Causes of stool with clear mucus. Mucus in stool: is there any reason to worry? Possible causes of steatorrhea

Mucus is present in the human intestines in certain quantities. Its presence there is necessary to protect the intestines itself from irritations that can be caused by alkali and acids. If there is not enough mucus, but the process of bowel movement becomes difficult, and therefore constipation occurs, and the intestinal walls may crack. But when there is a lot of mucus in the stool, especially if it is mixed with blood, then this is no longer considered the norm; it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of this disorder.


The presence of mucus in the stool of adults is a very common phenomenon. The main reason why this happens is the lack of attention on the part of modern people to their health. Mucus may be attached to the stool as a result of the gastrointestinal tract not working properly. To understand why mucus may be present during bowel movements, you should know the possible causes of this phenomenon.

It is believed that the presence of a small amount of mucus is normal in the following cases:

  • Excessive consumption of certain foods, for example, bananas, watermelons, oatmeal or cottage cheese.
  • During colds accompanied by a runny nose, when mucus enters the gastrointestinal tract from the upper respiratory tract.

Another reason for the presence of mucus is the use of strong antibiotics or inflammatory processes that affect the walls of the human intestine. Food allergies of various origins can provoke the formation of excess mucus. When irritating substances or bacteria enter the intestines, its walls produce large amounts of mucus to protect themselves from damage. Mucus insulates the intestines from moisture when it needs it.

Mucus can appear in the intestines due to poor heredity, which the patient received from his relatives. This process can also cause stress. The stress that a person experiences inevitably disrupts the connection between his brain and the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, mucus of this color may be the result of exposure to various infectious organisms and toxins. So we can highlight the main reasons for the release of mucus during bowel movements:

  • A diet using decoctions and soups of mucous consistency.
  • Hunger.
  • Raw water from a contaminated source.
  • Changes in diet.
  • Cold.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Long-term constipation.

Causes of mucus formation associated with pathological processes

If mucus is released along with feces during pathological processes in the body, then most often this indicates functional or organic lesions of the intestine. The distal sections, that is, the large intestine, are most often affected. This means that mucus is secreted by the glands in excess quantities in order to neutralize some negative processes. That is, this is a protective reaction of the intestines against pathogenic microbes and foreign microorganisms.

Mucus lubricates the intestines and can be secreted to protect inflamed intestinal walls. The type of mucus can be different, and it depends on which part of the intestine the focus of the pathological process is located:

  • Mucus in the form of grayish flakes, which is located on the surface of the stool or envelops it, indicates that the lesion is located in the distal sections, this is the sigma, rectum or descending colon. In this case, the person suffers from constipation.
  • Mucus in the form of small flakes, which is located inside the feces, indicates a pathology of the upper sections or small intestine. If the small intestine is affected, the mucus produced is yellow and usually not too much.

Pathology of the large intestine can be distinguished from damage to the small intestine by the following signs. With a disease of the small intestine, the stool always has a watery consistency, there is little mucus in it, and it is mixed with the rest of the stool. With colon disease, the stool has a lot of mucus, and it covers the stool.

Most often, mucus comes out with feces due to the following diseases:

  • polyps;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • membranous colitis;
  • food intolerance;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • irritable bowel;
  • infections;
  • diverticulitis affecting the colon;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • tumors.

By secreting large amounts of mucus, the intestines try to protect its mucous membrane. However, if this process is caused by hemorrhoids, then it has certain characteristics. Mucus is secreted in the form of veins, it does not mix with feces, it comes out after bowel movements and can remain on pieces of toilet paper. As for polyps, they can also cause mucus to appear in the stool. Polyps are benign neoplasms that grow on the walls of the intestine. It is impossible to determine the presence of polyps in the intestines without examination by a doctor, since often this process does not have any signs.

Membranous mucous colitis is a functional lesion of the intestine. The mucus has a heavier, ribbon-like appearance. Such discharge can even be confused with worms.

The next reason why mucus may appear in the stool may be impaired absorption of food. This happens due to food intolerance. The cause may be celiac disease, a congenital disease in which a person cannot tolerate gluten. Absorption of nutrients is impaired due to damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine. If there is impaired absorption of fats, then this disorder is called malabsorption syndrome. Another type of food intolerance is lactose intolerance. The level of the enzyme that is involved in the digestion of lactose decreases, which is why this intolerance occurs.

Dysbacteriosis is a disruption of the normal intestinal microflora, which impairs the absorption of nutrients. In this case, mucus is secreted in order to remove toxins and waste from the body. In addition, pathogenic organisms provoke inflammation in the intestines, which causes mucus to increase in volume.

Diverticulitis is a hernia of the intestinal wall, accompanied by inflammation. In addition to the presence of mucus in the stool, the patient feels pain in the abdomen, in its lower part. This increases gas production and blood may be present in the stool.

Cystic fibrosis is a congenital disease of a systemic nature. It is characterized by the fact that all organs that secrete mucus are affected. This disease, in addition to mucus discharge, also has the following symptoms:

  • frequent acute respiratory infections;
  • putrefactive processes in the intestines, causing the formation of gases and cramping pain;
  • intense salivation;
  • intense sweating;
  • cough with a lot of sputum;
  • frequent and bulky stools.

When tumors occur in the large intestine, in addition to mucus, blood is also found in the stool. This indicates the progression of the following diseases:

  • prolonged constipation;
  • worms;
  • intestinal obstruction.


Often, the discharge of mucus along with feces is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • False urge to defecate, which is accompanied by pain and does not increase body temperature. This indicates nonspecific ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.
  • Normal stool with mucus and blood, which is often diagnosed with hemorrhoids.
  • Suspicion of colitis is caused by prolonged constipation, after which feces are released in large quantities.
  • Temperature combined with foamy stools and clear mucus raise suspicions of pathogenic E. coli.
  • Stool with a strong foul odor and yellow mucus of a dense consistency indicate an ulcer of the rectum, which is already old. In this case, the ulcer may become infected, a malignant tumor or rupture of an abscess may appear.
  • Dysentery and ulcerative colitis are characterized by stool with thin streaks of blood in it.
  • Intestinal obstruction is characterized by stool retention, pain in one area of ​​the abdomen, and mucus discharge from the anus.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome can be suspected due to abdominal pain, mucus discharge and mental disorders.
  • Non-infectious colitis can be suspected when lumps of mucus accumulate in the stool.

Diseases in which mucus is secreted may also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • bloating after eating.


If you find a large amount of mucus in your stool, you should go to the hospital. A consultation with a doctor is necessary in order to determine the causes of the disease, prescribing a full examination and appropriate tests. To prescribe treatment, the doctor must determine the cause of this symptom. Treatment of this symptom will mainly be aimed at eliminating old ulcers in the large intestine, since it is this disease that provokes yellow mucus.

But there is another scenario when the small intestine suffers, in which case the mucus may also turn yellow. And for the treatment to produce results, it is necessary to conduct an examination and find out the cause of this symptom.

Often in such cases, doctors prescribe a stool test, colonoscopy and other studies. In order to properly test stool, one to two weeks before the test, stop taking antibiotics, anti-diarrhea medications, iron or bismuth supplements, laxatives and other drugs, as they will affect the results of the study. You cannot do enemas before the test.

Material for research is not collected for blood discharge due to hemorrhoids and menstruation. Do not collect material from the toilet if there are disinfectants on its surface. Before taking the test, urine is emitted and the perineum is cleaned. After collecting the material, it can be stored for no more than 8 hours in a cool place.

