Discharge with an unpleasant odor of chlamydia. Chlamydia in women - photos that will help you recognize the disease. Woman's vaginal secretion

There is discharge from the urethral canal. They indicate the acute phase of the disease. During this period, chlamydia that has entered the mucous membrane of the urethra multiplies most actively. This leads to the accumulation of bacteria inside the epithelial cells, swelling of these cells and, ultimately, their death.
Discharges are formed from waste products of the microorganisms themselves, fragments of dead cells, and also intercellular fluid, which is released due to inflammatory swelling of the mucous membrane.

Discharge from chlamydia has the following features:

  • Color. Usually, with a chlamydial infection, the discharge is colorless or clear. This distinguishes them from many other diseases of the genitourinary system, when the discharge becomes yellowish or greenish in color. With chlamydia, such variants are also observed, but only if other infections are associated. In this case, the release of mucopurulent fluid is possible even during the period of remission of chlamydia. The symptom will be caused by another microorganism. Considering the fact that secondary infection is observed in 60 - 70% of patients with chronic chlamydia, it is necessary to keep in mind such color changes.
  • Smell. Most often, chlamydia discharge is odorless. Its appearance is also possible only if other infections are associated. This is most typical for gonorrhea, the course of which is accompanied by discharge with a strong unpleasant odor, which in rare cases can be felt even at a short distance.
  • Quantity. Unlike many other genitourinary tract infections, chlamydia does not lead to heavy discharge. A small amount of fluid may accumulate in the urethral canal overnight. In men, this is most easily noticed in the morning before the first urination. A small drop appears at the external opening of the urethra. In women, it is much more difficult to notice discharge due to chlamydia. They are usually discovered by a doctor during a gynecological examination. They accumulate in the cervical area in the form of a specific plaque.
  • Consistency. Chlamydia discharge is usually watery or slightly viscous. They do not reach a thick consistency, as with purulent inflammation. Thickening of discharge may also indicate a secondary infection.
  • Time of appearance. The time for the appearance of discharge after the moment of infection can vary widely. In the acute course of the disease, this symptom is observed already in the second week after chlamydia enters the columnar epithelium of the urethra. However, for various reasons, an asymptomatic course of the disease may occur ( in almost 50% of cases). Then the first discharge will appear only with a severe exacerbation, which can occur only months after the moment of infection. We can only say with certainty that discharge due to chlamydia in almost 95% of cases is preceded by other symptoms. Usually this is redness of the mucous membrane of the urethra, pain when urinating and itching of the genitals.
From the point of view of microbiological tests, discharge is an extremely important symptom. It is in them that viable chlamydia can almost always be found, which are collected to confirm the diagnosis. Therefore, if any discharge from the urethral canal in men or vaginal discharge in women occurs, you should consult a doctor. This period of the disease is the most favorable for making an accurate diagnosis, which will help to quickly defeat the disease.

In rare cases, other discharge may occur with chlamydia. In particular, we are talking about bloody or purulent discharge. They occur only in cases of serious complications, which lead to advanced chronic chlamydia. When the infection spreads up the birth canal, chlamydia can reach the cavity

Genital chlamydia is an insidious disease that often causes female infertility and pregnancy failure among women. The occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases is caused by gram-negative bacteria - chlamydia. The disease is most often transmitted through sexual contact, and less commonly through household contact. For example, through linen, hygiene items, bath accessories, provided they are used by a sick person.

Symptoms of the disease in women differ from those that occur in men. However, they can be very different. Often the disease occurs without any symptoms, which leads to complications. It is extremely important for women who care about their health to know about chlamydia.

Causes and risk factors

The causative agents of chlamydia in women are intracellular microorganisms Chlamydia trachomatis. These bacteria can remain in the human body for a long time without causing clinical manifestations, but if the body’s defenses are weakened, chlamydia begins to intensify its activity and growth, causing signs of chlamydia in women. The most common route of transmission of chlamydia is sexual intercourse - both through traditional and non-traditional types of unprotected sexual intercourse.

In addition, transmission of chlamydia can occur during fetal development or during childbirth from mother to child as the fetus passes through the birth canal. Contact and household transmission of the disease is also observed - through hands, personal hygiene items, bed linen, etc., contaminated with infected secretions. Such cases of infection are rare, since chlamydia quickly dies outside the body. There are known cases of transmission of chlamydia during blood transfusions.

First signs

More often, chlamydia infection does not produce symptoms, but in some cases certain complaints are observed.

The first signs of chlamydia in women:

  1. Feeling of slight pain and discomfort when urinating;
  2. Feeling of increased moisture in the genitals;
  3. A burning sensation in the external genital area and itching in the urethra;
  4. Mucopurulent discharge from the vagina. Upon examination, discharge appears when pressing on the affected area;
  5. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  6. Defect in the form of erosion in the cervix;
  7. Heaviness and pain in the lumbar spine;
  8. Menstrual irregularities;
  9. General weakness and increased body temperature.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis can also occur when the eyes are involved in the pathological process.

Symptoms of chlamydia in women

This disease can be asymptomatic for many years; signs of the disease are found in only 30–40% of women. However, the hidden course of the process is not at all safe: chlamydia, even without any symptoms, can cause many complications, including infertility. The incubation period of the disease is 2–4 weeks, so the appearance of any symptoms is often not associated with past sexual contact.

Depending on the organ affected by the infection, various diseases occur and obvious symptoms appear.

