

The Great Opposition of Mars! 07/27/2018

The most unusual astronomical and astrological event of 2018 is the Great Opposition of Mars. What is it, and why is it called the Great?

This is the opposition of Mars to the Sun, in astrology - the opposition of the Sun and Mars. Such opposition-oppositions happen often, but not always during periods of opposition, the Earth and Mars are at such a close distance from each other, which is why such oppositions are called Great, and they happen once every 15–17 years. However, each opposition is still unique, as other stars and planets form different aspects, the positions of the planets in signs and houses change. A similar Great Opposition of Mars occurred on July 23, 1939.

The great opposition of Mars on July 27, 2018 will occur during a total lunar eclipse. At this moment, the Moon is in conjunction with Lilith and Ketu (South Node or Dragon's Tail), and the Sun is in conjunction with Rahu (North Node or Dragon's Head). This astrological phenomenon is unique.

Eclipse dates for 2018:

  • January 31 Lunar eclipse (12th degree of Leo).
  • February 16 Solar eclipse (28th degree of Aquarius).
  • July 13th Solar Eclipse (21st degree of Cancer).
  • July 28 Lunar eclipse (5th degree of Aquarius).
  • August 11 Solar eclipse (19th degree Leo).

Thus, in 2018 there will be three solar and two lunar eclipses.

To the fullest extent, these eclipses will be experienced by people born under the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Cancer, as well as the signs of the Fixed Cross - Taurus, Scorpio, and the signs of the Cardinal Cross - Aries, Libra, Capricorn, especially those of them who have any important point of the horoscope in the degree of eclipses.

Sometimes eclipses bring fateful events in people's lives. This year, two eclipses - both solar and lunar - fall in the sign of Leo. It is possible that representatives of this sign will have interesting and significant events this year.

It is important to know that if something important begins on the days of a solar eclipse, then on the days of the lunar one something is destroyed. For example, if there is a desire to drastically change your lifestyle or break off any relationship, then it is best to do this at the time of a lunar eclipse.

During eclipses, there is a high probability of accepting erroneous phenomena due to irritability and absent-mindedness. That is why it is worth refraining from serious cardinal decisions on the days when eclipses occur.

On the days of eclipses, it is not recommended to start new businesses, get married, register a business, conclude agreements and contracts, travel, make large purchases, and also perform surgical operations, except for emergency ones.

On the days of eclipses, you can say goodbye to what has long since become obsolete: throw away old and unnecessary things, get rid of bad habits, as well as carry out general cleaning and meditate on the fulfillment of desires. It is believed that the energy of eclipses will help to translate them into reality.

retrograde planets

  • 2018 Mercury(planet of contacts, information, movement) will be retrograde 3 times:
  1. From March 23 (17th degree of Aries) to April 15 (5th degree of Aries);
  2. From July 26 (24 degrees Leo) to August 19 (12 degrees Leo);
  3. From November 17 (14 degrees Sagittarius) to December 7 (28 degrees Scorpio).

From the point of view of an earthly observer, all the planets (with the exception of the luminaries) periodically stop their movement and begin to move in the opposite direction. Here there is not a real movement of the planet back, but a slowdown in speed relative to the Sun and the Earth, as a result of which such an optical effect is observed. Centuries-old observations of astrologers have proven the relationship of such periods with certain events in people's lives.

My "advanced" clients in astrology, coming for a consultation at a time when "the crocodile is not caught, the coconut does not grow", ask: “Maybe Mercury is retrograde in the sky right now?”

During the retrogression of Mercury, delays and obstacles are likely in all matters for which Mercury is responsible.

You should not start new business projects, buy any media and household appliances, transport, start training.

It is not recommended to travel (with the exception of business trips), look for work, sign agreements and contracts, open a new business. Everything will not go the way you would like it to. Agreements and contracts will be reviewed in the future. There may be delays and cancellations of flights and other transport. If you are going on a business trip, carefully check all the documents that you need to take with you.

We can expect breakdowns of household appliances, failure of computers, loss of valuable information on media. Therefore, it is desirable to transfer valuable information to removable media.

Surgical interventions are unfavorable (except for emergency ones). If possible, it is better to postpone the planned operation.

