Natural nutrition. Simple rules. Ice cream with fruits in restaurant chains. Natural products and their substitutes

Unlike ready-made feed, natural feeding is a labor-intensive method. The owner of the animal will have to spend time cooking and carefully consider the diet. Before choosing this method, you need to study all the nuances of how to properly feed your dog natural food.

Some owners confuse natural feeding with table food. This is wrong. Even best food“for people” is harmful for pets. Prepare separately for dogs.

On the straight side they stick following rules:

  • components are prepared separately and mixed in a bowl before feeding;
  • the dog should eat a portion in one “lick”: if the food remains, it means the dog is overeating, and over time he will develop obesity;
  • provide constant access to clean water;
  • introduced into the diet vitamin complexes- calculate the quantity yourself useful substances in the daily menu is almost impossible;
  • fermented milk and meat products must be given in different techniques;
  • meat and offal are given raw, after freezing in the freezer for 2 - 3 days;
  • vegetables are grated or chopped;
  • Boil the cereals, or in broth;
  • the meat is cut into pieces of different sizes, taking into account the size of the pet - so that he can chew them;
  • foods are not salted or peppered;
  • Do not mix natural and dry food - this will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

All food must be fresh. It is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

The dog is transferred from dry food to natural food gradually, over 2 weeks. Additionally, probiotics are given, otherwise the functioning of the digestive system can be undermined.

Advantages and disadvantages of “natural” nutrition

It is believed that natural food is cheaper than dry food. This is only partially true. For large breeds Feeding natural food will actually be cheaper. They eat a lot of food, and most of the daily “natural” menu consists of cereals, vegetables, and offal.

Small pets eat little and are very picky. You will have to literally “dance” around them to persuade them to eat a piece healthy food.

However, natural feeding, in comparison with dry food, has important advantages:

  • independent control of product quality;
  • natural – as close as possible to the natural, “wild” diet of animals;
  • variety – the menu can be varied daily, which is especially important for small breeds.

This type of food is well suited for dogs prone to allergies. They often have negative reactions on industrial feed components. By preparing your own food, you can eliminate the allergen.

Natural products have several disadvantages:

  • high cost - in most cases it is cheaper to feed with industrial feed;
  • a lot of time and labor - you will have to cook every day not only for yourself, but also for your pet;
  • It’s easy to deviate from feeding rules - owners may make mistakes when calculating required quantity and product ratios.

But the main drawback is revealed when you have to leave and temporarily leave the dog with friends or in a hotel. The attorney is unlikely to want to cook. Therefore, the animal is gradually transferred to industrial feed, and then returned to its previous diet.

It's even worse when the trip is unplanned. The owner has no choice but to hastily hand the bag to the “nanny” ready-made feed and hope that digestive system the pet will not be seriously harmed.

What can and cannot be given to your pet

Natural diet should include:

- Dairy products. They give kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese with a fat content of 2% to 9%. Low-fat milk is not included in the menu, as it is poorly digestible.
- Meat. Beef, veal, turkey, rabbit. It is better to give not tenderloin, but stringy meat. Chicken is added carefully - some dogs are allergic to it.
— By-products. Liver and lungs (uncommon, they provoke diarrhea), udder, rumen, heart, stomachs.
- Cereals. Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley.
— Vegetables and herbs. Any, with the exception of potatoes, legumes, cabbage. They provoke gas formation.
- Fruits and berries. All unsweetened varieties. Rarely added as a treat.
- Eggs. Chicken or quail, raw, 1 – 2 times a week.
— Sea or ocean fish. Administer once a week. Pre-boil, remove sharp bones.
- Bran. Add to finished liquid food, best of all – in kefir.
- Rusks or biscuits. Only as a treat.
- Vegetable oil. Olive, sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed. They flavor the portion. For small breeds – a few drops, for large breeds – 1 tbsp.

Fish is not as nutritious as meat. It has half the protein. Therefore, they give it 2 times more.