If the manifestation of mucus in the stool is a consequence of intestinal infections, then the doctor prescribes the patient to take the following medications:

  • "Ersefuril";
  • "Furazolidone";
  • "Enterofuril."

If this symptom was caused by viral infections of the intestines, then take the following medications:

  • "Viferon";
  • "Kipferron";
  • "Regidron";
  • "Hydrovit".

If mucus in the stool is caused by irritable bowel syndrome, then the doctor will prescribe symptomatic treatment for the disease. Treatment for such a disease should include diet, anti-constipation medications and antispasmodics. If intestinal studies have shown that mucus is not released into the blood in the stool due to bleeding, then antiseptics are prescribed: Vancomycin, Furazolidone and others. Along with such drugs, probiotics are taken: Bifiform, Linex and others.

Thus, there may be many reasons why mucus is found in stool. Some of them are a consequence of eating certain foods and do not pose a health threat, but others can be dangerous if not treated in time. Treatment for this symptom depends on the disease that caused it, which can only be determined in a medical facility.

Any changes in the functioning of the body can make a person worry. At the same time, there are situations when you need to analyze the problem, talk with a doctor, and only then draw conclusions about how dangerous the phenomenon has overtaken you. For example, mucus in the stool is not always a reason to panic, but in some cases the phenomenon really deserves attention.

Norm of mucus in stool in an adult

Mucus in human feces is not visible, however, it is always present in small quantities. There are glands in the intestines that produce it, since it is necessary for normal bowel movements.

Mucus acts as a lubricant, thanks to which the intestines are easily emptied; without it, this process will be significantly difficult. In addition, the secretion envelops the intestinal walls, which is necessary to protect it from various types of irritants.

However, the secretion is mixed with feces, so it is almost impossible to see it with the naked eye. This can only be done in laboratory conditions. In medicine, mucus in stool refers to discharge with the consistency of jelly, consisting mainly of epithelial cells and leukocytes.

But there are situations when this secret becomes noticeable to a person, and this is a reason to think about whether everything is okay with health.

The presence of mucous discharge in stool can be considered normal in the following situations:

  • colds, runny nose, in which there is a profuse secretion of mucus, which descends into the intestines through the esophagus from the respiratory tract;
  • consumption of large quantities of certain foods: cottage cheese, bananas, oatmeal, watermelons;
  • If the phenomenon occurs in a breastfed baby, this may be due to the fact that his digestive system is still weak and immature.

If we talk about the norm of mucous discharge - both in a child and an adult - there should not be a copious amount of it.

Possible causes of increased mucus content in stool

The presence of mucous secretions in the stool in large quantities may indicate intestinal lesions - functional or organic. Their appearance in abundance is a signal that the glands are producing secretions in order to neutralize the negative effects on the intestines.

Thus, mucus acts as a protective reaction of the body to irritation of the walls of the organ by pathogenic microorganisms or foreign bodies, and at the same time a symptom. A sign of what disease it is or is not, being the norm, it is necessary to find out during a medical examination and anamnesis.

Often this phenomenon indicates that an inflammatory process is occurring in the intestines.

Depending on where the pathological process occurs, the secretion can be of the following types:

  • White mucus, in the form of large flakes with a grayish tint or films that envelop the feces on its surface, is a signal that the distal parts of the intestine are affected. In this case, the phenomenon may be accompanied by constipation;
  • Mucus that is yellow or has a yellowish tint, mixed with feces and looking like small flakes, indicates that the upper parts of the large intestine or small intestine are affected. If the small intestine is affected, as a rule, the amount of secretion released is not abundant.

If we talk about specific diseases that provoke the appearance of mucus in the stool above normal, these include:

  • Enteritis is a disease of the small intestine. In this case, the stool is liquid, watery, and the amount of mucous discharge is not abundant. With enteritis, the mucous secretion is mixed with feces.
  • Colitis is a disease of the colon. With them, the stool will not necessarily be liquid, and the amount of secretion in the feces is abundant, and it is usually located on their surface.
  • Haemorrhoids. Mucus is produced by the intestines in large quantities to protect the mucous membranes. A characteristic feature of hemorrhoids is that the discharge is streaks that are not found in the stool, but come out of the anus after defecation. They can be seen on toilet paper.
  • Polyps in the intestines.
  • Mucous (membranous) colitis is inflammation in the mucous membranes of the large intestine. Such intestinal damage is classified as functional. The discharge has the form of ribbon-like strands or a film of dense structure. Because of this, it is often confused with tapeworms.
  • Dysbacteriosis. If the balance of microorganisms in the intestines is disturbed, the absorption of nutrients is disrupted. Because of this, the body produces a large amount of mucous secretion, which is needed to remove toxins and other harmful substances.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, which refers to long-term disruption of the digestive system.
  • Intestinal diseases of an infectious nature. To fight and eliminate infection, mucous secretion is produced.
  • Colon diverticulitis. The disease is a protrusion of part of the intestinal wall, which is a formation similar to a hernia. The disease is characterized not only by mucous discharge, but also by flatulence and the presence of bloody discharge in the stool.
  • Neoplasms in the colon. In this case, another symptom is the presence of bloody streaks in the stool.
  • Cystic fibrosis. The disease can manifest itself both in a child, in the first months of his life, and in an adult.

The list can be continued with disturbances in the absorption processes of any products. As a rule, we are talking about food allergies, which can be of the following nature:

  • Celiac disease. This is a congenital disease in which the absorption of nutrients is impaired due to damage to the mucous membranes of the small intestine;
  • Malabsorption syndrome. This phenomenon suggests a malabsorption of fats;
  • Intolerance to milk sugar (lactose). It is caused by a lack of enzymes that are needed for its normal digestion.

Pathological reasons for the appearance of mucus in the stool include the following factors:

  • starvation;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • drinking raw, unpurified water;
  • hypothermia of the pelvic organs, in particular the anus;
  • constipation resolved by defecation regardless of stool consistency.

What to do if mucus appears in the stool

This phenomenon is a symptom, so you need to get rid of it only together with the factors that provoke it.

If you have any idea why you are experiencing this problem and are sure that it is not a sign of illness, wait a while. Perhaps she will retreat on her own.

If we are talking about neoplasms, they are eliminated surgically. Dysbiosis usually requires the use of probiotics, including if the problem is caused by the use of antibiotics.

What can you do yourself if you are sure that this phenomenon is not a symptom of a disease?

Whatever the provoking factor, treatment involves diet. Avoid fried, spicy, too rough, heavy foods. It is recommended to consume dairy products only in pasteurized form, and boiled water.

Your doctor will prescribe medications for treatment, but you can use folk remedies at home. Determining which one to use should take into account why you are experiencing the problem.

  • Mucus in stool for constipation

Frequent constipation often leads to increased mucus production during bowel movements. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to normalize the regularity of bowel movements.

Prepare the product according to the following recipe:

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of senna herb (can be replaced with buckthorn) with a glass of boiling water (250 ml).
  2. Close the container with the mixture with a lid and let it brew until it cools.
  3. Decant the infusion and drink before bed.

The infusion can also be prepared using a steam bath by combining the ingredients in the same proportions. The medicine must be used daily (once/day) until the unpleasant phenomenon disappears.

  • Mucus in stool with diarrhea

Diarrhea can also cause mucous discharge in the stool, especially if it does not stop for a long time.

We prepare the medicine like this:

  1. Pour ½ liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. oak leaves.
  2. When it cools down, drain the liquid.
  3. The resulting infusion should be consumed several times during the day.

To prepare the infusion, instead of oak leaves, you can use walnut partitions or pomegranate peels, taking the ingredients in the same quantities. The medicine should be used until results are obtained.