You should not buy a car, phones, household and office equipment. The probability of returning goods purchased during Mercury retrograde is high.

Do not start training and take driving lessons.

People manifest such qualities as forgetfulness and inattention, communication is difficult, both personal and business. Quarrels and misunderstandings may occur more often than usual.

My friend once paid 18,000 with a Sberbank card instead of 18 rubles for a roll of toilet paper. Either the supermarket cashier was brainwashed, or the equipment failed, and both are possible. For a long time then I went with a check, sorted out the relationship.

Mercury retrograde period is good to analyze the work done and complete unfinished business, it is better to deal with current affairs.

A favorable time to repeat the material covered, sort out papers, clean up your desktop, clean your computer from files you don’t need, sell used things.

The zodiac sign Gemini and its ruler Mercury are responsible for relatives, our inner circle. Therefore, the period of retro-Mercury is favorable for revising relationships with relatives, resuming contacts with friends, classmates. Very often they make themselves felt during such periods of Mercury.

The period of Mercury retrograde is very favorable for those people who were born in the Mercury retrograde phase.

I advise you to synchronize your plans with the rhythms of the Universe in order to avoid trouble. The pranks of Mercury retrograde are far from harmless.

  • Venus (the planet of love and beauty, relationships) in 2018 will be retrograde With October 6th (11th degree Scorpio) to November 16th (26th degree Libra).

These days are not suitable for marriage, the beginning of a serious relationship, for cosmetic and plastic surgeries, as well as for the start of activities aimed at making a profit. It is better to postpone cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery.

It is undesirable to invest money in any projects, as well as to buy beautiful and valuable things, luxury items.

It has been noticed that old friends or former lovers can meet on retro Venus. If you decide to restore relations, wait until Venus returns to direct motion.

And if there are difficulties in the existing relationship, you will have the opportunity for reconciliation.

  • Mars (planets of aggression, conflict, war) in 2018 will be retrograde from June 27 (10th degree of Aquarius) to August 27th (29th degree of Capricorn).

During the period of retrograde Mars (energy, activity), obstacles arise that take strength and energy. People begin to feel apathy, unwillingness to do anything, irritation and anger at themselves or their immediate environment.

Since Mars is responsible for cars, any mechanisms and traffic, during this period you can observe more than usual road accidents, traffic jams, traffic stops in tunnels, train and plane delays, equipment breakdowns. At this time it is not recommended to buy cars. It is undesirable to start construction, repair. It is not recommended to file a lawsuit because the party that is now initiating the lawsuit will most likely fail in it.

Mars is the planet of business. New projects started at this time may be ineffective, suffer from significant shortcomings. Products released during this period may not be in demand due to unaccounted for the situation on the market or various other shortcomings. Planned surgical operations during this period are recommended to be postponed.

In 2018, there will be many anniversaries and significant events that can be fun to celebrate both with your family and with friends, work colleagues or like-minded people. Recall that the year of the Yellow Dog according to the Chinese calendar begins on Monday, is not a leap year, and also does not portend any man-made or natural disasters.

In January 2018 there will be 13 days off, 7 of which will be public holidays. The traditional New Year holidays will last from January 1 to January 7, and the inhabitants of the country will celebrate Christmas on the 7th. Part of non-working days, according to the established tradition, can be compensated by working Saturdays, however, all these changes are still being worked out by a special commission. Among the anniversaries of January 2018, the following should be noted:

  • On January 6, the favorite of many women in Russia, Adriano Celentano, will celebrate his anniversary. The world-famous film actor, singer, cultural figure, who has been leading a reclusive lifestyle in his villa in Italy for several years, will turn 80 years old.
  • January 10 marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of the brilliant director Sergei Eisenstein, who created a number of cult films: Ivan the Terrible, Battleship Potemkin, Alexander Nevsky.
  • On January 13, Lyudmila Senchina will celebrate her 70th birthday. According to the singer and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, her date of birth is 1948, although 1950 is mistakenly recorded in her passport.
  • January 23 marks the 230th anniversary of Lord Byron's birth.
  • The most grandiose cultural event will be the anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky, who would have turned 80 on January 25, 2018. As you know, of all the people of the 20th century, Vysotsky is in second place in popularity among the inhabitants of our country after Yu. Gagarin. As expected, commemorative concerts dedicated to the outstanding artist, singer, bard and poet will be held in all major cities of the country, and to the place of his burial