  1. – infection of the urethra by chlamydia with the development of burning and pain when relieving minor needs.
  2. – inflammatory processes in the Bartholin gland, which is located on both sides at the entrance to the vagina. Manifested by pain, swelling and redness on the affected side, and increased body temperature.
  3. Erosion and inflammation of the cervix (endocervicitis), accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, the appearance of mucopurulent discharge, and often bleeding after sexual intercourse.
  4. and – inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries (often a combined pathology). Pain in the right or left side, menstrual irregularities, increased body temperature - such symptoms allow one to suspect chlamydia of the appendages in women.
  5. (inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus) - characteristic symptoms: high body temperature, uterine bleeding, mucopurulent discharge, severe pain behind the pubis.
  6. Chlamydial pharyngitis - occurs when infected during oral sex. Characterized by a sore throat and pain when swallowing.
  7. Pelvioperitonitis is a lesion of the peritoneum in the pelvic area. In this case, quite sharp abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, and tension in the abdominal wall occur.
  8. Arthritis (Reiter's syndrome) - chronic chlamydia in women can lead to autoimmune inflammation of the joints.
  9. Chlamydial proctitis is inflammation of the rectal mucosa (after unprotected anal intercourse) with the appearance of pain, mucopurulent discharge from the anus.
  10. - the first signs of chlamydial inflammation are characterized by cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, and increased body temperature.
  11. – damage to the eyes with the development of lacrimation, redness, burning. It develops when an infection is introduced into the eyes with dirty hands or when sharing towels.

The infection itself can be hidden - the first symptoms will appear along with the diseases provoked by the infection!


Methods to help diagnose chlamydia:

  1. Bacteriological seeding of microflora. The presence of bacteria is determined. It can use blood, urine, and genital secretions.
  2. PCR. A polymerase chain reaction within a few hours will help identify the causative agent of the disease even from one small fragment, if one was present in the source material.
  3. REEF. Analysis of the immunofluorescence reaction by staining the material with a special reagent. If chlamydia is present, a fluorescent microscope will highlight them.
  4. ELISA. Antibodies to chlamydia are determined using an enzyme immunoassay in blood. It is clarified at what stage the disease is.
  5. Smear. A small amount of discharge from the urethra and vagina is examined using a microscope.

Laboratory tests are of great importance for making a correct diagnosis, since existing chlamydia: unexpressed symptoms in women are very common and occur in a latent form. A blood test and vaginal smear are taken in several stages - at the beginning of treatment and a control test at the end.

What chlamydia looks like: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in women.

What will happen if left untreated?

Complications of chlamydia in women:

  1. The adhesive process leads to chronic pain in the pelvic area.
  2. Salpingoophoritis is complicated by pelvioperitonitis - inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum. The acute phase of the disease occurs with high body temperature and severe pain in the lower abdomen. As the disease moves into the chronic phase, the severity of clinical symptoms smoothes out.
  3. When the infection spreads to the upper abdominal cavity, severe pain appears in the right hypochondrium, which indicates damage to the liver capsule (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome). The development of a powerful adhesive process leads to chronic pain in the upper abdominal cavity.
  4. Chronic inflammatory disease of the cervix, pelvic organs, and abdominal organs is a dangerous complication of chlamydia in women. Multiple adhesions cause the development of pregnancy pathology and infection of the fetus either during pregnancy or during childbirth.
  5. Some chlamydia have a heat shock protein that can cause autoimmune reactions. Such patients develop Reiter's syndrome, in which inflammation of the vagina is combined with reactive arthritis of one or more joints and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctivitis). The syndrome develops 20 times more often in men.

Most often, chlamydia in women often occurs with smoothed symptoms and takes on a chronic form with a minimum number of external manifestations, having a significant impact on the human reproductive system.

Does my sexual partner (husband, boyfriend) need treatment?

If you have been diagnosed with chlamydia, be sure to tell your sexual partner. He needs to see a urologist and get tested for sexually transmitted infections.

Even if your partner does not have chlamydia, he still needs to undergo treatment.

Treatment of chlamydia in women

The problem of complex treatment of chlamydial infection in women should be solved taking into account the clinical picture of the patient. There are no ready-made algorithms or general treatment regimens for chlamydia in women, since in each specific case it is worth taking into account the state of the immune system, concomitant diseases, and the state of the intestinal microflora.

The presence of concomitant sexually transmitted infections must be taken into account in order for the choice of antibiotic to be as effective as possible in the presence of a mixed infection.

  • Azithromycin 500 mg 2 tablets. once, or Doxycycline 0.1 twice a day for 7 days.
  • With this regimen, the effectiveness of treatment reaches 97%.

Second row:

  • Erythromycin 500 mg 4 times a day for 6 hours 7 days
  • Ofloxacin 300 mg twice daily every 12 hours for 7 days
  • Roxithromycin 150 mg twice daily every 12 hours 7 days
  • Spiramycin 3 million units every 8 hours 7 days

For pregnant:

  • Erythromycin 500 mg every 6 hours 4 times a day for 7 days
  • Josamycin 750 mg 3 times a day after 8 hours 7 days
  • Spiramycin 3 million units every 8 hours 3 times a day for 7 days.

All information about drugs and treatment regimens is for informational purposes only. Treatment of chlamydia is carried out only by a qualified specialist based on test results, the patient’s medical history, and over time, taking into account the criteria for cure.


They are an important component of effective therapy for chlamydia and are used for acute and chronic chlamydial infections. These include: “Methyluracil”, “Timalin”, “Taquitin”, “Lysozyme”, “Viferon”, “Polyoxidonium”, “Cycloferon”.

Recently, the drug “Polyoxidonium” has been very widely used for the treatment of female chlamydia, especially if an atypical form of urogenital chlamydia is present. "Polyoxidonium" helps to increase the production of antibodies, and also reduces the side effects of other drugs, shortens the recovery period, and increases the body's resistance to other infections.

But it is worth remembering that self-administration of any medications, especially immunomodulators, is strictly prohibited.

Treatment regimens for chlamydia in women

Effective treatment of infection in women is based on taking drugs that destroy chlamydia or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. The doctor gives a general assessment of the patient’s body condition, identifies concomitant diseases in order to prescribe the correct therapy.