Breeders and veterinarians have different opinions about bones. Some recommend giving raw spongy bones and moslaks to chew on. This will help train your jaws and clear plaque from your teeth. Others prefer only artificial bones sold in pet stores.

One way or another, you can give bones to dogs with a full-fledged chewing apparatus and no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can also sometimes pamper your pet with unsalted hard cheese, nuts, and special treats for animals. It is useful to occasionally introduce a little seafood, seaweed and sauerkraut.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to feed the dog the following products:

  • sweets;
  • bakery and pasta products;
  • onion and garlic;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • smoked meats;
  • pork;
  • fried, spicy, pickled, peppered, salted foods;
  • corn, semolina, soybeans, pearl barley;
  • tubular bones;
  • river fish.

An adult dog, starting from 8 months, is fed twice a day - morning and evening. Usually they give for “breakfast” dairy products, for “dinner” - meat with vegetables.

The animal should not be overfed - this will lead to obesity. The pet must eat a portion at a time. If food remains in the bowl, reduce the amount.

The approximately required daily volume of food is calculated as follows: 6 - 7% of body weight for puppies, and 3 - 4% for adults.

Calculation for adult dog weighing 15 kg: 15*0.4=600 g of food. For a puppy 15 kg: 15*0.7=1050 g.

When choosing a menu, you should observe the following proportions:

  • Meat – 30%;
  • By-products – 20%;
  • Cereals and vegetables – 35%;
  • Fermented milk products – 10%;
  • The rest is 5%.

These are average values. Calorie content for domestic and elderly dogs daily menu are being reduced. For young, active, pregnant or working dog the amount of food is increased.

The rules for natural feeding can only be formulated in general outline. Each breed has its own characteristics, which are taken into account when preparing the diet.

Natural food is considered to be as close as possible to the dog’s natural diet. Its main ingredients are meat, cereals, vegetables, offal and dairy products. Although this method allows you to control the quality of your food yourself, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Let's look at the list of foods that healthy eating advocates do not recommend for consumption.


What type of food do you refuse? Peas, tofu, liver or onions? Either way, it's probably because you don't like how it tastes, not necessarily because it contains the ingredients supposedly causing cancer or because farmers wear protective suits when processing it. However, there are still many products on store shelves that representatives Food Industry, knowing what is happening behind the scenes, refuse to eat. We asked some of these representatives - people who know their stuff and work every day to remove pesticides, genetically modified organisms, animal cruelty, social injustice and junk food from the food chain - to find out what they know about dark side“convenience” foods and what they eat.
Take note to avoid the worst that grocery stores have to offer.

1. Non-organic strawberries

Robert Kenner, director of food company Inc. and founder of

While filming The Inc., Kenner says he wanted to film strawberries where farmers apply pesticides. "The workers wear these suits to protect themselves from the dozens and dozens of known dangerous pesticides used on strawberries." "When I saw this, I thought to myself, if this is the way the berries are grown, I will stop eating it."
Strawberry production in our country by private entrepreneurs is sufficient profitable business and this profit is mainly achieved precisely by the amount of pesticides added to strawberries, as well as the use of high-yielding modified varieties.
Sometimes the tester does not show exceeding the standards, but such strawberries can be called useful very, very conditionally.
Solution. Choose organic strawberries. Grow it yourself or buy it from friends.

2. Lemonades

Problem: Dr. Isaac Eliaz suggests avoiding any sugary water and diet soda, candy, and chewing gum that contain artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, aspartame, acesulfame K, and neotame, among others.
“The safety data for these sweeteners is shrouded in controversy and conflicts of interest with the manufacturers of these sweeteners. chemical compounds,” warns Dr. Eliaz.
"Independent research suggests that when these sweeteners are metabolized in the body, they can cause metabolic issues and problems and lead to weight gain." neurological diseases, joint pain, digestive problems, headaches, depression, inflammatory disease intestines, chemical toxicity, and cancer in particular."
Solution. If you're really craving lemonade, and want to avoid the shady sweeteners, fake food colors and preservatives found in popular brands, try a bottle of Steaz green tea zero calorie or Bionade, a fermented lemonade popular in Europe.