Significant dates of the last month of winter

February 2018, in addition to Defender of the Fatherland Day, is notable for the following anniversaries:

  • February 8, 2018 would have marked the 90th birthday of the legendary Soviet actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. His roles in such films as "Burnt by the Sun", "Seventeen Moments of Spring", "Let's Live Until Monday", "Waiting Room" still evoke admiring responses from critics, directors, and ordinary viewers.
  • February 10 is the birthday of one of the most famous French writers, J. Verne, who would have turned 190 years old.
  • February 14 is not only Valentine's Day. The scientific community of Russia will celebrate the anniversary of Sergei Kapitsa, who could have turned 90 years old. Scientist, TV presenter, author of several dozens of studies made a huge contribution to the development of physics.

As for the day of February 23, it will be special in 2018, as exactly 100 years will pass since the formation of the Red Army.

What holidays are waiting for us in March?

In the first month of spring there will be as many as 10 days off, one of which - International Women's Day (March 8) - is eagerly awaited by millions of the fair sex. Traditionally, March 7 on the eve of the holiday will be a shortened working day. Also in March 2018, the following anniversaries can be celebrated in Russia:

  • On March 20, Ekaterina Strizhenova will celebrate her 50th birthday. The actress and popular TV presenter manages to combine her professional career with the duties of a loving mother and wife.
  • On March 22, Valery Syutkin will turn 60. The musician, singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation has not been actively involved in creative activity for several years, but his name is still remembered by a huge army of the artist's fans.
  • On March 28, the 150th anniversary of Maxim Gorky, who, for many, is the very symbol of Russian literature, will be widely celebrated.
  • On March 31, Vladimir Vinokur will celebrate his 70th birthday. The theater, film, stage actor is familiar to many thanks to humorous performances and comedic roles.

April: what are we celebrating?

There are no national holidays in April, however, among the anniversaries of this month, it is worth noting the following:

  • April 4 marks the 80th anniversary of Ilya Reznik, the famous songwriter, People's Artist of Russia. His works are still relevant for both modern listeners and experienced music lovers.
  • On April 13, Mikhail Shufutinsky will celebrate his 70th birthday. This recognized master of the national stage is still collecting full houses at his concerts and regularly pleases fans with fresh hits.

May: the most festive month

In May we celebrate Labor Day and the great Victory Day. At the same time, the list of anniversaries of 2018 this month includes:

  • May 5 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, who was a legendary figure and wrote a number of fundamental works, and was also active in social and political activities.
  • On May 6, the anniversary of Maxim Fadeev, a composer, singer and music producer, will take place. Surely in Moscow there will be a festive concert dedicated to this date, at which many contemporary pop artists will perform their hits.
  • May 25 would have marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vera Orlova, the famous actress and People's Artist of the RSFSR. She became famous to the domestic audience thanks to her brilliant roles in the films "Soldier Ivan Brovkin", "Do not part with your loved ones", "When the trees were big."

June: the beginning of the main sporting event of the planet

Holidays this month will traditionally begin with Russia Day, which we will celebrate on June 12th.

Millions of fans are looking forward to June 2018, because on the 14th the FIFA World Cup starts in Russia. Mundial will be hosted by 11 cities of the country, where spectacular matches for the title of the best team in the world will be held. Among other events that will be celebrated in the cultural environment, we note the following:

  • June 13 marks the 60th anniversary of Sergei Makovetsky, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. The talented actor has played in several dozen films, the most famous of which are "The Girl and Death", "Liquidation", "About Freaks and People", "Brother 2".
  • June 22 will be the 120th anniversary of the birth of the German writer Erich Maria Remarque, whose works are well known to any educated person.
  • The 70th anniversary will be celebrated by Sergei Bodrov - director, screenwriter, cultural figure, who shot such films as "East - West", "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Beloved Woman of the Mechanic Gavrilov".