Treatment regimens for chlamydia in women:

  1. Sluggish chlamydia. In the first two weeks, immunotherapy and systemic enzyme therapy are performed. Then the doctor prescribes antibiotics, multivitamins, and antifungal agents. To restore and support the body, the gynecologist prescribes physical procedures, local treatment, probiotics, and hepatoprotectors. The treatment regimen from the start of taking antibiotics is identical to that of acute chlamydia.
  2. Acute chlamydia. The following medications are prescribed: the antibiotic doxycycline (3 weeks, 100 mg 2 times a day), an immunomodulator of the doctor’s choice, multivitamins. After 7 days, systemic enzyme therapy is carried out. If fungal infections are present, the drugs Fluconazole and Nystatin are used. In combination with therapeutic agents, probiotics and hepatoprotectors are prescribed, physical procedures, and local treatment are prescribed.
  3. Chronic chlamydia. Inductotherapy is carried out for two weeks, Amiksin is prescribed for 30 days (every other day). Systemic enzyme therapy is carried out (2 weeks). 10 days after the start of treatment for the infection, antibiotics are prescribed (the amount of the drug is identical to the amount used in the treatment of an acute disease), and multivitamins. Physiotherapy is carried out, hepatoprotectors are used. Treatment of chronic chlamydia in women may be accompanied by taking hyaluronidase drugs (for example, Longidase, 1 suppository every 10 days).


For effective prevention, you need to know and follow the following rules:

  1. Avoid promiscuity.
  2. Mandatory use of condoms for all types of sex.
  3. Remember that there are other ways of becoming infected with chlamydia other than sexually, and be wary in this regard.
  4. Remember that even one unprotected sexual contact leads to infection with chlamydia.
  5. Mandatory examination after unprotected sexual intercourse for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.
  6. If chlamydia is diagnosed, it is necessary to stop sexual intercourse, notify sexual partners, tighten personal hygiene, and take all measures regarding family members living nearby to protect them from infection through household means.

Chlamydia, based on the above, is easier to prevent than to treat.

The inflammatory process caused by chlamydia can provoke damage to various human organs.

The pathology is characterized by burning, itching, pain in the genital area and abdomen.

The disease provokes an increase in body temperature and causes the release of pathological mucus from the vagina and male penis. The last sign of sexually transmitted pathology is considered one of the most unpleasant.

Discharge from chlamydia indicates the acute development of an infectious pathology and requires immediate contact with a medical facility.

About the disease

The causative agent of venereal disease is the microorganism Chlamidia trachomatis. The bacterium can infect the internal and external organs of the genitourinary system of men and women.

In the fair sex, chlamydia affects the vaginal mucosa, fallopian tubes, and urethra.

Penetrating into a living organism, harmful microorganisms first infect the mucous membrane and begin to actively multiply, causing an inflammatory process. Then the cell dies and new bacteria enter the space.

The mucus coming out of the genital tract is particles of dead cells, microbes and intercellular fluid.

The appearance of discharge from chlamydia begins 2 weeks or 1 month after a person is infected. This occurs due to the active growth of the number of bacteria in the cells of the mucous membrane of the urethra.

With chlamydia, discharge is detected in 84% of cases, while other signs of the activity of harmful microorganisms are found in no more than 36% of patients.

Features of slime

At the entrance to the female genital organs there is always a secretion, which consists of white blood cells, microbes, desquamated epithelial cells, as well as mucus formed in the cervical canal and the vestibule of the vagina.

A healthy woman excretes 0.001–0.002 liters per day. In girls who do not have diseases of the genitourinary system, vaginal discharge is white or yellow in color, without a characteristic odor.

If the mucus has an unpleasant odor, changes color, or its amount increases, then it’s time to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Additional appearance of signs such as burning, itching, swelling of the testicles and penis in men, labia in women, abdominal pain, may indicate the presence of urogenital pathology, such as chlamydia.


What kind of discharge does chlamydia cause in women?

Venereal pathology is accompanied by the appearance of clear mucus. If the victim is sick with other diseases of the genitourinary tract, the discharge takes on a dark shade.

In the presence of two sexually transmitted pathologies, one of which is chlamydia, the mucus acquires a yellow or even greenish tint, indicating the formation of pus. Also, the discharge turns this color in case of severe chlamydial infection.

In 70% of patients with Chlamydia trachomatis, a secondary disease is detected. This is characteristic of the chronic form of chlamydia.


The mucus secreted during venereal pathology is odorless if there is no secondary pathology.

The appearance of an unpleasant “smell” is most often provoked by the addition of other infectious diseases. This sign means the presence of gonorrhea (purulent inflammation of the urinary tract).

With this venereal disease, the patient is found to have a plaque that has a pungent odor.

Secret volume

And the fair sex is not accompanied by copious mucus secretions.

After waking up, there is a release of fluid, which becomes noticeable during the first morning urination in men. A secretion may remain on the penis, if detected, a person should consult a doctor.

Signs of pathology in women are difficult to detect. Mucus is less noticeable; often girls do not know about the accumulation of foreign plaque on the cervix until they visit and are examined by a gynecologist.

Frequency of occurrence

Venereal pathologies appear during exacerbation of the disease. The discharge typically appears in the second week of the disease; often this symptom is detected several months after infection.


With chlamydia, the mucus is watery. The consistency of the discharge is slightly sticky.

More viscous mucus indicates concomitant pathology. It may be mixed with blood or pus.

Thick plaque on the lower segment of the uterus means the presence of a second harmful microorganism.

Reasons for the appearance of secretions after therapy

Discharge usually goes away after treatment for chlamydia. destroys harmful microorganisms inside the affected cells and contributes to the complete cure of the patient.

In some cases, pathological discharge remains and comes out during urination.

The remaining mucus is a violation of the vaginal microflora, as a result of which beneficial bacteria die and the formation of a fungal infection begins.

Thrush develops (a disease caused by yeast-like fungi), which develops against the background of:

  • weakened immune system;
  • stressful situation.

If discharge remains after treatment for chlamydia, it is possible that the sexually transmitted pathology has not been fully cured and has taken a chronic course.

This happens when the course of treatment is stopped due to the absence of symptoms of the disease, so it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and treat chlamydia comprehensively and completely.