3. Everything from McDonald's

Joel Salatin, sustainable farmer
Problem. When we say McDonald's, we're not talking about food, we're talking about food mentality.
"McDonald's economic model is entirely dependent on shareholders seeking dividends without regard to farm profitability or soil development." Fast food is typically filled with all sorts of ingredients, genetically modified corn, food coloring, artificial sweeteners, and other bad ingredients in food. The type of economy that supports this type of food industry relies on harmful chemical substances, which are not only dangerous to human health, but also to soil health.
Solution: Learn to cook! You may be surprised to find that country chicken can be cheaper than buying ready-made chicken fast food. For example, cooking chicken and then broth can provide up to three meals for a family! Find a sustainable farmer in your area or a farmer who grows without chemicals.

4. Canned tomatoes

Problem: Polymer can linings contain bisphenol-A or BPA, a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to diseases ranging from reproductive problems with heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Research shows that BPA levels in most people's bodies exceed normal levels and suppress sperm production or cause chromosomal damage in animal eggs. "You can get 50 micrograms of BPA per liter of tomato, and this is a dose that will affect people, especially young people," says Dr. Frederik vom Saal.
Solution: Choose tomatoes in glass bottles.

5. Bread

William Davis, MD, cardiologist

Problem: Modern wheat has nothing in common with the grains that your mothers or grandmothers consumed. Today, wheat barely resembles its original form, thanks to the extensive genetic manipulation of the 1960s and '70s that increased yields. "You can't change the basic characteristics of a plant without changing its genetics, its biochemistry, and its effect on people," notes Dr. Davis. "If there is one food that provides extravagant, unusual and unexpected benefits, it is bread," says Dr. Davis. “And I don’t mean white bread; I mean all bread: white, whole wheat, whole grain, sprouted, organic, French, Italian, fresh, stale... all of it.”
Solution: Try eliminating bread from your diet for a few weeks and notice how your health improves. When you choose grains, look for plants such as quinoa, buckwheat, millet, and wild rice, but in small quantities (less than half a cup), because they can also cause high level blood sugar, says Dr. Davis.

6. Hamburgers

Michael Pollan, author of numerous books and articles on the food system

Problem: Large cattle, raised in unsanitary conditions, filled with growth hormones and feed consisting primarily of genetically modified corn - three main reasons why the best alternative for your hamburger is ground beef, which can be obtained from a humanely raised, free-range, pasture-raised animal. But that's not all, says Pollan.
While a steak or regular roast comes from a single animal, ground beef processors combine meat from hundreds of animals. "This greatly increases the risk of contamination," he says.
Solution. Make minced meat yourself

7. Kukurudza

Maryam Henein and George Langworthy, directors of the documentary Vanishing Of The Bees

Problem: Today's corn plants are more like little pesticide factories with roots. Most of the country's corn supply is genetically modified, or the manufacturer has its own source of pesticides or heavily sprays with chemicals that drift into the food. This is problematic not only for bees, but also for people. “I avoid corn because most of it is genetically modified, and most of the seeds are systemically treated with pesticides that kill our bees,” Henein says. “And let’s not be fooled - the sublethal effects of these pesticides are also slowly deteriorating ours.”

Solution: In one form or another, corn is present in the vast majority of processed foods. food products. In ketchup, and even in bread, it is difficult to avoid corn ingredients. "I always try to avoid foods that contain a lot of corn syrup," Langworthy says. "Not only is it unhealthy, but the pesticides used in corn production are harmful to bees and other pollinators." To avoid genetic engineering corn, which has never been tested for long term consequences For human health, choose organic or uninspected products.