July: Closing of the 2018 World Cup

The main event of July 2018 for the Russians will definitely be the closing of the world football championship, the final match of which will take place on the 15th in Moscow. July anniversaries include:

  • On July 8, Andrey Myagkov, People's Artist of the RSFSR, famous for his roles in the films The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath, The Brothers Karamazov, Office Romance, will celebrate his 80th birthday.
  • On July 9, Liya Akhedzhakova, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, will celebrate her 80th birthday. The most famous films in which the actress starred were Office Romance, Garage, Promised Heaven.

What is special about August?

In August 2018 we are waiting for the following anniversaries:

  • August 5 marks the 120th anniversary of Vasily Lebedev-Kumach, who wrote such imperishable songs as “My native country is wide”, “Holy War” and the song of all pioneers “Merry Wind”.
  • On August 8, Nina Menshikova, People's Artist of the RSFSR, would celebrate her 90th birthday. She became famous for her roles in films such as "Girls" and "We'll Live Until Monday."
  • August 16 marks the 60th anniversary of the icon of modern pop style Madonna. A popular singer, actress, composer will certainly arrange a tour, which will become a kind of report for the entire period of creativity of this unique artist.

September: a scattering of anniversaries

In September, you can celebrate the following anniversaries:

  • September 1 marks the 60th anniversary of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Sergei Garmash, known for the films "Anna Karenina", "Inhabited Island", "Kamenskaya".
  • September 9 marks the 190th anniversary of the birth of Count Leo Tolstoy, from whose pen came the epic work "War and Peace" and a number of others that made him a classic of Russian literature.
  • On September 10, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Tatarsky celebrates his 70th birthday (filmography: "Charlotte's Necklace", "Deadly Power", "Jack Vosmerkin - American").
  • On the 10th of 50 years, the cult British director Guy Ritchie, who made such films as "Lock, Stock, Two Smoking Barrels", "Sherlock Holmes", "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows" will "knock" 50 years.
  • September 25 marks the 50th anniversary of the famous American actor and hip-hop artist Will Smith.

Who will celebrate the anniversary in October?

There are not many anniversaries in October 2018. However, the following events can be noted:

  • October 10 is the 50th anniversary of the actor Filipp Yankovsky (“State Councilor”, “Three Musketeers”, “Wonderworker”).
  • October 16 marks the 50th anniversary of Ilya Lagutenko, the leader and creator of the legendary Russian band Mumiy Troll.

November anniversaries

November 2018 anniversary dates include:

  • November 9 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Turgenev. It is planned that by such a significant date a special encyclopedia will be published and mass commemorative events will be held in the so-called Turgenev places.
  • November 10 marks the 90th birthday of the famous Italian composer Ennio Morricone.
  • On November 20, People's Artist of the USSR Alexei Batalov, who played in such cult Soviet films as "The Star of Captivating Happiness", "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", "The Cranes Are Flying", would celebrate his 90th birthday. Unfortunately, in June 2017, Alexey Batalov left us.
  • November 23 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of the author of Dunno and other children's works Nikolai Nosov.
  • On November 24, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Natalya Krachkovskaya would celebrate her 80th birthday.

December: Looking forward to the New Year

Many residents of the country are waiting for December 2018 not only thanks to the New Year holidays. The following anniversaries are expected this month:

  • On December 6, the famous actor Alexander Baluev will celebrate his 60th birthday (films "Muslim", "Two Winters and Three Summers").
  • December 10 will be the centenary of Anatoly Tarasov, the coach without whom the legendary Soviet hockey and world victories would not exist.
  • On December 11, the literary community celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn (author of the books The Gulag Archipelago, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich). Recently, UNESCO announced its intention to include Solzhenitsyn's work in the list of world cultural heritage.
  • On December 27, the French actor Gerard Depardieu will turn 70 (the films The Runaways, The Unlucky, Dads).

Thus, there will be a huge number of anniversaries and significant events in 2018, thanks to which the inhabitants of Russia will not be bored.

Every year brings with it a wide variety of events that affect every inhabitant of our vast Motherland. If you don't want to miss any of the big events that may only be repeated in a few years, it's important to know what the most interesting events will take place in 2018.

First of all, a very important event awaits our country in 2018 - the presidential election. They put forward 17 candidates. Among which you can find both previously put forward and new ones, but at the same time familiar to almost everyone. The election campaign for votes is in full swing. Therefore, the 2018 elections promise to be tense. Now is the time to decide who you want to vote for. Elections will be held very soon - March 18.