  • Fermentation in the intestines

Herbs will help neutralize the process, which is often accompanied by mucous discharge.

Some people may experience some mucus in their excrement. There is no need to panic in such a situation, but you should be wary. It is important to understand that mucus in the stool is not a natural phenomenon, which indicates the appearance of problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is necessary to begin diagnosing and dealing with them immediately - only after detecting mucus in the excrement. We will talk in more detail about the nature of this phenomenon in adults, methods of its diagnosis and treatment in today’s material.

Causes and possible diseases

Mucus in stool is an alarming sign!

Mucus must be present in human feces, since it is extremely important for the normal functioning of the intestines and neutralizing the adverse effects of alkali on the inside of the stomach. Despite this, the presence of this substance in excrement should always be within certain limits.

An amount of mucus that is less than normal causes some difficulties in the process of bowel movements, and also has a negative effect on the intestinal microflora, and an amount that is greater than normal is an indicator of improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).

You should be especially wary in cases where, in addition to mucus, the stool also contains blood.

Regardless of the individual characteristics of a particular situation, foreign substances in human excrement are far from the norm. As a rule, excessive mucus in the stool is caused by the following reasons:

  • increased consumption of bananas, watermelons, oatmeal, cottage cheese and some other foods (slight increase in mucus)
  • development or progression of colds in a person (slight increase in mucus)
  • use of strong antibiotics or some other types of medications during treatment (slight to severe increase in mucus)
  • the presence of a number of gastrointestinal diseases in a person and the course of an inflammatory process in the intestines (from a slight to a strong increase in mucus);
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction to substances entering the stomach (slight increase in mucus)

In addition to the reasons presented above, a temporary increase in mucus in the stool can be caused by fasting, diet, stress, hypothermia, prolonged constipation, eating dirty foods and similar phenomena. Even taking into account this etiology of a violation of the consistency of excrement, it is important to understand that a number of gastrointestinal ailments can also provoke similar things.

Useful video - Why mucus appears in stool:

Often, adults who complain of excessive mucus in the stool are diagnosed with diseases such as:

  • the appearance of polyps
  • haemorrhoids
  • membranous colitis
  • food intolerance
  • dysbacteriosis
  • irritations of various etiologies
  • infectious diseases
  • diverticulitis
  • flyviscidosis
  • tumors

It is almost impossible to diagnose a particular disease at home. Therefore, if you have abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by mucus in the stool, you should not ignore visiting a doctor. Only a specialist, using the necessary examinations, will be able to accurately determine the cause of the problem and prescribe the correct course of therapy. Don't forget this.


Coprogram - laboratory examination of stool

Before you see a doctor with a “mucus” problem, you need to do several procedures:

  1. First, avoid foods that may cause excessive mucus secretion in the stool or irritate the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Secondly, for about 7-10 days, observe your stool and determine whether the phenomenon was a one-time occurrence or continues to recur systematically.

If there is no improvement or deterioration in health, you cannot ignore visiting the clinic. First, contact the therapist who is observing you and tell him the whole essence of the problem. Based on the information received, the specialist will refer you to either one or more of the doctors presented below:

  • surgeon
  • proctologist
  • infectious disease specialist
  • oncologist
  • gastroenterologist

Depending on the individual characteristics of specific patients, diagnostic methods and determination of the cause of the problem vary. In any case, a mandatory measure is to collect stool for analysis, which largely determines the vector of subsequent actions. In addition to this examination, ultrasound, computed tomography and similar types of diagnostics are often performed.

In some situations, you may need to take a blood test and even a urine test.

It is worth understanding that the previously described measures are mandatory and there is no need to delay their implementation, especially if there is blood in the stool, deterioration of health and other complications of the patient’s condition. Don’t forget: the sooner you determine the cause of the disease and begin treatment, the easier and faster you can get rid of the problem.

Treatment method

Treatment must be comprehensive and prescribed depending on the diagnosis!

The method of getting rid of mucus in feces is determined taking into account the reason for its appearance in each specific case. The simplest option for restoring the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is possible in case of problems with intestinal microflora.

In such situations, the following treatment methods are taken:

  1. Organizing proper nutrition: avoiding foods that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and foods that provoke excessive mucous secretion.
  2. Normalization of the gastrointestinal microflora with the help of appropriate medications and traditional medicine.
  3. Maintaining the normal condition of the patient.

In other cases, the course of therapy is determined exclusively by the treating specialist, who has all the necessary information about the etiology of the patient’s disease. In a template form, the process of getting rid of mucus in feces is as follows for all types of etiologies of the disease:

  • Organization of a special diet, which is determined based on the characteristics of the causes that provoked the pathology.
  • Organizing the correct course of basic treatment for the disease: either taking medications, or performing surgery, or radiation or chemical therapy, or a regular diet.
  • Relief of unpleasant symptoms, that is, getting rid of them, if any: lowering the temperature, eliminating pain in the gastrointestinal tract, and the like.
  • Maintaining normal health in an already cured patient.

Before starting treatment for a particular gastrointestinal ailment, it is important to understand that such an event is always long-term in nature, for which any person should be prepared. It is undesirable to self-medicate for stomach pathologies, since improperly organized treatment, as a rule, does not help, but on the contrary, causes a number of complications. Is it worth it? Decide for yourself.


Proper nutrition is the best prevention of gastrointestinal diseases

Having cured the disease and secured the result, no adult can guarantee that mucus in the feces will not reappear. Carrying out some prevention will help to protect yourself as much as possible from this phenomenon.

The most important preventive measures are the following:

  1. Watch what you eat. All food entering your esophagus should be clean, not expired, and generally fit for consumption.
  2. Try to stick to a healthy diet or at least avoid frequent eating of fatty, smoked and other foods that are difficult for the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Be sure to maintain personal hygiene: wash your hands often, do not use other people's personal hygiene items, and so on.
  4. Do not overcool the body and do not allow the development of colds or other infectious diseases; of course, do this whenever possible.
  5. Try to isolate yourself from various kinds of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, that is, avoid constipation, irritation of the intestinal mucosa, and the like.
  6. Carry out systematic examinations in the clinic, checking not only the esophagus, but also other nodes of the body.

In general, the organization of such prevention allows you to significantly reduce the risk of developing problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which cause the appearance of mucous discharge in the stool. Of course, such a phenomenon is unpleasant, but its greatest danger lies precisely in the reason for its occurrence. Considering this fact, never ignore irregularities in the composition of stool and get rid of all the health problems that cause them in a timely manner.

As you can see, figuring out what to do if mucus in an adult’s stool makes itself felt is not so difficult. The main thing in such a situation is not to panic and act prudently. It is extremely easy to do everything correctly if you adhere to the information presented above. We hope the article provided answers to your questions. Good luck in the implementation of therapy for illnesses and health!

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Mucus in the stool in adults is a fairly common phenomenon that signals a certain disease. Often this symptom accompanies diarrhea, acute stage of colitis or the development of bacterial infections. However, in some cases, mucus appears due to poor nutrition. It is necessary to get rid of an unpleasant symptom based on the reason that caused it.

The presence of mucus in the stool can also be an indicator of normality, but if you feel unwell, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. For what reasons does mucus appear in the stool?