8. White chocolate

Problem: The right look Chocolate serves not only as a sweet treat, but as an increase in brain activity, too. The problem is, white chocolate is empty. "The evidence for the health benefits of cocoa is quite surprising," says Dr. Ramsey. “Much of this has to do with a set of amazing phytonutrients that can increase blood flow to the brain, protect blood vessels and improve your mood. White chocolate lacks all this goodness.”
Solution: Want to treat yourself to chocolate? Look for organic chocolate.

9. Artificial sweeteners

Problem: Anecdotally, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that the suggestion of using artificial sweeteners, which have zero calories, is just as bad for your waistline as high-calorie sugar. Not only is it bad for your health, scientists have discovered artificial sweeteners in treated wastewater that pose unknown risks to fish and others. sea ​​creatures.
Solution: Refined White Sugar Isn't Healthier, But You Can Substitute It a small amount nutritional sweeteners including honey, molasses and maple syrup, each of which have high levels of vitamins and minerals.

10. Sprouted sprouts

Doug Powell, Ph.D., Professor of Food Security

Problem: Sprouted seeds have been the source of so many nutritional complications that they're not worth the risk, Powell says. Whether beans or broccoli, alfalfa or peas, cabbage has been at the center of at least 40 major foodborne illness outbreaks over the past 20 years. Salmonella, coli and listeria; they are vulnerable to contamination because the seeds require moist, warm conditions in order to germinate - conditions that are ideal for bacteria to multiply.
Solution: Get crispy sprouts—without added bacteria—by shredding cabbage or carrots into sandwiches. If you really like the taste of cabbage, cook it first.

11. Food colors

Problem: Defenders healthy food and medicines have been trying for years to ban food colorings based on small studies linking them to hyperactivity in children and cancer in animals.
Red 3 has caused cancer in lab rats, and Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 may contain carcinogenic contaminants.
For example, juices often do not contain berries and juice, but a lot of artificial coloring.
Solution: Read labels every time you buy packaged foods. Food coloring may occur in some really unexpected places, even healthy foods like cheese and yogurt.

12. Ice cream with fruits in restaurant chains

In restaurant chains, often in addition to regular milk, sugar and vanilla, for some reason corn syrup, cellulose gum and margarine are added, says Dave Zinchenko, author of the book “Eat This, Not That!”
Besides being unhealthy, these additives typically come from genetically modified corn and soy.
Solution. Switch to local, small-batch ice cream, not produced using fast food technologies, or make it yourself.

Your opinion.

What foods do you think should be avoided on a daily basis? What foods do you no longer eat from this list?

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Natural food and normal weight

Main reason overweight in all age groups is overeating and eating unhealthy foods. When leaving the table, you should feel a slight feeling of hunger.

Natural food is provided by nature. Natural nutrition provides a person balanced diet, is a reliable source of maintaining good health and normal weight human body. But the nutritional balance is disrupted by the person himself and he pays for it with his health. Food products are subjected to industrial processing, which deprives them of natural minerals and vitamins. The food has become “dead”, and besides, with harmful additives. This food can satisfy hunger, but cannot provide a person with all the necessary elements.

It is necessary to exclude “dead” food from the diet.

Salt protects food from spoilage. But what more people consumes salt, the more harmful it is to your health. This is due to the fact that sodium chloride is an inorganic mineral. However, there is also organic sodium, which the human body needs.

The real crime against natural food is the cleaning and processing of food. Refined white flour has a long shelf life. But she is "dead". When processing live grain wheat germ, one of the richest food sources, is removed, leaving only calories. In the process of producing sugar, essential enzymes and vitamins are destroyed.

Meat and fat after industrial processing are deprived of vital substances. To maintain your health, you do not need to include in your diet foods that are devoid of vitamins or so-called “dead” foods. This includes salt-containing products: pickled cucumbers, potato chips, salted nuts, salted crackers, sour cabbage, canned plums, salty seasonings, etc. Also not recommended are jellies, jams, refined sugar, marmalade, ice cream, sherbet, cakes, fruit juices with sugar, chewing gum, lemonade, etc.