This year Russia will host the 21st World Football Championship. Active preparations have been underway for this event for a long time - many sports facilities have been built throughout the country, dormitories and hotels have been prepared, and central highways have been repaired. The whole country is looking forward to the start of this outstanding event. The championship itself will be held in all major cities from June 14 to July 15. On the eve of the World Cup, two new high-speed highways will be put into operation. Now the route between Moscow and Yekaterinburg will be less busy, it is likely that this will cause a decrease in ticket prices. Sports fans in 2018 expect another event - the Winter Olympics. Unfortunately, due to the doping scandal, Russia will not be able to participate in these competitions. At the Olympics, our country will be represented by athletes who will be prohibited from using Russian symbols and the national anthem - at the Games they will perform under the name Olympic Athlete from Russia (Olympian from Russia). All athletes emphasize that the Olympic medal never belongs only to its winner, but is considered the property of the whole people, of which the athlete is a representative. The event itself will be held in South Korea from 9 to 25 February.

Almost four years have passed since 95% of the inhabitants of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea decided to return the peninsula home. We faced an acute problem of road transport links with this region. In 2018, the Crimean bridge will be put into operation, which will allow the movement of cars, as well as freight transport. Before the launch of the bridge, although Crimea was annexed to Russia, it was possible to get there through Ukraine, or with the help of aircraft and water transport.

For fans of Eurovision will be good news that, unlike the previous year, Russia will be able to take part in it. In 2018 this song contest will be held in Portugal. In addition to the popular music competition, 2018 will delight viewers with many premieres of expected films and series. The continuation of the saga about the Avengers will be released on the cinema screens, the story of fantastic creatures in the world of JK Rowling will continue, and connoisseurs of colorful special effects will appreciate the continuation of the film "Avatar". But do not forget that every year more and more Russian viewers go to the cinema in order to appreciate the work of Russian directors. The whole year will delight movie lovers with many colorful and interesting films: "Selfie", "Ice", "Coach", "Sobibor", "T-34".

Another good news for the Russians will be the introduction of electronic passports. You no longer have to monitor the condition of a paper passport, which often wears out very quickly and needs to be replaced. In 2018, the replacement of old paper documents with new electronic plastic cards will begin. However, you should not rush to change your old passport, because you can carry out a replacement until 2020. Also, 2018 promises many discoveries in the study of the solar system. This year it is planned to organize a flight to the shadow side of the Moon, launch an unmanned probe to the Sun. And detailed studies of Mars and Mercury will also be made.

Keeper of the hearth and tranquility of her owners. 2018, according to astrologers, will be marked by positive energy and conflict resolution. What to expect in the New Year, what events are expected in 2018 - in the editorial material of 24SMI.

Political events of 2018

March 18 will be the main event of 2018 in Russia - the presidential election. According to the Constitution of Russia, the president will be elected by universal secret ballot for the next 6 years. Any citizen of Russia over the age of 35 who has lived in the country for at least 10 years can be president. The current president of Russia was elected in 2014 and, according to the Constitution, has the right to be elected for another term.

Presumed candidates for the 2018 presidential election: the current president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, from the Yabloko party, from the Liberal Democratic Party, self-nominated, etc. The presidential campaign in Russia will take place independently for the first time, almost a year and a half after the parliamentary campaign. Since 1995, parliamentary elections have been the first stage of presidential elections.

Presidential elections in 2018 will be held not only in Russia, the head of state will be elected by the people of Finland, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, the Czech Republic, and Armenia. The president will be elected in Georgia as well. According to the amendments to the country's constitution, 2018 is the last year when the president will be elected by popular vote. In 2023, the leader of the country will be chosen by members of parliament and 300 voters.

In 2018, the XV forum of interregional cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia will be held. The forum is held annually on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan alternately. In 2018, the forum will be held in Kazakhstan, in Petropavlovsk.

Significant events for Russians expected in 2018

From March 15, 2018, Russian citizens will be able to start receiving electronic passports. A plastic analogue of a paper passport to Russian citizens should have been issued back in 2017, but due to a number of reasons, the new document will be gradually introduced in 2018.

dag life

On March 1, 2018, the term of the "dacha amnesty" expires, i.e. the simplified mechanism for registering land plots and private houses under the simplified legal mechanism (introduced by the federal law of June 30, 2006).