Experts identify the following causes of mucus in the stool in adults:

  1. Haemorrhoids. A person discovers jelly-like mucus after defecation. Often you can see blood in the stool.
  2. Formation of polyps in the intestines. Polyposis is characterized by prolonged diarrhea, mucus and blood in the stool.
  3. Membranous colitis. The mucus appears as a translucent film and is similar to tape.
  4. Dysbacteriosis. There is a disruption of the intestinal microflora and changes in its balance. The body begins to fight pathogenic microorganisms, resulting in an increase in the amount of mucus.
  5. Intestinal pathologies resulting from intestinal infection.
  6. Irritable bowel syndrome. A person may have diarrhea alternating with constipation and be bothered by pain in the lower left part of the abdomen.
  7. Diverticulitis. The patient complains not only of the appearance of mucus, but also of nagging pain in the abdominal cavity, bloating and bloody impurities in combination with diarrhea.
  8. Cystic fibrosis. It is a congenital disease characterized by damage to the glands responsible for the formation of mucus in all organs. Quite often diagnosed in children. It is characterized by paroxysmal pain, bloating, frequent urge to defecate, severe cough and decreased immunity.
  9. Neoplasms in the intestines and stomach. In addition to mucus, red blood may appear in the stool.
  10. Candidiasis. There is white mucus in the stool with cheesy inclusions, and sometimes blood appears. A person is bothered by discomfort in the abdomen, cramps and acute pain. Body temperature may rise to 38°C.
  11. Vesiculitis. The inflammatory process occurs in the seminal vesicles. An admixture of mucus is often accompanied by bloody discharge.
  12. Crohn's disease. It is characterized by the appearance of mucus, pus and blood clots in the stool.
  13. Amoebiasis. This infectious pathology is characterized by the appearance of ulcers. Mucus in stool resembles raspberry jelly because it contains blood. Diarrhea is often accompanied by lack of appetite, weight loss, headache, abdominal cramps and weakness.
  14. Dysentery. The patient may notice clear mucus containing thin streaks of blood.
  15. Escherichiosis. The causative agent of the disease is Escherichia coli. Its main symptoms include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and high body temperature. The number of urges to empty the bowel can reach 10 times a day.
  16. Intestinal obstruction. Causes constant pain in the abdomen and lack of appetite. This pathology is life-threatening. In addition to bloody stools, the patient experiences vomiting, bloating, and abdominal asymmetry.

Less common causes of mucus in stool include:

  1. Following an improper diet, prolonged fasting.
  2. The predominance of coarse dietary fiber in the menu.
  3. Frequent consumption of cottage cheese, bananas, watermelons and oatmeal.

To restore intestinal function, it is enough to normalize your diet by including more fortified foods, vegetable soups and low-fat broths.

Mucus may appear if a person consumes large quantities of fermented milk products, oatmeal, or, conversely, starves for a long time or does not receive protein foods

Note! With constipation or helminthiasis, mucus instead of feces may be observed during bowel movements.

Light mucous discharge may not cause concern and does not require therapy. If a person notices abundant white or yellow mucus, then they should consult a doctor who, after passing all the necessary tests, will be able to accurately diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.


Based on the examination of the patient and the complaints received, the doctor directs the patient to undergo the following tests:

  • coprogram showing the state of the digestive organs;
  • macro- and microscopic examination of feces;
  • intestinal colonoscopy;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
  • blood chemistry;
  • sigmoidoscopy of the intestine;
  • fecal analysis for helminth eggs;
  • radiography using a barium mixture.

If mucus in the stool is observed in a patient with hemorrhoids, polyps or other neoplasms, additional rectoscopy will be required.

After conducting the examination and studying the results, the doctor will be able to give the patient an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate individual treatment. Treatment

With liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcers or varicose veins, bright pink mucus is observed in an adult. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antispasmodics. Popular remedies are No-shpa and Papaverine. They effectively eliminate the reflex contraction of smooth muscle cells that causes pain in the stomach.
  2. Intramuscular administration of Dicinone and intravenous administration of calcium chloride 10%.
  3. Antacids. They have an enveloping and analgesic effect. The most common drugs are Maalox, Rennie and Almagel.
  4. Anticholinergic drugs. Used if other medications have been ineffective. These include Gastrocepin and Platyfillin.
  5. Sedatives. Helps relieve muscle spasms of the digestive organs. These include motherwort and hawthorn extract.

If mucus in an adult’s stool is due to helminth infection, a specialist will prescribe anthelmintic drugs. The most famous are:

  • Pyrantel;
  • Piperazine;
  • Levamisole;
  • Chloxyl;
  • Praziquantel.

If a patient has an allergic reaction of the body, which is provoked by toxins produced by helminths, then it is advisable to treat them with Loratadine, Fenistil or Zodak.

Note! For severe symptoms of helminthiasis, experts prescribe corticosteroid drugs.

The traditional treatment regimen for dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome and frequent diarrhea includes the use of the following medications:

  1. Probiotics and eubiotics. Normalizes the composition of intestinal microflora and increases the body's resistance. These include Bifiform, Lactobacterin, Linex and others.
  2. Antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs. Prescribed for acute diarrhea. They disrupt the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and actively fight giardiasis and dysentery. Enterol, Furazolidone and Enterofuril have an antimicrobial effect.

    Furazolidone fights well against intestinal pathogens (giardiasis, dysentery), helps quickly eliminate diarrhea and normalize stool

  3. Drugs that slow down intestinal motility. These include Imodium, Loperamide and Diara.
  4. Enterosorbents. They have an antidiarrheal effect, eliminate increased gas formation and other dyspeptic symptoms. Smecta, activated carbon, Polysorb and Enterosgel are often prescribed.
  5. Antispasmodic drugs. Reduce intestinal motility and mucus production, relieve abdominal cramps. These medications include Dicyclomine and Hyoscyamine.

If there is a lot of mucus in the stool, this may be due to psycho-emotional stress. Treatment in this case consists of taking antidepressants or sedatives to stabilize the state of mind.

For viral diseases in the intestines, doctors prescribe the drug Regidron. If a fungal infection is detected, then it is effective to use antimycotic suppositories.

Rehydron is used to replenish the water-electrolyte balance in the body during diarrhea and vomiting, poisoning and various ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by loose stools. Traditional medicine

For frequent constipation accompanied by mucus in adults, it is useful to drink buckthorn infusion. It is enough to brew 20 g of raw material in 200 ml of boiling water and drink before bed. Instead of buckthorn, you can use senna grass.

If the patient is worried about diarrhea with mucus, then healers recommend preparing an infusion based on oak leaves and pomegranate peels. To do this, combine 25 g of raw materials and 500 ml of boiling water. Drink several times throughout the day.

For flatulence, diarrhea and fermentation in the intestines, it is advisable to use an infusion of chamomile, calendula and yarrow. All components should be mixed in equal proportions and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Drink up to 4 times during the day.

If a person is diagnosed with polyps in the intestines, then you can get rid of mucus in the stool using a decoction of celandine:

  1. Grind the celandine.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Heat in a water bath.
  4. Cool.

Use the resulting decoction for a therapeutic enema. Before the procedure, it is imperative to cleanse the intestines. It must be done once every 7 days. To achieve the desired result, 5 procedures will be required.

Calendula and chamomile flowers are also great for enema.

You can relieve the inflammatory process in the intestines with a drink from viburnum. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over the dry berries and add a couple of spoons of honey. It is recommended to drink this remedy daily.

When infected with helminths, one of the popular folk remedies is tincture of walnuts. To prepare it, follow these steps:

  1. Collect 30-35 fruits of milky-wax ripeness.
  2. Grind in a meat grinder.
  3. Place the mixture in a three-liter jar.
  4. To fill with water.
  5. Close with a metal lid.
  6. Leave in a warm place for 40 days.
  7. Strain through cheesecloth.

Take 10 ml tincture 20 minutes before meals for the first 7 days. Then, for 2-3 months, you are allowed to drink the product only once a week.