It is advisable to limit the consumption of products made from premium flour: white bread, Rye bread with the addition of wheat flour, dumplings, biscuits, waffles, pasta, noodles, vermicelli, pizza, pies, buns, gravies seasoned with flour.

It is better to exclude food with chemical additives from your diet. All chemicals are poisons. Although in a separate product - permissible norm, the total mass of food consumed contains large quantity toxic elements than provided by regulatory documents.

The basic rules of natural nutrition provide for the saturation of the human body with food containing the entire spectrum of vitamins, microelements, minerals, enzymes and many other components, necessary for the body person.

For normal nutrition, the diet should contain 3/5 of all foods - fruits and vegetables, raw or semi-raw; 1/5 - natural fats, natural sugars and natural starches; 1/5 of all food consumed is protein (animal or plant origin).

Every new day should be started by taking fresh fruits or juices from them. They are also consumed between main meals; fruits and vegetables are the best products for dessert. Fruits can be dried in the sun, winter time soak them for 10-12 hours and use them as dried fruit juices (soak in spring water).

Salads from raw vegetables: celery, lettuce, parsley, onions, peppers, carrots, raw beets, cucumbers with skin, radishes, tomatoes in combination or individually. Salad is very important for maintaining spinal health. raw cabbage, rich in vitamin WITH.

Half-raw vegetables are especially useful. They are used for balanced nutrition. They cannot be cooked for a long time. The peel is not removed from vegetables during processing. It is very good to cook vegetables steamed or in a pressure cooker.

Animal proteins include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and natural cheese. When buying meat and poultry, you need to know that they were raised without the use of growth stimulants, and that the fish does not contain mercury. Meat is eaten no more than three times a week, eggs - up to 4-6 times a week. Natural cheese and yogurt are good sources of proteins. They are added to salads and casseroles. Milk is an essential source of protein for growing children, but is poorly digestible by adults.

Proteins of plant origin are found in beans, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains (barley, buckwheat, corn, wheat, oats, millet), brewer's yeast, mushrooms, eggplants, alfalfa shoots, etc. Whole wheat grain contains a large amount vitamin E. Many healthy dishes are prepared from plant proteins.

Starch is found in wholemeal bread, porridge and potatoes.

An indispensable source natural sugar are honey, dates, etc.

Fats should be consumed unsaturated and non-hydrogenated, butter unsalted.

The bones of the skeleton, including the spine, are living tissue that forms and functions due to appropriate nutrition. Bone, like the vertebrae of the spine, is made up of an outer hard tissue that gives it strength, as well as shape and filler inside the bone - bone marrow.

Over time, bones become brittle. But the reason is not age. It's connected with poor nutrition. This is how a disease called osteoporosis develops. In addition to nutrition, the development of osteoporosis is influenced by insufficient physical activity.

Scientists note that when consumed large quantity vegetables and fruits, natural dairy products, osteoporosis practically does not develop. The spine is flexible, and the vertebrae are hard, strong and elastic. The spine needs natural minerals.

The human body is a self-healing and self-restoring system. To restore the shape and function of the spine, it is necessary to eat natural foods.

Particular attention should be paid to foods that contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, etc.

Calcium is involved in the restoration of cells throughout the body, but it is mainly found in the human skeleton (up to 90%).

If food products lack natural organic calcium, then this can negatively affect the condition of the bones and the entire human body.

Despite the fact that on soft fabrics accounts for only 1% of calcium, its deficiency affects general health human, especially on the nervous system, on spinal cord. Lack of calcium in the blood manifests itself nervous excitability, especially in children. They experience increased moodiness, outbursts of irritation, sometimes muscle cramps, spasms and, occasionally, convulsions.