The plans for 2018 include reforming the law enforcement system in Russia. Many experts assume that the reforms will be completed by the presidential elections. Presumably, the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2018 is also waiting for reform.

Construction in Russia in 2018

In 2018, the demolition of Khrushchev houses in Moscow, which began in 2011, will be completed. Over the past six years, residents of more than 400 demolished old buildings have received new apartments.

In December 2018, it is planned to launch a road bridge across the Kerch Strait. The bridge, called Krymsky, will connect the Taman and Kerch Peninsulas and pass through the island of Tuzla. The railway bridge under construction in parallel will open in 2019.

In 2018, it is planned to build two high-speed railway lines in Russia: St. Petersburg - Moscow, Moscow - Yekaterinburg. It is planned to launch the highway for the World Cup.

Also, by the end of 2018, it is planned to complete the construction of the Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg, the tallest skyscraper in Russia and Europe. The building will house the headquarters of Gazprom Neft.

Sports events 2018

2018 is the year of the Winter Olympics. Sports competitions are held every 4 years and this time will be held in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Date of the XXIII Winter Olympic Games: February 9-25, 2018. The Koreans are counting the days until the grand opening of the Olympics and promise that the event will be unforgettable for the whole world. In Korea, they were preparing for the Olympics long before the significant event, because the country fought for the venue for the two previous Olympics, when Canada and Russia were preferred.

The tiger cub Sukhoran became the mascot of the XXIII Winter Olympic Games. Among the participants of the Olympiad will be representatives of 84 countries. Athletes will compete in 15 sports disciplines. The organizers of the sports festival in Korea hope that the holding of the XXIII Winter Olympic Games will not be overshadowed by the tense situation associated with its neighbor - North Korea.

However, on December 5, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided on the 2018 Olympics. Russian athletes who did not appear in the doping scandal are allowed to compete under a neutral flag.

An equally important sporting event will take place in 2018 in Russia. The FIFA World Cup will take place from June 14 to July 15, 2018. The world championship is planned to be held at 12 sports arenas in 11 cities of Russia. For the first time, sports competitions will be held simultaneously in both Asia and Europe. 32 teams will take part in the championship, among the participants - 7 out of 8 teams that previously became world champions. The mascot of the 2018 FIFA World Cup is a wolf named "Zabivaka".

On the sports world arenas in 2018, among the expected many significant events:

  • On November 7-28, 2018, the World Chess Championship will be held in Kazakhstan. The current championship winner is Magnus Carlsen.
  • On May 4-20, 2018, Denmark will host the Ice Hockey World Championship among youth teams.
  • September 22-30, 2018 will host the Women's World Basketball Championship.
  • On January 15-21, 2018, the European Figure Skating Championships will be held in Russia.
  • On August 18 - September 2, 2018, the Summer Asian Games will be held in Indonesia.

Anniversary and cultural events in 2018

  • In 2018, Russia will have a mournful anniversary - 100 years since the execution of the royal family
  • 2018 in Russia will be marked by the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
  • The celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Russian realist writer, poet Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev will take place.
  • In January 2018, the famous bard and talented actor Vladimir Vysotsky would have turned 80.
  • In 2018, the world celebrates the 200th anniversary of the philosopher-economist Karl Marx.

The 63rd Eurovision Song Contest will be held in 2018 for the first time in Portugal. Lisbon will host thanks to the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest in Ukrainian Kyiv singer . The song contest will be hosted by Radio and Television of Portugal. The date of the Eurovision Song Contest has not yet been determined: the competition will tentatively take place in May 2018.

Developments in space exploration

On January 5, 2018, a manned spacecraft with a crew of two on board is expected to be launched to Mars.

In 2018, it is planned to launch a joint space mission of the European and Japanese space agencies to Mercury in order to study it. The US National Aerospace Agency plans to launch a mission to Mars to explore its core.

July 30, 2018 "Solar Probe Plus" will go to study the Sun. And at the end of 2018, SpaceX plans to send two space tourists on a space trip around the moon.

Russia plans to mark the year 2018 with the launch of the first manned spacecraft from the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur Territory.