To remove tapeworm from the body, it is recommended to eat ½ cup of pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach. Then, after 1 hour, drink 250 ml of whole milk, and then after 30 minutes take a fast-acting laxative. After 2 hours, you should do an enema using a warm decoction of garlic.

An effective remedy in the fight against roundworms is an infusion of onions:

  1. Grind a medium sized onion.
  2. Add 250 ml boiling water.
  3. Leave for 10-12 hours.
  4. Strain.

Drink ½ glass of infusion per day on an empty stomach. The course of therapy is 4 days.

It is effective to use raw carrots and freshly squeezed carrot juice against various types of worms.


To avoid the appearance of mucus in the stool, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Keep the room clean, wash your hands often with soap.
  2. Do not eat expired products, control your diet.
  3. Refuse or limit the consumption of spicy, fatty and smoked foods.
  4. Avoid hypothermia.
  5. Treat infectious diseases in a timely manner.
  6. Try to avoid dyspeptic disorders.
  7. Periodically undergo examination of all organs of the digestive system.

Mucus in the stool is a common symptom that is considered harmless, but at the same time it can be a sign that some serious pathology has begun to develop in the body. Very often this manifestation accompanies diarrhea, the acute phase of colitis or the appearance of bacterial infections, however, mucus can also appear as a result of an incorrect diet. You need to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon based on the reason that caused it.

Fatty foods can lead to increased mucus production in the body

What is mucus

Mucus is a white, jelly-like substance that sometimes turns yellow. It can be found in the gastrointestinal tract, on the lining of the eyes, or in the respiratory tract. In the digestive system, it is secreted by the mucous membrane of the colon, but organs can also produce it. This, for example, happens in the lungs, where mucus is necessary to stop foreign particles that a person accidentally inhales.

In general, it is needed in order to protect organ tissues from various types of mechanical damage and serves as a kind of lubricant. Typically, a healthy body produces about 1 liter of this substance per day.

Mucus is needed to minimize damage in the following cases:

  • exposure to fungi;
  • activation of viruses;
  • neutralizing excessive amounts of enzymes that are secreted by the digestive system;
  • bacterial proliferation.

In the gastrointestinal tract, mucus is needed to ensure fast and comfortable movement of feces through the intestines until emptying. If it is not there, then processed food can cause discomfort or even mechanical damage to delicate mucous membranes. Scratches or anal fissures will occur, which will lead to the onset of inflammatory processes. If a lot of mucus comes out, then this indicates only one thing - certain changes have occurred in the body, which provoked this phenomenon.

Important: mucus in the stool of an adult is a normal phenomenon; it is always present there, but becomes noticeable only when its concentration begins to increase.

What diseases cause mucus in the stool?

The causes of mucus in the stool of an adult are different; this may be a sign that one of the following ailments and/or pathologies has begun to develop in the body:

  • Hemorrhoids - when jelly-like mucus begins to appear after bowel movement, its characteristic signs can be seen on toilet paper. Often accompanied by bleeding.
  • Polyp formation.
  • Membranous colitis, which is generally characterized by disruption of the entire intestine. With it, the mucus looks like a translucent film and has the appearance of a ribbon. Because of this, it is often confused with helminths.
  • Dysbacteriosis, in which the functioning of the intestinal microflora is disrupted and its balance changes. In this case, an increase in the amount of mucus becomes a consequence of the fact that the body begins to fight harmful bacteria and tries to prevent the onset of the inflammatory process.
  • Intestinal diseases caused by intestinal infections.
  • Irritable bowel.
  • Diverticulitis localized in the large intestine. Along with mucus, a person begins to experience pain in the abdominal cavity, which is of a pulling nature, flatulence and blood impurities in combination with diarrhea.
  • Cystic fibrosis is a congenital pathology that affects the glands responsible for the production of mucus in all organs. Often observed in children. Accompanied by paroxysmal pain, flatulence, frequent urge to defecate, severe cough and the inability of the body's immune forces to protect itself from the negative effects of respiratory viruses.
  • Benign and malignant formations in the stomach and intestines; along with mucus in the stool, blood impurities can be observed.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Vesiculitis is an inflammatory process localized in the seminal vesicles. In the vast majority of cases, mucus during bowel movements is considered the only sign that allows one to clearly identify this disease at the initial stage.
  • Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectum (its mucous membrane), which can take both acute and chronic forms.
  • Crohn's disease, in which there is active secretion of mucus and severe pain in the abdominal cavity.
  • Amebiasis is an infectious disease characterized by the appearance of lesions resembling ulcers. It also causes abscesses to appear in the internal organs.
  • Dysentery, in which mucus in the stool mixes with blood.
  • Escherichiosis is a disease caused by Escherichia coli. The main signs, in addition to the appearance of mucus, are high body temperature, nausea and vomiting, and loose stools.
  • Intestinal obstruction, which is often accompanied by constant abdominal pain, decreased appetite and ability to concentrate.

Hemorrhoids are one of the most common causes of mucus in stool

Since rare and not abundant mucous discharge is not a sign of the presence of pathology in the body, it does not require treatment. In turn, frequent and abundant white mucus in the stool requires contacting a doctor, who will send the patient to undergo the necessary tests and examinations, after which he will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment. In this article, the information is provided for informational purposes only; a specialist can tell you more about this phenomenon and the need for its treatment during a consultation.

What tests can be prescribed

Initially, the doctor needs to draw up a clinical picture, for which he conducts a survey of the patient. Based on the data obtained, he may prescribe one of the following tests:

  • coprogram;
  • macro- and microscopy of stool;
  • intestinal colonoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of specific abdominal organs (stomach, intestines, etc.);
  • blood chemistry;
  • radiography;
  • sigmoidoscopy of the rectum;
  • stool culture for helminths.

Since the reasons for the appearance of clear mucus in the stool of an adult are numerous, the list of tests looks quite impressive.

How to treat mucus in stool

The ways to get rid of this phenomenon are varied, as are the number of reasons that cause it. Therapy should be based on test results and aimed at eliminating the root cause, since only in this case the concentration of white mucus in the stool will return to normal and stop disturbing.

The simplest option for a relatively quick restoration of the gastrointestinal tract is only possible if the problem lies in a violation of the diet and an incorrectly composed menu. In this case, you need to completely avoid eating foods that provoke irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Along with this, it is necessary to take medications that help normalize the microflora of the stomach and have a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

You should take medications only after consultation with a specialist who can identify the true cause of this phenomenon.

In all other cases, therapy is selected based on the decision of a doctor familiar with the etiology of the patient’s illness. In general, the treatment process will look like this:

  • selection of a gentle diet, the components of which are determined based on the causes of the pathology;
  • choosing the right course of treatment - taking medications, hospitalization followed by surgery, chemical therapy or supporting the body using traditional medicine;
  • getting rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the underlying disease - lowering body temperature, normalizing stool, stopping pain;
  • supporting the patient’s body during the rehabilitation period.

Important: self-medication is strictly prohibited, since many ailments of the gastrointestinal tract can transform into chronic forms, and this is what can lead to the thoughtless use of drugs.

Preventive measures

If the appearance of white streaks in the stool is due to the presence of a disease that was subsequently cured, then you should take care of your body to prevent this from happening again.

The following can be done as preventive measures:

  • carefully monitor food, avoiding eating expired food;
  • it is recommended to adhere to a healthy diet and refuse (or at least limit) the consumption of any foods that are “heavy” for the digestive system, that is, anything fatty, spicy or smoked;
  • Maintain personal hygiene - wash your hands thoroughly, keep the room clean;
  • prevent hypothermia and immediately begin treatment of any infectious diseases;
  • try to prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant conditions as diarrhea or constipation, bloating or irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • Periodically visit a doctor and undergo routine examinations. A timely diagnosed disease is much easier to cure than its advanced form.