Sources of calcium are beef liver, kidneys, heart, fresh eggs, wholemeal cornmeal, oats, barley, nuts, seeds, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, carrots, cucumber.

Fruits include oranges, sun-dried dates, raisins, etc. Phosphorus, in combination with calcium and vitamins A and D, forms the skeletal system and is involved in the regulation.

In nature, the source of phosphorus is the tongue, animal organs, fish and fish fat, natural cheese, soy, raw spinach, cucumbers, cabbage, peas, lettuce, rye grain, wheat, bran, etc.

Natural sources of magnesium are beans, peas, beans, cucumbers, alfalfa, spinach, avocado, bran, whole grains, nuts, sunflower seeds, honey, raisins, prunes, etc. Of no small importance in the formation skeletal system has vitamin D.

Manganese carries oxygen from the blood to cells. This is especially important in the nutrition of intervertebral discs and cartilage.

Natural sources of manganese: liver, egg yolk, bird, internal organs animals, natural cheeses, seaweed, potatoes (with skin), lettuce, celery, onions, peas, beans, bran, wholemeal, bananas, almonds, chestnuts, Walnut and etc.

A person must obtain these substances from animal or plant sources.

Mineral supplements must be in organic form. For example, bone meal is a source of calcium.

Vitamins are the basis of a healthy spine.

All vitamins are important for human health. For the spine, vitamins A, C, D are of particular value. Vitamin B complex is important for the nervous system and especially the spinal cord.

Vitamins A and D are involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which form and strengthen bones. Together they act as catalysts for metabolism in the body. Only with vitamins A and D parathyroid glands can regulate the exchange of calcium and phosphorus.

A deficiency of these vitamins in the diet may lead to thinning of bones, increased fragility, and development of osteoporosis.

Natural sources of vitamin A include fresh fruits and vegetables, carrots, artichokes, cantaloupe, yellow squash, peaches, fresh eggs, animal liver and fish.

Natural sources of vitamin D: fish liver, unsaturated fats, eggs, whole milk, butter. The main source is the sun.

Vitamin C nourishes collagen. It is deposited in the human body, so it must be taken with food daily.

Sources of vitamin C: berries, citrus fruits, greens, cabbage, Bell pepper etc. Vitamin C is destroyed when heated, so vegetables and fruits containing it are consumed mainly fresh.

Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B, thiamine, “anti-neurosis”.

It stimulates the normal functioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart. When it is deficient, it appears increased irritability, insomnia, weakness, apathy, depression.

Vitamin B2, pyridoxine. Taken for the purpose of prevention nervous diseases skin, improves metabolic processes proteins and fats. With its deficiency, irritability appears, skin rash, delayed muscle response.

Vitamin B 12, cobalamin. Participates in the regeneration of red blood cells - erythrocytes in bone marrow. It is an antianemic and tonic. The main sign of its deficiency is constant fatigue, in children - lack of appetite.

Sources of vitamin B include brewer's yeast, unprocessed wheat grain, beef liver, heart, brains, lamb kidneys, bone-in beef and pork, fresh eggs (yellow), fish, natural cheeses, peanut butter (non-hydrogenated), barley, buckwheat, oats, corn , soybeans, peas, cabbage, oranges, grapefruit, bananas, avocados, mushrooms, lobsters, oysters, crabs, chickens.

Sources of B vitamins are only organic products, synthetic vitamins Group B is not absorbed in the body.

Milk and dairy products - good source proteins, calcium and phosphorus salts, vitamins A, D, B, a significant amount of vitamin E is contained in cheese. Milk is well absorbed by children, and cheese by adults.

So, to have a healthy spine, you need to eat right. And exercises for the spine will not help if you eat incorrectly. This is why proper nutrition throughout life is so necessary to maintain spinal function. This is the only reason why so much attention is paid to nutrition issues.

We must remember that in the joints and intervertebral discs There should be no calcium, especially inorganic, as this can lead to limited mobility or its cessation.