Consequences and complications of an untreated disease

The transition of venereal pathology into a chronic course leads to serious consequences. Untreated chlamydia is an insidious disease.

In women, the disease provokes the development of inflammation.

Minasyan Margarita

The course of many sexual and infectious diseases is accompanied by such symptoms as pathological discharge. With chlamydia, this sign can be used to determine the severity of the disease, the effectiveness of treatment and, in fact, the presence of a diagnosis. What kind of discharge there is in women with chlamydia, and their role in diagnosis will be discussed in this article.

Common symptoms of chlamydia in women

The disease has a number of features that add up to the following picture:

  • elevated body temperature - in case of acute chlamydia in women, it remains at the level of 37-37.5 ° C;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen and lumbar region - can be strong, mild or absent;
  • burning and stinging during urination, frequent urge to go to the toilet - reminiscent of the symptoms of cystitis, when the urethra is affected by infection;
  • burning sensation in the vagina - since it is the main breeding ground for the infectious agent, it is the vaginal mucosa that suffers;
  • discharge is a fairly common occurrence, characterized by a strong unpleasant odor and uncharacteristic color;
  • erosive formations on the inside of the cervix - can only be detected during an examination by a gynecologist; their presence is indicated by slight bleeding.

Treatment of chlamydia KLION D: discharge after suppositories >>>

The listed symptoms are only an approximate list of signs that indicate some kind of pathology in the gynecological field. It is impossible to say solely from them that a person has chlamydia. And, It is impossible to determine chlamydia independently and taking into account only a visual analysis of discharge. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after receiving the results of a laboratory examination.

In addition, a woman may also have other infections, not necessarily sexually transmitted ones. Against the background of the disease in question, symptoms of thrush often appear, which also affects the nature of the vaginal secretion.

The nature of pathological discharge in chlamydia

Mucus secreted from the genitals is the material that is primarily examined for the presence of certain viable microorganisms.

So, if a man or woman discovers discharge that is uncharacteristic of the usual condition, you should inform your doctor about this. The signs of chlamydia in women are not very different from the course of the disease in men, but there are still some features.

Discharge from chlamydia in women

An accurate description of this sign allows us to tell at an early stage about the presence of concomitant diseases or the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. The following characteristics are of particular importance:


As a rule, such discharge does not have a pronounced shade, but only if there are no secondary infections. And these occur in more than half of patients. The presence of other pathogenic bacteria in the body contributes to the appearance of pus mixed with pus. They can be observed in women even after treatment for chlamydia, which is already typical for the chronic form of the disease.


A characteristic feature of the disease in question is the absence of aroma in the discharge. It can appear only if a secondary infection occurs. This symptom is most often considered evidence of the development of gonorrhea in the body. In addition, a coating with a sharp and very unpleasant odor is observed on the genitals, which can be felt even at a distance from a person.


The course of chlamydia itself does not lead to the appearance of a large volume of mucus secreted. As a rule, in girls it accumulates on the cervix in the form of a specific plaque. It is quite difficult to detect this symptom on your own, especially at the initial stage of the disease. Many women are not even aware of it until a gynecological examination or the appearance of other negative signs (pain, burning, temperature, etc.).


The manifestation of symptoms of this infection depends on the individual characteristics of the person. The first discharge is usually observed as a result of the transition of the disease to an acute form, which can only happen several months after the entry of pathogenic microorganisms.


Sexual secretions with chlamydia acquire a watery and slightly viscous consistency. Most other inflammatory processes are accompanied by purulent discharge, which markedly distinguishes them from the situation under consideration. If the mucus has become thick, it makes sense to consider the possibility of exposure to another pathogenic microorganism.

Secretion in men

Discharge from chlamydia in men differs in color and viscosity from that in women. So, sometimes they acquire a yellowish color and a gel consistency. However, they are not characterized by abundance. As a rule, men notice a similar sign in the morning, because during the night a specific plaque accumulates in the urethra.

Among the symptoms that most often occur in men in case of infection are the following:

  • itching and burning in the genitals (especially in the morning upon waking);
  • painful or simply uncomfortable sensations during urination;
  • clumping of the urethra.

Even after the patient has completed treatment, some symptoms may remain for some time. This phenomenon cannot be called positive, so you should immediately consult a doctor for additional examinations. It is rarely possible to cure chlamydia in an advanced stage at one time. Therapy should be selected taking into account all concomitant diseases.

Discharge after treatment

Therapy with strong antibiotics, which is prescribed for this infection, usually gives a positive result. However, there are situations when not all affected cells are killed and the activity of pathogenic microorganisms does not subside. You can notice a similar phenomenon if, after treatment of chlamydia, characteristic discharge remains.

They usually appear during or immediately after urination.
The first thing to do in this case is to consult your doctor. Repeated examination will allow you to accurately determine the presence of infection in the body. Tests are recommended to be done at the end of therapy: after about a month.

Pathological discharge and other symptoms remaining after treatment may indicate the following phenomena:

  1. Changes in microflora under the influence of antibiotics - aggressive therapy usually destroys not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial ones, which are taken into account by the doctor when prescribing drugs, i.e. the specialist additionally prescribes medications that normalize the microflora on the mucous membrane.
  2. Ineffectiveness - the disease did not respond to treatment with prescribed drugs, the patient may not have completed the therapeutic course completely, or the chosen prescription was drawn up without taking into account the form and nature of the disease in a particular case.
  3. During the examination, we did not notice the presence of a secondary infection, which continues to affect the body, which affects the appearance of pathological discharge.
  4. Treatment was prescribed to only one partner - in such a situation the disease simply recurs.

When the course of treatment has been completely completed by both partners, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity for a month. During this period, women should actively restore the vaginal microflora with the help of specially selected medications and probiotics in order to populate it with beneficial bacteria. The appearance of any alarming symptoms should be reported to your doctor.

Photos of possible discharge due to illness

As you can see, secretion during infection is not much different from normal, with the exception of discharge mixed with blood during cervical ectopia.