The main thing to remember during treatment is that only under the guidance of a specialist can you completely get rid of the problem and minimize possible consequences.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause?

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for information, possible contraindications, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY! Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication!

Sometimes situations occur when mucus appears in the stool of an adult. This phenomenon causes fear for health. What could this phenomenon mean? The presence of mucus in the human intestines must be mandatory. It ensures the proper functioning of the organ. But there are cases when mucous clots in the stool will mean a disruption in the functioning of the digestive organs.

Provoking reasons

Mucus impurities are always present in the feces of any person. This is not considered a pathology or disorder of the body. A small amount of mucus is necessary for the intestines to function normally. It is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination if the concentration of mucus has increased sharply. This may indicate the development of the disease.

Intestinal infections

Most often, the cause of the appearance of a mucous consistency is a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Heavy discharge with fever and general malaise cause various intestinal infections.

In this case, the secretion of the glands increases, dead cells begin to leave the rectum along with feces.

Worms come out of a person along with impurities of feces and mucus, and bloody discharge can often appear. During the period of illness, a person feels unwell and his appetite is disturbed.

Mucus in the stool can also be observed during colds. During the period of influenza or sinusitis, mucous secretions may come out with feces. This is due to the fact that mucus from the nasopharynx is often swallowed. In such a situation, abdominal pain and diarrhea do not bother a person. This phenomenon does not pose a danger to the body.

Heavy discharge may occur due to intestinal obstruction and the formation of adhesions in the intestines. Mucus in the stool can increase due to various bacteria, for example, Helicobacter pylori.

What causes mucus in stool?

An increase in the concentration of mucus in stool can be caused by the following factors:

  • Frequent consumption of cottage cheese products, bananas, watermelons, oatmeal. For this reason, the amount of mucus in the stool increases slightly.
  • Development of colds.
  • The use of antibiotics or any other strong medications.
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Frequent fasting can cause mucus to appear. Due to this, depletion of the mucous membrane occurs.

Due to poor nutrition, the intestinal walls are constantly irritated. A person’s menu should be balanced and food intake should be regular.

In addition, the intestinal microflora can thus react to a product that causes an allergy.

The release of mucus in feces first of all gives a signal that a malfunction has occurred in the human digestive system and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. The process of mucus secretion in this situation is a reaction of the body.

If large quantities of mucus are found in the stool, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate. The doctor prescribes appropriate tests to determine the cause of the disease. The result of the coprogram will play an important role in the diagnosis of this phenomenon. Thanks to stool analysis, it is possible to determine the type of disease that caused this symptom.

Microscopic examination allows you to determine the presence of various impurities in feces

Diseases that cause mucus

There are many internal diseases that can cause increased levels of mucus in the stool. Such diseases include:

Hemorrhoids and polyps inside the intestines. In the presence of such diseases, mucus is produced by the body as a protective reaction. The mucous substance in hemorrhoids has its own characteristics. It does not mix with feces and can pass out on its own.

Internal and external hemorrhoids

Membranous or mucous colitis. This is a serious and dangerous intestinal disease. The mucous discharge in this disease is very reminiscent of tapeworms, as they are threads.

The appearance of mucus may be due to a violation of the body's absorption function. Due to a malfunction, the body loses the ability to absorb certain types of foods. This may occur due to an allergy to any components or due to their intolerance.

Mucus mixed with green stool indicates that the patient is developing dysbacteriosis or has become infected with iodophilic flora. In this situation, a person’s intestinal microflora is disrupted, and the absorption of nutritious foods fails. Mucous secretions are necessary to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances. Dysbacteriosis can appear due to poisoning or taking certain medications, for example, antibiotics.

Mucus in stool can occur due to irritable bowel syndrome. With this pathology, the patient is regularly bothered by loose stools with copious discharge.

Associated pathological conditions

Black stool with signs of mucus is a symptom of an infection in the intestines. The presence of purulent discharge indicates that the disease is advanced. It is very important to see a doctor immediately if mucus in the stool is accompanied by a high temperature.


The cause of the discharge may be diverticulitis, an inflammatory formation that occurs on the walls of the intestine.

Along with mucous secretions, a person may be bothered by blood. In addition, he feels severe pain in the abdominal area.

Pain in the lower abdomen, general weakness, and stool mixed with mucus and blood may indicate that the patient is developing a tumor.

At any first manifestations of pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only specialists will be able to determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Diagnostic procedures

It is very difficult to independently determine the causes of diseases of the digestive tract. Adult citizens, especially older people, need regular examinations, especially for stool conditions.

Step-by-step instructions for collecting stool for analysis

If a person is often bothered by intestinal disorders, this should be a reason to consult a doctor to eliminate the causes of the pathology.

When certain types of viruses and bacteria are detected, the use of antibiotics is necessary. In some cases, it is necessary to prescribe a biochemical analysis.

In addition to laboratory tests, colonoscopy and endoscopy may be prescribed.

Therapy methods

After carrying out diagnostic measures and making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment based on the results of the examination. Treatment methods are determined individually depending on the cause of the disease. The easiest pathology to treat is that associated with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The treatment in this case is:

  • Proper nutrition, compliance with restrictions, avoidance of foods that can irritate the mucous membranes.
  • With the help of traditional methods and medications, the microflora of the stomach and intestines is normalized.

Products that irritate the intestinal mucosa

Compliance with dietary restrictions is necessary when treating any cause of mucous clots in the stool.

Treatment methods will be aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease, reducing inflammation, and eliminating pain.

Medications are prescribed depending on the nature of the disease:

  • For intestinal infections, the patient is prescribed Furazolidone.
  • Viral diseases in the intestines are treated with Regidron.
  • If a fungal infection is diagnosed, antimycotic suppositories are prescribed.
  • Oncological diseases are treated with radiation therapy.

Preventive actions

If a person has once experienced the appearance of mucus, there is no certainty that he will not get sick again. You can only protect yourself by following preventive measures. The main ones are:

  • You need to eat only high-quality products in their pure form.
  • It is necessary to observe dietary restrictions, exclude fried and salty foods from the diet.
  • Personal hygiene and hand cleanliness play an important role.
  • You cannot overcool the body.
  • It is necessary to regularly undergo examination of all digestive organs.

Preventive measures can reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

The appearance of mucus in a person’s feces should not cause panic, but this phenomenon cannot be ignored. If this symptom is detected, you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Timely contact with specialists will help avoid the development of complications.

Video: How to treat mucus in stool

Bladder stones in men - treatment with folk remedies

Mucus in the stool is not always a symptom indicating the presence of a pathological process in the body. A small amount of it is always observed in feces.

This is a consequence of the presence of dead epithelial cells in the body, resembling light or transparent jelly-like discharge, which are removed from the intestines during bowel movements.

The presence of mucus contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines; its lack causes disruption of its patency and is accompanied by constipation.

Due to prolonged stool retention, toxic substances, which are waste products of pathogenic microorganisms, are not removed from the gastrointestinal tract and enter the blood. In addition, the delicate intestinal mucosa is exposed to the destructive effects of toxic components.

The appearance of a large number of such secretions in the feces indicates serious problems associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Reasons for exceeding the permissible amount of mucus

Factors that can provoke active mucus secretion are quite diverse.