When choosing a diet, it should be borne in mind that vegetables and fruits form, with some exceptions, an alkaline reaction, and proteins, starches, fats and sugars form an acidic reaction.

Fasting once a week is recommended to cleanse the body, but you must also drink water or natural juices. To live a full life, you need to show strength of character, willpower and determine the direction of proper nutrition and perform the physical exercises described above.

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Natural nutrition is the dream of every person who cares about their own health. What is it really? natural nutrition and healthy food?

Natural food is food that grows or runs, and does not undergo additional processing. Fresh cucumber, aromatic banana, freshly caught fish or grasshopper. All this is natural food until it is cooked, fried, fermented, over-salted, stuffed with all sorts of preservatives and flavor enhancers. Any culinary processing only reduces the nutritional value of food, which natural nutrition does not require. Do you know why?

First of all, nature hardly intended that for a long healthy life man needs intricate cooking. Our body is adapted specifically to natural food (natural nutrition). Everything else is simply substitutes that people eat out of desperation. For example, if natural food and natural nutrition are simply not available.

Natural nutrition is living food. Grain can germinate after hundreds of years of storage! A fresh apple can be stored for many months. Cut it open and pretty soon all that's left is just plain rot. Gravedigger bacteria have come into play, decomposing the tissues of dead plants and the meat of dead animals. We have learned how to effectively fight bacteria by placing chemicals, salt or sugar in the dead, freezing or frying. But is the mummy alive and is this natural food?

In fact, the system of life is so clever that there is no need to put an expiration date on food bags. Starting to rot, natural food (natural food) looks very unappetizing, unpleasant to the touch, smells disgusting and has the same taste. A standard example is a rotten apple.

Allen Carr: "Natural nutrition is easy way lose weight"

Living natural food contains vitamins, the very substances that humans have learned to synthesize separately from their food. Do you still believe this? Then read how artificial vitamins differ from natural ones.

Living food (natural food) contains enzymes (enzymes) - components without which complete digestion is impossible. The human body has to spend its enzymes to digest non-natural food. Living food replenishes this supply.

Eat more living things and less dead ones - encourages natural nutrition.

You cannot mix fats and proteins, as natural nutrition claims.

This rule is valuable when eating natural foods. The enzymes found in various living foods are very different. And they may even conflict, then they will be of little use. You can create and remember complex compatibility tables, but it is preferable to simply eat only one type of food at a time. Only apples, only nuts, only grapes, as natural nutrition recommends.

In culinary processed foods (boiled, fried, etc.) most enzymes are simply destroyed, the body uses up its own, for this reason the conflict is simply minimal. But even in this case, it is very difficult to digest everything.

Doctors have found that proteins (for example, meat, milk) in the stomach are digested in acidic environment, but carbohydrates (for example, bread, pasta), on the contrary, are alkaline. If they are together, it simply means that something is no longer fully digested, but simply rots, which natural nutrition does not accept. In addition, various different products Digested for varying amounts of time. As a result, something will come out of the stomach either completely raw or fermented.

You can't turn your own stomach into a landfill.

What do you think our bones, muscles and the whole body are made of? That's right - from what we ate yesterday, the day before yesterday or a year ago. The strength, shape and beauty of our body directly depend on what we eat. You can fill your stomach with anything, but only food will build strong and healthy cells, and from the other - weak and sick.

It is not surprising that the issue of proper nutrition has long been of interest to people. Many schemes have been proposed, often contradicting each other. Some argue that man is a predator who needs meat. They either advise or increase its consumption. And you can’t count how many diets have been invented. Supporters different schemes nutritionists are ready to argue until they are hoarse, arguing with science, medicine and even mysticism. And only one thing is clear to us - A reasonable person is still not sure that he knows how to eat properly.

Interestingly, wild animals do not have problems choosing the right food. As do indigestion, obesity, most diseases and premature aging. But pets suffer from all this. That is, those whose diet is set by a person.