Photos of possible discharge from chlamydia with the addition of other pathogenic bacteria

Chlamydia is a serious disease that requires timely treatment. Otherwise, it becomes chronic and difficult to treat. It brings a lot of inconvenience to a person’s life: it can cause inflammatory processes in internal organs, even affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, disrupts the functioning of the heart, causes severe pain and can cause infertility. Infants infected from their mother are often susceptible to complications such as conjunctivitis, otitis media and pneumonia.

2015-05-22 10:00:33

Lydia asks:

Hello! Please tell me what should I do? I’m 23. I haven’t given birth. I’ve been sexually active since I was 18. I’m permanent now. More than six months ago I went to a private clinic with complaints of nagging pain in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge. They discovered papillomavirus, chlamydia, I don’t remember ureaplasma and 4. They prescribed treatment, I was treated, after treatment ureaplasma and papillomavirus remained on the piece of paper, the numbers 16/18 and 16, the number is underlined!! As I understand it, this is type 16??? dangerous cancer. I have neurosis, I’m shaking, I’m crying and I can’t calm down. At the last examination, the doctor also discovered a slight erosion. But after the treatment, the discharge stopped, but my stomach still feels tight in the middle of the cycle. For about one or two days. In general, I was prescribed repeated treatment, I was treated, and on June 1 they told me to come back for another test. tests. I’m very afraid, tell me what measures should be taken??? thank you very much in advance. I’m really looking forward to your answer.

Answers Zharov Valery Valerievich:

Hello! It is not clear what you were treated with. Cervical dysplasia caused by the human papillomavirus can be observed over a period of time. Ureaplasma is not currently treated if there are no symptoms of inflammation. You need to perform an ultrasound of the genitals, submit a smear for cytological examination and then determine the causes of pain in the lower abdomen and the tactics for managing dysplasia.

2009-10-14 11:01:52

Elena asks:

Good afternoon I no longer know who to turn to for advice. 6 years ago, inflammation of the genitourinary system was observed, I underwent a huge number of tests in Krivoy Rog, checked for chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureoplasma, gonorrhea and much more. They found only increased leukocytosis, no infections were found (before that they found ureoplasma, but as I was told later, it was not a very effective method (something had to do with the coloring of the result in a test tube, which had to be double-checked and I was in vain poisoned with antibiotics). After that , when they found nothing, they did the usual cauterization of the erosion. After that, a few months later, I had a regular smear and the leukocytes were elevated. There was no sexual partner all this time, the risk of re-infection with anything was excluded. The doctor announced that there was some a sluggish inflammatory process and from what - he doesn’t know and they can’t determine anything here in Ukraine, he said - if you want - go to Kiev. After that, nothing bothered me in principle for about a year. Then I decided to get checked again, they found staphylococcus (they did a regular culture ), were treated with antibiotics, and by that time erosion had developed again. But they decided not to cauterize. Six months later, she was tested again, because complaints appeared (in the same laboratory as two years ago), this time they found ureoplasma, gardnerella and something else (but there was no chlamydia or mycoplasma). They treated me with antibiotics, did cauterization with a laser, but did not do control tests, they said it was not necessary. In principle, there were no complaints about anything. At the same time, during this time I will clarify again - there has been no sexual partner since the first treatment for ureoplasma, which was unknown or not. Then, after a couple of months, I had a routine culture and found E. coli (I didn’t take any other tests). They treated me with antibiotics for E. coli for a year, then they said no. They stopped poisoning. At the same time, during this time I became pregnant with a young man who did not have any symptoms of any inflammation. After they announced that there was no E. coli - three months later. The thrush started to itch sharply, I got tested again - they said E. coli. I decided to take the test in Dnepropetrovsk (two years ago already), they immediately said - Chlamydia (RIIF method), my partner also passed it - they also said chlamydia. I was treated with antibiotics, the symptoms went away, leukocytosis remained up to 10, a repeat RIIF test was negative and after 3 months. Since then, I have had no more sexual relations with my partner, except for oral sex with a condom twice. He was tested in two other places - they said - only trichomonas and no chlamydia. After 9 months, I took tests in the same place where he did, in one place they told me that I had chlamydia and trichomonas (PIF), in another - that only chlamydia (PCR), they did not find trichomonas. At the same time, I’ll clarify that a month before the test, I became very ill with bronchitis and took antibiotics, in particular amoxicillin, was very frozen and discharge began to appear, which is why I actually decided to get tested again. I again took tests (RIIF) at the place where I was treated, and again they told me chlamydia and that I had become infected again. The doctor said - it means you became infected through oral sex, although you used a condom. I was treated again for chlamydia in another place, where they did a PCR test, underwent treatment, took a PCR test - negative, antibodies 1:5 Ig G. But leukocytosis remained 40. I took the tests again in Dneprlopetrovsk, where I was treated two years ago, method RIIF is positive, with copious white discharge. In Krivoy Rog, I took it to the Kozhven hospital and they found gonorrhea, after which I re-tested it at the regional Kozhven hospital and had a consultation with a doctor there - they didn’t find any gonorrhea. A doctor in a private center in Dnepropetrovsk said - you were treated poorly and you already have a chronic condition. chlamydia. We were treated again in Dnepropetrovsk, leukocytosis dropped to 10, the RIF showed nothing. After the treatment, I also took tests at the regional skin department (PIF) - they said I have chlamydia, the first doctor said that they just have sensitive reagents and this is a residual phenomenon. I went to a regular gynecologist - a regular smear - dysbacteriosis, leukocytes 10, in the cervix. channel - 18-20. A routine smear did not reveal any pathogenic flora. Cytology - mild dysplasia. Here the doctor told me that they simply poisoned me with antibiotics. So, after all this Santa Barbara, I got a boyfriend a month ago, we used a condom and after sexual intercourse I douched with Citeal for prevention (about a couple of hours later), after three days I decided to get tested. A routine smear at a clinic in Krivoy Rog showed forty white blood cells and a positive coccal flora. Cytology - mild dysplasia and inflammation. Just out of interest, I also took tests on the same day in Dnepropetorvsk in the same center (RIIF) - they said - you have become infected with chlamydia again (+4 - acute stage) and you also have peptococcus, leukocytes are also 40. Again Let me clarify that a week before these tests I had a cold, it didn’t develop into bronchitis, but I had a severe cough, and I also took amoxicillin. So now I don’t understand at all - did I have chlamydia or not, and if I did, were they simply undertreated? ?? Or is it just a simple dysbacteriosis, and we just don’t know how to do tests? I just don’t know where I can get truthful tests and get normal advice. So as not to read on the Internet about what tests are available and which give false positives. and which are false negatives. result. At the same time, doctors do not say anything that any analysis could be erroneous, depending on what cheap reagents were used and where, and immediately, based on unknown where tests done, they begin to treat. Do I have some kind of infection or not, based on the picture described, or did they just “heal” me and pump me out of money? Yes, I almost forgot, with my first young man we always used a condom and Pharmatex for six months, without Pharmatex only twice. I’m not a doctor, but I’m not sure that in this case he could have contracted chlamydia from me (if I even had them), or I from him, in cr. At least the probability is small.