Among the most common are:

  • prolonged fasting;
  • sudden change in food products;
  • drinking raw drinking water from random sources;
  • colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by copious sputum production;
  • dietary nutrition, which involves daily consumption of decoctions of oats and flax seeds;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • irritable bowel syndrome, which causes digestive problems accompanied by constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and increased gas production;
  • hypothermia, which causes inflammation of the pelvic organs and anal area.

Paying attention to your health helps eliminate or prevent negative manifestations.

Diseases that cause mucus secretion

The appearance of impurities in the stool of an adult is in most cases associated with various diseases of the digestive system. Depending on the nature of the pathology, different types of mucous discharge appear.

Among the most common diseases it should be noted:

  1. Intestinal infections of a bacterial or viral nature. These are dysentery, colitis, enteritis, typhoid fever. These pathologies are a fundamental factor predisposing to an extremely active process of mucus secretion in the feces. This occurs due to increased secretion of glands and the removal of dead pathogenic bacteria, viruses and leukocytes from the body during the act of defecation. In addition to mucous discharge, symptoms such as intense abdominal pain, diarrhea, high fever and weakness are observed.

  2. Lack of normal intestinal microflora - dysbiosis causes digestive disorders, resulting in the appearance of jelly-like clots and undigested food fragments in the stool. Factors such as alcohol abuse, smoking, stress, poor diet, as well as antibiotics and hormonal drugs taken without a doctor’s prescription act as a trigger for dysbiosis. The most noticeable symptoms, besides excessive mucus secretion, are frequent migraines, susceptibility to respiratory diseases and the likelihood of skin rashes.
  3. Worm infestation. If there are worms in the intestines, mucus may also contain blood impurities. The patient has no appetite, stomach pain often occurs, digestion is upset, and anemia develops.
  4. Pathologies of the respiratory organs. Clots of mucus in feces during bowel movements are observed during respiratory diseases. Their shade varies from white and yellowish to brown. Mucus, produced in excess quantities during illness, enters the stomach, so its streaks are a common occurrence during viral infections, influenza, and acute respiratory viral infections. It should be noted that in this case there are no signs of dyspepsia, and the appearance of mucus stops on its own as you recover.

  5. Polyps and hemorrhoids. Such formations on the intestinal walls provoke the occurrence of long-term constipation, accompanied by intense painful sensations in the anal passage during the passage of feces. The inflammation characteristic of this disease leads to the formation of mucus, which is released along with the feces.
  6. Oncology. Tumor processes localized in the stomach or intestines lead to the death of epithelial cells. This is accompanied by the release of thick mucus. An expressive sign of a serious illness is sudden weight loss and chronic fatigue.

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of such discharge. Moreover, it is not recommended to diagnose yourself and try to independently eliminate the symptoms, which sometimes indicate the likelihood of a life-threatening disease.

Other reasons

In some cases, the appearance of stool mixed with mucus in adult patients is caused by reasons that are not as serious as diseases that pose a threat to health.

Such phenomena occur:

  • when consuming large amounts of cottage cheese, bananas, watermelons, oatmeal and rice porridge;
  • due to starvation diets or during the absorption of large quantities of vegetables and fruits;
  • due to a lack of protein in the diet.

The mucous membrane is exposed to the irritating effects of coarse fibers, which, due to improper nutrition, leads to its depletion and, as a result, disruption of digestive processes and an increase in secretions.

Causes of mucus in pregnant women

An important factor that can lead to excess mucus production is pregnancy.. The opinion of experts is that this is not a cause for concern if there are impurities of clear mucus in the stool after defecation.

Such manifestations do not pose a danger to the health of the expectant mother and fetus. They indicate the presence of food incompatibility or dysfunction of the digestive glands.

Types of discharge

A small amount of mucus does not cause alarm, as this is a normal protective function of the body that helps protect the walls of the esophagus from various damages.

However, the nature of the discharge, a significant increase in its quantity and a difference in color are characteristic symptoms of special conditions and various diseases:

  1. White mucus, yellow, green or brown impurities in the stool appear in adults due to food allergies or lactose intolerance. Such discharge appears with dysbacteriosis, accompanied by poor absorption of food. This indicates a lack of liquid medium that facilitates the movement of feces.
  2. A large amount of clear mucus is evidence of cystic fibrosis, which develops against the background of increased mucus production by the glands. This condition indicates an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract or intestines. Food allergies are also accompanied by the discharge of clear clots.
  3. Painful bowel movements and orange mucus without fever indicate the possibility of ulcerative colitis.
  4. With well-formed stool, scarlet or pink mucus with blood is detected - this is a sign of hemorrhoids.
  5. Signs of dyspepsia (foamy, loose stools, vomiting, fever) with clear mucus indicate an E. coli infection.
  6. Mucus streaked with blood indicates the possibility of ulcerative colitis or dysentery.
  7. Foul-smelling stool with yellow mucus is a dangerous symptom of a ruptured abscess or decomposition of a cancerous formation.
  8. Mucus and pus in the stool are an alarming indicator. It indicates the presence of serious inflammation, proctitis, granulomatous colitis, rectal cancer or villous tumor.

The list of conditions is quite diverse.

In addition to the cases described, you should also pay attention to the fact that:

  1. Frequent urge to have a bowel movement due to stress, accompanied by pain in the abdomen and the release of clear or yellow mucus - irritable bowel syndrome.
  2. The appearance of a large amount of mucus in the stool indicates the body’s reaction to the presence of toxins that contribute to the development of allergies.
  3. Autoimmune diseases also contribute to the production of excess mucus.
  4. Transparent mucus is observed after treatment with antibiotics or hormonal agents.
  5. White or pink mucus is often seen with constipation.

Feces with mucus should be recognized as a serious diagnostic indicator, which requires consultation with a doctor.


It is possible to differentiate diseases accompanied by the presence of mucous discharge in the stool using the following diagnostic measures:

  • stool coprograms;
  • bacterial culture to determine the causative agent of infection;
  • macro and microscopy of feces;
  • colonoscopy;
  • radiography;

A general clinical and detailed biochemical blood test is required.


The severity of symptoms requires immediate consultation with an experienced specialist.

Which doctor should I contact?

The first visit is to a family doctor or therapist.

He will refer you to specialized specialists:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • proctologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • endocrinologist.

Drug therapy

The use of medications is prescribed taking into account the diseases that caused the discharge:

  1. Interferon and Arbidol are recommended for intestinal inflammation or diseases of viral origin.
  2. Ersefuril and Furazolidone have proven themselves in the treatment of intestinal infections.
  3. Viferon and Regidron are indispensable drugs in the treatment of intestines caused by a viral pathogen.
  4. Tinidazole and Piperazine are used for helminthic infestations.
  5. Antifungal suppositories and Amphotericin are prescribed for fungal intestinal diseases.
  6. Linex, No-shpa and Furazolidone are effective drugs that are used to treat colitis, dysbacteriosis and inflammation of the rectum.
  7. The use of chemical and radiation therapy is indicated in the treatment of cancer.

If mucus is a consequence of alcohol abuse, smoking or food, you will have to stop eating them. This means the need to reconsider our lifestyle and take a responsible attitude towards health.

Nutrition adjustments

An effective measure to eliminate negative manifestations is to follow a gentle diet.

It assumes:

  • excluding spicy, fried and fatty foods from the menu;
  • refusal of marinades, pickles, sausages;
  • Alcoholic drinks, black coffee, and spices that stimulate the production of gastric juice are prohibited.

The prognosis for the treatment of diseases accompanied by the appearance of mucus in the stool is favorable in most cases.

Lack of timely treatment can lead to complications such as peptic ulcers, internal bleeding, and oncological processes.