Perhaps nature provided animals with instructions for proper nutrition, but forgot to give it to the person? Or maybe ancient man also knew how to eat properly, without discussing or making complex conclusions? And he survived in the wild, without doctors, nutritionists or dentists. He rose to the highest level of animal development. And then he became proud, forgot everything, began to eat according to science and acquired a bunch of diseases.

Wild animals follow simple rules in their diet.

  1. Don't overeat
  2. Are eating natural food
  3. Don't mix
  4. They eat what tastes good

Hardly modern man must eat like an animal. This is almost impossible, and there is no point. It is better to follow these laws as much as possible and try to ensure that most of the food complies with them. And let the rest of the food be a smaller part.

Don't overeat

Eat when you are hungry and do not eat out of habit, much less out of boredom. Don't force your opinion on your stomach. The body knows best when it is ready to absorb food. Excess will not be useful.

What is natural food

This is food that grows or runs, without undergoing additional processing. Fresh cucumber, ripe banana, freshly caught fish or grasshopper. All this is natural food, until it is boiled, fried, salted, fermented, stuffed with preservatives and flavor enhancers. Any processing only reduces the usefulness of food.

Do you know why?

Firstly, nature hardly intended that for a long healthy life a person would need complex cooking. Our body is adapted to natural food. Everything else is substitutes that people eat out of desperation. For example, if natural food not available.

Secondly, natural food is alive. Grain can germinate after hundreds of years of storage! A fresh apple can be stored for many months. Cut it open and pretty soon all that's left is rot. Gravedigger bacteria have come into play, decomposing the tissues of dead plants and the meat of dead animals. We have learned to fight bacteria by placing the dead in chemicals, salt or sugar, freezing or frying. But is the mummy alive?

In essence, the system invented by the Creator is so clever that there is no need to put an expiration date on food bags. When natural food begins to rot, it looks unappetizing, is unpleasant to the touch, smells and tastes terrible. A classic example is a rotten apple.

Living food contains enzymes (enzymes) - substances without which digestion is impossible. The body has to use its own enzymes to digest unnatural food. Living food replenishes this supply.

Eat more living things and less dead ones.

Don't mix

This rule is especially important when eating natural foods. The enzymes contained in different live foods differ. And they may conflict, then the products will be of little use. You can create and remember complex compatibility tables, but it is better to eat only one type of food at one meal. Only apples, only nuts, only grapes.

In thermally processed food (boiled, fried, etc.), most enzymes are destroyed, the body uses up its own, so the conflict is minimal. However, even in this case it is difficult to digest everything.

Studies have shown that proteins (meat, milk) in the stomach are digested in an acidic environment, and carbohydrates (bread, pasta) in an alkaline environment. If they are together, it means that something is not digested, but rots. In addition, different foods are digested different time. As a result, something will come out of the stomach either raw or fermented.

Don't turn your stomach into a dump.

Eat delicious

This is the most important rule. The body knows very well what food it needs right now. It’s enough to listen to him, eat what you want now and... don’t deceive yourself.

And we deceive ourselves by constantly distorting the taste of food. Not only do we fry, boil and bake it, but we also supply it with a bunch of spices. To “become tastier”, to deceive the body even more.

Eat natural food with it natural taste. If you like raw meat, fish or live spider bugs, go ahead. If you want to lick salt or chalk, lick it. This means that the body needs all this. Or prefer ripe berries and fruits, vegetables and herbs, honey and nuts.

It never occurs to anyone to season a juicy peach with garlic. Do you know why? Peach is so delicious!

There is no need for extremes

It is unlikely that you should completely give up eating certain foods. Omnivorousness is a human advantage over most animals, which allows us to occupy the top of the food pyramid.

Just try to follow the laws of natural nutrition more often, making unnatural food an addition, but not the basis. Use substitutes when the original is not available. Sometimes switch completely to natural nutrition. For example, .

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