Answers Markov Igor Semenovich:

Hello, Elena. You do not have and have not had any sexually transmitted infections, including chlamydia. You have a typical urogenital escherichiosis dysbiosis, caused and aggravated by endless doses of antibiotics, which are completely contraindicated for you. If this continues, you risk losing the “joy of sex life” altogether. You can contact me at the clinic, I will help.

2015-06-12 07:50:46

Anna asks:

Hello. Over the last six months, several symptoms have regularly begun to bother me: severe itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia (mainly when I take a shower), discharge (of a different nature - sometimes curdled with an unpleasant sour smell, sometimes just white-yellow mucous membranes), and also increased pain during menstruation, accompanied by the release of blood clots. Itching occurs mainly in the middle of the cycle, especially after sexual intercourse, which usually occurs in the middle of the cycle (that is, once a month). After sexual intercourse, everything burns, bakes, turns red, pinching cracks appear and bothers you for up to a week. Closer to menstruation, symptoms subside.
I contacted a gynecologist. Immediately during the examination, he said that I had chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs, that my discharge was not good, it looked like thrush, which was confirmed by a smear. The smear also showed a mixed flora. He sent me to take 6 tests, all for IgG (!!!):
1) Herpes Simplex Virus 1, 2 types - positive (PI = 16.36) with normal PI 2) Cytomegalovirus - positive (C = 141.7) with normal C 3) Toxoplasma gondii - negative (C 4) Chlamidia trachomatis - negative (PI = 0.05) with the norm of PI 5) Mycoplasma hominis - negative (PI = 0.27) with the norm of PI 6) Ureaplasma urealyticum - negative (PI = 0.17) with the norm of PI I am confused by several points. Firstly , it is not clear how, based on these tests alone, one can make a reliable conclusion about the state of my health (I have some understanding of the essence of tests for IgG, IgM and the PCR method). The gynecologist said that based on the results of these tests, he could immediately prescribe treatment for me. Secondly, there is misunderstanding regarding the reliability of the results. Maybe you can help me understand the meaning of the tests:
In 2008, 6 months after the start of sexual activity, I took PCR tests for herpes type 1.2, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, and also for human papillomavirus. Positive results were only for ureaplasma and mycoplasma. I was treated and after 2 months I tested again for ureaplasma and mycoplasma. The PCR result was negative. The question is:
1) why is IgG negative for ureaplasma and mycoplasma today, if this immune memory was supposed to remain in my body?
2) if immune memory in the form of IgG specifically for ureaplasma and mycoplasma disappears over the years, so to speak, then why even take this test today if it is not informative.
I'm confused about who to trust. I have the feeling that they want to treat me according to the principle “it’s okay if I take a couple of extra pills.” And for me this is very important, because I have a hard time taking medications (I already have nausea, heaviness in the stomach, constipation, split meals and a strict diet for 8 years now, despite many examinations and courses of treatment).
We are planning a second child in the next year or two, and I just want to be healthy. 4 years ago, after childbirth, cryotreatment of cervical erosion was performed.
In 2010, at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, I had an ultrasound, which showed signs of bilateral adnexitis with signs of adhesions in the pelvis. By 10-12 weeks, they found Trichomonas in me and treated me with injections (Trichomonaden fluor injection No. 10), arguing the likelihood of rupture of the membranes. Could I be cured with these ten injections? They didn’t do a repeat test back then in 2010, but a week ago a smear showed the absence of Trichomonas. No other infection was found then. My husband was also treated for trichomonas.
4 years ago, after childbirth, cryotreatment of cervical erosion was performed. We are planning a second child in the next year or two, and I just really want to be healthy. Thank you in advance!

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello Anna! Based on the description, I can state that you have a classic picture of candidiasis (thrush). After completing a course of antifungal treatment, the disturbing symptoms should disappear. The main thing is to continue taking the antifungal drug on the first day of your period for at least 3 menstrual cycles, because When menstruation occurs, thrush may worsen. There is no point in testing for the presence of Ig G, because the presence of Ig G indicates contact with infections in the past and cannot be treated at any (!) level; this is the body’s immune memory. Acute infection is indicated by Ig M and their rapid growth.