It is possible to prevent their development provided that the recommendations of qualified specialists are followed. Self-medication leads to a protracted course of the disease and is fraught with dangerous consequences for health and life.

Every healthy person has mucus in their stool, which mixes with the masses in the colon and is invisible to the naked eye. It is produced by goblet cells present in the intestines. The functions of mucus are to protect the walls of the organ from the harmful effects of coarse food fragments, acids, and mechanical damage. When irritation or inflammation of the inner layer of the intestines or stomach occurs, mucus begins to be produced more actively.


People should understand that mucous masses from the rectum will not be released just like that. If they are faced with such a problem, it means they may have developed some pathology. It is also worth noting that an incorrect diet can provoke this condition. Most people, due to the frantic pace of life, do not have the opportunity to eat normally. They often eat food “on the run” and it is not always beneficial for the body.

One should not exclude such a factor as work, which can be either sedentary or overly physically active.

Regardless of the reasons for which mucus began to be released from the rectum, people should not leave its appearance without due attention.

They should be especially alarmed by the change in color of the mucous masses and the appearance of blood inclusions in their structure. Such discharge can be present both in the stool and out of the anus when the person is at rest.

If mucus appears in the stool, what does it mean?

Modern medicine associates the appearance of mucus in feces with the following reasons in adults:

  1. Spastic colitis. A person's colon becomes inflamed. With the development of this pathology, alternation of diarrhea and constipation is observed. Fragments of mucus and even blood streaks are detected in the stool.
  2. Dysbacteriosis. This pathology can develop against the background of prolonged use of medications, in particular antibiotics. Accompanied by diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, and decreased appetite.
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome. Patients experience abdominal bloating, pain, and disruption of bowel movements.
  4. Poor nutrition, diet abuse, in particular raw food diet and fasting. Due to the fact that the body does not receive enough nutrients, it occurs depletion of mucous membranes.
  5. Colds. With such pathologies, a large amount of transparent mucus is released from the nasopharynx, which the person involuntarily swallows. Such discharge is detected in small quantities and disappears after recovery.
  6. Smoking, coffee abuse.
  7. Taking some medicines, in particular from flatulence.
  8. Worm infestations, in which in most cases there is stool with mucus.
  9. Intestinal and gastric pathologies of bacterial, autoimmune or viral etiology.
  10. Development candidiasis can cause the presence of mucus in the stool of a child and an adult.
  11. Pancreatitis, occurring in both acute and chronic forms.
  12. Intestinal diverticulosis.
  13. Proctosigmoiditis, proctitis.
  14. Malignant neoplasms in the intestines.
  15. Dysentery, which causes green mucus in the stool.

Mucusy stool in infants

Mucous feces in infants should not be ignored by parents, as it may indicate the development of the following pathological conditions:

  1. Dysbacteriosis has developed.
  2. Ulceration of the mucous membrane occurred.
  3. Intestinal infections develop.
  4. Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.
  5. Gluten or lactase deficiency.
  6. Allergic reactions.
  7. Invaginitis developed in the intestines.

If there is blood in the stool in addition to mucus

In the event that a person discovers blood streaks in addition to mucus in the stool, he needs to go to a medical facility for consultation and examination.

The presence of blood in stool may indicate the development of serious pathologies:

  1. Development of ulcerative colitis.
  2. Oncological processes in the stomach or intestines.
  3. Development of Crohn's disease.
  4. Formation of ulcerative lesions.
  5. Respiratory or intestinal infection.
  6. Polyp formation.
  7. Development of proctitis.
  8. Haemorrhoids.
  9. Anal fissure.
  10. Malignant neoplasms in the rectum.
  11. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  12. Development of ischemic colitis.
  13. Diverculosis in the rectum.

If mucus comes out instead of stool

In the case when an adult has mucus coming out of the anus instead of feces, this may indicate rectal incontinence.

With the development of such a pathological condition, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • pain appears;
  • the temperature may rise;
  • weakness develops, etc.

Pathology can be provoked by:

  • prolonged constipation;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • infectious and bacterial lesions;
  • polyps;
  • ulcerative lesions;
  • foreign objects;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms.

Classification of mucus

Modern medicine carries out the following classification of mucus that appears in feces:


The appearance of yellow mucous patches may indicate the development of hemorrhoids or the formation of polyps. This may also be a signal about the development of the following pathological processes: intestinal infections, malignant neoplasms, disruption of the absorption of nutrients from incoming food, hypothermia. Taking antibiotics can also cause yellowish mucus.


If a mucous film with a dense structure is detected in the stool, this may indicate the development of a membranous form of colitis. The following factors can provoke this pathological condition: taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications, anti-flatulence medications, smoking, colds, intestinal infections, constipation


The appearance of pink mucous patches should alert the patient. It should be considered as a symptomatology of such dangerous pathologies: colitis of allergic etiology, Crohn's disease, gastric ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver, polyps, intestinal diverticulum, capillary bleeding, intestinal varicose veins


Mucous masses can acquire this color when taking certain medications, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes. They are also considered as a symptom of dangerous diseases, so it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. Black mucous patches may indicate the development of bleeding, an increase in the size of the malignant neoplasm


This color of mucous masses may indicate poor pancreatic functionality. If they have a liquid consistency, then the patient most likely has developed dysbiosis

Diagnostic measures

If a person notices that mucous patches have begun to appear regularly in his stool, he should contact a medical facility for advice. Only a highly specialized specialist will be able to determine the cause of this condition. To make a diagnosis, the patient will undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, which involves the use of hardware and laboratory techniques:

  1. This category of patients must submit stool for laboratory testing.
  2. Blood and urine tests are prescribed.
  3. A colonoscopy is performed.
  4. An endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract is performed.
  5. If there are grounds, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed.

Treatment methods

If the appearance of mucous fragments in the stool is not a symptom of the development of pathologies, then this condition will not pose a threat to the human body. Despite this, people will experience constant discomfort, so to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms they should adjust their diet. Experts recommend including foods that have astringent properties in the diet, for example, persimmons, bananas, etc. Also, this category of patients should take medications from the group of adsorbents that are able to absorb excess mucous masses.

In the case where the cause of such a condition lies in health problems, people first need to identify the cause.

To do this, they should undergo diagnostics, after which highly specialized specialists will be able to select the most effective drug therapy regimen.

It is worth noting that doctors in such matters focus on the following:

  • carrying out measures aimed at eliminating the causes of the development of the pathological condition;
  • carrying out symptomatic therapy;
  • adjusting the patient's diet;
  • eliminating negative factors from the patient’s life that could provoke a relapse;
  • restoration of normal microflora in the intestine through special preparations.

In the case where the pathological process was provoked by fungal and bacterial microflora, specialists prescribe antiviral medications to the patient for symptomatic therapy. If the cause lies in the development of inflammation, then during treatment the emphasis is on eliminating the source. After this, the efforts of specialists are directed towards eliminating the factors that provoked the pathological condition.

If a patient is diagnosed with an anal fissure, a special diet will be developed for him. In parallel, he will have to use anti-inflammatory, painkillers and wound-healing medications. Severe pathologies, such as Crohn's disease and some forms of colitis, are treated primarily with surgical methods.

Preventive actions

To prevent active mucus production, people should first focus on their diet. The daily menu should be properly balanced and include only healthy foods. You should also completely give up addictions. If a person cannot do without coffee, then it is recommended that he minimize the daily dose of the drink. It will be enough to drink a cup of brewed coffee in the morning to get a boost of energy for the whole day. With the development of intestinal and gastric pathologies, people must undergo timely therapy to prevent the occurrence of various complications.