2014-03-19 22:35:36

Milena asks:

At the appointment with the gynecologist during the examination, smears were taken, according to the doctor everything was fine. A week later, when they came for the results, they told me that I had dysplasia, a precancerous condition. They didn’t show me the results and sent me for bacterial cultures, blood tests for bladder cancer and HIV, papillomaviruses, saying that after all the results were ready we would be treated. After 2 days of bacterial culture, on the 3rd day they refused to take tests from me and sent me to a doctor. She said that in one of the tests (and there were 4 of them), by the date I realized that it was the first day of the tests, and not the second, gonorrhea was detected. I took this first test for the first time and before taking the tests in the morning I washed myself both externally and internally, and since the queue was long, I went to the toilet before going in to take the tests. As I later found out on the Internet, you can’t do this, and you shouldn’t have sexual intercourse for 3 days, but my husband and I had sex the night before. Based on this particular analysis, having not found all the others, the doctor wrote a conclusion about chronic gonorrhea and sent me to the dermatovenous dispensary. As the doctor explained to me there, it doesn’t matter how many tests I took, even if it was a thousand, and only one was found to have gonorrhea, then this is already a verdict and there is no need to redo the analysis... since gonorrhea can wander through the genitourinary system and be in the kidneys today and tomorrow uterus and appendages and not immediately detected. My husband passed all the tests, he was given a provocation, the doctor in the men’s office said that the tests were good, but they couldn’t detect cholesterol, he’s diabetic, and he said that it might be connected with this, so he took the test 3 times, all other smears, ultrasound The prostate and blood from the vein and finger are normal. When I went into the gynecologist’s office, she said that I needed treatment since my husband also has gonorrhea, it just didn’t show itself, maybe it’s also talking about the body, in the testicles, prostate or somewhere else.. And they sent me to a paid office.. Suddenly the doctor was there I found something in the results of my husband’s smears (everything was fine there) that exceeded the norm and said that this could indicate chlamydia and sent me for tests from a vein and for another culture... Neither my husband nor I had ever suffered from any sexually transmitted disease before , I’ve never even had thrush, we don’t have any symptoms of gonorrhea (lower, no discharge, pain, etc.).. So the question is, is it possible that we have gonorrhea and how to treat it from your point of view, since I feel that we will simply be treated for a certain amount of money, according to a paid doctor, treatment costs from 250 grams to 5000, but the most interesting thing is that there is no 100% guarantee of curing gonorrhea, it can remain in the body. She gave the example of patients who were cured for 200 grams, and some have already spent 5,000 and are still sick. Tell me what to do... Maybe I should get tested at another clinic, change doctor... thanks in advance for your answer.

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

I recommend going to an independent clinic, another clinic, perhaps in another city, and getting thoroughly examined. Control smears should have been taken from you, three times against the background of drug provocation, and bacterial cultures should have also been taken. Therefore, it makes sense to get examined.

2013-09-18 03:28:02

Olesya asks:

Help, please, I don’t know what to do anymore. Last year, my boyfriend infected me with chlamydia, as a result of which the erosion of the cervix turned from small to very extensive. Chlymidiasis was treated with Vilprafen, after PCR it was always negative. Erosion was treated with Surgitron (radio wave coagulation). Afterwards, everything seemed to be fine, except for a slight inflammation (you can see it on video colposcopy). Then I moved to the other side of the country, where the climate is completely different. Apparently the immune system has weakened - copious curdled discharge of a milky, yellowish tint and itching at the entrance to the vagina, redness, and swelling appeared. PCR for chlamydia - negative. I thought candidiasis - the smear was negative, the cytology showed inflammation. After menstruation, these symptoms disappeared, only small milky discharge remained). I took a smear from “C” for flora with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics - Staphylococcus aureus moderately (moxifloxacin, clarithromycin, ofloxcin, disosamycin, ceftriaxone.)
Tell me, what causes the inflammation (endocervicosis) - Staphylococcus aureus or latent chlamydia, which has worsened against the backdrop of climate change and weakened immunity? The young man donated blood to determine the titer of antibodies to chlamydia LgG (chronic form) result 1:160. Does this mean we were not cured, the antibiotics were chosen incorrectly? How should this be understood and how to get rid of this infection forever? More than a year has passed since the treatment.
How to cure inflammation and what is its cause after all? I’m already tired of this, against the background of endocervicosis, erosion again made itself felt and again I don’t know how to finally get rid of it.
The thought of untreated chlamydia still haunts me; we are planning a pregnancy soon. What to do?

Answers Kolotilkina Tatyana Olegovna:

Hello, Olesya. Your inflammation is caused by staphylococcus. Antibodies G do not indicate the presence of a fresh infection in the body, but rather the strength of your partner’s immunity. Let him take a PCR test. Treat staphylococcus according to the results of the tank. sowing And we can tell about the erosion that has reappeared after inspection.

2013-01-02 09:24:19

Vladimir asks:

Hello, please advise! I no longer know which urologist to consult for advice so that he treats me with due attention. Let me start from the beginning: discharge and burning sensations appeared during urination. I went to see a doctor (a third one who more or less prescribed medications) and a scraping analysis showed trichomoniasis and chlamydia. I took trichopolum 10 days, 1 tab 3 times a day. The strong burning sensation disappeared and so did the discharge, but a slight burning sensation remained when urinating. I re-tested the PCR scraping and antibodies for chlamydia. PCR scraping showed negative. A Blood test for antibodies showed igA1.58 b igG9.53. Then I took azithromycin 1g every 7 days three times (with nystatin) then doxycycline for 7 days as per instructions. When urinating, the burning sensation disappeared, but recently (about 1.5 weeks passed after the course of treatment) I was with a girl during evacuation and there was a burning sensation, although there were no more discharges or other signs. Please advise what to do?

Answers Mazaeva Yulia Alexandrovna:

Count 8 weeks from the end of treatment (the complete renewal time of the surface epithelium of the urethra, in which microorganisms live) and undergo a regular PCR scraping for Trichomonas and chlamydia (the reliability is close to 99.9%), and not for antibodies in the blood (the reliability is much lower) and you will be confident that you will be cured of them.

2012-12-05 09:56:52

Olga asks:

HELLO. I am 24 years old, I have not given birth. In April 2012, I had a colposcopy, where they found acytowhite epithelium, delicate punctuation, exoph. condyloma multiply, they recommended a biopsy. At the same time, I was tested for HPV and STDs, HPV was positive 33 and 6, chlamydia was positive. Because I had chlamydia, the biopsy was postponed. As a result, I was able to do the biopsy only at the end of September. ANSWER: stationary endocervicosis, dysplasia 1-2. They prescribed treatment with laser vaporization, scheduled for November 5 on the 12th day of the cycle. (I couldn’t do it before). On the appointed day During treatment, severe bleeding began, as the doctor said was not typical. I had to postpone this issue until the next cycle. Solve the problem with a hematologist and return for treatment, but to an oncologist, because... the cervix was said to be completely bad. after this intervention all the problems began. constant bleeding. at first there was just water, then after 2 weeks there was heavy bleeding for literally 10 minutes, a few days later I ended up in the hospital with an acute abdomen, after sexual intercourse. was diagnosed with appoplexy? , they did a puncture, but they didn’t find any blood. The only thing on the ultrasound was a shapeless left ovary. The doctors still didn’t understand what it was. They diagnosed a cyst rupture, but there was never a cyst. There was appoplexy 2 years ago. The discharge continued, but now it was brownish colors. my period came on time, I started taking coca, the discharge continued. I had an appointment with an oncologist who will treat dysplasia in the future. He said that the erosion was huge, the cervix was loose, there was no trace left of the laser. Radio wave treatment was prescribed for the end of December !But the discharge continues, it seemed to be less in the last week from 12/1 to 12/4, but today the scarlet blood started again, not a lot, just smearing! What is this discharge due to? If, as the doctor said, there is no trace from the laser? Could dysplasia have developed into something more during this time? I’m very worried about the constantly arising problems that interfere with treatment. By the way, I was tested for papillomavirus again in August, and it was already negative.

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Bloody discharge and lack of healing of cervical dysplasia after laser vaporization may be associated with an untreated inflammatory process, lack of sexual rest after treatment (it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity for 4-6 weeks). Before treatment with the radio wave method, it is necessary to take smears for flora and cytology, PCR - control for chlamydia.

2011-01-11 11:17:27

Marina asks:

Hello, dear doctor!
1 year ago, after a very long period of stress that lasted for six months, I began to experience a discomfort in the urethral area (at the same time, there was a clear decrease in immunity, because herpes was all over my face). Then, after a while, very severe pain began - the cervix and urethra began to hurt, without discharge. I contacted a gynecologist. Analyzes using the PIF method showed chlamydia and gardnerella in the urethra, the vagina and cervical canal without infection. At the same time, there was 1 degree of purity of the smear. Test for Trichomonas DNA, HPV, herpes, candida is negative. Treatment for chlamydia and gardnerella was prescribed. My husband was tested for chlamydia using the PCR method - negative. 2 months after the prescribed treatment (the treatment was completed), profuse yellow, cheesy discharge began, and my eyes began to hurt. An analysis by a gynecologist using the PIF method showed positive chlamydia, gardnerella and candida; the PCR method for chlamydia was negative. The doctor in an expensive private clinic who carried out the examination said that even though PCR did not detect it, and PIF showed the presence of antibodies, then there are chlamydia, and they are alive, they are just not inside the cells, but in the intercellular space, Treatment was prescribed for chlamydia, gardnerella and candida. My husband is negative again. The treatment did not give a positive result. The burning, itching, discharge continued, plus discharge from the eyes, and very severe hives appeared. I turned to an immunologist and began to raise immunity with medicinal methods, plus bacteriophages, plus treating the vagina with bacteriophages. As a result, during treatment, the immunologist developed acute purulent conjunctivitis, but urticaria, herpes, and vaginal discharge stopped. There was slight discomfort in the urethral area. I would really like to ask for an independent opinion from subjective descriptions of treatment: did chlamydia remain after the first powerful treatment, if it was not detected by PCR? And did I need twice as strong treatment (with antibiotics and everything else) a second time? And is the exacerbation of conjunctivitis against the background of increased immunity a reaction to pushing the disease out of the body?

Answers Silko Yaroslav Gennadievich:

2010-10-20 20:35:31

Inna asks:

Good afternoon Please explain this picture: the smear showed the following - flora-mixed Zcover. p/zr, type II,
colposcopy ECE in the 1st zone, Z90, leukocytes 30-40 in p/z.,
Vag completely, epithelium - a large amount, flora gr. (V) - kkbac., PLR culture - yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida igardenella were identified.
After performing a smear test using the PCR method, chlamydia was detected.
Blood test using PLR-Chlamydia IGM-6.9 negative, LgG-2.5 negative.
examination of the vagina showed the following: erosion of the cervix, the uterus is conical in shape, loose, the vessels are dilated, the external coronum is deformed, the uterus N is in anteflexion, the appendages are enlarged, the uterus is free and deep, the discharge is mucous, profuse, yellow in color.
For a 17-year-old girl, is this chronic urogenital chlamydia? Can this disease be cured? The fact is that the girl has been infected since she was 3 years old. For a long time we could not make the correct diagnosis, either we treated gonorrhea in one hospital or chlamydia in another. We have been pushing around a lot through doctors and to no avail. In September of this year, we took tests at the DILA diagnostic center in Kyiv and the picture is clear after unsuccessful treatments. I would like to know if you could help us? If not, then at least advise us what to do. We have no more strength, all that’s left is to just die.

Answers Consultant at the medical laboratory "Sinevo Ukraine":

Good afternoon, Inna! Your girl does not have chlamydia! There cannot be chlamydia, with chlamydia in PCR and without antibodies in the blood. Moreover, judging by the absence of antibodies to chlamydia, she did not have chlamydia even in the last couple of years. The girl was simply healed! In bacterial culture she only has urogenital dysbiosis (gardnerella and candida). If you don't believe me. Conduct bacterial culture of urine and scrapings from the mucous membrane of the urethra, vagina and cervical canal for chlamydia DNA. Better yet, culture the same media for chlamydia. And at the same time, do a repeat blood test for IgA, IgM, IgG for chlamydia. And finally, carry out these tests not in one, but in 2-3 different laboratories. And when you get tired (since nothing will be found), find an intelligent specialist and give the girl therapy aimed at restoring the normal microflora of the genitourinary tract and increasing the local immunity of the mucous membranes. Be healthy!